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News of Women's Clubs?Social Affairs of Note Clubs in City Expected to Give Red Cross 100 Per Cent Answer Special Meetings Called by Number of Presidents and Features Have Been Arranged for the Roll Call Clubs of the New York City Federation are expected to be enrolled 100 per cent in the Sixth Annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross, according to Mrs. Louis Ralston, chairman of the Federated Clubs Divi _'ion of the Roll Call. Special meetings have been called by a number of club presidents. Red Cross has been added as a feature to several club edtertainment-t. The Ray Current Events Club, of which Mrs. Jack W. Loeb is presi? dent, was the first to report it. membership 100 per cent enrolled in the h?d Cross. The Theater Assembly, Mrs. J. Christopher Marks president, the '.'hater ?Club. Mrs. George Maynard Clyde president, the Eclectic Club, Mrs. Albert Car.field Bage president, the Life as a Fine Art Club, Mrs. Mildred Manley Easton president, the Rubenstein Club, Mrs*. Wj? h'at-i Rogers Chapman president, the Beethoven Society, Mme. Alda Tanin? Tagliavia president, the Government Club, Mrs. George Owens president, and Sorosis, Caroline G. Childs president, have all given splendid Co? nner nt.iori- &----__--_--_----_---__? Yesterday was Red Cross Day at the i entertainment given by the Rubenstei? ?.'vil. nt the Waid,.rf-Astoria Mme | S.-humann-Heink sang her group of j Boies with which ?he entertained the noidiors in camps during the war. The, hap was decorated in Red Cross ban- . n rs and posters and a collection was ' taken. The first concert of the season was I given by the Verdi Club, Mrs. Florence Foster Jenkins president, at the Mac dewell Galleries ?>n Wednesday eve Brig. A large and representative gath rtng w?ib pr?sent, including two oi the viub. who were guests of honor. were Mrs. Louis.C. Naisawald and Mrs. Flank McCnbe, chairman of the Verdi Club Juniors. The program in Qiaded two groups of compositions by I ? H - h ' arr r*li ?- So! Albert!; the aria from "Romeo and Juliet," for soprano and a group of French songs "s-:np by Mrs. Florence Foster Jenkins. The French songs were clven vio in obbiifcatu piajvd , hy Gr-Mo vCleitt. of the ????w?oH. ! tan Opera Company, Bnd Mr. Villetti nlso piayed several solos by Bach and Chopin; Following the musical pro? gram Mi?5 Josephine v ' -1' <> d | .(. D. Mach fa r& danced "The Artist's j .Dream Waltz." Mis? Beatrice Raphael was the ac ?ompinist of the evening. The dance fcvhic'i follow?-'! th?- projram was Jed by Miss Bita, Marzo, the new chairman of the Verdi/Club Juniors, and the other jv.rm ?<< ?' hf eo?nni'ttcd Tn > e - ?dent, M vs. Jenkins, was presented with fifteen lartfe floral pieces, the gifts of m rahc-t of Verdi, and a tall silver Vas? lined with fold, a remembrance Bent hy Mr. and Mrs. Me'.chiorre Mauro- i Cottons. Mrs. Mauro-Co'tone is first Vice-president of the Verdi Club. A large luncheon will be given un? der the auspices of the Lyric Art, So ??ietv at thj Hotel Plaza on Thursday afu-rroon. Preceding the luncheon Mrs Albert Schf.efer, president of the Society, will hold a reception at 12:30! and the luncheon will be served at 1 ' o'clock. In the receiving line will be1 ?vTrs. ?T-'-k'on B. Sells and Mrs. Newton , W. Gilbert. An attractive program of vocal and I p'nno music under the direction of i Hiss Florence Robrecht has b^tti ar-1 yanged At the gues's of honor tnblu i will l'e Mrs. William Webster Miller, Mrs. Clarence Burns, Mrs. Leonard L. Bill, Mi?.--, Marie Contencin and Mrs 'dyth TVtten; also Mrs. William A. Gallagher, Mrs. Elton T. Cowan and Mrs. John H. Judjre. vice-pres dents of the society; Mrs. B. P. Hippen aud Mrs. Bu'ton H. Davy Mrs. Charles T. Haviland is charl Oian of the committee on arrangements for the luncheon. Mrs. Timothy Martin O'Connor will entertain the social committee of the Entre-Nons Club at her home, 511 West 112th Street, Thursday evening, No vernie r 23. Mrs. Ruth Litt, who is a board mem? ber on the staff of the New Y irk League of Business and Professional Women, Inc , sailed for Braril on No mmber 16 to attend the formal open? ing ' the United States building iit ?;he Brazil Exposition, going as tho Special representativa of the New York league. Mrs. Litt will maka in exten? sive trip through South America to crith->r ?;ita for the league on the progress of burgess and professional women of South America. On the afternoon of Business Day, To-nvrrow, at the Waldorf, Mr. H. V. Xp'cnVirn. o* "The Brooklyn Daily Eagle," will address the club on inter ! et in- features of the Brazil Centen? nial Tour from his paint of view, Mr. H. K r- nr.; on ?' ?tbeir members of the party also will speak. Ei'terpe, Mrs. T. W. G. Cook, presi ? '??? t. mi order to raise funds for their philanthropic work, the Veterans' Mountain Camp, will give a benefit card party at the Hotel Astor, on Tbui-8'lny afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Hostesses will be Mrs. J. E. Vidal aid kfra. Abel Mi?hlor. Other sister clubs will be represented, having made ' rvations. A door prize has been .?<>? ated. The oncer? of the society, besides ) rre ?dent, are: Mrs. J. E. Vidal, "<-s. A'fred Nicholson and Mrs. Abel Viphler, vice-president*' Mrs. James 'Mo'-: n. record ng secretary: Mrs. John I. Brady, corresponding secretary, and Bars. Jsm?s Pringle, treasurer. A reception wPI be given by the president, Mrs. Cook, to members of vhe society on Tuesday afternoon, December 12, at the Waldorf-Astoria. Under the auspices of the ways and Tcans committee, Athene, Mrs. Rath? A. Mutin, president, and Miss Elisabeth Conran. chairman, will give a bridge and euchre in the Ea?t Room ; the Waldorf-Astoria to-morrow at '2 o'clock. There will be a souvenir "or e- ch table. Many new members have been ad m'tted. among whom are Mrs. John Seh" e'er, Mrs. William Camp, Mr?. Paul Wo>thington. Mrs Har^v Knight Miller and Mrs. George W. Washburn. Among those who will have chirge 0-?- ?y.- ...-.-*..r activities are Mrs. Mar? tin, Mr?. Margaret E. Hamilton first. rice-president; Mrs?. Bud Stow, seco-d v:c<vpresident; M^s. Helena L ReVuss, thiri vice-president; Mrs. Frank K. Brewster, treasurer; Mrs. Jor.athan Deyo, recording secretary; Mrs. Flor? ence Hamil'on, corresponding secre tSty. and Mrs. George W. Beckel, pres? ident's aid. Among the members who will be chairmen of the various committees are ?1rs Adolph Weil. Mrs. A. W. Wil? liam?, Mrs. Neptune Smyth, Mrs. A her L ?mbert. Mrs. Edw?rd Epst?in. Mrs. Samuel F. Hollender, Mrs. Alonzo P. Dayton, with Mrs. Howard Clinton Russ at the door. The thirty-sixth season of the I? 'binstein Club. Mrs. William Rogers ? "; ..prr.nn, pr?sident, wa* inaugurated yesterday at the Valdorf-Astona. An artist'* rtcital was given by Kme. TOxmsmumm anaumaaa-iioinfc, the eminent contralto. She was assisted by Mias Florence Hardman, violinist, and .Arthur Loesser, pianist Mrs. William Van Tnssel, chairman, took the re? newal Red Cross signatures of tbe i membvrs present, after which there j ?vag general dancing in the ballroom until 6:30. Among the guests of honor were ' Miss Helen Boswell, Mrs. Ralph Traut- I man. Miss Mary Garrett Hay, Mrs. ! George Howes, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, Mrs. j Bedell Parker, Mrs. E. M. Raynor, Mr3. | Cynthia W. Alden, Mrs. Harry Lillie, ! Mme. Marie Cross Newhaus, Mrs. '? Richard M. Chap'aan, Mme. Katherine ! Vor. Kienner *nd Mrs. T. M. Hardy. The first *'ening concert will be j given on Decnober 5 in the ballroom o? the Waldoi ' Astoria, under the di? rection of Mr. Viliiam Rogers Chap? man, musical o.rector. The Daughters of Pennsylvania in New York, Mrs. Walter Seaman Comly president, will g,ve a card party for the benefit of the William Penn Fund at the Waldorf-Astoria on Tuesday after? noon, November 28, at 2 o'clock. Ap olications for tickets may be made to Mrs. Charles Weakland, 1064' East Nineteenth Street. Brooklyn. The annual Card party of the Gov- | ernment Club, Mrs. George E. Owens j president) will be the Fennsyl-, vania Hotel on Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mrs. William F. Kessel is chairman, ..nd will be assisted by directors of the club ? and her committee. Thr? Stat in Is'nmt Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met at the I old home of the Misses Cropsey on Saturday afternoon with a large at tendance. Miss Edith Kellogg, chapter regent, ! reported on the conference of regents ; at Poughkeepsie, where more than four,; hundred delegates met to plan patriotic j work for the coming winter. The Rev. j Dr. Moore gave an address on Valley Forge and Lafayette. Mrs. Moore read a paper on "Women of the Revolution: An Appreciation"; Mrs. Mabel Shariott. gave a word pic- j ? uve of Valley F'rge as it is to-day, and i Master Carl AbroRast, p-ave recitations. ] The Misses Cropsey were assisted in entertaining by a committee of bost asses, Miss Julia Hurd, Miss Anna Van j Name, Mrs. Sbariott and Miss Bessie ; G ?Hender. The LotRsirns Societr in New York, Mrs. Patrick Justin White pres-Jent, will give an afternoon dance 'n the '-?all roo m of Delmonico's on Friday, De- j 'ember 1, from 3 until 7 o'clock. Mrs.1 A. F. Hancock, chairman, announces 'hat the drncc will be for th. benefit ?f the scholarship fund, the pooiety re c.-ntlv having ?ee'ded to sponsor the education of a Le-ke and Watts Orphan House s'udent. This will be the sec md scholarship provided by the Louis. nna Society, as the, president, Mrs. P. J. White, has continued her scholarship through the educational auxiliary. Leake and Watts Orphan House, of which she is a director. There were fifty tables of players at the card game given by the National Pocietv of Patriotic Women of America last Wednesday at the Hotel McAlpin. Mrs. William R. Stewart is president of the organization. The game was in charge of a large committee, with Mrs. .vollen T"ters Bussenms. the man, and Mrs. George Leonard Fisher, vice-chairman. The souvenirs dis? tributed were Bohemian glass fruit dishes, each with a claw-footed frame as foundation. The profits of the enm. f?o toward the patriotic education given to foreign 'S. riebt classes being conducted by the society in differen boroughs of greater New York. Paid ' eacl ers are under the chairmanship of , Mrs. C. A. J. Queck-Berner. The first of tho Tuesday mornine: talks on current history, to be given at the home of Mrs, Leonard L. Hill, 24? West End Avenue was held on Tvesday. at eleven o'clo k. Mrs. Cora Welles Trow wns the speaker on "What the World Is Doing" This series will continue weekly unt'l December 19 Inclusive. The subject for 'he next date, November 21 will, be "Natural and Supernatural." Women ' wishing to attend may communicate i *tti> Mrs. Trow at 350 West Fifty-fifth ? Street. Mrs. John ,r,1anT>erton Kfrr was the hostess on Monday, the 13th, of the j Four-Bit Card Game held by the Na ; tional California Club. Mrs. Kerr en ; tertained in a small ballroom at Sherry's, at two o'clock, refreshments being served at four-thirty after a spirited and social game. Handsome vari-colored handkerchiefs were pre I sented by the hostess. At the regular meeting held by the Society of New York State Women, Monday, Mrs. Wm F. Hessel, as chair? man, presented an interesting program ; when Jean Britain grave two recita? tions. Cl^ra Mortenson Beyer, execu? tive secretary of the Consumers' League, told of the work and bow it was accomplished by the organization, and "Mental Hygiene" as discussed by Dr. Marian Kenvorthy and her aud ence proved a most interesting subject. Dr. Monell. the president, called th? business meeting at the usual hour, iwo-thirty. Several new members were welcomed into the club, matte-a of im? portance were discussed, and with other bi.siT.css transacted plans were begun for the New York table at tbe annual luncheon to be given in January by the Congress of States Societies. The Am?Hc?n speech department of the New i ork City Federation of Women's Clubs aims to direct public attention to the necessity of better speech training in th. school and in the home. It urges ?ach club in the Fed ?eration to devote at least one meeting 1 a year to American speech, and that, these me v ngs be conducted by the club's representative tn the department. M-jJ r Vivian Gilbert will b? the ?iraaka* Friday, November 24, at the Waldorf-Astoria under auspices of the New York State Society, U. S. Daughters of 1812. HiB subject will be "Romance of the Last Crusade." When the war broke out Major Gilbert, resigning fr<tt? "Peg-o'-My-Hcart" company, joined the British army in England, was tit tho Somme, fought in Serbia, Bulgarin and I Greece, ending with AUenby's nrmy in Palestine. While Friday's lecture will not be a war lecture, it will recall much of the war interest by its connection with Old Testament history. The Social Meeting of the Century ; ?Theater Club, Mrs. Harry IT. Thomas president, will-be held at the Hotel I Commodore on November 24. at two ' ?o'clock. Subject: "Tragedy," The Eng-? lish artist Penelope Wheeier, will pro tray the Greek tragedy "Medea" in costume. Julia V. Grill* will sing airs in keeping with the theme. Members are requested to make hote of change of the two December meet? ings: Members' meeting, Friday De? cember 16, instead of December 8. So? cial meeting, Friday, December 29, in-, stead of December 22. The Century Theater Club's next matinee, "The Fool," Thursday, Decenv ber 7, 1922. Mrs Robert Dean, chair? man of matinee. , i i The National Opera Club of Amer? ica, Mme. Katharino von Klenner founder and president, Presented two l artists new to America, Thursday, held j in the north ballroom at the Waldorf. ; Master Leo Dubensky, a nine-year-old violin prodigy from Russia, gave De Beriot's "Concerto" accompanied by Emmy Kovacko and Sig. Carmine Di Giovanni, Spanish tenor, who sang the arias from "Pagliacci" and from j "Martha." At the business meeting of the Pro? fessional Woman's League, Monday, j Mrs. Russell Bassett, president, and i members assembled, paid memorial tribute to the late Dr. Ida C. Nahm. New members received were Mrs. Lura L. Cleveland, Mrs. Caroline Wise, Mrs. N. Sobel, Mrs. Dora B. Heiden nnd Mrs. Bertha L. Colburn. The Social Day, Mrs. Sophie Carroll chairman, will be held in the green room of the Hotel McAlpin. November 27, at 2 P. M. The Theater Club, Inc., Mrs. George Maynard Clyde president, met for its second study day last Tuesday after? noon, at Hotel Astor. The play Under discussion was "So This Is London," with Miss Minnie B. Wade as chairman. Miss Julia Arthur was guest of honor. Mrs. Alber. A. Snowden, representativo of the club to the New York City Fed? eration of Women's Clubs, gave an in? teresting report on the recent con? vention of that organization. A talk was given on the current drama by Mrs. Eva F. Phipps, and patriotic songs were rendered by Mrs. Fred. C. Grum man. The play chosen for discussion on the next study day, December 12, is "The Fool," by Channing Pollock, which will be attended by the club as its monthly matinee, December 7. The club will hold its next social dav, November 28, with Mrs. Walter H. Gahagan as chairman, the subject be? ing "Something New in tho Theater." The annual card party of the club will be held at Hotel Aster, on December &. The Michigan Women of New York, Mrs. John Jay Bush president, will hold a regular monthly meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria, Tuesday. The busi? ness at 2:30 o'clock: program [at 3. The guest of honor will be Mme. Mar o-Cross N?whaus, who will speak on "Stabilizing the World Conditions." Tea will be served by the ?hostesses: Mrs. Gerson C. Coblins, Mrs. Roy Sherwood, Mrs. Frank E. Hutchins, Mrs. H. A. Cossitt, the Misses Newlands. The philanthropic work under the chairmanship of Mrs. Sydney Lockhart i wi.l meet at the home of Mrs. G. C. i Coblins, 601 West 116th Street, every | I Monday afternoon, where garments for i j the poor will be made for their Christ ! mae work. The New York Theater Club, Mrs. ! Belle de Rivera, founder and presi-1 dent, will hold its regular social ? meeting at the Hotel Astor on Tuesdav at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Daniel Pelton Duffie, the chair? man of the day, will present the fol ! lowing program: MisB A. Marguerite Hawkins in a ! | group of songs; a monologue by Mrs.! Henry Arthur Shepherd; an address j by Mr. Channing Pollock and Mr. I (-eorge Kelly, and solos by Mme. Annie . Clayton Jones. Tne guests of honor will be Miss j I Frances Starr, Miss Florence Reed, i 1 Miss Isabel Lcighton, Miss Mary Bo | land, Miss Helen Lavelle, Mr. Chan? ning Pollock, Mrs. William Cumming i Story, Mrs. Walter S. Comley, Mrs. Florence Forster Jenkins, Mrs. Wright ?Johnson, Mrs. T. W. G. Cook and Dr. ? Frances Monell. The Woman's Pa-ess Club, of New ?York City, will hold the November meetinir on Saturday afternoon, No I vember ?5, in the Astor gallery "of the ?Waldorf-Astoria at 2 p. m., Mrs. Har 1 yot Holt Dey presiding and acting i chairman of the day. Among the I speakers will be Mr. Lawrence Lang. . ner, director of the Theater Guild; Miss j Lucy ' Feagin and Mr. Channing Pol I ?ock. Musical numbers will be con? tributed by Marie Mikova, pianist; Mme. Aimee CTayton-Jonea, contralto, and Lasalo Dortsak, tenor, introduced b\ the chairman o? music, Mme. von | Klenner; Emmy Kovack, accompanist. Tue society _.or .^tuuy, Mrs. j Otto Hahn, president, held a regular , meeting at Hotel Astor November 14. Civic Forum: "For Better Relations j Between the White and Negro Races," ?followed by discussion from the floor, | was led by Mrs. Frederick L. Wake i ham. Address: "The State's Policy in i Dealing With Women Delinquents," Dr. Katharine Bernent Dtvis. Reports of tne City Federation of Women's Clubs, Mrs. George Whelpton, Miss Ida Nordlinger. The Washington Heights Chapt?r, D. A. R., Mrs. Samuel 3. Kramer regent, I will give their annual card party, at I the Waldorf-Astoria, on Saturday, No | vember 25, at 2 P. M. Mrs. Stevenson i J. Thorne is the chairman GIFTS OF EXCELLENCE EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY always enhances the Character of a Gift. Our Offerings in Distinctive French Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, House Robes, etc, provide a wide choice in Gifts of Supreme Excellence. ?fe. <???Rct ?? (aomjioau? SHIRTMAKERS AND HABERDASHERS T 5?2 FIFTH AVENUE, 43RD ST.. NEW YORK Miss Lois E. Campbell She will be married to Mr. George Rothwell Sheriff 2d, on December 16, in Washington. Mis? Campbell is a daughter of Congressman and Mrs. Guy E. Campbell. Society in the Oranges Mr. Donald S. Stewart to Wed Miss Heffinger, of Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 25; Miss Woodman To Be Bride Thanksgiving Eve A marriage of particular interest to society in the Oranges will take place Saturday, November 25, in Portsmouth, N. H., when Miss Priscilla Heflfinger, daughter of Dr. Arthur Hefiinger, of Portsmouth, will become the bride of Mr. Donald Speir Stewart, son of Rear Admiral Stewart, U. S. N., of Scotland Road, South Orantje, Mrs. James Cogs? well, sister of Miss Hefiinger, will bo the matron of honor and Lieutenant Commander Laurence Stewart, U. S. N., will be best man for his brother. Both Mr. Stewart and the future Mrs. Stewart are exceptionally popular in the Oranges, the- latter having re? turned recently to her Portsmouth home from an extended visit at the Stewart home. They pian to make their futuro home in 'South Orange. Thanksgiving Eve has been chosen by Miss Helen Woodman, daughter of former Judge Edward W. Woodman and Mrs. Woodman, of 238 Snyder Street Oranoe, as the dato for her wedding to Mi. Daniel Francis Burns, of Madison. The ceremony will take place at 6 o'clock in St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Orange", and will be performed by the Rev. Bertram L. Conway, of the Paulist Order, an uncle of the bride. Miss Woodman will be attended by Miss Anna C. Burns, a cousin of Mr. Burns, as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Agnes S. Woodman, a sister of the bride-elect; Miss Marion E. Cole man, of Orange; Miss Ai leen E. Schwartz, of East Orange, and Miss Mydia Garrison, of Brooklyn. Miss Dorothea Schwartz, of East Orange, ?.ill act as flower girl and Mr. Donal McHugh, of Rcseville, will be the page. The best man will be Mr. Aaron H. Woodman, a brother of Miss Woodman, and the ushers will include Mr. Joseph B. Keating, of Madison; Mr. H. Parks fireer and Mr. Jam?s C. Burrs, also of Madison, the latter a brother of Mr. ? Burns, and Edward W. Woodman jr., 1 another brother of Miss Woodman. Announcement has been made of the . engagement of Mr. Henry L Chiles, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Chiles, of 31 Washington Street, West Orange, and Miss Virginia' Young Montague, daugh? ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Montague, , of 800 Riverside Drive, New York. The ! wedding will take place December 30. Miss Laura May McDavit, daughter i of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDavit, of 710 ? Springdale Avenue, East Orange, has I set Saturday, December 2, as the date I of her wedding to Mr. William P. Bau j man, of New Yo-k and WoodclifTe Lake. The ceremo..? ?til be performed at the i ho :.e of th-> bride's parents Ky the Rev. i David O. ?rv'r.g, pastor of the Bethel j Presbyterian Church, East Orange. I The wedding ceremony will be lollowed ! by a reception. Mis3 Winifred Crane and Mr. Roger M. Baldwin, of New York, will be the attendants. Among the early spring weddings will j be that of Miss Sara Hen on daughter ': of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Herr?n, f Si. Watson Avenue, East Orange, to Mr. John Lamberton King, son of Mrs. Alex? ander King, of 177 North Walnut Street, East Orange. The date for the ceremony probably will be set during j the coming month. Mrs. F. S. Stevenson, of 25 Hampton Terrace, East Orange, was the hostess at her home last Monday .afternoon for the meeting of the Southern Society o* .he Oranges. MrB. C. T. Martino also of East Orange, was the assistant hostess. ? Mrs. L. E. Shaw, of 170 North Park? way, East Orange, will be hostess Wednesday, Novo ber 22, for a meet? ing of the Wednesday Luncheon Club. The last meeting of the club was held at the- home of Mrs. Powell Cronk, 20 Elmwood Avenue, East Orange. An engagement announcement of great interest to Orangeites ?b that of Mr. Eugene Andrew Tracy, son of Mrs. Ida Tracy, of Lincoln Avenue, Orange, to Miss Helen Dorothy Foster, daughter of Mrs. Walter Fi Foster, of San Fran? cisco. Present plans are to the effect that the wedding will take place in April. Mr. and Mrsv Edward M. Colie, who were married November 11, will be at home after December 1 at 100 Chest? nut Street, East Orange. Mrs. Coli?; before her marriage was Miss Emmlin Hall, of Flushing, L. I. Mrs. J. B. Milne and Mr. Frederick Reinherr are in charge of arrangements for the first dance, November 24, in the series of three to be given at the West Orange High School for the benefit of the scholarship fund. ? The main topic at the present time for the young 3s well as the not quite so young members of the Washington Society of the Oranges is the "Junior Assembly Follies," to be presented by the boys and girls who. compose the society s junior assembly, Tuesday eve? ning, December 12, at the East Orange High School. Mr. John B. Phillips is the director of rehearsals with Mr. William C. Merley in charge of the j muaic. Mrs. Charles T. Metzgar, of Harrison Street, East Orange, ia spending sev? eral weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs, Douglas Bond, of Philadelphia. Mrs. W. T. Gooch and daughter, Mrs. , Bruce Malcolm, of Brook3ide Road, South Orange, have returned from a stay at their summer homo at West Hampton Beach, L. I. Miss Rachel Cutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cutler, of 135 Ham ilton Street, East Orange, was married 'at 8 o'clock Wednesday night to Mr. George D. Utter, of Greenwood Luke, jN. Y. The ceremony was performed in I Grace. Episcopal Church, Orange, by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Cha-les Thorn- I as Walkloy. Mrs. William McLean, of Newark,' sister of the bride, was the matron of ; honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Lillian Cross, Miss Mary McGarry and Miss Rachel Hopkins, of East Orange, j and Mrs. Estelle Eastwood, of Green- j wood Lake, si3tev of the bridegroom. Mr. Richard A.. Cutl-r broker of the bride, was the best nan. T.?? ushers included Mr. William Itf cLeun. Mr. ! Richard Cress, Mr. Aieiander1 Cross and Mr. Alexander McGarry Twenty-five friends of Mrs. Frances Eppley, of Nav York, formerly of West Orange, enjd ?d. a reunion with her during the last week, when Mrs. Ep? pley entertained informally at the Es? sex County Country Club, West Or? ange. Mrs. Eppley formerly was the owner of Tiermore, in 'I itton P. ik, West Orange, which 3he sold to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Newhouse and which is now occupied by them. Mrs. William Newton Bament, of 323 ' Park Avenue, Orange, returned home yesterday from Ashev?l?, N. C, where she has been for the last t?vo weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jame? D. Benham, of Lenox Avenue, East Orange, have re? turned from a abort stay at Atlantic City. Mrs. Arthur Purnell, of 179 North Maplo Avenue, East Orange, who has been visiting relatives in Baltimore, haa returned to her home. Mrs. Charles Hugh Dickson, jr., of 7 Webster Piuco, East Orange, has Is? sue.. Invitations for bridge party and tea to be given Tuesday at her home in honor of her .sister, Mrs. Thomas Pot? ter, who ha., returned from her wed? ding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Potter arc passing a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bene? dict, of 07 Harrison Street, East Orange, previous to taking possession of their new home at 425 Central Ave? nue, Orange. Mr. Frederick Unge, of Stockholm, is th? house guest of Mrs. J. Alfred Dixon, of 235 North Walnut Street, Enst Orange. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Jones, of Park Avenue, East Orange, have re? turned from a ten-day motor trip through New York State. Jira. Ben S. Nash, of Main Street, Orange, haa returned from a visit with friends in Indiana. Miss Helen Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louia Friedman, of 910 South Eighteenth Street, Newark, will bo one of the attendants at the wed? ding Thanksgiving Day of Miss Irene Vivian McGovem, daughter of Mrs. Thomas McGovem, of 6 Watson Ave nuo. East Orange, and Mrs. Frank O. Goebel, of Maywood. Miss McGovern gnvo a dinner party for her attendants last night at the Elks' clubhouse, 44 South Munn Avenue, East Orange. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lockwood, of Ray? mond Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Chauncy, of Wyoming Avenue, South Orange, have returned from a short stay at Bay Head. The Monday Topic Club will meet to? morrow at the home of the associate hostess, Mrs. Isaac Vance, of 841 Val? ley Road, West Orange. "The Music of America and American Composers" is j to be the topic of the day. A social } hour will follow. Mrs. Henry R. Wile3, of 55 Holly? wood Avenue, East Orange, and Mrs. S. C. Boyd, of Orange, are to be tho hostesses when the Travelers' Club meets Friday, at the home of the for? mer. Members will read papers as fol? lows: Mrs. Hubert Cheesman, "Austro Hungarion Life"; Mrs. E. S. C. May, "Famous Charactera"; Mrs. J. H. Fur man, "Prominent Historic Events"; Mrs. S. W. Stanton, "The Charm of Moravia." The usual social time with refreshments will follow. Tfye Columbian Club of East Orange gave an informal dance at the club? house, Grant and Roosevelt avenues, East Orange, Friday night. Mr. Thomas A. Riggles was chairman in charge. He is also in charge of arrangements for the formal dance to be given Thanksgiving Eve. Mrs. Milton W. Blackmar, of 31 North Twenty-aecond Street, East Orange, has as her guests, her sister, Mrs. A. B. Paul, of Buffalo, and the latter's daughter, Aline Paul. Among the af? fairs to be given for Mrs. Paul during her stay will be a bridge Thursday by Mrs. William J. Hallett, of 98 Franklin 1 Avenue, Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Washburn, of 301 Central Avenue, Orange, enter? tained Tuesday night at the first meet? ing of tho season of the Tuesday Eve? ning Five Hundred Club. Miss Beth Pohle, of 57 Whitt?esey Avenue, East Orange, will be hostess ! at her home Thursday for the Girls' Club of Hyde Park, East Orange. Mrs. F. S. Stevenson, of 2?. Hampton Terrace, East Orange, entertained the Southern Society of the Oranges Mon? day. Mrs. C. T. Martine, also of East Orange, assisted her as hostess. Miss Lydia Record, of Belair, Md.> is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Malone, of 32 North Arlington Avenue, i East Orango. I One of the prettiest and. most at? tractive girls who will make her bow I to society in the Oranges this winter I is Miss Lydia Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Davis, of Turrell | Avenue, Sou'h Orange. Miss Davis's parents will give a dance in her honor Friday evening, December 22, at the Essex County Country Club. Mis franc?s Boyd, daughter of Mrs. | John J. Boyd, of South Orange, will ; be "presented" some time this winter | at a formal dance. Miss Boyd is at | the present time one of the most popu lar girls in that exclusive "little set" | which among others includes the I Misses Anna and Janet Wallace, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Wallace, of Mapiewo>d; Miss Jane Richman, debutante daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs. Charles Richman, of West ' Orange, and the Misses Eleanor Rey nolds, Elsie Brewer and Lydia Davis. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Hower, of 175 : High Street, Orange, and their sons, Varian and Preston, have departed for Florida for a stay of an indefinite period. They are making tho trip by motor. Miss Beryl Tremper, daughter of Mr. ! end Mrs. A. ?. Tremper, of Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood is spending a few days as the jruest oi Mrs. Frank Lozier, of Hawthorne, N. .". Miss Tremper's MANUFACTURERS BY ROYAL. WARRANT TO JUS MA'ESTY KJNG GEORGE V. WM. COULSON & SONS ESTABLrsi?BD 753 PURE UNENS OF FINEST QUALITY HOLIDAY GIFTS Our Offerings in Exclusive Handkerchiefs, Ex? quisite Lace and Embroidered Table Sets, Doilies, Luncheon and Tea Cloths and Distinctive Em? broidered Towels make appropriate Gifts of Superior Excellence not obtainable in the aver? age store. Monogramming for Christmas should be ordered early. PRWiXJ HOST CONSERVATIVE 429 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK BEST. 38th AMD asth STREETS LONDON, ENGLAND BELFAST, IRELAND f marriage to Mr. Francis Baker Hague, ! son of Mr, and Mm. Ainsworth J.| Hague, of North Ninth Street, Newark, ! will take placa in the Morrow Memorial Church, Mtiplewood, Thursday ?veni"?;, December 7. A number of entertain? ments In honor of the prospective bride are being planned. Mrs. Burdette C. Or?or. of 2G Wilcox ' Place, East Orange, will be hostess at a meeting of her bridge club Tuesday, f Mrs. William J. Harnish, of 23 Wat sort Avenue, East Orange, was hostess ? at the last meeting of the club. Mrs9. Alberta La Fofge, of 142 Valley ! Road, West Orange, will depnrt in the j near future for California, where sh< ; will remain until the close of the win- ? ter season. ? Rehearsal? are being held for the English comedy "Just Like Judy," which will be presented by the dra? matic corps of the Maplewood Country Club December 4 and 6 at the Riealton Scbool. The play is being coached by ; Mr. James Pennoyer. Mrs. Halsey C. Staffotd, of Myrtle Avenue, Maplewood, has gone to At? lantic City for a short stay. Mrs. W. F. Denel, of Mountain Ave- j nue, Maplewood, was the hostess Wednesday afternoon at the meeting ! of the literature department of the ? Woman's Club of Maplewood. The i main subject discussed was the "Life of Jane Austin." Mrs. George E. Low : acted as leader. Miss Dorothy Norton, daughter of ! Mr. .and Mrs. Lawrence A. Norton, of' Hartford Road, South Orange, will en- | tertain at bridge Wednesday after- ? noon. Miss Norton recently returned j to her home after spending a period l of about a year in south Jersey. A South Orange d?butante-to-be is j Misr, Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. and ; Mr>. Fred Smith 3d, o: Scot.and Road,; South Orange, who will be presented ? to society of the Oranges at a party ! to be given in her honor by her parents December 27. Mrs. William W. Creasey, of 177 Harrison Street, East Orange, will be hostess at her home November 24 for the Friday Luncheon Club, of which she is a member. Miss Gertrude Cannon, of Whittle sey Avenue, East Orange, has returned from a ehort visit with friends at Port Jefferson. Theoria Season Is Opened With a Birthday Party ? Theoria, Mrs. Harold George Wood.j president and founder, held its first i meeting of the season at the Hotel ' Astor on Wednesday. Four hundred were present at luncheon, and later the Forty-ninth Street Theater was filled almost to its capacity down stairs with the members and their guests. The play seen was "Whispering Wires." In the dining room the decorations were of the club colors, yellow, and at the dessert course the lights were low? ered and to a march a long line of waiters marched into the room and around the tables, each bearing in his hands a birthday cake with three lighted candles. Alter an address from the president Mrs. Wood introduced Mr. Channing Pollock as "Godfather Chann>ng Pollock." He gave a very in? teresting and amusing talk. Mrs. L. H. Baer sang a song and as an encore the club song, "Theoria." On Tuesday evening Theoria will give .its first dinner and theater party of the season. The dinner will be held at the Hotel Astor and Princess." On Thursday the club will attend s performance of "The Fool" at Times Square Theater. This party is given in honor of Mr. Pollock, the author, before his departure for Europe. Many new members were added to the already large membership and the first day closed amid a general voice of ap? proval. Mozart Juniors ? Give Card Fete AtJlotel Ag^ The members of tu 3^^. i Junior Matrons of the Net? Y Mrt Society, of which Mrr ?? *<" Connell i? president, hel4 a ??T *? last Monday at ?he Hotel A. <? ^ meet on the second M01..W rf ^ mottl.. Miss Bessie WortiV^ is airman of the Ja?Un ^ P-W:d Alexander Green of ?( ? The other members of &, aro Miss Grace Adelaide Bess chairman: Miss Eleanor f ? _ Miss Beatrice J. Boeram, lkfi?. R___?*^ I. Bentley, Miss Ida F tu! L'or'*k. Gertrude A. L. B.ock.M.? &'.*?? mann, ^?iss Angela C. Coch? ?n' Mabel Cervantes, Miss Ann? ?l** Crane, Miss Elizabeth K fl?lHti,5 Edith Anna Crowiey, Miji rS? *? Edward* Miss Elsie Marie aft/' Louise H. Gans-, Miss MflbatV8* lach, Miss Florence M H___*?.G_?ii Mande A. M. Jane?, Mis, g* ** A. Joseph, Miss Margaret I feS? Dorothy Adele Kneiael, M?m jSj?* dohald, Miss Sailie M.* m??C?* Madeleine L McKeogh, ??W^ Nirais, Miss Marion A CNV? i_* Margaret Parks Mis, K. F^fc dergaat, Mibb Art_le B. fcvZz Miss V. Dorothy P.tts, Mi?j L. Stevens, M;s? Charlotte B &2i worth, Mis?; Adrienne'c.So?aiit8^! Beatrice E. Sillo, Mi? ?*? Schwoerer, Miss Josephine Ti___T> ?din. lu, LilJia o, Beatriz T. Van Saun, Mi? rU? VVelch and Mis. Grace WillecbttL^ Associate menrbers of theJoai???. inet: Miss Marie C. Car? MkTv ginia Carr, Miss h ma G. F?^?* Jean Banks Walsh and Xi? |4g Benn Wal.h. *** The Junior Matrons incisai* m? ??i colm Voorhees Clark, vie^^ Mrs. Lemuel D.r.smore Bawie wZ' Karl A. Brahe, Mrs. EavmonTw Mrs. T. Wright Hare, ' M* j*f5 KiageB, Mrs. Horace E. KelrW K? Harold L. Lanchantin, Mrs, Uattat Lisner, Mrs. Georg? E. Morcine? 5JrT Arthur S. Mawhinney, Mra, A. J.'p-?. ers, Mrs. Her.ry C. Riefe, Ars. Jt? Schumacher, Mr:.. Norman Stifer, Ma Norton I. Virgien and Mrz. Fn??j__. H. Peper jr. ONDioass daysin^be e_? lis,htf ui Aus?: climate of Axierii City ?ai tftffc-t of trulr -_?*_-. ?tbe Ifegm. The _H_tj?tt feote! on-Meat? ?toem. Ab--?* European ylwfti proof. A?-?ftsfa. Detail? ai St??-, Gc-iph?tja. At?antic City Worlds ?reatest ffotd Smcm for Quebecs "Wintert Soon,they*ll be here again. Glorious ?now and crystal ice. Bracing ozone and bias? ing sun.... Quebec offers new thrill? in winter recreation..So, swap your mashie for a toboggan. Your bathing beaches for snowfields.... Come up any time from Christmas to March first. You'll find Dufferin Terrace a roaring toboggan slide. The band-park a skating rink. Citadel Hill a ski-jump, And the famous Chateau Frontenac a trysting place for the accepted order of winter* sportsters..... Plan now when you'll come. Let the Canadian Pacific Office arrange your trip. 44th Street and Madison Avenue, New York. Or, write Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Canada. CHATEAU A CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTEL AXDF