Newspaper Page Text
Pipes of finest Imported Bri?x Root. No Paint i\o Varnish Pores open to absorb moist? ure. No break- t! ing m. Each Pipe Perfect and JtllV <f/rH ,. ^ v5Z3Mt2ES3f 4 Fifteen Shopping Days Before Christmas MAIL ORDERS FILLED. PIPES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. BAR? 41 BARCLAY ST. Corner of Church This Page W .Hi Help Solve Mam of Your Vcv plexing G.ii'l Problems; Here Will Be Found Sug? gestions for Gilts for VII Members of Family 'he Of Electric s?***?* ,*??? Get him a rea! electric train, built just like the rea! thing. Runs at little cost from bat? teries or hoU?e .-?re*. OnSalea? all Toy Store?. current. Good ?PS>/, ,!Sl.,j for years of v_r ^ r-*?.^ Beautiful fun. j _ Catalog in Colors M~?M~^m?^m FREE -sjf w?:?"f? Send today for '~~ v"^ ^^^^^^ handsome, color? ed catalog. Then buy from your Dealer. The Lionel j |lV??lfe^?'.%;.??.?,/'^v/^/y Corpcit?2tion i $ ~ New York City ?*== y^iWgaw.<*yjCiMrwj?B?TX<B^'3gr?nr?iiiiMiiii?ww i nrn-rimii' Don't Overlook THIS OPPORTUNITY AND BUY YOUR Auto Lap Robes DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER Saving at Least 50% ON PRESENT STORE PRICES. Wool Cloth Mohair and Silk Robes Plush Robes 3 .75 IP ARCTIC MOTOR ROBE MANUFACTURING CO. 23 WEST 36TH STREET Bet. 5th & 6th Ave?., N. Y. City Take Elevator to 3rd Floor ELECTRIC Sewing Machine An ideal Christmas prift at the pre-war price of 839 Due to an advantageous purchase, we are offering a limited number of these machines of a standard make, retailing elsewhere at $60. Ten-year guar? antee by manufacturer. On display al all showroom} of TheNewYork Edison Co. 10 In'mc Place 1.51 F.. 80th St. 121 W. 42il St. 20 Norfolk St. 15 E. 125th St. 421 Broadway 3G2 E. 149th St. or at our own Broadway store J. F. DELAHANT Electric Sales Corp. 2490 Broadway Jl f / 'M '?", r?M'? [I 11 XMAS SPECIAL $5.00 Direct from Factory Combination Box as illustmtrd h Lurci I ' 12 Petit Coronas : trea _I Fill SuTi.atra Wrapped ' 'ig s. (.iiariiiit.?<?<! $10.00 Vaine, or ? your inono.v refunded, ?., ? ?. il ?un 1 it y. 1 Irrler toda; ',' . ail r ; '.?? LA CONTENTO CIGAR CO. l'linne Ithlnotnnder I ! 12 .'33-535-537 fcast 75t'n Street i Stockinette Dolls The quarnlr.css and appealing char? acter of these charming dollies endear 1 ?em to children wherever they go. Made by widows of [-nrjhsh soldiers. 1. Tomboy Taylor, price.$2.20 ". i'.aiiy Anne, " . 2.05 ?,. Toddler, 6. .Tick ?mil Jill Part of the Stockinette Family " . 1.2*1 . ,.ea. 2.05 Animals. .75 to Siv'O. Arfteftc, nniusiii? ? :n?/ ?.'"..' gifts of all kinds. I'ot :? ? ?? ? drapi 1 ?es, etc The Willow Brook Co. 0 W. ITtii <t.. Near ,5th Ave., N. Y. C. ST. ANDREW'S Manufacturers' Prices An excellent opportunity to buy Christmas gifts that combine decora? tive e??ect with solid comfort. Chairs, sofas, tables, baskets, flower stands, bird cage?, etc. Buy of us, the makers, and benefit by lowest prices. RIVERVIEW CHAIR (pictured) Stained; seat cushion in rep or cheery cretonne, S15. Delivery now or later. Catalog. MIN NET & CO. Lexint-tor? Ave.?40th-41st St? SOCIETY Executive Office, 31 West Sth Street Since 1887 these cofTee stands have been located throughout the city to feed the hungry and needy (ir? respective of creed or na? tionality). It caters through? out the year to the most de? jected of God's creatures, and also to many respectable poor families who through misfortune have become ob? jects of charity. YOUR DONATION Is Earnestly Solicited Visit the ?'Jiop of Helen SpeerCo. Inc. A wonderful display of chil? dren's high-grade toys and newly designed children's fur? niture may be seen at the quaintest toy shop in all Amer? ica. \ou are cordially invited to come and see them. Nurser? ies decorated and furnished in a manner to produce the proper psychological effect, a room to love, a rocm to remember. HELEN SPEER CO., Inc. American Made Tovs 16 W. 57th St., near 5th Av. 1 In lui ROSARY AND CASE This dainty little case containing a small perfect? ly made rosary has a wide and evergrowing appeal. Sterling Silver $5.00 14K Gold S30.00 UrS I M M y S The Wonderful Walking Ape imported from Spain, dressed in fine evening clothes?? with scarlet coat and black pants. He is 28 in s tall, and is a nice ' j tor any girl or boy?to take - '*aifl walking. ; $15.00 np^-fc "Miss Manhattan," our pretty walking Doll, remains the m< ist popular gift for girls, take tli i ; playmate w al :ing. S ? I, has w ig of 1? ng ?.: ttilv dre f r.$13.50 In beautiful silk dress is.$25.00 Come to see the most wonderful collec? tion of Toys. Games, Playthings and Gifts?selected from the leading manu? facturers of America and Europe. We Sell Lionel Electric Trains MANHATTAN DOLL CO., Inc., 741 5th Ave. fjESKX?rSfflna ?Re?olou.t Goods of Qw.'.i 10 East 50th St. * f r The Acceptable [Fountain Pen For The Christmas Gift A Idinfc ruefulness to the Gift P err.err. era nee with a ?^carantee of lot r a-, ] Mtisiactory ?srvice that cor.siarvtiy rpflec'j th? ? perior selection oi the ?ji'.'er. You trill find 'VAoort'i Ncn l^ealtable Fountain Pent .'- 4 *i**ty tf at'fit to rvn r'jrry ? Highly Acceptable Christmas Gift Every Christmas morning after your death, when the rest of the family are to? gether, you can be represented by a call from the Postman with a check for $100 or more?if you ar? range the details with me NOW. The cost is low and the security absolute. I? A.MORRISON 44 COURT STREET Brooklyn Telephone 3352 Main. ?*? An Ideal Gift for Boy or Girl. THIS realistic bear made of host quality heaver plush is 14 in. man, 20 in. Ions. Stron?; sieel frame makes it practically indestructible. Will carry weight of 200 lb. man. No mechanism to get oui of order. Wheels v,-eii made to insure easy riding?exlra heavy leather collar. i o introduce o?ir splendid line of toys?we offer this wonderful life? like hear from now until Christmas at this special price of $5.00. Tip Top Toy Company .'? i.S, i i KAKM !'i'K!>.. Prop., 225 Fourth Ave Outfit of Oil Colors Outfit of Water Colors Se>t of Drawing Instruments Easel Drawing Table Pictures, Framed & Unframed Photo Frames Ca meras Eversharp Pencils, $1.00 up to $50.00 Fountain Pens, $2.50 and up The Palette Art Co. 327 Fifth Ave., New York IVlV^fVU^I S POCKET PERFUMIZER USEFUL XMAS GIFTS?? AT BARGAIN PRICES Bicycles?Ice Skates?Gloves i ^?if " /?f^v /V?t - """"'? ?',"';'U' A.?' \l"//;.? ?' -\ Fairy VrToclrifrlis ?nd ? "*r-:}?% (U*-"-,' Biplane?. ^^^ LINE Fiinire. Harm', 3katc ?m *,2.5? un. ?ml Slin 'M'tl' *C=H For Sale by Dealers Everywhere THE MOORE PEN CO. FRED S. LATREMORE Wholesale Retail 15-19 MAIDEN LANE, N. Y. C. NEW YORK HEADQUARTERS ' >'i 5"-- ?. I".K'r. LIONEL MINIATURE RAILWAYS BETAlXKll AT H1?OLKHAI.E I'llKKS FORCED TO SELL OUT Wardrobe Trunks were $35 now $24 Steamer " " $15 " $9 Dress " " $22 " $14 Cowkide Cues $35 $22 " Bags " $12 " $6. MntiT other bargain?; on litfed enses an<l ?,;if. you will save 2.5 to 40'?. S. RAINESS 222 WEST 52d St., cor. B'way. Eiitab. 20 years. Ol'KN KVEXINGS i Mayorkas Bros. importers of fine Oriental Rugs Antiques, Bric-a-brac Egyptian ( \ lasses nnrt all kinds of Emb--. ?! rr\r-, \ . rjj lien no Ho'iday Suggestions ?.?'l-'i M?iii,on A??. New York Cornw eirnd Strix-t Phono HUn ??42 SPECIAL GIFT FOR XMAS ?i) Columbia Grafonola { All sizes and all prices ! ? ime payments as low as $3 down. Latest records . shipped everywhere by maH. Send for our free monthly catalog. M. R. GRAFONOLA SHOP 398 3d Ave., near 28th St. A USEFUL PRESENT from ? 10.00 up. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Finn A'.sortmrnt Rrhulit Mot?rrycl?i. Ail Malu'd S? il ?n ICa-sy Tf mis Storcil KUEE. Riiyirl? Tirr? nml Supplies. GOTHA.M sroKTING I.OOHS ? <>., ", Wurren St., near \V. ll'wav, X. Y. C. Imported French Novelty for Ladies' Hand /?.ii/s M , le ? " ' ne i i.? o of Ri.-s.--. Kari5y I ? M?d? In Paris Artls, aMy ,?,.. ,. Durable. A conveni-nec antl a i .:,'? Make n >vv ; ami ittractlv?! f.. vors. .A l best department, novelt> unc? ?:??..: stores; or $1.60 each, Si?.00 per dozen, po Ipaid direct from us. NEW YOl'K 1'KF.NTH EXPORT BlIiKAt 105 liud-iui M. Sole distributors of M,,kin's Atomizers and i^^Briirnii?,, ?^ LIGHTING FIXTURES The Finest Xmas Present FOR YOUNG LADIES PURE JAPANESE silk HANDKERCHIEFS $2.00 FIXTURES FOR HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS. WIRED COM? PLETE. WITH GLASSWARE FOR $39.25. We carry a fuf! line of Floor, Table and Bou? doir Lamp?, also heating appliances. Lager Electric Shop II !?*.. I .'.VI II ST. Handwoven Novelties ierateiy Priced Bag? Purses Table Runners Luncheon Sets of Linen Luncheon Sets of Raffia Girdles Tea Trays Cushions Sandwich Trays Sashes Baskets The Lighthouse Salesroom 111 East 59th Street (Established 1906) The New York Association for The Blind. [Gold Decorated Glassou arc ?Christmas Gift Suggestions] Cracker and Cheese Set, $3.75 Gold Decorated as Illustrated abofe. CANDY [ARS $1.95, $2.50, $3.00. 14.00,' $5.00, ?6.00 SANDWICH TRAYS $3.25, $5.50, $6.00 BOWLS $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $0.00 VASES $2.25, $2.50, $6.00, $7.50, $9.50. 512.50 COMPORTS $2.50. $4.50, $6.00, $9.00, $12.00 CELERY TRAYS $2.50, $3.00, $4.50 BASKETS $7.50, $13.50 JUGS $3.25, $4.50, 112.00, $13.50 LIBERTX Crystal 6 Gift SHOPPE 7 East S'Hh Street, Nerr York iVear Sth Avenue. The Orieriol Store. Fifth Avenue and 39th Stre? MOVING P?CTURE OPERATOR IN A TIIEATUB COMPLETE COURSE, $20 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES uLR OPERATORS IN GREAT DEMAND MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS' SCHOOL 644 8TH AVE. & 42ND ST. Box of 1 Dozen Assorted Colors (Itlil.l I \K VA I.I i: 51 .55 I'll! UOX ? ?:;:??:? ? ;? ruo.M importers 240 BROADWAY (Room 16), or 2169 Seventh Ave. NOTHING is more acceptable than genuine Inc. Fin d* Sled? Umbrollas, Walking Stink*. Cane Umbrellas, Folding Umbrellas, Parasols Wonderful Assortment. Quality Unexcelled. 178 Fulton Street Between Snindway and Chur.ri Street Braneh?Hudson Ttrraln?i!, Fulton Street En'r.ince Christmas Books for Children A selection of books chosen from an intimate knowledge of what children like is offered for your inspection. """Trained attendants will assist the dis? criminating buyer in the choice of books for young peo THE LAND OF STORY BOOKS 12 West 51st Street NOVEL GIFTS Damascened Cigarette Cases, from .... $3.50 Bronze Incense Burners, from.$1.6? Incense, fifty varieties, from.15c Brass Candlesticks, pairs, from.$3.00 Ivory Cigarette Holders.$1.75 to $8.00 ? Cigarette Boxes, copper or plated, from $2.75 ! Paisley Shawls.$25 to $30 Amber Necklaces.$10 to $60 Jade Finger Ring3.$8 to $35 i Imported Chinese Salad Bowls. . . $4 to $8 Amethyst Rings, gold mounted. . . .$9 to $30 Ancient Stone Bead Necklaces. . . .$10 to $40 Bronze Vases. $1.50 to $40 Tea, Coffee Breakfast Sets... .$4.50 to $20 Stone Brooches.$6 to $75 500 different Bead Necklaces... .$1 to $1?0 L n marshmall i a-i, cuma ils. -, imeU, ! $2.50 Gift Baskets ? n!-?* p icked vyith eil i? r candied fruits, or Orient I v . ee s- u t s . long a ; ter the are gone be >. $1.25 to $25.00 BASEMENT ~r. . a rrw -ii < i iix ' ? to .95 *1 .20 ?.' v.- -, ;? $1.75 Japan*?* Lanterns ?"H^'o 52.50 yt*ri,r, Vorn?? l'..-ui-r>? ?7 K0 lm??r,,r,??fll x : <>'> I ?, Otl 'r ' ?.. w . u . CORUBIA ELECTRIC HOUSE *X?i 'irt.rnmrt?'r "i??? -? t i -' ' ? GOOD CHRISTMAS CIGARS at only ?Jo eaeh, I'>//j? 1111 ?-r '.'.' -c and ?? ??.?< I?. ?Uixrn <>t ,0 C0SI0 HAVANA CIGARS at 5c, 6c & 7c each Hilth <-h\H* >i|f.irM ?t ?tlionl lmlf r?-i?i!la.r prie?. <)ull<-t fur B0 fiur ?/?rif,. \\ ?? COU M-M c'iKur* <l:.'i,,,,r tluiii o/iy hiiiihr: ?n (;. ,m t? dnj . WALTER M. SMITH J1 WVmI i'.ml St., New VorU City. 'Ink' Hetra'or f'? ?tli Moor. UNIQUE GIFTS ? Exceptional Values! IntitidiH Inu ili< ART and HANDCRAFT ITALIAN "SCHOOLS ? .,, ? ?"?<?_ I,ace i Table Mnens Sardlriiiin Carpel? .-,, ? Vn '. ? ' :: : .. v The Lace and Embroidery Shop ?l.VI \t.,,!,-,, n ?? n . hu . . ll .".III II Manu factui ers' Samples Seal Coats and Wraps. Neck Pieces of Various Styles. To Close Out at Lowest Price., While They Last "Reliable" MM-F. ROSE, Room 439-A 30 Church St. \ C^ i IM Y. it and > see h a . > cv w o n a . 0 y . ? ?; ?- for ( 'h ? :>:> Collars and ?mil Novelty Scarf? In u tuque liuliday b?i\c^. i iiir? j A Suitable Something for Every Woman? Dainty and exquisite Buiidoir Cap: Neg!;s?ers ' 5nl^t .. 1er. L-owiii Breakfast Coati Hosiery Cor il Veils H mdniaiie Boudoir Accessories at prit e< ?.nd.r those u'ualiy liii-nd el.iewhere TWINING?2447 Broadway C' -j.A.NL. Cl'AR K. ELDER GIFT STORE " "??'. 33tb Street, S.Y.Cif. DOw, Wi?, N TQ\\ ?/ N T O Y L A N D J This Page Will Next Appear on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th SILK HOSIERY Ever the- ai ptable gi ft ~ itli 'he '!?'." ." ? I ' .. sh i in ' lie Fn n :h '.'.? siery i jh and ( titles thi ? t wkole ? ?.; ? laving $1.00 to ;T.? j r c pair, I ? ; . '" ill-f ishioned ? ?: ' ll >rs. -"/:? .' 1 - ? Tcceds ? .;'.'?. i ' ''.' or ?rite! FRENCH HOSIERY CLL'? : :- _1 it : -.-. St.) O?ieA/ea/ .Xiiias Gill , _ _J C & D. STUDIO Devoted to the ART of Dancing 2700 BROADWAY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL A 15 Wffk Coarse in Any Two Clis?ei, $25.00 Or Any One Class, $13.50 CLAS ??<?: Social n-ir.cin?r Interpreta! :. , . , n . This offer effectue I ' *? ; - ? ? ... . inunrj ; 1921 ? . ? ' be purchased in advctica. ; D - .'. ' ry I 18 / hrtr-s Floors 1 uil of !<>ys Schultz' TOYLAND 122 Nassau St. Beekman3183 Sch '.' N elty A Sporting ij^ndu Co,