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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXXI No. 27,320 First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials--Advertisements THE WEATHER Cloudy to-day, preceded by showers in morning; to-morrow fair; mod? erate temperature"?; winds shifting to west (, urn, New York Trlhune Inc.) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 3921 * He * * TWO CENTS I THREE CENTS I FOCB CENTS In (?reater New York I Within 200 Mile? i Els?*?*??-*? Arbuekle in Jail Accused Of Murder Screen Comedian Charged j With Causing Death of Virginia Rappe, Film Actress, at Rum Party Evidence of Attack Claimed by Police ??Tatty" Refuses to Dis? cuss Case; No Bail Is Allowed in California Special Dispatch to The Trib**? SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11?"Fatty" | Arbuck'e is still in jail here to-night fa spit? of efforts by his lawyers to find j ?one loophole to obtain his liberty. He pancd last night in a cell at headquar? ters after his arrest on a charge of murder as a result of the death of Vir? ginia Kappe, film actress, after a drink? ing bout last Monday in Arbuckle's rooms at the Hotel St. Francis. The charge of murder was laid by Detective Captain Duncan Matheson, under the iwtion of the California law interpret- : ?ng Ds first degree murder a death resulting from an assault or an at? tempted assault. The Rappe case falls n-ithic this classification. Persons held for morder cannot be admitted to bail ?a California. Through four weary hours of waiting in the Hall of Justice last night, the rtry worst that the actor and his friends looked for from the authorities was a charge of manslaughter. That the progress of the police inves? tigation into the drinking party at the hotel already warranted a charge of murder was the opinion expressed by Chief of Police Daniel O'Brien, Milton Iren, Assistant District Attorney, and - Captain Matheson. "This woman," said Captain Mathe non, "without doubt died as a result of un attack by Arbuekle. That makes it first decrree murder, in our opinion. We rlor.'t feel that, a man like 'Fatty* Ar Vjekle can pull stuff like this in San Francisco and get away with it." Arbuekle Formally Booked From the office of Captain Matheson, . r.ost exactly at midnight, Arbuekle ??as conducted by detectives to the city prison, where he was formally booked ?*or murder, without bail. He was as =;gned to a cell with bare furnishings. Arbuekle had been cautioned by Frank 'iomicguez, his Los Angeles attorney, ?eforo yesterday's momentous journey* began from the south to "say no word ic any one, come what may." The ro? tund star agreed to obey the lawyer's injunctions at the start from Los An? geles. Consistently throughout the day h? resisted any and all attempts to get hin to talk. Even when at midnight he staggered, '?d in the face, forlorn of expression and weak of knee, out of the office of ?ptain Matheson, shocked at the seri? ousness of the charge against him, Ar? buekle kept his word. Once he turned his head as- if to speak to Dom?nguez, "ho followed close behind. But th? 'tern counsel, who in the inner office had refused to allow his client to utter a word in his own defense, quickly raised His finger to his lip in admonition. Ar? buekle, in obedience, closed his lips and 'ollowed his guard of detectives to the city prison. Drove His Own Car When Arbuekle arrived in San Fran? jeo about 8 o'clock last night and was "net at Market and Montgomery streets by detectives, who escorted him to the Hall of Justice, he was subdued, but :howed no indications of great distress. He personally drove his custom built, sportively decorated touring car over '?be road from Los Angeles, and when 'he detectives met him he was stand? ing on the curbing opposite the Crocker N'ational Bank coolly smoking a "igarette. While a photographer had him in enarge Arbuekle made his only break In silence of the entire evening. As Arbuekle stood before this camera some one made the trite suggestion, "u>ok pleasant, please." "Not on an occasion of this sort," re? sponded the actor in a low tono. Flans VI* ,m?de for ^e immediate raising ?I bail in case a charge of manslaugh? ter were to be preferred. Nothing ?ore serious than that was discussed in the corridors of the Hall of Justice AndI when it was announced that Ar suckle would be charged with murdei ?J>d committed to jail without bonds ?ii friends literally wilted. , All persons available who were ?nown to have been in the drinking ?n M'1" Arbuckle'8 room which ended ?n M?as Rappe's collapse were ques rl0?e*1duri"e the day by Lieutenant oi Ueteetives Michael Griffin and De n?rf Venry McG?th. Griffith Ken le,?.v, Thomas Regan and John Dolan 0 of the witnesses interviewee ?ere Mrs. Jean Jamison, 2570 Bush ?street, the nurse who attended Miss ,7uPpe at the hotel and "later at Wake ?"-'a ?sanatorium, and Ira G. Fortlouis ?Continued on page tlv?) Two Munich Ministers Opposing Berlin Resigu Retirement of von Kalu? ami Kothe Leaves Cabinet Favor? ing Compromise lu?P10.?' Seut* 1l--Tho controversj MtweM the Bavarian and German na " ,1 H?vcrnments t0 determine wheth r tne Uavanan authorities should obei ?ne mandates of the Berlin governmen ?me to an end to-day, when Miniate) 'fesident von Kalu- of Bavaria an? Th" ?f Justicc Roth? resigned, eon, V-ero leudinS opponents of th< yyprowise agreement proposed by th. ??run government in settlement of dif ?Knees between it and the Municl 5? inraent' which conferred excep ?J*al Powers on the German Cabinet. " k?r> u other "?embers of the Bavar ??? ?-abinet favored yielding to Berlir ,...BE?i'IN' SePt- u-.A ???'Patch re Z?*i h"e from Munich says Premie rcM wil1 fomialiy announce hi ,r~r?raent at Monday morning's ses uon of the Cabinet unless the coalitioi Ha extend(? him a vote of confldenc ?na urges him to retain the Premiei ?nip, that ft,is fonsid?red here as meanin W.;?4-k ,J,revioU8 ?nnouneement fror ^unich that the Premier and Ministe n JMtlc? bad rasped was prematun Industry Speeds Up, Idle A rmy Dwindles Textiles Lead in Recovery, With Some Mills Booked to Capacity; Steel Trade Given New Impetus; Thousands in New York Back at Work The industrial, situation in America- hau passed iis crisis, trade ?a showing an upward trend in many lines of business, and employers are beginning to add to their forces, reducing the extent of idleness, it was indicated in dispatches received by The Tribune last night from its corre? spondent? ?i the chief industrial centers. Boston appeared to lead the business revival, with reports of great activity in the textile industries particularly. Optimistic reports came from Pittsburgh, where mills are opening up again after long shut? downs, and Detroit and Toledo report the taking on of new hands in the automobile plants, although this still appears to be very gradual ??, Oetroit. In New York State 3,000 men have been put back to work in the last few weeks at Syracuse and 2,000 at Elmira, although Rochester re? ports little if any improvement in conditions of employment. Chicago is feeling the improvement, though in less degree than most of the Eastern inieustrial centers. Steel mills in South Chicago are in? creasing product ion and thousands of men are expected to find employ? ment in the building trades there in the near future. In many places retail trade is showing a. substantial gain, indicatbig that increased buying is coining coinciden tall y with the return of workers to their jobs. The only really discouraging report came from Baltimore, where it was said that the army of unemployed had reached 59,000. Baltimore] employers, in many cases, however, were tryng to alleviate the situation &ty giring part-time employment to their forces. Boy Confesses To Murder of 2 Auto Agents Ten Hour*' Questioning Brings Story of Killing, of Chieagoans and the Hiding of Their Bodies Makes Second Statement Involves Others When His Tale of Choking Victims to Death Is Discredited Special Diepatch to Thp Tribunt CHICAGO, Sept. 31.?Harvey Willard Church, boy brakeman of Adams, Wis., confessed to-day to Chief Investigator Ben Newmark, of the State's Attorney's office, that he alone had murdered Ber? nard J. Daugherty and Carl W. Aus mus, salesmen for the Packard Motor Company, of Chicago, whose mutilated bodies were found last week. Church later made a second confes? sion to Chief Investigator Newmark, involving several other persons, whose > names were not made public. j State's Attorney Robert E. Crowe an? nounced that steps would be taken Mon ; day to bring Chuich to an immediate ? trial. He will be booked to-morrow on i charges of murder. Church's first confession was wit-*} l nessed by two prominent physicians | | and a business man. This was dono I that there might be no pleas later that! the confession was obtained by force, ? and to dispose likewise of a possible insanity plea. In his first confession Church said that the crimes were committed on the ! spur of the moment. He had no con I federates. His motive was to gain pos ! session of a $5,400 auto, ostensibly pur j chased by him from tho Packard Com? pany and which was in process of de? livery. Lack of tho money to pay for the car was the primary cause of the murders, Church said. Parent? Not Told The boy's parents, who since their ar? rival here have been secluded in an office in the Criminal Court Building, j have not been told of their son's ?elf i admitted guilt. The officers believe the I shock will be too great if the news is i broken to them directly. Church, driving the twin six, tho car for which he murdered Daugherty and j Ausmus, arrived in Chicago shortly after 3 o'clock this morning. At day? break the police took Church to his home, the scene of the crimes. They I shov/ed him the bloodstained baseball bat that bad been found there, and the grave in the garage where Ausmus's ? body had been found. Finally, after j ten hours' questioning and a trip to the j morgue to view the bodies, Church con I fesBed. He said in part: "A man?I don't know who he was? j called me up on the telephone ten days : ago. He told me he'd kill my father I and mother and myself if I didn't get j him a big car. I went to the Packard I Company. I bought the car. Daugh i erty came to the house. I walked ; down to the basement, figuring how I'd get the car away from him. He fol? lowed me. The idea came into my I head to kill him. It was on the spur I ,; of the moment. "I got my guns from out a drawer. i I held him up, handcuffed him, took ! him to the coal bin and tied a rope : tight around his neck, ''He strangled, made a funny noise. ? I hit him with the baseball bat and I hammer and he was quiet. ! "I met Ausmus coming down the ' stairs. I held him up the same as I ' did Daugherty. handcuffed him, too, and bit him. He was a coward. "I felt the hearts of both--both men 1 were dead. Then I went out and took the car and got my mother. We went to Indiana Harbor and came back. "I took Ausmus's body to the garage ' and dug a grave and put him in it. j Then I ran my old car over the spot. ! Then I went in to supper. At 4 o'clock I tho next morning I took Daugherty's j bedy and threw it in the river, then j I went to Adams.* Discredits First Confession Coroner Peter M. Hoffman was not i satisfied with the first confession. He immediately insisted that Church had accomplices. "The confession is a tissue of lies." declared the Coroner. "It would be physically impossible for him to have killed these two men in the manner he described. Daugherty's throat was (Car-tin.ed a* g?.? ft**?** S penal Diepatch to The Tribune BOSTON, Sept. 11.?The crisis in the New England textile industry has been passed. Cotton and woolen goods mills in nearly every manufacturing center in the New England states are. again booming, many of them working day and night, and none of them on less than a 60 per cent of capacity basis. Business leaders here, commenting to-day upon the improvement in the textile industry, declared they believed an actual shortage of labor was likely to be one of the first results of the sudden shift in conditions. It was said that many mills which had gone on day and night work were finding it hard to obtain trained operatives. Coming simultaneously with the ad? vance in the price of the staple, New England cotton mills are reported to be making tremendous increases in the consumption of cotton for manufactur? ing. This, business men declared, means a great lessening of the unem? ployment menace in New England. What applies to the cotton textile in? dustry also appears to apply to tho woolen trades. William M. Wood, pres? ident of the American Woolen Com? pany, which employs approximately 20, 000 mill operatives, to-day declared five mills were assured of capacity business during the winter. Greater Boston's rubber goods plants will be running at full capacity within a few weeks and will continue full time through the winter and spring. More workmen will be taken in by most plants within eix weeks, it v/as said, depending on weather conditions. Panic conditions are unquestionably over in the men's clothing industry, ac? cording to Arthur Andrew, secretary oi the Clothing Manufacturers' Associa? tion. "There is no surplus of skilled labor and manufacturers are all busy on orders that will keep the shops run? ning through Thanksgiving at least," he said. Idle Steel Men Rapidly Going Back Into Millt Special Diepateh to The Tribuna PITTSBURGH, Sept. 11?Evidenc* that the bottom has been reached ir Industrial unemployment in this dis? trict is found in reporta that varioui large employers are increasing plan operations or getting ready to star mills that have been shut down Twenty-or.e hundred steel workers wh< have been idle for months have beei put on a three to five day week withii the last few days as a result of tin United States Steel Corporation put ting all its mills in the Homestead am Duquesne plants into limited operatior. Fifteen hundred men, it is estimated are affected by increases in operatioi of Carnegie Steel Company mills in th Mahoning Valley district during th last week. Those plants, which for th most part underwent complete shut down3, are now operating 40 to 70 pe cent. Several hundred coke workers will g back to work next Monday in plants o the Tower Hill-Connellsville Cok Company and the Republic Iron an Steel Company, with the reopening c the plants, in Fayette County. The plant of the Bessemer Limeston and Cement Company, at Besseme: reached its maximum production c cement during August. The rated ar nual production of the plant is 1,000 000 barrels, but it exceeded this i August. A marked increase in freight shij ments on railroads serving Pittsburg is taken as a sign of general improv? ment in industrial employmejit. Gustave Kahn, vice-presio?nt i charge of sales of the Truscon Stoi Company, says the greatest ebb in ii dustrial depression is now a matter < history and that the tide has full turned. Total of Jobless Reduced By 3,000 in Syracus i Special Dispatch to The Tribune SYRACUSE, Sept. 11.?Industrial d velopment. during the last few da; justify assurances of . several wee' ago that business generally was on t! upturn in Syracuse. At that time a proximately 10,000 workers were o of jobs. To-day this number has be cut to around 7,000, with indicatio that it will bo less during the next ft weeks. Some of the encouraging events i cently that have helped to better t local situation have been the recei of $5,000,000 orders from Germany the Merrell Soule Company for po dered milk; starting of work by t Smith Wheel Company on a new ty of automobile wheel and the beginni of onerations by the Near-a-Car C( poration on a new type of automobi reported to be a three-wheeled affa In addition, work on a full capac: basis has been resumed at the Ha (*&Mtl__?_ M pal. IHM) U. S. Shipping Loss Laid to Secret Pacts Agreements Between Rail? roads and Foreign Lines Charged With Causing AmericanVessels'Tie-Up Contracts Assailed In Marine Report Findings Given Senator Jones Assert Provisions of Ship Act Are Ignored From The Tribune'a Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept. 11.?The direct charge that secret agreements between American railroads and foreign ship? ping companies, or American lines with foreign connections, have resulted in tying up the great bulk of tho United States Shipping Board vessels, is contained in a long rerjort prepared for Senator Wesley L. Jones, of Wash? ington, chairman of the Senate Com ni i i tee on Commerce and author of much shipping legislation, it was dis? closed to-day by the National Mer? chant Marine Association. Senator Jones has sent the report, which he describes as having been made by "an experienced railroad man tremendously interested in the up? building of the merchant marine," to Chairman Lasker of the Shipping Board, with a request that earnest consideration be given to suggestions the report contains, "Failure to enforce the chief provi? sions of the merchant marine act. of which Senator Jones was the chief sponsor, has Ptifled the development of American shipping," says a statement issued by the National Merchant Ma? rine Association. "This is especially true of Section 28 of the bill, providing for preferential railway rates on goods shipped in American vessels, and the effects are strikingly set, forth by the memoran? dum prepared for the Senator. The marked shrinkage in the volume of ocean freight due to the trade de? pression of the last year has affected American shipping far more severely than foreign, tho proportion of our foreign commerce carried by our own vessels having fallen from more than 50 per cent of the total, in 1920, to hardly more than 30 per cent this year." Foreign Lines Given Cargoes A study of tho situation by the Ship? ping Board, the report says, will show that, due to the large fleets of foreign flag vessels, operated by the companies with which the trunk lines have estab? lished contracts, these concerns have been able to control, at the. expense of Shipping Board vessels, transportation of hundreds, if not thousands of car? goes, aggregating many millions of tons of freight on which the revenue has totaled hundreds of millions of dollars. "The discovery of these secret con? tracts and their enforced filing with the Interstate Commerce Commission (which is now required) should enable the Shipping Board," it is added, "to definitely determine the principal cause for the success of foreign flag vessels in transporting approximately two thirds of our export and import sea? borne commerce." Investigation, It is declared, will re? veal that under the terms of the con? tract the traffic officials and representa? tives of the trunk lines at home and abroad have used their influence and expended their energies preferentially, if not exclusively, in behalf of the booking of both export and import freight and of passengers in connec? tion with their foreign flag allies. Had Section 2*? of the. Merchant. Ma? rine Act been put into operation," the report continues, "it may be confident? ly stated that few, if any, Shipping Board vessels would now be tied for lace of carg-o." Comm'?iity Companies Urged Tn additij n to tho enforcement of a system of preferential rail rates on goods for merican vessels the report urges the c ganization and operation of "commodit transportation companies," subject, to the joint authority of the Shipping Commerce fix: joint t'i through A ships, the ; junction vi rail distrf; ings based and many 'Under oard and tho Interstate Commission, empowered to ough rail and ocean rates erican ports via American lips to he operated in cen? to a nationally controlled tion of commodity group pon a predetermination as to their oiBrin, destination, quantities her factors. e terms of the Webb act and the V.a%? act," it is added, "the or f such companies can be rtaken. For example, the flour millet. of the country can legally organize an export flour transportation corporation which would, in effect, rep? resent the authorized pooling of flour tonnage, its routing and, in general, establish itself as the authorized flour transportation agency of the Shipping Board, and under Section 8 of the mer? chant marine act could be authorized by the Shipping Board to deal with both rail and ocean rates and handling of all export flour, of rail and ocean, as the exclusive export flour transporta? tion agency of the board." Support for Merchant Marine The creation is urged of similar com? modity transportation companies, au (Contlnuo. on pugs thrae) Esquimaux in Auto Hunt Spirit Motor Special Dinpateh to The Tribuns SEATTLE, Sept. 11. ?Six Siberian natives of the remote Tsyukstji tribe, in the Arctic Circle, had the time of their lives to-day, when as guests of Cap? tain Roard Amundsen, the polar explorer, they were taken on a tour of this city, their first view of civilization. The machine had not gone two blocks, however until they de? manded that it be stopped, and then they crowded under it to look for the spirit which made it j go. Captain Amundsen finally allayed thoir alarm and they con? tinued their trip. i-?-,-p 60 Dead, 250 Are Missing in Texas Flood i - San Antonio Rescue Work? ers Expect to Discover Many Bodies in Wreck? age Along River's Banks 13 Die in Other Cities Million h of Damage Done in Area of 10,000 Square Miles ; New Peril Threatens '_ SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Sept. 11.?The list of known dead from the flood of early Saturday was forty-seven late to? day. The dead and missing are esti? mated at approximately 230 by officials engaged in recovering- the bodies, while Police Commissioner Phil Wright esti? mated that it might reach 300. Many residents consider these figures high. The property loss is placed at $?, 000,000 by some business men and those in charge of reclamation work. Ksti mates both lower and as high as $10, 000,000 also are heard. Reports from other cities in Texas to 1 night revealed that thirteen persons are known to be dead in districts outside San Antonio, and that this list is likely I to be increased. The flood swept over | an area of 10,000 square miles. Soon after daylight to-day the search- ', ers on the Alaz?n Creek found three bodies in the driftwood and wreckage on the banks, and another was found on the San Antonio River banks. Other bodies were recovered at different times. While it has been declared that possibly the majority of the estimated dead floated down the streams, the searchers believe that as the wreckage and driftwood are cleared away others will be found. Rescue and Relief Continu? Efforts of the rescuers to-day were confined principally to recoverin?-; bodies, work of rescuing the marooned having been completed yesterday. Rescue and relief work continued all last night and to-day. Hundreds i of Mexicans and the poorer people who lived along the Alaz?n Creek are home Mess and were'given assistance by the relief headquarters established "in a downtown building. The fact that most of-the bodies re? covered have been fully clothed shows ! that the victims either were warned j or heard the approaching rush of water in time to make preparations to ! leave. The city proper has been crippled all day from the flood. There have been no lights nor streetcar service because of no electric power. Water has been running in the mains In a few portions of the city and the press? ure is weak at these places. Act to Prevent Epidemic City officials said late to-day that the water pressure would be turned on be? fore to-morrow and it is thought elec? tric current also will be available to? morrow. City Building Inspector John L. Richter, estimated the damage to buildings at approximately $700,000. He said that no large buildings have been damaged permanently and that none is In a dangerous condition. Hardly any of the damaged businesses carried flood insurance either on the buildings or stock. Precautions to prevent an epidemic are being taken. The cleaning up pro? ceeded systematically in every part of the business district to-day. Proprie? tors of business establishments and force? of employees were sweeping and brushing out the water and debris while pumps drained basements. j The funerals of some of the victims were held to-day, while strict military, control was maintained over the inun- ; dated districts. As* the flood water slowly receded the search of the wreckage continued. Gangs of workmen were engaged all night in hauling the debris from the business district. All available pumps I and gasoline engine? were 'ailed into service to pump tne waver from base? ments. One of the greatest losses to any line of business was suffered bj? auto? mobile dealers, many new ca^ft being damaged in warehouses or on^oMsplay room floors. That loss was estimated j at $2,500,000. Great damage was done to the pave? ments of the city, many entire blocks j (Continued on pa?? five) Emily Spiker Leaves Husband; Noted War Romance Shattered Special Dispatch to The Tribune BALTIMORE, Sept. 11.?The inter 1 national romance of Perley R. Spiker ! and Emily Knowles, which culminated i when Guy S. Spiker consented to marry ? his brother's English war bride after ? Perley returned to his wife and child j in this country, has struck the rocks. Emily Knowles Spiker and Guy S. ; Spiker, who were married in Fall I River, Mass., February 8, 1920, have l been separated for nearly five weeks. The English girl, it is said, fled from i her East Baltimore home several weeks I ago, leaving a note informing her hus j band that she no longer cared to live 1 with him. Guy Spiker was almost ? heart-broken when he returned home ? one evening and found the note. The little apartment was given up. Just where Emily Knowles Spiker is is shrouded in mystery. There are many rumors, j Guy Spiker has again taken up his homo at the residence of hie brother Perley R. Spiker. Friends of tho Spikera say that there is little possibility of a reconciliation. Every effort has been made by mem? bers of the Spiker family to keep the estrangement a secret. Guy Spiker has many friends in East Baltimore. Some of these friends are prominent and they all declare that Guy Spiker in no manner is responsible for the sudden turn of events. He has been out of employment for some time, and his wife sought employ? ment. She is reported to have met a noncommissioned officer of {he United States army, whom she is alleged to have invited to her home. Guy Spiker met the soldier and received him as a friend, it is said. The second week in ; August Spiker returned to his home ! and found his wife absent. On the table he found the note* ! which was a severe shock to him. He 1 informed his brother Perley, and for several days a city wide search was j conducted by the two brothers. They ; found the. wife, it is said, but she was '. not approached. It is reported that she has written to her husband re? questing a divorce informing him that he could give his answer in a letter ad? dressed General Delivery. ?. **"* Voters Cheer Curran Attack j On Hylanism! Great Ovation Accorded Him as He Assails Evils of Administration; Aids Busy Throughout City Help of Leading Authors Pledged I Coalition Candidate As-! serts Vital Home Issues Only Concern the People Ripping into Hylanism and its effects upon New York City since it rode into power, Borough President Henry H. Curran yesterday began a vigorous wind-up of his campaign as the Re? publican-coalition d?sign?e for the Re? publican mayoralty nomination in to? morrow's primary election. Speaking in the afternoon at the Park Republican Club, at 4778 Third Avenue, the Bronx, Mr. Curran pre? sented a comprehensive summary of the , campaign issues and an indictment of current administration evils which ob? viously won the indorsement of his listener's. Although what he had to say was said in his usual unrhetorical fashion, hi? address was interrupted a score of times by shouts and. cheers of approba? tion. He was cheered for nearly five min? utes when he was brought to the plat? form by the chairman of the meeting, with the announcement: "Hero he is?the next Mayor of New York!" Supporters Active Throughout City While Mr. Curran was beginning the finishing touches on his pre-primary speaking, his supporters were busy throughout the city attending to the final details of the campaign, by which they feel sure that when the polls close to-morrow evening he will have been named the Republican Mayoralty can? didate by an overwhelming majority. The confidence felt as to this was given expression durinir the day in a statement made by Mrs.Mary Hatch Wil lard, chairman of the Republican Com? mittee of One Hundred, which, it was announced, is to open the fall campaign to-day at a meeting in the Hotel Mar? tha Washington. Mrs. Willard said: "We cannot conceive of any nomina? tion other than of Henry Curran, Mr. Curran can help New York out of the hole into which the Hylan misadmin istration has placed it. "Should he fail of election in Novem? ber, New York would go back twenty years. But this is unthinkable." Leading Writers Give Aid Another leading feature of yester? day's developments was an announce? ment that a number of New York's leading writers, all of them of un? questioned standing in the national field of literature, have banded to? gether to aid the Curran standard to victory over Hylanism and Tammany. Included in their organization are Julian Street, Wallace Irwin, Louis Evans Shipman, Herman Hagedorn, Edward S. Van Zile, Kendall Banning, Oliver Herford, Bruce Barton, Clar? ence Budington Kelland, Charles Han? son Towue, Stephen Fretfch Whitman, Freeman Tilden, Gerald Stanley Lee, Henry Sydnor Harrison, Gelett Burgess and Leroy Scott. "Mf. Curran is able to distinguish without effort a sinking fund from a floating debt," said one noted author. | "He's his own Duncan. He would never, if placed on a witness stand, follow the tenet: 'Where ignorance is biz, 'tis folly to be wise.'" Mr. Curran began his Park Republi? can Club speech by a touch of humor as to why he was speaking from a platform. "I moved up a step so that I could see all of you," he said. "On Tuesday I'm going to move up another one. And on November 8 I'm going to take still a third step upward, so that I'll get an even better view of every one." Praise for Running Mates The Borough President then launched into praise for John Donahar, Bronx aldermanic candidate; the candidacy of Senator Lockwood for Comptroller and the fitness of Vincent Gilroy for the presidency of the Board of Aldermen. Following this he entered a calm dis? cussion of his qualifications for the Mayor's chair, and compared them to those of his three rival candidates?a discussion, as he said, "with no trace of roasting or abuse." "Mr. Haskell," he said, "cannot chango the Eighteenth Amendment, and let us not be foolod by his contention that he has that power.? Senator Ben? nett seems to feel that matters which passed over the dam four years ago are more important than the issues of to-day. Neither has spent five minutes (Continued on page three) Runaway Caught Before He Can Make Millions j Boy, IS, Comes Here From Saratoga Springs to Win ! Fortune on Stock Exchange Thurston Hawksworth, fifteen-year- | old son of Dr. Frederick E. Hawks- i worth, of 130 Worth Street, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., was taken in charge by ' a detective of the Simpson Street po- ; lie- station last night and turned over to the Children's Society on a charge of being a juvenile delinquent. Ac? cording to the police, the boy ran away ' from his home last Thursday and came I to New York City to make millions as | a stock broker.. : When he disappeared from his home a general alarm was sent out by the ?Saratoga Springs police at the request i of his father. But until last night the boy succeeded in keeping out of sight of the authorities. ! Thurston, when discovered by De tective Way. of the SimpsoW Street Police station, was sitting di.-conso ; lately on the steps of a tenement house , at 798 Beck Street. The detective said ? that it was his attitude of dejection I which led him first to question him. ' At the police station, the boy said | that the tales of wonderful opportu? nities to be encountered in New York ! which he heard from visitors in ?Sara ' toga Springs inspired him to come to I the city. He said he had tried to get a job on the Stock Exchange, but had 1 failed. All his ambition to be a stock ?broker h<i not gone, however, and he said he would have succeeded if he hadn't been stopped so soon. Swiss Council Exempts Charles From Taxation - GENEVA, Sept. 11.?The Swiss Federal Council has ac? corded extraterritorial rights to former Emperor Charles of Hungary, whereby he will be exempt from taxation. It is stated that the former j Hungarian monarch's annual ex- j penditures in Switzerland amount to 1,225,000 Swiss francs. i-,_t\ ! Harding Would Help Impaired Veterans First Asserts Those Who Escaped With No Disability Have the Reward of Supreme Service and Experience Refuses Gold Table Ware Demands "Tools to Which I Am Accustomed": Partv May Come to N. Y. To-day Special Dispatch to The Tribune ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 11.?Presi? dent Warren G. Harding, in an address to several hundred members of the 5th Division here to-day, where the President is enjoying a brief outing, definitely stated his position on the question of remuneration for former service men. He declared that the na? tion would spare no efforts to care for its wounded and its disabled defenders, but asserted that those who came out of the war unimpaired have received their compensation in supremo service aud experience. The President's plans for to-morrow have not been announced nor has he Bald how long he intends to stay here, but it is probable that he will take a train for New York early in the after? noon. It is said that he intends to board tho Mayflower at the New York navy yard to-morrow for the return trip to Washington. Demands Usual Table Ware The management of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, where the Presidential party is stopping, had exhausted its resources in preparing for them, reserving nu? merous automobiles ana rolling chairs and getting from the safe an elaborate gold service of 1,000 pieces. President Harding heard about the gold service before his first meal was served and immediately wrote a note to the head waiter asking that he be furnished at meal times simply "with the tools to -?which 1 have been ac? customed." The head waiter responded by send? ing up the usual china and plated ?ware. President Harding made no use 'of the specially reserved motor cars or rolling chairs either. When he went anywhere he walked or used his own car. Addresses War Veterans Returning from the Chelsea Baptist Church, where he attended cervices with Mrs. Harding and other members of his party, the President found near? ly 500 former members of the 5th Di? vision assembled in front of the Ritz Carlton Hotel. The 5th Division, which recently reassembled in Phila? delphia, came to the shore in a special train this morning to conclude its an? nual reunion and requested the honor of greeting the President. The President's first words were: "Judge McCook has stated that I have the pleasure of being your honored guest. I wish you would l.t me reverse it and say that you have done me a signal and gratifying honor to come here and greet me this beauti? ful Sabbath day." President Harding then took up the burden of his address, which was re? muneration for the veterans of the World War. "There is nothing too good in Amer? ica for its veteran defenders," he said. "All America is proud of what you and your division did at the Meuse. All America is proud of what our soldiers did in the critical days of the war. Pledgee Aid for Wounded "The man who came back wounded and impaired in ability to carry on the vocation of his life deserves the fullest in our power to give, and I propose to uso all the influence I have to see that he gets it. But I am not so much concerned with those who came out | of the war unimpaired. They have the j compensation of supreme service and i experience. You may be disappointed : with matters of legislation, but I want i you to know that we are interested in j your welfare." The President then shook hands with , more than a hundred of the war vet- I erans, who were presented by Major Philip J. McCook, justice of the New ? York Supreme Court and president of the 5th Division organization. Preceding his address to the veter? ans the President was presented with the key to the city by Mayor Bader. The Presidential party p?s_ed the : (Continued on next page) Escaped Convict Returns After Talk With Osborne Declares He Di<l Not Want to Disgrace the Prison Wel? fare League BOSTON, Sept. 11.?Victori F. Nel? son, of Maiden, yielding to the per? suasion of Thomas Mott Osborne, the prison reformer, surrendered himself to-day at the state prison, from which he escaped on May 11 while serving an indeterminate sentence for robbery and assault. He was accompanied by Mr. Osborne. Nelson explained that he had been an inmate of the naval prison at Ports? mouth, N. H., and a member of the Mutual Welfare League established by Mr. Osborne, who was then warden of the prison. After his escape he met Mr. Osborne in Auburn, N. Y., he said. They had a conversation which con? vinced him that he ought to return to prison so as not to disgrace the Mutual Welfare League. Warden Shattuck de? clared no punishment would be given for the escape. Whistling as he re-entered his cell, Nelson said he was happy, as the pian? ist of the prison had just been dis? charged and the job wu t? be his. _,_,-J U. S. Business Men Acquire; Vast Austrian: Ducal Estates Syndicate IncludingSabin* Replogle,Munsey,Takes Over Property of Arch-? duke Frederick and So? Holdings Valued At $200,000,000 ! Castles, Lands, Industrie? of Hapsburgs Included in Deal; Untermyer Is! Counsel for Americans* _ PARIS, Sept. 11 (By The AssoJ j dated Press).?Negotiations wer?1 completed in Paris yesterday -where? by the vast estates of Archduke Frederick of Austria and his son,' Archduke AI brecht?estimated to bo 1 worth more than $200,000,000?Tere 1 taken over by an American syndi? cate which includes Charles H. Sa bin, J. Leonard Replogle, Frank A, j Munsey, Thomas J. Felder and other ; prominent American business men? Samuel Untermyer, New York lawyer, represented the syndicate in the negotiations, which have been irt progress for some time, and Arch-1 duke Albrecht took part in behalf of himself, his father, his wife, Isabel, and his six sisters. Dr. Wilhelm' Rosenberg, of Vienna, and Dr. Atrrel1 Egry, of Budapest, were counsel for the Hapsburgs. Vast Resource* Involved The meeting here yesterday was th? last of a series of meetings during th* last few months at Carlsbad, Kissin? | gen, Vienna and Paris. The transar* ; tion concerns the vast land and indu?* I trial holdings of the Hapsburgs dis | tributed throughout Austria, Czeeho? j Slovakia, Jugo-Slavia, Poland, Ru? mania and Italy. They include ths ! great steel works and mines In Teschen, I which are partly in Csecho-Slovakia j and partly in Poland. The estate com* j prises numerous other industries, in ? cludi;:g the dairies which formerly fur < nished most of the Vienna supply of ? milk and butter; sugar plantations, factories, apartment houses, palaces and other private properties in Vienna;' castles In various parta of the Conti? nent, about one million acres of agri? cultural and forest lands scattered over. i several countries, and the remarkab'*? Albertina Museum in Vienna, which ir said to contain nearly one miilioa works of art. World War Commander Archduke Frederick was a field mar ! shal and was commander in chief of the Austro-Hungarian armies in th? I World War. His great grandfather was a nephew of Emperor Francis 1 and was adopted by Duke Albrecht of Saxe - Teschen, who married Arch? duchess Maria Christina, daughter of Maria Theresa. Archduke Frederick is the uncle of King Alfonso of Spair. His sister was the Queen of Bavaria. Thus a considerable part of his prop? erty came from the Saxon house. This is regarded as important by the members of the American syndicate, because the properties they are taking over were not part of the possessions of the Austrian crown, but came to Archduke Frederick from other ?sources than the Hapsburgs. A large part of the properties wer? purchased, and developments, from pri? vate means were increased during the 150 years by investments and return? from new enterprises. It is regarded as a fortune built essentially upon sav? ings by business management and not upon royal gifts and concessions. Arch? duke Frederick was excluded from all his properties located in countries for? merly composing the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Some have been sequestered and others were claimed as confiscated, part of them by the reconstituted old governments, and others by the new states in whose Jurisdiction the prop? erties were brought by terms of vari? ous peace treaties. Negotiations Opened in 1919 American interest in the properties had its origin in Switzerland in the summer of 1919, when Archduke Fred? erick made the acquaintance of Thomas J, Felder, an American living in Paru. Operation of tho various industries had been paralyzed by disorganization con? sequent to the war, and the archduke desired to bring American capital and methods into their restoration. Ar? rangements were made in October, 191&, ! whereby the archduke was to transfer his various properties, except those in new Hungary, to a corporation organ? ized in Switzerland to take over the ad ! ministration of the estates. Mr. Felder was to form a syndicate in America to acquire substantial in? terests in the new company, which he did. Ditferences arose between the archducal family and the syndicate, owing to subsequent action by various governments in efforts to confiscate the properties, which resulted in litigation in the Swiss courts. The.e differences have now been adjusted through the agreements reached hero yesterday. The American syndicate and the arch ' duke will proceed to enforce what they believe to be their rights'against sev? eral governments now withholding pos? session. A complaint is about to be lodged be? fore the mixed tribunals of the League of Nations, before which new state? will be summoned as having acted in dehance of treaties with the Allies. In ; teresting questions regarding treaty j rights and obligations are expected to I be developed. Archduke Albrecht, who ! participated in the negotiations, da dines to comment upon the transaction, but Mr. Felder, corffirming the substan? tial accuracy of the foregoing, added