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Protect Your Investment! Insure your car with Cloud?then you will re ccive Cloud service, backed by all the re? sources of the Home In? surance Co. of New York. Ask Your Broker CHESTER. M: CLOUD Metropolitan Afent Automobile Department The llivnc Insurance Co.. New Yorlf 59-61 Maiden Lane, New York I elephone John 1363 McCreery For Fur Storage Absolute Protection Phone: Fitzroy 3400 i * J. WIL LIS L. 0 * UTDtires &. Supplies L OTHERS SPECIAL, FOR THIS WEEK McGraw Cord Tires SKID OH RIBBED TREADS ?se were Bold regularly with An vi)i,i) M iie Gu?rante tSff""Ni>w Offered by Us at .50% REDUCTION List Our Price? Price. .941.10 $20.57 . 52.80 86.15 . 58.00 . 65.30 . HO.r.O . 68.88 . 65.20 . 73.?5 . 77..'(5 . 81.36 Every Tire Guaranteed Perfect. ? : ?old with ??ur umj.iI KUiii'uiiter ? llarga . In GooUrtch. Ajax. I , i ?;???. la-ar. Firestone, &c $100,000 Stock of Anto Supplies 4!ir. Sri. -.*!)<?. 59i-. 80c. Tool Koxes, ?2.23; $1 75 Elydromotew... .8! Hind Horns, $3.25; $0 Jack! .$5.9! 60 8u?war( w.i,lar Vacuum System. !> 5? Powerful Kool Pumps. 3.2; ?j Auto Bai-k 1U-M Cushions. l.Of 10 .Amlcrson Auto Reellte. 6.7! '? ?rl Di ? I ird!. .set <?f 4. 7.5( ? Time? i .'??a?.:: 'J'.ir toi .....?? ?,. long; Jammed Full. 7 J.Willis Co.,85 Chambers st. p" Sunday Excursion Philadelphia Sunday, May 1 Special Through Train I .chip? N?h I'ork, I'enna Station - - 7.J0 ?\. it. Hurt????? Terminal - 7.30 A. it Returning, leaves Phlltdelchls b.i'i P. M. ; X ?: Similar Excursions May 15. 29. and June 12. Pennsylvania System CUSTOMS FIFTY YEARS AGO. Who among; us would say to-day, "I never use a Dentifrice, I never have to?" Vet Fifty .Mars ;?(,'o, odd as it may seem, not one person in 1.000 used a I lent if rice or even a tooth brush. So to-day, after more than I?0 years of persistent publicity of Allen's Foot ! ?:se, the Antiseptic Powder for the Feet, not many well-turned-out people ?are to confess, "You know I never have to its?? a Powder for the Feet!" More than One Million live hundred 'housand pounds of Powder for tho Feet were used by our Army and Navy ?luring the war. The reason is this: Incasing and con? fining the feet in Leather or Canvas Shoes is bound to create friction, more or less. Allen's Foot-Ease removes the friction from the shoes, and freshens the feet. It is this friction which ? anses smarting, callouses, corns and bunions. You know what friction does ?o your motor-car axle. Why not re move it from your foot-wear by Shak? ing into your Shoes to-day, Allen's Foot-Ease, the cleanly, wholesome, 'i<-aling, Antiseptic Powder? Get the habit, as millions now have it. !eaS Service Ebp Automobile? "Just Married'9 Is New Farce At the Comedy Bedroom Drama, Long Ab? sent, Again Represented; Fail' to Middling Type, Aided by Lynn Overman TirW CA8T ! Mr.? Johnnie Walker ..Ml?** Eleanor Ladd Second Steward.rtnbcrt llarrlfjsn Victoire Her. in.Miss Blla Oergcley ' Ships officer.Roy Foster Mr r. Makepeace Witter.I?'S? Dandy > Mr?, V. Makepeace witter Ml?? Umbel (VMadlgan ? First Steward.R- P. Davis Mrs .i?.?u Stanley. .Miss DoVothy Mortimer I .la??:?. Stanley.John Butler | Pi?rov Jone?.Purneil Pratt i Robort Adnin? .Lynn? Overman MlM Roberta Adam?. . .Miss Vivian Martin i Taxi Driver.Anton As?, her By Heywood Broun Bedroom farce, unknown in Now York for the better part of the present ' season, returned last night when "Just Married" was produced at the? Comedy Theater. It seemed like yesterday. ! Nothing: has changed in the interval. | The young- man and the young woman ! have to pretend that they are married ! because they have been found together in the same room. The predicament I was perfectly simple. She was asleep and he was drunk and. anyway, the steamship people had become mixed up about the staterooms. Then there was the French girl who came on board at the last minute, and she said she \yas married to him, too, but that wasn't i true. She wasn't really married to anybody, but the man who was en? gaged to the girl who got into the wrong room had told the French girl that he was going to marry her Then she got into the room of the other man who was just starting out on his honeymoon, and. by that time things began to grow a little complicated. "Just Married" takes place on a steamship with more doors than usual, aTid, naturally, there was no dearth of exits and entrances. There were also plenty of screams as the various wrong characters went into the wrong tooms. ' "Just Married" is the work of Ade I ?aide Mathews and Ann Nichols. Bar? ring the fact that it has no single ele htnent of novelty it may be ranked as I fair to middling. Of course, much of I the humor is rather trying. Again and again the spectator can hardly escape ? the feeling that the playwrights are ? taking careful aim and that he is in a : position as perilous as William Toll's i little bov, worse to teU the truth, for 1 this time the archery is not invariably ? unerring. In spite of all this there is occa j sional hilarity in "Just Married." The I credit for almost all of it belongs to ? Lynne Overman, who manages to re ! main drunk through an entire act and 1 ?till be exceedingly amusing. In his ' dramatically sober moments he is not ! quite so good, although still the most I amusing person in the show by a son I siderabie margin. Purnell Pratt is a j good farce villain. The rest of the i cast is not distinguished in acting abil i ity, but Vivian Martin, ft well-known l picture star, who plays the part of the i heroine, is decidedly personable. ?French Senate Committee Holds Up Vatican Relations PARIS, April 26.?The Foreign Re | lations Committee of the Senate to-day i voted to postpone temporarily consid ? eratiin of the question of a resumption i of diplomatic relations between France i and the Vatican. A dispatch from Paris March 25 said ' Premier Briand had appeared before ! the Foreign Relations Committee of the | Senate and requested that the Senate j act as soon as possible on the bill pro ? viding for a resumption of diplomatic ! relations with the Vatican. The bill, ' which was passed by the Chamber of , Deputies last winter, has been held up : in the Senate since that time. -.-. The Stage Door The opening of "Princess Virtue" at the i Or.tral Theater, scheduled for Monday, i has been postponed to Wednesday evening-, I May 4. The Morntngalde Player.? will present pantomine, "The Dancing Lesson," ?nd comedy, '?Camilla's Children." to-night and to-morrow evening in Brlnlterhoff Hall, Barnard College. Both offerings aro the work of Columbia students. The 300th performance will be reached this evening by "Spanish ?Love," at Maxlne : Elliott's Theater, and by ".Ladites' Night," I at the Eltlnge. Frank Fay's "Fables," an Intimate musical revue, has begun rehearsal. The oast headed by Mr. Fay, includes Jimmy Duffy, Helen CJroody, Mrs. Frank Tlnney, John' Merkyl, Margo Raffaro. Jack Alunan, Oretchen Eastman. Martin Ferrari. Kath eryne Van Pelt and Frank Burbeok. "The Birth of a Nation" will bo pre sented at the Capitol Theater next week. At the Criterion Theate?- "Sentimental Tommy" will begin the sixth week of it? engagement on Sunday. Cleveland Bronner is to create the Chinatown scene ballet ?tor "The Belle of Now York," which the Shuberts are to revive. Pnuglas MacLean In "The Home Stretch," will be the screen feature at the Rlalto next week. At the Rivoli "Deception" will he re? tained for a third week. !?'. Zlegfeld jr announces that th? annual Follies Ball will take place on the New Amsterdam Roof on Sunday, May S. Margaret Anglln will give a special reading from Shakespeare before the Women's Club of Orange to-morrow after noon. ? There will be an extra performance of "Peck's Pad Boy" at th.? Strand Theater on Saturday morning at 10:15 o'clock. "Bob Hampton of Placer." a screen story of Cuater's last stand, will he the feature at the Strand next week. ?Vdolph Klauber will produce "The Emperor Jones" in London for a six weeks' engagement beginning July 18, with Charles S. Ollpln and the original cast. ?IfT-T.TfTTTi l M f?e M MhB ?A _B 4 ? ?fi AUTOS?TIBES BODIES? TUBKS Largest Stock Classy Autos in N? Y. At Ne? York. Pioneer Auto House. Credit Given Up to One Year No Notes! No Morteas???' No Publicity! "Our Prices Scare Our Competitors" Dit-onstratloni (?Iren; Antas Taken In Trail?. Cadillacs:?Victoria*, Sedans, Limousines, Lan JaultU. Touring, 2tunab?>iiis. T $400, $030, $ 1.200 to $4.2'30 Rolls-Royce, $7,0??0; Packard?) -Twin Sixes, Sedans, pjurlng, TYmucari, Et? .$1.200 up ?? roer?, ?1.250; $1.300, $1.800; Minero "38" '? lunlnc, il.-1-1'; Stuties:?Touring, Sudaos, Run r frlsss soon Sudans, Touring "Eight," $73.0 up; Standard TO? near (cost $4,60U).J'li'O Pierre l?unatiauta, Limousin???; Bulck-i, Olrtsniobllcs, Chevrolet?. 100 Mon- J!arg?li?s, $330 to $8.000. 10,000 Tires, $6, $8, $10 to $35 Wo Carry All Typos and Sisea At Prices Lower than anyone in N. Y. ALSO ;??? ,?f 1'erd un?l IWccnstrUCted Corda and Fabrice ot.<$J to $3 Thousands of Tubes, $1.25 to $3.50 All Standar? SUU-? In T'.r-s and Tubes. Auto Bodies, all Styles, $25 up .v??. Vari?'.? Oldest tnd Uiggest Dealers. Jan dort Automobile Co. .; ,- .- 'r-l,' MT8. EntabUslied i:\ U09. Al'TU UKPABT-U?XT, 255-231 W. 50th st., near B'way Tie? ttio... IOS! Broadwav. near 53d. Colonel Artanita Red Envoy Dr. KoimHhIi Attaekwl for Drink? ing Wine Amone ''Victims" CONSTANTINOPLE? Aprl) -?r, (By The Associated Press).-?Dr, Koudish, the Russian Soviet representative here who yesterday was given a British passport vise to go to London to con? fer with Leonid Krassin, the Soviet Minister of Trade and Commerce, was assaulted and beaten by a Russian colonel while dining with'hls wife in a restaurant last night. The Colonel exclaimed: "How dare you drink champagne among the vic? tims of Soviet Russia!" British police who were called in told Koudish: "You are free to strikf back." Koudish demanded British offi? cial protection. Concert to Aid Coffee Stand! _ Thirty-fifth Annual Affair To1 Be Given To-morrow Night The thirty-fifth annual concert for the benefit of the St. Andrew's Coffee Stand Society will be given to-morrow evening at Carnegie Hall. In the last year more than 94,894 portions of food were served at the Coffee Stand and at the restaurant of the society, 31 West Eighth Street. On Thanksgiving Day 1,200 people were fed at the tables and more than 150 baskets of food were distributed to those unable to leave their homes. On Christmas Day clothing was distributed to men and women and children received toys. Those who will appear at the benefit to-morrow evening are Baroness Leja de TorinofT, soprano; Mildred Weiler son, 'cellist; George Reimherr, tenor; Yuki Yamakura, reader; Robert Veiten, violinist; Lawrence SchaulTler, pianist, and Ruth Cramer and Sylvia Pearson, dancers. Parlor Causes Argument LONDON, April 9 (By Mail).?The question whether a parlor is a neces? sary part of a workingman's< house has caused heated argument among several of the local councils organized to pro? mote building of such homes in the in? dustrial centers of Emgland. Many women members of these coun? cils argue that the workingman's daughters need parlors to receive their callers during the courting period. Those opposed declare that the work? ingman's "best room" is little more than a "cemetery for waxed flowers." Mother Pours Iodine Down Throat of 18-Months-Old Son | Mrs. Mary Mose, forty-one years old, an Austrian, of 2 Oxford Street, Jersey i City, tried to poison her eighteen-1 months-old son, Harold, yesterday aft? ernoon at 535 Third Avenue by pour? ing iodine down his throat. The baby was removed to Bellevue and is ex? pected to recover. The mother was sent to the hospital for observation. Mrs. Mose attempted to kill her son while at the homo of her brother, Jo? seph Elier. He said Mrs. Mose had been worried lately because of the | serious illness of her mother in Aus- ! tria and feared that she might be j mentally unbalanced. Mrs. Mose also I has a daughter, Mary, three years old. Two Killed, i>0 Hurt, in Wreck ! Special Cabin to The Tribune Copyright. 1921. New York Tribune Inc. MILAN, Italy, April 26.?Two persons \ were killed and fifty severely injured ! here to-day when a moving switch ; engine in the railroad yards side- j swiped an electric express train. The '? sides of four passenger coaches were I torn away and the train overturned. ^-.. Cable Service to Russia Begun The Comme.-cial Cable Company yes- i terday announced messages now would I be accepted for European Russia. They j will be forwarded via Liban. The i Western Union Telegraph Company ; also has been accepting messages to I European Russia. "Merchant of Venice" at First Special Matinee Mr. Waldmann and Miss Walker Sympathetic in Roles, but at Times Vocally Inadequate Edward Waldmann and Laura Walker presented Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venire" yesterday in the first of a series of special matinees at the Long ncro Theater. It is to be repeated to? morrow and Friday and on the same days next week. The opening performance was very uneven In the acting, Both Mr. Wald? mann. as Shylock, and Miss Walker, as Portia, showed themselves to be capa? ble Shakespearean actors, hut at times both appeared vocally inadequate. In the. supporting cast, are James Monta? gue. David Ballou, Harry Remfield, V. L. (?ranvillc, W, Messenger Bellis, Marc I/)ckboll, Frederick Going and Nancy Olds. -? Mellon to Aid Drive For Funds for Blind Andrew E. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, will be honorary treasurer of the Committee for Lighthouses of the Blind, according to an announcement made at the committee's headejuarters yesterday, when Miss Winifred Holt re? turned from Washington. Lewis L. Clarke, president of the American Ex? change National Bank, 12? Broadway, is treasurer. The committee asks that all contri? butions toward the 52,000,000 fund for relief of the blind be addressed to Mr. Clarke, in care of the committee, at 111 East Fifty-ninth Street. Miss Holt addressed a joint meeting of the committees for the blind and the handicapped yesterday afternoon at Putnam Avenue Temple, in Brook? lyn. She spoke of her work among the blind of France and Italy during the last six years, and explained the pur? pose and scope of the $2,000,000 cam? paign. Miss Beryl Thompson and Dickinson Cummings Married Special Dispatch to The Tribune STAMFORD, Conn., April 26.?Miss Beryl Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thompson tf this city, was married yesterday in the Little Church Around the Corner, in New York City, to Dickinson S. Cummings, grandson of Commodore James D. Smith, and son of Homer S. Cummings, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Tho ceremony took place at noon In the nrosenco of the Imm?diate families of the bride and bridegroom. Dr. ''In? land officiated. Breakfast followed in the Delia Robin Room at the Vander bilt Hotel. Gala Homecoming Concert By 10HN McCORMACK NEW YORK HIPPODROME THURS.EVE..MAY 5th,8:15 Froecedi? <?> the American Commit - tee for Kellt?f of ?Suffering Women and Children In Ireland. Tickets $1. $2. $3. .$5, $10 (no tax) On 8r?l?> nt Hlppndrtuno Box OfOco TO-.MOKKOW (TIICRH.). I) A, M. Mull Ordern Will ??e Received t'p to Wed. nt fl 14 M. <!??> not cull In per? son or telephone.) Send cheqnn with return uddrrnsed envelop? to JAMES L. BUKKK, 10? West 43d St. CARNEGIE HALL, Apr. 29, at 8:30 P.M. GRAVEURE SPALDING GANZ in BENEFIT CONCERT BOYS' CLUB FEDERATION I-,_1 NATIONAL SYMPHONY ARTVR DUDANZKY CONDUCTOR I CARNEGIE ! FRI. AFT.. APR. 20, 2:30 HALL. I TUES. EVE., MAY ?I, 8:1.1 ! LAST CONCERTS OF THE SEASON \ *??.?* MISHEL PI ASTRO v.?..? | TUB KNABE IS THE OFFICIAL PIANO I Town Hall. To-mor'w (Thnrs.) Ev?. at 8:15 Song Recital?NEE?.IE and SARA KOUNS Mgt. DANIEL. MAYER. Slelnway Plano. A truck must carry its overhead as well as its load. ELLIS HARROLDS NEWARK NEW YORK BROOKLYN TRENTON ?TA1MFORD POUGHKEEPSIB as He traveled only three salesmen 1 We were telling him about the L. B. Sales record. "That's fine for the big business," he said, "but I'm trav? eling only three salesmen." For answer, the L. B. representative told him of a num? ber of concerns in his line using the L. B. Sales record. "Suppose you are traveling only three salesmen. Why, that's all the more reason why you need an L. B. Sales record. You want to grow, don't you ? How in the world are you ever going to get business if you don't actually go after it? And how are you going after it if you don't keep an accurate record of your sales and prospects?" That may sound like rough talk but it's sound logic. It helped this particular sales manager to find the only real method he ever had for keeping in touch with his business. Yes, Sir! We'll be glad to help you, too, to find the sales record best suited to your business. Write for sales record folder No. 615, L ibrary Bu r eau Card and filing Founded 1876 Filing cabinets systems 0 H RICE Mana-er wood and steel 316 Broadway, New York Salesrooms in 49 !eadio_ cities of the United States, Greet Britein end France AMERICA'* FOREMORT THEATRES AND HITS. DIRECTION *-l LEE ^ M) ?I ! SIICBF.l I -^ THE WINTER GARDEN'S Greatest Laughing Hit ! RASS1NC SHOW OF I?21. tmouam Willie & Eugene Howard MAHIE DRE&8LER?200 OTHERS 17V(!S. 8:18. MAT. TO-M'W, 2 15. mug Joan of Arc PrU-tATINO WITH TIIVUI.U?! Margaret Angli in 'R?l-bloo?-)i?(?Drama!'- Al?nJ)?li,Amerlcon. Ev?. 8.20 -Mat?. Wed. and SaC 2.20 SHUBERT THEATRE I'.irk W.|8 SO. EVGB. ANO 8AT. MAT.. 50? to $2.50.?POP ?AM. STAK Cut Hi I hi- Blip? Sji-'-'n'-KMAI. IN THE NIGHT WATCHfF ^AMBASSADOR ^','1?,^ THE ROSE GIRL ?,*&% BOOTH *8th' Wmt ol_v*?j . k??* ?Mnlllirct TOI'Al MUSS 'iOCDE.O ? ?llilBwV P.T U'lM.iAM AR'.'HKn. I'?plSWo?s?"?"? v, L'.l^iTTvS^ i G *, nptriumArttABii (Mkacudi/?"^ o/ rut rit r ai* H klfife-tOMAN?l i?yv\ii?Mf?wwtfi?nnnnwnw mini i rii "i1 phIiIhe! ?iiiifcn 14 CI TllirC TUBA . W, 42(1 Ft. Ktj?? ? 4.1 CUIIIQC MATH WET) and ?AT. 2 30. uLjfc ^i i m a I ??? ?1 M fi >3?O?T betwkih FULL. 0/=- L./\f?S i Mai*. TV-m'w A S?t. Miss Lulu Bett MOTH PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT TUTH PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT DAIIY-2-?5.18-?3 W.GRIFFITH P,?,?*? umsnm Move? to Town Hall Monday at the sign of the Great Red Flare 'anderbiltrs? WS fliO-HATf. WCa,??AI CWO&LD'S SWEETWEACrf -/Garrick???StttiS^ "LI LI O M" ^<V A THKATHK GUILD PROIMJCTION^ A4? ST THEATRE C>Aa* HVffS ??? ?VENi*GilVlS 3I|DtW.6RIFFITHJ fiaiBIf?COC TH15A., 89. B. of B'y. Bv? 8.45 rnlnbCdO .Mutine? To-day & Sat 2 30 The EMPEROR JONESw,thG,cLHptNUE8 2T? J??AiS; T?-M'w? FR"-? MON. and TUES. D I F F ' R F N T 0arln<> st"dy of a ?* ? r r n t Ft I Sex-Starved Woman. PLYMOUTH ' ?t|> st w oTb^T bw. sue. ? i? I IIIVU I n .Mai?. Tn-rr.'w uji?| Sal 2 20 BIJOU i?S2^di;wSd S5? filo0: Sft VPS1C M S T?J N <?ll ?W?'2wiST PKWC6RWIT Jf FVCj 8?- rWi>vtDiSAT ?fo AS Sfi?JC" ma5t:-:rp?ece 5 yrVrVOrYr okh?~5 /pa ??j,??:V ? I n?U?ftPD!C W. 4S St. Bry T3 Btp ? 70 LUNUAUnllC Mats. Wed. .vid Bat., GRANT MITCHELL ?? "THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN TO WN."? SI4S\ I niliflinOC THEA. SPEC'L MATINEES LUnUAunC TO-M'W AFTERNOON at ?? EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY THE MERCHANT OF VENICE With EDWARD and LAURA WALDMANN WALKER THE PLAYBOY I?f?? "&v-l? - i|il iLniuui 127tb & Lvl At i>g g 30 Of The Wettern World i Mat?. Wed. & Sat.. ?;30 CASINO <??ea. vBM??j39t>i5T _^ j DAILY ALL SEATS RESERVED - Il " " " I IMMORTAL DRAMA CONSUMMATELY ACTED!! "WALTER HAMPDEN has now given us the best HAMLET and the best MACBETH of the present generation, and the achievement pieces ?tint definitely and incontestably at the head of all living American tragedians. " It is the finest representation that has been ?seen in this city since the death of Edwin Booth." ?J. Ranken Totvse, in Evening Post "MR. HAMPDEN'S MACBETH is a noble achieve ment and will rank beside his acting of another and very different Shakespearian character?HAMLET." R. G. Welsh in Evening Telegram ! ! WALTER HAMPDEN ! i ' IN __**? AT THE i MACBETH BROADHURST AY__A*.-W JL-'r M^si X. A.M. West Forty-Fourth St. Evenings 3_ight-twenty Mat. Saturday Two-twenty Final Curtain at Eleven Sharp Final Curtain at Fire Sharp PRICES 50c to $2.50. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES SAT. NIGHT You can't help hu? laugh the rest of your Uf? -{ v VMAH MARTIN Which ftorted on its rnerry way last night at. the QG.fiELY mar mattmei TO -t'l row ' ? ? 3? IRLPUFjLlC. ' GRACE LA Fir I ? a '. HALE HA3_ILTO?? /LITTI E ITHEAI lit: DEAR ME ??, 1?Year -MAXINE ELLIOTT'S h 3C0ih Performance Tonight* popula? i SPANISH! LOVE MATINEE TO-DAY iMORGSCO ? THEATRE Wst 45* St i EV5?J0 Mit. KW 6 ?dt ? 30 ASTOI?ftKE SUS -ui sea:: //?ava ^cf the APOCALYPSE ?i THEATRE 42r.d St. & Bway THE WORLD'S ' GREATEST MOTION PICTURE ! flLLLAM POX prew?ts I Most Sensational and Most Thi g S? reen Sp? ta? le Evi .- :>;.?wri i ' i Dally : a SELWYN THEATRES m Y>LKJO*LKX ~*~x~v~Ji ? ? a ? s X* ? * K H .?JL?____U___ s* x HTf ? joy? Vax iCsCv. * x riME .-'?LARK fHEATRE ?"?Oil 3? K i 7HE .7\JGHT (^IRL The Nrw Mo*U_i Mil ? ???? ^/;<7j. cPt4rcell America'? durralni; *5*nf.n^ ami ? ?i -l??? A.tor ?j/i?? Dully Connolly and Robert Wool s_v TW s? ?i: *>o SeULng Ei?iu Week? in AiKaoct | K~X XX X X J_J5.-?_J<_-S_&.^-^X S. A & J<J liggs --^_-^_yra:-^.^.?=r. it -^-^i ..-- --- -5- ' ' lifl ^ Loew's New York Theatre and Roof Coin. II A. M. to I] i?. m. Roof to 1 \ M MABEL NORMAND. "What Happoncd to Rosa" BUSTER KEATON COMEDY. Lopw't Anu^riran Music 12 St., VV. of I'.'y. Lue? s nmerican HnM ,,V(,rv ,,.v Rt 8.n tatty* Arbuckle. "Tl)e Dollar a I All S???, roar Man," Kinhald lilltlos. U'i ;>,?,,*" ae,t? & McEvoy, Mr. & Mrs, Payno, oth, I Ke?erved MOTION PICTURES THE LOVE STORY OF ANNE BOLEYN A, Paramount Picture!. Directed by Ernest Lubltscli, Creator of "Passion." A TRIUMPH OK SCREEN ART. Continuous Noon to 1 1 ::i<> 31*. M. CRITERIO!? Time? Square Fifth Weak tu 9J with GAKETH HTGHES MAY Me AVOY M A ?Kl. T.MJAI'KHliO A Paramount Picture. R I NI TA ROSC?E ARBL'CKLB, A L I V 'TheTraveling Salesman' ?i-\fi?_ A Paramount Picture. ... V?.. Charlie Chaplin Revival. .-?(?LAKE Famous Rialto oi.-hostra CCI lifVM 4-11.1 St., W. of Broadway, OCL?l 111 Twice Daily, 2 ?o & 8:30. WILLIAM FOX prosonts a plciurlzatlon ci Mark Twain'?. B-iuous Comedy Romance, '^Connecticut Yankee Arthurs court" SUeed by Emmett .1. Plynn Matlnrcs 2 'JO. B??st S???L? In On'ln'stra $1.00. Good Orchestra Beata for Mallnt-us 50c. ITtrnlng-i 8 330. Good ?eats In Orchestra Jl.OO. Good S<?ata in llalcuiiy 50c. All S?sI? Renrvid. War Tax Extra. OVER THE HILL WILLIAM PC > X Presents By Will Carleton, Directed hy Harry Millardo. Mats ai 2:30. Good ??.'a's In ??rtiies. :>0c. Ergs, at ?.'.30- Gi????l scats In Orch. $1.00. G.iod Soils in liakony 50c. All Seat? Raservod. War Tax Extra. 1IKOADWAV at 17th St. S M \ K K f**fc tranD JACKIE C00GAN in "PECK'S BAD B0YH STRAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. SPECIAL MORM.Mi PERFORMANCE ON SATUBDA- AT It) A. M. Clara Kimball Young in "Hush" T?CITO?, GUAM? OK< H. iUu. ?0-jOc. KMa. 55-85?!, N E W Y O it K ' S I, K A D IMi THEATRES A N H Sl'CCKSSES EMPIRE ?^-^.?t!! ?;& ETHEL & JOHN I CLAIR LUNE MICHAEL STRANGE'S New Play BELASCO Ma-' 4-?th ro-mor'\v ,ia ; Sat.. S ! In Guitry-Barker'! Mat. Today 50c te $2.50?h? I50TH CAPACITY TIME TO-MORROW NIGHT I ???GF?iB PRODt?CTioT^^raT^r (NAIHiyifNNSLURi4Wf' Il?oh errcl LYCEUM ^fi?V?iA^d^S "THE GOLD ?y DIGGERS" iiu NEW AMSTERDAM ROCF?NEW "PEBUBAU" ?ZIEBFELPR-, IS ?'FROLIC At 11, Max Fisher's Wor I lanw Orth. KNICKERBOCKER v? 'yfX* Rudolf tQin.y,: 1 INA CLAIRE GAIETY. B'.way & 46 St. Mats. Wed. & Sat.. . r?PWAWK ? IB f ITJBffimJTftfl 'JKS- 4 PAC?Kii^^rrBVm: WS ? -.-.-? POP. CLARE KUMMER Presents ROLAND YOUNG ir ! ' ROLLOS WILD 0AT|S.* ??? Evj. 8:30. MATS. FRI. ?S. SAT.. 2:30. ? 49,h st ?^m?y%li3?*3i, u- '- s4 Bvrr. s 20. last %<aW.?C 3 Mats Wed. & .-?.-.. 2.20.?WEEK |?..n UAiltA ROPE CREWS ?Vt A THEATRE <?I II 1) i'KODl ( VWS POP. MATINEE TO-DAY, S2.00 7LARE KUMMER Presents ROLAND YOUNG ir ! ' _ ?,,?.f*ENRY MILLER'S ": riicratre, Evgs - M m ?.:?,., MR. Pi ?Vf nPEG OMY HEARTV^f tty J MART L?v KANNERSI ?-^rr?teM^ MONDAY, MAY 2d. Ssats Now. ( HARLES ESTELLE CHERRY WIHW00D BRANDON TYNAN ???C0HAN ?' J HETAViRN ?JEXT TUESDAY ?f>- A.L f/??ANC?P .. i? in THE SENSATIONAL I*L-\Y U :*>> A.iefiLANCi ? ^TYRANNY of LOVE" i ?f 8g TW?'?f ?l G LOUE. EvKa. 8:15 Mats. To-day & Bat Li Tit) Tfin 91 w!th ""? Duncan Sls I IP I IIP lera- 8 I!rflw? I'r0' " llf S ||i Palare ?.?irla an?.! Har * *' ' w ' Und HUon a?' Tip Tap jS??GigLSI5<iBUiE ?-f-??j? ,- ?WITH A S ? HUDSON LIBERTY Pop.' M?--f Wed^i^s?,-'. 2 20. , Al GUSTUS THOMAS: POWER! DRAM in the mu-lcal comedy hit. "I.udy Billy" BEST SEATS TO-DAY MAT. $2 Btl/VVV Thea.,4B rt.w OfB'waj; BryapteTIIT ~ FRANCINE Kl'*s 8:2?- MAT TO-DAT EUNICE jPECP,tF NE M ES I S Mai il m? ? of GEORQE M Wltl ?TMVETT CORRK.AN 01 ? ?' IELL .MA?S iV?? .S4....1 2.3C ;- - -y ( <? ? A THOUSAND * STARS ? Equity METROPOLITA M Annual 0PERA H0USE Show Next Sund- Eve' Ha,.?rd Short May 1 St at 8.15 SEATS NOW ON SALE at * 1.00 to $ j A liox. Office, f? a.m. t.? ? p.m. ? ?? l'art erre Boxes. fl.'iO.Oft! Tier " $100.00 FflllNT8NGAl.7SSHOW '2fti~-c7 apnopv ><m biiPK a>uy AD.iiysioti soc H&U IfiVEhTlWS POCXESStS.POSTFCFxhlfijnEt'' Cni I IMRIA B'w?" IT*10? T)?ily;Popul?r UITO A 0IT? with BILLY igUdln?) WATSON MIO a DUO ,?jd CHARLIE AH EARN. ?LAST GL?Bi?US WEEK ? FIM.L PERFORMANCE NEXT SAI M?HT MADISON SO. CAPDCN NOW JVK? ?_LY HS*S6 to* 3PW UOUC CA8LIU MHGUHGBRQi^NimAILQy SCORES OF TRAINED FEROCIOUS ACTlNO -LONG LE BEASTS. EARTHS .Hi l? CYMNAST8. AFRIALISTS AND ACROBATS V?.MARVF'-1-OUS PtRfiiHV, i. STA I CONGRESS OF FREAKi UH.ANTIC iOO. Admission to E??r>*,hln?? ? S ?M.corOtnt ?A??' TAX INCLL'OEO' I a~? all .Mi;., .escei in ''*" iV3?Y2d W BROOKLYN i--??d*?u 9 St ETHEL LEVEY Joe < ook &rw. fhirle? ? ?Band, I <?lii? Barry. .,* May Wirt- * i:?!"?