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_ow?ra. bat with th? entallar Hera'sahera ?ook th? rntll : by strpri?* hy his ?ags*vsti?r? agreed -eferenc? la ?? I be redttr? e ?rst. ?V section of 1 be re .. !e the pt>!' ? that th? > nould be - 'or the tail an as a great compet? the President rather .me of th? campaign ?? new radical blot , ng that op ? i? should be ght r. tor Brookhart is ? ? ?mail minority in the ical b'' 'v oring m?rger? ir. it of th? radicela aasstm) of all the Th? Pre?le*nt, .-arded as having struek mSmw? blow, whether intention ally he" radical hloe was ai so 'divided ?'s flat ? ownership ate to lower freight ? n demonstrated as an a ? administra '?! A Some of endoosly in favor ? -hip. others were the failure during the Had. I.ahar Hattile -g? of th? i ?bor Ho?rd, merged under ' to-day into th? ouid b? mad? binding on r?llro?d corpora run* up againrt - of the radical ?.Ir* sel ?gain?t would compel labor to (ration finding. Thl? ?e of th? d*moa - at th? polls of road labor leader?, particularly st Ohio, Indiana and I, the President '?bor leaders on the gration. Far fron ad .? down the bars, s s would, he advo - on of intending her side, and also .liens in this country, - the gates from their ted angle. The ^'i"Uent showed himself folly with the discontent of the rs in the Middle and Northwest, <d such havoc with th? old il crowd In the recent elee ?d a considerable por on of hi? message to th? necessity i g the farmers from their Baneial distraes. i ?h of our population," produces th? food of i adds so largely to ? . must particip?t* 11 fortunes of the nation, iing worth retaining" Agriculture, th? President ssid, has In tude? which no legislation -. i ongress can make fanner "the financial been ballt, up t aid ?nd supervision \ industrial I rSaider.t praised what had in thi? direction, telling ?? "measures of taller n of the Federal re : doubtedly saved ' spread disaster." that the Farm -fulness of which ?<>v?n by the Fed - gnt we'l har? its wr, to provide Mama,l? credits as well as an? il? suggested a Federal land banks te -i credits. intends as a ? ? recurrence of the ? is full throughout the Middle ?rthwest. The chief distres? d by th? in?i?tenee. of the s on prompt r?ym?nta by th? re ef ere] ? vlng loan?. Th!? - <-r? being eom - ir ?ntlre crops en .-??i regardless of pices, ra f th? ?ut.ply cf freight cars ?ind. It wss ?are whieh sent the ?n'xics, corn and wheat tat the f?rm?r? figurad - duction. It w?? ' that led t?. the tremendous Ith present condition? e radical sweep ?t the 'relght car?, du? 'hi sftermath of tho coal partly te ?r> cctua.1 short trh freight rate?, was blamed 'tie farmers. If they ?hie to got the increased -?dent is now advocat . ?aMiy, if not all. of thes? troubles '?< ?n eliminated. > m Pro? ??ion Helpful The ?pok? at some Ungth v tariff bill. Thl? a? tl \ forced into th? meti lou?e insistence giving ithority to readju?t is developing condition? m?y rt lts?lf " h* ??Id, "ad ble fallibility of s tes or '.?bienes? to rhang eve that th? >y he promptly a riemsfd, ever riindful t wK; ' '1^P"?' to ?sfeguard xmerto" Industriel activity, und at the - ??? the eiploitation of ican consumer and keep open ? cf such liberal exchanges ?? , t endanger our own productivity." Th? Pr?rid?r.t insisted that ther? Is ?site for commercial aloofness. It? th? C?rip?,rative self-contain it co-jntrv, h? pointed out it build the foundation ? futur? of influene? and im -?nance la world commerce." He VrXLVE OF MILK k Is a good food, one of he most perfectly balanced foods we nave. t is so well balanced that it an supply practically all the Js of the body. \ quart of milk contains as much nourishment as a pound of lean beefsteak, Also? much of the necessary lime and many of the valu? able salts not found in beef. ???i*?J frsa? a*I1 I* pal Ik* ?Jab, re??? mam. ?rf.tC MILD"?? >av-*w*4l *VV*a^M?f*a?aMi fl%-M gJmaaSS !? ! at?, ?arvadi . Senator Mackay Fills In for Gov. Edtcards A Republican, State Senator William B. Mackay Jr., of Bergen County, wat sworn in yesterday to preside as Gorcrnor of New Jersey during the abeanoe of Gov? ernor Edwards, Democrat, in Washington for a few days. Chancellor E. R. Walker swore Senator Mackay in yesterday morning- and he -?sumed his duties at once. Governor Edwards want to Washington last Monday to talk over poliUcal matters with Dem? ocratic leaders, and to attend the Gridiron Club banquet to-morrow night I l-a _I d>nl*d thl? provision for "msin tained good fortuna at home and our onwillingne?? to a?sun>? the rorr. of all the ills of th? world" means a reluctance "to co-operate with other people, r r *r> assume every just obliga? tion to promote human advancement i ?r.ywher* In the world." fir Harding pointed out that with- ' out America ?eeking it iS? had become ' ? creditor a? a result cf ha *?r, and now had ?n excess possession of th? world's gold. He denied, however, that the country ?ought to use this power to become an international dictator. influence of the United Jtates in international coun< trary, i? great becaus? th? world i? con? tent that thi? country ha? no selfish ?ads to sew? and no grievances to avenge, th? President decU Valc? ?f Sympathy Ralead "It i? th? sales c.f sympatr.;, fraternity and helpfulness," he said, "??eking to ???1st out not assume *>i th? United State? btirden? which na tions maat bear for themselves. "We would rejoice to help rehabili? tate currency ?ystems and fa ?11 commerce which doe? rot drag u? to th? vary level? of the?? w? eeek to lift *p." home surpris? w*s occasioned by the emphssis laid by th? President en the evil of hyphenates. After speaking of the advocates of revolution and their followers, h? ?aid: "Thirr is tl crudeecenee of hypheneted American? ism which w? thought to have been ?tamped out when we committed the nation, Hi? and soul, t? the World War." The Pr??'d?r.t then ?ounded a call to hav? th? aliens respect Amer? ican Institutions and to hav? the American viewpoint magnified to the alien seeking citizenship. The President then passed on dis? cussion of th? prohibition question, which has.been perturbing hlra for some weeks. "Let m?n who ?ra rending the moral fiber of the Republic through easy con? tempt for the prohibition law.-' he ??Id. "boce.use tl.e> think It restrict? th?ir p?raon?l liberty, r?m?mber that thej- set the exemple and breed a con? tempt for l?w which will tit?nstely de ?troy th? Republic" Conditions relating to the ?1 ment of the Eighteenth Amendment, the President ssld, "savor of nation? wide scandal. It i? th? roost demora? lising- faetor In our public life." In a regretful ton? th? pointed rut that instead of alia ing prohibition from politics, as most people had assumed In sdvance would be the cas?, the Eighteenth Amend? ment ha? irtensified prohibition to sueh an ?xtent as a political issue that many voters were moved by no other consideration. "It Is distracting the public mind and prejudicing the judgment ef the electora," he ?aid Stating that he did not believe the Eighteenth amendment would ever be repealed, and that ?. lieved the enforcement law is in patty with "delib?rate public opinion." the President pointed out, however, that "rigorous and liberal enforcement will concentrate public attention on any requisite modification." It was st this point that the Presi? dent ?nnounc?d hi? intention to in? vita th? governors of all the ?tatet ?r.d territories for a conference with the Federal administration ?n UM ject of prohibition enforcement. Berlin In Pay Bavaria's Fine for Slur on Allies BERLIN, Dec. 8 (By The Associated Pres?>.-?The Germen goverr.ment, it i? announced, ha? abandoned the Idea of arbitrating with the Bavarian gov? err.ment th? quMtlon of satisfying the Entonto for th? race it ?tur'?. Allied military control officers in Ingolsudt and Passau. Th? Central government ha\ decided to pay the fines levied upon th? two Bavarian eitle? by tho Allies, thus averting any untoward consequences for the Rhineland. -?'??-1- -- i.r ' 'There's something ?about thcmyoi II like (jtveamBoK?flOO (jreetings V/NE never ha-? t(i?> man\ cigarettes, especially it they arc Tareytons. The Greetings Box of i oo Herbert Tareyton London Cigarettes is a *? very nice way of extending your At all Dealers holiday thought. fW\ Herbert j lareyton London Cigarettes tr President's Message Ablest In Years, Is Congress Veird?ct ,0??l???? *"??? ?*?? 9St railroad recommendation-. Sen raina is prep?r?d to back bill? Ibes? line?, hut !<* hi,P< ?nartmert thi. ?eision. H? ? i rates. . , ?lie whole cupy two >e?r?. The naral crediU of th? prf. nee to enforcement i" c hiKition lad the warm support of Among tho?e *ho hsd comment . of M?r> ? imprested in- < nt made ndmir? sugge.''(.ris. I doi -ether U?n?'ative jam will ?nable ?rif?rd i ? ar.d the ? tions . ' ur *tl( tlon In th. ' Senat? of th? 1 r ?????-? was ?i i writing, th. delivered. I earnot api it. The run l>?strd did not ? ?imour.trd m?r?ly to ?? the farm loan \<e farmer nerd? ? *r.or. elastic loan ?3 Item then the H?rdlnr/ program seen? to carry. ??Koi thar legislation mr tioned I ' l**" ?>? raseh .-it thla Mai ? ' approve of tion for rural credits, but leci.lati should go further the I SUgfjev Senator Korri?. ?f NebraaVa: "T r.t*s message was beautiful. I told us * good many things. ! ..voted any rem?.: particularly true' of th? transportan truthfully ?aid th railroad rates v.? re too high and mu com? down. That's absolutely tru I us he It is to be done." Senator New. of Indiana: "It was very .trong message. The i I dations vero to the point snn | It w?s one . ? the Prvsidei ha. ever written. "Ordin?r?," laya Mcvellar* aaaatw m^k liar, of TatiaataMi ' w?i?jld s?y it WB? just ar. or liaarr wo tag-- on the ?tat<- of th Senator Watson, of Indian' : "It an ? t masssgs President llardir h?s ever delivered." Sena' ' iregen: "I Wl partiru' ?icultun ciedit? and os trsnapsttati? tor Poindester, of Washington "It ?m ?. great m?saag?, It preheaah*? and responaiv? ta the need of th? nation." Senator Ui de-wood, I> leader, refused extended comm-ni ..eying: "I would i I ?press r? offhsnd opinion ahcut the mi ? things in it which I do Bet (?f < e, there Is m charco at this session to many of the things rHMgest? msv get ta rsral ersdits ?ci*. Tres i * . a ver] ?ers of th. natioi ways to gran: At last th? Ad.nii to 'he fa? rational life an? hat t ? -?lent is in n j matar 'hat enact egislation a? outlined b> me??:., will come along in d . Capper Hits Kail Plan ?tar Cafaar, a? plain the recommendationb a? I railroad? I they r|(() ? . riiBTlg In: ti.? rats-ma transportation ?-el m raptor ? ; was . I statesmar' .?ngres?. li ?olrjtion of ma: J national pi doubt? by t ? prevent str ? . nus thought. . was i ras j the Pi rip problem. -ig the na Il ? ir, with ?( i or loans was m ich phased ?id: "I was m ? ? grarpl'il wil - plant ? on law will undoubtedly lead to good resal? "Al Sive, . ; ??ge. wor* > ? the most Importent ?r.ri rita] ne our national lift, fare." i restive. *.?\ ? Teta ?dart, sound' nstioi leao?r in t' lent'? l metraje was Tl ? publit -na: 'I waa much interested In wal th?- profr? lives. It seemed to n ??'It of kinson, ? Rt ' farm hloc: "I was vei ' with ? to ngricui* ?rlj hi? ''?rmu orthwith." lean, ?a? the gn l Harding hi ? gress. The thing he way of MBtral benefit of ? high Pledge* Tas. Al -eienUtivc Green, lost ican of ti M?11 ? full of u I'ep "I ?i blicea, fjood , mc??agc. I ?m ; rd with ?o'a, the Rcpobliesn .? iga all .?nages, able and def ? 1 was ta? ? aw en ? | can. I"The I ? pub! "Tiger" Finds Ra\ of Hope in H.inlin?, Speech QaotsSI IYr*iilcnt*? Mint of Wnrltl Parley in Belief I i'IiuI Sonn? Mo??/! Will Be Mad? lo Prated France Cural ?if \Mi\fiv at Lundi Hiil- I r.rcitrl! It? H ii?-hii..r Inn: Deptlil for IMiiluiirl |iliia to i,i\r \<lili ?oyrjen Sparkes ^ce?u departed tonight fur Phil ' the last ? I. In I'n i sage to Congress tod* ; wh?t he li hopeful of, an ?? ? eonf?r?r.ce aiout the unexecuted Trea'y of Versailles, ? conference ,e two great pas? sions itiOns and M j? -47 i re ih? '< this I >?jre. 'I wei : ?," he bey?... "in the ' arms inte ? th? Al ngre? i at th? i: and ?;?? an me light a - I I Keturn? Paper In 1'iara.ei u tee, I e man as 1 ? Ie had de: Herding I ear? sntativss had -1 ace" he ad, 1 ran a be made a : Ilk? assur. ommon ititerists tirai ? ?j!d he fol ? ? Aadleaes Is Fi te?fts ?v V T0\ i I l [ES thai appeal to daint) feminine tastet1 are among the Gidding ? hristmas Sugg, stii of carved coral ? tnaitniititt. laces or that maybe wound about t as bracelet platinum and rhinc ne chains- < irettc holders Florentine pm< ' ami rin French Pnfume tractive bott Prices have, been revised to mtti the approval of the holiday shopper. <o(0b^% x 5?th$lreit\*"ririH AVENUE? /571/1 Str?I tire H?u?o Commltta? 1rs wa? R*ed one r,f th> bi?r ? i bv the wi*i fill ?ddrr otid Teaee" Ja?t Th? '?fajor s ? . i ? .. i ? II? , t th? \ stirs ? are all m a very bad in Kranee, <? ?nd ?II Kurop?," ?*i,I M. ON 'hat I come iSk for ask for help. I ??'?. for protection. I ask for hothing but friendship ?nd good he?rt ?nd go4>3 wiil. I am helping my country, It li I ?m helping you ? in? tun?. fahti? r the ari but fitv of i ?aid: 'i<afe?v point? ?nd Pre? sad in an a'! : ltd) 'if teest ' U4 w? will I Hue? >*?t Ueproacti America Il?\e tho??. It is I lag a ? i hat wa? no ? :iid to l r.!i<- St I ' . legal - that I i >tic?n lans. That ? ? und ?ound It, and on had. - . with ?gainst us. 1 r s. I came to *? ? a democracy as . ?ntin ?en be ob- j . ? ? 1 - : ?frir and you SOS the bar ?hy of ' t,e, ? .'i-rs. i . and if 1 take. I ?ol- j try far. and I :1 you you I ;>re ?? \ and the great | ? ? Qtnaaa? ? would aitl under i nance* for War Dwindle ties at to-dsy, an I nets of B t?ke your P ? : fOl ':?;?. But 1 Thet ? been Invaded two tira?? tn my It/?*, ? ?m tb? last eurviewr of about 114 who proteattd against th bering . f AUaco-Lerraiae. If they did not se? the danger, I did. And 1 ? to show yea the danger ill you that there tn.? no eafety for democracy at a time wh?n ttl? waa raging. "Hut you hav? g..t a treaty that is not executed. You htv? forsaken half ?nd a small debt remains, and if we do not cat It we cannot ge on any more. ft is Imposslhl?. Of ' . rmany says new that ?he ranr.ot p?y, hut If aft?r thre* Of twelve years. Hsmb'irg hecor new Hamburg, builds a new and a ful harbi.r. '/hat of it? I arrangement?. And vhat I? bet? ter ?hi? to make these ?-rang than ?ha Intervention ?f Arasriea With Knirland and Fr? ' i put it very eUarly, I hop?: at least I tried my b?s*. ?nd I vos will not misjudge BM I h?ve nothing to ?stabliah, no d -i to make. I bring fa'' ? v ?rythlng ?b? i? for you t) fix you. fate a? you I It belot | ".?I s-.r il-: r man of the . e Relations, I . this afternoon tl paid a farewell <? r Ju.ser?n?l, *h.* i? turned i ? r *.Ing the larg to tn? railroad ?*??.? i ight. The tr? '(?lis? a)?'.. ? in the morning. rilll ".g?r ? I ' was emph?? era of as? of Music i?u| injun? ?? f.. prohibit the Philadelphia allowing any si i ? . * the claim they are ' ?'OS. rSf ?n luterpre tation of v hether tho i . 1 .nie- vas I Ut mi'.iltei ? nceas'a ad !??? ?? Kegir... > laaaa ccnaa t.. tu? city un*i?r the au?pic?a of th? V O T I C E ! tmencing Monday, Dectmbcr 11th. >*orr ?r ? 11 6? open until 6:00 o'clock P. M. ?SMn^<n<.^n?M.t?ka*Wk.?a?BMHnMMate.MHBaaMHaV BRENT A NO'S hijth Arrnue A 27th St, GASHS mee-tee NUTS T-aSSt ?1*. *?*<-*""**> For ?tn evening at home? make your pastime a cracking success with Cash's mee-i-e Nuts? In the shell, il "H or salted. CHARLES S.CASH inc. Ertrygood nut that grows" Mar? ?h'l Mil ?ir.l.i ll-| B.?in<nl. '???H ?all??? "?? . H-SawM l-r.r liill.llnr 'Jrth-i- Mores BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS AND SAVE HUMAN LIVES IBe?t & Co. Fifth Ave. et 35th St.-N.Y. Eictoliihad tflro WARM COATS FOR A BOY'S WINTER Hs*can walk in the rain and play in the snow, and generally disregard the elements, If he's warmly fortified against them in a Best ck Co. coat. Some of his favorites are mentioned here? All Wool Mackinaws Sizes 7 to 18 years 10.50 Reversible Leather Coats Gabardine Inside?Sizes 8 to 18 years ' 23.50 Rubber Rain Coats Sizes 6 to 18 years 3.60 FIFTH FLOOR EMPIRK Units of Invr?iriirntf,|?|M>a| especially to that great group of men and womrn hIu)N. rin umMari? ra and inclination?* ftuggcgt tli?- invt-tnnnt of moderate ?utan. pOfJB v>ho are intemted m foalli? llj Kuildii ".'??tabla IMP" I ,?f, off? i pro. "" o? principal thai ?? easemisl < ?'ir?emires It 1?^^^ m. an?! home fi?>vjng mmmessl mm\t*m *i I" ***** St u it onh ''?at we ?i^jj ' ' '** Aisofi?. nikly. it | * ta nur profits tv.tfc the u, people witli hUosivi do most of nur lm*?a? fine i>i?? M tu that ?ntaJIff peaaaaj iinrei ?mottou. I., ra (or tli'- Unbaf of |? pswplc to invi lutr perfected ,n ? iiio'lalion flan to the? pay? ment? on Empire | on a basis that it as un? usual a? it is liberal. lnu>r this Plan \mi are requir.-l t., pay only $2."> at the time \ou buy your tnit of $125; the balance is paid at the rate of Sl'i a month. \n.i. at an idditional at? trscti.r feature, your money begin? to bear in? terest from the date of ilii? fir?! patment?no iinfr, until rot. hste I the entire $12> W for?* sou )<e patiug in our profits. \? m i) pruLiMy knov,. the I real ei? fate investment i- ??nit n.irily open only t<? the lari?' . IitooMm usually the lavinst <lnwa nf a ?:oH??deral>]e <-a*h ptrmen! ills is ilii* true whe?rr ?urb in? vestments offer ton p?r? Itioa m tin t>rofits HI? U . i. ni util find Empire I nit-, the tsptof ? seefe? ins. R"r wmnt yes to ' ctunity te \ one or rlstJTi of these units. So u t include in this advertisement e cot r'.in which u S SUitetj , fill out. It does set to buy ? einsM y.ntpirr I > it <>f Invest' until you hate finally ssf'fmi yourself that here is s type of int est ment that fffrrs you (hut mereinof amfet. / return emi ,n h/ your pn*i tot nnd certainty ef repayment, that yss took fur. Item*"" SSert ennhh ut* + 4SI..' ?nil**? ?ilthmntsr ratio,? thst M?y ?? math, Ftil in end rrveU tho , otifHsnumy. CXJLtTX lUA?*+ ftSmomSt hmpirr Houiebuildiog Association? I?* .142 Madlaoo A*e. Tal. VaiiderbiJt 876t ._= = = = = = = = = ' Etrxpirt Homtbuildine Atss. t 342 Madison Ate,, Se? YorkCM, m Please rr ?_;% fl Empire Unit? o? lav????? p (1125 ?adt). ? It is understewi that ?* ratereation it subject to et?; l> nrmation by roe and **?.?' ,f bind me unless 1 ain utisfiH ?? to the sotindnets and safety ei |i the rivestr- - Addrtu ... . *t*? ?_??.? *hm $" trap (t I? IM mail. Yoa'M * I"- ? || yet tii) ? kSStSSm?m.S9SSat*safS