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Interesting Chat and Stage Gossip for Playgoers ^\at^llfor4?Yal?,, Vwl Watrli for -The Rainbo-H* IV ?e Tk? Thingl Have llil]>r?l tn M.iki- tlir I Rfl Wrrk Fairlv R**arable By Harrirlte I'nderhill Flarrv Houdin!" r.ext pkture is t? ?? ca!l*4 "Yar." or. tn bo -am* r-f UM ' la going te <??? f?r *??? n*xl .-.?lly tell ui v*ry , *??_<__ about lt, becau** b<* waa ?ed in hia eurr- ? "Thf Beyond." whieh ? leaae aa a at*te'? right pictare and i Ih o ma- ' I BBBBl **ch cop>. M Laat A Uaterloe ! you ahow thfra how ? e a*'a*d, ar.d if Mr. B had satd "Tea'* w* akoaM haea affere. ' - tha fpot. Ot Bl h?re scet, Harry Ho.dir.i 1* the b*tau*e he absolutely i a you Wa hav* w_tch? 1 . they . ther* alway* 1* lome |hl tave d ? is not *o :>,ek?* _ In ? ' lil b?g *nd **cape ln three . leaelag the bag intud and tne .man. "You ? ? ?? aaid to hln*. "unleu t< .-:a*e b? aequi**ced "I do "grate." And wfciU h* p: df hk? the ? : Mli ? I ai ri ?d at the ofT.ce Baa ra re-' , L_d cr>me Ther* ?rr. hljar M, Italian* ?, ard Jl' _.. -t.: Ull ? : - bb iiaaaa, te b: altarael i forms ? ahOBl thl new p| ? of thl hOFO in tha ? day* tbe names Me." a \ ? r *v* iho'ild r???? ?;*iifd tf Boa . ? ' ' hirn yo i will fffl e? ? ? *- on* Uke him in thii ? . ? :..rhoa - . .re be ia so tho new picture I am ? ? ? .-. lo before bf dar.gerou*?' \r- I'i>aaihlf ? f?-*r mB*r.?. :d* by | H -sv? h?fn ternbly w . ,.- ? ' I I fOB, that it J.*f?r p*ln until rjch have 11 ? I anything until bour* After II ba] ?;. Rl to me" rhat are you g"ing to do with ? man like that" A New Color Proefia BB h?a he in thi* wfather ifl ? new i Y. Brulatour *ed la*t week. ->ce?*. aad .? plea ' ihowed are a r* '>ar_." avhich ? been rflfased. Faj* done in color and th? *t ^r Holy Grail, Sir Galahad and ? ? Mis* H*n ; *, t\m laat charafer r? are *o beautiful that it ? ? made by ' lald that at presen* 11 4,.4 r<>* -- ? .....;. ? . aad whet? ... . -k? srd blue* and _r.d graya?all iWl ard ErtagraphT la tha* ? that ws* prohat ? E*** ealat proeaai bbmbi .- in any of thl I ?>??>.?. ha~a rr*-irr?4 rr,). deep ahadoura, thr>r? are Be fringe* and ro ? ? '. r?d ard green. T f.r?. ' ' ? th* w?y ln whieb *h*y are grapbed makej I I ?r*nd - a* Ir. itOli ? '? aae4>i of tha pi toai net ur.der I lea?* ho** H '?* dor*. When "Tha irh" '? N ? irvel a? the boa I It is im posuble to form any idfa of how Ibrely thfy are un':! you do s*e theBL Th*y are like tbo ralnbow. 1 YouWhoWould Be a Movic Plaver, Hear! Evrs. I i*;ht <?ray or Blue: Hr.iw attldei mhI Thieli WliatB B." From Filni "Eatr.eralds, ymi'ri aueb ? | ? s-i>s "You'r. . lal pr.ttier th.n a raft of movie atars l>a My i I shouid ? ould go into tha tnovlei Then som* 989 lln aaya th. larr.e or words to the same g-en*ral and EsmT.Ma-there are thou ' vap?.pplies in lattar or ln :;\:leg. of making the rr.ovic* just that BbBCI more attr.ct.v* ?. out of 2,000 all ahe ,:at? is eourteous traatmaat Ksmeralda is mdignant. friendi and well wiihrn cre more lndignant. Maybe ihe th the nme t. Sorr.e ot h*r rever gi'.'* 'jp hope I ,d. begin to *alk ? "pull** whai Ut ot motion pirtur? 9Cl l oa. ll te the movies ? Ib, gcttmg iata thaw wtth some assuraneo of earning 8 ? ?>' m come for tome year?. is not so casy. now ar.d th ? tlf or tft* r?:" !!0rr'e ar mdiv'dual ippain to b* r9*1 hjr nuture. i eai of those this year and ar."ther one ireer. Ba far as qiiR'.ifirations tor rtraig'-t >ading aai raraad.thari , tests tha* -iung woman may ar ? ? bimself or "--"seli at home be . rtocking ot the daan of . r I ? and thu* aave .-.nd hi-artarhea. i Fernand*r. 8994 repr?- Iwya, whe has looked over up ward Bf 2,< jn'i frr ? I Bl among- whom she .,; dierctor, cho*r ? ' is .r-or-.sor tor ?n thi ?clf. ?he aays, "'here *U *\rept;or.K tr 9999* rule. b';t OB i] tera s I we :ld i9y th.t the were: Hi r | over B f98l 1 r> ll for womm, not over fj faal mness li aaHBtlal. bt-cauac ?iV.e a IB is rea'.ly 1 ex ? l '?red anklei to be ibll ? gTiea. a by no mean* genernl aecnm ? ?-? F99tar99?Shoald b* well shaped. of co^rf. anci a round fsee ro promir.ent bony atructur* li ? nre ?n a' .rmountablr Dirk - lijaly iifal . I| Stl 88" a ? efsrntiil to hava food trf'n ?? boI 69 Inpertaat to succeis Red and black I graph Haek Elond hair is b' inger.ues. 14 i| taken fof r th.t ? A ba* prol 'r ia hat'a t'ne B ? Bf all. Intelligenee, perionality.* I *???,? ll our contmual Now," Mlsi Fernardez continued. 8B. who m*ets al! these l] eatiaai 1* practically sur* a test before a motion picture 6998919. The cam*ra ii the final judge. But. with very few exeeptior.s I 'thouiand and odd men and women 1 have ?een lr, all BIOBtha for Goldwvn didn't com* anvwhere n*ir up te sper loBI. ' "To aum tip. I think it Is iafe t?> take ? granted that raa wnn"t get t ramer. test. much leas . ch.nce in the 81, if your ajrea are llghl gray or If your ankles and wriat.. ar thick. if you haven't a good carriage. -. aren't really ilim, if you are too j * aa 11. if yci haven't good teeth, havtn't good featur?s. If you haven't p?r?-- rari te meet any one M rcquirements Is an 'tain barrier. "Ar.d :n the lait place. ftweatj I 1 .? ? ? age desd-lin.." A-d thira vou are. George Ade h Glad He Wrote Film Story For Friend Meijrhan Thom.s M*:ghan f? Ah?s? d_ye?George Ade hai written * film Ita, "Our Leading ( * . ? i rela of * -vn lawyrr turned dynamie |h tha irfluenc. of politici and . pr*tty girl. 'Tt w.$ a labor nf love wi'h me." Ade laralaiaad. "I arai (lal s ? v old friend T^iii I hr-pe II 'r.e af'T ' the picture ia ih v played in Ade'* ! lege Wsdarta ' * Itafl '"' t"*o year* 4T98 >?dir,g j Williaaa I* Ade's play ' "Father and the 1 The - ... Hugo Riesenfeld a' the P.ivo'.i Thti*> r to-day Wa!d*rrar Young collaborated Ade on the snd Alfr.d iireen directed th* production. In ad t-> writing the .tory and work? ing on th* icenano Ada sugget'ed e?r tain playert- L ar,d Theo dore Roberta in leadinf r61*t opponte Meifhaa, and a lupporting caat li ing Williim P Carleton. Guy 0 Liurenca Wheat. Jamas Naill. i BJfWDOX, i> "UP THE IfiDDER.' ^ox nrenJ. S*uAier. GUTHWE, tkT "PlX M?_T_?_>" The Springs of Acted Emolion? What Are They? So rr.uch ba* been anrlttoa *bout t tOBI loi" 'hat any one might be p?rdon4..i for b" ? ? ?mi!'.i ir? I to ?tan' fat*i v-'ifh a palnt bru?h. Perhap* your idea "f a leadir.s woman "? is a raw onlon in her handker and a vaeuum hohiad her fare ?vondering how much long?r ih* I ?rom a tha h?.lrdresi*r or with her i-piaeo betbiBf A? a matter of fact, one leading woman vi-ithin the lait couple of montb* |o?t a leading r61? In a big pro'i becaus* *h* eealdal weop roal **lt teari before the camera. After ihf ? lost th* job there ?n no diff.eulty about the tcari. Another well known leading woman? 1 no neceisity of men'ionir.g thOM ?jnfortunatea by nim?? had to give, up a fat part b-ceuse. ih* weiTled ro about I hfr abillty fo portray emotion that ahe *n pound* in the ftr?t wetk. During her recent visit to New York ? Brat in two year*?Helen Chad '?ading woman Un OoMwgBi wai witb frieada during an after i lappof The convenation rara hled around until lt Included the r.ame faflWOI man ll tV? motion picture industry. Qult* caiuallv, Mlaa Ch?d ^.id: "i h?'i the worat poaafhla foch with him. Bo'h times I m<" d just been plsyiag ssd KOBOI snd I was too M d for WOrdl I hsd thfl I ?? blaoa, N j tr.'.ke BM secm cher-rful. I know he think* tl nothing viv?cious about rne." That imprcssed one memb?r of ?'-? party as latl l I and in re;; to quettions Miai Chadwick addodi experience ha* been that moat? if not all?aetrofoei and aetori befor* i the camera feel theit ?motional part* very atrongly and are depreised after them. I think it ll much more dimcult I in picturei than on the it?ge to liv* ' only in the character. Rehearsals and igb baawledge oi th* oatiri ?nd of the particular part on the >'ij? I make ? r th* s'tor or * i dieTerOBt perior* : for the b?. -.v ro .v, rh\* lik* a wrap. p>i? la picture* it i? differi harder to c*' inte peof part vo'i faal nd you are more likely, T think. ta faal sad a* yourself than aa thi ehai are delinfiting. i I know that acting emotional i llaraya uke* a great deal aat of me i And 1 have had fn*nd* aay thf i?m*." Chadwick, who had juit eom pletod boi work ln "Brothfri Uadef | Tbeir Skini" befor* ihe lfft ' ?or Near V roi ar* taken in icenes ? ? /ioes not in any manr< ? e develop- The dtffereni ptoeei afterward are proper order. "So, a perfectly rheerful irere might lo a weepmg one," ihe explamed. ? makea it juit a different :<? rather than the climax to a sad prelada. Weeping icenei are the hardeit thing we *re*t Mni Chadwick tmi'.ed and rfiumfd her chieken a la kiag Which is on* af thl BUBI aei th:ngi that thoie who can we*p luccenfully in th* moviei ar* abla to do. I ( ?VCE-] ?( ttte. PtiLfiCB L~? X'ktl St*.d X Shadows on the Screen Henrv Ko!V.?r. ?re m.n who direeted George Arlita in "Disr.'!:.' (| s-taging th. n.w Madge Keaaasjy produetions The first of these will be ? D-or M<\' John Golden'i stage auceess adapteri by Rufu; 'he cast of "Dear Me" ar*. besides Miss Kenr.eilv. Moatl Blue, Vincent Coleman, Dore D.vidso: ily Fitzroy, Pedro D? Cordoba, *vVil!i?m 11 Took*r. Fuller Mellish ?nd Ch.rl.s Moore. Wmifr.d H.rris, 'h.rles K*nt and Charles Eldridge were added ***? terday. Th. cas* is 99*9 sbcr A?d atill ano'h?r in'eresting an rouncement !s rr.ade bv Me*r" I* ?? that the AlBa f.t. of "Peg .,' Mv Hear*'' ii definitely lettled L.urette Taylor ? on th. aereen .nd It will h. produeed by Metre Ka direetor hia ai yet been namad, but Hartley Mannera hn volunteered his 191 ll any capaclfy in whieh h. can do tha moit toward mskmg P*g ai great a luccen on th. 899999 ai ihe was atag*. Produe*ion will begdn about July 5 , la Loi Angelei Rober* at* - iMliaai I ??illain who play? De Villafort ar. liam Fox'i production, "Monte Crn*.->." ?pcnda hia 9f *????? la f.xing up th. ?aariag maehir.ei m the wardrobe de One*. *hen hewaa itranded in Honolulu, ha told machir* Kanak. wom.n for . ye.r?.nd d*mon ttrated tham, too, ha isyi. Edf ard Sheldon'i originil itory. "On the High Se?8," will *>* produ Par.mount, with Dorothy Dalton and Jark Holt ai the stiri United Artiiti ara ser.dtng out a aa* j tics that tha rama of Douglaa Fair- I "THETTkZFEC, rooL. Httotnsl fue. 3EHKAKV, g}| 'PAZT/fFRS/fG/Wtl' bank*'* ne\? pfOtBfi arlU be "ItOBgUl Fairbanks la Robm Hood " Thia il | don? to distirguish the Fairbanks pic tur? 'r-.m r.umcrou* o?h?r produ'-':o nam^d aaerery "Robin Hood" Tha 0* IfO lt, Cohan Thfater erill open in Julv with an R-C picture. "In the Name of the Law." Jamei A. Fitipatrick. who li in England making a ieri?i of I'rban Fopular ClaiMci on Engliih authori, ? ? ?? voih aa tha aetete ' ' rd Al fred TOBBraOB. on th* Iil* of Wigr* * .. Malel Rath Rfnirk and Rui mpion have bcfn engaged to iup Birry in "Rag* ta Richae.M OlaBB Hunter has to gnr ra'e Ifl a tango in hi* next pic? ture. It i* really' only a dream, b-? Olaflfl could B ? as e?i!ly as that he had taha rarohre laeeetM. Wird Lascell* h?i annour.rcd thf c?it '? the Mary Rob IM itory b*mg filmed at the Thomai Ince atadloe lt includei Coll?*n Moor*. John Boweri. Joi*ph Bonner, Jick DufT". Graee Gordon and F?'f 5010. 'PepM to Gof, West King Yidor hai been leiected to direet Laurett* Taylor in "Peg o' My Heart,' th* play by J. Hartl*y Man r.eri. This announeement wa* made at th* K*w York offlc** of Metro pro duceri of thfl pictur*. It ?** alao learned that Mus Taylor will leave for the Metro itudio* in Hoiljuood in about two weeki and will iinm?diat?ly b*gin vurh. IX CTMTltffD "s+tus;' ? xsvu&" 1& rfH SOto jreAZDwi U(AS?& ' The Plavbill iraaotlnua.! frnm prrredlnat paa*' hy BARON HFAKI Hl BOTI KCBILO al thi rhaatri >r-*o-n?- in rsrlv in the aat - play is now running :n England and Aua tralia snd I r-.ducrd in Ifo!!snd,?rain aad Ita EOMOND Ql IW, the frulptor, h.? 6994*9 ? bronie buil nf ALI.AN POLUM K ll appcirin.* in "A Ptrrh Ht'.ter" at Efanry Miller'i Tha-stT. Mr Quinn ., ? ,..,? ?he F i f'atu* in Gramerrv Park, a* 44*11 as th* Edgar Allan Tn. hui. Ib Pae Part ANNA MCIIOIS. tuthei i . r af "Abi* .* Irish Rose." haa writ'rn a n*w ?omr'ly drama for FISKE O'HAKA. w-hi.h n-i!l have Ita t rst perform *nr* in St.mford next r illed "Lsnd o' Pom.ti.-e" ??? Miss Nichois's aaranth pl?y for Mr 6*Hara . KO WVNN tmnk? the stergce'. waald Hki ,''1 iee ,n* ratara Bf thi rtn'^mune, aid he ni.v 991 .everal rsntoniime episodes in his B9Xl BT9I ? g He Btay 'rv *nme of tht hafara ; * .- tha l. ? ra M (oh.n The.'rr arii Paal ' R RiTPORD K WF. who is Bet ing ir "Pai IBi w-ritten \ r.?4. Irllh t*m*df Mr Kan* ?*aa the eosu'hor of "Dark For' ?4 hlch Pavid Belaaco produeed reari I'" UN hi R\ ; resant Pei ? l*ad rg ro\r. f \| | yv |A| I rlsvrd Qu**n Ellznheth in John Barry more's company of "Richsrd I1T." hai loined the s*.ff of th- Bchaol of thr Theater fhe will hsv. chirge i' fliakespeare elesies and of thi i - Usrelaaateal work. T- -Ight's program ef the Lambs' Annual Public Gambo!. which will be given at tha Kaiekeraacker Theater, will inrlud* "What Madl 'he Lamb8 I aaa Marv." a mtni.i'ur* musical ee*a. edy hy Jnjeph MeCarthy and Harry Tierney. "T?rr;r*r T*rri!"c.'' a satire by Joseph Santley; "So This Is Rus.ia.*' a ?attra an Impiaailaalitle dratm h Mnrk Swan. "Laughing Woter." by George V Hobart; "Ten Nighti in a Ball Raata.** hy Irrtaff raemr and Anne CaMwill, with music by Jerom*1 K*rn; "D'nt Forg.t to Itemember," by , G*ne Buck. with muaic by Dave Stamp- | er; "A Nlfkt in Old P.ris." by Glen ' MMl>9B4)tJffh ar.d Hass.rd Shnrt; , Sweethesrts of *he Fold " Ther he also 'pecialty arttatl and *n ara New York has i?s RailllB \*ud?- lll ar.d B9W* tha announeer-ient of a progrum of Sp.innh vaaderilli, ? will \r given to-nighft at ?he . third Ttreet Music Hall by F Agudin. . Sp.ntsh rom*d!an Ther. i aill be folk songs .nd dsn^?s. humorous di.logu*?, vocal ..e'eotions and other numb*rs pr*ic?nted bv .-j *:?..?'". s- Ameriean per formeri Th* aathatl ' Th* Oramum Piulin* Bradford Macki* .nd Svhia Chr.tfi.ld B.tes. hav* received miny ir,o,uiri<s irdie.ting that there has br>rn a eonfunon between thil pliy ?id'Th. T.ed Gcranium." whkh waidone lecently at tha Prineess Theater. "Th* Gersnium Lady" waa given ita try-out j-?rt rmarce on April 2'1 in the Long; acre Theater It was brought out by BJ -Produeing Society, which also produced "Th. Idtot," a dramatuatton sf Deilalmly'i aavel This lociety is modeled after the Stage Society of London. which hai given the initial performance to many important playi Here's How to Keep Happy, Tho' Married Mrlntyre Saya Marital \nd Busiiiis. Partner** Shoul*. Make Allowanira Mefntyre and H*ath, who ha"* bffn itfd togrther a. ar'nt* for for tyeight y*ar?. and now at th* *nd of that p*nod ?r* appe* ll "R'd Pef t?r.- have contirued on an intima'e perimal and buiine** ?i?oci*tion tO< (?ethfr for a pfriod longer than BBMl ?i couplra stay !ii,-rried How d.d ?hey d" i'* "If people will b? ?ensibl* and m*k? allowaii'o* for on* another," says Me In'rr?, "rh*r* ?ill be no oreaaion for ?nubl* It *eemi to me thfl. ?here are -oublei which ipoedlty it 'n the married man and h ? ? rrr?on* ??ao'l*?ed togf " any way. A ?ife ?nd her hu*b*nd ? aaeh to >?-?<* Ihoathaf prifrr- The wif* is not nagging wb-n she c*lll a"?n'ior tn aom* trlfling fault In h?r huiband; ?he ia aimply endeavoring to point OBl *omfthlng ?o him which h* might ehmmat* in thf 5 for porfoatiaa He misunder atand* thi* and ealla it nagging. Sh* misundersUnda him, and soonrr or later th<y quarrr! ar.d m*y 9** ?*Y not lettie i' "So it ia with two partneri Th?7 become very frank and '?<:h poin** out th* fault* of the o'her, ait| resultir.g friction "Another trouble *nd c?use of ?*p aration :? ?ha? 'hi !**? r?r*i?* to 'he as?ociation hav* no r??l contin', r-r. a-*-. nnd the man and hu wife do itfldf any ?ubjff to_e?her, and partnfn possibly do not take su*.- ai I ini-Tfst ir. thfir work to cont.n .? I develop It "Karly in our afs'cia' on Mr. Hr-ath ir.d I madf a BBI If ta -liscu** on* anothfr'* fafllU v i-tudy th* Ameriear . and *?> de!;ne.?, bifll .. thOf oughly a* we eould. White not dis cussing our f.ults m.tua'.ly WO re | oublf. while our interest in our work and tn i greot ;n"*rr*a' and ifOW u.< 'rgether ? when w. began our aeeoetatioa t*> ?an negro ffereal negro day. As >oung m?n efl elfd ' ,;ro in hi* own !ocal<* 1 * difTeren?:at# the Georgia n'gro frafl* 'he New ' BB and the Raath <"*ro!ina frcm r,thrr I : ? ing condition* changed fcr the negro .ia well ss for every one else, and we contin'jed Mli Itfldjf Th" rt that we have alway* had in or eomrdy littlo bflfllorOBI ddineationi ,-t the n'Sro ?rue tO ' f'- Wa have ?iit as in'erest,d .? it wa* hu manly poisible to b* in thl diM of nrw agencies in th* rt-gro > | opment and have had tralti upea thi stag*. H?nc* we al?ays had ? itl-eag co and mutu?I interest which le?J us to ward growth and devr' 1 away from all friction." "The Shaugi-raiirT Comes to Straml a* "Mv Wild _ri?l. Ro.e'* tfiom Boueicault* "Tne Snaughr.un" now lives on the screen flfl-4 I tl of "My Wild Irish Ro?*,' Iriih lif* This R-dtoplay ro. trand Theater I - ,,"> week. Few p!ay? hav* * d ?uch pc-u larity a* ' Th* Shaughr.-n.' It has played *11 over the tne iah spaahiBg ?vorld and ha* alway* been a fav.ri'e production Th* playwright, Dion Boueicault. who invariably acted the leading mal* rol* in all of his r ll celebrated for hii whimiical. I ar.d human dramas of Irish c llfa. "Colleen Bawn" and "JcBflte Deans" are among hii well-known playi of thia t-pe "The Shaughrsn." how r'ver. is generally recognized as hi* raa?terpirc Dion Boucicaul' u Celtll to the core I It was he who played the origmal role , of "th* thaughraun," an lruh ex prfision for a ne'er-do-well. In the' Drury Lane production, the Dublin production and at the New York pre miere at the fnmoui old Wallack'i ( Theater Ifl the early seventies it wai' Boueicault who, as Conn O'Kelly, wai the levflble ihaughraun. "the roul ofi everv fa'r. the !ife of every funeral.1 ?he nrst ftddle at all wedding* " Paulme Stark* and Pat O'Malley, head th* all-?tar cast in the -?r-en \er?ion of "The Shaughraun, v.rld Irish Rose." O'Malley was for three year* m CheflBeay oicott'* *tag* company and pos**s?e* a certain ma? -jiir.e saaaolifleaa arhleh especially ftt* him for the prinrip*! ro> Nrw Motion Pictur- Firm To ProHuce in New York A new motion picture flrm haa ju?t come to light. It ii the Luitre Photo plays. Inc. ef which J W Foi'er is 'he prendent and Robert Car?on, dtrector general The plani of the new rorporatton call for three producir.g untt*. which will stag* tw*nty two-rfel semi-weit ?rn pietures; Iwohre five-reeleri and fifty.two one.reel comediei tn which Charlie Fang. a Chineie comedian, will b* the chief lummary. The ftnt pro ducing unit which will atag* the two reel eubjecta will begin work next Monday et Plattsburgb, N T , wher* a studio haa juit been completed fer the uie of luitre Photoplaya. Judith Jordin will be itarred in theie ibert mbjicu. Shot Rabbit, Where Now Jfe Plays a Par| Vet?r?n Artr.r RexilU f: When Sitr of thf ^ Wa? I WnorUrl fy^ On thf i ?' ? ',?rjr J^tft. Broadway * -.,, . H L#wu. th* oideat actor a, % Amarv*- ?'a?-. arho ii aUrtag 44, rar' of I-'eb Kalmon 'n "If*,, . pre?i." once ;. ,"ed ttloit, a-jtiirr*!? '*? ? . i lobby ef th* Ai'or Thfiter ?M l*_ ??ut Ifll 1112 hl ?M? 1 -all thf v* *i tbeaa. wa* a le I iifiowa w,t_ ?*,. shrubbery *nd h? -.i* an -nVrfg,^ l?d wi?h an etd'fl | ? % |fl?i_. r-onfldfr.tly for ga.-f "Jt aeemi I ftggg ,4 i iook aroofld ?' ' i*ti Xf ? ' agf plflgj , I I ? - V?n '?' ? had aefluui from h:a lon_ al.m_?r.' Mr I.ew.a '..a ?.'-, *??! City in 1IS1 ***.1 ?? ??_**(*. tinuoutly '?**_* at th* old Ketu itei n |*r> Aa early as tl - part of Taln ? ? Firrer ? auppoit-d . , 'llacfcM . . He his Bfl " t *f _ wm Booth rferaea i j ? ? aee, Mi And'r.or, - ' ??? porta* ? liBce RerteM Shekei Mr ! played I ' l dariflf i * ?' ?g" s*? a* appesred :?. - * "'- '.? ? ? ' ? federaeyi and Abrihi ' ? ? CBBIBBI ?ard tho 01 ?T k**** _?*4 ?U ;. m?ni' old M I ? J tfldtng aoaat : ??????"? rtry rbrbIbi ? Montcomery on Febr.? Mr 1 ? ? - ., poraoaal I ???*?? . ? r ? ti kn' ? *? ?*** ?jflitO gj ? ? baa Jebfl wMlbei I ''* ?????? !? Kaatgaaaarf 'here *?* ey*aw?*' who ?**> .er Thii a . -Iivt s- : ? -. tae*.? iio. abo ?' eraa pleyiBg ta rtgei l ? --w-* ' ' tieaea aad hge ** Bootn aad I :i *t**m compu De*r ?>* . .??'?a*';? tremendouiiy r.tirei* adriei ? '" '*? " ?jng MM** ?? much as pOM . -ootit th* *&?<*c h* says.'but talk about the r day* It ia thl rr?i? ?nd not the i ." rbova a bn. IwpteieeMBl ov?r t rr.-hods. both ia itaaoci "Jo.cph J.ff.rsor f-1 '? wflfl t" friend*, and h* one* ? to ?tire from th* atag*. W harn*si. That i* my amb:tieB-t* t*?t on B-tiBg aa long a* I !r *?' Every Man in His Own Humor (CODltaurd fron* precodiaf ??*** ablf as to iti being r '"''? * 9W* ot m?ntality. When * yogr.gster I ? ?.t*ad*a ' I.ondon a pcrformanc* el at that tim* tngiand - ? * ***** and beloved cemedian Hf ?pp*i?*r an opening fare* gr--''! t.-.roi?v* with roar* of laugh'*' aad t*-*~ this with Cflleb T:-.--*r '?? ' "Crickct on the Heirth.' * an appealing ar.i that all about m* w.r. aaeoi ?? ?* 'Here waa a hifh d*a*r*a B< m*a*?? in th* ?ppr*ciat:,an af "? ?i^?r**^ ' l| the acting, qu:?* *F*rt fr* talent of the actor, orhile eomow** hu power to the full A few nights ago I ftmiti %W Iformane* of "Th* R*< ta "?" levenmg ruined h" thl ' * ***** |of th* audlenc* in it* cniunt gWT | throughout th* *ntir* actiea ?^ Iplay ev*r th* antici and bu***a*w^ :the lemnr-maid la Ihe Pl,e*"^ ,||y. m the laat act whofl th* aa*f ^ction waa moit IflUflaa, ???^^ was iusa*nd*d ln the g*l?? ?* l*Z\i jdrowning th* oth*r actor*' ?*J th* rep*it*d clownmg of m*T^o0 l It is true thi* mf*rn*l rW"" , ,brought about by wh.t ^tm9^ the atage. but what of th* maaj^ ithat reeogaued only tM *"?* and paaaed over all the ???.,, leading up te the great mea-eet DeiptU the clev.r M?*?*f_* J \ .11 eonc?rn*d there wai W? , applaua* at the fall af tb* !??*?? # Ihe menUllty of the* h.u.ted itielf aver the ?^"r\gg, Kew York, May 31, Itii