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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXXI No. 27,179 First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements ?f?rttnttu THE WEATHER Showers to-day; to-morrow rain and colder; strong south and south? west winds to-day Full Report on Fa?? Eight ? (Copyright, 10S1, New York Tribune Inc.) FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921 # * # * TWO CENTS fa (?rralrr New York THREE CENTS Within-200 Miles FOUR CENTS Eiiiewhere ^arrant Out For Andrews As Bigamist Connecticut Seeks Arrest of Broker Living in Jersey With 2 Wives, Despite Loophole in Law Bride Leaves Flat To Older Rival letter Expected to Accept a Money Settlement for Son and Not Prosecute A warrant was issued yesterday aft? ernoon at Greenwich, Conn., for the irrest of Herbert Thornton Andrews, itock broker, who has been living with ?to wives nt his apartment at 2348 Hudson Boulevard, Jersey City. The warrant charco? bigamy and perjury. It was issued by Judge James F. Walsh, Prosecuting Attorney of Green? wich. Ho said that extradition of Andrews from Xew Jersey would be asked. Senate leaders pointed out last tight at Hartford that under the pres? et loose bigamy law in Connecticut Andrews cannot be prosecuted for a bigamous marriage, but can be prose? cuted for perjury, as he stated on his license issued at Greenwich last Jan? uary that he was single and was a lesident of Pittsburgh. After the landlord of the Rensselaer Aparlmert House, in which Andrews and his two wives lived, had ordered that one of the wives leave yesterday, Mrs. Es? ther Marie Tatnall Andrews, the pretty blond, stenographer, who married An? drews at Greenwich January 26 last, took her departure. She did not make known her destination. Andrews Leaves Apartment Andrews also left, leaving Mrs. Maud Augusta Haynes Andrews, wife No. 1 and mother of the broker's two sons. in charge of tho apartment last night Counsel for wife No. 1 said yesterday she had agreed to accept Andrews'? offer of permanent support for herself and children and that he believed she would leave him to her rival and forego legal action. The report that there was an odor ?ether in the vicinity of the Andrews ??jvtir.ent last night brought a police Menant and three patrolmen to the iMrtnient house. The lieutenant, in the belief that there h?d been an at? tempt at suicide, forced the door. Mrs. 3iaude Andrews, clad in a nightgown ind pale and frightened, then ap? peared. She said she had been asleep and demanded to know the cause of the intrusion. She was unable to account for the odor of ether and said she had not entertained any thought of suicide. Two other cases involving entangled marital affairs occupied the attention of the courts yesterday. Roscoe Reich feeble and sixty-eight, found himseli in a cell at the Raymond Street jail Brooklyn, after having confessed thai he had two wives. They appeared against him when he was arraigned in Gates Avenue court, Brooklyn. Mrs. Rose Manheimer declared in an affidavit in the Brooklyn Supreme Court yesterday that her husband, living, had tried to get her to Bay she was not his wife in order to placate the parents of a girl to whom he had posed ns a single man. He asked the girl to marry him, it is alleged. Andrews Seems Flustered When Andrews came to the door of his apartment yesterday to see report? ers his two sons, John, eight years old and Harley.six, were visible in the hall way. ' John stood just back of his fnther but Harley, who is crippled, had tc drag his body across the floor until he reached a spot where he could sit, tai? lor fashion, on his legs and gaze curi? ously at the callers. That was before Mrs. Andrews No. 1 had gone away. Her voice and that of Andrews and wife No. 2 were audible to the newspaper men as they waited for the door to open. -They were ap? parently quarreling. Andrews, flustered but glib, told the newspaper men he would see them all at his Xew York office, 20 Broad Street, yesterday afternoon. "This story is all the result of busi? ness rivalry," he declared. "An enemy of mine is'at the bottom of it. There is more to come out. I'll straighten it all out this afternoon." But when reporters called later at Andrews's office they were informed he was out and referred to his attorney, Jacob J. Lazzaroe, of 25 West Forty third Street. "Mr. Andrews intended to make a statement," a young man in the office volunteered, "but later he talked with his lawyer and decided to let him do it." Mr. Lazzaroe, it was stated, would talk to reporters at his law office. __ (Continued en page ?Tx> Wife, 72, Says Husband Accused Her of Flirting Woman Has Man Arrested on Charge of Kicking Her Al? most to Insensibility ROCKVILLE CENTER, L. I., April ,j~'J"ames J- Mclntyre, seventy years ?'d, a wealthy resident here, is locked UP in the Nassau County jail charged Win third degree assault by his wife, tnzabeth Mclntyre, seventy-two years old. who says that Mclntyre kicked her, jnnicting severe injuries, after charg? ing her with flirting. Mclntyre, who is said to hold an ft?iP0?tant Position with the Standard WM Company on Long Island, is de "Bred by Mrs. Mclntyre to have ac? cused her many times of inviting the notice of men, a charge which she says J? entirely without foundation. The ?"?te of the Mclntyres is one of the show places of the vicinity. Mrs. Mclntyre was found lying ?1 ">08t unconscious in the roadway near "? home by a chauffeur, who helped I???vive ber- Sh? was taken before ???ce of the Peace Louis M. Raisig, u Lawrence, who swore out a warrant *?r Mclntyre. Town Constable Strohson, who served jnc warrant on Mclntyre, told the court ..? ? , was called to the Mclntyre ?Ute last Saturday By Mrs. Mclntyre. ??0 Mid her husband had threatened ? ?hoot her, claiming that she had m?i? rm?eivi?yf attentions from young *?? The omcer ??id he took a revol ?Jj. ?way from Mclfityre on that oc Find Job for Pershing, But It's Kept Secret WASHINGTON, April' 14.? . President Harding, Secretary : Weeks and General Pershing have I reached an agreement on the fu? ture status of the fonner com? mander of the A. E. F. in the mil | itary establishment. A formal an ! nouncement by Secretary, Weeks is expected within a few days. Meantime the matter is being : held as an official secret. Speculation as to General Per shing's future assignment still centers in his detail to have ? charge of the organization and ; development of the reserve and : volunteer forces of the country, with headquarters in the War I Department. | Senate Asked to Probe Office of State Architect i Towner Offers Resolution Charging Contracts Have Been Given at Excessive Prices, Violating Law Action Expected To-day Pitcher, Who Holds Post, I Incumbent Since 1913; Belonged to Both Parties From a Staff Correspondent ALBANY, April 14.?An investigation ! by a legislative committee of the office j of the State Architect, of which Lewis F. Pilcher, of Brooklyn, is the head, was asked for in a resolution intro ! duced in the Senate to-night by Senator .j James Towner, of Dutchess County. The resolution charges that contracts ] for public buildings have been let at excessive prices, and that many of the ; buildings have been built in violation i of .law. Mr. Pilcher, who was appointed by : Governor Sulzer in 1913 after the Tarn? I many machine refused to confirm two other men that Sulzer wanted appoint ! ed, has been under fire fcefore. The ? last time was when President F. II. La j Guardia of the New York City Board , of Aldermen made charges against him. For one year after his appointment j Mr. Pilcher was enrolled as a Demo j crat. He worked for the election of j Governor Glynn, Democratic candidate : against Charles S. Whitman. Aftei ' Mr. Whitman's election it was given ! out by Mr. Pilcher's friends that he | hud become a Republican. He was re ?? appointed by Governor Whitman. Then, ! when his term expired last year, he was reappointed by Governor Smith, a : Democrat. The term is for five years ? at $10,000 a year. | ?Mr. Pilcher has powerful friends in I both parties. Last summer there was ' talk of investigating his relations with j the New York City contracts, but the I proposed investigation never got be ! yond the stage of discussion. His j predecessor was removed after an iri j vestigation conducted by Governor ! Sulzer. The resolution will not be acted on j until to-morrow. 1 The resolution reads: "Whereas, It is alleged and gener ! ally believed that many contracts for | the erection of public buildings, de ? signed by the state architect have been ! erected in behalf of the state in viola i tion of the statutes in relation thereto, j and, "Whereas, Those contracts so ille I gaily made may cause large losses to ! the state, and, "Whereas, It is generally believed j that some of these contracts so ille ! gaily executed have been awarded at sums largely in excess of the reason ! able cost of the construction of the ?buildings provided for in such con ; tracts, and, Whereas, The interests of the state should be protected by the securing and preserving the facts and evidence in relation to the execution and valid ' ity of the contracts so alleged to have : been unlawfully made in behalf of i the state, and also the reasonable value of the work already performed I thereunder so that the state may be ; enabled properly to resist and defend claims which may hereafter be made against the state . on 'account of said contracts or for the w.lue of the work done and materials furnished by rea ? son thereof; "Resolved (if the Senate concur), That a joint committee of the Senate and I Asaembiy be hereby created, consist ? ing of four members of the Senate, to I be appointed by the President of the ! Senate, and five members of the As i sembly; to be appointed by the j Speaker of the Assembly, whose duty it shall be to investigate the affairs of ' the state architect's office, and par ! ticularly the letting and execution of ? contracts for the construction of public i buildings of the state. "Resolved, That such committee re? port to the Legislature of 1922 on or j before February 1." _ Ill Last Fight to Stop Probe Livingston Adherent in Assembly Introduces Resolution to Delay In? quiry Until November 1 Move Defeated by Ruling of Speaker Action Would Protect Grafters by Limitation; Board Meets April 25 From a Staff Correspondent ALBANY. April 14.?Tammany Hall, with the aid of Jacob A. Livingston, of Brooklyn, is still hoping that some? thing may happen within the next twenty-four hours to prevent a legis? lative inquiry into the Hearst-Hylan Tammany r?gime. To-day one of Mr. Livingston's adherents, Assemblyman Frederick A. Wells, of Brooklyn, sought to amend the resolution by postponing the graft investigation until Novem? ber 1. Mr. Wells, however, was ruled out of order. The resolution was not before the house, as the Rules Committee has decided not to report it out for con? currence until to-morrow. Mr. Livingston's representative an? nounced later' that he would seek to amend the resolution when it was up for action to-morrow. The effect of such an amendment would be twofold. It would prevent the legislative com? mittee from laying bare the graft and corruption of the New York City gov? ernment before Election Day and would help the Hearst-Hylan-Tammany ticket next fall. . Another effect of the amendment would be to prevent the prosecution of grafters whose crimes occurred more than eighteen months ago, as by November 1 these pilferers of the public purse would be immune from criminal action because of the statute of limitations. This is the phase of the situation which is giving greatest concern ' to those who are fighting for a real and thorough inquiry into graft and a re? lentless prosecution of the grafters. Tammany to-night is making a poll of the Assembly to see what support can be obtained for the Wells amend? ment. Promises are being made tf those who ai-e unwilling to lino up behind such a proposal. In some in? stances threats are being made. Th? friends of an investigation are not idle either. They, too, are working among the members to prevent a possible defection. It is not believed that with ths support now behind.the resolution, with Governor Miller openly and ag? gressively insisting that the corrup? tion be bared, the latest Livings? ton-Tammany alliance will succeed in ? its eleventh-hour efforts to block the ? probe. So convinced are the Republicans who want to put an end to the con? ditions in New York City that neither Mr. Livingston nor Tammany Hall can prevent an investigation that they have already begun to prepare their plnn of campaign. It has been decided that the first meeting of the graft hunters will be held Monday, April 25, in the Board of Estimate meeting room. This meeting will be for the purpose of organizing. Counsel will be engaged and sub-com? mittees appointed. These sub-commit? tees each will be charged with a sepa? rate task. One will be assigned to get the material in shape for the examina? tion of those who will lay bare the cor? ruption in the Police Department; an? other will be charged with preparing the case against the office of District Attorney Swann; other sub-committees will be at work on the Dock, Street Cleaning and other departments of the Hearst-Hylan-Tammany government. It is believed that it will take these sub-committees at least one month to get the preliminary work done. When their work is completed the public hearings will begin and the real work of the committee?exposing r.nd ? prosecuting the grafters?will begin. -1 Gen. O'Ryan To Be Third Member of Transit Board From a Staff Correspondent ALBANY, April 14.?From well in? formed sources it was learned late to? night that Brigadier General John F. O'Ryan would be appointed to the Transit Commission. The other two members, it was said by the same in ' formant, would be Leroy B. Harkness I and George R. McAneny. Governor Miller to-night decHned to ] say who would be appointed, but he said that he probably would send in ] the appointments to the Senate to '. morrow for confirmation. He has but ? to-morrow and Saturday to act, as the Legislature has agreed to adjourn ? sine die on Saturday. General O'Ryan, it was said, would tender his resignation as head of the . New York State National Guard ? promptly to be eligible for the ap? pointment. Tammany Zealous Detective Zipf Feigns Ache, Gets Hootch and Prisoner i If First Deputy Polica Commissioner I Leach was giving prizes for zeal in the ! drive to make New York dry this week's j hattd-embroidered tobacco pouch would 'ge to Policeman Carl Zipf. Magistrate 1 Simpson held Zipf's prisoner, Leo \ Busch, thirty-one years old, of 83 1 Thomas Street, in $500 bail yesterday, ?but expressed disbelief in the police | man's testimony. Zipf, who is attached to the Beach Street station, is one of the plain clothes sleuths who are devotintj all their time to a search for violators of the Mullan-Gage law. After a fruit? less search for bootleggers yesterday, he decided to employ strategy. Paus? ing before 135 Reade Street, which for? merly housed a licensed raloon, Zipf clutched his abdomen, leaned up against the building and began to moan. ?: Busch, a porter, in the role of Good Samaritan, approached with an offer of aid. Zipf gasped jjwt a plea for a drink. Busch brought a glass of whis? ky, and when the plain clothes man had taken it in his hand he straight? ened up, grinned and then told Busch he was under arrest. When Zipf appeared with his pris? oner before Magistrate George W. Simpson in the Tombs court yesterday he testified that he had asked Busch for a glass of milk and had received whisky instead. Then Busch took the stand and was examined by his lawyer, Michael Delagi. "Is it tr.ue that you gave the police? man a drink of whisky?" he asked. "Yes, I did," admitted Busch. "Ho said ho had a stomach ache, and I took pity on him and gave him some whisky which I got from a room nearby." Holding Busch in $500 bail to await action by the grand jury, the magis? trate said he believed his story, but that under the new law he had no right to have liquor in his possession in the street. The magistrate, with a wither? ing look at the policeman, added that Zipf'b storv that he had asked for milk was highly improbable. j Berlin Asks Repeal of Allies9 Trade Coercion ROTTERDAM, April 14.?A Cologne dispatch to the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant says that a Cabinet -council at Berlin has decided upon steps to induce the Allies to repeal their coercive measures. These, it is declared, are proving a catastrophe to Ger? man trade. I. _;_I Hospital Told To Fix Defects After Hearing Better Sanitary Conditions at Willard Parker Or? dered by Health Board on Patients' Complaint General Conduct Praised Confidence Is Expressed in Dr. Wilson and Institu? tion's Entire Personnel Improvements in the administration of Willard Parker Hospital, which has been the object of criticism recently by former patients, were ordered yes? terday by the Board of Health. Following a three-hour hearing on charges directed against certain branches of the hospital the board adopted a resolution embodying these corrective recommendations: That the sanitary condition of bath? rooms be improved by the employment of additional help. That the censoring of patients' mail be made the subject of review with the idea of modifying the restriction. That the alleged carelessness of some of the nurses be dealt with through disciplinary action exercised by the director of hospitals. Although recognizing the criticisms and the testimony of the complainants at the hearing as sufficient basis for the reforms authorised, the resolution states that a number of the allegations "were founded on misunderstanding of the difficulties of administration at this particular time in all public insti? tutions." Praises Hospital Personnel The resolution expresses confidence in Dr. Robert J. Wilson, director of the Bureau of Ho'spitSrts, and in the medical bourd, physicians and nurses of the institution, and points out that the death rate?7 per cent?"is lower at Willard Parker than it is in any other contagious disease hospital in the world." At the conclusion of the hearing, which was not public, Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Commissioner of Health, de? clared the criticism and the investiga? tion would result in benefit to the hospital. "While a number of the charges were not substantiated by testimony, those which appeared to have founda? tion are not impossible of correction," said Commissioner Copeland. "I think on the whole the inquiry has done good. Everybody will be on their toes from now on. I am very glad to say no charge was made against the medi? cal service accorded at the hospital. It also was brought out that the criti? cism of the food and equipment was groundless. We hope tp correct any untoward conditions 'jy' putting into effect the sense of the resolution. So far as the charges of carelessness made against some of the nurses is concerned, they have been left to Dr. Wilson for solution.'* Four women, who had been patients in the scarlet fever ward of the hos? pital, testified at the executive hearing. They were Mrs. Marie Stabo, of 45 West Eighty-fourth Street; Miss Lotti mer, of 323 West Eighty-third Street, and two other women whose names were not made known. Mrs. Mary C. Roop, of Upland, Pa., who charged that Her daughter did not receive proper attention and food while a patient at the hospital last January, was not present. It was said she is in Ber? muda. Patients Criticize Care Mrs. Stabo repeated the charges she made in a letter reflecting upon the sanitary condition of the wards and the performance of duty of some of? the nurses. The other former patients sup? ported her charges. George W. Saxe, of 529 East Eighty fourth Street, testified that his wife had been accorded excellent treatment and service while a patient at the hospital. Fifteen nurses, including those whose names were mentioned in the letter o? Mrs. Stabo, were questioned by Dr Copeland, Joseph A. Faurot, Deputy Commissioner of Police, representing Commissioner Enright, and by Dr. Le land F. Cofer, health officer of the port. Dr. Wilson outlined his method of administration and declared that much of the criticism was without basis. He was supported by Dr. John Winter Brannan and Dr. Henry W Berg, president and secretary, respec? tively, of the medical board. Dr Thomas W. Darlington, former Com? missioner of Health, represented mem? bers of the medical profession to whom Mrs. Roop had sent copies of allega? tions. Girl Awakes After 5 Weeks WINCHENDON, Mass., April 14.. ? Miss Eva Lashua, twenty-two years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lashua, of Winchendon, awoke to-day after sleeping continuously for five weeks. Her physician says she will re? cover. She remained awake six hours and talked intelligently with her par? ents and physician after taking some nourishment. PLACE TOUR Want Ads TO-DAT FOR SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE Accepted Until 8 P. M. SATURDAY It 1$ preferable, however, to ?end ' your ads In early for Sunday's Tribune. Phone BEEKMAN 3000 or so to any of The Tribune'? Want Ad. Asenta, conveniently located tn all parts of Greater New York. =*? Board Annuls National Rail Labor Pacts Contracts Made With U. S. Administration, Except by 4 Big Brotherhoods, Ordered Ended July 1 Each Road to Deal With Its Employees Unions Had Fought to Re? tain Agreements or Get Country^Wide NewOnes j CHICAGO, April 14 (By The Asso? ciated Press).?National agreements, : defining working conditions for em? ployees on all American railroads for? merly under the Federal Railroad Ad? ministration, were to-day ordered abrogated, effective July 1, 1921, by the United States Railroad Labor Board. The board called upon the officers and system organizations of employees of each railroad to select representa? tives "to confer and to decide" as much of the rules controversy as possible. "Such conferences shall begin at the earliest possible date," the decision said. | While the decision did not specifi ! cally say so, members of the board said that all disputes as to rules and working conditions automatically were referred back to individual conferences between each individual road and its employees. This method of procedure had been sought by the, railroads, whereas the labor side had favored a national conference between repre? sentatives of all roads and all unions. Trainmen Not Affected The decision affected all railroad em? ployees except those in train service ! ! who are under separate agreements be ! tween the individual railroads and the four big brotherhoods. In connection with the conference ? negotiations, the board laid down a set of sixteen principles to serve as a . foundation for any rules which may be agreed to in the conference. The present general rules hearing before the labor board, which has been in i progress since January 10, will con 'Itinuo until both si^es have completed 11 their testimony, following which the i ' board "will promulgate such rules as it ; determines just and reasonable as soon ? after July 1-, 1921, a/s is reasonably pos The sixteen principles outlined by i the board were drawn up by Henry T. ? Hunt of the public group and upheld ? the right of the employees to organize for lawful purposes, the right to ne 1 gotiate through representatives of their own choosing, the right of seniority and the principle of the eight-hour day. It was specified that "eight hours' , work must be given for eight hours' pay." Espionage should not be prac? tised by either side, the decision said, and employees' representatives should have the right to make an agreement applying to all employees in the craft or class of the representatives. Sistec? Principles Outlined The sixteen principles outlined were as follows: "1?An obligation rests _ upon man? agement, upon each organization of employees and upon each employee to render honest, efficient and economical service. , "2?The spirit of cooperation be? tween management and employees be |ing essential to efficient operation, ? both parties will so conduct themselves I as to promote this spirit. "3?Management having the respon j sibility for safe, 'efficient and economi I cal operation, the rules will not beisub versive of necessary discipline. "4?The right of railway employees to organize for lawful objects shall not be denied, interfered with or ob? structed. "5. The right of such lawful organi? zation to act toward lawful objects through representatives of its own i choice, whether employees of a particu ? lar carrier or otherwise, shall be agreed . | to by the management. ? "6. No discrimination shall be prac . ! tised by management as between mem I bers and non-members of organizations ? I or as between members of different or : j ganizations, nor shall members of or ; j ganizations discriminate against non ! I members or use other methods than lawful persuasion to secure their mem i j bership." Espionage by carriers on the r i legitimate activities of labor organiza . I tions or by labor organizations on the ' j legitimate activities of carriers should ; not be practised. [ Must Consult on Pay Cuts ? "7. The right of employees to be con ; suited-prior to a decision of manage ; I ment adversely affecting their wages or ? | working conditions shall be agreed to . j by management. This right of partici . ! pation shall be deemed adequately com , I plied with if and when the representa '? tives of a majority of the employees of . the several classes directly affected i (Coninued on P?9? four) Dozens Ready to Catch Fever For $1,000 in Germ Experiment Special Diapatch to The Tribun? CHICAGO, April 14.?There are a great many Chicagoans who are willing I to risk their lives in scientific experi 1 ments to benefit humanity, it was dis ' closed to-day at the John McCormick ! Institute of Infectious Diseases. During the day fourteen persons, I among them several women, presented j themselves at the hospital and asked that they be. accepted as subjects for a j test by which Drs. Ludwig Hektoen, ; George T. Dick and Gladys Dick, well i known pathologists, hope to isolate the ! scarlet fever germ in order that a pre ! ventive serum for that disease may be developed. In addition, the hospital was bom? barded by telephone calls -from persons who want to become subjects for the experiment, which is regarded as a highly important one among medical men. ,1 The three pathologists are seeking nine persons for the test, preferably | young men who never had scarlet fever. , The mortality of this disease is high, ranging from 3 to 40 per cent. Subjects accepted for the experiment, which, if successful, will develop the first serum for combating the disease, will be paid $70 each on being inoou latedi with germ cultures and $1,000 each if they contract scarlet fever. "While I am aware that the public is vitally interested in this experiment, I feel that I cannot give out details at this time, as the facts, which are highly technical, might be confused through publicity," it was explained to-day by ? Dr. George Dick. "No subject has as yet been selected, though we expect to choose at least three from the applicants to-day. In? oculations will be made through the mucus membrane of the throat. "The experiment could best be made with children, but, of course, we can j not ask a child, who hasn't the re ] sponsibility, to make such a decision to I become a subject. There were many ! ex-service men among to-day's appli ' cants." Premier and Operators In New Move to Block British General Strike Liner Passengers Rushed to Ports In Fear of Tie-Up of Rail Service LONDON, April 14 ("By The Associated Press).?By reason of the shortage of coal through cessation in the output and the. threatened transport strike, a rearrangement in the sailings of transatlantic liners has been necessitated. Passengers who intend to make the voyage on board the White Star Line steamship Celtic to New York were advised to start from London to-night and remain in Liverpool for the sailing of the steam? ship on Saturday. The Orient Line has asked passengers to embark immediately on the boat due to leave London on Saturday. The Jap? anese and Peninsular & Oriental companies are arranging to take passengers aboard their vessels for the sailings of Friday and Saturday. There are 216 vessels laid up in the River Tyne, the largest coaling port in England. These include 65 government vessels. Millerand Galls Council to Plan Ruhr Seizure Blockade of Hamburg Also To Be Considered at Con? ference To-day; Foch and Weygand to Participate Powers to Meet in May ?Germany Expected to Make Reparations Offer Open? ing "New Perspectives" PARIS, April 14.?President Miller and has called a special conference at Elys?e Palace for to-morrow for a de? tailed examination of the situation cre? ated by Germany's recalcitrant atti? tude regarding reparations, says The Echo De Paris. Premier Briand, Mar? shal Foch, General Weygand and vari ous ministers, including MM. Lou cheur, Barthou and Doumer, will (Cake part in the deliberations.. A plan for the military occupation of the Ruhr district and perhaps a blockade of Hamburg, .the effectives requisite,, what Allied assistance can be expected and matters of a kindred nature will be discussed, as well as all possible means of economic coer? cion likely to prove effective in securing payment. In case Germany resists settlement, the newspaper declares, it is accepted by the Allies that France will recall two classes of recruits to the colors. Germany's obligation to the Allies will be fixed at between 130,000,000,000 and 150,000,000,000 gold marks by the Allied Reparations Commission, says the newspaper. It adds the exact figure will depend upon the solution of cer? tain questions still being considered. According to information from other sources it is expected the inter-Allied conference will meet in Paris the be? ginning of May, and it is hoped here the British Prime Minister will be able to attend. By Wireteea to The Tribune Copyright. 1921^New York Tribune Inc. Germany to Make New Offer BERLIN, April 14.?Germany prbbably will make a new reparations offer the middle of next week, it was learned to? day. A meeting of the Cabinet which considered the matter was said to have been marked by complete unanimity of opinion regarding the terms to be sug? gested. The Berliner Tageblatt asserts that besides the plan for the use of German labor and material in restora? tion work in the devasted regions of France, the Cabinet meeting discussed "financial plans which open up new per? spectives." Outside mediation will be another feature of the German offer, it is said. Publication of the exact terms that Germany will suggest is to be withheld here until they have been submitted to the Allies. All members of the Cabinet are work? ing earnestly to evolve a proposition which they jiope will be acceptable to the Allies in full settlement of Ger? many's war obligations. The govern? ment hopes, if possible, to avoid the im? position of further penalties. Presi? dent Ebert said to-day that the threat? ened Cabinet crisis, resulting from Foreign Minister Simohs's unauthorized assertion while he was in Switzerland (Continuad on page three) Sir A. E. Vicars Shot Dead and Home Burned Body of the Former Ulster King-at-Arms Bears Tag Inscribed, "Traitors Be? ware, We Never Forget" Figured in Gem Scandal Absolved of Responsibility for Theft of the Famous t Dublin Crown Jewels DUBLIN, April 14 (By The Associat? ed Press).?Sir Arthur Edward Vicars former Ulster King-of-Arms, was shot dead this morning at Listowel and hit residence was burned. A tag was at taohed to the body, reading: "Traitors beware. We never forget. I. R. A." . The former Ulster King-of-Arms wil hr?, Remembered not only as one of the most accomplished heraldista, genealo gists and archaeologists of1 his day, bT?1 also as the foremost figure in the fa? mous scandal of the theft of the Dub? lin crown jewels in July, 1907. Sii Arthur Edward Vicars was then Ulstei King-of-Arms, having held the place since 1893, and as such was responsible for the safe-keeping of the jewels. They mysteriously disappeared from the suite of offices in which he worked and never could be traced. In Octobei following he received notice that the office held by him was being reorgan? ized and that the King would no longer require his services?in brief, he was dismissed. He felt aggrieved and de? manded a judicial inquiry, which was denied him; but in January, 1908, a commission investigated the loss of the jewels. As the inquiry was private and witnesses were not put under oath he declined to take any part in it. The result was that the commission found him guilty of negligence, and his peti? tion to the King for a rehearing was denied. Woman's Name Involved A little later scandalous rumors arose in the press and elsewhere. It was suggested in The London Mail? not The Daily Mail, but a sensational weekly?that Sir Arthur had permitted himself to be sacrificed in order ?.o shield a lady in whom he was much interested, and in that connection the name of Lady Haddo, daughter-in-law of Lord Aberdeen, was mentioned?a lady of spotless reputation. It was intimated that another woman, named Malony or Morely, but also known as Robinson, was jealous of Sir Arthur's friendship with Lady Haddo; that the night before the disappearance of the jewels this woman, with several other persons, was Sir Arthur's guest at a card party at the castle; that this woman obtained from Sir Arthur the key of the safe in which the jewols were kept; and that she secretly left the castle before daybreak and fled to France, on the funds supplied by Sir Arthur. An attempt was made to have the case taken up by the House of Com? mons, but without success. Thereupon in July, 1913, Sir Arthur appealed to the law courts in a libel suit against the Mail. He absolutely denied the whole story, declaring that he had never known or knew of the Malony Morely-Robinson woman, that he had not played cards the night before the disappearance of the jewels and that the persons mentioned as his guests at that time were, in fact, not then in Dublin. Lord and Lady Haddo testified, the letter saying that she had spoken to Sir Arthur but once, and that was brfefly at a public gathering. Counsel for the newspaper made no attempt at justification, but admitted that his clients were convinced that they had been grossly imposed upon and expressed profound regret for the (Continued on next pase) Brindell Cannot Spell Business, but Can Do It Reflection Consoles Labor Czar as He Barely Escapes Prison Rating as Illiterate Special Dispatch to Th? Tribune OSSINING, N. Y., April 14.?Robert P. Erindell, labor czar, told prison authorities yesterday while he was under examination for intellectual rating that he couldn't spell "busi? ness." but he could do it. When given a list of words to spell Brindell proved a poor speller. He spelled 'business" with four s's and wrote as a sample ssntence: "I went to school for six year's." After his examination Brindell was iven a sixth grade classification. Had e been given the fifth grade he woulc have been ordered to attend the prisor school for illiterates each day. I Owners Invite Miners to Conference After Plea of Union Representative | Is Heard in Commons Lloyd George Asks Appeal to Ballot General Workers' Federa? tion Votes to Support * Triple Alliance to End LONDON, Friday, April 15 (By The Associated Press).?Determined efforts are being made to reopen the negotiations between the miners and mine owners for a settlement of the coal strike. A deputation from the House of Commons visited Premier Lloyd George about midnight after Frank Hodges, secretary of the miners' union, had addressed mem? bers of the House and explained the miners' points. When they left the residence at 12:30 a. m. they de? clined to talk, but many of them are reported to have displayed "an obvi? ous air of relief." The mine owners have also decided to invite the miners' leaders to con? tinue the discussion. Evan William!1, president of the mining association, announced at a late hour that the mine owners would extend another invitation to the representatives of the miners to deliberate, both nation? ally and in the various district?, with the object of ascertaining what was feasible to improve the lot of the lower-paid miners. The owners then, again visited Downing Street in re? sponse to a summons from the Prime 1 Minister. Hope ojL?u??^JS^ved New hopes or a resumption of the negotiations, therefore, have arisen through this offer of the mir>.e own? ers to meet the miners' leaders around a new conference table, and also the offer made by Mr. Hodges i in his speech to a meeting of the members of Parliament. In this the secretary of the miners' union said, among other things: "We are prepared to consider th? ? question of wages provided they are not ! regardable as permanently on a district basis, but only of a temporary char? acter." Mr. Hodges had a friendly ?reception, according to the press association. Tha large committee room of the House was filled with Unionists, Coalitionists and Laborites. The Conservative member, John A. R. Marriott, presided. Mr, Hodges exhaustively reviewed the situ? ation, and on some points gained the sympathy of his audience. Regarding his offer the press associ? ation says that it is not without prom? ise of a peaceful agreement and will ba conveyed to .the Premier by Mr. Mar? riott. Issue is Clearly Drawn The whole labor movement is align? ing itself solidly with the miner* against the government. The worker? seem to believe that the hour has struck for a final struggle against what they, rightly or wrongly, suspect to be an organized plan on the par* of the employers to force down waees. The Federation of General Workers, representing 1,500,000 persons, in more j than one hundred industries outside? the Triple Alliance, decided to support the Triple Alliance in its strike in the interest of the striking miners. The Prime Minister in a two-hour conference in the morning with repre? sentatives of the Triple Alliance de? clared the government would fight on its refusal to grant a national pool oC profits. Mr. Lloyd George asked why the labor forces did not appeal to the nation on the question of nationalization of indus? try, which was a political issue. The bal? lot box could only decide the question, he declared. There is still some mystery about the actual offer the government made to the miners. No details of the financial assistance contemplated hava been given officially, and, according to> j some intimations from the miners' side, J the government has only promised as? i sistance for the period of a month of ! six weeks, which the miners consider totally inadequate. This may possibly explain the miners' accusations, which i the general public only dimly compre? ' hends, that the government is acting : solely in the interests of the min? ? owners. Conference Proves Futile j After the failure of the morning con-. I ference some hope remained that me j diation might be the outcome of th? ? Parliamentary conference, made up o? ? the Parliamentary Committee of th? j Trade Union Congress, the national executive of the Labor party and the Parliamentary Labor party. This important conference, however, after pronouncing itself uncompromis? ingly on the side of the miners and the Triple Alliance and against the gov? ernment, gave no sign of Initiating new | negotiations or mediation. There ! practically no peace talk at the eon* j ference; the general feeling appeared to be that any furfher ?ttempt to ap. j proach the government would be futile. The resolution adopte! by thh body is not a definite pledge to strike ac< j tion, this being a matter for individua! j unions, but the appointment of a com. I mittee to act with the Triple Alliant-* ! is considered a more important mov, than has happened in any previous in ; dustrial crisis. i Another aspect differentiating (hi I from previous struggles is th\ unit?: