Reports_ol Shipping and News of Foreign Trade
French line for
Free Hand Upon
Coal and Grain
Rate Freedom Stipulated ou
These Coniinodities as a
Reqnisite of Return to
Conference Agreements
British Strike a Factor
Large Demand for Ships to
Carry Fuel Expected if
Settlement Is Prolonged
Meetings of representatives of all
the principal trans-Atlantic lines, with a
v-ew to effecting a readjustment of
conference reiations in the trade with ,
Continental Europe, continue to be
held. Conditions asked by the French I
Lina are stffl under discussion.
In addition to those provisions al?
ready asked, including an understand
;2f with the Shipping Board against
rate ?utting on westbound shipments
from France and a scale of advances j
;?s? in percentage than the one tenta
rirelv decided upon, the French L1ne
.s understood to have made another
Seeks Free Band on Coal
This is stated to ba that the French I
:.:ae shall have a free hand in fixing
igtes on bulk cargoes of grain and
coal. The bulk *of this trade is not '
uarricd by regular line vessels, but ;
qy tramps, and the French Line is re- '
-krded as desifing to be in a position
o compete with tranip tonnage, if
necessary. i
As a result of the British coal I
?tiiners' strike there have been many i
inquiries for tonnage ?within the last ,
week, but not ruuch has been done in
th* way of fixtures. If. however the i
?ailure of other British workers to
;oin with the miners does not resuit j
in the ending of the strike it is likely
that there will be considerable activ
ity in the coal export market.
?'As a result of tbe apparent lack of
success of the negotiations between '
the miners and owners in Great !
Britain," says the last weekly report ;
of A. H. Bull & Co., "the market for |
American coais has become definitely j
stronger. The extent of this change
depeads entirely upon the outlook for !
an early settlement. Should the
trouble be lengthy it is expected that
the effect here will be much stronger |
than is now the case.
No Great Demand Yet
"Vessel owners have not as yet felt :
much change as the result of English i
difficulties. If firm business develops
99 a result of the inability of foreign '
buyeri to purchase English supplies it
lt, expected thero will be some increase !
in ratea. The demand for tonnage is
somewhat stronger."
Total exports of bitumlnous coal
during February, as reported by the
Department of Commerce, aggregated
1,258,000 tons, compared with 1168,000
tonj in the same month last year.
' TJie February, 1021, total, however,
is wtll below the totals for previous I
,toonths. .Of,.the .Continental Euro- ''
pean countries Italy -was the largest
euyer in February last, taking 104,000 '
tons, while France followed with
54,0000 tons.
i . ?-??
Fqreign Trade Notes
Somewbat better industrial condi?
tions are reported from Austria. The ,
textile industry is occupied to a con?
siderable extent in making finishedj
articles from foreign raw materials for I
foreign account.
Wesley Frost, United States Consul
to Marseillea, will be in N'ew York on
April 18. He will make his headquar?
ters at the offlce of the Bureau of For?
eign and Domestic Commerce of -the
Department of Commerce, Room 734.
Cuitom House, where he will be glad
to consult with manufacturers, ex
porters and others interested in the
trade possibilities of France.
' The Belgian glove industry haa re
rived and there are now eight tan
Mnes and ten glove factories, chiefly
ln Brussels, in operation.
Samples without value are not duti
able in Spain. Care must be taken,
however, to render the samples actu
jlly unftt for consumption; otherwise
Mty will be exacted.
Several Swiss firms supplying tools
?nd machinery. chemical products,
surgical instruments and clocks are
reported to have resumed commer?cial
felations with Russia.
Electric Caulker for Ships
A new electric apparatus for caulking
?hjpa has been invented by a Swedish
?hipbuilder. It does the work auto
mitically and is said to consume only a
tenth to a fifteenth part of the time re
Quired to perform the same operation by
aaaual labor.
Italy Raises Sea Wages
Wages of seamen employed on Italian
?hips have recently been increased 15
Ptr cent to meet a correspanding in
ttease in the cost of living. The ad
fsiiee in wages is in conformity with
?M of the principles of the recent agree
?ent between the shipowners and the
Gets $1,000 Damages
Jersey Woman Vindicated After
Malii'ious Prosecution
A verdict of $1,000 with $1,543.58
?ore to cover the costs of litigation
*?s returned yesterday in the Circuit
wort, Newark, in favor of Mrs. Hilde
fttde S. Fuller, of Millburn, N. J., in
?? suit to recover $10,000 on the
Jfonnd of malicious prosecutlon from
??r neighbor, Henry W. Hiss.
Mrs. Fuller's action was based upon
?? Prosecutlon which Mr. Hiss, after
Vprolonged backyard war between the
?o families, caused to be brought
"Sil"!81 her as a common scold. The
waietment against her was dlsmissed
nthout trial.
We in MUlburn," said Mrs. FoTler
soanced *? Whe" th^ verdict w" an
Tho Trlbaoo
puhlishes coan
fdoto table*
?U?y. You will
finwi thom to?
*im\Sf eu
Pago 12
Marine Reports
High water. l/ow water. \
uovornor? iniand. S:l8 r..09 ?:oa 9:ss
Uel1 Uftt?. 3.63 4:49 11.04 11:46.
Arrived Yesterday
Sir- GuglLMtno Pelrce (Ttal). "Naplsa, ?
Apni i; ,0 }>ft|rc, Bros; with three nrst. '
-os second rabin. 052 stteer&g* pass, and :
md?e; Pi?,r 97, N R,
Str Kaaembe (Br), Phlladstphla, to. Nor- t
tr?n, Lilly & Co; ln ballast; Pier 5, Bush
Docks. Bklyn.
Str Nuria ( Philadelphia, April 13;
to Oarela * Dlaa; ln ballast; Plsr 1. N R. I
Str Monmouth, Lishon, AprH 1; to .Tamss
"v\ Eiwell & Co; with mdse; ft 31it at, ?
Str General H F Hodges, Guevaqull,
March 28; Bahia. March 25; Kemeraldas,
March 26; Buenaventura. March 81; Crls-I
tobal, April ?; to the Panama Railroad '
Stoamahjp Llne; with mdse; Pler 1, Hobo- J
Str Editor. Rotterdam, March 29; to th* j
t osmopolitati Shipping Co; with mdse;
Pier 8 Hoboken, N J.
Str Massllla (Br), Glasgow. April 2; to I
the Anchor Llpe; with 60 passengers and
mdse; Pier 64, N R.
Str Bslvernon ("Nor), Same, April 8
Bsracoa, AprH 9; to the Atlantlo Frult Co;
with frult; Pier 26, E R.
Str Adellna (Ttal), Genoa, March 17: ;
Patermo, March 21; Malaga, March 28; Oib
raltar, Maroh 29; to ths Italtan-Amerlcan '
Line; with mdse; anchored off Quarantlne. ;
Str Monte Crtsto (ital). Baltimore, April
14: to Furness, Withy * Co; with mdse
Pier 4, Bush Docks, Bklyn.
Str Caracaa, La Guazra April 2, Porto
Cnbello April B, Curacao April 7, San
Juan April 9. to Bllss, Dallett & Co. with
pass, mails and mdse; Pier 11, B'klvn
str Sheaf Field (Br). Havana AprH 5. i
Cardenas April 9, to tho Munsort Lines i
with siiKar: anchored off Stapleton, S I.
Str Svartfond (Nor). Matanuaa Aprjl 9, i
to th'' Munson Lines with sug; Warner's '
Refinery, Edgewater, N ,T.
Str El Sud. Galveston April S, to ths
Southern Paeific Co, with mdse; Pier 51 ;
N R.
Str F D Asche, Galveston AprH 8, to
Robert L Hague, with oil; Pier 6, Con-i
stable Hook, N J.
Ship Success (Br>, Philadelphia April !
2, to master; Newark, N J.
Str Dryden, London March. 87, St I
Michaols April 5, to Barbar & Co, with !
chalk: Pier 36, B'klyn.
Str Surfolk. Marseilles March 17. Ber?
muda April 10, to Coastwise Transporta- i
tion Co; Clirome, N J.
str Songvand (Nor),-Baltimore Aprtl 18;
tsSO Stray A Co.; Pier 46. B'klyn.
Str Paclfle (Nor), Genoa March 31. Nor?
folk April 13; to Furness, Withy & Co;
Fletcher's D D, B'klyn.
Str steel Inventor (Am). Seattls Feb?
ruary :;. Philadelphia April 13; to Isthmian
Steamship Co, with mdse; foot Montague
st, B'klyn.
Str Yaka, Baltimore AprH IS: to Black
r>iarr.ond Steamship Co, with mdse; foot
57tli st, B'klyn.
Str Lake Galther, Philadelphia April 14:
to Nsw Tork & C"ba Mail Steamship Co,
anchored off Stapleton. 3 I.
Str Guadalqulver (It), Glbraltar March I
24; to Italia-America Line, with mdse;!
Pier 19. N R. '
U S S Greaham, ses.; to U S coast guard
service; anchorod off Tompklnsville, S 1.
Str Lake Ogden. Barranqultla and Cupe
Haitien; off Quarantlne.
Str Bensalem, Hamburg; off Quarantlne.
Str Francs (Br), Havra April 9. to the
French Line. with pass, mails and mdse;
off Quarantlne.
Sailed Yesterday
Strs Acropolia (Am), Piraous"; Mohawk
(Am), Jacksonville: Polycarp (8r). Nor-I
follt; Paciaman (Br), Norfolk; ' Lituanta
(Am), Danzig; Allianea (Am), Crlstobal
via Port-au-Prlnco; Rosalind (Br), Hall
fax and St Johna; John A Bostwick (Am), !
Tampico; Storm King (Am), Antwerp, Rot?
terdam via Baltimore.
Vessel. Transferred To. i
Arapahoe.Pier S7. N R |
Schr Amos Peggs.Port Readlng, N .T
I Ity of Savannah.Pier 35, N R
Bethslrldga. .Pier 6. Constable Hook, N J
Eastern Pilot. .. .Standard Shipyard, S. I
East port.. Anchored off Woehawken, N J
Edlth.Arbuckle Refinery, Bklyn
lf ilton. ... Federal Reflnerv, Yonkers, N Y
Schr Irma.Port Readlng, N J
Kathlamba-Pier 3, Bush Docks, Bklyn
Lake Elrio.Pler 4 4, N R
Lake Feodora.Fresh Kills, R I
Luipalile. .N Y Harbor D D, Cllfton, S I
McCreary County.. Anchored Jamaioa Bav
Munamar.Warner Refinery, Edgewater N j
Mystic.Morso D D, Bklvn
Nora.Cartaret, N * J
Schr Orlando V Wooten. .Tebo Basln. Bklyn
Oscoda.Pier 2, Hoboken
Panola.Crane D D, Bklyn
Providence.Ft 31st et, Bklyn
Radnor.Robtns D D. Bklvn
Salaam.Foot 20th st, Bklvn
Sao Vlcents.Pler 2, N*R
Strabo....Pler 15, Hoboken
V, est Eldara.Fresh Kills, S I
Zacapa.Pier 9, N R
Str Carmanla (Br), Llverpool; Cunard
Str Cedrlc (Br), Llverpool; Wblts Star
Str Brltannla (Fr). Horta, Angra, Ponta
Delgada, Llsbon via Providence; James W
Eiwell & Co.
Str Steel Exporter (Am), Havre; Isth?
mian s 8 Llne.
Str Welshman (Br), Llverpool; White
Star Lrne.
Str Glyndon, (Am), Santiago, Guantanamo,
Manopla, Barahona, San Pedro, De Macorls,
Santo Domingo City; Atlantlo Frult Co.
Str Alliance (Am), Port au Prince, Crls
tobal; Panama R R Line.
Str Buenos Ayres (Sp), Havana, Vera
Cru/.; L Llanso & Co.
Str Rosalind (Br), St Johns, Hallfax;
Bowring Bros.
Str Storm King (Am), Antwerp, Rotter?
dam via Baltimore: Black Diamond S S Co.
Str Zacapa (Am), Santiago, Kingaton,
Puerta Barrios, Tela; United Fruit' i*"o,
Str Toloa (Br). Havana, Crlstobal, Port
Limon; United Frult Co.
3tr Uncaa (Br), Port Lobos; Standard
Oil Co. ?>
Str Clty of Norwich (Br), Yokohama,
Kobe, Taku Bar, Shanghai, via Ntwport
News; Norton, Lilly & Co.
Str Edlth (Am). San Juan, Ponce, Maya
guas. Arroyo, P ft; Bull-Insular
Str Ubekarspel (Dt), Amsterdam; Kerr
str Hellao (Nor), Port of Spain, Sai Fer
nando, Carupano, La Guayra, Port Ca
tello, Curacao; Caribbean S S Co.
Incoming Steamships
Dao To-day
Vsssel. Port. Departura.
France.Havre .Apr ?
Mongolia.Hamburg.Apr 6
Quilpue.Oristobal.Apr 7
Mouterey.Havana.Apr 13
Do* To-morrow
Ryndam.Rotterdam .Apr i
Zeeland.Antweip .Apr 7
Dne Monday
Iperla.Llverpool .Apr 2
Hawaltan.Hamburg . Apr *.
Princess Matolka. .Genoa.Apr '.' !
Iroquois.Turk's Island . . . .Apr 14 j
Everest.Cristobal .Apr 8 1
Megantic.Crlstobal .Apr 41
Calamares.Port Limon.Apr 7
San Lorenzo.San Juan.Apr 14
Fort Hamilton.Bermuda .Apr 16
Dne, Tuesday
Themistocles.Piraeus .Apr 8
Canada.Marseilles.Apr 3 j
Rfusslllon.Havre .Apr 9*
Columbia.Glasgow.Apr 9
Mexico.Havana.Apr lti
I>ao Wednesday
Helltg Olav.Christiania .Apr 8
America.Genoa .Apr ?
Santa Teresa.Valparaiso .Apr 2
Due Thursday
Saxonla.London.Apr 9
Tivlves.Crlstobal.Apr 14
Fort Victoria.Bermuda.Apr 19'
T>ao Jttday
Zulla.Curacao .Apr 14
Outgoirig Steamtships
8aU To-day
Mal'i Vessel
Closes. Salla,
Carmanla. Llverpool., 1:01AM 12:00 M I
Codrle, Llverpool. 8:00 AM 12:00 M !
American, Hamburg.. .12:00 M, 3:00PM|
Ed. Luekenbaeh, Crls?
tobal . 2:30 PM 6:00 PM {
San Juan, San Juan... 8:30 AM 12:00 M
Ft Victoria, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM
Zacapa, Kingston. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM
Toloa, Pt Limon. 8:00AM 12:00M
Hortensius, B Ayres... 9:08 AM 12;00 M i
H R Mallory, Havana. 8:30 AM 12:00 M
Alfonao XIII. Havana.- 12:00 M
B Ayres, Vera Cruz... - 10:00 AM I
Munamar. Antilla.,- 32:00 M j
Arapahoe, Jacksonville.????? 12:00 M l
t*ail To-morrow
Royal Pr, Cape Town..12:00 M S.OOPM
Cornelia. Kingston....- 12:00 M
Clty of Harvard, Bom?
bay.- 1J:?0M
Sail Tuesday
Panhandle State, Lon?
don .18:00 M 8:00 FM
Bassa. Dakar .12:00M 3:00 PM
W M Tupper. Sl
Thomao.18:00 M 8:00PM
Greclan Prince, Rio de
Janeiro .1S:00 M *8:00 PM
Carlllo. Santa Marta. 8:80 AM 12:00 M
Korona, St. Thomae... 8:09 AML 18:00 M
La Bourdonnais, Havre- 12:00 M
Lenape, JBejrHsrriTtT** ? ? ? '"? - '? ISiM M
Hialt Wednesday
Olympta Southampton. 12:00 M 8:00 PMi
Franc . (avre . 7:00 AM 10:00 AM'
Canoplc. Genoa . 7:00 AM 11:00 AM
Santa Lulaa, Valparaiao 7:30 AM 11:00 AM!
Caraeaa, San Juan_8:30 AM 15:00 M
Fort iramllton. Ber?
muda . 7:30 AM 11;Q0AM,
Suil Thursday
Preesa Matolka. Genoa 9:30 AM 12:00 M j
Mogantle, Liverpool .. 1:80 AM 13:00 M !
Stockholm, Gothenburg.] 0:30 AM 2:?0 PM (
Moiuerey, Vera OrUB., 1:30 AM 12:00,M !
Gen. G. W, Goethala,
Crlstobal .12:00 M 4 :00 PM;
Tungua, Turk's lalanct. 7:S0 AM 11:00 AM;
P'ncess May, Kingston.- 12:00M
Apaolie, Jaoksonvllla ,.- 12.00 M !
Hall Friday
Fr*darlk VIII, Chris?
tiania .10:30 AM 2:00 PM
StavangerfJ'd, Bergen. 10:30 AM\ 2100PM
Trans-Pacific Mails
The conneetlng ma.ts oioae at the Gen?
eral Postoffice and City Hall Postoffice
Station, New York, at 6 p. m? aa foltowa;
Japan, Corea, Slberla and apcclally ad
dresaed mail for China, via Seattle,
steamshlp Fushlma Maru, AprU 17.
Hawaii and speclally addressed mail for
Japan, Corea and China, via San Fran?
cisco, ateamship Slberla Maru, April 21.
?Hawaii. via San Francisco, steamahip
Manoa, April 22.
Japan, Corea, China, Slberla. French Tarto
china, Netherlands Eaat Indles (exocpt
Sumatra). and Philippine lslands, via
Yancouver and Vietoria, B. C, steamship
Bmpreas of Asia, April ?8.
Tahltl, ? Marquesas, Cook lslands, New
Zealaud and Australia, via San Fran*
claco. ateanishlD Tahltl. April 24.
City Island
Passed* Ttonmi South
Schr Laforest L Simons, Taunton for New.
York; to Frank Dean.
Passed, Mound Eaat
Schr T W Anderson, Ntw York for New
Reports by Wireless
From the U. S. Naval Station ;
[Distance la given ln miles. Reports are l
dated at noon unless otherwiae speclflod.] j
A A Dougherty 186 N'H Tamplco Apr 14.
Agwlsun 18H KNB Lobos Apr 14.
AMadin 305 NW Tortugas Apr 14.
Antilla off Carysfort Apr 14.
Ario 16 S Jupiter Apr 14.
Arispa 00 E Capo May Apr 14.
Artlgas 70 S Cape Maysi Apr 13.
Astmacho No 3 lat 33 33 lon 65 3S Apr 14.
Aztao 5 S Fryingpan Apr 14.
Ba!d Rock (tug) 125 N Key West Apr 14.'
Baton Rouge 94 N Cape Canaveral Apr 14.
Baytov.-n 233 E Tampico Apr 14.
Bellhaven 947 K Ambrose Apr 11.
Ben Salom 70 K Ambroae Apr 15.
Betterton 385 NE Abaco Apr 14.
Bolton Castle 120 E Boston 6 PM Apr 14.
C A Canfield 16 NE Tampico Apr 14.
Cayo Mambl 39 3 S Boston Apr 14.
Chantler 106 B Ambrose Apr 15.
Charles Braloy 471 SW Capo Henry Apr 14.
Charles II Cramp 400 N Colon Apr 14.
Choster Sun 8 S Jupiter Apr 14.
Chicago Bridge 700 H Ambrose Apr 14.
Chinampa 1S0 S Hatteras Apr 14.
City of Berkley lat 22 02 lon 76 10 Apr 14
(in tow). '
City of Jollet S27 E Ambrose Apr 14. I
City of Montgomery 120 N Hattera.* .
Apr 15.
City of Sherman 1503 W Blahop's Rock \
Apr 14.
City of Yernon lat 31 50 lon 60 35 Apr 14.
Clement Smith 45 9 Nantucket Apr 15. |
I'oahoma County 40 SW Pensacola Apr 14. ;
Collomer 469 E Ambrose Apr 14.
C'cmanche 68 N Hatteras Apr 15.
Concho 203 S Scotland LV Apr 15.
Conotton 350 SW Hatteras Apr 14.
Corning 310 WSW Sand Key Apr II.
Corson 196 NE Flve Fat horn Apr 10.
1> C. Scofield 60 S Bulboa 8 P.M Apr 14.
DanvIUe 200 NE Tampico Apr 14.
Dan ford 46 S Jupiter Apr 14.
Deflance lat 40 40 N lon 68 18 W Apr 15.
De Soto 119 NW Tortugas Apr 13.
r.'irigo 474 SE ssbtne Bar Apr 14.
E R Keinp 26 AV Sand Key Apr 14.
Eastern Temple pd Cape Henry 9:25 AM
Apr 15.
El Ksti ro 90 N Hatteras Apr 14.
El Yalle 220 ESE Galveston Apr 14.
Esperanto 215 E Progreso Apr 13.
Evelyn 115 N Walling'.i Island Apr I I.
.'?Jverett 5 N Great Round Shoals Apr iJ
Floriba 3IS from South I'as.s Apr 11.
Fluor ?par 40 E Nantuaket Apr 15.
Francisco 135 E Ambrose Apr 15.
Fred W Weller 26 E Sand Key Apr 14.
G R Croive 20 N Fowey Rocks Apr 14.
Gedania lat 22 16 lon 89 17 April.
Geo W Barnes 227 E Tampico Apr 14.
Gladysbe 91 NNE Tamplco Apr 14
Gratin 127^ SSE Hatteras Apr 14.
Guaratuba*170 E Ambrose Apr 15.
Gulf Queen 50 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Gulf of Mexico 10 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Gulftrado 242 N Tampico Apr 14.
H H Rogers SO AV by N San Key Apr 14
H M Flagler 312 B Tampico Apr 14.
Hahlra S S-Hatteras Apr 14.
Halwav 190 SE Cape San Antonio Apr 13.
Harveiter 116 N Hatteras Apr 15.
Kattie Luckenbach 250 E Ambros? Apr 15.
Hawkeye State 6S5 N Colon Apr 18,
Herbert G Wvlie 294 W Sand Key Apr 13.
Hohr.ia pd Hatteras 11 AM Apr 14.
Hoven 359 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Hugoton 11S K 1'ort Royal Apr 14.
Huguenot 57 N Hatteras Apr 15.
Hulaco 38 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Iroquois 835 E Ambroso 7 I'M Apr 14.
.T C 'Donnell 81 S Wlnterquarter Apr 15.
3 M Danilger pd .lupiter1" Apr 14.
Japan Arrow 166 ENE Port Lobos Apr 14.
John Worthington 116 W Sand Key Apr IS.
Joseph F Cudahy 143 E Tampico Apr 14.
Jcsiah Macy 70 E Sand Key Apr 14.
Julius Keasler lat 20 37 lon 70 04 Apr 13.
Juniata 8 S Cape Henry Apr 15.
Kfhuku 3 NNE Tampico Apr 14.
Kekoskee 167 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Knoxvllle 82 ESE Galveston Apr 14.
Lake Clear lat 38 09 lon 74 39 Apr 14.
Lake Ellenorah 6 WSW Gay Head Apr 15.
Lake Ellicott 92 N Colon 8 PM Apr 14.
Lake Farabee 25 S Barbados Apr 14.
Lako Farlstoll pd Fowey Rock Apr 14.
Lako. Flllmore 35 SW Cape Kear Apr 14.
Lake Freeland 200 S Scotland LV Anr 15.
Lake Galien 1,473 E Cape Henry Apr 14. |
Lake Helen 44 N Jupiter Apr 14.
f.ake Inglnnook 20 SE South Pass Apr 13.
Lake Linden 205 W Nuevitas Apr 13.
Lake Markham 153 S Scotland L V Apr 15.
Lake Ogden 63 S Ambrose Apr 15.
Lake Sebago 60 N Hatteras Apr 14.
Liberty Land 459 NE Cape Henry Apr 14.
Llebre 220 from Balboa Apr 14.
Limon 711 N Santa Marta Apr 13.
Lordship Manor 47 B St Augustlno Apr 14.
M F Elliott 42 S Hatteras Apr 14.
M J Scanlon 980 S Hatteras Apr .12.
Malden 103 WSW Nantucket Apr 15.
Mattole 440 NE Iiobos Island Apr 14. 1,336 SSE Ambrose Apr 14.
Metapan 263 N Colon Apr 14.
Mobile City 130 E Ambrose Apr 15.
Momus 88 NW Tortugas Apr 1.3.
Mongolia 3 00 E Ambrose Apr 15.
Monomac lat 37 30 lon 60 2u Apr 14.
Monterey 16 N Nassau Apr 1 ??.
Montrolitc 10 N Jupiter Apr 14.
Mosella lat ,41 13 lon 47 35 Apr 14.
Muskogeo 162 S Scotland li V Apr 15
Nesslan 260 N Jupiter Apr 14.
Xew York 135 10 Ambrose Apr 15.
Norman Bridge 140 NE by N Jupiter i
Apr 15.
Northweatern Bridge 1 S\5 S Charleston.
Apr 14.
Orient lat 41,21 lon 54 22 Apr 14.
Orizaba lat 28 00 lon 79 40 Apr 14.
Osaqumslck lat 40 59 lon 61 IS Apr 14.
Panama 261 NE Colon Apr 14.
Parlsmina 144 SE South Pass Apr 14.
Pearldon lat 27 19 lon 70 64 Apr 14.
Pennsylvania 180 N Puerto Cortcz Apr 13.
Phllip Publicker 108 S Cape llenlopen |
Apr 15.
Pipestono County K'97 E Ambroso Apr 14.
Plainfleld 3 E Chatham Apr 15.
Plow City 480 E Ambroae Apr 15.
Polarir.A 126 N Hatteras Apr 15.
Ponce 332 N San Juan Apr 14.
Portola Pluruas 215 WNW Tortugas Apr 13. '
Prlrrcess Matolka 079 H Ambroae Apr 14.
Quabbin lat 37 44 lon 63 11 Apr 14.
Quilpue 341 HfS Hatteras Apr 14.
Quittacas 310*SE Sablne Pass Apr 14.
Rapidan 130 SW Hatteras Apr 14.
Rayo 65 S Jupiter Apr 14.
Rlchconcal 203 S Hatteras Apr 14.
Rochester 385 NW Tortugas Apr 14.
Rushvlllo lat 22 19 lon 74 44 Apr 13. :
Sablne Sun 394 SW South Pass Apr 14.
Saco 13 8 Egmont Light Apr 13.
St Anthony lat 42 24 lon 70 04 Apr 15.
Salern County 100 SE Mobile Bar Apr 18.
San Mateo 124 .N Jupiter Apr 14.
San Pablo 123 S Hatteras Apr 14.
San Tiburcio 61 W Sand Key Apr 14.
Santa Elisa 244 S Balboa Apr 14.
Sarrta Marta 600 S Scotland LV Apr 14.
Santa Rosa 63 E Capo Henry Apr 14.
Sassenhelm 4 E Hatteras Apr 14.
Solltatre 100 E Sablne Bar Apr 14.
Somerset 840 ESE Ambrose Apr 14.
Standard 45 B Jupiter Apr 14.
Steadfast lat 33 12 lon 61 31 Apr 14.
Steel Maker 728 S Ambrose .Apr 14.
Steel Worker 48 N Watlln's Island Apr 13. j
Suerosa 240 SSW Sablne Apr 14.
Sudbury 734 E Boston Aprl 14. j
Sutherland 186 E Cape Henry Apr 14.
Tanavno 123 Cape San Antonio Apr 14.
TenaflJ- 500 E Ambroae Apr 15.
Texas 68 E Tampico Apr 14.
Theodore F Reynolds lat 29 24 lon 65 43 |
Apr 14.
Thos H Wheeler 213 SB South Pass Apr 14
Tolosa lat 39 43 lon 6S 10 Apr 14.
Toplla 190 S Galveston Apr 14.
Turrialba 760 NNW Cristobal Apr 14.?
W C Teagle 30 E Lotoos Apr 14,
W H Ltbby 29 S Jupiter Apr 14.
W Hardcaatle 126 SW South Pass Apr 14.
Waxahatohle lat 24 33 lon 8109 Apr 18.
Weat Gambo iat 42 28 lon 56 44 Apr 14.
West Kasaon 1,348 from San Fran Apr 14.
West Katan 1,180 NB Colon Apr 14.
West lat.42 64 lon 67 41 Apr 15.
West Wind 28 S Ambroae Apr 14.
Westcheater 630 B Cape Henlopen Apr 14.
Western Pialna 200 SB Portland Me Ap* li
Wm Green 70 E Trtntdad Apr 14.
Wm laom 149 8W South Pasa Apr 14.
Wuiaoio 1S5 NNB Colon S PM Apr li.
Wlnnebago 48 E Hatteras Apr 14.
York Harbor 1.T7 S Hatteras Apr 14.
BALTIMORE, April 15?ArrTved: Strs Maru (Jap), Genoa; Carrtfan Head
iBr). Greenock; Anabeth, New York.
Salled: Alexandra (T)an), Aalborg; Missls
slppl (Br), London vta Norfolk; Lake Cla
lata, San Juan; West Madakat, Llverpool '
via Norfolk and New port Newa.
BRUNSWICK, Ga, April lf. ?Arrived:
Lake Flllmore, New York. Sailcd: Schr!
Barnesdull. for Now York.
BOSTON. April 1 G?Arrived : Oxonlan
(Br). Llverpool; Bolton Castlo (Br), Ma- |
nlla, Slngapore nnd Colombo via Glbral
tar; Lake Kagundus. Buenos Ayres nnd i
Santos; Essox, Philadelphia; Porslan, Bal?
timore nnd Norfolk: Corfe Castlo (Br), j
Cape Town via London; Agwlmoon. Port \
Lobos; Lake. t'ahoon, Preston, England;!
Mnriner's Harbor, Banes; Melrose, BtUtl- i
more (flvo latter 14th). Salled: Walter A ;
Luekenbaeh, Nnw York; Walter D N'ovci,:
Sewall's Point; Lake Ellsmero. Charleston !
and Jacksonville; Fluor Spar, South Amer- '
Ican ports via New York; Malden, Raltl- \
more (two latter 14th). Vlneyard Haven,
Mass. April 16?Arrived: Schrs Quaco
Queen (Br), Baltimore for St John's. N B;
Wawenoclc, Swan'a Island^for New York.
CHARLESTON, S C, ApTIl 15?Arrived:
Strs Northwestern Bridge, Houston for
Bremen; Lexington Bridge, New York for
Alexandria. sailed: Sir Lenape, New
.GALVESTON. April 13? Arrived: Strs
Knoxville, Hamburg; Cuttyhunk, Ham?
burg; Meltonlan (Br), Blibos; Lake Ellen
dale, Norfolk; Bardburn ( Br), Torro An
ntinzlta, Sailed: Strs P J Rliey, Tam?
pico; General Milne (Br), for a port ln
Greece; Muncast'-r Castlo (Br), Amster?
dam, Ghent and Antwerp; Franklin K
Lane, Tampico.
JACKSONVILLE. April 15?Arrived: Str
Apache, New York. Salled: Str Moffett,
Mobile; schrs Ellcn Little, Boston; Albert II
Wlllis. Bnstnn.
KEY WEST. Aprtl 16 ?Arrived: 14th.
str llulaco. Baltimore; sch Mary L. Party,
MOBILE, Ala, April 15?Arrived: Strs
Daneholm (Dan), Now Orleans; Gulfslar,
Port Arthur. Sailed: Strs Tuxcan, Ha?
vana: Daneholm (Dan). Clenfuegos; Vera
(Nor), Bolize; Banan (Nor), Port Barrios;
Quillistan (Hondi, Tela; Janeta (Br),
Gltisgow; Louisiana, Port Lobos; sch Har?
rison T Bnaehem, Porto Rloo.
NORFOLK. Va, April 15?Arrived: Strs
Suruga, New York; Stanmore (Br). Hali
fnx; Opawa (Br), Welllngton; New York
Maru (Jap), New York; Castelporzluno
tltal). Genoa; Gothia (Swed), Port Tampa:
Ramapo, Fall River; Belgium Maru (Jap),
Galveston; Soestdyk (Dutch), Baltimore;
Ansaldo ir (itan. Galveston; Oswego,
New Orlear.s. Salled: Strs Anclylc (Dutch),
Rotterdam; Easterly (Br), Antwerp; Bias
knrgi Mondi (Span), Baltimore; Muncrlo
(Br), St Vincent, W I; Portland Maru
(Jap). Genoa; Bradavon (Br), Las Palmas;
Rio Grande (Nor), Hamburg: Oriflnmme.
<\<r), Havre; Surrey (Br). Auckland; Cnlon
City (Br), Rio do Janeiro; Anaconda,
NBWPORT NEtYS, V?, April 15?Ar?
rived: strs Stanmore (Br), Boston; Gothia
(Swed), Boston; Soestdyk (Dutch), Balti?
more; Opawa (Br), Auckland; Anssldo
IV (Itall. Valparalso via Panama. Sailed:
strs Orifiamme (Br), Catte; Andaluala
(Swed). Havana; Gothia (Swcd):, Havana;
ParThonlan (Br), Avonmouth and Glasgow
PKILADHLphIas April 15?Arrived:
Strs Johnstown (Br), Nuevitas; llolmia
(Swed), Nuevitas; lWanof, llumburg via
Bremen; Arizpa, Hamburg via Bremen;
Altamaha, Caibarien; Korsi'Jord (Nor).
Manzanillo: Salvation Lass, linsario. etc,
via Xew York; schrs Alice M Colburn,
Buenos Ayres via Charleston; Elcanor Tay
lor, Portland; naval steamer Shawmiit,
Jacksonville; str Sossenheim (Dutch),
Port Tampa. Sailed: Strs West Taoook,
Llverpool and Glasgow; Lightburne, Port
Arthur; Jean, Galveston; W M Tupper,
New York: schr Sally Wren, Jacksonville.
PORTLAND. Me, April 13?Arrived: Str
Middlesex, Norfolk; .schr James C Harnl'n,
Jacksonville; Rcben-a J Whlldin ralals
for New York. Salled: Strs Canadian
Otter (Br), Cardiff; Transportation, Balti?
PORT EADS, April 13.?Arrived: Strs
Andreaa (&k), Europe; Cartago, Bocas
del loro; Crathorne, Cuba; James McGee.
Mexlpo; Lake Inglenook, Matanzas: Lake
/.ahekt, Sagua: Momus, New York: Nl
carao (Hond). port Corloz; Noccalula,
Mobile; Potcrson (Ur). Europe: Phamix,
Santos; Walter Jliirdcasllo, Galveston;
Wiiliam Isom. Tampico. Sailed- Sirs
American Press, Algiers; Barcelona (Sp),
Harcelona; Brynhild (Dan;. Tampico;
l. noluteca (Hond), Port .Corte::; Copim
(Hond), Fueloil, Port Arthur; John Worth
ington, Tampico; Mevunla, Port Lobos;
Montoso, Porto^Rico; Philadelphia, Vera
Ci u/.
PORT ARTHUR. Sx, April 16-\r
rived: Strs New York, Providence; Soll
taire, Tampa; Suerosa, Port Lobos; Ub
bergen (Dt), Sa\annah. Sailed: Strs
American (Dt). Sabine; Aryan, Man-us
Hook; Gulfmald, Philadelphia; Trinida
dlan, Savannah.
SAVANNAH, April 15? Salled: Strs
Boston Bridge, South American ports via
Havana; W'est Sequana, W'est Coast; Lake
CliarleF, New York; Clty of Columbus,
Boston; Mcrrlmack, Jacksonville,
TAMPA, Fla. April 15?Arrived: Strs
Bjornstjorne (Nor), Hamburs. Salled:
Strs Grelfry (Br), Savannah.
Foreign Ports
Departures for New Vork
ROTTERDAM, April 12-Strs Kaituku
Maru (Jap); Nieuw Amsterdam (Dt), via
Bc-ulogne and Plymouth.
MANCHESTER, April 14?Str Bovir
COLOMBO, April 13?Str Tovooka Maru
(Jap), (from Calcutta).
SLNGAPORE. April 13? Str We3t Amar
gosa (from Batavla).
PORT SAID, April 10?Str Eurypylus
(Br), (from Hong Kong).
MANILA, April 10?Str Kandahar (Br),
(from Hong Kong).
ROTTERDAM. April 13?Str Sidlaw
Range (Br), (From Havre).
Arrivals from New Tork
WELLINGTON, April 3?Str Kent (Br),
v:a Newport News.
HAMBCRG. April 10? Str Stadsdyk
(Dt), Baltimore.
ROTTERDAM, April 13?Str Noordam
(Dt), via. Plymouth and Boulogne.
ALEXANDRIA, April 13?Str Mtnne
sotan, via Newport News.
BARCELONA, April 11 ?Str Baren
diecht (Dt).
HBLSINGBORO, April 11?Str Bodia
(Swed), via Philadelphia.
GENOA, April 13?Str Arltg Mendl (Sp),
via Portland, Me.
Maritime Miscellany
New York
u AprlL "?Schr Amos Briggs (Br) left
here M odnesday for Nassau and Turks
island; vessel Bapsized off Scotland Light
ship. Captain and crew rescuod. The
Amos Briggs was towed Into Tompklns
v-'. c ;, ' dlsmantled and leaking badlv
Mr Suffolk left Marseilles Marth 17 for
New york; vessel arrived at Bermuda with
*U??JE*e? trouble, conapleted repairs arrd ar?
rived in this port yesterdav.
..\m)E;ST; ,An,'ii 1i~Str AVeat t-ampo
**? i? rr o ??. ?F Savannah, returned in
dvi mv?'? , u!,p'"s 1!,>ai'J tug, disabled.
--Schr Mary L. Baxter (Am) left Norfolk
broken0"10"' *krTiv6a ??re with rudder
CAm^Mf^ni A,3rn 1S?Str t'astlopolnt
(.Am) left Christiania for New York was
'o'hn*'M <: ,';."'"''71 260 miles south of St.
'' ,UI ' ' \ I'-.with propeller damagod bv
lUl?? SSSi '.s How flear of icr* nell's and ls
ono i\ iii be turned over to the tlrst Shli.
tP0^ed^?rorht!,*t ?? ?'?"?"' to be
left herVfeS-WiPl'i1 15-The tuK Barstow
n to. ?? .L ^Hmington with two barges
'" towJ the stern barge. Smith * 'iv?rv
No 1 broke loose and l" drift r,g. The tS
searchnCohf0t;hher one bar?e ind proceld "n
.Oua?d cuuir0 S^fnofe b?*\ Tha S??*
iom of ? Mrlcan *ph^"er James E Ne,vl
Ca^,0Look9ou*tr0?5 'A"" Wa,s Jbandoned off
higl'tldf ea' ?^te0d.d8?0n n?hfter "???? ^
were rescued 5 * % ne crew ot elK*it
Th?sle^?a^^' Mich April 16
ed off WhitetlVh p1 ?tuUiP.' which ground
arrlved h "e '\%T"? Wednesday night,
Digs sent to tll .i!.UC77,lll?*a' 1'WO
l|to last night. 'essels a'J released her
str?X 9ahle and Radio
v?_. - -. ????? '^ondon
rorv. w<th pass, mails
and mdse, to L S -vral! S 8 Co; vessel Is |
ilus to arrlva 1n New York Sunday, April i
24. nnd dock at Pier 74, N R.
Str Dante Allghlerl <lt) lsft Naplea
April 11 for New York, with 46 first, 241 '
second and 1,615 third class.pass, mails
and mdse, to McDonnell & Truda: veaftsl
Is duo to arrive Sunday, AprU 24, and
dock at Flor 25, N R.
Str Ferdlnsndo I'alasclano (lt) left
Genoa April 13 via Naplei for New York, ,
with pass, mails and mdse. to Italla-Amer- ;
Ica Llne: vessel Is due April 27 und will |
dock at Pier 97, N R.
Str Vasari (BrJ left Liverpool April 15
for New York. with pass, mails and md?", ;
to Lamport & Holt Llne; vessel is due ;
Sunday, April 24, and will dock at Pier
14, Hoboken, N .1.
Str Yauban (Br) left Buenoa Ayres AprU
5 for New York, with pass, lnalln and
mdse, to Lamport & Holt Llne; vessel ls
due April 27 and will dock at Pier 14,
Hoboken, N J,
Str Zecland (Br) left Antwerp April 7
for New York. reported ahe was 950 mllea
east of Ambrose noon April 14; vessel t?
due In Quarantlne Sunday, A. M., and will
dock-at Pier 61, N R.
Harding to Name
New Ship Board
Within Few Days
James At Farrell, of N. Y., Is
Said To Be Slatcd for
Chairman ship and Is to
Have Full Responsibility
From The Tribune's Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON, April 15.--Tho proccss
of climinating and weighing various ,
candidates for the United States Ship-1
ping Board is practically over, Presi?
dent Harding told visitors to-day. The
names of the members will bc made
public within a few days.
In discu88ing the announcement of
the board personnel the Chief Execu?
tive would make no indication what
ever concerning the man who is to be
named chairman. There is a unanim
' ity of opinion, however, that Jame3 A.
| Farrell, of New York, president of the
; United States Steel Corporation, will
aecept that post.
The I-resident has not hesitated to
create the impression that in naming
a chairman ol the Shipping Board he
; will be naming the man upon whom the
j major burden of responsibility will
I rest. Other candidates for places on
I the board have been given .to under
i stand that the chairman named by the
j President will bc invested with SU'
! preme authority.
Assuming that the naming of Mr.
: Farrell as chairman will mean repre
' sentation for the north Atlantic dis
, trict, and, incidentally, one Republican,
I there remain six places, three of which
| must be. lilled by Republicans and
! three by Democrats. It is for tho Re
I publican befius that the strongest
: rights have beer. waged.
, At present the Republicans who ap
I pear thc strongest contendera include
| Morris Lissnifr, of California; George
I Logan, of JacKsonville, Fla., and Porcy
L. McLain, of Chicago. Lissner's choice
would be pleasing to Hiram Johnson
and incidentally take care of the Coast
representation on the ftoard, Logan,
being from Florida, would fit geo
xraphically, and McLain. as thc Great
Lakes reproeentutive, is said to be
lt is generally conceded that ex
Senator Chamberlain, of Oregdn, will
head the Democratic contingent on the
board. Fred I. Thompson, of Mobile.
(ia., n present Democratic incumbent,
is picked to remain as U-e Gulf dis?
trict representative. Jcsliua W. Alex?
ander, of Missouri, formerly Secretary
of Commerce under the Wilson Ad?
ministration, is rated as a strong Dem?
ocratic possibility.
Army Orders
From The Xribune's Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON, April J5.?Army or
I der it/iad to-day follow:
Field Artlllery
' r.e>no'hjs. Capt. J. M? to Fort Sill.
Rogers, Capt. D. R., to Sohofleld Barracka.
Miller, Capt. A. <.'., to Camp. Knox.
: Spears, Capt. P, C? to Camp Grant.
I Boylan, Capt. P. C, to Camp Lewis.
j Miller, Capt. S. F., io Camp r.ewis.
, Denrilson, Lt. T.. to Camp Dix.
1 Gannon, Lt. AT. V., to Camp Benning.
I Niblack, Lt. K. A., to Camp Knox.
j lllnger, Lt. E. C, to Camp Grant.
, Cass. Lt. P., to Camp Stanlev.
j J-Ieyduok, I.t. L. K.. to Camp Dix.
, Blwood, Lt. K. A., to Camp Lewia.
1 Canlett, Lt. K. H., to Camp Bragg.
j Schierven, Capt. O. N? to Camp Pike.
Demaruat, Capt. D. D., to Camp Stotsen
j burgr.
| Block, Capt. E. TL, to Camp Meade.
: Stuts, Capt. G. IL, to Port Bliss.
I Tjsdale. Capt. Ii. E., to Camp Dix.
Cushman, Capt. G. H., .ir., to Camp Lewla.
\\ inlock. Capt. P? to Camp Dix.
McDowall. Capt. J.. to Fort Sill.
I Stuart, Capt. M, A., to Fort Sill.
.Knight, Capt. K. a.. to Camp Stanley.
rwauace, Capt. K. S., to Camp Grant.
, Mays, Capt. C. W? to Camp Knox.
: Patteraon, Capt. J. C. to Camp Bragg.
Patton. Capt. M. V., to Camp Knox.
Lee, Capt. A. H? to Camp Jackson.
, Jones, Capt. K. K., to Camp Knox.
( rosby, Capt. IL 11.. to Camp Bragg
; Rogers, Capt. F. G., to Fort Sill.
Wulnn, Capt. P, T., to Camp Dix.
LOwry, Capt. B. II., to Camp Knox.
i Oir.hener, Capt. AV., to Fort 8111.
Gale, Capt. A. C, lo Camp Meade.
i Walsh, Capt. O., to Fort Myer.
; Wilson. Capt. A. IL, to Fort Sill.
Frasier, Capt. L. H., to Camp Knox.
Winaton, Lt. J. H., to Camp Benning.
Ellla, Lt. A. C, to Sohofleld Barracks.
Daw, Lt. W. J., to Scholield Barracks.
Miller, i.t. P. II. M? to Camp Travis.
' Gross, Lt. J.. to Camp Pike.
I Marriott, Lt. O. IL, to Camp Pike.
. Pharr, Lt. M. M., to Camp Knox.
I Landrum, Lt. J. II., to Camp Dix.
j Kitts, Lt. I. L., to Fort Myer.
, Matson, I.t. P., to Camp Jackson.
? Maris, Capt. W. H., to C. S.
; Lawson, Lt. Col. L. L., to Walter Reed
? Taulbee. Maj. E. W., to West Point.
Flint, Maj. II. A., to West Point.
; McGuire, Maj. E. C, to Wes# Potnt.
! Berry, Capt. L. S. S., to Weft Point.
; Cole, Capt. J. T.. to West Point.
? Harmon, Capt. E. N.. to Weat Point.
i The following asslgned to West Point:
1 Chilton, Maj. A. W.; Torrey, Maj. D. IL;
Know, Maj. IL T.; ilaisllp, Maj. W. H.;
Heldner. Maj. H. J.; Sohmldt, Mal. AV.
K.; Waltx, Maj. F. IL; Fox, Maj. T.;
McDermott, Maj. .1. A.; Lange. Capt. O.
F.; Collins.. Capt. J. L.; Wightman,
<.'apt. R. M.; Whitcomb, Capt. J. C.;
Griswold, Maj. O. W.
! Selton, Maj. H. D., to Ithaca.
j Jonea, Lt. R. E., to Camp Meade.
Sledge, Capt. T. J., to Camp Grant.
Erlor, Capt. I* .]., to Wesi Point.
| Coulter, Capt. C. jr.. to West Point.
Air (service
? Lafferty, Capt. F. r... to Fort Sam Hous?
1 Holland, Lt. P., to Fort Sam Ilouaton.
j Hornaby, Lt. A., to Fort Sam Houston.
Coaat Artlllery
! Following asaigned to Went PoirU: Ache
son, Maj. H. IL; McCaln, Maj. J. D.;
Small, Maj." H. E.; Haw, Maj. J. C.;
Warren, Maj. A. II.; Hocker. Maj. C.
E.; Sackvllle, Capt. W.; Beurket, Capt.
G. H.; Jaokson, Cfcpt. H. R.; Llndt, Maj.
J. H.; Scofield. Capt. F. C.
Skene, Maj. C. M. 8.. to Plttaburgh.
Medical Corps
Rlchardaon. Maj. W. H., to Carllale.
Garcla, Maj. L. C, to BalUmore.
Guerra, Lt. A. L., to Weat Point.
Underwood, Capt. H. M? Eng. C to Troy. i
Randali, Lt. R., Vet. C, to Camp Hum- ,
Ship and Sail under the
Stars and Stripes
Shipping Board Vessels reach the
Chief Ports of the World
Sailings of U. S. S. B. Vessels listed
on Oppositc Page
United States Shipping Board, Washington, D. C
Almanac for the iWeek-Ender
The Weather Foreeast
(For New York City and Vieinity)
Saturday-UnsetUed, probably showers. Fresh southeast and south, shift
ing to northwest winds. ~
Sunday?Rain and much cooler. Fresh northwest winds.
(For Eastern New York)
Saturday?Unsettled, probably showers. Cooler in the interior.
fcunday?Rain and much cooler. Fresh southeast and south, shifting to
northwest winds.
(For Wentem New York)
Saturday?Rain and cooler.
Sunday?Unsettled and coldcr with probably rain or snow.
(For Northern New England)
Saturday-Unsettled and cooler.
Sunday?Rain on the coast and rain or snow and colder in the interior.
(For Sottthexn New England)
Sunday?Rain, much cooler.
(For New Jersey)
(For Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware)
Saturday?Cloudy, followed by showers in afternoon or night.
Sunday?Showers and much cooler.
The Sun and the Moon
Sunltise. Sun Set. MoonRise. Moon Set.
Saturday . 5:15a.m. 6:36p.m. 12:36 p.m. 1:39 a.m.
Sunday .,. 5:13 a.m. 6:38 p.m. 1:44 p.m. 2:20 a.m.
The Moon Phase?First quarter, the 15th, 5:12 a. m.
Time of High and Low Water
,?High?, r? Low?* : r ,?Hlgh?, r?-Low?,
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
Saturday. 2:01 Z:\Z 8:37 3:00 \ Saturday. C.1S 3:09 9:09 9:3S
Sunday. 3:07 2:16 9:3S 10:03j Sunday. 3:33 4:20 10:11 10:33
,? High?i .?Low?r, ! ,?Hlgh?a .?Low?|
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
.Saturday. 3:37 4:18 10:25 10:50
Sunday. 4:43 6:13 31:"1 11:30
For placca given below r.M or aubtract, tha time dirfereiice as atated?
Refor to Sandy Hook: 11.M. I Reter to Wifiets Point: II.M.
Fire Island Tnlet. -- :15 ??.w Roshelle .? :!0
Jones's Inlot (Hempstead Bay) ? :06 i ThL^fveck. ? r/nn
Eaat Rockaway Inlet.? 0:00 I j?e? uVm 1 ight.? 05
Coney Island . _ ;05 Oyster Bay . . . .?. ? 0:00
Princess Bay .'.(- :05 '. Refer vo New London:
.lamaica Bay (Canarsle). -? : ir. Jamesport . 4. "?';,
Highland Bridge . 4. :<:', Sag Harbor . -.v 1 :on
Seabrlght (rlver) . ..- 1:36 Montauk Foint . ~ - i:-n
Asbury Park . -? :15 Peeksklll. ., 2:40
Seaside Park . -- :io Roler to Governor's Island:
Barr.?gat Inlet . -- :16 Fort Washingtor. Point. - :35
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
Saturday. 6:13 6:04 - 12:19
Sunday. 6:37 7:37 1:01 1:32
Beach Ha.-en (Little Egg H.) -- 1:10 Spuyten Day...
Qorson'a Inlet. 4. :nj Tarrytown . - 1:56
Capo May . 4. : 15 j Osainlng..?. 4. -:oo
(Information furnlshed by United States Weather Bureau.)
Automobile Road Conditions
The Boston Post Road, thvoug'.: Stamford. NorwalU, Bridgeport. Xew Haven
Meridlan, Hartford. Springfield and Worcester to Boston in goud condition all
the way. Khnre road from New Haven to Boston via New London and Provldente
m good condition except for short atrotch. Naugatuck Vall-v route from Bridge?
port through Shclton, Waterbury, Thomaston, Torrington. Norfolk anrl Canaan lo
Great Barrlngton in good condition except for ,% few sb*rt atretches. Insid? trunK
line to Waterbury through White Plains. Bedjord. Rld^Flleld, Danbury and Newton
mostly good. Route ovor Southiligtori Mountaii) from Waterburv to Hartford is
kood as is trunk line from Hartford to Providence via Willlmaiiti'c and Ch^puthft
Rough etretches tmd short detours on main trunk lino to the Bferkshires after
leavlng Dobbs Ferry. From Mlllerton, directly north to fopako ihe road is in
very poor condition. Motorists turn oft two miles bevond Amenla and go due east
through Sharon to Lakeville and Salisbury. then over concrete mad t<> Canaan
and north through Sheffield to Great Barrlngton. Most Be'rkshiTe roads bevond
Great Barrlngton good. Albany Post Road open kU the way to Albany
Navy Orders
tFrom The. Tribune's Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON. April 15.?Navy or?
ders issued to-day follow:
French, Lt. L. ir., to Boston.
Greer, Gun. J. P.. to Portsmouth.
Hlwlotf. Lt. Com. G. W., to U. 3. S. Mary
Hollbway. Lt, M. S., to Fort Worth.
Kittinger, Com. T. A., to V. S. S. Mary?
Reilly, Lt G. L., to :5th Naval District.
Walters, I3osn. V. J., to U. S. S. Montoa!m? ;
Wettnarrer, Gun. C. E., to U. S. S- Loonldas.
Wohltman, Lt. A., to U. S. S. Deapw.'ch.
Brown, Lt. W. T., to U. S. S. Huron.
Duncan, Lt. J. P., to IJ. S. S. Albany.
F|pach, Lt. Com. W. C. to Canancao.
HUdRon. Lt. M. F.. to V. S. 8. El Cano.
McOlnnis. Lt. f.j. g.) H. C, 10 Guam.
Rwltheubank, Lt. C. E., to Qlongapo.
Runquist, Lt. (J. g.) E. IL, to L*. S.
Moynan, Lt. W. T., to L". S. S. Huroa.
Fire Record
A. M.
lt:30?427 West 15th st.; Josephine
Bradley . Unknown
2:00?185th nt. and Riverside Drive:
automobile; Easie Denken..Unknown
2:40?928 .Tenninga st., the Bronx; Ja?
cob Stlverman .Unknown
4:15?780 Eighth ave.; T. Daniels.Trifllng
8:05?36 Cannon st.; Mosea Blnder;
P. M.
1:20?316 East Houston st.; Frank
Toskowiu . Unknown
1 ;30?Canal and Thompson ats.; trolley
car. Eighth Ave. Line.Trifting
6:00?610 Broadway; J. J. Uosenberg:
7:15?112 Goerck st.; Herman Lauder;
? 8:00?37-39 West 28th st.: Miller &
Kribner . Unknown
8:15?161 A\ est 21st st.; tho Textlle
? ,. i'?- ?;. Unknown
8:4a?i'J Mangin st.; Thomas Hirt;
.. . Unknown
10:10?24 Bond st.; Fortnale &. Lankin;
10:14?143 East GSth st.; Agnes Blr
lninghani . Unknown
i New Vork?Llverpool
CKDTUO .12 Noon Apr. 1B Mav H June n
MEftANTIC.I'J Noon Apr. 21
CELT1C .12 Noon Apr. 3u May 28 Juao 25
New "York?Cherbourg? Southampton
OLTMPIC .3 P. M. Apr. 20 May 11 Juno 4
ADB1ATIC _12 Noon May 4 Juno 1 July ti
New Vork and Boston?Azorcti
Glbraltar, Naples and Genoa
CANOP1C .-?.II A. M. Apr. 20 June '.?
CKBTIC .11 A. M. May U July 12
N. V.. Plymouth. Cherbourg, Antwerp
ZEELAN'D .12 Noon Apr. 23 May 28 July 2
KINLAND .12 Noon Apr. 30 Juno 4 July S
LAP1AXD .12 Xoou Mav 7 June 11 July 18
KnOONLAND ..12 Noon May 14 Juno ls July 23
N. Y.-HAMBURG (via CHERB'G after May 26)
MONUOI.1A .Noon Apr. 28 June 16 Julv 28
UINNKKARTU.May 21 Juno 3U A:; 11
MANCHURIA.June 2 July li
International Mercantlle Marine Co..
8 Broadway. N. V., or Local Agents.
Invites Tenders on
Sealed Bids Will Be Received Until May 2, 1921,
2:00 P. M.
and then will be opened and read publiclv in the oflice of L.
Van Middlesworth, Manager Purchasing Department. Division of
Supply and Sales (Room 353), 1317 F Street N. W., Washington;
D. C. for furnishing FLEXIBLE METALLIC HOSE in such
quantities as may be required for a period of four (4) months
from May 25, 1921, for use of all ships operated by or for the
account of the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet
Corporation, at the following ports:
Proposal forms and other information may be obtained from
Manager Purchasing Department, Division of Supply and Sales.
The Board reserves the rigbt to reject any and all bids.
Sealed bjds shoutcTbe addressed to L. Van Middlesworth
fSn,al?o*Pur?hxT8i'5ff department, Division of Supply and Sales!
1317 P Street N. W?, Washington, D. C, and endorsed:
Sealed Bids for Fiexible Metallic Hose, Do Not Open Until
May 2, 1921.
With its SOOdeliahtfu1. Tooroa f*!l c^taida) with
private bathf. ?sch equipped with ho
ia ??? *nd f i ~
?U o< camiert
col* ??? *n<t f r?ah water. often jon ??ery
detell of camfert ud ewtartafnmant
Oroheatr* of sotoiata.
d evitartstt?
tota. Gof? FriTiU*?a
OnmU* Mwumnt
Phaga-Attoatte Ct? MW_
LTLAHTIC CITT, N. 3. TJnanr?ftaa?4 t9t
h?*Ublul Rett and Kacrtatlon.
4lTlir?rt^ SOCIABILITY OFCl'Jillf*
i)lr*ct we*k!7 atrrice from Naw Tork 1*
?tegular aalilnga to Naaeau. For in?
formation addrest
New Tori and Cuba Mail S. tf.'-rta
Foei ef Wall ?*tr<-M, N?w Yor'?
A N C H O Ft
Passenger and Freight Services.
From New York
oultaniii . May :< Mav 21 Jum> 14
aurWnula .May 13 .lune A JWy 14
erenguria.Innn 2 Inur 30 Aug. 1 *
armanla .\pr. lfi May 1? June IS
auban .Apr. 27 ?.- ???
aronia.Apr. SO .lune 1 Jolv 1
e?tri?.May 14 - -
Ibunlji (new).Jnne 7 Jnl.v 12 Ang 10
lgoria ..Tnne 25-1??
axonia.Apr 2tt-*?
nlumbia .Apr. IA May 2t tfaoe lft
lgeria .Uuy 14 ?-? ?
alabriu .Mny 17
lassi'.ia.Apr 2S -*? ? ?? ?
astaliu.Mny IS -?-f-?.
Cunard uiul Anrhor Steam Ship *M4ie?,
21-24 Stato Street, New To,r*>
New York?Havre?Paris
New Quadruple Screw Oi! Burna;
SS.IOO Tons?l.-i.OOO lioi'N-poifrr
.Juno :s. .July 27. Aug. 17 " '
-A BOl RDUNNAIS.Apr. 19 - _L
A' ViKJ'i, ? .V W V"*' M MaT i2 ?*?"?? ' *
iXt?t.<!V,r;;\?>.K - May 12 June 7
UK rf AMBEAI, . . n?y 14 June 18 .lulvlV.
^i.?**\y?.,K.M,,'! 81 Jun"18 Juiy *?
IIK Ui(l.Mnv"l Tnnr "1
Hamburg Direct
"MCAK\r " 'i ' *'May : Ju,y l2"s<P*- *
New York?Vigo?Havre
EOI SSII.T.ON .Apr. 28-._
Baltimore to Paeific Coast j
Calling at Havana, Panama Canal, j
Los Angeles and San Francisco I
Express Steamer
Lv. Baltimore for i t *?t*k*L !
San Francisco \ JUne *?>?? j
Lv. San Francisco 1 I i ???> ? ,!- July 23rd
Paeific Mail Steamship Co. j
10 Hanover Sq., 490 exchange J*!, j
New York. BaJl'more, Mo- j
Maaaging Agents U. S. SL'pping Board. j
JfetfF Steamship
f*2f TicketsforAll Lines1
^^m Choice Aeeommodatfonj at ^
Spocia) ?ervic? insecurinc pu>
ports. viaeSB-nd,?g p?rmj:?
Itinoranej I repared.
Sltepinsr car and hotel reserm
tiona made in ?c??n?, at homa '
-\? or obroad. ?m.
i*^\ 5f'"~1 for "Occ.n Sail;ng?"_#%<f*)j
^<S^L 85 Ilroadivav *aT&*1
\OjV '"*". :<!iil, >,. jtfZS>J
bort Route to Swedeo, ftorway, iVcoxaark,
r>n!and, Russia, Germany, eic
. S. Stockholm.Apr. 21 IWay 31 Jufy 8
. S. DrotUi'nglioTm. May 2 Juoe $ July IS
Siuperlor Pusscngrr Arroatmodatlona.
aaaenarer Office. 84 Btata Ht.. New Taa*
NEW-'YOfttf-'-A-t-BANY - rWov
Daily sailliiK fro:n Pler :::. s. it.. foot
CaiiHl yt., >i 1-. M We?t loZd St.. ?:38
P. M. Lhect rail connecllona at Albauy
to all points north i.ast and tveoc
Fare, S4 One Way: S7 Kound Trlo
PHONE CANAL 3000 '?""??
Eipreaa Frelcht Servloe Autos Garriet
JAMI.jj A. KMKKSON, Receivevt
(oiinei'tiom at Boston for rortlaud.
Hockland. B.-uijror, Vartnoutli.'S*.'?.
Bteamer leaves Plor lS. N. r,,
New Vork 1ft. Murray SUl daMy
JnelmSltlg Sundaya at 0 P. M. TelflK
Uhona Barclay 0000.
?reoater. M.M. Pr?<?l??.v4 dtree*. tt M.
Daily. lnclodion Sunday, ?:?? P. H.
rom Piar l?. m. tx. Phosa VI** lTuHmaa.
JCieketa at Pier of Couaolidated UaTtow,
- ii. I, . T . ?
"all River Line
To Boston
and all New England Point*
Splendid oteajner. Splendid Service.
Lv. Pier 14, N. R. (ftiiton St.) 5 P. M. Daily
law London (Norwich) Lina. Lt. Pier 40 K. P..
ionaton St.) <i)s r. m. (Except Saadav) tr. *ier"o,
. *\. (aaae st.), 6x0 r. u.
"The Publie Be PUa*s<r \
B0ST0N, $561. Steaaar *M \\*da
R0VIDENCE, $3.89. Direct Steaacrl
ItaiRtr (.ave. Pler Sl\ H. R.. Ft. w. Heu?3i?:l
tiiy aad tuaday at ?*T. M. Paeat $*** garttu
Kewbnrah. Poti?hkeepslo. Ktajrt?n. L?l
'ranklin St., weetadayg. 4 p^?l j?hen*