Newspaper Page Text
Congress Sec k KemedL s ?o ?r Business E^ ils Both Houses Deluged With Measures ! hat \in* to Afford Relief to Vari? ous Classes of t?ir Puhli f.raiu i'ills for Farmers Co-operative Marketing Plan Suggested to Aid Con? sumer to Lower Costs WA? H N*< "?? '" '? ? Bj he As ' ' I con met hods to a ? ? ng normal bu ulitions ai ? ' ' w .' " ..; rit?, m - bei I Means I - ? would n ' i ' ' o-niorro? program with :t I The t pumbi 'id v pre ? ? . and t | ? sonn ' ? ' neraily, 1 ' ' ' -I ? '..!' ?:ona! attei turned to ? of ( n ihr Senat 1 Hou lieve t! can be accomi . ?:: ."..r " brief i, bul they are ? ? erreed i the .1: il t coramitti ' ? . . ? i c l . n afti - Man ?'. next. Many Expedienta Offered The Ways I i ? ?. .. will have before ? i. of pro? posals, 1 already dropped in the Senate i - measures * tar: if and agricult ? ' to aid ? ? Some ? ' cteil ?.-' uld direct < essioi ' '? ? such measures w? - a i entod la; . tal lason, l'e ? a se ? and a ? - Governor ; and Federa! o; .' Mason's resolut now were i . '.. ;' -? n to d . ? ? . ? . . - pa I this sable income ? . Re? ntativi [?car., i ? ' : taking mone; paid : to be ? Several Grain Bills Introduced te in large i I ? - ning or : ? ? ' - nat - . for ' irai n legislation, fou ? Senator Mc - to ] ? ? im ...... n and roducts ties, ai '. ? . ntmeni ?? ' mission to tem ' ' . ?.'?'?. j.. n house 1 taking .' : ??-.-";:? cro;ja and .' the sai iring f his prod acts ?'? the stated object Represi tai - ? : tophei ? . ' pro] : : .vn ? ... it her?? Int? i fitii-S ?::'?...? the CVn-i onal D l" - . ? ? .1 ;: ; ... ... ?? ' .-? o Ihe i ?<? : , : a ? ? ... ,.. ? . , . : . ? ... ? ' ' ' ' !y \l :-.- : ? 7 ? 1 lasl \ '?.'-.: '. An ? : , ,,-?????? | ' i that the in ' '.' 'ective and had been irne.i to thi r\ to c 'rrec! ion 10-Cenl ?Carfare Demand in Jersey Held I p h\ Board Public Service Co. Seeks Permission to Raise Levy From 7 Cents, bul Utilities Commission Rejects Plea ? ? ' ! in Now ' ' a* thi .. ,., ... ? ? . . rtheri \'ev .1 ersr-v, ?:.?.:? ' . i the r-.'.blie. Utili ties Conn : nr-rn on to , ? rg? I ccnl v frei rans ?T? ct ve ?Innni ;. !. ' ' :i ' ? ?? i ' I 1 seek; ion I rai -v ' ;~ " price ol 1 ? Irons' ? ckets ? to 5 cents. Th< nl ' : - - i cents, with a one ..... addii nal charge for I ra? si e r The !' h : C mmission an E>d that ' I refused to enter tain the p] n, I ak ing th? : ? could ?: d act until th? ,. - ' ?tatus of n embers recei tly oust? ed "- C vi rnor V. ? deterin ined ie 7 ? :. .? Co - - Thi c * 'fore, ''?'.?'. the 7 ? ? ? ... ?. . ? .? ... the prose?!. ndei Ih? ? it "? ". : ": ounced. the del?*, c m d continue for more n three n L'p 7 August I, 1018, the '% -. i -in pa ??.-. opei '. ? oi a '. -ce nt fa r basis, v ?' c .? ?-..:. '. i - ' ? ; ' . ' d ? ? ??nr.rpv ? ? ? '. ? a ! iltimatel .:??'.: 7-ccnt far I-ce ? ial ? r ? ? , . . ,,...? | x,,,.,. .. ,. ?. ,,.. ,.,. . . y stem, but t c ? i ? ,'.. ? ? for r rate the ex tra : enny foi : vilege. pat ' T it '" ' ? last - ' said thru the N'ew .Ter -. . at? I ::..;?? es had, by referendu make I : . prevent an- incn . ? ? ? ? pv fin .?"Ubftft LtrfrKM-tfV-s A- "'-''?' / ( ? Genuine Cowhide Bags 1G. IT or IS in. sizes. Brow n 3r black. F til leat! er bras ? ."' ? Reinforce i leather corners. Three divided pockets. Main Floor. "Your Dc?:r!mcnt Store" Blooming Navajo Rm; ,o macie :/;/ I !a.vs ttIlUiuuL? D, all? -? &Lrju|p J/Sv^i ILV-P - ^ .. '? <..-.' ..' ? ?? .., -' - 2 "'- - \ - " .2-' PC . ? ? r ~ are ?. \ atU a?a :tlve f?fr:o - r ?- r: -'???'''- '- jy .. - --'- -*..-, *?. ^- <-? f^^r' " ' * e^ Display o?r ! lavajo Ri OT! rtfVfe?son clbcnut Jfift? S?enuc 34trj ?no 35'fi %\xtv \ j?fli* "orh. >4tf*>OWMMflaMMMMVWI,rl mmjrw u.fllll ? IIIIWIMWIIIMWlWIIIIfiWill'lll M II 'I ?I?> ? "UTTm r~~* Lost? Found! ? FTui dr< -; ' ' b)i : re ! . ' : nd I ti it] cvei /? in thi gr?ai cil y i f ou i* . II' you ; of 1 ho '? ? ?: ??'' ' nali ly ! ;? h ??' <?- J - ;', did you ? v r 1 hink i hat il n my lie a \ b ?ne re,: dci who wn \ t he luck y find? r ? 'I hi? Tribun? 11 ador : . i< ok ing : 'or yo ir adv r emenl n 1 I i bui Lost & Pound ( 'ol- | umria or hai in rted one to locate you. S I/)b1 & Fo nd adv< rti: emenl ? can be tele- I phoned to The Tribune, Beekrnan 3000, or '; taken to any of The Tribu -' Wanl Ail. agent? Coi eniently loraU-d ri .? |? oari.s of greater New York, at N< wsdeal? ? , CJ'gar and ?. '.? tal ionc? ?/ S1 or< , etc. | ? i - ?- .;. 0 and .".O?O ':' O M ?re ? !Need I ?or y.. Government ??;,-??? ; ... Th: Trib me '.N'Y. N 5 .. ? .o. Y. Automobil n i' I.-?''? ' ;> - t si .?:..i. r an .." nal tax burdcn next year in order I enable the s; ate to obi i i n needed revenue. Finance experts, af? ter going over the appropriation re ? ?:. ' ibmitted to the legislative Financ : C unmittee, have c ?ncl : .ni that GoM-rror-elect Miller will not be able ti bring the ex pen litu res for the ; ext 5- cri] year witl in I he ? 125.000 000 ex ; ' ? . revenue. T . ;? as sert ; hal the lea i ' amoun t ni eded will be around $1 19,000,000. To meet this, ' here i s :he ant ici pat ed revenue of $ ! 55 OOO.i 0, pltu $1 5,1., 000 :?: this year's irp and $-1, ( 00 i "'i si :. aside for Highway Depart :: .". .-, bui lefl intact beca ise labor a ? ? eria costs mi ule exte i ?ve con? duction . nadv sable immi r. Th : 3 es a total of $1-11.0 i,i 00, hort by ' j ,000 of the amount co nsidered r.eei - ?r.i ?,. T ?? estion made last week by [1 ?.:';.' .*d. Sage, of A ;>..: ' r 1 lirinai i ' the Senate Financi ' ' m ir.itti. e thi the automobil l ; beai the o ol ma intenance of I he ? ., ?? lighwaj I : taken root, and it is ': n . :.. : t , > i ?::':? the .i ' li.i.o the '. tie Nc-'.v Yol -Ni w Jei ' '?' h. i I ? ' i . ." ,Ti 0.00(1 : :? '? .n ." claims; - I t v.. -.' ; .onus . ? ? ?..::: o! ..!'." ' ' . :. - for i . Li L u ti nal C :...'.:.. t :; u '. ?V?aid's Fancy Changes Al Verge of the Altar Jack Stengle, a young mpo of the Bronx, was to have married Miss Cath ? rine Lillian Meye r, of 7.-1 \.ber leen Street, Brooklyn, yesterday, and for 'that purpose had made an engagement to meet her at the Brooklyn Marriage ; ?? Bui eau ye iti rday mon ;ng. He w: - late, but i.t made 10 difference, an; waj. for v> h ??? e arrived he found Catherine had changed her name to Mrs. Walter- Firschl'ng I':.' marrying :: n : her. \\ alti r' I ome is at 2308 ' dpa Avenue, Ridgewood. Catherine and lack had renewed pledges of undying 1 ive last Sunday night and agreed to meet yes? terday,. But ? atherine recokr.ed with? out i he possibil it y r.? meet : ;::.? her old admirer, Walter, in the mean '-me. She telegraphed Jack not to bother about meet ng her, because she hr-d given hoi hi art : o anot hor, But -1 ack failed to r(-r the teleg ram in time. His sis ? ? -, Ella, '. itn? ed the marr age of he r p.rst .vhi le intended sister in -law to her brother's rival . : : au t h s s i1 P1?? -'??. t? - 1 3 ?v. lepublicai ? Form Ci ? di m :;?(?' i- N e - lid Ki Pur?v 1)5 ','. T ? New Jersey W -.. n's R ce n < lub ws -" ? rg n : ; ye: i ; ? at a i ? .::.;? at th ? il ! :" Tri t fl tel in N? w.irk, at t end? i by ab ut " w m ? n, enting every section or tito tato A - ? 100 men atb n ie ! ths nu ting. Mrs. Lillian F? ic rt, of P ai iel 1, m em I er of the R,] bl ica n N-tio a! Com? ' I e, presid? 1, ai d ami ng th ? peakers n re e? : ' vernor E. C, Stoki -, Mrs. An h ir Livermore, Na? ti mal Comn itt e wo man from New York; Mrs. Jennie Van Ness, of East Orange, one of the two women elected this year to the New Jersey Legisla ' . n . and Mrs. Flor -ne,: Ran ; I leader of Republican colored women of New Jersey. Telegrams were read from Vice Pn >id mt . lect Calvin D, Coolidg . W 11 ii. Hays, Senators Frelinghuj ?? and Edge, and members of the Re pul can National Committee. Mrs. Feickert said that N. w Jersey ? was the first state to recognize, b i that in all stales women realized that , the huge women's vote which was cast for Harding in November was largely temporary. In order to hold f. . i : -3 ?. ^??MMM?ia??m^ :mM^M? ? e?-i > ?. /*?'-?*. I ei ,'v >***. v ' " -~*~-?p. TELLER &,CO. ?? ?? '} . / *f\ ?rr^ps-i ? FIFTH AVENUE AT ??? STREET CONTINUING TODAY ANNUAL DECK of FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Fur Coals. Evening IVraps, Caper, Mantles ?acqueties, Stoles, Neckpieces, Muffs "? '.. :*-'V s .' 8 \{ /^^-';%^...^/ Greatest Values Ever Offered ?fi. .'-? >v-^':':/?. '?.'?', /i3 TV?;.'?; Annual Fur Event % .?. ' ?.>?. s?:\'A ?-?%,. v.v.?^ _ %;% -1" ' . ?1 ?* . ?- >-. '%V y .;?> , -, -* r --;%?-?' ? . v;% ^ i /.?-'i' ?*, ' -.'.?;?'??4 s %\ ?7--'7,.-:.,. V ? ,>.. ' .'? :;. ;;... - 13 V'-;7i%:#:74 if if ^ -.<vc ?? 4??l- ?- %%'?: ?? I?* __-T ... %??%%% . ? tii'4 '-;: ?? '??'' ' ",-%.i. ?-s / .-1.-ri.'p>>^"-<V '? */"$ V'- '??,'?"' -:7.-'i- -.- '"' :** f ?89 V i v II ? 4 i Collars of Taupe Nutria 195.00 Formerh) 205.00 i lurtv -inch long flare box model Hudson Seal Coats Collars and Cuffs of Skunk, Beaver, Squirrel 350.00 Formal}, 550.00 I. hirly-six inch long model. -it I '?\? m % $ ? Taupe Marmot Coats 56 inch long lull flare box model with bell Formerly 125.00 85.00 French Seal Coats 36 inch long model, large collar, belt to mat< h. Foormerly 225.00 145.00 Trimmed French Seal Coats 36 inch long model, with skunk or beaver collar. Formerb 350.00 225.00 Scotch Mole Wraps 45 inch long model of fine selected matched pelts. Formerly 605.00 475.' 0 Natural Squirrel Coats "A) inch long model of dear blue Siberian pelts. Formerly 550.00 .00 Natural Squirrel Wraps 45 and -IS inch long models of clear blue Siberian pelts. Formerly 1150.00 785.00 Hudson Seal Wraps & Capes 45 and -? i in :h 1 ns: models with large shawl collars. Formerly 695.00 475.00 m ? 7 7 T 7 C*_1 1 i ximme H udso n :. c i ; 45 and 4 ? inch Ion model" v'1-, natural TV-. r>s r ?r.'ne 750.00 Enfin Stock of Rare Fur I. icij,, , Coats c ycs Urn- ': :il Mink - Bl ck C, r. cul Er. I ?. : -?-. . ., Cl' ri 7(5.50 2 SA O r:k 2950-.h 22.50 35.00. 25.00 39 50.Na : 25.00 35.00.Scotch Me le.29.50 35 co 18.30.A ustralian Opossum.35-co 35.00.Natural Squirrel.37-50 women in the Republican ranks much ? ,'... : o-n ? r: ition wei n? ces ? , n'- , : is vork the women voters ? Ttair. ?- . do. .? ; ??? ??'-? rt w s e'ected pre.sid nt; 8 ?' "-.'.?-? iro, si c ro Abate P Tax Pr Fulili F ? ~": ?? Ti ?' -..'.? n fl .-?? ??. illNGT N. Dec i Business fi - '. e :: .i lis!.s - 't are s '. relief :'r;rr. C : _ ?? ?s in payi ? r f:t an i income ' -s wer : n ch evidence at : ? Ci toi to-day :i!e their di:r cultie ? \?, ere '? ?" i : w.t'" 5yr.' p ithet ic e v- y ni m b. the Senate Fin nee C ir : ? rman Fordney of ti e House Ways ": ear ? C remit: ee, it b< came c - ?':'.t n.-. legislative aeti n for their re? ib :' will be forthcoming. The delegation o? b..sines9 men had ?' ? them the text of a proposed House joint resolution to amend the excess profits tax law in such a way ..... ? ?DAQVFVr ? G * s\ ' ?*-k ??1 0Ui)KO,l; krV 26 BEAVER ST. & ?4-16 S.V. ILL!AX1 5T. - ? - ? - ?. trrrr-rmr permit 'he losses in inventor ?s " !. 5J be : . It. .[?:-.. I ? urns, Thi e?Tect wi ...: be ? 3? mees, beca ase of the irge re 5 ,?? ns in val ?es f nvent i -, I ' ? '??-' taxi ' \ ers of p: \ :. of " . fourth inst lment, due December 15. Cum' ", 'ting chairman < f the Sei ,: i ? : the vis : hey wou i lit tne 1 reasury g acnon .\ as fea ?. . . ? ? rs of tho delegation ^Broadi?ay unan ait >4th Street Har? Arranged for Wednesday a Special Presentation of Women's Wraps, Street anc Sport Coats <*' 29,50 Wraps for afternoon and evening wear, developed in Pullman Velvet in dark and bright shades ? also practical street coats,smartly belted and carefully tailored, produced in duvet de laine, and silver tone, with collars of self material or scalin-c; also sport coats that will give splendid service, made of suede-like cloth, lined with corduroy. Two styles pictured*. Fourth Floor An Important Clearance lie of Misses' Sui At Radically Reduced Prices Strictly tailleur and handsome fur-trimmed suits, each tailored with extreme care and silk lined. Sizes 14 to 18. bllitS Formerly ?45.00 . . . Reduced to JL^J SllitS Formerly $75.00 to $85,00 Reduced tc 4*0 StlitS Formerly $125 to $175' Reduced to 75?00 Fourth floor Misses* Velvet Frocks Greatly Reduced The season's most beautiful models, elaborately trimmed with silk duvctyne, silk embroidery, and iridescent beading. Colors: Malay, black,and navy blue. Sizes 14, 16 and 1 S yrs. Frocks Formerly "$50.50 . . . Reduced to 39.50 Frocks Formerly $75.00 . . . Reduced to 49.50 Fourth Floor Voit y Uli, '*'. ?"' ' Q Cil b \ y ill c i~*j ?r en m n six [ . ctty Pra. ? - : ?bambi -, checke : i pi; il ?neb ? dels. Trimmed - ith buttons,.; outhful belts, and collars and cufts of contrasting color, many with gay touches of hand embroidery. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Second Floor