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????Cri 8H Baby& Dolls S $!??/& Press: bootees ; and car?. ?SB ?g? ?10 0 0 5 Trains $1.95 Blng'a me? chanical kind. C" 5th Ave Buses 93c^ ? ..., 4th Floor t?.*? ?f"'*1 ~~~~~ Kiddie Kars r -? On &x/? Tomorrow, Store Closed All Day Today : Thanksgiving Day 82ND STREET ? BROADWAY?33RD STREET ?NEW YORK CITY Gimbel Brothers 82?D STREET ? BROADWAY ~ 33RD STREET ?NEW YORK CITY : FRIDAY Store Closed All Day Today?Thanksgiving Day V Now a Sale Fine Stock o emendous! f 1379 New The Finest in the Land Whether it's tailoring you look for?fabrica?or style?Society Brand stands alone. Almost every Ulster in the sale is plaid backed?rag back cloths, they call them?warm as a steamer rag. Wide Range of Good Colon And for the Conserva? tive iffOIL-UnuBually fine Chesterfields. And a color range that includes plain oxford greys. Sizes 33 to 46 Great Swagger Ulsters : Smart Town Ulsters : Crombies : Kerseys : Meltons : O'Briens Shetlands : Cassimeres : Tweeds Herringbones : Mostly A11 Plaid Backs Other Society Brand Overcoats at $55, $60 & $65 952 in er New models?new colors?style perfection and tailoring perfec? tion for which Society Brand clothes are famed. And equal excellence in the cloths. Worsteds; Unfinished Worsteds; T&ceds; Herringbones; Fancy Patterns : Blue Serges Plenty of the blue serges. Wide choice in ail the fabrics. Wide range in the styles. In every point : quality?choice?make price?THE Sale of the Season I Sizes 33 to 46 Regulars and Stouts. T S .7 Thanksgiving marks the turning point?a price break that takes the fullest reduction at one great sweep. Society Brand Suits?including the very finest we have in stock??all brought down at once to the one low price. Gimhels Men's Clothing Store?Fourth Floor d?MMk?BHa