Newspaper Page Text
Pepper Assails Sons of Wealth As Little Snobs ?Senator Call* VisalM of Priv. ?lege Men Holding ^clvea Too Good for Pol?tica in \ddre**? to Imuranr* Men Fault Finders Critirix*??. Deplore** Habit of Pipping Oftirials? and Then Refusv? ?tig to Vote or Hold Of?icr ator George Whartoa Pepper, of y!va?ia. defended the United I ?ate? Senate and the procedure of body and denounced the habit of ? ' riticising the public men of the coutv try in an address delivered y??terd?y lay's ?*???on of the ?Ix ih itr.nual convention of the As fe Insurance Presidents. The convention i? being held at the! ilotel Astor. Fenstr.r Pepper wa? the principal eeaker before the ?ife in?urancc men. ? la his defense of the Senate he took I taaatM to attach the ?on? of Am?r- ' ?'a men, saying that "the | rtosi of privilege m America are b? i.g little ?nob?, too good for poli - ne?." He ?aid it na? become the cus torn for "you men to alt in the com .hi* chsirs of your club? ?nd find /anil with the laws that arc passed ' i^d the judges that hard down deci- i aieas affecting your insurance com- ' ? ??, but you don't go to the pri-! ., and you don't want to hold pub- ' Ice." Ignorance Among ( r jising way? of bridging "th? gsp ! -enship that is purely -etica) and 'hat which i* also: ? cal." the Pennsylvania Senator; ilecl?: f the uncomplimentary j ^lion of tl "wid- ?? among critic? ting what th?- Senate is ?nl what. It doe?." "The Senate as a body ha? two func- j he continued "It is the upper thamber of ? legi-lotive body. It also ? a council of ambassadors from aWtaielga states. In the former cap?c?; ? unites with the | enact- , !ng appropriation ail bilis and miscellanevu l?gi?l?ticn. In the ' latter rft|?citv h eoaflrsaa at rejects: ?lomlnatior.s mad? h> the which j lie has negotiated. "Ms -te usage? con- j riemned as waft' aracteristic t-f eoafereneoa between ami>.-.i??dor?. | )n the early day?, when the Federal tl? w?? ?le- ? ouid ill bei the ?nib??:. ?> ork to tell ; the amba?- i ia he was , I ambassaii- St that the, minority va' ta ? ? Justlf. I ?, ? imary legislative business, i A question of i Whether Senat? rule? should be so ?mended In their application to purely | lcgi.l?t ??? business as to confia? a ' ?peaker to th? peadiag question and to ?r?vent such unlin.ited debate as may ?nabl? a minority to prevent the ma Jority 'f.i... : .ncfioning. "I call this a practical question, and I It Is. But in i er it b?ai namely, that tl i aage cannot com- without cha ..nd that it i? el I ?easitle to filibuster against a cnangc rules tnd to prevent sny chBnge ?hato er fresa t>? ing made." ?'Best Paid I nlverslly Head" Other speakers yesterday were Dr. (?farlon Leroy Purton, president of the niveraity of Michigan, who was in troduc-d bv the chairmar. Darwin P.! Kingsley, as the "best ps'.d university ! iresider.t in the United Stute?"; Platt .'hitman, president cf the National sntlon "t ln?uratire ( ommisslon-> ? ?ge, pnsiUent of the I ife Ii.anranct Com- j nati; Jfhn B. Miller, i of the Southen ? S*cui ?f the Pacif. tual Life Insurance Comp.'tny. of Lo? Angeles; Frederick L Allen, general ; Hatea) Life Insurance I ompsny, of N?w York; Samuel Mc - Lindsay. \|e?.president of th? j <cty of America, and ! Villiam II. Kingsley, \ .-e-pr?sidsr.t of th? Penn Mutual I.if? li sursneo Com }>any, of Philadelphia. Before ending Its two-day meeting the convention adopted six resolution?, ?st important of which wa? one ) t rging systematic and determined lueasuret for "the extirpation of th? ! j r?vaient epidemic waate of hum? :hrou(rh habits af personal careless r vehicle accidents." The ri-solution held that more for the qualif cat. inaugurated, that I rhoul.! be the exercise of more vigi? lance and caution by pedestriat ??commrrids th. .ment i of "salutary safety r?gul?t i c (?eriiuui ChrMmas Toys Vrrive After Hurricane ?"?am. on Which Wagner (.??m <i (.hiae-ir? M-o ( ortifl on Stt-aninhip Rasern After a rough voyage, during; which eh? encountered cale?, a hurricane and a blitsard, the Hamburg American liner Bayern arrived yesterday with I ?enger?, a large consignment of ? mat toys from Germany ara tnc piar.o *>hich Richard Wagner co-, ?orne of hi? matterpirces. The officers cf the Bayern said she wa? passed ?hree .!?ys ?go by the Whit? Star ? Homeric, wh:ch, at a distance. ippeared to he h ? | <-sr? ? ?ry. and knowing that hr 'ed, he ?aid I ' -t nexr rbo?rrf ? <-ars these >nd. He said he . food oh ?ever fti two ?towawaya. They will be sent 'ineny ?>n the next trip of ? the ve???l. ?d by WasTrx day? aa a com- ' ?? e?-?e f?w ye,, is ?jro Mr I toa i ??? at it- | gevked. ta.d th? ? inn.trftd by Wagner dur. period in which he compose? King," "7ri?tan and Ualde." "Parsifal' ?? ' i? m. In -.a ? I 5,000 Kosher Butchers Here Strike Ttr-morrote A walkout of five thousand koaher butcher? to the metropoli? tan diatriet will commence to morrow, according to Isidore Korn, manager of the Korhcr Hutchem' I'liion. who ?aid yea torday th?? purpose of the utrike was to continue the union agree? ment in th* 3,300 ?hopt affected. The union expects to open co? operative ?hops in every distri-t where a long flght is anticip?t? I, Mr. Korn added. One already has been opened at 049 Eaat 145th Street. Ten ahops will be opened in the Bronx, where the union ia looking for the most trouble, and for which it has $50,000 working capital on hand. i?, _i Turks Bow To America Over Straits <C.?i?*?l ?Vwr fat?. MM maintain fore?? only in ?uch propor? tions as will i.ot appear a m?n?c? to Turkey? Balkan neighbor?. Th? naval clause ?till i* extremal? vague, Liid m?y not be settled ao . easily. The Tribune I? able 11 th?t th?? Allies may invoke the argu used in the Washington con? ference 'o brir.g pressure against sub muritK- construction by the Turk, which would practically v? to roal free . - straits. Turkish gar? u.ay h< ?Mowed on the shores of the ?*?ea of Marmora and possibly along the straits, but submarines are quite an? other thing. A finn! effort o*.' the Soviet delega? tion to force entry to th? discussion commissions of the confer? ence, r.-peatedly refu-ed them h>* the . was launched in o statement ?ng the Russian attitude toward the Turkish prop While indorsing Ismef? pronounce? ment In general, the statement clared that for th.. detail? at Ruaaian ttti'ud?* would b? d? rr.ine.i only "after ?lose examination mmliiion? or commis? sions of experts, where grS reserve ? ght to aak eiplanatlon? and baa information that crin ?esterday dropped hi? m methods toward iroaU be bad for Russia and T?rke* to disagree on the one quea whleh Ruhsia wa? mqst inter Tehitcbarln waa willing to ed? ict for tba absolute cloeing .if the Straits Is now n dead letter, and hi a? a v.ay out, contending that war ission of protecting merchant vessel* need nal M dread noughts; that light ahij*** are suffl clently able to protee' eommerc? ingataal pirac; ;.*:<< act? in mission? of ,;>od I? accepted this view in ?.rder to ? cor.d ?I ?a quote?; above was the re? sult. Thr third point demands liberty ?age through the 8traits in time IM for both war and merchant ?hips and piovide? that In case of war ?hercio Turkey i? a belligerent it ?ball exercise th? necessary tech contrcl. Thei et on this point. as the Alii?? admit Turkey's right of search in accordance ar'th International Igfa leaning somewhat toward the Russian view remain., ax u basis of argument which it waa believe?! in Allied circlea thla afternoon would nut presen* in? surmountable difficulty even though ill} acceptable, in its present form. The Turks hod planned to include in their project a clause prohibiting war remaining more than a certain time in tho Black Sea, but derided later insist on this. Ismet proceeded ..'?.? ??rtain comments on the Al? lied plan outlined by Cursor, two days ago, many of which, however, appear, bas. i on complete misunder r.g?. as .mple, he ?ranted the Rea o? lad fron t?.. tern. ??." aayi-ig that certain prepara .?.???? here ??? r.f the maritime tranati? r'.a lion of troops from Anatolia to Thrmc? and vice ver??. Regarding land trana por'atlon of forcea between theee terri? tories, he ?tked that railroad transit ?cross the Bosporus should not be de? militarised, although in th? aan? broth ha admitted the principle of demilitari? sation of the Bosporus ?hor?s. He alio demanded the right to transport troops ?cross the demilitarised area?. Close observation of th? Allied plan shows no effort was made to prevent any of the?e, a? the only railroad be? tween Europe and Asia Minor is via antinopl?,and the right of Turkey ti tran?port troops from one part of her domains to another is not con tested. lernet maintained the right to es? tablish arsenals and military installa? tion? at Constantinople. He com? plained that the limits "f the demili? tarized tones as proposed by tho Allies some twelve milea back from either aide of the Straits were too extensiv?. This, The Tribune learns, also is a point whereupon further negotiation is posaible along the lir.ea of the Turkiah theory outlined by The Tribune yea terdey, that the Turkiah troops should be allowed to occupy town? and vi 1 - 1 lages on the shores of the unfortified Straits rather than to be bivouacked in lesa favorable country u comparatively brief distance back. ** lsmet asked that th? island? Of Samothrace, Tenedo? and Imbioa, out aide the Dardanelles, be placed under Turkiah sovereignty, whiie Lemnos re mftins autonomous. This also is a sub? ject of sm?ll controversy wherein the Turks are not expected to fight very hard, a? the Allies have already de? manded that theie be demilitarized and the Turk? h?ve accepted the principle. '. That they will remain Greek, however, I practically certain. Ismet also asked a mir.imum means of defence for Uallipoli and the Paula against surprise attack. This i would be covered by th? international guarartee plan being developed, which .'oubtlc?., be acceptable to the Turk?. Optoiiietrint Found Guilty Of PrartM'.iifj' Medicin.* Philip II. Kaiser, an optometrist, of Baldwin, L. I., was found guilty * es terd?y by the Court of Speria. a?on*, in Brooklyn, of practicing medi? cine without a license on Mrs. John Baiiele, of lSl Marl? lyn, over a period of eighteen month? i and until her last illnea?. She died ' on May 10. Kaiac- will be next >"r women's nusb?nd testified that Kai?er, who lived at "0*2 Ha Brooklyn, for eleven ye?rs. treat? wife for headaches at tl? a treat? n all tlJJPO. Later a phy diagnosed h|>r caaa as a com . n cf disc.v l?ame- ? ?hiiite?; ? certificat? issued by Nlw York University in IOS per ir him to practice optimetry and a his ?iefen?* that he had treated mm. Mart/.I. anlv far defectiva vialon. French Doom Debt Parle) Allies Fea lOMrtM?*? from **e? ???! ' said. The "-?re the n ? tic of sll the delegations -1 here tonight, but that i I e due <n their ? jcce?s In transpon the atmo?nh?re of Fascism v their to London. With ?cores "black shirts" from lando: colony concentrated at the hail Mussolini's arrival, a mlniat Roman triumph was staged for benefit Th? American aid European ee,j ? pondent?, who later succeeded breaking through the bodyguard "black snirts" guarding the door of Premier'? suite, ?ectred a brief Int view with hin from which dominant impr??sion ?merged that this conference for the first ti?ne It mean. te. h?v? ?oir.cthlng to isy In I decisions which ?r? reached. As fsr a? the British are concert the negotiation will remain sec ?xcept fwr brief communique? to issued after earn Sitting. Wh?t formation !? received from the Hrit ?ill come through Fercign office fhi neis. It is quite possible Britain ? offer at th? outset a plan which wot mak? it embarrassing for Polncar? luggesi occupatioi. >.f 11 s Rear. S< eral important business organitatic bar? informed Premier Henar I? they tVOald look Srtik deep distrust any suggestion which Included the j ?f force in getting gu?ranti. s fn Germany. ( ommerre Chambers Favor Loan Th* Association of Chambers fommcree ha? gon? on record St favi ing a moratorium for I aetloa of the reparations, t granting of an international loan a ?-. ithdraw?; of occupation. Premier? Borii.r Law and Toinca are both in embarrassing poiitun the farmer ? ? i of the plan ? lection platform called for tl strengthening of the France, and the latter because the fa ? ^nation in favor of ?omc bui ncss man such a? Loucheur. There is no question there ha? be? an increasing hostility her? towai nch attitude. The Cons?rvate government promises to b? almost i difficui' for th.. French te. meet <? common ground n? was that of I.lo ? ??r Law undoubtedly wl try conciliation r?ther than cu?rrio Th? question is how f?r Polncare ci ?o and ?till hold his place as I'remi?'. ?rt of Intervention on the pB -ie? is hound to affer ndly. Frtincr in Last Stand. Thrn Force, Paris Virt Poinearo May Offer Plan /#> Payment of Debts by Syatrr. of *'C" Reparation Bond llV ( oW? I? Th* Trihu> m ' aajilahi, i?:*. y.-v York- tc.: I'AKIS, lier. 8. premier Poincar loft here- to-day ior the intcr-Allie conference of premiers in London t make one cf France's last diplomati moves to solve the reparation problen It is ?vident Franc? would prefer t reach a satisfactory agreement wit the Allies now, and Inter S many, but unless this conference o the Brussels gsthering Bel suce?ssful, Frsnc? will be rr laeed I ' f'.rc. i order t .-?dsrs it dues. ?w:o?n Fraace approves an plans to advance the proposai of pay Ing its debts with th? C bonds, whie constitute the third estegory of non interest bearing reparation bonds. Thi would amount to the cancellation o inter-Allied debts and th? lowering o Germany's debt to the Allies of 132, 000,000,000 marks In gold. Secrecy Surround? Intention? Despite the secrecy surroundim I'incare's intentions ?nd d?ni?!s fror th.- Quai d'Orsay, the "Temps" cor. t?nues to Insist the (' h^nd? will not 1" diacassed and that th* qu< ' unti ?om? future .. maintained cor. ?latently during the last few da. the only topic which will be dl.eussei In the I/ondon conference will be the r and B bond?, totaling about 60,000,000. 000 gold mark?, and hew to obtain thi payment of these from Germany. Thi? the "Temps" say?, would requirs i moratorium. "Wa must take the Ruhr coal a? i guaranty," the writer continues. "Sue! is the preliminary condition of ?nj moratorium. Once we hold tha guaranty we shall be ablye to sneer take the restoration of Germar finances. Until then each day otilj aggravate? the situation." Jacques Bainville takes up a slmtlai argument In to-night's "Lib?rte." anc denies the solution lies in reducing th? German debt. Tired or Steril? Doe a m rat? "It ha? already been reduced," he write?, 'n<>t one?, but ten time?. We, have tried to find a figure which Ger? many would willingly accept and which would not crush h?r, but ?ach time it was too much. Millions or billions, Germany will always find rood reasons to complain it is too much. "We have tried everything. We b?ve believed all the economist?, busin??? men and expert? have said. We al? lowed Germany to keep her asas IMP. under the pretext ?he needed it to re-eslabliih herself. We have cut down her obligation?. We have tub? ed payments in kind for cash. We i ounted on an international loan. We fell back on control of Oerman finance?. "All this has produced nothing?a hundred times nothing. Most ?f the?e ingenious proposals were still-born. That form a large and moldy library. we continue to pile up the?? amanta? W? mutt ?ay this plainly in London and ?how France, unless she is paid, is liable crushed under the weight of her . tations and her debts." ?i ?' ii Fire Record !.?;? Ill East lia ?t.; Herri? I t'nkno?n It??Jtt West t:?th ??... Johr. ? '??ek ! i,known -? an.I V?rk tr. CI I'hrxtl? ? Ki*n. -.??own <:U -II? *.?.? UJd .ra' r'lDO*. IM?Hit Arthur ?v? . th? Broni. ? Cyat? -vknewn ?I??*?1 tart Sltl. ?: ; Mas Dor??. .Sllfhi 1 lb--121 Rid?? ?1 . Herrn?:. Uaaaeera t.:i-i . Bl .v ai nknown 7 ???. I Maa ri?l?H 1'nhnnwr. -a? Orea? *no*n *d '?rvaai i - - '?3 Oran-l .t H?rrr unkn ?? r ? ? ,now? I 10?Uli fur?y ?l. Iiron.. Michael r?iur.. ?Il*'Ht ?:??? IT24 Madlaon ?v.: Herri? W?. . ,. ' .?UM S:IS?7? Marrer o? ; Real leather 10:?? III Mooil.r ?< : Ru?> <<immun-? (.hccrs \-<jiiitli In Debat* With Laboritc Ex-Premier Score? in Hefnting i liarge of I'eraonal Mnti"?r l??r Mew on I otl??n from rao rntnn.'i Knrttpean Barnim ? i?h?. D31. N*w Tork Tribune Inc. LONJ Uhnrltes c?me off otear? beat in a sharp tilt with former Premier A.qnlth on fhe floor of the Commons today. Asquith ??? ? reeted with cheera ?a he ro.e | fute the charge brought by Labor Mem? ber Johnston last night that th? liberal leider w?a actuated by p? r sonal motive. In his recent adviscacy of a loan for the promotion of ? growing In the Soudan. The ch?rge mad? wh?n Asquith waa not pi was baaed on hi? ?nn being int.-i in the ayndicate concern??!. 1> .lav J..h*.?i..?i challenged A hia chargea. Sir John . intervened by asking Ram?ay Ms ? ader of the Labor fg rted or repudiated the charge brought by hia colleague. MacDonald said such ?-liarge? were bound to be made a? long aa the ?gpvernment ?uh sidited private companies, hut ?dde.i ?o f?r aa Aaquith waa ionc.-rr.ed the charge ahould be withdrawn. Johnston roae, apparently with tn< h*it*at ?etnif hi? attack, but took umbrage when a Liberal memher interrupted and refuaed to finish the ? when A.qnith. walking out of th? , was* ?-?leered from all slje?. Comtetac I h Called To Tell of ?Share in Dead Doctor*! lJfV Kxhiiuiution (if Body HrMa on I ?-".liiiMiiiv of M??-|iital ?ttu.'hr? W bo Sin* Dann liter Hfl \*u- >lri<ken :tesr.e M?rie ..forter? be summoned to-day to ttll District Attorney Banton'. afl a ?! h'r relations during the last twer.*. l?r. Baaaaaal I'ar./:. .lead Italian physician, whose ??rat- rhe claims 0:1 : on law wife. For twelve years ?he has lived In the Lome of the physi? cian, .it If] Eaat i*7th Str?*et. and w?s known to the neighbor- cither ?a hia housekeeper or his Dr. Daatl d?d on N'ovember IT at th? Van Cortland* Park Hospital, to whieii ha was taken after an 'lines? of ? few hoar?. Hi? death was attributed .-h'.t. pneumon.n | pltal physicians. Several friends beliov? there might h?ve been foul play, since he hud expreaaed to them hia intention to go to Oermany to hide. He araa for ty-aia years old. The comtesse :.? said to be seventy-seven. Israel J. P. Adlerman, lb? District A'.tornev lav-jjattgating the ca??, will talk this morning ?rltl Bailen Kenn-.rd. of the Medical El? ?miner's office; Dr. Eiaatt P. Hoas, of the Van Cartlaadt Park Hospital, ami Mis? Pearl .a nurse in th? hospital. They ? ? the short hiatory of Dr. DaBll'a caae and evidence warrants Mr. Adler: v, will order the physician's body exhumed and an autopsy performed. The Assistant. District .V ar.i.iou-1 to und Qabrtel da Oral ", of 15 Por?yth 8treet, who was employ*.?! ?s a eook in the D?nil household. II? ??Id he had been informed that De Orarlo wa? discharged by the comtr?.? on the morning after Dr. Dansi'a death. Antonio Ruggero, an undertaker, of ?S? East 117th Street, told Mr. Adler? man yesterday th?t he hr>?l noticed a bruise over the right eye and another mi the middle of the forehead of th physician's body while he va. prepar? ing it for burial. ? ? New Polish Pr?sident To Be Elected To-day Nationaliet* and Radical? l.x pe-rtr?! to Join In \ammt: Kx?Pr<'inler Wito-. WARSAW, Dae. I fl iesmt ?ated Presa).-In extraordinary acaaion to-' r. now president of Polai .!. Th? ira ar?. ?? number of candidat?-*, but the gen? eral opinion reaaltlna of the group? h* both that I former Pre- ??r Witoa virtual!) :? cer? tain to b? ?leeted If he make? 'urther ronce?slon? t<? ? i.rr.nnd? for Cabinet r Other candidates are: M czynaki. Speaker of the Senat?, M. .hr.waki, formar Minister terior; General Plkoraki, Chief gf Staff, ?nd Conatantln? Skirmunt. for? mer Minliter of l*o**ig-i Affairs. !gn?ce Dastlnskl, former vice-preaidant of tha Council of ." mentioned, ?no there is a possibility of a dark hora?, as no ?inn?. ..... has been reached between the Na? tionalists and Radicals, the two larg? est groups, controlling betartau them? selves both the Diet and Senate. ? the rat i remen t from can.! of President Pilaudaki, the NaMonalut? hfcvo expressed willingness to vote for ? ri.nstitute the largest party in the Diet, with 1(13 votes. M. 's party i,unib?rs 70. Thus out of 440 vote* this combination would have I The retirement of General Pilsudski from active p< lit ?ca ia not regarded as deflnlte. and It is believed he will prove a hifger factor in the election I malr-ing out than he would have been by being an avowed candidate. His ' friends say he rafaaed to run heeaute < he "did not wi?h to enter the c?ge pre? pared for him by the Polish constitu? tion." General Pilsudski now has openly assumed leadership of the Radi- , eals. .Smith May Have National Guard Officers on Stab Governor-elect Alfred K. Smith made public ye-terday a letter written I former adjutant general. Dr. Chr.rles W. Berry, of Brooklvn. asking Brigadier General Jamas VY I ? Spring?, the commindlng officer of the N?tior.?l Guard, to -rve in tv ? Governor's military staff. In the letter, which Dr. B rry said ? writing at the request of the Goverr.or-el' aid it was Mr. Smith's though- that the ail? * Governor should i>- selected as a - of the ?oldier'v qualities, devotion to I liuty and faithfol nervice uf tho*? I ? ng the honor. Dr. Berry nU> ?aid that all arm? of the aervic- and all p?rts of the ?rate should b aented in ao far as possible. ?ill be ap? pointed adjutant general. IN NEW YORK For disposal exempt fron duty Oriental Carpets (Rugs) of :? ?I.e.? lera* ?*>?* ? it??!' ?r.'.l.r'j. . ... .n 1*4*1 ..t.ou' aa "alee.ql Kasak Krhlrwah.n ' ? A'?ha?. Borlo. Kllim *>-Mras. r.rsMan. Marcaran. MuKini' Hart* .te. ar* ?p a* aeld ad?ar.. ??????ir. l'l or in (?ara^Ra ?d. Writ? M. !?<? -?? Y.rk Trim?.?. Kitfhop Brent Pleadi For II. S. Leadmfc i p In World Problems I.ikrna Prrarnt Period to Hrgmning of Dark Agra; VtMSM Church Union for Ilrnrfit of Human Kare America needs larger and not le?ser re?p?nsibilitl?. in world affairs, Bishop Catarles H. Brent declared yesterday in be laaaraaUeBi where h? ?poke on "America's Kelation to Problems " For ?ev?nte?n Piahcp Kr> i ? was K pisco pa I has also been > losely identified with . pre?lilent of lb? International ' ('..mmission and chairman of the Magu. World War be eras ??nior chaplain of the Am?Hc?n force? in France. "The world's problems ?re America'? problems," the bishop said, should ew n now be leaders If it were ? i,t we roared l? lose our ; parity, though w? are generous to pl?m t.-r help frota ???!??? Fventu?liy we will assume responslbl hip." Hishop Brent exprei I for ? rh?nge of policy in Am. ? tude toward the Near ric?n eonsciousr.e??, he ??Id. was ? w. rid ?? that reeognlsed ? ?teetlng leaser r unable t.? defand themsclv??. I? duty of the Am/i himself m th?t out. "U. pafaJM l>e am thi e,i?, ,,f the dirk uges. ' the Bishop said. ' ! ? specially ninth c?rt i aait] pa the eleventh, yrii will Hi grsting force? ?uch as wo have ? ? t work. The difference II that now the barban from deal? from our 11 vea. The problem i? a world problem ai d It i? alsr Ai:i- - Amerien 1? just m much a n?r; i world as Frasee er J -, ? : for through wai iplish our sp - plant school.? o'. then ?Jan ar Kasta,problo*n and other problems as they arise for con ? for ourselves alon?? for, after all, ?? .timan raes ft is to that race that wo owe alleirisnce." Somir- Head- I Tide Hoard I >? r?- .mber ?amerce yesterday unanimously ar 8, Beators t '? till uut the unexpirt-d t rn Harvey William June after avant with Maya -r, formerly ?ctlwtary, and now . uy ? Beard af rradi Beatei until Ma. The i ?? bar of Hoard of Ed is pre ?r Sa rings Bank and rico-pi ? treasurer lerick I.a-. nany, ?naniifacturer?. Autos Park Thrmselves \ Bachrard on Icy Slope Nineteen aristocratie tatemo. Liles ilirvered yesterday after i vain attempts to scale the icy coated atretch of the North Hroadway hill in Yonkers in front of the homes of Samuel j ? rmyer ?mi William B. I Thompson. Cars without chains j slid down the slippery hill. Kvi-n ! aervice trucks, sent to tow the | machine* in, were unable to reach ( i them until rhnin? had been put on. ( A bnkrry Mr ?kidded off the hill and up?-l on thn ground? of th?- late Max Nathan's home, scat? tering assorted rakes, buna und fancy pies over tho grounds. i? i ,,. ' (girl Faring Trial For Hem pel I tome Burglary Faintn \* ?sSfS Whm \rr;iigurd. hol Hi-fiiM - id TcJ Where? Slir Obtain??. ?200 in (wem? Shr Panned for 83 ?SI wa? made yesterday by | ? lice in connect lag Alice Hrown, ?man, who was arreeted early ? I lay on a charge of hurtlary. wit?, ! r'r|e<ja Hempel's apartment ? ? milar crli I -ntral Park Wesl section. I 'wenty years o!d with frier ! u.a.? . was take Ay in iuotlna of alias Mary Mannar:'? ?parti, iinth Str. Hannen'? home, on th? seventh do :etr.eeii H sad IS ?A lock on the mrht of Novem! | much the tad ? ser. i '.-il. r thefts, ?e ? ir, io th* d. valued a?. fl.trOO ?telan. Artir-r? on this similarity In me?' police are trying to find tut ?rhetner.?.: w?? ?oi beries. 'In formst ion fai Abraham r, a pawriln ? . .'nbu. ! I ?omin had pawn. worth 120? with '? l..?eph I Maioney ?nd Roj f the ; tr?re Mlsi Hro?*r , by the la the West lotet where they agfoetod bar ?? ? ? dij.ner. Eh? I I e.l l,y Hriid? i wom S h? I pawned the jewel?. When ?'r^ifc-ned lh? r? fined to tell | Magistrat, f.evine wher? lb? pot the ' valuables and was accordingly I bail, which atabla to furnish.! 11,1 hearu..' thi .1 KBistrate'r. d?ci?ion the ar?rl ba ?nd then j fainted and r 1 from th? . . ourt r Icy 3d Rail ?Set? "L" Train* Afir?*: Bronx Line* Stop Third Ave. Route Tied Up for Hour and Traffic in Part of City Delayed in I a r 1 y Morning Fr**?/e The ?leet storm of y ?et*-day mar? Ing was accompanied by auch low tem? p?rature in the n?iri ?.??icr- part of th? city that elevated ?enrice in the ! Bronx was tied up by tho formlrg at ? th? third rail. The only IfMfl whieh nuffer-d from thin ? JP.eult> were tho?? penetrating the it* Tha Third Avenue Jm? ?uttered t?? n.oat, and at 7 a. in. did n?-t have a train In motion. Karl 1er ait*m,pta to break the ice blockade had enveloped train after train in dattling ?heeia of ..- flaire*. Two trstn? eaaight Are from thi? cause, one ?? th? Moshol i Partway station and one at tie yards a? lWUn Street and Third Avenue. B-ith -rains were without paasengera and ?he fres were extinguished before much dsr age h?d 1 I he ( ommission aro?'. that conditions . rd Avenu? line were practically normal by a a. m. and explained that ?he tie up was due to th.- severity of tl.e we*' ?the Brori. Trafile on all ?>utlying line? in the Bronx ?till w* ? at 9:30 a. i Avenue elevated line? ha ! o run their trains in frigid borough I station ?if the Jerome Avenue hi while -nue trains ?band th? Weat Farms branch. Kui north for the Third Avenue trains was 129th Street. An Urtua) burden was thrown on the subways and '.w Harlem Division of the New York ?'er.t.-al It.iiiroad Helped carry tho.e who were ni '.ble to mak? their customary trip bj* ele? vated. During th? day three persona al on the ice and Buffered bruiaea, aa re ?ne police, aid three more were alight!;, injured In the erowd that thronged th? subway station at Kighty-aix-. and Lex: Areno?. Nary Ord?*r? trem rnr Trtbvne'. Washington ? 'XA l??u?.l I-, day follow : Roblaon. Hear Adml. ?. 8 . ?? Weal Tom. It. W . to II. Hn?da r ? I*. B, to V. S. U. ftah H ? ?. H ?i U Rotnthall Bna T lg I' ? , I* ' .. ?? Kn*. r a. to u ,i m n?ni . ? ? !.- .' "r* II . II Rassa Judy Li A ?. '.i Hampton Itoada lUmptnn 'toad' L?<atafcer. !.. | lela*?* ? ,-f. :5th Naval I., I.l rt??'r Hart.? : ? '. e > ?*. T. to Mar? .?.?a. it? Sea View IfoMpjy Criticism B?rHs* b?vettigatoaK No l.\ idi-nri- 0f ijr^ffa ?glcrl in th?. Ti^2? of Tuber, uloaia p?2 <^*r Ig Notifia T* New yorkTubercaT?,),.^ Men ha? eompleted .., lwJ_?_| __T It was learned y? "**M ?Web h?? that the ert.,r,irr.? m?rf, rf fcJ are ? , rarted. ?requeit of i:ft,limi.,io,, r r^ * ! waa eond?ct#d ty I>r f>? i r. ?J former president of th? K?U?wa ??JWalesU As?ocl?ttor? .?4 Dr. t*!1^ ,#Tnwr exeeative ?**.*__, 1 ?"? Inautry," ^ ?*_?,__. u.MUbii,;,,,,!,^^?* ? ?bleb w??l4 ?_J ch,r" ? .?Ity aZrL* fete 1 . J r.?t ?$?% \ j*aa A?-ia_| j "WeHaaS? '??teaU??. ' a ?a?. m4 i-^,B ? re in the inaia ??' ?fa???,. ??_r?? purpose, of ?^r<t\o?oil?mmm?*W v ?en? rate r ??_*_??'? ?<w?\ ?TS. ???psra'.e >'M ?t th? ?talk trative sUlf. "4. That the dtfacts u ?hick at C'*"1 "_?tt4 ?n? Itbei lft:i IB ?*?* ?nd en ,,* readily rtaal? "?. That th. ?ad ssab 'n general . omp?re? f?*a2 with the car? provided by stmitsrpt T ^liniicajHili? In li.ivc I uriea Wheat Atteins in the Wal ?It?* rative wheat ?aies agesryhl world, which, according to it? mm will handle lOO.oOOej?) ?Q in its first year, was formed kens ?lay at a meet if of ? x c?-???nti orgaalsatii > The new organic-or. 1? ksen 1 the Am?ne?!, Wh??t tjroverf ?Man tion and wa? formed ?t ? amttm ?_| Rawest SuM\ Grower? ' Association, rspwiestti?, ???te?, aad th? trust??? ?( tint .-o-operativ? bodie?, rapr. ?ates. Head carters of t_?| . on probably will b? l*?a?j either Mir.n?a? :. or Kbbibi 0* was .? ? The Challenge of the Bootleggers A laturnalis of ?bootlegging seems to hv no exaggerated phrase to describe the startling itate of iffain to which the Administration calif tiic nations attention. Inspired ?Vaaliinfrtoo ?lisjiat? h. s tell iis that the pp-s? lit l'r ?liihition entopvnient methods arc "delmnchin^ and debas? ing tin* entire country**; that the Presid? nt is "deeply concerned over ;i belief that the moral fiber of the American peuple is detertomting through the open disrespect shown for the effort t<i eii foree Prohibition ; lad th?t "the growth of bootlegmng? the temerity of nim-runner>. and lerioui insinuations against Federal enforcement officers haw been iroriying the Administration for rom. months/1 until fitiall) "With Prohibition ?-mfonreusent recognised u on the i absolute collapse in four States and In a condition of serious demoriuaation elsewhere in tin country, President llanjjmg considerad to-day th? issuance of a aolemn puU d to all g citizens to discourage btotlegging ?s a hist resort to administer ih<* law.! "One way to make Prohibition prohibit. " dedans the ?Vew York Evening Pott, "would be to arrest some of the ?nrominent and respectable people who buy what the iMx-Hle^er-? sell. The lending article in Th? Literary Dii/cst this week takes up the* Subject of tin enforce? ment of the Prohibition laws and presents the opinions of leading newspapers as to ways and meant. Other neu-.-tVatnns of current interest and importance are: Democratic Plans to Win Next Time How the French-American Romance May Be Renewed To Curb Reckless Aviators Whence Comes the Virtue of Cod-liver Oil Hearing Two Thousand Miles With a Home-made Radio Set An Anglican Move Toward Rome A Neighborly View of Woodrow Wilson Personal Glimpses Loves and Hates of the Circus Elephant Governor Allen's Court Threatened The Test of the Irish Free State How Not to Catch Cold Mr. Hoxie's Talking Film Stories That Reveal Bernhardt Eastern Culture Draining the West olM****?11 Anarchism and Cruelty?The Soul of the Russian Peasant Topics of the Day Many Interesting Illustrations, including the Best of the Humorous Cartoons The Season's Screen Novelty over tmr thousand leading theaters ?in> now showing the humorous motion picture, "Fun From the Press." ?\'ew bookings are being signed aa fast aa salesmen can cover their territory. And this real laughmaker is just three months old. But no wonder! "Produced by The Literary Digest" has been an assurance to millions of photoplay fans of a superior product. For more than thirty years The Digest has been an accurate barometer of the public pulse. . "Fun From the Press" is the happiest, jollieat collection of rapid-fire mirth presented on any screen. There's a laugh in every flicker of the film. It's the cream of dean humor. It you've missed the flrst reltaasos, surely see the next. Watch for it every week at your favorite motion picture haunt. "Fun From the Press" is Produced by The Literary Digest; W. W. Hodkinson ration, Distributors. Get December 9th Number, on Sale To-day At All News-Dealers?10 Cents literary Dteest Fathers and Motthers of America Ask Their pi*<th?"wiv%*u.d Cortease Sundard Dsx.tiot\tgties In M*oot ^^gm^am^omtam and at ta*?? It ma?? quid?.? program * PgyflPrtf Why not maka sura that your chSdran ha-*? Ota advantaga of using tha Punk a WagnaBa -Com