I AIX MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE 'x&lBtTNE IS GUARANTEED Voi. LXXXI No. 27,248 First to Last--the Truth: News?Edhorials?Advertisements THE WEATHER Fartly cloudy to-day: probably fair to-roo rrow; not murh change ia tcrejjcratar.; vrnable wind.. 1 iiU K.port on I.:i?t PttfA ((?>!>. riRlst, 1921. Xew York Tiibun. Inc. ) SATURDAY. JTTTSTE tft 109i Tuojrp rtvTS ? ?nn> e-trtz-r*. In CrrsHer New Vork 1 Withlo 200 MHe* Britain and France Have New World Peace Plan l>agne to Include Amer? ica and Germany May Result From Meeting of Briand and Curzon Move Inspired by European Disorder ifore Lenient Attitude To? ward Berlin Back of Suggestion; Harding Approval To Be Sought By Wilbur Forrest Speeial Cable to Ths Tribune Oopyright. 1921. New York Tribune Inc. PARIS, June 17.?To-morrow's con? ference between Premier Briand and thc Marquis of Curzon, England's For? eign Minister, is expected to lay the foendation of a world movement. The epinion prevsils to-night that it may form the nucleus of far-reachirg pour pirlers that eventually will alter the whole political complex of Europe and bring the United States into her long delayed role as an aid in the preserva tien of world peace. The foundation of the movement Hcj ln a cha**ge tlat is developing in the French attitude toward Germany. Premier Briand is now behind the proj? ect that will mean a new association of nations, including Germanv, that bas for its sole object the mainten ?nce of world amity. This isto be begun by the establishment first of psace rn Europe. Fn-mer Premiers at Meeting As a preliminary to to-morrow's con lerence Premier Briand called in for? mer President Raymond Poincare, Paul Doqmer and ?11 the former Premiers of France. to discuss with them the new French policy. To-morrow Briand will teh Lord Curzon that France ravors a oonciliatory policv. toward t-enr.any and the reconstruction, rather than the division,' of Europe. He will ?ay that France believes it ia the duty of both nations to work for the peace of Europe, even though thi8 means that both England and Frarce will have to make concessions. The Premier will assert that any Anglo-French agree? ment must bind not only the United Kingdom "but all the British dominions as well. Premier Briand believes it is neces? sary to aid not only Germany in recon? struction, but also Austria and Turkey, if constant o.isorders in the Near East are to be avoided. A friendly attitude toward Italy is regarded as paramount. The Tribune correspondent learns that Premier Briand is nrepamn f0 stick by what he terms his policy of European reconstruction. Such a policy is known by the French For* :gn Office to be- most agreeable to the United Stetes, and it is the cooperation of the Washington government that Eurone desires more than anything else. In line with this policy, it is believed that before the end of this month there will be a modification of the German indemnity terms. The size of the an? nual payments Germanv must make will be increased, but this wdl be offset by *he lowering of other payments which Germany has asked in order to facilitate reconstruction. Need of Alliance Felt Although to-morrow's meeting for the moment is of tiny surface signifi cance, it is a get-together session of representatives of the two great pow? ers of Europe. Influential schools on both sides oi* the Channel are con? vinced of the impossibility of the healthy recuperation of Europe if thc tontinent is to be menaced constanUi* by the political Uifferences of lhe lead? ing Allied powers. Both France and weat Britain have tried to pursue separate ways for the past few months, with almost d'sastrous results. Little nres have constantly been flaring up nere and there. one nation squirtine water on the fiames while the other Ppurs on gasoline. Examples of tfiis Mtuation are to be found in the Near East, where Great Britain is pro-Greek ii?? c"?e -iH Pro-Turl<. and again in upper bilesia, where the British are pro-Cerman and the French pro-PoIish. ?*i i dansers growing out of these ?na Eimuar diiferences have begun to throw a scare int> the London and ??r- C(Lbln,ets- This is particularly t*ue in England, where Premier Lloyd n.?I5e-' P.leadi!-U to 183,827, With 64% of Men Balloting LONDON, June 17-(By The Asso oated Pre_s).-The ballot of the coal tlem/n. ?? the W??> of a strike set -S ;. VOfS^ .c?n?nuatton of the ?fternoonWaS ?ftlcla,1y announced this o_?i.eiresult of the h*Uot> aecocding to centl',-oani.0Uanct'mf'nt' wa*: For ac l_S?97.e r?f thea nune owners' terms, the 5. _ ?r re_*ctio?. 43^,511. Thus C a T ,?aVe -the nec*ssary majority Ti ^nn-nHat-l?n of the strike. m._; L_y c??mun'catcd to the govern lnt,rhen?tfce_r('sult *>' the ballotins; ?__^ J? ned- . The ??cj?tive body of t? a iner. will meet aKaln tonitfht .f _./ -pcr cent of th0 memWahiu , Oi th! Un'?n VOted oa tb? l*te?t offer w* tne owners. Harding Orders Ship Board To Sell Fleet, Cut Expenses Would Obtain Best Possible Prices and Consider Future Service of Vessels; Must Depend on Private Owners to Develop Marine From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, June 17.?Pre_id_.it Harding in an hour's conference with tho new members of the Shipping Board to-day outlined the hopes of the Administration in reestablishing the American merchant marine. The President told the board members that no time should be loat in clearing the decks of all the legacies of the war by charging off the war costs at tho la.g est figure obtainuble, and to usscmblo the assets of the board on a busmes*. basi3 and then strive to build afreaii. Tho President told the board mem? bers that he had *the greatest faith in their ability to makc the American merchant marine a commanding figure ia the world of shipping, and suggested that the board follow a policy of dis posing of the government vesseis at the highest available price,. with proper regard for the future serviees of the vessels. Tho board was assured that it will have the hearty support of the Administration in the task which confronts it. Calls for Cqt in Costs Mr. Harding told the members that _hey must immediatey lop off all cost ly nnd unproductivo operations and get down to a solid busimtss founda? tion. Ile agreed with the board that the world's shipping was at its lowest Britons Urge Parley Over Pacific Issues Conference of U. S., Japan, China, England and Do? minions for Harmony Is Proposed in Common). Anierican FriendshipFirst Government Leader Pledges London Never Will Join an Alliance Against tTs LONDON, June 17 (By The Associ? ated Press).?A conference of the na? tions having interests in the Pacific Ocean to di3pel misunderstandings there was proposed by two speakers in the House of Commons to-day. In the debate, which covered the proposed re? newal of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, Sir Samuel Hoare, Unionist, urged the calling of such a conference, to include representatives of England, the Brit? ish commonwealths, the United States, Japan and China. The speaker de? clared that if such a conference could be brought together within the next year it would be the best means of meeting the grave problems facing the country in the Pacific. Sir John Davldson, Coalitionist, said it was "absolutely essential that the whole situation in the Far East be ade quately reviewed by a conference com prising not only the United States and ourselves, but Japan, and I believe it would be a sounder principle to extend the Japanese treaty until the result of that conference ha3 become known." Sir John deprecated the renewal of competition in armaments, and said it" was essential that it be stopped at the carliest possible moment. American Friendship First Austen Chamberlain, government leader in the House of Commons, as? serted that there must be "such confi? dence, such an understanding and such cooperation among the great Pacific powers as may prevent that new com? petition in armaments of which men tion has been made, and to secure the peace of that great ocean and the lands abutting on it." ?In the debate, which took up the ngenda of the imperial conferenc., that opens here Monday, Mr. Chamberlain said, regarding the Anglo-Japanese pact: "Although I do not in any way wish to prejudice the action of the imperial conference, it is right to say at once that we shall be no party to an alli? ance directed against America, or under which we can be called upon to act against America. "I think it will be found possible to reconcile our desire for a perfect un? derstanding and close cooperation with the people of the United States and the continuance of our close and intimate friendship with an ally who acted _o loyally on the occasion when the alli? ance became operative and retidered such valuable support to the empire during the war, "That, after all, must be the object of any British Cabinet, any British minister or any government of any of the dominions or India." Mr. Chamberlain, replying to the argument that the conditions which ne cessitated the Anglo-Japanese alliance had passed away, saftl he agreed to this, but that it was necessary to have regard to conditions in the future. He refused to believe, he said, that the alliance had given rise to any real misconception or misapprehension (Continued on pwe mrea) Laborers in Cuba Revolt When Denied Pay; Kill 5 Many Reported Without Food or Shelter, Due to Closing of Sugar Estates KINGSTON, Jamaica, June 17.?A serious uprising among the laborers on the Purio sugar cotate in Cuba is re? ported in advices received here. In the riots, which broke out when the laborers were unable to obtain their wages, one of the managers of the estate and four others were kilied. The situation in Cuba brought on by the closing down of sugar estates owing to the financial stringency is said to be serious. The Jamaican government has found it necessary to repatriate hundreds of Jamaicans who had been working on these estates, and some of the workmen arriving from Cuba re? port that a large number of laborers are without food and money. cbb nnd that he did not expect ihe hopes of tho Administration to be ac complished speodily. He said that. the oation would not c. pect the recon etruction of the American merchant marine to be nccomplishcd as by a magician's wand, and he bespoke for the board patience and forbcaraJice. To carry out tho desires of the I r.sident, the board will immediately begin an exhaustive survey of the as? sets of the government fleet and turn its attention to reducing the _..o -mous overhead that now prevails by Jispos ing of the fleet to tho best advantage to the government. Along with this r.trvey will bo mvAc v. careful "nqui-v to ascertain the productiveness of the fleet, including a study. of ways and means by which tho e_tablishn.ei_t can bo leduced to the lowest possible cost of operation. After the conferepec at the White House Chairman Lasker said it wan the duty of the board to return imme? diately to normaley and that steps would be taken to fulfill the desires of tho President. "The President told us," Mr. Lasker said, "that there was nothing he wanted so much when he goes out of oflice as to be recorded as the head of the Administration under which the American merchant marine was rc established. "He folt that this could not be ac complished in two years or even three or four years, and that the future had (Continued on ptsa fifteon) iiig for Allied Bond Sale in U. S. Will Ask Permission of Congress to Dispose of I s s u e s Covering Ten Billion - Dollar Debts To Retire Certificates ,_ Many Advantages Besides Relieving Strain on the Treasury Seen in Plan , By Carter Field WASHINGTON, June 17.?Authority tc sell Allied bonds to American in? vestors? refunding the ten bUlion* of debt now represented by Allied cer? tificates in the Treasury Department? will be asked of Congress by President Harding. This was announced after to-day's Cabinet meeting and confirn,ed the exclusive announcement of the Ad ministration's policy with regard to foreign debts made in The Tribune's Washington dispatches of May 26. Several steps will be necessary in the process, nnd authority for several of them must be had from Congress, it was explained at the Cabinet meet? ing. Tho subject was brought up by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, who wanted to know how much of the Ad ministration's plans he could disclose in a speech he will make in the near future. The first step ia to effect an agree? ment with Great Britain, France, Jtaly and Belgium, not to menti'on other Alhed nations owing this country money advauced during the war, whereby those countries will create an issue of bonds to replace their present certificates of indebtedness. ? Obviously these new bonds would have to bear in? terest at a rate high enough to make them attractive to investors. Some Advantages of Deal Then these bonds could be soid to American investors, and the proceeds placed in the United States Treasury. As was pointed out in The Tribune lasfc month, the advantages of having the bonds in the hands of private in? vestors instead of in the United States Treasury are several. For one thing, the foreign governments would be milch less likely to default interest payments. The investor, and particu? larly the investment banker who ad vises bond purchasers, has a long mem? ory. A corporation, nation, state or city that fails to make interest pay? ments promptly on its bonds is tagged in that memory and pays the penalty not for a little while, but for genera tions. Some students of finance have estimated that the Southern states which repudiated carpetbag bonds have paid dollar for dollar more in extra nigh interest charges on . subsequent bond issues than if they had paid off the carpetbag bonds at par. Another advantage, of course, would o? iL ,fc would relieve the United States Treasury of the big load it is now carrying. It would permit a sub stantial reduction of taxes on the as sumption that the interest is not beine paid while the United States holds thi debt certificates, but would , be paid after the bonds aro in the hands of private investors. This is also based ?&r*% th^?ry that,the Proceeds placed into the Treasury from the sale of the bonds would be used at once for the re dempt-on of Liberty bonds. Hnn ??-lt- \* adm-lt'ed by Administra? tion officials, would be the intelligent way to use the funds, so as to reduce the interest payments on Liberty bonds which the Treasury now has to make It would also, naturally, improve the (Continued ?n pug* fifte-n) Island Seized by Tenants In Revolt Against Owner 400 Spaniards, Armed With Guns and Farm Tools, Expel , the Guards MADRID, June 17.?Inhabitants of an islet in the mouth of the river lead? ing to Vigo, numbering 400, have re vclted and expelled the guards and also the administrator, says the Vijro ccrrespondent of La Libertad to-day The island belongs to a physician who resides m Vigo, with whom tho tenants refuse to have further rela? tions. Yesterday, the correspondent says, the entire population, armed with shotguns, oars and agricultural imple ments, attacked the guards, causing them to retreat to the mainland. The Governor of the province haa ordered a force of civil guards to proceed to the island and restore order. Confusion of Russell Aids Mrs. Stillman Diary Contradiets Former Testimony ;PlacesFinan cier With Wife Months Before the Birth of Guy Wire to Beauvais Told About Baby "Little Black Bear Has Ar? rived" Sent by Order of Mother, Nurse Says From a Staff Correspondent ? POUGHKEEPSIE, K. y., June t..... By tho production of his memornndium book, which was admitted as evidetnee at to-day's hearing of the divorce suit of Jfcmes A. Stillman before Danitel J. Gleason, referee, Hugh L. Russeyt the Buffalo osteopath whose previous testi mony wa's considered the most damag ing blow dealt at the defense, oontra dicted his former statements. He was obliged to read entries which showed that Mr. Stillman was at-Pleas antville with his wife on January o . nd February 24, 1918, nine months be? fore the birth of Guy, who is co-de fondant in the divorce suit. The en? tries, which showed evidence of eras ures, indicated that Russell attended Mrs. Stillman, James A. Stillman, Alex? ander Stillman, Frankie Beauvais and Fred Beauvais at Mondanne, the Pleas antville estate, on both those.dates. Russell was on the stand from H tnC}?Sn in th? ?TornSn_. until 5:30 in the afternoon. He proved to be a dia cursive^ and contradictory witness and was rebuked by counsel for the defen". for 'making stump speechea." Fre? quent conferences with Mr. Stillman and his counsel, Cornelius .1. Sul ivan were adnntted by Russell. [Hi. testi mony to-day was such that it was con suierod hkely that all his previous tes Umony will be stricken out. grf.% Daniel Gleason has the que.nltion under June 28 heanngs nre ^etsumed on Wired Beauvais of Guy's Birth Offsetting the triumph for Mrs. Still mon ,n this part of the day's proceed? ings was the testimony of Ma_-y Olive Sfe the ,nu"e who attended her at the Woman's Hospital wh^n Guy was ?h?rn-_-?i\e s_wore that ?n *!? day of the child s birth the financier's wife mstructed her to send a telegram to Fred Beauvais at Grand Piltes, Quebec containing the announcement: 'The little black benr has arrived." . The defense contends thatdurino- the summer befo.e Guy's birth it was ar? ranged that "Budciy" StiEman, Fred Beauvais and others should be notified in this way of the birth of the child; that ii it was a boy the reference would be black bear " and if a girl " white bear. rhe nurse also te-stified that James A. Stillman visited his wife at the hospital after the birth of Guy and brought her.gifts, but that he showed no interest in the child and never asked to see it. It was clear that the day's events were to Mrs. Stiliman's liking. She pro nounced it a "wonderful day." She ap? peared in court wearing a new scaiiet straw hat, -vhich she said she hoped would strike terror into the heart 0 n-u RuaseI1- if ^e had any heart." The testimony of Miss Gilligan was to the effect that she was engaged by Dr, \Wrren Hildreth, of the Woman's Hospital, to care for Mrs. Stillman be? fore the birth of Guy on November 7 1918. Around Christmas, 1918, she went with her patient to 270 Park Ave? nue and remained there until January 6. 1919. Mr. Stillman visited his wife every day &t the-hospital, although he never asked for the child or saw Guy, to the best of her knowledge, said Miss Gilhgan. At 270 Park Avenue she and Guy occupied the room between the bedrooms of Mr. and Mrs. Stillman and she never saw him with the baby nor did she hear him refer to it, she said. Guy was born at 3 a. m. on November 7, and the following forenoon the nurse was called to the bedside and asked to send the telegram to Beau? vais, according to her testimony. She was also instructed to notify Mr. Still? man to come and visit his wife. Gave Wife Painting in 1918 Under cross-examination Miss Gilli? gan said that on Christmas Day, 1918, James Stillman gave his wife a paint? ing entitled "Spring," by Maxfield Parnsh. . When Russell, looking dapper and seemingly well satisfied with himself took the stand he testified that he was called to Canada on September 25, 1919, by the Stillmans. Wheu he arrived at Grand Anse he found the place run down and in a state of general dis order. Because of this Mrs. Stillman asked him to give the place a survey and look up tho title. On October 9, 1919, Russell went to the county seat, which was, St. Catherines, with Mrs, Stillman and Beauvais. He said that upon arriving there he found the In (Continue. on p*g. four) Wadsworth In 20% Bonus Mortgage Co. Senator a Director and Newton Named Counsel by Corporation Under Inquiry by Uuterniyer Fire Insurance Ring in Buffalo Lumber Price -'Fixing and Plsster Combine Revealed by Committee From a Staff Corresvondcnt BUFFALO, June 17.?A mortgage loan corporation with which Attorney General Charles D. Newton and United States Senator James W. Wadsworth jr., of New York, are associated was one of the chief subjecta of investi? gation before the Lockwood committee on housing here to-day. According to the testimony this firm demandcd a bonus of 20 per cent on second mortgage loans in addition to the regular 6 per cent interest. Pros pectuses of the concern submitted in evidence promised minimum profits of 20 and 30 per cent to investors "with perfect safety." Attorney General Newton is named as general counsel of tho corporation and is listed with Senator Wadsworth a.-.ong the directors. The Senator joincd the firm only two weeks ago. Fire Insurance Inquiry The committee also found a fire in? surance combine in this part of the state which was monopolizing tne^field in a manner similar to the operations of the New York Fire Insurance Ex? change. Following a grill ing by Sam? uel Untermyer, chief counsel "to the committee, the manager of the organ? ization promised that the. members wouid eliminate the objectionable practices and would agree to all the amendments decided upon between the committee and the New York Fire In? surance Exchange. After exposing a lumber dealers' state and local price-lixing organiza? tion and disclosing that the contro! of the mining, manui'acturing, wholesaling and retailing of gypsuni mul plaater in the East was in the hands of one inan, Mr. Untermyer closed the ses? sions of the committee here with a summary of the work accomplished. The committee is to resume'its sessions in Nev- York City Wednesday piorning and will continue until the following Saturday, when Mr. Untermyer s*iis for Europe. Tt is understood that the investigation will be taken up again in the fall. The name of the mortgage loan con? cern oxamined by the committee with which Attorney General Newton and Seiiiitcr Wadsworth are connected is, the Frontier Mortgage Corporation, of L"iffrdo. A company known as the Smoot Corporation, according to the evidence, has been organized to sell stock in the mortgage firm. The dffices of the company are in this city, to which most of its activities have been confined, according to witnesses, since May 23, 11)20, when it was organized. The testimony in connection with the matter was obtained. through Ed? ward H. Hunt, secretary of the Fron? tier Corporation. He said he was also secretary and treasurer of the stock selling corporation. The authorized capital of the Frontier company, he testified, was $5,000,000, but that the issued capital was about $875,000. The firm rarely dealt in first mortgages, he said, the primary business being second mortgages. Its president is Michael F. Dehrenberg jr., and among its directors, besides Messrs. Newton and Wadsworth, according to the tes? timony, are a "number of very distin guished gentlemen." Since its organ? ization Hunt said the corporation has loaned money on from 125 to 150 mort? gages, all second mortgages but one. Prospectuses which Mr. Untermyer read into the record said in part: "Whenever the mortgage corporation parts with $1,000 it usually gets a minimum of $1,200 in mortgage im? mediately. "Furthermore, interest is computed on the $1,200 face value, giving the mortgage company interest on the prcfits. America to-day is five million homes short. Buffalo needs at least 5,000 homes this year. The need for this financing is overwhelming. The Frcntier Mortgage Corporation is now handling only a fraction of the business presented to it daily and it can hope to take but a small part of the busi? ness offered, and on account of the size of the business it is always in the position of selecting the cream of the mortgages offered." The prospectus then went on to sav that "the profits in the mortgage busi? ness are exceptional. To be conserv ative, the estimated minimum profit is 30 per cent, accomplished with perfect safety." Hunt said that the 30 should have been 20, and that it crept into some of the prospectuses as a typo graphical error. The prospectusei said, too, that the discount' for first (Continued en next page) Princeton Firebngs' Orgy Adds Thrills to Commencement Week PRINCETON, N. J., June 17.?Six fires, said to be of incendiary origin, that were discovered late last night and early to-day in >wldely separated parts of Princeton caused more than $20,000 worth of damage and added an unscheduled thrill to the commence? ment festivities. While fire apparatus reinains outside all fire houses to-night for instant call, soldiers'are patiolhng the streets in hope of preventing fur? ther outbreaks. The first two fires were reported at a late hour' last night. Before fire apparatus could control the first blaze a house and barn were destroy* d, the occupants of the house barely escaping. The second fire was in another barn, which was partly destroyed. Two other houses wero fired while engine com? panies were at the scene of the first two blazes, but they were quickly ex tinguished. In spite of the fact that policemen and soldiers were posted in all parts of town, four other fires were started to-day. Two of these were on Cham? bers Street, one^en Washington Eoad and one at Presqsl Park. Throughout the day snoradic at tcmpts have been made to fire build? ings on the college campus. The fire apparatus has been taxed to the limit in traveling from one reported blaze to another. Gasoline or keresone and cxcelsior were used to fire most of the build? ings. The fire in the barn on Moran Place, owned by James McCarthy, which was destroyed last night, was said to have been started in this man? ner. By the time tlie first of the four motor fire engines could reach the brrn it was too far gone to save. As the last wall of the barn fell three of the engines were forced to answer an alarm in Lee Street. In some instances the poliee say even the doors and window sills have been sprayed with gasoline. No arrests have been reported. Twenty-seven classes returned en masse for the 174th annual commence ment ceremonies, and paraded the streets attired in Mexican,. Chinese and innumerable other picturesque cos tumes. Each returning class brought its own band. The formal exercises will not begin until to-morrow. The eldest of the classes back for reunion is the clas of '61, whlcfe left Prince? ton sixty years ago. Thousands Imperiled In Dank., Dirty, Firetrap Schools, Survey Shows eyer Calls I Enright Blu BySubpoena ~?, q, Graft Investigalors End Pussyfooling and Order Police Head In Monday; May Call Hylan Next The joint legislative graft investi? gating committee yesterday served a subpoena calling upon Richard E. En? right, Commissioner of Police, to ap? pear at the committee's headquarters on Monday at 2:30 p. m. It is not un likely that before Enright's examina? tion in concluded a subpoena for Mayor Hylan will be issued. The subpoena on the Police Commis? sioner was not served until toward 6 o'clock last night, after the committee, through its counsel, Elon R. Brown, had charged that Enright, who had absented himself from Police Head? quarters until late, had known th. previous night that a process server would be waiting for him at Headquar? ters yesterday. Brown said that the committee wanted Enright to explain why orders had been issued to his subordinates in the department forbidding them to produce certain documents and r.cords of the Police Department which had been called for in subpeenas. May Ask Courts to Punish Him "If Enright does not produce- the documents and papers which the de? partment ha8 withheld," said Senator Scfiuyler M. Meyer, chairman _-. the committee, "we shall apply io the courts to punish him for contempt. And if we find he is acting on Mayor Hylan's instructiens we will subpeena the Mayor," f It was said at tha' headquarteri of the committee, after it was announced that Enright would be haled before it that the period of pussyfooting with the Hearst-Hylan-Tammany adminis? tration was at an end. Fear was expressed by members of the committee that much-wanted documents and records of the Polire Department had been destroved or lost It 13 known that certain records , f the department have been kept in loose leaf books since Mayor Hylan raised his friend Enright from a lieutenant'a desk ,o the office of Commissimer Charges have been made in the past that this system permitted all sorts oiabuses, and the legislative investi gators fear that manv of the locsc leaves will prove to be lost leaves The subpcena originally issued for the Poliee Commissioner called for his an pearance before the committee at 2-30 o clock yesterday afternoon. A' sub committee of three was present to assist the committee's chief counsel m examining the witness. At 4 o'clock, when Enright is sup? posed to see the newspaper men for a weekly interview, the committee's proc? ess server telephoned the committee that the Poliee CommissioneT was still missing. "Must Have Gone Fishing" Elon R. Brown, who called at the committee's headquarters to conduct the examination of Enright, on receiv? ing word that the poliee head was still absenting himself from Headquarters, said: "The Poliee Commissioner must. have gone fishing. We want to ask him about several thipgs. Some time ago one of the committee's investigators went to Poliee Headquarters and by arrangement with the city authorities j proceedSd to examine certain papers. The Poliee Department put a member of the force alongside of l.im and he could not even- whisper with any pri? vacy. "Next we asked the department to produce some papers here?about three boxes full. The Commissioner s\nt down a little package instead. Then last night the story went out that the committee was going tto ask the Com? missioner to come down here to ex plain. And when our process server arrived at Poliee Headquarters this morning he found the Commissioner was not there." "Yes," added Senator Meyer, "Com? missioner Enright was aware of the committee's intention last night." Enright finally appeared at Poliee Headquarters at 5:35 and a subpeena was served upon him. Confesses Burning Wife, 4 Children, Poliee Assert I Failure to Keep Death Compact Declared Due to Farmer's Lack of Courage CALGARY, Alb., June 17.?The poliee to-day asserted that J. J. Rutledge, an Innesfail farmer, had confessed that he and his wife Tuesday night had deliberately set fire. to their farm house, in which their four children and Mrs. Rutledge were burncd to death. According to the poliee, Rutledge said he and his wife had planned to die with their children because they feared they would be taken from them by a children's aid society. But his courage had failed and he ? escaped, carrying one girl with him. He is in a hospital, suffering from severe burns and formnlly charged with" murder. Rutledge, in his alleged confession, said he and his wife had considered death by drowning or shooting, but finally had decided to soak the chil- ! dren's beds with gasoline. Rutledge added he had knocked one j child unconscious to save it pain, and may have struck others, according to the poliee. ? .? be?t writln* paper* ax? WH1TIXO Pii* ERS.?Adrt, Prall Pledges School Relief by Next Fall Anning S. Prall, President of the Board of Education, said laet night that he had had no oppor? tunity to read the report on the condition of school buildings in the city. ITe added that pro? vision had been made for the con? struction of nsw buildings and the remedying of conditions. "I hope the public. v/ill under? stand that it is quite impossible to make repairs to public school buildings except during the vaca? tion time, when the buildings are not in use," he said. "We will therefore find at the opening of the next fall term much to be thankful for in the way of im? proved conditions in the public school buildings of this city." ood Warns Of Bankruptcy In Philippines Island Government Facing Financial Crash Unless Washington Assists, He Says in Plea to Week. Congress to Act at Once Emergency Bills to Raise the Debt Limit to. Thirty Millions Are Proposed From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, June 17.?The Phil? ippine Island government faces bank? ruptcy _nl.S3 immediate relief is pro? vided by th:s government. This infor? mation Came to-day as a distinet sur prise from Major General Leonard Wood and caused such a stir in Con? gress that leaders got together immediately and began plans for emergency legislation which will put the finances of the island possessions in. better condition. General Wood'3 plea, sent to Con? gress through Secretary of War Weeks, declared the danger of the situation in the Philippines cannot be over-' estimated. Ile urged that no time be lost in extending the dc-bt-making power of the Philippine government from $15,000,000 to $30,000,000. The cablegram from General Wood declared that the government cannot "purchase exchange even to meet cur? rent running expenses payable in the United States." The local banW of the Philippines, he said, has "been asked not to present its circulating notes for redemption, while cash reserves are now about 10 per cent of legal require? ments. Need Not Realized While the Administration had knowl edge that the financial strueture of the islands government was not as sound as it should be, due to the failure of the past two Democratic administra tiona to provide for its develojpment, pmticulaily during the war, it was not generally realized that the situation was as critical as General Wood's com munication rriude plain. Some steps had been taken since the new Congress convened to enact the necessary legis? lation, but in the rush of other im portr.nt matters these have been de? layed from time to time. In transmitting the cablegram to? day, Secretary Weeks seconded in stiong language General Wood's plea. The net result is that the Philippine reliei legislation is to be given prefer? ence and rushed through Congress in advance of other scheduled legislation. A bill providing for the increase in the amount of the national debt of the islands has already been introduced and it will take only a few days, in the belief of leaders,'to put it through bcth houses. Acting Governor General Yeater jioined with General Wood in the plea. The cablegram* from him declared the "situation is constantly getting worse." Secretary Weeks abo ?ent to Con? gress a communication from a Mr. Fairchild, one of the leading American business men of the Philippines, which declared the government's revenues are falling short, particularly in customs receipts and sales and income taxes. "All export products are stagnant; prices are falling?in many cases being below the coat of production," he said. "Many failures are reported. All at tempta to obtain financial relief for business enterprise from sources other than the Federal government faH be? cause of uncertainty regardlng the fu? ture political status." On Your Vacation To avoid the annoyance of not having your Tribune every morning, have your city news dealer advise us to forward The Tribune to your vacation address. Or if it is more con venient telephone Beekman 3000. Qubwomen Blame Hylan for Shocking Condition of Buildings Where Pupils Crowd Classes _,_ Menace Revealed In All Borouglis Squalid Structures. With Leaky Roofs, Called Breeders of Pestilence The most severe indictment of New York's public school manage? ment ever made was presented to Anning S. Prall, President of the Board of Education, yesterday in a report filed by a committee repre senting forty women's clubs and civic organizations. Basing its charge on specific data, | obtained after more than a year's (work-in personal inspection of typi jcal school buildings in each of the |five boroughs, the committee, which J was created by members of the local j woman's department of the National J Civic Federation to prevent a j "threatened break-down in the New jYork public school system," alleges j that it would be criminal negligence j to permit a continuance of the over | crowded, insanitary and dilapidated j condition of the buildings." Shocking Conditions Revealed j Although contending that its sur? vey of the school system is without ar.y political motive, the committee points out that the schools are in a worse condition to-day than at any previous time in their history. The disclosures jconfirm those made some months ago jby The Tribune, showing that Mayor j Hylan's promises when he took office j more than three years ago to give spe ]';ial attention to relieving overcrowded j schools have not been fulfilied. Filthy .-.anitary conditions, unwholf | some plumbing in toilet rooms, leaking i roofs, rooms infested with flies from j neighborhood garbage cans, odors from j sewage, dangerous stairways, vermin, i dirt and overcrowded classrooms lit by artificiai light ai*3 some of the objec tionable features found by the commit? tee. The Julia Richman High Schooi, 60 West Thirteenth Street, for instance. is described as "a fire-trap." The Girls' | High School, in Brooklyr, is declared to ! be so insanitary as to be "impossible." "The committee is convinced, as it ! believes every citizen will be when in? formed. that it would be criminal negli? gence for the community to permit our thousands of public school children to receive indefinitely their training for citizenship in dilapidated and disrepu table structures that are daily deterioi atir.g three times faster than they are leing repaired," says the report. The purpose of the report is to awaken public consciousness "to insist upon the cessation of unfulfilled prom? ises and the adoption by our elected of? ficials of prompt and effective measure.i to meet tne emergency." Prall Seeks Relief President Prall last night said that he had not ? yet read the report, but said that the board had been working for the improvement of the schools. Mrs. Rogers H. Bacon, chairman of thc committee, presented the report to President Prall. Some of the organ? izations which participated in the in? vestigation were the Woman's Munici pal League, woman's department of the National Civic Federation, Wom? an's City Club, Council of Jewish Women, Public Education Association, League of Catholic Women, New York State Feder*i.tion of Women's Clubs, the State Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs and tbe Civitas Club, Brooklyn. Of forty schools inspected thirty seven were elementary, two high and one for the deaf. Fifteen of the brildings are in Manhattan, four in the Bronx, /onrteen in Brooklyn, n*re in Queens and two in Richmond, Referring generally to the sanitary condition of all the schools inspected, the report says: "Such remarks as 'oid and terribly insanitary,' 'dark and evil smelling,' 'old, out of repair and filthy,' 'twelve toilets for 1,200 boys,' old and in fear ful condition,' illustrate the kind of conditions which are all too prevalent. There are practically no basins or towels for teachers or pupils and where there are any they are insuf ficient in number. The toilets are usually in dark basenrents or in the yard. with no connecting passageway ?cold, clammy and only too frequently repulsive to even those of less eensi tive tastes. Such conditions are char acteristic of sanitary standards of dc cades ago. It is beyond belief that they should fce tolerated by either the school or health authorUics of to-day. New School l.-nhealthy "One new school, P. S. 48, the Bronx, with exeellent equipment, is on the list because of the unhealthy condition created by thc prcsence of a huge city garbage dump not 300 feet from the school. The odor and attendant flies make conditions unspeakable at times and are ever a menace to the health of teachers and pupils." Only fifteen out of thirty-eight buildings examined with reference to their need for repairs were found to be satisfactory, On this point the re? port says: "For example, P. S. 10, Manhattan, has had a leaky roof for two years; P. S. 18, Manhattan, has had no repairs in years?one ttairway has bt en board ed up by the principal, as it was so dilapidated as to be unsaie. Doors are falling off the cupboards, which should be locked?there are no locks on any doors or cupboards. "P. S. 127, Manhattan, has had no real repairs in years, the ceilings art leaking the walls dirty and-sfceeling. P. S. 18, Brooklyn, has one Sutldlng