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The Greatest Sporting Goods Store in the World Madison Avenue and 45th Street New York H o o - o o - O o o - o o o ! October's crispest greet? ings! Gun days?hounds trailing ?frosty nights under the hunter's moon. Leaf - cluttered fairways sparkling in the sun?warm coats and fleecy motor robes. There's inspiration in the air, everywhere ? invitation in the woods and in the fields. It's the brown month's in? ning?let's go where the blazed trail crosses the boule? vard ! Grouse and Woodcock? Thicket and Heather What is your choice of game ? These are some of the sportsman's tempting offer? ings, from October first : Grouse, woodcock and deer, In Maine; ducks, j.icksnipe, Quail and -reese, In Connecticut. JacUsr.ipp, woodcock, grouse, ?c-ulrrel and ral.bitd in New Hampshire; ducks, Koese, woodcock, grouse end quail In New York?and woodcock;?- In New Jersey. And the finest collection of sporting- guns ever brought to? gether, at the Abercrombie & Fitch store, with a gun-fitter and coach of international reputation. Here is the gun that won the Grand Prix at Monte Carlo?and the Lewis Super-Magnum, made to kill a duck at 80 yards. Agents for the Westley-Rich -* nrcls, Jeffery and other European shotguns and ri?es. Every standard American make of gun?gun and ammunition cases, decoys, calls ? shooting clothes and accessories of every kind. When the Woman Takes the Field She wants an outfit to enable her to shoot with her sportsman brother. Aside from its well known hunt? ing clothes for women, this house makes a specialty of fitting guns for women. Guns of light weights, specially stocked for women's use; and in? struction by an expert who has coached many sportswomen into championship shooting form. Write for Shooting Pamphlet, "Fur, Feather and Cun." abercrombie % Fitch Co EZRA H. FITCH, Preaident Madison Avenue and 45th Street New York "Where the Blazed Trail Crosses the Boulevard" i> Foreign Debt Cut Forecast By Lamont ? (Ccnt)*v*4 ft*? m r?s? ?n?) elder on your bank boards, the hard, practical questions of the day. That is where the settlement is going to come in my opinion and the world! turns to you instinctively nove. "When we meet these problems of to-morrow I am sure that when you make your decisions, when you decide how this reconstruction will take place (and your President has well said that It cannot take place, the balance cannot bo redressed, without America, and America does not wish it to be done without her) when that time comes I am sure that the one great practical problem will always be rec? ognized by you outside of political party?national interest for the adjust? ment which is necessary for the world to go forward." The speakers at the general session, as occasion arose, were agreed upon the satisfactory progress of domestic trade and industry, but warned of the relation to ultimate prosperity of the European uncertainty, of the dangers of labor troubles and of the impor? tance of diminishing paternalism in government and of saner legislation. Committee Reports Heard The morning session, in which all branches of the association "partici? pated, heard and disposed of re? ports by the executive council, the committees on legislation, state and national; the committee on state taxa? tion, by the clearing houses, the trust companies, the national banks, the state banks, the savings banks and the American Institute of Hanking and the committee on public education. In the afternoon the savings bani division and the state secretaries' sec? tion completed their individual meet ings dealing with problems pccullai to their interests. A feature of tin latter was the recommendation tha' legislation placing taxation of ban! stocks an an equal basis with that of personal property be pressed in the different states. Dr. George E. Vincent, of the Rocke? feller Foundation, told the convention ?something of public health as-sets and various financiul and crime statistics were presented in the mass of reports. Almost every phase of banking activ? ity was covered in the discussions, as well as allied business topics. The Committee of One Hundred In charge of convention arrangements gave a luncheon to the executive coun? cil or the association at the Waldorf, at which Governor Benjamin Strong jr. of the New York Federal Reserve Dank, Mr. Herrick, Mr. McAdams, Dwight W. Morrow, of J. P. Morgan it Co., and John H. Puelicher, vice-presi? dent of the association and spoken of as the next president, were speakers. Mr. McAdams urge?! the desirability of having the New York bankers be? come better acquainted with the asso? ciation and its objects. He said he saw in the association an opportunity for great leadership and that ho and the others of the visiting bankers looked to New York bankers to establish that leadership. Economic Reconstruction Needed Governor Strong pictured as the need of the world a reconstruction of eco? nomic machinery so that there may be more effective application of workers to the production and distribution of the things that we need and such a reorganization as will insure that what is produced is fairly distributed among the workers in return for the work done by each." Ambassador Herrick pleaded for less distrust in international relations, warning particularly against propa? ganda tending to alienate the United States and France. He likened Eng? land and France to "a man and his wife who did not love each other par? ticularly but who had determined to get along together for the sake of the children." He did not believe that there would ever be any serious diffi? culty between those nations. The United States, England and France must get together, he thought work out the plan of world reorganiza ; tion and would, he believed, do so soon | Mr. Morrow, limiting his talk largelj ' to words of welcome, called upon bank? ers to bring into world relationship the doctrine of trust and tolorance upon which their business wan largely built, Mr. Puclicher, pointing out that the political chaos in Europe was the out? growth of racial hatreds nnd economic differences, the question as to whether racial groups nnd economic differences existing in this country might not also assume a political as? pect. Governmental stability, he sug? gested, rested on the triad of the mate? rial, the intellectual and the spiritual. Nearly 11,000 In Attendance The attendance at the convention, as measured by registration, passed the 10,000 mark early in the day and by night was close upon 11,000. Between 4,000 and 5,000 of this total is made up of the wives accompanying delegates and a scattering of women delegates. The record-breaking number who ; have come to this convention, exceed? ing by more than (5,000 the previous top mark for meetings of bankers, is regarded as due, asido from the attrac? tion of its being staged in the country's financial capital, to the return of bet? ter times, enabling bankers to leave their businesses. Every entertainment billed has proved tremendously popu? lar and for the trip to West Point it was necessary to charter an additional steamer, the Sandy Hook, which will accommodate 1,800 additional dole gates. Red tickets will be good on this boat and white tickets on the Wash? ington Irving. The difficulty of providing for the crowd was emphasized further by the necessity of obtaining several hun? dred additional tickets for the women's theater party to-night, which, it is esti? mated, will be attended by more than 4,000. For the grand "ball to-morrow night at the Commodore full police pro? tection has been arranged, but it is anticipated that it will not prove easy to deal successfully with the largest throng that has ever gathered for a function of this kind. Twenty-two hundred have been sent off on sched? uled bus rides, and at a lecture ex? pected to arttact 200 or so 1,300 re? ported. McKenna Speaks To-day ? The starred event on to-day's pro? gram is the address on reparations and international debts by tho Right Honorable Reginald McKenna, but the bringing to the convention floor of the fight against branch banking is looked forward to with equal interest. Op? ponents of this form of banking yes? terday completed thflr plan of cam? paign and are prepared to force through if possible the resolution al? ready adopted by the state bank division. There were n few state? ment?? issued during the day, con? tributing to the agitation, bvt in the main it was held in check pending to-day's finale. The convention will also elect of? ficers and pass upon the report of the resolutions committee at the general session. The latter, announced yester? day, is composed as fellows: M. A. Traylor, president First Trust nrul Savings Bank, Chicago, chairman; Fred I. Kent, vice-president Bankers tVtiftt '"'ommii'y. New York, vice-chair man; Raymond R. ?"razicr, presiden Washington Mutual Savings Bank, Seattle; II. M. Robinson, president, i First National Bank, Los Angeles; W. ? ^masthaveat leastWQOOO Supportm in NewYorkCity Spec? donated by a citizen of New York. FIFTH AVENUE AND FORTY-SEVENTH STREET NEW YORK CITY A Typical Example of the Furniture Opportunities by The Reduced Prices now Prevailing throughout our entire stock THE ?MARY FITTON" DINING ROOM SET This delightful set, an adaptation in design of the better type of Furniture produced in the second quarter of the XVIII Century, ha9 been most carefully constructed of Caspanea wood, toned, finished and glazed to produce the , charm of its Antique prototype. Hand carving, rare inlays and other details ?result-in a refinement of effect that has to be seen to be appreciated. The set comprises 10 pieces for $1035, consisting of Dining Room Table ? $185 China Cabinet .... $170 Sideboard ??'? ? ? 265 One Arm Chair ? ? .60 t Serving Table ... 105 Five Side Chairs at $50 250 There is an alternate piece, a Commode, $185 .'This is but one example of the varied Dining Room, Bed Room, Living Room and Occasional Furniture included in this sale. In addition all Decorative Pieces, Mirrors, Lamps, Screens, Sheffield Silver, Porcelains, Mantels, Paint? ings, Fabrics?both Antique and Modern?too numerous to describe, have been reduced. There are no exceptions Four large floors, completely devoted to their display, offer a selection unequalled in size and variety. DOMESTIC AND ORIENTAL RUGS At no time, we believe, has so large and complete a stock been assembled in any store. Thousands of rugs, in a wide range of sizes, ail desirable in every respect, are now conveniently arranged for inspection on our first floor. Domestic Oriental Wilton Rugs '$80,110,115,120,123.00 India . . . . $360 Chenille Rugs.$110.00 Chinese . . . 295 Axminster Rugs $41.50, 55.50, 56.25, 59.50 Turkish . . . 200 Velvet Rugs .$42.50 Persian . . . 195 For convenience, the above quotations are given on sizes 9 ft. x 12 ft. All other sizes at equally attractive prices. 700 Small Oriental Rugs, $14, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50 / EACH PIECE HAS OUR UNQUALIFIED ENDORSEMENT Owing to the unusual response to our announcement, the store will be kept open until 5:30 P.M. Opens at 9:00 A. M. P. Andrcwr, vice-president First Nn- i tionnl Bnnk. Fc-rt Worth, Tex.; II. ' Wa?ne? Martlt?, president Lowry Na tional Bank, Atlanta, (?a.; ,1. W. B. Brand, trensurer Institution for Sav? ings, Springfield, Mass.; Rudolph S. Hecht, president Hibernla Bank and Trust Company, New Orleans; E. D. ! Uuxford, president Cherokee State ?Batik, Cherokee, In.: John G. Lons dale, president National Bank of Com ; merce, St. Louis. Also Alexander Dunbar, vice-presi? dent Bnnk tj* Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh; J. A. Hous^T president Guardian Sav Inga & TrufK Company, Cleveland; Uzal H. McCyror, president Fidelity Union Itust JKlnpany, Newark; Clay II. Hoi--, Ifsteo^prGSldent Old National Bank, j (?rjJFl Hupids, Mich.; F. T. Hodgdon, j earlier Farmers & Mechanics Bank, | Hannibal, Mo.; John A, Cnthcnrt, vice president First National Bank, Sidcll, 111.; Oliver C. Fuller, president First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee; H. A. McCauley, president Sapulpa Stntc Bank, Sapulpn, Oklfi,; Waldo Necomer, president National exchange Bank, Baltimore; James R?ngoM, vice-president United States ?National Bank, Denver; Jesse C. McN'ish, pr<"i ident American Bank, Sidney, Neb.; Carter E. Taiman, president Ameri? can Institute of Banking, Richmond, Va.; J). M. Armstrong, vice-president Commercial Trust A Savings Bank, Memphis; F,dgar L. Mattson, vire-presi r!-nt Midland National Bank, Minneap? olis; Charles S. McCain, Bankers' Trust Company, Little Rock, Ark., and Wal? ter Lichtenstein, secretary. ? Ion dO? French Suede Pique Sewn Two Button $2.00 tan, ?my ?n-1 brown. The World'? Great?? L**ther Stcr_. )4 Fifth Avf. N?w York. 253 Brr,_,?. i;?.-ton?14% Trrmi.nt Strret ** London?8? K< ?.?tit Str^l Two Range Transmission Removable Cylinder Wall? G(MC TRUCKS ARE "SEVEN STEPS AHEAD" o the Hauler of ? eavy Tonnage Profitable, reliable and satisfactory transportation of volume tonnage-motor truck is at last possible, GMC Truck Tractors, in combination with trailer equipment, provide the capacity, the speed and the pulling power?at a savin g of as much as 50 per cent. Because they are equipped with the famous GMC Two-Range Transmission, these tractors will haul heavy loads over bad roads and up grades where other trucks cannot go. General Motors Truck Company Division of General Motors Corporation PONTIAC. MICHIGAN CM 3H?mon, $MgOQ# 5-Ton GtAKTrMfi/rTrac ?2450;jfO.Ton, $3 Pump and Thermo-Syphon Cooling New York Branch: 57th St. and 11th Ave. Phone Circle 8270 tit List a? Follow? : 5; 2-Ton, $2375; 950. Ton, ? Ton, $4050MAll prices fo at tljf factory, ta Removable Valve Lifter Assemblies Instantaneous Governor Brooklyn Branch: 620-626 Degraw St Phone South 6969 The the A. mg nvention HAT American banking expects of the Con? vention now in session may be judged by the fact that the attendance is more than 50% higher than was hoped for. From its standpoint of 123 years of service t? American industry, commerce and finance; the Bank of the Manhattan Company is in a position to say this: * The Convention would have been worth while if only as a symposium of authority on the prob? lems of the day?problems financial, industrial, commercial, domestic and international. But we prefer to look at it with an eye to the future. We believe that from this meeting of banking minds will date a new cycle in the business affairs of the civilized world. Bank of the Manhattan Company CHARTERED 1799 Vtee-Prcsi?enU ?ames McNeil I. D. Forster Harry T. Hall -Edwin S. Laffey P. A. Rowley D. H. PlERSON Frank L. Hilton V. W. Smith John Stewart Baker Vice-Prts. and Cashier O. E. Paynter 40 Wall Street, J\(ew York OFF] C ET^S STEPHEN BAKER RAYMOND E. JONES "President First yice-Prtsident LTftown Omcs?JI Union Square, Neiv York Brooklyn Orricis?St. John's Piece, Cyprus WUs, Liberty Avenue Qu?N? Borough Orricis?Jamaica,, Le>:g Island City, Far Roeketvav, Roekaivay Park, Roeka-iiav Beach. Seaside, Csfsne Park.Jaek son Heights, Richmcnd Hill, F.imhurst, Maspeth, Carona, Cellegt. Point, Wotdhaven, Brooklyn Manor, Ridge-xted, Fresi Ptni Capital $5,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $17,277,459.35 Ass*t Cashiers W. F. Moore I. S? Gr?cory H. M. Bucklm W. A. Rush G??>. S. Downing E. S. Macdonald O. G. Alexand? C. W. Capks D. W. Ketcham W. S. Milan Elus Weston W. L. Hovwns