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, ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXXI No. 27,228 First to Last.the Truth: News ? Editorials ? Advertisements THE W E ATHER Warmer to-day: unn^Uled to-morrow, probably showers; cooler at night; fresh south winds. Full Kepurt on I.a.?t Pajra (Copyrlght, im, New VorU l ,u,?,?. i?c#) FRIDAY, JUXE 11)21 TWO CF >"T8 ?n (.rritlnr *\>w Tork TI?RKJB (T,\T9 I \\ ithin 200 Mil?? I foir nrvr? Tulsa Kaee Riot Charged To Cowardice Of Officials Sheriff or Police Chief With Nerve Could Have Averted Fatal Oash, Says Gov. Robertson Grand Jury Opens i Inquiry Wednesday Gty Counts 30 Dead, 300 Wounded; Citizens to Rebuild Negro Homes Destroved bv the Mob S~*?ial PUvatch tn The TrOtvna TULSA, Okla., J uno 2.?Blame for the fiot here Tuesday night and Wednes? day. in which at least thirty persons were killed, 300 wounded and about 3,000 negroes made homeless, waa plsced to-day on city and county law enforcement officials. Speakers at a mass meeting this afternoon to con ?ider relief measures assailed the police and the Sheriff for failure to do their duty when trouble threatened. Govemor J. B. A. Robertson and Adju tant Ger.eral Barrett, commanding the militia in the martial law aone. joined in the denunciation of local enforce? ment officials. "With either a sheriff or a ,chief of police with nerve, this whole thing would not have happened," said Gov? emor Robertson to Judge W. B. Wil lifms. "It is damnablc ar.d inexcusable. The farce has gone on long enough. Get a grand jury. In your instruc tions order an investigation of the sheriff's office, the city administration ind particularly the police department, which in this crisis has been as help less as the negro babies who v*Cre ren dered homeless and hunpry by it." Grand Jury to Meet Wednesday The grand jury was summoncd for June 8 m response to the Governor's demand. The grand jury is expected ?Iso to deal with the case of Dick Row iand, the nineteen-year-old negro who3e attack on a white girl in a downtown office building; started the trouble The riot began with rumors that Rowland was to be lynched. The city was quiet to-day. Re eheeking of the casualties showed nine white men and twenty-one negroes dead. The property destroyed when the torch was put to the negro resi? dence section, covering nine blocks, is vs'.ued at S .1,500,000. Adjutant General Barrett said that the riot had been caused by "an im pudent negro, a hysterical girl and a reporter for a yellow newspaper." He eujrgested that a grand jury investi? gation would ferret out the facts. . A reaction had set in among the people of the city when thr mass meeting was cailed at the municipal building. Race hatred had apparently vanished. Tulsa residents in their speeches at the meeting, accepted the responsi bility for the riot because of the negli gence of officials. They appointed a committee of seven, on which Mayor T. D. Evans was denied a place, to care for the homeless negroes and to expedite the rebuilding of their homes. These houses will be gifts or offered to the negroes on long term payments. A subscription of $500,000 will be isked, it wa3 announced to-night. Thonsands Aid in Relief Thousand3 of citizens throughout last night and to-day cooperated with ?11 available relief agencies to feed the greater part of the negroes who were under the protection of the law in in ternment camps. The Red Cross. early on the scene of the disaster, headed the work. A general release of the 10,000 negroes held under guard was under way to-night. Adjutant General Bar? rett ordered that all those properly wentihed should be given police pro? tection badges and permitted to depart. As a result of this order a general jaodus began from the churches, the Dasebaxl park and the County Fair fcrounds where the refugees have been neld under heavy guard. The negroes were permitted to pasa "i* military cordons into their dd 'aatated home district. All who were nnable to lind shelter to-night were received back at the detention camps Where every effort is being made to proyide proper sanitary conditions and iood, water and c'othing. Late to-day many negroes vent.ured "gain into the business section, wear 'ng their protection badgcs. Some re? turned to their former places of busi _ <Continu?d on pags $|x) "Cousin Everett" Gets 15 Months in Prison Qiicagoan, Who Posed as Kin to Hard ing, Admits Impcr sonating U. S. Official CHICAGO. June 2.?Federal Judge wndis, sitting as judge and jury, to? day heard the cvidcnce charging "Cou? sin Everett" Hartiing with impersonat ,Dg a Federal officer and with passlng ?orthlees checks, and after Harding had Jnanged a "not guilty" plca to one of -fy.-iS'" sentenced the budding young PolitiTian and linancier to serve fifteen jnonths' imprisonment in the Federal renitentiary at Fort Leavenworth. "itncsses told how Harding leased P?vate cars with one hand and bor rowed "chicken feed" from casual ac suaintances with the other. A photog "Pher told how he had done $600 worth J1 work for Harding, and while waiting *?* payment of the bill stood several Personal "touches" amounting to an iner $ioo. The city passcngcr agent tk th^*I>ennsylva?'l? Railroad testified w?t he had received a check from averett for $1,948.49 in payment for ??? private car which he engaged to ?Uend the inaugural. This check was '?ter returned marked "no funds." All the witressee toid how Harding B*d posed as a second cousin to Presi ?*nt Harding and how he also claimed w have been appointed as assistant sec '""ry to the President. Tin through with politics forever." J*s Harding's comment ju.nt before ?u(dge Landis passed sentcnce. The White House Baby," a sister of *?*rett's, and his parents, were in court ***?{*.:, tha trial. Gocs Mad9 Kill* Eighu Wounds 9 With Suord TOKIO, June 2 (By The Asso? ciated Press).?A Corean tram way conductor named Lihnnno be eame Fuddenly insano last night nnd killed his wife and soven Japanese, includlng women atid children, with a sword. He WOunded nine others seriously. ~-'-~J_J Iviii of House Of Beresford Dies a Pauper Body of Once Wealthy Irish man Saved From Burial in Potter's Field by Justice John McCrate Made Fortune in Iron Money Gone, He Was Found Starving in Doorway; Be lieved Age Was Eighty Tlie body of Charles Beresford, a rclative of the late Admiral Lord Charles William de la Poer Beresford, waa saved yesterday by one of his old friends from burial in potter's field. ; Through the intervention of Supreme Court Justice John McCrate, of Brook? lyn, funeral services will be held to morrow at 122 Messerolc Avenue, Brooklyn, for the unlucky Irishman. Had not Justice McCrate, who prob | ably knew the old man as well as he ' permitted any one to know him since misfortune overtook him, noticed a paragraph in a newspapcr yesterday telling of his death in Metropolltan ? Hospitai, Blackwell's Island, Charles Boresford's body would fill a pauper's /grave to-day. Avoided Friends Beresford himself had taken no steps , to prevent it. Since hi8 final stroke of j ill luck, which cost him $30,000, he had avoided the haunts and friends that | knew him in his prosperous days as an j iron mtnufacturer. Several times he I had been in city institutions in the . last year, each time registered simply j as Charles Beresford, sixty-seven years : old, no home. Justice McCrate said yesterday that ? misfortune doubtless had blurrod the j once keen mind of the vngrant Bercs fori*. and that he had undergone insti J tutional cateehisms in a purely me i chanical w?ry, giving the first answer ; that came into his head. His real age, I Justice McCrate said, probably was 1 nearer eighty years than sixty-seven. i Like the late Admiral Lord Beres i ford, his relative took to the sea as a j boy. Lord Charles's acceptance as a I midshipman, however, was somewhat of j a relief to his familv, worried by his jbcyish escapades, while Charles Beres ! ford ran away from home to ship as a ' cabin boy without his fasnily's knowl I edge. Both. however, found themselves at | approxisnately the same time, though , in vastly different fields of endeavor. j When the fnturo admiral, then, com ; mander of the gunboat Condor, was ' silencing the batteries at Alexandria the other wild Beresford was estab lishing himself as an iron manufac turer near Albany, after years of more j or less proiitable adventuring in Aus I tralia. Made a Fortune The fpundry made him a fortune, and iwenty-five years ago, or more, he re tired from business in comfortabl'e cir cumstances. Some ancestral familiar, as ill-omened as the banshee of Cur raghmore itself, however, seemed to stalk Charles Beresford. His fortune vanished, just how his friends never knew, and he took up one unsuccess i ful venture after another, losing a lit i tle ground with each I A year ago it seemed that his luck j had changed. He had managed to I scrape together the money to take him I to the South of Ireland, where property j was being held subject to his claim, ! and after some litigation proved his ! title The amount ho realized was sa'd ! to b'e about $30,000. It was more money than he had pos sessed for years and he was among I the friends of his boyhobd. who insist ! ed that their homes were his. Not j for a long time had the future seemed ' so bright. During political disorders, however, looters broke into the house where he was staying and stoje all his funds except a guinea and a few shUl ings more which he had in his pocket. The next morning he learned tha^, the great house where he was a guest was not the only one to suffer from the marauders. They had visited a cottage near by and stolen from a widow the money she had received the day before for her four pig.s. Charles Beresford visited her and emptied his pocket on the tablc. Found Starving "Take it," he said. "It will be of more use to you than to me." He had had enough of Ireland and returned to the United States as soon as he could borrow the passage money. His luck did not change when he crossed the water, however. Not long after hia arrival here he was picked up starving in a hallway in Jamaica, Queens, into which he had craw ed to die His purpose was frustrated. An ami)ulanco took him to Ksngs County Hospitai, and, after a few weeks care, he was dischargcd, a feeble, broken old man, who was unable even to die when he wished to. Last November he was taken to Bellevue Hospitai for treatment for an affliction of the eye. He was transferred to the Metropoll? tan Hospitai, where he rcmained untn his death, without neeking to communt cate with any of his friends. Out of Town Makesureof getting your copy of The Tribune when out of town this summer by calling Beek man 3000, Subscription Department of the BTem Utftfc ?rifitm* No War Save For Justice, Harding Says "V\\ Never Order You to Fire a Shot Exeept in Defense of Right," He Pledges at Annapolis "Service to Nation Noble Occupatioti" President Asks 260 New Navy Offieers to Help Build a True Ameriea Prorn o Staff Correspondcnt ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 2.--"! know of nothing nobler in this world than the defenso of ono's own country," said j Prasident Harding to-day, addressing tho 260 graduates of tho Naval Acad? emy at Annapolis in Dahlgren Hall. "That is an inherent thing in man, planted in the human brcast by God Almighty in His bequest on human at j tainments, and there would not be civ i ilizatlon to-day if men were not willing j to give- their all for the prcservation and life of their country," the Presi : dent continued. I The Chief Executive spoke after he | had personally nwarded each budding J ensign his diploma. Admiral Scales, | the connnandant of thn academy, and j Secretary of the Navy Denby had both j spoken previously. But ihe sight of I the stalwart 260, immaculate in their | white duck uniforms, the resnainder of ! the midshipmen in blue grouped behind j the outgoing class, proved such an in ; spiration that the Pres'dent was moved j to speak contemporaneously. j "I &m glad you are coing forth to j contribute to the sccurlty of your Re ? public," said the President. "I hopo, ? sirs, you will nevjr be called upon io I draw a sword or to fire a gun exeept in expression of those comities that go j with the service, but I promise you that while I am your commander you will j never be called upon to fire a gun ex i cept you can do it with the conscious | iiess that you are right to answer to j God and to your country. "I do not mean by that that ours is | to be the craven republic. I want an \ j Ameriea unafraid. I want you to help j me make a republic of conscience, a | i republic of sympathy, a republic of strength, u republic of high ideals; and | j the men who must lead ih that attain- I I ment are the men who are made f unda mentally able by the processes of edu ! cation." Air Filled With White Caps After the address of the President the gradu'ating class broke ranks, as ! sembled in the center of the floor and ! observed the traditional custom of jthrowing their white caps into the. j ranks of the thousands of spectators. Sweethearts and mothers acra3nbled for j the souvenirs and the air was filled jwith white caps as they sailed into the balconies. A moinent later the inewest naval officers were doing a j snake dance and singing the old navy j song "The Long River," to indicate : that finally the last long river had been ?passed. The men graduated to-day made up the first class which has taken the full ! four years' course since the country j entered the war in 1917. The President in his address said: "I have had a very great pleasure in handing the graduates their diplomas. i I thought I could not permit the pro i gram to end without saying a word to j the class in general and to express my ? own pleasure in being present on this ] occasion. The Admiral and the Secre? tary have spoken about the gracious i Jiess of the Executive in coming here. j That is all wrong. The Executive has ? had not only pleasure but inspiration | iii coming here. , i "I am more than happy to greet this addition of trained men to the ranks ! of American defense. A good deal is I said nowadays about the materializa ; tion and the brutnlity of preparing for i defense. I say to you young 3nen of ' the graduating class, and to the mid? shipmen to follow you, T know of j nothing nobler in this world than the j defense of ono's own country. That is \ an inherent thing in men, planted in ' the human breast by God Almighty in His beauest on human attainments, and i there would not be civilization to-day I if men were not willing to give their I all for the presorvation and life of the ] country. I think there is a marked i distinction between some of the basic I inclinations of life. Blend of Two Spirits "Preservation of tho established order is one thing and it is highly ? essential. We must always be ready J to preserve and to maintain the things I upon which our civilization rests. Cru I sading for a new order is quite another ! thing. Somctimes it is most nobly in i spired, sometimes ill-advised; but I i think the highest attainments in our | Republic He in n successt'ul blend of an established order and the enthu (Contlnund an pa?? tour) Senators Shun Showy Luncheon; Fear Voters Voin The Tribuna'a Waahinaion Bureau WASHINGTON, June 2.?Pol itica is causing.a serioua fnllinjj; olT in business at the new outdoor rcstaurant of tho Senate on tho north portico of the Senaie wing of the Cdpitol. Fair weather to-day was ex? pected to bring a m?.h of trade to the establishment, but it did not. Instead the waiters stood about at case much oi' tho tirne, and only a small proportion of the solons took luncheon out of doora. The explanatioii was vouch safed by a Senator whoso term will soon expire, and who will be up for veelection next year. He said that if he took luncheon on the palatial north portico ho was afraid the news would get back to his constituents. l__,_' _ Britain Aids U.S.inMoveto Get Bergdoll _o Negotiations for Extradition of Fugitive Draft Dodger Are Under Way Be? tween London and Berlin Passport Frand Charged Believed He Will Be Sent !o Canada. Then Over the Border to Complete Term From The Tribuna'a Washinaton Bureau WASHINGTON, June 2.?The even tual return to this country of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, the Philadelphia fugitive draft dodger, to serve out the balance of his term as a military pris oner, is expected by the War Depart? ment to be accomplished through tho British government, it became known to-day. Information has reached this govern? ment that the London Foreign Office has interested itself in the Bergdoll case, and it is likely that his extradi? tion from Germany to British tcrri? tory, and thence to Canada may be ac? complished through negotiations that are now understood to be under way. Once in Canada it is believed that it would not be difficult to have Berg? doll sent across the border and into the hands of army officials. Used Canadian Passport The State Department some time ago placed before the British Foreign Of? fice all details of BergdolPs escape into Canada and tho illegal use by him of a Canadian passport on which he reached Europe. The contention was made by this government that the British authorities could n3ake this fact the basis of representations to the German government for Bergdoll's extradition. This view also is main tained by the Veterans Association of Canada, which recently nrged the Do minion government to ask the London Foreign Office to make all possible efforta to gain custody of Bergdoll. The passports upon which Bergdoll and Ike Stecher, his chauffeur, reached Germany were issued in Winnipeg last summer. Bergdoll's passport bears the name of George Charles Riggs, who claimed British citizenship on tlie grounds that he was born thirty-five years before at Milk River, and was an agriculturalist. It was No. 64,491). Stecher's passport is No. 1*4,787, and is made out to Frank Jeremiah Johnson, forty years old, born in New Dayton, Alberta. The two 3nen sailed from Quobec July G, landed ln Liverpool July 18, stayed five days in London and then proceeded to Holland. From there the*,' reached Germany. Veterans Demanded Action The negotiations under way with the British government to obtain extradi? tion, on the grounds of abusing pass? port privileges, were initiated several weeks ago. The American Legion has cooperated in this movement by enlist irig the aid of the veterans' organisa tion in Canada, which in turn pressed the Dominion government to intervenc. A communication from the Canadian Veterans May 22 said: "It is not yet clear what action can be taken through the Canadian government, but if we can be of any service to you our coopera tion may be relied upon " General Peyton C. March, former Chief of Staff, divulged to the Con? gressional committee investigating Bergdoll's escape, May 9, the diplomatic steps being taken to obtain Bergdoll's extradition. Ho said the government had decided "to get Bergdoll at any price." It was brought out that if the negotiations through Great Britain were unavaiiirig the slacker's extradi? tion would be demanded by the United States direct as soon as peace has been declared with Germany. Judge From Bench Denoimces Thief as Uiipiniished Slayer ! Jacob Harodner, twenty-five years ! old, of 80 Willett Street,'was sentenced | yesterday to serve ten years at Sing i Sing on a grand larceny charge by j Judge Otto Roealsky in General Ses i sions. The court charged Harodner j with the murder of Joseph Cohen, who was shot to death at Coney Island the I night of August 3, 1919. Before passing sentence Judge Ro ! aalsky said to Harodner: "I denouncc you not only as a no ? torious and dangerous criminal, but i as the niurdcrer of Joseph Cohen, who ' you killed at Coney Island. "That is a broad statement for a judge to make, but I know what I am | talkhitf about. Mr. Edelson, the As | sistant District Attorney, who con i victed you, deserves the thasiks of the ! commur.ity for such a great public i service. "I am told that you covered your i.tracks wcli in the murder case. A! 1 though you have been arrested seven | times for erimes, you were convicetd only twice for minor ??ataneae. T now j sentence you to ten years in Sing Sing ? prison." Cohen, who was thirty-five years old, j was a hat and fur manufacturer, with a j business in this city, and lived at 707 j Broadway, Uockaway Park. On Sunday ; night, August 3, 1919, he was lured to | Coney Island, and while walking on j West Twenty-second Street. between j Railroad and Surf avenues, was shot to I death from behind. Harry Korraan, of I 19 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, was a com | panion of Cohen's at the time, and waa j also shot. The police have always re ' garded the shooting as a mystery, When rororters Bought Judge Ro salsky in hi-i chambers for further in? formation the judge refused to make any other comment. Ho departed yes? terday afternoon for Washington and will not return until Monday. The crime for which Harodner was sentonced yesterday was commltted on the night of August 29 last. Ho was convicted of swindling Philip Hente, of 92 Lewis Street, out of $900 in a card game at 28 Goerck Street. Harodner was <accused of cheating and in the light that followed was shot four timp?!. Ilis assal'lant escaped. raps Police Guns Cover Prison ers During March to Headquarters lo Pre ; vent Black Hand Rcscue Suspects Said To Admit Guiltl Money Offer LuresAlleged Child Stealers; Missing Boy Has Not Been Found -__ The mysfery of the abduction of five- i year-old Giuseppe Varotto, the most jbaffling with which tho police have had jto deal since the famous Scimeca case j years ago, was solved, it is believed, | last night when five prisoncrs were taken to Polico Headquarters by de tectivcs who kept their rcvolvers lev eled at the manacled men all the way, j suspicious of an attempt at rescue by | a black-hand gang. The prisoners are John Melchionne, ! who livcs in a lodging house near Chatham Square; Santo Cusamano, of j 349 East Thirteenth Street, and An- j jtonio Marino and James Ruggierc, of | the same address, and Roberto Raf | faig, of Union Hill, N. J. According to jthe police, all of them have made ad i misBiona implicatinjy them in an at ; tempt to ext.ort money from Guiseppe's | father, Salvatore, aiid in the actual ; kidnaping of the boy. Boy Has Not Been Found Giuseppe has not been found vet. | After hours of questioning the police were not certain that they had ob tained the truth from their prisoners as to his hiding place. They did, how? ever, obtain information which seiit detectives speeding away in automo hiles in the hope of recovering the boy. His father, pale-faced and sllent, seat ed himself at Headquarters to await j their return. The information upon which the ar resta were made was obtained by de I tectives?one of them a woman?who j have made the flat of the Varotto fam j lly their home ever since the first I Black Hand letter was received. The woman, Rae Nicoletti, posed as a cousin I from Detroit. She made beds, helped i with the cooking and washed dishes. ] The man, James Pellegrino, came in the g.uise of a plumber's helper, and | hammered on the pipes and loafed. This unusual step was taken because Michacl Fiaschetti, head oi" tiie Italian j squad at Headquarters. decided eariy jin the case that this was not the ordi | nary neighborhood abduction, ihspired .generally by a famil-- f.-.ud, but was a genuine activity of the Black Hand. i By placing his representatives in the ! Vnrotoo housuhold he made sure not only of learning all that went on, but [also that tho Varottos should not be iterrified into playing the game of the j kidnappers. i Miss Nicoletti was in\'aluable in both | respecta. She is said to have had sev I eral conversations witli Marino when he | called at the house to conduct guarded | negotiationa for the payment of the | money. At first, she said. he was sus ; picious of her in spite of her fluent j Italian. Then, one day he came in unex j pectedly and found her frying eggs. I That convinced him, she said, that slie i vyas what she said she was, a cousin ! from Detroit and the only member of j the family who had any money. Thence forth they talked with less constraint. Child Stolen in Daytlme Giuseppe was stolen in broad duy liglit May 24 as he played in the | street. His father had started suit for! $50,000 damages for injuries received i by his eldest son. Adolph, at Camp i Upton, and it is believed that the kid? nappers thought that he already had received the money, or part of it. The next day he received a letter de manding $2,500. Otherwise, he was told, his son would be killed and his I body thrown into the East River. Varotto was frantic. He was ready to give up all the money he had?far'less ; than $2,500?but the kidnappers sent I no emissary that night. Varotto's foars so preyed on him dur ing his night-long vigil with his savings, j that the following day he reported the I abduction to the police and after that I acted in accordance with their advice. ' i Neither his grief nor his fear was al- ! | layed, however, and Miss Anne Morgan, i I her sympathy aroused by his pitiful i case, offered a reward of $500 for the ] | recovery of the boy. | Marino i,s said to have visited the j Ihouse, 334 East Thirteenth Street, sev-! eral times, each time hinting broadly that he was on familiar terms with the gang that held Giuseppe, asserting that j the boy was safe and promising to see that he was returned if the $2,500 was given to him to transmit. After several ineffectual visits, he j : appears, according to the police, to I have been convinced that $2,500 was ut- , i terly beyond Varotto's means. At a j few minutes after midnight Thursday ! I RatTale s said to have taken up the tale, coming to the Varotto door and | giving it a mighty kick. "Where's the money?" he is said to (Continusd en paqa four) 4Gee, Glad It's Over,' Boy On Trial for Life Yawns jjury Taken Case of Iadiana Youngster Aecused of Slay ing Playmate Special Ditpatch to The Tribur.a KN'OX, Ind., June 2.?Stark County's Ijuvenile trial and the feud between the children of the Slavin and Burkett t'amilies are marking time to-night j while a dozen citizens are trying to I riecide whether eleven-year-old Cecil I Burkett is guilty of killing seven-year ' old Benny Slavin last November. The case went to the jury at 3:25 o'clock this afternoon. Although'Cecil was indicted for first degree murder, ; which would involve death in the elec j tric chair as a possible penalty, a ver i dict of second degree guilt or man-: : slaughter may be returned. In any : case Judge William C. Pentecost could | assign the punishment. No agreement had been reached when the jury was ? locked up for the night. But the little Burkett boy ia not! ; worried. He yawned as the grizzled ! ' jurors passed him and walked out with ' his sad faced mother. "Geo, 'Im glad it's over," was hia I only comment. Allnniir City Traln* Kuiiier?('{???rwinin? ! Sunday, June 5. Pcnnaylvanla Sy?tem 1 tliruugh tmina to Atlantic City will leave ! ?iDiiroxImalt'lv ^t-? *?n>ir pa.r'l?.r -? *4vt. Builders Forced to Pay 126% for Loans; Gouged For Big Fees*, Bonnses Builder Pays for $15,000 Loan, Gets Only $9,050, Inquiry Skows According to testimony given before the Lockwood committee yes? terday, here is a typical case of what happens when a buih>r goes to a mortgage broker in this city for a ?15,000 loan: ? Amount he expects to get.$15,000 ? Bonus deducted by broker for giving loan. S5,000 Balance (? 10,000.1 paid in Liberty bonds worth only 95, making a further loss of .'.. $500 Broker fee of 2 per cent . $300 Title examination fee of 1 per cent. $150 Amount he gets. $9,050 He pays 6 per cent interest, however, on the entire $15,000. If he obtained the loan from an insurance company or bank he probably would have been forced to take some "cat and dog" vacant lot owned by the institution as part of the loan. Senate Inquiry Into Clothing Trade likelv ! Charges of Bolshevisin and Labor Profiteering Against Union Renewed at Washington Hearing Plot Cailed Nation-Wide i Conditions Like Those in Building Industry Are Alleged by Manuf acturers From The Tribune's Waahinpton Bureau WASHINGTON, June 2.?Archibald i E. Stevenson, counsel of the New York | Clothing Trades Association, who was | associate counsel in the Lusk investi I gation, and President William A. ) Bandler of the New York Clothing ; Trades. Association, appeared before Senate Committee on Education aiid I Labor to-day to urge the committee to make an inquiry into the clothing in : dustry. The committee was told that the ' Amalgamated Clothing Workers of j America had brought about higher j costs in clothing; that the organizc I tion ia working in conjunction with I certain employers: that the efliciency 1 of labor and the amount of production ] have been I'educed by it, and that the j clothing workers' organization is un j American in it^i methods and Bolshe vist. Similar charges were made in the ? Senate sometime ago when Senator | Moses, of New Hampshire, offered a l resolution for an investigation into j the strike in the clothing industry. I The Moses resolution and the Borah j resolution, both of which look to an | investigation into the clothing indus? try, were before the committee. Expected to Favor Inquiry The committee will report for an in restigation later, it is said. The Borah resolution or its substance will prob? ably he reported. However, the com? mittee did not act finally to-day. After heating the two representatives of the New York Clothing Trades Associa? tion, the committee decided to call in as witnesses officials of the Clothing Trades Association, officials of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, and also some of the em? ployers who have signed up agreements and some who have not signed. Further testimony on the reasons back of the proposed inquiry and why it should be made is wanted by the committee. Mr. Stevenson mado the principal statement. He criticized the alleged uii-American methods of the clothing workers and said that through them ;.nd the organlzations affiliateo: ? a j total of about 600,000 members?radical and un-American propaganda was be- j ing disseminated. He alleged a condi- ? d.tion had been brought about in the clothing industry similar to that in the building industry. Says Costs Have Been Raised "I appear before your committee to urge th*i clothing investigation with two points in mind," said Mr. Steven? son. "First. because conditions exist in the clothing industry that have in? creased the cost of clothing, and this affects every man, woman and child who wears clothes in the United States. These high costs were brought about j largely by the control gained over the ! clothing industry by the Amalgamated | Clothing Workers of America. That l control brought about under produc ! tion of all kinds of garments. "Furthermore, it has tended to pro I duee abuses similar to those existing iin tho building trades industry. The (Continued ?n next page) Senate to Vote Bonus, War Veterans Are Told Legion Spokesmen Urge Early Action at tlommittee Session Behind Ooeed Doors WASHINGTON, June 2.?Colonel F. W. Galbraith jr., commander, and other I spokesmen for the American Legion were before the Senate special commit? tee which begun to-day an investiga? tion of the whole subject of bonus leg iiilation l'or former service men. The session was behind closed doors. The Legion representatives were un derstood to have pressed arguments for early action on legislation providing for adfusted cbmpensation on the grounds that increasing unemployment was ?g gravating the condition of thousands of former service men. Membera of the committee wore said to have assurcd the Legion spokesmen that it was the intention of Senate leaders, irrespective of party or aec tional aflRliations, to pass bonus legisla? tion, nt this snssicm. |Exodus of Graft Witnesses Said To Be Plotted iHylan Reported Ready to Give Vacations to All Official s Whom Meyer Committee Might Want Faurot May Get 364 Days Enright Grants Self Short Leave and Connolly Says i He Won't Talk in Secret Repor*s that the Hearst-Hylan-Tam ; many administration is preparing to ' hamstring the ioint legislative graft I investigating committee by granting i practically indelinite leaves oi' ab ' sences to city oflicials who may be of ? service to the graft, probers or who are wanted as witnesses reached the , committee yesterday. Senator Schuy ler M. Meyer. chairman of the com 1 mittee, was concerned especially about jvOeputy Polic Coiiimisi-ioner James A. j Faurot, word having been brought to j hinl that Faurot had been granted. or j would be granted. a vacation of 3G4 ' day.-. It was explained by Chairman j Meyer's informant that under the j charter the longest leavc of absence which may be granted to a city em I ployee is 3G4 days. this being the lib I eral construction placed by city of j ticials on the law, which provides that j an employee who is absent from his | work for a year loses his job. Enright Grants Self Vacation Police Commissioner Enright, who alone could say whether the report was true, left, the city yesterday to spend |a_ten-day vacation, which "he granted I himself, at a resort "somewhere in Jer I sey." Deputy Commissioner Faurot could not be reached. In his absence, Deputy Police Com? missioner John A. Leacli, who refused to be sworn by a sub-committee of the [graft investigating committee and who j is now waiting to see if he shall be : punished for contempt of court as a consequence, will act as head of the Police Department. Yesterday Supreme Court Justice Whitaker, who has heard the applica tion of the committee for the punish? ment of Leach for contempt, postponed action until Monday, when both sides are to submit briefs. It was cvident yesterday that the en tire Hylan-Kearst-Tammany adminis? tration intended to light the efforts of the graft probers at every turn. Maur ice Connolly, President of the Borough of Queens. when he heard early in the day that the committee intended to subpoena and examine him before a sub committee in camera, said: "I shall not testify at any secret hearing. I do not think that the com? mittee has any right to hold secret hearings before a sub-committee of one. Of course I would not mind testi t'ying before such a body if the news paper men were permitted to be present to hear both sides." To Protest Secret Hearings Asscmblyman Maurice Bloch, one of the Tarnmany members of the com? mittee, upheld the attitude of Presi? dent Connolly, saying: "I shall take this matter un with Senator Meyer and urge the abolition of all secret hearings. I favor throw ing the doors open to the public in or? der that it may know what is going on." Chairman Meyer contradicted the re (Contlnued tn next Base) Plan to "Synchronize" Hizzoner Is Proposed Friends Feel Hylan'e Helpful Sphere May Be :Much Extend ed by Talking Film Friends of Mayor Hylan were dis cussinjr yesterday at Tarnmany Hall a plan to "synchronize" Hizzoner. Their idea was to get the Mayor and his speech, too, before an audience without troubling Hizzoner actually to appear in person. They hope to do this through the medium of the vocal motion pictures in which film and phonograph are syn chronized, nnd intend to try to ;,er Euade the Mayor to practice speech making without notes, u^ng gestures and -cverything, so that the public de? mand for his appearance at meetings may be satislied. It was pointed out that Hizzoner might save himself some embarrassing moments by acquiescing in the idea. At present he reads his speeches, and emce a fatal evening severa! months ago, when he lost his manuscript, has carried three copies with him evejy? vhpro he coee,J Some of Ri?jo*est Banks and Iiisurance Cuai panies in City N'amed by Lockwood Witnesses Obligetl to Take Over Vacant Lots Given Victorv and Lib erty Bonds at Par That Were Quoted at 95 As a result of the sensational rev jelations made before the Lockwood 1 committee yesterday in connection j with the gouging operations of finan | cial inslitutions in lending money ifor building purposes, the committee ibelieves it has uncovered the primal I reason for the shortage of housing, The desperate straita to which buildevs were driven through the | exorbitant exactions of the financiers ! would be seen, it was pointed out, j from the fact that they were forced ! to pay as high an interest Tate as j 126 per cent for money. In many instances the borrowers received ' only two-thirds of the loan, the other 1 third having been deducted as a bonus by the lender, witnesses said. : This bonus reached as high as 50 per cent of the loan in some cases, according to testimony. ' Other Extortions In addition to these deductiona, it was said, the builder had to pay a R per cent interest charge, pay legal, brokerage, and title fees and finally had i to take ;some undesirable tenement i house or 'vacant lots in New Jersey or i the Bron*t as Part of the loan or $100 i Liberty and Victory bonds at par that I were selling in the market for only I 95. ln many instances, too, it was re [ vealed, he had to pay interest ior the ! bonus, which the lender had deducted I in ' the ftrsti place. It was quite the ; general thing, as some witnesses teeti | tied, for a builder to start out for a i loan and come home with only a [ property of dubious value. Thi;. resulted, it was declared, in the borrower generally obtaining about j or.e-third the money he was paying 'interest on, nnd that if he'wanted to ! realize quickly on the properties load j ed upon him by the lenders he would have to sell out at a loss. < The institutions declared to have | engaged in these practices include ; scme of the largest banks, insurance I companics and mortgage brokerage j iirms in the country. Among the institutions named in the J testimony were the Prudential In? surance Company, the Mutual Life In ! surance Company, the Manhattan Life | Insurance Company, the Manhattan j Savings Bank. the Empire City Savings Bank, the Brooklyn Savings Bank, E.v celsior Sav'ngs Bank. S. W. Straus Company, Columbia Discount Company, City Mortgage Company, Pime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, New York Savings Bank and the American Savings Bank. 1.000 Specific Deals It developerl in l*ie course of the j examination that more than 1,000 such j iransactions had been brought to the I notice of the committee within the j last few years and that these were I "merely a sample" of the overwhelm? ing exactions to which is attributed the general paralysis of building op? erations. Samuel Untermyer, chief counsel to the committee, suddenly took up this phase of the investigation into the housing situation after announcing that the inquiry into the activities of the New York Fire In.surance Exchange would be BOspended until next Tues day, pending conferences with the members of the exchange "with a view to agreeing upon the correction of ex isting practices and other matters con nected with the fire insurance busi? ness." Willls O. Robb, manager of the er change, declared to reporters he knew of no conferences with the committee and "knew nothing of the grounds upon which Mr. Untermyer made his state? ment." It is thought that Henry j Evans, the chairman of the board of directors of the Continental Fire Ingur I ance Company, who disapproved on the i witness stand of many of the practices i of the exchange and who is a power in I the fire insurance field here, had aome | thing to do with the procedure. Connor Lawrence, of the mortgage loan brokerage firm of Lawrence, Blaka & Jewel, sprang the first sensation of the day. First Sensation He told how he negotiated a loan of $210,000 for "53 West Seventy-second Street, Inc," from the Manhattan Lif? Insurance Company, for five years at 5% per cent. The borrowers had to pay H. C. Forbes & Co., brokers for the insurance company, a 3 per cent fee, or 1(3,000, for getting the loan; the borrowers also had to purchase fro.,i Forbes & Co. a three-story brick heuse on "upper Fifth Avenue," which they did not want, but which they had to pay |?,500 for, part in cash and part on a mortgage. When Mr. Untermyer insisted on knowing where this "upper Fifth Ave? nue" property waa located it devel oped that it was somewhere on "Goat's Hill." The Brooklyn Savings Bank gave a i loan, the witness went on. of $240,000 ! to the North River Building Corpora I tion, the loan to run for five years at 1 6 per cent. The "money" was handed | to the borrower in Victory Bonds at p?r, which were selling then aomewhtt under 95. The borrower had to get ? rhe money by disposing of the bond3 fm ? mediately at a loss. Mr. Untermyer ; here miimated that thev were sold b?ck ; to the bank through a title company , The Arm strong Realty Compunv. i later the Latstern Building C^/mpanv, i borrowed $1,975,000 on first and second , mortgages on the property at S4 ( Street for a building to be