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fariiso Anuiversarj ffeek Celebration To Be INation Wide Governor*. Schools and So cietio* \sked to Aasisl jn Activitiets lo liV<siti on Tenor's Birtltday, Feb. 27 Steps ?' ?''-' being taken to inaurc r|l|0n--?-i(ir participation in tho ob fervancc - l ruso anniversary weel through committees nov being argan j?4 in val ' :,: '* Wl ?'' tl" cai soeiel i am .ftiita. Anniversarj week opens !?'. b -??grv -"? ' "?' ; ortJ "n'nl'' ?nni\ ersarj 0r thc greal tenor'a b - j. was announced through thc -,n;j \ i Memorial Foundation jjeuti' :'' yesterday that .-erei " '''' *? PUM'C s''!'' '' Ofl " i, 8? ' e being asked ? oerati lecial benefit com ei ? ? ?% ',,. r activities ave b -ing Jrratig < ' ?'* : - '" w??ch ujfjing :?'? ' "' ?"?' W0T d ? ' " '" aP* 1 ? ?.'?' ci ? I> i . i i ? ?n ? March i il will mark 1 ,, . , < rTorl to raise ?' . .(! foi , . Memoi ial I- ou idi scholars i " ? -?? ' ... ..'(?. - '?' '*'??.?. I end i .. ? a been a V na .f artist .ben (il ? ineel sooi and ] i-cre i Mt ' " ' !'' ' "'' ? lation; Otto i i ??'??. I lajrier, \v. L. '' el of Ulanta and \\ ,.'.,..... Brittenvi ? "VI . i |., vice ?? ?!?]... ix M. Wi In a ji ' v-r a!' ej . i te appeal I ? Lalci tioi ' to I aruao rhal ? ? ..; ? bi ??????? ... ...... /. d?l !?'. m jf7, is appropriate It was fjani -n' ????)... ' ? "1 hi '"? ptccl will, riopr-i. .,']???. foundal .al will ri flecl < aru >o'a . hteresl and in the de1 ??'? p ?'-:: of Vmcric i rl i ? ? tt re ':'"?; widi aftici] these aetivitii ii ' r ;. -. . :-.;??' at ions, club '? ?? ; - ? t arc ?. ; ?? ' \r th thc cxeeut i i ruso A meriean Ifcmorial 1 n. V. ool ? orl I Bu Id ing s" ? ". i ty." ADVERTISEMEXT The Maiesty of the Law THE Institutes of Justinian, the legal code oi' the Ro mans, named three precepts: ikoneste vivcre (to live honor ably); alterum non laederc (not to injure one's neighbor) ; Suum quique tribuere (to give each man his due). Down to this very day all honorable law yers have accepted these pre? cepts as rules of life for the guidance of which they thank the early teachings oi' their law school. 1,'have sometimes felt oppre.^sed with a sense of the responsibil ityof our law teachers and have always had a profound respect for their calling. For what,. after all, doing wher.; they expound thc law? What is law Richard Hooker's tribute has' come down through three cen ttiries and is still inspiring: "Her seat," he says, "is the; fcfosom of Goci: all things in h'eaven and earth do her hom-l agi. the very leasl as feeling hc: care. and the greatest as not exempt from her power." The teaching 0f law. regarded in tms hght, is indeed an exalted calling, and should not be ap proached by any university without reverence and honor. " New York University has! slight diligently to ..maintain : the traditions of this honorable ftrofession. It has kept the jaith and is known by its works.! h has fumished fundamental tnstruction to many judges now% on the bench?federal, state, and i jnunicipal; it has trained in the j Jaw United States senators and , goyernors of states. The Bar of this city counts many a man; w.:o by his personal example, i 'nfiuenced by the early precepts ' laught in New York University I Law School, is elevating and gamtaining the standards of. fils profession. Today this Law School includesj jn its Faculty men of high! iaeals and attainments, supple-! PJBited by a corps of distin-| ?pished practitioners as lee-' wers on special topics, and, *ftat is equally important, ofl Pecuhar skill in teaching. more severe requirements both -0r entrance and for graduation; ?ave recently been put into ef- j ect and give assurance that l-ii uUtUre work of this School; tT r ?ven more efficient than! inat of us honorable past. Chancellor New York University. I ," ? "tIvh of Inrormal Inlki j.tih "VorU ",'"'? * ,;,,,> '"' ?''" Inter^fs of ""'" Aifniif, N,,,. Vork tlty. Society Rottenness SpreadingfromTop liahhi Wiso Asserts , X tilgarily and Comiplion ol Upper Circles Mirrore, '?? Behavior of Botton I Dr. Stephen S, Wlse, rabbi of tb. Freo Synagogue, in his sormon vester day uttered a atinging rebuke to mod er" soclcty f'?>- what he characterlze, lta corrupt and wratched oxamplc :!; ?"ing U." fa (hions.'' . D,f-W?? "id that the "glass of fash ,on " ^ld up b.v tho woll to do wa. '? ?ocict, had becomi moldy and di rornu rulor . i ;' 'lack idi al ? ' ;, : ?' ar, not real." 'b'r " text the doings of tuiglish aris "Mirroyr,an/ira,C-d "; th? ^onymoui ,,llrl l" s "i uowning Street " bo, . ' t , ,.',;. i;7;M,r ?'"' th< ; ' ?1 '-. with him. Bccaus , ?? n*,VCA*i[ M,''"'ty if! ??oWl' . '""p,i- American societv mn* ." ":'i substituted for tlio cha ac :. '".entioned in this book. The J ?? " ' ' "ot held by lhe Bowcrv '".,i SVoe{ '"' Dplancey Street. It ii i .... V" ' " to do. and they K ' " . ' : " our time a? rc. re highly rcprc ' '; ?"d "" the outward' symboi ten,10S! within. It is con .7 '-, ? :r young manhood anrl anhood. i believe il js rcproscntH ' 'wardiec which whiel, w ,? '' ::,' PflSsn,B '.""de and con ??_? _ ?ut tew scem to have thr ago to re :is( th c corrupting influ. France Uestows War Mcdal On Mr*. Charles S. Whitmai Mr>. CharloK S. Whitman, vice-presi dent general of tho National Society o ,\e. Danehtora of the American Rey0 mtion,bas been honorod by the Frencl eovcrnment, the Medaille U0COn na.ssance lYancaisc of the secon, fe^e^$X^S^nC' Whe" Mrs. Wl itma waa reaiding m the Executivc Mansion in Albany during hgr husband'a second term br Governor she peraonally raiaod a large suni of money for French orphans. For Lh'9 and othc r meritorious Bervicc in bohaUof France the French government haa givi n her the medal with a cita tion. The medal ia cilver with a blue Rtar in the ccnter and hangs from a white ribbon edged with red nnd blue. Grande Maison de Blanc, inc. Fifth Avenue, 44th-45lh Sts. Ciearance Sale of GEORGETTE DRESSES AND BLOUSES Georgette Dresses, Formerly $135 and $173 \o? 75.00 and Tailored Crepe de Cliine and China silk. Formerly $25 and $35 Now 10.00 and Blouses of Organclic, Batiste and Voile with real lace and hand embroidery, Formerly $65 and $75 /Vote 25.00 and Siimmer Dresses of Organdie, Voile and Crepe de Chine. Formerly $65 and $95 ISow 35.00 and VS ool Suealers. Formerly $35 ISow 95.00 15.00 35.00 45.00 10.00 * MADDSON AVENUE-FP 'hiirtyafourtlhi St -D^ree FTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Thirty=ffiftlhi Street For to-morrow (Tyesday) An Epoch=iniiakJng Sale of Meo's Fioest=qiuiaMty Winter Overcoats at the tremiendously reduced prices of 7, Every ooe of the remaioBiriig MSgfa-cost Overeoats (the oiajonty made off selected Seoteh ffalbncs) wilil be ioclimded no this Sale ((SSxth Floor) Over One Hmndredl Dozeo Boys9 Washable Suits (sizes 3 to 10) of very SMperSor qtmalities and io the oew styles wdII offer uoprecedeinited v&tJues at $1.9(0) "& 2 This is the great January Sa2e of Suits for small Iboys, and presents an opiportunity Ibut rarely encounteiredi. The suits at the lower price are well imade, off reliabBe falbncs; in blue, khaki, gray, ibrown and white. Those at the higher ffigure are imade of -Paflmer- suiting, rep, galatea and pure linen, and are unusuaily welD tailored!. Every suit is oew, freslh and worth mych more thao the priee asked for 5t. (fSixth Floor) ? Itman * IMPORTANT NEW YEAR SALE to begin to=morrow (Tuesdav) rv A New Pyrefaase of Womern's Coats aod Wraps allil ffmir=trnitMuiniedl amid rkhly sSilk-Mned thromighoMt; the assortmrnent inciliuidiinig inntamiy extremeily hariidsome blaek gar= mmerats, somnie wSth colilar of bflack fox, others with collar and cmiffs off karaktml; every garmraent oiFffenang extraordiirniary valiue at (Tlhiird Floor) Silk Jersey Petticoats (Jn IbSack and collors) at these !iow pnces: Regular sise , , , Vi ?? $BU25 Extira sise -:>:>;>;??;> <j (Second Floor) Misses' airacl Childremi's Amerscaini^inniadeUiniderwear an new, daanty styles, careffiaBly mmade at very special prices Misses' IMdeirweair NUgfotrofoes - . $L2?, L4S, 11.85 Chemraises.95c,? ^45 Step-in Drawers ?????>?? IAB Pettkoats ? > ? ? fio4g7 3^5 Ch5!dre3i9s Uederwear Nightrofees ? . . ? $LH?), 11.35 Comilbii nations >??'????.. L45 PHncess SOps . . .. 05, 11.45, L85 Drawers (sizes2 tol2 yrs.) 48c, 75c, 95c. (Second FSoor) Alfl=wlhite Lingerie Fabric; (the Anntaaii Sale) ; featoramig, ffor this week, the foSSowhug JtemrBS, at very specaal prices: 384micihi Nainsook per box of m yards . . $3.5?, 4.50 39=5 ncih Nahisook per ibox of H<0> yards .... $3,95 36=5 mclhi Longclotlh perlengthof SO yards . -. $2,110, 2,90 (First FHoor) Price Advantages that are out of the o di ary will be obtainable iiiii the great "?' :?: ? '... es ' IHomiselholdl Limens Bed FaarmiishSngs ra a3S of which the q ' be higfi and the quotations iow Spedalls for the CMrreot week Bull the Lhien Oej AU-linen Table C:c%;>-; each ? # S5,25, 6,50, 8,00, 9,75 All-=Moen Talble Napkios -2-dosen . $3,90, 5,50, 6e75, 9 75 AlWnoeo Roonn Towels per dozen, $7,50, 9,00, 10.50, 11.50 Lioeo=aod=eottoo Roomm T? vels per dozen . . $4o00, 4?75, Bath Towels per dozen . . 33,5^ 5Mi <. jq A31=li!nien Sheets per pair . . $10,50, 24,50, t9SQ All=uioen Pillow Cases ted) per pair . . . $20259 2?75, 3.25 Madeira Iiiaod=einniib)roidered Lioeos Tea Napkins . per dloze $&o50 1??75 Luncheon Sets (13 pieces), set 5,75, 7,50 In the Blaoket Departmemt All-wool Blaokets White, per pair Sl 1.75, ; 733% 23.50 Pliaid.per pai 7?50 Cooifortalbles Figured sMkoline, cotton-=ffilleds eacfl $3,75 Figured cambric {one side bordered), wooI? f3rjJed ...... each $6,50 Plain=colored dotted tussah, woo illed, eSLch.S^0,75 Bedspreads Grochet.each $2.35 Crinkfied Dimity [her -.-.". ' Size 2 x2% yards . . . each $2,'~ Size 2Y2x2% yards . . . each 2,75 Satin-ffinish (scallopes Size 2 x2% yards . . . eac;: $5025 Size 2*4x2% yards . . . each foo2$ (Fourth Floor,Madison A- 2 .. 2 sectioi v Also Fiars and Fyr Qarments; Womraen's American made Underwear; and Silks, Velvets, etc. ? Jflabison ^benue=Jftftij &benue, J^ehj ?otk ?\>ittv4ouvt1) Street CijtttMdtlj Street