Newspaper Page Text
pan?e of Junior /assembly Given minga of Year'* Debutant**? Qgtberal K../< ??rlion for Kfcnt o( the Organiza? tion Fonnea Year? Ago Chiner? Precede Affair g.j.v Ho?te??e? Entertain Urge Partie?*? at Home* f iB Honor of Daught? r mnm at tk? debuunte. of the sea- i jTj^mk\ta\s4t^hiatthoKitz.\ ^ fcr tM ftrtt Junior AMembly SlT.fthl.Ha.oa. Thete dance.! !!!r?rfaalied y***" **? by Mr* ?T w-Uaw Dodge ?**d f?rm?r,JT *?"*?'? tktr ??"?LjjSlor Cotillon?. I-M Junter ?""^ ?.-abership in ut?6? ht? ^jWg,^., Include the n ^ ek2e?*?e ef a??*1 ?' thia ??tent? cr ck?p?r??n? ?no last' tt^mTaZtp now is a T.e comstM4*Jm ##f)*s,, 0? Mr. Mrraanint ?ae. **J- Traiter Pheips kCrar V. Dodr ??'''"? o ?inSS. Mrs. Robert L. Stcv ?''?^^Js.Sr6?r? Ring, Mrs. Her ?"** f^iiaB?! Mrs. John H. Pren ?"?r***^ -IT-*-? ef the committee who JjLj t?t fueiti lant n.ght were tffcolt. M'', Mrs. C?bot. Mn*, ??eveat ?r 1 Mr? K "?'-? Many dinner? ?? - | ven before th? ????t. ti<* host iking cseiti te '"??? Ai 1 Dance. Among ^fW ?ho - at dinner Mn. Keb?r ? nice, Mr? ?I?* f Mrs. Nathaniel Tisfat kohb and Mrs. Mary R. iialtz. tat a ?tinner vas given also for Mist Vary Alice Barney. M". R K Prentice Hosteaa Pg, Robert ' ? Prentice gave a ?a?*' '* f?T her tjaSRt? - ' ntice. TWf ? Barbara ******, Barbara (ivreline Kip, Mary Sp.ic r 11 Greta, Elisabeth Bi oLs and A'. llatn and the Messrs. Howard Elliott ???rp-XK ? ndell. Jokr ( .-'dney leri*' fpi V i sep tnt? tsh!' for Mrs. Ju'icn Steven? 1*1 ?at? and Mr. and Mrs. Kdward W. ?sag?. Mr?. Tr>ibl? entertained for her ?Uafhter. Miss Aufrustri Trimble, nt iintt: < at the Colony Clab. Her . ?ded the Misses *tc*aaor..i iiylli?. Benkard, Mary Ste?r.', Mar on Willaid, Molly B<-*e?ek. I ', Maud Smith, Oakes, II SK? sad En '?n and the ma. I &l ilbf. ? rick Payne, tl Tyson, Jiirne?. Arthur ?fhrtaey, J- Hick Steers, Kiliaen ?Van *aaras??U(r, K? nneth I Jward lslhacw snd ljuifh Wal Mrv Btltt give a dinner at her Vom, W la.t Fifty-fifth Street, for ta ?UotfcUT, Miss Rosemary W. Baltz, ti4 ls??r ?*-?* her gue?t? to the Junior Imtstprr, TV guetta included the Xmmstattaitt Cromwell. Carol Whit rtr. Muret C mac, Anita Damrc?ch, Miry Moor?. Margerj A drewe and Mita MtCull >ugM and the Messrs. hoxri Intrher 3d, Colhcr Platt, firm?- or Omet, Mar? im Ck?n-* . ' ulbert Palmer, Harry T?orM ?r Kobert Haie. :<il?b F.ntertam? Mrs. R ?it her irnnf, ?ttEsi*. Slxty-fourtl ?isat-attr. Misa < Berf-aM' included the Misse? Rhoda Cu?en, Marie Brook' *don. flma?? Lockwood, Frances Colby, riiseflla Allen nnd Betty Thompson tad tke Messrs. Seymour Cromwell jr.. Awkrton Valentine, Alan Harriman, JtnVtPell, Bayard Wharton. Banc hnlt, Charle? Williams and Thompson fi??ii Afiothfr dinner jrlven before the Jnior Assembly was on? for Miss Mary > ey at the St. Repis. Tat gu? dinner in fio?i?J. ws, Ellin r?-. de l?a-r.. I ??? and i Marrrit G-?rgf P< ?ter Schermer kern, Jtrr..? Ritler, Minton Le Roy ?iM Cralg Bild:. Amont* r>",',rs who attended the ?Une? *r nc?g Budlonc. Mi.? Ht.en B Mi? Mary Allerton Cusktaaa, Mi?? Daphne I>Ble, Miss Au <r?y Emsr. :nd H. Fahne itock, Mlis Pr?, ?at* Ptrkt. Mill Carola Kip, Mis? Vir? ata!? Qu?ckenbuth and Mis? Florence Iltablty. Nicoraguan Minister Entertaifuj Countrymen Belgian Enroy Off for Hoi yoke ToJtry tn 1,1dress Col? lege on \rar last issues ?faMi ... , s.?The Mini.? Wef M?nr, and s.?ora d? J!" .f?r* * y - afternoon ^W V T ktamsj i/ !il *^,<* jJJ^fl?lio Carder. ,-.???? from ,32,* o on Central v ' t.3"Jy'yn Kash entertained at! tgatse !*" ay "*' ^?nscher's in com C|7 *?. h*r gufttf. Miss Anita tsmmuMJ?* Mi?? Stelle Sander?, of tjJJ'yia, who *;:* remain over the a-Jj*?*?'-*r of Bulgaria, Dr. Stephan ??ff?*?. * i -.?-morrow for "he will address .... M the Near ??????"i5"'11''' ad.1res? the tie? w(,' J' ' ' for*'r" in conjunc Ctattt'^ ? Dngregational ?????"J- .rker W. West en ajJf^TJ" ?? dinner to-night, and will ??a?jii^T*?rt*'-n ? diniifr company prc toil **? dance to be given by Mr. fa-kaJrVi,' " ?*" KanfTmann at Rau M*f?tt? night f December 20. gr * .D?rot>*y John^on1 daughter of ?a? k?.? f;,:' Hamilton Johnson, ttial?, i" at ,Unc'1'-o*' to-day, enter ?H a large companv in honor of her liSlP*'!: Ml?? Margaret Ferrar, of j*T**'ne, Mat?. *'?* Kdh Bacon, daughter of Mr. ???"?;*-,. 6?ward Bacon, entertainfd et at the Wardman Park J?? Preceding th? Jnmor 1 A&'r.!*.^ T?",y!or' ?'??Jirhter of Rear irm'? ? ilcl Mr*' D?Tid w- Taylor, ^_^f??te tea thia afternoon. ffcENCH OLIVE OIL ?mpartg a quality and flavor to salads not other? wise obtainable. SONS 0??*^f>UTo? roa ?/?.a. J Fosar Debutantes Who Attended the Junior Assembly Dance Young Boswell Interviews Chauncey Depew h? ha, htm interviewed mor? than any other man I he va? United State? Senator for twelve year?, he seas chairman of the hoard of di ., of th? Sew York Ctntral Railroad, ht tea? the orator ot th? unveiling of '.ttue of Liberty, he it eighty-exfjht year? old. he i? famous for hi? after-dinner (?He*. Fount? lioswttl tras inhered into a ?rray drawing room in Fifty-fourth I I 1 would b? right dour, i of other day,, the gray damask long mirror? and frt choir?. The famout after-dinner ?peaker came in. CHAUNCEY DEPEW?In my more : active day?, when I was head of Iks ; railroad and was in politics, I ?m ?up | posed to be the source of original in? formation. The re?uit wa? that the vet i eran journalist came to me for thing? which he thought 1 knew better than - people, and I was th? favorite ! victim for city editors, to send their cub -ters to practice on. Young Bo,well felt positively ashamed. tUNCEY DEPEW- At one period ul ? ?i everybody wa? in Wall Street ?nd ' were bouncing up and down re r< would come to me for inside In? formation which would be of value in ' the stock operations of their readers, ! but I never heard of anybody who got I rich on the?? revelations. A man who i is interviewed every day of his life ec ! quire* quite njtur?l!y the ir.formation He give? away a lot, but nothing which would be indiscreet to reveal. He smiled elyiy, a* he twirltd hi? ma? ?it>? watch chair, on which hung a Phi lit ta Kappa key and nvral medal,. Hit kindly face, with the fnrr.ou, whit* eidt-whiektr? and the keen blut eye?, give Young Botwtll confidence. .Hi?\ antaiai?, hands, which bespoke cartfully ! directed energy and poignant wit, moved ' of (tases (o cmphaeiie his points. 'LN(KY DEPEW I suppose I, was the leader of after-dinner ?peaker? because I spoke more of'.en than any one living. I used after-dinner speak? ing a? a relief from my constant hard v.ork in the railroad, which was so ?x ng. At one lime I spoke almost nicht, often going to make a ?i without partaking of the dinner. \s no doubt that prohibition has made a tremendous change in dinner ?audience?. Now they are bore! ', serious discussions and critical of light i ones. In fact, their central attitude i? "I want to go home." Young Boswell?It is singular that ;ire so few after-dinner speakers DEPEW Ye?. Take fwen';. years ago, there were in New York alone half a dozen men of national reputation as speakers. Now I It is almo?' impossible to find them for ' public dinners, and the newspaper?, I which us?d to publish after-dinner fall, now pay little atten? tion to them. Now the report is gen? erally "Among those present were." It was an intellectual opportunity of rare delight to have heard personally such men as William M. Lvarts, Joseph H. Choate, Judge Brady and his brother. James T. Brady; Richard O'Gorman and Henry Ward Beecher in their prime. The dinner platform used to be the finest unity for the utterance of palat? able truths, sugar-coated with humor. Young Boswell?What ha? happened to orators and speakers, do you suppose? ' CHAUNCEY DEPEW?1 think it Isj largely due to the falling off of debating ? i in the college?, although I hear ! Mr. Will Rogers haa become a popular after-dinner man. And then one can never tell how the speaker will be re? ceived. I have frequently made a speech which I didn't regard very ?e ? and it has been published all over the country, while the ones I pre? pared with a great deal of care received very little attention. An after-dinner speech ought to have ?orne necessary truth, considerable humor, and one new story. An A t-oic? from a nearby room called to MR. DEP?W: "You have talked half an hour, and you have a cold." CHAUNCEY DEPEW Ye?, I will ?top, my boy. I wa. in the class of I.? at Yale. There were ninety-seven in my class, and only six of u? are left. Think of it! Sixty-six years ago! i a (?oneral Smuts in III Health JOHANNESBURG. S. A., Dee. ?.? The health of General Smuts, Premier of South Africa, agaia is very unsatis? factory. He has been advised by his doctor not to address public meeting? fcr some time, and he has abandoned his prospective tour in the southeast- ? ern Transvaal. He will depart for Cape Town January S for a brief rest 1 before Parliament meets, January 19. The top rote (left to right) ?hows Miss (arndia \ . It. fiuhb. daughter of Mr,, >'athanicl Thayer Btrhb; Miss Mar it Brooke, daughter of t'.nmmanl er and Mrs. B. Haye, Urimkr. and Mitt Audrey B. I Iman. daughter of Mrs. Barclay I Iman Below l, Mit, PrUcilln Aldcn Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Frederick II. Allen. All attended the dance at the MUts-Carltnn last night. Mips E. Graor in Drbut Introducid In Nwicix at Dance ni Ilcthlehem Steeial OUpuiih to Th* TriVune BETHLEHEM. I'a . Her. ,-. Seven hundred person? attended a ball given in the Hotel Bethlehem to-night by Mr. Eugene G. Grace, president of the Beth lehem Steel Corporation, and Mr?. Grace in honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Emeline Grace. A New York orchestra i.upplied ?upplied music for the dancing, which \ began at 11 o'clock, and the local hotel fore? wa? assisted in caring for the guests by Sherry. The decorations consisted of palms and cut flowers. Several dinners were given in Miss Grace's honor during the last few days. Dr. L A. Shoudy, Mrs. C. A. Buck and Mrs. R. A. Dou^hurt among tho?? who en-.-.. Among the guests to-r.u"ht were Mr. and Mr*. F.lton Bunt, Mr. an . Edward Crozier. and Mrs. Leonard RepWIi-, Mr. and Edward Miller Smith, l>r. and Mrs. Allen Wil? son, Mrs. Harvey Grots, Mr Arthur Grotz, Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson, Mr. and-Mr?. George Httherti,: and Mr?. Graham Mile?, Mr. and Mr?. Arnold Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed? ward B. Germaine, all of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burns, of Buf? falo, and Mr. and Mr?. Fraak Roberts, of Baltimore. DR. CHARLES A. riSCHER HARTFORD, Conn., L> Charles A. Fischer, professor of mathe? matics and astronomy at Trinity Col? lege, died at the Hartford Hospital here to-dny. His death was caused by ap? pendicitis. Dr. Fischer had been a professor ?? Trinity since 1919. He was gradu?t, d from Wheaton College, in Wheaton. Ill . in 1906, and became a tuior in math? matic? at Columbia l!nlver?ity, and re? mained there until he wa. offered a full profes?or?hip at Trinity. He leave? his wife and three children. REV. DR. WILLIAM H. NEILSON Th? Rev. Dr. Willi?ra H. NeiUon, eighty-one years old, a retired Epis? copal clergyman, died yesterday at his home in i'lainfield, N. J. He wa? born in New York City and wa? graduated from New York Uni? versity, class of '60. His first ap? pointment was a? rector of th? Church of the Aseension in this city. He re? tired twenty years ago. One daughter and four sisters sur? vive him._ JOHN H.'.MI'LLINS John Henry MulHns, president of the John Mullins Furniture Company, of Jersey City, died yesterday at his home. 18 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn. He wa? the ?on of the late John Mullins, founder of the bu?ine??, one of the pioneer bu?ineaa houses of New Jersey. Thia (Saturday) Afternoon at 2; 15 ^ AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET THE MORE VALUABLE ITEMS OF THE CHARLES OF LONDON IMPORTAT COLLECTION MAINLY GOODS REMOVED FROM THE CHARLES GALLERIES, BROOKS STREET, LONDON THE HAIaE Will. BK ' n lt\ MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY \.?o. late?. Mr. OTTO BStBNKT and Mr. HIRAM M. I" IHK?. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Massage 111 <>< K Or? MADISON ?Vr.M/E, S.TH TO S7TII STHC.KT. LMKIMt .NO. SS LAST f,:TU STBEKT Raiv Speehneni of Colonial Furnhiirr On Pn>Sale View Offrrman Collection at Amrr iean Ctllerlet lutlwlfi Early Wtaiaor Clmi.-. Chcalli ??ml Cupl)t?anlr* Theodore OfTerman's collectim early American I i on exhibl i tion at tag Aratr.rsn Art G&i where it will be ?old at ?uetion Tue? d?y afternoon. The feature i? a group of the earliest type? af .?1rs, rSTaallaa m?ny curious und rare ?pe eimen? seldom so numerous in . tions of this character. The objects generally rvprev- I furnishings of the average Colonial f-h??t?, sof? ? ?>? than beauty, roughly human ?sp thii col!<etion. combiner! 1 ? back and comb : - chairs snn specimens ? man ship an ! are well preserved. The un? usual Windsor writing chair, I side leaf and drawers, is r ?h th? ed comb back. There is an as ? irk chair, d?ting ' known as th. Pilgrisa typ?, with mush on the ?ir Th<- txamplcs of miner eupbosrdi la the rare ?he 1, or sunburst, ?.ird, with domed and shelvi ! charming i. Irr-b.ckrd II low j as the Isr, bridal chest?, which ait ely carved and paiMed with designs. Adil.-'i to thi? collection I* a . . the early '? i? are include fui acter m Biahop I?oIkiii ( ( S ran I on Ketxtrns From \ ii >T Patria, ' a rough voyage hf.-e frcm Mar? seille?, nr: I Rev. M. .'. llohan, Tatholic Hishop of i a., and hit sei rgst'.on of ! clergy and laity met him i his home. Bishop Hoban was abron: i than two month?, during which time ho I I he studied forty-f-ven years agi ' also passed - ?Italian cities, where he made a I ? of conditions. Books as Gifts No Gift more a?rprx>pt.atc or ac vcpuble fix- every Member af .he Pamliy-obtulo able So ?tit B? gam tarn asad tarnte aad parse. Brentano's 9mcbJlm I. Iht WmU FIFTH AVENUE DUTTONS CHRISTMAS BOOKS Our pelrone are earn? estly adviaed to snake their pvrchaaea early. BookoeJUmg roquJroo a gatgtm pathetic knowtodga of boo*a amd acUUoom. U it iott*ooei oaJ to htet arty Srott nuoibar of comp?tent aale? people. Wt urge our patroea to make their purchaae? ?arty. 6?1 FIFTH AVENUE j-vputnam Bookstore Mr* 45~*. iMirf5AaN? 3k ?rjn?inu* Christmas Cards Personal Greeting Card* in almost endleaa variety Engagement of Miss Thomson Is Announce-:I Mullier I?. HoftttM at a I.iini It?-un f?ir (K-bulaiitc. I?? Wed Mr. (.riirp?* I^rary Jr.: Dit?* !- Nui ITrirldUta? Mi**. FrtOBl I- l.t-trothed To Be Bride .?I Mr. Milhum KiiMMi-liau l'a Mm. of Graad Bap id*-. Mirh. I Mi?? Sarah 8. f Dr. and Mr?. Edgar 8. Thom?on. of 449 Park Avenu?, ImmtJ jr, ?on of Mr. ,. of 10&3 Fifth Avenue and -?outhampton. was an .y at a luncheon giv?n mother ?t ate ha? been r? idlng. is of thi? sea* ? debutant. < thote who ge. Matilda htoppin, H; I ??ride. . iry, Marian Halm?. !.) He Wed At a lu: ? yesterday Mr?. . East Bixl vyaek on-Hndsoi. Palia. < f - the third ?lauirhter? . rost's . ? nur S. fompkin? | I ' . wat j annoj lie ?I'd was announced *ar. Among those *h<. attended the lanche. i, the ? ward II ll? . W I. Zabi rt a n?i Mrs. V rock. Mr. ? I ? . ! I Mr " ? c'aac.? ome. ' V " Mit? Min I irray Mr. Willlaat Ryl? gave a dinner by dancing la?t ce Jame?, who?e Ir. and . Mr. and Mr? I ' : neth . Mr. War r H.r -. Jesse llojt and Mr. Jenninga. Mi?t Hope D. Barjea ami h R?git, ?renti in I rave t 1 ? ? ? "il lioston Flapjyers liurkle 'Km Titfht This II inter Ihry are l'iK?.ng th? m in Boston. The flapping overshoes of other years w< day when they made their premier ap? pearance of t1 ing women trudging through th?* first fall nf snow. It was in this city that the flapper fashion of leav? ing ovcr?h<>?"? unbuckled origi? nated several year- ago, it has been ?aid. ?-1 tending ?h? B?ehe!orV Dane?, at the Vanderbilt at th. ir horn?, 036 Fifth Avenue. Th?ir guests included Mr ? nd Mr?. Benjamin R. Tilt, Mr?. Wil? liam L. Hull jr. and Mr. and Mrt. Riy riond H?v?mey?r. Mr. and Mr? Jame? Parkar Vogel, ef Tuxedo Park, are. rccei-ring congratu? lation? upon the birth nf a son on Wednesday at the New York Mai and Child s Hospital. It. fore her mar? riage Mrs. Vogtl wi< Miss Jeannett? T. Ron. Mr. and Mrs. Vogel are th? winter at 570 Park Avenue. >?>ri?*tv \?il? a Morri- DalUtt gave a luncheon tie her daughter. Miss Margar t. st th? Marguery y?*?terd?y. Mr. and Mr?. Charle? Randal' ton ?nd Mi?? Abby Rockefeller wer? among th?> guest.? Mrs. Pallet? and r are ?ailing to-day on the Homeric. Mrs. Jerome Napoleon B?*aai r?ve a luni-neon yesterday at the Ritr ("arlton for Mr?. Carroll L V wright and Mr?. Kran'.. George E. Dickinson gave a luncheon there for Mln Peggy Watson. Mr -rete gav? n luncheon ?rday for her daugbtr Mr. and Mrs. It A. C. S-nith have returned to tnolr ai... 4<*i0 Park A?. ? Mr give a dinner ut sry 1 for her ??? Hetty Gilbert. A-?el PWtpi pave a lun?heon Mrs. (hartes A. Child?, Mrs. J. Magoe Ellsworth and gave ?n and Mr. and The first of ?he mid-year dunces will main kail I | of the RiU-Carlton and th? guests ?rill i include the debutantes ?if past staioni and recent brides. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Damrosch gave an informal reception at their horn.. :nght ?fter the concert of th? New ir the Get? A. d? Mr. and V ' 0?na ?Ir?. Y. Gray Griswold, .?..-th K. Lamont, Hi ai d Charles B. Mitchell, Mr. and M.? .i-ue, Mr. . ? arle? .?., Dr. and Mr?. Nichols? Murray . r, l'rof???or and Mr?. Henry Hrock I'emb.-rton, Mr. and Mr?. Harry Hark ?agleff and Mr. and Mr?. Ernest lliag. HUGB DI MAVBN Th? death ?i Hii,-h de liavtn, Brook ? ? r, at tlie ? was announced ilaven, who was -lanufactui I ? ! ith he went tha comp-.ny that b?..rt hit v one ?on, : S?n Franciio. a m mus DOBOTHY K. II. UWBON ? .? ?: editorial writer of Vork Tim? -. . Mrs. 8. II. McLean, here to? day. Stern Brothers West 42nd St and Wast 43rd Street. ?ifis of Enduring Satisfaction from the Book Department: Special English Bindings Handsomely bound, em bowed, and typifying the highest form of* art in book making. "The Water Babies "?Mosaic Levant ?. $500 Joseph Conrad? <tAC\C\ 18 volumes; numbered edition; full calf , . . yivv Grote's " History of Greece " ?t 19 C 2t volumes; full calf btnduig.* . . f i*yJm?J Angling Books?3 volumes; full calf . >... $325 Gilbert's Ballads?2 volumes; Levant silk lined, $Z75 " Lays of Scottish Cavaliers"?Full Levar?: $275 Walter Pater??9 volumes; three-ijuarter leather, ?250 Oscar Wilde's Poems?Full Levant . . . $250 Herrick?.2 volumes; full Levant.vpl"-) Strickland's "Queens of England"? ^ -~ ?volumes; full calf binding. ipljV Jane Austen??12 volumes; trim-<juarter calf, $125 Shelley's Poems? Full Levant. $100 Si?*Jcespeare?7 vols.; ?irt^s^uaftereal/b?iding, $65 " Songs and Sonnets of Shakespeare"- ??*-?* Full calf*. ,. 9*5 oAnd many other desirable asms in JwigtV w/atwei. liV.nhrandt Ktrhin? l.rii.^s !>00 llmei Prier Paid Arlinl '?liimlrnl ?.uililrr Priuf la Mal for S2<MMM, to l'ri ? Buyer; Picture Pride af Hilt ( ollec?on Hele On? of th* ftn??t tii.pfV??ion? of s etching. he 8l?k." known ?? "th? Hun? dred Guilder Print." aas been sold by Arthur H. Harlnw li To , art dealer?, to ?r ]iait> for u -.1? th? masterpl i at ?Id etching?, oped )?st?rd?y liad be*n tlrm in Karon* lait tommer for approximately 1600,000. It contains, in all, abo.t 100 etching? and engraving? by Re m Dyck, Scliongauor, I.ucas V?n IjeynVn and nther*. The Rcrr.brandt i? one < f the ?artiest ' ?tat?*, ?ho . t>y sixteen inches in ?is?, and wa? for? merly in the !' lea paid for it ?tndt ae n? of thi? M ?sly ?.i* ! lai ? ??cond ?on, which whs bought by Pun? in K?mbr?r<! collection i? ' "Draw ing at a Window,' I which thr-rr are but eight. It wa? fan i" Kriti?h Museum. i," a dry-point. tal J8,S00, and<l?cap? With sort h 112.500, ?ru An? etchings brought to "intry. -nal famous print? are : . Death and Davil," ?ach v?lued ?f I th??* and ?tcktan th?re ?r? JOO I>iir?r ?rait of Van of six -it?. ?II in t???? its. Th.ra ara fifty-two ?tch ing* by Martin Schotifrauer ?? ' on* by V?n Leydcn, who is represent ed ?l?e .t., and right prints by Hir Birth, r ncagement, Marriage, Death am! In Memoriam Netircs may be telcphoneel to Th? Tribun? any time up to midnight for in. ter lion in the next day's paper. Telephone Btekman 3000. _ MARRIAGES "~ BARRY???l 111 I III i DEATHS ?, mi, I ?nl *?lov?4 hallan. ?r I It 1 ? a. O. - . in I.I? inlay ?flariKHin. Do ? ' i '? aUnin -.. ? t h la auul. A It w il .?? | : 11(11 l!MK l?b.ll : .,. ? il neo. (01 r (N. T.) I i. In" 0'r?r?rl, a* r.aldrr. f. Ill Wi R???ul< ma*?. 10 n Church, 111 f ?V 1JJ1. M?ry Ot Ml? If ? I mil m -* T, In IM . al Ma ?i . i Inter r.mllf. >,.t ' I ???: ! un.rwl rjpar? . Ki|??n Hjrrn??. ?t t It ? " ? V Toi! h,r i- 11th as , - ?. at I p. m. lni>-rm?*t ( | NMSI.ll IM t?l.t ?< . a\ni.(.r<Liu av.. Saturday. It in HUM rfttffc. ?u<l<l??ly. ?I ll?t?l N.- ? a?, t ? ? ? ?yin? ip?l. 4? Ia?r?y?tl? H I S mette at i it ? m. abar t. William. halovad I.? ?ni Mary Ka-?l< Kui.aral ?h.ri a m**? ?111 S* eS?r??J lui I.? *?r?l r. Mrt l>?or?a W : un.rai ?! I l> m . Hun'I? ,-em*?r t?. Itll. Inl.r??nt Wo?M.I*wn ? ! I II - , ' ?. ! - t.aIovr?l ? i.i. r?#id?-nc?. lii B?*l W'h .1 Z p. ni. Ini.rnxni ',?a> t?y!.rl. In h?r .i.K ---- h.;?. .1 ?. r- ?I A4?m II. ..y. I it i? ?v Iniarm.nt Wo*?tlawB rta>. ?? ??Vax!??. 0?a*a??*? ??. ?? DEATHS ? w ?III? - Kill? - ?. r n M? ?? i*??? - eh, ?iih ?? ai I ? Il ? ?I.? ?UTIIY ?.n ll.e.i h?r : )ih av. aad ?}'? et ui arm ?t.-. a . Mil I Il ?I |. . tarai (Il l*?r .a ) papa?? ? . o? ??? ri an? la ??III ?>?? h* M .-I? M..MI . Kl? Kl - la' t :if La??? av ? It a ?l Will 1* ?Il ?v , a? ? Il har ? ISS] bc . > ., ,is<1 ruulhr' Ihlarn-aal al \... I .?., oa aloli.lay M? ? IIMKIN?. * Stef? ans - ' 1? ? ?-iWnV. IN MEMORIAM III.KHI' fall?.al ?, Il I J? arid to Ot friend?. UNDERTAKEB3 'antas axTiewi"Mt2?jja?aV?iM?a?*