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p?sig-ier Goes ict?rica-1 Race Committee Defers Action on Barring 0( Gloucester Schooner pending Personal Appeal fart Meets Cargo Demand Tells U. S. Board -ftat His Craft is Ahle to ferry 525,000 Pounds GLOUCESTER, Mas?.. Sept. *15.-~ ft? American fishermen's race com gMM will t*k* R0 action 0B tne ru* L of the Canadian cup trustees bar !kc the schooner Mayflower from com Si-ion for the trophy until W. Ster? il* Bun*?, ?esi-jner of the Glouces? ter fishing schooner, has appeared be fcre the trustees in Halifax, N. S.. and relented the case for his schooner. Tni? decision was announced late to sight bv William J. Mclnnis, chairman it the American committee. Chairman Mclnnis made his an? nouncement foiJoW'nZ a lengthy meet? ing of the American race committee. ?>*?-??-BH-*e*?was called beiore the iSS*5T.?tioned as to the May i ??-?/ ?rgo-carryng capacty. Ho contended that the schooner could easly firry 52b,000 pounds, the load claimed w? the Canadian trustees for the cup r.nner o? last year, the Nova Scotia jc'hooner Bluenose. Immediately after leaving the meet ar Mr. Burgess departed for Halifax, ,jjjje Chairman Mclnnis, on behalf of ?be committee here, dispatched a tele jrtin to H. R. Silver, chairman of the Ciaadian trustees, bespeaking a sym ?-ith?tic heariii'* for the designer. The text of the telegram follows: *Ibe American race committee has ?ctived your letter of September 12, tjpther with your explanation of the ?jaons which governed the board of ?-??es in arriving at their decision jprding the .schooner Mayflower. As -(committee interprets your explana -a, the controlling objection to the jbyfiower consists in her 'cargo-carry ? rapacity,' and there is quoted as a instance the fact that the Bluenose recently landed for one voyage over f?5?00 pounds. "A* this committee is anxious that rt*r" American fishing schooner shall an an opportunity to compete, we ?jive called before us the designer and utaaging owner of the Mayflower. They ?-present to us that the Mayflower pan ufelj carry at sea 525,000 pounds. Rey further offer to change any de nils of the rig of the Mayflower which jit consider do not conform to your it?B?i*"d3 of fishermen's practice. "The designer of the Mayflower has left {or Halifax to appear before you. ?Je??peak for him your consideration. "taut? your decision this committee uBJtifa no action." l\S. Fishermen Angered By Ban on Mayflower Benins of Boston Entry From Halifax Cup Race Looked On as Doubtful Sportsmanship By Frederick B. Edwards The decision of the Canadian com *iee t) bar the Boston fishing utocier Mayflower from the inter Mforul fishermen's race this fall, and PKHinably from every other race for uV international trophy which may be W?herevfter is "irrevocable," accord i?fitoW, H. Dennis, publisher of "The Halifax Herald," which newspaper in? stated the race and presented the toffy. In a telegram to The Tribune -W night Mr. Dennis said, "It is my Ifcnonal opinion that the findings of 4i trustees are unanswerable." tt this is the final decision, as Mr. ?Tig message appears to indicate, Smcontroversy which is certain to foi? ra? will give the Atlantic Coasc fisher Ben a topic of conversation for many ?long evening on the Banks. Already ?irling Burgees, who designed the Khoontr, has challenged the Canadian ?ommiitee to make good its assertion ?at the schooner is ineligible under pe deed of gift, and has oti'ered to go '?o Halifax to prove his contention that -he is eligible. Meanwhile in Boston he feeling runs so high that there are nose who do not hesitate to impute '*- sportsmanship to the Canadians. Feared for Her Speed Either the Mayflower is being barred ?-use she is not a working fishing "?-toner or because the Canadians feel ? the speed which her yacht-like Ps.may develop presents too great a ?Micap for the Nova Scotians to ac V. The writer was in Halifax when ^fishermen's races were first insti? ll and witnessed the series of 1920 '? by the Esperanto, of Gloucester, "?of 1921, when the. Lunenburg-built ?Miioae carried off the honors. Dur **this latter series the Mayflower "??almost as great a topic of discus F"m the rival vessels. She was built ?**?ex in the fall of 1920, and made P?m trip to the Banks in the late "?"'? of 1921, There were two or reasons for barring her entry last J". the chief being that she did not ???her trip to the Banks within the fwwlity time limit. But during the ??series of race3, the most frequent cession heard in Halifax about the 7?>n schooner was: ?-he isn't a fisherman; she's a yacht; ?*<?? isn't a yacht race." . "jee that time, according to Boston, ^?Mayflower has proved herself to ??o yacht, but an honest-to-goodness TOrman. Fishing All Season * has been fishing all season, her O*** ?ay, and her catches are as ? better than those of the out ?J old-time fishing vessels. They *?? her in Boston that she has tw? Paid her way this season wat her surplus earnings have " ??voted to paying off the cost of ??^traction. its ? lf tnafc isn't a fishing boat," ^Boston, "tell us what is." Jt*i?^rge,''s &oes even further. In l?"- he sent to the trusees in C?* n-8l-t Mr. Burgess said: *?itw /ly- disaPPO>nted in your *a**rto?p?S Tdecisi0n i" barring the ?? ^'rC ?' { note that you discovered 1 *e<i g, n.fy design contravening the '; "-??ai *I?t;,.Dut base your adverse *? ^1 ' the two matters of her * -*W,iC?PMCity and the somewhat si?comfneta!!s ?f h" "g. I cannot ' c*ai fi-?i t0 lhe conclusion that the "?f-lf??. " 0f her displacement and "' if to vJL7lnic caPacity are not famil ' ?jj j>?or committee. '-F-sfacHr? fv0^,t0 your committee's M ? *hat the Mayflower's useful ' ** of t?8? caPacity ?a actually in * v?ssel i? iu ?any two-masted fish t"> 'urtw e Am?ican fleet, and if af??rg to it agre? on beha!f of her af?*-re i?Chrge Sil details o**? rig ,,r?an nr^LWayf, dePart?re from ^ider ?vi ice,.WlU your committee -lfier the decision? If ao, I shall Auto* Sewer9 Gas, Boy, Match, Boom! Dominick Scanzaro, ton years old, of 276 Floyd Street, Brook? lyn, was knocked unconscious last night by an explosion in a sewer basin at Throop Avenue and Bartlett Street, Brooklyn. An automobile became stalled over the sewer basin, and before it could be pushed away a quan? tity of gasoline leaked out. Then some one lit a match, the iron cover was blown high in the air, and the Scanzaro boy was struck by a piece of it. Ho was attended I by an ambulance j surgeon and taken home. be glad to go to Halifax immediately and lay the entire matter before you." ! The Mayflower apparently was barred undfir the very wide powers given to the trustees in the deed of gift. The trustees are all Canadians, and all Halifax men. The board is made up of the Premier of Nova Scotia, the Mayor of Halifax, H. R. Silver, a Hali? fax yachtsman and ownur of a fleet of schooners of his own; H. G. De Wolf, another Halifax shipmaster: R. A. Cor bett, an amateur yachtsman of dis? tinction in Nova Scotia; H. G. Law? rence, W. J. Roue, who designed the Bluenose; F. W. (Casey) Baldwin, of Baddeck, who was a right hand man of | the late Alexander Graham Bell, and | an enthusiastic deep sea sailor, and Captain V. C. Johnson. These are all yachtsmen and amateur sailors of dis? tinction, and there can be no criticism of their qualifications. Nene the less the absence of United States represen? tation makes the Boston people feel that they have been slighted. The deed of gift bestows unlimited powers upon the trustees in this para? graph; "The said rules or any modifi? cation thereof being always drawn in such manner as to safeguard and con? tinue the intention of the donors of the trophy, which is the development of the most practical and serviceable type of fishing schooner, combined with the best sailing qualities, without sac? rificing utility. For the purpose of maintaining this principle the trustees are empowered to disqualify from all or any competition any vessel which in their opinion would controvert the in? tention of the donors, and such de? cisions of the trustees shall be final; the trust?es shall, however, do nothing which will change the spirit of the intention of the donors that the com? petitors shall be confined to vessels and crews engaged in practical commercial fishing." This is a three-cornered discussion. The Mayflower is no more popular in Gloucester than she is in Nova Scotia. In Gloucester they claim that no boat which costs $60,000, which is the price Gloucester says her Boston sponsors paid for the Mayflower, can be a prac? tical' fisherman. E. S. L?tt?e^To^Be Extradited Soon in Bucketing Case Will Go to Trial "at Harris burg, Pa., With Other Members of Defunct New York Brokerage Concern Edward S. I-nt?fc, partner in the ; bankrupt stock brokerage firm of ; Chandler Bros. & ?*., is to be extra- ; dited in a few days to Harrisburg, Pa., i where he is to go on trial with the j other partners, Frederick T. Chandler ] jr., Lewis E. Waring and Earl Menden ball, on charges of embezzlement. All | were indicted last January by the : Dauphin County (Pa.) Grand Jury, fol- ! lowing the failure of the concern in ' August, 1921. Little was released from the Tombs in $5,0t<J bail pending exam-j ination on Monday. Extradition papers probably will be signed by Governor Miller to-day. Chandler and Mendenhall are out on $3,000 bail each and expect to go- to j trial in Harrisburg at the end of this j month. Waring, so far as known, is at his home in Plainiield, N. J. Little and Waringi had charge of the New York office, while Chandler and Men- ] denhall operated the Harrisburg of- j fice, Little said yesterday. Chandler Bros. &. Co. went into l bankruptcy in August, 1921. The part? ners, and also the partners of"Clark, Childs & Co., 165 Broadway, are be? ing sued by the receiver of Chandler Bros. & Co., and also by Harry Sin? clair, oil magnate. Clark, Childs & Co. has vigorously denied charges that it used the Chandler company to carry on bucketing operations. Little was arrested on Thursday, after receipt of a letter from J. Frank Page, Chief of Police of Harrisburg, saying that Little and Waring were under indictment and that they prob- j ably could be found "in the vicinity of Clark, Childs & Co." A]?hough ?Magis? trate McQuaide was unwilling to ac? cept bail, in view of possible extradi? tion proceedings, bail arrangements were finally made yesterday with Mag? istrate Mancuso. Little is fifty-one years old and lives in Garden City. Two additional failed brokerage firms now are being investigated by the District Attorney's office. They are J. C. Rubiner & Co., which went into bankruptcy on Wednesday, and J. Sykes & Co., 25 Beaver Street, which failed on Thursday. Investors who lost their money told their stories yes? terday. Most of them are people in poor circumstances who 'have saved a little money and who tried to invest it profitably. Big Paper Company Goes Into Hands of Receiver An involuntary petition in bankruptcy was filed yesterday against the Gatti McQuade Company, producers of paper pulp and other paper products, with offices at 200 Fifth Avenue. The peti? tion alleges that liabilities are $1, 000,000 and estimated assets at $500, 000. John B. Johnston, 100 Broadway, was appointed receiver by Federal Judge Mant?n, with a bond of $25,000. The petition accompanying the order for a receiver recites that the Gatti McQuade firm is a New Jersey corpora? tion, but that it has conducted its busi? ness from the Fifth Avenue offices and that the company has property in New Jersey and this state, outside the juris? diction of the court. The petitioners allege that some six or seven months ago the company called a meeting of creditors and that a com? mittee was formed which thereafter r conducted the affairs of the company. For this reason the petitioners believe the corporation is insolvent and will be unable to continue business. The petitioners were: Samuel H. Waldstein, with a claim of $572; Gat ton & Knight Manufacturing Company, $40, and W. C. Jones Company, $11,205. _m Auto Survivor Hit by Train MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 15.?After having been run over twice by in the last year and coming out each time as good as new, Miss Kate Flynn, a school teacher of Chicago, was struck by a passenger train engine last night, but to-day at a hospital it was said she would recover again. StraivHat Smashing Orgy Bares Heads From Battery to Bronx Stores Do Thriving Business, but Many Youth? ful Marauders Are Arrested and Seven Are Spanked at Station by Irate Parents Boys who were guided by the calen? dar rather than the weather, and most of all by their own trouble-making proclivities, indulged in a straw hat smashing orgy throughout the city last night. A dozen or more were arrested and seven were spanked ignominiously by their parents in the East 104th Street police station by order of the lieutenant at the desk. At every police station the outgoing platoon was warned at 8 o'clock to be on the alert for net-hunting hoodlums, and the policemen were busy all night. Some hat stores kept their doors open long after the usual closing time and did a thriving business in soft hats. In some instances the police reported that the youthful marauder? were sus? piciously active in the immediate vicinity of such stores. The carnival prevailed from the Bat? tery to the Bronx and was particularly riotous on the East Side, all the way from Chatham Square to Harlem. The Oak Street, Clinton Street and Mercer Street police stations were the busiest in the downtown section and the East 104th Street uptown. Many of the offenders were armed with sticks, at the ends of which nails projected at right angles to facilitate the hook? ing of straw hats. Gangs patrolled Lexington, Park and Third avenues between 103d and 125th streets so zealously that few straw hats escaped. The police of the East 104th Street station were inclined to regard their activities lightly in spite of numerous complaints at the police station, until detectives and patrolmen ?n plain clothes began to fall victims to the hat crashers. Then sterner measures were adopted. Patrolmen King and Lamour came in hatiess and indignant with seven boys, all less than fifteen years old, who, they said, were members of a Ran?* that had knocked off their hats and trampled them. Lieutenant Lennahan invited the boys' fathers to come to the station and spank them and the in? vitation was cordially accepted. Detective Rocco Brundizo of the same police station was enjoying the excitement along Third Avenue until a boy knocked Mb straw hat off and ran. Brundizo chased the boy from 109th Street to 116 Street, where he lost him. He declared he would have captured the youngster had he not been jostled by Sigmund Cohn, a spe? cial policeman. Brundizo arrested Cohn for inter? fering with an officer in the discharge of his duty. Cohn was discharged in night court, however, where he ex? plained to Magistrate Hatting that he had no idea that the excited man who, bumped into him was a policeman until he drew a revolver and black? jack, and that then ho submitted to arrest without objection. Two or three boys were brought into the East 104th Street police station by pedestrians who accused them of ( smashing their hats and were locked "P. Police of World Re-elect Enright Assembly Head Commissioner Is Renamed Unanimously for Presi? dency; New York City Is Chosen for 1923 Meeting Merchants Their Hosts Plan Confidential Code, New Extradition Law, Stand . ardization of Uniforms The International Police Conference", as the assembly, of police chiefs now in session at the Waldorf-Astoria yes? terday voted to designate themselves, unanimously re-elected Police Com? missioner Richard E. Enright as presi? dent of the conference and selected New York City for the place of the convention, which will be held in May, 1923, at its afternoon meeting yester? day. ,, Previous to electing officers the dele? gates had been the guests of the Mer? chants' Association of New York at a luncheon and vaudeville entertainment in the hotel ballroom.' Lewis E. Pierson, president of the association, who wel? comed the police delegates at their initial meeting here a year ago, repeat? ed the welcome. He spoke on the ne? cessity of impartial enforcement of the law, and said that the responsibility of this rested upon the delegates gathered in conference. % Commissioner Enright, responding to the welcome, declared that the con? ference had been a great success be? cause of the beneficial information ac? cruing to every member of it. Major General Llewellyn W. Atcherley, in? spector general of the British Constab? ulary, and Helio Lobo, Consul. General of Brazil, responded to the welcome in behalf of the foreign delegates. The executive committee of the con? ference was authorized by resolution to formulate a secret, confidential code for the use of police departments.- Res^ olutions on the formation of new extra? dition laws, on the standardization of uniforms, and or. the working out of new traffic regulations were also passed by the conference. Officers re-elected with Commission? er Enright were Chief-of-Police Wil? liam Copelan, of Cincinnati, treasurer, and Special Deputy Police Commis? sioner Douglas I. McKay, of New York, secretary. Five now vice-presidents were elected, and each of the foreign representatives of the conference was named a member of the executjve com? mittee. All accepted with th? excep? tion ?of Major General Atcherley, of the British constabulary, who must apply first to his home office for per? mission to accept. 1.1 ? m Harding Asked to Speed War Prisoners' Hearings Amnesty Committee Declares Strike Situation Does Not Warrant Delay From The Tribusie's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.?President Harding was asked to-day in a letter from the Joint Amnesty Committee to direct the Department of Justice to speed up its review of the cases of seventy-five war prisoners now serving sentences for conviction under the free speech section of the espionage law. The letter, in part, said: "The extraordinary delay in review? ing these cases has been explained at the Department of Justice by state? ments t? the effect that, in view of the strike conditions, the psychological situation was bad. We beg to point out that these cases have no relation whatever to c"urren* industrial difficul? ties, and we can see no basis in'law or in logic for thus delaying the recon? sideration of cases of men, convicted in large groups under conditions of ex? ceptional wartime stress, who are serving terms of ten and twenty years under a wartime emergency statute which has been inoperative for eighteen months." ? Edward Bell Sent to Peking New York Man to B-ecome Counsellor of Legation WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.?The as? signment of Edward Bell, of New York City, to become Counselor of the American Legation at Peking, was an? nounced to-day by Acting Secretary of State Phillips. Mr. Bell has been chief of the division of current information of the State Department since Febru? ary, when he relieved Henry Suydam, who became Washington correspondent of "Tho Brooklyn Eagle." In announcing the transfer from Washington to Peking of Mr. Bell, Secretary Phillips said that it has been found necessary for the department to have a senior diplomatic officer in the Chinese capital, and that Mr. Bell's former service in the Orient mads him especially fitted for the post. 40,000 Added To Part Time In School Year Overcrowded Condition Is Much Greater Than in Last Term, and High Schools Are Swamped Total Reaches 937,780 Brooklyn Leads All Bor? oughs in Registration of Elementary Classes Registration figures of the New York public school system reveal an in? crease in the number of pupils on part time of 40,612 over the enrollment of last year. The Board of Educaton confirmed yesterday the report that the overcrowded condition of the schools is greater than in the 1921-'22 terms. The report shows that this increase j is due in moBt part to the unprece- ! dented registration in the high schools,] which have a total enrollment this year of 104,289, as against 88,172 at this time last year, an increase of 3 6,117. The total registration this year, in? cluding the elementary, training and vocational schools, is 937,780, an increase of 28,122. Of the increase of 40,612 pupils on part time, 35,983 are in the high schools, which* have a total number on part time this year of 69,213, a3 against 33,230 in September, 1921. The , increase in part time pupils in the elementary schools is 4,629. Brooklyn this year leads all other boroughs in ths registration of ele? mentary school pupils, having a total of 323,143. The registration in the elementary schools in the otner bor? oughs is as follows: Manhattan, 286, 988; the Bronx, 119,078; Queens, 78, 358; Richmond, 20,009, making a total of 827,626. The total last year was 81-6,399, or 11,127 less than this year. The increase in the registration in the training and vocational schools is 878. The only figures to show a decrease this year are those of the registration in the .elementary schools in Manhat? tan-and the number of part-time stu dens in the-elementary schools of man hattan and the Bronx. In Manhattan the decrease in registration ie 3,584 out of a total of 286,938. In part-time pupils there are 13,639, making a de? crease of 2,167. In the Bronx there are ?.983 pupils on part time which is a decrease of 6,454. Tho rcmarkablo increase, both in registration and in the number of pupils forced to' go on part time in the high schools, reveals the most serious condition in history. Several of these schools have been forced to stop registration in some of their classes and a number of the pupils have to stand for at least one period a day. Croker's Widow Insists Son May Visit Grave Special Cable to The .Tribune Copyright. 1922. New York Tribune Inc. DUBLIN. Sept. 14.?The report that Richard Croker jr. will not be permit? ted to see his father's grave on his visit to Dublin was vigorously denied to-day by Joseph ?MacDonagh, repre? senting the Tammany leader's widow, who announced that if Richard jr. really wished to view the grave ho would arrange the visit. According to MacDonagh, there will be no probate proceedings to contest the Croker will in Ireland, as all the property here belonged to Mrs. Croker longer than the statutory period re? quired before Croker's death- Mac? Donagh expressed the opinion that the will relating to New York property could not Jbe broken, as there is ade? quate evidence of Mr. Croker's inten? tions to prevent any misunderstanding in the will's terms of what he desired. Telephone Inquiry to Move ALBANY, Sept. 15.?The New York Telephone Coippany to-day practically completed the*presentation of its case in the Public Service Commission's state-wide telephone inquiry. The next hearing will be in New York on Sep? tember 25, when further testimony will be presented by the State and City of New. York.. At to-day's session there was a brief cross-examination of H. A. Trax, the telephone company's chief accountant, by Deputy Attorney General Wilbur W. Chambers and Assistant Corporation Counsel M. M. Fertig. The state also presented the testimony of witnesses from Mount Vernon and Lockport on the real estate values of the company's land and buildings in those cities. Gas Kills 5 on Japanese Ship SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15.~Five members of a crew engaged in fumigat? ing the Japanese liner Shiny j Maru were killed by gas fumes in the after steerage of the vessel here to-day. Th,ree members of the crew were pub? lic health officers and the others were stevedoies. Eight firemen also were overcome by the fumes. Grand Jury to Quiz Hirshfield About Markets Commissioner of Accounts Calls Inquiry Political ; Says He Will Not Waive Immunity for Ruston Move to Reduce Fees O'Malley's Handling of the Street Peddlers Said To Be Illegal and Oppressive Commissioner of Accounts Hirshfield was subpoenaed yesterday to appear be? fore the King3 County Grand Jury on Monday in connection with District At? torney Rii3ton's investigation into the Department of Markets. In the expectation that he would be asked to waive immunity the Commis? sioner said yesterday that he would stand on his constitutional rights and not waive immunity from prosecution. The grand jury is expected to be ready to hand down its report and recom? mendations by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, with some sensational findings. In the mean time the pushcart ped? dlers of Manhattan and Brooklyn are gathering the^r forces for a vigorous effort to have their fees reduced, now that the Board of Estimate and Ap? portionment has refused to burden them with the army of laborers, sweep? ers and other so-called workers upon whom the supervisors blamed most of their expense. With half the num? ber of laborers to be suported taken off their shoulders, they argue that there ?3 no good reason why the week? ly fee of $1 paid by the vender should not be reduced by half. Seeks to Cut Fees Charles H. Levy, counsel for the Brooklyn venders, and Solomon Suffrin, attorney for the Manhattan peddlc-rs, insist that if Commissioner O'Malley does not soon make some move in this direction a strong effort will be made to have a legislative commission ap? pointed to study the cost of street market administration and fix a rea? sonable fee on the basis thereof. They say that the present fee of $52 a year is grossly burdensome and entirely unnecessary, and that if the street markets are established for the purpose of providing cheap food for the poorer part of the community there is no reason why the tax on the vender should be prohibitive. They hope, too, that the civil service system of appointing supervisors will elimi? nate the myriad methods of petty graft that have been a plague to the pushcart men up to now. Burden on Vehicle Owners. Mr. Levy expressed amazement at the fact that the supervisors, under in? structions from Commissioner O'Mal? ley, ara. collecting $2 a week from horse-drawn vehicles, when the statute expressly says that not more than $1 can be collected from vehicles. There were intimations that the horse-drawn vehicle owners are planning to offer a united front on this point and re? fuse to pay the extra dollar. "If there are any local ordinances on this point," commented Mr. Levy, "they are in clear violation of the state law and are void." In announcing that he had been sub? poenaed, Commissioner Hirshfield said: "This is a political investigation, and I am satisfied it is being conducted solely for political reasons and to dis? credit the Hylan administration. Dis? trict.Attorney Ruston is hostile to the administration and to me personally, and I am satisfied that the investiga? tion by the grand jury will not be. fail." -?-i 'I'm Blind!' He Cries, and Falls Dead From Alcohol Another Victim Succumbs in Hospital; Rusten Ready for Clean-Up in Brooklyn An unidentified man, about forty years old, collapsed last night on Pier 22 at the foot of James Street. As he fell he exclaimed, "I'm blind." Patrol? man John Dondero, of the Oak Street station, called a Beekman Street Hospi? tal ambulance, but before the surgeon arrived the man was dead. In his pocket was a card which read, "Ralph L. Olson, 25 South Street," which is the address of the Seamen's Church Insti? tute. The police report his death as caused by wood alcohol poisoning. "William Williams, thirty-five years old, of 186 West Street, who was taken to Bellevuc Hospital on September 12 suffering from alcohol poisoning, died yesterday. Leslie Kinnard, a civil engineer of Chicago, appeared before District At? torney Ruston in Brooklyn yesterday and said he believed he was going blind as a result of three drinks of white liquor. He directed detectives to the home of Albert Addabbo, 339 Hudson Avenue, Brooklyn, who, he charged, sold him the drinks. Addabbo was arrested and Kinnard was taken to the Kings County Hospital. "Plans have been perfected for a general clean-up of all suspected sources of wood alcohol in .Brooklyn," Mr. Ruston said last night. "We had hoped to go through quietly, but our plans became known. Death robbed us of evidence in one place we had in hand in the Red Hook section, where twelve lives were sacrificed to the greed of dollars on the part,of dis* tributors of wood alcohol." U. S. Sees Only Political Trick in Soviet Note Russian Request to Send Mis? sion Here Regarded as Ve? hicle for Propaganda WASHINGTON. Sept. 15.?State De? partment officials rerrard the sugges? tion Moscow is ror.dy to enter into pre? liminary negotiations for establishing official relations with the United States, as outlined in press despatches regarding a note from the Soviet gov? ernment to Ambassador Houghton at Berlin, as purely a political move. The department is without advices from Ambassador Houghton, and pend? ing the receipt of the full text of the Soviet note no authorized comment is expected. It may be said, however, that State Department officials are inclined to view the press text as transmitted from Moscow as only making it certain that nothing further will be done at this time by the American government toward sending such a delegation as was suggested into Russia. The purpose of the American govern? ment in considering the possibility of pending an economic mission to Rus? sia was wholly outside, of any political question, the cbject being merely to provide the Washington government with first hand information as to the economic plight of Soviet Russia in order that it might act with full un-s dcrstanding in any future discussion by the European powers of the Russian economic problem. Court to Rule Whether "Finding Is Keeping" The ancient philosophy that "finding is keeping" is alleged by the police to have caused the ar? rest and. subsequent arraignment on a grand larceny charge of Mrs. Nellie Sudin8ky, twenty-eight years old, of 106 Vark Street, Yonkers. Mrs. Aaron Dulman, of 64 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, was shaking the bed clothes at the window of her home and jewelry valued at $600 rolled out. Mrs. Sudinsky was accused of picking the jewels up and is said to have returned a $100 diamond ring, but withheld the rest. She was held yesterday by Judge Rosenwasser in hail of $1,000 for trial on September 26, ??i-.-~-,-,-_J ^Beloved9 Press Agent Seizes Mabel's Clothes Miss Normand's New Paris Outfit Attached by Her "Dear Perry," Charging His Salary Is Unpaid Sues Star for $2,940 Mr. Charles Makes Public Honeyed Messages, Insist? ing She Say It With Cash Many young men who have seen the pretty lace of Mabel Normand on the screen would welcome messages of love from the motion picture star. Perhaps Perry M. Charles, who is a publicity agent, fortunate enough to receive such messages, also appreciated being the object of Miss Normand's affections. Whatever Mr. Charles thought about these words of endearment with which she bombarded him over the wires, he is not the sort of man to permit love to interfere with business, and while he was "Perry, Dear," to the motion picture star, she was to him just Miss Mabel Normand, party of the first part in a contract under which Mr. Charles agreed to act as her publicity agent. And to think that under the influence of the honey words and i he glittering offer to name his own salary he gave up a perfectly good job as advance man with a musical comedy company, and after taking the position thus thrust upon him he could no't get his money ?well, it quite annoyed Mr. Charles. Therefore the publicity agent has done the obvious thing; he has given Mis3 Normand some annoyance in return. Attaches Her Wardrobe It is not so much that Mr. Charles has brought suit in the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, to recover $2,940 for salary and services rendered here and in Eu? rope for Miss Normand that will cause the actress any loss of sleep or worry, but her ''beloved" publicity agent has gone further. He has caused all her trunks, containing the wonderful ward? robe she brought back from Europe a few days ago, to be attached by a deputy sheriff who thought his official mission would not be properly fulfilled unless he also attached the collection of jewelry Miss Normand had placed in the safe of the Hotel Ambassador, where she is staying. He did so. Mr. Charles reproduces in his complaint a fe'iv of the telegrams Miss Normand sent him from Los Angeles while he in Canada, employed by Harry T?te. One message, dated April 14, 1922, read, in part: "Perry, dear, wire me collect your plans. Received wire chis morning. Wonderful if you are in. England when I arrive to meet me. Without you I'll be lost. Love and thanks to the ?Tates. Is Harry paying your passage? Wire details. If you need money, wire me. When do you sail? Might be able to go along. Want you to work for me. Anything you say goes about salary. Might be better your going ahead to fix things up, then return to America with me, London, Paris, Berlin, etc. When arrive New York will telephone you. Love. Ma? bel." "You Are Beloved by Me" Here is another message from the star dated May 9: "Perry, dear, can I phone you anywhere and at what time Wednesday? Send me straight wire. Also insist upon paying for phone call. You are beloved by me. Telephone Wilshire, 7226. Love Perry Always. Mabel." The upshot of all this was that Mr. Charles sailed from Montreal for ?Southampton, where Miss Normand later joined him. Before arrival, ac? cording to Mr. Charles, he laid the ground work for the glorification by press and pulpit and the theater man? agers. And, when Miss Normand ar? rived in London, says Mr. Charles, he introduced her to dramatic editors and sporting editors and many other people. A short time after the arrival of the actress abroad, he says, she sug? gested that he go back to New York by way of Paris and continue his efforts in her behalf, which, it U& set forth, he did with great expertness and en. thusiasm. Now comes the sad and unsenti? mental denouement. Mr. Charles as? serts that all he got from Miss Nor? mand, besides the loving messages, was $1,100 for expenses, while, aa a matter of fact, his actual expenses amounted to $1,340. He says that he is a first class publicity man, whose salary ranges from $150 a week upward, and asserts there is due him in salary and expenses $2,940. When Deputy Sheriff Paul J. Blundy called at the Hotel Ambassador yes? terday Miss Normand'3 secretary said the actress was out, which did not pre? vent the deputy from serving a copy of the attachment on the manager of the hotel. For all legal purposes that .vas all that was necessary, for Miss Nor? mand will not be able to remove her trunks or jewelry unless she gives the Sheriff a bond to cover the amount of money claimed by Mr. Charle3. ' ??>?'' Ptomaine Victims Recover Dry Chief's Wife and Aid Ate Ham in Restaurant Mrs. John D. Appleby, wife of John D. Appleby, prohibition zone chief, and Chief Appleby's first assistant, E. C Reed, were reported yesterday to be suffering from ptomaine poisoning. Both were out of danger last night. Chief Appleby said Mrs. Appleby attrib? utes her condition to some ham eaten in a restaurant. Mr. Appleby did not eat the ham. Mr. Reed and Mrs. Appleby both or? dered ham and eggs, and Mrs. Appleby said she noted the ham had a peculiar taste, but this did not trouble her until symptoms of food poisoning devel? oped. jKoertig Marks Woman Leader Who Defies Him Word Goes Out Mrs. Gahriel Must Be Ousted for Ihr Appeal to Gov. Miller in Behalf of Cohalan She Accepts Challenge Declares City Repuhliean Leader Is Betraying Party Into Tammany's Clutches Because she wrote to Governor Mil? ler protesting, along with others, against tho deal between Charles 1?\ Murphy, the Tammany leader, and Sam? uel S. Koenig to remove Surrogate John j P. Cohalan from the bench, Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel, Republican co-leader of ? tho 10th Assembly District, has been j marked for removal. According to word ! brought to Mrs. Gabriel yesterday by ! some of her women captains, the word j has gone forth that she be ousted as j leader and some one who will follow i Mr. Koenig and Tammany elected in ' her place. Mrs. Gabriel, who has been the ! woman leader of the district since ? women were given the vote five year? ! ago, declared yesterday that nothing cither Koenig or Murphy could do ! would make her stop fighting for prin ciple, adding that she had been at thnt all her life. Mrs. Gabriel pointed out ! that while she had been leader the 10th ! Assembly District bad been one of the j few which had maintained its political '' integrity, rolling up majorities each year for all Republican candidates when other districts in the city were being delivered, she charged, to Tam? many Hall candidates. Says Women Have Big Chance "This is tne first opportunity the women of this city have had since the vote was granted to them to smash the bosses of the two dominant parties, and this time the women will gladly avail themselves of the chance," she said "They realize that they have no choice, for the judiciary, one of the three branches of government, is being at? tacked by the bosses. "Women don't have to be schooled in moral issues. They grasp them intui- j ti.vely. Republican women without ; number who have talked to me in the j last few days declare that under no j circumstances will they stand for a leader who sells his party out and who, in so doing, attempts to make a foot? ball of the greatest court in the ?itate ?the Surrogate?which looks after the estates of widows and orphans. This is more than a fight to re-elect Surrogate Cohalan. A great principle is involved. Not Going Into Sunday School "We women, when we received the vote five years ago, realized that we were not going into Sunday School when we were entering politics. But we had firmly believed, especially those of us who were lawyers, that the bar? ter and sale of judgeships were a thin** of bygone days. , Tweed bought and sold judgeships. Mr. Murphy's one? time lieutenant in Queens, 'Curly Joe' Cassidy, only a very few years ago sold a Supreme Court nomination for $25, 000, but he was caught and sent to prison. "It was not until three years aco that we hat', any more tampering with the judiciary. Then Mr. Murphy re? fused a innomination to Supreme Court Justice Newburger. But the Re? publican leader ,of this county, Mr. Koenig, was not then recreant to the principle at stake and to the interests of his party, and gave the Republican nomination to Justice Newburger who was then rounding out his term of fourteen years on the bench to the satisfaction of the bar, the press, and the people." Up-State Gas Price Cut ALBANY, Sept. 15.?A reduction of five cents 1,000 cubic feet in the gas rates in Albany, Utica, Schenectady, Syracuse and Rochester was ordered to-day by the State Public Service Com? mission. A statement by the commis? sion said the order would result in an I annual saving of 5325,000 to 210.000 j consumers. Similar orders applying to i other cities of the state will be made immediately. French in Fear Dominate Europe, Says Col. Hous? Bark From Tour, He Think? the Power.*? Must ?.?iarantec Par?? From Afrjsrre*??on ?.OKTON, f*pt. 15.? Franc*'? f>?r ?f iSt neighbor? is th? kejrnot* of th? preaertt international situation in Eu? rope, Colonel Edward M. H ou?*, per? sonal representative of P.-**idiint Wil? son to th* lvoropean gov? rnmenta in 1914, lili MWl UM, ?*?d today ?n hi? return from Europe a?Vr an extend*?! to g r. "At the prenant trOM,M ?"clon*! Hou*? nidi "Franc? has an army inferior to none the wsuld h?? ever ?fen, and if she wished she could tramp!? Europ? under her f. et. But France realil*? that her fi??Mil condition will not allow her to maintain such an army ?r>?es{; nitely. "She feurs the possibility of an alliance ?gainst ?er of Germany and Russia? two nations already on very close relations. "If the League of Nations hud h*?n rendered a success by Ik? participa? tion of America there would have been none of these post-war troubles in Eu? rope. Now France has no assurance of protection. "Economic conditions of EuYope are had," he ?aid, "but there is every rea? son to look for an improvement WtStM, especially if th?- move now on foot in Europe to have the powers give Franc? a guaranty of futur? protection cry^ tallizes into action." Bus Co? Entertain? Gobs The Fifth Avenue Coach Company was host last night to several hundred sailors of the Atlantic fleet. A fleet of busses loaded up at the Navy Club, 15 East Forty-first Street, ar "gobs" were given a two-hour This was followed by a dance at th? clubhouse. CIGAFJBTTSS THE EPICURE In France a statue is to be Brillat-Savarin, the greatest epicure of all times. Savarin, says a New York editor, would have preferred | an annual celebration in his j honor, At which cooks would vie with one another to produce a really fine meal? Which is exactly what the cooks at CHILDS are doing every day in the year. Savarin introduced the omalot ?one of th? perroonenliy ap> ?pealing dishes at CHILDS. MEN'S HAT SHOP New Blends of Brown In Soft Hats for Town T** 50 ?H.E RENCH browns?pecan browns? coffee browns?Cuba browns?am? ber browns?all the nuances of shade in brown?all the niceties of. curl and crown?welted, bound or raw ?light in weight?right in quality ?and half a dollar lower than thev 4 were made to sell at! -*? 'C*\ Men's Shops?West 88th and 37th Sts.?Street Level