Newspaper Page Text
fwg New Haven Vppraisa' Should ga? SiipP"<**mente<' ,,-d Nom Hao $70,468,019 *^_Value Over the Account. De En*-^-* J^TGen?*?1 CouubcI . r. Bart?*??* ' ,Z* wli ??v?%??.^Usara proP^' ?"?" ?sV^ ,th?* "?T IV Inter.tat? Cm ?sa t?,?a?aa ?t $M2.?>".0??. a? *+? f ??"i?UappliM to property ?5*C^JtT?IV *.ofI>"i7"nb.r ?1 "** in u ?hat t**?* ***rvr HtTtB ,n'1 a?iJffS-M-s?p* ?*??t in 7a|M9 a*-**?' ' C.. - th? to*?l ?t Ihs Viker ?.,.??.?. ?.:<*?? ?7?>f U?t y?*T *P " Ci j, ??:?:,, ,, -n. ?????*:?;?.? ; V-. Btiekiand ?f P^-i?i c.5srsW8 with the ^'l?M?An5.?i ?upplla. fcaok tttStt ,^^fan8d. ?mount . %*r I** F*?erty arcount ? ?** ? "jj ),.,?' ! ? - - at of .?* Htrta tea % xclade *''?**"??aasVat*"' r ?P '? tar tatatw. ?j ?y??.? m otnpaaiaa? tm^tfiatf^ ? The above ?*?**'?**'* ?M>Sde> *? ?ration?, ?**>*-?if?l- aaeari! to fte *^LaLm\\\t? ?VJ-* *?**!"v*at7? tbii >? ..?'? ?* '.. earried at .iS?rai?? o' * ?TftM? i?*'- r'ru?'??, bc deduct' -he l?8T,t*?.' ?apital oh "^^^^^H?arible to the J\(lnwtmhrr 31. 1921. above worked Zt ?nal* t>' ?361>52.:61. giving *n ?a r, m over -the?? nei ,.?u| ?j both a? of ?ecein JjM, -.U7,.ll9,9tt>. Thi? nsptM wrrrk ont an equity o? ?bout |,;i a the New Haven'* ttlTalOO "00 ?lock." fr. Buckland ?aid that th? New wjm\ ? th? tentative valu? ad?! tail ?? e I- <er?ta'.e lajnrr?. * I y the flrit of M J*'r f_ ?Bedford Petroleum Co. To Double It* Capita] ftraeJ. Subsidiary ?if S. O. of Nie?* Jersey VVill laouc 20.000 New Shurra ?ft, Pfdff.rd Petroleum ('impar.*?. ?Ihtfltnch ?ub?idiary of the Standard ?I Caaipat.y of N????? siBi?. pi??*f' *?'?; ^n? ?Uck from 10,?5?JO.()00 to 2? tttnttbj the ???uanrc rf Z0.0OO ?hares ?f IIS franr? eaeh. ^^^Hjttnfr. thia policy the company nitiin? th?t >t *a? t<? bring it? capi? ta! raor? in line with the value of it? ?jM-MttK*!'. I.nrge rum? have been ,i??a|,' in improving hrul moderni* kg Ik* ?llitributing ? through et\ fttr- M been I rtpid'y. IssMm Heads Kuil ComnrUttM MjOj Dec. X. Hale Holder m-mM**-- c-ft?o Burlington k ?J?iKy lailroad, ha? been ? ?turaaa ?f the new ? ?cutiv* corn art*?*? af ?irty-four of the reorgan *P^H|l?n of railway executive?, h ??? ?aisaerced to-day. ? a Finanrial Itrmr? ?n? ' **?*) I? ? r.ih.r.hli ?Mr* r* tana*, atd - in, ?'. Unruth. ?.( M?lllri?T Bar ^^^^^^ .11? Pto ? a. Inc., I n?ra?t ? ?. Har? . v*??t:. ;ru- ?ia? b??n ?P tostet i? K*atr*r <.f ?? ??ofk Mil? tt ik< V ???Il T appoint - ^^^^Btarv a voiln, trot ?? 1, 1 &22. arrejrr. ng . ? pltal > KtlOl-. !??!??? - l'ru?l ? uunr annnur . r ?. p? r . ?????tur'? - ..mi.any Mf tin In exrhance *. ? H Investment Information ?we?fi??i? ?/ gewev*! int ero, t te la reatar? mrill S? n?wered in toi? cet unn. ?ai arktc* ca?e M|? initial? mull Se uoei. Otter? w-t'l b? asaVlras! hg osait Addreo, ail ???jatin*., itvei**. i*e a ?ttmpri oMre??e? emaaltpe, it ?Vnertcael fditor. Ta? Tnoun*. ?$? No,?tnt Stemet, Se? York Oitg. f*szre4 try CoBSBlOR rUe-rk i Stat?. Rub ? mor. Thl? w?? t>ur<-h**?,i whll? !l -n? olvljan?. ?ni -uld do wl'h " Ai ? ?ucceaitoo from yen would ?* ?? ) ou r*omn.?n4 th? ?or . ; r?? vkiiiog prie??'?B. e Answer?We have no criticism to make on your in\e?tment?, except, of course, tht United States Rubber com? mon. This company austained heavy from the ?harp drop in the price af crude rubber and rubber prod? uct? ?nd it ha? been ?low in recover? ing. Rvt the point ha? Keen reached where preferred dividet;d requirement? are rev? red by current ?arning? and ' ' reason we advise you to think twice Ik tore taking a ?os? on yoor ' common stock. At tho ?ame time we ' believe that from an investment ?tand vnur position would be improved materially by the substitution of some high gT?rle preferred ?tock ?uch a? you . frequently reo rrcommended in theee columns. No Merket for Stock Now an vtvii furnish mo with anr as t.. th? ?le ? of th? - . . -d Reflnll . ?4 New Tor ? ? tint? at Anewer?The New York Curb elation informa u* that Southwest Producing and Refining Is not listed on the Curb, and ue have been unable to obtain a quotation for the aha' Rale at Once Advieed ' am a ?torkholdai Vjnerlon Motors Corporation, of ?'???nflela, | watch fa'ied and ?i? rt?r??n!r.e<l about a yaar a," On? of th? officer? of! ;np*ny eolia? iij-o,, ne ?nd ?eked Invest In anoihe- half a M .n? half "unit"), aa It !.? rt h?r?e r r? n- ?biut ;*:i lUr? vou ?riy informa ' haiiri r???r<1lTi? this company, and rlvlM in? to do anrthln. fui ? i her In th? niartar of ?nvastlnif In thi? I Answer- It would be time enough to think of increasing your holding? of! American Motor? torpor?tion of New | Jersey when the stock i? listed, and If this event occur?, our advice would he to diRpoa* of your OBe-half of a "unit.'- On second thought we believe it would be advisable for you not to , await listing, but sell yoor ?hare? now,1 if you can find a market. I nsuitable for Investment Ou??- i.h to | ? - p.. .-w. all h .*.: 'lala v , , a-lai-4 7 -i - I? n?r - h ? i "l?r?t?d I (*emp?ny, of Til-ili victory r. l>hlladi?phla -l? It. Answer?The Federated Finance Com? pany cannot be regarded a. having produced much buainesa. The com ra? been in operation aince June, nd ha? secured aub?criptions to $80,000 of its $1,000,000 capital stock,; of which amount orly $7,000 ha? been ' ?aid In, and the latter amount i? auh ect to its proportion of organisation ' expense. The company'? business I? ? the purchase of note? taken by dealers a? part of the purchase price o/ vari? ous kind? of merchandise. An ?nUrest | in the ?hares ad a company doing thi? kind of business is much too apeeula B place among investments, in our opinion. Todd Shipyard? Outloaa* *'. la yr.j. t Tl'dd -. t.- i urb Markat aa ?n ] How low ?ud how Mlh h?a j n- 1**1 faw w??h?? Ilsv? not ? i' a habit of looking ui> niarkvt | quotation, ?o Be ri?t knew thaaa farta If tsar, what 1? th. b??t i???lbl? : procedure??J. J 0 An?wer?Operating income of the Todd Shipyard? Corporation fur the year ending March 31, 192V, wa? $1,446,640 and resulted in i after d | ? ' T. ?? against l\i T!11*1" ef ?????.0? fer ltd l'ivldend? .f R prr cent are laeinf on the capul stock of th? ?nd a balance ?bee? of Marrh SI. 1922, indie? miar Te?r? have been ; * loa Lorapa- j deprerifc-,; r>. ????rtlao ?. end l??c?nce. during the year fer ? made. A1 company i* sstii t?ry. pr*?eat bualrie?? com'. ? ( onald?r?ld? ?lerne: - iBBCalaUsfl i" the company'? ?tock. Rang* of price for th? current y higti. BOH; low, 12. Li?t Meet Be < onsen ?ihr Question 1 su. ' ?f an a Hat of b*>*4* | j own a: >4lr aak ??a r**r *.inl*n < ' ? . ? ?*> roust kav? a fslrl) ? - If snr ?*? ?r a a, |1.'?? ?i. <S". 1911; ? ? ? men gag? I?. II tat ? ',. in? ? -.ha--, :. |t(S. ||.?.? 'S? ill) - *B* I -usa autie A. I',?. IVII. 81.0*1 , r.???;a??a 4 conrartlbl? ?H?. l?Jo i India? t.m. 1I4T. Il ?I Hu-fh r.aa? '?. i?*? li.eei ? r*. ? sort?. ??. 11.00? Hudaon t ?la ? . . * la, lili i K??A**a >r? 1IH I .. an1 1-fOndttl? ?I'd ?Il?r,?l?tl f, II.?ca S.w Turk l ?-im r, r . ... | ? ?t I . 1914; 11,4?? wn,.,n * ? a 4-. |S41. 11.??t W?si*ru ?"? ? A. 11?'. ll.o?? S\0. Jail: it ??? ?o a Sarth W??t?rn ??, 1?I0 I l'*. 4?,.. I?l?; ll.i/S? Ktl ?? ?hl ?nd Tower pur. !i ?> ?aiT II.?0? 34ont?ra f'owai >,? II.?0? K?ns*v? L'l'r **>uth?-n Is 11.114 Hi u'bern '. ? Te-mlral ?a, l?a I irai 4?. 1?4? I tloa ?S?. 1941; It.??? I la, mi; 11.?a? Vir?lnlsn flail? . 19SJ; 81.00'. -nlnala i ... ; iitm Iahii?v.;:? Cs, 14*1 hs'-?n la, 1491; t Kan??? a Tes?? pr:or u?n I?, Hal: 91,?9* i flaa and Biectnr it 1941, ll.liu v Mtata? row?r I?, tail: t.. ?\ I .an? Brie 4s. ?>?? ? 1914; IIO'i Fourth Liberty II. ?a? I? II ?10 ? Anawer ? Your judgment In the se? lection of bond? has :'>rmly good and Bl ?son for making any change in thi. r-?"i lour full column* of i if vestment question* and nn. tirera trill be published in The Tribune every Sunday and Monday. O.i other day a one full column trill appear. V, P. \v illing to Buy <;. P., Lovctt I)i'clart> Suva Campaign tit Inifiirnrr Opinion fnr S. I'.-C. 1?. N p aration Wa? Justifie-il WASHIVCTOV, !> tho I'nion I'scific ?yatem ti-d?y made direct argument? hefore the Interstate Commerce Commission urging thi aratlor, of I Pacific Railroad from the prase tern, as ordered by the Supreme I Judge It. S. LaSi bo?rd of the I'nion Pacific, and H M Adama, its vice-prri ident, oppoaed the n of the 5outhcrn Pacific that the commission uae power? CBBlBnwd upoTi it by the transportation I bring about general railroad cnaolida tion to keep the Central Parirte under its pre?ent control, and P, M. i general luperintenoer.t of th? (iregon W'aahington K?>!roa d and (omp?ny. teatifled on the pra-'ticatlnl Ity at joint use of tracks and facilities l#y the iv o reads contemplated In ihr ourt's sep? The Union Faclfts, Judge l.ov, ti ?aid, wn willing to buy tin- (entrai ?yatem at a fair price, but was not seeking la do ?o. He declared large expenditure? made by hi? company to influence pub? lic ?entiment to ?upport the separa? tion decree wer? justified by a sort of "war" between the I'nion and South ern Pacific ?y?tcm? over the Central property. As a financial officer of rail? road organisation?, he expressed the opinion that MBBfwtteB of the two rail? road* would entail r.n monetary haz? ard? and ?hat the f>? tral compa/iy wa? capable of earalag it*, bbb i Markets in Other Cities Baltimore Bond? a,,, ? t,??t. IWfui ?? S ?J 01 110 1?0 110 .?0?C??l ?? ? ??* ,'*,? ?WBkSn ?? . 19 ?? 90 MM Bon ??* MS 91S Ill?? 4? |i,, MMCu ?i ? 't 10?--'* 1??S MM d-. \ r.f. MS ?* MM ?i? ?? -, -? -? :< MM ?o t?. j: , n% ;s ?IS ^??, nttaka 898&l?*tlM . :.r tU i:e II?,, ? Ka.ieniaV , 14 .fit* P ??? .111 ? 11? ??JV :? :?" 1?? "?? Vl?t?r ... i?;i, .--^ i,,;?, 1,714 Hall-. * ^ ?????*? ll?S 11?1* 1-lS ""^ .I*'. IBM l?S 19'? Boatea Mil. W*,u* 10 it I? S IS \\\\L* ?? hS'?* *? >? ?I? MS ?4S ttar*;' m :ti in McE* "?** 7s ?s is ?52,1 .:..-:?? ?7S gg.' , ; ? io?s to? i?iw H IS IS TSPUw.r E3?* \ is is ??'?'?'?? . M M MS ISS 1? US I? ig* n I? il I? rB?25""*? ????? IS ?aSi^ ; '? ? ?S * 18 B^D?*?'aion. H-, 14', 1?S 1?S f??i?Ir,T' '? 1 S S??r'??"- il sJ* s? ?? ... IS ?s ?v? IS i?it?S i I ?>? ,l* ,w?lrt-ir?S : , 7, ^5? * A'h?*? 141 i?: i?: Ifl JJMElev Ij j.f jc:i ??j jai }?I S?**? a Mai?... nu ,iS u?, it?, Hau!.'1. ?S ??S :?'* "S '????r?rn Waa... ?i : Il ?a! *.? I? I? ?j??? tr,.- etf? u?, US ?S t*rtarN'??*"? M --' "S t? I? II US ?a?r".,-*""<>ay- ?? ?>? ?? 8? "?'"?u ,f ci-, ?i?4 us US ?n*._Ml?-e*0*nne?-e"a* ???A-no: ..... 1 i 1 1 ??Ara rv-o ,t ,;ui ,7V, ,-i^ ,7.* ?i Am ?u,,, p? ,i(,,w jo?s io?s ia?s jars i".M? il* IMS H?S . 4?H ??S <?S .Ifl 111 171 . HS n*, (Il III ?Il I TS 7S ?I 151 1*1 ?09 Orpfcoum - 1 ? ? J2*al f* II 19 ?I tf^fSm t-ol?inc. l% i". ("8.1ft j. ... ,,H ,,?*? ?t, ?^ ?"arruajto. . . ?? .? ai'? ?Bai la.?,he,.. TS IS 7S ? * ?i*?** ' 151 111 111 "Orpfc?m ....,, |?'4 riant >r ??????? ?? On?n. Hirh Low. I . t'nitetl Frgit.iei it? is? ill IIBl'r.ittl She?... 41% 419? il\ 4>S if .11 IT IT IT h tlta*i.tot in? <4 1 ?i laas >;o Ventura . I?', ???, 1?% lia? 410 Waldorf . 14 14 lia? 11% i IT? Waiworth . ? . 190 Warren 14roa.. 1? ?? 2K it 100 W B Ttllotaon ? T 7 T lloran? i moo?a a w ?.... jjv? m, n\k im B??1 Maas 6?.. 701? Ta?, ~.i It 1000 Hood flub 7? . V? 9? It 99 2000 Mi.? HIv Vr Is 91 .?V? 41 ?1% 1?99N Eng T?l D?. ?7% ST V? ?7 V? 17% ?009 8?Ift .'.?... . 97 17% ?7 IT 4 i lOOvO U'ost T Jt T a? ?<lfc ?<% 91 94 Boston Curb Hid. Aak I Old Ask Alpha.I I ludad.n... CO 71 Bay Hlatr ii ? ? Moma.I ? 70 it I.? Kos? T. SI 19 U 'Vajestlc ... I T I Boa B Mr-. I ? Mutual Mv.ll tT ''??avara? .. S ?i ?V Ni? I 4 S 1% ^r.rm.19 21 'n <'?pr nw. 1% 4 ,Bvn MaiaJa.- I 1'iyi? . ; S T#aar.a . . 4 8 nenhleh .4 7 tn V?r Eat 20% 17 ?las-l? Un-;. ? 3 Yukon.40 79 Bur? Croe?. .1? Chicago S*Im. Op?n. High. Low. L??t. ?UAnm Shlpb ,.71 74 74 If . 9??4 ?9% ?9% ?9% lftOArrnour lasalhllV? 19% 19'? 10% f>9 do rf IT 17 700 Klkli ... S I I 5 I I'SSa p|r>? I J I I 1? I Ml I P H pf 9I\ 11% 11% 11% < A < h |' 4>, 4 S 4 4 11(1 thi Bl K)- (f 4 4 )% 4 lllioniw 1)1% 111% 114% 19.9 Consumers Co 1% ?% ?4 ?% M 4a at ?4 1? Il II 4220fo:.t Mot - 10% 11 104. an? pf -11? "a, 110", 110 ?* li?'? :?tui?hr . *z% ?.'s i)% 41% 10 l'i?-n Match 111 111 111 111 70? Earl V. S \ % lioTalrpf ... '.'t\ \K\ 10! V 1*1% STIOodrhaua .... II II II 11 219 14 W (ioasard :i<4j 21% 2? | 100 Hart S * M . 91S? 91% ?I H 91S 4411' -4S 74 S IS? ?a Hai". Wheel. 2?V? IIH )IS 11% II? Inla' 1 Hfl .41 41% 41 4P, ?4 ?4 ?4 94 SIT I :;. T T 7 10 M * Utllltl??. ?I 44 44 44 :?o . do pf .?4 II 14 14 211 ?I? pr ll?n . .1*4 101 104 I?? 194 Mont W?rd . 21 ?I II :i ??a Met B Co... 11% 12% 11% 1) 127*? PI?* Wl?*- A M% II l| 11% 91 Pull Hervir? Ifjla, 1?? ?"?hi SOUuaker <>??? p ?7% 91 ?TV? ?I 121 Pi?n?l?rd Oa? 17% 11% i:% 11% ?I II, IIS ll>? 41% 11** flaw Warner.. ?T>* ?TH aT l?V? rttf.a fi Iff 1*9 107% 14TV, ???Hwlft Int.rl.. 19% 1?% 19% 701 V Carbld.. 19V. Its 19% ??% 1)0 In Lieht A H. 70% 7IH T?% Tl% I. do |.f . 71% 71 SI 71% 11 Vil 11 X' s Urs pf i?? 1*? 19? ?41 Wahl .?*% ?4% tfrnj 11% 219 West Knitting ? ? 1% ?% I II Tallow Mf. B 1?9 199 199 199 18?T?Mow Tail. . 71% 72% 71% 71% . o?, Kd let 8a 9? ?9 ?9 ?9 84999 Con? Bl let I? ?9 I? II 91 t lereiaa*. . ..? ?,,<L C.oodyr pf. *1 ?? .. ?7 44 Pr??r Will. IT I? to pi...199 ?94 riev By . ?a JO? Klreaton? . 47 144 do pf 7? 9? 92 ii*odr??r- i* 1! Detroit M? Au!ob*dy ?, f I ? i har Iron pf . ? ?I 1? ?a* H?!?? opon lll?t?. la?? I.??. i Meter?. Ill IS l?0<-ol?jrT?bla ?to,. t S ?V, *% "* "2 ?.?i). ??-? Motor?.. 1*S '*?. 19?* i". l"-'.-oit Kdl?on.H? lit? n? n? II Tor* .:?i m t>4 114 110 Moi<-r Pr*4. .10 ?1 ?0 11 --a. Mf,. J? 10 40" I'i'k.rJ ..... US ? ' 111 Pal,) .II ... || || Philadelphia ?I Am .;??.I? T? |8U ;?i_ I? A : ?4 71 Am By?. ?I lis U us I II ?V II T.p pf. II 14 It U III In? in N A . ... 41 41 41 41 1?0J ?1 Hrl'.l. 41S IIH 4.S 4IS : ?I? lil . ?1 ?0 ?a ?? I Lehlch N.v. . 71S 7IS *1S IIS llro.. 41 4." 41 41 UMinnh . ? "?J IIS SIS tu rhii? it t ;: M ". II Penna s?.- Il II M II 100 Phil? to ru pf 41 S 41 S 41?, IM I'hl'a Bio.-- 1?*S II 1 'S 11 I"? <1? pi ...... tl 11 IS Pb.Ua In? Wir. Il 11 11 . i Phil. Tr?. i:..n 14* ?IS ?IS US' UOTono R. IBbT^^^^^^ II Ton?, M | -.If? IS? t'nl U?i Imp . tl II 10 1. y! .?4S itS SS', ?10 t'nl.,ii Traction tt II ? 4? Itor.l? Iinoecen Tr N J I?. ?1 ? i M 11 10?? nU A P ?Mf? 4?. ?4t, 4<S 4? S ??i, ISOIOInt Met 4S?.. U H H II .<? n i... i? :? ? it ti l?<Xt Peo Paaa Hf 4? Tl Tl Tl 71 7000 Phil? Bl lit (? ??'? ?IS ??'. ?>S 1*0? do f ?. - , 101 i? ; 490? do ?I.>?SS 151 S I'S'f mis PltUbargh no Ark vat oaa.. is m is is 4? Ind Bit? ? ? ? ? !?? do p. ...., ?S ?S ?S ?S 10 I -? IIS l?S *'S 14?4 ?I Mfr? M A Heat 17 ?1 I? Vail y ? . ? II? II?. ?41 ?hlo r??l till. 17 ?IB ?lu.ln N'a? O... ?1S .IS US ?19 ?'?hi? Fu.; sup us ?iS i- ?? ? ; V ?? IS Pah PI ?ii?*? it" II" m m 4S?? P?h ?It "O?anla 1? !? II I? 111 IT III I?? 1?! US 11 *.*>??*-.> Air llr 101 1*1 101 101 MM.MMI Abltlbi P A P. IIS US ?IS ?SS I A?b??t->? ? orp. ,...?? t? ?4 ?4 B'll ? - HIS HI HI' Br.? Tl.? Rrit Imp ?f. Id Pf 7. ?IS I? IIS ?B*r. . US 1SS US ?r ? Tur. **) l? ??S I?S . 44S *7 r.n ?'.-n bi ? ?? . ?-.,, t: - i u 1? u i? !.n a 17 17 MS !?S I^ur.. ?>*? ?4 9IS 14 1411 I, I? * r ?on. .1.1 Vail Br.??- ft 41S ?jue B> I. H a P.... Il I? ?S ?S Nh?w:i?l?an . Ill 111 HI HI Spanl.h RlTtr 'IS MS ??"*. MS do pf.I01S 1*1 ? l*? S U1S, . Il SI U II Rlnr??n Palp B Paper old cam . I do a??? ?m. I? II So a? ? : Tom-da 1114. A.? Ul r .'n S I An? ... I? IS r ?,?. Tr 1 I >" < ?own It II . tnmnn La?. 1 ? I? r-a ' ? IS ?8S US IS ?i , >S ?'? *? ins1 Day's Dealings in Bonds Fin brr.d? eral o Tlir Market h a : rr.uei, ircrea?* m s tivit}, government laaui narrow flue. , industrial dlv ? . ? ? ?. Tr**sa?rti.. ?Utle* Ukertf |i.a m; ? i 4... 1?4I < ? tan "?a. ? ?as I ?. ? 1*8J He >?ii?4 QoatatUn? de : ? , ... , .. Sa ?. ?., ? . . e? i* i .. ? '?.24 10? 1? ? ?1?. < -, ' S Tra.s 4%? 9? |? ?> ?< ?? ;? Old and Asked Quotations :?t 4? 1997.. 1941.. ,? lili I >,? 1911 ni'itjui?) leeeetr . :-B loo i? f.? lot) lb? II 1 S Tr.a. 4%. VI 410 ?1.74 ?.lit. ? Ol's?l OI41% ?I 94 7*ra.?Far iaau'a < 1911 ..192'? ? l*sa l. T'?n la '?n I.. '-,. 'I! ?1 '?o la, to?, '?I )| e? ?J", ' 1 4?, it 4 , ?l y S) r I 4?. 1941.. . 41 0 9 r r 1924 I> of i S ? .m I 7%f 10) . ?1 91 O IN Foreign Coat, and Manirip?! 'Inlerest to h? .?dded i 194 ? ', 94 le. 1948... ll?rg?n ??. 1941 II >UI l?. 1-.J4 li 1?41 . do - ? % '"nil? ?? |9H... le. 1914. e? j: a ??. i?4? ? ? ill ? I'SI.I? 1941 . Italy !? Japan ? !92&. . - - - 'a. 1947 II >r li 94 do San : 94 's 97 i . 4 I i? ::::!;?% i *% iVna.l. ? H . : ?. i . Is IBM I ? i a. tilt ? F t ??% I Fragt 1944 ' ?S I m? '? s .. 2 .. 1 ? ??% i? 19 4. 1H4 j?n?'.r<- ? ' ? 41% 1947 w I . 2 . I M 4? 1947 ' Jsp I ' ?%? T 1914 2 . ??on? ? 71 i 9>% : ??i ? 94 r ri?ref 4? 1941 . p*r* 7S? 1917 a ... 91% Rlnra* R I? 1911 I ? I I ' B 194? !?Tt - f S?l?e 14 1?^? Hotr.r' an n I? 1911 94% M IM2 I . 7>*iaa C?n I',? ? i?ll 101 I . S. 19:1 : ? ..1*1% _10?% )?ll 94S 99% 2 |4?S 91% 9IS mark 9' -. 1?4? ? < ? H?>'l ?a : 1 ?4 M ?4 I ? IV ?? ???? ??S ? f ;? 1941 91% ? ?IS i ?IS II ??V I >tS *-?\ ? Paal? lilt t . ?of I? atS .. a-. ?II . Uli ' 4IS I? l*S IIS IIS II II ?I ??s 4? IIS , ? *? "III 1" ittS I-?. II IIS II 1?S US I? US ?IS 1MT US i . 1?! l Kh?Imuy. Oilier ?nrporulion? Raaasi i 'S * ?'S ??s ? 1? ??s s - ... a ai ??...' : ?? ? B *?1 11 ' A ?I I. ?. , m 4? u?! ?. IIS ?? ..r A l ? . e!4 M? ? 4??. 4a DU MIS Am emt','. lu U N , MIS 1941 . ? ?a nu i s | ut? p tu ?? ??s ?TS 4? Mil ?I S ? ?'S ? Ulla '? Mit ?1 ? ? * r ??s ? ??s I la 191 I? ? tl tl ? ' Il A "S M? 1 t ' V I 1144 S E 111 ' .. ' ? ?V . ?'?aba H It u ?ir: Cub?ii ? T? III? 111 ?? Ml ? ? ? ?. 1??1 . ' M ?I Im la UM '? 4a UM - Mr h . ? ? M ? \ ' '. V ?. Ttsj 4? 1911 ??S ' . s I ' * ; II ? il I? MM ' ? t? ?fi A Uli ' ?t P? . M? ? I? *?s ? 11*4 MM ? ? I ?? ??r A. a ;??; ?? 1911 ?? ub? Ru MIT ? ? . MS ??S ? - ?a ?i i 1 17*. '. ? B dlv !?-< ; ' llklrn y. . ? ' ??0 . 14? ?4 ? A . ' ??s I? ' s? un ) ?SS ? * P l?SS . IM1 ?"?m.C r ? U1S ?4 ?4 MS HS IT ?T 1* R A II I MM IIS MU ' rv 4a a A 'Il Il la ? S rv 4? a li il I . ?IS . D U ??S ?I S ? <? 1?M II ??? ??S <???? << ?? . T? 'M 1 Chlr B 1 C B : * !' rfc m Mil 1 ti >tn i |I?S i .111 ? M? . I??l raw? M Uli ? tt P*l??t " tt 1)41 t . Tl -' I ? * H ? *?b . t?tt ??? (, a?r A !??t. I?|S I M?? t 111 S t*?n P "??. us ; ? ' ?s i?iH "????? IV ISIS * ? - ?n? III'? ??M ??. < M ? R? -1 ?'?* ? f ? r ?? 191? 111*1 ?IIVJ 1**1 191 V II* I ! Il 1 .194 . ? l?l? 2 1 4 I 11 11 ( I U ?S Oal P?w?r :. ? ? 1911 Il 9) ? * ?? 191 99% l?0% Il? lia III I.? IS? 1?' 1*1 I l la la? 19 M su? a eau ?S? i?li i 4 I 1 144 l? ir? aa i. ?id i 4? !?44 I >r W H II 4 H t? * 1 il 1*1% .194% I 1*1% T |7B 1911 ? 14) 4 ?lia s T%? 1?4T ? . 1 ???. ?r * w ; Soi u 11*4 ? ? ?h i t. i?ii il ll?v Kl tr !-? 4? P 1? 1111 , 8 .... ?% II.-.Ka. I? 1141 w i 4 ?1% I ??S nu Hocklt t l%? 11*9 II 4 M '. . 1117 ? .,* "% ? ? In? Sa 1117 IIB ij il ?3 i ?i% i .... ?i% 1 41% a itf. ? ?< i%? nil 97\ i : 1414 110 ?%? ,141% Il IIB f?tt. ? KO ]t 14 1911 i?t 4. ta? i . , -a 194 ? t 4%s tait et f. *.w ?.. I .. ? I .. 11 . I ... 1 t . 19 . I ? I 4. 1 I? ... 1 ? I ?a ? 1 1 1 ? t Toa r t I? 1911 91% 91% 1 91% ?1% la - 1911 1 *. 1*7 i* 11% Tan Am P A *l\ Tran 7- i?? 1 1 1 *%? i?i* **% i? P "S il? kl ?ai ..llfl b i ; i 91% 8*4 4? tITI 1*1 ?1 199% . 1"! *<%l ft? 4%? 1141 ? ?* 91% V 2 1 ? I II', 91 ? 199? !? 4%a ;v.? 1 .89 r?o 'i*'. s? ..f ri 91 I P?r? llar i ^? 1114 I 14% 4? 114? *? ; Phil? ? ??? a ut "?% M ai ,.. I I ? . 4 l'u ? lilt al 4%. ?1% ..*3 ?Y? a oblo e\ 1s 19?7 111% ,!5 >4 M I. 1911 " - I J a.'*, 1941 w 1 * *'* ' AT ?a ?ar A 1112 ? ? M*| t a? i ?ir n% A M 101% s *?% M ?4% Il * I 11 .. 75% "i ?S ? 4 ? ' I? ?? ? 'Il ?s 1 Pr ..i /. Il III 1 wsr S 1 ?f. ' .1..... 1*7 Air 10 ? 11 ;? i t? 1911 Sil la V 44 I? . 49% < i X 1 188% i 14 .?S I -.. .. W '? : i sfa 4? 111? 14 ... 71% ? S'il ' 4? 19*7 ?? 4a 1441 1944 ?? ?T - . 1114 ?TU. > h * Marara :?4I ait 'la, SI ? la 111! ?9% ?9's Kay?' ? 194! Int?! i . 11 . ?fie 4 I I? 11 1?T 1*4% Kin?? ? o l.l ??% Lack ?teal I? 1914 19% *?a ; alt 1. |S4 'O 1914 l 42 1411 94 14 *i ? 4? 1M1 1? .? ? i teeae A 1 . . I .... 97% * ,N 7 T?l?ph i ! . 91% 91 I.ah1?' 1?M laOB ? ef 1% ?. INI ,. * M ;. 1.44 ? t . ??%' \* ns- Il rf. 4a 1949 I? 1*4% 1949 -, 94 i 41 1919 94 '? T H 4%? 1?44 ..'. 1 9?% N'.,r t^.rlllar I I* 1?ll 17% 9T% H h TT ?4 71% T? ?I 4* , ??. ? 1 19 ? W c? ?? 1*19 I .11? I ...III 14 . si * ...iil% i ? i?"1? ?t I? A K ' h ?? I r. 4'.? mi I 11 ??*? ir. I f:t 1. ,1? ?r A I? III? j? Interim r"? ' T.r |, ),|) I 1 ? 1 a? !.. ? * N??h ?J '"nu, IS? ? I ,xa uni ?? ?*?' , 1 . M'? ?aabsird A T * ? .--?n ?? 114 4? a?r A iai? I ...94% "% l ?'?% a* t ...... a Vini'l ?u ' ,? *?'? ..- II |?4T ? ?I I ... IM ?7% 91% M.n Hr 4. ?* Mar?'' l.l m i es a II 14? rf? * I . Ms? 1441 I a a r i i 49% I 4? I <*% I r<? I* 111? ? ? I tad III? M?? I a. ?r be I ??? '*? 117?, Mid?.'? ????' ,;,,,i **s m ?*% 4? 1*44 I .... li SI? ? ' t% ?%? 191a 1% ..r A |4j 19 91% I ... 91% sir Erie (?wide* Etwee lit sont of Dunloft i.o. ? miralty in Otaal Britain, and \ to the ,1*?, wham bo h?. Ia?t nigbt | ?r r,1 hi? de? parture for Kngland on th? H?rnern* th?t h? ha?l accepted Iba rhairman ahip of the boar?) of ?ltr*?-tor? af the Dunlop Tire and Rubber rva. Tha plan?? al Buffalo, <>.ir?tr?tete?i during the war and never operate.!, will begin operation? ?hortty, Sir ?i.l, tad eventually will em - X? to 10.000 worker? planned to dttrrlop a capacity uf 1.1/n?! tir?-? a day. The announce? ment prere : >mg In ?hi? market Monday of tlO.OM.00?- I'ju lop Tir? and ftubbvr bond?. ?- '"' HlneUIr P I. I I? ? f I? M41 T?l T I. a I M .... II ? t . It?. t ?1 IH I ??s , I? ???* Tr ? , |?4T I Mil S S? Utl ?>?? 4 I ? M ?? ??? A l??: ?? UM I? ?? i i MSl.H ? ? ? v. - ? ? ? I - a 9 . . U I ?*'>W ? ? 11 . 4? MM * ?. . S? B? a x j . ; .. i? :??? *?*?", ,,M... ? l*S .?a i I I Nu, k. Third A? rf? : l-.iV. "''* 4. 1MI ? - 114? < IS . i , ts? 1111 I I ?114 ???' *?. ' li * ? ' lit. I??, ? ' ' \ *T>? Hear? ?h?* pSaM on ? ?*?<! ? I I ?h. f. llowln* i .Mon on a ? bo?.)? par appr? ?ub?r?et Ih? mark? .1" tt <h. ?,?? .- t?n Thl. R?u,? ? ?h? ?i.naal w .1 HMM I ?I. .?? k-? \* n novna 111 %Illtl \> Il 'M NUI I ?llll? I. M HIIIMM'IKI I I, | |.M -..\\ I.K I Mil! II I?. i?*r. ... - ,1 lb? ?h? . ? ' ? ?'.??',? In li'i'i,*' I | lit ?u? N.w Tbrk ? <:r??i w-nd la??? Ky - tit.10? B 1.? Mi? -, s ... I KO 1? |il?. a **fBB?ta ? ? nn la? HOT' It" I s % Mo?*??a. las? i T.?aa -.??? 1 -?o,?i?. I - i t?T ?i?. "A hi? . ??? ?ha I. a. ?Id. r i>% n ? ui III ?D. lnspnetnl Te??? ??*, QwMa* ?4*? ?"? . . Its?*-??"? <'*??a??ll4Sl*?l femme il ?a?. Mnalnatf ItttaratMliaai C<*t#?* POMI? ?Vena??ea?l ?-*??* H, ? ' II?. ?* '**??r ?a?, la rW?M ftmr.4? S III? _ I.*?* ?b? I.1..4 m! * Traa>*p*r4 ?'???a ? ?ter PV??r?a ?eMMMt ? ; ??? ?ba K?n?aa.f?t?. ut Aanefn <ea\ mon M? ?h? Kin??.eo:?r ?4* A?Dr. pr?tes ? nnr'.rnnln tn) SIS ?*? WM IUB44 Tr??4?. ? ivaaM TrtvaaB l?t I?. .. ?m i? ? p3* ???- .'?.'?'?? ? .. ? Pent*te? Collaurai PU4?o B? "wt c*. k nrStm By. tenta ? -r 1 rlntli* p ? -, ?int* TV??.. Woe ? -'.?t? et M, '??I Voi-p?. ?f An* ?' * 01*4*1 v.rffear? l?* . 11.?* -ntr?I T?r? ? *U.rtrt.r* ?'oi lt:?,?M?l ? for ia?a?y ?** fr*oi ? ; ?fl <-umm.?>. ?r p?*f?l M.lUi.r ?' MM' l,???r aWi.?'? 11.??? ?h.-?? |l.?m. A ? - A mal (??????*?? . M*-4?ry %nr ? i -f? a? Startt ? r | \IIKI IN II. Ml II I I. A ... U'mId |ir.?n.t*r Iflh. I?tl ail), . !? ?ni M V??.) "?? -- ;? ?:?r Vmrnt i ??-? I Ml ?htr.n , . r? ? . - ? . i ..,? r . mlBi m M? -i i iis't?S Tk; Battery Park Nai.aatl Baak cf New York KfABT '. tlt. ..?i?r. Div DCNU NHi-lcBl_ KH<"'. ' i \i a ?anota" a*. ???41 Kl? "M^|.f0 1MB A SKIdea? ?f ??M ?nd ?ar?. ?f N? ? , ? ? ir?r wuKi? f? ? ?-? ? "-?S lia ?or 1. Mil. Tor? ...?