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_ - III ' "?*?"' "~'l I II ?' ? . . '? ? ?"" ? III??, FOR RENT i One of the best 2,520 square foot units. Most completely equipped ornees suitable for BANKING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS Marble cage, private office, etc. Ready for occupancy May 1st, 1921, in 32 BROADWAY ALSO Units of 5,000, 2,500, 1,340 and 1,154 square feet. H. C. BEAVEN 32 Broadway, New York Phone 1901 Broad OR YOUR OWN BROKER ?r~H?RT OIL?A Producing Corporation ~*Q National legislation has been invoked to preserve our present strategic advantage! with relation to the oil industry. The nation's investment in this product amounts to billions of dollars. Ten million people are said to be employed in the many branches of the industry in this country. America is now producing 70% of the world's supply of crude oil. The demand for 1921 is com? puted in excess of the production in 1020, by not less than 20%. This forecasts further advance in the price of crude?larger ______________________________________________ profits for producers. With a record of success in our own development work unmarred by a single failure, with earnings more than ample for dividend ' requirements, derived from 30 producing wells, we believe the j future of this Corporation will excel its past. Holdings Over 20,000 Acres of O?? Lands A Record of Fifteen Consecutive Dividends Paid from Earnings Stock $2.50 per Share For further information and booklet write Department D HART OIL CORPORATION . 5^ 123 Liberty St., New York ? J| REPORT OF THF CONDITION OF THF INDUSTRIAL BANK of NEW YORK At the close of business on the '2Rth day of February, 1921. RESOURCES Fperl* . $4.619.51 Other rurr?r:'"7 authorized br the laws of the 1'nl'ed States . 4"i.784.65 Due from 'he Federal Reserve Baals or New Tork, !e?s offset. 5S3.000 53 Due from other banks, trust companli's and bankers . 716.043.49 Ptock ar.d bond Investments, r\z: Public securities . ?84.T46.00 Private securities . 106.431.25 201,17 Loan? ord discounts secured by oihrr collateral . . 988.380.96 Loan-;, discounts ai ! bills p'i.-rha;?d not ?"i 'ir>'d by collateral . 4,847,862 Custnrr- acceptance? (see liabilities, per contra) .- 9.4.".:. ?nteres! earned bul not collected. 7.913.68 Discount rai'l Federal liesrrve Rank of New York .'. 2,013.71 Total.$7,406.153 31 LIABILITIES Cap?al stc-k.?1.O00.O00.O0 6ufpiu 8urp!us fund . f.oo oon eo Undivided profit* . 07.240 03 Deposits: Preferred, as follows: Due New York State savings banks . $94.79? ',5 Deo-*!'* iv the State of New York . . . 210,000 00 Deposits by the fjuper Inlendent of Banks ot the State of New Vork . 5.000 00 Noi preferred, as follows: Deposits subject to " check .4,79?,729 IS Tune deposits, certifi? cates ami other de? posita, the payment of which cannot legally no required within thirty days.. 245,881.83 Cashiers' checks out / standi-i?. Including similar check* of other cffli-ers . 24 00 fortified checks . 18,10o (iO Due trust companies, bank* and bankers... 215.161 33 557,240.09 To!al deposits .5.58S.T00.83 Rediscounts, viz. Other rediscounts . jronoo.oo Aceptan-,., of drafts pay? able at a future date or authorized bj commen Id! letters of i redit . $9,457 50 Other liabilities. viz Special reserve fund.. . $40.000.oo Hestrres f i taxes, ex? penses, etc . 12.376.S7 A crued Interest en? tered on books at close of business on ahore _,n('lt<, ?. 1.664.09 Ea?nisted unearned dts cou,lt? . 46.714.03 l',0,00fl 00 ? 100.754 90 ToUi.$7.408.153 31 DIVIDEND NOTICES 279th Consecutive Dividend The Bank of Neiv York National Banking Association A quarterly dividend of five per cent. (5%) has been declared by .tt,-.? Board of Directors, payable on and after April 1, 1921, to stockholders of record of March 21, 1?21. FRED'K C. METZ, J*., Cashier. March 15. 1921. THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Th" Board of Dire-fora hat? declared a quarterly dividend of 4 % on the capital stock of' this bank, payable April 1, 1931. ro : '.vkholders of record at tho close of business March 28, 1921. The trans?? books will not close. Hillitim P. Holly, Cashier. March 16. 1921, CHASE SECURITIES CORPORA TION The Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $1 per ?hare on the capital ?fork of this Corporation, payable Apri! l. 1921, to stockholders of record a', the close of business Match 28. 1921 The transie. books will not close Wm. 43. Shalble, Treasurer. ?Urcb 16, 19U, FINANCIAL MEETINGS NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING TICE LIBERTY BANK OF NEW YORK; 120 BROADWAY To the Stockholders of The Liberty Bank of ! A special meeting of the ?'n^khold?ri of! The Liberty Bank o? New York -mil be ? held at th? office of the Bank, No. 120 i Broadway, New York City, on March 2?. 1021, at 10 so o'clock a. m, for th? pur- ' pose of voting upon an agreement made be- : tween The 1 iberty Bank of New York and The New York Trust Company, pursuant to the Banking Law of the State of New York, foi ?:.. merger of The Liberty Bank of S i ... York Into the New York Trust Cons-, The transfer hooks of The Liberty Bank of New York will he closed at the close of business March 20, 1021, and re-opened at ?' i opening of business April 1, 1921, p.\ i rder of a majority of the Board of Dii . tors HARVEY D. GIBSON, President. FREDERICK W. WALZ, ('ashler. Dated New York, March 14. 1921. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of th? Chicago and North Western Railway Company will ,,p held at'the office, of the company, 226 West Jackson Boulevard, in the city of rhioago, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 12. 1021, at 11 o'clock a. m, for the election of direr-tors and the transaction of nthei business as may come before sa cl meet Ing. i I ooks will he closed ?n Frida v, Mar. 11 1921 at the i lose of, business on that day, and will be reopened on Wednes Aprii 13 1921. Dated M i li 10, 1921. IV1LI ? M I! BTNLEY. President. JOHN D CALDWELL, ie.-retary. CHICAGO, SAINT PATJL, MINNEAPOLIS AND (limit RAILWAY COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ef th? Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis aiid Omaha Railway Company will he heifi at the office of the company, In the city of Hudson, Wisconsin, on Wednesday, April 10. 1921, at 9 o'i lock a, m . for the election of directors and the transaction of r.uch other business as may como before ?aid meeting. Transfer hooks will be closed on Fridav, March 11. 1921, at the close of business on that day, and will he reopened on Thurs daj Api il i-'. I92J Dated February 28, 1921 JAMES T. CLARE. President. NOTICR OF ANN1 .'.!. MEETING OF T\\<> RECTOR STREET f'ORPOK \TION, 1 -1 nim il Me. ting of the slot kholders Con pany will v>e hi Id i n t hi 31 si da> of Man h, 1921, at 2 o'clock in th? afternoon, al the office of the president of the corporation, Mr, Louis J. Horowitz, 49 Wall Street. N'ew York. N. Y., for ?he pur? pose of electing a Board of Directors, two Inspectors to serve at n't elections of stock? holders during th? ensuing year and re? ceiving and acting upon the reports of the nfTU-ers Increasing the number of the direc? tors of the corporation from sli to seven ari.1 for th? transaction of such other busi? ness as may properly come before the meeting. HENRY HLOCH, Secretary. Dated. March 4. 1921. DIVIDEND NOTICES FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY New York City. Th? Board of Directors of the Fidelity tlonal Trust Company has declared .?. quarterly dividend of TWO AND .ONE HALF PER CENT i2>4?~) on the capital sto.-k of th? company, pava hie March 31, 1921. to stockholders of record at the close of business March 2sth. 1921. Transfer books will be closed at S P. M. on March 25th. 1931, and will reopen on ! April 1, 1921. Checks for the dividend will be mailed : March 30. 1921 ARTHUR W. MEU.EN. Secretary. NEWT?RK WlTTAN?T MORTGAGE COMPANY I . PaOADWAY.NEW YORK A quarterly dividend of two per .-en?. (2 ' i ^n the capital srock of the Company has been declared, payable April 1, 1921, to V-. kholders of record at the close of business oil March 22. 1921. Dated, March IS, 1931. GERHARD Kl EHXE, Secretary. METROPOLITAN TRCST COMPANY of Jfce City of New York. WiviPEND NO. 97. A dividend of four per cent on th? Cap Ifal Stock of this Company has been this ?(- declared cut of surplus profit? pay? able Mar, h 31st to stockholders ol record at the close of business March 18 1921. BERTRAM CRU?ER, Treasurer, New Torfc. ?N. V.. Jlarch 16,-1921. Curb Tone Strong In Quiet Trailing; Offerings Light Professionals Not Disposed to Bid for Storks and Linie Business Is Done; Oils in Improved Demand - ? Although prices were generally firmer in yesterday's trading on the curb market, business was in small volume because of light offerings. Traders were not disposed to bid for ?-tocks. Oil stocks were in bettor demand nnd scored moderate advances. Carib Syn? dicate was bought nt an advance of more than a point and closed at. 6^4, the highest in several days. Maracaibo :nd Salt Creek were stronger. Durant Motors bold at its recent high and United Retail Candy was steady. Industrials ;,iloS Open. High. Low. Last. 3900 *Acmo Coal... 1 1% 1 'U 100 ?Altltnln Mfg.. 16% 1C?4 16% 10% 600 ?Am R?frig?r?t 1 % \ % LVi, 1% 100 Autoin Fuel S.. 42 4? 42 42 300 ?Br-Am Chem. 2V4 2M 2V4 2% 400 ?Car Lt ?- P.. 2% 2% 2% 2 % 700 Theo Nipple.. 6% f'l 6% ?H 200 ?Clove Auto... 42% 43 42% 43 110 rom Fin pf Si). 47% 48 47 47% 1100 ?Durant Mot wl 21% 21% 21 H 21 '-a 3S00 *Emp Food P.. 2% 2i? 2% 2t|? 300 ?Ot Lakes D.vD 91 92 91 92 100 ?Hav Tob pf.. 5% 5% 6% 5% 300 *I T of G B & I. 9% 9H 9% 9% .100 ?Inter Cull I pf. 7 7% 7 7 % loo ?int Trade M.. 60% fioij, sn% ?0>* 200 ?Line 'Mot CI A IS 18 17% 17% 350 ?Nal Fireproof. 7% s 71., ft 475 ?do pf . 16% 16Vi I*1- 16% 70,1 \o Am P & P. 4 4 3% .I7* :?" 0, Perfection Tire. 1 1 % 1 1A j 30# ?Profil 1" C&RS. \ 1 % 1 200 ?do pf. P.! 2 1 % 2 200 ?Pyrene Mfg... ,f>% 10% 10*4 1?', ' 2000 ?Radio Co w i.. IS 1% IS 174 1000 *rlo pf w 1. . . 2 H 2% ? : 2>4 250 ?Rockwell Can. 10'', loi^ 1"^ l"% ? '? 0 * Roy Fr TP Inc. 6 % 5 S 5 % f. % 100 ?Stan Gas & E. 1144 114* 11 a-i 11% 200 *rio pf. 34% 34 % 34% 34% 300 ?Stanwood Rub H % % % BOO ?Sweets Co Am 2A? 2 H 2% 2% 200 ?Swift Inter..; 25% 25% 25% 25% ]0?T"dd Shipyds. 64% ?4 ?s 64>-? 64% 200 ?Union Carbide 54% 55 64% 65 2000 Un Profit Shar. 1% 1% 1% 1% 00 *TJ R.-! St Can. 7% 7% 7% 7% 2000 ?U S Ship Corp. v? % v, '? 20ao ?F S Steamship A *s A N 25 *"\Vm Davlea , . .11 31 31 31 600 ?Willys Corp, . % H % t.. 50 ?do 1st pf. . . 17% 17% 17% 17Va Standard Oils 1300 ?Anglo Vm OU 17 1? 17 17% 10 ?So Penn Oil.. ?? 222 222 222 ? 10 ?Southern P !.. ? 103 103 loi 1500 VS! 1 Oll of I-.i'l ? 60% 6S% 69% Other Oils ROO ?Ai.iv nil .... 1 i 14 j i 1; 10000 ?* t A111 f ?. 1 on... io u m n 2000 ?Boone Oil.... 1 % 1% 1% 1% 300? ?tBos-Wyo ou 4K v jj 4? 7000 ?Carib Svnd... 5% 6% r.% 6% 100 ?Cnrih Trail ... 7 10 7 10 100 *Ctl Snrv, com. 27 27 27 27 1200 ?Col Emerald. 2% 2% 2% 2V4 R00 ?Denny Oll.... % 1 74 1 2000 ?Elk Basin Pet 8% 9 S% 9 I00*Emerich Oil.. 1% 1% 1 u 1% 20O0 Engineers Pet. 1111 C: 00 ?Fav Pel. % % % 14 1500 Federal Oil. . . 1?, 1 % 1 % 1 % 200 ?Fensland Oil.. 11 11 11 11 600 ?Glenro -\ < ill. 1% 2 1% 1 % 2500 *( luff-Gil O em 12% 12 ",'< 12 12<Hi ISOO ?II Parm 1 HI.. 1 % 1 ', 1% 1 % 1 ?100 ?Hudson Oil ... % ,*, 14 lOOO ?Internatl Pet. 14% 14% 11'. 14% 300 ?Livings Pet... 3% 3% 3% 3'4 100 ?Manhattn Oil. 2% 274 " % 2 74 500 ?Marl O of D. 18 IS 17'., 17% 2200 ?Maracaibo Oil 22% 23% 22% 23% 500 ?Mer Oil Corp. 11% 12% 11% 12% 600 ?Me* Eagle Oil 21% 21,% 2174 21% loo 00 new. 22 22 2?. 22 100 M"* Peabd <~<il 3.1 33 33 31 2100 Mexico Oil . . 1% 1% '. % 1% 5600 ?Midwest Tex. A, .V A, % 500 ?Moun Prod .. 8 H 8% 8 ?i 8% v ..v,..-. r\ & i-, ??>. ,\ i, .9. 00 O O S G 1 n?? >1 2 % ? % 2-''-, 2 % ? ? - ppnnol OU .6 5% 5 6% 1200 ?Trod .v Ref . 4% 4% 4% 4\ ; 00 ?Rorl R "-'?' il % r,a % 3 00 ?RvanCnns w 1 7% 7% 7% 7% 300 ?Sait Cr (new) 10 10% 10 10 i, 500 ?Settled Prod. 2% 2% 2% 2% ROO ?Simmg roi,.. 7 >'? (".-.,, 7 700 Skollv OU ... 6% f.% 1*.% 6% 3500 ?Texas Co rts. 1% 2 1% 2 ?ion ?Texon O ?- L. il IJ % U 120,0 Tu Royalty. .. 2% 2% 2 2% 400 ?m Texas Pet % % % % 700 ?victoria Oil.. % % % % 500 ?Y Oil. A A A A Mining A1*r=ka Br C M. % % % % 3500 ?tAtlanta. 1% 2 1% 2 1000 ?Atlas Gold... 18 1? 1e 18 3700 ?tBelch E (a p) 1% .4 3 4 3200 ?tBelch D (ap) 4% 5 4% 5 jnoo Big Ledge. A A A A ^;7'?o ?fBooth . 4 5 4 ", 1RO00 tBost f. Mont. 68 0 ' 67 60 3100 ?tCaledonia ...11 12 11 11% 2700 ?Candelaria PII. 14 15 14 14% 3700 ?tCashbov. 7 ? 7 7'., 100 1 ons Vir Silver. 7% 7% 7% 7% 5600 ?Corte;: Silver.. 60 72 68 72 ? 00 Cresson l'ons G. 1 1 A 1 1 A 38000 Divide E 111 p) 54 59 50 57 200 El Salvador Sil A A A A 1700 Emma Silver. .1 1 3 3 ' 25000 ?Eureka Cr M.. US 2 1% 143 1400 ?tEureka Holly 1% 1% Kl 1% 12600 ?tGold Zone D. 21 22 21 22 <;.nn ?tGoldfd Cons. R 9 7 S 1200 ?tGoldfd Dev.. 2 3 2 2% 12700 ?Goldfleld Flor. 35 37 34 35 1000 ?-tGreat R?nd .2 2 2 2 loono ?tHarmill D M 11 15 13 15 12fiOHecla Mining.. 3% 4 3% 4 500 ?Iron Blossom.. A A A A 2700 ?tJim Butler.. 14 15 14 15 3200 r.Tumbo Exten. 7% 8% 7% S % 2500 ?tKewanas. ... 2 3 2 2!" 30700 ?TKnox Divide. 21 24 21 r4 trmn ?1, Star Cons M 4 5 4 ?'000 ? + M icN Cre? M 12 12 1' 12 2000 ?TMacNam Min 16 1-6 15 15 R00 Magma Copper. 18% 10 1; 14 19 2500 ? i Marsh Min. .7 s 7 ?0 1 ?M'lode Cop oH 5 5 5 5 1300 Mur-M M Ltd. . 55 57 55 400 NipiBsing Mines 7% 714 7'., 71, 1?)0 Ophir Silver M. 1,?, 1A i .\ \Jl 500 ?Plat Pall Prod 5% i'-\ 5 4 5 K lino Prince Con_ A. ?. , u. u 22000 Rex Cons. R 8 7 R 100 ?So Am G & P. 4% 4 V 4'i 4? 2800 ?tSilver K Dlv. 2'3 3 2% 3 2800 ?tSilv M of Am 61 62 fi? S' 3000 ?tSilver Pick. .6 6 % ? ti 6 600 Etand Silver L. A. ,? ^ ^ 3SO0 ?tSuccess Min. 2000 ?Sutherland, D. 1 1'i 1 l1: 1500 ?Talapoosa Sil. A A A A 320 tTono Belmont. 1 ,'? 1A 1% IV. 4860 tTono Divide.. 1A 1A 1A 1-A 3700 Tono Exten,- 1% 1% 1% IM 620 ?Tono .Mining.. 1', Is? 1 ,> 1!. 1300 United Eastern 2,7lT 2,^ 2A 2>: 2500 ?tU S Cunt M. 8% 9 8% 2.100 ?tVict It tap). 4% h'-i 4 >2 5 4200 iv.' Ends Cons.. 11 \i 1 800 "Western Utah.i 40 40 40 4 i 6200 r\\' Caps Mln . . S 9 8 S V. 3000 Wllberl Mining, .'i 4 3 4 Bonds < *nn 1915. 04\ 9474 n,,' ni, 2 *C N Ry 7'";,_'13.irioi7 ]M, ,?,,,* .!?,' 10 ?C de P -cS^in, '?n; ? 23J?J?OJ? 5 ?ten Gas Rs. 0 0 \ 99.v ',?}?.,',, 2 ?CE Assn 5s '22 100 100 inn ' inn'4 25 ?do 1021. 14 7, nr. ?,, ?.,, 10 ?do 1924. . . 93 on 4 ?do 1925 . )9 991 ?Dia Mate h 7 '"' 1 n 1 ini * ' ?E G & F ils '24 ? 'v'' 15 ?do 10:... 943! n,, : *Gal Sig OU T",- 9 ! s-. 931* ?' loodr h ~'r '25 88% S8?i ? ?Gt Sv 1 I 11 l?f . 79 ? ;i)s! 25 ?Gr Tr ?'?',? n . . 95 95% 70 ?Gulf Oil 7s w i. 95 9s4 5 ?Heinz 7? 1930. . 97.H 07 C 20 ?1 k Tr 7s . 68% 70U b.s ^ 1 ?Kennec Cop 7b. 90t? 901; ontl 2 ?Mor & Co 7%e. 9S% 98 % Ig? 10 ?O C G 7% '23.. 94 04 q3s? * 'do 1924. 91% 94 ?31? 04 99 T.!, Mr 101 941 97 H 97-s 93? 25 ?R Gvt 6%%ctf8 12% 15 i?V6 ?h 6 ?S R 7s (lyr).. 98% 99 9? 74 ?9 3 ?do (2 years). 9514 95% 95% 95% 4 ?do (3 years). 94% 94% 94*i 04s? J?Ln<i,al? I^%?--- 90&* 90S^ 904 90? 10 ?Solv & Cie 8s.. 99% 99% 99 ^9 5 ?Southern Ry 6s 96 96 9? m 30 ?So West T ?!%. 96% 96 *i 9?i/ n,; .v ,1 !,\'.n Tank' L ,78.100% 100% 100% jooai lo'West Elect 7s.. 99% 991, 99 99 ?Unlisted. ?Unlisted. ,/Sells cents per ebars. Wine Production Grows WASHINGTON, March 16.-FrencI wines last year exceeded bv more tha? lT7.000.0on gallons that country's sup ply in 1013. according to a renovt to th? Department of Commerce to-day fron Commercial Attach? F. G. Singer, a l'a ri s, Cotton ?Advances On Foreign Tone ; Trading Is Quiet| Improvement in Sentiment Is Laid to Manchester In? quiry; Liverpool Lacks Strength; Pressure Lighl If. anything, the cotton market showed rather a steadier tone yester? day, ov^ng to better reports from Man cheater a?d the absence of anv im? portant hedge selling from the South. No improvement was reported in the volume, if demand, however, and td vnnces were not fully maintained, with tha market closing steady net 22 points higher to 2 points lower. May con? tacts sold up from 11.65c to il.98e and closet' at. ll.Rsr, compared with 11.Si at the close lrist night. The no hm of Liverpool, which failed' to show any strength of consequence, In spite of the heiter Manchester tone, was evidently a disappointment to recent buy? ers, nml there were reports that Southern mills were plnnnlng to curtail should there bo no Improvement in the demand for yarns and goods. Wall Street was a moderate buyer at the decline. According to private cables, Manchester Is receiving rather a better Inquiry fo gooda from the Far East, and them has been some demand from India. Southern spot markets, iih officially re? ported, were unchanged to 25 points higher, except in the case of Galveston, which was 76 points lower. The < Galveston change was considered a readjustment, as prices thorn had been relatively hlffh. . Middling quotations in tho South now range from 10.25c to 11,75c. The local market, for spot cotton was quiet and f. points higher nt 1170c, for middling. No sales were reported. The range of prices: Tuesday's Op-n. High. Low. Close close March. 11.25 11.46 11.26 ll.3Scgll.43 11.34 April. 11.F.: 11.52 11.52 11-',';/ - 11.60 May... 11.75 11 OS 11.65 ll.RStg - - 11.84 .lune... - - -12.0Sig .- 12 0:, July... 12 M 12.46 12 13 12.33(112.34 12.30 Aug ... ??-? 12:>0':; - 12-to Oct...'.' 12.69 12.90 12.66 12.77@12.7S 12.73 Dee_ 12.94 13.12 12.78 13.00@V3.02 13,02 Jan.... 13.03 13.13 12.86 13.06??? 13.07 Southern Spot Market? ?' Galveston steady, 75 points lower at 11.25c; ?ales, 740 bales. New Orleans steady, 25 points higher at lie; sales. 1.275 bales Mobile nominal, unchanged at 10.50c; sales, nil, | Savannah steady. 25 pointa higher at ? 11 50c. sales, 261 bales Norfolk quiet, I unchanged at 11.25c; sales, 423 balea 1 Augusta steady. 1 ,'i points higher nt lO.SSc; i sales, "1 bales. Memphis steady, un? changed at 11.50c; sales, 1,250 bales. Houston steady, unchanged at lo.noc; sales, I.07S bales. l.ittle Rock quiet, unchanged at 11.50c. sales, 287 bales. Da 11 ils steady, 10 points higher at 10.70c; safes, 1,137 bales. Montgomery firm, unchanged al I".25c; sales. loo bate;;. Fort Worth steady, 5 points higher at 10.40; Hales, 1,331 hales. Cotton Statistics Tester- Last Last day. week. year. I Tort rereipta .. 13,668 13,296 28,152 Exports. 7,095 8,342 31,437 ] Exports season.3,553,842 3,477,770 4,745,875 N. Y, stocks... 127,622 125,695 51,122 | Port stocks.1,408,315 1,421.1:.o 1,324,710 Interior receipts 11,291 15,697 15,67:1 ' do shipments. 11.4U7 16,335 16,839 ; N. V. arrivals.. bfs7 257 727 What Things Cost Quotations are cash prices in primary marke Pr?tions Cnmmndlty ?nd unit. Yesterday, day. FOODS? Wheat (No. 2 hard) bu. $1.80 $1.77',/2 Corn (No. 2 yellow) bu. .86% .8638 Oats (No. 2 white? bu. .55 .55 Hour (Minn, pat.) bbl. 8.35? 8.75 8.50? 8.85 Beef (family) 100 lbs. 25.00ffl28.00 '25.00@28.00 Torlt (mesr.) 100 lbs. 30.00@'.1.00 30.00@31.00 Sugar (grnnulatrd) lb. .08 .08 Coffee (No. 7 Rio) lb. .05 7-16 .06 Butter (creamery, 91 score) lb., .43'2?,45'2 .45@ Kirgs (fresh 1st) doz.29@ .31 TEXTILES? Cotton (middling upland) lb_ .1170 . Print cloths (38', 2?64x60). .061 4 Silk, raw (No. 1 Sin.) lb. B.7U Wool (fine Montana scoured) lb. .90 METALS? Iron <2x rhilndelpbia) ton. 29.54 Steel billets (Pittsburgh) ton- 42.00 Lead (pig) lb. .042 Copper, lb. .12 Tin (Class A) lb. .29 RUBBER AND HIDES? Rubber (ribbed-smoked sheets) lb .17 Hides (calfskins, city) 9 to 12 lbs. 2.10@ 2.15 .46 .32? .34 .1165 .08% 5.75 .90 29.54 42.00 .042 .12 .2834 .17 2.10ffl 2.15 tt. 1920 nigh. $2.60 2.3134 1.50 16.25 28.00 47.00 .23 .163/4 .77 .89 .433/4 .26 17.45 2.00 53.51 65.00 .09'/;. .19/2 .65'/4 ? ? 541/j 10.50 ran**. Low. $1.79 ?94t/2 .60 9.00 20.00 29.50 .08 * .06',, .511/2 .42/2 .14'/2 .07/2 5.00 .80 33.00 43.00 .04 .12 V .32 2 .1B'/a 2.10 Liverpool Crides -Fpot col (on quiet at 5 points advance Middling 7 1 Td. Sales, 4,000, American, 3,000, Imports, 10.000, alj Anv-rican Futuros opened quiet at t to 7 points advance, closed steady, unchanged to 7 points high. r. March. 7.43d; May, 7.60d; July, 7.71.1, October, 7.89d; January, 7.99d. Manchester: Yarns dull and Irregular; i lot ha quiet Cottonseed Oil The market was only moderately active, With a mixed trade. The sharp drop In lar.l had |i bearish Influence. Final prices were 1 to 13 pointa net lower, and sales for the day wer? lO.OOO barrels. The range of prices follows: Tues. Open. High. Low. Close. close, Spot .... - - ? - 5.90(5 - 6.00 March.. non 6.rj0 5.90'?)6.]0 loo April... 5.90 6.90 6.90 6.90@6.20 6.00 Mac.... 6.20 6.28 6.15 6.20(g>6.23 6.33 June.... ? - - - H l.'v'h i;o 6.40 July.... t?''.! 6.75 6.65 6.73? 6.7>5 6.79 Aug.... ?117 fi ?7 6.67 6,S5@6.91 fi.00 Sept.. .. 6.90 7.00 6.89 6 OOrij 7 no 7 on Oct.. 6.3D 7.19 6.99 7.15@7.23 7.10 Coffee Futures Break * ' To Lowest in 12 Years Continued heavy liquidations of con? tracts yesterday sent coffee futures on the local market to the lowest noint in more than t welve year's, Va re h contracts dropperl below 5 ont'; a pound, ami even distant mont lie wer.- barely above fi cents, Weaker primary markets and lower Brazilian nj. change rates were factors. The spot mar? ket was dull, with Rio 7s quoted at 0 cent i. The innere of prices: Tuosdaj s Open. High. Low. Close. ,-?.,..-.-.. March... - - - 4.95@4.95 6.05 | April.... - -- 6.04(9)5.07 5.22 May. 5 20 5.20 5 10 5.17@5.18 5.40 June. --6.37@5.38 5.59 July .... 5.55 6.60 5.45 6^7@5.58 5.7-1 August... ?--6.76@5.77 6.9s! Sept. fi.00 6.00 6.85 6.95@5.96 6.17 October..-6.07@6.08 6.:110 November-6'.19@6.20 6.12 December 6.36 6.36 6.25 i">.32<T6 33 6.55 January. ? j-- 6.44?6.46 6.67 February, 6.50 6,50 6.60 6.56@6.58 6.7:? Migur Futures?The volume of business w;.s small and price changes narrow, final quotations being unchanged to 2 points ! lower. The range of prices: Tuesdav's ! Open. High. Low. Close. cl06e. ! .March... -- - 5.1'iff 5 15 5 15 1 April.... - -r- 6.26(8)5.28 6.28 1 May.,.. 5.41 5.41 5.41 ?6.38?5.40 5 40' June.- 5.48@5.50 6.50 July. 6.65 5.65 6.62 6.61@5.62 5.61, August..- 5.68@5.70 6.6S ! Sept. ?-- 5.7-1? 5.76 6.75! Butter, Cheese, Errs Butter Receipts were 7,467 packages. Creamery, higher than extras, lb, 4?'-, rial, Ih . 2- V?? 29l/4?; fall made, 28?29c;| average run. 26@27&ci fresh specials. 26? 26'-2i average run. 25 @ 25 M? c; lower1 grades. 1R@24V3C; twins, held, specials. ;.'.,.-,',.. , . ..,;-,,l->- run > ?? i r Wl icon sin. lield flats, 26?2S'4c; held twins. 26? 28'/2c; single Daislea, held, 27 ' ?? '</ 2"-.. <- : double Daisies, held, 27 '/is ft 28c: Voting Americas, 27@"8'iic; fresh 27@27V4c; skims, held specials, 17 'a fi 19 Vjc; prime to choice, n?16c; fair to good, 10@12c; lower grades, 6 '<> 9c. Kggs?Receipts were 52,489 .uses. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen. :::', ' ??_ 'n .: l. -, i :lra firsts, 31'/?? 32c; seconds, 27'3ix'2S dirties, Xn. 1. 27@2Sc; checks, tail choice, dry. 25@26c; state. Pennsylvania a ii d ? arm IIIIACI coioi.-. gitLixuu, -a: 34c; first to extra firsts. 30?32( Wheat Is Stronger I On Foreign Buying; Premiums Advance inquirir? for 2,000,000 Bus. Cause Upward Swing; Ar? gentino Sales Have No Puf? fert; Corn Moves Higher CHICAGO, March I?, -Fulls had an, i'dvantage in th<? wheat market to-day, helped by talk of export inquiry from Greece and France. The close Was ? ftrong at 2V?JC to 3%c net higher, with March $1.59 to $1.59% and May 51.51 M? to $1.51*4. Corn gained Uc to "ic, and oats ',4c to %c(S%c. In provisions the outcome was a setback of 15c to 10c. M"heat showed an upward tendency from th? ?tart. It was ?aid Greece and Prance ???re asking for tendera amounting to al? most 2.000,000 bushels and that Europe to? day had tak'n about 500,000 bushels of i'anadian wheat. In this connection the fact was noted that cash premiums showed an advance ;it tho Gulf of Mexico and at Minneapolis and Winnipeg as well. P? sides, mills wre credited with having bought futures hero. Assertions tba.t foreigners were success? ful in acquiring 2.000,000 bushels in Argen? tina to-day at. 8%c to 7o under the quota- , tions current in the United States . liled to make much Impression as a bear factor, and so likewise did annourr?m''ni that. Great Britain and Russia had signed a trade agreement. It was generally as? sumed that Russia possessed no < Im? portant quantity of wheat available for export. Meanwhile continued references to green hugs In the Southwest servi d to keep the pit. more or !rss attentive t', pos Bibllil les of a crop s< a ; e, corn and oats sympathized with the wheat advance. Receipts were relatively small and Kastern demand fair, espi for oats. Grain Prices. Wheat Yesterday's. Previous Year New York; close. close ago No. 2 hard... .$1.80 $1.77% ?? Tues. Open. H:th. Low. Close. March... 1.56H 1.59?4 1.65*4 1.59 y i 5% May. 1.4,9 S 1.62 1.48*4 1.51% 1.43 Corn Testerdav's Pro-'ious New York: close. close. No 2 yellow. .$0.86% $0.86% I 'hicago: May.69U .00 July.71 \ .71% Oati - Yesterday's 1' *?w York: close. close. \o. 3 white.. .$0.53% $0.534 May.4", i, .12% July.44% ,H Rye Yesterday's Previous New York : close. close. No. 3 Western$1.67 ? $1.65 Flour and Meal Yesterday's Previous close. close. Spring pat.$8.35@8.75 $8.50<g>9.00 $1S 124 Cornmeal.. 2.00@2.20 2 005?2 20 I.OOg ; 10 Five. 8.50@8.75 8.50@8.75 :.g 9.40 Bran. 32.50 32.50 I f Year 1.4 Public Utilities Securities I do pf. . . 33 E H ?- S pf 82 E I> B pf 60 EG&F 1st 6 9 1 do 6 s c n s 3 ' ; doS^? c n 83 V ; dot"- ,- n _ F L & Tr 6 i do pf , 42 G i- Fil .- 2 00 Ac) F <v L. Hl do pf... 70 Am L Tr.104 do pf... 81 A G Ar E. 100 do pf. . . 4^7 Am P <v L 40 do pf . . . f. 7 Am P Vil 6 do pf. .15 Am W W. 3> do ist pf 38 do Dr pf 5 C P & L . 2 7 Cnt St El. do pf... 4 5 Cities Svc.231 do pf... 66' do TI sh . 27 do7s dsB122 do7s dsC 91 ' do7s dsD ?,4 do7spfB 6? Col Power 9 do pf... 7 2 C P B ?- L 12 11 107 lot ?4 2 Nrtta --' P 16 8 Rep Rv I. :?'? 32 .: . pf . . 17 R Sou C Ed. 90 50 . do pf... 99 236 S t;>S- El. 11 67H do pf. . . 34 27'j;T F. 1. St P : 12, i .1 . pf. . . 5 93?4 Un L & B 22 8 6 do pf. West. Pwr. 24 do n pf. 69 ?Ex dividend 15 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. ?Am Lthr 0 ?do pref 50 Am Mf pf ?0 i A M & F. ISO : Am Td pf 3ti , Airi Typ F 40 I A D T N J "4 Atlas P C 44 B B & 1-lp 80 do 2d pf 66 Per C M. M Bush T pf 65 Cellulo?d .115 Chi Co pf 0 5 *citv invt 65 Crk W pf. ? D L & AV 94 Ask.| Bid. 20 ?Draper C.134 68 Int SU pf. 88 s9 Lima L pf Sa 200 Nat Cskt. ? 3% *N J 7. w.138 4 5 N Co st pf 99 40 iPhelps D. - - 4 S B & W pf OO 85 Tv Bkg P 90 - - , do pref. S0 87 |S C L H. 61 'Sg Mf nw v; StLRM&P. 38 Stoll F pf 94 Vaivol pf. 95 W R- B. . . 97'/, Yale ?v T. 240 ?Ex dividend. Sugar Stocks Car Sue . ? 40 IMat-Am.. 10 Cent Pu g. 4 6 | ?do pref 2 5 do pref. 27 32 Mchg .... 8 C Aguirre 70 73 Nati .123 Ftrdo new 85 88 Ni Niquo.200 Godch ... ?o 25 Savannah. 15 lit AVeSt. :?A 230 do pref. 5 S do pref. 100 105 Steel and Ordnance Stocks 142 '180 100 leo 10 128 Am Brass 17 = Alias Pr.131 Bab ,v AV 10? Carb Steel 2: do 1st pf 5( .lo 2d pf - Colt A.... 3' D Tont ... 13' ?do pref 7f East Steel ? 155- 1E1 142 77 40 ?lo pref, 7Q ?Here 1' ,140 do pref . - Xiles-B-P. 07 Scov Mfg 350 ; Thorn Iron 30 Wn Cor . . 2 50 AVoodwd . 4 5 ?Ex dividend. 1 Chemical Stocks Am Cyan. 25 do pref. 6 2 Casein Co 30 Bow Ch.". ? Pu Pont.. 9 Graselll ..130 do prof. 92 Hook El. . 55 do pref. 55 Ky Solvay ? Merrimac. 79 ?Mer C pf 85 Mulfd Co. 45 se iec Ronds 70 DalB7s '21 oo 85 MdUlst 5s 85 *0 MRPlst ?s 65 S S NO bP 6s 65 ? INSP 6s '22 73 Tobacco Stocks GW Hme.152 15S iP R-T T on do pref. 'i? 96 Univ Loaf. 1-10 .1 P Young 95 10? Wevm R 150 do pref 92 100 . do pref. 92 \lr'l 107 New York Bank Stocks ...1S5 195Greenwlch 2 lf Ap 1st 5s. P? CCE 5s'16 82 do pf '21 70 K V F c 5s 7'1 DalE5s'22 99 M & 210 . 1 5 0 . 195 Atlantic . . Am Exch Hat tery . . Bowery Bway Cent Bryant l'k. Bronx Nat. n m c h & D. 14 o <"ent Merch 195 Chase .290 Chat fi Ph-.250 Chelsea Es. 130 Chemical ..515 City .327 Coal AV Iron.220 Columbia . .155 Colonial . . .350 Commerce .215 ' ' 11w! ! h ...215 Corn Exch smpt In 3 0 0 220|Hanover 245 H t rriman 315 ? Imp <v Trd.510 450 Industrial ' ?o 150 Irving Nat 2 o o 160 Liberty ... 31r. 205 Manhat Co .195 160 Mch ,v Met. 300 205iMetrop?lftan3 10 305 Mutual .... 490 -- Nat Am . . .160 140 Xat B Cuba. SO 530 New Neth. ,160 3 12 N Y?Count}'.135 230 v Y N B A.460 165 Pacific ??? 270 ? Park .360 2:o Public .... 210 Seaboard . 250 --- Second . . 4; 0 ??I. lOSlState If 0 ' id War ? Cntd S ta fill A' irfield itham Trust and Surely Companies A111 a nee ... 6 "1 Am Surety. 65 ! Bankers . . . 325 ' Mond f.- Mg.210 I Bklyn T Co 150 Cent U n 10 n. 3 2 5 Columbia . . 295 Commercial.145 Equitable ..2S2 Km pi re T. .300 Frmrs L&T.3I0 1 Fidelity . , . 200 ; Rulion .... :v'0 i Guaranty . .302 ' Hudson _160 Kings . . . PiiO La w Mtg, : 15 Lawyers 120 70 Slfrs ... 200 335 Mercantile 290 2-0 Met ropolita nl'7 0 175 Mtge Rond . 7". 332 Mut T W. . . 105 305 Nat Suretv ! BO ?? N Y L A- T 550 2'7 N Y Tule. .115 ? N Y Trust. 560 35011 soples . . 275 ?iRealtv Asso. 95 270 title Guar 305 307 l'ntd States :10 170 u S M ,v T 390 - r :? TO . . 75 ? Westchester I 40 130 ? & B ,v M 150 Insurance Companies ?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m City of N Y.ISO Comwlth . .300 Continental. 60 Fid & Phoe.4 90 ? Orr .: Am. .265 130 Man?ver . , 55 325 Home . . . ,336 65 Nat Liberty] 7" 5 10 Nia ga ra . . . 125 85|Stuyvesant. .so Fra nklin Olobe ? R 1<^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ Miscellaneous Oil Companies At! Lohns..16 10 (Midw Rfg.135 V, do pf... 60 s n Mi Prd^Cp S 7* Br-Am O. 27 29 Nortl?w O, 27 Cos & Co. 5V4 5% Pro K- Ref 1 u Elk Bsn P 8% 0 ?^ Ck Rid 1014 Imprl Oil. SS ? 02 Sap Rfng 4 % Magn Pti-1140 150 W S O ?- L ?t Merr O Cp 12:', 12%' tPar $1?. >us Markets Standard Oil Companies Anglo-Am. 174 17%/P O S- G..450 460 2 24 70 300 79'A Prairie p.,201 Solar Rng.380 Sou P L...100 Sou P 011.220 Souw P P 65 S O Cal...296 'S O Ind. 69 S O Kin. 575 500 S O K\ . ..-oo 405 S O Neb 4 to 460 ?S O N J.1S5 110 ; do pf .106*4 107 SONT 328 332 S O Ohio. 375 AU Rfng.900 950 do pf . . .105 108 Borne-Sc .360 390 Buck P L. 8 2 '4 Ches Mfg. 185 200 do pf... 0 9 102 Cntl OU.. 110 115 Cresc P . . 20 31 Cumb P . 135 14 5 . Eureka P. 95 99 ! Gal-Sg Oil OJ 07 do pf old 02 07 do corn. 43 45 111 P L\ . 166 172 ' fnd P L. . S ! 85 ; Intl Petr 14*4 1 4 % N'atl Tran. 26 4 2 s ! X Y Tran 1 17 152 Xrth P L 9 2 07 Ohio Oll ..268 272 l'enn-M F. 30 34 ?Par $25. New York City Bonds Form. Hate. -Maturity. Bid. A Inter ms, 1067. 91*4 ! do 44s. 1965. 91 'i ! do 4'As. 1963. 91 *4 '. do 41-.S. 1057. 91 s? ! do (1,5, 1966. 86*V? do 4',s. 1964. 86?4 do 4 Vis, 1962. 86*4 do 4 Vis! 1960. S6*4 do 4V4s, I960, op 1930.*. 86*4 do 4s, 1050. S2V? do is. 1958 . 824 f. . . 10 5 Sy-an & F 4 0 l'n Tk CIO 6 do pf. . , 07 Vac Oll . .290 Wshg Oil.. 24 50 87 Vi 1 O? Re?r 4s. 1955-'5G. do 4s. 1936. ?nter 34s, 1954. Coup 3 ',?s, 1 05 ;. Reg 3 Vis, 1950-'54 Inc. . . . do 31.. ;-, i940-'50 inc. . . do 34s, 1921-'30 Inc. . . ?;, g and coupon ( serial) 1 V?s, 1921-'32 tnc. dr> 4 Us, 1921-'31 inc. . . 4 92 4.02 4 92 4.05 4 95 4 95 4.96 4 99 4 99 4 06 i. 96 4 07 E 03 1 95 4.9n 4.96 4.9.1 5 on 5.00 Yield 4 37 4.37 4 30 i : o 4. 11 New York State Bonds Issued In coupon and registered form, not interchangeable. Coupon bonds regis terable. Bid. Ask Canal Imp 4Us. 1964..... 101 103 Highway Imp -?Us. 1963..101 103 Ca nal 1 nip 4 '4 s. 1 965. . . o?; 93 Highway Imp 4:.,s. 1965.. 96 9S Barge Canal TerlVis 1945 98 98 11 rhv.-ay Imp 4= 1967.. . 9)2 '-4 94 1 '?-. nal Imp *;??. 106 7 . ;2 92 14 94 ! ! igh Imp 4s, ! 91 0-'62 Inc 92>4 9 1 do Is. 195S . 92U 54 1 : : Canal Imp 4s. I960-'62 Inc. 92*4 51 4 31 Palisades l S Pk 4s. 1961. . 92 '4 94 4 ;j Barge Can Ter 4s. 1942-"46. 92 Vi -_ Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Farm Loan 5s, 1938-1923 . 9?*? Ferlerai Farm Loan 44s, 1939-1924 . 91 Federal Farm Loan i4V-s, 1938-'1923 .". . 91 Federal- Farm Loan 4 4s, 1937-1922 . 91 Joint Stock Land Bank as, 1939-1924 . 9211 5.11 5.19 5.20 5.23 5.55 Joint Stork Band Bank 5s. 1038-1025 . 524 93*4 ' '?' United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness Arr ro? Bid. Aek Yield April 6VJs .100 100,1,, 4 ?7 May 54 s .100 100,?, 6.25 ?June 5%s . loo 1004 5.20 ?June 6s .lr'0,'.s ll July 54s . 100 l no August 6s . ; n .... mo ?;? ?September's .100 4 '-" '< October 5*4s .100 ! ? '? . ?December 6s .loo 1004 5.50 ?Acceptable In payment of tax 3 due on date of maturity. Short Term Securities Security, Rate, Due. Bid. Ask. TSield Alum Co of Am 7s. 1925. 964 '?"' '<. " 55 Am Cotton 6s, 1924 .... 88 904 925 Am Chicle 6s. 1921-'22... 91 574, do 6s, 1923-'25. SO 93 4 do 6s. 1926-'27. 80 87 4 Am Tel ?1- Tel 6s, 1922_ 96V? 9&% 9 25 do 6s. 1924. 954 95% 7 7". Am Thread 6s, 192?. 93 4 954 6.SO Am Tob 7s. 1 921. 99 4 IOO4 6 5<1 do 7s. 1922.1004 100 \ 6 i I do 7s.' 1923. 99 4 99% ' !'" Anaconda Cop 6a, 1029... 864 864 - - do 7s. 1920. 92% 93 Anglo-Am Oil Ltd 74s.'25 99 4 994 '? : Armour conv 7s. 1930 '?? ;, 964 " "?' Atlantic Ref 64s-, 1931 . . 99 -, ? ? , 6.1 Bell ?Tel of Can 7s, 1925 '? 1 95 S t! Bethlehem Steel 7s. 1922.. 98% 994 7 ? : do 7a, 1022. 96-4 ' : '? < - Can Pacific Ry ris. 1521 . . 0 4 , 954 7.S Cent Arg By 6s, 1027. 70 ?'- pro de Pas Cop Ss, 1931 101 4 102 4 7.6: C R I & Pac Ry 6s, 1022. 95 4 9. cons Gas of N Y Ss. 1921 . 994 994 S.l; Cudahy Pack 7s, 1923.... 57:- 934 7 '?? De Laval Sep is, 1931_ 9S 4 994 ? "" Federal Sug Ref 6s, 1924. 924 95 B.2t Goodrlch, B F conv 7s. '25 924 95 Gulf Oil 6s. 1921. 904 100 does, 1922 . 994 100 6.01 do 6s. 1923 . 94 954 S.OI Hocking A'al R R 6s. 1024. 914 93 S SI Interbor R T conv 7s, '21. 69 4 704 Kan City Ter es. 1923... 964 974 LU Kennecott Cop 7s. 1930 . 90 9! c.? G L 1st & ref 7s. '29. 594 91 s ' Ligg & M Tob 6s. 1921... 98% 99 7 0 Phila Co 6s, 1922 . IE , 16 !" Penna Co ; 4 s. 1921_ 99 ;i 99 4 6.; Penna R R 64s 1936. . .97% :? - ?. Froc i. Gamble 7s, 1022. 1 o?i 1 00 \ ? >,, 7^. 102;. inn 14 ion-, . P S C of N ! conv 7s. 1922 87 R .! Re; nolds 6s, 1922 . . . 974 " " - 7 7 Sears Roebni k "s, 1921. . 98% do "s, 1022 . 95 do 7s. 102 ; .94 4 '?? '. Sinclair Cons 74?. 192? .. 10% 90 4 10, Solvay 8s, 1027. 194 100 Southern Rv -Is. 1022.. 15% ?? 4 10.0 S'west Bell Tel 7s. 1925.. 964 964 7.9 Stand Oil Cal 7s. 1931....1014 101*4 6 7 do N Y 7s, 1925-'31. .. .101 103 - St P ?n De guar 54s, '23 95 97 6,6 Swift 6s, 1921. 984 914 7? do 7s, 1925 . 96 4 96% S . Texas Co 7.=, 1025. 98% 98% 7 Ctah Sec 6s, 1922. 86 68 AV> sf Flee 7s, 2925. 00 ','.014 72 Westing Elec 7?, 1931.... 18% 99 7.1 Baltimore Sales. Open. High. 3 Bank of Bal'l. 150 ico 25 Citizens Bank.. 39 4 39 ',4 s Coml Credit... 41 4 41 4 10 do pf. 24 24 200 fnns Coal. 85% 85% 15 Tons Rower. ... inn Celestlne. 10 Finance G t y p f 120 Houston Oil pf. 2S Maryland Gas.. 10 Mt Vernon ?. 70 Pa Water Pwr. 2 V S Fidelity. . I 5 U P Trust .....: 140 W B & A. S4 4 84 H 120 305 14 ' 12' 52 120 Last 150 39 4 41% 21 8 5 Mi S3 55c 124 ? 2 120 14% J1 ono Cons (" 2000 Uni R: 64 64 4 Boston Mining 16 Bonanza . 1 % 39 Cal & Arizona.. 45 12 Cal *- Her?a. . .235 : 450 Carson. 13% 37 Copper Range.. 32 620 Davis Paly. ... h-,% 460 East Butte. ... S A 100 Helvetia. 14 loo Inspiration. ... "3% 10 Island Creek. . 51 4 10 do pf.'77% 50 Isle Rnvale. ... 15 150 Mass Cons. . . .' .05 2 Mohawk. 4 7 215 New Cornelia.. 13 4 1 New River pf. . So 110 Nlpisslng. 7% 175 North Butte... 10% 75 nid Dominion.. 17'-2 '. 1 ?sceola. : .'? . ... 25% 96 Pood Creek ... 13 50 Qulncy. 35% 25, Seneca . 14 % 210 Sup & Boston.. 1 100 Union Land. . . 52 loo u S Smelters.. 30i? 12 do pf. 42% 125 Utah Apex.... 2% loo Utah Cons. 4 50 Utah Copper. . 49% 125 Utah Metals. . . 1-V 250 Victoria. 1% Railroads P Postor. A- Alb. . 121 150 Boston El* '? . . 66 1?-do pf . . .'.82 10 Maine Central.. 36 4 65 N Y N H i'H. 17', Z Old Colocy*J_a. 63 235 13% 3 3 6 8% 14 "63% 51 4 774 18 1 47 13% ?5 'V 10 % 18 25 Mj 13 3 S \ 14% ."o 4 4?% 2 4 4 43 4 1-rV 1% 1 3 4 32 5 4 S-fn 14 334 514 77 4 is .95 47 13% 5 5 7% 3< 14% 30% 42 4 2% 4 404 1A 121 i: 8% 14 33% 61 4 77 4 IS 1 47 13% 8 S 7% 10% 14% 52 -"2 4 494 1-rV 14 36% 1'4 63 394 16?4 63 arkets m 91 West End. . 6 do pf... Miscellaneous 4 2 Li 50 4 0 .' 102% 1% *U4 16 16 1 Am Aer. 40 40 41 3 do pf. 75% 7.'. 54 75 15 Amoskeag. 85 85 8f 75 do pf. 73 75 7:' 50 Am Pnu. 3 3 : 127 Am Tel.102% 10 Am Wool. 64 V? 30 do pf. 94 65 Atlantic Gulf.. 35 20 Alias Tack .... 16 20 Beacon Choc . . 3 70 1 'entury. 15 465 Eastern Mfg S Edison . 163 5 Fal rbanks ... 4" I io 1 ,?.:? Ine r M itor. 17 \ 5 5 Gorton. 7 705 Gray . . . I ? 4 1 Gr-i ?.:.. Id . . 13.4 334 324 324 '32 N Ul Le Lther. S4 5% 54 54 19 New Eng Tel, 99 1004 99 100% 10 Pac M: I Is.l?o 160 160 IhO 10 Punta Sugar.. 48% 4^4 4S% 4*4 10 Root .23 23 23 2 3 40 Simms Magnet 6 452 Swift .101 102 do iml . 25 2 United Drug.. . 95 ?33 Ur.ited Fruit. . 1004 103 inn 103 113 United Shoe.. 3S 38 37% 38 162 do pf . 24 24 24 24 5S0 Ventura . 18 4 18% 18 18 200 Waldorf . 18% IS 4 IS IS 25 Waltham . 14% 14 4 14% 14% 130 Walworth .... 14 14 14 14 10 Warren 1st. pf 25 25 2 5 25 200 Wir 1.wir.. . .. 154 1:4 15% 15 4 Bonds $ine.n \ fj w 5s.56 3000 K C M & Uis. 70 3000 Miss R Pw 5s 77 I024 loi in m?, 25?W" 25 4 25% Bid Ariz Ext.14 Ariz Tip T.. 4 Ariz Silver.,. 4 Blk Haw.. . 3 Bos & Mon.67 Boston Curb Ask. E 15 jlron Cap. ... 5 ILa Rose, . . 6 Majest ic. . , 10 Jlex Me'als. Mldw Moss. Calaveras.... 14 l%lMonarch Chief Con.. . 2% 2% Mutl Div T.52 Crystal new. 32 34 .Nai L & Z. .? Denbigh .. 9 10 Nixon. 3 Eagle B B .. 2 24 Rainier . 10 : Cureka Cm. 1% lfJ?Svn Meiats.. * Fortuna . ..? 4 Silver Reef.. 5 Gadsden ... 40 55 ?In Ver Ex.25 I lloma Oil... 5 S Yukon'. .... I Iron B10SS...12 18 5 3 3 H 12 in 6 % ~i% 1 2 % 1 2 % 12% 01 1 3 4 154 10% 12 4 1 - ?14 Chicar?o 112 Armour Leath. I 2 % 280 do pf . 90 25 Chic C * O pf.. 5% 305 Cudahy . 51 200 Pont I Motors. . fi 4 JO.) Gt Lakes D&D. 90 . 25 Hupp Motor .. 1.3 V? 800 Llbby . i o 14 in% 200 Montgy Ward. 17% 174 25 Mitchell . g. s 400 National Leafh 8 % t 4 5.1 Pub Service . . -?, 7p -4 162 Peoples Cas .39 40 25 Quak Oats pf. 86 86 1 00 Republic Truck 1 fi I fi ! 500 Sears-Roebuck. 76 77 1000 do scrip .... '1:4 ;. ? i, 10 Shaw.(2 4 42 4 170 do rights . . IS " 1*4 ' -" Stew Warner . .31% 32 '\ " v'. ?ft Intl ... 2.'. 4 25% 00 --.'. 1: ? \ 1 lo .. .10] 4 102 4 30 Th tmpson .. . . 31 31 2t5 Temptor Pr id . 14 14 2 l"0 I'nion Carbide. 54 55 ?on Wahl . 46 46 25 Western Knit. 9% 9% 26 Yellow Cab ... 84 8 4 Bonds $3000 Chic C&C Ry 5s 39% 39% 1 ono C W Edis 1st 5s 83 % 83 4 2000 Met E Ry ext 4s 44 41 Detroit 400 Auto Body ... 6% 5 4 S 4 6 4 400 Charcoal Iron. 2 4 24 24 24 too Columbia Sug. 11% 114 114 11% 4000 Cont Motors . 6 6 4 6 64 1 J? Det Edison . . 07 97 97 -,.. Ford of r?n. . .282 2S4 282 - - . Lincoln Motors 18 184 IS 750 Michigan Sug.. 84 84 S!. 1100 Packard Mot.. 114 11 l? 11 85 Paige . 204 204 204 50 Parke Davis .. ?0% 904 904 250 Reo Motors ... 22 22 22 lit. 64 46 IO24 31 '- I 4 5 4 4 46 9% 54 85% 44 07 284 18 4 S Mi 114 Philadelphia 20 29 54 4 S9 2 5 54% 15 Amn Gas .... 20 Amn Rv pf . . . 2"1 Amn Stores . .. 216 Elec Storage .,103 1044 103 1?44 365 Lake Sup Corp 8 V? 8% 8 4 * 4 130 Phil Co cum pf 3 t 3 3 33 3 3 230 Phil Tract .... 16% 16% 16% 16% 50 Penna Salt 73 73 73 75 315 Phil Elec Co., 224 224 2244 22% "0 do pf . -7 27 4 27 2. 4 12 Phil Ins Wire 61% 514 61 61 26? Tono Mining .. lVa I'm IVfc ifc ;o2 Unit Gas Imp 34 S4% 1 1 do pf . 4iT? 19% 26 Union Tract .. 30% 30% Bonds $1000 Am G * E 5s. 71 2000 Lake S C Inc 5s to 17000 phi Elec 1st 5s S3 2000 Phi W A B 4s. 93 4 s ;4 3D 4 Pittsburgh 3 5 0 ?no 3650 i : i 4: s 470 9 50 80 40 Arkansas Gas. Am W G Mch. do pf . Carbo pf. . . ... Consol Ice pf. . Guffej . Harh Walker, ! nd Brew. do pf . Lone Star. Mfrs Lt. Maria nd . Nat Fireproof. do pf . Okla Gas. Ohio Fuel Sup Ohio Fuel Oil. Pitts Brew. ... W Pa W Po pf W Pa Rys pf. 19% Montreal Bid j Ab P A P 43 4 do pf. . . ? AmsNId pf ? At S'lgr R. 30% . Bell Tel . 33% Brmp Rap 36% Can Cmnt. 68 % ; <Jo pf. . . 90 Cn Gn El. 114 Can S S. . 30% do pf. . . P6 C M K- Bm 15 4 1 Dt Un Ry. SO I Bid j Adanac . ... i Apex . . 'Atlas.1 I Bailey. ' Chmb Frtd. . '"ennsras . . : Crown Rsv Pome Lake. . i Gold Reef.. - ; Grt Nrth .. . ! Hargraves. . Holllnger Ask 43 4 85% 36% 58% 18% 82 Toronto 10 14 4 3 ,.8% 4 Lake chora. % Ask 4 [Mclntyre .. 3 ?Mng Crp Cn. ' 23 ..Vewrav ... 5 ptrsn Lake.. 5 Pore Crown. : _'4 Pore Tsd...!? 4 Porc Im.prl.? 7 Prs ED ... 1 3 |Tk Hughes. 5 3 ?Tmskmng 3 HThmp K.-st.. 4 5 % ?Vacuum G. . l%iWest Doraa- ? Bid Don; Glass ? Dom Steel. 39% Lrntd Ltd B5% MLM&PC S2 Vat! Brew ? pgly Mlle ?00% I do pf. . . U'O PnmnsLtd %7 Rrdn Pap : ? Shnwgn : ? Span Rvr.. 724 do pf . 53% Stl C j Cn. 57 Bid 14 Allis Chalmers Diversification of its output places the Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Company in position to derive benefit from improvement in almost any line of ind*ustry. It pro? duces air-brakes, compress? ors, farming and mining ma? chinery, saw-mill and sugar mill machinery and many la? bor-saving devices.. The cur? rent issue of our Market Re? view contains a comprehensive article on the company. A number of other stocks are discussed, including; Salt Creek Producer? Barnsdall Corporation Hecla Mining Lee Tire & Rubber Elk Basin Petroleum Submarine Boat Sent on request for K-*lt HUGHES & DIER Stocks?Bonds?Grain rphlltdelphl? Btodc Excbuft M*mb?r? - Pi,t*burS|' Stock Excban? Memoen ; Chic?o Board -' Tr?d? LXew York V- . . ? | , -,, 42 New Street, New York Telephone Broad 5140 .500 Fifth Are. ' Tel. Vanderhilt 9533. ?7 IV 125th St. Tel. Hurlom 5651 Pk?nstrl-phia Pittsburgh Cleveland You can get the Important Facts From this little book 400 companies?272 page?,? \ condensed reports giving important facts ? market records?finances?earnings ? dividends ? history, etc. INVESTORS POCKET MANUAL March Issue Free Please ask for B-343 R. H. MscMASTERS 8 CO. .v, mhers Consolidated Stock Exrh. of .v.r. 82-84 Broad St. New York / . - BronA 6380 Evtire Pint Floor ... ,;j MUwauiea Richmond NevBini Ten Prominent Tobacco Stocks Among listed tobacco stocks" are many issues purchasable today at prices representing a dis? count of 50*41 to 70% from their recent high levels. Statistical report, showing 10 listed slocks selling ai from $50 to $?60 prr shore, together with their 1010-1920 high and lows, earning, cnuderui*. hoo?( value, etc., mailed free upon request. Ask for R-475 Koklek.Brembr &Ca STOCKS ?BONDS ,--.. ? VTED--BS TOO - ?ry 32 BROADWAY NY ?y> HAMPTON" HOTEI ? BROAD6910 *- - ALBANY. VY American Can The current issue of car '"Financial Survey** cor, uina a ccmiitehensive financial re? port cf the above company with definite facts and com ments. Other issues treated from th? m? vosror's standpoint are Railway Steel Spring American Sumatra National Enameling American Woolen Philadelphia Company Copy senf on requu*t ?sk for p-124 Mosheb^Wallace STO CK5 -BOKDS - GK/UN ', 55 SrotadwaV ? New Vork TEUPHCKE. tUHITEHAUl. 1140-1-*S %j, .r-< [HewVx*. Paint* ?xdl?a&. """^ICoiUoljiUtoi Stwfc i-x-Jr^itd lii Over 8, We Collateral Trust Gold Notes ? of? Prosperous Utility Co. Secured by Mortgage Bonds worth ronsicierably more than this i?ue. Net Earning? Nearly 8 Times Interest Circular ( 'pon F-qucsl S L. A. HUGHES & CO. INVESTMENTS 100 Broadway. Tc!. Rector 2833 American Woolen's Great Asset? Republic Steel American Sumatra Position of Equipment Stocks diacutaed in current iasue of uggestions Free on roquent Ask for TR-? 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