Newspaper Page Text
The Week in Business Imports Show Good Trade Expansion; Most Textile prices Continue Advancing; Retailers Buying More Freely for Fall Trade DESPITE some irregularities and hampering influences, the majority ?? reports from various industries continue to' ?how a tendency for the volume of trade to expand. Building and the automotive in a-^are beginning to feel the usual seasonal slackening. On the other Hs4** textUe *nd alli<Ni trades *re exPanci*ng as the trade demand for aggE^l? goods in anticipation of colder weather begins to register. As ?ftere has hen no large movemnt of seasonable goods from the hands ?fti* retailer to the consumer because of the warm weather that has l[ 0nSkd in most parts of the country. Indications, however, point to a setter ?tail business than was done a year ago, largely because of the a-ttQ amount of unemployment now existing. *__ eontirued advances in the prices Serous textile, ?nd the beginning ?ces in merchan>.? ?$ oil a-T?iiai? are being Closely waiceu u? SShintV The further ?way from the ?w mateml. the greater ??M S the to ?<??"" ??ne? Numerous instances are ?? ?J'??" wter? the advance in raw mat?rul has b?f!? ?b.oTbed n the chein of produe *? and distribution ??*>? thlh?00A9 reach the ultimate e????V Jho. *d. vtrr^hrir?. KiypXt"hi con* PA,Sr?0" '??Potation became mots &?????* *?rina* *h? ?-k.?-n?d ?re the anbje?t? of complaint? made to the Department of Commerce. Delayed esprtu shipments, particularly, have been reaponaib.e for the holding up of retail trade in the West, according to fOiee ?f the complaint?. The holiday on Thursday ?lowed down the whole??!? volume of trade in i tail market to ?orne extent. Retail stare*, however, did not close and a ???M. haaineea ?*? imported. Cottons Steady demand with stiffening price? /?ature! th? cotton good? market last ?wit. Is the gray or unfinished good? market a large volume of business wai ?rans<?t*d, ?am? of It running into de ?wte? for next year. Th? market wan Sim throughout th? we?k and closed itatt H? * yard higher for moat con jtt?etlt?M. la finished goods buyers ware oper niiif non freely than for ?orne tim? fill, although there is ?till consider iMi i*esl?tanc? to price advances. G<-|aV?m? contino? in good demand ??nth many mills ?old far ahead. Per? de?, ?re moving well and denim? are iwosfor, with many mille completely di so for "mi time to come. Broaden {??ffty wss reported in th? converting Sffk?t, with jobbers showing more in tmi ta goods for next spring. S??ki U?ieatiens that the r?e?nt sharp up .imift raw silk pri?es ha? been halted ;(i ? better complexion on the sill. tnkf Friees wer? strong early in the sm, Vat showed a weakening tend? ear l?t?r. Where declines were madfl :s ?jaitatiom? the amount? were ?mall, ?m?r, and no wide open break in ?riitii It in prospect, in the opinion o? m?t l??ders. ?Jcjaund for finished ?ilk? continue! itrng, with more orders being placed faijnnifood?. The crepes continu? t? \m IB popularity, with jacquarc ms? s-sving good Indications o? ttathf fate strong demand for botr ajtianwii immediate use. nwnMtfB end of the trade is show [ ist um ?its than it has for the las' i if* fttn, largely because of the nev !*M?/?iw which favor ribbon trimming? ! ??alimiaeriee. Demand at preaent v ?itvi?! en th? soft, drapy ribbons tit. brocade? and metal effects m ovin? nS Woolen? ill worsted goods trad? has bee a?M.ehed upon a higher price basl Swing th? lead a couple of weeV ?a by the American Woolen Con par. The trade has been leas mac ft advance woolen?, particularly f? ?un?ii's wear, but it is felt that the? ?tjaincea ??vill be made before long. Man'? clothing manufacturers ai at* opening their spring lines ar fitere business in the (roods trade wi ?k-paivl largely upon the manner i ?Vieh the new clothing samples ar prices are received by the retailers. law wool was firm throughout ti af?-, week, both in the local and London markets. In fact, higher prices were paid for top grades at the London sales. Furs Slightly lower prices for most fur skins prevailed last week at the raw fur auction in St. Louis. No immedi ! ato reaction was noticed in the fur gar j ment trade, and it is unlikely, accord | ing to some manufacturers, that fin I ished fur garments will show any 1 change as a result of the lower levels for skin prices, as few of the garment producers have paid the higher price?* to which furs soared in the last few months. Small furpieces are moving better than was indicated earlier in the sea? son. Apparel The fall season in wholesale apparel is about over, except for the reordere that retailers are expected to placa as consumer purchasing reduces theii stock?. In women's coats and suits the fall season has not been particularly good. The demand for dresses contin? ues fairly strong, with prices firm, be? cause of the low supplies of made up stocks in the wholesale markets. Men's spring clothing samples an now being shown by the larger manu? facturers. Prices, in most cases, show but little chango from those prevail ing during the fall season. In manj cases they are slightly lower, figur?e on the individual garment, but the dif? ference in the weight of the goods ac? counts for this. Leather Leather demand was strong anc prices showed upward tendencies Further advances were made in thi hide markets. Sole leather prices were marked up fractionally. OfTa was in better demand and prices wer? maintained for better grades. Beltin?. butts were strong on account of fac tory buying for replacements and re pairs. Buying of ride upper leathe; showed improvement. Tho hide mar ket generally reflected more activity than was the case the previous week Calfskins weighing from nine t? twelve pounds were advanced twic? within the last eight days. The firs advance of 15 cents, followed a si: week period of steady prices. Th? second advance was made last Frida; on account of butchers' demands fo higher prlcee. Tanners of side uppe and calfskins were, inclined to gi cautiously as regards booking busi ness for future delivery. Shoe man?* facturera continue to expand opera tione. Prices of medium and lo\ grade ?hoes maintain advanced prie levels. Jewelry Jewelry demand showed a decide improvement in all lines and througr out all sections of the country. Mann facturera report large sales of foldin combs in gold filled, solid gold an sterling silver mountings. Flexib! bracelets set with onyx and diamonc and platinum wrist watches sold wel Red and pink coral beads and came earrings and brooches show signs of r? turning to popular favor. Bar pin lingerie clasps, bangles and smoker articles received attention from buye: of popular-priced lines of jewelry. Si verware, particularly hollow-ware, sal? showed improvement. Diamond r>ric< continue to soar and stones of fir ejuality are scarce. Jobbers Teporti increased collections last week. How Is Business? Cetto-s?Demand stronger; prices advancing; production increasing. Siliu?Broader demand; prices firmer; raw silk advance checked; production gaining. WooUb??Stronger demand; prices firm with advancing tendency; production of spring goods increasing. F?in>--D?mand for raw furs slack, for finished goods strong; raw fur price? slightly lower. Apparel?Wholesale demand slack as season finishes; spring prices for men's clothing show little change. Jtu_for-~Prices advanced sharply on account of restriction of pro? duction; tire demand fair; mechanical goods sales gain. ?Iew?lry~-Sftlea 35 per cent greater than last year; some machine made lines lower in price; production continues to expand. Leather?Demand active and prices exhibit upward tendency; hides advanced; production gains. i?etali?Iron and steel demand strong with prices unchanged; tin prices higher; lead and zinc show further advances; copper buy j inj less insistent, but prices maintained. ^bess Ethics Codea Up for Action Soon ??8? Considered ?nd Possibly kted Upon at Two Meet tafs Here This Week j^?!?*ia ethics will form the sub gWiiUer for diseussion and possible g* ?t two important meetings this J* The first will be a meeting to? ff?* of a special committee of the Fjm Retail Dry Goods Association ?? ornees of the organisation hero, ftororaittee is headed by A. L. jS?> of Boston, and is charged with ???*?f seme form of action to bring 2r*W. wholesalers and manufac g^J??ether on some platform of Mat _*? Ifc ** expected that some IkL***? ?ill be drawn up to whieh V-fv8 in trade w5n subscribe. hP ?a?? meeting will be a special CJ**??? of the board of directors of ?*r0B*? Wholesale Men's Furnish ! ?? ?soclstion to take some action [???*?'? of ethics to be followed by ' Y^?Jj "?embers in their dealings ??????lied that the National As ..-jgff ? Retail Clothiers at its tWT, h?r? >? September drafted _)i}y Jf !l^ic8 wl"ch w?8 unani S&?Un Re4 Crow Drive -*? * 8W indontri?! <Jivi i _Wtt_r!/m"rie?ri *?? CroM. ? *?___ k ?en Pr0?ninent in the ?i__-_t Z*"* *?"??d under the ^fiv?_f G?orge A. Pest, of the ?Bs?don Corporation, to pro work of the annual Red Cross *%*** the men of the silk ?Mi?*?* Mr. Post, the com *?^?*wed of Frank G. Barry. ?*, Kl *-.Si,k Association of f sTn .D- Dunlop, of John If??, Ine., J?mes A. Gold ??? Goldsmith & Co., Inc.; ????> of H, R. MallinBon ??d Albert Tilt, of th? ?aaufacturing Company. Dippel Retires M. W. Dippel, president of the Na? tional Ribbon Company for the past twenty-one years, has announced his intention to retire from business on January 2, 1923. A M?ller, secretary and treasurer of the company, has pur? chased Mr. Dippel's interest in the firm and will carry on the business. Mr. Dippel has been actively associ? ated with the dry goods trade for forty five years, thirty-three of \vhich have been spent with Passavant & Co., fac? tors for the National Ribbon Company. He served as a vice-president of the Silk Association of America from 1913-1320, and is a member of the board of directors of the United States Test? ing Company, Inc. As chairman of the dinner committee of the association Mr. Dippel has successfully engineered many of the association's functions. Mr. Dippel stated that he had no definite plans for the future but ex? pected to do some traveling. Many Find Places to Their Liking in White' Plains William E. Morrell, Inc., sold in White Plains for C. B. Fish, a house on Laster Hill to E. Carlton Turn bull; for Frederick J. McCullough a new bouse on Orchard Street to Wen? dell Rapp; for Henry I. M?ller a house now under construction in the White Plains Highlands to Daniel B. Robertson; for C. B. Fish a house just completed on Lester Hill, to G. C. Brown, local manager of the ?Stratton Biiss Company; for Elisabeth I. Adam son a dwelling at 118 Washington .Street, to Susan arlie; for George Hill, builder, a lot in the White Plainii j Highlands, to Arthur J. Morrison, who has already started the construction of a dwelling; for Elliott H. Sniffln two Jots on Mamaroneck Avenue. Mr. Morrell leased for Fred E. Tompkins a dwelling on Tarrytown and Knoll wood roads to Benjamin Haymes, and for Mr?. Orla L. Wood a residence on Fisher Av<?nu?. * Buyers Arrived rV?fchUd Servie? w\UB4NT' N' T~w- M- Whitney * Co tL^vR"crr,.ifr^vhoUdtty u<!m?*8,a i Ed?tBK Tk??,? ?"?>???"" Taylor * Co.; i .Pf* "? ??"?f. rad??. mgr., men's tur. l?lahln??. underwear; Martinique Shaul; ?. Holahalm-ar, ?try Rood? hn?.,. i^wS. ? ri caro j "* w>n ALTOONA. Pa.~Kllne Broa.; ,T. H. Mo ???r, inda?. mgr.; c. M BUve? m.?'. l?\ t. ?*$?&5? \?m *5wSpfc ? "?"???? AUOONA, Pa. ? II. Slut?ker, men? furnishings, notion?, hosiery; Pennayl ,. AC?tlSTA, Ga.~- J. D. Whllo Co.; A. M Metlure, men's clothing: 23 E. 2t5tit at _, BALTIMORE Empire Cloak Co.; B. Mas-or, woolen anal cotton p?ceo good?, flannels, dornest leu .1 ?' I-**'?'1', velvet?, dresse?, coals, suits 15 E. 2R?h ut. The Hub; Min? Ros? Stein, ready t< ],_<?*.r'.1.n,'*l,_!'"' w*??r: c?f9 Baer & Lilien thai, 1K.0 B'way. Ooldenberg Broa.; J. C. Wolf, coat? ano suits; McAlpin. Armstrong. Cator te Co.; Ira Cator, rep. ; Imperial. ! ?'ahn. Coblana Co.; M. B. Block. Jewelry: ] Imperial. Livor Broa.; H. Livor, dresses; Grand. 8. !.. Ilayman; fl. L. Hayman, men'? clothing; Herald Square. BOSTON Gllchrtat Co ; ba?emant?Mis? I. Markus, children'?, girls and Jur.tor?' coata, sere?? dresses, kiltie skirts, Junior ?sUlrta; 20f 5th ?v, Wllilam Filene's Son? Co.; basement. Mr. Kingsdale, men's clothing; Mr. Qulnn, boy?' ?clothing: Mr. Ooldberg, men's furnishing?; Mr. Tobey, ?hone: Mr. Reardon. gloves; Ml?? William?, women'a glove. ?Ilk under? wear and hosiery; Miss Calichan, allk and mualin underwear; bargain annex, Mr. Oalnsberg, men'? clothing; Mr. McOlnty, ; men's furnishings; 22$ Btn av. BRISTOL, Tenn.?AVood. Nickels Co.; W. I M. Crowell. dry good?; 1182 Broadway. ' BROCKTON. MinsB.?Jame? Bdgar Co.; Mis? M. R. Dexter, waists, housodrosse.? ; McAlpin. H. B. Murray, hosiery, under? wear, lacen, Jewelry and toys; Prince Oeorge. BUFFALO. N. T.? M. J. Leo, Inc.; Mrs. M. Stofft. waist?, furs, ?Ilk?, satin?, velvets, underwear, lingerie; Pennsylvania. BUFFALO?A. R. Tlftlckjlan; A. fi. Tlf tlckjlan, art goods, pictures, atatuea, etc.; Latham. CAMBRIDGE!, N. T? ?Elijah C. Oatmsn; Elijah C. Oatman, furnlfure; Martinique. CANTON. Ohio?Harvard Clothing Co., M. M. Stacha, boya' clothing; Pennayfvanla. CANTON, Ohio?Klein * Heffelman Co , Misa Margaret Kuhn, aweater?, dressaa, wai?t?; W. B. Allison, coata and eutta; Morgan * Ahren?. 1170 Broadway. CANTON, Ohio?Ba?r Company; B. I. Beer, notions, drug?, Infants' wear; Penn? sylvania. CHARLOTTE, N. C?-J. B. Ivey ?a Co.; Oeorge M. Ivey representing; Pennsyl? vania. CHICAGO Warner, Patterson Co. ; B. Frultman, rep.; Brealtn, Max Feuer; M. Feuer, mfg. furrier; Latham. L. Adler & Son; Leo Adler, ailka, ?at? ina, velvet?; Pennsylvania. John V. Farwell Co.; F. O. Streich, allk?; 43 White at. L. Klein; Mr. Mlchel?on, dreaa good? and atlka; IHM Broadway. CLEVELAND Benjamin Broa.; M. G. Benjamin, rap.; Latham. Bailey Co.; Millie Cohen, little tot?' coata. 2 to ?5. for special sales; B. .T. Oor ney, fur coata; care Affiliated Retail Store?, 1372 B'wisy. Click Neckwear Co.; Emil Gllck, men's knit underwear; 621 B'way. DAYTON, Ohio?Louis Traxler Company; R. A. Staley, upholstery, draperies, floor coverings; care of Alfred Fahtl, 118 W. 32d ?t. DENVER, Col.?Jo?lin Dry Good? Co.; B. II. Collins, mdse. mgr., muslin under? wear. Infants' wear, gen. mdae., men'? handkerchief?, neckwear; care of William T. Knott. 23 B. 26th st. DETROIT Ernat-Kern Co. ; C. A. Perry, women's ready to wear; 276 5th av. Crowley Mtlner Co.; C. W. Greenberg, women's knit underwear; Alfred Fanti, 116 W. 8 2d st. CHICAGO Llpman & Hultquls; Mr. Hultqula, Bry tonia coata and capea, sIbo miases' and Juniors' high grade cloth coats, chiffon, velvet and twill back dresaes; Ben F. Levin,. 87 W. 26th at. DUBUQUE, Iowa?Roahek Bros. Co.; F. H. Roshek, corduroy robe?, bungalow apron? and housedrensos; 48 K. 2&th ut. EL PA80, Tex.?Albert Mathlas & Co.; A. Vohs, notion?, laces, embroideries ; Pennsylvania. EVANSVILLE, Ind.?Wemy?s Furnltur? Co, ; E. D. Wemy?? president, houne fur? nishing?; A. F. Karges, house furnishings; Pennaylvania. FALL RIVER, Mas?.-?Gob? Bros.; John Goes; George E. Gosb; Milton Goes, mfrs. cotton rope; Bristol. FORT WAYNE. Ind.?Wm. Hahn Co.; Mr. B??sa, Jobs ladles' and children's coats; care Munzer-Mtann Co., 870 7th av. FORT WAYNE. Ind.?John Stlllman; N. Solomon, millinery; Ben F. Levls, 87 W. 26th st. FORT WAYNE. Ind.?Rurnde II. O. Co.; J. R. Grotto, gifts, toys and leaiher good?; 1164 B'way. GASTONIA. N. C?Torrence-Morrla Co.; Frost Torrence, .jewelry; Martinique. GEISMAR. Da.? Ricard A. Geismar. Ltd.; L. Geismar; M. L. Geismar, B?3?oral merchandise; Breallo. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. ? Siegel Com? pany; Ml?? C. R. Weidt, ready to wear, dresses: 220 5th av. HARRISBURG. Pa.?Bowman A Co.; L. Mouer, dresses, coata and aulla.- B. Kline, peter, representing; Jay & Co., 32 W. 35th st. HARRISBURG, Pa?Dives. Pomert?y * Stewart: Harry J. Boyer. linens, white good?; 240 Madison ave. HARRISBURG, Pa.?Joseph Rachman; Joseph Rachman, women's apparel; Penn? sylvania. HARRISBURG, Pa.?I. Robinson & Co.; I. Robinson, ready to wear; men's cloth? ing; Pennsylvania. HARRISBURG. Pa?Renard'?: T. Birn bach, dreases, coats, suits; Pennsylvania. HOLYOKE, Pa.?Kantrowlt- BroB. ; A. Kantrowltz, women's ready to wear; Br?s? il n. INDIANAPOLIS?Pettls D. G. Co. ; W. I. Cohen, men's and boys' clothing; J. W. Sothern, dress goods, silks, prints; 240 Madison av. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.?Wolf & Reynolds. Inc.; George F?g jr., men's clothing and furnishings; 31 Union Square. KANSAS CITY, Mo.? Kline Cloak and Suit Co.: I. Levlne. fura, fur coat?; 404 4th av. KNOXVILLB. Tenn.?Daniel Br?seos Co.; P. F. Dosser, notions; 72 Leonard st. LANCASTER. Pa.?Donovan C?>. ; Charles F. Wolf, drapery, upholstery, floor coverings; H. B. Kern, wall paper; 330 W. 3Id st. LEWTSTOX, Pa.?McMeen Department Store; Miss Lillian Elsenbise; Miss Anna Peck, general merchandise; Breslin. LITTLE! ROCK, Ark.?-Pfeifer Bros.; A. Mossek, basement general merchandise; ! care Klrby, Block * Fisher, SD2 4th av. LOCKPORT. N. V.?D. R. Sillesky Co.; D. R. eillesky, woolen and cotton piece goods, flannels, domestics: Pennsylvania. LORA IN, Ohio?A. Goldstein Sons; Sam Goldstein, coats and suits; Littman & Storch. 120 AV. S 2d si. LOS ANGELES. Calif.? Bullock's; C. A. Wood, patterns; 225 5th av. LOS ANGELES?Broadway Department Store; Mr. Hauptman, house furnishings; 77 Madison av. LOS ANGELES?Ville de Paris; Mrs. L. C. Mason, sports wear, skirts and ging? hams: care Mc.Greevy. Werrlna & Howell, 220 5th av. ? _, ? LOS ANGELES?Faris Walker; V. II. ?Adams, rugs and floor coverings; A. Carl ? son, 'njen's and boys' furnishings; ?3. fl. Oas key. millinery and waists; H. F. Conrad, cloaks, suits, skirts, dresses and furs: A. J. Lyons, infants' and children's wear, sweat? ers, bathing suits, bathrobes, kimonos, aprons, housedresses; M. H. Singer, laces, trimmings, embroideries, ladlea' neckwear, veilings, chiffon, georgette, jewelry and handkerchiefs; J. C. Nichols, sheets, pil? low oases blankets, linens, wash goods, men's furnishings, ladles' hosiery;, care Well! ft Hartmann, li? W. 30th st. LOUISVILLE. Ky.--A. C. Hand; A. C. Hand, mllilnery; Waldorf-Astoria. LOUISVILLE, Ky.---Herman Straus & Rons* Co.; Misa L. M. Brubiiker. corsets. brassieres, infanta' wear, muslin J?ider wear; McGreovy, Werring ft Howell, 220 I 5th av. LYNCHBURG, Va.?C. M. Ouggenhelmer ?Co.; J. E. Drlsooll, drapery, upholstery, I floor coverings; Martinique. MILWAUKEE?Bltker Cloak and Sutt ?Co.; A. J. Bitkor, coats; care L. Jr. Blu niRiithal, 1170 B'way. I MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.?Dayton Co.; Mr. j Blair, gloves, toilet goods, leather goods, j stationary, jewelry, notions, art needlework, ribbon? and neckwear; 225 Bth av. MINNEAPOLIS ?- Young - Qulnlan Co.; Miss Nell Claire, misses' ready to wear; care Fred Atkins. 220 6th av. , ? _.. MINNEAPOLIS?Wells-Lamount Co.; W. O. Well?, hosiery, mittens; Imperial. MORRIS, III.?Woelfel Leather Co.; Carl Woelfel, leather goods; Grand. _ NEWBBBRY, 8. C.?Summer Bros.; George W. 3ummer, general merchandise; Martinique. ? NEW ORLEANS, La.?-Scherr Mfg. Co.; C. N. Epstein, woolen and cotton piece goods, flannels, domestics; Pennsylvania. NEW ORLEANS. La.?Charles A. Kauf man Co., Ltd.; Claude M. Kaufman, ready to wear; care of Alfred Fantl, 116 \\. S2d et. OAKLAND. Calif.?Kahn Bros.; Miss A. Malea, muslin underwear; 404 4th av. PAWTUCKET, R. I,?Shartenberg & Robinson Co.; H. F. Ensign, hosiery, knit underwear, men's furnishings: care D. G. Alliance, 404 4th av. PHILADELPHIA Gimbe! Bros.; Ernst Bohn, leather goods, luggage and trunks; David S. Scott, men's furnishings; Victor Zauner, candy, soda, etc. ; M. Garretson, trimmed *nd untrimmea millinery; B'way and S2d st. Eureka Clo<ik & Suit Co.; Jack Kahn. coat? and ?uiti: Imperial. tCeetisut- eft scat seat) Real Estate News Board of Appeals Has Long Docket To Clear This Week Score of Application? Re c e i v e <1 Requesting Change? or Variations of Zone Regulations The Board of Appeals will hear pub? licly the following application, for re? vision of zone regulations to-morrow morning, at 10 a. m.. in room 919, Mu? nicipal Building. Application of Louis A. Shcinart, architect, on behalf of Minnie Low and the estate of Charles Kaeeland, own? ers, to permit in a business district the erection and maintenance, of a garage for more than five months for vehicle?, premises 2169-2175 Amster? dam Avenue, northeast corner of West 167th Street, Manhattan. Application of P. Till ion & Sons, architects, on behalf of Nellie Hovell, owner, to permit partly in a business district and partly in a nunrestricted district the extension in nrea to un ex? isting garage; premises 802-804 Ja? maica Avenue, Brooklyn. Application of George Bushman, ap? plicant and owner, to permit in a resi? dence district the maintenance of a 4-car gurage; premises 960 East Fif? teenth Street, Brooklyn. Application of Frederick Gerber, on behalf of Anton Hoffman, owner, to permit within the same block between two intersecting streets, in which there are entrances to schools, the erection of a garage for more than five cars; premises 3111/.-315 East Ninety first Street, Manhattan. Application of Julia M. E. Rothery, applicant and owner, to permit in a resident district the maintenance of a garage for four motor vehicles; remises 916 East Fourteenth Street, rooklyn. Application of Edward M. Adelsohn, architect, on behalf of Saidie E. Miller, owner, to permit in a business district the erection of a basement and one story garage for more than live motor vehicles; premises 686 to 599 East. New lork Avenue, Brooklyn. Application of Schwartz & Gross, architects, on behalf of Twelve East Eighty-sixth Street. Corporation, owner, to permit partly in a-business district and partly in a 3-esidenco district a buiiding to bo used in part for busi-, r.ess purposes and also to permit in a! one and one-half times height district the erection of a building to exceed the height limitations of the zoning reso? lution; premises 1150 to 1168 Madison Avenue, 22 to 42 East Eighty-sixth Street and 21 to 41 East Eighty-fifth Street, Manhattan. Application of William F. Doyle, ap? plicant, on behalf of M. Margolin, own? er, to permit in a business district tho I erection of a garage for more than I five motor vehicles; premises north? east corner Hancock Street and Cypress Avenue, Queens. Reports From M?lveme Show Active Season Many Buy PIols and Home; Re? cently Voletl to Remain In? corporated Village The Amsterdam Development and Sales Company reports an unusually active season at M?lveme, L. I. Re? cently tho residents voted on the ques? tion of remaining an incorporated vil? lage, the result being in the affirma? tive. Sales of plots and houses have been recently made to the fololwing: Lucien J. Bisbee, C. K, Vliet, Jerom?* Sullivan, Salvadore Cartaino, Arthur Prill, Emily Rolland, John Wallmuller, Thomas F. E. Fagan, Albort Kolland, Charles E. and J. C. Roper, Percy Whatmore, Louis J. Larson*, Edward E. Wilkins, Bodensick & Johnson, William G. Walker, William J. Walker, Clarence E. Wells, Elizabeth Cowles, Emma J. Krueger, William Strother Jones, Ma? tilda Braun, William Burnham, C. L. Mitchell, S. and F. Cartaino, David H. Trevor, Marie H. McCabe, Barbnrra E. Beckel, Gertrude M. Hansen, Arthur F. De Rick, John F. Mayer, Philip Schloe der, Sidney A. Glaser. George Fox, Margaret Clancy, Henry Mileii, Wil? liam F. Bliss, Semeur St. Angelo, M. Ed|h Hastings, Mildred C. Preston, Frederick E. Bauer, Mrs. Louis Krie? ger, George E. McCullough, Jessie R. Mitchell and William Burnham. Buy Suites From Plans In Proposer! New Flats The Joint Ownership Construction Company, Inc-, Frederic Culver presi? dent, sold apartments in the new build? ings which they are about to erect on the east side of Lexington Avenue be? tween Sixty-ninth and Seventieth streets under the Culver Plan of 100 per cent Joint Ownership to Granville Whittle sey, of Redding, Conn.; Charles W. Whittlesey, of 51 East Fifty-eighth Street, and Mrs. George Frederic Munn, of 114 East Seventy-first Street. Pittsburgh Man Purchases Five Aeres in Glen (love Ladd & Nichols, Inc., sold for H. M. Adams approximately five acres of un? improved acreage in the north .country colony at Glen Cove, L. I. The pur? chaser is George P. Black, of Pitts? burgh. The property was held at $10, 000 an acre. Dcmant? for Homes Biiill ort Brooklyn Driving Club Track The demand for homes being erected by the Ocean Gardens Development Company on the sit?? of the former Brooklyn Driving- Club at Ocean Park? way and Kincs Highway, Brooklyn, has resulted in the company adding fifty more houses to the original 100 con? structed. The concern eventually in? tends to improve the tract with 400 dwellings. a Invest in Brooklyn Realty The Meister Builders, inc.. purchased the store apartment, 18x100, at 588 ?Sixth Avenue, from Luigi Aristotle through Philip Ptsuni. Bulkley <& Horton Company sold 105 Macon Street, n throe-story dwelling, 20x100, for Robert Young. Henry L. Nielsen sold the thrae story dwelling 69 Jefferson Avenue for Frank Green. A. Mishkin sold for Mrs. M. McDon eugh, a plot, 40x100, on the west side of East Twenty-fourth Street. 340 feet south of Avenue I, and for M. Ridgeway to ?J. Siortino a one-family house with garage, at 1115 East Twenty-second Street. , Business Building for Or.ange Feist & Feist sold to Charles Bas bash, 176-80 Main Street, Orange, N. J., for William D. Bilse. The property has a frontage of 65 feet and a depth of about 100 feet. The new owner will immediately improved the site with a two-story commercial building, the first floor to contain five stores and the sec? ond floor for offices. Sale of Monlclai?- Home F. M. Crawley & Bros, sold for E. M. Rine his property on the south side of Porter Place, east of Clinton Avenue, to Arthur K. Brown. The residence contains eleven rooms.and thrce baths OB plot 100x200 and held at $28,000. ; Buyer Pians Homes for "New Rochelle Tract Eight Acres Purchased To Be Improved With Dwellings on large Plots The Acre Plot Company, Inc., report recent sales aggregating $180,000, for Charles W. See. The company sold his property in Lyncroft, , consisting: of eight aeree, between Paino Avenu? and Lyncroft Road, New Rochell?. The buyer intends to develop the property, putting in an intersecting street, known as Longue Vue Avenue, between Pain? and Lyncroft Rond. The property is to be laid out in 100 and 200-foot plots and the buyer is to build several resi? dences. The acreage was held at $05,000. The same company sold for Thomas W. Gotti his property in Beechmont, consisting of a stucco house on a half acre plot, to a New York business man, held at $22,500 for the Larchmont Builders, Inc.; property on Beech Ave? nue, Larchmont, consisting of a Colo? nial farmhouse on one-half acre plot, held at $80,000; for Thomas F. Murray, the corner of Petersville Road and Dearborn Street, to a New York buyer. The property consisted of a Colonial house on plot 100x100, held at $22,000. The Acre Plot Company also sold the property of M. E. Daily at Lyncroft Road and Paine Avenue, to an out of town buyer, who intends to build a house; two acres on Lynde Terrace in Lyncroft, to the Larchmont Builders, Inc., who intend to erect two homes, and for the Parkside Larchmont Corpo? ration a plot, facing on Hillcrest and Center avenues, Larchmont. The owner intends to erect an English stucco home. -.?_* Country Home Is Now Complete With Planting Attractiveness of Tritrane House Heightened by Well Planned Landscaping . To readers of The Tribune Small House Page who have watched the progress of construction of House No. G at Larchmont Garden, as photo? graphically illustrated each Sunday, it is a revelation the transformation brought by the careful planting of trees and shrubs about the small Co? lonial home as pictured yesterday. The Amawalk Nursery supppli?d all , of the planting, as well as planned the I walks, grading and arrangement of i trees, shrubs and plants. Cloaked ! about with bows and leaves, the pic turo is completed. Without the plant? ing, the delightful architectural lines of the house and its artistically fur? nished interior Tribune House No. 8 would not bo the beautiful little gem it is. A plan of the landscaping and com? pleto list of trees, shrubs and plants, with cost of transportation and plant? ing, will be given on the Small House Page next Sunday in a special article written by Miss Evelyn W. Smith, president of the Amawalk Nursery. . ? ? a Mt. Kisco Business Realty Sales Two business properties in Mount Kisco have been sold by Joseph E. Merriam. He has sold for Maurice Rattett store buildings now occupied bv an Andrew Davy chain store to George L. McCauley, and for Samuel Olin the Armory Hall building., ESTATE?SAT,_3 OB RENT Manhattan BROADWAY, NEJAR 181ST Apartment and stores, I..OW renta?all short-term lea*?-. Rent $50.000. field subject to five-year first mortgage. No amortisation. Balance ensy term?. SLAWaON * HOBBS, 162 Weat 72d St. West?-he? ter NRW ROCHELLE?Sacrifice; owner Just moved West offers hi? home at great sacrifice; $14.500; 9 rooms, stucco, 2 baths, hardwood floors and trim throughout; hot water heat; garage; flne location. North Ave. section; about 7 years old. Sea this to-day. OLCOTT * EGGER fll Kant 42d St.. N. Y. Toi. Mur'y Hill ?32? 7-ROOM Colonial house, all Improvements; corner plot, 100x100 ; garage : 10 minute? to train and trolley; 16 minutes to Rye Beach; price $12,000. A, L. PHILLIPS A SOX. owners and builders, !d and Henry ata., Harrison. N. Y. Rew Jersey BOXEST SACRIFICE by builder; must sell et once to reduce expenses; 11-room house, ?I baths and garage; plot 100x190 feet; modern Colonial, beautifully finished and fully decorated at the price:, no extraa to buy; $1,000 cash and $9.000 first mort? gage buys it; best purely residential sec? tion west of Montclalr; fin* commuting sei-vice; big bargain. Constructor, P. O. Box 748, City Hall Station, New York City. NEW Colonial dwelling and garage at Plainfleld, N. J.. forty minutes from New York. On (-entra) Railroad. Dandy loca? tion. Handy to station and trolley; 8 rooms. All Improvements; 2 baths. Hot-water heat; large lot. Price $12,600. Terms. Artcraft Homes ?.^0., 141 No. Ave., Plainfleld, N. J. Tel. C07. FOR RENT?Soven-rpom dwelling, in. prQVemets; acre plot; close school, trol? ley and Erie; $70, including fuel; ready now. William TynUall, Waldwlck, Bergen County. N. .1. FREE list of houses for aale and rent. Write VAN WINKLE CO., llutherford.N.J. REAL ESTATE Merchants & Manufacturera Exchange of N. Y. 480 Lexington av. Tel. Vanderbllt 7300. RHODE ISLAND REAL ESTATE STORE TO LET Providence, R. I. 100% Location In the heart 'of the Shopping District I'nfil recently occupied by U'oolworth 5 ?t lOu Store. Apply to I. WIT, Care Traveler Shoe Co. 287 Atlantic Ave., Boaton, Maas. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES FOR RENT Best lighted loft on lower Broadway. Thirteen windows on Cortlandt ?St. and three on Broadway front. Two thousand feet floor space. Elevator service and heat. Rent $3,500. Apply on premises, 6 Cortlandt St., or through your broker. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE t-?-f-rvi-?- Tou buy dont fail *** Me ???"' KrrlfKl- *ew mod?i, moderate priced __!_- wrt-i 2-famlly dwelling?. Finest I? Brooklyn ; pamphlet upon request. John F. Churlo Corpn., 132 Hlghlawn Avenue. Sea Reai h aubway to Kings Highway station? Avenue R end. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Business L| F ? C5 Country Properties I , .?c *?*-- Properti?? CUSHMAN & WAKEFiEt-D, INC.. .9 Eaat 42(1 St. Tal. Murray Kill 7SJ?. JERK JOHNSON Jr., hot, Real KatsU Auctioneer* ,108 Montara* M? J-roo-Jys, TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INSTRUCTION aCrri.T?rT"-ii;r-rr--r--?irTi'?M~?r~*_?? BERKELEY-IRVING SCHOOL FOR ?OYf? "fran rrimary te Celles?." 43d "/?ar Tel. St-boyler 483?. Small classes. Tltorougii instruction by experienced teachers. Hoys prepared for all college?, technical ?'-hools. or for business. Swimming pool; gymnasium building: roof payground?nil on prem? ises. Afternoon Outing Classes L. D. Ray, Ph.D.,Hdm., 313 W. 83drN.Y. TRINITY SCHOOL Mt WEST 918T STREET. NEW YOR?. FOL'XDK? ne?. Primary, Grammar and High K.-hao'a. Pr?par?e for all Collas??. ?nth _>ar Betrau Mondny. Sept. 2,5th. nniTT fCHOOU 12 WEHT ?Ml. STRI8T. rmtk 1 6 attrtiarlul training, indtHafg?! Is I nffll I ?tru?t|?n. Rieiator saw. Studtat) ?latter ?*_,??? oat ?ilmlit.d. STORAGE NOTICE Warehouseman's Sale of Goods for Unpaid Charges. In accordance with the provision of law. there being (]Ue and unpaid chargea for which the undersigned, CHELSEA FIRE? PROOF STORAGE! WAREHOl.'HES. Inc.. Is entitled to a lien a? warehouseman on the ?rood? hcrelnafti-r described, due notice hav? ing been given to all partie? known lo claim an Interest therein, and the time specified In such notice for payment of such chai-ges hav? ing expired, there will bo ?old at public auc? tion at ,26-4.14 West 2? t h ?Street, Now York City, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER STH, 1922, at 10 :3o A.M., and if the salo thereof la not completed on sal.l date the eamo will be continued at the same place on each and every Wednesday thereafter, beginning at 10:30 A. M. and continuing until ?II the goods are sold, the following property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS <'ONf4I STING of bureaus, dressers, chiffonier;;, desk??, 'wood. Iron and brass bed?, springs and mattresses, linenB, pillows, portieres, books, ??-riding, dining room furniture, rockers, chaira, car? pets, rugs, oilcloth and linoleums, sto\.?s, ice boxes, picture?, mirror?, sewing machines, library and parlor furniture, boxe?, and con? tents, b?rrela and content's, toys, china, glassware, bric-a-brac, upright and grand pianos, trunks ?jnd contents, clocks and vases, personal ?fleets, clothing and miscel? laneous, hampers and contents, crates and contents, paintings, dress suit case-, daven? ports, victroias and talking machiner, vacuum cleaners, cribs, packages, musical instru? ments, curio cabinetB, held for the account of: Mr. C. A. Phelps,. I. W. Clarke, I. 8. Wolfing, Mrs. Nathan Matthews, Annie Mar? ron. Mrs. J. Hertrals, Mrs. Dennis, Olroblett, Xora Hoyt, Mrs. E. J. Deuth, B. B. Long, Mrs. O. Irving, Mrs. R. Smith, MIbh M. H. I.angtree. Mrs. R. O. Williams. Mr. R. t?. Williams, Mrs. F. A. Cralg, R. O. Smith, Mrs. K. Wyndham, Col. E. W. Burr. Martha C. Phillips. Mrs. Elsie Harrieon. Miss R. G. Taylor, Mrs. Kessle Marvin. Mrs. .1. C. Don? aldson, M. Apel, Mrs. McKevltt. Mrs. Olive M. ('lark, Morris and Samuel Meyers, Mme. ? Townsend Tagliapietra, Mrs. Alriricn, Mrs. | Mary Arnold, Gertrude Rubin Balterham, , Thomas J. Donohue, ?illhert Smith, Mrs. M. ? Carey, Miss Louise Walion, F. E. Preston, ?Gerald ft. Weir. Helen M, Johnson, I. V. j Meyers, Michel Serensen, John Moonev, P. S. ' Wooward, Alice M. Hawthorne, H. B. Oster 1 haupt, Mrs. (1. If. Harrison, Josephine Ford, Elsie Balestier. Mrs. J. J. Tindale Jr., Mr. J. J. Tindale Jr.. Mrs. Harry E. Clemmons, Mr. H. W. Dearborn, Mrs. Saille Sheridan, Misa 7.ita Lyons Klrby, Mr. J. J. Lampev, Mr. R. H. Davis, P. J, Conlon, Mrs. A. E. Hurley. Dr. John Joyce, Mr Ettore Ferrata, Mr Alfred Adamson, L. W. Hlbben, Ludwig Bauman ft Co., E. J. McCormlck, Mr. I?. V. Butterfield, Mr. Oeorge W. Hawkins, Miss Ruth Malcolm, Mr. William Q. May. Mrs. Gladys Clark, R. W. Koerner. Spear & Co.. Mra. L. Lacker. Fred Kern, Archibald Low. F. J. McPherson. B. I. Harrlman, Mrs. F. Ortega, Liberty Phonograph <.'o., Beatrice Buck, Mrs. G. Jshrens, Mrs. ?, O'Neill, J. K. Burgess, A. B. Royce, Gordon Hoxle, Eliza? beth Walthsll. John T. Overbury. Mrs. Vera Sherer, Mrs. E. McGucken, Mrs. Edward M?ller, H. O'Donnel), Woodboan Bed Com? pany, ?s their interest may appear. Trunks and contents, dress suit cases and contents, racks, leather hat boxes and con? tents, boxes and contents, bundles of pictures, bundles, bookcases, barrels and contents, cases ami contents, valises and contents, chests and contents, sewing ma ? chines, sample cases and contents, baskets and contents, held for the account of : j Henry Berne, Mrs. O. M. McGee. Miss W. McBrlde, H. L. McKlhbon. William H. I Llewllyn, Pell, Mlddlcbrook & Co., Oscar Hoffman. Fred De Fa-u & Coi, David Wein? stein, Katherine Groesbeck, Mrs. V. L. Wing, Mr. N. A. Sehoiieweg, Gayson,. Rising & Barbour, Julius Baer, Mrs. L. L. Stirrett, Mr. Andrew Bodor. Mr. Wheaton. Mr. Car ley S. Marugg. Biglln's Express. Martin Curley. May Beaton, H. N. Nellie, Mrs. C. L. - Frank. Bernard Hertzberg. John Tracy, Mrs. E. Frost, Mrs. ,T. G. Oermak. R. Beck with, Kennedy Freight Forwarding ?'ompany, Trans-Continental Freight Company, Nell F. Tracy, Splnrler. Columbia Electric illumi? nating Co.. Fol liner, Clogg * Co.. Paul Haus, John Miller. J. F. Alexander. M. Barlah at Bro.. Mrs. Fit ?henry, H. F. Riede!, Wm. Kol iatsch. Mr. Herman Drucker, T. W. ?.'ole, Mrs. O. Duncan, Slovla Shipping Co., William H. Hoyle. Nell H. Lee, Mr. M. Burton. Bern? stein A Geist. Isaac Lowcnhaupt. ?. W. Brown, M. Michel. Mrs. J. E. Stanford, T. B. Brown. John Collins, Leo Hecht, R. L. He.r nier, H. Lamson, J. B. Alexander, Robert H. Wilder, James Garvin, C. N. Hammond. J. M. alddlng & Co., Mrs. W. R. Jones. MT?s LU? LobHo, Mr. G. Richards. Mr. Otto Sta dius, Mr. A. V. Alvarado. Boris A. Slobo dlnsky, as their interest may appear: Boxes and contents, books, papers, aafes, roll and flat top desks and typewriter desks, partitions, offl<-a? chairs, stands, letter files, racks, tables. wall (?b?? nete, electric fans. filing and office cabinets, caseH and contents, typewriters and other miscellaneous office furniture held for the account of: Ernest W. Hlsted. T. V. Brown. Guernsey Price, C. I,. Ocon, Horst II. Hempel, William Menzel at Son. W. J. Fitz simmons. Mrs. L. L. Slrrett, Wm. H. War? ner, Mrs. C. I?. Goggins. Mrs. W. ft. Stock bridge. Dr. Max Winter, New International League, Gustav Amberg, Mexican Securities and Construction Company, D. 8. Plummer, Breek Products Importing Co., .1. B. Cohen, C. A. Alexopoulos, M. Elder, Business Mens' Protective Association. Charles Salzman, H. Sonnebon, John T. Overbury, as their in? terest may appear. Oil paintings held for the account o?: James Dunn, Executor ; Paul T. Cammerer, as their interest may appear. Ice boxes, restaurant furniture, held lor the acount of: ? ?, ,- ? ',, T. Nagogowa. Gus Pappos, tDanlel J. Mac? intosh, Mr. Dorian D. Millo, as their in? terest may appear. ?.',?_'' ??. Barrels, boxes, machina parts held for the account of: ? ?./??'? ' ?_?? Copper Process Company, as their interest mav appear. All being now stored with the said com? pany in Its warehouses, and all to be more specifically described and announced at the time of said sale. . The goods may be seen at the place oi sale of Tuesdays precedlne sale. CHELSEA FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSES, inc. 426-43? West 26th Street and 112-120 West 107th Street, New York City. ' L. SCHRAMM, President. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE_ supreme: court, new york county ?ENR1CHETTA GARAVBLLI. Plaintiff, vs. PRANK GARAVBLLI, Defendant. Pro? ceeding for dissolution of marriage. TO FRANK GARAVEEL1. defendant*. You are hereby notified that a duly verified petition has been presented to this court by your wife, Enrluhetta GaravelH. stating that you have absented yourself for more than five years now last past without being known to your wife t? be living that time, and that your wife believes you to !><* dead, and that a diligent search has been made to discover evidence showing that you ara living, and that no such evidence has been found, and asking for a dissolution of the marriago be? tween your wife and yourself, and that a hearing upon said petition will b? held at 10:00 A. M. on December 4th, 1022. at Spe? cial Term, Part III, of this court. In caso of your failure to appear or answer, an order will be made for the relief demanded In the petition, Dated N.. Y.. September 29th. 1932. H1RSON, BERTINI ir PEATTIE. Attorney, for Petitioner, 233 Broad? way, Manhattan Borough. New Tor* City. To FRANK GARAVELM. Defendant: The foregoing notice is served upon yni by publication, pursuant to an order of Hutti Isidor Wasservogel. a Justice of the Suprem? Court of the State of New York, dated ths 28th day of September. 1*22. and filed wit-i the petition la the ofilc* of tb_ Clerk of N.w York County. Oaten N. Y., Be(y??nib>?r 2nth. 3i)'?2. HIRSON. BERT1NI & PEATTIE. Attorneys for Petitioner, 233 Broad? way, Manhattan Borou&h. New York City. BUBUIESS CARDS Diamond-, Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS bought end soid for cash. Advice free. Bennett, 172 B'way. 2d floor. Stoves and Gas Ranges PORCELAIN, enamelled and black combina? tion coal and gas ranges, steam and hot water heaters, laundry stoves; also repairs of all makes. STOVE REPAIR CORPORA? TION. 228-2,10 Wafsr ?t., cor. Beekman. N.Y. Branch. 181 Mullerry st.. Newark. N. J. FOR SALE A WOUNDED, ex-service aoidler, serving ft life sentence for a ?-^rlme he did not com? mit, 1? without fand? and Is making ?olid beaded hand bags in an endeavor to ob? tain fand? for pardon. Work first ola??. Bat isf action or money bach; $3 s euch; made t? order on $10 deposit. Address E. Hi, Tribu??. LOST, FOUND AND REWARD Lost Bankbooks LOST-Bankbook No. 1?9.923. Union Square Savings Bank. 20 Union Square. New York. Payment stopped. Finder pleas? return to bank. j LOST?-Bankbook No. $6?,254, Harlem Sav? ings Bank. 189 Bust i?&tfo ?t. Payrr.ent stopped. Kinder please return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Went Side 12TH ST. (.2 7th Av.)-Fine, large mom and single; hot wster: burin?es people; reference, 91ST ST., Broad??*, -~One. two room?, day. week or month, ?465 Broadway. BOARDERS WANTED 1 EAST ?3D 8T. BOOKINOS for season of 1H22-19??. Mrs. S. Davis, successor to Mr?. 1. O. While. Reference? exchanged. - HELP WANTED MALE DOLLS?Experienced presser?, polisher?, irliiors, grinders. dippers and Joiner?. U. B. Doll To.. 64 Fulton ?t., Brooklyn. AutomoM!? tnxtraettao REPAIRING, driving taught; ?h?rt time; license guaranteed: ladles' classe?; alee Ford lessons. American Auto School. 72* I??xIngton ave. SITUATIONS WAHTED WSM?SM C'hamt>er-rnald. CHAMBERMAID-MAID ? Young French girl; 2 excellent city reference?. P, Miss Kofn-tyefi Agency, 10 East 43d St.', 3d floor. Tei, 8947 Murray Hill. CHAMBERMAID - WA1TRBMS ? Y o U n t Irish girl: city apartment preferred; good references. H., Mis? Hofmayer'? Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Tele? phone 81147 Murray Hill. CHAMBERMAID, assist waltre??; very neat, nice experienced Irish girl; excel? lent references; city; $60. Muon'i Agency. 47 East 44th at. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRB8S; two girl?; city; country: excellent reference?. Geneva Agency. Fltzroy 2399. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, 26; neat; city; country; excellent reference?. Geneva Agency. Fit.roy 2?99. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, young, neat, highly recommended. Mis? Hall'? Bureau. 17 W. 44th St. CHAMBERMAID-MAID, EnglUh; excellent. Miss Hall's Bureau, 17 W. 44th. Vand*r bilt 8340. CHAMBERMAID; Seamstress; a??i?t wait lng; five years' references. Shaughneaay'? Bureau. 860 Sixth av. Cook? COOK?Young Irish woman, very neat ex? cellent rook; tactful with other help. A.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 Ea?t 43d St., 3d floor. Te! 8947 Murray Hill. COOK, Irish, excellent disposition; expert cook, excellent manager; highly recom? mended. MIrb Hall's Bureau, 17 W. 44th ?t. Vanderbilt 8340. COOK?-Young Finn, highly recommended; very superior woman; city family. E., Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d St., 3d floor. COOKS, Norwegian. Irish, Scotch ; city or country; all hlgh'v recommended. Miss Hall's Bureau, 17 W. 44tli ?t. Vanderbilt 8340. COOK, capable, young; $80; anyw_?r?; three vears last place. Ml?? Shea's Agency. 6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 6774. COOK. chanibermald-T-altresa;; sisters; experienced; well recommended; Shaugh nespy's Bureau. 860 Sixth av. COOKS, waif.isses, houseworKers. Tinka Andresen, Scandinavian Agency, tZti Broadway, 83d. Schuyler 7992. COOKS, houseworkers, waitresses. Gamnes Scandinavian-American Agency, 61 East ' 125th. Harlem 6018. COOIC (Scotch)?Experienced; good man? ager (exceptional). Miss Shaughnessy's Bureau, SB0 Sixth av. COOK, waitress-parlormaid ; together, sep? arata; splendid references. Shaughnessva Bureau, 860 Sixth av. COOKS, chambermaids, waitresses, laun? dresses; Finnish girls. Agency, 58 East 126(11 st. Harle|fi 6615. COOK, private family; city or country; ex? cellent reference. Geneva Agency, 2399 Fitzroy. COOK, first class, all brandies cooking-, manager. 602 6th avo., Jacquln's Agency. Day Workers DAY'S WORKER?First class laundress cleaner; neat, competent, responsible woman; highly recommended; $4.10. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 47 East 44th St. General Housewarkers, Etc. HOUSEWORKER (light colored)?Excel? lent cook-laundress: everything; three years exceptional references: apartment preferred. Shutighncssy's Bureau, 860 Sixth av. HOUSEWORKER?-Very neat. nice, settled woman; thoroughly experienced; excel? lent, reference?; apart ment; $66. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 47 East 44th et. HOUSEKEEPER, working for bachelor, gentlemen; neat, refined, exceptionally competent; most highly recommended; $70. Mason's Agency, 47 East 44th st. HOUSEWORKER (English Protestant) ? Very neat, thoroughly experienced; one, two apartment; excellent references; $05. Masons Agency, 47 East 44th ?t. HOUSEWORKER?Scotch Protestant; very nest, refined, exceptionally competent; highly recommended; city; $65. Mason's Agency, 47 East 44th st. HOUSEWORKER, good cook, waitress; $70; apartment preferred; long refer? ences. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st. .Murray Hill 6774. HOUSEWORKER. English, capable, re? liable; city only; very highly recom? mended. Miss Hall's Bureau. 17 West 44th at.- Vanderbilt 8840. j HOUSEWORKER, young Swedish girl; to go South for winter. Tinka Andresen Scandinavian Agency, 2294 B'way. Schuy? ler 7992. HOUSEWORKER?-Excellent cook; cham? bermaid; waitress; references. Shau#h nessy'e Bureau, 860 Sixth av. HOUSEWORKER or chambermaid-wa It rasa; new arrival. Shau?R!ie*sy*!i Bureau, 560 Sixth av. HorsEWORKERS. Finnish girls; also lat?T ly landed. Agency, 68 East 125th st. Harlem 5515. Governesses, Etc. NURSERY GOVERNESS. French, excellent. Miss Hall's Bureau. 17 W. 44th. Vg.nder bilt 8340. NURSERY GOVERNESS?Young French girl, docs not. speak English; can be seen by appointment only. O , Ml?s Hof? mayer's Agency, 3 0 East 43d St., 3d floor. Laundresses LAUNDRESS - CHAMBERMAID. young, neat, very competent; highly recommend? ed. West ehester County preferred; $70. Mrs. Mason'? Agency, 47 East 44th si. LAUNDRESS-CHAMBERMAID, nee!, com? petent, conscientious; ?mail family, olty: excellent reference?; $60. Mr?. Mason'? Ag*incy, 47 Bast 44th at. SECOND LAUNDRBSS?Very neat, thor? oughly experienced: most highly recom? mended; city faxnlly; $55. Mr?. Mason*? Agency, 47 East 44th ?t. Nurses, Etc. ASSISTANT NURSE or USBFTL MAID? Two young Canadian?; good, willing girl?. M-.. Ml?? Hofmayer's Agency. 10 East 13d ?t., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray 'fill. INFANT'S NURSE. Scotch; very, experienced, conscientious, reliable; highly recommended. Mis? Hall'? Bureau. 17 W. 44th st Vanderbilt ?340. NURSE (Scotch Protestant)?Neat, eompe !?n!, most consclcntlou?; walking child; city; splendid references; $75. Mason's Agency, 47 Ea*t 44tU at. NURSE, for Infant or growing children;! capable young American ; $70. Shea's Agency, 6 B, 41?t. Murrar Hill 6T74. SECOND NURSB, ?roun?_, lateljr arrived (Scotch Protestant) ; neat, h?*tfcfay, nsoe disposition; city; *60. Mason's Agency. 41 ! Baut 44th ?t. ? " j SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAL? Wo?trwses WAITRESS- CHAMBERMAID -- Toon* Swede; city apartment; very d??*.rabi? servant, f ' . Mis? Hofmayer's Agency, IS Bast 43<J St., Id floor. Tel. ?94T Murrs? Hill. WAITRESS - CHAMBERMAID, capable, young; well recommended, apartment pr?ferr?d; $66. Ml?? She?*? Agency, ? E. <lst. Murray Hill ?774. WAITRESS. SeoSeh; capable, good appear? ing; $68; anywhere; long reference?. MIm Shea? Agency, 6 E. 41st. Marrar Hill ?774. WAITRESS-PARLORMAID (Canadian) ? Neat; efficient; ?plendid reference?. Hheughnessy'? Bui'iiii, 8?0 Sixth av. MisceUaneoas EXCELLENT SERVANT *5---B?rts CsrSser.? ?wedleh Agencie?, 717 Islington av?, near ?let. Rhine.ander $?47. Also 2414 Broadway, comer lilh. FRIENDS, cook. $70; w?ttres?-ch*m_*r mald, $66; capable, young; weil recom? mended. Mia? Shea'? Agency, 6 E. 41?t. Murray Hill ?774. KITCHENMAID-USEFUL. newly arrive?, young Irl?h; $40; city only. Ml?? Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41?t. Murray Hill ?774. LADIES' MAID (Swine Protestant)?Neat, nice appearing, thoroughly experience?! : excellent reference: city; ???. Mason* Agency. 47 Bast 44th st. MAID-ATTENDANT, capable, conscien? tious (Scotch Protestant): exceptionally well recommended; mo?t desirable; city, country. Mason's Agency, 47 Eaat 44th ?t. StTlFATf0N8 WANTED MALE_ Domestic BUTLERS, cook?, valets. hon??men. h?-?? worker? who cook; ??"?ral very at fielen Filipino?; highly recommended. Mason ? Agency. 47 East 44th at. UUTLBR. English; capable, good rnppear l Ing; $90; best personal reference?; any? where. Bhea'a Agency, 6 E. 4iat. Murray Hill 6774. BUTLER, valet, houseman: together, sep? arate : references. Shaughneesy'a Bureau, 8?0 Sixth av. CHAUFFEUR?Very neat, nice appearing young Filipino; careful, skillful drtver; highly recommended. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 47 Ea?t 44th ?t. COOK-BUTLER-VALET for bachelor; young, neat, capable, conscientious Fili? pino; exceptionally well re_omrnand?;d. Mason'? Agency. 47 East 44th st. COUPLE, colored: young men butler, gardener: wife good cook: ?II ?round, honest, efficient worker?; caretaker? country place preferred; ?t?te particular?, wage?; excellent reference?. Harris, 273 W. 136th, car? Major. COUPLE?Belgian?; excellent butler and cook; good references. G.. Ml?? Hof msyer'? Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COUPLE, Scotch; useful butler, excellent cook; entire work; highly recommend^. Miss Hall's Bureau, 17 W. 4 4th ?t. Vander? bilt 8340. COUPLE, colored: butler, useful, excellent cook; $130; entire work; anywhere. Shea'? Agency. 6 E. ?1st. Murray Ulli 6774. COUPLE. Belgian?; butler, cook, entire work; $180; fine reference?. Mies Shea's Agency. 6 E. 43?t. Murray Hill ?77? COUPLE (tight colored)?Butler, cook; everything (exceptional). Shaughnessy's Bureau. 860 Sixth av. COUPLES. Finnish ; cooks, butler?, chauf? feurs, etc Agency, 68 East. 125th gt. Harlem 6618. JAPANESE cooks, butlers, houseworkers. chauffeurs; reference* Agency, 106 West. 46th st. Bryant 7787. Miscellaueons ENGINEER, long experience; do own re? pairing; best of reference?. 167 Lee ave., Rockville Centre. N. Y. < EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Domestic Help ALEXANDER'S AGENCY. 214 1?e?t l>4t? (8th ave ). Morning? le 1348. Reliable domeatlo help. MRS. KEMP'S AQBNCT?High-grade eolor*4 maids ; references. 23(2 7th av?. Audu bon ?SU. AUCTION SALES UNDER \N EXECUTION in case of Sam? uel A. Bass vs. Joseph Berretta and Excello Mfg. Co., Inc.. I will ?ell to-day. Oct. 36, at 11 A. M.. at 12 Wmt Slst st.. 8th floor. ?m right, title and interest thet the defendant? had on Oct. 10, 1922, In nil machinery sad fixtures. DAVID LE?F. Marshal. STTr??>Of:*TP^ Nf ITU ?KM "it 'I \ :. ...... >_,,*_ A. ?-?-.--.'-I A*. ...-_\.? known as NELLIE A. KALISKE?In pursuance to an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice 1? hereby given to all person? having claims against Nellie A. Ka iske Young, also known a? Nellie A. Kallske, late of the .'ounty of New York, deceased, to exhibit the ?ame. with vouch? ers therefor, to the subscriber?, at their place of transacting business, at the offloe cf Benjamin Berlnsteln, N<?. 249 Broad ?ay. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, or at the office of Columbia Trust Com? pany, No. 368 Fifth Avenue, in the Bor of Manhattan, City of New York, State of New York, on or before th? ??d day of January, 19??. Dated, New York, the 5th day of July, BENJAMIN BERINSTEIN. HAHSY HECHT, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Executors. BENJAMIN BERINSTEIN. Attorney for Benjamin Berlnateln and Harry Hecht, Executors, 240 Broadway, Manhattan. New York City. DAV1B8. AUERBACH & CORNELL. At? torney? for Columbia Trust Company, Executor, 34 Nassau Street, Manhat? tan. N?w York City. IN PL Ks if? N C _T OF A? O RDEB OF HON orable JOHN P. COHALAN. a Surrogat? of the County of New York. NOTICE I? hereby given to all persons having claim? against O. Butler Smith, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the ?ame, with voucher? thereof, to the sub? scribers, st their place of transacting busi? ness, at tH? office of Abbeily ft Bryde, i their attorney?, at No. 277 Broadway, in I the Borough of Msnnsttan. in the (..ity of New York, State of New Yorg, on or be? fore the Slst day of January, 1923. Dated, New York, the 10th day of July. 1922. LOUISE E. SMITH, CLARENCE E. FULLER, FARMERS LOAN & TRUST CO . Executor?. ABBEPLY ft BRYDE, Attorney? for Ex? ecutor?, Office and Postofftce Address. 277 Broadway, Borough of Manhattsa. New^York City. _ ESTATE OF GEORGE it KITTEK??N PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of Hon. JOHN P, COHALAN. a Surrogate of tb? County of New York, NOTICE is hereby liven to all pensons haying claim? ?gains*: Seorge B. Ritter, late of "the County of New York, deceased, to prese..t the same with couchers thereof, to the subscriber?, st it? place of transecting budines? at the office of Larkln. Rathbone k Perry, It? attorney? st No. $0 Broadway, In the Borough of Manhattan. In the City of New York, -tat? of New York,' on or before the 2(Hh day of Jsnusry, t923. Dated. New York, the 10th day of July. 1922. CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY Of" NEW YORK, Executors. LARKIN. RATHBONE A PERRY. Attorneys for Executor?. Office and P O. Address, HO Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City ?n"'pursuanc?"of AN ORDER of Hob ara?a John p. cohalan, s surnwat? ; of the County of New York. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claim? : ?gainst L. C. Lambert Huntington, 1st? at ; thii County of New York, deceased, to pre? sent the eame with vouchers thereof to the aub'ffMiber? at their place of Transacting business, at the office of Harold Mllbsxk. their attorney ?t No. '." Cedar Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, is the City ef New York, Stats of New York, on or before tits 18th ?Say of December, 1922. Dated New York, the twelfth* <J*y Of June, im. ?'__ gOLUMBIA TRUST TOMFAt?. MMA B. S. HUNTINGTON?^!,, ExMOMCf-N HAROLD MILBANK. Attorney for Executors. _ s Office and P. p. Address. 27 C??ar JKmwf? ?' Borough of Manhattan. New Tts?? yfjE ENO. AMOS F.? in purausno* si sstejrOsr of Honorsb'e John P. roast?*?, ? 8?M?e gste of the County of New "fork, nolle* ** hereby given to *?l persons tmiams sfimtrOia ?Kfti-vt Amos F. Eno, late ?f the <3???i_?_y of New Yofk. deceased, to presawfE ***> him, with voucher? thereof, to .?**?? *?*i* s*riber,, st his place ?* t-Mwss?*????? J*?*^ nes? at the office of W* a?&ietW. &*??& deForest Baldwin. 2# -. me^aemay, t?. **_? Borough of Mai?hausn, ?pOuty ?t New Tsa*. on or before the lot* 4a}y at Jsnusmr wast. DetaA New York. t_#>-*Rfe d*y ?*__*?*?. 1932. LUCIUS ?. HENRY deFOR?ST fsr Executor. M> sti Manhattan, ?tjr aii