Newspaper Page Text
S3 a Bale Break In Cotton Market On Profit Taking WcakenedTechnical Position Encourages Liquidation; Spot Offerings Increase: Notice Day Is Unsettling Cotton prices yesterday declined $3. Local brokers attributed the break largely to an easier technical position and a natural tendency toward re? action after the advances of the fas* t-rro weeks. January contra?is which! lia.1 sold tip from' 16.08c to 18.50? between November Ci and the e!osi> of business on Wednesday, broke to !7.7Sc yesterday afternoon, and closed at 1'7.90c. The general market closed steady at a net decline of 51 to 6*3 .point?. Tl was the first "December notlen day N'-w Vo.k and New Orleans, The notices Issued locally were estimated :it <>r,:- 2,200 !vi!es. bul they were allowed to circulate during the Kreatur part er the ('ay which evidently had an unsettling] n sentiment. In New Orleans the ?er? estimated at 6,400 baler, and were said to have been stopped by trade ntercats. but \w Orleans was a seller here, ?rd there appeared to be a feeling that ? r-er-t advances had carried the market high enough to attract Increased spot! aft inga, Liverpool made a relatively easy show- ( ':??; oxer the local holiday, anil the market ' here opened easy at a decline of is to -tit; poln s January and later deliveries reached the lowest prices of the daj iq th? late trading, '"able advices received In the trade hers ; r?it?rai eii rent reports thai the Indian: boycott was slowly but surely weakening | ?s natives found home-made cloth both In ferior nml more expensive. Southern spot markets as officially re- : ported were unchanged m 60 points lower, generally 61) to 60 points lower, with Dal- j las report!:.? sal?s of 6,016 bales nt a d. ollne of (V> points to 17.40o for middling, i Th? week end iifriires showed smaller j spinners' takings than for the previous '' week, The local market for spot cot'.on was and fl<> points lower at lS,30o for middling; no sales were reported. The range of prices: I Wednesday's Open. I!?!,'h. Low. Oio.-,e. close Deo.... JS.jn IS.10 17.83 IS.000- IS.47 Jar,_ 18.CI 18.311 17.80 17.SO017.98 IS.47 Foe. 18.14 3 ^.18 is.14 17.87?- 18.42! March.. 18.13 IS.21 37.75 17.87017.89 18.38 April..- ?? 17.780-? IS.24 May... 37.77 IS.00 37 SO 17.66017.60 18.14 June..,-?-17.33?*-17.34 July... 17.40 17.4S 16.05 17.07?*-17.70 Auir....-16.S04?-17.43 Sept...- 36.45f'i)-17.0G Oct- 16.25 16.48 15.25 16.1040-? 16.71 ^onthern Spot Market??Galveston steady, 40 lower at 18.20e; sales, 873 bales. New Orleans, steady, 2"> lower at 17.50o; sales. tt:?. Mobile nominal. 50 lower at 16.60c; galea none. Savannah quiet, unchanged at ISc: sales. S9. Augusta steady, 62 lower at 37.13c: pale.-*. 476. Memphis steady, 60 lower at 18c; sales 1,650. Hous? ton quiet, 60 lower at 18c; sales, 4.409. Little Rock quiet. 25 lower at ISc; sales, 5.10. llallas steady, 60 lower at 17.40c; Baltimore Bond? Saies. Open. HI eh. how, East. 8000 f?a. C A N ?s. 85 85 85 S5 lOOt.? Ala C &I 6s... SI 81 .?I Si 400 City 4s. 1?151. S9 80 fill 89 WOO'Was. B & A fis 7fi% 7fi'i 70% ID^i, llWfl Pow 7s. 1931..10184 102 101% 103 2000 I o Railwy 4s. 67s* 07% 07*4 67"t 0000 Cos & Co 7.?... PS US 98 98 inno r>av s & P fis.ioi loi loi mi 1000 City ?- Sub 6s. 99 !>:> !>:> ?'.i 1000 Con Coal as... fll 91 91 91 WOOPennsyl Wat 6a 91 91 !>L 91 300 City 4s, 1061... 89 89 89 S9 2000 Chi Rail 5s... 1.7', 68% 67% CS^ lOOOOUnlted Inc 4s. 4fi^ 47 4l(% 4 7 WOO En Ret? 5s... GJ's 63% 6 ."?? -, 63% Stocks 21 At Co L. of Cn 81 81 8! 81 S Penn Water . . 89 89 8!? 89 45 lit Vevnon ... 13 13% ;:: l".'j 5 do pf. 5U 52 62 52 100 T'n Com . S :i s -j v? ' ? x'v, ]4.*. Power . 93 'j 9.". 92% 96 40 do t>f ......10.% ]05 101 101 6T- S Fi &. Gur.121% 121% 121% 121% 98 Mar <fc Cas_ T2% T3 72% 7:'. aOOCen Ter pf.... 2 7, 2% 2% 2% 100 Cos & Co pf. .. 4 i, 4% 4V? 4'ii 10 Was, B & An. 13'* 13:* 18% 13% 1000 Celestina Oil.. 50c 60c 6.0o BOO Boston Minina: lOAm Zinc. 11% 11% 11% 11% lOAhmeek . 56 66 56 ?6 6<:r. Arcadian . 3% 3% :; ,". '-j 25 Aria Com!.... 9 9>? 9 Sis lSBingham .... 18% 13% 13% 13% 230 Cal & Ariz.... 54 54 515% 63% 36 Cal & Hecla..262 2G5 262 ?66 4SS0 carson . 16 16% 14% 15% 186 Copper Range 35% 36 S?'j 2': 100 Davis Dalv... 6% 6% 6% 6% 700 East Butte... 10% 10% 10% 10% 6^5 Island Creek. 77% 70 77'i 77% 2 do pf. SB 8G 86 86 420 Mayflower O C 4% 4% 4% 4% 25 Michigan .... 2 2 2 2 1?0 Mohawk ..... 64% 64% 64% 54% 250 Nevada . 13% 13% 13% 13% 930 New Cornelia. 16% 17'? 16% 17% 100 Nipisslner ???? 6% 6% 6% 6% 1860 North Butt-.. 12 12% 12 12% 95 Osceola . 21% 31% 81% '.'. 1 '? 810 Pond Creek... 16% K> % 15% 15% 20 Quincy . 43% 42% 43% 43% 3 00 Shannon . 1% 1U Pa 1 '* 10 St Mary?. 4:! 43 43 43 60 Sup & Boston. 1% i.% 1% 1% sjfio Trinity . 3% 3% 3% :;:-? 350 Tuloumnn ... 40 40 40 40 12 1' S Smelt pi. 4:i 42 42% 42% 250 Ctah Apex.... 3-?* 3A ?A SA 180 Wolverine ... 11% 11% 11% 11% Railroad* 97Bost Elev- 76 76% 76 76% 1 Bost & Maine. 16 J r> 16 16 85 Maine Cent... So'i 35 % 36% 35'-j 25 Northern N E. 63 62 62 62 35 NY N H & II 13% 13% 13% 13% 10 Old Colony.., 61 51 61 61 125 West End.49% 4S% 48% 48% 3 do pf. 5S 58 58 58 Miscellaneous 75 Amoskeag .... 97 97 97 97 30 do pf. 81 81 SI 81 100 Am Pneu. 3% 3% 3% 3% Public Utility Securities BUI Ask Adl P A-. L 12 14 do pf. . . 81 83 9S Am P & T do pf. . Am G ,t B.118 SO 82 121 .?o pf, 41 Am p &l ?;: do pf. . . 75 Am P Utl. S de pf.. . IS Applchn P 4 do pf. . . 60 CarPR&L. 2S Ontl Sta K 7 do pf. . . 5 5 Cities Svc.203 do pf.,. 50 *? do R sh. 23 ?i 7?? d s I-i 116 1ft <l s C. 92 do D ... 87?i do pf B. 0%, CtsSvOS pf 75 do pf B. 75 docshcm 75 do <stk)140 Col Pw ... 8 [ Bid Tot Pw pf 85 C P R & L.. 7 i do pf. . . 24 lCn(.'115s'62 6? CwL 1 6s'31 83 EB&Sh pf. 86 Vi B D K p?. 70 (EG & I-' 6s 9 5 1 do 6ft en 90 j do 8% pf SX : do en nt. 9 4 Fdl I. & T. 8 do p?. . . 61 N'o Sta Pw 60 ' do pf. . . SO Rep RAL t ? do pf. . . 3 6 So Cal Kd.. 93 I do pf...103 Std G & E 1 I 37 Ask 10 61 2 4 V-? 130 97 89%l do pf. . . 6 ?T P. I. & P ? I do pf. . . ? Un L & ft. ? j do lut pf -- West Pwr. 3 0 I do nw pf Bonds 20 95 106 13 A R * E 6* Si ? im St P 6s S6'i A P ft I, 6s S6 87 ?UL&R6? 76 Appln P 6s 79 81 lUtahSeO 6s 96?? Col P 6s. . 7?I 83 WIs Ed 6s S9 El Paso 6s 77 88 ? Trnst and Surety Companies Bid Alliance _ 70 t American... ?? Ar, Suret y. . 60 g S I & 2 10 Ran', Ron. &? i 'ommrcl . .. loo Bmptre T. . .200 Equitable T .284 Prmrs I. * T 868 Pldl te int. . .200 Fulton.240 Guaranty .. . 206 Hudson .170 K ings t .660 Lwvrs *Mtg . . 120 Lwyrs Tr...!04 Ask! ? l.rucoln Tr. ? Manufct'ra . 66 Mercantile . .260 806 Metropltn ..2-0 220 Mtfr Bond... 78 420|Mui T W.... 105 345?X Y Title. . . 127 290|Nti Surety;... 186 130?N Y L & T..6?6 ? N Y Trust. . .295 270j Peoples . . . .290 ? Realty Asso.105 ?IOTltle Ouar,..340 260IUtd States...910 210 r s M .t T. . 21;0 - ? S T G- 77 ??Westehstr ..140 125 AV &? P. Hr &l 160 10S! fSec N Y Title. 1 15 192 305 112 S55 ?70 87 160 Miscellaneous Stock? ?$-* Lt<i. rto pi, . Am Ml pf A M X Y Am Td pf. AmType F <?? pf- - . A !? T N .1 At'as P C. B R Rpl... do ?d pf. Rorderi's... Bush T pf Cellulo?d . Child? co. do pf.. . 'Crk W pf. 2V4 12S 350 '0 3 0*;iCUy Invt. 63 4 t | O C Se M'. 3 1 76 Draper C136 Int Sil pf. 83 Nati CafctV 76 N CP ?t If. !'5 P A W pr. 83 PhelpsD. .176 R-. 1 Hkg P 80 ! do pf. .. 83 S C. I? L 80 Slnprer. ... n 1 SU JIM A P. "s 82 V4 45 8714 40 185 85 101 ?8 102 W n. 98 302 80 Taie A-, T 150 ?Ex dividend. Tobacco Stocka (! XV Hel iS? 164 ,|P R \ T <"-r> 7 0 do pf... 95 99 l'nvrsi l.f.133 138 J M Toung ?3 ?? kVeym B .160 165 do pf... 8* 98 i *dv pr.. 96 99 MeA * 7.103 108 I *Bx dividend. What Things Cost Quotations ore cash prices in primary markets. Commodity and unit. Previous 1920 runs*. FOODS? Yesterday. day. flieh. I,ow. Wheat (No. 2 hard) bn. $1.21 $121 $3.60 $1.79 Corn (No. 2 yellow) bu.71a4 .71'4 2.31% .94? ? Oat.? (No. 2 white) bu.45 .45 1.50 .60 llour (spring pat) hbl. 7,50 7.25 16.25 9.00 Beef (family) hbl. 15.50 15.50 28.00 20.00 Pork (mes?) bbl. 25.25 25.25 47.00 29.50 Susor (rraivolated) lb.062@.05S .052?.053 .23 .08 Coffee (No. 7 Itio) lb.08'a -08?4 .16a4 .06"/3 Butler (creamery, firnt) lb.37'/a?.43'a .36'/?@.42 .77 .51'/a I?eiis (fresh, firs!) dox.06 @.62 .56 @,61 .89 .42',? TEXTILES? Cotton (middlins upland) lb... .183 .189 .433.4 .14'/a Print cloth (S8-in. 84x60).08% .O8I4 26 .071/4 Silk (raw, No. 1 Sin.) lb. 7.30 7.00@7.20 17.45 5.00 Wool (fine Montana ccoared) lb. .85 .85 2.00 .80 METALS? Steel billet.? <Pitt*hur*n) ion... 29.00@32.00 29.00@32.00 65.00 43,00 Iron (No. 2 fdry,, Phils.) ton... 20.34@21.26 20.34@21.26 53.50 33.00 I,ead (spot) lb.047 .047 .09' - .04', Copper (spot) lb.13% .^s .19' /t .12J.C Tin (Strait?) lb.30'4 ,29?.B .65' 4 .32"" Ml'BBKR, HIDES, KTC. Rubber (rib-smoked sheet?) lb.. .18% .18' 2 .64'/i .15',a Hides (calfskin?, city) 9 to 12 lb?. 2.60? 2.65 2,60? 2.65 10.50 2.10 Crude oil (Penn). 4.00 4.00 6.10 6.00 sales. 6.016. Kort Wor?h quiet, KO lower .it 17 26e; suie.?. 369, Montgomery quiet, 25 lowei at i?i-. sales, none. Cotton Statistics Wednesday. Yesterdayl Last yr Port receipts.. 16,866 Holiday 41,178 Exports. 22,639 Holiday 82,799 Exports season.2,229,321 Holiday 1,625,463 1 \ v stocks ... 111,863 Holiday 23,428 Port stocks ...1.450,829 Holiday 1,357,337 Interior recptS. 20,128 Holiday 41,259 j interior shpmts 23.1S4 Holiday 31,312 I \ Y arrivals... 1,658 Holiday 1,979 Liverpool cable??Spot cotton In moder? ate demand at. 8 point? decline from. Wednesday; middling, U.64d. Sale?, 6,000 bales, American, 5.000. Imports, 4.000; ? non? American. Futures opened quiet. ? December 9 points lower, other positional % to 11 points higher than Wednesday. Closed steady at 1 to 14 points decline. December, ll.39d; January, 11.37d: .March, 11.27d; May, 11.20d; July, ll.lOd; October, 10.46d. M anches; er: Yarns dull and ir? regular; cloth offers too low. Cottonseed Oil The close was easy with prices 8 to 8 points net lower. The range of prices: Wednesday'? Open. High. Low. Close. clos*. Spot .-- S.00?3.60 8.25 Nnv .-.- 8.00?8.75 8.25 Deo _ 8.30 8.31 8.25 8.20@8.25 8.23 .Tan . 8.63 8.63 8.51 8.5008.62 8.53 l-'eb .-? ----- - 8.65.@8.62 8.60 March .. 8.SI 8.84 8.74 8:74?8.75 8.80 April ... 8.83 8.83 8.80 8.77@8.80 8.85 Ma:.9 04 9.04 8.95 S.96?8.96 9.00 JUne ....- - - ? - . 9.05?9.12 9.10 Sugar and Coffee Raw Sugar Futures?The ratine of prices: Wednesday's Open. High. Low.Close, close. December. 2.35 2.35 2.36 2.35 2.30 January. -? - -- 2.21 222 February. - ?? - - 2.22 2.22 Mar. h. 2.23 2.23 2 23 2.22 2.23 Wednesday's Open. High. Low.Close, close. May. 2.34 2.34 2.32 ?.31 2.32 .lune.2.26 g.37' July. 2.43 2.43 2 43 2.43 2.42 August. -.- 2.46 2.46 .September....- 2.60 2.50 Coffee Futures?Tha range of rriceR: November. - ?.- --. 8,56 8.28 December. 8.28 8.57 8.2S 8.55 R.2g January.- - 8.4 3 8.18 February. --8.31 8.05 M&rch. 8.10 8.21 8.10 8.19 7.92 April. - - - 8.1 I 7.SI May. 7.90 8.03 7.90 8.02 7.73 ?lune. - - - 7.97 7.67 July. 7.77 7.90 7.77 7.89 7,63 August. -.-.-? 7.85 7.56 September. 7.6S 7.68 7.68 7.80 7.48 Livestock, Meats, Provisions yesterday. Year ?go. Live beef, fair to prime, 100 lbs. $6.750 8.35 $1025014.75 Dressed beef, sides, lb.090 .18 .130 .26 Live veals, com? mon to prime, 100 lbs. 8.50013.00 11.00017.1)0 Dressed veal, City, lb.12? .22 .180 .26 Live e w es, 100 lbs. 2.000 4.00 3.000 5.2/ Dressed mutton, city, lb.050 .10 .08? .14 Live lambs, fair to primo. 100 IbS.. 9.00011.00 30.50012.25 Dressed lambs, city, lb.170 .23 .200 .28 Hogs. 100 lbs.... 7.50? 8.00 10.60012.25 Dressed liosn, bacon, lb.13*i0.l4\i .1 9 % 0.1 914 Pork, bbl.26.00026.26 30.00031.00 Mess beef, bbl.... 1 2.00014.00 19.00020.0? Lard. Middle West, 100 lbs... 9.75? 9.S5 18.00018.25 Flour and Meal Yesterday's PrevluU? Year close. close. ago. New York : Sp?? pat.17.0007.50 ?G.7507.26 58.250 9.Oil Cornm'l . 3.6501.75 1.6001.70 2.5002.75 Rye _ 6.40@6.?0 5.2505.50 8.7509.01 Bran. . . . 26.00 26.00 40.00 Markets in Other Cities Sales. Ooen. ITIch. Low. Last. ) 40 Am Sugar. 56 U 66% 66 66 vs lio pf. 83s* sen S3% ?>5 940 Am Tel.115% 117 115% 116% 2 0 Am Wool. 78% 78% 78% 78% 27 do pi'.102% 103 10i?4 IC^i [ 50 Eastern Mfg.. 11% 11% 1 1'? tl'?| 110 Kastern S S... 31% 32 31% 32 luir, Ellison .157 161% 166% 161 100 Fairbanks .... 20 20 20 20 50 Gardner . il U il 3 t B Gray . 10% 10% 10% io% ! 4-; [nt Cot M pf.. 75 75 76 76 145 Int Cernent... 29 29 2S% 2S% - 100 Int Produc?s. .3 3 3 3 200 do pf. 9 9 7 7 100 Island OU. 3 hi 3% S% 8% 820 Libby . 6% 6% 6% 6% lOLoew's . 14% 14% 14% 14% 156 Mass Gas. 65% 6fi 65% 65% 112 do pf. 61%' 61% 61 61% 5!0M'X Ir.v. 14% 15 14% 14 % 22 Miss Riv P p? 73% 73% 73% - 73% , 2090 Nat Leather.. 2% S 23; 2}| 62 New Eng Tel ..109 11 0 10M 11 0 269 New Kng OU.. 5% 5% r, 5% 200 Orpheum . 15 15% 15 16% 9 Pacifie Mills. .163 163 163 163 23 Reece But Ho 12% 12% 13% 12% 24 Swift . 99 99% 99 99% 140 Swift lull. 20% 21 ! j 20% 21% '. 50 Torrington ... 55 65 64% 64% 16 Fritted Drug. .71 71 71 71 125 do 1st pf... 45 4.".% 45 45 5 United Fruit.. 121 1 2t 121 121 1995 United Shoe... 3S 39 38 38% 40 do pf. 24% 24% 24% 24% 27 D S Steel. 82% 83 S2% S3 155 Ventura . 19% 19% 19 19% SlOWaldorf . 24 24*? 2:;% 24 2? Waltham Wch 9 8 9 9 7 do pf. 37 27 27 37 865Warren Bros.. 18 19 18 3 8 . 425 do 1st pf.... 29 29% ?9 29 35 do 2d pf.... 28 29 28 23 Bonds ? $1000 Am Tel 4s\ . . . 86% 86% 86% 86% : 9000 A G W 6s. 55 65 54% 65 ! 5000 Carson 7s.100 100 100 ion ? 20.000 Int. Cem 8s..102% 102% 102% 3021; 2000 Miss Riv Pw 5s S6 S0 85% 85% 6000 Pond Creek 6s 99 99 99 9t 9000 Western Tel 5s 88 sa ss 89 Boston Curb Bid Askl Bid Ask Al '? Extn... 1 2 I La Rose . . .23 30 Ariz Silver..IS 19 Majestic ... 6 8 A;,:: Tip Top 3 5 Mex Metals..? 10 Blk Hawk.. 6 8 Midw Moss..-- 3 Chief Con... 3% 3% Mutual DT. 45 46 Calaveras.. .76 ? ?Monarch....? 15 Crystal new.40 41 Ntl L & Z...? 2 Denbigh. 6 8 Nixon .... 4 ? Eagle B B.. 2 3 Rainier .... 6 7 Eureka Cro.28 2S Isvn Metals.. 8 10 Fortuna ....? 2 Silver Reef.. 8 9 Gadsden . ..44 60 Texana . ... 8 9 Homa Oil.... 8 10 !UnVerExt.27 27% Iron BIOSS...15 20 ?Yukon. .,1% 1%; Iron Cap. ...6 8) Chicago Open. High. Low. Last. 60 Am Radiator.. 90 90 90 90 26 Am Spbldg pf. 70 70 70 70 I 260 Armour pf ... 94% 94% 91% 94% ?Sales. Open. llifih. Low. Last. . SI Arm Leather.. 12% 12% 12% i 2 ', 200 Beaverboard... s% s% s% ?14 160 do pf . 26 26 26 26 63 Case. Plow I pf 86 26 38 36 ?10 do 2d pf. . .. 10 1" 10 1? 1S3 Chi C *-. C Rys % % % % ; 135 do pf . 4 \ 4 U 4% 4% 1850 Chi El Rya pf. 1 Hi 1 1 % 85 Com Edison ..115% 116% 115% 116% 650 Cont Minors .. 6% 5% 6H 5% 2.") Lia Match ...107 107 107 107 8 25 b'?ri Moi ors ..10 10 9 % 3 5i 750 do rights.... . % % y* 's 90 Gt Lalcea D.vD 83 S3 83 83 30 111s Brick .... 55% 66% 66% 66 % 3900 Libby . 6'.? 7 6% 6% 223 Lindsav Light. 3% 3% 3% 3*4 to:. M'Wt Util 1' pf 81 SI 81 81 . . 140 do pf . 53 53 53 51 50 Mitchell Mot . . 5 5 5 430 Mtgmy-W'd pf 83 83 81 83 10300 Nat Leather... 3 S 2% 3 30 Orpheum . 15% 15% 1 .""> 'j 15% 250 Plggly Wig .. . 19% 191, 19% 19 i 40'i Heo Motors... 19% 20% 19% 19% 235 Sears-Roabk .. 04% ?4% 63% 6.1% 25 Stewart W ... 24 24 24 21 70 Swift & Co. .. . 9 9 9:? 9 9 99 585 Swift Inter ,..21 21% 21 21 100 Sta nd Has ...11*; 11 % 11 % 11 % 50 do pf ....... 38 39 28 39 26 Thompson .... 45 45 43 4 3 1900 l"n Carbide .. 46 46% 46% 4>? 10-30 l'n Ir Wks. .. . ?r-H 7% 7'j 7% 70 Wahl . -tO'j 491.? 4!>ij 4!>'._. 300 West Knit ... S7? 9 8% 9 2600Wrlgley . 100 103% IOO 102 355 Tellow Mfg ..162 163 162 163 730 Yellow Taxi .. B5% 56% 55 51 Bonds $(0000 Chl C&.C P. 6s 32% 32% 32 32 lOOmcht C R 1 6s 6S% 6S% 68% ?S% 6000 Chi Rys 1st 6s 66% 66% 66% t;ii.. 2000 <lo .sel' B 6s 31 3 1 3 1 3 1 2000 SwJft 1st 5s.. 91% 91% 91% 91% Cleveland Bid. Asked I Bid Ask Clev P.v... 85 87 Goodyr pf 27 29 Firestone. 56 60 Peerless... 89 40 do 6".. pf 80 90 IProAAg pf 5% ? do I'.'c... 78 8 5 ''*Shrw AY. 23 24 Fisher pf.. 75 80 ! do pf... 92 94 (Hidden... 11 12 ; ?Ex dividend, t?oodyear.. 11% 12%, Detroit 6ales. Open. High Low. Last. 150 Am I, .t Tr... 0.3 H !>r. 95% SW 72.3 Col Su?- . 4% 4% 4% 4% 141)0 t'ont .Motors .. 6% 5% ? % 5 "8 160 Detroit Ban.. 08 99 US 90 3O0 Federal Tr. ... 14 1.3 It 15 00 Ford of Can...246 215 24.'. 24,3 1700 Lincoln Mot... 4%. 4',; 4 4 250 Packard . 6% ?% ?% 6"i 2.1 do pf. 70% 70% 70 Vii 70J/S ? 100 Paige . K5 13 13 13 15 Parke Davis.. 82 S2 8a 82 i 775 Reo Motors.... 19% 20 19% 20 Philadelphia 10 Am Gas . 42 42 42 42 15 Am Stores ... 77% 77% 77% 77^ 69 Cambria Iron.. 37 37 37 37 j no Con Tr N J... 35% 36 35% 3tl 335 Elec Storage. .114 114", 114 111"; Miscellaneous Markets Standard Oil Companies Rid. Asked.i Bid. Asked. Anclo Am. 18% 19%jPr O A G.575 585 A:l Ring..950 975 [PraiPpLn 229 223 do pf...H2 114 (Solar Rfg.355 275 Borne-Scr.320 340 ?Sou Pp Ln. 90 93 Buck P L 85 87 Sou Pa O..230 235 Ches Mfg.ISO 395 Sw Pa P L 67 60 do pf.\.104 106 *a ? Cal. 90% 91% Cntl O Co.123 128 ?S O Ind. 8S SS% Cres P L. 30 32 S O Kan.. 585 600 r-,::-.: I' L.145 350 S O Kv.,.435 445 Lure P L 85 88 S O Neb...176 185 G S O nw.104 108 ?S O N J.173 175 dopt old 104 108 I do Pf...111% 112% do pf cm 47 49 ?S O N Y..385 390 lIlPpLn.172 175 ?S O Ohio.400 410 lndPpLn 82 83 ! do pi...109 111 lull Pt l.t. 16 16%iSwan & F. 40 50 Nil Tins.. 29% 30% Un Tk Cr 97 102 N Y Trns.148 352 | do p T. . . 10 t in:, N'rth P Ln 96 99 iVacuu OU.330 355 Ohio O?...SS5 290 ?Wshg OU.. 35 40 Pa Mex F 23 25 I ?Par 825. Miscellaneous Oil Companies Bid Ask) Bid Ask Atl Lobos. 10% 10%iMidw Rfg.170 ISO do pf... 40 46 iMtn Pr Cp 10% 11 [BrAmOLt. 30% 80% Nrthw Oil .17 .20 Cos & Co. 6 7 PrdA. R Cp 4% 61 ?'. ElkBsCP 7% 7% *S Ck Prd 13% 14' Imp O l.t. 97 98 ?Sapul Rf.. 2% 4% Masn Prt.160 365 VSO?-I, .40 .50 Merr O Cp 10% 10%- ?Par $10. Sugar Stocks Car Sug.. 13 17 ?Grt AVst pf 97 100 Centl Sug. ? 2 |Mt Am... 10 5? do pf... ? 10 ?National.. 88 92 CAgUirre. 6S 60 ;NI Nique..125 150 F.lrdo new 46 48 Savannah. 17 20 Grt Wstn..tl4 118 do pf. . . 55 60 New York Rank Stocks America _167 178i(Jartlold _215 230 Atlantic ....210 220|Gotham ....190 205 : Am Kxch_236 242 Greenwich ,.236 255 ? Battery .140 155|ilanover ...,S20 -- [Bowery .425 460 Harrlman ..345 nco Bway Cntl .113 130 Imp & TdlU.495 510 ?Bryant PU.. 163 175jlndustrial ...160 170 Bronx Ntl...l50 lOOilrving Nil....1S3 186 ?Butch A Dr.. 130 J40;.\lnhttn Co..200 207 Centl Merci.190 200|Mch A Mel..315 325 .chase. .260 270 Metropltn ..350 ? Chat & Phe.,225 845JMutual .610 Chelsea Ex.. so 90|Ntl Am.145 155 Chemical ...480 495 New Nrthn...l30 City.St9 884 N Y N P, A.420 Coal A Iron..205 215 Pacific..300 ? Columbia ...150 lOOll'ark.400 410 Colonial. ...250 --Public.230 240 Commerce ...2":4 238 Seaboard ...235 243 complon . . 1O0 ll'OJSeeond.460 Cmmnwlth. . 215 ? -?Standard ...200 225 Cntntl . . . .130 --?State.240 Corn Kxch... 3 (0 - 23d Ward... 200 ? East RVI....170 ~-Ltd States...155 163 First Ntl . . .860 8S0 t'nlon Ex ...170 180 ? til Av<- ... 300 - - WshS His...235 ? 6th Ntl .... 150 160'Voris ville ...425 ? Insurance Companies Am Alinee...240 260|Iianover .... 80 ? Ciiv of N Y..160 1701 Home.367 277 Cmmnwlth. .300 325;Ntl Liberty'. .140 160 Fid A Phe...470 486?Nu-gara _120 130 Franklin . . 70 80iStuyvsnt .... 60 76 Globe A R..120O ? ?TJntd States.. 31 41 Grt Amrcn....248 266.) ., Steel and Ordnance Stocks IV.d, Asked ! Bid. Aikecl. Am Bras?210 215 Km S J-, I. ? 25 Atlas Pw.112 116 do pf. . . 40 50 ?Bab?-YV. 98 102 ??Here. Pw.136 140 Carb Steel 18 22 I do pf. . . So 02 do 1st pf 45 65 ;Xlles B P. 50 65 do 2d pf. 20 25 | do pf. . . 85 90 Coll A ... 24 27 ?Scov Mfg.300 du Pont... 98 102 Thmplron 16 25 ?do pf. . 69 71 WlnCor nw 5 20 Blast Steel. 15 2,") [Woodw..., ? 45 ?K dividend, i Chemical Stocks Bid. Asked. ! Bid. Asked. Am Cvn... 12 16 Ky Solvay 16 46 do pf... 30 86 Mulfd Co.. 40 60 Casein Cp. 30 45 Merrlmac. 76 ? Dow Oh.... ? ? *Merc C pf 65 70 Du Pont . 9% 10%', ?Ex dividend. Grazelll.,.135 140 1 Certificates of Indebtedness and United States Treasury Notes Apptor Month. P. Ct Year. Bid. Asked. Yield < 'December.. 6 1921 100,!, 100A 11.80 February. . . 5% 1922 100% 100*i 3-87 ?March. 6 1922 l?O^.j lOOA 3.88 ?March. 5% 1922 100 A. 100% 3.91 ?March. 6% 1922 100)1 100-rV 3.85 April. 4% 1922 100 100,1? 4,05 ?June. 6% 1022 100}^ 100?? 4.06 August. B% 1922 100% 100% 4 19 "September.. 4% 1922 100 100? 4.33 ?September.. 5% 1922 100H 100+3 4.19 ?June. 6% 1924 102A 102A 4.77 ?September.. 6% 1924 lOlJJ 101JS 4,78 ?Acceptable in payment of Federal taxes on the dates of maturity. New York City Bonds Form. Rate, Maturity. Bid. Ask. Yield. Inter 4%s, 1967. 99% 100% 4.47 do 4%s, 1965. 991; 100% 4.47 do 4%s, 1963. 99% 100% 4.48 do 4%s, 1957. 99% 100% 4.48 do 4%S, I960. 95% 96% 4.44 00 4%s, 1964. 95% 96% 4.45 do 4'is, 1962. 95% 96% 4.45 do 4%B, 1960. 95% 96% 4.47 do 4%s. I960 op 1930.. 95% 96% 4.47 do 4? 1959. 89% 91 4.50 do 4s. 1958. 89% 91 4.51 do 4s. 1957. 89% 91 4.61 Reg 4.?, 1956-1956. 89 91 4.52' do 4s, 1930. 91% 93% 4.60 Inter 3%s, 1954. 80 82 4.55 Coupon 3%s. 1954. 80 82 4.55 Reg 8%a, 1950-1954 Inc.. 80 82 4.55 Reg 3%s, 1940-1930 inc. 4.85 4.55 -. Reg 3%s, 1922-1930 Inc. 6.15 4.75 -? Reg coup (serial) 4%s, 1922-1932 I no. 6.16 4,75 Reg coup (serial) 4%s, 1922-1931 Inc. 6.15 4.75 ??? New York State Bonds Issued In coupon and registered form, not Interchangeable. Coupon bonds registerabie. litd. Ask. Yield. Canal ? H'way 6a, '22-'30. 4.60-? do 6s. 1931-1940. 4.50 do 5s, 1944-1970. 4.30 4.10 Canal Imp 4%s. 1364... 106 109 4.05 Highway Imp 4%s. 1963.106 109 4.05 Canal Imp 4%s. 1965. .. .100 104 4.05 Highway Imp 4%s, 1965.190 104 4.06 Setback in Wheat On Profit Taking After Early Rise Seriousness of Drought Re? porta Causes Advance and Gains of Nearly 2 Cents Are Held; Corn Is Lower CHICAGO, Nov. 25.?Wheat took an upward swing in value to-day largely by way of response to Thankagivinp; strength of foreign markets. Tho close was unsettled, 1 %\ to 1% cents net higher, with December 1.12 to 1.12ft and May 1.16 to 1.15 ft. Corn lost ft? ft to r,fc. and onts gained ft to ft. In provisions tho outcome varied from 6 cents decline to 16 cents ad? vance. General buying accompanied the upturn In tho wheat market, but after midday much profit ta Kins on the part of holders Was In evidence, causing material set? backs. Less favorable crop report? from Arpent inn. were among the chief bullish factor?. The wheat crop In the Southern portions. Including some of the best, wheat territory In Argentina, were said to havo been hurt by drought. Increasing seriousness of drought reports from Kansas also was noted and hot, weather damage to late southern wheat In Australia, Furthermore, Japan was said to be buying Australian wheat, on a big scale and India, loo, taking a liberal quantity, thus rodui Ing the amount available for Europe. Despite the fact i lint, realizing snles late In the session took the edge off tho wheat advance, bullH professed io bo satisfied, especially as some fresh Euro? pean buying of domestic hard winter wheat was talked of. Knlnrped rural offerings of corn more than counterbalanced In the corn market at the laBt the effect of wheat strength and of export demand for corn In all posi? tions. Oats seemed to be governed mainly by the acttvn of wheat. Provisions advanced with hogs, but later reacted because of packers selling, Grain Prices Wheat Y?st*rd*y'a Previous Year New York: close. close. aco. No. .", hard . . .21.21 $1.21 Chicago?Range or prices: Wednesday's Open. High. Low. Close, close. Dec.1.11% 1.13% 1.11% 1.12 1.10% May ... 1.14% 1.16% 1.14 1.15 1.13% Corn Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close. close. ago. No. 2 white. .$0.71 \ $0.70 $0.94*4 December ... .49% 30% .64% May .51% .55% .71% Oati Yesterday's Previous Tear New Totk; clos--. close. ago. No. 3 white..$0.43 $0.43 $0.59% December ... .33% .33% .-14 May .3S% .33 % .48% live Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close. close. ago. No.2 W..r.o.b.$0.9S $0.94% ?1.82 Sales. 10 Gen Asphalt. . ?4% too ins Co n a ... ;;<> ii5 Keystone Tel.. 7'? nil Lake Sup. 6% 7rt Lehtgh Nav. .. 01?% 5 I, V Trans pf. IP 4'i Ponn Salt. . . . ?5% 2807 Phlla R ')'... . i?% 60 Pu C L & P pT 4U 3571 Penn 11 R_ 84% 80 l'?i il? CO.;'.:'. 205 do cum i>f. . 2.(1 10?9 Phla Elec. 22% t>7 do pf . 27% in!) Phlla Trac. . . . r.7 i B685 Fn Gas Imp. . 3S 345 do pf. 50 2006 Un Trac. ... .".:'. C W .1er ic S S . 27 !? Ronds 84 00 Am G A E ."-s, 70 ?000 Bell Tel 7s. . .108% i ,Ml'.)U Cou Tra N .1 5s 07 , 1000 l-'i o elf 4s. ele. CO 1000 Le N cons 4L s !?7 1000 L V R II 4%s r 07 ! 4 OdO L V 4 ',3 s. H7 '. mon i-hila, c con Os 84 50(111 Scab ref 4s. . . 2.5 1 6000 Phila E 1st os. 01 t 31000 Un Ry luv 5s. 78 Pittsburu 340 Ark N'ai Gas.. 10% 60 Am W Glass pf 96 5S5 Am W G Mach 68% ; 20 Ind Brew pf. . 5 % 400 Salt Creak C. . 11 7 5 Mailand Ref. . I! 4;,;, Nat. Fireproof. 7% 45 Ohio Fuel Sup 46% 25 Okla Nat (las. 2<s 300 Pitts Brewing:. 2 '? (?pen. IliBh. Low. Ltt! 0% 601,4 il 4 i 80 108% 108% 108% (17 l'.7 C.7 60 00 00 1)7 !?? ?7 91% 78 pi 600 Pitts A lit 20 Pitts Oil & Ga 10U DuijUesne . . . h. 24c ."Montreal .... 31 f. . . 31% , A bit ?hi P A i AI lant le Su Braz T LA. ... ,. ! Brit Kmp Steel. R % do 2d pf 1%. 23 31% 23% 1 9 % n, ,.1-pioii Pa per i Can Car & Fdy. do pf. 4 9 ; Dom Steel pf. 65 ? Laurentlde . 74' ; Mtl 1. II ?- P ('ons. . Mi i i \ai Breweries. 57 , Que Ky L l( & P. . . 25 Vi 2 : shawinlgran . 106% if ?Spanish River. 64 ti do pf. 74% 7 1 Steel ( 'o of Can. 60% 6 Toronto Ry. 66 l lleardon Pulp A P old com do now com. do new pf.,. S6 % 24% 105% 64 74% 60% 66 Bid. 6 ' t 1.25 9 '?! Bailey. ! Contabas. ... 1 Crown Rsv,. ! Dome Lake. ' Hollinger? I Moin tyre... Mnir Cp On. I Newray . . .. 5c 15o 6% l5? Tor/mto Ptrsn T_,ake. 3 Pjic Crown.10 Pore Imp. ..? Pratn B Dm 2 Tck Hgrhs...l2 Tmikmnt ..16 ltflWest Dome.. 4 7 I 7 c 74 % 60% 66 Ask. 3.40 7o 20c. 2 c 5o He Bid. AsW. "?leid Tlai-itn Can Ter 4%9. 1945 99% 103 4.05 Highway Imp 4s, 1967. . . 9? 99 4.?5 Canal Imp 4s, 1967. 9? 99 4.05 Highway Imp 4s, 1960-'62 i ne . 91 9 9 4.05 Highway Imp 4s, 1958.. 90 99 4.05 Canal Imp 4s, 1960-'C3 inc . 91 99 4.03 Palisades f S IJk 4s. 19H1 96 9n 4.05 Barge Can Ter 4s, '42-'46 95 99 4.05 Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Farm Loan 5?, 1938, op 1923.100% 101% - Federal Farm Loan 6s, 1941, op 1931 .101% 102% 4 66 Federal Farm Loan 4%s, 1939. op 1924. 97% 98 % 4.63 Federal Farm Loan 4 Vis, 1938. op 1923. 97% 98% 4.64 Federal Farm Loan 4%s, 1937. op 1922. 97% 98% 4.65 Chicago Joint Stock Lar.d Honk 5%s. 1951, o0 '31.102% -- - Chicago Joint Stock X,and Bank 5s. 1939, o,j '24. 99 ? Chicago Joint Stock Land Hank os, 193S, op '23. 99 ? - Short Term Securities Security. P.ate. Due. Bid. Ask. Yield. Alum Co of Am 7s, 1925.. 101% 101% fi.50 Am Cotton Oil .6s. 1934.. 96% 96 7.4 3 Am Tel & Tel 6s, 1922. .. .100 100% 6 00 do 6s, 1924. 99% 100'? 5.97 Ami Thread Co 6s, 1928... 99% 100% 5.95 Am Tob 7s. 1922.100% 101% 6.70 do 7h. 1923.101% 102 6.95 Anaconda Cop 6a, 1929.. 96% 9ti % 6.65 do 7s, 1929.100% 101% 6.80 An-Am Oil. Hid. 7%s. '25.103% 10< 6.30 Armour conv 7s. 1930.... 702% 102% 8.50 Bell Tel Co of Can 7s,'25.100 100% 6.95 Beth Steel 7s. 1922.100 100% 6.50 do 7s, 1923.100% 100% 6.45 Can Pac By 6s. 1924. 99% 100% 6.55 Cent Argentine Ry 6s, '27 90% 91% 7.90 Chi, R I & P By Co 6 1922 99% 100% 5.00 Cop ISxp As, Inc, Ss. 1922.100% 101% 3.05 do 8s, 1923.102 102% 6.40 do 8s, 1924.103% 103% 6.30 do 8s. 1925.104% 105 6.40 Cud Pac!." Co 7s, 1 923 . . . . 100 % 100% 6.55 Fed Sug Ref Co 6s, 1924.. 97 97% 7.95 Qoodrlch conv 7s, 1925... 97% 97% 7.70 Gulf Oil Corp 6a, 1923.... 99% 100% 5.95 do 7s. 1933.102% 102% 6.70 II .1 Heinz Co 7s. 19S0-103% 104% 6.35 Hock Val B R 6s. 1924.. 97% 98 % 6.65 ! Hum Oil * ReT Co 7s. 1923.100 100% 6.90 ! Interboro R T con 8s, '22 74 76 - Kan City Tr Ry Co Cs. '23 99% lyn 6.00 Konnecott Cop 7s, 1930.. 99% 100% 6.95 r.aclede C1L lst&ref 7s, '29 97 98 7.35 IV & Ham Co 7s, 1922. ..100% 100% 5 12 do 7s. 1923.101% 101% 6.00 Pub Ser N J coil 7s, 1932 99 99% ?1 60 R J Rey Tob Co 6s. 1922. .100% 100% 530 Sears Roeb'lc & Co 7s, '22 .100 % 100% 6.60 do 7s. 1923 .100% 100% 6.80 Solvay &. Co Sa. 1927.103% 104% 7 10 Southern Ry 6s. 1922. 99% 99% 6 60 Southwest Bell T 7s. 1925.100% 101% 6 53 St I' Un Dep gtd 5%s, '23 98% 99% .','73 St Oil Co N Y 7a, '25-'3l.103% 108% ' do 6%B. 1933.104% 105' ?3* Swift & Co 7s, 1925.100% m|i? fi S5 do 7s. 1931 .102 in:-!. r. 65 The Texas Co 7s, 1323. ... 101 % 101 % R 05 Utah Securities 6s, 1922. 97% 98 K ">ft Vacuum Oil 7s, 1936.... 105% 106% 6 30 Western Klec con 7s, 1925.104% 104% 5 $( Irregular Treuil. In Curb Trading ; Oils Are Higher Standard of Indiana Works Upward Along With Lower- j Priced Shares; Industrials, Subjected to Pressure j Although prices presented nn IrregU" lar trend at. the close of activo trading on the curb market yesterday, oils ai a group were fairly firm and re? coveries were registered over oarly de? cline*. Industrials were subjected to pressure on profit taking. Standard of Indiana gained more, than a point at 88 Vi, but Cities Scrv- ! ice sagged '? points at 208, apparently ] on further profit taking. Lower priced oils were in fairly good demand at i slightly higher prices. Sirntns Potro- : leum continued its advance, touching 10. Profit taking in industrials which have enjoyed advances caused relic? tions, Goodyear dropping to 12%. Mis? souri, Kansas & Texas common fell off, but tho preferred recovered a point. Chicago & Eastern Illinois shares con? tinued their upturn. Mining stocks were again active, but the trend was irregular. Hardshell roso to .38 cents before reacting slightly on profit taking. Industrials Sales. , Opon. Hlgrh, Low, Last. 4500 Ai Coal ... If, 1% ! Va Mi 100 ?Acme Pack. .SI S! SI SI 200 Amal Leather. 10% 10% 10% 10% 100 Am Writ P. ,. 3 3 3 S 100 Am Prod Bxp. 2% 2% 2% 2 % lOOAuiluhon Chm. 1% 1% I';? IH loo ?Bradley V P. 7.". 75 7f. 7b 600 Hr-A Toh coup 1 t -^? 11% 11% 11% 200 Hiirns Br A.. .116% 116 116% 116 100 do ? . 2!l'a 20 % 29% 20% ?00 Cal Cr Fruit.. ti % 7 11% ? % 1200 ?Car Light . . . 95 97 05 07 300 Carllslo Tire.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 100 Chi Nipple ... 3% 8% 2'* 8% 810 Chi &-. id III.. 16% 16% 15% 1 ? % 3500 do pf . 3.1% 34% 33% 34% 400 Col limera Id. . 1,'? I ,% 1 ,> I r? 100 Curt?as Aero.. 2 2 2 2 400 Cont Motor.?... 5% 6 5% 6 (i00*llcn & It t? pi RG G5 63 83 200 Durant Aim .. 20% 2i?% 26% 26% 400 Parroll Coal... 17% 17% 17% 17% 20Oillette S R..177% 177% 177% 177% 100 ?narland S S.. ?2 62 (L! ?2 800 C?lbsoii 1-lowell 16% 16% 1 ?? % 16% 400 (Men Alden Cl 44 'i 44% 44% 44% 600 Ooldwyn Plot.. 4% 4% 4% 4% 3400 Goodyoar Tire. 13% 13% 12 12% 200 do pf. 28 2S 27% 27 % 100 Orant Alol ... 1% 1 % 1 % 1 % 100 Hercules P ... 2 2 2 2 1 100 Hoyden Chein. 1% 1% 1-ft, 1% 3 00 I m it Proprl... 13% 14% 13% 14% 1100 Libby McNeil. 7 7 6 Vi, ?% 600 Lincoln Mot A K\x 4% 4 4 2300 Al K T w I. . . S?. .?>? . fc% S % 1800 do pf Vf i.. 22 22% 21 Vi 22% 1300 do stubs ... 8% X % 8% 8 Vi 2000 .NatI Leather. 3 3% 2% 2% 2 00 X A Pulp & P 2% 2% 2% 2% 200 Packard Mot.. 6% 6% 6% 6% 2000 ?Perfecto Tire, 4.. 4.". 4;: 4:. 400 Philip Moi ris. . 6 6 4% 4 % dOOO Kii.tio . 2% 2% 2 2% 2100 -lu pf . 2 a 2 2 700 R.TReynolds'B, 31% 34% 34% 34% 600 So'n Coal ?- I . 2 \* 2's 2 2 \% 100 Standard Mol. G G B ?> 1700 Sw-vitH Co .... :i 3 3 3 1700 U S L & H. .. . % 1% 1-ft i A 13000 *c s Steam.. . 20 20 17 IS 6000 ?U s Ship Cor 12 12 il 11 2600 Un Profit Sh.. 1 (j) l? i T? ? lit ion m Rot S Can. 1 '-j l% ?Va 1% 150QUn Ret Candi. B% 5% 6% 6% 600 Wir.,ic Coal . . I % I ,'? 1 ', 1 ,\ 1S00 W End Chem. 1% IV* i % i,'i 1500 ?Willys Corp. . 15 15 16 16 GOO do 1st pf. . . 1 1 % 11% 10 % 10'i Standard Oils 900 Anglo-Am OIL 18% 19 1S % 19 400 Atlantic Lobos 10% 10% 10% 10% 60 Buckiye P I.. . 85 % 85% 84 8 1 20 Huhn;) Signal. 4 3 45 45 45 10 Illinois P L. .172 172 17.' 172 SIOIiupl Oil Can.. '.'5 97% 03% 97% ! 20 Eureka 1' L. , 85 x.r. 85 86 lo i ihlo Oil .286 2m; 2X6 2S6 9300 S Oil of Hui.. S'. % 8SU 80% 88% ; 1" S Oil of N Y..33 : 883 383 383 Independent Oils 43011 ?Allen Oil ... 72 75 73 75 3500 ?Allied Oil ... 4 4 4 I 200 Atlantic Pet... -% 4% 4% 4% 200 Ark Nat Gas.. 10% 10% 10% 10% 326000 *Boone Oil... 31 31 28 28 4700 *Bo3ton Wyo.. 83 83 SO 81 300 Br-A Oil Ltd., 30% 30% 30% 30% 1800Carib Synd ... 5% 5% 3 1000 Cit Ser H cif?. 23% 2:',% 23% 23% 350 do pf . 60 60 59% 53 % 10 do old cash.212 2!2 212 212 95 do .210 210 20S 208 lOOCosden & C pf 4% 4% 4% 4% 5000 ?Cushir.g Pet.. U) 10 10 io 800 ?Kdmonds Oil. 89 89 88 88 2100 Elk Basin Pet, 7% 7% 7% 7% 20900 ?Engineers P.. 0i 6.", 58 CO 1800 Fed ral Oll ... I % 1 % ! % I % 2300 Gllliland Oil.. 4% 4% 4% 4% 2000 Glenrock OIL. 1% !% 1% 1 ,7., 100 Granada Oil... 3% 3% 3% 3% 2000 ?Harvey Crude S 8 7 7 500 ?Hudson Oil.. 12 12 12 12 2900 Imperial OIL. io~, io% io% io% 2800 Int Petrol .... 15% 1(5 15% 16 500 Keystone R. .. 1 1 l 1 1400 Livingston ... 2 2 1% 1% 1800 ?Lyons Pel ... 82 82 so so 200 Magna Oll ... 1% 1% 1% 1% 600 Maracaibo Oil. 24 24% 24 2-1% 20000 ?Meridian Pet, 17 17 16 16 500 Merritt Oil ... 10% 10% 10% 10% 100 Mex Ragle ... 14 14 14 14 5400 Mexico Oil ... 1% 1% 1% I A 200 Mountn Prod.. 1?% 10% 10% 10% 3000 ?Noble Oil ... 13 12 11 II 1100 No Am Oil.. . . 1 % 2 1 % 2 1000 ?Northwest ... 17 17 17 17 3000 ?Ohio Billiger. 9 0 9 9 7600 ?Omar OH ... 90 90 S8 S8 300 Pennok Oil ... 5% 5% 5% 6% 100 Prod & Ref... 4% 1% 4% 4% 0100 ?Red Rock ... 90 100 82 95 100 Ryan Cons ... 6% 6% 6% 6% 400 Sait Crk Prod 13% 13% 13% 13% (?OOSapulpa Ref.. 3% 4 3% 4 1000 ?Sequoyah ... s 8 8 3 7400 Simms Pet ... 9% 10 9% 10 500 Skelly Oil .... 6% 6% 6% 6% 1700Bouthern P R. B% 5% 6 6% 1000 Spencer Pet... 1% 1% 1% 1% 12800 ?Toxon O <fc L 70 70 63 68 100 Tidal Osage... 14% 14% 14% 14% 1600 ?Tuckenay Oil. 74 74 72 72 6900 *Un Tex Oil.., 26 36 30 30 300 Victoria Oil.. . ! % l % i i 300 White Eagle.. 22% 22% 22 22-% 200W?COX Oil ... 3% 3'.3 3% 3% 2000 YVoodbuin ... 1 I 1 1 19500 ?Y Oil . 83 83 80 80 Mining 2300 Alas-Br Col... 3 3 2% 2% 13800 ?Big Ledge ., 2:1 30 2< 28 26600 ?Dost ??. Mont. S7 SS 81 85 500 ?Bo.-.-t &? ISty.. 60 60 60 60 6000 ?Calumet & J. 13 13 12 12 3000 ?Candelaria M 25 25 22 22 200 Cons Cop M.. Ift IA 1% 1% 1600 Cop Canyon... I 1% 1 1% 1700 ?Cortex, Silver. 82 84 82 S4 5600 Cresson Gold.. "??? 2% 2% 2-ft 3700 ?Divide Est... 23 23 22 22 6000 ?Emma Silver. I I i I 183600 ?Fur Croesus. 23 29 25 26 3000 ?Goldfield Flor 30 30 27 27 3000 ?Gold States. 56 35 56 65 1000 ?Gold >,one . . 17 17 17 17 10600 ?Hard Shell. . 37 38 33 33 9000 ?Hannlll I.)iv.. 13 14 13 13 lSOOHecla Mug .. 4% 4% 4% 4tf 1000 ?Jumbo Ext... 3 3 :i 3 500 ?La Lore Mng 20 20 30 20 I 2500 ?McNamara .. 12 12 1! 11 200 Magma Cop... 22 22 22 22 100 Mason Valley.. 1% 1% 1% Is! 800 Mothcrlode Clt 5% 5% 5% 5?, 2"0 ?do Old .... SO 80 SO 80 12900 ?National Tin. 63 69 62 65 100 New Cornelia. 16% 16% 16% 1 6-ij 900 New Dominion 2% 2% 2% 2VI S00 Nlplssing .... h% 6% 6% O}. 5500 ?Ohio Copper. S 10 7 10 2800 Pitts Idaho . . 2 2 1 % 1 -, 2401) ?Pitts Mt S... 21 25 24 24 1000 ?Rex Cens ... 8 8 8 S 2300 So Am P A- G 6 6% 6 KV 100 Tono Belmont. 1% 1% 1% 1 ?i 11000 ?Tono Cash B. 4 4 4 4 2300 ?Tono Divide.. 66 6S 66 68 lOOTonopah Min.. 1% 1%. !% 1$ 1000 ?Tono Res Eu 17 .17 17 17 600 ?U S Contntl.. 46 46 46 46 300 Cntd Eastern. 2A 2 ,V 2,'V 2,' 100 Un Verde Ext. 27% 27% 27% 27 V 2000 ?West Utah .17 is 17 IS 900 ?West End C. 85 87 SB 87 100 While Knob pf 75 75 75 75 300 Yukon Gold .. 1% 1% 1% M ?Sells cents a share. Bonds Sales (000 omitted). Open. High. Low. Lasi 22 Al Packer 6?... 60% 51 50% 50', 2 do f tfs . 45 45 45 45 19 Alumin 7s 1925.. 1 01 % 1 01 % 10 1 % 1 01 ? 3 do 7s 1938. ., .102% 108% 103% 1021 8 Am Tel 6.s 1922.1?'! ion 100 100 13 do 6s 1924.,..100 100 100 100 10 Anaconda C 6s.. 96% 96% 36 96 34 do l.i 1929. .. .101 % 101% 100% 101 I 29Ang-A Oil 7%s.l03% 104 103% 104 10 Armour A Co 7a. 102% 102% 102% 1021 1 do cash .103V* 103% 103 % io:;' 1 Barnsdall 8s ... 96 96 96 9? 5 Beaver Bd 8s... 73% 75% 73% 76' 28 Beth Stl 8s 1.922.100% 100% 100% 100? 14 do 7s 1923-100% 100% 100% 1001 9 do 7s 1935. .. .100% 100% 100% 100* 4 Can N RyEq7s.l05 106 104% 10,i 2 Can Pacific 6s.. 100 llil 100 100 196 Chi & E 111 5e.. 70 7 1 70 70-' 4 Cent Stl 8s. 99% 99% 99 % 99 * 4 Con 7s 1922.100% 101 100% 101 48 C Gas Bait 7s.10!% 102 101% 103 47 Col Graph 8?.... 63% 68 53% 56 1 Cop Ex 8a 1923. .lOO.t 100% 100% 1001 Business News Textile Markets Show Lack Of Demand for Large Supplies Price? Firm, However, With Raw Silk Continuing Sen? sational Advance; Rise Checks T r a ? in g Here The major textile and allied mar? kets showed little activity yesterday, although prices ruled (inn to advanc? ing. The activity that developed in the primary cotton goods market on Wednesday in sympathy with the high? er prices ruling for raw cotton, was absent, to-day, when the cotton market lost all it had gained before the holi? day. Cotton good^ prices, however, re? mained unchnnged, with sellers, espe? cially second-hand holders, unwilling to shade prices to make contracts. Raw silk continued its upward price trend, but trading was at a minimum. Cabled reports from Japan placed Sin shiu No. 1, 10 to 20 yen higher than ion Tuesday. Wednesday was a holiday ! in Janan. This, with the holiday here on Thursday, interrupted trading in raw silk. Yokohama prices yesterday were quoted on the basis of 1850 yen per bale, making New York prices about $7.rt0 a pound. Rumors that 1,900 yen had been paid in Japan were current in the market but unconfirmed I in the cables. Large transactions in the. textile mar ! kets from now until the end of the i year are not expected, due to the de ! siro of wholesalers to keep stocks as low as possible for the December in? ventories. Retailers are purchasing fairly well now, according to reports here. Cotton goods commission mer? chants said yesterday that their sales? men on the road visiting retail stores are turning 'in good orders, although I quantities ?? the main are not large. Commercial Credit The commercial paper market was fairly active yesterday, with the bulk | of new paper coming into the market, , being exceptionally high grade. Offer : iiigs are being absorbed by both New I York and interior banks in good quanti ! ties at the prevailing rate of 5 per | cent for the best short term paper and. ? 5Vi per cent for longer maturities. A ; small amount of paper not so well known is discounting at 5 Va per cent. Hankers acceptances were in good demand and trading was active. The American Acceptance Council yester? day quoted the following discount rates on prime bankers' acceptances eligible for purchase by Federal Reserve banks : Bid. Asked. Thirty days . 4% 4%, Sixty days .4% 4 V. ? Ninety days . 4% 4% ; 120^ days . 4=% 'Vi Call loans against acceptances 4H i per cent. Failure Siili High R. G. Dun & Co. and Bradstreet's re? port slight reductions in the number of commercial failures for the current week, which contained one holiday, al? though "The Credit Guide" reports a ?0 per cent increase over last week. Dun's place the number at 452, Brad street's at 367 and "The Credit Guide" at 007. A year ago the average for the week was slightly over 200. The average liability this week appears to have increased, "The Credit Guide" placing the average at $31,000, against $28,000 last week. -# Hanover Trust Brings Suit The Hanover Trust Company, of Bos? ton, yesterday appeared as the principal creditor in an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding brought against the Conway Clothing Company in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. The Boston bank claims $274,016. The Conway company is a manufacturing concern at 73 Fifth Ava Equipment Bonds (Quoted on Income percentage basis') Name. Rate. Maturity, Bid. Ask At, Top & S Pe. 6 1922-35 6.00 5.70 Atl Coast Line. 6 1922-35 6.10 5.80 do . 6% 1922-36 6.20 6.?w Bait & Ohio... 4'.j 1932-37 6.25 5.90 Bethlem Steel. 7 1922-30 7.25 6.50 Buf, Rch &. Pit 4%-5-6 1922 -35 6.00 6.60 Canadian Pac. 4%-6 1931-32 6.25 6.76 C R R of N .1. 6 1922-36 6.00 5.70 Ches & Ohio.. l!% 1924-35 6.25 6.?0 Ch, Burl & Qy 6 1922 -35 6.00 5.76 Chic & S W... 4% 1921-23 6.25 6.50 do . 6 1922-36 6.10 6.80 do . 6% 1925-36 6.00 6.80 C, R I & Pac... 4%-5 1921 -27 6.50 5.76 C, SI 1, Xr N O. 5 1921 -24 6.25 6.75 CI, C. C & St L 6-6 1922 -29 6.25 6.75 Del & Hudson.. 4% 1922 6.10 6.50 do . ? 1922-35 6.10 6.80 Erie R R. 4%-5-6 1921-23 7.25 6,75 Gt North Ry.. 6 1922-35 6.00 5.73 Illinois Central 4%-5 1921-27 6.20 6.76 do . 6 1922 -35 6.10 6.?? do . 6%-7 1925-36 6.10 5.SO Louis & Nash.. 5 1921 -23 6.00 5.50 do . ? 1922 -35 6.10 6.80 do . 6% 1922-36 6.10 5.80 Michigan Cent . 5-6 1922-36 6.10 5.76 M. St P <t SSM 4%-5 1331 -26 6.30 6.00 do. 6-6%-7 1921 -35 6.30 6.00. Mo. Kan & Tex 6 1921 -24 7.26 6.60 N Y Central... 4%-S 1921-32 6.20 5.76 lo. 6 1922-35 6.25 6.80 do . 7 1921 -35 6.20 L80 N V. N H St H 4%-5-6 192! -29 7.00 6.20 Norf & West.. 4% 1921-24 6.20 6.76 do. 6 1922 -35 6.00 5.75 do . ? 1922 -35 6.00 5.80 North Pacific. 7 1921-30 6.10 6.6u Pac Fruit Exp. 7 1926-36 6.15 6.75 Pennsyl G F.. 4-4% 1921-23 6.10 5.50 Pennsylvania., 6 1922-35 6.10 5.75 Pitts & L Erie 6% 1921 -35 6.20 5.80 Reading Co_ 4% 1921-27 6.10 5.60 Scab Air Line. 4%-5-6 1921-37 7.50 6.00 South Pacific. 4% 1921-26 6.10 6.75 no . 7 I'. 2 1-35 6.10 6.*"S Southern Ry.. . 4%-5 1921-26 6.50 6.75 Union Pacific.. 7 1934-35 6.15 6.7. Un Tank Car. 7 1930 6.76 8.50 Virginian Ry.. 6 1921-30 6.25 6.76 ! Salea (000 omitted). Open. High. Low. Last. 6 do 8s 1923. .. .103% 102% 102% 102% 7 do Ss 1924_103% 104% 103% 104% j :: Cudahy 7h .ioo% ioo>-j 100% 100% ?Cuban Tel 74?. ?Mi 98% 98% 98% 1 Duquesne L 7%s.!03 103 103 103 ! 46 Goodrlch Tire 7s 97% 97% 97% 97% 9 (id Trunk 6 Vis.. 102 % 1 03 102% 103 3 Gulf Oil 6s.100 100 100 100 '? 18 do 7s .102% 102% 102 102% 4 Heinz Co 7a... .104% 104% 104% 104% ! 15 Humble Oil 7s. . 100% 100% 100% 100% Pinter R T 7s... 75% 77 76% 76% i 37 do 8s . 73% 75 73% 74 I 18 Kennecott .100 100% 100 100% 2 Laclede Gss Ta.. 97% 98 97% 98 ; 19 Lib McN &. L 7s.lP0% 100% 100 100 282 M K T 5s 1962.. 74% 75% 74% 75% 113 do 6s A J.... 39% 39% 39% 39% I 46 do 4s 1962.... 64 64 63% 63% 49 do 6s 1932.... 93 94 93 93% 2 Nat Clk & S 8s. 99% 99% 99% 99 % 6 Nat Leather 8s. 9? 98 97% 97% 22 N Y N H & H 4s 60% ?1 60% 60% i 60 do Francs .... 62 52 52 52 5 Ohio .'it 7s 1924 97% 97% 97% 97% ! 31 Phila ''o 6s. 85% 95% 95 95 % 15 Philippine 5 %s.. 101 % 101 % 101 % 10 1 % 3 Phillips P 7%s..l02% 103% 102 103% 1 Sears R 7* 1922.100% 100% 100% 100% 9 Shswsheen 7s . .101% 101% 101 % 101% 2 Solva.y et C 8s..101% 104% 104% 104% i 34 Southern Ry 5s. 90 90% 90 90% 5 do 7s . 97% 97% 97% 97% . It Sthwest Bell 7s. 100% 101 100% 101 ?SONY 7h 1925.104% 104% 104% 104% 3 do 7s 1936. ... 103% 105% 105% 105% 6 do 7s 1927 .... 105 % 105% 105% 105% 2 do 7s 1929.... 106% 106% 106% 106% 1 do 7s 1931_1<>7% 107% 107% 107% 19 do 6%s .104% 105% 104% 105% S Sun Oil 7s. 99% 100 99% 100 29 Swift 7s 1925.. . .100% 101 100% 101 11 do 7s 1931 ... .102% 102% 102% 102% 14Texas Co 7s. . . . 10] % 101 % 1 01 % 101 % 5 Toi Edison 7s...103% 104% 103% 104% 1 Un Ry Hav 7%8.100 100 100 100 3 i'n Oil Prod 8s. .100 100% 100 100% 6 Vacuum Oil 7s. .106 106% 106 106% 39 Western Elec 7s.104% 101% 104% 104% 73 Winchester 7%s. 9^% 99 98% 98% Foreign Ronda 90 Argentine 7s ... 99% 99% 99% 09% 110 Berlin 4s . 3% 3% 3% 3% 36 Rio Grande Ss.. 99% 99% 99?, 99% 6 Swiss Gov 5%s. 95% 95% 35% 95% 3 Uruguay 6s - 68% 68% 68% 68% _,1 Credit Agency Head Sees Normalcy in Year A slow but sure trend toward nor? mal business is seen by J. II. Reiter, president of "Tho Credit Guide," who from his observations of credit con? ditions and other factors in the business world believes that the j process of complete readjustment will be completed within the next twelve months. "Our exports will take on a greater volume," he said. "With the coun? try's production increasing, it is imperative that a quicker under? standing be had with the buying countries abroad in order to avoid a possible relapse. Domestic con? sumption and home public buying are not keeping up with increased production. Wholesalers and man? ufacturers are not altogether op? timistic about a rapid return to nor? mal conditions because of recent in? creased buying. Present demands are looked upon largely as being purely seasonal, but it is gratifying to !.now that there is a large in? crease in sales, in many quarters reported to be fully 50 per cent above those last year at this time." { ?;_t Butter, Cheese, Eggs Butter?Receipts were 7. MS packages. Creamery, hiuhrr than extras, lb., 45%? 4bc; extras, !)2 score, 44%@45c; firstf", 37%?43%c. ; seconds, 33Va<!l>37c. lower grades, 32@33c; unsaltod, higher than ex? tras, 43% @48c; extras, 46@47c; first?. 37%@44%c; seconds, 34?37c; state dairy tubs, finest, 43? 44c; good to prime, 39 ? 42c; common to fair, 31 ?38c; ladles, cur? rent make, extras, 33? 34c; firsts, 31?32c; seconds, 29%?.30c; lower grades. 28?29c; packing 6tock. current make, No. 1. 30c; No. 2, 28%@29c; lower grades, 26? 28c. Cheese?Receipts were 2,521 boxes. New York .State flats, held specials. 22%? 23%c; fresh specials, 21@22c; average run, fresh, 20?20%c; state twins, held specials, 22%@23c; fresh specials, 21 @ 22c; aver? age run, 20@20%c; Wisconsin, double Daisies, fancy, 20% @22c; single Daisies, fancy. 21? 23c: Young Americas, 21-3 22c; state skims, 4?16%c. Eggs?Receipts were 10,504 cases, fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 69@72c: extra firsts, 65? 68c; firsts, 56? 62c; seconds, 46? 66c? dirties, regular packed. No. 1, S8@37c: No. 2 and poorer, 30?35c; check?, fair to choice, dry, 31 ?33c: sterlized held, whites, 45c; refrigerator eggs, charges paid to ex? piring dates, special marks, fancy, 40c; firsts, 27?39c; seconds, 34?36c; white egg?. refrigerator, 38?45c; while egg,?, sterilized fancy, 62@G6c; average prime. 48? 60c; brown and mixed colors. 38@43c; fresh, New Jersey, hennery whites, extra fancy. candled selections, 93c; nearby and nearby Western hennery whites, extras. 87 ?90c: extra firsts, 82?8Gc; firsts, 76@80c; gath eied whites, firsts to extra firsts. 75!&H6c: under grades, G5?73c; pullets eggs, SO? 62c; Pacific Const, white, extras, 88@ii?c: extra firsts. 82?86c; firsts. 76@80c; undftr grades, 65?73c-; other Western and South? ern, gathered whites, 60? 75c; nearby and nearby Western, hennery browns, extras. 73?75c; bTou-n and mixed colors, gathered exilas, 69@72; firsts to extra firsts. 56?68c. Potatoes?Maine, : SO lbs.. $3.50@$3.90 165 lbs.. S2.60?$3.26; slate, ISO lbs., $:i.."? vi $3.90; 165 lbs.. $2.50@*3.25; 150 Iba., $2 .""? $2.75; Long Island, bbl.. *4.25@$5.35; .!?'? sey long, 150 lbs., $2@$2.25; No. 2. S1.25?J $1.75; Virginia, second crop. $2.25@$3; sweets, A'irginla, bbl.. $3.50@$-<; Jersey, bsk.. $1?$2; Delaware and Maryland, $l.25@$1.50; Yams, Virginia, bbl.. $4 FINANCIAL HENRY J. LEAKB, Auctioneer. REGULAR AUCTION SALE STOCKS AND BONDS BV ADRIAN' H. MILLER At SOX. OFFICE. 65 WILLIAM STREET. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30th, 1921. at 12:30 o'clock, at the EXCHANGE SALESROOMS. NOS. 14 AND 16 VESEY STREET. By order of Receiver. ' 1.040 shs. World Rubber Products Co., Inc., Prefd. For account of whom it may concern. Undivided Interest representing approximately 30/152, in the 11U foot Steam Turbine Submarine Chaser. knoyn as "Starboard Unit''?full description In N. Y. Journal of Commerce. Nov. 25ih. 200 shs. of stock In and sundry claims against Estate of Ethan Flagg. Inc. $122,000.75 Empire Tire & Rubber ''orpn.. Trenton, N. J. Notes due June 1, 1921. $50,912.04 Gillette Rubber Co., Eau Claire Wisconsin. N'oies due Oct. 31, 1921. $12,803.93 Ideal Tire & Rubber Co., Cleve? land. Ohio. Notes and open ac? count. $1.00S E. S. Kuh & Valk Co., New- York City, Merchandise sold St delivered November S, 1921. 300 shs. Rubber Corporation of America. 626 shs. Empire Tire & Rubber Corpn.. Prefd. 137 shs. Empire Tire & Rubber Corpn., Prefd. 83 shs. Empire The & Rubber Corpn., Prefd. 144% shs. Empire Tire St. Rubber Corpn., Prefd. 20 shs. Waterloo, Cedar Falls Sz. Northern Ry. Co. 197 shs. Waterloo. Cedar Falls & Northern Ry. Co. 125 shs Overman Tire Co. pfd. 125 shs Overman Tire Co. common. 200 shs Knickerbocker-Wyoming Oil Co. Pfd. ! 200 shs. Knickerbocker-Wyoming- Oil Co. common. ? 50 shs Hampshire Southern R.R. Co. 25 shs Parker Vein Coal Co. 100 shs Section 30 Mining- Co. 8,750 shs Ward La France Truck Corjjn common. 13 sha Ward La France Truck Corpn pfd. 7,600 shs Indiana Oil Lands Corpn common, 1,000 shs Froh man Amusement Co. pfd. LOoo shs Frohman Amusement Co. common 50 shs Oixle Industrial Co. 800 shs Penn A'irglnla Coal & Coke Corpn 600 shs McSherry Manufacturing Co. pfd 8.125 shs American Silver Corpn. 100 sha National Thrift Bond Corpn S. T. C. $5,000 Texas & Oklahoma Ry 1st Mtge 5? Guar. by M K ft T. 60 shs Atlantic Steel Co. pfd. 15 shs Atlantic Steel Co. common. 30 shs Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pau Ry Co. pfd. 25,000 Rubles Russian Government Interna Loan 6%% Bde. 1926. 50 shs tJ. S. Garages, Inc . common. 100 shs U. S. Garages, Inc., pfd. 100 shs New Almad?n Quick Silver Mine: Corpn pfd. 75 shs New Almaden Quiek Silver Min Ing Corpn common. 1,000 shs International Automatic Musii Co. common. 400 shs New York Motor Cab Co., Ltd. pfd. S76 shs National Bank of Cuba. $55,500 Plttslmrg. Shawmut &. Northern R.R 1st Mtge 4<"o Bds. $82,000 Ohio Oppcr Co. of Utah 1st Mtg 7r- Conv t Bonds, subject to a prlo lien of $12.300. 150 shs Industrial Fibre Corpn of Amer lea 1st pfd. 100 shs H. P. Claflin Co. 6% 1st pfd. $4,040 Union Dye & Chemical Corpn 3 yea 1% Prior Lien Notes Ctf. of Dep. $4 Union Dye & Chemical Corpn Scrl common. 1,387 shs Union Dye &. Chemical Corp S, T. C. $6,743.10 Union Dye & Chemical Corpn 3 yea 1% Prior Lien Notes. 2,690 shs Union Dye & Chemical Corp S. T. C. $3 Union Dye St Chemical Corpn Scrl common. $1,500 Union Dye & Chemical Corpn 5 yea 6% Adj. Mtge. Bonds due June, 192 $24,700 Union Dye &? Chemical Corpn 7' IVior Lien Notes. 6.140 shs Union Dye & Chemical Corp: 8. T. C. $4.67 Union Dye ft Chemical Corpn Sor common. 6 shs Union Dje ft Chemical Corp S, T. C. $7.60 Union Dye & Chemical Corpn Scr common. 68.712 shs Ranger Refining * Pipe Une C 250 shs Pioneer Malting Co, common. 100 shs Pioneer Malting Co. pfd. 22.600 shs Julian Beggs Signal Co. comme 4.297 shs Atlanta Home Gold Mining Co. 2-26 Part of a certain oil mining lea; located in Osage County, Oklahon; 200 sha Gum Cove Ol? & Refining Co. $600 Interboro Railway Co. S""* Reft Inipt. Bds. 136 2. 45shs Interboro Railway Co. V T C $24.000 Brooklyn Ferry Co. 1st Mtge. 6s 13 Ctf. Dep. 26 shs Lawyers' Mortgage Co. 183 2-i shs Fedeia!.Food Stores, ?bo. Classified Advertisements "lost, found and reward i DOST?To-day fW?dnesd?y> In Flrn-icn end White t?xi<ab or In Pennsylvanie Htntion ffoinf U> R o'clock train Phtlivd" phl.-i silver f'.x fur neckpiece. Liberal re? ward. Pleas? call 1039? p.owllng Or>-?n. Lout Bankbook* LOST Bsnttboflfc Ho. 7*1.87* Of <"r, (Xnlftfl Dim? Bavin?? Ban* I? rnlsslng. Ai ?' norson hsvinn ? claim :? I? is hsrsby c? ?d Upon to prrs' n! (he ?am'' Wlthltl ??il 'in s ,,i submit ?<> having said passbo-. celled and ? new one Isau*?!. IjOST Bankbook Ho. ?20.3M of th? 1 rilon Dim? Havirign Dank tfl missing person having claim to U Is hereby call? I upan '" present the s?; < or submit lo having ?aid paacbOi celle.1 and a new On? taau??. LOST Bankbook No 574.505 of the Dim? Bavin*? liank Is missing ^? ? person havln? .-lalm lo It I? hereby called iirx.n to preaant the Mi. or h 'i D im It to having said passbook ca celled and ? rw-w one laaoed !.,-?: Bankbook No. 7?3.0?2 of th? Dime Bavin?* Banh is missing parson having claim to it Is hereby cal ???! upon ?o present Ih" ?am? wlthfn ten da * or submit to having sa 14 passbook cao? called and a new on? issu--'). LOBT?Bankbook NV>. 848,352 of th? 1 ntoii Dime Savings Bank is missing pernort having a claim to It la hen by upon to present the name vrlthin "n da}a or submit to having sa celled and a new one Issued. LOST? Bankbook No. 676 599 Th? Orean? wich Saving? Bank. 248 Sixth Ave., .'?' '?". City. Payment stopped. I'leBse r< bank. LOSO Bankbook No. 6?4.$'>* The Oreen? wich Savings Hank, 243 Sixth Ave., N ' . City. Payment stoppe']. Please ret bank. LOST ?Bankbook No 625.156 The Orean. wich Savings Hank. 248 Sixth A<? ' ' City. Payment stopped. Pleas? return to bank. 1 , _~; FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side 30TJ-T ST., LBXINOTON AV. (Hotel P.u? ledge)?Women exclnaively; newly deco? rated; room, bath, JI6 weekly i^p; also room, uso bath. $11 weekly up, re uun-'t convenience; big reduction for 2 persons. ? 3D ST.. AT MADISON AV. (Hotel Ash ton)?Newly decorated room, use nf bath, $12 week up; room. bath. $15 w?elci-< up; buaes, surface ears, subway; full ho*.*! service: restaurant. West Sid? 8! ST ST.. COLUMBUS AV. f Colonial H"'?!> ?Newly decorated furnished rooms: us? of both; $12 weekly up; elevated, surface cars, subway; full hotel service; restauran' 266 WEST END AVEJ.?Suite, single roon s and studio?, with or without bath; ref? erence. Brooklyn I.AT?GEJ A TRY ROOMS; running- watsr; electricity, steam heat, telephone: large closets; 25 minutes to Wall Street and Times Square: 1 block from Kings High? way express station Brighton Beach Sub? way; meals optional. Klngsway Cottage, 1602 Ave. P., cor E. 16th st. 1S2 LEFFERTS PLACE; large, well fur? nished; suitable for two. Private hous-. Shower. Convenient, quiet section. Refer? ence?. Prospect 8771. ! - -? BOARDERS WANTED ! ?OTH ST., AT LEXINGTON AV. <Kot?l Rutledge)?For ladies; one room ami i meals from $18 up; elevator; te'.ephon?. ? etc.; full hotel service: newly decorated. HELP WANTED MALE 1 MEN WANTED A few able-bodied Ameri? can citizen1-, between the ages of 21 and 35. for positions on our Route Wagons. Permanent positions to those proving satisfactory. Apply to any of our Local Branches. BORDEN "S*FARM PRODUCT COMPANY, INC. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Cook? COOK Brsl class dinner and ?hor* ord?', Filipino chef, wants work in restauran-. hotel or club; very economic;!!: reasonable wages, references. K. 667, Tribune. COOK?Long experience; by day or weak; highest references. Nelson, 26D Slxt: - fourth st.. Brooklyn. General Houseworkers, Etc. HOCSEWORKER, young: thoroughly ea--, pable; excellent references. Miss Fitz? gerald's Bureau, ^66 5th av. Norses. Etc. NURSE, young; English Protestant: ex? ceptional references. Miss Fitzgerald n Bureau, 3(56 5th ?i. NURSE, young; assist chamber work: ex? ceptional. Misa Fitzgerald's Bureau, 365 5th av. Miscellaneous EXCELLENT Swedish cooks, chamber, maids, butlers and couples: city, coun? try. Berta Carlson's Swedish Agencies, 787 Lexington av., near 61st st. Rhtne lander 8547. 2280 Broadway, corner I2d. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Domestic COOK, first class rllnner and short order; Filipino chef, wants work in restaurant, club or hotel. References. Addresa K . 607, Tribune. COUPLE, English; cook-chambermaid seamstress; butler; excellent references:' obliging: anywhere. Wattier*? Agency. J> W. 43d st. .Murray Hill 8569. JAPANESE ? Experienced cook-butler; competent, trustworthy; reference?. Agency, 106 West 46th st. Bryant 7787. Miscellaneous J BOOKKEEPER - Stenographer - SalerrriK-i (26): four years' experience. K "o?, Tribune. ! CONFIDENTIAL WORK by ex-lleutenant Infantry, highest reference?. K Si!. ! Tribune. | REPAIRMAN, first class, on private es? tate; good condition; parquet floor, pipe | fitting, painting, garden: own tools; also ' chauffeur. Miller. 514 \V. 50th St. BUSINESS CARDS Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS bought and sola for casJL Advice free. Bennett. 175 B'way. 2d floer. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OEMMAN MARKS Holders of German marks, bond? and -?'?inities may learn of profitable and In? teresting Information by writing Depart ment B. 8., Room 408, 250 Broadway, New York City. DANCING INSTRUCTION LOVELL'S ?37 MAD1SOM AVE. Cor. 59th St. phon? CLASS "S rLAZ* We guarantee to teach yott t? di'ir* all th? latest modera dan .-es ou>k?? and comet?*. 10 LESSONS $8 i . PBiVATE LESSONS WlTH?l'T APPOINTMENT i? a. M. to a p. n.