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The Graphic'g (hcn SPOKT r.OLl'M'N M?*. l.l Hrlrn "Jt ftintarighl A h9lf doien movii' rlo.e up. of aixteen year ?>l?t Helen Wainwright. of (orona. I I and the New York Wnmrn'i Swimming Aaanriation. wb<> ia America*. newly rrnwnnl all round femtnine -wim mmg champion ( The oretty m ?' r mi i il ahnltend the world's record for tht- IM yard lYaC style at Bnghton Beach on Memonal l>ay cov enng th*- distance tn 1 min ute, 49 fl-S aeconds. whfh rlipped one fifth of a si'cond from th<- intemational atand ard 99i by Mr*. Charlotte Boyle (lune la.t itimmer BT... K 4> /ik 4 Cil-il, "I bwgan awimmina; wKen juat baby and iwim my firat *r*c*> when only nin*>, *o 'I fueaa lhal proptr actioa lat* water i. sort of [ 'stxond nalura to me. ] STARTLNG THE WHlPPKTia. An intereating photo of Miss Flsa Horne with Mrs. ('. G. Weet'l "Medford I>ot" nnd Mr. F. Coe Kerr with "Millball Midget" just before tbe Btaii Of the M.neola Stakes for whippeta, a feature of the nini' teeth annual oatdoor ihow of the Lediee' Kennel Club of Ami-r iCB beM on the Mineola Fair Grounds last Saturdav. Riaht ? AN OSCU1.A TORY EQUINE. Brooaa stick just couldn't resist the temptation to plant a slathery kiss upon the cheek of Mrs. Dora V. Scoft when that well known eqaeetrienne paul a visit to his stall at the annual Tuxrdo Hnri' Show. The two-day af f.iir, which attracted manv m'-mbers of BOCJety to Tuxeilo the end of last week, proved to b?4 the most siicceiv*ful in the hia? tory of these annual ex blblts Paul TK.-np.i.n /____*. NEYSA McMEIN, Arner ica'a highest paid mag axine feminine cover art iat, who** pretty girls amile at one from thou aanda of new*-?tand?, lays adride her many colored pastela for the time being and aaila aboard the Olympic for Europe and a well-earned vacation. Wtalc Wcariat. AMBASSADOR HARVEY'S DAIlflH TER. Mrs. Marcellus H. Thomnson. daughti-r of George Harvey, Uniti'd Stnt.s Amba.ssador to the Court of St. James, prove* herself an expert with the dem'lv ,-inti barolit. rapid-flring gun pi-r fecfed by her father-in law, Ganaral John T. Thompson. i.i.mntt ~w COMMENCEMENT WKKK AT fkjm trip the light fantas* , foraisi'j^lL keepsie the Tne Ctrrernoniea -.t?t Vassar t'olN-ge. *hirh 4r? tn GUE88 AGAIN! Loeta Uke Bill Tilden, tke Wi.rld's gT??Ht.'a*t t*nnH player. do*Mi't he*' Arts like him. too But k* 1 -n't Re : Knrlaad'l ? ? ? cb ss d o ii Me of "Philadelphia Bill"-*.. C. Wertheim playinr ra tke Surrey rounfy i harapioo ships, Eagiand * * i Right BAI.LOOS RACE W1NNF.R M*j..r O-W Westover. "f the U. 1 Army Air Service, ?_? won the national botkm race, starting frura Mii wauke?- on May llrt. TW big bag piloted by W?* over and his aide. Lieet C. F. Rond. landed i* Queba-c. covenng owt miles in s?'venteen keen and rifteen minutei *t rlight The wmnmr **r loon wai equipped *i* ? General Klectric radie re* ceiving set which eeakW the pilots to pick up ip* cial broadcas* wrataer re portsand plot their coune accordingly. /_*-_??_. AT MARYMO UNT'S COM M INCH ENT. Arrhbiahop Hayea dehvers the main addreaa at the pirturaujue outdoor eom menrement exercises of hia well known girls' achool held at Tarrytown last Saturtlay. In the foregrouml is the damty on he.tra which furnished the music for the 4>e rasion. **4?lrv. Ufh SUNK ON DRY I.AND. The good sh.p ''Kock and Kye" steanted out over the Hempsteail plains on Memorial Day and furnished the real thrill of the Mltchel Fielii aviation meet by allowing it.self to bt? hoiaelessly sunk by the remarkalile bombing of I.ieiitf naiil Victor E. Hertran.las, wh?> sroriif thrao direit hits out uf five. fuiding hia mark while living at a height of :i,000 feet. l.l, ...iliimul.