Newspaper Page Text
Irregular Trend In Quiet Trading On Outside Market Oil Shares Continue Weak Under New Selling and Lack of Support; Prices Move in Narrow Range Prices fluctuated within a narrow r?n?? yesterday and at the close pre s*nt?d *n irregular appearance. Many independent oil share* continued un (-eT prMsnre, although others worked un iSishtiy on <-"v*rinfr. International Patroletaa sagged be '?ozi 13. * ncw *ow ^or *ft* movement. while Anglo-Amerionn \ielded a small oe stocks held r.nd Carib Syn gained fractioaally. Indus-'ias wrore agaia negltvtcd for th? BW** part ?nd E&terwt has grad M\]x ? il Clen Alrf^n Coal, which holds ?bov? ?!!. United Rrtail [ropped another traction to 6H\ Industrials Kji^ Open. High. Low. L?pf " -M ?Acm* Coft! . . m \ % 1 H ! % . :ms Paek. . ?H ?fc 2 2 ' Ufg ... 18 1B. 16 itt '?H 13? 18% IS^S tM*Al -1 81 81 81 1% 3 trtg... IK IH IV 1 Vi t09t| 1?(H4 io.iij 100S pt v | 19% ^ "9% k. 28 M S8 38 ?: is 43 4'. 4! i 36 H 3* K6 ? 1S% HS IS-% 14% :?' 41 % 42 41% 41C l?o*lnt Rubber.. 2% S% SH 8% jao": < > ? "H 7H lac Mo c; a is is is is a % ??% % % iti ?!.-: . 40H *0H <0% 40% 1WP? ?. H % % % M00*Badla Co .... 1% 1% 1% tjk I 2 % 2 2 % ?eoSo Coal ft Ir.. S sh s su Rub., ih 1H 1H 1H llflft*: . 41 42 40 40 IH IS 1% l*i 6% 6% $14 6 V, ? Quxn. % % % % tteifW S:v. Ch?m % l % % PW Davies.. 26 26 26 26 H0?wmya lst pf. 14% 1414 14H i.1% Standard Oils t Open. Hi?h. Low. Last. 700 ? Oil. ? 15% 15 % 16% 10*111 Pip* Llne. ? !?:< 163 Ita 2W0'?t <"> Co Tnd. ? 65 88% 64 % ? O Co N T. ? 214 J9? 310 10 *Yacuu:n Oft.. ? 282 2<i.l 262 Other Oils gaies. Open. Hirh. Low. Laat. 2000'Mien OU. 4 5 4 4 t re: G.i.s. BH 5H sh g% 4M**Boom Oil.... % % % % 2J00*Carib Synd... 5% 8H 5% 6H . ? 'i-. S R T Sh 14-H 14% 14% 14% 150?Clrfes Serv...l29 131 129 131 ?do pref_ 49 49"% 4S 49 lpnn ?Calurr.b;* Em 1 ? 1% 1 1% J?'Creole Synd.. 3H SH 3% SH 1200'Pennv Oil... % ft % X soo?E;k Baaln P. 6% 6% 6% 6% 1000 Federal Oil. . 1% 1% 1% 1% . 100 "Fer.sland Oil. 10 10 10 10, ' BM ??'Iranada Oil. SH 2% -H - H M00 "Gufr-GiU Oil. 10% IOH 9V, 9% ?oeo "Haison Oil.. % % X *\ 18M*Int Pet. 13 . 13 12H 1X% ne ftan. % % % % 700*L!v:nfrston O. 32 32 13 32 3S<*0 ?iiaracaibo O. 2;i 23% |3 2.1 H Oil_ i IH l IH l?i*Mountaln Fr. 8 S 8 8 : b!e O & G. 2^ 22 1? 20 M0 ?Prod & Ref.. 3% 3 % 3 H 8% S00 *S?!t Crk (n). 10 10 H 10 10 u M0*Stoma Pet... T% 7H "% 7% dly Oil. 3H 3% 3H 3H W8*Tex-Kan Oil. % % % % Jl?00?Texon O 4- L % % H *+ 1000 'Un Tex Pet. -S H -fV H S0O*Zapa:i P&R ih IH li*' IH Mining Bai?s. Open. Hlsh. Low. Last. 2or, a;-Bt Col Met % % % % H0 *A!var M & M. 4 4 4 4 1000 'Amer Mines.. 1% 1% 1% 1% n?0?tAr Parag M. 55 66 54 56 SS00"tBel St 'a p) 2 2H 2 2 Sr.OO'+Eel Dv (a. p) 3 SH 2H 3% S600 ?+Boo;h . 3 3 3 3 : Mont. 5? 59 57 58 onia .. 9 io 9 lo 3600 ?Carde'.ana S. 32 33 33 i" ? Hiv C 2 2 2 2 - 2800 *vCasaboy _ 44 5 4H S 2300 *Cortez Sliver. 74 V? '73 76 1380 *Crackeriaefe .4 5 4 5 MOOCreason Con G 1^ i\% 1+i 1% 4Hftr. J51v Ext (a p) 25 26 25 25 B000 Emma Silver. IH IH 1% IH N ur Cr V Co 30 SS 30 s.i -x.'ireka Hol'.y 1.& 1^ 1^ \^ 3500 ?tGo'.d Z TMv. 14 14 13 13^j Ooldf Oha.. *-% 7 6 7' 3200 *+Gold? Dev... IH 2 1 \i 2 4000 ?Goldf Flor . . 25 30 25 27 ?00*tHarmtU DM 9 10 9 10 650Hecla Mng- ... 344 4 ?,l% 4 1800 ?Lone St C M. 2^i 2H 2H 2H MacN Cr li. 8 S 8 8 ' 1500 ?fMaoNam Mg 15 16 14 15 Inth C (old) 6 5H 5 5 11000 ?Xat Tln Cor. % % H A 14 *N J Zinc-120 120 120 120 BOONtpisalng Min. 4H -IH +H 4% 1000O S M Co (n) 12 12 12 12 1000 Prince Con.... % % % % 3200?R,':d Hills Flo IH 2 IH 2 100O Rex Consol... 7 H 7H 7H 7H 3000?3!lv-r Hills.. 20 20 20 20 "do Ext. 20 21 20 21 ?":"'?"'"vSilv K Div. 11 H 1 3400*tSil M of Am 1ft IH 1ft IH MWafWlvar P'.ck.. 4 4H 4 4% Stand Sli Ld. H H H Vs 3200 ?tSuocess Min. 2 2H 2 2 2800 ?Suth Div_ 1 IH 1 IH 500 ?Taliapoosa S. H H H H 3T5?Ton Belmont. 1ft IH 1ft IH 275 "Tonopah Div. 1ft IH 3ft 1% 3*0Tonnpah Ext.. 1ft 1V4 Ift 1% ;nopah Min IH 1% IH 1 r 1800T3n Eastern... 2H 8X 2.7, 3H ?3W?tVtc D (ap). 2$ 8 24 3 WOOtWeat End C. % % U i3 Mfl?-W-eBt rtah C. 20 20 20T* 20 1600 tWh Cups M. 6 7 6 -:,' ? 8600Wllbert Min . :.'. 2H 2 2H *??Tttkon Q Al. 1 1% 1 i'i Bonds Ba!*s m? omlttad). Oi*.-n. Hif-h. Lnw. Laat 19*Ai Packers 6a.. 4m % 4;i*i, 40% 40% JJ'A T & T 8i *J1 ii !?*i 87% B7% H> ?do 1924 ... 98% 96% 95 7^ ?;?.; I 82% 92 92 7?^r-"'A 0 7^"*.* 97^ 9Va* 97% 9*% , Armour ?a .... 94% 05 94% 0 1*4 I *Batla SU 7s *2J, ns 9ri 90 9? 17 'do 7i 1935... ril2 *Vh 92*s, 92*; 91% ,1!?*= 100% 1"(IH 100% 100% ?*Chl *. stn 6%S..101% 101 % 10114 101% f? !-=r.M 0*8 8s...100 100*4 100 100% MjChl * E ni 5a.. 99*4 ?*% 90% 80% M?Cap Ex A Ss "23 99% 99% 99% 99% -?*':?. 8a 1521... 93% 99% 90% 99"t; J*Brnp G ft P 8a. K 14 ft?$ **?>% gq&i J'.2al,'na S'a" O Ts 93 Vi ??% 93% rr-'n lM2': n 93% "?ouif on -B. n&u, ? ?5-4 193?. . 98 9S :-.s gg ?*Hnmble Oil 7s. 95 95% 95 96% ????? R t 7a.... 72 7.1 7:t 73 5*i.!h McN & I, Th 9 5% 95% 95% 95% 1 ??"-'"" 3 (8 yr) 9'*'^ 96% 80% 96S i Solvny it r Sa. , ? C B7*tt B7* 87% tt2?tt| < 83% 9B% 95% iSa&SS"' 'iV1 7?M% ?>??% 9*5 '^ ?W"*BO NT 0%a'3a.lOO 100 9" 98% i *?!<> Ta 1929...191% 101% 101% 101% ? "Mo 7? 1930...102-% 102% 102% 102% -*? .?'* 7a. -J1 -*1 ? ?3 ,.2,W,M G,,v *%? W? 8.1% 89% 83% ,r!Cv -allts-- ?"* ?S7* 9*"* ?&% ?"Troy Ln<lry gs. 97*4 97* 97"4 97% ?*J2?u-Jn* OH 7s.. 99% ino wjj t00' ?-? _'?* K;-c 7s.. 98% 98% 9H% 98% ?Cnltatad. tseiis centa per share. -??-?**--?? Equipment Bonds 'Quoted on Income percantaj-e basis) ?v-irn*-. Rate. Maturity. Bid. Ask. ' Sil* * ?.. **-*? e% 1922--27 7.90 ?.4? ??t*ohfo..4% 1921--27 f.25 6.76 1 Bn?," 1 A'" *^ 1921-\30 7 36 ?.S? s"Tii!** ft & p. 4 % -5 1921--33 7 25 8.50 la 1921-'S3 7.25 6.60 7.10 6.90 ??*!*" ,Nor' ?%-?-? 1924--29 8.60 7.09 -WMiajJ Pac. 0 mi-'M 7.15 6.40 CCc-'5- ?'? ?'* lMl-'M 7.15 6.40 ?ftt, * St i,. 3 1931--J9 7.25 6.59 r?A?,^- 6% 1924--26 6.90 6.88 ttflSw? 'r 1921-'27 8.00 7.00 8?* N W ... 4% 1821--23 7.25 6 50 CSt i' k'V'A' S*? l?2f>-*3? 7.25 6. -5 ??? * W,,^ ?- 5? WIX--M 7.25 6.50 ? * Huaaotj.4% 10-J2 7.J5 g,78 g .}:A-S 1321--27 8.25 7.25 & c?ntr?i"" 5? im.-aa s.oo 7.25 ^?ntral ... 4% i92i-'27 7.25 6.50 dl . ?% 192?-'S6 7.00 6.40 Kaa ClV.'a*** I 1925-':'.r, -.00 6.40 W'? AVa?u* 5 19*I-'24 7,60 ?.S8 da-*& Nash. 5 192i-:>! 7.25 J.58 ****SSM4%-5 1921--28 7.35 ?.?0 do . 1;^ !9':-i-'.i5 7.10 6.50 Ktel-c ??,;'?,*- J 1921-MO 7.25 6.5ft * r'cL.'Iii* !? l?*8--?? 7 25 6.4 0 NT-^in.V/n-* T 1933-'I5 7.25 f.SO ?TCJUai f 13 ??-ja 7.',5 ',15 ^v- fc &t L,. 4^ 1921--28 7.30 6.50 ??' V it"w'i."*i ... . 19S1 7.00 6.Z., Sorio*?-, **wh- *>-8-? -r'21-':JT 8.5-' S^amviTni.'- I ?? 1932-^0 7.10 6.60 *'<??& rjr*. i;4'4 l'^l-"J3 7.15 8.69 '-.,!;...<, *% lf>21-'27 7.0n 8. .'i du IU^-"--. 4% 1921--26 7,00 6.10 J'-'uWn' ti'" ' * l!?il4-:'S 6.90 8.40 ?WtlP., - i^** ISSJ-'S'S 7.25 8.6U ? *r*c--.. 7 192<-'i6 6.IS ?,?? Day\s Dealii The Market One of Wn!I Street'a leading Invest ment experts deelarod vosteidny thal thoro is nothing inh?r?ntly wretttf with the bond market but that it i? uufTer injr naturally from the nervousness ^e?*ratt>d by tho extromply unsettl>? ment in stocks. Aa soon aa this influ onco is vomovi>d tteTraral improvement in the position of fixad inteteat-bear mc B?euritiea 5S anticipated. This authoritrs thinks the bond market should have at le .st another weak'a reat from new offormjrs. The tone of the penoral bond market yeatarday continui-d steady, with compnral ;?. i i v little presaure of selline in evidence. Kailroad bonds were slisrhtlv easier as a rule, but. there wa , nc~ weaknea^. ln the industrial list Westinghousa Elec? tric is were strong and higher. For? eign government bonds held their own. The Liberty ieaues were alao lirm. Tranaaotiona Liberty 3%a. 194 do lst 4a. do 2,1 4s, 1942. do lat-2d *%?. tlo lst 4%s, 1947 ?o M 4Hs. i?*a... do ld i %a, 1928 do 4i h ; :l3, 1332.. victory 4%?, 1923... do 3%s. ?923. Quotations Liberty 3%a. do lst 4s.. do 2 ' ???? Not Htsch. I*>w. Last. chae. 88.52 28.22 S8.SS . 87.80 M 80 BT.80 ... 86.60 86.66 86.60 do lst-2,1 4Ha tm.oo 96.00 fltt.Oo do lst 4%s... 87.94 8T.80 87.80 do 2d 4%s. . . . 86.76 86.66 do 3d 4H?- 91.4X ?L88 31.4'f ?.03 do 4th 4%a... 28.86 88.23 86.86 ?04 Ictory 4%s- 98.88 98.30 9S.36 ?02 do " ?.30 86.76 +.94 %s.,. 38.34 9S.34 9S.30 ? Bid and Asked Quotations Liberty Bonda. 8Ha? 1V?47 . Ul to, 1947 ... W 4 Hs, 1943_ lst 4%a, 1947. . M 4%s, 1942_ 3U 4%s, 192S. . . . 4th 4Hs. 2988... Vlc 4%a. 1923. . . do 3%s, 2838. . Pre-war Issues 1? reg. 1930. 2s coup, 1930, . . , 4s, reg. 1925 . .. . *S coup, 1925 .. 2* Pan c. 1938. . , 3a Pan c, 108?. ., 8a 1'nn c, 1938.. 2s Pan r, 1938.. 3a Pan retr .. .. ??s Pan coup . . . Phil 4s, 1934. .. Phil 4s, 3 925... Phil 4s, 1988_ D Col 3s, 1883 J, Yesterday. 88 88 .; ( S.80 8T.42A87.8Q 88.78 . 88.78 87.5801 37.80 88.76986.78 91.42981. ?8 88.88a 88.93 D8.36?98,88 98.364 98.38 300 ?100% 99%? ? 104 4*104% 104 ?104% 90% ?11)0% 99%*? 100% 99 \ li 3 OO % 98%dlQ0% 78 <8> 80 7rt ? 7S 80 ? 83 SO ? g;? SO ? 83 Thursday. 8S.88?S8.44 87.42087.90 88.72 ?88.78 87.820 88 00 8&.?2?88.76 &l.4S<?iMH.r>0 B8 92? 88,98 98.38 ?98.88 98.38? 98.38 100 ?100% 99%? ? 1.04 ?104% 104 ?104% 90% 4-100% 99% ?100% 09% #100% 90% @ioi>n 7(1 ? 80 7fi ? 78 80 ? 83 80 ii 68 8 I ? 83 92 ? ? Foreign Govt. and Mnnlclpal Bonds (Interest to be added) Bid. Asked. Bt rgen Ss. rec ta . (15 u Berne 8a . 98? Christiania 8s ..'. -\,in~ Zurich Ss .'.. 9,;% Argentine Intern 5s, 1945 .. " 89% Belgian Ss..' .' ... 7 u do 63. 9" *? do 7%s. 1945."..".".'.'.'.' 98% Sweden Us, 1939 . 83 ' Canada. 5%s, notes, 3921.. 99% do 1326 . oii* do 1939 .;.; 90v* do 1931 . ? 86 Danish is A. 97 do B . . 97?t D< nmii rtt Ss ..'.'.'' 09% Chinese Hu Kug Ry 5s, 1951.'. 44 H Norway Sa .l(n% Cuba Hxtern os. 1944. 81 do 5s, Series A, 1949... 79 do 4 %s, 1049. " ' ' gs Brazil 8s, 1<J41 .' "' 071A chile 8a . ; ;>;, Dominican R?public 5a, 1958.. 80W French Gvt 7%a. 1941, w i_ 85 do Ss, lst issue . <>~ do Paris City 6s, 1931. . . Lyons 15-yr 6s, 19:54 . Marseilles 1", yr Hs. 1934 Bordeaux la-yr 8s, .1934 . .'. . Copenhagen 25-yr 5Hs, 1944 Swltzerlind 8s, 1940 . Japanese 4%s, sterl ln, 1925 do 4Hs, 2d series, 1925... do 4s. sterling loan, 1931 do Tokio City 5s. 1953.. Gt Britain & Ir 5%s, 1831 do 8-yr 5%s, 1922. do 10-yr 5Hs, 3929."" 87S[ do 20-yr &%s. 1937. g4T* Mexico exter ster Bs ot '99 '45 47 do gold 4s of 2004, 1954 ' 35 V Italy 5-yr 6%s, gold bonds'.','.*. 86% Sao Pauio 8a ct . 95 (Sales) Sf.f.. 88 99 H T|* 78H f4H 84% 84% 88 % 58% 89% . .11 86% 1945 TJ S 4a reg 1925 4 -105% Argentine Gr ss 1945 3 -70 Chinese P.y 5s 1961 1 - 45% 1 -44H City of Ber? gen Ss fcemp rcta 1945 1 .... 94% 6 - 95 1 - 96H City of Berne 41s 1945 1 _ 9G% 3 _ 96% 3 _ 96 City of Bordi 1 6s 1334 1 _103% 2 .... 80 IJap lst ser 1 - 79% 4Hs 1925 City of Chris " 8s 1945 1925 88 87 96% 97 70 97% 9J H 98% 83% 90% 81 % 90% 86% 98 % !^ 99% 45 100% 82 79% 7o 97% 94% 81 9r?% 97% 98 A i 9 % 81) 80 74% H?4 H 85 8V? 119 6 0 97% 871} 84% 48 37 86% 95% S6% Prench Bep Ss| K of' Norway Ss 1940 1 -100% 1 600.191% 1 -301 2 ....100% 2 -100 % Bep of Chile Sa 1941 23 .... 95 10 .... 94% 2 - 95 1 .... 94% 8 - 94% 11 - 94% 20 .... 94% R"P of Cuba 5s 1914 1 -79 1 - 96% 1 _ 96 % City of Copen hag?n 5 H? 1944 1 ..; . 7 r. 10 - 74% City of Lyons 6a 1934 3 _80 a .... 7s% a .. .?. 78 % City of Alara 6a 1934 ' 1 - 80 City of Paris 6s 1921 7 _ 99A 206 .... 99H i 5 .... 99 A(! 1 _ 99HI 1 - 99HI 1 _ 99^r| City of Zurichi Sh 1945 1 - 97 ; 4 _96%; PanishC 11 a t ?olrt 8s aerl A 1946 2 .... 97% 1 -98 I 3 _ 9 12 ser B 1816 10 .... <,'7% Dominican II 5s 1958 1 - 81) % Dom Can 3Hs notes 3 921 99% 81 - 84% 2d ser 4%s 1925 2 -84% 15 ... 84% atla lofcn 4s 1931 G - 68% 10 .... fig% 2 s6f.. 68% 3 -68 % K of Belg 8s 1941 ? 97% 37% 4 - 97% 6 - B7% 1 - 97% 4 .... 97', 2 .... 97% ? t r%s j p M rcts 1945 I .... 98% 4 .... 08% 103%|State of ? Paulo s t 8s 1936 ,1 -95 U K of Gt B & I 6%s 1929 1 1921 5 _ 1922 25 .... 1 600, 1 _ 1337 1 2 1 88% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% S7% 99% 39+J 99% . '>"! ?' 1 .... 98%4 2 2 - 98 % r 2 13. 98 H 2 1925 * 84% V S of Brazii Sa 194 3 ?i .... 37% .... 37% .... 97 % .... 97% .... 97i,4 500. 98 - .... 97% 98%|U 3 of Mex 5s SHI 1346 1 19 98 % I 3.H 98 H] 9 92% 92% 92% 97% !K of D?nmark 1929 3 . I 90% 30% 80% Ss 1945 1 s6f. h ??? 99% 99% 98 H 99 V 99% ??% 93% 47 4G% 47% 47 H 47 % 1 _ 5n 1926 1 _ 1331 2 .... 99% t ... 99% K of Rwodon 6s 3.333 1 _83% j 2 - 83% 91% JK of Italy 6%s ser A 88 4s 1954 2 - 35 4 .... 85% W Y City 4%s 1957 May 3 2 .... 88% IVovember , 1 - 87H 99Hj 4Hs 1963 4%s lV67 4 - 87% 4%a 1969 7 .... 32% 3%s 1954 November 9 ' U7?J) OCl A ,5 .... |U Railwav, Other Corporations Adams ICxp 4s 1948 1 - 59% A-m Ag Ch I 1924 l .... 93% uolt 6s 1347 18 - 76 3 .... 76% Am T ,t T cv 6s 1925 1 L Sr. 1952 N 43 3 6 97* 68 67 67% .. 67% Atl Frult Co la tem sf cv 1934 8 ...: 42 1 - life Atl Ref db 8%s 1931 2 .... 99% 99% 87%iBait i? Ohio' 88% 88 1 . 4 %s 3 ... 81%,' ?? ?1% : ... 28% col 4s 1329 1 .... 78%: trmour Co l'-.a 1838 I 1 ....;', I B V gn. 4fl 1935 4 .... 74 '., 5 .... 74H; I stpd 1 68 Hi A Lj 85%j L A 0 19 11 rfjf 5s 1995 1 -?8% 4 .... 68% 1 - 88% CV 4V4ja 193.S 1 .... 67% 10 _ 67% 10 - 67% 10 _ 87 1 - 67 % SOld 4s .'148 I .... 65% fi .... 65 1 - 64% Siv 3 Ha .1925 b . . . , rs 1" - 77% 1 .... 77 \ 77% iBnth Stl rfg 5s 1942 1 .... 81% 4 .... Sl 1 Bklyn Kd gn 7s ser C 3 930 3 _ 96 Bvsh T?r con 5s 1955 5 - 71 % Bush Tor Bg 5a 1960 3 - 74% Canada. Sou 5s 1962 2 _ 82 3 - 81 % 5 _ 81 % 2 _ 83%. Can North Ry*. sf gold ib 7s 1940 .101 .191% 1 _101% 2 ... .101 % 1 _101 Cen Ga con 6.1 1945 2 _81 Can RR of NJ 81 19S3 T ,6 C 1953 nat 4:) 51% [ 1 - Bl li'aU T of Pa 100%; 7e 194& -:on 4s i 1 .. . .108 I 1052 | 1 -108% .103%! t?53 6 .... U&J 93% Cerro de I'as cv sf 8s 1931 1 _106 2 _106% 2 _106% ? 3 _106% 2 ....196 6 _3 05% 88 ... .105% Chea & o cv 5n 1316 8 -20% 9 _80 6 .... 7?% tigs in Bonds 8%fIntbo It T rfc 1949 ^ .... 70% - 70* A O cv i**",l. i 6*iu c b A q joini 4b 1921 8 .... 99.88 80 .... 99.90; C Ql \w-Btwfci 1 ?'.:?,? --H 3 .... 48%; 48% . t P cv 5s aer ls 2<)10 1 .... 64% :i - 64% 1 .... 64% l .... M% rfp 4'iij 20! 1 I ... 59% I CV 4'as 1132 1966 Int Mpi tio 1941 84% C M 66 M 06V 83 1962 7H 78% 85% 1 - 64 ! Kn 4s ser ii 1989 - 65 & Nwn 1 0 Ch K?n City Ter 4? 1860 2 .... 69% 2 .... i;;>*., Ivr-ily Bp TJra 'Sold 8a 1931 lf _ 39 Laoletfo G of St Ij lst. 5a 1334 Laolc; Steel Bi 1323 ..101%! 1 .... 83*41 1 -101% 1 - 93 6'iS 1939 I Ss 1950 1 ... . US j 8 - 78% 3%a 1987 IIjsIip Shore 4k 1 _ 6.1 1931 Chtcasro Rwy 1 .... 79% 6a 1927 Lehiffh V coa 1. - 62%! ?%? 2003 C ft 1 & P gn 6 _73% 4a 1988 I 3 _73 1 - ?9%JLe-{ & East rf-f 4s 1934 I 5s 1965 1 - 66 | .1 _83 ?6 .... 64tt Lon* Isl 10 -6G% 3 - 64% Chi Un Sta 6%a ser C in ctfs 1963 1 -102 4 '*.?* ser A 1963 1 _ 79 C & W Ind 4s 1952 4 _ 67% Chllp Copper 7s 1923 1 .... 6s 1932 5 _ 19 _ 3 _ <ls 19S8 1 ?ro 92% 71% 71 71% 8 -71% CCC & StL, rf 6s 1S29 1 .... 85% 4%s 19S1 1 -73 1 - 73% Col Inilua 5s 1334 66 V' 2 .....60 l.oi-ll!ard Co 6s 1344 S . Louis .<?? >.'j ? 7s 1930 8 _10. 2 ... .101 ?. unl 4s IfUU I Ml'5 1038 4 . . . 7 9 Pet of D iTt 8s 93 .... 93% _ S3 500. 92 Vi _93 .... 92-% 5 _ 9*! 2 _ 93% IMIeh State T Es 1924 8 .... 86% ofldvale Steel a.1,1 2! 3 . . . . 71 %: Bs 1336 Col A So 4V4S1 I -75% 1335 jMllw Gas L 4s 1 _.72%, 1387 1 C... 74 | 4 .... 81% Consol Gas 7s Mi! A N lst 1925 4 -99% 5 - 99 \ 1 - 99% 10 -100 2 ... .100% 4 -100 >.. Cuba. Cane S OV <leb 7s 130 4Vis 1934 2 _ 76*4 M K &: T lat 4s 1330 10 _ 56% 2.1 4s 1990 8 _ 36 Mo Pacilic 5s 19G5 3 .... W gnl 48 !??', 69% 69% <;3 %>4 E . ?3%i ? .. 89% 10 ., R? 2S ?? 69% 10 ;? ??% M..b * 62% 52%] 62% .61 . ,:.! 1 ' . 64% . 64% . 64% ::'.... 64% 1 .... 64 % St L Swn lst 4.i 1989 2 .... 64ft 8 - 64 StL Svrr. Ter 5s 1952 2 _ 65'4 San A & A P 4s 1943 3 - 63% Seab A L cun Ss 13 45 11 . . ?. 47 7 .... 47% 2 .... 47 rfg 4s 1959 1 - 88% ad.1 5s 1949 3 .... 3 0 34 4 .... 30H 6 - 30% 4 - 30% 1 - 30% 1 .... 30"', Slnclnir C OI! OV 7'is 1925 3 93 63 * 6a 1927 :; ... 4 - 92 , 1 - 92% , . 52% 13 .... 93% O new 80 Pac cv 69 |f% Montana 11, 6a 1343 Cuban Arr. S col 8s 1331 1 .... 97% 1 - .97% 1 - 97*4 Del & Hud 7s 1930 l ::::io0i%* <? D<n & R G rf 5s 1343 2 . ... 42 "4 con 4s 1936 9 <; 1/, Pwr 884-, Mont Trani 1941 2 s7f.. 73 V4 N Ch ,?? St L 6a 1928 3 . . . . 91 % Now Or Term 3 X Y r>nt col 7a 1330 Pf-t Ed rfB 1340 19 Det Riv T 4%a 1961__ 2 .... 7 5 Va Diamond JIal sf deb 7V-8 1335 2 -102% DuPont fleNe mours 7',-s 1931 2 _ 96% a _ 96% 13 -96*4 1 (5 _ 9 6 I/uqtiesno L 6s 1949 rfg 4%s 1 _ rf s 3 <~ s 3 a6f.. 8 1 .... 90 \ 1 - 90% 1 .... 90% Erie -rnl lien 4s 1996 4 - 40% prior lien 4s 1996 1 - 63 1 - 63% 1 .... 62% cv 4s ser A 1953 1 .... 36*; cv 4s aer B 1953 1 -36% cv 4s ser D 1953 5 - 40% Ft W & D C 6s 1321 1 .... 98 W. Gen Eloc deb Sh 1346 11 -100% deb 6s 1353 2 .... 84fc 23 .... 34% Uoodyoar T .t R a f 8s 1941 10 .... 99% 93 4s 1934 4 .... 74 M C 3%s 1338 1 - 60% N T Dock Co I 4s 1951 9"% ! 1 .... 68 SlNTNHi H 1929 20 _ 77 5 - 76% rfff 4s 1966 8 .... 73% 6 . . . . 7 , Southern Rv 5s 1994 1 .... 81 4s 1956 1 .... 56 4 .... 56% 7 _ 66 Stan Gas & E 6s 19E6 1 - 83% 1004, Stand Oil Cal . . .100% I T" 1931 . . .100 ! 1" ... .102 lis ] 935 1 _101% . . . 88% 1 ... .102 ... 88%jSt?-eI & Tube . . . 88% ; 7s 1921 _88 ? x .... 92 . . . 88% ~ex &? Pac lst . . . 88 ! 5s 2000 2 - 77 Third Av rfg 4.= 196 0 1 . . . . 4*. Tldewater Oil 6%s int ctfs 1931 8 .... 91 6 _ 91 U 10 _ 9-tt _, 5 >- 91% tTri Pacific 6a 1328 ' '?' - 99 10 .... 1)11.4; lst 4s 19 17 2 -78 % 1 s3 0f. TS rts; 4s 20"R * ??-. 73 % tn Tank Car 7m 1930 1 -100% n S Realty 4 1 5s 192 4 J 997 64% 6a 1348 3 .... 60U n-c deb 4s 3965 1 .... 42% N T Rys rfg 4s 1312 4 .... 18 % Ctfs Of dep 6 .... 18 % adj 5s 1942 5 _ 5 N Y State Rva con 4^s 1962 - 63 .53% 36%,N Y Teleph 6s 12 1 10 99 2 - 99% 10 - 99 3 ... 9.)^ Gr Trunk Ry of Can s f 7s int ctfa 1940 1 ....100% 4 -100 2 -100% 1 s6f. .100 2 ....ino 14 Gt Nor 7s ser A 1936 11 -96% 21 .... 96% 1 .... 96% Jl - 96% Es 1957 8 .... 66% 10 -66% 50 s3 0f. 66 9 .... 66 inc 6a 1957 % 1949 3 . ... 90 4V's ?39 1 C.T. 78% 2 .... 78 X Y W & Rn 4%s 1946 19 -34 *4 1 - 3 4 Vi N'lagara P P 6s 193 1 . . 5s 193 3 - 86% Norf Sr. W cv 6s 1323 2 -100 1 - oo,-*' 1 .... 99V. con 4s 1996" 1 _ 75 1 - 74% Nor Pacific 4s 1997 5 10 90 86|% 8 ?; ?*; 86% 8G ?-; 8 6 ?'' 86% 8 6 % 86 % 7%s 98% 9? r-t, 93% 98% 76 6 -76 *.' 1 .... 764 tT S Steel s f 5s 1363 2 .... 9 1 ''., 4 ... 94 aj 1 .!>??% 4 .... ''1 ?'? ,4^ ???? 94% ,17 .... ?)!:, va-Car Chem temp deb 7!3S 1932 2? .... 91 1. .... *' ?_?? o a Rub 19<6 3 . . 4 . . 3 _ 4 - . . 5s 194 7 99 1.' 2047 73% i 5 71"* Va rV'a Pwr 73% Es 1934 Ot No, 6%s l: *T*\jj Be 7s*1941 5 3 % .iolnt 36 . 96% . 96". , 96% . 96 % ?H 11 Tel 9 8 \ 111 Cent 1934 - 86 s; 98' 99 " 98% 37 lt .... 99 "7-4 Or A C*l ist 371^ 6a 3 9'"" 14 89% Or Short L 4f 1929 99'" 69% 99 %? 99% 99 ?;, 99% 99% 2 - 99% vvest Pne 5.1 9r?I 7 .... 86% I J--'-? , """? 10 [.,' 5 70?' '_ 1 .... 78 ? :::: ffHh^?? * ?nz&Sh0lc- ?' .. .80% rffr 4s 1355 1 - 72 4a 1353 St L & N ^ C* Jt 5s 1953 ,3 -78% Ind Steel 5s 1352 1 ???. 80% I Tn*ho-M"t 4'^s 1956 10 .... i--;! 8 - !4 i cffs of dep 13 .... 11%I 4s 1361 1 .... 68% 6 ....68 Packard M C Ss tom 1930 1 _ 95 6 .... 94 % 2 .... 95 '" Penn 7s 1930 1*1 14 .101%! .101 %! .101%! 10 2368 1 .... 68% 1 .... SS 5 .... 68% 1 - 68 W?nt I'n <Ua 1950 ^,1 ? a? 81 % ?vTilsorTCo lst 6* 1941 10 pold 6: 1336 1 , 3574 - 8 3 .... 8T|, - 8 3 ..... 82% ?s 1928 - 7 9 % - 80 The Tribune printa aeteh day ?? ma turxty of all active bonda quoted on the New York Stock Exchanne. Tho return on a bond to the inveator dependa upon three factora: the rate ef interest the security bears, the market price and the distanc- a/ th* maturity date. To figure the jwf??t yield or, a bond ii ?? necessary to use yield tables, but the approximate yield can roughly be figured out by the following formula: Divide the cloeing quotation on a bond into the rate of interest it pays, and the re? sult will be the annual return. lf the bond ii selling below par you must allow ?ho for the appreciation of the principal. To do thia subtract the mar? ket quotation from par, or 100, and di? vide the remaindet oy tllo number of years the -bond has to run before raa turity. For example, if a S per cent bond t? selhng ai S0 and haa ten years to run, the anilUal return will be e.o'tf What Things Cosl Zu'-tari-iv.*. are cash price* in primary markets, '<-??*"?? 1920rang?. CHmmodify md imlt. Te&U-rtiay. day. Hlrh t^,. Foons?? * uow* Wh?at CSa. ? hardl bn . $1.63 |1.?2 $2 60 $179 Corn (N*. 8 j-aOttw) !.u. ,88/, J2H 2.3 P-i '94l, Oats (No. 2 irhile) bu. ,491/, .46'.^ 1.50 'gg Flour (Minn. pat.) bbl.,. 8.BO4.O 9.40 0,130? 3.50 18.25 B.00 Beef <famllv) bbl. 16 00 ?* (7.00 Y8.00t817.00 28.00 20 00 Pork (mass) bbl. M?00?24.5Q 24.00?24.W 47.00 29V) Suga; latad lb. .0380 ,08*4 .23 '08 Coffee (No. 7 Rls) 18. ,. r.i. ,06 11-18 .1034 'ooV Huttcr (Creamrry, first] !1?. ... J&90)MYz .i?^5.32'/2 .77 sp Etrffs <fresh, lirM) doz.VtVl&XiYz J860.27ya -83 ,48V, TEXT1LES? /2 Cotton (middlinir upland) Jb_ .1140 .11E!"i .43% 14'/ Print cloths (38',^?64x60). .06'4*j ,C6?fc ^26 !o7Vi Bllfc, r?w (N'o. 1 Sln.) lh. 6.10 6.10 17.45. 8,00 Wool (fine Montana acoured) lb. .85 .85 2 00 nn METALS? Iron (2x Philadelphia) ton. B6.25 2623 53.51 33.00 Steel kill9ts (Plttsburah) ton- 39.00 33.00 65.00 4.L00 "not> lb. .Mi. .01'2 ,09?/j ,04V, appev -not) lb.? .tiW/a -1287'/, ,W/a .12'-, f****> ^.28%?.29'/2 .30? .31"" .68>'k .32" H1DES? ? amoksd sheets) Ib. .1214 ? 12'4 ,54'/2 .151/. ?fty) 9 lo 12 Ihu. 2.50 2.50 10.50 * 2.10 ~ Ptds between par >t'li be 10 points, h Dividing ten quotient will be. t added to 6.66, ?r.ur-n., and the re. will give you the ' ia :d. iy'? \&u? Issues ?d of the Gna* iW York, the Na ny, the Banker3 Haris, Forbes & Co., 1 & Co., E. H. Rollins & ;.ffbie & Co? and the Dstroj ?npany has purchased 11,000,000 ?? per cont bonds of the City of Detroit, due 194S, and $1,000,000 <>k, da? 194 7. The syndicate haa also taken over the small remaining hulance of bonds in the previous syn? dicate ar.d is offering tho 6 per cent bonds, maturing in various amjiunts from 192.7 to 1951, on a 5.60 per cent basis and the 5&s, maturing from 1931 to 1948, at par. These bonds were issued by the city for street railway purposes and were re? cently validated by the Sunreme Court of the State of Michigan. The decision of the court handed down on June 0 referred to a similar suit in the Fed? eral courts, in which, upon apneal, the Supreme Court of the United States held thnt the proceedings to authorize the municipal railway and to issue bonds wore regularly taken. The Michigan Supreme Court also went on to uphold the validity of the special election held by the city April 5, 1920, at which the voters by'a decided ma? jority authorized the bond issue and municipal street railway program, and upheld the power of the city to iasue the bords, assume' the obli-ration and to "cQTivert money raised bv taxafrv , to tho construction of its s'treet rail? way eystera." R. W. Pressprich & Co. have been awarded an issue of $850,000 State of Idaho one-year 7 per cent Treasury notes dated July 1, i (21. Keane, Higbie & Co. bk offerine $445,000 Bay City, Mich., 6 per cent Union School District bonds dated July 1. 1921, due serially. The bonds are legal investment for saving* banks in Michigan and are tax free in Michigan and exempt from all Fed? eral income taxes. The bonds mature serially $=0,000, 1926, to yieid 6 per cent; $80,000, due 1931, to yield 5 85 per cent, and $285,000, due 1936, to yield 5.75 per cent. ??-.-e-.-_ Texas Co. to Acquire Carib Syndicate Control Plan Calls for Option on 51% of Stock; New Company To Be Formed Negotiations have been completed by which the pianagement and control of the Carib Syndicate, Ltd., will be ac quired by the Texas Company. A spe? cial meeting of stockholders of the latter concern, it was announced yes? terday, has been called for July 7 to ratify a plan whereby the Carib Syndi? cate will sell all its property and as? sets to a company to be known as the Carib Company, incorporated in Maine and having an authorized capital stock ot' 10,753 shares, par value $25 each. TJh^e _ Carib Syndicate, Ltd., will re ceivfc in exchange for the transfer of its properties 49 per cent of the capital stock of the Maine company, the con? trol and management of which will be taken over bjy the Texas Company through the selection of seven out of eleven directors. The Texas Company also is to have an option on 51 per cent of the capital stock of the Maine corporation, for which it will pay $5,000,000 in the event that it shall find it desirable to exercise the option. The Carib Syndicate, Ltd., was in? corporated in August, 1915, to take over the business and assets of the Colombian Petroleum Syndicate. Markets in Baltimore Sales. Open. Hlirh. Low. I.ast. 210 Con Coal. 85 85 83% 83% 13r>Cosden pf _ 3% S'U 3 % 3% 10 Pavtson ("hem. 36% 35% 35 Vi 36% 30 Balt Tube.... 20 20 20 30 11 Fidelity & Dep. 100% 100% 100% 100% 25 Houston Oil pC 76% 76% 76% 70 ; lOMohta NT Bank 18% 18% 18% 18% 10 United Ry. !>% 9% 9% 9% 5 W B & A pf.. 27% 27% 87% 27 & Bonda *lonn Con Coal 4%s 74 74 74 74 1000 do B9 . 78% 78% 78% 78-li 2000 do tis . 96% 96% 96% 96% 2001} rio 7%S .... !1">L4 '.n>-i 96% 96% 3000 Condon 6o .... 93 93 93 93 1000 Cent Rv 5s... Sl S4 8^ 8 1 1000 Falrm C Tr 5b 77 77 77 77 1000 Va Mid 5s.... 90 90 90 90 1000 Lake Uoland 5s S4 84 84 8 + 1008 Cn Ry ref 5s. 63 63 63 63 2000 do Ino 4s.. 43 43 43 43 Chicago 125 Armour pf .. 88 86% 86 86% 300 Armour Leath.12% 12% 12% 13% 30 do pf . 84 84 84 84 . 130 Beavortrourd . lo V* 13% 15% 15% 200 case Plow . . . 41-. i\ 4% 4% 100 Com*w Bdiaon.107% 108 107% 108 150 Conti Motors.. 5% 5% 5% 6% 55 Deere & Co pf 74% 74 Va 71% 74 Va 100 Otam'd Match OS 98 98 98 40 Iniand Steel.. 40 40 40 40 1300 Llbby . 7% 7% 7% 7% 25 Llndsav Ltsht 4% 4% 4% 4 % 100 Mitchell Mot. .6666 90 Mont Ward.. 18% 18% 18% 18% 1600 Natl Leather. T ?H " 7 Vi 75 Plck .88 Vi 83 % 23 % 23 % 35 Pub Svc pf . . 81 Bl 81 81 60 Quaker Oats.. 98% ?S % 98% B8% 130 do pf . 82 82 82 83 1400 Bears Roebuck 75 75 71% 72% 88 Shaw . 42% 42% 43% (8% 1200 Stewart Warn 22N 22% 22% 88% 2200 Hw'.ft & Ctt... 90% 90% 38% 89% 680 Swtft In*er... 88%-? 88% 23 23% 200 Thompson- 39 39 33 39 1100 Carbide . 43 43 42% 42% 25 Vesta Battery 24% 24% 24% 24% 60 Wahl . 41 41 40 40 235 Wast Knitting- 10% 10% 10% 10% 200 Yellow Mfg Co 97% 97% 90 30 Bonda (000 omltted) ?26 Comw Ed lst 5s 83 83% 83 83% (Hat El Ry lat 4a 47% .47% 47% 47% I Swtft l?l 6?.... B6%. 86% 35% 85 % Philadelphia Sales. Open. High. Low. I.ast. 880 Btto Storaire.. 97 87% 97 97% 50 Keystone Tel.. 8% 8% fu 8% 100 Lake Sup Corp 7% 7% 7% 7% IM Lehlgh Nav... 64 64 64 64 56 Ins Co N A. . 38 2.1 24 81 135 Phl Co ??> pfd U% Jl% ?ti_ |]i 1 ! dn 5 > ;i. ; : ? H 78 2o5 1-iiUa BI?l: . 21% 31% SlU 81 . Advance in Wheat On Crop Reports; Corn Also Higher Fear of Damage to Spring Growth From Warm Weath? er Factor in Covering; Export Sales Disappoint CHICAGO, June l?i?-Torrid weather did a good' deal to-day to make wheat, pricea advance. Closing prices wore unsettled, 2% to SVfec net higher. with July $1.31Vi to $1.31*4 and Septnmber $1.24^ to $1.24%. Corn finished 2% to 2%c up, and oatu gained iVi to l"4c. In provisions the outcome was un? changed to 2c higher. Apprehenslon as to the erfe--t of hot weather on wheat had relatlon to the aprtng crop, and was Intensified by fore casts that abnormally high temperatures would continue several days. Another bullish Influence was knowledge th..? first threahlngl of the winter crop in Missouri showed dlsappointing returna. Assertlona that 750.000 bushels h;id been bought for export by way of th" Gulf of Mexico tended also to lift values. Offertngs were light until the market had jumped as much aa 5 cents a bushel in some casea At that level houses wlth Eastern connec? tlons became free aellara, und reactions ensued. On the bi-ouks, how,;ver. demand broadened out, with the July delivery dla playing partl cular etrength as the day renohed a close. Bul! leaders predlctod that there would be no material accumula tion of stoclyi during .luly. Strengrth ln corn wa.-> largely due to pn.isibllltl?>s of a droueht aoara. Oats wofe aomewhat affected by reporta of crop deterioration. Dullnesa prevailed ln the provision trade and hlndered the rnarket from aympathix Ing much with upturna in the value of grain and hogs. $0.47*4 Tear ago $1.83 % 1.79 % 1.72% Y-*ar airu. $0.81% .71% .71% Tear $1.63% Grain Prices Wheat Teaterday'a Pr?vloua Tear New Tork: f|o"? close. ago. Xo. 3 hard...$1.63 $1.62 - The range at Chicago: Thursday's Onen. High. Low. CIos-. cloae. July $1.30% $1.31% $1.20 $1.81% $1.28 Sept 1.26% t.26% 1.22% 1.24% 1.21% Corn Teaterday's Previous S?ir Tork: e! c!os?. N'o. 2 yellow. .$0.N2% ?0..**2% Chicago: .luly.'.. .85% 82 ? September.65% .63 \ Oata Testerday's Previous N'ewTnrk: elos-s. oloae. No, 3 white...|0.48% Chicago : July.3.8% "^.37% Srptember.40% .38 Rye1 teaterday's Previous New Tork: close. cloae. No. 2 West, f.o.b.*1.47 $1.4.* Hour aml Meal Yesterday's Previous Tear ClC-se. cloae. ago. Spg pt.SS.noti'X-u) $9.00?8.BO $11.75?12.2S Cornm'l 1.85?1.96 1.85?1 96 3.60? 4.26 Rye- S.50?8.90 8.ti0?8.80 8.2 Braii. . . 24.50 1:6.00 42.75% Livestock, Meats. Provisions Yesterday. Year age. Live beef. falr to prime, 100 Ibs. $8.25? 8.85 $13.00(8)15.75 Dressed beef, aides, lb.12%?.17% .159 .21 Live veala, com? mon to prime, 100 Ibs . Dressed veai, city, lb . Live ewes, 100 Iba . Dressed mutton, city, lb. Live lambs, falr to prime. 100 Ibs . 10.00? 13.00 1S.00?20.25 Dreaaed lambs, city, lb.IR? .27 .26? .34 Hogs, 100 Ibs. S.50@9.00 21.00@21.50 Dreaaed hogs, bacon, lb.13%?.13% .29?.29% Pork, bbl . 24.00?24.50 68.00 Mess beef. bbl... lii.a0@13.0Q 35.00?36.50 Lard. Middle West, 100 lba.. 10.l5SpiO.25 34.80@34.90 9.00?13.0O 17.00?21.00 .13? .22 .2.1? .30 2.00? 4.00 7.00?10.0O .063 .11 .li@ .20 Flnancial Items Walter G. Kimball, formerly treasurer, has b"en elooted vlce-prestdent of the C Trust Company, and Arthur W, Hutchina has been elected treaaurer, at lhe same time retalnlng his present rule of secretary. The V. 9. Mortgage and Trust Co. haa been appointed trustee under an Indenture secur Ing an isaue of $3,000,000 one year 7 per cent gold notea of the MiryieapollB, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railiwad Co. r s Salea. Open. High. 36 Phila Tt T_ 17 17 170 Tonopah Min.. 1% I 1 i 10 Union-Trartion 30% 30% 631 Unl Gas Imp.. 34-j 34% 30 do pfd. 89% f'f> "*-, 1 Toxlt Ry Sprgs 20 29 Bonds $7f>i*?MI Tel Co 7a.103% 4000 K! & PoTT 4s 6S% 2000 Leh V cn 6h rg 1*7 1000 Pa Paas 4s tC. 58 11000 PM Cq cons 5a 73 2000 Hpan-Am Ir Sa 98 1000 Phila Ry 4s.. . 39% Detroit 1035 Am Lt <fc Trac 81% 1200 Columbia Suar. 8% 1100 Cont Motors... 5% 88 Edleon . 92% 25 Packard pfd.. 6;* 175 Reo . 17% 17 1 % 30 % 84 69% 29 17 1% 30*4 34% 29 103% 103 85% 55 1 97 97 39% 38% 5% 32% 17% 75% 6% 92 63 17% Pittsburgh 73% 83 Sales. 1804 Ark Nat Gaa. . 10 800 Carbo-Hyd pf. 8% 2750 viuf Gilleapie.. 10% 315 Lone Star Gaa 20 55 Mfa Lt & Ht.. 4-5 200 Marland Rerln 3 2'>0 Nat Firepfg.. . 7 10 do pfd. 15 25.) Ohio Fuel Sup 43% 358 Okla Nat Gas. 82% 19S L'nion Gaa_110 185 Westgh Air Br 91% S0 "West Penn. ... io 110 Westgh Elec. 44 Toronto Bid Ask! Ailanac . . . . ? Apex.? Atlas. % Bailey Open. High. Low. Last. 10 3% 10% 30 45 15 44 22% 110 91% 10 9% 3 9% 19% 44% 1 15 + 1% 9% 3 ') % 19% 44% 7 15 4f;% lli) . 83% 44 43% 43Vi 110 s Chmbrs Frl. Coniagaa ... Crown Rsv.. Dome Lake. Grt Nrthn.... Gold Reef... Hargrave.... Hollinger . . Lake Shore. Melntyre ... Bll Ab P 4 P. 3].% At! Sug Rf 28% B T L & P 8T% Brmp Pap 30 CnC & F pf 50 Can C-nnt. 50% do pf. . . ? Cn Cn 81. [01 Si Can 3 B . 10 do pf. . - B!d jMng Crp Cn % 3 .V-wray . ... 3 %|Ptarn Lake.. 5 5 IPoro Crown. X 10 Porc Tls.lle.? 2 Porc Imperi.? AlPr ffi Dome.? a 6 Teck Hghs.. 10 - 3 ITmisknilng.. % 1 5 |Tlimp Krst.. 4 1 3 fVao Gas ... J. 6% ?%,Wisap,;;a ...? ?-? i tirWeat Poma. 7 1% t%) Montreal Asit b: i Sl% Do:-, Tvil. 13 . i -" do pf. . . L0j* 23 iLrntd J.ul. 811 ? 'MLMAPC. S2% 5-;% .*."a 1 Brew 50% i):% Ftoatw Ltd ifi 8 ?->? , R nin Pa p. 9 % -- BharoaTa .105 21 ISpan P. tr.. 6a % 4 7%. do pf.. . 71% 18 St! Co Cp. 49 Si I 60 pf.,. ? Ask 1% 84 82 ':z ' 84 71% S0 reak in Cotton Of $3 a Bale to Lowest for Ju October Contracts Al&o Deprcssed; Show Losh of $10 a Bale From Peak of Last Month; Tone Weak New low records for the life of both July and October contracts were estab? lished by a further severe decline in the cotton market yesterday. July sold at 11.10 and October at 11.86. or ap? proximately $3 por bale, under the final nnotations nf Thursdny and more thnn $10 a bale balow the beat prica touchod bv October ?n the bullish crop reports of last month. LtOtildatlOfl slacVtonsd n! trn>w? flsrtrreji and thers wers ralltes of 20 or 30 points rrom fhe Inwsftt, bwt ?*i? mstfkld w?aken>?d aaaln in thfl Into frn.'!inir, clowln^ i-r\nv r' n nrt decline of 44 to 50 points Broadly Koonlclns-. !h? "??ilin.'?'i wm ntflhtitcd to reports that Brlttuh ??: min?r? hs.i ? an aeeeptanea rf rtrlfee ?.^tl*m?>nt proposaln, ?nd of cnntin<i<vj fnvorabla orop eondttions ln th? South. Th"ne feattires l?d tn further liquidation of oid i<>n* ae '?oun's. whllo th?re waa contlmxMi active Western nn.i Wall Street .-?* 111 n?-. Whtefl may have been connected with tha un? settled rtiling- of the stock market. ""srlsh waak-and flKurf* nrnbably con trtBated to the late reaetlon. Th?-v ahowed amaUer sptuneia' taklngra than for tne aarne week laat year and an Increase ln '"" v'a'ble suPPl.v of American cotton HOUtnera mint markets as officialiv r?. ^?r,l w-r" unch.-inpr.Hi to 50 points lower. with mldailng- ouotatlons down to 9.70 ln the Fort Worth market. oulet ''.V;a^-mar'I',!? r"r ?P?f- ??tton waa .... "'' ,6 Points !ow?r at 11 40 for mlddllngr. NV sales r-ported The range of prices: r??e ?rn^hT? ctoSrac : u.7o 11.77 nzi WHZiTTa ii:.. Aug Sept i icl. Dec... Jan... feb,.. March. April.. May.. . 1.07 13. Of .03 1349 13.! 11.8 0 ? 11.52 11 0 8 2.86 18.36 11.84 11.84$-- ijsO I3.B2 13.58 11.88 12.o !@18.04 12.47 -18.260- 12 75 12.37 12.50?.- 12 97 12.50 12.84?- is os 12.88?- 13.26 12.95 13.01ft- 1-, 45 13.74 iTu iTTo itiffcz iS:?o 30Spo!^^^r?f'^-^|-1on nulet, New Orleans ?ulet, 'ss'potmS kl^'a't \0.7lie; Bales 136 bales. Moblle nomlnui , 25 points lower at 10c; aaleani Savannah "eady 37 points lower at 10 38c: sa" ?^ i?l\e-u?r *?T??'nt? lower at 10 B0c; aates a^'^Oc?^!^^,^.36 ^.a? Cotton Statistics Teater- Laat Last Port receipts... 27.576 18 313 fi v^ B*P??\ts . 60,958 4 990 6,S|f S*S?r5n!K*0n"4'ni-Jf5'4.909 6,104.890 38.869 9,162 7,300 9,100 N. T. StOOka.... 117.990 141.589 Jort stocks-1,016.332 1,618 109 !??'' r.efellJ,?---- 14,900 ii;4nb int. Shipments.. 2?,::oo m 950 N. 1. arrivals. . 9 10 zoi r^TPrlM?Oj,r'"b,0!,~pPot cott?n oulet atlS points decline; mlddling 7 *7d ?oii. ,000 includlna 2.000 American. ImporS * ?')l?- AmPrh:i'n 100"n- Futures opened Quiet, but steady, 12 to 14 io?r ?*o"ed Tufyly t'sW- r?M3 t0 :!T *olnts *""?? j , ?", ', !' '-"'tnbP'-. 8.20d; December chester: Yarns Irregular; cloths quiet. Cottonseed OH nofhf&er4 th? Cl?89 W?r? 20 to " ^'^s Kange of price3: Re fined Sugar Declines To New Low Price Again A decline ln refined suaar yesterdav ***> l" ^ 811 the local litSSS; carried prices to 5.60c less 2 per oent for cash. another new low record for several J-ears. The trade, however, seems to have ? ?t confldenoe ln the market, and the increased demand exp.-cterl faii-d to rra up to the close. Raw sugar prices were unchanaed. Raw futures were irr^ isee Bid Alliance . ,\ . 70 ? Am Surety 62 Bankers .... 285 Bond & Mtg.206 Bklyn TCo. .425 Cent Union...330 Columbia . . .290 CommarclaL. ? Kquitabifl .. 270 Empire T. . . 300 Prmrs L & T.345 Fidelity _200 Fulton.260 Ouaranty . . . 2 35 Hudson .160 Kings.660 Lla wyera T.. .1.10 Law Mt?....ll? fS?M N Y Title. Aski Bid ? Mfrs . ......200 ? Mercantilw. .190 67 JMetrpl.230 295|Mt.ff Bond. . . 75 31*fMut T W_105 468 Nit Surety..175 340iN Y L * T..560 300 N Y Trust.. .315 . 138IJN Y TUle,.115 280!Peoples _..375 890 ? Realty Asao". *90 100 360 Title Ouar...30d 310 ?IU S M & T. .390 410 370[tJ S T G. 75 ii 240:Walchstr _110 ? ? W & B &. M.150 160 ? Lincoln Tr...l5? 165 HBjUntd States..860 K90 Includes AT Slk. Ask 310 250 H5 125 1S4 825 120 122? ?Am-Ltd... 13 ft d.> pf. . . 35 Am Mf pf. 79 A M & F. .160 Am Td pf. 3tt Am Typ F 40 A D T X S i? Atlus P C. 40 B B & Sip 80 do 30 Pf 6* Borden's... 83 Bush T pt 35 Celluloid. . .100 Chl Co. ? ? 88 do pf. . . 95 ?City lnvt 55 Crk W pf- ?3 *Ex aivldend. Miscellaneous Stocks 15 li) L & W. 70 50 'Draper C..132 80 |lnt Sil pf. 90 180 :Llma L pt 85 3fc,N?l Cskt.. ? 4 2 X Co at pf 95 I'X J % w.120 iP & W pf. 80 |Pheips D..145 ;Ry Bkff P I do pf. .. ?BCHL. ?Sg Mf nw ?i StLRMi!'. 16 ffitoll ? pf. 94 .Valvol pf. i W & B. ... lYale & T. Bonds 40 45 85 97 75 105 au 74 94 80 138 95 95 110 124 99 160 80 77 61 40 ti 98 100 25* Bid. A G & S 6s 72 A P & L Bs.,6 7 Applr. P 5H..68 Co! P 5s-71 El P**o 5s..77 BM. M R P 5? 77 NTr Bt P te.88 >?) : D Lt & R ?8.72 iUtah 8ec 6s. 88 iVVis K.163...S0 AsUeA. 78 \4 88 tt 73 tt 83 S2tt Eiecutor " Trastes Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Comparry Nos, 16, 18, 20 & 22 WiUiam Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Paris Foreign Ezchange Administrator GuarfeD Member Pederal Reserve System and 5ew York Clearing Hoti3e TUe range of prtcea: Thuradav's Open. High. Lo?r. Cloae. c!oa?. June....- 2.85?2.95 2.90 July- 2.88 2.88 2.80 2.84&2.S8 2.88 Au?T. -- - - 2.79?2.8l 2.80 -Sept- 2.73 2.74 2.72 2,74(*t2.75 2.73 Oct. 2.?6 2.ij>i 2.66 2.66?2.86 2 67 Nov-- 2.?.-'?((/'!.?3 a.o-f Dec-. 2.58 2.68 2.57 2.5803-SS 2.58 Jan. 2.58 2.38 2.56 2.54 ? '.56 2 55 f9b. - - - 2.B2tT2.54 2.53 ?ar. 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.51f<j>2.53 2.51 May-- 2.60Qi.62 2.68 Keflned Futujxs?The ranjre of p'rlces: Thursdav'-i Open. H!<rh. Low. Close. close. July- - - - 5. 15ffl????; 5 tQ ?u?r.- - 5.4G?5.55 5 40 Sept- 6.50 5.50 5.50 5.50-3(5.80 6.40 Oct. - - - 5.50?5.65 5.35 Coffeo Future*?The rang-e of prices: Thursday's Open. Hisrh. Low. Cloae. cloae. June- - - - B.94? 5.96 5.92 July- 6.05 6.07 6.97 ?.08?6.09 6.06 A"ff.-6.26-?*!.27 6.25 Sept- 6.38 6.38 6.35 6.44(3)6.45 6.45 Oct. 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.58**6.57 6.59 NOV. - - - 6.70?6.71 6.7.1 Dec. 6.82 8.85 6.76 6.S5&6.8S 6.86 ?'al1.-6.94?6.95 6.9? f*?. --7,03?7.04 7.0* Mar.,... 710 7.14 7.10 7.13@7.14 M? ^,pr. ?- --7.20?7.21 7.23 Way. 7.25 7.30 7.2.3 7.28 ?7.29 7.31 Butter, Cheese, Eggs Butter?Receipta were 13, 425 packagea. Creamery, higher than extras. lb. 14c; extras, 82 score, 33c; flrsts, 29?32M,c; s-ronrts. 28 ? 28'~,c ; lower fjradea. 230260' ausalted, h;p-her than extras. 35 ??? extras, 34*4?85o; flrsts, St??83*4c: ser ?ri*?-.->2,6i?'!!9c: /tate dairy tubs, flnaat. ????J W s?,?? to ^rimp. 2*?3lc;coTa ?Z?. o^r1?-"- iar::"s- current male*. nrsts. X3?24c; seconds. I9"6@30c; low?r grades, 18?19c: packing stock, Current make. No. 2. U*4?20c; No. 3, isuc lower grades. 16?18o, "*?<*. Cheese?Receipta were 5,133 box?s Stari whole milk. short held lb 15? sS/e i44@>ioHo; lower grades. 10?14C twins freah ?Paclala 16?16c; averlsgrVk', U*? 16C, Wlsconain. alng-le daiaiea, fresh, 16? vV,?^ f"!oi? ***?*>?. fresh. 15* ?16* Young Amencas. fr-sh, 10ft ?17c ? aklma iresh^spedals. 104@uc; prime to choice; .a!^j^rK,Scf'pta w*rp 2M?S <*ases. Fresh gathered. extras. dozen, 31?32e' ev*~L ?OMo: flrsts. 2m?27^c.CSeeonds --n-'e, trade egg;.-!. Slft?23V4c dlrtiei Mffi" -*X?? ??; '? x? -'? 30@21c, checks fair to choice. dry, 20? "Hc; state, Pennajrlvanla and nearbv Weatarn, hennerju whites P-::n? rV-, Uxtra flrsts. 34?36c: firaia. 38@33cjfath: : ?^a.a^7?4'i,26?!8C:/,ac*flc Co*** &><& i extias. 3i@28c; extra flrsts, 34?38c Brata gathered white,. 27?82o; atata. ivnV?5v?: S2tm SSVZ**, Astern, hennery bro^S,. extras, ...,c..4c; gathered brown and m xed coiors. graded -xtras, 31?32c flratS t, \ tra nrsta, 25 ft ?30c. *??--*?? nri,li* u> ? Lift Ran on Wheat Imports PARIS, June 17.? Prohibition of tbe importation of wheat and cereals will be abolished on August 1, accordine to a decree published in thp Official Jour nal this morning. llaneons Ma Steel and Qrdnance StockB . ? ^'d Asked. r-j,i a.i,?h Am Brass. 153 157 (Em S & L 20 30 Atlas Pw.113 119 ?Bab & W10S 108 Carb Steel ? 20 do lst pf SO 65 do 2d pf 25 30 Colt A. . . . ;io :;,-) Du Pont. .112 118 ?do pf.. 68 70 East Steel. 15 25 ?Ex dividend. do pf... _ 65 ?Here Pw.110 115 do pf. . . 79 SI N'i'.ea B P. 50 5 2 do pf... Ha 90 Scov Mfe.SOO 340 Thom Iron 30 _ WnCor nw 15 25 Woodwd. . 40 50 Inaaranc* Companies Am A!lnee..270 2SSiOrt Amer ...2X0 24 City of N T..150 170lHanover ... 35 ? ??J7T*Ul ?'?30? ??Hoam.330 3-.S Fld A. Phoe..500 615,Nat Llt.erty.175 188 nta2klinxi--,?'7fl ?0^Ti?ara ....125 135 Oiobe tz R. .1006 ? Stuyveaanf.. 80 7s , Sngxr Stocks CarSu*... l^^JMat-Am.. sT ^ \ si rf;iir- a* ,5 L*d? pf'-2s 35 do pf. . . 15 20 iMchg- .... 7 < C Agruirre. 50 65 Natl.100 U? tjrdanew 78 Tt NI Nlque.200 250 Oodchx .. 35 32 ISavann.h 17 Vi Savannah. 17 38 I <"" Pf-.. 45 103 *Ex dlvidend. New York Bank Stocks Grt West. 1^0 175 .? do pf.. . 45 68 2J0 America ...175 185 Garflela .. 220 , Atlantic-310 220'Gotham ..'.".130 2A<". Am Exch ...230 240 Greenwich...235 255 Battery ....155 168 Hanover ....788 T86 lowery .425 458 Harriman .."':, 856 Bway Cent..125 158 Imp 4 Trd 490 510 Bryant Pk.. 165 17$ Industrial . iss 175 Bronx Nat..150 160 Irving Nat..180 1S5 Butch&D..130 140'Manhttn Co.,199 185 Cent Mercl.. 195 205' Mch & llet . '>-)0 300 -Da?e^* W'-*SJS 3384Mtrpln.320 340 25*,* * S11*""8 *55|M?tual ...510 530 Chelsea Ex... ? lOONatAm.150 __ Chemical ...478 4S5 New Nthr. . .150 180 %uy ???.*M 830JN T County.lSS - Coal * Iron..220 230 N Y N B A 425 43S Columbia ...155 165 Pacific . . 30 - ^?;onial.SS" ?Park.365 378 Commeree .207 212 Public.240 250 Commercial.300 ?Seaboard ...220 250 Cmwlth ....215 ?Second. ... 450 _ Continental.. 120 ?State 2,0 _ Corn Exch..300 305 23d Ward.'.'. 200 ? Comptn . 80 lOOCntd Statea.160 ? EaBt Rfver..l70 ? lunion Ex ... . 165 175 rtrst Natl... 875 900, Wahs Ht.a. .. 225 _ E lllu Ave... 900 ?Torkville ...425 ? Fifth Natl... 150 160' ?Ex divldend. Tobacco Stocks G W Hel. .163 168 do pf. . . 94 96 J S Young 85 95 do of. . . 88 94 McA & F. 97 102 R T T.. 70 78 Univ Loaf.140 ? Weym B. .163 168 do pf. ..93 38 Chemical Stocks ^.m Cyn.. 15 20 (Hook El.. 65 83 do pf... 43 4* do pf... 55 65 Caaein Co. 20 45 JKy Solvay 25 70 DowCh... ? 200 j dopf...93 99 Du Pont... 7ti SfciMerrimac. 70 80 GrtzeiU ..130 135 I'MerCpf. 82 86 ?Ex dividend. i.Mulfd Co.. 45 60 New York City Bonds Form. Rate. Maturity. Bid. ABk. Yield. Inter 4*ia, 19H7. 87'* RS-, 5:14 do 4!is, 1.965. >i7'4 S8'4 5 16 do 4"*s, 196'!. S7'* 8*1* 5 IS do itja, 1957.... 87^ 8S-* 6.21 do 4Vis. 1968. 83 83 ?.J4 do i%3, 1964. 82 83 6.25 do 4Vis, 1982. 82 83 i 28 do 4>4a. 19fl0. 88 83 6.28 do 4*48. 1<>?0, op. 1*80. 82 83 6.38 llo 4s, 1959. 78 80 8.21 do 4s 1958. 78 28 8.21 do 4s, 1957. 78 80 5 28 Re* 4a, 1956-196$...._78 te s.j* do 4a 1936. M 8?V? 6 30 Inter S'*s, 1954._ 70 73 5 28 Coupon jVss. 1954. 70 78 6 20 Re? S'rjs. 1950-1954 inc. 70 73 6 20^ do Z^,s, 1940-1950 inc. 5.50 5.25 ? do S'-s, 1921-1930 Inc. . 6.00 6.49 - Ree and coupon (aarlal) 4<His. 1921-19X2 Ine_ 8.08 6.48_ do ii*?, 1921-1931 Inc. 8.00 5.40 _ i New York Stat? Bonds Isaued in coupon and r<??sat?red form not iotercban-feabie. Coupon bonda reeia terabla. , , Bid. Aak. Yield. Cana! Imp 4*4?, 1984. 98 9S'? 4 57 Higrhway Imp 4Ha, 1988.. 86 S8>A 457 Canal Imp 414a, 1986. 91 9* 4 h% Hu;a-?ray Imp 4Ua, 1915.fc 31 gt ^jj Cattle Raisers Soon to Receive $50,000,000 Bankers Complete P?*oi Arrangements; Biils To Be Eligible for Discount at Reserve Institutions Plans for advancing $50,000,000 to Western cattle raisers by a group ot? New York and Chicago banking institu : tions were completed yesterday at a | conference held at the offices of J. P. i Morgan & Co. Afte^ the meeting Mr. J Morgan. who has taken a leading part i in formulating the arrangement, said i the credit pooling scheme will probably j begin farctioning next wsek. The papers are now being drawn ; and although it has not yet been derl | nitely decided what form the advances ; to the cattlemen will take, the biiU ; will be eiigible for discounts at the Federal Reserve banks. j S. E. Ward, one of the vice-presi { dents of the National Bank of Com i morce, and Erie P. Swtn?on. chairman ! of the board of the National City Bank, i have been chosen to represent local participating institutions on the com j mittee of experts to pass upon the loans made from the $50,000,000 pool. London Metal Market LONDON, June 17.?Standard cop? per. spot, ?72; futures, ?72 5s; electro : lytic, spot ?77; futures, ?78; tin, spot, j ?167 12s 6d; futures, ?170 2s 6d; lead, spot, ?22 2s 6d; futures, ?22; sinc , spot, ?26 15s; futures, ?27 7s 6d. --?.?- , Dividends Stock Pe- Pay- holders r> . x. . ~ Rat*. rtnd. able. ofrec. Butch & Drov 32.00 Q July 1 June 27 Shawmut Bank (Boston) - 3.50 Q July 1 June 18 , City Investing Pf.- ;? ????!*% Q July 1 June 25 3% _ July 15 j,, Trumbull Steel..30.15 Q July i Jun? "?> \,i;,\"f,T;v.--i'v':i ? Juiy i Jun.:? Lnd *\Wb'n\Ve% Q July 15 Jun W Vf V. ? o ' ' * * % Q July 15 June 30 W Far & Son *,**..$1.75 Q July i Juno 20 vrucib.e Steel.. 1.00 Q Juiy31 Julv 15 Hudapn Trust..2^% Q June 30 June 21 Stand Screw... 5% q july i June 18 ,^?PV",. 3% S-A July 1 Junei< Cream Packaae.80. 30 Q July 10 July i Plf-"?,-.-1^? Q' Jnly 10 July 1 Plerca OU pf. . 2% Q July i june 27 r k e t s _ _ _ Bid. Ask. Tleld. r., . ~? rar, Tor ms. 1345 r,i ?l 4 ?* Higrhway Imp 4s. 19S7_ 85 H Sg 4 6"! Canal Imp 4s. 1067. 8514 88 4.64 Hleh Imp 4s. 1360-'62. inc 863 88 4 67 Canal Imp 4s. 1980-*82, ine 15% 88 4 fi: Pahsades I S Pk 4s. 1981 85tt 88 4 67 Barge Can Te- 4a,'42-'48 85tf _ ? Federai and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Fjrm Loan 5s, 19.18. op 1023. 971.; 3? e ,~ F-rt-ral Farm Loan 4*s. * 61' Federal Fanr: Loan 41,1 ?P 19^3. 89% 90% S 32 PtMleraj Farm Loan 4fca. 1937. op l'>22. 89?i ona' k ?54 Joint Stock Land Bank 5s. * 1939. op 1324.90% 91 un Joint Stock Land Bank ia. b 1938. op 1323. 30<.i 33 6:5* United Statea Treasury Certificateg of IndebtednesB and United States Treasury Notes. . .? ,. B14. A.?tk. Tleld. August, 1921.->00r* 100JL 487 ?September, 1321.i00 i??E too ?September. io?i 5 00 October 1921.100/, lOftX 5.05 ?Uecember. 1921.100* 16*2 S.m I'*bmary .1988.100 ioo? fi.37 ?March 922.100* luoTJ 5.86 "June, 1922.jOrt 100,? 6 4? "??. i??.lla lool, Ilo ?Acceptable in payment of Federal taxes oe the dates of maturity. Short Term SecnrUIes Security, Rate. Due. Bid. AskTi<-ld Alum co of Am 7a, 1925. M* 90% T*B0 Am-r Cotton OU 6s. 1324. BsS 89^ 9*0 Am Tel & Tel (5s. 1M2... 97 ? i?U gft* do 15s. 192-1. ,-; g* T~? American Thread 6s, 3 923. 94 ?&\ 6 9S a*. ra, ija.;:.:::::; o5^ i;;0 do 1928.'.'99% 99% 7.IXP 7.10 Anaconda Copper 6s," 1929. 86* 87 L'?a (Jo 7s. 1929. 93* J,., !" BSr|A'r>.?lr r'dl I%"' 1925 U7^ W? ? 7., Bel Tel or Can 7s. 1325.. S3 5412 s .^ Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1922.. 99 2 74I do 7s. 1023. BfrX f)U J B*n Can Pac Ry (te. 1924. HU 114"* aftfi Cent Argentlne Ry 6s. 1887 794*, mu m'?n CR X 4k Pac Ry L. 1922 . 3?4 IJ^ ^'JJ Con Gas of N Y 83, '21... Mo " i,;0u : '?,, ^;5;; x?!|:. 9?'* ?9* ao ??, IJJo. 99^i 99^ si Cudahy Packmgr 7s. 1923. 97 federal sug Ref 6s, 19S4 95 3* 740 B i- Coodnch con 7s, '25 89\4 91} tA,.; Gulf Oil 6s, 1923. 9?? L 1?"i Hocwna vaii.v u, 1S24.-; J|? g Humbie OU ft r 7h. ltJ23. |SU ?2 0?" lanertero R X con 7s, '21. fa3 T4 Kan City Term Rv Sa. 23 0*^ 9", u. ? ia L*C G L lst & ref 78, 1929 90 * 91 % iV Lig & Alyers Tob us. 1321 ??9 it ???. % %i Pu1>S;r-X9lJconVs;-1922n^ *g* ^ H -i Iteynolds Tob 6s. '22. ?6*a ftS^, Tit Kears Roebuck 7a. 1321.. a?j*Z 99?? ?"i7? d? 7s, 1922. 37? ,^i? Jj^ Sinclair Cons OU 7^s, "20 91V i?i 9';? Soivay & Co 8s. 1927. 97 89 i'V. SoutHern Ry ?8, 19^^_ S5^ " ?-J? SO W Bel, Tel 7s. 1925.. 98 "ti "j, lwfftt??1.'?u*r'*"?"" ?** 96 ???? OWirt 6s, 1921. 99*? yq?. ik do 7s, 1925.,;;: HZ II* ili Texas co 7s. 1923. S8\ ai*L *M Utah SecurlUes 6s. 1932.. 8? 87 i! --I Ucst ?)ee coav <s. l?2i.. ?s 14 9S^ 7.38" Long Term Secorltlea Armour con 7a, ISSO. 94 w 94* T Tn Atlantic Refln H^x, 19SI. 99V 100 tU Oulf Oil 7s, 1888. ?2 5S2 Ka*uiecott Cop 7a. 19S0 . . 90 W 91*. a'4 ; N Y .'<?:,! col tr 7s, 1930..100 l0o? I Nw B<?li T lst mjf 7s, '4i Penn R R 7.-. liKiu.ifft* loifc do coll tf 5\jS. 1936.... 9S< 9K> g;H ! Stand Oil (Cal) Ia. lSSl..Saj2 jSg ^7 Stand ou .v y 7s. i92s--3l.ioo^ io]w Lll D S Rubber 7\*a 19Ji>... ?8v? M*a TJR vacuum Oil 7a. 1836..... 93 '4 loo fa? Weat ?lec % Mf? 7s, 1931 ??*, 90^ ? ^