OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 29, 1922, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-01-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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First to Last -the Truth: News-Editoriais
1.WM No. 27,468
(rop.irlaht. 1023,
New YorU Triburif. Ine.i
sunday, januau\ 29,
I922--W I'AGES
Snow, fotloweid by clearing to-day;
uortKeo-.f and north iralea; to
morrow probably f?!r.
J-'iill IJeiKirt m< rnae H
(lncludlng Sporta)
Iri\/|/ i 'I'A'TW "" ManhaMaw, l!nx.M>n 1 TKN d.M)
I'1' V i.i' I'J ,..?, r..,. |tT,..?, r.l???her?
Japan iields
pointa China
21 Demands
Group 5, Which Provides
for Use of Technical
Advisers in Industry
No Restnctions
On Foreign Capital
Treaty Will Secure to Pe
ting Most of ilie Con
etssion* H Demanded
to Build Up Republic
By Thomaa Sterp
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.?Japan ]
ru agrt?d *? rcnounce the mor?
j-nutif oi th? twfrtty-one demand!'!
v- which thi sought ln 1915 to ??
tablisi htr political, military and
r?momic snpremacy ln the Chinese |
Jepoblic Especially will she nban-j
ioo what la known as proup five of i
?!? demanr!\ which, if enforccd,
troold hare placed China's intcmai j
ilfsirs in the hands of THpanei?<* "ad- j
risers." Tha provisions of group]
;? wer* never put into effeet be
csgm of protests from this and
other r~- ? " ' I '" they have
ottn hantjing over China for almost
jeven rear*.
The abandonment of thr?e ar.d
other claims on China considered!
jjot in accord with thp open door
ind territorial integrity principles
idoptci by the armament 'imitatlon
junference i to '.e stipulated in the!
jfae-power treaty respecting China,:
which. :t. '? rned to-day, has
keen drafted for presentation at thc
eucference's next plenary session.
Treatv To Be Coinprehenslve
The treat.v w\\] apply to China just
i the ? po-wer treaty alroady
idopted ????? - to the islands of the
Paclflc Ocean. Tt will erabrace tn ?
.? ?? ? ??(??'. I all the resolutions giv?
ing China Iministrative autonomy in
her internal affairs, such bs customs,
lostofficea, wlrelesa stations and rail
roads, to which tor powers have aub
icribed. lt will provida itl?o fur ti.e
,?ithdrawal of foreign troops not sanc
?ned by treaties anr! for t'ne termina
fcon of the policy of apheres of in
tatnee and of the extortlon from
Caina of naval ba^es. In brlef, the
"?ty will pledge the powers to grant
toffip*!. important of China'a original
fi de aanda prescnted by her de!e
pitei v hen the conference opened in
MTenbe r.
Xo*t i ? ificant of the pnrpeses of
ftatreatt from the Chinese vtewpoint
li the ci rtailmcnt of Japanese en
croachr: Ile group of five de-.
Eisds i. Japan still reserved the
light to enl rce if tho occasion pre
"uted itself ' which she now has
ipeed to abandon, were:
That Cl ? ??? e lploy inffuential Jap?
anese gn advisers in political, financial
M>d mil'.tar. a ) Ira.
Police Burveillance Oroppcd
Tr.at the police departmrnts of im
Mrtarit Chineae cities be administered
Jolnttv by Japanese and Chiiiese offi
tials and that "numerous Japanese'' ha
?tnployed to fmprove the service. The
Mtsnsibfi pnrp*>?? waa to "avoid con
* Eicta."
That 50 p<>t cent r>f China's ranni
. A'. ''? h" bought in Japan. that
? Wfna-Japanese arsenal be built in
niaa and that. Japaneae technical ev
fertj nr used.
That foreign capital to worV: mines.
;n-.3 railwayi ai d construct harbor
"*? ?" ? ? ' Fuklen fop
2!iU ''?-?' t be obtained
WOUl I ..-?:?
,Jv"' " ' " preference in
'V'J -.- ? ? Iways
'.'?'. ' anea hi spitala, churcl ?a
TKl1 '? of Chii a be
:;.'.- ' ? : f owning iand, and
,, ?'"' -??". hai o the right
wsuisli n iry propaganda.
j?vV?jr,! i China ? h a forty
?" : ? ' ? "? hen Europe was
''"'?" < World War, Vuan Shih
?" ? idei t, signed tho do
?w? ? ? ciined to "turn China over
';?'"?- Japan" when tho United
?* '-' '- to send notes of protest.
Sfirst fo ii i-rri-ur.*. giving Japan the
cJ? 'r'?' "*- Gennany'i interests in
"*'-''H ?' ? ' other privileges, ?er
??tn ? " But the more drastic
:,"' o be abandoned, have
- P1 . consts il threat to
?leaci ? ? Far Easl
fonfci ? > -. -?;, - * ] Kmharras.ynK'ni
.;!',,e;r' ' ? to conceal the
'.".;,?'?' .- waa al first ceen in
as$ i'-: ' the d mandi be beard
(Continued ?SI njjf tbrtM) ,
**?her a Suicide After
8e?uty IWnMtills Soti
fc?aJ Hc Intended Powder,
*?uch Young Man Took iu
Jesu for Own Wife
CS2NI? On,t?r-o, Jan. 2S-The
?Haa a co",clence, police declarcd
%. to t*lVt JET^S B?chanan. or this
fr*llTM'm' A.r,de"^- died ten ;
tton U5.ii.j^"e.i BWailowing a conc.oc- |
Q -allied 'beauty powder" which
* ?C M-r.^" * bt?;!y w? id?ntl- ;
5-m th.t ofC?vrth?> ' H"-i-ton print
'^oae f? ? ?v g t0 hav- Printed
"?""I Dowd.rP^L"ubcl,eve t,? d*a*h
???"??*Tai?Thlch Tour?. Buchanan
*Hha?. Jest wa8 "tended for his
? t5hJfct ^, ;f "?Wf wa8 in.
fiVffiStiHk ??cldc'a lifelcaa
Vj ??. ciutched a volume of Mark
lire Insurance Officials Oppose
State Curb on Investments
Inslst to Lockwood Board That Los* or Gain iu
Speculatiott Is Matter for Directors and
Is of No Concern lo tlie Public
Officials 0f tne1ea?!ng Are lnsuranee | garded nnder the state laws In the
companies ln the city who appeared as j nature of a public trust, it should bo
witnesses yesterdav before the Lock-1 *menaD'Q (" *urh reatrictions h. wen
wood housing committee declared era- ; M^'W'""' "'; ('?r th? pui?lic %vcl
?!,..,,?,,, ., , ' u fare. II,c insurance men took an op
pnaucauy they wcre opposed to any DOBite view, uBscrtitig that they should
form of limitation on the characlcr of \"e pcrniitted to run their business like
the Investments of their fii-ms. dealera in other eumtnodities.
n u, k.e? .??..,.,, * 8.??iL2,;a.'1is, i='4?thcU*S.us:
untermyer, chief counsel of the com- reauired to dispose of whalever bo
C'itt.?c, that the Legislature Bbould h? ral|?d speculative securities thej now
*?kod to force these companies to IW'J v," ii:.' " S'"'r\ '""?" "?"" to, b,c
. v |i. oln blti ?( ! roi ii sl I ie furthei
invest a eertain percentage of their purchasea
av.-eets ln rea] estate mortgages as a ln Ibia connection Mr Lntern
means of rcmedying the housing situa- producod itatistici and clicited nfor
tion. and that the sta^u take a hand in mation froui witni isca showing lo
a more general supcrvUion cf tho lire of million-. of dollars incurrod br iiri
insurance business. insurance companies through tho han |
lhe company heads. while admittlug . dling of so-cafled "highly speculative"
the advantage of real estate mortgages, j stocks. Aa against this, lie brought'
insisted they b? permitUd to do as! other figure^ to bear supporting his I
they please with their assets, "to get contention that. all companies ha\o :
all we can, all the trafflc will bear, made a ~'0 per cent profit on lhe mort i
without reference to any obligationb to gagee in exci ss of their profits on
help out the eources from which we , other forma of securities.
get our money." "After all," e the way Hcnrj Kvans,
Mr. Untermyer pointed out, however,' president of t e Continental Fire In-|
that Snasmuch as this business was re- ! (Cantinnri ?n nwt r???
No Cash to Pay
Reparations.) Is
Plea of Berlin
Notes Asks Allies to Accept
Goods for Entire 1922
Obligation and Rcduce
Amount Fixed at Cannes
Taxes Held Too Heavy
Germany Also Wants to
Receive Credit for Cost
of Army of Occupation
Ty Wlr?l(i*? to Tha TvOemi
Copyrlg-ht, 19:;, Ntw Tork Tribune fio.
BERLIN", Jan. 28.-?The German gov?
ernment, in the note lt has sent to the
Reparations Commission, requests that
German;.* be relleved of the necesstty
of making cash payments on her rep
aratione account during 1922. The note,
?which is a reply to the demand made
l>y tho commission that the German
government give a detailed eiplanation
as to why it cannot meet its repara
tion payments, declares that it is "un
doubtedly essentia!" that the relief
from cash paynen'-i during the cur?
rent year be grar.:ed.
The government also insists that trie
cost of the armies of occupation bo
included ln the future payments, which
has not been the case heretofore. Its
position la that the er.tire reparatSonr
problem tnuat be taken up again nnd
that a partial solution is worthless.
Officials poiuted out that the interior
budget ia not in order, but that the sur?
plus is not sufBcient to meet the repa?
rations demands and that the continu
ing fall of the mark automaticallji in
crcasee expenditures without an in?
crease ln ir.conie. Germany proposes
to pay in goods instead of cash, wher
ever possible, to avoid the effectfl of
cash payments on the xvorld'a money
Tho government adopted a unique
procedure to-day in explaininj- the con
tents of thc note to tho American ard
English newspaper correspondents be?
fore publication and requesting that
no mention of it bo madc to thc Gcr
jnan press. A vigorous attempt was
made at tho name time to impress on
the correspondents the fact that thc
comparatively leBser amount of indirect
taxation ?n Germany is exp!a'.r;abie by
thc bt^.en of direct tarvatiou.
BERLIN, Jan. 2S (By The Associated
Tress ? .? The German note to the Repa?
rations Commission, besides requcEtir.g
that Germany be relieved of all cash
payments ln 1922, titka for a general
reduction in cash payments and au in?
crease in payments in kind.
The note 6uggcsts that the Allies
take measure4 to rentore Germany'a irs
ternal and externa! credit and thereby
facilitate the floatiug of a big inter?
national reparation loan. It announccs
that Germany will raiae an internal
loan in 1922 independcntly of the forer>d
loan, in order to reduco the floatirig
lnrreajsed Taxes Imposcd
It is pointed out in thc :iotc that the
Allied cxperta at tho Brusseis confer?
ence in 1920 reeogriizcd that German
oirtct taxation was ineapablc of fur?
ther augmentation, but that ncverthe
less bills were now before the Rcichstag
to provida further increases in propertj
tax, as well ag taxeo on capita! and cor?
porations. The turnover tax wil] b"
increased from 1 Jt to 2 per cenl ard
the coal ta:t from 20 to 40 ppr cenl
Thc burde.-is ou production and con
sumption will be Increased and, in add1
ticn. the increaLed customs dues wil] be
collected on a gold basic. The entire
(ConUaued eu paj? thrrn)
Jersey Wets Would Bar j
Dry Hypocrites at Polls
Disfranchisemciit of Prohibi
tionists Who Drink on Sly, \
Urged in State
All prohibitlonists in New Jersey \
who are foand taking alcohoi i:: any |
form will be disfraiichised if thc Anti
Dry Leacrue of New Jersey has its way. j
Thr leagur proposes to accomplish the j
dirifranchiscment of "prohibition hypo- 1
critt3" by etale constitutional amcnd- j
lhe league. which has ito headquar
ters in Newark, propojen an ainend- J
ment to the state constitution which
would bar from privilegea of citizc:.- I
ship ar.,- advocato of prohibition. par- ?
ticu'arly tho?e in public office, who had j
been co.nvicted of violating the j
Eighteenth Amendment.
Ihe icaguc issued>an announcement
which said that a campaign immediate- j
ly would be inatituted again3t "those j
public hypocrites now in uflioe who are i
politically dry and pcr?on^lly wet."
William R. Stewart, president of the j
league, said: ;
"Among the most ardent supportera
of prohibition at 'U 'ashington ar:d at ?
Trenton are men who do not hesitafe I
to ? iolate lhe law th:*' they ,' ould l'urcc
othora to obey." I
Bandits Shoot
Policeman.) Flee
With $21,000
j Dozen BuIIets Fired as Bank
Messenger and Hi*. Escort
i Are Held Up ?>y Pair
1 in West Hoboken Streef
iRobbers Escape in Autos
j Footpads Seize Pay Roll and
Ghoke Girl Clerk Near
| tho Manhattan Bridge
Two bandits yesterday shot and seri
i ously wonnded Police Lieutenant
i Charles Harms. of the West Hoboken
, police, chased a bank messenger scv
; cral blocks, fired n dozen shots and cs
| caped with $21,000 which was to havi
! been deposited in the West Eloboken
postoffiee. During thc chase of the
j messenger ar. auto kept close to the
curbing and followed. As thc mc ?? ?
, ger dropped th" bundie thc two men
, seixed it and jumped into tho auto,
'which disappeared in t:'e direction of
? Palisades Avenue.
j Kach week for the Tn 1 yeai the Na
i tional Bank of North Hudson has made
a practice of sending large sums of
[money to the postoffiee for safe keep
i Ing until Monday, when it is Bent to
j tha Federal Kescrvc Bank in r'f--v
York. The West Hoboken police have
on each occasion assigned a sergeant
i or lieutenant lo guard thc messenger,
Secundo Gallo, twcntj one years o',a.
of J^7 Clintou Avenue, .. thc mes
: senger yesterday. Accompanied by
I Lieutenant Harms he boarded a Summit
: Avenue troliey car and rodc to High
.point and Clintou avemics, two blocka
I from thc postofhec. The messenger
I and policemen alightcd and started oi
foot to thc building.
Bandits Make Attack
The two had gonc but a few feet
when two men stepped out of a door
way and walked toward them. Harms
; shouted to Galio to look out. At thc
same time he reached lor hi? rc
'Before hc could dravi it thc i'
opened fire.
? Harms, clutching lis revolver, ?' .,
; to the pavement with a bullel in his
left elbow. He waa unable to fire. As
he yellod to Gallo Lo nn: anothei ehol
? struck Harma. This time the bullct en
tered his lefl breast below Lhe Iicart.
; Gailo started to run, thc two men
j after him firiiijj all thc time. Gallo
reached Monastcrv Street before thc
men closed in on him. ln ordi r to
make more speed he dropped thc bundlo
1 of nioney and kept going. '1 ho auto in
the mean timo was close bchind th(
bandits und thc messenger.
As t'ne bundie of cash fell to the'
i pavement the hold-up tiie.n stopped lonc
enough to grab il and make for thc
auto. Tho inachim alread; had 4 .?'
occupantri. 'The two bandita iuniped on
; tiu- running board and the machine in?
creased its epced and disappeared in
the direction of Palisades Avenue.
? While Lhe bandits were making good
i their escape llarm lay suffering o
the pavement. Several passengen vho
'' ?"?: o i a Summil Avenue car and ? ? o
had scen thc shooting and chase ?? ei '
to Harms's assistance. Hiey carried
Mm to the office of Dr. J. J O'Connor.
, 1 ho physician i aid that his cond , u
was serious, and a hurry ca [ < a
to Ihc North Hudson UoHpital. Harms
. as taken there.
Auto Nuinbcr Clew I'ails
r'oine one who had : een - r <? .. ?e
told the police tha! Lhe auto liecusc
inumber was 37,147 Nev; J; ? ! \, ?
licenso pialii, according lo the poli
I Newark, N. J.. was g-tolen on January
12 frooi ihe garage o! Otto F. Dreher
at 738 South N'ineteeuth Street, 4- v.
(t'uiittnuf-cl a>n M9jt pat?>
Steel Foolstep KiJJs L
Hurts 1.4, as Try ins Pass
Broken Piece Caroins and Ripa
Out Sides of Coaches on
British Expressof*
Prvrn Tlie Tribune's European Bureui
Cop: right, 1922, Ni '??? . " ibuno Ii
LONDON, Jan. 28.- "One of the :...>-.:
cxtraordinary accidents in (he hk>tory
of British railroadL" is the. official de
scription of thc pariial wrecking of
two express trains as they passed each !
other near Northampton last night, in
which one passenger wa:: killed and
fourtc-en were injured.
As the expresses from London and
Glasgow were dashing by, thc Bteel
footstep of one of the tender? broke off ',
and was fcosEed back and forth. carora
ing from on'"1 train to another, and rip- ?
ping out the fides of coaches.
The only similar accident on record
is the wreck of the Irish Mail in 1915,
which v-;?s caused by a fiying coupling
rod on a passirjg train tearing up the
Maalisou taiuurr (iiarilen I'onllrj Hiow
. ...... .?, !(l n ,m, evening ' . ,|
Craig Refuses
Transit Relief
jNo Co-operaliou W ill Be
Given Governor's Plan
to End Traction Prob?
lem, Says Comptroller
Board Must Work
Without Cii) Hrlp
Hylan Official Would \o!
Grant Money for Private
Owned Lines, He Asserls
Comptroller Craig served notice on
Governor Miller nnd thi I rai -.: i on
miss on a< the regular Si tin da.% discu i
sion of tlic National lt. publican Club
yesterday thal I ic; i ???.. cxpecl no .
operation from I im in reorganizing I ic
local tract'oi, problem.
If he has hia way th< city will refuse
to grar.t any money for new lines to be
privatcly operated. and, on tho other
hand, lt will appropriate unlimited
amounta fur Hiicb to bc operated by the
Th? Coir.ptroller's dcclaration of
policy came at tho e'ose of bis speech,
when 'hc aaid:
"The Board of Estimate and Appor
tionment could very wel! make n dcc?
laration of policy thai It never will ap?
propriate public moneys for the con?
struction of new 6ubways (other than
finiahing thc worli uncicr contraet) to
bi privately operated, whether by tho
Interborough or by the B. ll. T. or any
other, and at. thc same time declare its
] olicj to make appropriations to what
ever limit may bc required for the con?
struction of new subways to be owned
and operated bj the Citj of Nev> Vork
V/hal then would be tho situation as to
the deadlock?"
Transit Wnniing; Given
"?' en this statement was read to Gov?
ernor Miller at thc Hotel Plaza he said:
"Of course, the credit of thc city
cannot be pledged without the conBeni
of thc Board of Estimate. That is truc.
;ind 1 supposo if thc Board of Estimate
saw fit to do it. it could block anv ex?
tension of service in so far as the
pledged credit of tho city should be
required. That's a responsibility which
thc gentlcmcn who desire to assuroc ii
must consider for themselves, vhether
they wish to assume it or not."
Sonator Schuylcr Ai. Meyer, chairman
of tho joint legislative committee;
Comptroller Craig, Danic] L. Turner,
engineer of lhe Transit Commission,
and William A. De Ford. special coun?
sel of the city m the plan of rcadjust
ruent of tho street railroads, were tho
bpeakers yesterday, and the general
theme v as the >'.n. \ orli trai I ? itun ?
tion. Colonel Ncwbold Morris presided.
Senator Meyer went bacli to the Mal
bono Strcet wreck on thc li. R. T. a:d
directed attention to the manner ln
wbich it wa politically capitalized b '
Vlfred E. Smith, who wai opposing
Governor Whitman. He quoted Gov?
ernor Smith's first mei sago to thc Leg?
islature, in v hich he asked for a re
organization or the livi headed Public
S rvicc Commission, and hc cited thc
compliance oJ thc Legii lature with hi
'equest. Then tl e Senator read fron
I ? repoj t. oi i ommiss ioner Lcwis
Nixon, Governor Smith's appointee, rec
ommending a fle liblc fare based on
thc cost of service, and quoted Mr.
^.jxon a statemenl tl al il ivas impo:
sible to continue thc service on ?< five
cent fare. Mr. Ni , al thal tirno said
that ii the Public Service Commission
hati fui] ;.ut!i..r:*i ni ?} the city would
?-?o-operate I li< 'ganization of the
traction problci would be a success.
Similar Recommendations
thc -msiri ( on m issioner i> oi '<,
recommendation ! ?.,,(. .|iffer matcri
ally from Governor Miller' recommen?
dations," said Senator Meyer. "Gov
eri ..* Smith did no! carry out bis own
i-ecommendation On thc other ai cl
Governor Millei djd i ave lhe courage
?" grapi le u itl ???? big problem, and
lhe events fi o ingbavr nmp!.' justi
? "'? '?" - policy. J hc Legislature had to
meet tho obsl r ici ii c tactics t?T thc
Board o[ Estimate. Thai board haa
? nough to do, anj way, \v ernploy all ita
time, and it id n sound idea to turii
traction ui :i. i cohiiniss on oi recog
i ' i''.. c: pt r; s.''
' Comptroller (Iraij: , ?? ho fu lowed,
iaiil tha thr icstioi ould uui iir;
:' eaicd :? a poiil ical matter. Hc said
tlic t'uostion was largcly whether
pri' atc opcral io ? of thc subway ? was
' " bc continued or , licthcr thei > hould
bi operated !,; I hc city. li' went back
. I uptin..cHt on iif.nt pajt)
Blizzard Hits
Citv* Sweeps
<Hc Coast
45- Mile-an-Flour (? a Ie
Files lp Snow as 7.00(1
Oepin Clearing Streets;
18-Incli Fall Prcdicted
lorm vt hii h 1 ad bccn
ing up tho coast from Cape natteras
sinco Thursday, burying cities, paral; ?,.
mg rallroads and liupcrlling Dhipplng,
struck Nev, Vork yesterday afternoon.
fhe Carolinas were swopt by a record
breaklng enowfall on Thursday; Vir
g ' ia was the next to be invaded, and
Norfolk yesterday was harried by snow
and a fifty four mile guie, which piled up
.1 prodigious tide and fioodcd parta of
'-", <'?': ? .Iaryland and Delaware, the
! \
st. iok n
more and ol
ioi ?
and nol a train
midnight until 9 a
doned in th
its sf ride, lcaving Balt
cr citica floundering i
two f?
deep in
i fallcn a:l a\t
Lhe capital from
l~ I reetcar trafflc
Autoun h iles < ero aban
3treets by hundx'eds, Gov
ornment burcaua wero closed because
. ct could not reach them, and
oi .i barc .- orking majoritj v as pre s
c ' ii i ongress.
f iladi Iphia r( doi ted all New York
tra on thc Pennsylvania system
B'-' '? ? f '< I ? cil wcre stormbound, the
?? :;"' fall averaging cighteen inches.
Strong Wiml Viifh Snow
n the uftemcon the brisk
south v nd which i as blowing here be
gan to i, I snov flakes sii't down. The
!';; 'peratun ? -.. hlgh, nnd the wind,
f' ': o '???'' ' rong, ?? as not so fierce as i!
had been earlier in tho d?; , though I ;'
: ' ?' orl ? ? mile clip off Sandy
liooli lai t nigl .
fhe snowfall pro i sod to be ;- heavy
oue rhe local Weather Bu eau would
? prophecy, but aid that it
v-'>' possible tl ut the snow might rca< h
??? pth ef eighteen inch ss befo ? ?
torm c ? ed. Thc Street Cleaning Dc
p rtment t,*c?vy;-,\ for the hoaviest
? torm cf the winter and regardi -; tl ?.
pj..- pect with i fjuanimitj.
' ' were Iji >??-.? prepared for th:*
stoi m : h; n a . in. ; cars," said nn
official of Ihc department. "We have
? o labor trouble traffic is light on
Saturday afternoon and Sum!:;. and
'" ha' ? more men available than
"W e put :.,4 p cees of rolling stock.
' ? '? ' ing ot plows, trucka nnd
- ?" ers, at ' orl at ! o'clocli ln the
aftcrnoojj and *;;; work tiieso with
thc regular rorce of men .-iii night. All
inachinery was iii readinesi and wc
ha ??? ?? ? gular for<.P , ,000 men, al!
of whom were nof ilied to go on I he j ib.
"ln fifty-one seetion^ in Manhattan,
I? ;'- ?' in thc Brou:< and forty in
II ol lyn -? ?? are prepared to cmploy
14,000 extra men ir' wc can get them.
We will bo able to get r. large number
to-day, probably 8,000 or 10.000, be?
cause on Sur.da; many rnen regularly
employed on other jobi report to us
Cor an extra day's work.
Run Plows All Nighl
" i '-," plov ii will bc kepl ru; n ng
, ; night o\ er regular routes, ?? hich
? ei ";? thal tl i snow fall must indi ed
be heavy if li ^ei??, the better of us.
Ash truckh and other true!.', were put
to work at once rerno ing tho piles
svepf, up bj swe pers and f.hrown up
by plows."
All trucks, including those earrylng
lhe mails, won expericnclng delays and
difficulties lit-sl nitrht, with snow still
falliug. A jMiini in favor of i uch sur?
face trafflc as was moving is that ;
large part of such Irattic is retnoved
I rom th( st I'cc ts oi er thc week end.
Truck and auto trafllc was reported
from the Fifth Avenue signal Lowers
Lo be unusually light. Thc flurrying,
blinding nature of the storm was kecp
' Contiiui'ii on iimt ing'
Hundreds Seek 2 Duck Huutei
Lost in Lon? Island Ice Floes
. - lal Dispatch t ? '.';* Tri&uite
B \BYLOX. L. [., Jan. 'J8. -Half tho
adult population u.t East Islip, I-.. I., and
hundredu of men ir(..:; other town
spent the ;ii*rK tcnding flarc signals
extending -'or more than two miles
along i, r,-:i ?. South Day iu an effort to
'ave the iives of two huntcrs losl in
'\<S drift ico on scootera.
["o-daj a! dai'11 Jeromc B. Jerome,
liolesale druggisl of East Islip, and
tidmund A. Pearsall, electrical cngl
neor, started toward HollanlTa Island
after ducks. They rodc scootcrs, which
are cqually at home on ice or in water
indcr ordinary condition.-'. Mr. Jerome
left word with hi? family that they
v.ould be ashore by 3 p. m. At mid
uight nothing had beon 1 card of either.
When they left the beach firm ice cx
tended fror.i it. to a point more than a
mile out in lhe bay. Reports had been
rec ivi 1 that thousands of wild ducks
were sheltering in pooh near Holland'a
I land. rhe expedition had beeu
planned more than a week.
Shortly before noon, Irving Reito,
a barber of East islip. landed
after a thrilling ran uheud of the
storm. Ile said he started home be?
cause of the threatening sky, but was
nearly nipped. On landing he reported
having seen Jerome and Pearsall two
miles off shore. He shoutcd a warn
ing, lie said. 1 he r only acknowledge
ment was to wave their hands. Reito
? -:-! ?',!..' ? v.f-re swarming over the
ba;-, copfused b;- snow flurrics.
ue st irm broke. Fif?
teen minutes latei thi ice lield disin
.. .-. . v '- lpped b - sl'"' noi Ih
easl Wind the bay became a niaehstroin
of drift '?"'? Snuw fcll in such volume
that visibility waa confined to less than
a hundred feel off shore. Word wat
dispatched to the Coast Guard statioii
!'| Fire Uland and rescue parties wei
organized a' onco frorn Jamaica, Babj
Ion. Eul!, Islip aiid point: along shorc.
The storm so increased i;i v'olencc
that the launchiug ot' boats proved im
possible. Rcpeatcd attcmpla io slarl
tug proved futile. It wus said b;. ex
perienced eamevi thal lo havo dis?
patched ;. lifeboal crew through ice
ni thc rough sea would havo mcant thc
certain sacHtiee nf" their '. ?? .
When nighl fell no iiowh had bocn
received of the hunters. Fircs ??.ov.'
lighted along thc coast headtauds for
miles, in the hope that these might
prove oi' value. Roll; Jerome and Pear
sail are experts in lhe use of thc
scooter. n is not believed possible,
l ow ivcr, these [ragile craft have aui
i ived.
Bolii Pcursall and Jerome are mar?
ried. An all-night -. ijjil was maintained
iii both their home . It waa :-;oid at
midnight that preparations wero being
made tc, di spati li a heai.-.- tug from Fire
Island. lfone i-7 entertained that tho
two men may havc run for Holland Isl?
and and made a landiug there before
the storni broke.
Both scooters were loaded with ha;
v. hen the start was made. Experienced
duck hunters install themselves in au
airhole with their scooters, covering
themselves with hav after setling oul, u
line of decoys. Several hundred d.uck
shooters had prepared to leavo at tho
same time thot Pearsall nnd Jerome
started, Thej were deterreti by tho
','cathet' reports aru a throatcning aky.
Fifteen Believed Dead, Scores
Hurt, When WashingtonTIieatre
Roof Collapses Under Snow Load
National Capital Snowed in
By Downfall Last ing 21- Hours
Congress Coiupclled to Adjourn, Business ls
Halted and 'IVuiihportatioii is Suspended;
Worst Storm Since 1899
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.- More than
twenty four hour.". of continuous snow
I had covi n d tl e Middli Vtlantic . cc
tion to-night, with Washington ai a
i'' ;'!- to a depth ranging from a foot
lo ncarly thirlj inches. II caused the
: suspension o ' pk. ^ically all bur.n^'
. and social ncth .; . di srupted trans?
portation, and shut most oi' thc popu
lalion iu their homes,
The storm, which Weather Uurcau
, ofilciala :-aid n-as one of tho mobt sc
: verc in history nnd was oxceeded in
i the depth of snowfall only by the lotig
| remembcred blizzard of l*'ebruary, 1899,
, was moving slowly to-night up the
coast from its position during thc day
' off \ irginia.
j Reports to thc Weather Bureau
ihowed that thc Carolinas, Virginia,
i Maryland. Dclaware and the District
! of Columbia wer?-: bearing tho brunt of
j the storm aud r.eceiving tb.e heaviest
i snowfall. Virginia cities accustomed
! lo only a:: inch or so of snow, and Ibcu
ot' rare oeeurrcr.ee, wero buricd in
jnany cases u> tho depth of a foot,
whilo northern portions of the Caro
1 linas still wei i I. cted th .. fal
that began Tl u i a; .
Wnshingti . owi . ppea
bc thc ccnti ? Llu heavy ill, I
Weather Uurea eai 'ernenf
lati in thc daj I o -. ing the di pl
bo closel, appi <?. chinj two a id u ha!
' feet and llu ??? coi d fi :' ol' thn c fi e
\ | record
in I K99. vi] ri ci i'cl
hour;,' 'all ad been
o'clock. t! '? ! ? . al
Lru :i. Washington
estab! i: hed
broken at (
thc storm
Thc national cap ta;, ?.-.;- h . ?.. hcavj
and constantly increaSing blankct,
vlrtually was paralyzed as to ac i' iti
of ail kinds in much the same manner
ns in .'90'.', when n lighter fall, but ac
companied by rain and slcet, foreed
abandonment of elaborate plai
the inauguration i ' Pn ide ' 'J
rhe capi tal awoi e : i owi ' in
morning, and >'.'? pite tho mo t ei r
getic efforts was u iable to cop? at all
during the day with tho rapid';- de
Bcendmg fall. Strcetcar on Lhe prin
cipal lines managed for a while earlj
in the day to struggli through thc con
stantly increa i g i ccumul ttion, but as
i Contlniieil on nede tliree>
Aets Stage Role
Despite Death
Of Her Husband
Effie Ellsler Appears at Mat
inee fgnorant of Demisc of
Frank Weston; Iiiforincd
of End. She Plays at Night
Uudersludv Ont of Gtv
Actor, Who Snpported Booth
aud Other Famous Slars.
A ictim of Hemorrhage
BiRe Ellsler, who play? tho part of
Miss Cornelia in "Thc Bat,'' at tho Mo
rosco Theater, took part in tho after?
noon performance yesterday in igno
l'aneo of the fact that her husband,
.Frank Weston, an actor, who had
plaj ?(! with Booth and other favorites
of the past, lay dead in their home, at
172 West Seventy-ninth Strcet.
II ?-. was .lead when Mis? Ellsler
reached thc theater at 1:30 p. m. The
management hesitated to inform her,
however, lest thc shock incapacitatc
her for tho performance. Her under
study, Helen Dovery, is with ?'- road
company in Philadelphia, and there was
no one to take her place,
After thc matinee Misa Ellsler was
told that her husband had died. Thc
news was unexpected. ai she had
thought him better when whe left the
house iu thc morning. Neverthelesa
hc played her rolc aa u.-.tial at the eve?
ning performance, aud :;aid she would
continue to do so, even the day of the
funeral, i l" it was found to bc impoa
: ible to till licr place.
Couplc Uevoted (o Each Other
She waa marricd to 'Ar. Weston many
yeat'! ago, soon after she was gradu
ated from college, and they were dc
-. ol ed lu each other.
ITo was taken ill Thursday evening
while waiting for hia wife behind tni
scencs al the theater. After lirsl aid
treatment had been piveu him in a
dressing room hs ,vas laken to his home
in a taxicab, sufferiiifr a hemorrhage,
17 is said, after reaching there.
Mr. Weston was a Christian ScientiFt
and had conducted Christian Sciencc
inecting.3 for years Sunday mornings
and evening at thc Morosco Theater.
ln i illness he desired to havc Chrii
tian Sciencc treatment and it is said
that several practitionera wero at his
Dr. D. A. Sinclair, whose office is in
the samo building as thc Wcstons'
apartment, was eailed to attend Mr.
\Ve ton Fridaj and diagnosed his ail
ment as hemorrhage of thc brain.
He reported tho death to the medical
exaniiner, y/ho found, after a prelimi
nary exaiuination, there waa no cause
foi hii oflicc to Lake anv actioi
(Vulhor and a Manager
We ton was a Shakespearian actor,
lie liad played in "Romeo and Juliet."
"A; Vou 1 ike It," "Hamlet" and "King
[.car." Lawrence Barrett, John McCul
lough and Fanny Davenport were somo
of those with iviiolu he appeared. Ho
also was ar. author and a manager. Ile
was cventy-two years old.
H. was a member of Ihe St. Cecilia
Lodge of Masons, the Actors' Equitj
A sociation and the Actor*' Fund. Hia
body wa.-. taken to lhe Campbell Fu?
neral Church, at Broadway nnd Sixty
sixth Street, where Masonic and Chris?
tian Scicnco services will bc conducted
Miss Ellsler is tho daughter of Mrs.
Euphemia Emma Ellsler, who first madu
(hc name "Eflic Ellsler" famous ou thc
stage. Thc first "Effic Ellsler" madc
her first appearance on tho atagc iu
)?2". when she was nine months old
am] wns carried on to thc s>tage of tho
Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia.
Slv retired in 1878 and died ill 19 IS.
Miss Ellsler's father ?as a tlieatrical
ma nager.
Mr. Weston played lead? in stock
companies maijaged by him iu Pitts?
burgh, Cleveland and St. Louis, and
thus became acquainted with the young
woman whom he married.
tr.p tlolsets. Southern Plnes, Plnehural.
('arr.deti: 5 '.;-H.inj South tlally, Informa?
tion, reserYallons, Seaboard Air l.lr.c Ry.,
142 W. 42nd. Tel. Bryant 6413.?Advt.
J'lnnliur?t. \. C. Milu sunahinc. All
v ...i.i-ni.i golf. 1,.1-v.. .v. y. iimi
'??'?'' :' ihru Pullman Z.Ou V. il. daily.
Herome Braves
Fire to Notif v
Others in Peril
Phone Operator Surrounded
by Flames Sticks to Posl a*
Blaze Sweeps New Haven
Road Offices at Willis Ave.
Structure Ts Destroyed
Traffic Tied Up 011 Line!
for Three Hours: Lossl
Estimated ;?i ?300.000
Miss Alice White, twenty-two years
oid. a switchboard operator in tho New
York, New Haven & Hartford offices,
Willis Avenue nnd 132d .Street, the
[Bronx, stuck to her post last night,!
though surrounded by flames, and
calmly notlficd all departments housedl
in the building to vacate. Fifteen min-1
utes ialer the 200-foot structure was a'
blazing caldron. It was totally de-'
Edward Ulakesly, twenty-five .cars'
old, a ear inspector, discovered tho fire
and turned in an alarm. Running for !
a fire box he fell down stairs and in?
jured his knee. He is in Lincoln Hos- j
pital. The first alarm was responded
to by Jcputy Fire Chief Martin. \>ur!
j alarms were. sent in. before sufficient
E.pparatus arrived to ?ubduo thc out-'
break. j
Railroad Traffic Tied Up
Trafflc on thc N'ew York, Ni w Haven'
<& Hartford Railroad, the Boston &'
j Westchester Railroad and thc Inter- I
.borough was interruptcd for more I
; than three hours. Owing to high wind
and driving snow firemen were ham
| pered in their work und difllcultj was
expcricnccd in handling apparatus bc
jcause of deep drifts in the railroad
yar'l. Heavily charged wire's nirround-j
ing thc Harlem River passenger sta?
tion, which adjoincd the office build?
ing, blew tires on a tire truck and'
I causcd Chief Martin to issue orders'
for Lhe disconnection of all current.
Traffic over tho Willis Avenue bridge
was stopped for more than an hour.
, When the fourth alarm was sent in 1
[the I'treboats George B. McClellan and j
, William A. Lawrence responded. Both ,
I boats steamed into thc river at high
I speed nnd directed streams on lhe lire. j
i Thousands of pensona braved thc stoi in
i to watch the most spectacular confla
gration of recent months, Polico re-!
scrves of Alexander Avenue station
! pcrsonally directed by Inspector Domi
i nicl H< nrj. h!.-, chief aid, Captain
James H. Post, and Captain Matthew
Robertson, in charge of the station
forco, policed the vicinity.
'?ifl Rescued by rirenien
i Misi White notified lowermen along
j the railway for more then two mih .. of
I the fire before leaving her otfice. She
PoJes Grumble as Beer
Is Cntlo 2fl/2 Per Cent
"Must Drink Hair Tonic, as in
U. S?" Wail Wets as Lim?
ited Prohibition Wing
WARSAW. Jan. 2S (By The A oci
I ated Press).---Beer containiug more i
than 2Ms per cent of alcohol i.i to be '
; forbidden in Poland in the future. The '
j alcohol law. passed by thc Diet to-day..
, places the ban on beer of higher alco- '
: hol content, limits drinking places tu
,01V per 2,500 population, prohibits ]
straight saloons, licensing only cafes
i and restau rants, makes proprietors
' liablc Lo arrest in the case of drurik
I enness on theiv premises and places a!
: ta;; of 20 per cent on all liquor stocks ;
; A stiff iight iti tho Diet preceded j
. tho passage of the measure, lhe "wet' j
| forces prcsenting lengthy arguments
against, aa one of them phiased it,
"compelling the Poles to drink hair
I tonic as they do in the l'nited States."
The "dry" victorj is uttributed largely
to tho activities of lhe seven wom. ;
? Deputies. " t
Ten Known to Have Per
tshed in Motion Fieturc
House (irash in Fawhion
able Section of Capital
Senator Ss Among
List of Injurecl
Police, Firemen and Mar
ines l)ig Into the Debri*
and Carry Oul V ictinih
WASHINGTON, ran. 28.?Fif
1... per on> .1." '?;.-? art believed to
ia ? been kiiled - <. - injured
to-nighl :: tl " lapse under the
.vi ighl of Lwo fecl i f snow of tho
roof of the Knickerbocker Theater,
motion picture liouse, located in tho
iieart of Washington's fashionable
N'orth vest section.
Tv " hours and a half after tho
crash, which occurred about 9
o'clock, definite information as to
the number of dead and injured waa
uholly lacking, as ivell as estimate
ni' thc number of tl ose ii thc theater
al Lhe time?these estimates rang
ing from 150 to 500, although thc
thea "i. one of thc fines t motion
pictures houses ii the city, had ac
commodations for n or< than 2,000
spectatoi ?
ll midnight the following partial
li ' of dead was a: certained :
Mrs. B. II. Covell.
Mii s Costley.
William Tracey. a inembet >f th'3
!-. H. Earnest.
Douglas Hillyer.
Mrs. Maric Russeli.
W. S. Scofield, of Danville, \ a
G. S. Freeman. musician.
Two dead wero unidentified. one
carrying u.\ envelope with a Ward
mati Park Hotel return address din
rected to W. P. Straw. of Man?
chester, N\ H.
Among thc injured, according to re
ports to the police ar.d hospitals, rcre
Senator Smith, of South Carolina; Wal
t- * Urdsay, M. E. Castney, "Doc" Bros
seau, of North Adams, Mass., a sl ldent
at Georgetown University, Fractured
back; Mrs. Henry S. Powell, Henr 1
Lacey, fractured rihs; J. L. Durlant
cuta a id brui ? i; Mr -. J. L. Durlani
cuts and bruises; Mobile Tomasso A
serto, third secretary of the Italia
Embassy; K. J. Bowen, injuries scri,
ous; Mrs. It. .1. Bowen, !eg broken;
Marie Rhea, John Klenner, Belle Reni
bo, Hugh Nesbit, son of the Washing?
ton corrcspondent of "The Kansas City
Star"; S. W. Richmond, Robert Wili
H. P. Robertson, Joseph Klemk, John
Prezioso, musician; Alphonso Van
toucke, musician; Mertie. arm crushed
ofl at shoulder; G. Caplan, M. Gold,
Hugh Glenn, Edward A. Williame,
musician, broken leg; William Mat
tiello. musician, arm amputated; Mr..
and Mrs. Jc^nas Michaleas, Woodiey
Apartment, injuries slight; Dr. Custift
I.ee Hall, fractured arm, and his wife,
dislocated shoulder, fractured arm and
cut.-; about head; M'bs Margaret Coie,
Florence Long, Mrs. Gertrude Taylor,
James A. Curtain, of Florencc, Mass.i
Miss llclr>n Hopkins, S. M. Lee. Alber*:
Sward, of Chicago, scalp wounda,
fractured skull; Miss MacLean White,
broken leg; ,1. V,. G. Custis, Dr. ar:.?
Mrs. Hal!, slightly injured; Ett*
Underwood, slightly injured; Mrs,
Mattic Schwab, slightly injured; Mrs,
Mary Chalmcj . slightly injured; Clar
enco N'cwkirk, slightly injured; Mr*.
Beniard Bn slau, both shouldera
All Confusion for Hours
AU was confusion for hours afte*
the crash, whilo police, firemen, marinea
from the nearby barracks ar:d soldiers
from Walter Reed Military Hospital
strove to huvrow \u--a *^ ''-*. ? -a
''..*M--s ;:-.d bring forth those buried
Scores . ad been removed from the,
edges o? ti..- debi-is and hurried to hos
pitalB, bui police, engaged for twenty
four hour? in battling thc worst snow
. torni to visit Washington in a decade,
were unable to eheel un on the ruraber
of thoi o take n lo the 1 o: pitals oi
w het - r ?.- ...- how i i?.i,v had died
after re ,chin ispi talj
}?> r?>?;. | re tation n I hc city wai
called upon t i send its crew Lo the
scene and the collection of fircliehting
,i'ii:iraiu onl> added to the confusior.
With the arrival of t r..- n ??-.- *-s, hov. ?
ever, order began to i>c restored.
Fm^rgenc;. hcspital; tere set ;n tho
neighborl oi I omc .ic honies of
ii'irh cflicials ot thc government.
Finding Lhe tons oi concn te and st?>?l
of thc ioor were almosl immovable
and unpenetr->ble, the stref* ?? ? ???}
companies of tiie city and thc Wush
ington Navy Yard were called upon to
supply acetylenc torches. With these
more rapid progrcss was made and it
was hoped that within a few hours it
might bc possible to reach those buried
beneath tiie de ris. Among the injured
was Reprlescntative Sinithwick, of
Florida, who was painfully cut abouk
the head and chest, but not serious1.'.
Only Recently lnspected
Attachea of the BritisA Embassy tc
ported aL midnight that a check had
been made of the staff of that embassy
and none found to have been in atten
dance at the theater. Belief was er.
pressed in eome quarters that the final
li st of injured and possibly that of
t'ne dead would contain names of wel!
known persons, inasmuch as the thea?
ter was situated in a section of th*
city in which many govemmejit ofli-,
cials Iive. i
The management of the theater de-!
clared that the building only recently
nd been inspected and approved. and
i^_' thc cojlapso of tho roof only could

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