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Ford Would Replace Gold ?With- Energy (C?n?lnM-i from p?je ???,} taxation. The customary alternative is thirty-year bonds at 4 per cent. The United Statt s, the greatest government In the world, wishing a pesky !?30.000, 000 to complete a grast public benefit, is forced to go to the money sellers." "Rut your plan ? would upset the money system of the world and might work incalculable harm." it was .ra mftrket. to Mr. Ford. ?"Net necessarily; not at all. We need not abolish anything. We need not even abolish the gold standard. Simply forget thst tht re is any auch thing as a gold standard and wheneve* the government needs money for a great servioeab-e and profitable public improvement, instead of thinking of bonds with their h,cavy drag of inter? est charges, think of redeemable non interest bearing currency." ''JBut have ynu worked out a stand? ard of value ?" Mr. Ford was asked. "Yes, we ?save. We wiil have- that ready when Congress wishes to hear about, this p?an. The standard Ameri can dollar in approximately one-twen? tieth of an ounce of gold. Under the currency system the standard would be a certain amount of energy exerted for one hoar that would be equal to on? dollar. It's simply a case of thinking And calculating in terms different from those laid down to us by the interna? tional banking group to which we have grown so accustomed that we think there is no other desirible standard." "But how is all this going to stop* war?" Predicts Amazing Success ""??imrly because if tried here at Muscle Shoals this will prove so overwhelmingly and amazingly eucced ft? that the American people will ney?r again consent to issupnee of an inter? est-bearing bond for an. internal im? provement. When the government needs money it will raise it by issuing currency agaiast i*s imperishable nat? ural wealth Other countries, seeing our success, will do likewise. The func? tion of the money seller will have dis? appeared. "No matter what becomes of thi? Suggestion 1 .shall act so that no money ?peculator will make anything out of Muscle Shoals, even if I ha\.. to take up tne whole bond issue myself.'' Mr. Ford's plan includes completing the Muscle Shoals dam, in a sense, for nothing. Mr. Ford says' the United States should issue currency to the amount of $30,000,000, and thereby pay. for the dam, but he would make sev? eral marked changes between the i ?luscle Shoals currency and that which is ordinarily secured by gold, held in the United Stares Treasury. New Unit of Value First, Mr.'Fard, proposes that this currency be issued only to a certain definite amount and fdr a specific pur? pose ?that is, the completion of Muscle Shoals. becond; "he proposes to b?ck np the Biuscie Shiials currency by an entirely' new unit of vrlue. There is the best security in tne world in this river, which Hs "capable of furnishing a mil? lion horsepower, said Mr. Ford. It has been here for untold ages. "It will bo here as Ion:; as there is rain and moun? tain? to shed the nun into the river," ihe Detroit millionnlre c?ntiued. "This energy is productive of wealth and is imperishable. Now, which is the more secure, this oower and Its development j or the few barrels of gold necessary to make the $30,000,000? This site, with its power possibilities, will last long after the Treasury Building is a mass of ruins, "This is the security upon which I believe We can base the currency for Muscle Shoals.'? "What about the unit of values?" he was asked. "That will be worked out when Con? gress cares to hear about 11," ho re? plied. "'Under tho energy currency system the standard would be a certain amount of energy for one hour that would be equal to il. It is simply a case of .calculating in different terms from those laid down to us by tno in? ternational bankers. "The only difference between this currency plan and the plan of issuing bonds to pay for the development here is that under my idea there will not need be any interest paid to the Wall Street money merchants who do noth? ing to build the dam. These men de? serve nothing and under this plan will get nothing. , "Foreign countries ought not r&ise objection about accepting money based on Muscle Shoals, for Muscle Shoals is a national and not an international matter, and the money would only be for use at home." Mr. Ford's ideas on the way Con? gress will look at his revolutionary proposal are strong and vigorous. San Francisco Hails Foch SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3.?Marshal Ferdinand Foch, arriving in San Fran? cisco to-day, was greeted by thou? sands who packed the sidewalks as he passed up Market Street at the head of a military and naval parade. He spent the day in Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco. Craig Urges $10,000,000 Education Cut (Continu*?! mini put* ana) priation for county pu3rposes for R?ch "mond County. "If this is so there remains but one way in which the budget can be brought within the constitutional tax limit, and that is by reducing appropriations com? puted in the rate for the city at large. This will involve a reduction of $10, 000,000 to bring the city rate down to a point where the rato for city and county purposes in Richmond and the other counties will be within the consti tutianal limit of 2 per cent. "If the appropriations for any of the various city departments, such es the Police, Fire, Street Cleaning, or for re? demption of special revenue bonds and tax notes be reduced, the result will be j to prevent the functioning of the de- j partaient so reduced, or, in case of the i short term obligations, to put the city in default of payment thereof at ma? turity. "Moreover, the total amount of any deficiency thus created that might pos? sibly be made good by the issuance of special revenue bonds -through action of the Board of Aldermen in 1922 could not exceed $2,000,000. It is evident, therefore, that the reduction must be made upon some state activity where the Legislature can take appropriate action to meet tho state's responsibili? ties for deficient appropriations." The Comptroller points out that tho city was unable to appropriate all the money required for it for the years 1021 and 1922 "by reason of the action FIFTH AVENUE Street Floor Men's Shops Qive Him A Useful Qift For illustrations, descriptions, and prices of Men's Gifts see Back Page; Part Seven; Section Two of the Rotogravure Section of chis Paper. MEN'S SHOPS?Separate Entrances On West 38th and 37th Sts.?Streetjievel Make Christmas Shopping Comfortable ftatbUn Simon & Co. *A Store of Individual S/tops %_\\X FIFTH AVENUE, .j/th and 38th STS. ffi| # ? ? ? ' * For zMadame and ^Mademoiselle ; Why Not Give Hera WEARABLE GIFT? Paris Made Albatross Negligees, hand-embroid? ered, in boudoir Color? ings. A warm welcome gift., , . ? 12.75 Silk Cr?pe Meteor Bou? doir Coat, wool albatross lined. ? .. . 18.50 Double Faced Mannish Robe, with tuxedo front, collar and cuffs of self col? ored quilted satin. 9.75 Step-In Petticoat of silk cr?pe meteor; Paris lattice trimming. ? ? 7.95 Giave Silk Vests, flesh colored; ribbon shoulder straps, regular shoulder, or elastic top. .. * L95 GloveSilk Knickers, flesh colored, full cut, heavy quality, perfectly tailored. . ? ' . 2.95 Le Petite Trousseau? sufficient lingerie for a little journey-radium silk night? gown and step-in chemise. Complete in miniature case 1 U.UU Gold or Silver Costume Slips, to be worn with eve? ning gowns. ? 29.50 New Mannish Coat Sweater, camel's haip yarn or heather tone mo? hair yarn. . 1. 16.50 New Panel Sweaters of fine mohair yarn, slip-over model. ... 18.50 Tailored Silk Blouses, heavy quality, in pastel shades, new and smart. , . V 12.75 Boudoir Mules of satin or-brocade, to match or harmonize with boudoir costume. . . . 6.50 of the Legislature in enacting laws under which the stute's responsibili? ties. Instead of being carried in the an? nual appropriation hill of the state, were placed upon the City of New York " "Education is a state function," h? continued, "and because it was a state function the Legislature increased teachers' salaries in the City of No? York at the rate of $31,000,000 per year, but when it came to providing the means wherewith to meet this increased outlay the Legislature did not consider that education was a state function." The Comptroller cited an opinion by the Court of Appeals within two weeks, ? holding that educution is u state func? tion. He quoted Frank P. Graves, the . new State Commissioner of Education, j to the effect that "the schools do not I belong to the city and should not be j considered among it?, municipal expen i ditures." ! "In the light of these declarations," | said the Comptroller, "it is manifest ; that it is the duty of the budget making authorities of the Cityof New York to provide for those activities as are to be supported by municipal expenditures within the tax limit, and when the tax limit prohibits making provision for state activities, the obligation to do so should be left to the Legislature, where it belongs. "Inasmuch as there is no power within the constitutional tax limit for the city of New York to raise moneys thus needed for state purposes, I think the city will do its entire duty when it goes to the limit of its power of taxation. This will be done by taking $10,000,000 from the appropriations contained in the budget for 1922 for for the Board of Education. "If Governor Miller and the Legisla? ture are sincerely concerned about the welfare of the schools and the admin? istration of education as a state func? tion, the Legislature will doubtless make provision out of the moneys re? ceived by the exercise of its own tax? ing powers, which have lately produced considerable sums from the income tax and from tho taxes imposed upon man? ufacturing and other corporations." Head of Boston Firm Which Fell With Ponzi Is Bankrupt BOSTON, Dec. 3.?Henry H. Cchmie linski, president of the Hanover Trust Company, which went to tho wall in August, 1920, in the collapse of the Ponzi scheme, filed a voluntary peti? tion in bankruptcy to-day. . He listed his liabilities at $1,201,000 and his assets as. uncertain, but in? cluding $1,130,000 in real estate, heavily mortgaged; $26,000 on notes and debts due, and securities of uncertain value. He said he had no cash. Sues to Annul Dry Act II^IUMWWIW. i. n R. A. Widenmann Files Brief in U. S. Supreme Court WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.?Defending What he describes as his own "liber? ties and the liberties? of his country? men, Robert A. Widenmann, of New York, filed in the Supreme Court to? day a brief in a case in which he seeks to have the national prohibition amend? ment declared unconstitutional. Widenmann in his brief contends the amendment exceeds Federal control | over the internal affairs of the states,' especially invades their police powers, deprives people of the liberty "to gratify their natural desires in the pursuit of happiness," and of a hearing oy jury before being deprived of their "rights," and that it takes their pri? vate property without, compensation. The courts of the District of Columbia decided against Widenmann. Explosion of Alleged Still Causes Damage of $25,000 BINGHAMTON, N. Y? Dec. 3.?The explosion of what is alleged to be a still for the manufacturing of liquor] wrecked the top floor of a State Street | business block and caused damage esti? mated at $25,000 at midnight. The ex? plosion was followed by a burst of flame which sent guests in an adja? cent hotel to the street. When the firemen fought their way to the center of the fire they found, it is alleged, 85 barrels of mash, five barrels of alcohol, ten bags of sugar and a barrel of juniper berries. The loft had been recently rented by the Sub Itosa Distributing Company. Two stills were found sitting on a gas stove. The Federal Minorities are In? vestigating. . Westitighousc Cots $2,000,000 Japanese Hydro-Electric Job PITTSBUPvGH, Dec. 3.?A contract for electrical apparatus to the value of $2,000,000 has been awarded to Ihr; Wcstinghousc Electrical International Company by the Daido Electric Power Company of Japan, th* Westinghousc Company announced here to-d?y. The machinery is to be used in two hydro-electric plants, which are to form part of a great power system for tho Tokio district. The current is to be transmitted at ;154,000 volts, the announcement said. Girls9 Oub to Enliven Male Chat Has Setback i ? - ? Rain Interferes With Plan to Teach Swains to Say More Than "Yes" or "'No" 1 ; i re arc girls in Jamaica arid Ha|?i j lis. L. I., who find that the stronger! sex Is weak on conversation of t__, > j p-en^ble sort. It became known yeg terday that these giris have formed s ? club um.or the leader'nin of Elia Mai?? i for the parp?se of dev?'.ornng in the ? loijal swains tH" art of saying nothing 1 bleasantly and of discussing topic?; of social and current interest by some other than the "yes" ??"?: "no" Kysteat, The first meeting was he'd last Fri- ( day night. Ail that kept it from th<?' borderlaad of success way the total ab? sence of those fcr whose benefit the ciub had been formed. The men had, been invited, and ten was just the bub. ber of m"n that did not report fox their schooling. The girls, however, are 18-karat op? timists, and point out that it -a doubtedly the quiiiHity of rair. - ?j fell last Friday night that kept the "club-footed" talkers away from the meetine. A Store of Individual Shops Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets, New York Send Handkerchiefs Instead of a Card Madeira Hand Embroi? dered Handkerchiefs: scalloped; sheer quality; box of 4 . 2.00 Imported Hand Block? ed Designs in Colors, or white hand embroid ered handker? chiefs, a . . ??. I.00 Colored Linen Hand? kerchiefs: hand-drawn, hand embroidered, with hand turned or hand rolled hems: all colors : . . . , T.50 Send Gloves to Sym? bolize a Christmas Handclasp Imported Real French Kidskin Gloves: 16 button, white or street shades . . 7.75 Imported Real French Kidskin Slip-Over: strap gloves, street shades witb con? trasting insert . . 5.75 Imported English Doe skin Gloves in Slip? over models with elastic and strap at the wrist, in white or yellow ; . . . 4.50 Send Stockings For Christmas Parfait Pure Thread Ingrain Silk Black Hose, with silk garter top . * . I.95 Parfait Pointed Slip? per-Heel Ingrain Silk Hose in black, brown, navy or grays; silk garter top . ,. 2.95 Imported Parfait Openwork Clox Sheer Silk Hose, in pure thread silk, black or brown, with silk garter top . . , 3.25 Qifts. Selected at Ttandom from a Stock Selected with tyre franklin Simon & Co. ne Street Floor Feminine Gift Shops ^Present Qhristmas Stocks for Qhristmas Stockings Franklin Simon & Co., overturn all precedents by turning over all street floors to the useful gift shops-patrons May come inone door and go out at another-begin their christmas' shopping coming and finish it going, all on one floor-the street floor for convenience, the ground floor in price . . .. THE NEW GIFT SHOP INDIVIDUAL Aphrodite Pearls in hand knotted neck? laces, or new two-in-onc graduated strings; white gold clasps 18.00 Wrist Watches 18 Kt. White Gold octagon or tonneau shape; 15 jewel 25.^ Wrist Watches 14 Kt. Green Gold tiny rectangular shape, 15 jewel 45.?^ Platinum Wrist Watches with 26 full cut dia? monds, 17 jewel 195?^ Rev? de Chine Perfume by Jaspy of Paris Exclusive with Franklin Simone Co. &00 Paris Bandeaux frosted silver laurel leaf or gold tinsel 4.9^ Ostrich or Coque Feather Fans smart evening shades 9/5 Imported Metal Cigarette Boxes painted tops, cedar lined 3.^ Bags of Imported Homespun hand embroidered in worsted 7?? Writing Cases colored leather H;^ Imported Overnight Cases leather cases with eleven fittings IS.00* Imported Bronze Book Ends 12.00