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Newspaper Page Text
Tl //. ice Service DlRH REI Tony WliN ll 'i'lll. 'Vll o NElv Rs !)onn Y< U) Wl: DtliJ, sr cr 404*/ MAii lUi ''III. i/)V/: YC ? c %/e 3p 5*W, r*/; 6/7 '^/S/jvi Oft/ toSA n MlL Oisr Ca/rien NEty WHf KEE Wftt /r'*/6'0 yO/f/f O/M "Ay, IO]\ Sl "AV RVjc EM % 1 i ^fcenw.. 7-eo, "tn, ''II "r'noi,f. '.V. '': * f Rishel Desks are built for Service S.tlV yrar. ol mak.n*. good furniture and lhe lifr-long icrvice o( .killed loyal m<-n. arr why Riahrl Drsks arr th<- ouLtanding !<-ad<r? loday Vv, rai hundred R.shel D?k,. e,p,c,.lly ddgnrd by Mr. wcrc ordc,e<J _ h> Kubr' H Do?>nclle/ Cort,oralion for their w,,n|.lunu, nr* offi, r. We render a unique and complete service We'U gladly find, plan and outfit your new offices, remodel your old ones, or move you to another. We mainta.n a real estate department. which will locate for patrons he sort of office desired. The office found, experts are sent to it and tree of cost make a survey with regard to laying it out in the most emc.ent and convement manner possible. Walls, floors, electrical work, all are arranged for by our experts, who naturally also attend to special cabinet work, office partitions and furniture. Plan All Details Our office experts choose, the desks which will give the best service in the particular location in which they are to be placed. They also arrange for fihng cabinets, steel lockers, safes. shelves; in fact. every detail ot a modern, perfectly equipped office. Their work completed. all that remains for the patrort to do is to move m and start business or in case of a change from one location to wTl br;rt,fy " tlrfdal?n WhiGh he Wlshes to "Pve. and even that will be taken care of fo" him. Urge concerns in the city. occupying considerable office space are more and more to avail themselves of our unique service When a change of office ,s thought adv.sable, just notify us telling the rac.! rdtr1 the approximate ?? ??*?? -<? -?? ^ Do not hesitate to uae any or all of our department.. Our dZn rrr^j * Jre"iand efficient help' enaWe us to >?eep down overhead, and offer you standard office equipment at the very lOWe.t, consistent with quality and servic^ "No order too small or too large" Telep-Kon^ Bowling 4 QAK & MAHOGANY Desks Chairs Baskets Letter Files&Trays Bookcase^ Costumeis Tables Settees Bookkeepers' Desks Typewriter Tables DESK LAMPS ADDRESSING MULTIGRAPH1NC. STEEL EQUIPMENT Office Furniture Letter Files Lockers Shelving Safes Card Cabinets Cuspidors LEATHER FURNITURE UNOLEUMS Brown-Green-Gray Inlaid Designs Grade A. B. C, D. Battleship FIHNG SUPPL1FS Folders Guides Cards Index Systems Special Cards Transfer Cases CABINET WORK Partitions Counters CARPET AND RUGS Rubber Mats Coco Mats Runners man wh Our Guarantee ?&8 wrr^;;?^p;rufJur8tuciref" *? ma,?lrd -* ich we ?re responsible. * any ,mPe'fect.o? (or '*niBL 116 p* ^Iptoo^ 9W ^orjc ntr**t ry 15?. 29aa City. ?0*Paj^ '?** Afr *e Sa* fo *?*: *1 Ai *fc 1*. f^W*** nritl J^ou P1?&BB A **?* to to? Co?c^t< 84 ?fc?V^???t a? St: w# of "S4rAp r 0 to ajjg 10s '^^"^-^^ tJlB. ?^ICR J!?** to . Xy ^ ?, llont'l ??* GAftL A? ^J^ lltsy KXPORA Tion Jar pr rt.i. r*i b&n The Famous Sikes Chair Columbia for Executioes STEEL EQUIPMENT Characler. dign.ty and iaprcivenc., are imporlanl reoui.i.e. for an executive t chair. V requuitei Thi. particular design ,, . very popular one and lend. ,he orooer quE and' tu" "* ^ '^^ fo' ** -?-, fine workmanship. The illustration at the right it one of many famous chairs made by a greal coneern. ri*Mlty an.l StrenKih. are fire resis , J , ' * hJh ? 8?"d un" of u,m"*" defimiHy ,n real hard service TheJrll ?k 'i,'KTe* an'' wi" lils< in "i?. run .sm.K.rhi, ..? .',:.*.,..'"'llr""s' with caslly sli.ll,,.* ? ..m?r..M.. holders dcflnilcly in r.vil hani servlte. Th.- draw ^"?S7heh,yhrn41,erfftbcarr^reS aolld brass. The rich ollve Krecn finish is hand rubhed and baked on. Mahogany <>r oak finish at a ? mail additional cost. also an effec? tive device that by Just pressina- a but lon see u rei y locka the drawers. ?'COLUMBIA" cabinets aro mafle and fully guaran? teed by Tha Colum? bia St,.L.i Equlp. ment Co. I>M4kN, coun *?? hlrh cabi netK. alHo other Jtyles and eom olnatiorut t o meet every re Qoirement. A omplete llne of fllin_r eqolpment. with casily slidlnu compresa roller I>earin? .suspension and guidc rod knobB are Following are some of the many firms we have satis factorily served: Aloirall 4 Co.. Inc Allen Nugent Co. American Molasses Co. All American Cables Co. American Express Co. Atchison, Topeka 4 Sante F? R R. Ca. Banco Nacional Utramarino Bnil 4 Elridge Bairett Co. Fred Butterfceld 4 Co. Baldwin Locomotive Worki Blythe, Nirter tt Co. British Empire Chamber of Commerce H. M. Bytlesby Co. Brown Mathews Co. Cnadbourne, Haot & Jackd Conway, Kellog & O'Briea Crescent Fuel Co. Central Union Trust Co. R. W. Chapman Cowley ir Co. Duane Prodnce Co. Davis It Baylis Ruben H. Donnelley Corp. Ellerman Wilson Ltne Nathaniel Fisher k Co. Fiske 4 Co. Fiftk Ave. Coach Co. Radolph Ganther 4 Rosiell A. L. Goodwin 4 Co. J. W. B. Gould E. F. Hutton Hartford Fire Ina. Mr. Tonmaat, N. T. Jonat 4 Nenburger Jenks 4 Rogers Jute Products Kokn 4 Co. Kidder, Peabody Co. Larkin, Rathbone 4 Perry Lincoln Advertising Service, Inc Lnckenbach S. S. Co. Mexican Consalate Maston 4 Nichols Mitsin Bark, Ltd. Mitsnbish Bank, Ltd. Wm. H. McKeraa Parker, Marshall, Miller 4 Aacha Plnm Fnel Co. Pocahontas Fnel Co. Government of Porto Rico Charles E. Quincey 4 Co. Everett Rich 4 Co. Spanish Chamber of Commerc* Spectator Company Surpass Leather Co. Star Publishing Co. ViJIas 4 Hickey Wm. Young 4 C*. I V.