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peddlers Urge O^alley to Cut ?1 Tax in Half p^ctrt Men Now Paying $400,000 More Than Es? timate Board Set Aside for Markets, They Show Jfo Reply Yet to Appeal ^ Meeting* Called Sun dav Afternon lo He At? tended by 4,000 Venders By M. Jay Racusin -ft, pushcart peddler, of the lower bat Side have made a formal request Son Commissioner of Markets Edwin j O-Malley for a reduction of the ?1 t, now collected from them weekly. They ask that the fee be cut to 50 ?rents a week. & a communication to the Commis ?ioner the executive committee of the Ligue of Citi?cn Peddlers, headed by Mm??I i?*?> based ?tS P,C* {?\& ?cductior. on the ?round that the push ?rt ?en -? ?o* Paying t0 suPervia ?r* at the rate of $400,000 a year more Iban the Board of Estimate has ap? propriated for the conduct of the Btreet markets. "You will readily see the justice of frliowing the peddlers to retain this difference," runs the appeal, adding that tbo peddlers were being hard put to ft to support their families on the H**_ty Incomes derived from their Mtty bartering and that many were ?tompelled to apply to various chari table Institutions for assistance be tamo of their inability to make ends jueflt "Under conditions as they exist ft prissent," the letter concludes, "the peddlers cannot continuo payments ?.acted from them without seriously .??pairing the health of their fami jiei." , No Reply from O'Malley It is known that the written request ?tag received at the Commissioner's ?fice last Tuesday, but the pushcart men have received no reply. They in? timate, however, that they will not ?v? up their fight until something in Uta direction of a fee cut has been accomplished, together with other re Jarflis for which they have boon striv? ing for months. Chief among the lat? ter is- the desire of the venders to ? jay their tax in a lump sum annually Stead a?f weekly, and to make their jayments into a central licensing office batead of to local supervisors. They as Hit that this system will abolish many cf the evils with which they are bur? dened under the present method. For the purpose of having a thor esgh discussion of the street market litoation and projected reforms, the league of Citizen Peddlers of New ?oik and the United Citizen Peddlers' ??UMciation of Brooklyn have joined to _<s.4 a ?ass meeting at the Jewish Cent?, 128 Stanton Street, next Sun da, aiteoon at 2 o'clock. Jt is ex? pected taiiU.OOO peddlers will be pres tnl, Jht?all for the meeting wat^?ent ?Btirttterdiiy by Philip Kriftcher, sec tt?trifthe Manhattan) group of push urttten. Text of Plea for Reduction r/ie letter to Commissioner O'Malley ?B! Tiie undersigned committee, at its ** meeting, in reviewing the recent ?Dges made with reference to the ?-slnistration of the pushcart ped ?~m under your jurisdiction, have de? fied to write you for the purpose of Suing your further interest on be f of the pushcart peddlers in New Iwk City. You have been empowered to charge each peddler listed with your department 'a sum not to exceed $1 a week.' By authority given you with regard to this collection wc assume that you are empowered to collect a ?maller amount if in your judgment auch an amount would be sufficient to pay for the cost of supervision of ?push? cart peddlers' markets. It is our opin? ion that the amount now collected is excessive, and that it would be within your jurisdiction to decrease this ?mount by at least 50 per cent. *'It is a well known fact that push? cart peddlers are maintaining large families on the income derived from this petty business and aro having a great struggle in maintaining them. ?any are forced to apply to various chBritahle institutions in New York City because of their inability to earn ?ufflcier?t.y for their families. "Knowing your attitude with refer? ence to the benefit of these markets in lowering the cost of living, and know? ing your keen interest in the welfare cf the peddlers under your care, we ?re sure that an appeal of this kind ill interest you, at least to the extent of conferring with the peddlers for we purpose of adjusting t*is matter, fhe steps you have alreajTy taken in the reorganization of pvJflic markets I? New York City are ofJueclded ben fY?ta^WS?, WfcyJ?ess y\u, ch? for years has b-et* kno* contain the twoVaost 3 portant vitamina. Wh| you ?at Kraft Cht%se get the vitamines ?, most palatable form. i varieties: American, Pimento* Swiss, sold by the slice, pound or loaf. ?VaARIETIES IN TINS I-?'-??-,??I Three Yale Freshmen Saved on High Cliff NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 15. ?Three Yale freshmen, eager to enliven the monotony of Sunday, started this afternoon on an ex? ploring trip up the face of West Rock, a sheer precipice of 400 feet near here, and had accom? plished more than two-thirds of their journey when they found themselves in the delicate po? sition of being unable either to advance or retreat. Their frantic signals attracted oassing motorists, who notified the police and Are departments, and machinery for their rescue was soon in motion. The students at length were hauled to the top of the rock by ropes. Two of them reluctantly gave their names as George Burr and Harold Geyer, while the third slipped off in the excitement. efit to the community at large. They not only have helped the peddlers but they have helped systematize a con? dition which has already been a stum? bling block to officials handling- this problem. -. City Pays Supervisors "Inasmuch as the Board of Estimate has appropriated funds for the pay? ment of salaries of supervisors who fre to be placed under civil service control but who have as yet not been appointed by tho Civil Service Commis? sion, it seems to us thaf your author? ity will permit you to reduce the amount of collections now made to less than 50 per cent. As you well know, the number of peddlers in New York are between 13,000 and 14,000, and the amount appropriated by the Board of EstinTate for the payment of supervi? sion is much less than these peddlers contribute. In view of this fact, you will readily see the justice of allow? ing the peddlers to retain this differ? ence, which amounts to approximately $400,000. "We are sure that measures which you will no doubt institute f^r the further benefit of this condition will be welcomed by the peddlers. How? ever, under th? conditions as they exist at present, the peddlers cannot continue payments exacted from them without impairing seriously the health of their families. ? "We hope that this will receive from you your highest consideration, and that we may have the opportunity to discuss with you' methods for better conditions. "Yours for better public markets, "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, League of Citizen Peddlers." a Suspected Safe Blower Fights With Detectives Offers Stiff Resistance as Offi? cers Break Open Flat and Find Burglar's Tools Detectives broke into an apartment occupied by William Anderson, at 2405 Second Avenue, early yesterday and after a struggle aj-rested him for pos? session of burglar's tools. In a search of the apartment Detec? tives Riley and Morrissey, of the safe and loft squad, found jewelry valued : at $2,500 and a large quantity of post ago stamps. The tools seized include chilled steel drills of many sizes and a bottle of nitro-glycerine. Anderson was taken to Police Head? quarters and questioned with regard to recent safe blowings. When detec? tives entered his room Anderson en? gaged them in a fierce fight, which lasted twenty minutes. He was not subdued until Detective Elwood Divver, who had been on watch outside the building, joined Riley and Morrissey. Woman FoundDeadWas Insane A body which was found Saturday at North Beach, Queens, was identified yesterday as that of Ida Springer, forty-seven years old, formerly of 26a William Street, who had been a patient in the State Hospital for the Insane at Ward's Island for several months. She had been missing from the hospital since Thursday. Children Encounter "Ferocious Pirates" Twice Within Week Little Brother and Sister; Spin Marvellous Tale to! Police When Found, but Can't Convince. Parents If Irma Randenberg, ni?o years old, and her brother, Ralph, seven, of 407 West 184th Street, were to be believed, here is what has happened to them: Last Monday Irma and Ralph wore playing in th? vicinity of th& old American League ball park, 165th Street and Port Washington Avenue, when a bold, bad man, with long whis? kers and a cowboy hat, seized them and carried them into an old shed In the park. He told thenv to stay there until he got back, for he was going to put them on a pirato ship and sell them as slaves in tho West Indies. Irma and Rolph were terrified and did not have the nervo to run away until after dark?two hours after their parents _ had notified the police of their disap? pearance. _ This adventure did not completely quell within the two youngsters the spirit of play, because yesterday they went to the ball park to frolic again. This time another bold, bad man, twice as fiorce as tho other one, captured them, although Ralph kicked him in the shins and Irma bit him behind tho ear, in their efforts to break away from his grasp. This man not only had long whis? kers, but he had sideburns and his hair was matted and coarse. His eyes were as black as Poe's raven and he had a long Roman nose. He tied the two luckless children to stakes in the same shed and then put bags of powder under their feet. Tho diabolical crea? ture was going to ignite the powder and blow Ralph and Irma^toward the heavens, but he decided that it would make a more brilliant spectacle after dark. So he left them, vowing to re? turn later and complete his task. Irma struggled with the stout ropo that bound her and finally freed her? self, and then with her teeth liberated her little brother. It was dusk by this time and they knew they would have to clear out quickly to save their lives. Just then Police Sergeant Francis Kear, of tho West 177th Street station, hove in sight. He had just learned that the two Randcnburg children had van? ished again, and he took them to the station, where for a second time in a week the police were thrilled by Ralph and Irma's exploits. Mr, and Mrs. Randenburfi, however, took more stock in the old adage "Spare the rod and spoil the child" than they did in their offsprings' tale. Robbed, Then Arrested Man Held Up by Three Tells Court He Was Drunk Robert Coopor, of 207 West Twenty fifth Street, was set upon and robbed by three men at Twenty-first Street and Eighth Avenue while on his way home early yesterday morning. Cooper told Magistrate Hatting he was drunk when the men hailed him, com? pelled him to stand facing a brick wall and robbed him. After hearing Cooper's tale and that of Patrolmen Mullin and Flynn, attached to the West Thirtieth Street police 6tation, Magistrate Hatting held three prison? ers captured by tho patrolmen for trial in Jefferson Market Court this morn? ing and placed Cooper under $1,000 bail for drunkenness. The men arrested gave their names as John O'Connor, 117 Bank Street; John Fitzgerald, 224 West Twenty-first I Street, and Richard McNamara, 41 West Sixty-fifth Street. Leaps to Death in Grief Woman's Niece Makes Futile Effort to Restrain Her Rose Osezelsky, twenty-six years old, killed herself yesterday by jump? ing from a front window in the home of her sister on the third floor of 671 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn. Her brother and her father died reccntly in Poland and the young woman felt that she and her mother were doomed to grief and poverty. Her niece, Binah Wiener, eleven years old, seized her skirt and screamed for help as the woman clambered over the window sill. The cloth parted in the child's grasp, however, and her aunt had made the forty-foot leap bo fore help came. THE STORY OF REVILLON FURS ?w:~< A Landmark A structure of flat stones has been put up to mark a favorite hunting or fishing ground of the builder. It is hard to re? locate places in the barren North as the constant shifting of snow changes the character of the landscape often in a few hours. To enable him to recognize a place where hunting and fishing has been particularly good the Eskimo builds a monument such as is shown in the picture. No. 1J0?Uta ai a Re-rilion Post OjKkvillon fr?res Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street On tjie Screen Ray Makes Part Real in "Tailor Made Man"; May McAvoy Is Real Star in ^Clarence" .-_. By Harriett? Underhill Many people insist that it is not a reviewer's business to say whether a play- is good or bad; that he merely should tell what it is all about. YeB terdny wo felt inclined to agree with people who sny this, although we never ! had felt so before. | Being a person of strong likes and | dislikes, it would be well-nigh impossi ? ble for us to write about a thing and not say whether we loathed it or loved | it, but it is easy to bo neutral when you do not know just what you do? j think, and that is the way we feel i about the two pictures we saw yest.r ; day. i They were "A Tailor-Made Man," at the Strand," and "Clarence," at the | Rivoli. It is difficult to judge the ; merits of a picture made from a play. i If they stick closely to the original | the picture is apt to be dull, and so | you label it. If they improvise you say: "Not a bit like the play. Why do they always spoil stage plays when ? they put them on tho screen?" Ray Retains Hia Charm It is some time since we Baw "A Tailor-Mado Man," and so we had only a hazy idea of Just what Grant Mitch? ell did in the part. Furthermore, we are ready to accopt Charles Ray in any role, being one of the persons who has remained true to our allegiance. Therefore, while we hesitate to say that tho play has made a good picture we do not hesitate to say that we en? joyed it. Mr. Ray has not lost one atom of that pathetic charm which won for him the hearts of all theatergoers a few seasons ago, and he plays John Paul Bart with all of the naive whim? sicality which belongs to that char? acter. When ho finally found himself in the homo of the Stanlaws, an uninvited guest, looked at askance by the host and hostess and appraislngly by the ] invited gue?ts, we suffered with him, and when he attempted to appear at his ease by remarking ''A genuine Watteau" again and again, only to be snubbed for hia pains, we felt that the people around us who laughed were hard? hearted souls, who probably would bo capable of ignoring a stray dog or drowning a kitten which was de trop. The reason you enjoy the picture so much, if you do enjoy it, is because Charlie Ray makes John Paul Bart a real person, and we suffered with him knowing, even as we did, that it was all going to turn out right in the end. The most exciting episode in the pic? ture is worked out so beautifully that if you stop to remember that it is in? terpolated, you are only glad that they didn't decide to leave it out. It is after John has persuaded his employers to sign the bill preventing the strike. John promises the labor leaders that he will have tho thing ?igned and in their hands by ten in the morning and a meeting of the board is called for 9 o'clock. When he starts out to race with the message of peace to the ship yards, he is intercepted by enemies and there ensues a chase such as even Mack Sen nett never dreamed of; under water and over bridges, on ships and in motor boats. The hero finally jumps over? board with the paper in his mouth and falls fainting on the dock just as the whistle, calling the strikers to battle, pierces the air. Is Anti-Climactic John is roused _y the sound and man? ages to drag himself to the rope and hang on. In this way the signal is given by the whistle which opells "victory" to the workmen and when they rush to find out who is sending out this mes? sage John thrusts the paper in their hands. That was the place to .->nd the story, and the rest of it is, oh, eo antj climactic! John ?goes back to his press? ing board an<r a most unattractive fiancee. The cast is large and distinguished, but no one had very much to do save Ray. Stanton Heck plays Abe Na? than, the millionaire who started John on his career when he had his clothes pressed in the tailor's shop where John was working. Douglass Gerrard plays Gustav Sonntag, the doctor who aspires to the hand of John's fiancee, and he looks exactly like Morris Gest in so doing. Albert ' -T'a ,<a r ?? t? O T Ray adapted the story for the screen and Joseph de Grasse directed it. Befofe the feature picture there is a very charming ballet by Fokine. It is called "Les Sylphides." Although It is so beautiful, yqu can't hefp re? membering the "Lilies" who gamboled there last week. Tho overture is from "Pagliacci." * Alfred Lunt went with us to the Rivoli, and, of course, he is the man who invented "Clarence." "How do you like it?" we would , say at intervals, and he would ex? claim ecstatically, "That lovely child!" He was referring to May McAvoy, who plays the incorrigible Cora, and, after wo got outside, before we could ask him again how he liked it, he said: "I think Miss McAvoy is one of the best screen actresses I ever saw. What has she played in besides 'Sentimental Tommy'?" To which we replied: "Sho has played in some very"bad pi ature s and hasn't had a decent chance, and Jesse Lasky has a fortune there in his handa and doesn't know it." She is beautiful, whimsical and tal? ented, and there can be no dotfbt in the minds of all who see "Clarence" that May McAvoy ?a trie real star of the occasion. Wallace Reid in the title role is excellent?better than we had any idea he would be. It seemed a Charles Ray part and we were afraid that Wallie would look too handsome, But he doesn't?he ?as caught the spirit of the thing very well. In spite of that and May McAvoy's presence, too, the picture is not to be compared with the play, or perhaps il would be better to say that wo- were disappointed in it. It seemed sorl of cramped in the direction and de tached groups were photographer without your feeling that they bor? any relation to the other detachec groups which had been photographec a moment before. .Scene after seen? which we had looked forward to sllppCH by without registering anything it particular and the jealous and hysteri cal wife wasn't a bit amusing. An? do you remember Mary Boland ?1 the parti On tho other hand, the sceni where Miss Pinney and Claronc' follow Cora and intercept heir elope ment was very well done. Clarenc was just the sort of person to shak the breath out of a man, instead o smashing him in the faca. Agne Ayres plays the governess a*nd Kath lyn Williams is the step-mamma. Rob ert Agnew is amusing as the mal flapper who writes poetry to the gov ernness; Edward Martindel makes handsome and much harrowed papa Adolphe Menjou is the ?rillian. ? Clara Berangcr made the sccnari and William de Mille directed it African Picture Thrills On the program is a fascinating pic? ture called "Man vs. Beast." it pre sents the most thrilling moments of two-year expedition in East Africa b the late Louis Shuman. Sometimes was eo realistic that we had to shi our eyes and stop looking or fain When it comes to a trapper we' rather see than be one. The overture is Beethoven's "Moo: light Sonata," and there is a Prizni picture called "Its Inspiration." TV program says that the story told i the picture of the composition of tl sonata is only a legend, but we we! all ready to accept it ns true befo: wo spoke to the greatest authority v know, H. E. Krehbiel. He told i how it came to be written and that, originally was called something qui different. And then Alfred Lunt whi pared to us and said, "Beethoven w: deaf when he was as old as that, ai he could never have heard tho blii girl playing out in the woods." Ai our ignorance had been bliss! There is a pretty thing called "Ft) est Idyll" preceding the feature pi ture and a comedy, "Funny Face," f? lowing it. -.^ At the Capitol the.feature is '"Pri oner of Zenda." At the Rialto the is a double feature bill "The Face the Fog" and J. E. Williamson's "Wo ders of the Sea." This will be review to-morrow. Wife of "Stock Broker Kills Herself by Drinking Poise Mrs. Josephine Grot jan, twenty-fi years old, wife of George L. Grotjan, stock broker living at 471 Fifty-eigh Street, Brooklyn, committed suici early yesterday morning by drinki lysol at her home. She had been ill of nervous disorde for several months and returned fr< a hospital Saturday. McConnack, Voice | Unimpaired^ Given I A Joyous Greeting Admirers Pack Hippodrome and Show Delight as No Trace of the Singer's Illness Is Perceptible A huge audience greeted John Mc Cormack, last evening, at the Hippo? drome, where ho made his first ap? pearance in New York since his serious illness last spring. Every seat in tho theater was filled, and those who could not find an avnilablo chair on the stage wero content to stand in line against the back drop. Last spring it was feared by some that the severity of Mr. McCormack's illness had impaired his voice, or at any rate that the pub? lic would be deprived of his singing for some time to come. There was | talk of a year of absolute rest. Hew ever, reassuring reports of his con? valescence were issued by his managei during the summer, and word finallj came that the singer had mended s( rapidly that he had been coaching witl Sir George Henschcl in London, am that he would resume his concert en gagements in tho autumn. There was therefore, not only special interest ii his appearance last evening, bu anxiety to ascertain Mr. McCormack' vocal condition. It is a pieasuro to state that Mi McCormack never sang better. Al though some twenty pounds lighter i i weight, the singer appeared in tho bea of health, and not the slightest trac of illness impaired tho boauty of hi voice. "Welcome home, John!" shoute some one in the theater, as Mr. McCoi mack walked briskly onto tho stag? This sentiment was promptly echoe by prolonged applause. His singing c the first two numbers, Handel's " Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me?," an "Enjoy the Sweet Elysian G.?ves from "Alceste," met with hearty n sponse from the audience. A anxieties were removed and it was ev dent that Mr. McCormack's voice ar singing will long continue to gii I pieasuro as well as edification. H program included songs by Bridg Bantock, Rachmaninoff, Franck, Rogei Kramer, a group of Irish folk song and "Thino Eyes Still Shine," by tl faithful Mr. Schneider, who as usu provided the accompaniments. Mr. M Cormack was assisted by Rudol] Bcchc?, violinist. Mr. McCormack will give twenty eo certs and then sail for Paris, whe ho will appear in "Don Giovanni" the Paris Opera. After resting throui the summer, he will return to fill e gagements here next autumn. 1,000 in Panic as Police Fire Volley at Burglai Women and Children Rush Street Early in Morning; Two Captured With Loot More than one thousand women a children rushed from their homes panic early yesterday morning wh detectives and patrolmen in pursuit burglars fired fifty shots in Third A* nue between Twenty-sixth and Twen seventh streets. Two burglars w* found at work in a Third Avenue sti doorway. They tried to escape, wl ordered to surrender, and the pol pursued them, firing as they ran. The men arrested gave their nar as Charles Robinson, 314 East Twer fifth Street, and John Latora, 131 Th Avenue. In a taxicab, which the po! say the men had ordered to await'th return, women's gowns and ot stolen material valued at $3,000 w found. Three men were originally invol* in the robbery, according to Detecti Gillman and Lambert, of the E Twenty-second Street station. "] third burglar escaped. The sto goods were taken from the loft o: tailoring shop on the third floor of Third Avenue. Robinson and Latora were arraigi before Magistrate Douras in Yorkv court. >They were held in $3,000 1 each for annearance to-morrow. FIN'K'E.RRY IN DEVELOPING THE FIN-KERRY OVER-GARMENT FINCHLEY HAS EMPLO YED INCOMPARABLE FABRICS OF HIS OWN SELECTION, ?LIGHT WEIGHT OR ' HE A V Y. FORTY DOLLARS AND MORE READY- TO-PUT-ON TAILORED AT FASHION PARK CUSTOM FTNISH WITHOUT THE ANNOYANCE OF A TRY-ON mmmssmn OW?tft 46th. Street KBWYORK Wife Paye First Visit to Man J4 Months in Death House Mrs, Prank Fevrols visited her hus? band yesterday in the death house ?t Sing Sing p-Hson, Ossining, iff. Y.. for the first time in the fourteen months he has been there. It was largely through her testimony that he W"- found guilty of the murder of Genero i,,*.z_aro in Yonkers. Since the trial she has repudiated her testi? mony, saying she gave it because detec? tives had poisoned her mind against hor husband. His attorney is seeking a new trial because of her recantation. THE NEAR EAST AFLAME! TURKISH army officer, fighting in Asia Minor?Great Britain with an Empire at slake in the ESst?and the world aghast as they face each other! AH Europe? and Asia involved, and America, too, sooner or later. Is .the Near East, is the Far East, any longer an aca? demic question to you? Does it need more than the news? paper front pages of the last month?the London head? lines, "Stop the Next War"?to convince you that we of America with Europe are ?itting on top of a volcano? Or that the volcano is Asia? Have you realized that there is one directly focused source of understanding on this greatest of world prob? lems today-?the struggle of the East to throw off the yoke of the West? A The American MAGAZINE on the Orient ""I'S^ More than SO Illustrations 2 Special Photograph insert? In the November issue, for instance, Mufty-Zade Zia Bey, eon of tho former Foreign Minister of Turkey, gives the Turkish Nationalist side of the great conflict in the Near East. He quotes Napoleon i "You can kill the Turks, but you never can conquer them." Zia Bey holds the imperial policies of Europe responsible for the 'great dis? turbance of today in the Near East. Whether or not you agree with Zia Bey, ASIA gives you months In advance clear understanding of the greatest problem of the world today. Eight months ago ASIA readers foresaw from arresting per? sonal stories <?n Mustapha Kemal and his strength the crisis that has just now alarmed the world in front-page newspaper headlines Are you doing anything to "get behind" the news that fills the press of today? Are you doing anything to keep yourself from being excluded from conversation in the best American homes, around din ner tables, at clubs and wherever progressively intelligent American? are meeting? ASIA is the answer. It makes vivid the most intricate interna? tional problems. Il opens up the fascination of the life, literature, art of nine hundred million people, with a 4000-year inheritance of culture, living in a territory of unexplored natural wealth. Other Features in the November ASIA Stamford Raffles By Sir Frank Swettenham Raffles! Swettenham! Names that cry aloud the history of British dominion in Malaysia. The former Commander-in chief of the Straits Settlements writes of the man whose statue overlooks the strange, conglomerate crowds that swarm into Raffles Square, Singapore. Raffles* a poor boy of fourteen in the office of the East India Company, London. At twenty-four years of age, assistant secretary of the Island of Penang, in the Strait of Malacca?"Empire Builder"?Java and other Nether? lands East Indies brought under the British flag, only to be lost later. Raffles, adventurer,, statesman, dead in London at the age of forty-five, penniless and heartbroken. Here is a story which rivals fiction. An Autumn Trip in North China By A. E. Grantham Doesn't a walking trip through old Chinese villages, beyond crumbling walls, into noisy markets?days spent on "dusty roads, nights passed before the lacquered altars of Buddhist temples? call to your spirit of adventure? Irak Restored By ?.Roland G arbol? In Bagdad, in a residence overlooking the fabled Tigris. Fcisal, the new King or Irak, sits at a desk, telephone at elbow, receiv? ing his mail via the most modern aerial post service in the world. Beyond his window lies a vast expanse of Asiatic coun? try, ripe for development?grain, cotton, dates, oil?needing / but the touch of Western enterprise. Does the answer to Mes? opotamia's golden era lie in England and America-? Echoes of Himalayan Flutes By Muriel Percy Brown The music of the flute still plays an important part amongst the peoples of India. Mrs. Brown, who has lived and trav? eled for years in the Orient, has made a collection of Indian flutes and of folklore surrounding them. An article that gives a new picture of Indian customs. The Drowning of Ganapati By A. CoyU In the city of Baroda there is a jolly god who has an elephant head-?for a reason. A fantastic deity that you had better get acquainted with. Honorable Pilgrims By Gertrude Emerson Fuji, with its gusty rains, its mountain inns, its long lines of white-clad pilgrims! Fuji as an eager American girl saw it. 35 Cents All Newsstands On Sale To-day Asia Publishing Co., 627 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. BROOKLYN'S AUTO ROW GREETS YOU I mmm Ainu SHOW Week of Oct. 16-21 Auspices Brooklyn Motor Vehicle Dealers* Associ? ation in ?te salesrooms of its individual members. You are invited to visit this attractive display and to view the many new models and novel body types. They are worthy of your careful inspection. OPEN EVENINGS Buy In Bntokfytt?* You'll Buy Better *!_S_5_S