Newspaper Page Text
American Tobacco Earns 13.39 P. C. On Common Stock Company Liquidatos About 830,000,000 of Current Liabilities in the Year: Bond Holdings Reduced The American Tobacco Company "?quidated approximately $30.000.000 of current liabilities in 1020 without doing any financing: which increased :he company's fixed charpes. This was accomplished as follows: The book value of leaf tobacco and manu? factured stock was reduced from ap? proximately $90,600,000 to $81,560,000. The value of investment in stocks and hofl la was reduced net by $2.000,000 t the sal? of about Si?.000.000 of Tiber's- bonds and the purchase of $4,000,000 of other securities. An in '.'"100 in cash on hand : $1,000,000 in bills and | ?? receivable also took place, ish on hand at the end of 1020 j - ? > to $10,024,000 arM bills re- j le to $10,082,000. These changes i net decrease in assets of nately $9,000,000. The com ad outstanding at the end of tal |y $12.000,000 of d \ i deri i :rip mal in ' .,; Man h 1. 1921, has bei n almost entirely . , the issue of $49, new B non-votin rhii trge part a ci rri M old? rs could hat ?? A ? i.vablc " ri $8.000,000, amoui I 1920 to a ppros m iti ly ?' $18,001 ,000 r,t the i hough I. :?? rty ce value of $6,301.000 ? v hai! 1 orrowed ?nst these bonds, ? an ounts I ?20 $3 3 3,01. ? the 7 per cent s erial . end of the year note; on : -' and i ng. 192 i ; c American Tobacco : i companies whose o* ned by the Amor rned $143,106,332, : ! ' 10 in 1919. i ?? penses and taxes :o business ? I in 1020, coni ? ' i, 22,6S .' profits on the in 1919. The total ; j ? companj included in ecurities i w ned ;?.. t< r the ? ? dividend - of 6 per . ?ri ed stock was $11, i thi equivalent of n the I ital $89,542,600 new the end of 1920, 1,590 c arned in : 153 per cenl si tck out- i it tall . . i of 1919. ' ' ,' '-- - - where you get the quiet your nerves need. I l> VN'CI \I. MEETINGS Notice o! 5p?s< i .1 Slo? (.holders' Meeting? of Hil Ni.v. YORK IRUST COMPANV e t i ti g o f t 111 * i'ork '1 usi Compa ? ol ll <?'.;.. . ? . lork i : [, . ' i > > \ M ,ti u| i, a ? ' New ' fi ' ' ? . , ? .. agreement made and ? ' ? ? .. i i 'i : ' k of New York ! ? ? rj ti i ipp ?-. - :, i : ? ? ? ? i ? .. ti the mergei tliercn m b) th< mil utes ? I 1 ? ol the Sto. ? '? . York trust I ' ? ' ... New York Cil \ M., !<i! the puj i ve f of tl apilal s'uc!. -',. Tl USt ' Ol -, - 'in .I), t- <? nsisting f '"'rty ,..,,,. 5100^ each, : ? 1 en i , ..,.,... One ! mdred ^ The : . er books ' the I ? m] anv will ,tl ,,; business March at tin beginning of i ,. i | ,.. ,, \l in h ! ', 1921. I! rd ol Trustees, 1ER \ 111 CKNKR, President. It Mil IIIKRN PACIFIC COMPAJtr, '. Ol MEE i!M,. a \ ork, N. V.. .Ian. 3, 1931. '"? Aiiiumi Meeting ol (lie Stockholders o 11 i ? ' pauy in r '? i' m i ountj K tni ui kj on twelve o'clock ? '.'. I ilre.-t ?< n m I !1 Inns '' which ma' iPKally como before ?; : i . l'.-.1. ral . onlrol of : i propei lies undi i t ho a' i of ' Mar? ti 21, l'K. or anv aerni" I \\ i! ti i he Go\ ernnienl In oi relating to the termlna r dei il control by the return .t hi i wit?.', and or i e .is ri Bull log fi ".. or buc ? lora 1 i <>nl1 "I. and generally * matters growing oui ot or conti ' ? ' lina! Ion there? ' . nd II lona im lud ng t lie : ? ui d?r i ii" 'I ransporta . ? . : tl men! 1hi reof. such ot hi i business a? before th? meeting, In I and ratinoatlon of ail i d of 1 ?irei tore and of the tico t he lual annual kholdera of this Coi i ? . ? ? ?es , f t h? : ifCtitr the ? ' transfei of stock will be ' l< !?. M. Tuesday, ."?latch and ?rill be reopened at 10 o'clock IH'iill SEILU Secretary. FINANCIAL *8-S I.lliKKTY NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ?ORK. ,. ?'?? Mberty National Hunk or N?w '.prit, located at 120 Broadway New York Vit, In the State <>r New York, i* closing "?.?taira All not. holders and othe crexiI'or? of tho association are therefor? ??reby iiiitltlr.t to present th? no'es ami "*???' claims for in. meni t w WALZ, Cashiei THE LIBERT'S NATIONAL HANK OF ? NEW YOKK. Notl.? (., hcrebv given ilmt at a rt "t ?"? of the ? i irehol i r? ol The Mb-: ty ? i "?nal Bai :. . r Ni w Vork, hel i ir Ma; h '''-I the Plan, dated February l. 1921, g i?r the merger of the nuld Hank ''" Tin New Yorl Trusl Company, was ?woved; m, t i,, order to curry o.ji such ????. ii was voted to liquidate ?aid Na? il0?*! Hank, and r< Incorporate <? a s-.ue '??nk under tho name The Mbe Ij Bank &N?rw v,,,;., ?,,,-t thai upon th.gunlsa "?? or said State Hank pro i ng? b i*K"n to rtivrgs s id?t?iatc Hank ?uh Th? (??w Yoi TrutC Company Investment Information Questions of general interest to ??n restors will be answered in this col? umn, in which case only initials will be used. Others will be answered by mail. Address all inquiries, inclos? ing a stamped, addressed envelope, to Financial Editor, The Tribune, 16i Sassau Street, New York City. | Partial Payment Broker Sold Him Out Quostlon?Last August I bought some I f.o |< from .-? broker whose office Is on ? Broad Street on tlio ten-payment plan, i made the Initial payment, ?ml, an agreed, was knppinsr up my payments on the 23d of each Huoceedlng month. 1 madA the November payment on time, but about De? cember i received a telegram demanding money or they would poll my slock. T wrote and told them that I had made my payments each month on time and would continue to do so, but would not send any money at this time, Few davs later, or about December 8, 1 received n notice ton . ! in g me they had sold my stork Had thev any right to do this, and can thev collect moneys due them on this Recount? la the partial paymi nt a good way to buy (docks or bonds? I have a steady Income, but it Is not big enough to allow me to buy ??? eu :?? outright. !.. M, < ;. Answer?Without tho name of the broker or of tho stock you bought, and without knowing what your con? tract was or how much you paid down, and other detail?, we cannot tell whether your broker wan justified in selling you out. Answering your other question, the partial payment plan is not good unless you buy investment issues and have a thoroughly trust? worthy broker. Standard Oil Disappoints Woman lion A short w hi ? ago I bought of Now Jersey Standard ? til rhe sto k has a h ibil ol drop I : it is up again -1 points. Will ; il enough to give me some In v " Act ordlng lo ': he uni ? ; ... b :, per cenl on par i S a - than l n?r cent, v hen you consider the prie, is six times par. What inter. - .. - l . ? ? from i hl.s ? 1 io you ? to sel no? or wait for :i b< ttei rice? M ?s N [t. S. Answer fluctuations such as von describe arc what make life interest ing for oil stockholders, and they buy - hart s because they know they are likely to move only they arc always con? vinced thev arc to move up. One reason for the fall in Standard Oil of New Jersev ;- thai a block of it just large enough to exceed the demand was put into the market, the other day and it could be sold only at the sacri? fice of several points. We know of nothing in the internal condition of the company that should scud trie stock off, but all common shares have suf? fered a scaling down in market pnce for very good external reasons. The Tribune's dividend column in the table does not quote per cent, but dollar! ; - other words, Standard Oil pays $5 t? share a year, or 20 per cent Will Invest for His Mother-in-Law Qui s' Ion - 1 i ?i \ ?' ha '? ; '? 0 lui ned - ' : ? for investment b : : iher-in i w] v I should ha \ ? l he principal afl I ? ? di ? . ? us. the In vestment certificates : i seeu U should I ('? sire ' . l. : iw on i: : o build a home but shi :? els thai sh. sil >uld i something like 7 p< r cent interest ??? the principal ! note.l in The Tribune thai i n ??? 1 sme-s Kubber .- p. r ci il first pre fen-, ; stock was selling for ; 102. Would like your opinion on these, together with ? few others that you feel you ran rec. mend. Upon the suggestion of .i friend Invested 11,000 for her a few months a?.. I' ??.:'- 1 'i nil II--. :???. ss '. - du in 10:51 Whal is ?"'... opinion? Which do you th i : ? .f- r . bb . sto. ks or bonds, taking into ? ? nsidi rat ion t hat 1 may ? ant to boi o? ? ? ?-? on ' hi m ,ii some ful ure time ? ! Iiiivc n had any i xperii m ?? In mat : ei s ol r. s. a Answer We believe the following investments will solve the problem you . outline: $1,000 new Cuban-American Sugar Company 8s 1931. to yield H pet cent; $'-',000 ("anadian Northern 7 per cent debentures 1941 (guaranteed prin c :>al and interest by the Canadian gov? ernment by indorsement); $1,000 Beth? lehem Steel marine equipment 7s, of which you can choose a maturity be? tween 1921.and 1930, to yield at'least V per cent. We have given you com paratively short, terms because of the likelihood you will need lhc monej and because such issues yield more than long term obligations of equal ecurity. The three issues are ?ill good investments, in our opinion, and . re readily marketable. Your Pacific Fruit Express Tsare an equipment trusl bond and are well secured, in our opinion. Rubber preferred i as an ex cclb til end record. U'e regard il as a good bu? incss man'- inveslmt n I Woman Leuus to Utility Bonds ii-ii ;. l'ity ol M - .la? d I). :,"? - r,s, Mush Tern inal Uu Id ::.:?? liii . ,, nd ' \\ ,,-..?! I, ?? ? t mi ;? i, .-. re ? ? i:.. .:??? tlrst I'rovli ol Alberta I '.-.a. Si Louis A - m ries li; Newport Nev and ? I ? ? ? . ,. . and i... - ? ??,.. i 'orpora I ?on el refunding; Os, N. id ralll 151 eel . r| al n I I uteri.igh I;.i : . . ? ., : t tirs and refund y t'opi I'nit. .: K iigdom ? '?,-u \ i bu nut tin ? ' Soin hei n !.. oad pi tern ?ml i ; . .. I itting pref. . I '? i inl h lo ret? ?:,;.? and d< ? ; upon the n.o,. . ,. I.,.-'..-.. (iih n. -?? and Lib? ' ' bond ,vill what y?ai thti fib. lis? us I and ' 'hi ' Ml wer. bought ?Inn |,i _. -. ' ?? i ha ? ... i . ? . ? ? Are thel ? : Il ou tl f would i bel tei !.,,-> eliangr. '.' ou a ..... whal ,-uil lliink ol llu ? . .-'-?. ....:? I : ?. -.,..? - pe? ? ? ? ? n t secured gold > otid - o thi Nevada l'a ?foin , i. trie i porai n for a fur! hei Investi ien( 100 ul ho? Miss M .1 Answer Your Canadk.u Municipal! and Bush Terminal lirst 5s are, tve der, good bonds. l'he Bu ri ?ngl < ?? Railway and Light have rather a re? t? ;".??(! market and the Wisconsin baa and Electric has such a spread be? tween bid and asked price, (58 and 7 1, that ?; would be a little difficult to sell much of it at a toned sale al a -a: sfactorv price. The Province of Alberta t'-'is are good. Tl e St. Louis <v San Francisco 5s arc the obligation of one of the weaker Southwestern railroad . If you believe thai the rail? road situation will com.- out all fight they aro a good bond to hold for a rise in prices. If you are at all ap? prehensive of widespread railroad bankruptcy it would be wiser to in vest m bonds of some such strong road as tho New York Central, selecting, for instance, the ?i p?'r cent debentures ?lue in 1935. in regard to the Inter borough Rapid Transit lirst and re? funding bonds there is a good deal of apprehension. They are selling around 51. We believe, however, that if Gov? ernor .Miller's traction plan- go through the New York City : trcet r ways will be placed in a better post tioii United Kingdom SVss arc high grade. Alabama Great Southern pre ferred is a good railroad stock, and Utica Knitting preferred is followed bv common stock selling a? 105. Our comment on your list is that you a! ready have a good many public utili? ties. Wouldn't It be better to invest any further money that you have in some high-grade industrial bonds, such as United States Stctd sinking fund 5s ! Erie Prior I.ien 4s Well Secured | Question Do you consld. . Krle 4 per ' , ,.,*. ? :,.,: lien bonds, pre?, nt prl about , ?o ,,i business inun's Investment . \,',- the> < nrst lien and have the coupons always b< ' n paid?- ? A M. i'. Answer?We consider Eric ?! per cent prior lien bonds as a good business man's invest ment, with a chance to ap prec?ate in market value and safe in ?? e long run. even were the line, which is u week road, lo get into financial dif? ficulties. They at?' secured b> a first mortgage on considerable parts of the Erie mam line. f lour fuli columns oj in? vestment questions and an sirrrrs are published in The y ?? " '.fw \ S. O. of California Earns $41.92 in 1920 Net profits, after deductions of de? preciation, depiction and Federal taxes, of the Standard Oil Company of Cali? fornia for tho year ended December 81 were $41.665,054, equal to ?41.92 a share earner! on tho $99,.'?73,311 capital stock, according to a ?statement issued yes? terday. This compared to net profits of $31, 0o2,768, or $31.2(5 a share, earned in the preceding year. Net earnings amounted to $59,113,810 and tho profit and loss surplus $122.303,707, against a profit and loss surplus of $08,117,168 in 1919. Tho company's production from its own wells in 1"20 was 29,073, 429 barrel??, compared to a production of 25,484,081 barrels in tho preceding year. Consolidation Coal Net Up The Consolidation Coal Company re? ported a .surplus, after charge and Fed? eral taxes, for the year ended Decem? ber 31 of $4,820,844, equivalent to $11.99 h ?-haro earned on the $40,205.148 cap? ital stock outstanding, compared to $3,009,278, or $7.48 a share, earned in the preceding year. Total earnings amounted to $33,905,280, against $23, 507,556, and the prolit and loss surplus $97,855,391. Cumberland Tel. Karnings The Cumberland Telephone & Tele graph Company reported a surplus, after all charges and taxes, for the year ended December 31, of $145,589,1 equivalent to 84 cents a share, earned on the $17,250,050 capital stock, com- i parmi to $887,882, or $5.S7 a share earned on the $14,773,450 capital stock in the preceding year. Net revenues amounted to $2,427,070 and the deficit,' after dividends, $T|0.M7. Bank Statement Correction The statement of the Imperial Bank | of Germany for period ending March 7, ' printed yesterday under a Berlin date, erroneously reported an increaes in ' "other liabilities'" of 5,000,385,000' marks. It should have been 500,385, 000. The error was made in trans mission. t-l.'.nd Oil Earnings I p Net income from operation of the Island nil & Transport Corporation for. the year ended December 31 was $7, 941,722, compared t.i $1,220,655 in the preceding year, according lu a state? ment made public yesterday. Net sur? plus after adjustment amounted to $3, 926,148, apimit $549,929. London Metal Market LONDON, March 16. Standard cop? per, spot, ?67 2s lid ; futures, ?66 12s 6d. Electrolytic, spot, ?70 10s; fu? tures, ?71 10s. Tin, spot, ?153 2s 6d; futures, ?156 5s. Lead spot, ?18 17s Cd; futures, ?19 2s Od. Zinc, spot, ?20 10s; futures, ?26 2s 6d. Shoe Co. Gets Charter !'< i\ I'M:. D.I., March 16..A charter was filed at the State Department lien? to daj for the International Shoe Com? pany, with an authorized capital stock of $165,000,000. The company is au- ' Ihorized to manufacture boots, shoes and footwear of all kinds. Financial Items ? i| Tenney vlci presid' ; '. u? i he il,.-- ? Securities Corporation, was yes ?.'. ? ' :..| ?i vice-president o( tha New Voi Trust Coi ipi n: \fti-j an iihsi-i ci of sov< rnl ? .. .<? II P. and Willis "i 10. I'owi r, former ,, . :.. : ? ,,f |he Co lldalod Stoi l< Kx chantre, tei made theis first appcar ?? on the llooi .- ih. :???;? iloi . Schoeppi tant R'"i' ral sali ? I lull igei of ' '? ? ' ';'-': ''.'?' < ? ' panj . 1. : i" ."??.'? ?! ,i ii .i ?sl-jl .jiit \ it i> |.r, [flcnl '?! i hul ompan ? Uua :'ii m ??' Ti usl ' 'oinpa ny of N'< w Vork |,a. .,. . ., appointed ' ; u loe in !? r : he ? : utuhl' ?Ml : 'i Id-lining Compiov inden lun ilat.'d Mai i < ' ' f-'.-u . m hoi. -? : ?' i ' -"- ? 000,onn par va lue tu- ,-vear 7 ]? r ' ? nl Kohl not? s, ilui Man h I ; ?..? . .,..,! t mu? ? ? undi i l.ou.i iana .*.? \. . .. . is llailwa i'iini|iiiii) ?-oui] ? : ,, : aurcti eut dal I Kohi nur', i. -'? ;. .... m authori/od ? ?ui of ' pi i lllipilli II U tl rnati ? . ? ? ... , .;., ,ni i:. ' ? '? lob? ? . | ? | ;.-'? " ; ? ' : lO'.M. an I tue lln ... .-. ;.. m nul ho i/.ed iitnu t ?;? 000 par I h, hon rl . f dli ? ion I I \i> ! Intel !??? tional l'i usl i '01 pauj lias de. .i ., ,| :.. . > rli\ id' '"I ul . '?: 1" : ' ' i.!. paj ? able Man h Hl. 1021. ? - - l.i\ eslock, Meats, I'r?^ isions ,,...,,. ?.!? ,.... ; ? '.? , ?? :'< : ? $12 ?::."( 11 DO P r e M se d beef. Ib.. . 1' '" ? '?" ' ' ' ?-'? ; -. ? v. .... ' ' mon 1 m. n .. .10 00 'i 16 00 1 . ?''??? ? '.' I r,ri I ? .?.: . ,.- . :i, .1513 .25 ?:?!? "i 1.1'. ? ?' . ". i K, ! "" H,s .'? ??' 7 no S.00 i \. Li il mutton, , ,,,. ii. : ,. .H .17? .22 i. in h . :.' ' l? prlnn . 100 .1,. '. 10 00 ?11.75 10.004J20 0 D] . ., .' | u. m b . Ib.. 20W .25 ' :> " 1 HOL-i 100 lh i - " ' !..'?;!'... Dressed hogs, b . on Ib.. ... . .17?0.171., .::',??< >. !?,,. : i,i,: o On ?j ;! I 00 I 2 00 ?i 41! 00 v, .';' l'?". ' bbi 16.00 [i 1S.O0 IS.OO?j ? i0 J.I, M i '1 .1 i ?? WcbI 1 0l1 I ha II v:' '" ! 1 '''' : t-00?S - ' 20 Seenrilies at \hetion Hist preferred > : 00 i u i- i share. ;>:<>, t ? ooo "Wo.sti rn I'.' ri is Vi "-in l :< ( 'o. ? p, r . . m eh heul m ? bond - '"f IH! 0 loi S : j : 000 \ii ? ? Ii ?' i' Tobaei o I '?> I per . m bonds, dm 1051 . . nu ? I '. I) un i ? and Au ist . . 67 t :-!:?, .? . National Biscuit Co , irtpn; 5 ? 00 eai h ; per shan. 102?i 30 Shares Nni V<n K Railwaj a ? 'o : J i 00 ' ,i. li 80 ?hares Tabard Inn Corpn., com? mon ; J 10 i ach. 66 shan n .. ha rd Inn ' 'oi pn . pre ferred f 10 i ?oh, ..' shares Slur Uold M in in? Co.; ?1 each; loi. $15 1 SI ires \dvai ced Agi |i ul t lira I 1'ubllnhinB Co , pro ? ?. i -H . loi . S IS 10 SI. - Ad\ anci 'I \gri' ul tural Publishing > ? ' on; loi. $31 ; , Sha i ? s A i et "' ? n [nl ei nu - i mal l'ubllnhi rs, Im , preferred lot. ?105 ] 00 Shares Noi i li Ann rican fii \ m w i 'oi i'ii Isl prefern I ; JT : o Shares Ni ???? Bngland Bqul (abb Life lusuranci I '?? . 52 shares N'pw Y -k Suni tai y Ci Illzal Ion ' !o . coi i ion . 20 .-l.m (s Bosi >n Lipet-B t o.. V. T C. . 25 i.Ii<hj es 11"-," Jom a < irgaii Co., pn Cei i ed ; 25 sha i ? s l [ope .Tones ? ?rgan i !o . "on ? 300 hii? res ! dxie -u Co., common, alia us PI intera < !om press Co, I ' UiSl ctfs for common . lot ... ?."..". 11 ; Share? Up-Town Amuse? ment Co.; $?nn ea :h: lot . $145 55,000 Swedish (Jovernmenl 6 per bonds, '1 u- .1 une ;6. : ' ' coupi ma J una 15 and December IB. 70', 5 Shares Cities Sei vice I '.o . pi " .-tu re.. ; I Shai es Chii ago Rail a.c reri ilntil Blevati r i 'o loi ... j.; 00 Sha - ' 'omstocli Tunnel Co.. <: . ... !: J 00 ? ' Tunnel i ' ' ? ..'? i p. :? i ? nl bonds, dui 1019, ' -'.? ' ? oupi u on; lot . . $00 i Hill i 'inn',. Moi ' . Si hool l>lstricl per cent bonds, due 1 OfO, 1er? si January and July; lot. $r.0,.'ii0 3 I 11 v? I ? ' i-.ii 11 urn ''. ;.cr c.i lit . ollal ?"? ? i ? ' ust bonds, due I'.hro.ii ^? I .. 1 .<?_ :. interest !?'? hi il.i ' ' i.'i \ us II"' Business News Woolen Goods Trade Showing Signs of Continued Growth . .*._ I Exercise of Caution Pre-] vents Runaway Appear? ance of Boom Seasons; Foreign Trade Uncertain The position of the woolen nnd worsted goods trade continues to grow ; stronger daily. With tho majority of lines for fall already open and several of the best known fabrica in the mar? ket, already withdrawn because of the advance hooking of orders for all pos? sible production, buying interest, has been stimulated from the lethargy that prevailed for several months. The market, however, ?Iocs not, pre? sent, the runaway appearance of boom years, and a great amount of caution is being exercised in the placing of orders for fall merchandise. Buyers aro shopping moro keenly than ever before and are comparing values closely. A great amount, of uncertainty sur? rounds the position of foreign goods at present, particularly British marie fabrics. It is possible, buyers assert, lo lind certain small stocks ?if high grade English ami Scotch made woolens in the hand;> of Jobbers at prices that are below prescrit, importing prices. The possibility that Congress may enact a. tiaiff bill that, will include woolen goods as well as raw wool also is hav? ing some otfect on the market, not in the direction of urging greater buying, as might, be expected, but the reverse. Some buyers argue that a move toward a higher tariff em foreigif woolens will ulerea-.' importations in'?) this coun? try befoio th? tariff ?roes into effect m such quantities that, lower prices than now prevail will be necessary to move the goods. Commercial Credit The domestic credit situation, ac? cording to credit, men in the wholesale textile field, has improved measurably since the first of the year. Collections, especially from retailer.':, have been better, although still --lightly below normal. The improved condition i ; re? flected in the higher credit limits that many wholesalers arc now extending individual customers. The credit men looked upon January and February as critical months in the retail field, and now feel that merchants who were able to weather those two months are in a fairly sound financial position and arc good risks as a genera! rule. Commercial money remained firm yesterday at T::i per cent Tor the bulk of new paper conn ng into the mark? '.. Bankers' acceptance rates were un? changed at the following figures issued by the American Accepta nee ? outicil: Member Non- mem banks, ber ba nk s, Ruy. Sell. Buy. Sell, Thirty davs .... ?7., 55s (H? 5 - Sixty*days . 'i _ 534 '''i 6 Ninety days .... <;'k ?7s ? "? '. 6Vs Call loans against acceptances, 6 pet cent. Improvement in Cotton Figures Show Increased Con? sumption and Smaller Stocks Im provement in t he raw cottoi am col ton goods situati n revi aled ii the governmenl statistics for Kehr i; rj just i eleased by t he Census Hurt au r ? ligures f howed a slight ga in u : ie con iumpl ion of ra ,v cot I on for thi month and a slight drop in th? amount of raw cotton on hand at th? close of the month, compared wit! January and December. Exports o -:-. Rochester Merchant Sees Better Trade Retail trade, especially in Rochester, N. Y., is showing de? cided improvement, according to William P, Harrows, president of the Retail Merchants' Council of that city. Tn his opinion this is due in Jarg?> measure to lower prices that have ensued during tho last three months. "During that time," he said, "re? tailers have taken enormous losses on their stocks in getting prices down to something like a normal basis. Spring goods on the shelves of apparel merchants to-day were purchased on a basis of replace? ment costs. In many cases the fabrics were purchased from job? bers at liquidation prices. ''Another factor in the situation is that the members of the buying public, have become wise to the truth that they must buy what they need when thoy need it or there will be no demand for their labor." ' _!' ri\w cotton decreased approximately a third in volume from January. The consumption of cotton in Feb? ruary amounted to about. 385,000 hales, compared with 366,000 bales in January and 294,000 bale;-- in December. Normal monthly consumption runs be? tween 500,000 and 600,000 bales. Stocks on hand at the close of the month in public storehouses and con? suming establishments were 6,832,444 bales of lint cotton, against 6,918,430 at the close, of January and 6,882,375 at the close of December. These lig? ure., do not take into account the cot? ton in transit, in private storehouses and on plantations. Exports of raw cotton for Februarv totaled 403,426 hales, against 606,001 in January and 788,578 in December. A gain of more than 1,000,000 activt spindle.-- was reported ?n February compared with January. The number ol active spindles in February was place? at 32,450,528. No record of short time activity is made, so that the fig utos do not indicate the extent of cur Lailment in the industry, Receiver for Sponge Company Judge Julius M. .Mayer, of th? United Stales District Court, yester day appointed Samuel Strassbourge receiver in equity for the Nationa Sponge and Chamois Company, loi William Street, under a bond of $15, 000, upon action in a suit by Hug Rosenfels, of Chicago, who has a clair against the company of $7,8'j,j. Th bill alleges that the liabilities of th defendant company are in excess o $700,000, but that asset-' are gfeate than $900,000. Suit, was brought t protect the assets, as other creditor are pressing, ami suits already hav been begun for damages of $300,00 and on trade acceptances of a total o $90,000. The concern was a one-man corpora lion with Abraham Frankenberg a president and general manager. II died suddenly on March 14, leaving n one lo manage the business. B si s i n e s s Petitions In liutikrupt? ' ; I 'I L'niti-d . . ? - '?"!:!?' ?n \ HA .\ K 15KS RT VTIST1? 'NON, :,S Wesl noy ; ?iahlli ? '? . ?nul n: sots ?Oit K? iTH, ' i ! W - ? ? . ? ?' il'.1 ..-?.::? I.- ?? .. >--'-., lu \UTiirn ? in \u?iui ? i ' ? ? Imitai ibi ? .- t '? i . ' ?? KI.AKH (IRA PII l'I-J COMI'ANY ? iV N K\V V? ? It K I ; : ?' 1 li . i ... . ubilitii i nul a S? locliiles i n Hunkrtipl r) Tli : ' -. : . !?? i, ?.,.,;....?? til I s HM-lhl : ;,- L'nited .-.,-. : l|l .,.; : .' i Homnv t Co : w.-Hi i?i 11.; I ; ' i .?!.,-. i . ! ftsn TH? HA TIMOR CIIK.Mlt'AI, l'Oill'AXT, >'?'? ? w N'. .I,.!..!, Il fl4G,Oi8 u ncl as . ? . . ? Tl il-. Il A Ms ?!: S M I5S \.\l> MAXI ' KACTl'Il IM i ?'?IMI'.A N \ l*n li.sHde, N. .1 lin bill I ?? ? i.:, .... I a m ? ? n WIM,] A M A l 'I K, IN?'., h ml 5 15 . ?? "Stb I.; Habib : . . . a, els Judgments Filed I il New \ orlt < omit y vi ? .. ?n . XV . ' ' ?la lirsl lia n being t bat i f : au ? il ! , O 1 .lb Huir; .--. A. A JTagon mi f.", il s ?. j \ iiilraib i ', ?it ..i - r ?' H y non ..:.' . n \ i nu M un [am n di eut i lu? ,1 i 11. Ilet; 14. 1 .1. Sehw n ! i zenbach . 10.? OH ' \ : 11 M n i. ?.. m. n. !.. Alo,,h H?i inircl M S| ? n . gr?K -': S M .- . ? In. . Bloom boit! David ..i loin I HIOO ;.,;... . ; ' ''? '? -,- -l! . ? . ,-? : ?? ? ?.oeb et : ?>?? la, i .. ?. ,1. Sel :.,. lit !. . , .\ - , .... || 1-b-yl'u.s, Alpxmuli-i ! ; ' ' Urutin, (i. ? .-? '. . ? : i . - V ;: ,v - ; A uioi obi ? i'o lu?' . ? ?; Aul ! hall li ! ? ? i . . A )..? -I ran ri <v loin;, arli, An School ? i . : - ?A- Il I 11 15 n I ? : ? .. Iiu ' pli n r Du?l|. . . Tin - n Damnoeal l'el P? pi? 1 h m ., :..: (T i Waist ("o.l r Mar. o s ... DI Maggio !'???? Hanker?' i? I lillas. Clareu ! r. K. .leb Mal., I-, ?-.:-? i- ? ... . Wl .. | ? - ... l : , - i - . , . i ;. .? . ,? i r? .- ? ., ii . . lue. . Kim Hem Il '' [? s Fpi-RUFon's Sons fl'Vrrll p K, . , ,, i hu - G) fcl , ... Gol :- I..:.. i ?: :. tins; , : . S ] Ciushgall, i . ' . ; ? ? in, It- ry M /'..- ? ker. Gold Ich I.: ? P ?Vail ? i el il . i!. vit?, 1 pnjam Wa ,, fr, - , - :??-.. il. , -? I ni? a i nia : ? - - - Raall -.- . : |.. 11. -: ?-. ,1 r.o'.i ? y SI ? : Motor Car i rp H v. Gregorj Adjust n ni C'orp. II - ? s ? t. John W?N 1 '".?' bank ? - , . . , . H ? : - ??-. Hem y M al 54 6 1 2 , . ? 2 1(1 20 0 ?.M *a . i - ? .. : : . r, ist,.7 a l.??51,99 : o i ? .? 4 4-1 ' 3 ? p -, - ,, ' - 254 20 : : 1.63 In H ? ,1. Kxpress, lin I ? ? - N .1 i nslrucl n ? I" - ' ' Is: in, 1 elix .ve ; soi Br. ' 91 JU . Pewi i . ' Jatte, \ . , . ? l'nited States s... ? ?? dame . - ? 1 , Kl, ? -, lamen 11 General \.cct ,i. m l-'i, ? an.l Lifo Assui anca ,',,.. p. l.i.I. ol !'< fl n. Si otland ' . : 6g !.. . M.-.-. !' o a: ?? H ,'. . Slllj.lfl Mil -1. .,. nn iro . 11? 1.83 I ?oi David M K K Can pb II. ?SG.TO Landau, William?F i. Nugent Jr. 2ii 59 Tro u h les : . lis M C Krasni I47.G7 I May, Tin oilo i RI, Stebbiiis IS t 30 ' Margulii -., Tl avelei 3 ,,st""' ''". 2S1.20 Mull U m I'- v y Tit| . n<i ' ?,:?' Co ... . . !??'. 1" Mi Ri . no ds Realty i '?rp 1' ?J ? ? | :.' 7fi9 4 ; ' In K, Olio . y SI 1,04 6.45 v. n M il l< ?; Men Id. .1 T- A I) Kali'lici Albert .hi .1 ,, oh I A .1 .: l-.i.l - I. I il; ti. Kraul? Mi ? 'o of \ Y, Ine, i ? ats S Suits, in Moli I i I! i; 147.51 ? - ?-' ? ' 1 !.. iJi ,04 2 1" 109 55 133.5S i ipeii A :'? 1 111 M .T 1 r I. A. tua Ca ' , Moi i v. Bo Ii c ' II ill ? I " '? i'hilip Brou? i - Hail ?son Bill? , . -, . '? - ? < ?sidof. ' : ' Bei ; i ' I W Ma ; .'. Ru?: '. .- SO >' .: 20 '.' : oo ? 15 32 .".?ti ; i i - i. i : '.'vi .? : , I.) Morrell :. Hing Mills, Im and Sid :. i. Roi .- v. ??< . ? ?? Morris . BSC ''i ?ti n Ii ?a If B anoff . 860 00 :? - l-ii'i ....??! 1,024 30 1 ? Ma and Mh-rl I I 'I 10 & In i s I) ? , 1 : lleinshelmer . ::??.', I'rodu UK i rp \V II Hall 1,036.53 <u rila ' m, , .1 util u A Jos Bei lin Bi .,i Bai n 'l I nul ISsti II" t; - lo m M \ . .--? : ? lleno Kel I al , Lion Vogel I;,'.- i -i ' Bu?l ....... ,lit l'nioi f N Y ?'i .-' m |)hoi . Ili rnnn S I' Benin V I 1 1 I - I ; 6 .. and Isa : .1 l'h( n . : v i, f N, u, ir i Al l-fjel Isidi , . . ,. i liathai nal lia ,. - i i ?? ,? Ii an?i il. ' ? ? . I i-.h.t l'ail !' V III et al !':?!.? s< y 4,461.4 u . ? ? ? . ! ? (i 'ara inda Brus.) - Cl ist ides . 6,695.0 James, i I National [y Ci i'- ?pie, i ? Vai ,-, l'aul i Kroi lieh ? oit? V \ b et M Eltl i. ; - io MO i 1,001. 110. . ',','? -'., ? ay, .1 -? ph B. ?J. r M - I. lina . \VI ai '?! Mills In i . i:,'. : ti .' ? erioan A asui ,? nce Corp. . Wood. Sa ?nu ... I. ('ha ?lit. I n Bronx < omit > Michael ' : . B. Il ; ? ., K & i Corp.?-c. 1 Vt Ulns i Bupi - I''. Serlo u ".,- i '? ; ni -Cp ,...-? ' li Ti Hymn 11 ' ? - , i ' rp . u .,?',- : . i Pauli g l'a , r D . Co., Im-. 346.28 S S 5.9 3 ?ni oo 4'.: 1,250 . 1,070.90 10.41 100 ? Satisfied Judgments lu New York County lia?JTriestad l'n derpii ning i lanuai y 17, ? ? . . $399.26 i.,' . Mefli J. \\ a?nei i : March 8, 1021 . . 256.80 i ?- a Stewart i i -H. Ali t ; i) . : .,' ? January IS, 1921. 124 40 !" ?ce, Josi ph - i R Smil h & l ' ??? i5.67 ;?,,- ., lia ? ? i M ? S'Iren ? .. . la ' : b'ebruary ...... 6, 149.53 - i ,? '.. v l'i , ? ? al; Jai , ?? ? 20, '? 573.93 .;.'' i'ykoff \ u ? ent c. ? . , ? M i ,. ! . . 1,236.71 .1 k.. Bn Isat >,.pl ? .... . ? . ?? i I Sh? i - Inc.?Il bruary ! 1921 IVI M D A';:,...a a Co.; lanuarj -'" ' ?' ... 18.033.12 Sus Vvenu<a ruction i V Spens ? | ? '? ? 192*1 791.49 Libei ty Sti el i'i odui ta I ind !.:!??':?' y lOxport .'. :: - \ ..-.''. ? i :? 19, Buyers Arrived Fairehild Service AKTION. OHIO M O'Neill ?'o : mm. C. J. Behan. repre? senting; 37 W. 26th ?-'? AT.TOON-A. PA. Klin?i Bros.; Misji E. Mattern: millinery; Mrs. E. Nixon, coats, suits; 23 E. ">Hh St. BALTIMORF, ?H?. n.iK'-li A- ?la Inor: S. C. AVnlf. mfr. win? dow shades, drapers! Pennsylvania. Armstrong, '"ator R- Co.; J. 8. Radellff?, furnishing goods, hosiery, (.loves; 03 W. 36th st. A. rsisenberg: V. M. Anderson, rugs, draperies, linoleums; 105 O rand st. Ame'ican Wholesale Corporation; T?. T.evia. i.ian. fail plush coats, suits; D. Vol? mer, men's, buys' and children's clothing; 364 4th av. Stewart Sr. Co;; Miss Graham, special skirts: > w. ,17th st. S If. Miller, men's clothing and furnish? ings; Pennsylvania. II. Sonneborn S-, Co.; 3. B. Pinneborn, woolens, cottons, silks: Pennsylvania. Elaenberg's: J. H. Chllds, piece goods: A. Van Tassell, woolens, allks. dress goods; MoAlpin, Uoldenbprg Bros., r>. Rosenberg, silks and dress goods; McAlpin, Th- Hub, A. P. ?'"iarke, hats, lea'her Roods; Miss T. E. Naughton, millinery; Weni K Hartman, 12S W. "0th. st. 1,. I & Bros., L. I. Brenner, woolen- ; M^ A Ipin. ?;>rioio Dopt. Store; V. Adler, coats, .??Hits, dresses; Mr-Alpln. Kramer & Sauber; N. Sauber, -waists; 1182 R'wav. Schlesner Co.; Miss M. A. Dlschlnger, sva ists ; McAlpin. Klein-Moffett Co.; Harry H. Green, piece goods: 1270 B'way, Armstrong. Cator <fc Co.; I,. C. I.eather burv. millinery; r," tv. ::6th st. ,t. p. Steinbach ?- Sons; F. C. Steinbach, representing; Herald Square. Cnhn's Sample Store; Mrs. R Kata, silk underwear, corsets, brassieres; Pennsyl? vania. Tho TTub; 15. "Wolff, men's furnishings, boys' clothing; 125 W. 30th st., Welll * Hartman. BIXGHAMTO.V, N. Y. A R. Swartz ?'o , A W. Goodman, ready to wear; 25 W, 30th st. John 7-. "Morgan Co.; IT. 1? Biggs, woolens, cottons; Grand. BOSTON Bull? -, Miss M. A. .Martin, muslin nn derwear, corsets It. It. McLeod, boys' clothing; E. M, Fessenden, domestics, lin.-ns; Mrs. A. Kllbourno, sma ; wares, toilet goods; M. T. Forara, gloves, ribbons, laces, handkerchiefs, leather goods; Klrby, Block & Fisher, 352 4th av. Byer Manufacturing ?'..., silk waists; S. .1. Byer, silks; McAlpin 15. ?lately & Co.; John 1'. Ga'tely, men's clothing: McAlpin. MacDonnell's; Miss M. Manning, shirt? waists, sweaters, aprons; Somerset, Gilchrist K- ?'o; Mrs Aliar.1 (upstairs), muslin underwear; Miss Wall, infants' wear; Miss 15 Minaban, girls' and juniors' coats, dresses, middies, bloomers; Miss Withers, gloves; ?'. Durand, boys' and young men's clothing; A. ?'ol?..o (base? ment), coats, suits, dresses: 200 5th av. Houghton & Dutton Co.; C. Conner, trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers; Al? fred FantI, 11(1 W. 32d st. 15 T. Slattery Co.; Mr. Lucey. furs: Miss Wii.-liiii, petticoats; .Miss 1.olmos, coats; Hi 15. :i2d st. R. H. White ("o.; Miss A. G. Tarpy, misses' coats, suits, dresses; 4r,i; 4th av. Filene's (upstair-); Miss Fitzgerald, pet? ticoats; 225 .'.th av. Jordan, Marsh Co.; O. T. O'Leary, floor coverings; 432 II ii av. Conrad's; Miss Eva Sharf, children's wear; 132 Madison av. E, T, Sia?:? -r-. Co.; Miss M. Fitzgerald, gloves; Hi 15. :,_'?! st. American le G, Co.; W. Frank, blan? kets, comforts, knit g.Is; Breslln. Kreedman .'. Hornstein; A. Freedman. J, HornHteln, women - ready to wear, ? '. Duant, representing; Broztell. Smith. Taylor Co.; W. I.. Ta.-lor, cot? tons; '..' 0 0 .'? t h a V. IT. II. Touloukian, Oriental rugs, floor coi erlngs, Broztell. BRISTOL. Ti.NN. Woods, Nb I-..-.S Co ; Mrs. W. M. Crowell, dry goods: lis: Bway. Butler's; II. I Black, art goods, p|e tures, e;e., 352 4th av., rare Kirby, Block ,t Fisher. < IIARI.KSTOWN, W. VA. Noyes, Thomas X? ?'o. ; A. S. Thomas. dry goods, n.liions, floor coverings; 14:? W. 'Jo: o si BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Il iwland D. ?I. Co.; .1. S. Greening, an .-.I upholstery, ? ?? rpets : .M II. Swift, representing: E. .f. Godfrey, piece i;o.".s Infants' wear, negligee?, muslin underwear; .1. I1. Granlleld, men's furnishings, knit underwear, hosiery, gloves; 11 M. Johnson, bo , clothing; I,. H W-ithsturdy, linens, i nesl..:- ; 104 4th av. Bt li'.U.O Hi i i m Wtlo ? 'o. ; II. Wile, mfrs. i loth ins 200 5th a\ .1, ,\. Adam ,v Co.; W. A Burst, notions, toilet goods, huu.oil-, trimmings; P. 1 ?'. Brett, hosiery, underwear, knit goods, s\i ? ,. ti ,''". 2 IV. 371 h si. Hens a- Kelly; J. 15. Br?ese, lace: . em? broideries, ii.mmlnc, 11(14 B'way. Hens il- Kelley; ?..'. 15. Bassett, millinery; 1164 B'way. CHICAGO Spaulding Waisl Shop; II Naihan, silk 9W eaters I me II :?- delivery; 276 51 tl a\ . Rothschild & ' .. . M. .1. I.. \ y, ladies' ? i? (1 mlsHi s' coats, dressi s, chlldr, n'a coats 17? ith u\ Marshall Fi? Id Co.: ?1. P. Linberry, W. A Boettiger, wholesale gloves: Miss 15. Bi l'gh, n Iss? ?' ; ui's. Miss H Dugan, base ment petti .... is; M iss P. Mel ii'u in ;. . wom : - , ! m -.? s .-;-..m apparel , Mrs. C Vail, women's suits Mrs. ?5. Nash, wom? en ? waists; i; l.. yhl >-, woi..-: w ajsts, 1 I 07 II-. .! ?. Hai in-r & Trubin; M. M. Hammer, furs, 11?; I B'waj Green -, Ltd. , Miss It MelUman, ?eweli . waisl 118 B'wav. ? harl. , su ver - & Bros John P. Loos, gloves, underwear, hosiery; 40 E. ( IN? INN Ml Abe Bioi-h a Co.; Herber I! i v ? erican \ 11 . usi. 'i ,. ors; 1 in C. Br.unan, . - - ! Bway. < \.\.\ ISLAND i i i Co.; Mrs. ' ? ] 'ruem i n di coats suil s . M? Alpin McIra) Co. ; .-. Cohen, men's clothing; M.- Wpin William Taj lor, Son A , ? M K? haefer ;irl dri ? ? 225 5th .. \ . ( Oil MB! >, OHIO . ;? . . n, Jo) . - Co, . K J. }\u .. - ? i . ?Irapery, blank?.-!.: fl ? : overingi . ,ii Chun n ? M.,-.- - ? , .; Byrne, i ?llinen 1 \\ . 26th .i The M >' Gli? h ... M. ?,, h. . mf? 1 'eniisyh ., : ., DAVTON, OHIO Rike U umler ' ? ? . Mlsi i i m, mil? linery; 225 5 th av, DETROIT I, Hudson Co . P.. ?H ? i- >?..:; "t: ? - M.'.- - & Co. ; T P -! n lad!. ' . i- w?'ur: Misa A. i lolding, . K;' ?. .1 Fan11, I ! ?? W. I2d : Ki ell Co. ; Miss Louise Gessl? r, and -'i Is .'?- - 15 M. v.I - , . . loal'.a and 2 4 tli a v. Ernsi l. ? ' . Co. ; .1 ' ' Putt I. lob . ?.., - - -. ? 1170 Bwa; Kuwi I Co S I'Jpst? !" worn, u's ?? ad I o wear; ..: 4th a . cai ?*!-. ?rb: , B I : I, In . " . l.andy, . . :? ;?! 11 h a\ . 'row Ii - \l ...... Co I' P Slack oats ? una. wait ? ? i McAlpin I.1MIK \, V V. I'liomi .- Co.; U. P ' i . ? .... ; , noi ? ? 1'i-ni ; I .-/..! I Co .s I', [szal I, WO 104 4ih av KKIK, I* V. Erie Cloak Store; T F. Mahoney, worn en's read to wear;. I mi ?. \* KNKV, >. C. Bal ?.-? D. H, ' i.; J. ' r.;,-. tiff, dry ? Un i- u'ia i II % .MILTON. ONTARIO i, Ltd.; A Luti - furnl ? tur? Li !.? ii urta in.-, blank? ts, coni : rtsi . ? E :6th 'I r . ' '' i I : A Luti - blanket pictui overlngs, etc,; 23 15. 2Bth . IIMtHMil KG, l'\. i - . s, |>om< i s A KI ?'.??? Mis ? f, - : ??? .,..,-,:??. cor: 21 .' . ; - u a\ M \KTFORi), < ON\. (',. Vox & i M. 11. Kash in illverware, noveltio: All red Fantl . * ,. : B \. ' Fost & Co A. B. Fi n'a I . : 'i. ... Iiinga i . ;?:- ; ? Sag Mien & Co. ; Miss K D Iheeai ? - mus In un loi - ? ? .i r, lieg . 104 4th ?? v. ,, fix \ ? ; .Miss K Hayes, : - ??- -? s, ... g ?g, - - Alfred Fai tl, 116 W, I2d st. IIAKKIfKI RG, F \. The Ladles' B i saur; Mr.-. M. Si hi i n ? : .. ready to wear. I. perla i. ii.v/.i.KTON. l'A. ? , , 1er St?r? L. Kon an. \? . iinaen , ?: i child ren's r? ?? ly to wear gi neral dry g-" i- millinery, uien'a fu ig g ids; Mra C. Man n, read) wear; 133 B -.v., IIOKMI !.. N. Y. Ro? kvi .' Co . ' v Cardnei read to wear R M - th : g? Is Bres ; III NI INI.TON, W \ \. :: leMal 1 . V ill VNAPOI IM - M L. 'SI - tri II - - ( I - i ? ; i ; ' ' t' I ; : : :---. -, 240 M idli JOHNSTOWN, l'A. Goldachmidi Bros . H, N. ,.. .. :'?: nishmg go o -, hat s, 2 B i st. Georg? K Kill '?: < ! li ,.|; ; drrises; j., i B ?.-y 4,r...o?...., ., ?,?. .tv,n,???., Want Adv< Help Wanted Barnen CartJi Situations Wanted Bonine*? Op|?ort?n??tief LOST, FOUND AND REWARD $500 HEWARP-1.0!'. March 15, P ?-. **; tweet) Mouqutn's and Wtb ?t. largo oval diamond crtiated platinum plafie Pin- j A usual Reitvenateln. room I20i, VU TarK av.; telephone 218 Murray Hill. CAMERA?Autograph; ios' Bunday. Tort i><? Ferry; initials W. J. W.i rewara. Mclrosa ?1120. Lost Bankbooks LOST?Bankbook No. 683.289, Th* rir?en wieh Ravings Bunk. 246 6th iv? N. V. I Ity: payment stopped . pleaai return tobsnk, LOST?Bankbook No 86,706 of th? V. B. Savlmra Bank of N. Y. : payment atopped; please return booh lo ban LOST?-Bankbook No. 301 607, Harlem Pav. Inga Bank, 130 East 126th si P stopped. Kinder please return to bank LOST?Bankbook Mo S I' ? I of th? Union I'ii e Savings Bank la missing. Any per? son having a claim to it is hereby called upon to present thi same w thli ten days or submit to hav ng aald passbook ca celed and .', new one issued. LOST?Bankbook.No. 349.323, of the Frank lin Savings Bank. Issued to John FIU patrlck; payment stopped; please return to hank, 658 Ml' av.. New ?ork City; all per? sona are cautioned not t" purchase or npg - i late Ban e. LOST- Bankbook No ??48.82.">. of the y-.i^' lln Savinga Bank, issued to Henrj can; payment stopped; please rci bank, tl58 8th av., New York Cit> sons ni'" cautioned not to purchase or nego ? i i ? ?? same I,osT Bankbook No. 108.700, ot the Frank? lin Savings Bank. Issued to \nnc Everett in trust for Georgi ! Ivi retl payment stopped : ri ase return to bank, ik".*- 8th av , 'New York in : all pi ins an cautl not to pun : iso , i negol ; .'?? IT RNISHEI) ROOMS TO LET East Side 36TH, 14 E.? Top floor, suitab ?fin. 63D ST., 1 BAST Beautiful larg". sunny ? ora suitable fur two, overlooking <"--, tral Park; excellent meals; credentials no? essary. Phoni Plaza 9513. 70TH. between Paris and Lexington av?.? Sunnj outside room, steam heati 1, ? - tncitj . Rhim Ian li I 569 i HOTEL NASSAU ?9TH ST.,BET MAD1SONAND PARKAVS. Rooms with private bath, $15 weekly up?.,1.1 all hot 'i comforts, TELEPHONE PLAZA 3100. West Sid? 70TIT, I'.,- WEST -Elegantly fui rooms private homi reasonable. C lumbus ? i 85T11 ST.- Kour large, well furnished rooms; il upli x apartments; two bed prival " telephone. Bi liuj 1er 31 24. 104TH, 68 WEST Ci mforl abl room, Ii and cold running water, eli trie, sti mi heat : no other i oomen , phi Call bel ween ,-7. ? onroy. CENTRAL PARK l\ EST I In ! he ? Cnusual opportunity! Outside living room, 1) -ill :... '. i" " i "Hi!1"' ing, ad but h, or Ih entire apartment vi h con sists of 7 rooms, b< nul i fut 1 l'urnishi I; no ,,' her room, rs; ?levai or; refei enci s. Co? lumbus 7063. HOTEL BRADDOCK, 126th st. and M h av. ?Single rooms, ?2 a day; double rooms, $;l a day; single room with bath, $3 a day; single room by the week, $9 up. $17.50 Per Week Permanent Rooms with private bath; modern hotel Bervi .-. 12-story fireproof building. HOTEL ABERDEEN, . ! St., between av. and Broadway. Phone PENNSYLVANIA 1600. Brooklyn I-'l \TI31 sn BR0 East 29tl near Farra gut rd.; large room detached 'tta _??? ^t.-ajn heal .electi . . neai lui rboi i sub ? w ?" tri I ??? suits bio upli Uans ' - 7 I. COUNTRY BOARD ROCKLEDOE MANOR HOTEL, 124 Bruce. Ave.?-A few desirable rooms open for engagement. Yonkers t i. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic HOUSEKEEPER wanted. M. E. [1 92d si and Ainsti rda ma' HOUSEWORKER ? ?? ?? ra I w I: .i ' s i ? : , experienced ; 3 in b' I WIM 11 ?':.:. I '. I ?? HOI pl> unless highl> exp ?. .I; irni ! ri fei ? ??, :. i : -. (M York ivi Brooklyn iH il'SEWi iRK. gel ? ? ? '? ? no s: willing to go I aslu foi ,.i ?? er i 'allughan ?o? m NIi ho is nve., \ ;... ? " ..I !'? Ii phone ? u.lubon IS20. Hi il'SKV ' iRK C. lal Mrs. V th Hai , ? . !'?? . . Hi il'SEWi tit K . .? ? ni ral, ttei man or Ji ?. ep ho tiordon. 941 Sieb i av., Brou .. Interval i iVOKIi ' '.i ' " h te, n .. n. i] ousework ; small fa m Mis. [? ? |(1 M cry si Prooklvn 2969-W B'i iRKER, ..??.; b : id .? . lounti no laundi idult? Sot? ?-.. ai dis ;? ? ? ? refi ?????.'?,? i .. ?d. ; ' ? Mornil gside 171. Nl ' RSER I' IWVKIINE i I ! ihllilp'1 .i. ' I bel. Wim a ml i p - . i . . , Dit mas a vu. 13 ms] 0 71 NCRSE. ? ? -, , i. a r e to r t w o c h i 1 ? I '? ; , ly I : ' ?' i.i ., ? pe pfcreili'i , I wagi ' j M , .'ark av., i S. 1 In truetion COME AXY MINUTE aftei B p m foi sec? retarial, bookke ping, English n-count ng l'h'i w.' Beel man f23 Nlght-day. B . Dra Bus ness ol, T ., m ? Bull Ins WANAMAKER r.K.MTV SCHOOL, i Eifth ave . near si HELP WANTED MALE .??? ". .' ? cd by i il , ? ?ralo i g ?? 11 e r a i ? n s?; libi t sala . y ; M a l e ?,- ? . , , salarj ? M"- I'd. I ' .'> V ' NU MEN wh.U-?r ., ?satloi rowing Saturday-Su : , .. ? : ., ... ? ' ?Uli hwI mining lei . .... eball ? ' ? ' ' rivant hi, ? ? pa i n " ' ? ? - ? ,, : u|i?i : ' ? - ; Dranil ? ? ' '.v ? si P7t - .... i. . VOI-I ,?,?'.,.? . , j; ., ., , i ? l.i;? , 'l''i- '.' lay i nig Instruction I.EAR".' ro BE A ' I' \''"ii:ri> >?,...,,.,. proti's '. .?? v, ?::?.. lay a i - . , , ,..., Fend f ir fiee bi oklet and via!? i ? , ?,, Weal Bide Y. M .... ,., ,V * SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CM \ MBBRMA1D, .? ., ., ,, We; beat rel .... ?un try. ins & 1.rer Co |3 V tSd si. CHAMBERMA1P W n 1 PRESS ferred, fan f adult ' ? ? K M -? i ; ?"? ,.. ? , . Murray mil ' ' '" ' " ' ' " "' ' ilBERMAI ?eTmSTi?I " t long refere? ' ? ,.' ' ' ' : ? ' ' ? ! . Cook? '"'K. I ..-- ,? ' ? >;?., , j,, ? ' .,-. 131 f..i,*J7". .' \!' - 1 I ' i ? ; i is 10 East 4 Iloor. . ? ; in in ? 17 Mm .. 11 COOK VoiiiiK Iriah g-lrl; city or country; .:, 'I reif ? ? - -? i ? , M m Hofroayer'? Agency, io K. 43d st., ...J floor. Telephone S947 ?Murray mil. COOK, ti.-rman. flrat < lax? im mi hrani-ti??; . xcellent references. Lang .v J'.L"_i;heror ' ?rtisements ' Roarder? Wantei Employ???! Af tneft? FvTvUlei Roe?* Lo?t. Tnni tai R*wmJ| SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALB Dressmaker?. Milliners, Etc. DRESSMAKING Out by 'h?> dar. ?9. MJm Wagi \:. M. I0-.1 <4'. Governesse?, Etc. N/URSBRY GOVBRNBSB. ejtp?rlence?i : I highly recommended; willing and o blip - ! Ing. Lang *? Bo<-( h?rer Co., 47 W. 33d ??.. j Day "Workers ; DAT worjsF,n. !ann<?re?9 ?r eleanw. g ?od. quick worker. K., M a? lif.inn.vcr f I Agency. io East 41d st.. third floor. Teie : phone ?9 17 Murray II II Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS, first elaa?. i-aruN? worker! l.est r? (' ren? ! ans ?t Boech in w. 33d si Miscellaneous MOT'S 5IAT1 ' ?amatreaa and packei visiting or resident. Lang As Boecl rer ? -, '. , *?-'?' si - d Bt. Waitresses WAITREPS-PARLOR MAID i HAMBER? MAID- Excel I ,-.? three and a hilfy??r*" r? feren? ? I '?' - I fi " ' ?? ' B. 4Sd st . 3d tin.-.-. Pi ne 594 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CIIAUF*F1 ' ". ? arrled, Swedish, wished poi tion h private family: wife wll Ing to help out ?..--.>. ar.son, 161 B. OSd st., OFFICE MAN", experienced sa mem routine young n ? - i s t a t e ex pe ri ei il. P . I - 10! tal ion F. M i hatl in. PAINTER paperhanger a d decorator, first i honest. reasonable : ? O 4 "?'-'. Tribune EMPI.OVMKNT AGENCIES Domestic Help NEW TORK DOMESTIC AGENCY 36 W. 4.1D ST. ROOM .' 11 Excellent help of all kinds provided, both] Indoors and out. < 'all Vand? rbllt BUSINESS CARDS Carpets PIKE SLOANE3. WILTONS, AXMINSTERS. Rrussels carpets, rugs, bought from prl? ?/at? estates st iragi warel uses, etc. (slightly used), all ?1 ss, HI olora, a!'. ;?? !-, SI .... $2.50, J3.50 yard up. A good, carpet for tho prl o i cheap ? arpet ' i hon ' :i I !? ? :. wroon s, hall and stair runners. RUGS, all sizes, all prices, plain, mixed. Oriental patterns, ?18. $47.60, $?> up. Bxtra large, medium, small ruts. Chinese, Orientals, Royal Wilton?. MAK? ING OVER, CLEANING. DYEING, R? RING, RE-WEAVING. RELIABLE. REASONABLE Stlllings. [nc Ciiiiadi 601I a- i ? : .-; si i. PLAZA 8835. Dogs, Birds, Poultry, etc. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES) And How to Feed America's Pioneer Dog Mi llcln?? Mailed free to any a idr ~j by the Au hor H. CLAY GLO\ ER CO., IXC 118 WEST 31ST ST., NEW TORK. Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS bought and sold for cash from individuals or estates. BENNETT. 17* Broadway, 2.1 floor. Furnitur? REED and WILLOW FURNITURE for alt homes, direct fr m fe tory, largest selec lion, lowest prices ? ? pi or sets. ' ' - ? BEACH WILLOW CO.. 1 : B. 4 jt. PARLOR SUITE at halt price, manufae t urer'a ? loi Inc oui ?sal? tapestries, velours and real leathei s ,. ; article is guaranteed Period '. pholetercf Manufacturing Co., Inc.. 274 V 146th it POSITIVELT pay highest cash t.." &jrni lure, rugs, pianos, etc MA17RICK 12* University pi. Phon? Stuyveaant ?i67. WE PAY highest prl ea for furniture, pianos, antiques, >ri -.? brae. book?, art, etc. GABAT, 88 U .iverslty Pac-. Stuy vc-sant 2377 Office Furnitur* COM MERCIAL FURNITURE ?. nd A n . ;. a walnut? ? '.. bli -?. i hairs filing do ices el -, FOB THE MODERN BUBINEKH ??'?-)?'Iv.'HL JACOB HARSKY, 1 BEAVER ST. Phone Bros ! . ? I Pianos and Musical Internments STEINWAT PIANOLA BABT. PARLOR Grands and Uprights. Mason Hamlin Baby rai : ..-? ? ? pright, Grands, Uprights. Player Pi? no? ? : 1: ?,: Erck & K Un. 117 East 34th; 374 Ci umbus A vs. iTSth?. Upholstery and Heading UPH? ?LSTER ING, it rating. ? Circle 2175. George I av?. Women's Clothing EASTER who! . -, ?-ii.' I Ci ? ? -i st} 111 business orpoim m ties ? : : ' 1 i. ' o f t y p 1 .. } S ., 1 1 t : ? ? iv a n t i n g t o high -, e in tl , ? ? '.'-A n r, I lox 27, I) PROPOSALS ' I ? all ing - l m. 1'. C.. Ma I -, . o" ?- .. ? : M iy. April 1 ? ? I | I - ' I . I 1 : : . ... . .?- . ? VI ,'ork and Box? und bu ? ? ? .?- [or m I ppiirtrii?! , . i I Stall's i ... ! ... ? : I ? ' 11U -:. -'.-.!.. D :r> b I ' ? .' ( H VNGE OF N \ME ID Wi.l.ll?. l-TEl < OKI'OKATTOV r: ! ? .-' TAKE Ni ?Tl? K ? hal pled gt a, ? Mu" i -. D. "That tho nain? of ( - pora i ? hanged from 1 '? ... ['(ON the presen ;.-?-. ? V.NGEI.18 TRAD ? \, , CORPORATION . ?? .. nal Hl !?! ???<:?? -, -.-..., - , ' at i ,.,., ,.., i... , ?...; and natru -.??.? - ? I ? STORAGE NOT? ? 3 , , i ....,?? ? ? v - i. . ?old at pul ' " i of Manhatta \i . ? ? .:-? :. re i ,.? If) a ? ,.f Hoi press? d Steel Jlcxagoi HI? far th? ? II ? IAN-AMI vREUli