j?ATISFACTION with tf? M ERCHAND1 s V KpVERTISED IN THE TBIBUNF, IS GUARANTEED (f'oprrllthl. 1 mZ N>w Yorl* THbtitu> Inc.) First to Last- the Truth: News?Editorials ? Advertisements MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1022 * ?:-? * T H E W E A T H E R Fh't nnd ?;irmcr to-dnv: lo-morrow cloudy and mlld, prohnb!> followed by ohowers; Freshaontherlj wind*. I'ull Krp.irt ?" J., a nnrse in the Ung T Hospital, and inflicting .rcb-M; fatal injuriea on (hc other f?o-cctipanti of 'he car. fh? other aeeidf-nt war at thc West Jfjac- crossing of the Wc__ Shore Rail r,--l Charles Moler, of West Forty * | Street, driver of a omall motor truck. ar.-4 Joseph Cavanagh, of Forty and Ninth Avenue, were ''-. 1 iree other men seriously in? jured Thc five men, s'ceording to informa ' tainnd by th** Cnroner, wera out for 1 ride in the trnck. Thc engineer ?-..? 1, a passer.-ger train bound . ITi en, v I.irh doc? not stop a*. . saw t the lights. of thc c was ;? iriil'-' from the eteu ?'.? -?*. .: bl< ? ? ' '.- whlstle. Raccd for Cros-irg r' .11 automatic goue, but, ro the crc.--.ng. Witnesses .-aid the gong rang. N_.v-rthele.ss. thc ? - truck, according to the engineer. crossing -with undiuiinished train wa. under too great to be checked in time to avoid and the vehicle with the two men who vcr. killed h it was carried for several hurdrcd I ' ' ti l ! Thc ured were taken to Nyack ire Henry Viando, of 1 ?. ixth Street; Charles Wesl Forty-s__.tb Street. ? ck Scomen, of 770 Tenth ' injui '.; in thc aecident at In 1 "'... sing are Elizabeth GrilTen, stet oi the young woman who w?j and Clyde Mitchell, nineteen -h*-.* r .] , ' Latonto-vn, N. J.. owner .__ drtoei o? ihc car. They are in Par. Hospital. Thc young an is injured intcrnally and may a fracture of the _kull. Mitchell injured internaUy. R.lurninjr; Irom Easter I'aradc rhe par':* had spe.rtt the. day in Park, where they participated E Easti r t)-.r..ric on the Boardwalk. Mitcfcell haa lived in Eatontown several He reccntly met the Griffen ' ietcrs at Long Branch, Moore also 'as ef recent acqyaintancc. They met for the first time in Washington, and Moore was visiting Mitchell. When the party reached Inte.rlakcn ros-ing a bell warncd them that a train was soon to pass, Mitcbcl! ??t-opped thc car. ,\ moment later a 'eca! train pn"-rd. Mitchell started 'he machine. He was half way arross the tracks when the esrursion train, lhe approach of which had been hidden h? the pa...ing of lhe local, struck thc car. Thc automobile was hurlcd twenty e feet against a telegraph pole. Miss Kileen -rriffen and Moore were dead when picked up. Mitchell and Miss Elizabeth Griffen were unconscione and told ;i ri.w details o? thc incidents up to the aecident. Says Bell -Vas Ringing eer of the cx .ursion train that his train waa going but lwenty-l ile's an hour when it reachi I I crossing. He insisted he ? ad sounded his whlstle and that the h<>ll was ringing. five years old, of 1537 Avenui A. wa? struck and killed iy an automobile on Riverside Drive lear 18lst Street. The girl was with ber parenta who were waiking on the thcr fainted when Tcs 1 hc girl was taken to b .- Hospital, where she was pToncunced dead. Eosir i .??<_.-tofio, of 2451 Ferond Av.nux wat < rossing the street a Mock from her home when she was Mrpc_ by a car driven by Charle.n H, Winfield Avenue. Jersey hild . ulTercd a fracture th. I .; Sh. waa placed iu tbe ai and rushed to Harlem Hos *. .1- pron.unced dead on .**o Soldicrt*. Injured Jamea C. Cornell, thirty-five years cld, a lawyer oi Manhattan, Tan down two ecldi'T". 011 a motoreycle on the South Country Road near Babylon, L. U jesterday afternoon. He was placed nnder arrest charged with driving an tttornobile while ict-o__.c_.ted and held n." Justice Cooper for examination tt&xt Saturday. The men injured are Calvin Harrcll. **enty-?o_r years* old, and William ?ones, twenty-five, both of Mitchell j eld. Thes were taken to South Side 1 where it was said last night ould recover. Tl*.c polie.o say *<*rnell had two .-oir.panions with him lf: thc automobile which struck thc ?Wdiera. Hc livea at 56 East c.ighty ???on1 ]t- When her groping _2f *? c'ianced upon thc gas control *?*. fc'_n i* "ST tbe car was heading for >;. sidewalk in Main gtrcet and wa.i M v? f,ir>" )nch"-s ?l a tre* m _ "ku,z *"?*- been under treatment 'ftv ft*rear for heart diseasp. He was MM ' y?ars ohi and waa a master ES_*r.*nd treaanrer of Corlnthian 5_-V P' _nd A. M. Hi. wife. a son * Paeddaoghtar aarriv* him. io Recognizc or Not to Recognize Russia. Is ^orlfTs Problem; America Is in a Position to Force a Free, Representative (iov ernment Upon the Bolsheviki 7'ftis is tk# tasfc of Mr. Dickinson's series on Soviet. Russia. Iv it he dra.ics a crmeluswn. from aJl thn facts gathered during an extensive investigation of Red Russia and vividly presented in fourtcen prcced ing eirt:clfs. I By Thomas H. Dickinson CHAPTER XV Copyright, 192S, New York Tribune Inc. F APPEARS to bc written on the cards that the Soviet government will either shortly fall or that its life will bc indeflnitely lengthened through recognition by one or more of the leadine powers of tiie world. News Summary FOREIGN Cbirf Genoa conference problr- ,s may be solvcd in fortnight; Russia to pay dcbts in concessions. Easter coup not attempted by Irish republicans; Griffith dcfics radicals and dolivera a speech in Sligo. Old Impcrial Hotel in Tokio bnrned; Prince of Wales's suite and Americans lose effects; one killed. Hungarian monarchists look to Otto as King, says 4\ndrassy. Oscar T. Crosby says Central Europe haa been inoculatcd with soft-money Tiru?. League- of Nations may cstablish "ethcr bureau" for control of radio communication. LOCAL rolice roond-up of criminals brings only Iwcnly-five arrcsty; Commis? sioner Enright givea out Icttera commending hia administration. Six killed in autos, fonr of them by trains. Eather of young pugilist kills him with shot.gun. General Gregory Scmcnoff cannot be tried by I'nitcd States courts. Six mrn rescued from drow nin;*: while rlingmg lo sinking tugboat. Woman with religious mania causcs dis-turbance at fasbionable Park Ave? nue Bapti^t Thurcb. Man killed, another injurcd in pistol battle smong Easter celebrant.i at Patcrson. N. J. Samuel Untermyer prediets !j(M) new apartment buildings will be under construction by fall. Eastcr dawn service in Central Park attended by F.,000; t,prcial serv? ices in churches; faihion parade misaing. Industrial survey shows slight in? erease in cniploynr-nt and decrcase in cost of living. Prohibition cnforc-nT-nt agents make a rinmbcr of smal! .Sunday raids. WASHINGTON Union labor econornist fayj $4,000,000,(100 is Tiecded 'o soivc transportalion problrrn. Absentees being called in by "big navy" rncn proparatoi-y to record vote in Hoube. DOMESTIC Peace plan to end minere-' strike tentatively dircussed at Pittsbnrgh. New airplano engine devisr.d to burn fuel oil instead of gasoline and make fiyiug safer. Governor Miller reviews accom plishments of his administration. Commission preparcs to distributo S 1.000,000 soldier relief. Two army flyers killed in plano crafrh at San 4\ntonio. SPORTS The GiaDts defeat the Bravcs, 5 to 2, before 32.000 fans at the Polo Grounds. The Brooklyns in the first game of the season at L'bbcts Field win from the Philliea, 10 to 2, before a crowd of 20,000. Eaton and Piani defeat Speneer and Kramer in a team bike race at the opening of tbe Newark Velo drome. Babe Ruth rcturna to the Yankees for a day in an exhibition game at Baltimore in which the Oriolc-K are beaten. 9 to 1. MARKETS AND SHIPS Ur.chcckoJ buying wave during the week carried average prices to now high levcL Delaware & Hudson reports sur? plus equal to $11.62 ? aharc. Prices on cotton and woolen gooda show improvement for the week. France plans to aid businesB by re ducmg interest rates. German market unaffected by pay? ment of 30.000,000 on reparation ac? count. Construction now under way points to record year in building trade. Vessel owners seek modification of proposed tariff on shipyard repairs. Lenine to Go Under Knife German Surgeon to Extract Bullet in ChieFs Shoulder LONDON, April IC?Professor Bor chardt, of the Moabit Hospital, has gone to Russia to pcratc on Nikolai Lenine. the Bolshevik Premier, for the otraction of a bullet lodged in Lenine's shoulder in autumn. 1918, wben he was fired upon by the student Dora Kaplan, says a dispatch to "The Timei" from Berlin. Lenine has been reported in ill health for several months. Berlin speeialists called in to examine him placed chief blame for his weakened constittttioo on ?verwerlt. Let us aBRume for the sake of argu mcnt that the Soviet government falls. What are the alternatives which might offer themselves in its place? Many auch alternativea do not appear to bt; improvements. On tbe one side there i3 the po3sibility of complete anarchy. the denial of all government; on the other side there is the possibility of a return of the impcrial power. Neither of these outeomes offers anything hopc fu1 for Russia. There r?.main certain possibilities which require- more respectful con? sideration. Little is to-day heard of the Russian army. What is taking place in the ranks of this army must be left to conjecture. Certainly as the ration grows less. as the zenl for a fighting nation cools, the various mo tives and incentives of tho soldiers must he subjected to test. Among the possibilities of the present situation there is always to be considered tho chance that a dictator mny arise in the uniform of the army. ' This dic? tator may be of any color from White to Red. Against this possibility there is the present organization of the army, which disr.ourages tne deveiopment. of any individual authority. Few sincere friends of Russia hope for a military dictator, In a!l Russia ore group remains cohercnt enough, stable enough, to serve as a nucleus, in co-operation with the present government, of a more broadly representative government for Russia. This group is made up of the various divisiona of the parties of the Left, more conservative than the Bol shevists, and including tli?e Menshevists, the Social Revolutionarics and the People's Soeialist parties. No one who knows conditions in Rus? sia to-day can contemplate. the. imme- , diate and radical overturning of tiie j Soviet power. Such a step would be j followed by anarchy, and in the pres? ent etato of international policy toward Russia would divide the world into hostile camps. confuaed by cror.s pur? poses, contending for ed-rantage. Government Must Prove Ft Speaka for the People The solution of the riddle ?"an come only frorn a hroadoning of the man date of the Russian government. in such a way that it repr^scnta the Rus? sian people. When Germany sued for an armis tice President Wilson considered him? self within his rights in inquiring of 'he German government. what. were its eredentials to speai for the German people. To-day when the Soviet jcov ernment is asking for recognition it is app-opriate to inqtiire of this govern? ment what are its eredentials from the Russian people. The Russian government ho'ds no franchise from the Russian peorle. In three respects at leaft. the Russian go\ernment violates the principles of self-government as understood by .\mericans. 1. The Russian government pcrmits ! no freedom of opinion by speee'n or' in the press. Public meetings are for biddrn; t-h.o pre3s is bound to the gov cmuient. 2. It pcrmits no freedom of elec? tion. Neither in local nor in national affairs are the people represented in their government. There is no popu? lar elcctive assembly. 3. The government does not leave to the people the rcaulta of their labor. ln the curbing of individual initia tivc the roots of free institutions are undermined. Are conditions such as tn iead the United States to believe that the Rus? sian government is ready to make fundamental concessiona as a return for recognition? Everything that has happened in t.he last year leads one to think that the. attitude of the Soviet government is that, of conciliation. The Soviet government is down to its own dregs. It has nothing to hope for at home. Everything it has to hope for must come from abroad. Without recognition by the leading governments of the world the Soviet government has reached the end of its row. United States Wonld Gaard Sovcreignty of All Russia l''or the last year every gesture of lhe Soviet government toward the Western world has been a concilitatory one. The Soviet. government has prom ised to pay its debts; it has offered concessions: it has hidden the army and reduced its numbers. It has a new economic policy which gives sway to some initiative. It has consistently aoft-pedaled in all recent public meet? ings the element of eommunism in its doctrines. It has sought to appear be? fore the nations of the world as a going concern with some conservative tend encies; in other words, a concern to bc trusted hy prac'-ical men. For recognition the Soviet government is (Continued oh pejo four) Two Army Flyers Killed In 100-Ft. Dive at Dallas Captain G. S. Little and Ser geant J. L. Johnson, of Kelly Field, Victims of Crash DALLAS, Tex., April 16.?Captain G. S. Little and Scrgeant James L. John? son, army flyers from Kelly Field, San Antonio, were killed here to-day when the airplane in which they were riding went into a nose dive at a height of about 100 feet. Offieers at Love Field who are in vestigating the accident believe Cap? tain Little was piloting the machine. The accident occurred near a private landing field, and it is believed the aviators intended to make a landing when the plane dropped to the ground. ---a "The Bent WrltbiK Tapem a*? Waitloy Vupera."?Xiri. Vlassed Drive On Crooks hy Police Nets 251 Three Taken After Hold Up of Brooklyn Holel; Anolher Trio Taken for Beating Chauffeur Gunmeii Suspects Seized in Round-Up Enright Issues Statement PattingSelf on Back for WayHe Handles Parades The massed attack against criminals \ by the eity's combined police and de tective forces under the ronnd-np order I of Chief Inspeetor Lahey resulted yes- ! terday in the arrest of aeventeen aus- ! pecta. These were caught rcd-handed in the actual commission of an al-' legod crime or where found to have pistols in their posscssion withont a license. Eight others were arrested for robberies some time ago. There were no spectacular raids on | poolrooms, saloons or other haunts of lawbreakers, at least, nono that netted j any captures. If may have heen the. Easter holiday or that the underworld, forewarned of the net tho authorities were about to throw around it, has scurried to cover and gone off to more I healthful climes. At any rate, the ?x peeted wholesale round-up of crooks has not materialized as yet. Enright Felicitatcs Himself Commissioner Enright issued a state? ment during the day in which he took I occasion to pat his administration of the Police Department on the back by pointing to "some of the many letterss of commendation received by the Police! Commissioner during Ihe year 1921" and enumerating "some crimes of spe? cial and unusual interest and ultimate disposition of lhe criminals." The letters quoted are from varied business organizations, public officials and private citizens, lauding the police for their efficiency and discipline, their success in handling parade.-, enforcc ment of the prohibition laws and sup prcssing vice and gambling. Three armed bandit3 entered the Commercial Hotel. 254 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, shortly before midnight and ' held up the hotelkeeper, William Schnnrr, who was eompclled lo turn over to them !>"0 he hud in his poekets. The men tho?> ordered him to open his s'afc, which Schnurr waa prepar ir.:r to do, when the robhers took alarni at, tho sound of a distant police whistle and (led. The robbery took place within three blocka of the Brooklyn Police Head-] quarters at a time when there were: still hundreds of persons on the street and while seorcs of police and detec? tives were patrolling the vicinity. Policeman Pursues Trio A* soon as the men ran out Schurr weiif to the door and blew his police; whistle. Patrolman Rauchet, of Poplar ' Street police station, wlio was less than a block away, rrived in time to see the three bandits board a Fulton Street surface car. lle pursued the car | on foot, and when it stopped two blocka j awy all three men jumped off the front j end. Rauchet was joined by Patrol? man Mullaney and Parnno, and thej three offieers overtook the robhers at Borough Hall, where they resistcd ar- I resi but were overcomc after a strugglc. Tht- prisoners were locked up at Police Headquarters charged with rob- j bery. They will be arraigned in ; Adanis Street court this morning. They j gave their names as Patriek Burke, j nineteen years old. of 66 Fourth Place, Brooklyn; Ralph Bright, twenty-three, 83 Second Place, Brooklyn. and Charles j Eorbes, twenty-one, oi' 65 Columbia | Street, Brooklyn. Three men armed with revolvers i were captured in a running fight last nipht by Patrolmon William Dudley and Patriek Ippolito, of the Wost 123d Street police station last night after they had attacked and beaten Thomas McKeown, a taxicab driver, of 12 La Salle Street. McKeown was insensi ble beside his c-_ro_,i-/._y" of 1916 Matlr Easlrr a Day of Menace to Prtu'c in Ireland Fears had been widely cxpressed in Ireland that any attempt by Gri r_t.Ii to .-.peak at Sligo on Sundny wo ild pre cipitate open warfare betw.'tr. the loyal Free State troops and the mutineers in the Irish army who doserted to Karnon de Valera's leadership* Thc mntineers had specifically forbidden any speech making at Sligo, but Grimth refused to (C?_tiiiO-d o? n?-t pag.) Italians Wonder IIow Reds Will Greet King GENOA, April IS (By The As? sociated Press).?The attitude of the Russian delegates toward King Victor Emmanucl when he visits Genoa next Saturday and receives the members of the con? ference on the battleship Victor Emmanuel is the subject i ach speculation here. The Communists always have re 'used lo meet the King. The situation in delicate i'or M. Tchitcherin and hia associates, as they are the guests of the Italian government and are anxious to retain the good will of the head of the state. Semenoff Can't Be Tried Here lurdei or *s Di?lrict Attorney Hayward fnforms Borali Neither Civil nor Military Courtw Havo Jurir-dk'tion in Case Friend? to Furnish Rail Russians Fxpeet to Got Cossark Chief Out of Ludlow Street Jail To-day Veither lhe Federal court', the state courts, nor the military courts of the United .States army can now try General Cregory Semenoff for murders I committed in Siberia, Federal Distriet ' Attorney William Hayward informed Senator Borah hy telegraph last night. "If tho army of SemenotT was recog nized hy our authorities at the time the murders were committed," M. Hayward said, "the only appeal wonld have been to his military superiors there. "If his army was not reeogni/.ed, our military authorities had the light to j capture, try and punish him at that time, but not now. "Some nations claim jurisdiction and threaten punishment for certain crimes committed by a foreigner in foreign countries, but I believe this right has never been recognized by the law of nations. "We expressly denied Mexico's right in 1886 to try an American citizen for libel committed in Texas and inter vened and demanded his release. Iu my opinion, Semenoff would bc sub? ject to prosecution under any govern? ment now or hereafter maintaining sovereignty over tcrritory where the acts were committed and by no other."' There was every prospect last night that the incarceration of General Greg ory Semenoff in Ludlow Street Jail in default of $25,000 bail would be termi nated to-day. He is ataman of t.he Siberian Cossacks ano was the holder of the chief military authority in the Trans-Baikal in the bloody times that followed the fall of the Russian royal regime and the rise of the Bolsheviki. Fresh bail. in the form of cash, would be posted to-day, it was said, and the General would he released.. He will go at once to Washington to ask for a hearing by the Senate Committee on Labor. .Another attempt to procure a bond from any one of the bonding companies would not. be tried, one of the Gen eral's counsel .--aid. Russians living in New Vork would accumulate the $25, 000 cash for deposit as security for the General pending the Youravita Com? pany bankruptcy proceediiigs, and Mrs. Semenoff would not, again ofFer to pledgo her pearls or the steamship tickets to Paris. Court Action Promised To-day All yesterday afternoon and until Iate last night General SemenofP* at torney's were at the Bar AssviaUon. Although it was announced that papers to procure his release from Ludlow were being prepared for presentation in court to-day, there was much evi? dence that the more certain means offered through the raisin^ of $25,000 cash bail was forming a .'.erious part of the conferences. Several times dur? ing thp afternoon one or another of the attorneys loft the Bar Association i for an hour or more. One absence took ; Gullic B. Goldin to the jail, but the ? Ludlow Street jailer refused him ad : mittance to his client, he said. While this direct action to obtain : General Semenoff's release on cash ? bai! was being carried forward by his ' friends, the attorneys, Clark, rrentice & Roulston, were preparinp their flank rnovements. John Kirkland Clark went to Washington last night to appear be? fore ? Senator Borah's Committee on Labor, while. E/.ra P. Prentice, Mr. Goldin and others of the firm remained hi work on a writ of certiorari for pre? sentation to the Supreme Court to-day should any ill betide the bail pro | (Condnued nn pags (our) Criicial Changes linpend In Chinese Republic Peking President Calls on Civil and Mililary Leaders to Scttie Difference? I PEKING, April 16 (By The Associ? ated Press).?China is on the verge of j internal changes which are bound to affect the republic's future, according to competent authorities here. Presi | dent II. u Shih-chang has appealed to | the civi; and military officials through? out the country to compose their d if ? fcrences. He has told them that the ; present turmoil in China is depriving ! it of all the advantiiges'it should have 'received from the Washington con i ference. The President added that un 1 less the provincial chiefs would co-op ; erate he wonld resign. Military actiyitiea continue. General | Chang Tsao-lin. Governor of Man churia, is sending southward 70,000 soldiers from Mukden, who are being1 garriBoned in tiie vicinity of Peking. General V,'u Pi i-fu. inspoctor general ! of Hunan and Hupeh, is marshaling a j .-iniilsr number of men in Shantung | i.r.d at other points. These troop rnove? ments are believed to be merely stra teg'c, with no intention on the part of the commanders to fight. Chang Tsao lin is determined to dominate the Pe? king government. He designs to elimi nate General Wu Pei-fu and co-operate with Dr. .Sun Yat-sen, leader of the revolutionary party in China, and cetablish a unified goveranieas. Peace Paet in Two Weeks Predicted at Conference Poincare Expected to Ar rive in Ten Days and Meet I ...?>?_ George Be fore lhe Latter Departs Ne\l Move Awaits Word From Moscow Reds Consult With Prin cipals by Radio; Plea of Tchitcherin Regard ccl as Masterl v Effort By Arthur S. Draper W_/ Cable <