Newspaper Page Text
rlcan Lubricadas ?- Ms r.bla Trust t'o ?i Consumers' I.-o Co. ;ii Side Doard of Trri.'.e a Realty Co. icturers' Insurance Co. I.viiRKW i McCORMACK, Auctioneer, A HKOVI.AK At'l'TIoN SALb* STOCKS AND T*l'*.M*"*i RT ARRIAN H. Ml I.I.KR * SON, OFF1'****. ??? WILLIAM STREtST, "?s*'* ?t 1? 30 o'clock, Ht the EXCHANG K SALESROOM. mans 1' AM' I? VKSKY 8TRBET. *^ For A ?? oui of BJxe utors: ;.??*. Nevfort raslno joo ?hs. National Steel Rohlng Co. Comrri in Juli Now Tork Society Library Free Rllfht. 19 s h s. Magasine ?"t- Rook Co, Prefd. i$?ha Lynellyn Corporation. j5 ?h? Akron Gypsum Co. Common. 54 ?hj. Akron Gypsum Co. Profd. "?t-iha I one i"tar Canal Co. Mshs Pierce Butler arid Derce Mjnfit Co. Prefd. iiS shs. :" ">nc l>;; 'r ' ?Malis. Niplssing Mines Co., Ltd -00 ?hs. I'nlted Profit Sharing Corpn. ico ?hi*. Cnlted Texas Petroleum Co. iiosh't. Coahuila Lead ft Zinc Co :?h* A" chines C ?. IP sh.?. Columbia Trust Co Itshs. Bronx Consumers' I.-e C 10 ?hs N Bldg. C< .?i, sha Gat ' .' ?hs Of Al '? ??. m ?hs. Estates I .?rig Beach. 55 ?hs. Isle ot Pines Bank ?,??)-.?. Isle o( Pines Steamship Co. mq Great Northern Railway Co. Prefd, 9 ?hs. Scandinavian-American Bank. j fn? ?h? Kugarok Mining ft Ditch Co. ?ISO Promissory Votes of John Dambey, dated June 22. 11 U. ? ---;' milssor-i Notes of Telesphore La ... .j.a.r date*. 1100 Promlsrwrj Note of Tho' J. riunn. dated January 27. 1913 10 sh?. German Publicatl n Co. Prefd. 10 sh?. German Publication Co. Com? mon. 10 ?hs. White Star Specialties, Inc.. C imrnon. 10 ?:-.- White Star Spe 'nit'.es, Inc.. rrefi ?0 shs. The Fath?*rland C?>rpn Pre',!. 15,1 ?hs. Mutual Corpn Prefd 131 ?r.?*. Mutual Filn Corpn. Common. " sir-;. Country ' ub of New Canaan. 3 ghs. Vaill Colt i- ?? C mmunlty, Inc . Prefd. j shs. Vaill Cottage Community, Ine.. Coinn n Si'.?h?- Eastern Mausoleum Co. ?MM Falrhaven Water Co. 1st Mtge. Ti.'.f. Trust Co. R celpt. 11 tSO Falrhaven Water Co. Prior Lien ' ' pis 1 isl ? R" -elpt. ?1 OUT.'.'- Falrhaven ^ ater Co. Ctf. of Iml. Trus? Co, Receipt, HSOshs Falrhavei *?*? ater Co. Trust Co. R- eipt JOO ? h s Falrhaven Mining Co, Trust Co. Re :ell I {.Osh**. Gold Kill Consolidated Co. II 500 Newtc n Creek Land Co. 6 ft Income Mtge Bds . ' ? ?1 000 OttumwB Gold Mining 1st 7s. IS 12. '.100 she. Ottui ?--, i Gold Mining ? o. $.i si-..'. American Planograph Co. 6 shn. American Roller Bearing Co. Pre '? 7 ur ! (12.50 Sc: m>. 1 ?h. American Roller Bearing Co. Comn <00 sh?". British Guiana Gold Conces? sions. Li ! 50 sir?. British Oiilar.a Gold Conces i-lons. 1 ? I . Prefd, ??*>?!.??. Chrysolite Silver Mining Co. J.JKOihs. Davis SI ver Cobalt Mines, ?0 ?ha, New Dunderberg Mining Co 4 ?!-.?. N? w : -i Cr"ek Lar I Co, M ??hs. Dunderberg Mining Co. 100 siii?. s E Dunn Lumber Co. 10 ?hs. Cpper Columbia Co. Prefd. ]??hs. Upper Columbia Co. Common 8,000 ?h? Dlmero C tia. Mining & Tun? nel Co. 150 shs. Moler-Smith Lead ft Zinc Co. 10,?oo .?hn. The Oro Moneda Mining r*o. j,000 shs. Certlgue Mining ,v Dredge Co. 10 F'is Hi -.' ver R? alty Ar Const. Co. Prefd 1 sh. Carteret Gun and Rod <"!uh Co. 20 shs. Inter! rough Elec. Service Corpn. Prefd. 10 shs. Interborough Eire. Service Cnrpr. Common. lOshs Hanover Realty ft ?I' Co. 8 ?hs. Idaho Irrigation Co. Common. 11,900 Idaho Irrigation Co. 15-year 6% Adj. Mtge. Bd., 192! For Account '. WI m It May Concern: 100 shs. New York Plate Glaus Ins'jr ar.'ie Co. 10? shs. First Nat'l Bank of Pouchkeep s!e. N. Y. 11.000 Kansas City Rv3. Co. 1st Mtge. ft Fd . l'.?44. M50?hs. ?rpenhclmer Institute. 253 1-3 ehr-. Light Commercial Car Co. Common. | ;?? 2-3 si..-.. Light Commercial Car Co. Prefd. 101 1-3 shs. Wayne Light Commercial Car Co., Inc., Oimmon. 1,111 sha Memphis Gas ft Electric Co. ::.000 ?hs. Rival Mining Co. 6.000 shs. Arkan? is & Arizona Copper Co. 111,000 Raton Water Works Co. of Mex? ico 1st Mtge. b'.c Gold Bds. Ctf. of Dep. 140 shs Staked Plains Trust, Ltd. 191 shs. Land ft River Co., N. Y., 1st Pref'J. 141 shs. Land ft River Co., N, Y7, 2d Pre'd. ami $6? 66 Scrip. 1.514 shs. Chicago Elevated Rallwavs Co. Coll. Trust Ctfa, f r Prefd., Parte, ?hares. IJ7.IIO.3S Chicago Eleva'.od Rai'ways Co 10 year ??*. Deb. Bds.. 1S24. July, 1919, Crups. >! 089.3". National Railways of Mexico 3 rr.onths Serurod 6% Note, due 1014, extcniiod to Jun?, 1915. 1117.818.82 National Ral'.wavs ot Mexico two-year Secured G"<- Notos, 1915. ?10.0J shs. Argentine Railway Co. Prefrl. 14.44J ?hs. ?eaboard Steel & Manganese Corp. 10? shs. G. O. Hynsen Company Prefd. 108 sh?. G. G. Hynsen Company Com? mon. Ilf.099 Seaboard Steel ft Mangan???? Corpn. 2-vear i^ Mtge. and Coll. Trust Notes, due April 1, 1020. 400 ?hs .Seaboard Steel & Manganese i" r; r. 180 shs. Ir.'erstate Chemical Corpn. 1,000 sh?. Car'.la.?? Mining Co. of New Mexico 60 ?hs. Incorporated Land Co. Com rr. on. 60 ?hs. Incorporated Land Co. Prefd. 3 ?h?. Wyoming Piar.t & Seed Brc-ed lrc Co ?shs. Bluffum Pin? Seed Co. |1*,000 Na-7 r.Kl Railways of Mexico 4*,,"? Pr:-r Lien Bds . 1957. W.OOO y>> .-a- International Sliver Co. 2% i Rds. 2?0 shs. OT.-ral Trac? rs ?c: shs. Snow's Founta r. Holding Corpn. | 7 5 ?hs. W?h? n Piston Ring Co. 4*7 ?hs OJIbway Mining ? ' ?00 *.'r.s '?'? - ? Oil < nrpany. 1,179 shs. Jersey Biscuit Co I'refd. 100 shs, Bay Tir? ft Rubber Co. 2 Units Producers' DeveW pment Co. 1.?0C *,.-.? A.rr.?-r. an Recording Labora tor'.ea. HI.WO ?.-.-. Crew? McFariln Mining Co^ I Ltd. LOCO ?h? Arr.-r'.-an Recording Labora- ! tories 175 ?h?. Fleischmann Realty <? Con? struction Co. ' 1,100 ?r,s ;-.r go-Arr.erican Cemmerc!*,. ; C rpr 119,150o F" or.! Av.---.-je R. R. 1st Const. | Mtge. 6*51 Bds. Ctf of Dep. 1,900 ?..? :..; ullua Securities Corpn. M.999 Roubles Russian Government 6V4*i Ir-?-r* al Bds of 1918 l?tir? .?.'. ' Sanitary L'illizatton Co. 600 si.? }<??' K-, ilpmeni ? .rpr.. Ill nr.n. Pool? Engineering & Machine ; 1,200 ?.-% C - - ??' ning C i M.OOOsha. Cash Entry Mining Co 17,119 shs. Otman Combination Mining Co. ?,710 New Mexico-Colorado <7oal ft Min tr.?/ C? "Serles A" Income Bds. 79>4 ?r.? ?.??, Mexico-Colorado c0al ft Mining i" Common Trost Ctfs. ftl.O?50 .'??-*? Mexico-Colorado Coal <*i Mir.. tng Co 21 Co.7 Trust Bds. Ctf, cf : Dej 100 ?hs. I'nlted American Oil & Gas Co. ?74 ah* Pool? Engineering ft Machine .- c? ri n ? ?00 sh? Hughes Petroleum Co. 121?:? Libert? Farms Corpn. 9*5i Cum. Prefd, 199 shs. Liberty Far-r n Corpn_ '.'?-.rnrnon. i ??shs, ' ? r?i.-,;. r oncessli -.., ? rpn. 8% ? ' :? -, M ? '?' - irst Oil Cc . Inc., 7% i urn :?? Prefd ?1 ?h?. Wilhurat Oil Co., Inc., Com* "?4v" ' ' wrence Pulp A- Lumber Corpn. k. . '"' ''?'?" ?5.000 8t. Lawrenee Pulp ft Lumber Con i * * Bd s ?? - -, Never-Skld Mfg. Co Inc.. i-r?.fd. ?0', iru ;;, ?.. . ?.-?,- ? ?? shs. Ouarant Cattle Loan ? !o. VI ?hs. *: | - :?? ? ?? ulate Kaolin <" >. ? ?hi '. I ? ; .. ulat? K:i illn ? , . ? . iT'-M .... .. pr"??'. ' g Co. 2d Prt-1 t *??? ' ? - ' - i ; ibb r Reclaln ?ytt ' ' ? ?,*W9*hs. s??? vork Rubber Reclaiming i C? Prefd _.!'.,,- i-., package Co. Common. *; ' ' ?el Package Co Prefd ?r ?? i , non < 7 ?t? i'oal Co '." ' l ? 000 Canon Constn, Coal Co ?MO??. us? Prtf,J ? ?B81' '" .' ??' '? ' en??. Coal C? I ; U'.OV' i...... ,.? , .lr ,., A Anderson & Co., '?>'*'? ???? : 22. mo, with inter? , i?o.too''?".'v'.:. ''?" :'S' . , ? ? ? *?? a Anderson A < ?? . r-^-\ M is???, W)lh interest, ?????Sh, r ... -. , < .... ? .' - >pp?r Co. li I,. "7 ' '? " ' '' "?' ., *'- . '?'?<?*.? or. Corpn !?,-! :. -, ' " :?? . ? . " V'^.?' " ' ?' ' "?"' ' ?"' -'?' ? Co. lit ' it r*r'5 i %'.' ?*-''?"-. Coast ? Flsherlei Co. '!???'?', A i.*?* y.,-., Traction Co ??? and )., *,: ..-.?^ t% ?,,, |9?e IM', t . ' It? /' ' : ? * Fo-*.|Kn Tra-le Co. II ^-"..;?'''"','' K "'-!-: *.'?>.-. ' ?? '? ""? A .".*-,?r?- Karrns of , ???:?"? '- Montana, < ?, -,,, If Ambro-M V<\ Montana, Vi ? ?? a ?' 1-1 v ? ?"?? Malbohn Mr,,.,ru ,.,, 150 shfl. N ?i-- innil Fiu-l Oil Co V T ? ? ??? ? N'? ? ISngland Fuel OH ('". V. T l ' t t'.s. ' I ?? ? ?? S te of Sin on Metche : .'tu " 10, 1320, ?lue ? ict. 10 : i,1 x [nterc! t f* ? - ? . : ?uui'j Note of l'. Foureado ,lui> M. 1 due ? ict. 1.' ?17.4. 7 Fro dated June in, 1320, do. : ".'.??- : $12.504.67 I'r ml \ ? ?? of \'.' Ti. mu. mai .... : ,;,?. ? ,,. . '. '? . ." : lntore.-l f-1'1 l'r mis '. N r, u l*i |. i; Cald *'?' ?? dati : .:?,'?. , 1920 due Jan? uary 15, l?;i u fi (ni |5,000 Pron Issory Noten of !':?? | Cl i ,51 '? dated .1 uly 15 If?2i . duo Jan uar> :? : 21, ai x. ;,..,',? ?f 0 I' omis." ?' . N ? ?f Fred ? cald ? ' 5 '?' '' Sepl ".:, 1320, duc March '.':,?? - Interest ? ' ? ? .s ? ? > Note of Jean ?'. l'om 'lai' I July 31, 1320, due Oc; 2D ',.:'. ' S shs ilu.l.' Realty c ? - - Uayi Ian American Coron i ? ? ' ? ' ": " Hayt an Vm? rlcan Ci rpn. Com m ?21,000 M tson City & n ? ? D age j> R ' ??' M'?' I " Bel?., 105: ? - ? : an l'nlforrn c'o 2i ) shs. Spioer Manfg. l'o Common ' : > shs Spicei .Manfg. Co. t'refd I' " Rh llaytian American Corpn. Profil. ' ' dis llaytian American Corpn. Ord? inary Conn 60 shs Itaytlan American Corpn )' undei s ?Us, 25 shs. Geni ral 11, nd & Share Co. 1.000 shs, Butterworth-Judsoii Co. Com? mon 1.000 shs Verde Combinat! m Corpn. Co. Buyers Arrived (Continued from prccedlnn page) ers Miss C. Murphy, dresses; J, Zlm ? : ?? n in, wo m '.s suits; 1164 Bi "? a B? IS r? .'?? -' ? via A ''?!??: !?' I,. Syli ?'? :? '.? 54 cl.onnrd Ktr I ' >S*1 i \ Sin th-T: 1 Co.; W I.. T ii - . cotton p!, e goods; 2?0 Flfl h A \ ?? n . 1?, ,.,?;? ,\ -?., ,.,-j, Tallorlni I 'o. ; 1! F Kreuch ? ol na ? ii and. ?BRA !'!?"? ?!:' ? " ' i ?: m n's fur ? ? 111:! DGHPOKT, Cnni ?' '.'. land Pry G.Is :. n i'. thsl ni - ? ? ' < ,tton ir Is. domestics and linini 15 Tif? fany, ladl -'. misses' coa ts, suits dr? es, r .' ? amis v, alors ; J. B Gi h n field, mi ? s fun ?? ;- I ? ???. : ? ? , ? t.- ?? us , 4im Four! li A . ? c 10. BRISTl ?f., T ??? . El W, I ing Co , ?. K Brumlt, ladies' wear and notions; 256 Church 5'r- ? t. BURLINGTON, Iowa Schr?m, Schmier Prj ' ; oils c : Mr. D : rh-rty manu irlng department; ? ? Worth Street. BUFFAL? ' V. illlam ?lengotei i 'o Miss I loan, w ?i isl s; 2 V. ? .- Thli ! y ?:?. \, nth .-'?:???. ; BUFFALO?L. Joseph, men's clothing; Gran : BUFFALO - ,T. A. Adams Co.: Miss N. II son. furs; 2 West Thirty-seventh Street. BUFFALO? H. Wile & Co.; !I. Wile, w .? i;??, 2? .i Fifth Avenui CEDAR RAPIOS, lo? a I.vman Bros Co ; J I' Bran n ? : milllni ry : 15 A. Lyman, mill ? ??' . 0 Fifi li \\ ? nue. CHARLESTON. VV. 5... Abney Barnes Co.; J. s. Dana, buying manager; 60 5'' r'h Rtrc. t. CHARLESTON, w. Va.?S Oberlaln, wom? en's furtilshlngs; Pennsylvania CHATTANOOGA, T.-Tin Miller Bros. Co.; !.. .!. Storin, lobs ladlt s' iv, ur; 1 Bast Thirty-third Stre, t CHICAGO- M. Ainblnder & Co.; A. Metz? ger, basement skirts; 113 Broadway. CHICAOi ' - ' '??! ton Co. . Miss II 1. Bei ry, lingi rie, pi ti icoata and waists; 1270 Bi a ' CIt ICA? !? Marshall Field & Co.; J 1! n. bla ? h .'? s.?le; 1157 Bi id way CH !' ?AC ul "r,r Waist Shops; IT. n jobs waists; 27?. Fifth Avenue, roon ?' ". i CHICAG' Mai lei Bros.; Miss Nugent, r lern pried di - ? - I r upsl ?? ? Miss ;..???: I semen! I 'n'fl and boys' c dhing ; ' ?? Ev ??. n's and boys' East '.'?. :.' ?? x i ond SI reel CHICAG C ' Pirte &- Scott Co. ; 15 M . . Farn 11, silks, retail; 104 F irth CHICAGO M Levy * Co ; M, Lcvy.^vom en's furnishings, dry goods; 34 3 ?4* CHI, ' ? ? '. . \", nan's: ,1 J. Ni wman, el suits, skirts, ivaisl , 170 Fourth Avenu?. ? ' i A .' Roth, notions; I'ennsyl CH [CAGO Anders? -r ? Bi is ??. Ar ? ??? : n, men's elotl ng and furnish!ngs: Grai ' CH fCAGO- r, Blc {, smrts: Penns;. | anln CINCINNATI ? -?" Center Ta : i Ing Co. ; M ? ? Schwa b, w n lens, trirrn Peni ,'lvanla CINCINNATI rhe R uh ,1 ??ph L. Ru uh, i ?? '-? ids; 200 Fil I h A venue, ? CINCINNATI- M \ : : :-i Co K Krug, v .? ist?, ; ,i eal ers, bathing suit.' 2': Bast ?:.:-?? CINCINNATI x. Levy, piec goods; Penn svlvanla. CLEVBLv? i 75 ii" ?? Co.: F M. B ?nd, lern f. F S th, 1 i i, ? ? . - J : C ?? v. ash g.Is: .' 1-5 . tlefield ? : il g ??:". \. !.. K .;.? Il . floor coverings dra ;.-, 7;: 1. mard Stn ? ? CI.EVEl.ANn?May Co.; J. A. Swanf i, t ;,?..?:?? ? : ? i; A. A. L' v .-, n us n, s::;. . flanneletlo undci ?v ar; 27 \s ? st Twei ? ' Street CLEVELAN D Bai y Co.; D Andur, v. us, . ? uslin un 1er? en r, fia nnel gowns, children's dress s, bloomers and sweat? ers 57 West Tu ? ' ? ' ? ? ' Ci.K'i [..LAM?-- I. J. ? tott T, women s readv to w ., : : Cui berln CLEV?LANO Mcllroy ?. o. ; S. Ci hoi clot hing ; McAlpln. DALLAS 5~-.? rgenbotham, Bailey & Logan Co. ; J. F. ? McCarty, dres ? 395 Broad way. DALLAS. ?Tex. - !.. L ',.-???.:" Co.; C. T. Mills, coats rmd suits; 72 Leonard Street. DA VT< iN, Ohio - i: Kutnlei (J Mi i-: .un e, r idse .. . n igei . Miss liai ladles', ' ssi . : drosses; . i Fift '?: ?. ? ' u< . DA V " '? ' ihl r i' ... Miss ;\r Rankin and S Bouri -, wc men s readj ? i v. ? , ? , 225 Fifth Av? .-. ? DE - MOI ??: RS : wt, > in leer Bros. : M. :, , ? i coats, suits and di ? es, " F " h A vi '.'i". DE I'R? ?IT J L. Hurts n Co : Miss Daven '.' ? i-, lekenl re?d Using; Mr Merschel child ei i, junl rs' i and Idy I ?us? s, w im en's sw ???,? r-rs -.: Fift) A\ still' DETRO. Co.: R. II. Merschel, drei ios, coats and su ta, sweat 225 Fifth ? '?? ' u DE'i If >IT- ? Eds m Moi ?'?? D ?1 I ?' Todd, und' rwi .... 43 : ?" : ???'?! St BUYERS' WANTS OFFERINGS~~fd" BUYERS 1 time .1 time? i tim?s 111 YEKS WANTS 8EROEH '?'? ANT1 t> 7,301 i I 104 ;. no trie ? tines ' ??'. ? T, utile ' '? . "... ,. 29th OFFERINGS TO BUYERS . , . ., ;1 ;,..i .... Dean's Li v ihed. 4? ?: rth -?. ? tu r ? - : ? ? , tlttS. Rog -, ? , ' . ? '..,.?? CO/ '-??,- out ahoul 1,500 In.lies' ? on.t?, mad? * Amei ?>? at wool? n 11.01 all -...,. . ' ii u ? , ? hroivii l ." i", . .-. ^ ed, ' ? '".?? ? ?: din I nun mai tu prie? H incimon it Co., ?.', '.?,,... a , r flAI - ? " o x .' ? ! ' " " '?' ih?nter? In bruahrd / earn?! .'':' i ? ? ' ?? paca; ??,.,?. prli ? ?. In a v .,,.?? rful . i ? :??..'' - ni ..... ? ; ? ? '/?r/i. war! Co., : i Ma?t ?*l?l ?t. Loin tO 22 .?./ - : i ??K- i.-x- ??-:,-? ' dn/irt-n '?? ??? ? .... ?f .,,??.-,'?, ..N? <??:' < / . ? ? . ?? i n ? i ' . ? ; ? ..?:?!. ?,' /.: . ...''. t ni Cli> DETROIT?Crowley Bros.; W. C. Crowley, pi ?". and ginghams; a .1 Gulmond ''" ? ? K ds 1:1 T.. ,n ir : Srreel HAOKRSTOWN, Md, Ilarnhart Overall Co . A \v. Barnhart, cotton piece goods, Br< slin HARTFORD. Conn.?II. Fox * <'??.; J. H. Polman, bargain basement leather goods Jewelry and novelties; Alfred Fantl, 111 v ;? ThJrty-sccond .7 ? <???? II ?.55LKTON, 1',, ,,,, - ;,. ?,i store; M ' ?:??? goods; ;:'. 1 Broadway. INDIANAPOLIS. In.1 !.. S. Ayr.-u Co.; Miss 7 Parrlsh, underwear; "Miss Mans tield, atouts ami ladies' ready to wear; M H Matono, nuls", manager; 225 Fifth INDIANAPOLIS?retti II. s. Klstler, luces, bons, < ni ton piece go Dry flood? Co.; embroideries, rib s, 230 Fifth A\ e INDIANAPOLIS ? K. W. Fengef, Bilks; !"? . naylvanla. LANCASTER, l'a..Hager ft Bro. ; I. W. '7.7. ?.?. : 7 esa goods and uilks; 404 Fourth Avenue LEBANON, Pa.?L. O. Harp.'!, no-ions, .rl -j: goods; 225 Fifth Avenue. LEXINGTON, l-'.y. I). Ailcs Co.; D AdoR, general r;,. rchandlso; 26li Church Street. 7 LE ROCK, Ark ; Kiyle-KIdd D. O. c I!. J I.ensuit,-, piece goods; ?0 V". ri h Street LOUISVILLE- 17 I". Henchv Co.; E. E. 7i hart, ready to wear, l ;? 7 ^ Broadway. LOUISVILLE Davis Balrd ft Rons; 'I* i\ Ullson W. J. Balrd. millinery; r.'.'J Broad v.,'. LOL'I.?'VILLE?Carter D. G. Co.; J. AT. ginghams ami percales; H. M, "i irbra, silks, dress and wash ituoiIh; 4". 1 ? nnn rd St r< ot. LOHISV1LLE, Ky.?D. Balrd & Son, C. H. I Lynn, silks; 621 Broadway. MARION, Ind.- 'V. Urunka Co.: w. Brunkii, ready to wear and millinery; St. Ja Ines. MERIDEN Conn. -Ives, L'pham ft Rand ' J. n Martin, linens, white goods, wash goods, domestics, blankets: "04 F iirth Yvi nue. I MERIDEN, Conn.?Ivog, Upham & Rand; .1. Martin, ?cotton piece goods; 401 Fourth A vi r. ri ?. M ID] 1 LIST? iWN, Conn.- -J. Ii. Bunco Co.; v' W. Daniels, domestics and lin'-ns; In I F urlli Avenue M KH7 ,1 a. Brown ft Co.; ,T, A, women's ready to wear; 1133 Id ; ,- . M I.WACKEE Milwaukee Apparol Co.; Miss I. Ri Igle, Jobs dresses; !.. Elsas, ? ? do chine waists; 276 Fifrli Avo nui-, ronn .... :. MO - I'REAL \V. .1. Roberts, general mer ' linnil - Rroztell. NEW HAVEN Sago Allen Co ; J. S. I irns r] ? n les; 404 Fourth Avenue. NEWPORT NEWS, Va.?-Meyers Bros. inc.; 1. A. Meyers, dry goods and car I eis; Wolcot r. NORFOLK?Miller, Rhodes ft Schwartz; Miss K. Cohn, handkei hiefs, veils and veilings; 432 Fourth Avenue. NORWICH, Conn.- Porteous Mitchell Co.; Mi Lee, hosiery; 432 Fourth Avenue. PARKERKBURG, W, Va.?Brown Ken dell Co .1 A. Hi-own. representing; 256 ? "-: urch Si reet, room 57. PHILADELPHIA? St" wart's; Miss B. K liesses; Alt red Fantl, 116 West ?; . in .- ??? con/1 Street PHILADELPHIA?R, F i ne berg, furs; Penn Llpp? trimmings ; PHILADELPHIA !'??? nsvl? ania PHILADELPHIA ? S. Marcus, furniture; I', rr: s\ Iviinia. PHILADELPHIA ? M, Gels, dry goods; i'.-nn: l\ 111 ?a. PHILADELPHIA?M. ft L. Goldman; M. Gol Im?n, corsets; 43 West Twcnty-scv . Hi Street. PHILADELPHIA-A. Hermann & Co.: A. Ilerniui 11, 7.irii"r goods; Grand. PHI LA DEI I'll IA ? Dannebaum Millinery C ... .' !?'. Ryan, millinery; Herald Square. PHILADELPHIA?Ginsberg Bros, , Joseph Glnsl.1:. cotton and woolen piece goods. PHILADELPHIA M Norwick .'.- S.u.. II. A. Norwick, women's ready to wear, " ens, cotton piece goods; 11x2 Broad PHILADELPHIA?S. Jcnoff, waist B r e s - r IILADELPHTA?M, Colin, woolens, cot ; ?? go.lE , )'?, Iviinia. ' i'HILAl ?El,I'll l.\ 11. is ft Srs.irh, M. 7 - Iks r nnsylvanla, Pil .ADELPHIA -B Goldberg, furnishing ?; n 7-1 : Peni sylvania. !'i. ; LA i 'i-:: PHIA - - Auerbach Bros, : ? ' \ ';? ' bin :i. cotton pi. goods, woolens . I v n n s y I v a 1 PHILADELPHIA?,T, Largman ?<.- Bros.; J. 7 ? ? :? in, silks; 200 i-'i: Ui Avenue. PHILADELPHIA ? Blauner's; Miss E. 1 velty skins; Aifr.d Fantl, 'lli W. -? Thirti second SI rect. FII \ . ?'?:< ell : .\ Blauner's Miss Kar ,- an, ?.;.bs silk underwi ai . J, Hlrschl, obs girls' serge dresses; Alfred Fantl, i :?; V ? -r Thirl y-so ond Street. PIULA! lEl.I'H IA War? w? II ? o. : A Si-1 It, ho-.-s' suit ? ?1 :;,'i work shirts. : ->n's -'.-?? alors; 359 Ri mdway. PHILADELPHIA -Frank & Sedar Co.; II. Bei '.ir. coats, sur -1, skirts; 16 ' Tl it v ?nut ri Strool ; 1 seal A bel. i': ' LAI ' A - LU Hi s L. lin? den bach r. s neckwear; M. Feldinan |< b 1 mini '? ? Miss Schwartz, bath? robes 7 .' : Broadway. PHILADELPHIA 17 Goodman, furnlsh : . Sum? i-set. PHILADELPHIA Gliiibcl Bros.; Miss A. Gugcei '?? h . ui brollas Pennsylvania. Pi ?BI'KGH [,? win Nein an Co ; H. 7" ?1 m Miss Killen, .Miss Bobbins, and suits; 1261 Broadway. PITTSBURGH?Kaufman & Baer Co.; G, : en s and i>. ys' sweaters; 40-1 1 ' lurlh A venue. PITTSBURGH Enterprise Cloak and Suit Co ; M. Eainan, i ?its, suits; Pennsyl '?.!.' Hl.'RGH- Frank ft Seder: Sol Flnk . : . its, suit! skirts; Hi West Thiny -'..', -"??!. BFRGH- -Kaujfman's Dept. Store; Miss Hale, art g.Is. 1261 Broadway. PORTLAND, Me -Eastman Bros &? Ban croft .1. H Am sby. Bilks, dress and don tl s; '"4 Fourth Avenue. PORTLAND, Me -Eastman Bros, & Ban* ? i-ofl Co Miss I. Jardine, dresses: Mrs. E. W. Webster, waists; 1270 Broadway. PORTLAND. '?:'". -Meier X- Frank; Miss E Ball; ladles' ready to wear; 212 Fifth A? no Hro.; C. 116 West PRi iV 1 DENCE- -J. Ram i? Is Mai ??:, sh .es; Alfred Fantl '; I..' ? -se? ond Street PROVIDENCE, R, I.?L. Rllvermnn, cotto ? goo Is. wo dens : Breslln REA DING, l'a. Kline, Epplhln or Co E Heckman, iloor coverings; : RICHMOND. Va ?Dreyfus Co.; Miss L Vuughanr heap silk gowns and Teddies; : . _? Fifth A i*? nue, 13th II r. R] I.MO.ND, Va.?Dreyfus Co.; S. Haze!, is coats, suits and drcHses; 212 1 ifth A\ entie, ; 3th fl .or, ROCHESTER, N. V. B. Forman Co ; Mrs. Hrugler, dresses; Mrs. Fuller, dr me? : ?enberg, coats and units, Mrs. 777,-. assistant, dresses; 225 Fifth Avei ..? ROCHESTER McCurdy ft Co.; C. Greene, .. - reu ly to wear; 6 West Thirty ... . ?. . , R( 11 HE: , !?: 3. & J Rosenberg; 7. Rosen I r g furi Ishtngs; Colllngwood. RA.N'f'lSCO- -Ben Berman, women's .- Grand. SEATTLE. Wash.?S. B. Goldman Co.; D. ". en, Leicester suits; 395 Broadway. ST LOTIS- Scruggs, Vanderbort & ss Lauenstein, dresses; 227, Flt'1 !i ? ST. LOCI H 31 ewai 161 A dr? . Han Fifth \v -: H 1 Rice-Stlx Dry Goods Co : O. K. Hutn 111 Co., Hosiery. :<77 Hro.,.! ,vay. 'IS ? Famous ft Harr Co, : B. D. basement dresses; 37 West Twenty nixi ). -? root ST. LOI IS Bi mx Hal Co . J. Feiler and O Warner, manufacturers women's and men's hats: 621 Broadway, room. 633 ST. LOCHA.* Ely & Walker D G Co.; W. R, Ron? v furnishings; 56 Worth S: rei ' SYRA? l SE Majo.stlc Cloak ond Suit Co.; ii. II. Given, coats, suits, furs; Mis? M. Cohen, dresses, waists; Pennsylvania. TA M 1?A, Fla Bentley-Oray Drj Goods ... .! W Bryan, piece goods; 43 Leon ?1 ni Stie.-I Bros. . R. l.-'c r. linens, w hil 0 ; c g l?? Baer ,?: Llll'entha), U60 Broadway. Ti d .ElWi M. .; ddman, tailoring ?? ils llngv i] WARREN, Ohio Tin. V. C, Thompson Co ' ' Thompson, dry g.Is n n 1 cloaks . Bro/.ti " WASHINGTON Woodworth ft Lothrop; ;.. E Hart, misses' wear rrrr.' Palll I-.-,., h weai . M, :?". La\ ake. Palm H? aoh wraps ind dressi-s; Mrs M \llen, ? . , Ize wear; II A Lief, merchan - .... manag.-i ' : 1 Fo irth A venue. Wl I.I-. I-. BARR E, Pu Wllkes-Barre 1 >ry . : ? ;. Co.; I. Williams, In? ns, dc 11? si les; ? ; ni '? -slxt ii Ri : eet, \'. . ..;?.:, Palais Royal; Miss V. 17. 1 r .,.-? !. ui lei-wear; 220 i win-; ei Ho- 11 house .' , . iilna and glassware, sport ? .: , :. , ' Hi .adwaj IIARIl G. l'a MacWIMIams; ' 1. A v, ilinery, l" I Fourt ii A -. ? n ;? . ?,,...-. 11 Topkis Hn.s. . L. '. : , . . .n .?:>-.' ,.i ? ' Broad v.iy. ..-, ? ? CTON. N. C II ? loldsl em, men's : ,-? Gi uni. WINNIPEG E. San tell, dr> goods; 11. .John c M.n-Iiin**? W? UP I. :'\ ER, Masi ? ' ? , G M Moral : goods D M. ? ? ' I? ". ; epr? .?? tiling . 432 Foui I Ii Ave ? : ER, Mass It W Beeks Co ; R I ? ready to wear; 401 Fourth Avenue, yol ;.? 1ST? ''.'.??:. Ohio G?-o L F? rdy - 1., ; 1. h Jorres, no-n .1 furnishings and umbrellas; Miss .1 M,.-s, women'? and children's hosiery and underwear, cor ?. r... <: Foul th A ?? ? nu? yen -,i ;? ? '.'. ?.'. Ohio 1;-., 1 Ford yon ?o Jaim Mlle?, wnmeii'a furnishings, und? .'?..' w. en's knit hosiery, D. U. ... . im'a furnishing?, umbrellas; 404 1 . 1 ? ? '. . ? ? n V? ?'.',' .. 7 ". ',' ? ihlo ?? K Si? gel & Co . 1 1 . worn? r. i- ready !.. weoi , 303 i rth A venue. V KINOS* I*? IWN, Ohio Btrouss-Hlrschborg . , .' h .-i Mi Nli hulas, corsets u n 1 br? n HP-r* li '?'' Hro? )'?"? ?y, Hani A LHIenthal -, ' IGST? ' -'? '? Oh ?" Livingston A ? ; 1.1 . ?ri|/Hi. ..;, ,.v ?. . n's : ? .. d >? to I 'nnn sylvan in , ' ' ,'HHTOWN, Ohio Htrouaa-Hlrnhberg ' . Mis? D. ?! McNIchoU, women's fur nlshlng?; 11 ?>0 Broadway. Atchison Executive Hopeful of Conditions The economic readjustment now : going on in the United States should cause no serious uneasiness, in the | opinion of W. li. Storey, president of . the Atchison, Topeka & Sant'e Fe ; Railroad, who was in New York yester ] day. lie expressed the belief, how ? ever, that prices will not descend to the level of.Util. Although he granted that there would be a failing off in nearly all industnea until the coun? try caught up -with over-production, he , said that, as applied to railroads, the : effect upon employees would not be so serious as in other lines, as they are still working under conditions es? tablished by the r ilroad boar,!. Commenting on the financial re? quirements of the carriers Mr. Storey said there was little inclination to : enter tho market fjr funds because of j the high cost of borrowine;. There ' has been n falling off in freight traffic Ion the Atchison, he stated, hut no de? cline has been noticeable in passenger business. The reduction in freight ? business, Mr. Storey said, was caused : by the tendency of farmer?) to hold ; wheat and cotton for higher prices. Employees of Packers Win 5 Per Cent Raise CHICAGO, Dec. 7.?A 5 per cent ? wage increase for the period between y r day, July ' 1920, and Sun,lay, De cemb. 5, 1920, was grante employees of the packing and allied industries in a decision handed down to-day by Feder 1 Judge Samuel Alschuler, arbi? trator in packii ; house wage disputes. The employees 1::.?! asked for a ?Lit Incrc ase of $1 a day. Investor Buys Building Facing Pennsylvania Station F. & <;. i'ilomm sold for the City Real Estate Company, to Leo Kahn, the four-story building 262 West Thirty-fourth Street, 14.6x98.9. The property is close to the Thirty-fourth I Street cr? ranee of the Pennsylvania Station, and is separated fj m the ( ? el ea Exchange Hank by a 19.6-foot ' parcel. Sale of Avenue I) Corner Cammann, Voorheeri & Floyd sold foi the estate of Henry Wenzel the six-sto'ry building, 10 Avenue ]i, north oasl corner < i" F urth Street, 2-1x100, to a client of M. Wailowitz. Tho Rpfil Estate Man igement C m ! pany sold for the estate of Mary G. i'in !i?.y four lots un the south side of l-15th Street, 375 feet east of Lenox Avenue. Building Planned for Varick Street to Cost $800.000 I Inns have been filed with the Man? hattan Burea': of Buildings for the construction of an eight-storj build? ing al 34 to 50 Varick Stree't and 6 St, John's Lane, to be used as a post iflic It ? II have a frontage o-f 25!).5 feet in each street and a depth of 140 feet. Lan em : e V. V. Sweezy is the arch tect and ;. ? ? e timated the cost at $800.000, The Ultra Realty Com pany is i he owm r of record, Scranton M an to Live Here Studios Development Corporation of 07 West. Sixty ????. enl h Sti ? et, has leased large duplex apartment at DO West Sixty-seventh Street to Benja? min ii. Thro op, of Scranton, Pa, Harris, Vought & Co. leased apart? ments at IV! East Seventv'-firsl Street i" P. .1. and A. Tracy; 230 Madison Avenue to Frances C P'.att; 23 East Eighty-ninth Street to B. Keyes, and 1242 Madison Avenue to R. Simon. S;i!c of Brooklyn Homes Abraham Saffir sold :'? r E. B, Strong *o ?: clienl for occupancy the three stc.rv dwelling 410 Jefferson Avenue, 13x100. B. F. Knowles Company .-'.old 73 Kcap Street, a two and one-half st? ry dwelling, l'or a client to a Mr. Levy. TRAVEL 'The Public ?* Pleated" *yon DIRF.CT STATE ROOMC S 1.0* TO $4.32 ; All Rete* Include. Wur Tax TRAVF.L BY BOAT AND SAVE MONSY DAILY and SUNDAY S P. M. BOAT LEAVES PIER 39 N. R. /'!. IV. II :.-.?,'. n St. Phone Spring 9491 x,'?n^xm?i?4?A.-,"i?i?iysnij,^ qanAOiuTMr -t. --anisaras1 Ifarcevter, $4.'J->. Providence direct U.Z. Ut i.SIDE Si'AIIJiOUMS, 51.S?. Tally, includlne Sunday. S:?? P. U. From Pier 13. IC. R. Phon?; 7701 Bcukraai TUknt* ut Ti?r ar t <v<?,i.)id.i I .'fi OlHsc FALL RIVER L I N F. TO BOSTON 'ROM l'il'lt I!, .N lt., I'TI.TO NKW LONDON (Mil!? Il II UNI ..'" V M . os ?'lV? 70. B II.' : St., ,; f. M, Hudson River Day Line ocrvtci discontinued for t!'o ?eneon. ( !.n i 'i; \ i m iisoN i.i m: NewhnrKli, i'oiijrhkoepsie, Kiiiftston. .'. ? !;i' l'riinkiiii S? ., Il' M. SURROGA1 ES' NOTICES Real Estate News Julian Ripley Sells Fine Home In 51st Street Parts With House Between Park and Madison Ave? nues for Wliieh He Has Been Asking S 110,000 Douglas . Eiliman & Co. sold ior Julian A. Ripley, 45 East Firry first Street, a five and one-ha!f story Ameri ! can basement house, 22x100.5, to a client for occupancy. The seller has 'been asking $110.000 for the property. Auguste M, Thiery sold to Marie I Morrison the three-story dwelling 150 'East Fevent -eighth Street, 18.9x102.2. Jar s H. Cruikshank resold to Will - iam L. Haynes, 2048 Madison Avenue, a thr rx-story dwelling, 16.4x75. Joseph Waterman was the broker. Tho Hudson P. Rose Company resold to Antonio Cartorina the three-story d'.v.lli ;' East 115th Street, 12.6x L00.1 I. The An? i ?iean B?n?ficiai League of j America bought the three-story dwell? ing, 30 West ! '9th Street. 21.6x99.11. Alfred 'C. Dodman sold the three story and basement dwelling 869 West |EnJ A ;7ue, on a loi 20x80, between ' L02d and 103d Streets. Elizabeth A. Brady --old to Thomai ?' Ilealv the three-story ?Iwelling 70 East 129th Street, 17.3x90.11. ; Buying Homes in Ridgewood ; S. S. Walstrum-Gordon & Forman i sold for John A. Tcrhune Ins dwelling | on .South Maple Avenue, R'dgewood, X. J., to Harold H. GritTin, and for ; David T. Fontarede 55 North Pleasant Avenue to George R. Harrison, of Mid 1 land Park, N'. J.; also for J. C, Fergu . son to Victor De Pau.v 276 North Pleasant Avenue. Fire Reeord A. 7.1. loss. 2:45?86 Orchard St.; TlTu n: Feln |i?rg .I'nlt nown : 2:50?261 Broadway; Edward Mar? tin .Trifling ? 3:20?136 West Broadway; Klein Bro.i.i' nknow n I 4:30?-1 '. Went 140th St ; 11. Nelson .Unknown I 4:50- 507 West ! i lili St. ; Marie Kennedy .Unknown l :. 00- 4- We ill i'li Si. ; Hygrade i. : , ? : . -i Co.I'limown I 10.40.S07 Eighth Ave.; .?.!;,.??; Gold . . 17 nil no wn i 11:20?272 West 19th St; Lillian McAvoy .I nknown V. M. I 25 -Front of 3 West 32d St.. ; automobile ; Barm tt .ic 1.; a ,i . i inknown IV M. 17 35 i 57 W,ii ri n Street , Eppen ft Smith .Trifling : 1 :15.17 I iclancey SI reel , Sai i h Chara: Triftlng 7 70 7C \v? si Flfti enth Street .'..: Ciol h S; onglng Co. ; I ' nil nown , 2:55? In fron! of South Ferry; Auto truck ; A du ma A. Ma : : In Trifling | . DO?1 :". East 112th Street ; Mrs HlrsehowlU;.Trifling . 3:50- 809 Eu u 169th Street, tho Bronx ; E Ruben .Trifling ! 4 :25 J n front of 14 Vi si y St : ????' . . .? i i in, :. , W. ,v j. Sloan ; Trifling 5:00?169 Easl 109th Street; own, unknown . Unknown ' 5:10?1703 Amsterdam Avenue; Mar tin English. .Trifling ! 6:50- t.? ?' ? ?I En : A venue ; Alb' rl 11 a 11, ? 11 ; ?.Unknown 7 ' 0 - I'.. ? ". ?nil 1 12d si , auto truck : ' '. Siedler.Trifling 7 05- 1 ? \. . i -i .i si. ; Lucira's t'a:,' . .Unknown 9 .00? 36 \V 21st st.; Lev ; Bros.i nl: nown :? :35 23? El.'.i lofeo st . ? rolu-n ft .Unknown ;. 5 19 W I02d st. ; John t'a. ? ? ;.? .Ti iflli .. The i'", iril on l . enibci showed ? fire ha . : :..; occur! ed In I !!?? pi i mises of ! , ium-St i., uss ,x Co., at 112 Era nkll n Street, II was < mliii i ?..j the premisos of another ' rrn Wall Street Office Space Taken Off Market - $500,000 !>? Paid for Floor in iVlunson Building: Italian Bank to Locate at No. 63 Albert B. Ashforth, Inc., leased to ; the Consolidated C >al Company the eighteenth flo r of the new twenty five story building new being erected I y the M inson Steamship Lines at Wall and Pearl treets 1* is un lerstood that the aggregate rental is in the ?.'? ghb :'- lod t Soi. The Brown, Wheel ck Company, [nc . leasi d thi second floor of ?:"?;; Wall Pt re? ?. par! of whicU ; occu : : i by the Mercli ..-.. Bank ?. Car-..hi, who . ? ? -: vi on May 1. 1921, * < "v ','. Street, the pr perty they p r cha ?? I from ?' : -? & Flagg. The new ? tenant is the Cr?dito Italiano o? Italy, which is repre sente I ::; this co intry by Felice Bava, and will be occupied by them as banking offices. V< a -?" & I-'., liman le se ! the east - er'.y store and the second floor at 21 1 a; d 715 Wi si T! irty-fourth Sircet fot the K. ?- R. Sr res, Inc., to B. Rat kow ky, who conducts a chain of fui ?'..; - in the Fifth Avenue district Tire lease for a 'erm of years, al an aggregate rental or $150,000. Tin new tenant will take immediate pos s e s s : Georcre R. Real & Co. have rentei 'o 5 gmund Eisner &. i'.,., uniforn makers, the first floor at 126 and 12? Fiftl Avenue for C, A. ('.,'?,:!,!, repre :,??:::<?.1 by Carstein & Linnekin. The Brett i<- Goode Company leasei a: 105 West Twenty-eighth Street thi parlor floor store to Greenberg i Ltibovitz a.'..i the fourth floor to Rub enstein <<x I'rotas, Inc.; at 7 to 1 West Forty-fifth Street the seconi floor to Michael J. Kilmartin, and a 109 We it 1 ?' < ;:-.. c ghth Street th parlor floor store to the Pacific Ladies Garnie ni Company. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., lease? offices in the new Fifth Avenue Build ins to the Atlantic Oil Terminal, Inc Huberth i- Huberth, with Louis V May ? Co., leased th.?' st.,re 211 Wes Fifty-eighth Street to tho Moto Hearse Corporation of America. Postpone Again Auction of N. V. Railways Co. Realt The auction sale of the real est?t holdings of the new York Railway Con pany on November 7, adjourned t yesterday, ?vas further adjourned ti February 2 by Joseph P. Da auctioneer. The auction offering of the reall and personalty of the late "Big Tin ? Su livan, originally scheduled for N vember 23 by Auctioneer Henry Brat and adjourned till yesterday by ord? of Justice Giegerich, Iras been furth adjourned till January 11. Mrs. George A. Crocker Rents ! ionic in East 9tli S William A. White & Sons leased f a long term on a not rental basis East Ninth Street, bhe four-story ai basemen! d\v, 11 : ng, 25x53x9?. , f Mrs. George A. Crocker to a client .1. de S. Trenholm. Pease & Elliman leased for M Emil Heuel to Miss Annie K Bro?, the three-story dwilling at 151 Wc Eighty-seven! h Street Brokers in Coventry Sale Brown, Wheel ick < ompany, Ir were the brokers in the recent si ? ?' 5.57 West Bi ladway, running throu ; ? 63 Woi ster Si reet, a fivi - story Ic 17 ? '''mi, f r '?!. ' i n ' ;. ? 'oventry, London, to the I'nited States Tri Company, Herber! C. Pell jr., Clare: i . Bell ..? tru : ? ?... who are t he ov ers of the adjoining property, 375 W. Broadway, running through to Woo -ti :? Street. RESORTS ATLANTIC OTT R ?ISO RTS ATLANTIC- CITY, N. ,T. An Announcement / '? ' '' '?' :ii '?' Vi"-V id fc M ?v'<?/ li Mai' W i? &<i ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. begi to announce that during oiilv fhr months of November and December a special weekly minimum rale of Eigh t y -fi ve Dol?a rs for two people for double room with hatli nnH meals on the American Plan has been established. Oaring these two months the climate of Atlantic Cil?, in the most delightful of thf- whole veut. Bot ,.,,,,-,. will remain open insf-ad ol "n'" ol them ,-lo?:nu as ?,,-....(,,' .... I'xquisite m?sica feature. OhstacleGolf on imut lawn. Ii?. : ? ' ??tiding, Golf (2 Championship Courses), Rolling Chairi, Fierr>. liieatres, Movies, ami countless other amusement*. OWNERSHIP MANAI'EMl NT JOSIA11 WHITE & SONS COMPANY ?r... ? -- *!?e- ' % ??*"' . r j d V%? &.- ^'.V '7 ? " **? I ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. I An. A n..:r-icarv Plan. Hotel f P *. ?. r::;.r v:RealCon\fort ? ti- . i OAR?..-a. R0 }M ,? ' % COTTAGES ot\ 1 vck. . G* o.GOO C )K\ , ' . . T -: > ALLAI? . f.MENTS ? .',.. '"? riUTCH?iNOrct<stT*> ? .-? '' Vitron?\q<? lrwitrd LVmanJ.Watrous /I ???**-* r%^-' S^i^?*; UUAN IKU i 'ut, it.... A.MERK *. :> and I., HOPEAN PLANS. New Clarion K* "*? * Be?ch. n-n ?<?? HCW VJdriO.l forU f?noMtt S K tioii'.'a??. ATLANTIC CITY, N J Unsurpassed for healthful liest and Recreation Ambassador Hotel?, in Arlante (it... S, w Voi-U, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, FLORIDA Hotel Royal Palm S: 13 lloli Golf Flsiitnc Swlnm li .'?? ? t"vi j Hooni nlth lUth. .1 I, ML.-iiN. M.r Tamp Bay Hotel?H^ H Ian 1 to Api. 10, W. F Adt t Mi HOTEL CLARENDON V^nA^ ?r. 1 roll ici ; ; i o- ' ,v !?(.?? . , . irso N V HOOKING ni- I- !? i' : -, I For booklet of FLORIDA EA.ST COA: Resort? write 21.7 Fifth A.v?i., Ne? \ i : ;, The Bell. view. Bellenlr II.*iBlit ??, FU Bel In a r;" it lui n Paradise. MO.N ? ? [.AIK, N. J. m y.?^s?nfijm?'m3?-',*T^^ . -?-?;-< ?wn mn IDEAL COUNTRY HOME j Ho?e? fllontclair ? MONT? ' X tP., N. .1. 1 MOST UK!. 1(11 il (1 IV SIT! VTKI1 :1 r-'l -IDIN'l'I \1. MOT KL ?N NEW ?j ?i OItK'S SI Sil RIIS ji ' IPK.N TI?M K.' ":!.:?: VKAP.. " ' 'U' ?::' " .' ' '.N'Ai.iKMKNT i ' " ' '! >? ? u - | l'ini. LAKF.WOOI), N. .). Laurel - in - the - Pines Liikewood, N. J. 'Sil ii 'itfil among the Pinos ?nid overlooking LaUo Carasaljo ' cw "fives G-ili" ? ' ' C ' ?' '"? Tenu ?,-!.:. ?...?,'. al/ta. i ? ing Privai .... - ' ?T. i . . X ?>M. ISLAND ?CI >~" " ' ? , "* ' ? 0 ?Vl ?ii ?? - ' -c-" ^ULJ?'?t,s.. i ?Vil si. J s ?L<f f^l ; '.? iu"'-^.- .-?i&Jr Gar..^ Liiy, -...and. ; ... . ij a t ;. a Snpcinl ''"n'i'r Rates Nov. to May "Traquent elcctrlr traini from Penn Statin? J. J. LANNIN ( O.. Tropi. .No One Wants Arsenal on Armorv Board*s Terms . ..-._ Money Too Scarce to Pay Ail Cash for Hi??toric Seventh Avenue Corner Under the conditions imposed by the Armory Board r.c one seems will? ing to own the State Arsenal property at the northeast coiner of Seventh Avenue and Thirty-fifth Street, which the state authorities have bct'ti anxious to dispose of for so-.-ie time. Ann une ment was made some time aro that the Armory Board would re- ? bids ? r the ?? n er. i--*: no bids were received up to th?. t'rr.e set for ? t em to be in. Last M mday va* then : . s the lay for tir. se interested in j the realty to have sealed bids with the : Arm ry Bor.rd, an : tor a second time | no ne made a hid. rhe arsenal property has a frontape | of : ? .? feet i n Seventh Avenue and 1 208.4 feet on Thiny-fifth St.eet. If r: ? ? v was freer there is little doubt that the terms of the Armorv Board, ? which are nil cash, would have been! met. Trading in the Bronx Bessie Horowitz sold to the W. i D. ! Realty Company the flat 1219 Brook ' Avenue, 30x71. Armstrong Bros, sold 3321 Perry j Avenue, a two-family dwelling, 25x100, ' for J. Hanlon ti. J. Scott. The Hudson P. Roso Company pur- ] chased from P. Halpern the two-family j frame house at i), 3 Forest Avenue. Laura G. Phelan sold to Rosie Axel ? . the plot, 50x267.8x irregular, on the j *.vos- side of Ryer Avenue, 2-15.1 feet ! I north of Burnside Avenue. Samuel Rubin sold to Isadore Benen , son the vacant plot, 41.9x103.4, north ; east corner of Grand Avenue and 165th I I Street. Eng! > '? ? lents ki il Of?er for orniiigside ! lats Center Estate? of London, l'art* With Long. Held House; Market Good for Moderate- Priced Realty Ryan & C >. h ive sol 1 for ' u C nl - estrte, if L ndon Engl ind, ? o a cli? nt of E. William S -lins. 3 M \'v- ie Fast, a fi\ e sto y flat, 5r Innes .5 Center represented the Cen? ter estate. Jos ph Rrot key sold to Salomon Brenner the six-st >nt at 9 and I I East 107th St:-.":, 10 .. Abral am I from Leo? pold Weiss, t mis k, 222 East Ninety-ninth Street, a flve-atory tenement, 25x I Consig ia Arbolino sold to Peppina Quirolo the four-stor?, tenement .?7 327 East 10! th Street, 25x100. Emilio Piergirgisolli dd ," Ani ?a Rochmes th four-stoi , tenement at ,5i Eas1 10 't.- Str< et, 25x100.1 I. Ihi A ra R alty Company sold to Joseph Di Matteo the four-story tene r lent at 2292 i irst A\ enue, 18.10 James W C ?? Ion sold to Do Stigliana the four-storv tenement at 555 ast 119th S ' ' .: Anna Allers sold I K berg tho four-storv tenement at 411 West F ."*> foi rth :; i ? t 25? 100.11, TIh? Kellner Realty Company sold to Rose Appl home the foui itory tene? ment at 159 Avenue C, southwest cor? ner of Tenth Street, two five story tene? ments, 23.3x88. Caroline T. Kissel Bold to the rerbitt Holding Compan? the five-story tene? ment at 93 Ridge Street. 30x50.7 FA?TORY rnorEKTY FOR SALE ( FACTOK1 PROPKKTY HUi SALE SOLD!!! A human interest story showing that my methods of advertising pay in the sale of FACTORY PROPERTY The TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CORPORATION placed their Mount Vernon plant in my hands ior sale. Mr. W. E. Rudge. a printer of rare books and a resident of Mount Vernon, boarded a train with his architect to lay plans for the erection of a new building on a site he had under option at Greenwich, Conn. He read my advertise? ment in the morning newspaper in which this property was advertised for the first time, he called on me for particu? lars, inspected it later the same day, and I sold the factory to him the very next day FOR CASH Owners of factories in the United States and Canada should be interested in my Sales plan. Write for Details 67 Liberty St. rs Phone 744 Cortlnndt REAL ESTATE?SALE OR RE XT Manhattan FOR ?AT.F.? ATTRACTIVE 4-STORY AND '..!'?' Pill r. ; . r ' f-nt : - 11 : ' in?;, size 2 1 6x ? ? . on '.', ???' . . ? .:? it h ave . si.... m it, I t w-?ttei i ' h to r ult. SPEAR & : 'i ',. ? i" Hr. ad way. Stiij venant 627. '7 BIST- 1 Story, 17 toot dwelling, burgalr, $21,500. Owner 4639 Murray Hill. Brooklyn \ GOOD HOME IH'V-X v; S r?joms, tiled bnth stiani heat, pas, el*?etrlelty, latest rnnvi [??neos: Cr. nt anii ba - ; yard?; r? m for .-..r.11,*,. and 7 r'-.'?.?... ,i ?, . onl? $1,500 c.ish TWLiarHONE 8260 FLATBL'SH. Lons IMand AT FOREST HILLS, !.. I . main resident!.-!! strpft, ????ven min.utirs from station; two lots, 37.'.?i:.", r?ch; .lim-t ?n minutes fr ,rn Nw Vorlt City Inquir?? A. I i-'ranklln. I ' ? \Vi nt 118th st., New Yorl? City. "ti hi?** Plains Mi ''(?;': ?-." HOMES White Plains, llartsdal?, Scar*/.?!?. From Si 'i' '? up .-'? nd f ir ?1st. V.-'l 7 M< iJTP.BI.L, Inc , Depot Square, White I'lalns, N. Y. Tel fO' .N-w .Terney T: .'? ;?;.-. N" -An- anil., s to sell r-omiriR* 2 ? . ? in? h m n ; : listing of beautiful h? is? . uld ] :riKlisli r. chitecture of 7 rooms ai ? : ??-.?? -:<?.?! irrt* balcony, ?ili Im i-emi-nts and ha [ n -1.rn?r r.!..t. Ith fine lawn, flowers ?r..l *,ha<l-> tr<"?s. ? ? - .- ? : mutins ' isl. ill 7?-.' r" of .' r ? . . ^ ti si l. ?au! l?ui sub irban i tmunitj ,'iir ex pi "-1- stal I. n and trolley '. 500 ' h ?h ' ? lie? II baia rrce of $7 G00 on . ,.,. ter r. mortgage s. PEHS? IXA 7. P .?? ? ? . . ?'.,- x 1: 77. City Hall Si ation, 77? w fork l it)' I .'.')?' $13.Seo i ,,,..?; , sl'lence un t ??OjclSO; rutima, 2 ; .. : ??r*. et? .? m. ? I? i I? - ? .- '('-:'?:... Mon .. -, .*.'. J. . M ' - 7 T ' " 7 \ . i. . N [?OU6 ? -" ' ' 008 7: fuit r. . nd '.- . .: ;.:?h*)d SIM1 .-' i.N-Ml Rf: l'T CO M ? ? .i.: . N J - ? 4. 10-4041 -s for ?aie. IVi Ite Van ...:..??' .??':. S. J. CNGLEW? Of) and VI rteal -?tat*. H WEA riIEItH*! ?CO Eng tiren I .7 J TO l.i 1 ; ' . . '.,... !?; KI ') - '.?? M'-.r. "j*- '- TO i.f ?"?"? it R.VISHKO Munlinttun 9th. VVrilo Buchanan, 9 West WE?sTCU ESTER COL'NTY KKAI. 1 -I VI fl mi?ante 527 Fifth Avenue REAL ESTATE Specialists in Westchester County Southern Connecticut North Shore Long island BRANCH OFFICE*! Ilron . - ni?, Ly, bcm.rm.M.1?. * 4*?liii?m. All. Veruon. 1-nn limont, lunLrm, Nr?r lt,,:l,?li*. Urrmt Nerk. J. L iil? li'li'M) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE riOUSE AND ALL FURNITURE MOl ? i. ? ').? . ItV DETAIL I ' ' ? *'? 0 ' ? i? ',' I RQL'IRED Write to I: J ? K' ? an Celt Are.. .".'?'.'. N*. Y. NEW VOKK STATE REAL ESTATK Tha Sigges? Djrgain! At Nya ; th? Hudsoi ? i ' ? "v 1 ..... ; ' ' -. a . ? -, .. nil ' - ' iir.ith, ,.3 Park i. w . ?: CAMPS-CAMPSITES-ESTATES ?Guy????.?? '?- ;' Liu*. yl?m ^or*_? NEW li:l;-l V RI IL ESTATE Ceadini; Jer?ey F?3C.tOr?eft 8*/Speciaiiscs i*i f . .? .... ? Feist ?&'Feist Si&ra?? JAD1S0N?"Hi^h, Healthful" * FARMS?COl'NTRT EMTATKS J. V. KEATING, Madison, N. J. FACTORY PItorKRn FOR SALE OR RENT FACTORIES ) Anr ?-?/i- Aninhci'f t > .,. ,r s0/, ^ <o ;<?!?? | < NEW LISTINGS SOLICITED J ^rv'jj . i? i .:..?"??. I 1 Lu., f7j ,iS ? illiam St. ; el, 10! ? John. DANCING P ! Rl CTION St. 7TLX" I s; ? ..c. .-? NO! t KS LA ?;?.,.. . , ,? iv,'t; ..'i ?, !' Cohalan, a s ( ' m . I . ' : r : ? - ? ? th? -- nou rs Him ' ? ??.??.- ? a ...'?? ,'.??? ey it No. il 1 ?' ,n 1 iti "? n or before I .,. o - Sew I *? .ivrra bi ? " NEW ? ? j ?p. O