Newspaper Page Text
American Smelting Earns 4 Por Cent On Coninion Stock Ompany Girries Its Metal Stock at Cost Prices. in Annual Keport; Cash and Securities Deolino The American ?me]tine and Refining Compaf'T earned ita 4 per cent divi d,nds >n of common stock ;tOCK3 ou >? ?.- -. ~~ w?? ?" jj previona years. The company came through the per- t iod of re' w ithout doing any H? flnaneing and without preatly in-] treasing "fl current liabihtiea. Ac- : ..,'-.. - ? - ? peB) etc, payable at "e end nted to $22,246,- : 113 an increase ? /ver the toiresponding account in 191ft. Cash ),,? ? ' to $4,157,780, a de "se ? ? . and LibeKy bonds a>?led S3,2s2',450, a deorease of ,, ejf cks are carried' SLr'can ' at i53.814.012, an :. The cost price ,f these l ' ryterstood to repre * t ,;? pai : r.**war prices. lt is / . tem at cost, ? nt ?? ?'? - carry tt at ..;,. , or market price, rticMver ""-? The Ameri , - ng practice for ;.'/;. ? - trs or more has been . c6r~r, that practice . sL b? " ' B :-'":'r f The fcm ricar Smelting and Rofinmg Iconpany ' ? :r?t ?ne >'ettrs i;.l -.,-? ia refining company. !mt8i^ - - ' ' ' U? a^:''">" ?? v . - mpai ... Pro copper and: M : tent of offer '-', if the i ? : ld ln ' ver by ? agency. H - American ? " my charged ;eommia nj,es iis tr,e J?m* < erro de - ries.?the Ray Con tah and N cancelled their ?;; L- ? American Companj i cquired an . Met il Com the tom age of -V_, ?.-: i Lcan Company * o?del - n .. rxs ng ling supply, SI worki 1 out itisfacl rily. As a - e agency busir.css of Sttwa " ' ble. The trouble ?? ng prices, with ? taice a.! cop owr customers, pames, and not 1 ' - money in para ;? could not ford ; ng copper even ? cut to movi itain the - nse of having :ki over a long | e that thi American .. -? ? ? - as a r< fim r were ? - ? nd its seliing agency. ? . . ? : p etely | ' -'? : '"" ' ,01c ; - v >ars L91 I , ... .?? ? ng and ! . ; ;- pn fil ? -' I On the ol four years .... ? ? ? -. : ' -. - iper prices, :,- . ? ent ? . :. the ? - .-? ? - ? n the 192] argi - ? :?? - in ot ..... . ? . ; ... ' i . . nevei be< n and ? -hape | ? nn ii --.. . ? ' ?' "'' ? ? sarilj u]1 i : ? pr istration -'? the mi r "'? re- ;e ? ' '? ' ?-- ? ? - rmi - di - - ? resent man Canadian Pacific Shows Increase in Earnings Vt Income of Equa! to Sl 1.39 on Common, Against > 10.80 in 1919 The Cai Railway, ac . ? - in in%ry had a tdtal net 13! - -. | - after and rharges. *?is Wi ?:rter preferred ? a share on the n stock. comparcd earned in 1919. Of n lr'"0 available for ncome pro T1?d I $21,877,635 f5" -' lines and lake ,le*',ner8, ' . inary income ac tt?Bt compa' v. itl 19'. 9 as follows : 1919 ? '" |21i 841.S? J176 9S9.06e -1 lnS tarea . IS' 4J^ 306 143.936.024 fc?*t- ... J-< ? ;: n.\\ $33 93H.0.16 u?'- charg?a .. 10.77S.40D 10,161.510 ?B*?"_* ... . I-- T- * . . t2" 771 S'Jo W*'u". J3.61H.S0S 12,093.593 ??mk of Germany Statement "tRLIN, March 15.?The statement L?Vr perial Bank of Germany, is ?*,? March 7, shows the followmg ^ln8?8 in marks: ^ Wto and bullloa.. lnc. 463.000 T:u.?r.. d'c. ?<?>,?, n "'.mc. 750,640.000 : , .... . . Up... 326.000 .dcc. 1,322.916,000 >??,,,'"' . o-r. ;.; C?*'31" ' 8,234,000 <M ,*':iJ:': : .dec. 29.1.'93.000 S?-,. c'fculatlon ... Int. 480.869.000 KS ,, . ??. dacs 1.484.041 ?=U .""'' ''"?' . Irie. 6,1 *u'<i ao.dinga.- ^StoteTsieel j. Earns $3.14 a Share ^, ?? Profits, fter charges and Fed r-'m r "'" '?? GuIf States Steel ii?' n5'?'or jne year ended December tfSru *'5i-22u- equal, after deduction ??toji d seeond preferred dividends, U|T?a? a a-hare earned on the $11,138, i*H*i TOott ?tock. nccording to a state lffluaMUed yc?teroay. n2^COOpai'ed -? S-79.421. or $120 |T^?arned on the $li. 136,550 com .r*0* *n the preccding year. Sur ^??unt?d to $606,174, agaioat $23, Business News Large Number of Buyers Here Refleeted in Textile Trade Improved Bu^neag at Wholc sale Felt, Indicating Many Purohasers Making Second Trip to New York Market Several sections of tho local whole sale textile market are experiencing a quickened business this week as a re sult of the presence in town of a fairlv larpe number of drygoods jobbers from ail sections of the country The jobbers apparontly have come into the market on their second spring buying trips, having ordered about a two or three months' supply in Januarv. The woolen goods market. particu Iany the women's dress goods division, reports increased activity coincidental with the advent of the jobbers. Sales to jobbers ha\e been larger in number than for some weeks in the silk trade, according to manufacturers and their sales representatives. As yet the jobbers are not making much of a stir in the cotton goods markets, as the price situation there is not ns sound as in the woolen and silk markets. Impression prevails among the jobbers that new low prices are in the making in cotton goods, and that in some lines it will pay them to wait before making additional purchases. On the other hand, certain stocks, such as ginghams and made-up sheets, pil low cases, tnblecloths, etc, are in good demand among the jobbing trade, ac? cording to both jobbers and sales' agents. Many o: the jobbers came on prin to attend the openings of fall underwear, which probablv will take toward the close of the week. Jobbers say that they are ready to place their initial orders for fall under? wear, but are not willing to commit themsejves for a full season's supply The disposition to visit the market frequently and buy as the need for ad? ditional goods arises is as strongly en trenched in jobbing circles as it has b< ? r. for several months. Commereial Credit Commercial money continued in fair demand locally, although easier money utside of N'ew York. Rates ? at .'\ for the bulk of new paper and 8 per cent for paper not so snown, and 7^a per cent for a luantity of high grade short term riCL\-n.':. The rr.arket for bankers' aeeeptanccs is fairly active, with no change in The open market rates on ac ceptances quoted yesterday by the ?can Acceptance Council were: Member Non-mem banks. berbanks Buy. Sell. Buy. Sell. Thirty days .... ?Ts 5S b^ 57s Sixty days . 6 5% 6*4 6 Twenty days .... G1* 57s 6as 6Vs Call loans against acceptances 6 per Auto Tire Trade Busier Considerable improvement in the au ? re industry has been shown ?? thin the last month, according to trade men. Despite this favorable showing, however, manufacturers as serted that the trade is still below nor- , rr.a':. Stocl ri the hands of manufactur an ? dealers are gradually nearir.g ti' ? po;nr where replenishment on a iarger scale will be necessary. Deal? ers in the market for tires are said to nly for immediate wants. rable reports have been received from Akron, where it is said some fac tories have fallen behind in filling Shoe Export Trade Revival Is Expected Indications point to a renewal of export trade in Amerlcan-made shoes, according to H. L. Kraus, ex? port manager for the F. Mayer Boot and Shoe Company. Six for? eign orders were received in ok.e mail early this week by Mr. Kraus ?from Port Said, Cairo, Salonica, Amsterdam, British Gulana and Budapest. "We see new signs of life in ex? port trade in these inqurries," said Mr. Kraus. "The accumulated stocks of many countries have been dis posed of, and with the rising ex? change we are looking forward to an increased export business. We are beginning to receive letters from foreign houses saying their buyers are coming into the New I York market." T orders. Production has Increased. An Eastorn representative of one of the leading manufacturers asserted that production in his factorv is increasinfr daily. Business of one manufacturer in February showed an increase of 50 per cent over January. About the same percentage of increase has been shown ; thus far this month over the corre sponding period of February, he said. -??_ Aiding Foreign Trade Assuming that Europe's regaining her former industriai position is necessary for stabilization of America's foreipn trade. the Guaranty Trust Companv, in its current issue of American Goods in Foreign Markets. points out steps j taken in this direction, stressing the j number of organizations formed for ; the furtherance of export trade. "Their operation," says the bank in | referring to these organizations, "will ; primarily be of service in removmp our foreign business from the unsound j short-term credit basis on which it has ! been maintained jince trade became so i unbaianced. But, indirectly, they also will assist European countries to place , industry once more on a tirm footing, ; which will be an important step toward j the ultimate return of commerce to j normal conditions. Organizations an : trounced since the first of this vear, in ! cluding the Foreign Trade Financing ! Corporation, propose to add more than i $120,000,000 of capital and surplus to ! the $60,000,000 already in operation," Urge Shoe Trade Wage Cut Manufacturers See Little Hope for This Season's Business BROCKTON, Mass., March 15.?The | necessity of an immediate readiust ! ment in labor costs was impressed upon members of the joint shoe council of : this city by representatives of the Brockton Manufacturers' Association, but a statement issued to-day indicated there was little prospect of "an adjust ment ln time to affect this season's trade. _ Some union offieials opposed a reduc? tion in wages now or at any time, while I the majority proposed that if reductions were insisted upon the manufacturers j must resort to the State Board of Ar bitration, as provided by the boot and shoe workers' contract. Business Troubles Tetitions tn Rankruptcy -?_ f ?. ng petltlona In bankruptcy ,. ? ? l yesi rday in the United States' ; HARR1 I IRSHBERQ. 157 Water Street. _ voluntary- Liabiilties. i->ts $60 TH iMAS Q CROSBT, Ti Wall Street, , ountanl \ untary. Llabiltties, $1,939;. :. ? Schednles in Bankruptcy - hedulea '.;?. bankruptcy w?r? flled yes- | tPrdaj ln '.-? United Statea Dlstrlct Court "wECHSLBR CO., INC 36 West Thlrty-second Street. Liabiilties, $'9,167; ass. ts, $15,9 ' Recelvers ln Bankmptcy The recelvers ln bankruptcy appolnted -. in the United States Dlstrlct e Meyer as recelver for Heltel * .B, at 15 West Twenty wlth a bond of $.,000. Judgments Filed In New York County ? ., j v\ng judg-ments were flledl yes tho I rst : ame being that of the ? : ? ? Harrj and Joseph?B. . 4*l_i'70 Same. i.ns.iv Ascher Alfr?d?EQUitable Trust ' N'ew S"ork. .,1.7.11 . an Writing Pap*r Co.? 1. B Dunaway . 6,574 d& A?" iriso, Frank?Worth Fhoe Co.. 1,562.61 A. L. Ullman Co . Inc.?V.. Selig non'.? ? ??,???; ? ' Auganblick, Philip: Benjamm Seldman ar.<1 .Tacob Auger Viy-r-bltck. Selfman 4. Augonbllck)- "; Atonsohn et al. ??%*.? I Brandon, Eral! .T ?M. D. Bas h?ln. ... . .. . ? ? ? . Te:ta s.ardian?City or 228.41 430.4$ | Y<-'.ta. gruaraia.n-v.ivj -1 -.-..v.- York; costs .?. 106.00 . ...??. William E.?Steven de Csa_nak Tnc. .? ? ? ? ? 730 jo . Rocco?Keabeo Salea ? ^ ^ j Born, Samu?l H--L. Kchiffman 1.1 8 i . ! Derman, Pblllp; Louls Ooldsmlth and Morrls Kaplan (B. (J. K. Knee Fants Co.)?J. M. Frank ensteln & Co.. ?-...??????;;? "1.19 I City of New York?B. E. Smith rontracting Co.166.295.47 Cusl aan's Son?, Inc?R Jasper. 12,500.00 Davis, Arthur L ? Woolf Lab oratorlea .?,???;??? ' L-'* I Davis Bthel M.? Orande lUison .,.,. de Blanc Inc.???? 917.7J ! Dlstincnve Jew.^lry Co.. Inc; Davld Ornstcln. Max Schwartr., .am Zalowitat and Martin Henry W. Fishel botn. COBta . 145.61 Blknur Realty Co.. Inc?New \ .irk Telephone 1.0. is..(i Edward F. Robinson & Co.. Inc? New York Telephone Co. 144.99 Equitablo Life Assurance Society ?? th- Cnited St-tsa?E. B. Alcxander .; ? TT.686.,0 Bboii, l.ouis- Lo lna' . 5iS.20 1 Blllcott. Chas H?O B Reixnel... 1.612.90 Frledin?n. Ignat*. and Julius Prledman?H Roth . 7b0.00 Friedman, I?;nat_ and Julius?M Roth. 1,662.10 ., rgia Wool Stock Co Inc?M Shapiro rt al . !!!'?J Grand & Co Inc?C Qorman. 370.51 I Greenbaum, Kolomon, and Jaeob M'.nl* (Orfcnb&um & Mlnt.)? N Y Kur Auctioii Sales Corpn. . 152.67 Gill Chas L?V L Hendemon. ... 319.30 Qre'enwald, John?L Schiffman e, ai . 105.7$ Ooldsmldt * Loewimck Inc? Dlamond State Fu>re Co; costs. 192. .9 n, Henry L?U J Vand^r Lyn 323.91 Hcller Abrahum II?Elnlk llold ing Co Inc. 165.00 I Hamiah. Davld A?R W West brook .???'? 204'17 1 Wewlett. Jo.eph--Oener?I Liec I trlO Co . 2'!??" Horton, Frank?Stern Rroe. 216.S4 Uess I.udwig?Uvinns Rnalty i'ornn .?? **?-? H-nton. Ruth L?K.n__ Hat Co jnc . 1,610.46 Howard A Pudley Co Inc?Odote Prlntlog Co Inc. 140.58 HoiderT Shoo Co Inc?K J Badler S,120.60 .1 .\. M I.ovln Inc?E M Wolsa.... 153.20 Kenny Warchouse & Transport-, tlon Co?Vacuuro OU Co. 178.T0 _?- Wliium-M D- B-un.. -18.36 Krinsky, Joe?L Fruhilng. S52.69 Keystone Motor Repair Co?Bon tin & Robinson Inc. 1,226 55 Leavelle, Louls A ? F Eufam'.o. . . 100.on Morgan Bros Inc? N Y Central R R Co et al . 2.048.13 May, Ted?H F Jansen. Miran ia. Thomas?Am Watch * ?? nd ?? ' . 183.77 Marcus, Abraham?H Salkin.... 283.59 Marcus Abraham?R Salkin.. . 837.50 Mlddleton, Merle?S Rlker Jr et al 1.474.50 Nallery Jennle C?Tappe Inc 1,694.52 Mills, Wm II?Commercial '"'able Co. 1.231.29 Manhattan Refrlgeratlng Co?L Bartel . 718.90 Men tt Co?C A Kilmer, . . 628 98 M >;?? Eugene F?C Kalser. 2,658.03 ichkis, Slgmund, and Harry ' . ? ssba rd I Noschkis & Gross bard)? John G Weliwood C -p. 1,815.47 National Motor Accessones Corp ? a 1 Levine. ."90 70 Nlss, H M?Soifer Bros. 356.16 Noble, Paul? O P Hollander. 118.20 Nassauer, Gus?Nathan Schwltzar Co, Inc . 343.90 Oser, Maurlce if--R Oser; costs... 136.48 Preston, Fredk D?A Callan .. . 600.00 :',-r: ?.'???, Wm?J B Wilson. Romano, Adnmo?C Mastrocola. . 140.50 Rivlin. Jos E?Public Ntl Bank of N Y . 163.54 Scarhorough, Geo M? -A Lauzon... 266.69 Sidenbach, John?.1 M Perlman.. 205.14 Schwartz, George, and Abe Stein ? I U Holding Co. 51 3.S0 Pmart. Fredk K ? S Senlor ... 267.96 Schleslnger, Charles, and William Horne?City of N Y. 2,148.10 , Stern, Leo ? Winlk Holding Co. Inc 360..0 Slttenfi r>, Sidney S?Rosenwas ser Bros, Inc.. 3,641.67 i Stedman, Emery (prest)?W E Hanna. 4,764.14 i Sum-iae Lltho and Trading Corp? H Fleischar . 166.10 ' Strong. Harry?U S Ralncoat Co . 844.70 i Troshansky, Morris?A Branden stoln ?t al. 164.00 j Throckmorton, Wlllard P., and P. H. Searles?Paciflc Bank... 427.23 . Talbot & Co., Inc.?A. Steffens el al. 8,846.45 v, . Isman, Isidor B. and William Tores?S. Llberman et ai. 1,341.62 In Bronx Connty \ Abrahams. I-ouis?II. M. Serota.. $275.72 i Cullo. Leonard?Rialto Security ; Corp. 40.60 Krtmsky. Joe?L. Fruhlirrs?. 862.89 ? Levy, Sol. and Kltty W.tzel? I'eopie. etc. 500.00 Maccarolo, Antonette?C, Can tasano . 109.69 ! Tuok, Morris C,?.1. Meerse. 652 20 ! Van Order, Geo. O.?T. B. Llovd 1,829.62 Satisfied Judgnients In N'ew York County The firsr name Is that of the d^btor, the ! second that of the creditor and data when : judgment was flled: j Cockcroft, Saran T ?R. P. Miller et al; Feb 19, 1921. $117.81 ! Manhattan Storage and Ware housc Co. ? H. Kevorkian; Feb. 21, 1921 . i Realty Securities. Inc?H. D. Smyth; Dec ., 1920 . Sr.i-ff, William, and Leon Kan tor -Western National Bank; 1'ec 17, 1914. Pincs. Abraham?Travelera In demnity Co.; March :.;, 1921.. . : Walker, Haskeli? Nancy, Inc : Dec. 9, 1320. Goldberg. Harry L, and Mnrray R. Frank ? M. Fox, Oct, 27 1920 274 10 Cole, Edward?M. Molloy; March _ "? 1921 . 48!.?0 Comedo. Egidio?Eblmg Brewltig Co.; Dec. 81. 1930. 140 72 Peckworth. Chas. H , Bernhelm-r & Schwartz Pllsttner Co and Theodor* C. Wood ? N Y. County Natl Bank. June ? ". 1S15 . 11.653.81 Lolumbia Insurance Co. ot Jersey City?F M. Porzlo; Jan 6. 1921 1 250 00 Gels, Rlchard A.?F. Katz; Feb. 25' 1921 . 790.95 Hnrwltst. Morris I.?Mura! Trad? ing Co? Ltd; Nov. 12. 1920.... 1235 08 La.s, Herroan. and Henry Cohen ?A. T. Cochran et al; Dec. 8 1919 . 1 7'>7 37 Hlnd, Rolph & Co.?A. Hoffman et al. Dec. 9. 1920 (vacatod)... 4,85170 Manhattan Storage & Warehous. Co.?H. Kevorkian: May 18, 1920 . $ 143 89 Lundgraf. Brneit C.?I. A. Dex ter. D,-c. 25, 19.20. 1.259 77 Mayer, Bliaa; L?uis Schnelder, Jack Borodkin?H. Samwick' Nov. 30, 1921. g.842 17 Goldsmlth. Dennenberg Co., inc. ?J. Rubin; Feb, 19, 1921. 2 748 g. Hoffman. Isracl S.?J. Hoffman;' Ocf. ''.X H'O -Ar -- Ruyers Arrived Kalrrhtld S?rvlce ABBEVII.LE. 8. o. Hadd?n St Wllaon; W. D. Wllaon, ready (o wear: 67 W. H4th at. AKRON, OHIO Foderman's De[iartmr>nt Store; Mr. Litt man, rorsets nnd wrapa; Alfred Fantl; 116 W. S2d at. A. Polsky ft Co.; 8. E. Cook, blankets. con-.forta. beddlngs, 352 Gth ave. (Klrby, Block ft Flahar>. L. G. Fedonnnn; L. O. Fsdnnun, men'a clothlng. hosiery, glnvea; A. Fantl. 116 W 32d at. AXNISTON, AI.A. N VS. Ory; G. Brod, mdse. manifer; 1!23. B'way, afrora, n.u Srhmlti * Grefnoort: .7. N. Bohmltr, ?lothlng. furnlshlng goods. ahoes; Penn? aylvanla. A1STTN, TEX. Charlaa Roener; Charles Roanor, ladies' ready to wear and plec.e goods; Llvlng ston & Cohen, 3 W. 29th at. M. Frank. dry goods and general f??i^l!i7r>Si/' Grn rd >lAI,TIMORE, MO. Elaenberg'a; Mlaa K. Cnhrn. walsts, house dresses. klmonoa ar.d aprons; 37 W 2?th s| P&nttz <t Prloe; II. Panltz, men'a cloth Inr Pennaylvanla. Oohs ft Frank: J, Frank, mfra. allk waist? and dresses; Imperial. Bmplre SUlrt Mfr. Co.; H. Constangv, akir'.H, Pennsylvania. Thanhouaer ft Welller, S. F. Thanhouser, rompers; 1182 B'way. Stewart'sj C. F. Tucker, coats, suita. wraps and <!-..;.<!?><!: Mrs. M. '.ennon, walst.?. muslln underwear, neglig...-s and Infants' wear; 2 W, 37th at. Meyer Cloak & Dreaa Co.; J. Meyer, jubbmg dresaes; 113.; B'way: room 602. American Wholesale Co. ; W. A. Apple-: walte, gloves, hosiery and underwear; M I O. Frazler muslln underwear: G. K. Par? ker Jr., men'a nerkwear and collara; 354 i 4th av. American Wholesaie Corp.; F. Quall-; malz, cottona; C. A. Miller, wais:?. pettl coats klmonos, house dressea, sweatera, chlldren's wear; 364 4th ave. ^'????wart & Co.; Miss M. Coart, muslin underwear; 3 W, 37th st. Levy Sons Co . L>>on Levy, allks, under vs ( ear : McAlpin. ., . lenberg; J. Wolf, coats, euits. furs, skirta; 208 5th ave. Hochachlld-Kohn Co.; J. W, Waldorf, g"n-ral merchandlse, chlna, glassware, 330 5th ave Hui/.;?r Bros. Ii Oppenhelmer, coats suits fui ?;? 52 4'ri ave. (Caro of Klrbj Block & Fish i ? Mfg. Co : M Flne, cot tons. !'?':;.-.?:. Ivania. Eiaenberg'a Dept. Store; J. Cunnlngham, linens, raen'a furnlshlng-a, hosiery; 37 W 3.;tb at, i. Benesi ti & Sons; S Gomprecht, wom en'a ready to wear; Imperial. A Moses, notlons, ribbons; Imperial. The Hub: Miss S Goodman, dresseB. s.i Il ts ; 1 25 W. 30th s-. BENNETTSVILLE, 8. C. Julius Sugar, dry goods, men'a clothlng. shoes; Grand. UINGHAMTOV. N. Y. W. R Miller ft Co.; C. Magutre, books. statlonery; B. Twlnlng, books, atatlonery. York. BIRMINC.HAM. AT.A. Loveman, Joseph, & Loeb; S. M. Bauer, mcn'8 and boya' clothlng; Alfred Fantl, 110 W. 32d sl Loula Sacba ft Co. ; Mr. Levy, dressea; 220 5th av Fowler, Dlck .-.- Walker; R, B. Cease, rea i wear; f W 32d st. 1-i. Swartz \- Co . A. W. Goodman, 'obs i ready 1 w eai 2i W. 30th at. BOSTON C F Hovey ft Co.; Mlas M Mahoney, In? fants dri sses 1164 B'w av A. Shuman ft. Co ; V\'rn. F. Muher, boya' clothinp. Prlnce Georg< Standard Furnlture Co.; S. Mllier. car pete : urnlture ; Breslln. H II Stearns Co.; W ! Wood llnery, ribbons; Mrs. .T. s. Knox, ribbons, neckwear, j-.-ather goods; 200 5th av E. T. Slattery Co ; Mla's Kntght, wal?is. Mlaa W '::??'?..i:.. Batin and -..'???;. pettl M - : ucey, furs 1 ?' E 2d st . er'a r:..- . G. M Whltmai Kirl k & Flsher, 352 i: li a' Gllchrist ( i.; upstalra. Miss E Minahan. gir:s' and junlors' coats, dresses, mlddies, bloomers; M)^s M. Wa:: nfants' svear; Mrs. Aliard n is :. underwear baaement Miss Rice losiery, ?: -? >-a. M;ss Kel nei muslln underwear, corseta, pettlc at? rear; Miss Marcua, girl:.' '..a-.:- and 'a incheBte ... *?? cotton .valots A Cohen, coats, BUlts dressea J nsoi boya' clothlng and furr - Mrs '.'. F, -Withers, kid an.i fabrlfl g 2 5t ii av. R. ii. White & Co.; Miss Sloa,n, Mlas Gatley, silk and musl'.n underwear, 432 4th av. handler Co . Mlas Webber, dressea; 2-10 Madlaon av. Smlth-Taylor Apron Co.; W. L. Taylor, gingharns, percales; 200 5th uv.. room 4in Hawley-Folsom Co H E Starr, men's anJ underwear; 211 5th av., room 254. Wm. Filene'a Sons Co . Miss Berk dren's and mlsses' mllllncry; Mr Levine, chlldren's junlors and glrls' coats nrvl dresses; Miss Dartt, Infants wear, houae dresses, neg ^ es; Mrs. Kassnof, women'a neck weai . 225 l th av, Wm Fili -.. 'a Sons >' (upstaln Ilss Murph; n ? .? .-? dressea; Mrs. Phillips, . . : esaes Miss Fltz patrl '?.. chlldren's dresses; Miss Morrisaey, woi ei h oh< ap plald aV Irts for imi basement, Mr. Ring, women's and m sses dresses; Mr. O'Brlen, ??? and : ssea coats and suits; M;ss Cailahan, alll and muslln underwear; Mr. Day, walsts; Miss Sweeney, mllllnery; Mr Hahn. leather goods; Mr. Quinn, boya' 11 iig; 225 5th a v. H vi ?? Co.; M ;ss K Kellar rnissi . - '.i' s; Miss Cal herlne M uri h; ? iger, mlsses read y I - wear, 1104 B'way. R '1 White Co : Miss A. I.avin, waista an ; ?-.'. t-a ? rs 432-4 4-h av. Miller & Sons P. Miller, walats; .7. Mil? ler, assistant . Br< W bui ? i!. M. Ford, gl;> ;<?? a re . Mc AIpln, Weissman & Son; George Welssman furs dresaes walsts; McAlpin. .'. F. H i\ ? j i ''?> M !?'. Collins, m - g goods, woolens cottons, sllks. J. L. Cot slery, knlt underwear, gloves; U'j4 1', - ?- a j enwood & ?.ms, I. W. Green^ I v.:,., paper; Herald Square. R. H. Stearns Co.; J. B. Knox, m'.liinery; W. .1. Wood, women's ready to wear, mll? llnery, ribbons. toys, luggnge; 200 5th ave Sylvla & Copplnger; F. L. Bylvla, dry goods: 54 Leonard st. Marsl ; II G Howard ,:-. ry; F A Fuller, furs; R. J. Trlmble, ? - ???-. : sweatera (basement); Miss M. Helden; hamburgs; W. N Li ' i leather go ida Miss McCauley, w n en s ? .-.- - , e Miss G D Ii url Ibese, . ? .-' suits - i ...-? ; leni I E, A Brown, autu livery ; 4^2 4th a\ e. BRIIMiEPORT, CONN. Howland l1 G, Cn . S, C Parker. mdse. manager, J. E Kelly, notlons; C F.. l.ip pett, jewelry and toilet gooda; 404 4th av. BUFFAI.O Wm. Hengerer Co.; Mlaa Larlgan, eta tionery 2 \\ :s 71 h st. D. M. Read Co.; William M. Taylor. toys, luggage; 200 5th nv. RtFFAI.O J, N Adam & Co.; F. Intraler. men'a and women i shoes; Misb B. E Mayer, trimmed ar.d hats; Miss M. l.ensenhuber, silverware and jewelry; 2 W. 37th et. I.. Miehaels, m.en's hats ar.d furnish int;s goods . Pennsj h anla, J N'. Adam Co.; 3 H Bartlett, dressea, coats, suits. Z W. 47th st. CEDAR RAJPIDS, IOWA Martln D G. Co.; W. L. Cone, coats, sulta, furs; Pennsylvania. D. "S Ttftickjiaa; ar'. gooda. plctures, at. McAlpin. w I. S. Given, women's ready to wear; 37 W 26th st. J. N. Adam ft Co.; F., reepresent Ir.g; 2 W 37th st. fHARl.KSTON. W. TA. Kaufman Bros ; I. Rosenberg, women'a ready to wear: Pennaylvanla. CHICAGO Ppauldlng Waist Shsp; Henry Nathan, ailk sweators: 27S 5th av.. room 603. J. V. Farwell Co.; A. W. Merrltt, lace curtains. drap.s, upholetery, bedding. 6'r. . lea tal ?? iotb 4 I White st. Caraon, Plrie & Scott; Mr. Elliott, rep resenl Ing : -ir,4 4ih av. Hackner Broa,; K. Hackner, clothlng; P< ? nsylvanla, Marshall Field Co.; V. M. Re?d, woo!?ns, plece goods; Miss C. Raynor ibasemeiu). mlsses' coatj, aults, J. F. O'Nelll, women's wrapa (basement); 1107 B'way. L, A. Knitzer Co.; L. A. Snitser. furs, minks, coats, wrapa; 14J W. 27th st. Leprnan Uros.; C. H. Johnson, mllllnery; Marlborough. CINCrWATI B L. Fogel & Sons; Nathan F. Fogel. ml nery, representlng; McAlpin. :-'.ra-Shaefer Clothlng Co.; R. W. Laurie, wooiens, cottons; Imperial. flEVElAND I.lndner Co. ; Miss E. Pavla, underwear and house dresses; 10 E. "2d st. Hlgbea Co., J. T. Knight, furs: 240 Madison av. May Co.; M'.sa Kay, dreaaea; 37 W. 26th St Bailev Co. . Mrs. Freeman. ladlea' cotton dress-s; 37 W. 26th st. Llberty Garment Co.; L. S. Coverse, mfr. women's aprona. cap*<, chlldren's dresses, aprons, Continental. Blu< ft C!em; D. Blua, women's ready to wear; Grand Fries & Schuele; G. G. Schuela, men'a furnlahlnga, hosiery, underwear, llngene; 404 4th av., 7th floor COLCMBIS, OHJO F. 4 R. Lazarus Co : Mra. Parker, white and colored dressea. girla' blouaea and aejj arate skirts; 2::. 6th av. Roberts Cloak House; H. L. Roberta, spring coats. 113 E. 24th at. Emporlum; Juiius Goldberg, silk skirts; 100 W. 32d st. DENTER A. T. Lewta D. ,G. Co.: E. Severlne. dresses. coata. auna; 3 W. 2Sth at. OETROIT Garton-Flsher-Wiiis Co.; D. Wiila, flow Crowley. Mliner _? Co.; Miss A. Oolding, Walsrs, Alfmrl Fantl, 110 W. 32d st. J. L, Hudson Co.; Mr. Well, basement mllllnery; J2. 6th av. J. I. TTudnon Co.; Mr. West, basement. mllllnery: 225 6th av. J. L. Hudson & Co.: J. M. Blvens. wools. cottons, sllks; C A. Bland, mllllnery. leather goods, hn mlkerchlefa, gloves; 225 6th av. Nowcomb-Bndlcott r"o.: P J. Rlce, wom en's ready to war: 200 6th av. DUBUQCE, IOWA Rosh-k Bros. Co.; F. H. Roshek, suits coats; 48 E. 20t,h st. EI.MIRA, N. Y. R. P. tsznrrl Co., Inc; ?. F. Iszard. mdse. manager; U. B. Brooks, not;ons and tollet goods; 404 4th av ERIE. PA. Trssk, Prescott & Rlcharrlson Co.; C. R'abury, jewelry, hostery. art goodn, pi, turcs. gloves, Itnlt underwear; A. M. Toletnle, mdse. mgr ; 6 W. ."".-! -?? F U_L KIVEK. MASS. R. A. McWhirr Co.; James II. Mahoney. mdse. manaper; V. Armitage, notions 404 4th av. FI.INT. MICH. A M Barm-s. coats, suits; 18 W "7th st IIAXOYI'.R, PA. ,,M , ,('; Nace, Jewelry,' fancy goods; ii rald Square IIAUTI'ORI). rON'N. Sage, Allen a Co . Joseph T, McWeeney mdse. manager; Miss Cotter, lewelry; 11 i,' Ellot, notions; W, M. Seorv. mllllnery; Miss O. Daws, (iirs. sklrts; Miss Zerwltz, misses' near Miss Holllster, Infants' wear C. E Goodsell, drugs; C. S, Cleasby, boys; ! furnlahlngs; 404 4th av. Wise-Smith Co.; James Craig. handker chlefs, gloves; 33 Mercer st. HERKOIER. If. Y. S. H. Miller. riry _.Is; Grand IIOI.YOKE. MASS. Buyan & Dowling; Miss Dowllng, mll llnery. siiks. neckwear, dress goods- Mur- I ray Hlll. ' IimSON, \\ Y. P H. Goldfcrman & Bro.; P, II. Golder man, men'a and women's clothlng; Broad way Central. IMNTINCTOV. XV. V A. Anderson-Newcomb Co.; R H Charlton, I hand \'iiz.;. gloves, rlbbons, tollet goods ! trlmmlngs, laci s 432 Ith n v INDIANAPOTJS Pettis D. G Co., H. L. Thompson. ladles' ! ready to iv?ar; 240 Madison av. ITHACA, N. V. Rothschild Bros ; G. J. Scott, dr-is ' good nings; Somersel Rothschild Bros . J R .thsehild dry " ." Miss Schmass luggage Mr". ; 1 ?1A< KSONVILLE, FLA. Cohen Bros.; Miss S Travis, infants' 1' ? ?! i ' I ' "" 6th av JOHNSON CITY, TENN. McCown Mahoney Co i. \V. M--Cown I merchandlse; 277 r,rh av KANSAS CITY. MO. S'paldir.g Cloak :'- , R, .- Flnk. women's j ready to McAlpln Bmery, BIrd & Thayer; T J. Glll, art goods, chlnn 2n Madison .,? LAXCASTER, PA. Hage- <t- Bro : William T! Hager mdse ' rr.crr . R. C. Mas>rson, toilet goods- 404 4th av. sn^'VL * Shand; Peter Watt, blartkets 432 4th ;: M T, Oarvln * Co.; Margarel 11. War ren. Infants wear; 37 W 2fith st Watt & Shand; T. Travis. boys' cloth? lng; W. S. Sullivan, coats, suits; 4.12 4th ave Hager Bros : I. W GrofT, woolena cot? tons, sllks W. R. Lalrd, upholstery drap ery 4"4 4th nv I. i:\INC.TOV. KY. W. Curry, ::? B0 ids ;!-"?:;!: I.1MA. OHIO a Holst iln, dr> g( ods; Pennsylva nla ^ LOGAN, OHIO w- H. StT ntz mei hing; Breslli LOCISVILLE Stewart D. G Co : C E Phllllps, ladles', men s and chlldren's ah '?-?? 2 W 32d st MERIDEN, CONN. tves, Upham <t Rand Co ; C. T.. Upham. mdse, mgr.; Miss A. Brown, notions and ' let goods; 404 4!h av I YNCHBURG. v.\, '' v- s ?'? ' I R Gray, uphoisterv, M Moaes. women's readv :o wear' 4-i E ? . . I.YNN. MASS. Hoddard Bros . G M. IClzer, woo'.ens, piece goods; 4'*; 4rh av MtMIIF.sriit, N U. M P \u,:-v Co F. Haley. mllllnery cloaks; suI ts B resl in MIDDI.ETOIYN. CONN. H Run ??-. ? E P Schaefer ? ? Miss D D Van De Water! I ?- ods 404 4l h av MII.HAlF.Ki: ' hustei & Co.; G Sparks, men's i hats and boj "' clol blng; 16 W md 1 172 B waj ? '???? '? ? - ng i i . Charles R ns: Par nsylvanla. J. & S. Polacheck; 3. Polacheck, woolens Pennsylvama MIXNEAPOLIS -' ? ? Mr Lauer, mdsa. roj?r. ; 2"5 5th av. - w ra Merc. Co ; M Bender, women's men's shoes Mr Pyke la - neckweai handkerchlefs, ;.,.'._'imj ' bbons; 2 W 37th st NASHVI1.I.E, TENN ' istner-Knotl D ?; C ; Miss Nance !- ? ?? ? ar.'! knlt underweai E 26th sl hnson-Harman Co.; J Blo h generai m . !::?-?.:? ania. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. New B, dford D. G Co.; J Leahy, -- rlse mgr A. J, Potvtm, notions and i llet go ids; Miss M i'-::: mlngs - oal s, suits walsts an ; aweati rs B, r, Foy, n en's and boya ? ,-: hlnga 404 4th av ' o. A ralbot, women's rea :? i wear; Imperlal. New Bedford D G. Co I I Bowie trlmmlngs. laces, rlbb. ns 404 Ith a.\ NEW HAVEN Shartenberg & Robinson; J L Bernstein ngr . H J. Van Runm notiona et goods; Miss -? al entini ms, n I-- m ' ? ? n's furnishlng - ; il - : t 4'h av. : Gamble-Desmond Co ; J. Baird, bl'anke - 4 32 4th av. ' '- M ' Iman, corsets b ? - - res; 46 E. I ' j Ed Malloy Co : M 3a M p ,, h . chiets, la 170 fith av. NEW ORLEANS Grossman tVeinfeld Mllllnery Co ? I ? "' iery . Imperlal.' NORFOLK, VA. Wlllls-Crall-Smlth Co.; J Wlllis tr furnlture; y0rk ' J " NOIUVIfH, CONN. Reid & Hu^hes Co , W. H '?ru'-kahd-k mdse. mgr.; G G . ns and to"ei ?: V.,-..V; ? ? ???- ? ; . ,-,.. *? Mitcb.n 4th. OMAHA ?- ._ Hammer i G c0.; T. C Bvrne ? domestlcs; i .. .... - -?-vrn?. Y\ood. Gates & Co H C. Gatee d-v geni : b Is, b | - OSHKOSH, ivisi Newmar. s, Inc ',' ,ia,'oh? n?-,_ Orland, wraps; 370 7th av R"n;an? an_ I'AI < AH. KY W. M. Rleke & Co.; VV \i Ri... I tions; 404 4th av Kiske. no PAWTCCKET. R, I. bhartenberg ft Uoblnaon Co.; B. V. Radl k?n, nidse. mgr ; W. Prltrhard, notlons and tollet goods, 404 4th av. Shartenberg ft Roblnaon; C. H. Clark. coats, aulta. furs. walsts; J. Larlbee, aaalat ant. 404 4th av PlIir.ADEM'mA Frank ft Sedar; II. L. Bertrbaum, coata. : aulta, eklrta; Mlsa C. Rosendale. children'a j wuar, 1372 B'way. Stewart's; Miss Strnuss, chlldren's coats an<l wrapa; Alfred Fantl, 116 W. 82d st. j Broa : S, Cohen, full fashton allk ! hos". 12>;i B'way. Blauner's; Mr. Sable, Joba walsts; Alfred i Fantl. 120 W. 32d st. Louia Weiss, woolen, cotton ptece gooda; I Alcaz tr, Largeman ft Bros.: .7, Largeman. allks, aatins, velveta; Pennsylvania. M Gross ft Co.; M. Grosa, woolens; 1182 B'way. Bros.: T. Condon. handkerchlefs, ' ribbons, laces; H. Shlvers, mllllnery; 1261 ! B'waj. RelB ft Smith; Max Smtth. ailka. aatlns; 33 W. 34th st. Stewart's; Miss S Epsteln. millinery: L. M. Croas, walsts; Miss B Koenig. dresse,: Miss M. Sporkln, coats, BUits; A. Fantl, 116 1 W .1 st. N, Snellenburg * Co.; C. Dlllemuth, wool- [ eijs. cottons; 1261 B'way. A. Graff & Co , A. F. Lipplncott; floor coverings; Impet-ial Bureka Cloak and Suit Co.; J. Kahn. . coii'-' suits; Imperial. Miller Bros.; William Miller, woolens, col tonx; Pennsylvania. Bullgrade Mfg Co.; J. Aaron, walata, chlldren's wear; Grand. ;,:? Bros.; M. Davls, sweatera; 12'U B'way. M. Frank Co ; M. Frank, woolens, cot tons, sllks; 1182 B'way Lerner Bros , .!. Lerner, coats, suits. dresses; 153 W 23d st Stewarts'; Miss I. I.yman, drcsyes; 116 W. ' 2d st, care of Fantl. M. Norwick ft .Son. II A. Norwlck; coats, suits, wv.iens, cottons; 1182 B'way, (Continued on oaoo nlneteen> Dr. Grant During Lent will speak on WEDNESDAYS AT 5 P. M. "WHAT SOME GREAT MODERN THiNKERS SAY ABOUT GOD" ON SUNDAYS AT 11 A. M. ON What Is Religion, Its Origin and Methods At Church of the Ascension 6th Ave. and 10th Street DANCING INSTRUCTTON LOVELL'S 637 MADISON AVE., Cor.59thStMsf8HPCLA,z> CLASS 1ft_ LESSONS i-"C v?? eusriciee to teaob tou ta danr* all lha la>9t rcodarn dtneea quirkly and eorrectly. 10 LESSONS $8 PK1VATE LKSdONS 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. WITHOUT APPOINTMJLNT Belene L Sweney S( HOOI. OF DANCING SPEC1ALIZING IN MODERN BALLROOM DANCING EiP'>rt Instruction with correctlon of faulw ;'- '1 res :?..?;. g and ? nab] :a one to be ome frry prodclent Ln a few leasor.e. NORMAL COURSE FOR TEACHERS Cert flcates and Dlplomaa Awardea '?? -? Plaza 8612?272'; 9 Iv 59TH >T.. at 5TH AVE. INSTRUCTION BERLITZ SCHOOL 5 Manhartaa: Languages rs?r TEKMS il.Vi BE BEGL'N AT ANY TiMB. CACSERIES FRANCAISES Le .Samedi a 11 heurea Elevea et leura atuie tnvitea P' I rRAIT \.\ : FIGURE PAINTING ?Opportunity to . a class for gen tlemen and one for adles A i plj b av.. ?tudio H Phone Watkltrs ?; tj J s. SURROGATES' NOTICF.S MARTIN. CORNELIA SHERMAN.?IN pursuance ' li order of H al alan a Surrogate of ( hi < ' mnty of New York - hereby given lo a:i p rsons g lalms against Cornelia In ,u- ?? of i he City of Lon d ? Ei ? ... I de eased, to present the san;c, with ?? uchers thereof, to thy sub at "n is place of transactlng busi i ofB. ? , :' Davlea, Auerbach ft :.- his atl rneya, at No. :i i Nassau Street, Boi iugh of Manhattan, City of New York, on oi before the 29th day nexi Dated ' :w Tnr!i, the 22nd day of Jan uary, 1921. BRADLEY M A ;.': I N*. Exe utor DAVIES, AUERBAi H ft. COR.ME I Exe uto Oract .-. ? ? . :'. ? A ldresa, No. Zi Nassau Sti ?? B ough of Manhattan, New Yor^ LAIDLAW, LAL'RA R.--TN PCRS1 ' in Oi ler of Honorable John F gate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons having laims aga .-? Laurn K. Latdlawj late of th< Co-unty of New York, deceased, to present the ?.?....? with : vouchers thereof. to the subscrlbera, ?-. their placo of transacting business at tha offi - IVa ??? ;: Herrlok, thetr attorney at N . ?; : Broadway, iu the Uoiougn of Man hattan, in the City of New York, State of New York, o:i or before the I6;n day of May, 1921 next Dated Xew York, the <tb day of Novem fcer, 1 '.* 2 0. GL'ARANTY I'Rl ST COMPANT OF NEW ?s vKlv, Executor. WALTElt R HERRICK, Attornej foi Executor, Office and P. O. Adcl eas, 61 B.-oadway, Borough of aiaunaltaa. New Vo'k City. I_PUBLIC NOTICES j TO WHOM CT MAY CONCERN :' - :.. and after the !K;h day of Mai : A t'. 1921, I wlll no longiM be respousilile ?' - ' r i???? i bj anj :.- but ! myself -?v,.-et^ on a w.en >rder from nie, C. L. MA XW'il . The A. B.C. of National Advertisine: fc? Advertising is merely mass seliing. Mass seliing Is individual seliing niul tiplied. The same principles that govem in? dividua] seliing apply to mass seliing. _ The manufacturer who sends in dividual salesmen out to sel! does npt rush them from the office pell-mel! and give them the wide, wide world t'or ter ritories. He would go broke it he did. On the contrary, hc care'fully routes each individual. He sends each man into the particular locality where he has the best chance to make good The wise manufacturer .no usea mass salesmansliip?advertising?uses the same methods. . He selects his markets and routes his advertising. He uses the most force where he has the best chance of seliing. He omits the places where his ehaneea are poor. The national advertiser who employs these up-to-date methods uses the dai'iy newspapera. National advertisers now spend most of their money in newspaper adver? tising. Want Advertisements Help Wanted B_ifn**s C?r_? Boarders Wanted ?ap!oy__ent A.enete fit.ationi Wanted Boiinets Opporr*_rH?? Fn-n>r<t_?d Room* ?.o?t. Fo.nd and rtewsrdf LOST. FOUND AND REWARD LOST?Earrlngr, Saturday afternoon. Mar^b 12, dlamond screw earrtng, platlnum aet. tlng; reward full value. Phone Harlem 5750, Apt. 20. LOST?Brooch. of about SO dlamonda. with 2 diamonds hansing from lt. loat between 116th st. and Lenox av. and 125th at. and Sl ' '-holas av.; Hbera! r?ward. Return to Mr. Hordes or telephone Harlem 4853. Lost Bankbooks LOST?Bankbook No. 71475? of the Pnior. Dlm* Savings Bank is mlsalng. Any p"r son having a rlatm to it ia hereby called upon to present the same within ten day* or submit to harlng said pasabook can celod and a new one lsaued. LOST?Bankbook No. 10332J of the Unlon Square Savings Bank, 20 Cnion Square. New York. Payment stopped. F nder ; lease return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 13*55 4 of fr.e Nortl River Savings Bank, 31 West 34th - Payment stopped. Kir.dly return to bank. LO Har.kbook No. 210.443 of the Frank lin Savings Bank. issued to Catherine Forrester Payment stopped Please re - bank, 658 Elghth a" . New York City. All persons _r" not to pun has | same. ? lln Sa - i -.. Issued l i ?- hn F ? Paj m mt stoppe l. P - ret. to bank. 658 Elghth . i . New V - I pers ns are caul ioned not to | i or negotiate same. LOST?Bankbook No. 279.231 of the Frank lin Savings Bank, :ssued to F Vfryer. Payment stopped. Please to bank, 658 Elghth av.. New V All ;ersons are cautioned not to purchase or negotiate same, LOST?Bankbook'' No. 019.24.-!. the Green wich Savings Bank, 246 Sixth av City. Payment stopped. Please return I i bank. LOST Bankbook No. 572,308, the vvich Savings Banl 240 Sixth av. N Y. Cif Payment stopp r FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET BROADWAY (Near 72d st I?Large room, suitable for two g ntlemen, two id a couple ? ? ? . i - .??-? ' 'o umb ; East Side 62D ST . rorr.?r L?xinEtton av. s-towt.v. room adjolnlng bath. private horr.e bus ness man, woman; $16 weekly. Plaza 8829 631") ST., 1 EAST?Beautiful large sunn; room sultable. for two, overlooklng Cen? tra] Park; excellent m<--ais; credenUals Ph ?"??? Plaza 9513. 70TH, between Park and Lexlngton av? ? Sunny oui - Ueated, ele trlclty. Rhlnelander 8697, DOCTOR or dentlst; f'-ont and baek par iora Ii private house; electrlclt: _ i modern - i feniences. 219 E. 57th st HOTEL NASSAU 9TH ST..BET. MADISON AND PARK AY9, Rooms with private ba'.h. $15 weekly upward; all hotel TELEPHONE PLAZA 3100 Weit Sid? 23D ST . W?Very nlce rooms. adjolnlng bath, private family, 2 gentlemen. Wat k;ns 9454 77TH ST., 154 WEST?Large sunny room private family; gentlemen; refe i 85TH ST.?Four large, well rooms duplex apartments; , privati telephone. Schuyler 3124 92D, 257 W.?Good size, attra ible, near bath, phone, ele tr BEAUTIFCLLY furnished large room ng bath king ludson ai Drlve, block B'way gubwa: gentlemai ... ren . . Tel. 4617 M CENTRAL PARK WEST (in the 60's> Unusual opportunlty! Outslde livlnt room, bedchamber connectlng, ad ninj : . - r thi enl ire aparl ineni wl ... -i ???',. . . Cerences. Co HOTEL BRADDOCK. 125th st. and 5th av. ? Slngle rooms, S2 a day. double rooma $3 a day; slngle room with bath, $3 a day, single room by the we--k, $9 up. $17.50 Per Week Permanent - ns with .private bath; modern h tel service; 12-a - H' 'TEL ? ? ';?-;? i Bt between 5th av an 1 Broadway. Phone PENNSYLVANLA 16 J Brooklyn F'A ". F i or t wo g< at .-:..?-?: Stet 1018. HELP WANTED PEMALE Domestic JHAMBERM AlD VVA 1TRESS wanted whit e; experle particu .- Lt?n % ' ' ' ' HOUSE M K. H ..::." HOUSEWORKER G e n e r a family ' , 7 Do .'.. .. ?. , , | - - ? v ? ? .,..'? .... .... S u n d a - ? ' . ^ week V. rlte ph .- . 5777 'i :. - ; KER ln \ . ikins Apl ave., ri .,. ktyn i'ORB ? , - ? . Mrs '? - HOl - K ?? i >r Jewisl n p hon 941 Steb bli - . Bi ix Intervale ERT COVERN'ESS are 2 Id ??- ? , - : between 10 _ :.. and . ;, 1323 Dll ::_* -v... B V al bush 2074. Miscellaneoaa BOOfCKEEPBJR, stenographer, Mp? enc< ' : . . ? ?? ..-?.. >, ? ,1 Cnl\ ??;?? V veraltj P ace, .:. :'. GRAPHER?Young woman of r llnentent wanled ln aw offl ? .. lcj and some ?i perle i ? . ary, $25; state as<- ed luali ce and refereuoes ? i 440 T t bu HELI' WANTED MAI.E Instruction AOTO INSTRuCTION?W? tearh repalrlna ard diivlng lu ah Iceriea guar antred ladtea it^aoa: ?.-<o Ford ieasona. A er :an v.> , K h ol, " :i Lexlugtoo *ve' tS9il Plaza 4016 LK a ftN Ti ) BE A l'HA i'FFEITt?Pleaaant l*y aoj e ??-?. ? ng 1m-3*j u freo book tl >i Isitor'a ..?. W>?t Slda T. il A_, sOj ',vC3i t: 11> at. MEN tu .perate- movltig rraoh ea hrate a vrt, l?a :. v u daya ot -ve ?a iei , , Theatei p, <<? lih -*. C42d). 1 rfiTUATIONS VVANTKD~ I K\U! E chamberniaids - ? ' ' BBRMAID. a7a"m,treea; wllltng ?,., Lang & Boecherer Co . 43 VV ? ; - ? WAITREl - ?' of acrulta -.- K . Mlaa 11 ' ' ' 1 rtoor. Te -. ? ?? i ?;.. : CH "lMBERM AID-SEAM8TRESS?Very r? _ ,,*)> ' ?' sxcellent long referem ea . ss :' ifmayer'a Agency, 10 E 43d at *d floor felepbone SS47 Murray Hi;:. Cooks COOK? Young Irish girl, city or country: l: 1 referencea. D., Mtsa Hofmav.-ra Ag.-ncy. 10 E. <:id st., 3d floor. Telephono 8' 4 7 Murray HilL COOK-WAIT&KS8? Frlenda: king~77fT7 encea; ap&rtment: city. \Vinthr?\ Em ployrnent Hureau. 47 \V. 42d sl.. ro* j 5S1 Murray MlU S431. COOlv, German, first class in all branchea SJTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE General Houseworkers, Etc. WORKTNO HOCSEKEJ PER mg; Tro~ t?stant; n-r-.m.'.'. fami -? ? - ?. B., Miss Hotmayer's Agencj I <> V. 43d st , 3d floor. '.'??:? : >". Etc. NT.-rsery GOVERNESS, experlenced; ". 4; ing. Lang & Boecherer Co., 4" W. 32J. st. Laundresses, Etc. ! first claaa, eapabl* workerj f< ? enc .-?. L&ng & Boechei ! 4 3 W, ;: ;' -??-. Miscellaneous ' AN GIRL, II, attending rEi - l_s< t . ? ' - - - I. ? - small aa Ti ;,.n?. '" I i IRED RELIAI'.f.E HE ' " ' > b at. Mornlni -1 ! - - - g & rer TIME w rkers, w '? ises ? rsa E . ? ? ? - Nurses, Etc. perlenced Sealey'a Al'- '?? y 2798, Waitresses ?? - ? ? SlTUATIONS V\ _NTED MALE bi: rLER ?ec< >xd ?? .-_? . : ? ' ? ? : .' phoi | t ommercial MAN. i it - - ? gent. ambll ius.ii opportu as aess; salar . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Domt's ic Help UP-WTnF DOMESTIC EMPLOT _ -1' '"-1' MENT AGENi . 3? ? 3 help of all nat.l ;.... tics su ; . a 187 L,ea a ave J Madlson E .are. grad servai . ; " ?' r nc( ?? ;-.:-.? 9 ? Ex ?-:. -.; ht-1] ?' - 'll BUSINESS CARDS Carpet s LNES, WTLTOXS. A' Brussels - - -?. <? , ? est .. ' $11 $2 ? - - : l runnei -? im, i . k - . ING ... , . . ' PAIJ REAS .AZA - L'iiimonds, Jewelry, Etc. - ' - ? eanlng your . precioua '.h.ngs?? -?? Id _- i plctlnum? a ke?n - :>"::.';ant f.nish; attractively put up in g.a.?s r steppi for fl to aay aJd^ssi. Oruer i ?? iler. P. L. Dlyer, 4 J 0 W ? ? rk, ti. N- . NDS bought and sold for :ash frora il - BBNNEfT., I7fc Broadway. 2d Coor. Furnitur* reed , ? -- n-URE - - *!i i gest selec _, WE PA"1 ? for t ks, . t. etc. GABAY, Ss C | ? . Stuy vesant Men's Clothine; A WHOLESALER ; " ? ?; Mored v -?? il . ' ; | - ' ? Office Furnitur* ? ? - ? . E_ J AC O J Trunks r \ ri'-;.- . ? - .ypewriters "" '"">' ? Jntha, t* na. AMERH _N WTMTINa MACHIND CO rs'C. ?' '? ird at Tel S4t_ ->? E - Pranklia EW KITKK ?TXCH__\'?? 10 Barcla. rt. Telepl _? 47S? B.rclij., Istery and BcaJUnsr ratlng - r> -ov?-? i i H.gta I. BARISH U AV. - ?. . i ;f ra? q . ' tering Co., ? ? ? . ? - Rep. Co.. ; ? - Bl Sl sESS OPPORTUNITIES st"-. T : - .- > :h? Wg:h< sl bt? -?? - sarit . SLMMONS OURT OF THE STATE OTI -...' New York -Lila A; - Raymond Antakl. defen* ? - TO THE UiO . 1. HKFRVDANT: UR Sl'UHi <\iil> to anawer .i.-i.l to ae- e iwer on the PlaintlfT'a A - btn twenty d&ya after the ???.-%. ? ? ? I be day ? 5 service. and ln case of ;. our Cailnre to appert*1 tudgraent wlll be 'aken agaln ? :??... ill for the relief dumanjed ;n ihq : cornpl . X>?ted New York. Januarv 23th. 1321 KE.VDLER Jfc GOLDSTELN. Attorneya for Pialntiff Ofllce and P Oy ? Addreaa, 169 Wejai 46th Btreet, Borousb ~i Manhattan. CttyaM New York. j To Itav mond Astait: The f mona Is aerved upc- v. ? by publi.ation. purauant *o an o.v.e.. " " I Davtt IKm lry i's.' ;c-? A?nr??, t? ? V \