Newspaper Page Text
?Jferrills Here On Their \\ av ToPostAbroad [jcutenanl Commumlcr and Bride to Sail Soon for Constantinople; NavyClub Bridge Party Next Monday >inith Collego Qub Dance Viinual Event al Plaza on March 23; Mrs. Adrian ; Iselin Gives IiuuIummi { Com mander A Stanl d Mrs lei who wen -strred on Saturday, January 28, in .. try ol St. Thomas's Church, j jvr returned to New York. Thej eater part of their honey- ' the brinegroom's mother at ! S'atchei, Mij|s. They are now guests of -..- M.-v:".'- parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ei bee, at ; hc Amba - =.-< ioutenant Commander and are sailing in a few day? ? ' nople, where they will Un" home. Lieutenant i on mander M rrill ia aid to Admiral Murk Br sti '. American High Commia i, ? ? ? i C< nstantinople. ? nith College Club of New - ? I hold ita annual dance and in lhc ballroom of the Hotel - March 23. The committee in ide ? M r<. Seth Low Milli chairman; Mrs, Thoma: oddard, executive chairman, and ted with them are Misa Jean Miss Elizabeth Randall, Miss Twyeffort, Miss Margaret I'et M Dorothy Scams, Miss Bliss, Miss Adelc Adan lark WcisiYian. N'avj ( lub Hridffc Monda> \ . ? '? bftzaar will be held i the Ritz-Carlton on r ? ' -. 27, at 2 o'clock for of the Xationa! N'avy Cluh '.. rk. Among those interested - nre Mrs. William H. Ham Duncan Harris, Mrs. Greg '?':.- Clifford McAll ti ttei nnd Mrs. ii. Archi - M J \driati Fselin gave a luncheon Piei m 'a for Mrs. Bradish - ?- !i K iddei entertained nt the same place yesterday the Haroi ess Cartier de Marchi :h ick Edey i = * guest of Mr. tiglas W 1'.. ge al Palm evt Clondenin and Miss are i \tlanl ic City -'?.'?' ? Ir. a Bertrand L Tayloi jr., ? . i nty-eigrith Strei t. ai e ? Bn i rs, Palm Beach, for a few Ir. and Cartei Leidj are gues ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW TODAY nVASHINGTON'S birthday \r TlfK *** i^*E SCT3TM lhe Remarkable weeK krchaeological CoHection From Olbia in South Russia Kf\\\TED IMlilM. THE 1'AST TKN ' \i: H%. AM) t.NDER THE SCPER ?Hi^ fl 1111. PKESK.NT OlVNEK Mr. Joseph Chirieiowski ton-iMing of tireek, ari<l EjtyP li -. I'rom the Muiii t' in \ . i . _ ! Rla*s, terrn-ootta, Hiiver iiml ? > thf majority exeavated from olil . ii the iini irnt CJreeU i olot ? ol Olbia, Southern Kussiii. under tlie dlrectlon tiie iiunei Mr. Joseph Chmlelowslti, and 1 Itieultj bronghl oul bj him iliroiiKh i! .- tioUhevlftl lines. Many obJecLs poiou- nnd ?" ? Nl'nlltii' lo he rnresl in i! .? British Mhm-hih, Ne? i.h MuReuni nnd 1lie 1 .uivie Ii w/r Implement* roint? m. l. t.. tlie Itronze Ace. terra-eotta show phnses of the development of this rl ftoni prehislorio times. two frescoes of Diana nnd Hion.vslu* whleli hnve preserved "'-.i pristine colors, i? large number of surjieal instriu .? t- giving a good idca of lefore the Christlnn eru. "'." '| ? ' ni il head neeklace.s nnd Iwo .",,!--- | ild neeklaces nith other verj '??-' gold ii ivclr\. toj s which i>- ? i e nal i.-i-.-U ir *?.. ,,f the Fourth Century, R i nr eartler Ii i,l mnde the "1 'he polur bear md the Indian rhinoceros. TO BE SOLD AT ' NRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE TOMORRCW (THURSDAY), f'RiDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS AT 2:15 O'CLOCK ' llhi-ti ti ?. ? .,. ,!??,;,. w ,n he Mniled to *pplli .- Keceipl of One Dollur rhe s, u ili He Condueted B? il HOM \S fc.. KlltltY and ?? Im aflslatantn of the AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers, t, i aml i i .,..1 ::ir?| >?t.. MadUoa hi|. >outl? t Pootprints in theSnow! nts ieading fr;:n the room tn "1 ? >-. Waimj v/astour.d dead. With ,nc' ia'n detectlon of the murd ? " simpre. bet reod A FI-EMIN'O STONE DrTECyiVE STORY ByCAROLYSWEUJS the ati ry c i a crime thst baffici even .', '" . oi e liet.-eat detectlve,-.:r.r-i ,lh?y.hia?rirewd voung aBaistant.otnrr "'edoti the right clew. At A1! Bon-XKfl'er? $2.00 IPPINCOTT COMPANY. Phlladelph!* Exhibition of Drawings Made in Spain and Portugal by Ernest Peixotto '"biuurv. !6lh?April 1 st, 1922 Opcfi da'th) 9 a. m.-5 p. m. ^He Hispanic Society of America 156th Street & Broadway Wis. Harold C. Richard >hr sailctl for Europe htst Saturday with Mr. Richard on thi- Olympic, to pas* the remaindei of thr tvintrr and ptirt of thr spring ahroad Ur. and Mrs. Ji epl I VVidener al thi Ritx-Carll .??. fi ? a ?". ?.-. Ham i: on McK. '. ? enti r tained at dinnei i night "at hei h iuso, i ' Fiftl \. ?? Mr, ai d Mrs Fredei ; M 'r'ince. '?' Boat on, wh were at 11 p Plaza, ? ed Ei rope ???? d . . 011 the \\ atsons pn Meditcrra Man Trip Lieutenant mand I M rs Gail :? rd Fulton have arrived in t he city from Wa .... the Hotel I i rain< I h 7 . >a il n Friday for ? ? naval 1 ...-'. Mr. ar.d JI have tarli on a trip to 1 a:i rhey wi .' v ? ? in April and will b( at the Hoti I ntil ? Grahan . ? gave " di nner ast night al the ilot I Plaza. thei da nces of Inig -. ' b will be held ti 1. at the 1 ?? '-? "' ':'..''?? ard T. v. il ? 1, drs. T. .1. Oajtley Rhine landei and Mrs. Edward N. Breitung are in charge of the dances. 3 C Day, of New llavi . an ?:?.:?!,; 1 . daugh tei. M I abi I Var.i ?.-.? Day, to Charle : ? ' ' on of J Mrs, CJ Low s Si rg< 1 I Hardings Entertained hy Secretary and Mrs. rail 4mbassador of Chilr IJ ill Honor Brilish Envoy nt Din. ner Thursday Evening 0u en \\ ASHING L'< ? ? :' :i- 21. Tl ?? Pre i ,,: and Mrs Hai. ; 4 dined with I e etary 1 Intn ioi and Mrs. Al :-? rt B. Fall nig j*. th com; any be? ing entei bunc d in the Pn al - he '?'? SViliard 1.. V ?e-President and Mrs Cool \\ ;. ' , ? ": ? morr0 w . ,M nj 1 Baltimore. \*heri Mr. |gl v delivei an 1 ? ! rc -.-. and ;... .. 0 at the .;,,.' i [opk ' University The Vice if, will be gucals of \\ ni iter oi Bulg Mme. Panaretoff : * dinnej tin night of March 4. The Amba - - 01 of Great Britain ai d Ladj G les had a luncheon with lay thi- com Dr of the 1 ml a isy and Mrs. Broderiek and Mr. at d Mrs. Holt, -,. nd ing 0 few day; in V\ ai h n g t o n. Tl 0 Ambassadoi ol Chili and ,-,,- Mathicu will ntertain at da> ' vei . - i h.1 of the Am? bassador of Great and I.: dy Gedde . The M inister oi Bu pa, ? ? New \ ork Monday . , v.:.: ,. .. few days. Mme. Pana . ,.- , . ;, , tained at luncheon to day. George T. Marye entertained eighteen a' luncheon to-day. fo owed by bridge. Mrs. Olli ' M. J; ? ? ? " ? a sh ington foi N^w York on fhursda* and i will sail on Saturday for Nioe. Fi mce, where l join ; part; of Is. Visits in England and France u id a Medit< 1 ranean trip will be enjo> ? 1 by Mrs. James during her stay abn ad r-' -1 THE LONELY WARRIOR By Claude Washburn Young mcn in America 1919-1921 \\ all bookstores, $2.00 U,,^?,.,? Brace end Company 1 Palm Beach Revue i >(' Bather* Draws Gallery of 5,000 Paraders Go in WhrH Chairs lo Ca^ino Pool for Criti ral Review of Gostumes bv CommiUee on Prizes <in ial Uispatoh to 7 In b . i I'ALM BEACH, Fla., Feb 21. Thc bathing revue staged on the beach and hoardwalk at the Casino brought bc twpen 5.000 and 6,000 persons l lere this mc i n ing." 'i he Brcakers pier was ? ged v ith lhe overflow of i;pec tators. The parade of bathei arrived in wheel-chairs from the Beaux Arts. going to the beach and thenee to the 1 :.:.>a pool, where !?'. Ray Gomstock and Florenz Ziegfeld were assisted in judging thc costumes by a committee composed of Mrs. Gurnec Munn, Mr, and Mrs. John C. Kin>_. Mr, and Mrs. J. Leonard Rcplogle, Mr. nnd Mrs. ? ha i !i .' Amorj. Mr. and Mrs. Hai ry Payne Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Paige, Mrs. Gordon Douglas and William RI inelandi r Stewai t The afl'air, which ??as staged by Stanley Warwick, of i Beaux Arts, probably will bi :n annual feature. At the annual meeting of the Sailfish ( lub held i I he clubrooms of thi i, Walti r J. Mitchell was re lected president; Will S. Brown, vice president, and Mai tin Sweeney, secre tavy and treasurer. David Wagstaff, Walter Mitchell and Pierre L. Barbey comprise the board of governors. A gold button will be given as a prize to the person catching the largest sail? fish of thc season. New members of the club will be announced at the ud of the ;easor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osgood VVhit noy, oi Boston, have arrived by auto .'ile and are at the Royal J'oincina for a few days before taking a cottage. Vincent Astor new to Miami yester? day for luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston L. Redmond, Frederick Allon land Joi.n Cross. Mr, Astor and hl. party departed to-night for New York Reginald Brooks, of New York, who 1 as charteved the yacht Scurry, ar? rived froin Miami. Spencer VVatera ? party returned from their trip is yacht, Comrade II. Henry Rogers Winthrop and Fred? erick P. Moore, who nre with Otfco H. Kahn al 1ns villa, entertained at bridge and tea this afteinoon. Mrs. Edward R. Thomas entertained at dinner last night at Casa Loma. Her guests included Dr. and Mrs. Preston Popc Satterwhite, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre I Barbey, Mr. and Mrs. George B. St, ( eorgc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Mc I.can. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sims Wyeth, Mr. and vlrs. E. Clarence Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Marrv Darlington, Livingston Phelps and John C. Bell. Dr. and Mrs. Preston Pope Satter? white gave a large dinner at thc Beach t'lub to-night. Among those entertain ing there at luncheon were Mr. and Mrs. George Messorvy, Mrs. Sylvanus Schoonmaker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paync Bingham and Eugene M. O'Neil. j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grahame-White entertained ai their villa for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robetts, who start North to-morrow. Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury will entertain at a large luncheon to ; ruorrow in honor of the Argentine Am ' bassador, Dr. L. Thomas Le Breton and 1 Mme. Le Breton. Miss Mauella Lloveras : and Hector Ayeza arrived yesterday from Washington to join the party. MRS MABEL G. SELLS GREENWICH, Com., Feb. 21. Mrs. Vlabel Graves Sells, wife of Elijah W. Sells, died at Cromwell Hall. Crom well, Conn., to-day. She was fifty-nine ! years old. Mrs. Sells was bo'rn in Dubuque, lowa, .March 3, 1862. It yas ? in that city she married Mr. Sells, member of the firm of Haskins & Sells, certified public aecountants. of New York City. For twenty-six years she resided in New York City. She is sur vived hy her husband, two daaghters ia.d two brothers. The funeral will bo held at her home Thursday monring. THIS (WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY) AT 2:30 CONCLUD1NG THIS EVENING AT 8:30 At the American Art Galleries Madison Square South, New York TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. W. LANIER WASHINGTON RELICS AND MEMORABILIA OF GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 lhe Kule will he eondtiefed ln Mr. THOMAS E. KIRB1 lia Hsslstunth, Mr. OTTO BKKNET and Mr. H. II. PAHKE , AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers, Madlaon Sq. South, Entrance <> E. -J3d Street. New York. IVoops, Polire, Hamls iiehearso lova! Wwlilinsi Princess Reinaiiis ;?! Home, I>iiS Yttcmlants March From Palaee ln \l>br\ in VaivI VI. ii. Hridal Gown Exhibited 560-Pound Cakc Baked for thr Ceremoii) ; Firsl ol Omri Parties 5s Given rlsht. i'l.'.1 :. V.- Vo; ["rlh-jiii ! OXDON, Feb. 21. 'I e atit ndai I - v il) (ni..- parl in lhe wedding of Princcsa Mar> to Visi ouni I oscellos in ' ; : tminster A ibcy 1 el i ini . 2 < went : rouch n reliearsal to-day. S:either of t'ne principal i wa < pi epe .-. bul all I he troop i, policei cn, uttite ea rriage? and bands wcnl thi >ugli ! h< ir stcpi. rhe rehea i n' v as r.omcl Ii i nj; of ! i ? i .. ? ? o n. n o f had been made n nd thi >?-, pi di sl rin n abroad al '. o' rlocV n the moi iiiiiR when il began v e ? ... intei eslcd thal they were lute for thei'. work, Tho procession started at lhc i iyal mewe when four carriajrc reprosentinp those '? he used by the Q and ln t ol tendanta di uvc up L< Uu< kii ghain ['al ace and afti ; - wuil proi eded rn thc \hbi ? .... ,???, ich I - actual proce - : take I ftei ? ? later a late can age in i : ??' K '"". a . princi .-?' wil] i ide ap . pearer] al I he paiacc and wenl to Lhe Abbcj. A i ull i o pli in ni o ' troops accompanicd Lhc camages, and police 1 ": lon wei e formed aboul i hem, n > will be done a v eek from I o daj. Plea.sed AVith Arrangcments After an interval, reprosentinp ;;'i |- allotted to rhe services in thc Abbey, the processions returned to i lu The whole proceeding came off with out a hitch. Membsrs of the royal liousehold acompanying ihe paradi Eiutomobiles exprosscd themselves as entirely pleased v ith lhe arrangements. A description of the princess's J edd ng ii ?? ? a ?; ed I itc to day. L is o) cloth of silver with an o/ei dress of m rqu isel I e or whit e e veiling, embroidc red vvit h crystal head pi arl i and roses made of aih er thread. The gown reaches to within three inches of the floor, and eev< i are of ihrec-quarter h ngth. The o er 'Iri i cul wil li a V shaped neck, while tin silver dress ; square al the neck. A court train, four and one j half yards long, is of white :atin, ' i :- woven, with lenves o! the I'ose, thistle, shamrock, Indian lotus, Canadian maple and Austrnlian wattle ? il roidered on it to renresent lhe eomponent parts of the British empire. At the sides of the train there is em broidery lace of Delhi lilver and Uoniton lace, Lhe gift of the Quei n. lt formi d pai ; oj thi Quc i . d ding dri i nnd ' hal of her niothoi lhe Du he ;s of Teck. Quoen's Gown Es hibited I'he pi i.'tce is eil is o v ite silk tullc, edgy d with , ? arl bead: , ... -.- he headdri t like a coronet. Tho 8 ? oi ; he Que.en and bridosmaids also were placed on hibition to la' !t has been deeided ; hal ar t he b<\v the dean wil! : ead th?- onening a : ' ' " '?' chbi hon of V. ?. ill con? duct i"e prayers and the An hbi ;l cp ot v anterbury will pei form the cer n. ' "'? l'?J'"l 'P ld nK cake has been !' " ?:?-? 60 v unds, , 01 . ? ? ??'? five la; ers and ??. nda fi feet \ hn :,, , h gh. th ab 1'ONDON Peb 21 (Bv I'h v..? ' ': '"'' '?'>???"?? S vera! members ?' the American Embassv wei an o r ti,e 800 ,,. ...,,. ...,m _. j ;'"' first ol a series of parties given 'iv King Georgi and Queen Mai y thi; '' "? ',',) hoi or of ' he a] pvor 'hing wi dding of Princess Mary, Courl offlcials, diplom'ats, the Earl *n,i CountCSS Of lla.ev.vod. Ihe parents of Viscount Lascelles; mem ' ? ' of the royal household ^ni rep 1 ' ta1 ives of ? ii oti< , ;., ritable and I ' ? ropic societ ies also were pres en1 The Ai i< ricans attending n cluded Majoi Oscar X. Solbert, inili tarj attache; and Frederic D. K. Lv. Clcrcq, and Frederick !?'. A. Pea rson, s ecretarics. The function was gh m in the grancl ballroom of Buckingham Palacc, bul all the state i ooms wer< 11 rov n open. Some of them eontained wedding gifts t ->????? alread have been received. The King and Queen, Princess Mary and Vi counl Lascelles mingled with the 7 '.' Sl . Heavy Seas Dela) Homeric White Star Lincr Will Not Miik?* Port Until To-morrow The now White Star liner Homeric, westbound on her maiden trip to this porl from Southampton, reported yes? terday by radio that she would not make poi I befo? e Thui sday a 'tei nooi . Captain F. B. Howarth, master of the vessel, in advising the local office ?f his position, said he had encountered unusually heavy weather conditiona and that he had made no effort to push hi- new charge through the westerly gales and high head seaa that he en? countered throughout the greater part of ti'" run across t! e Atlantic. At noon yesterday the Homeric was ap proximatelj 1,000 miles east of Sandv Hook, Because of I he retai ded trip of the Homeric thc White Star an? nounced yesterday that a luncheon ai rangi u 'oi 500 guestH aboai d t he '?"?si-": on Thei sday had been postponed until Sat irday, (?oino* On To-dav A d \>i ?.' Ad m I: sion DAY -'? '"?' i..'.., . ii ." : ... '?''; roi ol tan Mus iun of A rree 1 quai lu ' . ssiun fi dp New Vork - ? fr e?. Van ? lori la ndi : 'a ?.. M usei: ? ... ZooloRical Parl \dn ssdon I : ee. ; Lecture by Louls IC. Anspacher on "Bpoch Maklno \ ? ?? : n [,ife' . Tovvn Flall I 2J Wpsi Korl> : hi i Street II I'elo Washington'n Ulrthday meeting undei tin anspices or theNS'ons ot the Revo , on i tarni i.\- Hal); ; I o'ciock Ws ghingt( -.'?? Birt hdaj ??? r\ cs ? S< noc Hall, 7 msterdam Avi e.u- a nd i 10tr 10 5 o'ciock Si Wcen und Ih . . ? , . , f th* Sulgrra v nioi .- . ' I'i iI'i lliapel [iroad w -i nnd Full mi .- I: m ; ] ,,-, ;,,? ; Luncheon oi Hunlei College A lum nat Hot ??! fi stor I o'clocl( Mass eetinj undei th iusi of Ihi '?? ? ' Vmi ... ' -,-::[ and Wai Wterans of Ukralnian F7xiracrton o\ ? Thi i ?;..?"? oi Ea?l Ga cfa" i 'oope (77.101! 7 o'cloi li MOHT Dlnnei ol lhe Ami i li ati fi ien to ci ebi a l n V, aah ngton h Hot -i Contmodore; "? o'clocli Celebratloi of Washlnffton'a Birthday b: I ho .!"!,.(.' i u d< : ol United ', mericai MeChanli ". Tc wn ITr.II 123 We i ' i third Streoi - ' ? '.? i ' ? Polic Lietit na nt ? Beneflcial Aseocial on Wn dorf-Aslorla C 0 . k, ()ir.i!<>r of thi Am? I .-. Inatituto of Min ng ? ?"? Metallurg ci Gngineera; dote PennFylva nia , 7: l -, o'ciock. l.eeiure by Dr Wil! Durahl on "Kduca lion le- t'arentage Labor TempU of Cli ni (-,: ? hda md 'i Sir Wilfred Barrow Has Heart Attack on Lineri War Veteran, Vi im Reeeived iWanV Wounds, IVIaklng Sea Trip for Kest Sir Wilfred J. W C. Barrow, son of the late Sir Franci L. .7, Barrow. who ' 'v' d as a captain with a Bplendid " < ord in tl o latter parl of the World \N . ' with " c i.n il Fusileers. was with liearl iittiick yestcrda' ' n board the White htar iint i Cedi ic Thc young olTn poor ' call h Binci 'i'. who luul been ', tiie armistice, cam n the hope of iretting re-t Accord ne lo lhe passengers he luul bcen in ' good condition Ihroughoul Lhe :'":- blll iir,.|i(ie,i suddonly upon tiie; cnadi dot It ju | Bs I he inmiigra officials -. i re boarding lhe ves'sel. ' iiip's r urgcon! Sii U ilfrod 1 ' ? eriously ili and would be weil j i' ivithin n lew days. The young officer returned I'rom the we utToring from shell shork, a frac Lured skull and n badly crippled let'l arm, \\,- was recorded as misging on i.lie weslern front nnd was subseqent ly pi 1 cd up in n pilc nf debrls in a shell hole after nn intcrval nf particu larly heavy fighting. C^hsolas Incrcused l*\ Yolunlcrrs \n jrwish Funcl IJrivr Brooklyn Lcads RorongliK in Collectioi*, With One Ihird of K 1,000.000 Al lolmenl \lready Pledged ' iiiool ii| ol oltiiitcer workers rep ci inp cighlj professions, busi i ?? -?>?? i rades in lhe cil y v n 3 held yesterday afternoon al -:^,ri Fifth Ave? nue, for lhc purpose of co-ordinating lhe work of the committces raising $5,000,000 in this city for Jewish re? lief in Eastcrn Europe. Many of the workers said that their committeea had voluntarily increased theii quotas. Dr. Louis .1. Ladin said for the nln t-i-innii1 eommlrrno thnl il hnrl in. creased its quota from $25,000 to $50,000 [1 '.-..:? announced at the i-ally that Brooklyn was Icading the other ? boroughs in the fund collecting, with , fully n third of the $1,000,000 Brook? lyn allotmenl already subscribed. Justice Mitchell May, the chairman for that borough, said thal ln- wns con fident that al least half of lhe borough's quota would he subscribed :... Saturday night. During the day David M. Bresslei;, in charge of tlie city campaign, reeeived letters indorsing t'ne efl'ort from Gov? ernor ts'athan 1.. Miller, former Gov? ernor Alfrcd E. Smith and Governor! Thomas X. Hardwick nf Georgia. In indorsing the campaign Governor Mii-1 ler wrote: "I can t'n.nk of no greater i, imanitarian work than that. of bring ing relief to the thousands of unfort tinates who have been completely de piived of even the bare nccessities of i I,''.- ?.-,,., are constantly being mowed down hv famine and epidemics." NJumerous ralties for workers will bc held throughoul the week. To-night Herman Roth wil! address | meet nga of Lhe Tailors' Association nnd the Launtlry Association in Wesl Side Community House, l-s West Nine ty-lifth Street, and tne West Side Tai? lors' Credit Union, a*. 884 Columbus Avenue. To-morrow mi afternoon meeting will [ he held in West End Synugogue, Eighly ' second StroeV, aud Miss Jessie Bogen. j of thc War Orphan Bureau of the Joint Distribution Committee, will address Lhe Greater New York Committee on Propaganda, a women's organization. To-morrov night t.he Northern District' Dental Socl *.y will mee1 ar. 156th and ;-'. -i?;. stre? ?, the Bronx, with Harold Korn as rp"fiker On Friday night the Washington llcights nnd Inwood Division will meet Temple Gates of Hope. 555 Wesl I82d Street, with Miss Irma May as speaker. Morris Waldman will address u Friday nighl service in Mount Neboh Synagogue. Dr. X. A. Epstein will speak ai a meeting in Sheerith Yudah, 543 Wesl L46th Street. Saturday morning. Irviiijr Manuscript Rring* $ \ 70 al Coutanl Sale A Lotal of $12,226.50 has been real- j ed Lo date from the sale of Amcvi-1 in,.- collected by the late Dr. R. B. Coutant, of Tarrytown, which is being sold at Lhe Anderson Galleries. An original manuscripl of Washing I -:. Irving's. Chapter X of Volume Vr i of "The Life of George Washington." bound with a specially printed title I page. was sold to William R. Hearst for $170. The manuscript is regarded as parlicuTarly interesting, as the vol? ume of which it forms a part was written at the close of Irving's life and was one of his last literary ef forts. A two-page letter of Irving to the Rov, Joseph F. Tuttle is bound in. Gabriel Wells paid $15r. for a fine i o)i.'. of the scarce tirst edition of "The Life of Samuel Johnson," by .James Boswell, iu two volumes with engraved [portrait b> Heath after Reynolds. An atitograph manuscript address of Thomas Jeft'erson also was acquired by Mr. Hearst. This item, for which $00 wa-; paid, was an address to the Indian chiefs who had journeyed to Washing ' ton, and mentions Captain Lewis, who , hnd been sent up the Missouri to ''get - acquainted with all the Indian nations." To th." Brick Row Book Shop went a first edition ot' .lohiison's "The Rani bler," and another of the same writer's "Tlie Prince of Abyssinia," or "Ras aelus." for which $82.50 and $60 were paid, resDcctively. This session Df"ought n tota! oi' $3,962._ Pension FundReimbursed At Expense of Charity The Board of Estimate yesterday voted to tuke $499,152 from the ap I propriation to charitable institutions and place il in the nolice pension fund. The board was ordered recently hv the Court of Appeals to restore thc moneys in tlie pension funds .which previously had been disallowcd in order to cut down the budget. The boai I's action was taken over the pro ?,.. : of Comptroller Charles L. Craig, I who censidered it inadvisable to take money from the city institutions. Acting Mayor Murray Hulbert. in voting for thc transfer of the funds, declared that there was more than i $6,000,000 in the fund for charitable ] institutions and that the most, the transfer could do was to deplete the fund for December, 1922, which could '. bc made up, ifnecessary, from ac cruals or the issue of special revenue i bonds. The action was taken following I an executive session. at which Cor? poration Counsel O'Brien and Assist? ant Corporation Counsels Nicholson i and Mayer were present. The special meeting of thc board ! had been called primarily to grant a ; further apprnpriation of Sl.000,000 to the Street Cleaning Department for the removal of snow, which was done. Up to date snow removal has cost the ' city $2,000,000. MRS. MARION NOONAN :; Mrs. Marion Noonan, the only woman realty dealer in Corona, L. L, died in her i ? home, 45 Ferguson Street. Corona, yesterday. She had been in the realty - i business for about twelve years. Mrs. .Noonan is survived by her husband, ' John Noonan, jftsd five daughters. (!hohm>l<?Y-Joiics, IVomiiimi in War /Vctivities, Is l)au\ ISew \ orker Was Leader in Liberly Loan Campnigns and Showed Efficieney ns Ri-k Bureau DirrrJor ."? ?! Richard (jilder ( lolmo ey ?'": ' ? ' "'" president of i he F inancinl and Trading Corporation, al 52 Broad way, and for two years director of thc War Risk In ur inoo ,Bun au al Wn h ington, died yi torcay in tl c Prcsby terian llospital, wl ere he nn i been a patient for thi nnd a ;? ceiving tn al mei ? foi heart d sea e. II" wa ?' rt; nim years o i, a bai elor, and |i\ ed wil h a si ;tcr, Mrs. Perc Litchfleld, nl 100 East Hi 'entcentr Street. Hr. was n son ol Edwnri Cholmoley-.lone . of Philadelphia am a nephow nf the late Richard Watsoi Gildcr, who wa edil ir of " I he Cei tury Mngnaine" for many years. Be sides hi i fathi i and s iter, hc ii i ui vived by two bn Lhers, Rnymond am N'iKpI. both of \Tew Vo*rk, He wa: n member of t;." i ? ?.. Club City Club Post, American Legion; Sl Andrews Golf Club. the Armv am Nnvy < ' tb nnd (1 e Co mo . Club, o VVashington. Hc was prominent in pub lic and civic work and formerly wai president of the Gramercy NTeighbor ! hood Associal ion. ! Prior to 1917 hc wa advertisinf manager for 'The Review of Review j and was given a leave of absence b; this publication to engnge in war work He assisted in the Liberty loan cnin paign in armj camps and with a per sonal quota of ?15,000,000 sold 59 : non.OOO wort of bonds II ? wa ina n captain in 1911 and accon i anii Major Willard S' raighl I n Europe t rcpreaent I he Wn i Risk In rai j Bureau with the A. II. I. During tii later month;' nf the war he was mad head of this work and was promoted t lieutenant. colonel and coloncl. As director of the War Risk Burea in Washington on his return, h" ef fceted notablc economies and i credited with originating and aidin 'in passaee oi mu n "1 the le?:3lato beneficial to this bureau. For his work abroad he was decorated with the L'Instruction Publique by the Frcneh governmenl. The funerai service will be held in 31. George's Protestanl Episcopal Church, Stuyvesant Squnre, Thursday morning. The servici ? will be private. "Thi American Legion has lost its stanchesl support :i tho fight for justice to thc disabled man," declared j William F. Deegan, state commander or' the Legion, when he heard of the ileathof ColoneK holmeley-Jones. "Only a few days ni'o Colonel Cholmi -. Jones called to his bedside a repye sentative of my office to discus: with him matters of hospitalization." Dr. Daniel iMcM. Stimson,! Surnjeon, ls Dead at 77 Dr. Daniel VlacMartin Stimson, re? tired, former consulting surgeon of many New York hospitals ard al one time professo of anatomy at Women's i Medical I o lege, New Vork Iniirma . . is dead. Dr. Stimson was born in Edinburg, Saratoga County, N. Y. He was 3eventy seven \i ars old. Hc was graduated i'rom i Union College in L864, and also was a grad ate ol the Colli gc o! Phj si cians nnd Surgeons, Columbia Uni versity Dr. Stimson studied in Berlin, Vienua and Paris. He -?? 1 ?-(? il as attending surgeon in Presbyterian nnd Mount Sinai hos? pitals; also ris consulting surgeon of Mount Sinai, New York Skin and Can cer Hos pital and New York Infi nnary for Women and Children. Ho was ;< trustee of Loomis Sanitarium and Northern Dispensary. Dr. stimson rec-cived 'in- degree of LL, 1'. from l'i,um College in 1904, Me was a member of thc Century, University and Fencers eiubs, of tht Society of Colonial Wars and other organizations. For many year he was surgc-?in of the "th Regiment. [n 1871 he marricd Edith, daughter of Di. Willard Parker, who died in 1906 leaving one daughter, wh i died n 1916 JOHN PORTER LONDON, F eb 21.?John Portcr, prominent British racehorse traincr, died to-day at N'ewbury. He was eighty-four years old. During the hoighl of hia activities he was the trainer of seven Derby winners nnd winners of stakes amounting to ?794,017, tiie largest amounl ever won by any trainer. CHARLES M. LIDDLE PHILADELPHIA. Feb. '-'1 Charles M. Biddle, widely known 1 ardware man and chairman of rhe board of directors of the Supplee-Biddle Hardware Com? pany, died to-day at. Hibernia, Fla., ac cording to word reeeived here. Mr. ' Biddle whose home was at Riverton, N. .1.. wns seventy-seven yeuis old. He had been ir. the hard? ware business since 1801. ALFRED E. MARTIN SPRINGF7ELD, Mass.. Feb. 21. Al fred E. Martin, sixty-nine years old. for rjarly twenty years superintendont of the Springfield Water Deportmcnl and former president of the New Eng? land Waterworks Association, died to day. He was a thirty-second degree Mason and also prominent in Odd Fel lowship. He came here in 1903 from Framingham. $1,000,000 Estate Lefl Bv Dr. Fearee Bailev An estate valued at $1,000,000 is dis posed of under the will of Dr. Pearce Bailey, filed in the Surrogates' Courl yesterday. Dr. Bailey died on February 11 at 45 West Fifty-third Street. One of the beneficiaries is Alice Duer Mil ler, of 138 East Fifty-iit't'n Street, au* thor and playwright, refcrred to in the will as a friend, and whose share in the estate is $50,000. Another. of sev? eral friends of the testator who re ceive boquests of pictures and statues is Miss Mabel Choate, of 8 East Sixty third Street, daughter of the late Joseph H. Choate and Mrs. Choate. Dr. Bailey created two trust funds nf $100,000 each for his sons, Pearce Bailey and James I- Bailey. and his daughter, Miss Geraldine Bailey, each of wliom also receives one-quarter of ihe residuary estule. Dr. Bailey created another trust fund of $50,000 for his daughter, Miss Edith Newbold Bailey, who receives the other one-quarter of thc residuc. Upon the death of Miss Bailey the principal of the trust is to j go to' rhc congregation of St. Paul the Apostle, at Fifty-ninth Street and Co | lumbus Avenue. Judgeship Bill Advanced ALBANY, Feb. 21.- The Assemblj cities Committee to-night reportee out the Jesse bill creating two addi? tional judges in t'ne court ()f General Sessions, increasing thc salary of Dis trict Attorney Banton fro;,-. f,i:2,000 tc $15,000, creating six new assistunt dis trict attorneys, and increasing the sal aries of the c-nt-ire staflf of assiutani district attorneys in New Voi-. City the minimum being $7,600 and- tht maximurn $12,000. The bill is scheduled for^passage Morris Koenig, brother of Samuel S Koeniir, chairman of the New Yorl Connty RopuLHcan Comimttee, i slated for one of lhe new judgships. Isaar Townsewf [s Dead in France of Pncumonia Attark Veleran linionCllub Member and a Founder of Similar Organizations Left C^i ty ( for (tiviera in January 0 h to Thr 7 .,? NEW EONDON, Conn., Feb 11 Word ns received horc to-day by Mrs. I Charlca A. SRckctt ??' the death from pneumonin, in Nue, France, of her' brother, Isaac Townsend, of New York. Mr. Townsend was born at 35 ' Square. Now York City, seventj one go, the son of the late '??nr fownsi : nd Mar;.- \ tin 1 ownsend He receiver! his early education in Nexv York City, and fifty years :<y. < thi i spring was grsduatod as u civ-,1 en ginecr from Columbia College II" was a close friend of the late .lames Go rlon Bennett, nnd for n dozen years, up to the time "The New York Hcrald" was purchascd by Frnnk A. Munsey, !ie ? aa one of the directora of the' i e ' paper. i Mr. Townsend was one nf tho oldesl ?? <>:? mbei ?- of the LJnion Club, also a founder and former president of the Racquet and Tennis Club of New Vork. His father was founder of thc boys' institution nt Randall's Ipland, , and he succeeded a? head of the insti ? tution at the denth of his parent. Mr. Townsend also was one of the founders and a life member of thc New York Athletic Club. Ile lefi New London in January and arrived at Nice two weeks ago. intend , ing to pa e; the winter on the I'.i--;'ra. l Besides Mrs. Sackett he ia Burvived ? ?-. u another sister, Mrs. George Bend, of ? New York. and ;i eral nephews and ,. niecos. Miss Beatrice Bend, a niece, . wa married to Henry P. Fletcher, As 0 jsistanl Secretary of State. w},0 recent lj v..ia appointed by President Harding u as Ambassador to Belgium. Mrs. Bend's other daughter, Amv, is Mrs. a Courtland Field Bishop, of New York. ? Rogers Winthron and Mrs Mnn V,',n. throp Kellogg are son and daughter of Mr. row-nsend's other sister, Mra Buchanan Winthrop, who died a few years ago. Misa Amy Townsend. of New York. a fourth sister, died |a8t year. Aust n Sackett, of this city, hi d Mrs, Andrey Sackett Waller, of New. York. are nephew and niece of Mr. fownsend. THE REV. I>R. J. H. CLEWELL BETHLEHEM. Pa., Feb. 21. The Rev. Dr. .irhn 11 Clewell. president of ! the Moravian Seminary and College for Women, died in a Philadelphia nos pital to-day. Ele was sixty-six years old. From 1888 to 1909 Dr. Clewell was principal of the Moravian Academy at Winston-Salem, N. C, and became I president of the Moravian Seminary and College for Women in 1909. He -" ' i ved by his wife and four soi . ELISHA C.'sTILLMAN OXT.tO. Conn.. Feb. 21.- -Elisha C. Stillman, eighty-six years old, is dead ! ai Hopkington, R. I. Ile was Republi? can in politics, wcs Assemblyman for I four years, then State Senator. He , wa i :i nationally known advocate of ! temperance nnd for more than seventy j years prominent in the Seventh Day | Baptist Church work. Birth, Engagemeut, Marriage. I?eafli and In Memoriam Noticea mai) hc telcphoncd to Thc Tribune anp time up to mtdmght for in ter/ion m thc next dav's papcr. Telephone Becl?man 3000. DEATHS ARMSTRONG On February 18. suddenlv. .1 H >.. eon oi the late JameB B. and ' Elizabeth A Armatrong and brniher ,-,f William I and Luther i'. Armstrong and rohn \ Monroe Funeral service ? en Thursaay, 7 p m.. at St Peter's Church, 346 Wesl 20th S'. PMOfA'NN -On Snturday Februar* IS, \ Mary beloved wife ot li-nry Barmam funeral from hei late residence, ".'?"% Webster Av on Wedne-sdny, February 22, ai D 30 a m I ntermenl Woo Ila ??? i BAUEB Mary .losephir.e. Carnpbe!' : Funera) Church, Broadway and BGth Bt., Wednesday, 2 p tn. BIML,?Suddenlj en Sunda* February Is. , I'lifton Banhain Bull jr., beloved ion of h'annio Moore nnd lhe late Cllfton 1< Hull. Funeral service will be held ?t ? Iiii resi lence, 47^ Wesl 110th St. cn i u ednet dn: . Februar* 22, n* !0 n Vonkers and Rochestei pap-s pleaes ( AI l.'.ll \N -On February 20, Danisl J. belovcd son of the late Cornel us ar , Ellen Callahan and brothor of Mrs. Her nard 1. Curran and M&mle Callahan. Funera' from Hi b late residence, :? 1 * East 37,'h Si.. on Thursday at 9 20 a. m. . Ihence to St. Oabrlel's Church, where a ? demn mass nf requiem will bo offered foi tlie happj reposc of his soul. inter ?en: Calvary Cemetery Member of Castilinn Council, K. of C and Now Vor!< ElUs. Xo. 1. I (Alllt On February 20, Mary, beloved daughte.1 of Patricl: and the late Delia Carr and sister of William A. and Leo J. 'arr. Funera) from her late residen.-". 209 West 67th St., on Wednesday. Feb? ruary 7'2. al 10 a. m.; to St. Mat thew's Church, West t;7'h St.. where e solemn i"i',ii?'.: mass ".??;] be offered for lhe reposo of her .soul. Int"riner.' V?al ? /ary Cemetery. I HOr.MKI.KV-.JOXKS -A I the Presbyter ni l-fospltal, Nfew York. Tuesdav morn? ing, February 21. t'olonel Richard Gilder. son of Edward Cholmeley-Jones ard the late Almira Oambault Glldar, in his '.'sth ear Funera! serviceq ru St. Qeorge's Church, Stuyvessnt Kquare. at 1(1 o'ciock Thursday morning, February 23. l-.ite, ment private Philadelphia and Wash Ington papr-r.s please copj' Cl MMINfi-r-Rev William .1 . on February 20. 1922, In his 76th year. at. Phila? delphia, Pa. Services 8:30 i>. m. Thurs doy at Presbyterian Church. Yorktown. Y. Trains leave C.rand Central 9ta ,: ;?! 11:57 or Scdgwlck av, at 12:16. DKAIt Berlhn Alleno, HO yeaia eleven months, daughter of Joseph A. ar.d .i-.iiia R. Dear, :>.: ijifford ave., .l^rgey City, N. ,1. Funeral private. m NMMl -At Susbpx. N. .r . on February 7". 1922, Mary Catherine, wife of tha late James H Dunning. Funeral services will be hold at her late home, Su?Ke\ ,\' J., on Wednesday Februar; 22 al L'::!0 p. in. TECHEVERRO?Alverro N Campbell Fu? neral Church, Broadway, eeiu s' until Wednesda I ! I.TON -Sarah (nee Qulnn), be? loved wife cf John T. Fulton. Funeral ii ni hi i late residence, 1.72 Sherman Av . ??'?? "hurnday, 2 p.m. interment St. Mlch ael'a Cemetery. Automobilo cortoge. <.l \Wl.l, CJustave, belovcd husband of Catherine (nee McElwaln), ct his l?te residence. 67 Westchoster Sq Funeral service ar.J Interment al St. Peter's i hurch, Westchester, Wednesday, Feb? ruary 22, at :: p. m. Flushing and Whltestone papers copy, HARVEY On February J9, Reuben C b? o-.ed husband of N:r)iBs,i Harvey Fu icral services at 4?S8 Broadway, Wednes? day, February 27'. 10 :. m. Intermenl Kenslco Cemetery. j HEOKMAX ? On Monday, February "0 Marla V. Hegoman, wife of the late Thomas Hogoman, Hge elghty-six venrs Funeral services at her late residence] 1 Argylo Road. l'latbush. W? afternoon, February -'2. at 2 o'ciock iHEYMAN At Nework. K. .1.. on Morula>, DF.ATHS (,.-. 20, Wax, b*lov<-.i rinnbun'l e-f - i.-o l.n.jf r;nstr,> BJld ''? , father ot Jeanettn lt?-.-m?! * 19'h vrni Funcrnl finrri William Oold atloker'a Chapel, BOX Hlarh it., tfewark, r . nn '??'< ?' nesda ? . P?bi larj 22 a' ? i> ir, i nl erment ' 'he i Sholom Ccm< '1s-/. Bll> betb. N. J HOWAR1) Thaodore, 7J Wesl '2?th a*.. I uaba i l of the l??e Oe ? Mer k m? ber of Police Veteran* Fui ??? ?;,. ... ? Wi nt i". 'i al KA1 rrvtXS \>ute, r hoi ? of mr paronts r - -?? ??-. holoa mfan- dauffhter of Charlee R xr.-i ? K i uffmfi i i- . ? t MIVRFM K Hin !'l'-' ?? on Fehrwa \:.,- % : ?? -. naej da ighl - ??' rt la ... ; Allllll Y..V naen . ;. ? - ?ar of >-.<?- age Funei i .. . ? h. Fluehlns '? . ?? ??- la ?? ;'-'- iai ~l '? 10 ;-. m !,(ilKVI',ll Wra Rodolph :.. on J. i 1?t t-. i, uary l? I92J bc oved ? Ife ?' Rodolph i. i.-i .<-? i- mother of ' - K Munlrh - ??? - ? Mn r; -. ? .; ? f.ewta ?,.d slalor of lo'm Johnaton* ea a ? ? . ?- '. ^r iu ? , . ? ''!? >i ii . H, at .... is fi?b . i HAl On Sund a I " " r f> t ti'.-i !-e?il4cne.?. 7S Mrher.e'K a ' dr?at I'-.l. .i . ?'-...,! .. Br ia'* ni ; t ? from Bt. Aloyalua'a Church. Great Nark rraln leavea f.'i* -..-. j. Mit<f RXCKKV -On Tueada (Tebmary tt. u onia, si Mir, I'mii av., New VorV i ? . '.-. ||,.- Ward. b lo ??? ? s n o lartha Tln'l and the late fleorara i;?rr MacC -ai I on. ln the i ith ?. ear of bla a?e Votl " ' funei --? ? here ? ft - WcMAnOX Hantel nr- Fcbrua ? h* lo ??' i brothei ..' m a H ? and M -; -vr.? ? - ' o ? ? lat . 240 HuKhea * on Wad lea ... February 2! ??? '? iN m Requtan .... .-m Mai -.'.. n! Toura i hun l'i a 10 a m Interment Raytm n.r? i omi t flo wei ' . -*-?? MESQK ITTK Mathl rla Inee S naon) h* Ii ??? i mol her of A bt aha Ifor i.h and Mra Henrlett* Miller Funera ? ., ,-, , Wedneaday february ? i n c >ck ai 804 West M6th at | MORAN 'n Monday.y Kcbruary "52! Joaeph " Moran, Vti r.,? 39th *- be hand nf Mab"l l ??' tforam i ? . . ~ . res a! hia !a*e realdence '3 ' i i ?? .. .,- v -.1 neada (--?i-.lBf - . ; loel ' MI Itn \~S -.??:?:' FIa< ? ? t '.. !* S i ida - I 'oaepV i Murraj ? 95 Baa S4tb al In hii '. m n year. Funt ? be - ? : oi -ii-.?? Februa. . 22 ?? 10 w m th, James i lurray 186 Pasaalc sl l!.v :<?n^aak ; ? ? ??. ? ??? - i a I a < ? - nll'THER' On Monday. Februar; 80 1922 Marga.r?"t llu'hir. mo:l;?r of ll'nr) Muther, ,n h?r elght . fourth yar. ?t 10fc S'luth 18th St? N?*i,r,:. N .1 . f rmerl| of Brosklyn, N "? Fune.'j pi its Kind'.y omit fn'Tors NEBEN8TOXE?Marcus, suddenly r h> late residence, f<3. ICelly f . New Tork ? i'\, Friday, Februar.- 1". I p. m . a' *h? ago of fl, born i;. Kunitnla l"urnr?' 8Cr r.,.? ^r..:-e held al MI Hebron Cem* ter) 4 p ra. Friday Februai lt | V ? OI'KI.l. On Tuesday Februsrv ", ??!? Ilamllton Odel in the BSth year of hl? age Funeral service ar i-.'.p late resl ? ? --r : r 7 West 7Sth sl on Frldaj rning, Februar-' 24, a* *0 o'cl -'. O'GORMAX?On February 2 . Mrs Mary beloved mother of Lawrence T, Mary J sni) Margaret (>. O'Gorman. Funeral from hor Ute residence, 1225 P?r'< Av. on Wednesday. Interment prlvats*. i'lcasfi omit flowers POWER?On :>Ior. ,?, February 20 '??! Oharles L>. Povi ? beloved husband ? Grace Inec Ai!?->. In his 72'i ?. ?ar :- -?b al his a ? residence H->tt Beresford, i West 81s sl . New Virl. , |ty, on Wednesdaj afternoon at 3t-l Philadelphia papers n'.cas' copy. SCHENCK Henry A on Monday, Febru arv 20, 1922, Henry \. Bchenck quletly r-nd trlumphantly passed Into the 'arge-* life. Funeral servlc will bo held in th" Presbyterian Church of Englewood on Wednesday, February 22, ai 2:15 p rr. Special c?r will be attached to i-aln leaving Jersey City at 1:29 p m North ern Erie K R , laturnlng fsom Englewooti at ' 44 ; m S( HIFF -i : - ived tfe ' ' harles Schiff, devoted mother of Abraham Man lice, Herman and the late Theodore Relatives and friends are Invited to <t tend tho funerol from her late resideno*. 4S1 JefTerson av., Brooklyn. on Wednea day, February 21 at 2 p m. In*.er -' Mounl C ? :-" Cini ni atl papsra CO] SEEES?Mabo) Oraves beloved wife ?' Elljah W Sells at Cromwell Conn.. or. .Monday, j-vbruarv 20, I37D. after ioftg illness ageri S9 years. Funeral servioes al her late home. Kin; ?? . Greenwich. :-.??? iship (vls Rott Cheater station, rain from Grand Cenf .'. 9 12 a n ) Thursday. 10:30 a r February 21 Putna - - ei ei: 'lr.'" ??' ich SEttPSON?i harles H. sflddenl; n 'ile ?HtJn year, at Sl Alexis. Quebec, on Feb? ruary 19, 1922 Interment at Red Hook. N '? on Feb ary 22. 1922. ?ervics? w I tr> hel I following the ?rrival a'. Rhinec'.ifi ol tha train 1-aving Groou Central al 10:10 a. m SMITH Al Ra i ie; ' . on February jg A ,; ., ... be oved wlfn nf H Walden Sn ith ind daughter of George B. atu) Amella McEntyre. fu? neral servlcoa ;it tho Church of tho H? cred Heart, Suffern, N. V on Wednes? day Train leavs En- Railroad sa'.iotj ? -. n m. , SOEOMON?-On February 20, in his eighty fourth year, Mosee beloved husband o' t) e ..."? Frances and di i '? ther of Geie.-ge Louls and 'h? late .Tacob -o'.o i,.,n. Funeral Wednesday, February I*. ! ",fl j.. m Strtctly private ST1MSOV VI his residence, No 105 Ta-r'. hv., on Tuesday morning, Februai 21. Daniel MacMartin Stimeon. M ' n th< . ? ?..?.- ef hla age. Funeral F"rvtcs? ? h Id ? ' the First I ,,.;.. Fifth hv. and Twelfth ?' . oi. Wedm day, February 22, at ' r rn Interment at New Canaan. Conn. on Thursday February 23. Special car wip be attached to train leaving i",rtno ' Central Station r- 42 a. m. Returning due In New York 2:13 p m ; THl'RSTON -On Monday. February J* ! Vlberl Mcl.ean Thurston, beloved hus I band cf Beatrlce Martin Thurston. and ... of Wallace and Sarah R, ThurstoB. Services at hia home, 9' Magnolla av Floral Patk, N. Y. Thursday, Fe? | . uary :3. J p m I TOWNSEND?On Tuesday. Februar; II ,t Nlce, France, Isaac, um or lhe l?t? . Mary Austen and rsaac Townsead .'Cotice <.f funeral later COHETTA?Henry i... on Monday. ai hi? I home 652 Fialbush Av.. Tlrooli!;. r. Fu eral will be held on Wednesday. 9 30 ? I ???. ... o Holy Cross Church, whsre requlem mass will bo oftered. in'er nent Calvar> Cemetery. Klndly oml flowers Funeral private. A AN HAGEN?On Monday, February 'it 1922, Charles Henry. son of the late Attsu Bnd'Agnes Van liagen anri husband o.' Helle Searles. In his fifty-eighth yeai Funeral services nt tho Masonlc Temple Broadway, Flushing. on Wednesday of ternoon s' 3 o'ciock. Newburgh papars \ AN W VGENEN?Suddenly, of pneumonia ; al Kingston N Y Lucy Hot. wife o' Kdward ^'ul' Wagenen and daughter o Emma lioe Worcester and the lato Fniiicla 3 Worcester. Funeral will b i held at tho rusideiuo of her uncle, Wl! ' liarn ,T. Hoe, 327 West l-ttli st . Ntv | York City. on Thursday. Februory 22. ftt. !":30 a n: _ ? . _ . WARB1CK?At East C'.ange. N. ' Fsb ruary 20, 1922. -Mira Esbern. wife o Coral I> Warrlck. Funeral servtcea a Her late home, 10 Howard Mt . or. Wodnesdav, February 2i. ai 2:80 p m. WKI.DON?6n Monday, February 20. 1S>2X. Mari F wldow of the late Edward I> \Veldon Funeral services a- her i?t? I residence Purdy st.. Ho'.lis. N *: . o. Wednesday, February 32, 1922 ai 10 o < lock. IN MEMORIAM GOVED, GEORGE H. :'.. is not dead Who hvs in th" hearts of ih' UNDERTAKERS ?!? B. 13Stri St. Hsrlem 13U. ? i_ m 1..-- ?i? K. l2St?i st. M?nem UH John W. Lyon pehsonaj, servic*. ___ cemeterieS THE WOODI-A1VN CEMETERY IX3d St Ry HoTlem Train or by Trollej,, I.ots of small size for sale. 'GEORGE WASHINGTON 1732?1799" "Since the moment the portals of the rest ing place at Mount Vernon closed behind his casket to the present, the praise and eulogy increases, deeper and louder, with each on coming year." "His fame arose with American Liberty, and with American Liberty alone can perish." FRANK E. CAMPBELL.