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Fnst to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements THE WEATHER Showers to-day and cooler to-night; fair and coo!??* Wednesday ; south ?rinds Fnll Report on ?.nivv Pos;? (Copyright. 19S?. ?ew York Tribune Inc.) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1922 ?5? * H? TWO CKNTB I THRKK CKST? J Fom CrXTm i Within 200 Mil?? M,?i,.? In Great*r -J-W York i pritai? Knies i 3- Mile Rum limit Stands (^operation to Check All Smuggling Pledged, bul | Balks at Compact for Searches on Open Sea ^Official Collusion Charged byHughei ?-iquor-Kiinning Vessel? (given i)ml Clearance at Bahamas, He Sayi from The Tribune's Washington Btir?au WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.?The Brit fell government to-day d?>clined th anr-rr.tio- of the United States for ??!.-? to extend the right of searc m fhips up *<? twelve miles off tli aoiif*t. Coincident with the announet pimt of this (icci-sion, Secretary < fltatc Hughes made public correspont trice charging that authorities in tr JBahamas had aided rum runners i fading the law. The British government's note, han ti to Mr; Hughes by Sir Aucklai Gedde?, the British Ambassador, whi |t rejects the suggestion of this go i ??nment that a reciprocal agreement 1 ! jus-l? for the search of vessel? und '< Mspicion of operating in the iiqu ir-lfic, gives assurance that the go ?fitment of Great Britain will co-o , ?Aj> in the suppression of the traf ? lud in the "prevention of the abu l ai the British flag by those engagt f feit-" h .In the American note addressed ^British Ambassador by Mr, Hugh ?Juno 26, the difficulty of coping wi liquor runners outside the three-mi limit, was set forth. Complaint w jas-e that the British authorities we not strictly enforcing the law wi mpect to transfer to British regist ?I American vessels engaged in, smu fling operations. Text of British Note The text of the British reply f< 50V.S-: "Sir: ""Mr. Chilton duly forwarded to E Majesty's government copy of yo note of June 26th last in which certs iiiggesuons were made for co-opei lion between the British and Unit States authorities with the object ?restricting the smuggling of alcoho liquor into the United States. "I am now directed t? inform y that Hi- Majesty's government ha ?.MurtiJy been ?Iwirous o,f preventii ? ??if rrcry mon.- within hair j/c>w &y breaches i>? the law in the I hijrnijs or c]-*ewhere in the Brit SWeat indies by persons engaged illicit trade with the United Stat awl the proposals made by the Uni Sut? government with this obj isr? received the most S5'mpath( ?K-ji-pi.Uion. With the object of p Jetting the development of ille psiiices in connection with this trt instruct ions had, in fact, some mon Wore the receipt of the represei fens made by the United States j ?mrnent, been sent to the Goveraoi the Bahamas, who was at that t Wjuestcd to see that no irregulari ; ? any kind should be permitted ?meet ion with vessels clearing f that colony, and that the formali ?ferai red in connection with such ch i_ce_ should be most strictly enfor> Flag Transfers Scrutinized "Ins! ructions have also been gi I'to the local registi-ars of shipi Iwhich will, it is anticipated, have leffoct of preventing any future tri pfers of United States vessels to p-?ritish flag until a complete inv? ??gation of the circumstances can made. Investigations, which it huped will shortly be concluded, being made into the position and ] , ttpdinga of the vessels, a list of w1 was enclosed in your note of June 2 "In dealing with the precaution! be tak-rtn to control transfers f lbs United States to the British : tue suggestion that, in such cases, ?oca! registrar of shipping should ?qt?re i he production of a certiflj itomthn United ?States Shipping B< has been carefully examined. It b'*en found that there would be g i 'iiffisultics in the adoption on Bri ?territory of such a requirement, il would be still more difficult to Weh a requirement the force of ?iith a view, however, to meeting fches of the United States gov gfiu on this point as far as is j |?b!e, instructions have been g ?the registrar of shipping at Na * the effect that, in transfer case *feich any possible doubt exists a s* bona fides of the parties to kawtctioii, the non-production of pipping board certificate shoult V?n as a ground of suspicion giving reference of the case to ??*rd of Trade in London for iui . Wttions. The. delay necessitate f? procedure would, it is hopei ijitself sufficient to reduce t ???gBBum the danger of transfer? M successful ! y effected in imp (Continu*-.- en nag? four) Wis Swift Jr. Elopes $eds Pittsburgh Won ^ Object ion From the Fan I Says Father of Young Mi?ionaire I S?wiVjl Dispatch to The Tribune 1 ?-81CA?O. Oct. 16.?Louis F. ! ? '-Wn of the packer, and Mrs. . ? j?- wnnett, of Pittsburgh, elope BiT1 *^?'rit to-day and were ma ? *?? Howard Kemp. B*! .^i'Je gave her age as t _H gj8'^ sbe had been divorced WE Rwst husband in June, 1920. I -J^'ity-sevcn year? old. H? tS:c cpre?no?y young ! ffi&t1* bride entered a touring ? 2** th*3 millionaire himself was ?'.?%L4li(i spr(i -t'-'thwHrd over BfiK,n. Highway in the dircctic B>-ktike' Ind' U is b-i?cved __U& - way to bome winter r ?t?l&- t h on their honeymoon. B-I&L *iSwift "., bead of the ; ?Kl* di'Ri,ld to-night that he Bw'.,?**" a ??use an elopment ?__P*ir?l/Vei?thin?f iB a,! ' .?}_., no ?!>-<-'ctiort en the pa Ba.? to the marriage. We ?S**! i1"" Bennett were t __B*i?t_n. *? didn,t know th? iHg; \b? the day, that's all. Bk*V * v<"rv charming y Army Flyer Hits 248.5 Mile Speed, Breaking All Records; Experts Astounded at Feat *"""? """ .? ."' ' - '_A Longest Ride in World For Nickel in New York The Transit Commission, in an? nouncing the formal opening of the Livonia Avenue extension, in Brooklyn, yesterday, set up the claim that it gives the longest one-direction ride in the world for* a nickel. It is now possible for a pas? senger to ride from New Lots Avenue, in the Brownsville sec? tion of Brooklyn, near the Queens County line, through Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx, to 241st Street and White Plains Road, live blocks from the Westchester County line at Mount Vernon, a distance of 26.78 miles. ??,- _? News Summary DOMESTIC Secretary Hoover advises against cancellation of war debts to the United Spates. Lieutenant R. L. Maughan, army aviator, breaks all world's record*-} for syeed, flying at rate of 248,5 miles an hour. Records show Smith favored cor? porations, Miller tells Binghamton, N. Y., audience. Smith says Transit Commission violates home rule; tells Troy peo? ple sex'en cent fare is their contract with traction companies. Rhode Island political campaign called an orgy of money spending on the part of both sides. FOREIGN Collapse of coalition ministry-in England considered possible as result ?of meeting of Unionist leaders Thurs? day, President Poincare to urge French ! Senate to ratify Washington naval treaty at once. Near East peace conference proba ? bly will be held at Lausanne. LOCAL Prosecutors facing removal in Hail-Mills irvrder Case ask delay be? cause of new evidence. Lawyer surrenders French woman who shot broker when he refused to marry her. McAneny tells Kylan he will be called "double-fare Mayor" as result of transit deadlock. "I never cry," says Mrs. Giberson at tearless trial for murder of her husband. Estimate Board grants 400 teinpo rijry bus permits; city to share profits. E. C. Yellowley will return to en? force prohibition here as successor to State Director Day Deal against Cohalan provoked community anger, says well known rector. Jewish philanthropic societies col? lect more than $100,000 in first day of drive. Salvation Army girl, discharged by magistrate, will continue meetings; police post order forbidding them. National Liberal Alliance starts etraw vote against prohibition and to aid Democrats. Public fails to aid bucket shop crusade, and state officers may enter fight. Vacuum tube for wireless signals means new era in communication, says Tribune radio editor. New organization will achieve power equal to British Labor party, Hillquit says. WASHINGTON ? England refuses to enter into treaty with united States extending search limit at sea to twelve 3niles. Secretary of War Weeks withdraw? demand for bigger army; will pare estimates. Extra session of Congress late in November is believed to be certain. SPORTS Tyyster win3 Scarsdale Handicap at Empire City track. Yankees recall 1922 rookies and gain two new players by draft. Tex Rickard insists that Battling Siki keep date to box Kid Norfolk at Madison Square Garden. MARKETS AND SHIPS Rail shares show rising tendency as industrials ease off; money mar? ket confused by cross currents. American Smelting ? makes better showing for first half. Ten per cent price advance at Botany Worsted Company opening. Fire Again Harries Tampico Third Blaze in Few Months Does $1,000,000 Damage MEXICO CITY, Oct. 10.?Property valued at more than $1.000,000 was destroyed by fire at Tampico to-day, according to despatches received by the newspapers here. The destroyed prop? erty covered five blocks. The origin of the fire is unknown. This i? the third destructive fire which has occurred in Tampico within a few months. . a . Germany's Debt Soars To 489 Billion Marks BERLIN, Oct. 16.?-During the first ten days of October, Germany's float? ing debt increased 38,000,000,000 marke to a total of 489,000,000,000 e marks, it was announced to-day. No Limit to Aerial Pace, They Declare, as Lieut. Moughan Alights After a Startling Performance Curtiss Machine Is Used Other Notable Flights Made to Determine Types To Be Developed by U. S. MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich, Oct. .16 (By The Associated Press).?Traveling at a greater speed than any human being ever before attained, Lieutenant R. L. Maughan, a United States Army pilot, to-day set a new world's airplane speed record by covering a one-kilo I meter course at the rate of 248.5 miles an hour. . The record was made during official government tests of speed planes that participated in the national air races at Selfridge Field last week and was electrically timed by officers from Mc Cook Field, Aeronautical engineers and army and navy officers who witnessed the flight were astounded. The demonstration, they declared, proved that there was no limit to the speed that might be at? tained in the air. Lieutenant Maughan made the rec? ord-breaking flight in the same plane with which he won the chief race on Saturday, The machine is a Curtiss army biplane, powered with Curtiss 400 horsepower engine. Other Records Made After setting the new record Lieu? tenant Maughan continued his flight to show that the tremendous pace could be maintained. On four laps he was timed at the rate of 232.22 miles an fiouv, and his average for eight laps was 229 miles an hour. Later Lieutenant Maughan added to the astonishment of pilots and officials on the field by flying approximately one mile with" the machine on its side. The feat in reality was a flight with? out the aid of wings. In other trials during the day the speed record for monoplanes was shattered by one navy and three army machines. Lieutenant Barksdale covered the one kilometer course at the rate of 191 miles an hour and Lieutenant Whitehead made 187. They drove Loening-Packard planes. Captain Hunter, in a Thomas Morse, was timed at 179 miles an hour, and Lieutenant Galloway, in the navy's Bee Line racer, made 177 miles an hour.-.. Determine Future Tj-peg The trials arc to be continued throughout most of this week, and will determine to a large extent, the type of machines to be develope?! for the army and navy. Lieutenant Maughan's flight was said to have made it virtually certain the army would select the Curtiss-Army biplane as the standard pursuit type. The tests may also have a bearing on the decision as to whether the gov? ernment shall build its own fighting machines, or work as it has in the past, with aeronautical companies. ?V bill now before Congress proposes that army and ncvy construction be done solely by the government. Cuban Crisis Is Over, Foreign Minister Says De C?spedes Sees Great Pros? perity Ahead as People Unite; Pays Visit to Hughes WASHINGTON, Oct. IG (By Thc As? sociated Press).?The crisis in "Cuba is over and an era of reform is u rider way, Dr. Carlos Manuel iff C?spedes, Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs and for several years minister to this coun? try, declared to-day. Dr. de C?spedes, who has come to Washington to ar? range for transfer of the legation her? to his successor, conferred to-day with Secretary Hughes. "The dangerous period of the Cuban situation is over," said Dr. de C?s? pedes, "and although, as everywhere in the world to-day, there are grave prob? lems pending, I am optimistic that we have entered a new favorable period. The late crisis has had the result of unifying the Cuban people as never be? fore, and the government is being sup? ported by the public opinion in its task of reformation." "I believe," the minister added, "that we are on the eve of a revival of pros? perity in the commercial relations with the United States." Seek to Retain Ebert As Presidential 1926 Proposed Amendment Would Extend German Provisional Executive's Term BERLIN, Oct. 16 (By The Associated Press).?It is expected that the Reichs? tag soon will pass a measure altering the constitution, so as to enable Presi? dent Ebert's tenure of office to be pro? longed to 1926. This step, it is under? stood, was decided on after a confer? ence held this morning between the po? litical party leaders and Chancellor Wirth. Ebert was elected provisionally in 1919 by the General National Assembly at Weimar. He was to remain in office only until regular elections could be held. The disturbed political and eco? nomic conditions of the country since that time have made elections inadvis? able. Under the constitution Presidents of the German Republic are to be elect? ed by direct vote of all citizens, male and female, over twenty-one years of age, for a term of seven years. ? : "Bone Dry" Mexico, Aim Of Prohibitive Tax Bill MEXICO CITY, Oct. 16.?A "bone dry" Mexico is in prospect if plans which are being considered by a group of Deputies, which are to be incorpor? ated in a bill to be introduced in Pa/Hament, arc enacted into law. The project has as its basis a federal tax /??-?saloons ranging from 1,000 pesos X/a* j.0,000 pesos a month?a prohibi? tive tax. The bill now is being drafted and will be submitted to the Department of the Treasury with a request that it be incorporated in certain tax bills which arc to be presented to the Cham? ber of Deputies by the department. New Arrests Promised in Hall Murder Man and Woman To Be Seized and Mystery End? ed, Officials Say; State Intervention Is Delayed Widow's Brother Henry Summoned Wire Tapping Charged; Girl Sells Love Note Rector Wrote HerMothei By Boyden Sparkes NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Oct. 16. Removal of Prosecutors Strieker ant Beekman from control of the investi gation of the murders of the Rev. Ed wnrd W. Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mill was held up to-day when they sent as surances to Governor Edwards and Su preme Court Justice Parker that the; had new evidence upon which they fel justified in arresting a man and woman. According to an unverified repor from the Prosecutor's office here th new evidence is the statement of man who says he ?aw a motionles automobile in Dc ?Russey:s Lane o: the night of the murders and recog nized it as the car of persons wh have figured conspicuously in the in vestigatlon. Late this afternoon Prosecutor Beei man of Somerset County sent word t Henry Stevens, brother of Mr Frances Stevens Hall, widow of th murdered rector, that he wanted t Ece him at once. Mr. Stevens replie that he would take the first train. H is staying at La Vallette, a seacoai village forty miles from New Bruni wick. Stevens Refuses to Talk When asked over the telephone ti night if he knew why he had bet summoned, Mr. Stevens replied: ' have nothing to say." He was ask? if it was not true that he had bet instructed to report* to Prosecut* Beekman immediately and gave tl same reply. A state trooper has be? stationed in La Vallette since tin were put on the case by Govern* Edwards. Mr. Stevens, an expert rifleman, fo merly employed as a demonstrator 1 the Du Ponts and the Remington Arr Company, had arranged to sail for E rope a few weeks ago, but cancell. his plans. On the night of the doub killing Mr. Stevens, according to h statement and that of a neighbor in J Vallette, was fishing in Barnegat Br State Troopers Ignored Whatever Prosecutor Beekman's pi pose was in summoning Mr. Stevens his1 office, he did not take into his co fidence any of the state troopers w have been working on the case. Tl was learned to-night. Colonel Norm Schwarzkopf came here for a confi ence with his men to-day, and he h a swarm of them in New Brunswick in plain clothes. But Mr. Beekma; failure to inform the state troopers his proposed conference with M Hall's ?rother illustrates but c phase of the lack of co-operati among the various investigating ag< cies. In Prosecutor Strieker's office I teetive Ferd David is at cross purpoi with Detective Ferguson. They ? rival candidates for the post of ch detective. Strieker wants to appo David and County Judge Peter Da whose sanction is necessnry, has - clinod to give it. So, if the mystt is solved within the next four days, the prosecutors have promised it sh be, it will not be the result of h nionious "digging." Further foundation for the bel that the rector and the choir leai had had earlier meetings in De ? R sey's Lane was obtained last nig when Florence North, the woman It yer who volunteered her services Charlotte Mills, admitted that she 1 sold a package of letters found by murdered woman's daughter in a an bag in her house and smuggled awaj her aunt, Mrs. Barnhardt, of Patera N. J, Written From Bar Harbor Mrs. North declared that they w written by the clergyman to Mrs. M while he was in Bar Harbor last gust, and that in two of them he ferred to meeting her "on Friday our road behind the Parker home." the second he changed the hour fi 8 in the evening* to '? In the afterm The letters were undated, but the 1 yer apparently believed that the in question was that on which rector returned from his vacat three days before Labor Day. In the letters, Mrs. North said, rector on one occasion called Mrs. M his "Gypsy Queen" and on anol "Dear Wonderheart." In one lettei said that he never thought of Sun without thinking of her. About the diary Miss North was i committal, merely describing it a little brown book covering twenty days simultaneous with the writin* the letters. She admitted that Hall's name did not appear in it refused to tell how she knew thai had written it. As for her reasons for making ] lie the letters, the woman lawyer that Charlotte had authorized he take the step in order to keep t from falling into the hands of (Continued on nagt nine) r-i-j? ?t9s Mister McAneny And Mister Hylan Now Mayor Hylan picked the wrong man to address without the "Mr." yesterday when he turned to the chairman of the Transit Commis? sion at the hearing before the Board of Estimate, and said "Mc? Aneny, do you know what the B. R. T. is up to in this reorganiza? tion?" . "Hylan, I don't know what you're talking about," Mr. Mc? Aneny shot back. Mr. McAneny took the slight to his office unruffled, but the Mayor blushed visibly at the re? ply. Mr. Hylan was so punctil? ious thereafter in addressing the chairman that there was a ripple of amusement each time he spoke to "Mr." McAneny. ScornedWoman Shoots Broker At His Office Man Avoids Her Early Calls, but She Corners Him; Makes Plea for Wedding, Then Fires Five Times Victim Dying in Hospital Hin Assailant Surrenders ; Wife He Abandoned Tried in Vain to Warn of Peril Mrs. Paulette Salundes, a young French stenographer, went to the office of Oscar M. Martelliers, an insurance broker at 100 William Street, yesterday afternoon and demanded that he marry her. He refused. She shot him five times. Martelliere is in a dying con? dition at the Beekman Street Hospital. Mrs. Salundes surrendered herself to the police two hours after the crime. It was learned from other occupants of the office where Martelliere rented desk room that Mrs. Salundes had come there earlier in the day, but find? ing him out, left a note for him which is said to have read: "As you don't want to put a stop to it, I will, and going right away to see Mr. James ? Turley, who is waiting for me. You wjll not be long to land in Jail." . Martelliere-, it appears, had expected her and had told others he did not want to see her, absenting himself about the time when she was to come, ?le telephoned later and asked if "that woman" was -still there. When In? formed she had gone, he came to his office. At about 3 o'clock, however, Mrs. Salundes returned. The only other person present at the time was Ger? trude Thompson, a stenographer, who was a new employee at her desk for the first time yesterday. According to her, Mrs. Salundes walked up to Mar telllere's desk and said a few words in a low voice: She had seated herself In a chair alongside Martelliere's desk just behind Miss Thompson's chair. A moment later, says Miss Thompson, the woman rose and asked in a peremp? tory tone: "Well, are you going to do it?" "No!, replied Martelliere decisively. Whips Out Revolver His visitor quickly wrenched a small .25 caliber revolver from a black case and sent two shots into Martelliere's chest and abdomen. He rolled from his chair upon the floor, She moved over closer as he lay face downward and fired three more shots into his back. Thrusting the pistol under her skirt belt, she quietly walked out of the office and left the building undisturbed. When Miss Thompson had recovered a moment later from her fright she rushed out into the hallway and screamed for help. An ambulance took Martelliere to the Beekman Street Hospital, while the police and detec? tives of the Old Slip police station began to scurry around for the miss? ing woman. Two hours later Captain William Funston, in charge of detectives at the Old Slip station, received a tele? phone call from James Turley, an at? torney with offices in the Woolworth Building, that Mrs. Salundes had been at his office and was returning soon. Turley was the man mentioned in the note which the woman had left at Martelliere's office earlier in the day. Captain Funston, with Detectives Trainor, Fay and Dunphy, hurried over to Turley's offices, and a short time later the woman returned. She was at once placed under arrest and taken to the Old Slip station. She still had in her possession the .25 caliber auto? matic pistol in a small black case. Twenty-five caliber shells wer? picked up from the floor of Martelliere's of? fice by Detective Oswald., Declines to Talk She declined to make any statement whatever in reply to questions by Cap? tain Funston, saying that she had been instructed to say nothing by her attor? ney. Because of Martelliere's condition it was inadvisable, the police explained, to have her identified by the victim. She was taken to the Clinton .Street station and will be ?arraigned at the Tombs Court this morning. Martelliere, however, said the police, made a statement before becoming un? conscious, naming Mrs. Salundes as the (Continuad on page nine) Astral Golf links and Spirit Baseball Diamonds Forecast Special Dispatch to The Tribune CHICAGO, Oct. 16.?"If a man has spent twenty years playing baseball or golf, or attending such games, finding his chief pleasure in them, he will undoubtedly maintain that interest on 'the other side,' " said Mark Barwise, delegate from Maine to the National Association of Spiritualists, which opened its convention to-night. Mr. Barwise intimated that there would be spirit baseball diamonds and astral golf links for the recreation of our spiritual selves. He says that all spirits work, but that work in the spirit world is equivalent to play here. It was also said that every person, whether a spiritualist or not, had some one in the spirit world interested in him or her It may be a relative not known in worldly existence, drawn to him by a kind of spiritual telepathy. "These spirits follow the progress of the individual in the flesh with in? terest," said Mr. Barwise. "However, the spirits do not worry too much about difficulties that beset their earthly charge. The spirits see far enough ahead to know that everything will work out all right." Dr. George B. Warne, president of the association, said the feet are the first part of the body to become spirit? ualized and the head is last. He proved this by the fact that when death comes the. feet grow cold first, while the head, which houses the dynamo of the brain, is the last to become col<}. About 8f0 spirituali**,- are ?.*. at? tendance. ? Early Split in Lloyd George Cabinet Seen ?''???'??.?'''*? Premature to Say Pre? mier Will Resign, Is An nouncement After Par-| ley With Chamberlain j - Coalition May Know j Fate on Thursday I Conservatives to Decide Then on Proposal to! Sever Political Bonds ? from The Tribune'* Buropean liureau Copyright. 1922, Nnw* York Tribune Inc. | LONDON, Oct. 16.?An early split in j Lloyd George's Cabinet was indicated j to-night as possible following a con- I ference between Austin Chamberlain and his ministerial colleagues. After the meeting it was given out that it j was premature to say that the Premier I already had decided to resign and dis solve Parliament. A long discussion j on the advisability of the Conserva- I tives continuing in the coalition was held and a resolution bearing on this question will be introduced at a great Unionist rally to be held Thursday morning instead of November 16, as I had been planned. The significance of this decision lies t in the fact that such Unionist leaders as the Earl of Denby and Andrew j Bonar Law favor separation from the ! coalition, and if the conference so de- ! cides the Conservative ministers will have no alternative except to resign i from the Lloyd George government, j The whole situation is.thus left open! until the Thursday meeting, but in j some quarters it is expected that Mr. ! Chamberlain will obtain a vote of con fldence from his followers and thus i leave the Premier a chance to indi- ! cate his course of action. ' Lloyd George continues to mystify his political enemies, only a few of his closest followers sharing the secret re- 1 garding the date of the general elec-? tion and the Premier's plans for ap pealing to the country. Winston j Spencer Churchill, who was to have I spoken at Bristol to-morrow and from ! whom some light was expected, was j taken ill to-day and was obliged to cancel his engagement. May Decide Fate of Coalition All the Unionist members of the) Cabinet and about 850 Unionist mem- i bers of the House of Commons will attend on Thursday, at which a deci? sion is expected that will determine j the fate of coalition. The general i conference was decided upon after a gathering in Mr. Chamberlain's home, ! where party leaders heard speeches j from both Lloyd George and others, j which made it. clear that an agreement had been reached between the Premier and Mr. Chamberlain. From Downing Street it was learned to-day that the Premier is so much pleased with the results.of his Man? chester speech that he contemplates j making a tour of the North of Eng- j land during this week end. After a j council of war with his Ministers to- | day the Premier went to the country in high spirits. The whoie situation has caused the most intense excite? ment, not only in London but through? out the country, where all news is sub? ordinate to speculation on the date of the coming election. The newspapers all agree that Lloyd,. George retained his hold on the people, but his speech at Manchester is criti- ! cized for many reasons. His strictures ! on France are especially regretted, and ? his attack on the Turks is regarded as | unwise and unnecessary at this time, j As the matter stands every question of j international importance must remain open until after the election. ??" Desire Party Government Lord Ampthill, who presided at the convention of the National Constitu- I tional Association, said to-day that j despite the strong feeling to the. con- ! trary during the war the country had decided to go back to party govern? ment. He added that he. believed the political instinct of the people in that respect wa3 absolutely right. LONDON, Oct. 16 (By The Associated j Press).?This has been a day of ? feverish activity in Downing Street, i The summoning of the Unionist mem- j bers of the Cabinet and 350 Unionist members of the House of Commons to j a conference on October 19 was fol- j lowed by ominous rumblings from j Labor quarters, one prominent party ?flfflcial being reported to have declared j that no fewer than 420 Labor candi dates would appear in the next elec- * tion, of whom sufficient would be re-| turned to make it most difficult for any government to resist them. J. H. Thomas, speaking at Newport, delivered a scathing indictment of the ? government, which, he said, had lost i all prestige and honor. He predicted an election before Christmas, and J roundly condemned Mr. Chamberlain's i suggestion of other parties combining | against Labor as depriving Labor of j the right to vote and forcing the men j to direct action. Sir Walter Runciman, at a Liberal meeting at Portsmouth, made another onslaught against the government, which he declared was vacillating in its foreign policy and inefficient in finance. Lord Gladstone Replies Lord Gladstone, replying to Lloyd George's attack on him in his Man? chester speech, writes to "The London j Times" charging the Premier with re- | sponsibility for menacing a recrudes- | cence of Turkish aggression against the Christian populations and Europe ! itself. '< Mr. Chamberlain as party leader will preside at the Unionist meeting, the ! result of which the Prime Minister i will await before deciding on his line of action. Mr. Chamberlain will ask for a vote of confidence, and on this will depend his remaining in office and the ensuing general election. If ac? corded it will be left for the Premier to indicate his course, which in any case will not be divulged until after ho attends the Prince of Wales'? public welcome home in the Guild Hall on Oc- ? tober 20. The Premier held "a war council" I to-day at 10 Downing Street with the members of his cabinet, including Mr. Chamberlain, afterwhich be departed for Chequers Cou? Washington Approves Hoover98 Views on Debt Prom The Tribune'? "Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.~Sec | vetary Hoover's ?speech at Toledo to-night, in which he declared against cancellation of the Allied debt to the United States, meets the general approval of high offi? cials of the Harding Administra? tion, and of the great majority of members of Congress. It is pointed out that Congres? has taken a stand flatly against cancellation, and the Funding Commission is bound to carry out the will.of Congress. The senti? ment of both branches has been repeatedly shown to be strong against concellation and the Hard? ing Administration is not dis? posed to seek to bring it about. Mr. Hoover's speech amounts to service of notice that the Fund? ing Commission will live squarely up to the law. -._l Miller Rakes Smith's Record In Transit Fight ?. Takes Aggressive to Show How Ex-Governor Aided 8c Fares and Gave Com? fort to Special Interests Nixon Interlude Recalled Smith Got Up-State Fares) Raised and Winked at Phone Lobby, He Says From a Staff Correspondent. BIINGHAMTON, N. Y., Oct. 16.?In opening tho second week of his cam? paign tour here to-night Governor Miller took the aggressive. After mak? ing a detailed comparison of the way corporate special interests have been treated under his administration and under the Smith regime, the Governor asserted that while the corporations have received very short shrift during the last two years the record proves that when Mr. Smith was Governor they were granted favors and increases in rates all along the line. "In his first utterance Mr. Smith raised the issue of ?special interests, which, he says, control the Republican party, and which later he has specific? ally asserted dominate me," said the Governor. "I wish briefly to state the record on this question, not for the purpose of charging my adversary with being con? trolled by these special Interests, but for the purpose of seeing how they fared under him and under me. "He siiys first of all that the New York tr.iction interests came to him asking for increased fare, and that he referred them to the local tribunal of ! the City of New York. Either he has a poor memory or he thinks the pub? lic has a poor memory. I prefer to ? believe that he has the bad memory be? cause I am not going to charge him with deliberate misrepresentation, as he is nightly charging me. Interests Went to Smith "The fact is that the traction inter? ests did go to him. The fact is that he sent ?. message to the Legislature in which he stated that the transit situation in New York had become in? tolerable, and in which he said that if the Legislature would leave it to him he would settle It. What did he propose? That it be referred back to the citv administration? No. "That it be referred to a tribunal upon which the city administration was to be represented? No. That it be referred to a tribunal to be appointed by the city administration? No. He j asked that the Legislature empower ] him to create two state agencies where i there had before been but one, one of ? them to deal with transit construction, the laying out of new routes, and the i other to possess the regulatory powers, including tho power to regulate rates. "He appointed Mr. Nixon to the lat? ter position," continued the Governor. "So far as the public knows, Mr, Nixon's sole activity during his incum- ' bency of office was centered in an at? tempt to increase the fares to eight | cents. He said in a report to tho '? Legislature that was the only solution i of the problem. He said It repeatedly ! in the daily dialogues that he had with | the Mayor of the 'City of New York, i Meanwhile, the transit situation con? tinued to drift from tho intolerable ' condition described by Governor .Smith i to the still more intolerable condition ? which existed upon January 1, 1921. "The tracticn interests knocked at j the door of that commission at the out- j set, demanding an eight-cent fare, and j said they could not give the people service without an eight-cent fare. i "They were plainly told that the commission had been set to the task of bringing about a permanent solution of an intolerable condition, and that any question of fares would have to be suspended until that solution had been woiked out. They were told that the (CsntlruiaMl en next ps?j*) Pig Seeks Battle, Hurts Man and Fights Captors Boys' Ropes End Rampage of Animal in Jersey City; Woman Knocked Down A large, white pig went on a rampage in Jersey City yesterday, knocked down and injured a man, knocked down a woman who tried to stop it, and after causing general havoc was finally lassoed by a dosen boy* ' who pur? sued it. The pig, which apparently had strayed from a farm in ??caucus, first created attention when It sauntered into the yard of the home of Frank Nejtzel, of 65 Nelson Avenue, where it attacked and severely injured Neitiel. While friends took Neitsel to the office of a doctor for treatment, the pig ran into the yard of Walter G. Leeb, at 184 Columbia Avenue, chased by boya car? rying ropes. Mrs. Leeb attempted to stop it, but instead of halting, the pi? ran toward her and knocked her down. The pie was not captured until it had fought the boys who surrounded it and finally got toe* rope about it. ( Europe Can ??ndMustPay, Says Hoover Repudiation of Its Debt Would undermine In? ternational Confidence, He Warns in ?Address Resources Ample if Quarrels End Fear That U. S. Markets Will Be Flooded Is Untenable, He Declares Special Dispatch to The Tribune TOLEDO, Oct. 16.~It is the duty of the funding1 commission recently created by Congress to see that the ; terms of repayment of the Allied ; debt to the United ?States are carried out, Secretary of Commerce Hoover declared in an address here to-night The whole fabric of international \ good faith would be undermined by repudiation of the loans made by the ; United States to the Allies and the associated nations in the World War, said Mr. Hoover, v.'ho is a member of the funding commission. He did not believe any public official, here or abroad, could or should approve their cancellation. "These loans are, in fact, debts owinf* to our taxpayers," Mr. Hoover said. "They were made at the urgent request of the borrowers and under their solemn assurances of repayment. The loans were individual to each nation. They have no relation to other nations or to other debts. The American tax? payer did not participate in repara? tions and acquired no territory or any other benefits under the treaty as did our debtors. There is no question as to the moral or contractual obliga? tion. Britain Ready to Pay The Secretary pointed out that Great Britain had not asked for relief an-i said the problem, therefore, Centered on the debtorg on the Continent. The burden -of payment, he added, would fall upon nineteen different debtor.-?, The annual payments, he estimated, would be from 2 to 12 per cent of their governmental income. Mr. Hoover declared that with tht* exception of some minor amounts, which he estimated at 5 per cent, the sums could be re-paid in a reasonable period of time without strain upon the debtors. Nor did he fear the threat of a flood of goods from Europe in such quantity that workers in the United States would feel economic ill effects. "If there be some of these countries who should be relieved of the ennuaJ payments for a few years in order to promote economic stability, then there needs bo a demonstration of the facts in respect to each individual country that would be convincing to the Ameri? can taxpayer and to Congress," the Secretary continued. "The taxpayer would naturally consider that ther?? are other things of vastly larg<*r di? mensions than the postponement of $350,000,000 a year which must march in advance before economic prosperity can be secured to Europe. For eco nomic stability requires that there must be such political and economic readjustment between the states ol Europe as will bring about an at? mosphere of peace in replacement ?J an atmosphere of war." "America earnestly wishes to b? helpful to Europe, but economic mst ters require a degree of idealism thai will do justice to the American people as well as to be helpful to people? abroad." Mr. Hoover*? Address Mr. Hoover's address was as follows "Proposals have been repeated!: made over the last three years that th loans from our governm n1 to foreig countries dtrring the war should in par or in whole be canceled, either fo moral reasons or in the interest o economic stability. Less sweeping pre posais have' been made that the pa? ments of interest and installments a required by Congress should be fus ther postponed. The question is on of the most complex and difficult i character that the American peopl have ever confronted. It greatly con cerns American commerce, and I fet that widespread discussion is of grea value to the better understanding e the economic issues involved. Full un derstanding can be advanced only b full and frank discussion. "I have the feeling that many me in Europe are thinking of these thing in terms of despair, due to their im mediate difficulties. There is no nee for despair in the future of Europ if it can maintain peace, its hare working population, its tremendous ir dustries, its enormous productivity an its magnificent intelligence, its fabi lous development of skill and scientif knowledge are vital forces that mui win if they have half a chance. "These economic problems are pro! lems that we must vision over yeai and decades. They must not be ol scured by fluctuation in exchange or t calculations of trade balances in 'era of war and depression. Europe hs made great economic progress sine?! t. armistice. Her troubles to-day ai solely in the political and fiscal Sel Her social organization, her agricu ture industry, transportation and cor merce have found extraordinary reci perative powers from the depth? i disorganisation and famine of 1919. Status of Debt Summarise?! "These loans to twenty natfoi ?mounted to about $10,000,000,000 a? were nearly al? demand obligation They now amount to $11,500,000.000 principal and aecrued interest, for i' terest has been practically suspend? up to date. The terms of repaymei were to be determined by Congress ar Congress has laid do??, the ?onditiot under which payment can b* extend, over a term of twenty-five years. It the duty of the Funding Commission * see that these terms are carried ot and, of course, no alteration would 1 possible except through action ? Congress. "There are certain phases ?f this di cussiof. that seem to me to requi emphasis. "First?These loans are often spek? of as debt? to our government. Th? are, in fact, debts owing to our taxps ere. These loans we-ee made at tl urgent request of the borrowers ?' under their solemn assurance? of t payment. The loaiw$*-?*re individuel