Newspaper Page Text
v g' ?**. read, altho igh the Demoicraf ?c ? and applauded when it e ' :?.,;. 1. !ati n foi an Arme ? ..'. g . n fa\ orable re - ,-,..- - and it ?>?:. ? plain ly ,.,,'. ? , , .vill be authov ...... aid that . Ii : he tro : - iVmei i, did noi deem it ?;? Adn - ' ' ' ?i loan of : ? the task of under the sion or a com -, . , govern '?? ? ? ? ? , i d "? ho have . : ..-. tuation ?-i . , : . . ' . ard com i vism in ' that tni ?3? I'Nf" 'ifi m 1 1 s i I II Ii It m !' , I -ON -,-| tO I Hl'h i ?:.-< ? or- ? . t.rnii o Boi? tai the ? . ' - ? ? : . ? . p'e are . ? , ? i .. i . ?an .... of - .''i-, i I ' |, ' ?ii ;. i" attention . ' - - , A '? of Stale, I I ? . < ? : enc loft i pall '?:??? :. llll'l t l'l ? ' ? on ? ? ,.d ? : , the strife d tin i .: . \?? i conveyed to the Stat ' '.;...:' the Pr? ?den' , i . te 1 y di.! ? over : '? ? '?' : . ? t's mi? ? ?-.:.'. i hem eon mente { j?5?i." : ? ? ?-..;, ... i ?cation. P?! ?Hl? immer i ??j ?" '?'?? . Ii i?{* t the end rd |i i %\ aph J<5? .......... ?m " ? .'?..- had been ;*;? ? -:,.- :?., nbi .: : ?? eoun ,;?5? ???.' e'ould have 'i>3;...' n in far 1 .tancinl ha pe nu \\ *'* ?>J| Re? d Chai gei So? iali m jsjj Senator Pe? i1- i, crat: Ifllrhe Pn ? ? ? ' -is jijb' ilrn ' .? i ' ?? :.'?? com ????l ?? ?., ? ? ise tha |jUi ??? ng coi ... II of '?*$' : ' I ? ... ?jit ?'? ? ;Ji i ? ii! -????? M: bam . ? .. Presi ?.'. | , .. ecitic ? ? ?? . in ? . . ' r ??.??? ilij !jjj i ???I n ? ?i of jO .. ? j and I think My ? that a -, i ?ill IS I .c ? ; do no; . til ! have 1 also ?? Pi -.-:.' - . ,?? tat? : . : . ' .i ? ? d 1 ..:?? ~\. ... ti Vi rgi ? a, >?I . : ;??}'. o m m ft nt. His ??is ' \ rai > . .-.!: ;'?t ?' '??!.?'- lent': My < ??JE at the present ses Hlfioi i.oi ;ress. ['he I resident n ere ! || All I \\?i ' treaty. 1 ? ... signify ??ft leave ?JH ? to thi ncoming Admin :i;j>-. : . t, to be dealt witl conf rm '?<?? ? ? : the i eeei ? ., 'verdict 1},? : ? ??'. ? the Be? ll?*} retal that ver ttj ?'?? Had League ;n Mind '!'t ?!j? Senate . ? oiorado, Dem ? j!? ?' part of the message jlji rial demoe |5?r leempha: ze his |}}c votio of the League of h?K . vithstanding resulte of the jM ' I ' : had both the ),{* ? e treaty -i n mind. '1 h ?lk eil by hi entonce. ?.[? . nal '?'. , sachusetts, ???j? ? it ! am '..-i., glad to see that l?3*ae ire den! is for th? independene? -*^** the l*r tip] .--^. i Inipresse? I ? l .liiie I'll ill in ..-.,- : go' - ?to .??'" a feet in '??-.???' then em - ? :. - ' eed i ?timed: ?* ? < ' i ex read ?? r v. ? , i : to be way. P?r? it iceablii inything about Thi . . . signify :. ;, ? t then pressed ? '?'? yea ?.- ng j &t& '-?_.?' were ready for it. ??. '.: ?? C : '???"' York, Repub ?! * ' ??? '"?' pat r with the Ar Ijfcien.ans ?. thi ibles, bul in the ?t '.' ' of the nal ion'a ? f - not bel " - oan will be !; ? gg, of 'linnes ta, l?? ?t ib ' : President say? ?^ . | i : foi ? . my : . to ? - : *\ " teiit witl the ap ?} . ?.:..?? win have been , 11 . i ? his Cfiliir.'! if g for all sor! ? I res and increases i I j . to Armi wi 11 not | Si of D '-.I':-, ! < I ' ? " ' ?live . ? : .. . 0 tl ' ? \ : ..i . m ,,,?: prop...,. I'he Pi it? com - ? ..... , tive nti-ri ' . . .' . -. d' ""..I ? the ? r ? ??:.;;'. . ? ? i menl ? ? ? heart ? ; , ' I '. ? . ' ' .. ? ,. . .. IfjOfin/ip - i- I (i I'urliurnenl : '.ili-t lii.'lt Decision \r ?' ;? .??.??. \.. ... ? . K," with power J?- ? ' ' , ? ' A m,'A ?I ',( , ' . ? ? :,' il ? - /., ? thi? j|d? ' taking ? l? ,..??,'Ii g? ISS ? - ' ' ' ????;?? ' ' ly-eri . ^ it- Sen ? ' ? . - I ? - trient 0 Text of President's Message to Congress President Wilsoii'n iiiexxagc to llu do ,;/-..., uj tin ICtk Conyn folio cs in full : When .1 iiudr?-... i mj ? ' o ]>? < ? forming the duty laid upon th ' President ' . the Constitution to pre? sent to you an annual report on tae stat? <>f" the Union, I found m\ tl ought dominated by an immortal sentence of Abraham Lincoln'- : "Let us have faith that righi makes "7 and in '.'.: faith I? t %'; dai : . do our dutj as w e un lei tarn it" .1 t-nii nee ; m ?' '.'i? '" eau -?? it i rib idi? .-i ,i form .if uttei ?? - plicitj and purit; th? essential <i p?ti? n, faith i i. ,i i? ;? '.', a * coi ceivi .1 and the fait h '.-.... (,'i'invn to glory ..':,;.!' ? r. ' '' ' . ? ' ' ? I ' ' ' ? ' '? birtli of .i .... ion I'ouinled u| on . ; : ?? th? hope : to till ' " ' i i s' .i n -w ordsr vould prevai thron .... : il.-' art'ai r ? i manki , an or?J n whicl reason ad rigli ' . i.,- ;!-...., ic-C ....'.'.'_...:.? .?-.. and I :??? ? ? ? : ai : ?pr? ? :,"? ?'. ?-*i and purpo ?e of '". er . Ught ? ? ??:.:,".. ivllt-l I S?-, i ? ? email i n ? ' '? nine ' man ni r the pa rt we ? -. Id |< ..;, alike in thf : 11 ,?? ; - if oui dom ??.-;.": r mi in . ':!? ..-,"?f: .? . : in?uei c upon (he a ' ' r: "'' : ?? ?vorli!, !7. ? ..: aith, .-. .,. bj ?"ait!-, ilone. ?? .n he world be lift e?l out .7' ii ? i'iir. It ivas this uith ?? h ich prevailed over the ? .. ' e?! ' ?? ee ' :' Germ n Von ? i ??? embe r that the I i ?.: i : - ,.; f he end o?* t i war ?a. . i <? ? ,.? ?? ? ' f? 'id i i-nmelv? l'ace ; i face v. ith the con ?? icnce .. the '-. orld an I realized t hat i ? ?? :. was ?'?:- '? here arrayed agn insl the ' 1'Ollg that ' I '-: ?' i.'overn ici i was it t'.'inp..:': to peri ??! r; !". iays Democracy Is Being ~'itt In tin- Final Test ink, thei el'oi ?-. :; .. . ? ? ... ? ? " thai thii was .h? :' ? WO! til. ..:?, i , . . . !,.. ait i -.-. it i. which .... ? ;... lanl mei '?' nl ' to ' In (ie 7 .'.,.? ,, ,n .,.,. ? ?as to nu ';.? ..- ., , f victor.\ ! : ? i he mis lion upan which ':' ' '..'...? ? ' ,? . .; ],,.. m 'era ; i:- an assertion of the rig! t c,l .t ? ? y- ?dual to li\.- and to be treated justly as against any attempt ' 'i the part of any combin ition of dividu 113 to make laws which , I ' oi erbui .'irr: him or ?'? ? ich will ie Ptroy "ii ..; tal :, among 7 ellows in ?'? matt n* of rigl t or priv lege, and ? think we a: ! r? ali :?? that ; ? ?' ?h ;. .? come -,. - ? n democracj is put iipon I ? :'?: : ti ' 'I hi I '-'.I \\ or I -,. ,|Tel' ii from a want on ?ejection ..: the ? rincinle of 'dem. iracj . ? i :7. ? tution <?''?!? | rinciple of autoerae*. as a ''ted ?ti the n n ?? hut wit h? i ? minority and ? . ? ?? ,f ; , muli : .' . Thi . i . the I im? of nl other.? ? democracy ? . i i' p'.-i ?y und its spiritual pi wer lo :? . ?. Il -s am t.'ly ' he ma nifjpst . '. of the l'ni! I States lo i'".,! i:: the al tern* t to make tl pint : i .. . 1'oints Two Wa\ s in V\ hich Nation ('.'an Help i re ?? re two ways in h ich the 1 'nited Stat? -? can ??? t to ac plish ' : great object : l- -'. bj offering the example .vithiii hei i * ?' irder u! the i and power of denn cri cj to make an I en fon ? %'':. are in ? '? itionablj just ami ? ?.j ?? <- ?i uil ir: i heir administra v hich ecui.' it full right tu labor and yet at the same ? e ? eguard the integrit : ? ? . ? . ? i 7 pai ; ?c : larl ;, of i '? i-it proper; y which if devot ed r,o th? velopm ? ' >'* :;....' 71 ?. ai i the creas ol t1 lieci .. : : ihr? wo-... Secon I, b- : nding for right c".nd justice as toward ind - ? ; !ual nations, The law of demo racy is for the protection of the . ? . and ' ? ?? "fl lence of ? very <1? mocracy in the w >rld should b? or tlie ?' 'otect ion of . he w? a I: nat ion :. the nal ?on v. hier is ? truggl ing : ? ward it- right and toward its proper recognition and privilege in the family of nations. Declares America Cannot Refuse World Leadership 1 he United States cannot roi ise this r?le of champion without put ? ng the stigma of rejection upon thi great and devoted men who brought it3 government into exist? ence ai ?1 ei tabli shed it in the face .'i' almost universal opposition and intrigue, even in ti:""' face of wanton forciT, as, for example, against the Orders in Council of Great Britain and the arbitrary Napoleonic decrees which involved us in what we know as the War of 1812. 1 urge you to consider that the display" of" an immediate disposition on the part of the Congre to rom eil.' :.::?. injusl ici i or evi ? thai ? ? ..;. have 'n them el ve in our own ional e ?? afford 11 ? most effectual offset to I he force of chaos . ? ? i ;. ra? ny which a i ? playing so ? astrous a part n the fort me: of tin ' ; " : ' " of n ore than one pi ' ' world, I'he l" nited .-' '? s . ' ? - s. s ::..- ? ?? am pi ' del ? i ? y o f 1 w i and I h e 11 i ' 'moci e; d.u] ?: Systematic Method of Ex penditures Held n'ci d 11.;. o? disasti 11 ? ? ? ?? .. ? w a i has i? ? ? ?, ? ? " ? i. . given promise. 1 or! -, . . ? . ? bul evi . ? nil i.e.ii ... .-.....,? .. .-.,-.,. ,1 '....'. i s t -j ?, . ? . _? ' ' ' .. ' to ... ? ? r recover?, and pro ?'" .- . ' .. -' rtible recupera 'orce a! ru . : ", i .:?? pe pie. ' i?-. o? the.- : to prove that (|...| ? c; , . ? ..... ....... .. ..- -, . .,'.,. govern m i It ... t.. ni" that the lii -'. ': rd providing this : to me! . handling ? ci ' . ' I i tures and bi nging them o t fie .. .: tin i? ' be . n iry t rain tipoi n ne. , r i i'c -- t?te un easoiiable I :i ?rat ion in ot'ici i ords, u ivorkable budge I : ? and i r aspect full Dial tv,.:? ' - are essintia ? ?. .. aniel: not ml y ? . h : ppi'opri I ? n the hand .. ingle body, ich as a single appr.ipi committi ? in ,-...?:. ho ? of e Con .... -...;>. into with the i ' . ? : ment and L'n ' the United St a: t to need ; o? I it and [he resource.- from which it must draw if ?neo ne. Budget iiiH I- Vxlvocaled 'is an immediate Need 1 relu rlani ? to -. i . b .? I I, |1 . :1, ., ! py [he last ....'?. Congress ?ecau.-i I . . ? I u objection. i ti Ho ? l?epri . ... ? v ,?. , . ? .- ... (I . ,] ti oYder :o meel Ins injection. In ? '??? : e v ? ? ed form I bel ?c\ ?? hu I b , ipleil with ct :, ..:,'? ? ,ki -i by the Cougl ? ? i'"vise ! . .. : procedure, I'll 1 ;??:?. : ound !'<>! ..;?'"?"-?:..' h ulgp* -'y - r em. I '? ' ; ? : .-' ?? . therefore, tr?at o i tirs' i ..-i: ',;, the pri ? .?? '? t'oi - 'ess .vill o puss the '?.:.--i r:.-. ( ountry's I ?nances Have Shown Improvement : irked improvemei iri g ?he la \ i ar. 'I he total ord inar;.pi .-...,..., ,...; ? ', . . y,. le'd those !.. ? :??:.:. :. I on ?un ' ditures ?ii-cre: ed . ?: Mi.fHiO ? R(i,40?.0i 1,00 The a i>. bl ic de it, v.h ? eat :' highi I point on August . I. i I?, it it was i "5 OOl ,1100, il : opped N'ovembei 1?0, I') 0, ; u ! '. ' ? l,H 10. ? lias ? ' o .... ii ..,.?' crease in holdings of government wr.r e.curi ? y i i hunliini the cou ' :".'. .. ? ' . :' ? mo ? f billi held b m-i- Fed? eral P.esei i cured 1; >?: ' me if '.'? . ?' oh .:: ' 'i-i; >, ': :' i t unati : ? ult hu reijeved and left ? em '' ? to n,?i:c rriculturi ; : c o n i ?n e r i It : I.- ? ? e n d ti i . -. part to the reduc ? ? I , debt, ? pec i all; ? bu more pai c i the prove? .' ? ? :: ttioi of : . ? : e.i'i ecurities nmonn perman. or i. The cessatim o? t ? ? lil'' ow ?ng , . i. ' .: ? ' term certificat es of iii'li ? '..', . ? been a ma ei ?? gi ?-.. con equi nee to the copie o country, as we to the li and \ irv note nd lin mpi hearing oi (hi '? :? ul efT i redit con' r !. Measures Required to Meet Nation's War Dein ?y the progn ve - r,*i . : ...f i . ea ?:? i ?.? tl ?? do credit mai ?tel and fn m a posit '??'.: influence n I ?.trket. Thi f ture cour will i ? , ' i: , , ' ?! upon : he extent to '? ' arc prai ' . ' tl and upon tli ? burile! plac? i upon the Treas ui ?.-. ?is well as upon ir%'??: rial de ? lopmeni and t lu mai ?it.'!, mee ol rax receipts at a sufficiently high level. 1 : : :. lamentai fact w hich at dorn ?nates t he government's linancial - I ?ation is that sevi n and .. ? 'billions of it war ii lebted : ? mature within the next two and h ; ?. ?? i. ? Of this amount two on? an floating debt : : ? :. ? Viet i ? not ?and war i ' cerlilicati The ii ;,.'?.? : ? a . thi ...'':"-..:?? ?i cd will efei ence ' ?> these .... | . ' -, deman?l ... .'??: nm? ?:? r ?upend it urn ~ be ? ". ice I to n - .1 we ' amount w h ich will permit the va i inns se rvice ; to ? rat etfii ntl*. .. ; I hal go\ < i n : ? . " and *ah age ..'..'.? . kffickn tly i: igh to ? . ir '? rr? n i ". '?'i i rements, ' n . i nterest and - inking fun?! n the publie lebt and at ? : ret ire the float?ng mid pai . -in- Viet 17. loan n.itii Itigid E? tinomj N. ecssan To (Create Federal Surplus ??? ?. ?? opera! ons and ndequul ? rove r? in tu -.a' ?on, a surplus of cur :. ? over current pxpendi - Lu? i can I rea lized and : hould be appl .1 to the floating debt All bra ' . ? ol the government should ? rate to : ee t irai this program I c:: ii not ovi r.",' ... :.... | he i ece -? nf ???? inomy in government ap ? -s and e xpcndil uves and the avoidan? ? by the I Congress of practices which take money from * he l' i-a su i..' Uj indelinit or re*, olv ?ng i i appropriatioi . The esti? mate -. f? .- I he i resent year show that over : billion dollars ol ex pc-ndil :. re tuthoriz d bj I Ii ? ! ' , ? .....,.'?! 1 till .iint ? ? ' '.-. . y ? usual compiled .'..'?: ut ni pprop liions. I ' ;1 ' . ales tli . ? un ". making di rei t a nd ?;??.."..-, ? ?. oi The r In I be ? " ??? ' current receipts and curren - res ol the gave i ? i.:.-1 ; ?: . . - i: ?? pre 'lit r) cal year, ? a .? ? ' I a during 1 he last half of the is i iiseai ear, has bpc-n il ?st?rbet! by th ? ' ry burden!. lh rown : ' y,....,, [jj : trai sporta c-oi. tioi the re ? ' ? raili il ?o priv, I ? i . i ?,-,.: < ? ?oo, ' "??" ? ' ?..'-. unili ". O i ll.Onfl 'i',r;r..; th? ,?'??.' ? r an ? ?. ted thai ' il ' .: ' ' : : .? : . ' tig pOS '? ,(ii u.f-oo n.asi ' be made i to i during the current ' ' I! 7 '....-i !:..' ill" ie . . 'i have aire idy erii usl.v iv rn t's ,.: " - ? :, the tin uing ii-'"' : mm? dial e lloi ision ol ", i-. Laws Recommended ? :,, .. ; conn? . ! ??' ? .? ? n mo, ? I ice ity for an I ?ate coi leration of the ... r tn? laws Si m p ca i.e." and profit taxe: ? . . ' '. nimediate n ce.-isity. performed ... ndi ?" .' dui ng ' '. ?? '?? ar. The tiu-ii 'implit cal m, bow? er, i vet ? at, ?n o '.'? ' r,, i.iv,. ? : ... ' -payer ini ivcniei ce a i ' ex :.. in o rib-1 to make thi ; ia 7 it; m. ??? i ??: ? : : : ,.,! definite | ' r and more dt . led recommen datioi - will regard ... taxes will n. : ? - ? ? - '1 : . . nry und ! ;- ? ? : . i - ? " nal II ?. i*nu? ? in and 'I r? fitment of Disabled Veteran-* ! ry.yi) I ' : ? 7 irivilege to draw to flu : on .,; Cone res i f? t- n p . 1 ? ?(| : , . ,. ? ,. problem o : icilil for hi ? ' ? d t ? f former m m ? ? naval force ho an .:., led s the re i -Ipntion in the ws i '? - ?? ? 'i ? men an nevei be pa 7 . ..... ... .,;,,, ; , ,y ,, ?ol cally rende red : e. lation. Thei realiza! ... ' : ' . ? ' ' illiiical ?"' ': . ' i ril thi ? r-1 ::'(. md lideil ... ' ' -??:.. I'he r ,i ititnde rr.ii he efl'ectivel i ? ra led .. - ! , I he 'most ampl provision oi : r rii id cal ca re an treatment, ... for their \ ocn nal training and pi cei - I, ? time has com ? ". hen a mor co m ?il?'te i'i : . . ii be formulate and i . lis fact oi ily admi niste re ? i c i n at men! . n I traini ng, an ' earnestlj ui ge thai the ( longres ?ve i he matter it - early consider! Lion, The S?cr?tai v of the Treasur 1 and i in Boa rd for \ ocat tonal Edu? i Credit for Farmers Helo! lip in Senate Bv Lodge and Glass (?rotula, However, Says Back? ers of Kelicl' Measure Have, Enough \ ote? am! Art* De? termined to Have li Passed IIIN'GTON fier 7 Cndaunted urn o obtain i - ,,;?'? u< n Sei '?? si .i farmer - ?? ?? '?' ? II, pi.',,-.' - Of thi ' : ? announced t " ntion . : g their pffui is to bring tl ii to a vote. Chairmn: ' , ... tl ?innate a ?. i nmittee di ared ? . ??? ? i< ,. :; ,,??..,,;..:,,.,.,.,-. I o pas 1 . ? le ten wd to i ' Objfii '. 5 a tor Lodge, ? ; tai riusel il r G ! ; , 15 '? i i 11, ? i f V i i ? ? ?ib ttion n reeling rev: : ' '.'? ; I . . .' ? ? at i ? . ? ?? n ': of ? ? ? y- ti he !!? ? ? hud i.o heei . ... i -I. , ? ,,, -, ? ,- ,?:?'?;.. ' ;gi ? . ' hat in ifiu-i of : '.'?:.? . ? avil '. '? ? f n:< the farmei il .-I'.-.l .....,:;.,.. ,.. ? . ri',g) v tnki'i ru ? ? r- h y omm?ttee wii .... ? :%l . nf the Seriate ?. Id ..??? . ... len um of i o lioi iialoi ' ' ; ;. l!i?| - I .. the i .tin 111 f i '.'?' "old 1 . ' lutiun now i ... : i' cm - . -.,-.'? time bj ut ?>r bj .. rity vote r the Si nat- Its n night thi ;.' ;- >pe?| to ' '.??.'?.. , (j cted un . i ? ? . not to confli. ':??' regulator) I? gi a ? ? come up I... moi row as '?fini hed h n i.'."- u. ! he .-? nute Agrie lit ire Committee, '? h ii n ' epoi ted the renolul on in '? he will i-.-"':m" heal . ng? - o n rrow, v/i( h ;? v lew ol devi ii? i thi r n m ?id tal l?gi ? :-.? on foi Uie pi odm er? Tobacco men from Virgin a ire espeel ed to b? ear?! 1 a mon o?.r Si-nat** Inquiry lnl?i f!ahi<* Tanglfl to Iti-gin Decemhcr 15 WA? HINGTON, Dec 7 luv ? ? Ion ol ' 1 ?- whole mibje? I of ruh t? lu nd I Ing ? he I 'rut.iol Si ate ?. and mcru pa rticul ? '?? th? tree ent '?- ' ? ?? ??? the State Dei a rtment and th? Wt -?-. Union Telegi a))i ( um pan; ; i .,..: dit;-' l a n d i n g o I i i i : I ? ? ? ?. I ' mi, Fla., wil I be b ':": n on December I '? >> a sub-comm ? t< ? of the Sena Le Inti r stat v Ci imitiere ? Gomni it tee. Senator Kellogg, of Minnesota, cha i rman, announced lo-da; thai Nor? man II. Davis, i er Seen tnry of State, at b Carltoi pn ; . ? . i, ; t he W i' -? ern ' nion, probablj would be the first witne: Hani: Credit for Farmers To Mold ('nips Opposed IX I) I AN A POLI S j'. ' .... or V. . ?7 (7 H i , ho l-'i d. : il ?7 ... ..? Hi ai 7 add) -ssing ai u? convention I r? ? d of i An Eui m Bureau 1''i rat i d< eiared thai ? .?? , Liai credit ?! i ... ',i-ii .? ! i .-'.,? ? and 11 ? ? .7 .... hi" - ??? ' ' ' '. I . . :'.??? pi no o I law pr I ... 'encircli ' '?''? rid." a ?! w? . ? alono by the American armci ibei '?' ? '? Federal It [loai :." ?!.' cla ed Covernor II ha ?? ?? keen y m p? I '- 'or the 'a r inn . the.ii ' predicament, and arc di ?rou of ib i . ? '? ?' ' ' ' ng they i ? ' ?.::'??;? .' : 7 -,...,.? . ? ?oh . ;. ; ? em : in ? . . -.ever, for any bn y ? n ? ?! pro vi th fui ; : ? wil holdiiif al tapie crops eut irr ly from rket foi iny b ngt 5 of ; ime. The ,.... i. oui great tapie c rops is so large and their ? :?'.\?" <o great thai any . ?'? 5 ? ? ? to '.j lori :e them by means of Ijanl credits would ?nevi ably result in , ? ? to the community in general ! to :i:e farmer especially. " ! ; i - . -? ??: year o " physical plent y, ,,'.i he fai ".ei ' troubles ari ;e from ,,:?,,?: d*ning. ment \ The dee!ine in price ? < , al njjii?ultu?;-i! staples has heen ..." mark d, ;.nd some ? lay not he salabii i the pre icnl ei rcumsi anees ? : v price. ? "m . nmodities, of , i ; ?? , ' . 5 over for iic ? . , r . 'i ? one, and hey had better be C'.il'l ? .. nil of the pi'O : . . ' c;i ?blata .. ,. if these ? taph a ? ;. : ui , .bilize. the m tire it i \i i ng fo predict the fu ? ? re ce '. ( love rnor Ii rdi ng d I ' I that in a hort t imc farm ] odu ' d ath or prices er gi . woul '?? line, lie sis,. tl ill e co it of i ng next year ' ? ?: . certain to ic gi ea' 1 y reduced." SJergdoll l't*o!?<? ( rged in Hous** WASHINGTON, Dee. 7. An investi? gation by the House .Military Commit? tee t,, Iix re pon ibility for the escape o? (?rover ? .. land Lie rgdoll, draft r, : propo '??.: ?n a resolut ion in iced lo-day by Representative Rlaiil ? . Di mocrat, of Texas. /"$b\ "The Trousseau /r X\'$)y , //nine of America' Christmas Gifts Lace Centre Pieces Chaise Longue Covers Italian Lunch Sets Comfortables and Blankets Monogrammed Auto Robes Prices No Higher Than Elsewhere Grande AImson de Blanc FIFTH AVENUE. 44il. and 4r>t!, Streets - ? tion will outline in their annual re ' ports proposals covering medical care and rehabilitation which, 1 am sure, will engage your earnest study and command your most generous sup? port. Must Make Rural Life Attractive, Aid Marketing Permit me to emphasize once more the need fur action upon certain mat? ters upon which ? dwelt at some length in my mrssag? to the second session of the 6tith Congress: The nece.s ;ity, for ? ?sample, of encourag? ing the mam fa? turc of dyestulfs ai I related chemicals; the importance of doit g everything poisible to promet" agi ?cultura i i lu? tion long ? ? nomic lini ;. ro improve agri :ul1 ural marketing and : ? make rural %" more .- ?:? ici .'.- and healthful : the need for a law regulating cold storage in iieh a way as to limit the time dur? ing .vh it .. goods ma ' in- kepi ::: stor? age ... i .i.Ti hing the me I ho i of ?lis po ng ni" the m if kept be o nil tl permitted period and reiiuiring goods reli a ied from : i ora; e in all eases to I ear i... date of their receipt. It would be most serviceable if it were provided that all goods released from cold storage for interstate ship merit should hi'..'.- plainly marked I upon each package the selling or ; market price at which they went into storage, in order 'h.u the purchaser might be able to learn what profits stood between him and the producer or the wholesale dealer. License for Corporations; Cost Price on Packages Indeed, il would be very service ? abb- to the public if all goods des? tiner! for interstate commerce were made to carry upon every *'acking case whose form made it possible a plain statement of the price at ?? : . 11 they left t ie hands of the producer, 1 respectfully call your at tition ;.%. to tin' ret-onimondattons the m i ? ; ge .' ? : ? rretl i o with i'p> gard i , a Federal license for all corpora t iona engaged in> t i iiunorcc, ! n brie1', the imm?diat e legj lati ire need of thn 1 ?me - the reir.i val of al ! obstacle - to the reali; ai ion of the best ambitions ? our p ople :n ' their several classes of employment and the ?Ii engt honing <-r all instru n ?? calf t .-s by which difficulties are i" be met and no oved and jusi ice dealt out, whei hei by law or bv i ie form of m.'i! ?ation ind on liation 1 do not feel it to be my privilege at present to suggest the detailed and ? .' ;?: n ho : - ii-. \ hich these ' ? ' ' i.. ?' be at! :. but ! have foith th it the inquiries of y irr sev? eral immiti q? ??? will di ?.cover the way and the method. Suggests Congress Granl Loan to the Armenians i n i er...r. -e to what 1 bel: e I i be " in..- of .-. m pal h y ..'"i opin ? ion ti ? . hou th United St tes, 1 ? y suggest ' hat the Coi gros - i the Ti .-;. i. ;. of the ?Ii ?ted State to m: ke I > i he t r iggling gov? ernment of A vn-.i nia such a loa was mi .ie to ????> era! of ! he Alii :d govern ncnts during the war; and ? would .7 j uggi ,: thai t would i c tie.? rah ? to provide in th tion itself thai the expenditure of ' '?" :. :' ?;.' : loai liould be tuler ie i-apervisioi a eomn slon, or at lonsl a cor m mer, from the United Sia; -. in order % ?it r?v? olu! ionary tendencies wi thin Ar? men i itself m ght no! be afford? d by ' ho ' ..:; a further ten ptii I r: iniiy. Independence for Philippines! ('. -\ Must Keep lier Promise "?? ru? ' ' cal! your attcnt ? ? to that the people of t : Ph 7 pine I ?land ? hai i u? :?., ?ntaining .. -??:. ? govern! i? nt ?inc tin i ? ?ictiol of Liu1 ' '?-,-;. ' ' " n their behalf, and liavi i ' ongre . ,-.,? p rec de: : ta a cot d era! m ? ' granting indi pe idem ' ' - ,.'... ! n ';.-. ? ? illj ihmit thi. onditioi ,':. leu bi en fulfilled, it ; no ,v our libel t ; and ou duly o keep our proi : to tin people of th .- amis bj ra i I then th n.'lopeii ?' ? ? h ich ? n o rab?; covel : ?ve not -i tel ii,! before 'ou a s") ?es of recoi i inondations, gen; ?en en, as S" :;..,; to m ter a con ? e ion of l'ait h, of th? aitb n wh ?? i ! v, as h r? d and which il m y s'olem n p i.o stand bj u my !as1 tight ?n?r daj. I believe this to be ' he t'a ?1 ii of America, : he faith of th? ?' ;? ? .. tl . all the v .? ' o ric ?.'. hich awail nal ?onal act ion in the days to come, whether ?u Amer,ca or els ewhere. Porch Talks on League Begin Next Sunday Hoover Will Be First to Discuss Foreign Policies With Mr. Harding; Root and Hughes to Follow >iew York Visit Possible Next White House Mistress to Come Here on Shopping Trip Before Inaugural From ?? Staff i'orrexpondent HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 7 ion board 5 mat ir Harding's 'rain en route to ' !.. ? m).?Ci mfortably =ett led in a heavily upholsterecr armchair in a cor-i ner of his private car to-night Senator Harding, who left the capital to-day for Marion, delayed perusual of an armful of afternoon newspapers containing President Wilson's Congressional mes? sage long enough to say that his two j days :n Washington had been thor? oughly satisfactory. And this approval probably includes his White House visit late to-day, when he left his card and Mrs. Harding'.-?. Certainly it ex? tends to his farewell to the Senate yes? terday. Most of the members of the Sen | ate, many Representatives, including 1 Speaker Gillett, Sir Auckland Geddes, the British Ambassador; General Nel? son A. M lies, and a host of others shared Senator Hardmg's time to-day in a series of overlapping calls at the McLean home in High Street, a few blocks from the White House. i'he really important conferences, how? ver, were held last night at th'j home of Senator Harry New, who en I tertained al dinner Senator Harding, Senator Lodge. Senator Knox, former Senator Weeks, Harry Daugherty and a I few other guests. There the services and ambitions of many Republicans probably were considered and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to this dis 1 ?ngui ?heil ju ry. Enjoys Chat With Nivelle Senator Harding spoke of that din ner to-night, but he revealed none of the decision--. While he was there Genera! Nivelle, the defender of Ver? dun, culled to pay lus respect., and for three-quarters of an hour was ? .?'il by Senator Harding about ?hi? part ?n the war. "We had a delightful visit." said Senator Harding. "I asked him all about Verdun and he told me many . p.teresting things. I'd like to see . more o:' h?>.:.." Herbert Hoover is coming to Mar 1 on next Sunday to talk to Senator n ..".' n : about the new foreign policy United States, and this con? ference ??:'?'.'? mark the beginning of the new Harding front-porch cam? paign. Senator , lar, ling said that who were coming soon were Kliitii Root, 15 tries Evans Hughe -, former Pr?sident Taft and George Harvey. Tr?ese conferences with Americans of all parties wiil be con cluded by 'lie first of the year. So by ' ?? .ime s. .:.?.,:? Harding is in augurated he probably will have a definite proposal ',? make to the other ; great nations for a scheme of inter ?ii nal cooper: on and, moreover, ir o ? a proposa :: '?'.?' ich he will be ired of the i pport of the Senate. Still Kettccnl on Cabinet Se lator Ha rd ?ng pointed out to :. , .? thai ' Pre hi, :,: Wilson who ,vill call ?: e Senat : ni . - p..vis ; s ? ion ; ? confirm the C binet that the , esident-elei mu ! select to replace . ?A :. m .us ??;-'. Senator Harding . olutelj .... mmuni? ative about Cabinet selectioi bul insist??? ? gai . day thai no place ha\e been n Kr.o'c, howi ver, is mentii ned greu deal r.s : ?? next head of the i . :? D. Hiles, of New \'< rk, '. ? Cab net possibility. There .-, ,i ?nci easing I ?ke! ?hood that Harry : " will be named Attorney ral. Will Hays, because of his iplendid ability as an organizer, may !.,, urged by Senator Harding to become !.. tmaster General, especially as Sen? ator Harding in bis campaign speeches tressed the need of a thorough re lization of the Postoftice Depart? ment. Frank 0. Lowden, of Illinois, it is generally agreed, is going to have %&& Pi54*Sl36 **> Sfi? 3WtltJb>ri*??^ 4?1? ?no 4&*Mni% Feature Today For Personal Wear or Gift Purposes Handsome Evening Gowns Simple and ?laborai" effects, headed and embroidered. Formerly $ 1 50 to $345 at $9 5 ~$ I 25 to$ I 9 5 Luxurious Evening Wraps Sumptuous fur-trimmed effects in soft rich velvets and metallic brocades. Formerly $295 to $350 at $1 95? $245 Rich Fur-Trimmed Suits Of soft new fabrics with luxurious fur trimmings. Formerly to $250 at *95?*l 25 to H 75 Fashionable Day Coats & Wraps Smart new models for all manner of daytime wear. Formerly $150 to $295at*95--* I 25 to* I 95 Street, Semi-dress and Dress Hats A wide variety of attractive styles. Especially priced at $1 5 and $25 AIME DUPONT STUDIO Announces that the well known pho? tographic establishment founded by Aime Dupont in 1888 and formerly at 547 Fifth Ave., is now conducting its business at 6 EAST 46TH STREET All negatives made sine the establishment of this business are it: our t os session. We have no connection with any other photographic - tudio. IV!. Yanderbil. t>2?.i Sittinas ;it Your Home a Specialty a Cabinet post, po ibly Secretary of, War. Former Senator VVeeks, who was one :' the five men who were tiie ex ei utive body of the national committee during the campaign, is being talked! of for either the Treasury or the Com? merce Department. Because he is a graduate of the Nava! Academy there has been a great deal of talk of his being made Secretary of the Navy, but that now seems unlikely. Sutherland May Go on Ilench Former Senator Sutherland, of Utah, who played a conspicuous role at Marion when Senator Harding wa. working on his League of Nati#ns cam? paign speeches, may be given one of the vacancies on the Supreme Court bench that are expected to follow the inauguration of Senator Harding, The Harding party will breakfast in the morning at White Oaks Farm s? guests of Dr. C. E. Sawyer, who ac? companies the Senator on all his trip-. The farm is about three miles M arion an i the : ra ir, will be halt e there for breakfast. Some time soon New York to get -i chance to see Mrs Ua She is going there to shop preparatorj to t he round of entei tainm mus? participate in during the inaug? ural ceremonies. In that connection Senator Harding was visited in Wash ingtoi to-day by William R Willcox, j who brought an invitation for the j President-elect to speak at the dedi? cation of the old Roosevelt homestead on Fast Twentieth Street on Janu? ary G. The invitation is one that ap? peals to Senator Harding very much, and if it can be arranged there j-< :?. possibility of his accepting the in? vitation. Mrs. Marshall Entertains Mrs. Harding at Luncheon WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. Mrs. War ten G. Harding, wife of the President? elect, ivas the guest of hi nor at a luncheon given to-day h\ Mrs. Thoma 1!. Marshall, wife of the Vicc-Presi The luncheon in the Set,ate office bu : ;ng, attended by about forty wivi -' of Senators and other officials, was th i second social affair for Mrs. Harding during her two-day stay in Washing? ton, Mrs. Wilson, wife, of the Presi? dent, having entertained her at tea al the White House yesterday Senate Looks Askance on Wilson's Appointments President Sends In Eon?; Ei*t? hut Many W ill >?*t B-* Confirmed From The Ir bune - Washini ton liurea . WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. President i Wilson sent a long list of reces; ??: pointment - to the S nate t? -daj. They i will not all he confirmed, according to the plans of th? Republican headers. , and mo? I of 1 lie place v, ill ; ? by Republicans after March 1. Jus what confirmations will be given are ! not yet clear. Of course, party lim will not be drawn , t i army promo? tions. Senate leader? sai?! there was no I concerted pian for holding up the ap pi utment . but it was clearly indi? cated that the chances for the Wilson appointees passing muster, as a rule, were decidedly slim. Going bark to the ? on just before the Wilsoi Adm came into power, Republicans that Democratic Senators held up I everything. IF nee, t : e Repu :' .-i ?ustilied in ret a ?al r g. The appointments sent in to-day were in all departments of the govern ment. Three of the appointees ar?? members of the Interstate Commet-,? Commission. They are Henrv Jone, Ford, of Princeton, X. J.; James Dun can. of Quincy, Mass., and Mark tt Potter, of New York City. They in' elude, too, the appointees'to the Shir" ping Board and David C. Wills of Ohio, to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board. Two of the appointees are assistant secretaries of the Treas ury. S. Parker Gilbert jr. and Nichol? K. ?ley, of New York. " The list of promotions in the War Department included eleven brigadier generals to be major- generals. .Sen?. tors lave declared their purpose to give this list close examination.1 Once more the President sent in the a i:>". John SI William. as Comptroller of th.'' Currency. *\jr "' ? "and" hi ave to v . ?ato wh? n the new Ad ministration comes. Colby Not Instructed To Snub the Argentin? f ? .. The Tribune's Wa: M-r ?? m B?rrau WASHINGTON, D? c. the government of Vrgei i , lug( o f i t s' w i t rawa Nations is to be made b> 1' Wilson directing Secretary of State Colby to cancel his contemplated visit to Buenos Ayr'--;, it wa? indicated to? day at the State Depart:!-' It was pointed out thai Secretary Colby had been dispatched to the South American capitals to ret irn t e rour. t.esy of calis male to this government by Latin-American diplomats, and that no directions would be dispatc ed to him to alter the original ? ^^^^ BARKIM6 SMOt-iNOMlXT,..,,,.. \$M EVER BITES I DEALERS * Jf I dollar and 5 minutes will opon an accounl in Special interest I1' Come in today and see how simple we have made i'. MERCANTILE Trust Company 115 BROADWAY Membi r ol I r-tii :r?l Resen ffloyt's Service, Inc. newest J2 mi Street. A' YC BOSTON CLCVSLAND *M>OI MC r iriO pjjuiii u niw>?aji wa msi il ii SCHOOL-DAY! ARE JOY-DAYS for youngsters whose bodies are made strong and sturdy ?exercise an is stut tuffed with foods that ave Been roDDed of min? eral salts is a dull boy. Shredded Wheat is the perfect food for growing children because it contains all the brain-maiting, tissue building material in the whole wheat grain. Abreak fast of two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with hot milk gives a zest for study and play costs only a few cents. '??&?&? "x.v i n\V?-v**? i?IS &