Newspaper Page Text
Miss Gerry Has 500 Ball Guests At Family Home Shr Entertains a Group oi Fricmls at Small Din? ner Before Arrival of Those Invited lo Danee Mfc* Ferguson a Britlc She Is Married to Alden Lalhop Painter a? Be? idence of Mr*. Nichols Miss Mabel <,erry. daughter of El rr.dce T. Terry, who has been giving ? srrir* of dinners this winter at thc familv home, 2 East Slxty-fmt Strect, **s hostess last night at a ball at v . she enUrtaiaed 600 guests. Preceding tbe arrival of those m i ited for tha ball Miss Gerry enter tained a group of friends at a smull dinner Arttong those present were B ?eorge s?nry warron jr., Mrs. J-rcier.cK v ftaderbilt, Mr. and Mrs. William Fit tagb Whitehouse, Mr. and Mra. Henr? Wotthington Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Robert uvir.giton Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Fallon Cuttinj, Mr. and Mr?. Thomas Ridgr way, ot Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rh Miss Kerguson Is Married The wedding of Miss Juliana Fer j-jjon. daughter of the late Dr. Fsrquhar Fe ruson and Mrs. Ferguson, of3f West Fifty-ninth Street, and A't itu Lathrop Painter took place yester? day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William G. Nichols, at Rye, N. Y. The wedding of Miss Katherine B. Sharpe, daughter of Severn B. Sharpe, and Albro N'ewton Dana. of Lawrence, L I., will take place this afternoon at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ira Daven? port. 31 East Thirty-ninth Street. A reception will follow the ceremony. Witherbee Wedding To-day The wedding of Mis? C. Witheri <?. daugl 'or of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Witherbee. and Lieutenant Commander A. Stanton Merriil, U. S. N., will take p'ace this %*'ternoon at 4 o'clock in St. Thomas's Church. Thorc w |] be a large bridal party and officers of the navy included ln It will be tn full dress uniform. The ceremony will be performed by Bishop Sidney Partridge, of Kansas City, assisted by the Rov. Dr. Ernest M. Stires, rector of St. Hhomas's. The wedding of Miss Frances Jowett Hurray and Captain Samuel David Starjis jr., U. S. A., will take place hi thi chapel at Governor's Is'.and this afterri ion at 4 o'clock. Owing to iho liiness ot" t'r.e bride's mother, Mrs. Peter Murray, invitations i'or the large ni ? iry wedding that was onginally plar.i ed were recalled. Thc exhibition indoor 'ennis match irrsnj i by Mrs. William K. Vander bi ? for the benetit of the Big Sisters i ? t: ke place to morrow morn? ing has been p stpon<?d. Owing to the illness ? :' William T. Tilden 2d the affair wil not take p'ace on the Ritz Caritcn ro ' as ^;i<j l.cen planned. National Navy Club BenffU A I ? ?. ? p ", in aid of thc Nat'.. lal '?''?'} ' ? '? ? ? ? i : <-?? i -t- .-.lay in tbe ma ? ba li '? ..I" the Riu-Carlton. ' ' ? ' '.? : re ent ivcre Mr=. Kdwara \\- er3 Tolfn . Mi - 11 Archbald Pell, Mrs. Gtcgor Sutton, Mrs Julian W. Robbm?, Mrs. William H. ? Hamilton. >}"? Wickliffe Rose, Mrs. Charles A, ? ' 7. .l/rv .'., .. };,.., Delafield, Mis. Frani//ji Roosevelt and Mrs. David Dtiniuckey. The committee propo-cd towtablish a permanent club in New rorktot ? |ist, ,\ me . in the navy and ;??-?'. ( orps and thc wounded men ?om hosp tals. >o?ieiv u?t?'s Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otis t napmat. hav, coin. to New Y..vk from their ' wo d nere, L. I., ar.d are at 14 Easi Sixtieth Strcet for thc remainder o: the winter. Mi Henry M. Alexander, 15 East Ihirty sixth Street, has gone to Tux ?do for the week end. She will return to N'cv York on Tuesday. Among those who entertained at ?'-richi ? at. Pierre's yesterday wero ?w. Or/iond G. Smith and Harry B. ?.-' !"??? jr. Taking luncheon with Mrs. '*'? \rmour there were eight guests ?Tited in honor of Mrs. Patrick Valen tae. ,'\<?'? m Henry Pendleton i.* in New '?'<? ' ni his countrv home at Cedar fea . ind is at thc Hotel Lor ''? Mi lames Vogel, of Tuxcdo ;fn, are at the Vanderbilt. ars Robcrt ( laiborne will be hostejs J'? u'',:; ' r al I ? r hw.r, 17 West Elev Jith Street, on Monday evening and i}'' u ? ? ? ? sta to the hcr.i it X"ce v' ''? ' be given for the Blue r!i?C !r,,: ' ' Sl ho?l >n tbe Della ^bia Room i ? the Hotel Vanderbilt. .Mr. and Mra Samuel II. Gillespie jwe returned from Washington and * ai the Vai derbill for a brief stay. rA8' TJ?.omaa Blagden, who has been y?irH ' Carlt0". left New York L-!' y t0 rejoin ber husband in ^nIinp^!?(i0'J.vrrru''r Wellman en KitTrv?i,,lt i'"rVhc"" yesterday at the ?SdeB!lmonAt T,ffany ?^- Mrs. William S?teny " Was wi'h Mrs- Robert H?S^yesterday 8t l0nche?n at Del" ^ditrecti!?^?r0ny 0rcl>estra,.un ^thetinno ? ternatl<?naux do ia Lihrp !??. Febr^S U <ThlSatUVday :r? bein? o.;i.j,? . J "Cbe conccrta ^ai'tesfys4a--,! Leads in Soci*>fy Theatricals ^ty-cm^ffim Misa Hnrrict Pratl us iho Jack of flrttrts in thc Junior League play, ,_ "Ready Madc," at thc Plaza lasl night Uardings To Be Invited To Opera in Baitimore Mrs. Tnft Guest of Honor ol lAuwbcon Cirrv by Mrs. Ru. fus Day. Calkouns Entertain From Thr- Tribune's Washhtgton Bureau WASHINGTON', Jan. 27.- Tne Presi? dent and Mrs. Harding wil] ho invited to attend the opening performance oi the Chicago Opera Company in Baiti? more, Mnrch C>. .Mrs. Harding will attend the exhi? bition of Russ:.8n embrcideries; laces and fabrics. the handiwork of tho women of Russia, to he or view tj-morrow afternoon iii thc office ol' the America . Centra! !! i- :. Com? mittee, 532 Seventeent'n Street. _ Mrs. Taft was the guest of honor *t lunebeor. to-day nf Mrs. Kufus Day. ?1?ughter-in-)a\v of Mr. Justice Day. who entertained a company oi twenty-' two. Mr. an.l Mrs. rKrerce Crittcnden Calhoun entertained a company e.t din? ner this to meet their house guest, Princesa Lazarovich. The guests numbered fourteen. The Chief Justice an,; Mrs. Taft have ss a guest until Sunday their e'der son, Robert Taft. Professor C. c. Morris, o'" the Mato University of Ohio. and Mr.;. Morris are c.:e:-.ts nf Mr. ond Mrs. Herberl votaw, brother-in-law ar.d sister of President Harding, Mr. ind Mrs. llenry B. Sper.cov en? tertained at dinner this even;);. ? ; \ir. and Mrs. Edward 1'. Melii n. The officers stationed at Wa.-' ington Barracks entertained a: a dinner-dance this evening. General E. F. McGlach !in, in c >mn and a: ihe barracks, and Mrs. McGlachlin entertained a large company in ccmplimenl to their <in';^h ter, Miss Elizabeth McGlachlin, ar.d her house gf.est, Miss Jane Finley! of Wil iamsburg, Ky. Colonel and Mrs. Wait Johnson also were hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reid Yates en? tertained ;.t dinner this evening ?' their residence at Eighteenth and R streets, when their guests numbered twelve. Monday. Febr arv '?. M :? and Mr.-. ^ ates will be hosts ;,? . .-. ?-,., a; the Shoi '?::,;,. ;?? be x'.\ ' honor of the Governor of Delawan ;::.<i Mi-.-. William 1). Denney. The former Secretary of the Xa- y. Josephus lu:ni<--h, and Mrs, Daniels will arrivo ia Washington lanuary 30 for a visit to the latter'? mother, Mr: vVi'liam Ii. Bagby, prior to going to various point' ir, Pennsylvania aml New Vork, where the formci Secretary will make a seric- of speecnes, ,\ num ocr of hospitalities arr being arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Daniels. -??.- - Numerous Dinner Parties Mark Day at Palm Beach Mr. and Mrs. M L. S<-ha(T Occu py Ot'o Kahn Villa; .'*' s. Pierson Fnlr-'tains Special Dispatch lo Tlie Tribi <? PAI.M BEACH, Jan. 27. Many bril liar.t dinner and luncheon parties are being given in the cottages anii at thc clubs in Palm Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Carstairs entertained on their boat for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ireland. Mrs. Chester Farr and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Speidel. Mrs. Leland Sterrv entertained sev? eral friends at luncheon at thc Ever g:adcs Ciub, where Albert W. Good rich. of Chicago, also cr.lertaiiu ?!. Mrs. J. Fred Pierson, of Ncw York, gave a dinner at her cottage n .-, a spray Avenue U r a party of eight. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer L. Schiff, who arrived this moi ring on a private car to occupy the Otto 11. Kahn villa, on the Oecan Bouievard, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexandrc and Sydney J. Smith, of New York. Mr. Kahn is expected late in February. j Mr. end Mrs. John N. Willis, who have taken Kecvaydin cottagi . ,4 Sun set Avenue. have ;;< n detaincd ':; Now York, and are expected early in Feb ruary, when they wil, have iurs. Henry, I. Miller as tneir truest. Mr. and Mrs. Corneiius Vanderbllt jr., who depart to-night for New York.: took luncheon at the Breakers. Arriv- j als here include Miss Angelica L. I Gerry, of New York. who will remain , some time; Mr. and Mis. Fr^d W. ' Worez, Mrs. Lester A. Hamilton and Mrs. Renee Marvin, of New York, and Mrs. Alexander C. Barker, of Rye. j ???-??? Dinner Given Governor Governor Nathan L. Mi ler and Mrs. Miller were the guests al dinner las. night of Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butler at bO Morningside Drive. Those present to meet the Governor: and Mrs. Miller were Mr. and Mrs.,' Henry White, Mr. and Mrs, F. Gray Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney War-j 14 n, Mr. and Mrs. Newbold Morris, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Duke, Mr. and Mrs.! Charles D. Hillcs, Mr. and Mrs. James IC. SJieffleld, Colonel and Mrs. Francis [.. V. H'oppiii, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pelham' Robbins. Mi s I.ov -? Sands, Miss Ruth I T'wombly. Miss Marv Hoyl Wiborg, 4. r.k A. Munsey, ( ian nca II. Mackay!, Frederk Ju'liard, Albert Eugene ;..,i atin, Cosler Wilderniing and M. Gaston I Liicbert, the French Consul General. $3,450 ls Paid for Copy of'Pickwick' In 895,774 Sale American Art Galleries Sell First Edition of "Vanity Fair," as Issued in Origi? nal Parts, for $2,100 "Thc Posthumoua Papers of the j Pickwick Club," by Charles Dickens, ' being in tho nineteen original parts of the first issue of thc first edition and one of thc rinrst copies of "Pick wick" in existence, was sold for $3,450 yesterday afternoon at thc American Art Galleries. lhe price was the high est paid in fhe sale of rarc publica : tions belongin? to Frederick Corder, ot' London; David G. Joyce, of Chicago; ; Captain E. W. Martindell, of Ashford, j England, and others, which ended last j night. Thc total for the various col lections was $95,774.50, of which $32, 019 was the evening's total and $82, 875.50 that of the afternoon session. Thc rarc Pickwick item was ob? tained by L, A. .James. It was in tho ' original prccn pictorial wrappers, with ? advertiseinc .ts and entirely uncut, hav? ing the f. rty-live illustrations, includ ::).;.;? vi rnette title page by Seyrnour, Buss and "Phiz." Of close secondary importance was the sale of thc collected set of first editions of "Thc Writings and Life of (. harlcs Dickens," seventy-thrte vol umes in ail, which R. B. Jones acquired , with a high bid of $2,300. Gabriel Wells was the buyer of thc leading item offered last night. tho first edi? tion. first issue in tho original parts. ef Thackevay's "Vanity Fair." Thc price was $2,100, These items tvoked spirited competition. A lni;.-o and dis tim.-uh.hed HssoniblagT oi' dealors ar.d . c-j icctors was pre enl. (Hiicr sales w< re: Works of Trollopc, 135 volunips of fir.-t. pditions, to Mrs. George T. Slade, i $1,700; a series of four decorative paintings of fox hunting in England i>y Dcan Wolstenholme, lo James Smith. $1,600; "Letters of Marqr.e No. ; 1.'' by Kipling. one or thc only two uopies of this edition, to ;^. M. Ricb ! ards, $1,525: collection of 739 United ,;;;. cs department stamps, to Eeono . mist Stamp Company, $1,400; illurcu, nated manuscript in jeweled binding . of Milton's "L'Allegro," done in early . fifteenth century style. to Gabriel Wells. $1,000; works of Charles Levci, | Mfty-five volumes of first editions. to | I. Willicomhc. $050; works of Robcrt Louis Stevcnson, seventy-three volumes : of first editions, to Brick Row Hook [ Shop, $'^50; "Sportinpr Novels," bv Rob? ert Surtees, with colored plates by ! Leech and "Phiz," io Charles Scrib | ner's Sons, $850; works of Thnckeray, fifty-thrce volumes of lirst editions, to ' Brick Row Book Shop, $650, "Ready Made*' Scores Again on Second JNight junior League Players Give a Special Cabaret After the Regular Performance "Ready Made." the musical comedy given by members of tho Junior League, had it.-; second performance last night at thc Hotel Plaza and scored a success as great us on the first night. There- wa- a spocial caba? ret after the regular performancc which added to the enjoyment of the audience and to the day'e receipts, Th'-re were .-.bout 1.000 present. Somo of them were Mrs. Vincent Astor, Mrs. E. IL Harriman, Mrs. E. Rolland X. Harriman, Mrs. William G. Rockefcller, Mrs. Percy RockeMler, j Mrs. Ogden Reid, Mrs. Hush D. Auchin- ! c'.oss. Mrs. Willard Straight. Mr?. ? Ernest Fahnestoek, Mrs. Walter B. James, Mrs. William B. Olmstead jr., ' Mis. Jonathan Bulkley, Mrs. Frederick] E. Lewis, Mrs. Frederick F,. Church. I tMr?. Jr.mes B. Clemens, Mrs, Edward I Douglas Kenna, M:ss Annie B. Jen- ,' nings, Miss Alice De Lamar, Rodmtn ' Wanamaker, Mr, and Mrs. Charles C. j \dams, Mrs. James H. McCoon, Mrs. ; Charles Tiffany. Miss Grace Cuyler, ! Mr. and Mr-. David Wagstaff, Miss : Maud Cabot, Mrs. W. Shippcn Davis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Paync Whitney, Miss Kathleen Vanderbilt, Mrs R N. Dclaficld. Miss Anne Burr Auchinclsss, Mrs. Howland S. Davis, Mrs. S. H. Bird, Miss Marjorie Cleveland and Miss Dorothy Collins. -? Day Nursery Eenefit Mondav The annual benefit of St. Joseph's Day N'lirsery will bn held this year at the Cort Theater, where a spocial per? formance will Le given on Monday of "Captain Applejack." Following * the theater party the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Joseph's has arranged a supper dance at thc Hotel Astor. Demand Grows In England for Income Tax Cut Rcginald McKciido Asserte IMuximuui To Be Borne Without Lnjuriiig Trade of the INHtion ls Pan^erl Calls for Striet Economy Country ?o Judge Premier hy Success Attained in Rcdtu>iii$ Budget From Thr Trihtrte's Buropnau Bureau j Copyrlkht. 14'4 Now y,.,, Trlbun* 4-. LONDON, Jan. 'IT.--Redna'.d Me hcnnu, chairman of the directors of ! ;'" I-ondon Joint Citv and Midland j "H'lk and former Chancellor of the British Exchcqucr. added his voice to day to the demand bring madc bv busi |noFa men for lower income taves. At the bank's annual mrct.irg McKenna sani that present rates of taxation were undermtmng national energy and that the maximum which people could bear withoul impniring the national spirit of business had been exceeded. The speaker's complaint against I present rates wa? the stronjrest vet. jinade hy a leading banker. He insisl | ed that however great thc dirficultie? to bc overcome, "thc strictcsl economy in our national expenditures has be? come the first and most imperative ne ? ces'-^ly of our time.'' I Discussinp *be Gci'man reparations | question, McKennn said that Gcnnany's iability to manufacture and sell al prices far below anything thal Greal Britain I could hope to compete "ith was a .-'? j rious blow to England's foreign trade and ore of the chief causes of tho | linaneial depression and widesnread un | employment last year. Evory,mHrkcl in | tho world. he said, was di turbed by | the depreciation of the value of thc mark. The Lloyd George Cabinet at a long meeting to-day considered tl"- Geddes report on national economic* and heanl a report from the Marquis of Curmn, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, on his' preliminary negotial ions with the Paris government on the proposed Anglo French alliance. Later Premier Lloyd George prcsided at a meeting of thc Cabinet's financo committee. at. which Treasury experts were asked for their opinion on Austria's application for nn emergency loan of ?2,500,000. Another j matter under consideration was thc : foreed loan of 1,000,000,000 gold rnarks that the Berlin government has de- ' cided to raise in Germany. All of these questions are interde pendent. and Lloyd George fecls thc necessity of making some disposition of : them at once. rather than let chem drag ! until the Genoa economic conference. The country will judge Lloyd Geotge ' ; now by the success he achieves in cut : ting down the national budget. Even ; j if the Premier is foreed to abandon a ' I lot of his projects. such ns thc pur | chase of land for ex-soldiers, the ; j granting of export credits and the con- ? 1 tinuation of the Ministry ol rransport, | he is now socing the necessity of stabil , izing the linaneial situation! and such ' j economics seem thc best, solution, de- ? . spito the criticism they will arcusc in : some quarters. i tt was said in Downing Street to-day I ] that the plans of the British govern- I ; mert for the Genoa conference would \ ? be carried through to completion even ! ; if both France nnd the United Stat-s ; refused to attend. Lloyd George is re i ceiving support on this matter from all leading financial and commercial ad- : ; visers. $40,000 for Thayer's "Figure, Half Draped" The late Ahbutt H. Thaver's painting entitled "Figure- Half Draped" has been sold by the Mile. galleries to n private collector for $10 000, a sum] which probably sets a new mark for the work of a recent American painter. The subject was recently exhibited with other pictures frorn the Thayer estat.e at the galleries and particu'lar atten? tion was attraet?d to it ns being one of Ihe finest and mest beautiful soeci-' mena of Thayer's art. The picture represents a ^e;it'Hl fe? male figure with rich olive green dra- ! pery across her knees. lt 4 particu? larly imprcssive because of its majesty and poise, the flerh tones being of sin jzular ivhitenesa. Although th'- painter never gave it a more complete title, i. haa come to be known by friends of the artists as ? "Muse," since a lyrc is indicaled at one side. Childe Hassam, the cmincnt painter,' in speaking of the picture, said that! nain* could go no further in portraying the hunian form. lt will be exhibited ggain by the permission of the owner I at the Thayer Memorial Exhibition to j bo held iii March at the Metropolitan ! Museum. j Verga, Italian Poet, Dead ROME, Jan. 27.?Giovanni Verga. noted Italian novelist and poet. died : here this morning at the are ef eightv two years. One of his best known works was "Cavalleria Rusticana.'' from which Mascagni's opera was udaptcd. He also acquired fam- by i his short stories and sketches of Sicil- ' ian peasantry. 14- was born at Ca tania, Sicily. in 1840. "I Malavoglia," which Mary A. Grr.ig ; translated into English and entitled "The House by the Mcdlir Tree," and ? to which William Dean llowells wrote an introduction, was regarded as one oi \ "rga's best works. Among his other tales u;p "Jeli the Shepherd," "Liberta" and "Mastro Don Ges'ualdo.'' Going On To-day DAT A.; ?'i,an Museum of Natuta! Hiatorj'; ad nitsulon fre?. Metroprdltan Museum of Art ; admlMlon fre?. Aquarlum; admission .4'-*. Neu- Vork Hlstorleal Society; sdtiiis.von 'ii>l C-ntral Park W-m. i0:ir, o'clock. MadUon Sctnt.^ Garden Poultry Shov, Mao'jeon pounr? Garden, nil day Converiiiou of lhe Com; lpir, Olris K'O fcast rwenty-ooeond Slreet, all di-, Lecture by S. !-.". Ratc'.ife on ' 't h<- New p.oad from WaahlnRton " T','.,"! !?4M, 121 West Forty-thlrd Street, 'l o'clock. Luncheon of tvie Foreign Pollcj Assoelri Hotel Pennsylvania, ir:<n o'tloc1;. THseusslon of 'Tho l'nited .States Oocti r ation of Hayll and .ianiu Domingi : Should It Be Ended?" l.ui h'-on of tlie National Republican Club, El West Fortleth Street. 1 o'clock. !>!.?<? fisFlon of "Tbe Transit Problems In the ''Ity of Kev Torli." Meeting of the Women'p Pregg Cluh. Wal uorf Aiitotla, 2 o'oloek. Ad Iresees by Ptuart ''"h?i8H ?^^1 Evans e'lark at the New York Camaradcrle, Civlc Club. 14 West Twelfth Street, 1 o'clock. Lecture by Frank J. Mather jr. on "Post Impresslonlsm and Its Sequels." 4 o'clock, and by Franees Morls on "Tl? Concert Progrnrn." 5 o'clock, Metropoli? tan Museum of Art. NIGHT Meetlnp cf the Traftla Squad, Wallorf Astoria. 7 o'clork Dance of the N". '.". '.'onsumptW'o tti-ll'f . League, Wakldrf Astoria, S c',-l0'~iv. Dinner of the FlrooUlyn K*>nl KstR^e B,iar<4 ; Hotel Dosaert. 7 ".' dock. ?.l?etlne of thf Kansae Society of New Vork. Hote! McAlpln, ? o'clock. I MeetlnS of the New Vork liar Association, ' Hotel ABlor, S o'clocJi. 7 Calhcdral Windows Will Be Dedicated Ceremony to Take Place ni St. John thr Divine To-morrow Afternoon Special services will mark the dedl cntion of lhe seven clcrestory windows in tho choir of the Cathodral of St. Jolm iho Divine to-morrow at 4 o'clock. Thc merni rial servico will bo nicirhed I y thc Right Rev. ,!.<mes do Woir Per? ry. I>. D., Blshop of Rhodo Island. lhe windowg, thus simultaneously preaontpfl. aro thc r.irt of various donnra. ''Sl. John nnd thc Seven Churches" is donatcd by Mrs. Ludlow Johnson in memory of tfabriel Ludlow. "The Natural Elements" i.s given by John Wallace in memory of Annio Allen Wallace, 'lhe Seven Angels with Irnnipels" is the themc of ih.' window preaented by Miss Joanphine Lceds in J memorj of John W. nnd Eliza Leeds nnd Kinily Irene Leeds Mardcnburgh; "The Seven Last Ploguea" is given in : memory of Sophin Furnisa nnd Mary! B. Hubber by Mrs. Margarct E. Zim mermsn (nee Furniss), "Thc Woman in lhe Sun,'' was givon by Julla Llving? ston in memory uf Morgnn Lewls Liv- ; inpston nnd Catherinc Manning Liv-' ingslon, and "'{'hc Ueavenly Citv" was K'v'ii by Mrs. F. A. MncNutt and Mrs. Gnrdinor Shcrman in memory of John D.( Ogden and Mary Clark Ogden. "Chrisl Reigning in Clorv," a win-1 dow donated by Mrs. Whitclaw Reid in memory of Whitelaw Reid, already han ' her-.; dedicated, $3,800 "Each (^ven ! For Early American' Fmisifcinr Pieces IHahogany J.tmhov and Wa! nut iiighboy, JYiadc bv Savery, Briiija Top Prices al retiinJc Collection Sale I-.'?. of thc f-.n-sl pieces .-?;' earlv Ani< i-ica,i furniture in the Jacob l*:ix sor '!. inplc coll ction ;i mahogany lowboy and a <?? ixluul highboy made hy thc famous Colonial c?bino.tmakei\ William Savery. ei' Philadelpli ... brought 53,800 upiece ;<) yc .1 V(\h, ? bcssion of tho sale being held at Ui : Anderson Galleries, Bids totaling '<':'. 634 wero ,- coived, while fhe scssion.i so far havc rcnlizcd, in all. $S9.040. ;i ? Henry K. Huntington acquired 'he lowboy, which i? u rare and im? portant tpocimen of its type, roydr. '?-. 1(60, consisting of a large top tlrawer and three smaller lower drawers and having graceful cabriole legs with apron richly carved in rocaille. lt measuros only thirty-one inciics in height and thirty-threo in length. The highboy, which '.--as bought by Miss II. Counihan, agent for a private purchascr, is a tal!. statelv specimen "' the taine period, havfng twelve drawers mounted on cabriole legs and ball and claw feet. and surmounted hy ? ? deeply moldcd broken arch, ending in rosaceaj and urn, with llamc finials. Other sales wero: Inlaid Hepplewhite sideboard, Amer? ican, 1790, to li. Counihan, agi nt. S000; mahogany china cabinet, American, 1730, to Kirkham & Co., $800; mahog-1 any lowboy. Connccticut, 17-10, to W. \ R. Hearst, 5850: painted softwood cor? ner c;ibiiiel. Pennsylvania German, 1760, to IL Counihan, agent, 5573; eurly mapie Mavtha Washington sewing table, American. 1780, to IL Counihan, agent, $510; painted ladder-back arni chair, American, 1725, to David Dowd, $460; mnhoganv center table, Amer? ican. 1750, to W. R, Hearst. $400; rare. Stiegel amethyst .class bottle. Anior ican, 1770, to Miss K. McCormick. $375; set of three inlaid mahogany dining room tahics, American, 1790, to Miss. K. McCormick, $350; rare Stiofrel glass I sugar bowl with cover, American, 1770,' to Mrs. J. Otis, $335; important Penn? sylvania or.k cawhuck table, American, 1675, to Miss K. McCormick. '<'.V27i. Nellie Bly, Noted as Newspaper Writer, Dies Nellie Bly. n newspaper writer who gained international fame thirty years ago by making a tour around the world in scventy-two days to prove t'ne plau sibiiity of Jule's Verne's imaginativc ro? mance, "Around thc World in Eighty Days." died of pneumonia in Sl. Mark's Hospital yesterday. She was hprn Eii'/.abeth Cochrane in 1807 at Criehrane's Vlills. Armstrong County, Pa. She ;rot her Orst news? paper experience on "Tlic Commereial Cazette." of Pittsburgh. It was Eras mus Wilson. of ihr "Gazetto," who gave her the pen munc "Nellie Bly." In 1887, sl, ? came to N'cw York; p' his nuc gestion and joined tlic statT of "The New York Worlci." She attracted considerablc attention' in local circles shortly nfterwards by nr, e\posc of abuscd existing in Biack well's Island Insanc Asylum. In order to gath'.-r first-hand data she feigned i insanily. nnd tlms giucd admission to ; thc insf il ul ion. On November 1 -I. 1880, she began her' famous tour of V<o world. She com? pleted it on .lanuary 25, 1890, in 72 days 6 hours 11 minutcs. During t'ne trip she stopped over ;.' Amiens, France, and interviewed Jules Verne, ln IS95 she married Robert I,. .Sea rn'nn, ;? wea'thy Brooklyn manufactur rv. She was then not quite thirty! years old and he was seventy-two. Mr. Peaman died in 1904. leaving her his entire estate, which included thc Iron clad Manufacturing Company and the American Steel Barrcl Company. She assumed management r,f the companies. A few years a<ro she returned to news? paper work. JOHN DAWSON John Dawson, seventy.-four years old.' fcr nearly half a century one of the leading construction contractors in the country. died to-day at his home in Mount Verron. N. Y, Among the buildings on which he had ?ha'-gc of construction were Lhe Tombs orison. the Holland House. the Park Row Building, the building occupied by Bloomir.gdalc Brothers en Fifty-ninth I Street and numerous others in New : Vork City. . Me i* survived by his ".ifc. Mrs.' Mary D.-i-.son; n nephew, William T. j Dawson, and two nicces, Margarct II. jnd Jane Sargeant. MME. MARANTETTE MFNDON, Mich.. Jan. 27.?Mme. Manintctt.e, once a widely known eques-j trienne, ii- dead nt her home here at :'oc nn(' of soventy-three. Death.. ivhich ocr.uri'cd last night, was due to pnpumonia. In her will, made early hia week. Mme. Marantette direeled :hat Chief Gevonimo, Lhe snow-white lorse, and the white poodle, Tmy, vhich gained fame with their mistress n the sawdust ;innr, be kil'ed, and that .hc poodie bo buried in her casket. Mine. Marantette's circis career cx ended cvor forty-four years. She re .ircd three years ago and had ived since on a twenty-acre farm near ;his viDage. She v.-as the widow of a. Oanie! Hunt Harris, alao well knownj imong circuo people. DR. WALTER VAN FLEET MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 27.?Dr. Walter Van Fleet, plant breeder of thc United states Department of Agriculture, died iere last night after an operation. He irrivor] Wedn^dny to conduct erperi ncnts at thc plant introduction garden n Mi-.mi. For rrorc than twenty years le had cccupied n prominent place iruong thc plant breeders of thc world ind had been awa'.'dod several tveda s 'or his. work. He had come lo Florida vith a view to improving the varioua .ropical plants. morial Service Held al the Al>!x?y For Viseoiuti Bryce Plans Laid to Honor States man Perinanently iu IJotli tingltmrf and Amrrica b> System of Scholarshipg From Thc. Tribune'* Bureau Copyrljfbt. 11*22, New v0rk Tribune Inc LONDON-, Jan. 27. - Mournors fot Viseount Bryce gathered in n memorlal seryicc to-day in VVostminster Abbey lt was announced that thc British bratirn of the Suljrravo rnstitutlon had commissioncd William Rcid Dick Eng. Iis.i sculptor, to make a buat of the fonner Ambassador to tho Unitod Mntce. which would bo presented ti it ? y. of w?8hington. President Harding has been ndvised oT this plan lt wns announced also lhat tho Sul grave Institutions of the L'nited States siid Great Britain were working to? gether for tho cstablishment of a per? manent memorial to Viseount Bryce lhis will take the form of prizes or acholarships irs elementary and soc ontlaQt schools of both countries to encourage lhe study in each country "i tho othcr's history. EONDON, JamlTcBy Tho Associ? ated Press). Although the gathcrinj m VVestminstcr Abbey was esscntiallv Anglo-American, a cosmopolitan char ncter wr.s lent by the preaence of rcp representativefi of Armenia, notably Dr, Abcl Nnxm-ian, and representntivt ? of other peoples Bnd organizationa with which Viseount Brycers name and life were associated, testifying to the mani fold interest of th- noted oublieist nnd lormer Ambassador to the United States. l.ord r,ucnn represented King George at thc si i". ice, and If. A. !.. Fisher aiiil Dr. Chrislopher Adtlismi represented I he govcrnmenl. I'n l \\ h,- .|Cr, coun ?r or to tho American I" nba -.-.?.. rcp : ' "' '; '? oinb issy in the ab icncp o' Ambassador Harvey, who is in J'ranc". Itoheif I". Skinner, American Gotisu! General, oO'icially renrc-sented the coiiKiilate. The diploin:ilic corp1? and various Anp'o-American societies uri',i'!f| in the tribute. DuIco of C nnin.pht sent a per* sonr.i representative, nnd then renrescntntives of the i ,;,,..?,-?,.. ,..,.,| v ic torian univeraities, of the Royal Soi iety and the Royal Geographica! Socictv Kormer Premier Asquith, the Bishop or V, incht'ster and various members of th? nobility wero present, The service was entirely choral and no address was delivered. The officiat ing clergy included 'hc Archbishop of Canterbury, Dean Ryle and Canons '.';(! negie and B irnes. A telegrarn from King George << Viscountess Bryce, evpresvng condol ences on behalf of himself and the Quecn, was made public to-tlav. It reads: "1 regarded Viseount Bryce as an old friend nnd trustcd coiinselor, to whom I could always tuvn, confident in the strength and wisdom of his advice: and my loss is one which will be sharcd not only by our own country and America, where ho was so beloved nnd respected, bul among all English speaking people.-..'' OXFORD, England, Jar.. 27. A mo morial service in honor of Viseount Bryce, who died U-t week. was read this afternoon in the Oriel ''"'love chapel by T.. R. Phelps, provost of Oriel. where the late diplomat nnd publicist was an honorary fellow. Thc playing of Chopin's "Funeral March" was one of the features of the service. William Beals Kendall, Retired Banker, Dies William Beals Kendall, r, member of the Stock Exchantre until ill health foreed him t,i retire a few years ;'";o, died from pneumonia Thursday night at his home, 110 Tenth Street, Garden City, L. I. He was born January 5, 1857. His father, Isaac Kendr.ll, was a shipping merchant in Boston. Mr. Kendall at tended Nobles School, Boston, ar.d com? pleted his education in Europe. He was in Paris during the siege in thc Franco-Prussian War. ln 1380 ho became one of the found ers of tho firm of Hatch & Kendall, bankers ar.d brokers, in this city. Eleven years later he became senior mem? ber of tho firm of Kendall <v Whitlock and a member of the Stock Exchange. ili^ health compclled him to retire in :9io. He was h member of ihe Racqut t nnd Tennis Glub, the Westchester Country Club and the Sons of the Revolution. His wife, isato V. Whitney Kendall; a son. \V. F. Kendall, and three daugh ters, Mrs. Archibald M. Denny. of Pitsburgh. and Mrs. Amdre E. Gross and Mrs. Howard Wainwright, of thin city, survive him. Funeral services will be hold at 11 n. m. to-day at Mount Auburn, Cambridge, MasE. GEORGE R. WHTTE BOSTON, Jnn. 27. -George R. White, for many years tl.e heaviest individuul taxpaycr in Boston, died to-night at hi.s home here. He was seventy-t'ouv years old. TIe wrvs president of lhe Potter Drug and Chemical Company, u direc? tor of tii" First National Bank, a trus? tee of tiio museum <>f fine arts and donor of tho Massachusettd Collegc of Pharmacy. The modern building of tho collegc was bu'lt, equipped and cn dowed by Mr. White. " A "self-made" man, Mr. White began h's business career us a "pasteboy," clipping advertisements from news papers. CAPTAIN DANIEL BURBANK Captain Daniel Burbank, thc first oyrter planter to use steam power in drodging for oysters. died nt the Staten Island Hospital at New Brighton early yesterday. Hc was born eighty-iive years a^o at Nev Springvilte, S. I. Captain Burbank is survived by his '.\ i ;V and several sons. The foneral will be held from the late home at ?, o'clock to-morow afternoon, and burial wiil be in thc Moravian Cemetery. WILLIAM WRIGHT ATLANTIC CtTY, Jan. Tt. William Wright, manager of ths irnquoia Hotel, died in the City Hospital this after? noon, an hour after ho fell down the passenger elevator shaft in the hotel, having opened Iho door on the e\ change floor jn the belief that thc ele? vator was t hei >-. HEPUTY FRAU LE1TZ BERLIN, Jnn. 27. Deputy Frau Leit?., one* of thc leaders of the Inde pendent Socialists, who fainted and ,'fl! unconscious in the Reichstag last light, died to-day. -|F SAU TU1S AFTERNOON AT 2:^0 AT THE ANDERSON I GALLERIES THE JACOB PAXSON TEMPLE I COLLECTION ,| A. Barton Ilrpfmrii Funeral Atleiidcd Bv City's Leaders Powerful Figures in Bank ?Jif? and luduslrial World al Last Hitew i'or Finan cicr; Body to Can ton, N.Y. Funeral sorvicea for A. Barton Hep? burn, bankcr, who died on Wednesday. were held yesterday afternoon in St. James's Church, Seventy-flrst Strcet and Madison Avenue. The Protestant Episeopal funeral BOrvice was conducted by th? Rev. Frank W. Crowdcr, rector of St. Jamcs's, assisted by thc Rev. William B. Lusk. rector of St. Stepben's Church, Ridjre flcld, N. .1 , where thc Ilrpburnn resided in Biimmcr, Officials of I'inny financial and indus? trial orgnnixations with which Mr. Hep? burn had been connected attended th? service.-. Among them wrr" Newcomb Carlton. of the Western Union Teie? graph Company; .1. P. Morgan, Oliver Harriman and J. W. Harriman, Henry C ews, John D. Ryan and Andrew Jletchor. president of the American ; Locomotive Company. Also present were officers nn.d directors of thc Chase National Bank, thc Columbia Truit Company, New York Life Insurance | Company, the Texas Company and F. ; rt'. woolworth Company. j Mrs' A. Barton Hepburn, the widow; Mrs. Robcri Emmett, ? daughter, ar.d I Mr; '.'.."r;'""?. '''"ss Cordelia Hepburn i hrnl I'isher Hepburn, a son, preceded ; thc casket into thc church. Hymns ? were sung by the choir. r;,v: had been regerved for repre '"' ' 'vr"; "r many financial organiza ' " ? ;: lustrial corporations and eivic ' '?' ">;'~. with - hich Mr. Hepburn had h"'r- connected. Among those repre . '?'''? wero -io. American Agricultural 11 ' '?'? '?" i\ ? icricai Si ????'?t: and 111 ? f.' :.'' '.' "'?."? the Chase N?'donal Ba; k '.Ii:n. '? i ?'?' " of Commerce of the : M ?'''??' " ???'? v Vork, City Historv Club. | Columbia IJnivci ;?? <.-.,.. |,, ?_ q k , I fratomity, Middlebuiy College, New 1 England Society, ?..',?? Vork Theoiot?ical '-or ( i -. Pitgrims. Serbi in Child Wel i ;:'rr Committee, St. Andrcw's Society, , Lnion League Club and Universitv Club. j 'lhe hqnorary palibcarers were Irv | ing Bacheller, George F. Baker, Dr. | Nicholas Murray Butler. Dr. Wallace ? Buttrick, Henry W. Cannon. Dr. John I IL Finley, James W. GitTord, John W. GriggK, Willard !?'. V. King. Darwin P. Kingsley, John L. Kuser, William A. Nash, H. HoLart Ports-r, William H. Porter, Seward Prosser, John D. Rocke? fcller jr. and Albert H. Wiggi". Mr. Hepburn's body was taken to ('anton, N. Y., for interment. MRS. PHEBE ANN TLBBY i CREENWICH. Conn., Jan. -.'7. -Mrr. Phebc Ann Tubby, ninety years old, IwiJojv of Josiah F. Tubby, died ut her j home here to-day. She was a native . of Boston. being a daughter of the J late Paul Bunker. She was ore of the ! oidest members of the Society of I Friends in Brookline. She L survived by two sons, William B. fubby, ,f j Westfield, N. ,T.. and one daughter. Miss Ahnira Tubby. of Greenwieh. A Friends' service will hc conducted cn Sunday afternoon. Burial will bc in the Friends' Cemetery, Brookline. ! Birtli, Enaa-rement, Marriape, j Death antl In Memoriam fVoticca j r.iav bc telephoned lo The. Tribune anii time up to midnighl for w scrtion in thc ncxl dav's paper. Telephone Beekman 3000. MARRIAGES BAVIIA-HORX-Mr. nnd Mrs E.lwiri Bayha. of 391 Ocean Parl:way. announc i l the marriasc of their soa, Ed-.vln A... to M;*h Ocetla Kurn, on .1 muarv 27, 132; I 8TKOHM?BKEBK?On Fritlav" January "T, :')'.'. nt io: I'.irn .?:.. I'pper Mont I rlair. X. .1 , by Rc-v. Dr. ,T. T. Stocklng, ; -.:!li-,.i. daughter of Henry Warren and i Mary VVheelock Beebc, to Mr. Harold fclrohm, of Xew- Vork City. DEATHS AW.I.K?On January 20, 1P22. Phlllp, be loved father of Will Adler Mrs." May Oppenheimer. Mrs. J.-ina* Adler and Mrs. Isirtor Marahutz. Funeral from hie late j resld -vi-. 2T6 W. l'-Cth st.. Sunday morning, tbe 29lh, ul 10 no. Pittsburgh and Raltlmore papers please copy. ? AOATSTON?On Jnnuary 26. SarituM, !.-? loved hi.'eband of Joharria *n.l father ..f KmM, 1 U-. Stgmund A . ln-. 1.. uls ?. nnd Mrs I' ?;? n Bonls. ','?.?. p.i :? . ,, '??n V.;. si&th st. on Sundv. Januarv "'?? at 10 a. m. Kindly omlt flowers. ; . hii aci and St. I_. ? ?.!.??; pupors please cop; . AVSTI.N January 27, '?'<::. Anna K ta l lomer, widow of James M \ x3\ ?? M. D., in her r>Si;-, year. Funeral s?rv lepg at f- = r l.ii> resldenco 4.4 t'antral ? Park West, Sunday, Jftnuarv 29, ui ! 4 p. m. UKNT1.EV?Peacefully, at Tonaflv N i January 27, 1022, Sophla Roorbacli .-,).,?? . urd Uentley, dauglitor of lhe late iVI . liiini lidward Shepufd snd Ellaabeth \nn McCready, and vvlt'e of John Theodore .'??nii.y. Passed oo to greater hujjumess ! au.. .( more ubundant '.'.fe. DEATHS BOi rm: <>,, Januar) "4 n?2, after ? rhort illn<'?s. l,e||? >1ail?l?iii?. eldeat daughter of Theodora !?'. Bonrne r" ? rreral r-? loe at her home, 4t Oakwoofl ? ' . t pnor Montclalr, N .1 . Saturday afternoon at 2: 0 BOWTON William Conkllnu Bowton, h* Ini'fl husband of i'rtna KI|>T>. Januarv 2(1, 1922, (it !t?, konsn'k. t?, J., aged ?1 CAMPBEI.T,?Allan r Campbell Funer?? Church. H'w?y, ?8th st., Saturday, J p. tn. CARPKXTKR Hannah Lydla. beloved wlf* of Kr?i>ch w f.irppn' r and dau?ht?r of the Into Bdmond Field ar.d flaan^h I.ydla Jf?i?ht, entered lr<"> resr vVadnan i'ay rnornlnif. .lanwnry 85, Servl'-ea 8* l,T hnirc, Ipp?r KinK nt , Port ?"h?st?r, N V, 8?''irdsy. January t?. at 2 o'clock. Automobile* will awall tha 1 a 07 train fr?m Orand Central Statlon a-nvln* a". ? ort Cheator I 09 p. m. and fr-Mn from tha exat a'. 1:17 p. rn. CI.IVTOV?Rairan* Z. 4?mpbaii Fonarat Church, B'way. ?*>,!> nt . Monday. 14 a m. (HV-Tllr Jl'Ufj, on January 27. ID22/ 1 -loved husband of Ts..t>?l!o fnee Hllver 1 ??>. devoted fathnr of Annette Trme. Fablan Monroe. Clament Sylvao. in Baitimore, (n his /?ar. Funerst s< ? rlcoa nt 'ha Wrlt End Synaitotrue. 1*> West 82d at., Bunday, January 29. *t 1*. n rn. Klndly nrnlt flow?rs Tt waa tha wl-h of th" deceased that those who d? air"d to honor hia memory should do so tbrouah Ihe Federation for Jewlate Charltlee, IMY!EH.~j/?.or,Hrd W Davlas, January ?K. I922-, at tho liom?, of hla parenfa. Mr. and Mrs. John 4. Da-. les. 227 Bear>h 123d ?!.. Rockaway Park, N. Y Member of 017m. pin T.odlfe, ?0S. V. and A. M\ Funeral ti?T- lre? Saturday, Jjinuarv 2?. at 19 * rn , at St. .'olm's P. 1-'.. Church. Far Jtoekaway, 4. Y. ETZKIv?On Sanuary 25 U22, ?' hia real denee, "08 TVest 93d al . jo?;,li 4. bo loved son of Albert and Catherlne Etsssl Requlem mass at Churrh of thn Holv Name. 98th Ht. ii;;4 Amsterdam a".. on Saturday, January tn, ?t 1 o'clock. Klnd? ly oroli flower* Interment Calvary. Au. tomoblle cortege l'OSTKK- On Thuraday, January 2?, 192t. Rcott Foetor, nt hln reslfleneo, 175 West '2'\ Kt., N'ew Tork, Iti lh* -vt .,<-ar nt h'.j ?-"'? Funeral '-?rvi^e? ?i !;,j-e-<-r:-' Preahy terlan Church, Rroa^-iy ;,r:d 7.';d at . Balurday, January 28, *t ;r\ , m. Inter? ment pri ??af. at Newhurjrh, N T. Tt 12 ra q irsted that no flowers be aent HKATI1 - A> Washlng-ton, Conn., at toa home of Herbert W. Fjulknor, January 21. Mary F. Health, formerly of Stam. ford, fnnti.. h' 73d ->?-nr. Funeral Raturday. January 2i. at rtoon, ^1 Wash? lngton. Conn I'VATT On Thuraday, Tanuary 2S 1922 Inaao ir. husband of Ma ? lane Hyatf! ? l:i? 67th year. Funeral .Tv!'r,s al his )?'- rCBlden. -?. '- , C! ? ?? :. a ?- Ja m?lca N. V.. ot. 3ur lay afte noon at 2 r. . lock. JON'KH? Entered Into rest lanuary t'. 1022, ai her reslrl nso. 24^:i Valentlna Anna M. .,' . ? .c-.l 89 years Re n?i"m niRRs j,t thr; Church of Oui Lady of Xterey Marlon av.. -??-,,? 188th Bt., Sa ? urd r y m ^ninc :, ? !1 30 TjANGRKTN -Jernle f^ . w|fe . ' 4.., nard J '.sn;l<"!n, nn Januar>- 2B 1922 Services -?:.. Funeral Church Broadway, v..,v? 6Sth and C7l U hi ? on >ut ds \ ra 1 uan "' ::t - f tn S in Fn nel* n and 1 tak ? :^> I pai ? rs pleat - CO; ? Mr?riNXE.SS?On January ? "' ' a-h^ resldence, 249 W 21al st Marv 5fcOu'.n np?? boloved a^r.r r,; M?y g, (- *;?? '-?:??-" requlem mass ;?: Church of ?1 FrnnolB Xavler. VV. 16th Bt -^-lay January 25. r,t 10 a. m Interment MO' NT On .Tanuary 28. 1922 Robert Kmerson Infant cn ot John I m Mary R. Mount. Funeral servi, - at late Velson ?, ? . ? . tur lay, 1:30 p m. Interment January 28, private. POMF.ROY?Al Whltestor.e. >: T on Wed c'-day January 25, 1922 .'4->. Hannah ? ? Miles Pomoroy, widow of the Ute pr nren Day Fomeroj ?'. K. V. C Fu? neral' Rervlces from her late home. 731 No. -th av., Whltcstone, on Saturday January 28, 1922, al 11:30 a. m on tha arrival of 10 20 train from Penn Hta tlon. Autos v.-:ll rn? ;t. R(mii:-.'.iT;i.-v 2.4 at her 4t^ resldence, Hotel S01 rset, '-??;.?-..?;, Barker, be i' ve'l '?'? ' ? : ?-.'' ::?>'? : ,d d 'voted rnclher of Joseph an.l Marshc.1l, In her ? s' >'ear. Se-v|co.? Rat'i ?.. 10 , 1 r" ' "' fun ?ra' par'o- 1 Benedlo. 130 AV--st 1.3th s... Manha tan Intermer.t at \V 10 lla ? n. prl> ite SEI.F?Oi Thureda; , Januat ?*-> Herberl Self, brother of ar.d Harvey s If. Funeral from'chrls ' ' ' ' '' '"' ?'?,'? and Se.-, nd ; ''"? -'?'^??-- January 29. li . p. ?.. !n. '? r- en t nrlvai ?-. SXOW?On Jan. 26. at her :<?> r?sldenee 4"1 Riverside D'riv, '..'.?? '?? '^. .,.' widow of the late Jan-..-,, p on '.,. ? neri I at 11 a m. Saturday at (t>4 P.lver Elde Urive. Interment at Bllxabeth r J 1TBBT -? ? Greenwl, :-.. r;0nn . 14r3( . th - ? ' '?? I '? 2, Ph ?????? 1 nn : 1' ::.' . ..... ? ' of Joslah T Tubby. In the 91st > .? >u at-e. Funern :rom her late r. ??.?-..,? ?'?'? ' 1 !'? -" Ireenv 4 1 ? ??,..' JN MEMOR.'AM BRAKX?The month's mind mass for th rcp ise oi the soul oi Risrht R Monslgnor Henry A. Brann, D 1 be offered 011 sa u.-day ni rning .Jnn uary 28th, at 10 o'clock. a. the '-,?? h of St. Aenes. East 43J st., 01 which he hHd been the pastor for the past 3J yo.irs; and on Monday morning, January 31 th. at 10 o'clock, at tho Church of Pt Elizabeth, )S7th st. and Broadway" e was pastor for 19 years. from 4 IS71 to 1890. L'NDERTAivERS ^ 'WhertDeathOfiurs ra Ctilf Cnlttmbss 3:200" |f FRAKKE.C4MPBEU |t (l <3h& <3imeral <??iurxh"mc. JUk BroadMry at 66A St _CEM ETl>R ? ES thk vroom.wry crmetkkt IScd St. By Harlci Tialn or hv TrnH. ^^m^ Midnight. A young woman enters an emptv taxscab; a run to a poor section of the city. And then?the discovery of the woman's disappearance, and >n her pjaee the dead bodv of a prominent society man. No clues?-no susoects. A detective ?,&ry P.1 .hlShest literary quality hy the author of ihe - rimson Alibi," "Gray Dusk" and "Six Sec? onds of Darkness." Don't miss it. $1.75. DODD, MEAD & COMPANY ; ^ '- NEW YORK FRANK A. VANDERLIP'S WHAT NEXT bmiim After studying .14 European nations Mr. Vanderlip translates Wall Street's knowledge of international affairs into terms of human life. He presents a reliable picture of the European industrial, commereial and economic situ? ation and of its effeet on America's future. W hsrevcr bo>ks are sold. $1.75, bv ma-'f $1.55. HARCOURT, BRACE & COMPANY, 1 W. 47th St.. New York f?