Newspaper Page Text
prosecution in Flood Murder Trial Closes Judge Not! Denies Motion of Accused Patrolman for Dismissal of All Homicide Allegations in Indictment Phone Girl Is Witness fella How James Cushing, 16. Fell on Tenement Hoof With Bullet in His Back ?jj6 prosecution closed Its case at jjooB yesterday in the trial of Patrol :-, Cornelius J. Flood, charged with the murder of F'.xteer.-year-old James g on tho roof of a West Fiftieth In July, 1918. William J. Fall?n, counsel for the le a motion for the dis- : "the first decree murder in '.va? promptly denied - >ns for the dis-1 la charges in the ? ere denied. led by the prose lay was Miss May Hums, ? Hotel Bi . . tied by Mr. Whit- ! sti ry was pi >\ rs Al C< S::;:th , ..ry. ? - that she haj pone . ,, h ?se in West I ? ? -? ? ? .?. th Miss Kei - ? ? ? ng. She di si the ro : .<?? h Street boys ... n flying pigeoi had i ? ai I hi h back the] ' ???-?-,- ca 111 ? r Mrss Bun not : ? ? ? ? - e had - - ?? ? . ti so ? irged witl . :: announci i yesterday af :? . ? in ?-. nt norning I .- M - . rhi . : ? also Mr. Fal : _- - r - for :. rdei ? GrandJuryRecord Denied I no Indicted Detectives Hotion for Otcens ami Horan Refuted by Judge Crain; Case Outside His Jurisdiction - to inspect rh? tninuti ficted Martin mas i : . ' ? - '- ? ? ged accept iwfu fees >? ..-. - ? ". their ? an sel, : a ? g d grant t peri ion was not file agreeing to brii g ? ? .. beginning :?? ith \j ril. * me forme r G ? . i - ? lucting - - : ts, had Justice Veri Supreme Court. I - cf these two policemen embers of the Police De : ctment to tl - rt for trial. yesterday Judge ?' : SpeCt for law the ran ci ? : j' justice en court I rrei t ,-. ni . : ' partii ? i* ? ? ' ? Su iction ? ? g of su ? e other hand, tl e n from ?t to the t was v there is a ? ? ? :mina d, and nweJ. - ." son ] to e ?gn . ? " I lo \ ?-it Australasia .... March 16. ? ? Am? ncan received a ii ' igship New ii ; ican Pa ?' eighl attl : \ustralasia in July. ADVERTISEMENT Steamer Sinks in Yard Bermuda (iocs Down When Plates Are Removed The steamship Bermuda, which was undergoing repairs in n shipyard in South Brooklyn, sank yesterday off Co? lumbia Street when several old plates were removed close to the water line. The freighter El Oriente of the Southern Pacific Lino was slightly damaged by fire when h quantity of oil-soaked cotton waste became ignited in the engine room. An alarm was sent in but the fire was under control of the crew when the firen.en arrived. A tire also was reported in the engine room of the steamship Bronto Lorn- ? bardi, tied up at a pier off Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. It was estimated that the vessel was damaged to the extent of aboui $3,000. Jack Munroe at Ellis Island Former Heavyweight Pugilist Has Passport Difficulties Jack'Munroe, a former heavyweight pugilist of Philadelphia, was detained bj tho immigration officials yesterday when he arrived on the Cunard liner Ubania from London and Cherbourg. Munroe fought in the famous Prin? cess Pat Regiment, and after the war settled in ta?ada, where he acquired mining property. . He said he in- j . to leave the Albania at Halifax,1 that reason did not arrange to is pas port vised by the Ameri? can C nsul .:. London. As he is on his way to Canada it is und? rstood the passport irregularity ???I today, when Munroe be rele? sed. Negro Shoots Tailor; Flees Victim Wounded Three Times; Assailant Evades Police Dominick Marino, thirty-five years! )ld, .. ': lor, of 2127 Second Avenue,; ; probably mortally ?? and ed late ti rd ' afternoon in his shop treet by a negro. Ma? in St. Vincent's Hospital. His ? ' ? Marii i was alone in his shop when said to have been a A few mil utes later if them pene? tral ; Marino's al domen and another ? rhe Chai Street police station was As detectives neared the - .-.v the negro running east . n Sprii !'? was pursued by the detectives and pi .:- strians, but he ran into a a tenement in Hudson Street re .. Columbus, Ohio, Banker Held l>> Shortage of 8121.0(H) COL':- BL'S, 01 . March 16 E . i istant cashier of the ? i immerce, was ar? ming on a warrant that bank, ng $10,001 se entries rid ton verting ? n ident of the nark, issued a statement, saying Fox - $124 rt in ! is accounts and, that 1 : ha refunded $2 5,00 l of this ; ..... Fox ? led not guilty ar.d was bound ver 1 the 1 eral grai d jury under bond ox, . ; said, made private loans ? ? : c tld : : be New Vocational Board Fold 7<>.??(i Men Vre I nder Training Marc It ?The Fed ; ? ? Vocatioi al '? ducation as t .' ? meeting to-day V istration that 70, rmer soldiers, sailors and marin? - were under training on March I iar \ elected Secretary ?f Lab-ir Davig as chairman. Secre? taries Wallace ? f Agriculture and merce, who arc also board, were p : i v ther i ting will be h? Id Man i 26. Harding Notified of Flection As Boy Scouts1 Honorary Head [ai I Pre titled I re! ? t h o ; i .. ? the Boy :r. if New : ral Tra i ssioner !.. West, execu . rether with a d?puta) t ' t eight - est ranking iou W ?? - - : ? ?? ? the : - ?? ' ich c nveyi ! titicatii ? ? White House. Charge Doctor Strangled Child ' March 16.?Dr. B. Barton, a prominent physician arrested to-day on a charge of first degree murder, follow? ing an '. '?' the grand jury charging him with strangling to death a one-hour-old ci Id f Mrs. Rosie Finn. The crime in alleged to have been committed Maren 4, 1918. ADVERTISEMENT We Believe Men Will Read This News With Elation ?"'nkelitein & Maisel, Wholesale Clothing Makers, Announce That They Will Continue Selling Direct to the Public. News Note: Finkelstein & Maisel, wholesale manufac? turers of men's and young men's fine clothing, of 810 Broadway, New York, whose advertising statements rela? tive to threats made against them by certain retail clothing ? interests for selling direct to the publie, have at? tracted wide attention, announce their entire spring line of suits and top coats will he sold to the public on the same lesale price basis charged their retail store trade. In reaffirming the facts given n the above item, namely, that 'A? will continue selling at whole ublic direct, on the ?? small margin of profit we charged the retail store trade, we wish to cal! spe? cial attention to the class of foods we manufacture. We use only the best kind of woolens and trimmings. When we say "best" we mean absolute? ly the best?100 per cent, virgin woo!ens?the finest we can ob? tain from the American Woolen, Etna, French-Rivers, Thomas H. Wilson ami Wandskuck mills. And every spring suit or top coat we offer is guaranteed to lit and give the limit of satisfaction, 't it doesn't, or you feel that we have not offered you the best pallie obtainable anywhere in ?New York, return your purchase and we will refund your money instantly and without argument.!_^^^^^^^^^ Finkelstein & Maisel "Malten of Clothe* of the Better Kind for Men and Young Ufen." FACTORY AND SHOWROOMS (Take Elevator), ONE FLIGHT UP. 810 Broadway, opp. 11th St., N. Y. Now note our prices?$20, $25. $30 and $35?no higher? the same scale we charged the retail store trade heretofore, ire the usually very high ex ?s retail stores must meet for ground store rents, elaborate fixtures, high price salesmen, etc., and you will get a fair idea of what we save you. We also make your suit or coat to order, if desired, using only the very finest grade of materials, These tremendously important facts deserve your very serious consideration in giving thought to your Easter and spring habili :..i its?whether suit or topcoat, and especially if you desire some ? above the ordinary ?n snap and wear. Our factory?one flight up? will be open i'rom 8:30 A M. to 7:30 I'. M. during this sale. Plumber Tells How He Fought Hettriek Code Was Happiest Moment of His Life, Fee Testifies, but He Admits Firm Was Member of Association Partners Overruled Him Witness Is Militant When Contracts Are Hinted as Keason for Opposition Frank J. Fee, president of the firm of Wells & Newton, Inc., contracting: plumbers, told the jury in Justice John V. McAvoy's branch of the Su? preme Court, yesterday how he had Kone to the offico of John T. Hettriek ? with the intention of breaking up the whole Hettriek "code of practice" or ganization, and said that it was the proudest moment of his life. Fee took the stand in his own de? fense and proved to be the most mili? tant witness of the trial. He is one of the four remaining defendants who were indicted with Hettriek on charges of violating the state anti-trust laws. The others are John L. Knight, presi? dent of th" Master Plumbers' Associa? tion; the firm of Wells & Newton and Charles A. Murphy, one of its officers. Hettriek and his two labor co-defend? ants wore discharged Tuesday on the cround of double jeopardy. Fee repeatedly insisted throughout his testimony that ho was opposed to j ' ? Hettriek scheme, and that his firm ? n 'it into it against his wishes. His story detailing the attempt to break up the Hettriek organization came while he was under the cross-examina? tion of Special Deputy Attorney G?n? er: Kenneth M. Spence. The latter . him whether his partner, Charles A. Murphy, had informed him that the I firm of Cornell & Co. was bidding on i the garment center job. Says He Broke Up Code "1 didn't know anything abo.;' ?," Fee, "and Murphy didn't tell me. As soon as 1 found out I had violated the iode I ?.vent down to Hettrick's onice intend g to break up his organizati ? . i did it and it war the proudest thing '? ? ver tdi in my life." "Why were you so anxious to break it up after losing the Garment Center asked Mr. Spence. "It wasn't because of that," replied Fee; "it was a natural feeling with me. I was against it because it was no) practica!, or workable." "But you violated the code in tho ? aus job, didn't you'.'" queried Mr. - "Yi 3," answered Fee: "I ne p to it becaui e i wa ? ' 'er in it." ? V\ ? ren't yo i a partj to it' "v. o. it was a party to me. 1 wa ?r ' ?cause Long and Murphy were in it, but Murnhy in his heart was op? posed to it, and cot out t'..e first chance he had." "Then Mr. Murphy entered into an re ent ,a moral obligation, with? out any intention of living up to it?" : h Fisted Mr. Spence. ? ;? I weren't under oath," replied Fee, "1 would give you my opinion on that, but I'm under oath and I can i .: say what I'd like to." No Encyclopedia, He 3a\ a Mr. Spence then asked him some ie tions regarding the job at Forty :-? Street and Madison Avenue. Fee, .- anger, replied: "I'm ' ' 3i ' opedia. f an') il wit..out my pa; r ? . have had those paj r for m n : : and I have been t rying to t 11 "( ?:- ' y iu mean 'he papers w - I - ? m Hettrick's offici " said Mr. ? : ? :. ?' thi j will help you we will get . .. . . -? Fee testified that on one occasion . he was in Hettrick's office he had asked about the legality of the and he stated that Hettriek re "The Attorney General has been in? vestigating this office, and two investi? gators have been here. They have quit the Attorney General's staff and have - ? d my organization." Later Fee testified he was introduced to one of these men. i e said that when be first went to see Hettriek he told him that he from Missouri" and wanted to be v w'n. Hettriek told him bis time was valuable, and that if he paid his $260 and joined ho would learn everything and become n member. "I told him I would never become a member of his organization," said Fee, "and that I would advise my company not to join." The trial will be continued to-dav. 12 More Plead Guilty In Hettrick Code Case Eight individuals and Four j Corporations. Bronx Master Plumbers, Aicait Sentence Eight individ?ala and four corpora- ; tiona, membera of the Bronx Master' Plumbers' Association, who were in? cluded in a blanket indictment in Janu-? ary for alleged violation of the state ; anti-trust law, appeared before Justice McAvoy yesterday and pleaded guilty. They had been members of the Bronx group of tho Hettrick "code of prac- ? tice" und their indictment grew out of I the Lockwood committee housing in- '?? vestigation. Justice McAvoy continued the bail of $2,000 in each case, furnished at the I time of the indictment. Those who pleaded guilty will not be sentenced until the cases of the remaining de? fendants have been disposed of. There were thirty-one individuals and cor? porations named in the indictment. ! ? the i- cderal Court sixty-nine of eventy-four corporations and all forty individuals included in the indictment handed down March 1 by 'lif United Stat - grand jury, charged with violation of the Sherman anti? trust law in connection, with .the pro? duction and distribution of Portland cement, appeared before Judge John C. Kimx and pleaded not guilty. The in? dividuals were released in $5,000 bail each and given three weeks in which to change their tentative picas. Their in dictment also grew out of the Lock woo i housing investigation. -* Lone Patrolman Traps 3 Men in Saloon Cellar Knock- One Ou? W ith Hi.- Club and Subdues Others, Who Put I p a Fight a figh t in of a saloon owned by Thomas Randolph, at 767 Avenue early yesterday, Patrol? man George Murtha, of the West Forty nth St reit po] tation, captured mei .: e handed. They later were araigned in the West Side court on charges of burglary. The three, who gave their names as John Lynch, -?..-?? 5 ai Id, of 783 South' rn ;ard, the Bronx : Joseph Farley, twenty-threi yeai dd, of 2175 Eighth \ , and Gei rge ( lallagher, also . thn ?? ?? iar ? I : of 691 Ninth S3,.i bail euch. ? ? :.. ng thi oon whei was broken. .... ... . . ...A ;,.,; -. ?. ? teps on the I : . rtook Lynch, le knocked it \\ i blow of lus .? - ? tick Lyi ?: ?? : later revive [ . bulance surgeon. Leaving Lynch where he fell, Murtha continued into ar, where bi fight he ? ? I he ot : er two men. -?.?.??# Said to Admit Killing Two LOS ANGELES, March !?'. Sam Pur ; era, seventeen ?? ? r ., con fessed iveland officei I ' ? lay, lid, that . ?? rge K. ai d Wilfred G. SI,', ' ? th o: ila :' the V. . VV. Sly Manufactur : . Cleveland, 1 ?ecember Purpera was arrested here 11. r Only 18 Minutes to Penn Station ere are 75 trains daily between Kew Garden? Inn and New York. 2 rrrnutea on the Inn bus, !8 more on the train and you are right among the I ctter thops and theatres. You have wholesome country life and everv citv convemenc; a! K?w Gardens f f~l<etu 0cz /^~l<euj Gardens Island o 4 Room Apt*.? Knott Managemei Georgt /.'. Wartman, Mgr. Phone, Richmond Hili 3892, MADE IN ITALY FIAT engineering applied to motor trucks produced Europe's greatest transportation vehicle, which is now available in three sizes for American Industry. Long tests proved that haulage with FIAT trucks cost less per ton per mile to operate and maintain. Their useful life is longer, their deprecia? tion lower, and their first cost dis? tinctly in their favor. THREE MODELS One-ton chassis.$2,000 S^-ton chassis. 3,200 5-ton chassis. 3,400 Metropolitan Sales Dcpt. 150 W. 57th St Telephone Circle 5988 Write or call FIAT Executive Offices 501 Fifth Ave. New York City Telephone Vanderbilt 2787 Pint of Beer Every 2 Weeks Is Ration Here Physicians May Not Pre? scribe More as Tonic for the Present, Is Decree of Local Dry Director Awaits New U. S. Ruling Regulations Under Palmer Deci*ion May Not Be Issued for Some Time New Yorkers, whose physicians pre? scribe beer as a spring tonic, will be limited to a pint of that beverage every two weeks, it was announced yesterday by Charles R. O'Connor, Fed? eral Director of Prohibition for this district. Mr. O'Connor said that the rule which has been in force all along, will not be lifted until instructions to tl ? contrary are received from the Inti rnal Revenue Department at Wash? ington. A dispatch from Washinjrton said that the drafting of regulations tc carry out ex-Attorney General Palmer'; beer opinion tvill be left to the sue cessor of Commissioner Williams. A; his successor may not be appointee for several weeks there is no immediate prospect of relief for persons needing beer for medicinal purposes. Paul Myers, Deputy ?.'?immissioner o Internal Revenue, was in conferenc< yesterday with Director O'Connor Ernest Langley, the newly appointe* acting enforcement supervisor am their assistants. It is linderst und thi conference was chiefly concerned witl the tatus of numerous small seizure of liquor, the legality of which ha been contested. Dealer Sues for Liquor Giovanni Aquino, Inc.. a '.\h< li sal liquor dealer at 996 University Avi nue, the Bronx, brought suit m th United States Court yesterday to n cover possession of 2,000 cases an twenty-five barreis of whisky and 25 barrels of wine, which were seized i his place on March 2. He said he ha a permit covering the liquors and tin the seizure was made without a wa rant. He asks damages in addition 1 the return of the wet goods. When brought up for examination Yorkville Court, John 1). O'Conncr, ; enforcement agent, '.'.vint: at !?" Sire..-, was ;.'-i'i in $3,. \ a for trial on a charge o- extortion ai Joseph 1. Dunn, of 285 St, Nicho!; n te, another agent, was dischargi on the same charge. Mike Varga, restaurant keeper, of 309 East Sevent fifth Street, who made the complaii said he gave O'Connor $50 after the t ; agents raided the restaurant. Dunn < | was not in the store at the time. The men, who described themselves aa Peter Salet and Frank Segon, were held in $1,500 bail each, In Essex Mar? ket Court yesterday. They were charged with extortion. Sam Stern, a store? keeper, at 74 First Avenue, said the men represented themselves as revenue agents and accepted money from him. Actor's Wife Held Josephine Thorton. wife of an ac? tor, was brought before United States | ''ommissioner Hitchcock yesterday, charged with conducting her tearoom.' in West Forty-eighth Street, as a pub- ! lie nuisance. She was held In $1,000 ? bai!. A waiter in the place, charged with selling two drinks, was held in bail of the same amount. Anthony and Louis Carratura, ar? rested by Patrolman Lavender at 348 ! East 114th Street, were held in $25,-j 000 bail each. Tlve policeman said he ! seized several bottles t>f liquor bear-; ing bogus labels and counterfeit reve- | nue stamps. ????? Newberry Case on Docket Federal Attorney Refuses to Drop Charge of Perjury GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., March 16.? United States District Attorney Myron H. Walker, of the Western Michigan District, directed by the Department of Justice to drop the perjury charge against United States Senator Truman H. Newberry, has declined to enter the motion, he admitted here to-day. lie refused to discuss the matter. The perjury charge is separate from the case now" before, the United States Supreme Court on appeal, r.nd has not been brought to trial. It was based upon an affidavit by Senator Newberry in New York saying that "no contri? butions or expenditures of money or things of value" were made in the Sen? atorial campaign of 1918 with his knowledge and consent. Originally the charge was taken up in New York, but was dropped because three witnesses refused to testify. Denby Will Not Pick Bureau Chiefs Till He Inspects Fleet WASHINGTON, March 16.?Changes in the bureau chiefs of the Navy De? partment will not be made by Secretary Navy Denby until his return to Washington from his visit to the fleet in Cuban waters, he announced to-day. "I want to give the various officers eligible for the posts due consideration," Secretary Denby said, "and I have had no opportunity thus far to make a study of their qualifications. I will take up the matter with the President on my return." Secretary Denby is to select a chief Bureau of Supplies and Accounts and a judge advocate general. -e- , Hospital Reopened to Public - Van Cortlandt Private Hospital, innex to the Montefiore Home at Gun Hill Road and Bainbridge Aver.:-. baa been reopened after having bei n used by the government for wounded ( fficers during and some time after the war. ?MEM'S SHOPS OTHDALE Cordovan Shoes for IVIen Cherry cordovan perforated but not by the hair of the horse it comes from Custom-looking Custom-wearing Custom-fitting rraitrifj MEN'S SHOE SHOP 1 to 8 West j8th Street - Street Level No Express Elevators ? Don't Need Them "A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed" The "Friend in Need" who may have lost ?omething valuable surely needs the "Friend Indeed" who was th? lucky finder. "Friend Indeed" is looking for "Friend in Need" through the Lost and Found columns of the New York Tribune. Lost and Found Ads may be telephoned to The Tribune, Beekman 3000, or left with any of The Tribune's Want Ad Agents?conveniently located in all parts of Greater New York?at newsdealers", stationery, cigar stores, etc and our spot cash purchase of his fine woolen stock has given you The Greatest Tailoring Values in Years BIG woolen jobber 1 caught with the goods. Long on merchan? dise. Short on cash. Notes due at the bank. Tough situation. 7%r He came to us? knowing our big outlet, through our 10,000 dealers and stores, for fine wool? ens at low prices. He got what he wanted? the cash, We got what we wanted? the greatest woolen purchase in years. We are both happy. Now we are pass? ing our fortunate deal along to you? in toto?so you can be happy, too. The great sale is in progress today?un? questionably the big? gest snap in ages for buyers of fine made to-measure clothes. $50, $60 and $75 quality woolens? exclusive custom tailor designs? guaranteed ail pure wooL Suit or overcoat.? made to your mea? sure? $30. Satisfaction com? plete ? or your money back. This sale can't last Two weeks at most. If you want to select from the splen? did original assort? ment, intact, act early. Act now. long. $50, $60 and $75 ?&m Suit or Overcoat to your special orderv Colors?] ^Patterns vavy Bluet Salt and Teppen rTextures SilkSlriped Flanneh Tancy Wool Suitings Caaimeres Wool Crashes Homespuns Figured Worsteds Cheviots Sergei & Broadcloths Unfinished Worsteds Unfinished Flannels Trench ducks Tweeds Staples Act! NavyBh ! Dark Blues Metallic Flues Jet Slacks Olive Qreens Shamrock Qreens Slate Qrays Q un MetalBrowns Carnet firowns Sepia Brou ns Tans Bronze Browns Oxford ?rayj 'ppers Pencil Stripes BroadSinpeS Pin and Needle Stripes Herringbones Wide Wales j Chech and Plaids ! Double & J Single Tu'is/f Plain Heater Dia^cxids Act! During this sale, we will make up each suit or over? coat to order and to measure, in finest custom tailor style, on 10-day. schedule deliveries 10-day schedule. That is, 10 days after you place your order, the Hnished gar? ment wiU be ready for you. oAt 3 Wholesale Salesrooms Uptown: 5th Avenue and 42nd Street N. W. Comer, Bristol B!dg., Op. N.Y. Public Library. One Flight Up Downtown: Park Row and Beekman Street S. E. Corner, Opposite Gty Hall Post Office. One Flight Vp Union Square: 14th St. and University Place S. E. Corner, One Block West of Broadway, vne Flight Up Whe Royal tailors ^ f CHICAGO ? NEW YOWV**|TV : -EJn_Mrac-iT*i?.ic