OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 03, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-01-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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according to oth eptions. Wc
poatpoi ? ? . contenting our
eelves to answerin present question?
?nd taking everj opportunity to flattrr
<ur trans-A lant ends, wl o wi re
?ccepting everyth ns given them nt it
f.ice value. Thei were afterward
sstoni5i*',.i to find how our Ideas were
full of tucks i .; folds. Our lead. i i
r,iade the same 1919 in
<lca!ir.|i: with Presidei V, .'? ?;?, n::d
were slmilarly ae p'icity."
St, Brico, writing in "The Journal,"
*ras more bitter in his comment.
British Dnplicity~Charged
' Engl ent icftme,'
be asserted "and 1 :c jeded In
realizii g .* '? -. ? ? ? ? gemony such aa
tio nation evi
thrown on Fram of im
j erialism."
Alluding to the plan outlined b;
a joke t<, pre ent reactii
again.M ni tarisi the Hughes pro
jrram - i nomically in
the di
. ith a coloi
have an
r o u t c s, A
? ion to free
only thoi e
iat free
dea to th<
on De
? o f C. a p -
"Thi ? ? . ?
o . ? ? ?
turn I . r of thi British
pin .'
? . -i? ?? Quotatton Qncstioned
Comnn thc
il ? ? quant tl
unl\ wr'.t
..- e r i t ?
bes ti ?
. ? ii-of
indei thc
? .? r.. . j n ff of the
nat y, ? . , thc pub isher at
** ? . and v.'i: h
only i ? responsibilil
clan Lord Lcc':
,- ? is one and
"Unl eague of Nations be
-., as the pr?:.i
\ ? ? ? - ..-..- not, in ac
? ? ? w .',(?'- I- rance
. . p
? ? ii ? ? .- %
of a great ?? ' i i\ . France,
spite ? t of her
ic vi fice the
ty and ..?
? '. ? ? ? .
Another Methodist Pastor
Joins Plea for Dancing
rhe Rev. V E. Wright Sup
port.s Dr. ^i'lc \- Campaign
lo End < :u ii Ban
? ministei ot
.. ?. "? -
t. rday lo -< Re- ? Harry
Miil, Han ?? 1 i ?
' ? . > irch, in hti
pr ai d card
i , ? ., -. .i- .; r. . i
? ' ' :.'?'.
However, Edward F.'.
",\ ?-: I. p ? the Fb and "
? - i : r.j -
. ?
"l :..'???? ' ' I ?' "?
-lillor," ii Wright ' 1
, ? ndit - of widespreai
that dai ns and
i - ? :
""Vi ? -. ? - li - * I at thr f
mple af
i ? ying, if no Y arni
"Ofi ? ? dancing
pub ? ' ? ? o have i
I ph g ls likely
"I ti thnt Mr. M
. ? ' a! th ough
nol I - that he haa
. acl ated Johi \V< h
Open House at Y. M. C. A.
Hundred s Attend Wesl Side
Brant'h Reception
. . Men"? i ?
tian Ai o ? ? use yes
? . i ? West
f":ft> ' tany hui dr. d:
: . : I during the
after n
'.. ? , chairman of the
oi mitti und f,
Wil.ii ecretary
w i 1 i m i 11. e o o f
v e ?
hot . pii ? '?' ? ' phown i:
the ai ??,'.,.
I | is a center of al -
. , it ions vcri staged
and other con
ing and s ed con
? i . .....,:-t. 'i hc
. v- ,..? Year's
;.-.-??.. that di part
. ?-, givei in t he audi
Right to Strike Made Issue
Hotval Habeas Corpus Hearing
Besun in l . S. Courl
KANSAt ? (By Thi Asso
, .- , pr, ' . i an i
release oi rit of habess
corpus of Ale: ?' and Augui t
Dorcl, rs of tl Kansas
Mine ' Worki rs' ' ? ? '' ??ng m.v
.. on\ r or vio at ing tho
Btate indu ' rt acl by _ ealling
.... ( ? Federa Court i:i
Kansas < ty, Kai ., t i-day.
Attorne\ Genei hard J. Hopkins,
oi Kar sas ' only ] ible que^
i ion was thi .. ? ' '' ? *??-? '?'?? 1 ?
dustrial He said the plai: -
tiffs had no' n i eprived of any
granted them by the Federal
com I itul .or.
Phil Callery, Howat's attorney, ar
gued tl provision of the Kar.-ai
Industrial Court law, which denies the
right to striki cali r> strlki , is a
violation uf thi ! ourteenth Amendmcnt
to thc Federal Com titut ?
Lisbon Cabinet Resiffns
Militarv or Other IJictatorrdiip
Bein-r Talked Of
LISBON, Jan. 2 (By The Associated
!'riii . 1': e Cai head % hy Cunha
Leal at Premier and Minister of
Finance has resigi ed. The probability
of tl.e establi of a military or
other dictatorship is hoing talked of,
but notb ng in I i line
The resi^. . ; Cunha Leal was
due to incompatil ty i f opinion be?
tween the Pren ier and the members of
tiie political parties concerning the
boldirrr c" eleel
The Cabinet of Cunha Leal war
formed December 16.
Subway Fire Halts Traffie
Fire ini. nnel box on the
upper level ofth< Chambers Street sub
Vi.y station of the Interborough sub
way at 10 o n ght was com
- ?? ii.- ? efip cn ;!;,_,
lowev level i-n-^ : den e smoke
Deputj ! ? i ? Helm Fo ind the
':U^c, which wi ? ? hed wi*h
. .. ..i apparatus, .- . irtually
no damage. Ti aft bov-nd
*'?cks o' *'*?" nubv/aj.i I % up about
?-.fteea micutefc
India Congress
BarksGuiirihi in
Rudicals and Conservativen
Allke Lose to Policy of
Passive Resistance in the
foi- llonie Hule
To Remain in Einpirc
Cliecring Throngs 5 Deep
Greet Prince of Wales
on Arrival in ltan<;oon
LONDON. Jan. 2 (By The Associati I
Press).-?That Mi andis Karnmchand
: remains thi dicl itor of India's
national i piri ? , and 1 hat hi "non
co-t pr ral ive" and "no violi nce*' pro?
gram will 1 i cai rii ,1 oui dui ??;? ? ln en
suing year,.? ;. ure to ob
tain home rule, : i the outi tnnding de
of t hc All India i 'o gi
v. ic , i. . ? . ... ? ? .\ -,..?,,,..
Decembcr 29, aci rding flicial quar
re, where I ? Coi
grc! - and il s egei ral ( fifi
.,)<? ! ";;,! natl
1' is stati d ??,. Gani
maim d coi - : l hi , . , , . ,.
defeate ; the extn l ol -; ? !??",.
;- - ed by thi Al urothi . nd thal
he also ha ? ? ? torious o ,'Ci ;. p
Right v ? em t, whicl ad1 icati :
cntering I local coui rthei
e Natii -1 . by c
*;'" al nn thod -. ., - t v ich had
bi ? . ... ? er ? forci pn 11 ?
Mad a
British An < onl used
Beside Gandhi lictatorship ? <??<.
of the ' ne i wen olu
p issi d to ' coi ci nl nati n <???> '
. attempt t
tti meai ng o official
I here el, im that ? utiona an
ng, tl i be the
carryir.f oui i ? , ? ... ,
payment of taxi a tl i dunti e ng, ....
.'-.'?'? cated a ?? , f; n^rr
ii Peih . wh e tl latl consieTeroi
to be Gar, Ihi ....., -,..
f hii ritics that 1 ? rram
n< gal? -.
circlei hei terprel
om.-.-.?*. .....
of i desin ; ? i ?, , ?-. .., . ,
t ' ? the P.iii I ?
?; All-India Congn i
': '? tidepei :. . ...
'?'? i <?? t 01
tive government i
India remi
lution i coi ?? rn - 'Swaraj
? v
'A ' ... .,.
? the prec si meai ;. of the ten
'swaraj,' the conc
the cvei of tl Bri ... ?
I oph ?? ln
in securing -, ? , > .
Khalifat wrongs, , cloo nol wis! to
mpleti indi pe di nci bi I il
the Briti
congress ' ....
eoi nect ion wil | ?
? ? lai ? ? ; ? . ependeni
Republic (-'.(port Dc nicd
[t was a | ?
closely con; ' 11 ' ' ' i -
(hat the [eprecated m.-idi
'?> ijndiar, . ror ..-. nd " in
on en i ? . ? - i India.
]'??> 'ible thi ;.? dei Ian ;. t,. ; end cod
I Washingtoi . I ro India
aral i oi Indii
was I .. j . .i .
i Mos'em confei ,,.
medal ad, when :.,-?
' ' ' . i the A!l
'' India 0 i evcnii
lishi a cabled i ? | ??
Govern i ? ? ? ? ..- :- ..,-,
hei ' , i izpur Whirka
.:i * hi Ro! tal district, !)???.
-??:? s that i i . : . [ ;? ? ? . u *ioi
no ??? perativi were ar
? here ai i thal .'? ermined a< i :
?? ere n ade ? ? : hei I h gi
fhci thi i ol
were attneked l'i p '? ?
tire 1
Three Killed in Riut
Thi attack wn r< n [),
24, bui the mob wa - pi rsi d bj the
an -. al oi ti oop i fn A .-.
I 1 hree pori ons wei
i de d.
??? aispati i : . that Un i .
into th< affa i co uinj
'I he recept ion aeeordei Un Princ
of Wales at Rangooi
succes, surpassing ?, ? ing th
local go; 71 ;.;:??' t ? ad dan d to hi pi ,
according I . i ffii adv
I ....... I ? ?.,,.?,,
inj five row. <i . ., .
tiie pn ? . , inainlj
through 1 lni Bui n ? ? ? ] uai
ters, i i ? ins licnci pn do n nal ;
in the crowds, v\! icl wen well
hai ed. No friction \ police
ccurred ai . ??? ... I bu i l
spontai ou chei ? ? , ] the
P ince, the adviees i
Rumi rs of troul the Burmi si
outside ? ' Rai goo fi om al tei ding ihe
reception, bui with the on ? pt ion
ihe clos ing d wn i ome of the Indiar
stalle in thi Bazaar, which were re
ope led befor? noon, the boyci11
said 7 ? 1 avi I ? en v holly ineffee
RANGOON, Britis-h India, J> ?:. 2.
I hi Prince of Wales, continu
tour of India, arrived 1 i ti ds . roi
Lasl War Slill lo Come.
Says Premier Massey
Four-l'ov,< r Alliance Best Peace
Guaranty, However, Mes
sa^e Dcclares
LONDON, Jan. 2.?Premier Massey,
of New Zealand, in his New Year'
i&g", in emphasizing the irnj rtancc of
peace for assi the pi ess of re
copstructii u, di lu rei I ha! rct ults l
The greati st mportance from
Washingtoi < oi en nci i re pre bable,
uriA that ii ai ;. icable quadruph
rangement can be maintained it will
b,1 the best guaranty < tho peace o
the world ever known, ::,; :; a dispatch
to "The London Times" from Welling
"No nations have more to gain hy
peace than the young i;rA;*h nations
of ti," Pacific,*' the Premier's message
continues, "but whatever agrtement is
( i between the pre; i nt great
powers nor,!"- of their representatives
think the world has s< n ne last war."
He warns against the empire lapsiAig
into absolute unpreparedness.
Unmasked Firenien Battle
Amnionia Futnes in Cellar
An ammonia pipe burst last night in
en artificia.l ice plant in the cel ar of
227 First Avenue. Morris Kletter,
clerk in a United Cigar store at. 229
First Avenue, called tne firemen when
hc began to smell ammonia a i i traced
the odor to the ice plant.
Members oi the Rescui Squad shut
of! the r!ow of the gas without stopping
i ii ; '..'. on their i ia k< and did iheir
work so promptly that none of the
in tl ; partment above the
ice plant su pected that anythin)
wrong until thi were a bout I o
Emma Golriinun Sets Out Again
To Try Stodkliolm's Latrhstring
RIGA -Tan. 2 (By The Associatod
i'i ? ? | fi r a week' i impi isonmcnl.
during which thej were n l permitted
to communicate with outaiders, Kmma
.': In 'm. Alexander Bcrkman and AlOx
ander Shaniro, deportees from America,
vho I'vcen Ij i rum ".it oi Sov iet Rus?
sia, i o-dii; starti'il n ne. i I Li me for
Reval. Fsthonia, en their way lo Rtock
holm. Not unt ': the corr pondi i ? hi
. identally encount ered tin trio nl l ? ?
i i here was ii knowi -' il after
they had started for ! to kh ilm the
tatifv or
L S.
; i
, . ?. ,..]? fo have op. i |
not icealilv.
Borah < li?n?i s Viewpoinl
: ???'. n i' i.. - . g al
chiefl because he
. ??? , ? i . '.: foarlcssl
. ? i inn , ? . : ? , ? . i | ;
un whispering. Bul hi nl
lack i e I ? i ! ic I reaty
? . i Iu aptlj enough ii tlu
i hurch of he ( o' ei ant, to lh^ effi ct
tl al trti.r country should not n^rree to it
unt il all \ ng in thc Far East had
righted .vi irprisi
vii ? h last l ?ct
hi?r. Thei ? a atli ;ing Pn
1 ? ?: ? ' .: foi ha / ? iled thei i
Easten litua i thc i . arni?
.... thi groun.l
I .; of cou rse nothing i ould bi doi
. ? t, and that fa
that noii ; ?'. eonfcrei e
nd pn. e po bilit;
nent li y. .-. i ? nent,
I '?? navti armai i lin itation
has be ; .. ? and n ho c li
hei :,.',. plished c Far 1
v .? ;. I" - , ? , hc n M B< rr^.
are :.? r from hapm.
M , ? to Mr.
II ighi ? - of tlu ? orous at
? ack ???? I i hn beei made \
? ? insid l : nfi r, in e
b 1 e i k c i
"'?,'?.. i : 'n ident:
"The Ll
Fi How
t h e t e x I
i ' e$
I i-eal I deb gat i
Ko-callei Chita govei nmei I
<*? uni ? said to emanate 1 nm ?, ? .
and report inc ...
,i, coi ei 5ii1 ion ? ? agi een I
i !' ' ne. nnd ol ? ? .- ven rm nl
"Gross Fabrii it ion Hc Saj ?
'??????' ulio
tn .: t hat - incc ( e momi nl
A ed i o. nents carri ? . poi .
.'.... terveniio . li.
'.? eo-i pei ation i '? ? L'nitei
?-.... Gernn
.'..-. ...
? po of the Rus
p e o p 11 ,..,,.
nctrot at.
' , - g 'i me :, ? .
.-... or the di ;
" "" s tin i apj i .
?'?"..... ? . , ? ? ? j .
n e w s. I c o n s i d e
.. ? ?
? .
???-???..?., i : . , . ( bita,
?rai au
thoritv, ...... ? ting
plcii h ? e powers reprosi
the Wi . , . -',.. ( ,-, | eems
l.'ec ontrary to I ; ,,
i ?: ?.??'.?? . , , .
????.?. . ...
' ng the sm.
, ng to
into the :"erenc
? . . ? ? ? ealizatioi ? ? . ?,
? * i . at ... ' ? ?
' ?? I ipproa this coi ronec
? i iclation Thi
French were al l at lhe po
? ial ? coi "erei -.? i ;. t attemj
to d 11 ve .... into
" ' ?'? " ; ? . , ed,
Brought Briand ar.d * .,, h
I - ?' i , .,-. ns d
. bul .. maki
i ' ppe ' agaii ? an; hi ... .
? - lhat lln Pi niier i [? rance,
' ind, ? nu!, the j
, ? (ly for lhi
purpi ... i ii Mar hal Foch ?> ,
I - .: . ?,. i ?-. -
and ;- c id ; allj i ;- h fai ore
. ?-' ?' ati n, ? ? the thought thal h <
? nd at Wa ? ngl other I
big powers united ngainst them, with
lea of forcinj t? i to give up
'. hat thc; egai de i tl r normal
Far I
\' ith the: ? ifr iou ,; oug ! I
' ? ?" man here wl.uld nol
b ii i shocked if di co
tha ! ri nci i n rapan I ad doi
? negot i,.'':..: ... -? . of thi
? ? i. ? ?' i r e i
i >:??.er* ca it is only a i e
tioi so far a tl ? conf ?rence is con ?
erni ?? enlistinj i pport. .
'' here is i,, \ oting on any s ib.ji i l
VV1 ' < i. d thei ? i nld !,?' i. i
nies that ended it
nationt by u . ,-?,.- ?? ou:
vot could nol have ' ireed Fram
red e 1 ei army onc corp rai' guard. i
W'ln ; he rel .. ed t nc< < p
acceptable to the othe powi n on I c i
submarine tonnage that ended that. All
??? . ? limitinj ubi larinc t onnage waa
abandon d I inlj unanimi u ag re<
"? : i an be n acl < d. One natii n n iss
'?-: fron any ajrreemen makes- ttiat
atrreement exactly and prcciselj a
pol .i ? ii.- a foui flush.
No Such Price- Justifiablc
ural] any one countrj attei i .,:
ci nf< ronce liki s lo find I ne vn,,,*
l ' representatives i uppoi ted by
? of uther powers, But any idea
' ' ?? the support of a second power ...
thc Washingcon conference i- impor
tant en. ugh to nav a high price roi
itical y i just silly foi ;:.
. " stated, and thal is why, ;." '
though cveiy one i.s more or less inter
ted .ri these allegud French-Japam
leg il ial ioi s, no < ne heri ;- wildlj . ??: -
i ted about them except t! o ? who will
pr, k up anj club they see to bit , .??
.-,.; vi. nce.
Senator Borah in his statement to?
day said, in part:
"If t'nrie Sam goes into the alliance
business he will have to sit up night;;
and employ a battalion of private de
ti < tivi .-, to find out and keep him posted
as to what is going on with referenee
to the secret counter al.iar.es which
are rr.p.do behind his huck or perhaps
under h% nose.
"Another thing which is not without
deop significanco is the fact thal
scarcely a year ago there was revealed
to the Se.nato Foreign Relations Com
m ttee by a spokesman for the Stnte
Department tl o existence of a Franco
Japane&e alliance. and secret ag ee
ment with referenee to a division be
tv ? themselves of the former Ger?
man cables in the Atlantie a'rd lhe Pa
cific. Despite lhe fact that we had
claims t . those cables. Fr.ince and
Japan refused to concede that we had
any rights v hatsoever prior to the ones
they themselves advanced.
"No one need be a3tounded, there
forc. if fhe ^atost revpJa* ons reeard
ing a secret ag eement between France
and Japan should prove true
'The best thing we can do is to re-1
other day tho Latvian nuthoritics
boatdcd the trnin on Lhe outskii i of
thf city .ind hc'd up Lhe party,
"They thought we were dnngerous
Bo hevik agents and searchi d ua I or
jewcls, ii"l!l nnd pnpers, bui fmeling
m ni lhe;, ri loni ed u i," aid Berl iniui
"We hope lo gel I o Stockholm this
? i ." he addrel, but Emma G ildman
Pilpplrmented this with n remnrk
pi omprcel I".- thi ? xpei iencc i of
11 ,, ., far
'Vou never ean tell,*' ? i,e said,
fu ?? tn I ;.'? - unyl hing I o do ?>'?: Ih t.l ti
. II nnci , '?,.", and bj prcsei mi
ov ii inelepi ; denci w,- noed ni-t bi
il ol Biiy secrel t\p.re mentR which
they may make omnnq themsclvcB."
Asks ( . S. Envoy View
Franco-Japanese Papers
Member of Chita Dc.legntion
Says More Documents Uenr.
ing on Alleged Plot ?>n Pile
V, ASHINGTON, Jan. 2 (By Thi \
i ociatcd Pros s). :t,,. , K. Skvirsky, i
meml ei of I c delcgatio o the Pai
i -rn Ri . aid i lay 1 it ni
? ;?,<-.. I doe iimenl i , v hich l o said ! nd
P i.- . between thi 1 rene i and .1 ai
... ,. ,,...,..,,,.,-. ,,,. ,1,,, subj ' i
proti lorati over Siberin, wen
hi government and that .
mission would be given for the ii pe.i
tioi ol thi ??? pr-.pers, 7 well n the
tho made puh]
n y I ' ir- a ,. ii\ icei edil. I repre ? ?.' -
:.' , i '? \ . -?;. . ? , ?. ,.
:"? ir ?; ? . ' | ?, ? ' ? ? ? ?
.?*> ?? erii an Coi iul < iem ra, to Is obi
? K Caldweli, who poi
? neei i Chita, lv> aulhori ed to i
- ? ? . ? | ? ? : .
"Thr i.i,- Amcrie nn mission
1 I '. .' ln continued, "w;i .
; ?., of ' ?: J me *' Abbotl
nttache to thi Americar En
hai -\ al I'ck ? and l oloncl Davis, the
iiitai y ;,;i;u hc. 1 undei
atand I hal Dr. Abbotl. who ? no i
the Un I State ? - an advi er to tlu
\ coni'''i nce delegation,
nitteel engt.hj report en
lesu ' o Chita Vi
time th United Stati
at i hita Jai ? ion K. (
era! at Kobe, Ja] un, who ,vh
; for maiij years thi Am - eai Con il
nd who i tl rougl
; familiar witl 11 e polil i ., I situation ln
1 Siberia. \S e want the I -uth Lo bi
? ? .-..,.- bei ia. Whj L pub
. '? i '.:..'?. u's ? :.??-.
" ? believe t il every vord
. li -umi ? ? : . ; .
j the lapai c o U . ....
i. for then to eva
our ui thi itj
the document i ,..,- tion, bu
.,;i: '?? a obtain II
, ? ma er that othei ;ov<
. n getting ci ii i ol
fanf < ommuni utii ,
concei ? i hei i owi uatio ' ,:. n
Everybod I ... . | hat l91fc
: i - poi ' ? .; . . ' .. ...
IT. with
.' as nte taken up h\
ket .
: ?' ' ' '"? ? concrrnin bcrii
'? ' ?>? .? peop'e ? i ii .
lic," Mr. :k\ ... ... - ed
" ! iapane troop havi be< n I
over thr< years,
? liiifi po bl o that ordi
??-? '..,.. ioi bl
i b are io pi rniitt
e coi ren . bmh
??:> :. f irmal pmti -?
at the same . ...
n to coi ?'. i ? ...
itions in
"C-olden Rule' Store Chief
<aif? Hours, Raises Pay
600 <:ierk?. All Stackholdcrs.
Vote "The Bobs" a Raise,
Too. !mt Hc Declini ?
CINCINNA1 . Ja .?Six I
' mploj ecs of tl '-. , ? Cl
!.' ny, o! \\ ch Art! ur Nasl
"G ll [1U| '"..<'.. ?...-? ;
go to Wl . | l i . ,
piei . ; i result o i taki
[Jol ;| ,Ietn polc ?
??:' i oon increasing the wagoi
eni] vei ci nd lopting i
o - ? i to i ??'... e I e fori y-:
fi n hou -. ?',
employees, are stockholdci
a< co du ?? to th "G il ? Rule" plan.
voti d the 10 per cenl v age increo
' ? ? !- :tioi ii \, rking ln u ifter Mi
had pr< posed the a ?; ...
? . 11 i o l . bm i 11 ed I i
adopted t! ? resol il
. R"i'r' "' ???' ' oi the . loyeea
':" :' pugge ' d 7' al th 5oIu ., n i
amencli d in ordei to mal ? pro\ i ...
j1 : ;'"' ??' ' alarj increase und v oi ? -,??
o i- reduction for >lr. N'a ; und
ocii t .- ^e'cul ives
^ ; king foi I im sclf and 1
- ?r. '? I dd lined to accci l thi
"We cannot adopt a reductio i in ( n
' ' '? g ' "!"'-- oi i.-\ -?!'? u d 0th( r rx
< eutivi -," he said. "Although the em
i give full service to thi
' ' i !"?' ? in fortj hours ?. acfi ?.. , k it i
impossible for us txecutivci to do oui
Lai k i right in that time.
"Wi executives must work Ionger
than forty hours each week if oui con
cern continues to proi m r. I hcrefore
I decline to admil the a i endmenfc nmi
allow tne execul ives n incn ase in
salary and reduction in v orking houi ? "
Crowds Almost Storm Art
Gallery Io See "Blue Boy'
Famous Painling To We Shotvn
in London for Month, Then
Comes lo United Slates
: ONDON, Jan. 2 (By The Assoi iatcel
Press.) Remarkable scenes were wit
nessed nt the National Gallery to-day,
when great crowd:; almost stormed the
building to see Gainsborough's famous
' Blue Boy," after tho announcement
that it would be exhibited foi a month
beginning to-day, prior to its shipment
to America as the property of Henry
E. Huntington, of New York ancj Cali
fornin, who recently purchaseel i, fr ri
the co.lection of the Duke of Westmin
The public has been bemoaning Vu
fact that the picture had been sold out
side of England, and th- news that it
would bc brought from the Duke of
^estminster's gallery to tlie National
Gallery to remain onlv thirty days
brought Lhrongs to the place of exhibi?
tion, inc uding many famous' artists
So great was the crush that large num?
bers were unable to get nettr enoueli
to see the picture.
- ? ? i . -^
All Citizens ot* Tripolitania
20 Years Old or More to Vote
ROME, Jan. 2.?Preliminary to
granting self-government to Tripoli
i:inia, northern Africa, the Goven i of
1 ripoli has promulgated several dc
crees conceming tho new judicial and
parhamentary procedure and regarding
the electoral Bystem, under B-hi :h !"
persons of twenty years of age will
teceivc t lie franchise.
Splil in Dail
lonlmiws as II
Vfoets for Vote
ICnn'liiu il fro n p gr onu)
i public I. .1 ii '. ? n ?' ?" '?? ???? tion of ra* "i ?
| cntion, Mr. Childi i a ? ?. Led th il Ic
than 10 ner cent ?;' .?? I n i Kations
ha I decli n rl them cl i in favor of the
I n at-, < i) pn.? . lhe i ompncl did
I not re, I bodie repn
' senting In iviil of tlu h isli people,
nnd i ' h nblo
for 1.1 Dail inci ibi : o '
ceiveil a Ri'i .
peopl ily I Mny to i ci epl the
? xpi e ion ol : ?I ? ? li rm
thnt n ?:',,;....' i . |
i ?.,; Iu Isheil lo ac.'i'p th I 1113 o
ti ? tl'i ..'; .
Republic or No Ri pitblii'
,. |. i -,', ,. , , ... i , mpromi
' see in. (| to i . ' , ? whole
. unl nvei . ippn rentl now i luri
fll ?.. : .
epuhi.e i.,r n rep ilr. Valera
frii . ' ?
i ; ? i ' Ion nu
011 WI lhi'
il. I ? v-hih- I
' ? ?. ?, ii i, ? m p. 11
con. .,... -j
,,'*,.::? :- (
lioi . . i Hi : i ....
Fnllin Uini.stei Fin-im
it, "tl b nce nl rei and th.
A11 1111 ... , .: '. i ? ? ? , ..
lhe detei ? ? ?
; hol her II .. . , ?
Mail, to cai ? th? i
... ...
to-night wen ' ?? - n
?.' / tO tl tl 'ill ? ; , ?. 1. [)
, ? , ,.....:
c ???? 1 ......??,.. i \:g(<\
ou pi ... , favoi
treatj .... i I
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... |j . - kIp 0f tl
;" '? ' i ? ? ....
Ol" I ? ' .' ? ! . .?
Sinn Fein I i .)
'I ??
I'im on tlu pa rl n
. ?
on to
i . .-. ? , ? ? ? ? ,
o f w h i c iv i 1 ? o \
I il
: ...
' ?
... ni
... ii . .? ? \ , ?
'''-%? ...:'..
' t'>', Wl
, .
no r
? ? ? :
? :
I'..'. ? . ?
the Louth ( , ? ?
i , . ( i
pa .... ...
li ?
I .-. i Iu bi , h\- tl
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...??' n ?????.
Fein 1 ,
?' lutioi E I F.a.-t i ? ? ? .
a red tl
r -?? . - ,. , .
and Wai ? ' i j . il .. .
? . ? , ? and tn
Onlt rwo ? oeii lo I) io
; ? ? , i
,i , ;r . i ?
? nj ? i -. ?
? ? . . un . ? ?
or of the trea , . ? .
? ;?'
i ? ,? i . ,,
? , ?
' ' . .. I ...
c'i l U111 ? i I
? I
' . . ll ....
? . - . ? boar.
dian:-, tl
: . .
ti Ih'fu! in Nen Outbieak
Of Snipera in Belfast
BELl \; i , ,i . . . Associ
i r Coiisidcrabl order, ir
.'..?? en mucl o ?? d in
\\ hich ? . ? ra p :rs om ve.n killed
'; wer inded, ook pla*
lui ' ? and this evi
Two ... i
. died .? : ull ? ? . ,-: Om
o lhi di ' .. . . . l'i .,,; ? Barne: .
???I o wi and i ? ntl killed whih
.??:..? . . ? ......
deri ... .... . ; , .
o-nighl . . .??. i i i... ??.'
s ieet.
Mongoliati Government lo
> '-?".<? Real }y\\. and Jus!ice
? ill 1 .v, Sib u ia, Dee ! %% Mi il .
Thc M : . ? i* Ju itice of the nevi
Monolian rcvolution ry go\ ci nme t ha:
declared thal Mi n olia is now to have ;
? I justici and v ai lav ? adn inistercd
ii. ri . ! courts foi !'? e first tinn sii ce
lhe mighty Ghi ti^ii Khan ruled at the
i ov ruined Citj Karal orum and
made all Europi trembb bi 'ore % * s
Since i lhi n Khan tl m w Minis
te ? of Justici' i ay , pi ini \s had taken
the law into their own hnnds and ad-j
ministered ;t it! -..iva. bruta ity. But I
now there i Lo be a m w odc and .
m i? sj stem organi : % r hi indepen -
dent aui hoi;, ie? al i rga, v, ho ib s pi ie
the (Ihinese limit' Lion undei wl cli
they have bi ei laboring.
Van Kameheek, Calied Back
ToTlio Ha?r?e, Sai!sTo-morro*w
WASHINGTON, Jai 2. - Jonkheer
Van Karnebei k, hci I of the Nethi
lands arms dele rai io i nd rtini Ler foi
! ? ? Affain oi the Du ch govein
ment, denarts from Washington to
i,: r a ?'?? t . sail I rom N'ow V'oi k on the
Am iterdam Wednc day, having
been called back to The Hagu : by im
por ant state affairs.
?' nkhe r Van Ki lebeek went to-day j
Lo tin VVhiti 11 ii .. . nol only to pre; .
1" Mr. and Mrs. Harding li -, New "?' ????
gri rl' igs to them and to the Amcrieai
' ati m, but al o to exprcss his high ap ?
preciation of American hos pitalil v and
of lhe friendly spirit shown by thei
United States toward Holland. LaterI
he ca led on Secr starv Hu ?
Jonkheer Van Bloktand wilJ head the
Nethelanda de'egalion after Van]
Ki i nebi ek's d pan ure, nnd he will b
assisted by Jonkheer de Beaufort.
Bnuih Iit.iures "0 in Bavaria
BERLIN, Jan. 2 (By The Associated
Press). . \ bomh was exploded amoni
the crow I listehing to a band in I ?
market place of Dii . ? bueh . Ba r n
on New Year's Eve, injuring fifty pe
' ri twenty of them seriously. The
thrower of ;he bomb, a youth, nnd aov
hi person we ?< arrested
May /?V Screen(ftnd9s BoSS
''^<&V< <.*****
"fT'i// f/. f.'rri .. Postmntter t,,n
rrril. who (idmils he ia t onsidrr
mix ii $liiO.OO().a-yrar "ff<r to
ai' ? pf thr pusi nf mipri'tni'. <ir.
hitct oj tlir motion piclttre in?
dustry of thr. I nilrd States
K. Yvanamakcr
i-' 3 ? H "i ?
Savecl at r iro
[is SJuller
in lifi 'i ??
L'ictin ? ? ome by Smoke
ufl'ocatior hc tri , o
roo'i -. ? lo which ii
!.:,'?'. i I
gto l bat ro
11; o butler fou
??: jump out ol
. .'.: . - u ? ' ..
? . . :-...-,
'?? ? pi ed
irriei Mr
? . -
. ;:- K
ther .v
. ' '? ? .. J..
iw from her v the ,
'' i ai aki
on Whnl .
, . ....
er to .??? .. in by
Pi ..-.,..
? '
...... [g ^|,,(,- nl
r o u
. [?), out the
' ? lloti ilo'ley, at ?'.
?,\ ? ? . vVa&hingtoi
Ifoti "
? ?
i., ' ?
U ? ? Kerotine, Henr
Pla tand K n I hi. ' ? - -
. : .. ? ,.. ... ...
? ? ? . itfr.
pi ? ereisi it thi
ition al City I Wl i
? ' ' nbsenci
cah . ? ne:
i . ? ? ;.,..?? fi re
Late . ? iblic of
i ' ? . ? ???..,.?
: . . ..... .-rnpathy
11 d e p u t y p o 1 i c e
..... rieud of lhe
Hays May Be
Filiti Boss on
January 14
le.on'in./'.il Inn p-;i r.nri
ia?? ', hi they ? il wi I ?? a I b i:
fatal to thi r istry nnd tl i
t i.i -. ? r..? ? f ri rhoul h c<
i . denl ??. , i
Prcstige lo Industry
They have thus c-on
sion.il n ? lid b
wil the lituation, * al ri man of na
ti on al p needed
stability and pr? ' - to l <
nnd l . . .;,? -...
ire of the produ I
. . ?
ture it desires. ft i
thnt n man of Mi II
would ca rry greal '? fht i - bating
any conl n pla ted ? idverse
to the industry an'l u . ! in el
ing cen orshirm now i 1 rci
ened iri 'ariou% sitatf
According to n ' ent ed ?
... present .t ive: oi -
t he rlen of l.a n :
V':! ;.'?: ,;-,'? Con
chanjre, tin I, I . ? I' tui
pany, the Fo l
I'niversnl 3 '' I - < ?
pany. rhe idea ? .I at. a
??????. . ' ?-.
tion of the Mot I
. ?
produei rs ar.d di? ? ?, ? jn t
iliini rv, needed t nalii
man t ? .- p . | r
William A. Bi h
WailJ t Wi i .
;?'?????. including II ? ? er
I' ? Coiby, \.lberl F. Be
George WcAi id J H. 3
'.!:'. Mr v- r a U-Tgl ?'?,;, nl
? * tee, Carl 3
Led l
aster General at ' i
cek ago. Mi Maj - rei i
Thirteen Governora Help
Keep Arnis [ssue Aliv<
Several Agrcc to Speak in Cam
paipn to Perpetuate :)i<
Meas of Confe**enec
. a. HI.VGTON : .. G
thirteen sta
? '
a ? . ..? ? he Limita
io n t *...-?? r
question after thi
nce, the counc
, . Goverr.oi ? ? ?
laine, Mt-i ' -
N'i w Jei
? I of Ai
of 3 }.
? ? . '.-??'- ?
I - - .
.-. - i -; i, ... greei
spei ?. ' i ' ?, peakcrs' burcau
? ? ' . ?
...,.-. , ... . .....
tion to the ca tion 1
. . ?
lii p of t! ? ? -
i n g t
.. ? ?
? . .
..., I
Finlaud Quit3 Kareiian
Refaels at Requesl of Soviel
? % ;-,,:., i ... . ?
....... . ent tha :
a havi ? ? ? ? I ? ;??
Offi al 5 made tha
r- K ar.
I , be l expei I fron eour.tr;
'ii accordance wi . . -
Bolsl . ?...
? ' igaim t Finla - leged aid 1
the Karalii ? ; ...
Berlin's 1922 ' ,
Is Ban on Me
ing are (, . ,
Poet Plays Pied Piper
And Reg Poodle
\)<t.i I ? = >< < - |o J '
and Gold<
\dinil tfe1 "
'?' :f,1
Char | \;(j,
Rep \,Zi]n
i P, -
' '1?
----- "tlj
*w_-\ v\
For Beauty?The Small Grand
Exquisitely proportioned to harmonize
with modern decoration, while rciDinin^
the rich, singing tone that distinguishes
the grand pianoforte, the small grand is
ideally fitted to adorn the fine home.
To the Musical Connoisseur
We Present
Conrenicnt Terms Arranged. Pianos in Exchange
l>?^ swmmmn
V FtflhTtoHiue at Thirtyninflt ft

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