OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 02, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-12-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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^?SB**^ ?T'.Vr.a a~
First to Last the Truth: News- Editorials- Advertisements
Pair ?ltd raider io-d?t and ta>-?aorra*?
gtrotig eorlrtwaai wind?
to-n gr>l
1 X1
v 27,175
mm mm. i>.;< .?;\iw:i,
a o *
rito rr.tTB i -??????f ? FM?
In ?-.,??!.? ?4*<r Vara | BUM? 106 Mile*
rora i
??oiioress Liberals
Unite to Fight for
Their Legislation
?btae i? Harmony
Presidency ?ought
y roW~ff? .N?
to AJa? of the Group
a^wi vcathrnoton Durta*
?^??TON, Dec. l.-Fourtt?n
zTgti S?n?tor?.elect *ni tw?n
^?TBgBktrs of the Houi? 8nd .
yTlLlaet met here to-day behind |
*7??tt snd decid.d to tske vigor- j
" ?, toward enactment of pro- ;
Jggitlation. Governor Blaine
in wsi also In ?tUnd?nce
rBtS Uksn to organit? th?
J?7? platform was adopted and it
L???tiit& to hold other eonf?r?nee?.
??_?, vit much to indicst? th?t th?
STsf progressive? from th? two
kja* would siitrt themitlvet atrong
?,?rt only in the new Congrett after
Sirct 4, but thii winter,
?ttaoufh It was sp?eineally dis
??mti by the tpeakeri ?t the eon
aMati thst the purpos? was to or
rm ? third psrty snd it was sUted
?liKts were legislative, th? pro
- ?h eb met with their favor is
Mahich fill require those who sup
??I it to tske s ?tend largsly inde
Sgat of both th! old parties If
iTiJoTtmont develop! th? force which
?*? of iti enthuiiaitic ?dvoc?t?i ex
STit ms> prove to be th? beginnHg
J? third party movameat, in the
Z?tiM of obsen-er? her?. The con?
%?LZ et Senator? snd H Oust mem
u^wai are clsisod ss progressive
i ?' !* f?'.!owed to-morrow by ? gather
a,h'f?ih.-r-on of 160 to 200 pro
?Mimi ?nd reaicala from ell over
Unit To 8? Puihed Are Selected
?aOaiMTjdanca to-day wer? both Re
.JfgsJst ?nd neraoertts. It w?s d?
?M fouke up ss 8 group ?sa fer es pos
? cu ture, shipping. T*bor. natu
?la rttoarets, raiiroad?, credits, taxa?
is sai ctitr matters.
i a? fermai action was Ukrn
?sect to co-optrstion with the
'ire bloc, some of those preient era
c members and mott of the
-. ??.eh the men at the con
have in mind is agricultor?
li fired by the farm bloc Sen??
;er. head of the farm bloc in
.?.te, was present
The following reio ution was offered
b* S?nslor La Follette and unanimous
'.', sdtpted:
"Rtiolved, Thst the progressive mind
id Smitort ?nd Representatives of all
?rirt.M sgree to meet from time to
tat tnd co-optreta wholeheartedly in
ortjtr to ?ceomplish the fundamental
Ftrtott upon which we are ?11 united,
Bsatly, to drive special privilege out of
ccati.1 of government and reator? it
tttk ?soplo.
*T? t?.i end we will oppos? unc??s
?17 i>?ci?l interest legisl?tioi, ?nd,
a ?ratr to prtptrt icientifically to
??m. is? critica! lituation that con
.ronti the nation, we propos? to ereate
?paitl tor.T.tteei, computed of mem
"Tiof tbt Sensta and House, co-op?r
.*|is4"tlth men of. affairs and ?xperts,
?* I'tttre azd submit to this group for
?a?Vtirit.on from time to tim? during
j? ?ad the next Congress practice.
?86 aantneti?/? plans for dealing ?*ith
m .?llow?n? rreat lubjects: Agricul
g'.ikipp.ng.lsbor, natural resources.
!*****?? crediU, Uxatlon, amend
??U to the Constitution looking to
a? tbeiiihment of the E!?ct?r?l Col
*g* sad th? ?arliir meeting of the
???y elected Congresaee.
Ftvor l-mlaartlel Primarle?
1b order te rmore ?nd perpetu?te
?b control of tht peer,], over this gov
liif'?FBpeii the inttitutlon of a
******* eampaijn in the various
?Sar??Jer -reet?tMn P'imarie? for nil
gj* ??t?a, Including the Pr?si
"?ey. ?nd for sffeetive Feder?! end
A^.\tr7VX ??????eo sets."
at tr.. fir? sgssior. of th? eohf?r?nee
i Borning the following Senators
?a,,. ?. . ??. ?wiiowme oinamra
J" present: McVary, Oregon; Ship
?0-7 *;""-e?eta; Fratigr, North Da
aOtveri Oklahoma- Xorrit, N??
j^T? Sheppgrd, Texat; France.
R, las?. ' N rth D?koU: Cap
'?E?*,i La Follet??, Wisconsin;
WlWk ,7i Wh-??'?. Montan?.
?WaZ?~;.*??b'- Senator?- Owen:
?jgJ^snd ?hielir ?r? Democrat?,
aaTSal ? P?r-r.rre-Uborit? end
?VtA?^ R?PubHean?.
-saSaBsL R,'r'T?:'-tative, and Repr?
igpTr^J-ifet who iicc?p?ed th? fol
?. DV*.r* I,r???nt or??nt me?s?g?s:
NSw'^a1"1 ??' E- Br0wtlt?
l?l ? ?: Bur?'?? P?nn6ylver.i?;
? I ,; ^,1- B. Huck, Illinois;
iaaWV V ?hnn"ot?: E- J. Krrg,
?? ?* I Knight, Ohio; F. H. La
**-"---^Jf!^^?_?lg* ?Hf??)
^tic Sets New Record
f* Yor?- to OterbouriT
Ut? r^~
n tM*8 Atlandf in 5
D?J? 6 Hours and 13
? ??? c?it?? b/r J^'P tc th? lllSHU
rydock, the Wh't? St>r
""???tft. -? "et * new trans-Atlantic
* itraat,.-;/- from N?% York to
'*??., the eotnpHed
11^?.-^ ;vfctrb?'J-e' >n flva days
^ ?N Bia.^1 ti" d?-7? eirbt
**? 11, . , B*'nut??
OLster??rr h,'b.Wr* "?'?? na
?FS??? Viia. clt. Proee*??<- ta
-jaj?. "' a tos Bri'.ith capita?
?TLHsrlL'0" ?*-'*U of th?
* at?: fttuit p??,?.,
pa-iL'tor lLa C* tffi???U of th?
5^ ?ti'W r*^rt' Jr ?roirary
IZ'HSM ?T. * 4n<* "^thoit slriving
at. ?? Baa-KaiV * ,pt,<s ?* f*6nty
sia?i f?rea? ? "* ttiU? ??? ????
- . .?**,l,l becauaa ?f Uda
Star Light That Began
In 1900 B. C. Arrives
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 1.?
Measurements made at the Har?
vard Observatory show that tne
star RZ Cephei is the fastest
moving luminary yet timed on
this sphere, traveling at the rate
of 2,600,000 miles an hour.
As the RZ Cephei is 3,800 light
years distant, the light which now
reveals it to astronomers began
its journey earthward in the time
of the shepherd kings of Egypt,
nearly 1.900 years before Christ.
It has long been known as a vari?
able star of the constellation
Cepheus, being in the tenth mag?
nitude and therefore not visible
to the unaided eye.
News Summary
Lautann? conference on verg? of
collapse. Turk? gain expulsion of
half million Greeks.
Arrest of Captain Ehrhardt, no?
torious monarchist conspirator, in
Munich taken as sign of a reuniting
Mexican troops on guard as labor
ites stage one-day general strike in
protest against water ehortage.
Both Irish hill? successfully pan
committee ?tag? in House of Lords.
House of Commons rejects hy vote
of 308 to 172 Lthor's ?m?ndmer.t on
unemployment to speech from throne.
Disclaiming third party Intent,
thirteen Senators and twenty-three
Representative? combine for legit
lativ? purpo???.
Repr???n,tat|v? K?ll?r cite? four?
teen ?se-untt ?a which AtVasnay C?n
?ra! Dwugharty should be Impeached.
Wets to open. Cougrott tight next
w?ek with demand for ousting of
Coramittioner Haynet for "incoro
petency and maladministration."
Becker indicted for murder of wife.
Medico] examiner ?ayt woman wat
alive whan buri?d.
Progrettive Republicans among
ttat? and national le-riilators to con?
fer on plan to control party here.
Olivia Stone, nurse who shot law?
yer, takea polton and fight? atUmpts
to ssv? her.
Intemperance and poor scholarship
main problems of college*, says
chairman of Intarfratarnity Confer
Princeton senior killed when c?r
skids ovsr embankment. Compsnion
pinned under machine for five hours.
Eugene Valentine Brewster, mil
liona re publisher, confesses love for
another, and wife sues.
. Samuel Unt?rmy?r to represent
Turkish princes in suit over l?te Sul
Un'i oil lands.
Charlott? Mill? will try to solv?
murder of mother and rector by
?pirituali?m. Charges prosecutor
with persecution.
Liners Cor.te Rosto and Giuseppl
Verdt in race arrive together, be?
mijrratlo.i authorities mu?,t pick win?
John T. aUttrtek, who ?erv?d a
y?ar in panitontiary, ?n?p?r.r.efi for
thre? year? by Aopellat? Diviiioc.
Eleven of crew lose live? wh?n
Canadian ve??el Mapleho-st fcuiid?x?
on Lak? Michigan.
8t. Loui? police elo??'.y guard
Clemenceau in German atronghold
where he ?peak? to-night
Chicago Medica'. Po?t of Arr.eriear.
Legion bitterly denounce? pardon by
GoveYnoV Small of Illinoi? of "V:lli?n?
Bro?? Lloyd. mlJlior.?ir? radieal, and
eighteen ?stoeittet.
Court ordert tar.ity tett for John
P. Tierras. rr.atrimoniallat extraor?
dinary, of South Ber.d, Ir.d
Vackeet will Uke two recruit
?hortttops. R?dferr. ar.d Quintanna,
to tpring training ctir.p.
Three Dig conteat? t?-day elote
1922 football teatos.
Stock prices continu? recovery.
Anaconda'? negotiation? for ac?
quisition ef Chil? Copper practically
j complet?, Wall ?.tre?t haart. -
? Pralri? Oil ?nd Gas and Prairi?
Pip? Lin? propote ttock dividendt of
2O0 per cen?.
John Wanamaker Better
Physicians Decline to Say if
He Is Out of Danger
PHILADELPHIA, D?c l.?Improve?
ment in th? condition of John Wan
? ?mak?r. ill at his hom? with a heavy
wa? reported to-night by hi? phy
r. Wanamaker's condition." aai-i
led at 6 p. BU, "?how?
improvement la ?v?ry way."
Th? phy?i?i?r.t d?clin?e to taywheta
' *r Mr. Wanamaker wa? out ef danger.
? Hi? condition latt night waa reported
! grav?. and th? morning bulletin to-d*y
I ?aid h? had c?ntinu?d to lot? ttrangth
1 ?nd vitality, although having p????d o
To Call Tafl
In Fight on
Keller Charge? Attur
General Deren<?,! Chief
Justic?*. ^ hile IV? -iiiVn,.
in Getting >lor?e I'.rdnn
Cites 14 Points in
Impeachment Ple;i
Asserts Corrupt Appoint?
ees Have Been Named
and SpiesSet on Congre-??
WASHINGTON, Der. l.-Chief Ju?
I tice Tnft was named to-day in a state
? ment to the Home Judieisry Commit?
tee by Representative Keller, Republi?
can, of Minnesota, as a witness to b?
called in support of his demand for
the impeachment of Attorney General
The Chief Justice was desired to
testify, Mr Keller wrote, in connec?
tion with his charge, formally filed,
that Attorney General Daugherty had
appointed "untruatworthy, corrupt and
dangerous men'' to hirh off..c. knowing
at the time that they sver? men of
such character.
George W. Wickcrsham, former At?
torney General; Samuel Gomperi,
'cnt o' the An-.rric-in F?dertion
of Labor, and Guy Oys?er, Mr. Com
per'? secretary, ?''??-? were real I
by Mr. Keller as othir witnetut h?
would sik th? comm.ttee to summon
ds to this psrticular allegation.
Withholds Some Names
Regarding the committee request
that he civ? the names of all persons
who could testify at to any of the
'hirpei on which he bated a demand
for impeachment, Mr. Keller wrote it at
he would not comply except in eerta.n
particulars which he and his advisers
regsrd safe.
Setting forth fourteen ipeci: c
I ?jroundi for impeachment, Mr. Keller
'leged thst Mr. Daugherty had prac?
ticed "fraud ?nd deceit" on Mr. Tsfi
while President to obtain th? release
from prison of Charles V. Morte, and
that on Morie's fsilure to pay Daugh?
erty'? associates in the pardon pro?
ceedings sn ?greed fro he "proit.
tuted" the office of Attorney G?nerai
for "peison?l revenge" by ??curing
?n indictmrnt of Mo'?e
In hit letter to Cbsirman Volstead
of th? Judieisry Committee Mr. Kel.cr
said the ?pec.ncstions he inc oied 'set
out, ?nd I em prepared to prove, that
the laid Daugherty it g;ii ty of i?.i
ous misconduct in office, higaly nreju
dicikl to tee public interest: of grave
abuse of his discretionary power?; of
willful and repeated violations of his
o??,h of office and of high crimes ?nd
misdemeanors in fourteen particulars,
each ^ne of which is sjpported by nu?
merous instances."
"If any of these fourteen specifica?
tions against the said Harry M. Daugh?
erty can be said to be more important
than any other," said Mr. Kei.tr, "it
is that group of specifications that re?
lates to the refusal and neglect of the
said Harry M. Daugherty to enforce
the anti-trutt lawi of the United btatei
of America."
Fourteen Charges Summarized
Briefly summarized, the "fourteen
particulars" a.e as follows:
"One?A willful and deliberate ???
tempt to paraiyzo a.id dt.
and activities . tderal
inppraai ar.d punish .iolationi of the
?r.'.i-trust law by continued aro de?
liberate r?futai to yiuiec..'
"Two?A willful ?nd deliberate re?
fuse, to prosecute the violations of the
anti-trust ll ?rare called I
attention tupported by testimony tata)
under oath b? I
?oint Laglalative Commit es on B
"Three? I 1 delib?rate re
foi?l to proseen-.' I *.o?s of the
? anti-trutt laws that **ere calle j I
?ei by lettlmo*
I evidence, by 'he United i'-a'c?, -
i Committee ' on Recor.strnctior. ??id
Houii.ig. . . ?
iuur?A willful a:id delibera!
ure and re?u?. i to c-'force tas
utes of th? United >!??t?i passed by
C-ngrest for the pro-- U and
??"': . . .
???The ?iimittal from service
D?. rert-r.e.-.: ai Ju?t??e
i faithf . 14* ha.' '
bee:, engaged m investigating war)
-wir.g ptricns to remain in ?
th? employ of the Departmc-r.t cf J ?,
tics after it*bad baer. provad that tech
pertpns are guilty of ha-:rg accepted
f. es to represent the?? charged by '.he
Department of Just:?-- ?tior.s
of the FsJeral statutes in caret upon
the said employ?t bad betr. en
? *?*ed
'Seven ?The pervertier, cf the le?
gs! processes cf the ?B t?d States for
1 the purpctc of ?..s-.'.iunfrg action fo
I which - '-t th?
I time .fan ar.d the de
(Cert.iu.d t? ?tit tV-x)
Rum and Poor Scholarship
College Evils, "Frais" Are Told
Int?rap?rane? and poor ?eholanhi
, ar? the two most ??noui problem? wit
: which the American college hat t
I datl, according to the chairman of th
.nterfratemity conference, Frederic
? H. Nyrceyer, a broker with ofleet t
,66 Br.adway, who pr?tent?! '
? r.ual r?port at the meeting of the or
! ganiiatian in the Hotel foaas?
yesterday b?for? a group of colisa1
men from all part? of the country, rap
r???ntlrg fifty-two ment fraternitlei
and ninety colleges, and univertitie?.
"If we car. st.mulatfl," declarea Jtr
Nym?y?r, "in ev?ry coll?g? and uni
vertity throufhout thi? contfnen'
where fratemiti?? exist a more earn
ett de?ir? on th? part I
-.o respect th? Contt
to raise their i tender dt o!
ws shall have sceomp uhtd a ,-rctt
purpo?? ?nd set an exampl? to th?
world in central.
"I knew that drinking can b? blamed
no moi? on iratarnity than non-fraur
nity man, o*r for that matter on busi?
ness m?n. but I b?!i?v? that fraternity
men, who?? objaet is tv.e-?Isvstioa of
I o' it? bras ideal to the educ?ticn?l
?ak? the lead in this
?a:nit viciil.on o. the law.'
H. T. Thomat, a representativa el
Zett Ft. fror.. reseaity o:
Chicago, '64. wat the old??t delegate
to th* cct1ier0r.ee Mere thai: a ?cor?
[ of educators proir.iner.: in college a!?
' fairs w?re amor ? ? ?.ought tc
repr-Ji titadfl of college feeul
rr.attert. Among
. -were. D??r I Clirk.
Uale?r?ity of Ket '
^mm'oofi, u' Dean A. K.
Hecke! of Lafayetc. Dean J. A. Bun
lev, .- D??i E E. Nieholson,
Tarbell, of
:ia, and Dr. Thomat W. Gal way,
Lai Hygiene Atta
csl'.cft fraternty a?n
yp?eted to ?pea- '.rolag
?assise to-dey. Amcnc th?m tr: Sen?
ator Georc?. Whartep P:nper, of I
ty'.vtr.!?; former Vict-Pr?iid?r.t
Thomat B Manhal! ?nd 'orair S?cr?
'itary of War N?wtan D. Baker.
pV: am H. P. Faun?? of
Brown Univenity ?ill ?peak at th?
House Wets to Test Strength
Over Dry Appropriation Bill
\* ill Deiii-iiid tt:i\n?"a\ ReOKrYatl and Rl Ol ???lllllfp
of DtpariTmWUi a*? Condition for Their Vole* for
S9.00U.000 I nforei-meul HtamUit ><\t \* ? ek
uMapton Sarasa
mtl. 11, , ,r; is-pl'
. <?:.,. d to center o\ er
a demand for reort:-. ' ths
ladlag ihr
Prohit'it'oii Coniiiii?sioner !
.1 eoadit.on up-n which th?
fund atkt-ii fur the no
available. The m
Bepreseatalit t John ,
ry land
i inkham, .if Ms?? u
and Represent..ru James Geliivan, of
nie itate, ?he will lej?J the ?:?
tack, are confident thst the gener*'.
recognition now given to enforcem??r.t
condition? will bring their cautc the
tympt'.h\ of many conservative mem?
ber* on seil ?.de? of th? Hou?e.
An i'!'.art ??ill alto be made to ob
?ala a vote putting the mtnii.cn on r?c
rd on th ? question o? tr:. referring the
: cement work from the Tr. .
Department to the Department or Ju?
t.ce. Thli will undoubteuly be dit
i of ?pee?! rear, ai
main attempt of follow
? Hill
al ot
at ho
will : luslva
barfi, ai:,, i
of law and order '
the re
hi| ineom
??eial prohl ?
or that enforc?
?>ct be tra: I the Department
of Jut
'! hav? co?ectr.d ta . the
latency ?nd niala-i
! thai'.
at to Congre?! when th? appro
come? up.
"I shall oiTt as an ?m?r
bill I I ? ? .. pro
(Ca.tl.w.4 ?? a*?* ?*?**)
Of N. Y. Plan
Grip on Albany
Representative Fish Will
Call RepublicanCongrcss?
men and State Legislat?
ors Together in January
Hold Balance of Power
Believe They Can Bloek the
Reactionary Moves and
Force Liberal Legislation
By Denis Tilden Lynch
Republican member? of Congrett
(rom the ?tat? who are r?pr?i?r.t'|ve
nf th? liberal element in the party have
I planned a conference in Albany during
the first week of the legislative ?ci?
si?n next month to which the progrn
tive Republicans in b th branches of
, the State Legitlature will be eipecltlly
Th? call for the conference will be
ittued by Repretentativei Htmilton
Fith jr., of Putr.im, and Luther W.
Mott, of Otwcgo, the dean of the New
York deleg.tion in the Hume of Repre?
The object of th? meeting, ?t ex?
plained yeiterdty by Congrettman Fith
at hii office here, it to inture the en?
actment of real progrestive legitlation
in this ?tat? in 'he n?xt few rr.anth?.
3nd to prevent the reactionary element
in the party from lining up with the
reactionary element In the Democratic
to defeat worth-while reform? by
having a camouflage fight between tV?
^??embly and
the D?.rrt?ratic controlled Senate.
Plan to Force Re!o
Cor.greitr.iar. Fish t&id the :
? outward
man?:' -eetinf- of state
and : atieaal Ittgtilstor
month, hat been quietly under way
thoved thtt th* Pro-?.** tives could
?t?te - ? ?r.d forcing th?
\t reforms em
ricut* pla'.form
'-? R?i:-b!:c?m
electc ' te* Leg:??
laturt aie min ?r-iio, like mytalf. Tait
the. ; . ? !on?l
Root?; forprogr
Idea t. Saras cf thsss mm ttnec uith
?n? :.- ? when w? had
tea Pro?rniive? :r th? lower home.
I in th?
Call Young "Teddy" Reactions
And her prorer tfl
eld Prjgrtt?iv?t
who : e late Colonel Poote
I Armag?Jdor. :n 1912 do not rt
:ard hit ion, ?ImcS'N Roottv?it, who
t beinrj groomed by ? certain ero.p
?. ttat? for Gov. '24. at
t progressiv?, whether it be ip.lied
frith ? tm?l or ctpittl "p" !r. ftct,
nany of th?m jrheiitatingly label
. altheagli
tad '.'.beri
n? Assembl? aid mad* amtnds for hi?
Hag to outt th?
(Ceatiaaafl ?? ??*t tkrM)
Jilted or Not, He
Expects Heaveu
To Send a Bride
If Rich Widow Fail? Him
on Sund i*,. Parson. 63,
Will Keep on ITopin??**
Is Sure of the Results
Has 2 Texts Picked Out
May Consult At'oroey La#er
About Breach of Prom?
i.?e Action. He Asserts
The Rev. George Herm-nn L?w?on I?
'asa certain then he wss that Mrs- Msy
Maioa w?i divinely ordiinid to b? kit
htlpmeet. U? h?? not lost faith lo
heaven ai a matrimonial bureau, but he
s beginning to think h? may have
jumped at conclusion?.
If Mri. Mason was the wife he had
been praying for, he pointed out l?st
night, the would not have gone to At?
lantic City, leaving him with ? m?r
riage license, a lease for an apsrtment
ind th? knowledg?, which might be em?
barrassing to snother mart than th?
llcv. Georg? Hermann Lawson, that
their wedding, which had been widely
I is ertised ?I ? festur? of th? sfter
noon service to-morrow at the hill in
Orange where Mr. Lawion hat ?stab*
liihed his V-ople'i Evangelistic
Ckureh, had been e?lled off.
The Rav. Mr. Lawion is not in th?
leatt fluttered by the situation. Hit
brother, the Rev. Alexander J. Lawion,
.1 coming ort from Quarryville, Pa., to
be beit nv- ' non ihows
up st 3 o'clock hir appearance wi'l be
:orrobor*tion of
th? evsngeliit's impetuous ?ceeprar.ee
of her as the answer to his prayers.
Has Texts All Picked Ont
preach upon the
ttxt he announced when he r.'t<?? his
eddir.g plant public and told how tue
eeii?u! he had been in praying for a
HAM Thou
jfavti' ? ?. If Mn. KASOn it h??dlett
of her ealettia? Btlsslon to help the
?jo cu? to Indiaatpoli?
?nd do?n to Lenca star, Pa., to rait?
Ora.r.g? th?
J tie
Lo'C b!e??ed be th? r?m?
* ?rd "
Afterward, ?aid the Rev. Mr. Lawson.
ttaraajr a? to jh?
advisability of inttitoting tuit for
breach of prorr.tie to marr>.
Las.?on, who is sixty-three veers
old, lix f?et ta!!, white-haired end -g
ht? beer, in the ba^? ?
neu long iitoaai . .-.iwir
;o \>rs;er -.her h? teet one, snd th?r?
ws<^ no: tas stifhtaat ?toast b
when h? -.a-. Mr?.. Matos is hit
church ? few weeks ?go. Hi? eotv.e
?:-.?t the wat th? wom.tr. he had
r>ray?d for w?t not thakin when he
earned she wat wealthy ar.d had
"rier.di who might object to th? mar?
Teo Many Co'n*'deneai
Such fner.di. h? felt tur?, wo >!d
' j*.tlu?nc? with th? Lord.
-iore thtr thirty
Mr* Maton was the
i?n and h? e?s aj
ad buen ir
prouioity in Ca'cutu; that tr ? year?1
??r,, * her he <rai <j-?rter?d ;n l?-ti
?x Car.-tdian contingent. Mr;
ton, ?1! unwitt'ng of hi? pr???r.e?. ?a?
r clcse by ar.d thst for momh?
tw?s had bot i dw?lt in Orant*. tnr
torn* weeks on th? ism? st*
out meeting, the Rev. Mr. Lawion was
ICart'laa? ?? |?g? tin
Siamese Twins Here
Successfully Separated
Ruth -nd Byhr*jj Zarelsky Born
Joined No?. 2: >'ov Apart
and Health*.
Ruth and Sylvia ?irtltky, who eeme
into the s?, ^er 2 joined tt>?|
g?ther, were teperswd y?st?rday by a^
operation performed by Dr. Phil Mln r
b?rg, ? ?BaclalSkt tti ob?t?tric?.
Borough Psr? Maternity Hospital.
Brooklyn. M . - I
operation wa? considered highly
?-?ctettfu!. On? of th? twin? wefjrh?d
flve pound? and th? other three. Wt?B
Ruth and Sylvia wer? born the >??d
of on? ?a? ur.J*r las chin of th? other
and 'o.n?*d to tho chett
M*i. Jityer 2-r?!sky. ?2S1 Seventy
Street, Brookly . th? mother,
r.r g*?e her consent to th?
operation ?nd ?ret o*r?rjoy?d ?t th?
riea-lea?II 41 Miintgbc Dir?m sarrtr? ?*
jaia?-??ill? ?f)? l?.na?Orrran'l--Crte?>?a
Slain Wife
Buried Alive;
11 u si ?and II eld
Becker Indicted on Evi?
denee He Lured Her to
Pit. Struck and Silenced
*t niggle* With F.irlli
Police l?.^i?iiii:
For Mon? Bodies
Friend of Truck Driver
Said to Have Confessed
I nil Details of M urdir
Mis. J.nnie K.
*.v.iu it? .JiicoMiry pretenting numer
i.ioiutl ?tpect?, was shown by
development? yesterday to be on? of
the ir.ott brutal erirr.?? ?ver eora
i In New York City.
' only arsi Mr?, laeksf d*r
by the invattigatir.g authorltiei to
!.??? b?er, ?tru-k down by her r.utband.
Abr?',am Becker
him uniutpeetipg-.- . ?>r \.
I SBd four
children, hut teit.rrw ?? wit given be?
fore the Bronx gtaad jury that th?
w?t ?live when, ?fter receiving the
blow whlc*. frtctur?' her ?trail
wai pi ? ,\ concret?
pit m ti,, ratai N9tl
?nd Southern Po -i huned
Inrilcted ftn Murder
After hearing thl? evidence, which
?me from Dr. Karl S. K'nnard, as?
sistant m?dical ??miner of Bronx
County, together with the tes?,mor
if more than ? ?core if ether wit
ne??e?, th? grand jury brougbt in an
ndictment agalnit Seeker, ?harg'ng
Art degree murder. He -t to b? er?
raigned on th? ?harp? ?ar'y n?xt week,
?ccordinr to Attistant District At?
torney Albert Cohn.
Whil? thflifl nroceeding? were gi.r.g
on atUchet of th* office of D strict
Attorney Edward J. Glennon, under
guard of a ?quad of policemen, who
had difficulty in holding th? crowd*
?techa were digging up varioui spots
in th? "murder lot," in investigation
of t report brought to Mr. Cohn thtt
ho bodiet of other murdered perto-.t
had b??n buried there. The inveiti
-a'or? ?l?o ttflrehtd the lot for th?
??apon ui?d te V. Mrt. Becker?n ;w
!?y?li?v?4 to kflv% been an iron bar??rd
for othu ?vidence of th? cr'm?.
It wa? learned last night that Rabin
Vorkin. Becker's friend and the man
who unwillingly lid detective? and ?
corpt of exhumen to the tpot where
Mrt Becker wtt buried, had mtd? a
detailed itateraent, ?ctucliy atsuMirz
th? nttur? ef a confeation, at to hit
knowledge of the murder end the dis?
p-ial of tht body. Norkin it the pro?
prletor of the metal welding ihop ad?
joining the icen? of th? cr me
Th? itateraent, it wai atcertained,
wat mtde to Mr. Cohn. who. whila cor?
robortting the fact, ttid that he wa?
not ready to raak? it public, a? we
are ?till cheeking up on it"
Said to Give Crlm? Detalla
On? ?ouj-c? of inform?t'.on ?? to the
do<om?nt wtt that It earn"--! Rec' e- a?
th? tlty?r not only on ?tat?m?nti ?1
ezed to h?v? been made by the latter
?.o Norkin but a!?o on Norkin's per?
sons! knowledge of tome of th?. factt.
?tit contained a griphie deter p
? .* tho manner ir. which Mrt. Bicker
.*?? done to death. W'eeir.er Norkin
i ?lec'aration* ??ti lafl ??ted :*i
tBS enn? to a gre??tr extern then h?
?revioutly a? oetti tho'vr.
not diseloted, but it ?va? ?'.gr.incant
thtt he was held la $100,000 o? 1 a? a
matatisi ?rttaess -?hen. a? Btek?r wa?
being indlCteflt, Mr. Co' n ?ppe?red be
'ort County Judge Leonird Gibbs uni
? ich a requ??t.
Thtt raer? thtn on? penon ht? b??n
cr mir.ally implictttd la th? murder
was indicated by s r?qu?tt read? by
Mr. C.hr that th? grand jury cor.?
tir.ut it? ir.vatt'.gationi. It it to tit
?gain on Thursday, h? announced, ?1
t ougl re declared that ' th? cat?
It Becker It now to complete that
w? rec-fir? no fur.'e; infcrrr.atic-.
tVhill Norkin w?t not ol?:?d befor?
tht grind jury a? a witntai, it wtt ra?
velled by Mr. Cohn that con-'rontln?
Norkin and Backer with ?ach other in
Attorney'i one? on Thuri
lay ha?t pro4u??d ?attumanti valuable
Etch Accates Other
'?B?cVer wet th? first brought to my
oftce," stid Mr. Cohn. "W
??i br ught in Becker poi'ted Bl
?r.d ?aid. 'You ar? th? murd?rerof ray
wif?. You killed her for tevt.ig? be?
etutt of your quarr?! w.th m? ov?r an
automobil? repair bill'
?'Immtdiattly Norkin btesrn? for4.
?at. Aft?r calling B?ck?r a liar, h?
begin hurling qutttiont tt him.
'Didr't you ull rr.? t? ftr btck at
latt Chrittmat thtt yoo intended to kill
your wif??' Norkin thouted. 'And
didn't you tay after you killed her
that you were h?r murderer'
"Many Steal adulations of a likfl
nature patted between th? two men.
but beea-jt? of th? chocking np now
w**tt*e?? ?? FM? ?l?*)
Princeton Senior Killed as He
Motors to College From Game
PRINCETON, V. J.. Dee. 1.?Rae?
D??our*B Allan, twenty-one years ol
of WieeltA Fells, Teat, ? s?nior I
?-3B Umvtrtity, wat killid ii
?ter.'ly sbou: 2 o clock this mormii
when a ear in which he was tatavaia
from th? Cornel)-Penr.?y!v?ni? footba
i??T.? in Philadelphia overturned o
th? retd betwieri Monmonth Jur.ctioi
and Kingttav, ?bout three mile? aai
! of this city.
He ?a? ae?orapar.l?4 by B. B. Stfeh
ter. of Dallai, Tex , a ?tudent a?. Syra
?Mj, Syracuse, N. V., wh<
vas u- i? now in the Me
Co?1-. Infirmary here tuff?rirg from i
nervous cojlapi?. Both m?n wen
pinned under the michino for nearly
I flv? heart btfcre they were found by
a delivery hay ?f Kir.gtto.i. who ?at
I ceiling on hi? trade- The accident ?a?
?anted by tkl44..tg at ths ear ovar as
Th? ear ??a? th? property of Allen,
who wet taetad ta th? tonaeau, wrii?
Stleht?r drav?. They had follow??!
I th? Trsaton-New-Brunswick Highwsv
?v. ?. -???dara?'?! '?it. 'lar,.??.?*
Kingston. About s mil? out of King?
ston the concrete roed ended abruptly
?nd StichUr lost control of th? car,
which wts traveling ?bout thirty mUet
an hour. At th? machin? ?truck th?
?oft dirt it tkidd?d sad b?fo?
hr?k?t could b? eff?*tiv?ly app
reliai over an ?mbenkm?nt, -
turtle ?nd ptnn?4 both raen bin?-?
Young Alien wts th? ton of R. A.
Allen, mi! tonaira oil magnat? cf T?x?v
Hit father ?ccompanled th?m to Phila?
delphia from Princeton y??t?rd?y and
remain,d in th? latter city ovar night,
Waving hit son waen h? ?tartcd ?.a th?
journ?y beek about ?fidnirht. H? ar?
risad in Priaaatea thu ?ft?moon ?nd
??ill ?eeompeny th? body to "A
F?!l? when hurt?! will take p ??*???
Young Allen, who wotjld hav? gradu?
ated from Princeton in Jur.t, *?? op?
of th? most popular ?a?r.b?rt cf th?
tonlor elatt. He wee s member of
the butineit hoard of th? Daily Prince?
toman ?nd the Princeton T:**?r. ?nd
?rai a member of t.te exclu ive Iry
Club. He tr?B6ferr?d to Princeton
l??t ys?r from Cora?! Un'vsri ty
-??r? h? wa? a m?mbar of th? B?ta
?n.??? at a>a6?Twit?
Lausanne Parlev
Near Collapse as
Allies Defy Turks
Harding Pfulie? Work
(ff ErtPOyS ol EeSSBBaaassswi
tdaiii ".it the
achievement?: of the American
<i?j!egates ?.- ?annr Near
l>eace coif Q aur
?he imagination, it wa?
-nowji st the White Houte
t'? day in mniii'.-uon w'.th a ?t?te
n behalf of Pre-idrr" I
ing thai
showed u> far everything
ing along tine and most ac?
rica "is ' it her
' -nee at Laaaaai
it the Adr
??larcd, also .
' ' " do
??? "h the Vea- Baa) Ituai ?
what brought it r.?
Si. I.ouis Guards
The Tiger'With
Shotgun ?Squad
Mayor GreH?. Chinenrruu
at Ou'lying Mui'ioii \ti?
the Poli??? ( .1 ^?urr? (??"
Threat* \gainit Visitor
600 Will Protect Him
SoNlaell Patrol Pulitzer'
Fsti^e.WVWe Frenchman
I4 Guest Before Parade
By Boyden Sparkes
?T. LOUIS, D?c 1.?Uruiu?; pre
-autloni h?v? been t?k?n ?*?? ?he police
'0 protect G?org?t Clemenceeu d
hie two day?' vitlt is th:t c?nt?r of
German ?ympathy. Th? Tiger of.
~rtnc? tlept to-night ?? th? country
rom? of Jonph Pulltter, vfceM al
visitor? were tbarply challenged by
! t?ntri?t ?rm?d with ihotgunt. There
?-ere t deten o' these- ientri?a. ptrt!
of 600 policemen and deputy sheriff
who hav? b??n tsi.ig.ied to th? talk 0'
protecting th? Bid French tutetmtn.
Mott of thet? guard? will b? ?itibl?
to?morro-v when M. Clemencaaa It at
cortad in a motor car to the Odeon.
where he plant to voice again hit be?
lief That Germany, allied with th?
Turkish fanatic ir.d Runitn tnarchl't,
it pltnning t war of re.enge. There
aril! be many guards II
tcatt?r?d through th? sudiaaea, Nu?
merous letter? warning of plot? ?gainst
lb? lif? of the v'ititor h?\e be*
i by tht local authorities At
1 far *s i? known all of th???- -?.?re
I ?nonymoci, ?nd th?y ?re rtgtfdt J at
[the exprettion? of cr?nkt. On? of th'
1 list letter? received to-day *?u'
?the tuthorit!?? that an attempt aould
b? mad? to-morrow to burl rotten ?ggt
at M Cl?m?nc??u
Doesn't Enter Union Station
The rervouineti of the auth' ?
h*re wa? b?trty?d thit roornir.?r whin
th? visitero private car and the e?r
of eorrttpondtctt tr.d othert tecorr.?
ptr.-ing him ?ver? h?ld up in tie yard?
of the t ".ton Station ?nd then div?rt?d
to Forttt Park. Thit wat a duap
oent to a throng waiting to ch??r
l-'ather of Vie?? ??," ---t 't waa a
r?li?f to Chi?f of Poliee 0 Br!?n.
At th? Union fiou!ev?rd entrance to
Ferett Park, Mayor Kiel. Jo??ph Pu?
l?.?er and a f?w other t?-.erab?r? f ?He
recaption eommV? ?n??r?t M. Cle
?eac???'? ear. Af'er ? ?ho*t CO"-??r**
atea with them the old man ?merged
and ?m.ico a ,'p..., ? ? .--r~..
sheer from, ?bout a hundred pcrto.it
who hid be?n attracud by th? mounted
police escort.
Guard? SarpriM *Tlg?r"
Tb?r? wat a ten-mi!? motor rid? to
th? hulitter country home, wb?r? th?
old mtr. lifted his t-vebrow? si
light of th? polieemen potted ?b?ut
th? '.??mi with th?tr pump en it.
After greeting Mr. *nd Mrs. Pul.tr.ei
h? chatted briefly about hit alma.
?j want the p?opl? of th? United
State 1 to help themtelvet.' ht de?
clarad. "Your poepl? ?r? ?ntlr?ly In
(C*rtt1ae*< ?? ???? ??)
\tmtH Hints \*. ar W ki I
Deni-m?*. for Iintnetiiatf
Ou-terof <*i< i-k- in Con?
?tantiuo|>le i> I)en ?i i.
500.000 toi****
Anatolia ?il Once
!)? portMfi?in of Two Ka*? *
lo Bf M u]f on Scbbb.
I n k n o m n in History
Bv Wilbur Forreat
/ s? .*"?>???
? '.?a>
East ?.-ori fere nee ?pprsared t?-.
Ispv? and
v.orri > vul?J sur?
in ail del?a'a
".' Ismet Pasha
Os, the B
r fifteen min?
S ?a'ter'i invitation and
he ?.ame ou', o? en'?
h? obvioutly perturbed. Wbcii
tal h? waa be?
btt ?orretpcndante,
who aektd for un explanation.
"You BAB] wir? C'o.tUntinopla
that the Turkish people may t
ied on to I I '.its,"
he :ai?J wir
'-?'?r Vrar .Wer-mt
80 ,-*?n Un t?richt, a?
?Ingl. ? *w??n th?
AU'?t ?nd ?h? Turki tppetrt loa
tibie of s t?tfl?iA?nt Vri ?rd it (?
-??.?rally r.?H that th? est.ferer.ee ?a-1'!
be idjoortud sfter 1 T'jreo Crti
settlement of ?or. ? tart U intacta.
of i
Greek? I
Acquiei?enct .r. *>-4 Turkltn 4?
here to tet the blacken pr?*ed?
the world't htttory. c?oi? tl
through appreh?nslom of th? A?h?i
for th? far? of tht. Gr??k? liviag In
Aiia. it wat ?aid in explanation, (?met
Path? made it clear thtt th? Turk? do
not arast the G???kt under their flag,
?nd - 1 fallan en the
?art .? '.c yield
I woul,. - ?bol???!? m?iie?r?a
<n Anatoli?.
TK? eonfenoc?, however, ?toed eut
againet I?n?t'i ?.ddit'oe? derand thst
Greek? in Corita:-.tln?pU
ale? Im ?gaallcl it once, ?Ithcjgh it
agr??d to cur.?ia?r me ?natur further
Turks T? Be Deported
At th? ism? time it wai d?etd?4
that the 420.000 Turks terri?
aill bt it?jrtid. 01 th?t number
! ?-10.00C art in i?ss u-?*ec?. inc. .
Cr?t? and to? adjoining islandi; onlv
: ?bou*. 4,000 8r? in old <>*?*ce ?ad the
! rerr-.? MtSTfl T*1* I
66 tas Leuten r.e conference per?
mi:t?d th.i gr?si Chang? of c
populst-?*', s moverr.fr? anp^r?
?rhspsmor? then
e million sad ? quirter <l uacp ? It
- ftmr at :f after the world w*?r
th? United a?????, F.nr ?nd, Franc? sai
I's'v r.?d comp?! <-<:?:?? citent
jectt of German b'ood to ?ell -
property *? forcrd sal? ?nd !??"
country. Th? ?nil? f.ti exactly, ?i.
c?p?. .rit'on rt
tan Into th? iarco-Gr??k fnniptee
Th? Gr??kt an Cbrittians, not Met?
'ami, and taat. it tb?ir er a.? in th?
?yet of the Turks. Virtually sll cf
teem ar? Turkish tuhjreu. ?1 milior.i
of pertor? ? ? I
??11 cittter.i. In fact, they lar,?.'
h?t it mod?n: Tt?rk?y mer? tr?n .
?.housend yiir? b?for? th? Turki ttrr.t
I d??Uoy?d th? Byz'Atia? t .
1'r.i mov? will ?4?r, th? ?nd of ?'1
Greek cciomet in Turkey.
Th? Greek? .r. *?it?rr. Tbrir?, which
-irevia?? wat eeded to th? T .rk? it
h? Mudan ?a conference, ?lr?edy has?
eft that provine? bag and b*ggag?.
furki.h gendarme? *
MBtetiv?? 'c day f-r i no ? ?sja h-*ui?
. -ed by Chriitian Gre<\ . where??
"?20,?W0 sv?r, i?: th? rag'or. a '1? w??ki
go. To offsr*. this ?boat 120,000 T
from Grecian Thr?e? will ralgrat?
acrott th? Maritt? Riv?r.
VVtr Prltonen F?w
PrUoner? of war. who alti ?rill 9a
?xeb?ng*<!, r.um":tr on y 10 <XS) In the
t.ir.dt *.f th? Grease and 80000 In
Turki?-. c?rr.->?. Tie Greek? bo 4 ?aly
3 300 civilian pr'.tontrt a? a resell
tht Anatolian war. and th? Turks hoid
betwtvn 10,04)0 and 120
Lord Curien loined Verla?]?? In flf
i ?iing lia.
GreeVt in Conttantinepl? re ??p.
Th? former told Ismot be tbougr.t th?
Turki thuuld keep th? Gr??ki there for
?conomlc reat:t:i, but th? litt!? For?
eign Mineur wtt unyielding. Vtnit??
lo? told th? confece?? tnat hit countrv
could riot aiiim'.at? rofug??t from
Conttentircpl? in tddttior. t? thcts
from Alia Minor, and tsid he wou 4
be forced to appial tfl th? United
St*u? for r?!p and to relax th? rigor
of it? immigration law?.
Th? agreement wet mad? ?t a *e?
ilon of the territorial eomm.ttion is
which Canon, Ven?s*;?*, listet
Barrare participated. After lb?
lie? had *-rr?rd.-r?d to the Turkitu
d?mand a ?ub-committiin wat ?pp.
?d, c-aiiatmg ef ?mu?, Frenen, MM*
i?n. Gretk ?ad Turklih r?B.'?t?nU-tvs?.
t? work <??a*vth? datai!? ?f the vSst ??
e hange.
Massen Urges Ssesd
Dr. Ir.-'Dol N?P??n. Lea'u* at
.-?pre??i;tstlv?, charged with .
ifl evacuation ?( r?!.gitt i
Smyrna. urged that th* w?rk of
Donation b?ein at one?, ktcflui? ue'.tn
th? populations w?re tr?9tf?rr?4 be
for? th? ?nd of February th?y would
b? onabl? to plant ?roa? (a their -
? urrA.jeelina;? ?ad t!>? w ' ftX?

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