Newspaper Page Text
Metropolitan Gives TarsifaF InGermaiiAgain titan?.* From American Ver? i Is Featured 1>> thr Splendid IVrformanre of Bender as f.urwmanz Taucher in Title Role Wl'itrhilt Sings Amforta*. Mal/.rnauer la Kundrv; "?i.UT Isa Evening Bill By H. E. Krehbiel With th? ra?t. 'he orlflnri ?o Waime- il" at a v*r fomane? in th? W Optra Hons?. vttterday aft?-n.?vu ihr Kr,* ?Is Ur.<pi*r?*. whieh hat stead? .?Hatfliaa tat y?ars. paaard a?-*- --stora ti*n 'al" ws? ?e lect? -.?ar. sajo to k**p ai've the interest in *A a?n?rr's dramas, which H was feared might ??-??? the passions enffen ? by thr war into which Germany pluaj-ed the world. ?emed to hare ser-ed th*t r'^ p*se, as well as another and loftier ?bich was proclaimed by the as as ? r< t? ewer of 7 s gmerttio* ago. when th?? G T-#pre?er-< ,-urated I Lnxir'.ld Dami-oi peif ~g the w*. adop ' ?Treat If opera was i*or in devious wsn ? ? i -med ajrsin as :f the i Im wi? in process of attainment wfc? of the American sr*op> toward Germany ? char becarse we bad been drawn into the war. A? In London 2M Yeara Arro H ha? now been demonstrated, we thiT k. tl ' ?:*h of il rat a return he made sur of a?Tsirs .Urr?'.y widened by - k.that mm. ? ? 200 years a^o and ?? th? ' ? sini I brought about op?T were half Er.r ish and half Italian, the e? t Mr. Addison red of under?-. half of an opera, "and to ease i entirely of the fatifje of *???. so order'd it that the whole was performed in an urknown ? ??"; and he amurrd hlmse*. th? " ' wh? f the ? fat? <e n-r s own acted ? them in a ton-rue which did . ot ui 'rT'tand." " -?-ssed th? i had lar ? ? than the Ui ? T ths* ? R last ? an fa;: Wssr-er ? ?an ?*araac desirable, ? were i.?-.rn: man. w? ar? i tht ? xir ml ?o?.- ?so? ? It could not and did not imr' ' q**l?ty of th? imp?ra*tn*ti??. and j taken by Mr. Wbiuh.ll. ?h* is M I the character of A m fort ; whether he sings in English or G? I f *?Vr>?an of I he ?.. nd even part that i?eaay?; *r at Mme. "nlatzanaocr la I ! impersonation of Knndry, who Is aa I ?h as ah? la in G. *hirh the chan , wrought which >rt special eplrnd land it mjttt ram? f?o? t iiduction of Mr. fit der and Mr. Taucher into the cast, ce ? rhaps, with the coming of I tal as stare manarr/er, and t : a restudy of the parts play nrd ch'.rus ?duced if it did n compel a revision of the work whl Icanr.ot at ail brook the perfunctoi ness into which the Metropolita*? p* forma nee s ar* prone to fall. Band?r Splendid (,ain*?uai Mr. Bender (rave New Yorkers ti rhsrarteritation in song ar ?f the re'.ic of Gurnomana thi , ft has ever been privileged to enjo ! It waa a characterisation nobly coi eeived and irnpresM-.ely executed. Pe ' feet in diction and ?nun? ! ?ne familiar with German needed I lose a word of hi? speeches- appea .ens? and emotion in its rilan fed. poetic simplicity. Thus Mr. K' I ite?l it had Y tvilegcd to .ing It in Prencr >et for his English presentation w jre.enre a kindly and graUful raco rfalta on his W?l, but near I , was Mr Taucher's Parsifal. Not ? the high plane on which Mr. B?ndi moved, because there clung ta it son b? slag of German theatrical coi nalism; but fine in its paaatonc ?? in the second scene, and gra g to the ear becau.e of iU nnfai irg tunefulness (by which wr mcl the 'r.tefrrty of his intonation), ar plastically picturesque. The gson was happily stripped of sott ?? melodramatic? ? r and Mr. Goritt uaed 1 mar it. Mme. Matienaner was b?tt< than usual in bat narrative and th seduction scene of th? second act, an dramatically effective aa always in th ?- ird acts. ???l'a good intentions w?r ?able throughout, though the * have produced better result? i *-a?l the abf.ird pfctur (which is irreconcilable with th? pur o? the poet-composntr) no*, mad it impossible. In manv respects th poses and movements nave been im ?'1, though there Is still too muel of ;.. minor char ra. It ?ill always be so, we sup ; pose, until the technical tki'.l an? imagination of a sta-je manager ii I with intelligence on tnc part *?1 the ?tage people, who are now treat.-? as marionettes. Mr. "flodanzky's con ? ? ?,-rateful rcco/rnitioT lac of its plasticity ana avoidanc? gnshness .n temp:. The chor sei ' were all better sung than they wer? last year. A Repetition of "Alda" There was a . rmance for ??ason if 'Aida'* in the evening. h brout/ht forth in attendance and lalaati? demonstrations the old, ? *hat it is the most popular in the Metropolitan list A f parts de ' ? M*.s? Osse* ? has made ? ?r;.. h lar . .inous one. ? season's r< ?'?on is what ? j their us. Bernard and Collier Sign For Revue Next" Season ? ? g Th? - ago ? ? 'he revue wi'l be ?nction at I : jilt bjf A. T.. Erlanr/er. in <? ? 'own as the Banui '? ork on th? ? as M : -lia. lier are to ! heed a perman? ** wl'l play .n New York or , acts of Um ? ' - Ten Liners Leavr To-day in Holiday Rush for Europe Many Anxiout* toOt Abroad for Chrialmaa ; Heavy Mail Conaignmrnl Thomaa Upton Depart* Sir Thomas Lipton. whose ir*. here k?pt him In this country a month longer than he had exacted, sails for home to-day on th? Whit? Star liner Homeric, bound for Cherbourg and .Southampton. In addition to th* Homeric, nine trans-Atlantic vessels will depart to? day with large passenger Data, includ? ing many who ar* anxious to get abroad to pass th? Christmas holidays with frlenda and relatives. All th? liners are carrying heavy consignments of mail arft part?*! po?t matter. els leaving are the White Star liner Adrii.t c for Liverpool; the Red SUr liner Lapland, for Antwerp; the Holland-America liner Rotterdam, ttvrdam: the President F: H m ore. of the United States, i?r Lon? don; th? Anchor liner Columbia, for Glasgow; th? Stavangerfjord, of the Norwegian-American Lin?, for Christi ama; the Sw? dish-American liner -.inghclin. for Gothenburg; the America, of the N. G. I. Line, for Naples, and the Montserrat, of the Spanish Royal Mail Line, for Barce? lona. Booked to sail en the Homeric are W Lint? Smith, manager rf ?*] and affiliated newspapers, who ?iirned a contract with Come!.us r business and finan? cial representation in the 1 ?re Beharrel. dll of statistics of the Britain Admiralty; John A. Dix. former Governor of New rrnm Consul in Venice; Captain Q. J. W. Winter, Cap? tain H. E. WinUr, Leo T. Tschlrcky. son of the manager of the W* Astoria, and Mrs. Tschircky; Dr. andi Mrs. A. Fischer, Mis? Alice P . Allen, Mill Helen Frothingharr Mr?. Robert KH-.nn Faltai Hope Harjei and Miss Marie Harjcs, IW New York. Washlrgton ."Wruya, an Antwerp. banker, who is returning from a busi- I nrss trip to Guatemala City, tail and their two children are among the | passengers sailing ..n A? Laplan. Adriatic is taking Cecil Campbell. Bycroft, British Conr B?rn.nq*-il:f?. t olombia; Mr?. Andrew Leyland Booth. Miss Mrs. Frcder ? ing. Ge'orge W. Lewis, ? :nk!er ?'.sichert, of New York, and Colonel and Mrs. James Monahan, of Boston. On the Rotterdam w-ill be Lieutenant Colonel i 1! ?iurney and Mi.? Gur ' Mat Alexander Orlowski, Bishop F. B. Flechar, Mrs. M. I',. Riebai of Newport, and Mr. an! Mrs. George T. Porter, of Washington. .mbia is Uking Color. ? Brooklyn, and Rob relaaa, Maurice Ireland, Miss J. in, A. Allister and Miss Anna I'rquhart, of New I Hans Kindler SoloKt at ?Miilharmonic Matin?e Pbilkammic s :. ? ? ? ? ? of entire.. ? . rearan, oil ? i afUrnoon. liana Kindler, the erst Talo's i ? Ha played it grace- | and smoothly, avoiding r.ess where technical ?ltala** called ftr. hut hardly could mjc'n depth of fealiag or depth o? n the lifht. tl r.eful music, which bly on the ear. but g?, uoaaly sweet a taste - strings seeme 1 ?? tinually in use, his lower one? r tba program v.-.i ?* Thursday evening. ? ' I preludi - - 'erg's prescription, and eraingar overture an on. In t" '?derewikl ? . ?l ?limatt Se (?ta For To=day (Saturday) Women's Quality Silk Hosiery (sizes SVi to 10) in bl?ack or white, with openwork clocks extraordinar?y low=pnced at I; $3o25 per pair $9.00 for 3 pairs these being one-ha!f the regular prices (First Floor) ? iflabiaon afbenue-jTiftf) Stoenue, ?eto f??rfe Oir?P'?ourtli fctrcet Cfjirtp-ijftlj Street Oddments and Remainders Dv Pcny Hammond AH WE confront, this morning, th? ?'.roes of composition, we are warned by the striking of our old fam aak that we hare hut an hour and thirty minutes in which ta place anme words upon The Tribune's linotypes. No tnpie being at hand, we wonder what we shall write about In order to our engagement with the busy Mergenthalers. "Why not write about me?" old Kronos seems to ?upgest. Mr. Woollcott, it infers, is able to record his personal experiences in a Phila? delphia boarding house with sweet po? tatoes stewed in sherry wine. Mr. I.ardner and Mr. Broun often utilit? their helpless offspring for the pur posee of literature. Mr. Christopher Morley ?relehrates hi. odorous Danhill pipe in "Th" Bavlteg Green"; and Mr Raacoe intrigues his readers by re? counting the adventures of his soul with Tsllulah and the minor master Mr. Adams's casual luncheons arid tea parties ?tow important through hi? ac? counts of them in the daily press; and Grantland Rice and Damon Runyan print reams about a mere pugilistic gesture or a football forward pass. Put Sta m the paper, this venerable ' Time; r..??, I am, it esti? mates, as least as new.y a. a book re? view. ? ? ? There may be something in what our sd it for a fortnight and already It It a dominat? ing feature in our life. A gaunt, tall, angular veteran, it stands in oar apart? ment, alien and a little contemptuous of Itt new surroundings. It is ?o wise n Clock that it illu.tratet the phases of the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, the day of the month and the day of the week, as well at the hours, the minutes and the tecondt. There tkriag importsnt that it does not know. Its ev<ry heavy tick ?;?? porten toas with omens of ?ige; and *? * | tr.e hours, It! bell sourds a sul? len, relentless tolling, indicative of tiie the shrou : A sardo: I lock which seems to be thinking, **I w going, *?oung fellow, *hen you are ? ? ? A. we sit In -, be t we can hear it say, a bit .hly: "I was wound up once by red a concert by the New York Orchestra ? ? ?gain I and again, st the ! called for ex? tra r. ? ?rnt of his W?)lf I'll'U-? - ill It?: ital n his recital of last >esr it of notabl rgv, an-1 , n yesterday lall, with an easy, ? . m the eloelng Saint ? i undue, o:; the bats. 1: and Beethoven's trr.a'.a, Op. 11, ?a I. he was < nhers 'and ! ..rching ftr and bi ? c line, while rei ?led gather I Henry Clap when your great-grea grandfather owned me; and where no ??re Henry Clay and your great-grea grandfather*" It reminds at that was ticklnc M the night that Genen Morgan's men raided Hammond's <"roi Roada and our handsome grandmoth? rode on horseback through the eountrj tide, giving the alarm. That many an e< taping slave in the days of the "undei gi .und railroad" was told by it that i was time for him to move north towar | another station. That it was presen when our father and our grandfathe tet out to march with Sherman to th sea; and that it has recorded th? hour 'tr many better Hammond? than w are, though we are pretty good. ? ? ? A dull Clock, you will say, which ha done nothing that has not been don by the most commonplace of th? time pieces Yet a month ago it did asser a turprising personality We war breaking up the old homestead n eaatern Ohio and the wat abou to be crated for trantportatlon to Ne*. York. It had ttood In its corner fo half a century, and because it wat i | noisy Clock when running It had beei unwound and tilent for eighteen ruttini years. But it b gan to clang its bel the moment It was touched by the mei who came to take it away. They wen a little affrighted by this occurrence and to were we end others who wer? present. Finally they lifted it up an<; .arried it out, ttill ringing indignantlj aa it went down the walk. And ii rang and rang In anger even aftei they had put it upon the truck anJ started it toward the village depot. ? ? ? Mr. Montague G'.sst, Mr Arthur Sul j livan, Mr. Wallace Irwin, Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adam.. er Herford ind other qultzical acquaint??-?-.-? ? whom w? have confided this happening sr? unanimous in saying that the Clock, having belonged to a James, a John and a couple of Alexander?, resT.t?*.! fully its acquisition by a Percy. How? ever, prejudiced though th? Clock may teilt ut now that our hour and a half it over, and perhnpi that It shouldn't have taken -? W ' stand In front of it a. an ??? f ?r Th* Tribune's composing roorr.. and Wt say: "Well, Oldtimer, it's I from Hammond? ?ds to Greenwich Village. Where do fag ge from here?" Frank Bacon I-. Buried At California Home \ili.r. KniiMi n? "Liuhtnin* Kill Jon? ???" I ;?i?l I?? Re* Nrur San Jose ?.--Frank Bacon, known t ? ?.?ter ?udif:nr< try f.. "I.ightnin' B 11 Jone.." who died ?n Chirago recently, wat la rent tmetery at View to-da; ?.tive - ??? and amid a veritable flower tribu'-- From 10 k this morning urtil 2:*<0 p. m. ' the bel'.v. I i rale Temple the-, filed patt to pi y th-.r final ;eet> were under the dir? tre No. 194. Free and Accepted Masons. 01>i Baeon acted as honorary and active pallbearers. the little tei wat suspended today while its laaabitaata passed ;er or followed ? course to the final restir.j plaee. San among then heing a numb'* bers of the thestricsi j rof? laioa, pre*' 3 Linen In To-day; Col.HiiskrlKofU.S. Relief, It* Return i n*i Bcrrngaria Bring? (?nsign ment of g2,000.0(M) in (?old; America nnd Psrts \l?o Arc Scheduled Here Colon?! W:l!!?m N. H?skrll, who ha? abroad in IS? lnUr??U of the American R?li?f Administration, will ? rriv? :n thi? port to-dsv on th? Heren n?rd Line, from Sottfe rhoiirf Th? linor l? eg* l?rf*eon?l*:nin<rt of Christ mas mail, consisting of 6,072 b?e?. ?nd ve bo??? of fold, viiued at ap ?Uly 12,000,000, for Am?rie?n bankrr?. Th? Brrengari* s1'" "?* amone h?r rsssenger? John J. m .Jfon, aa?l?t*nt to Colon?! Hs?k?ll; Mr. ?ad Mr?. A. Maelay F'rents. Prof???or H. D. H?s?l tin?, Albert CosUs, prominent Eng? lish conductor, who formerly w?s th? irinc!?nl conductor of th? Imperial Opera Company in Petrograd; John !.. B?ldrr?ton, rd;tor of "Th? Out Mrs. Hamilton Lovi? and Mis? Halen I^wi?. Honell S?yr?, Mr. ?nd Mr. Gor? don W. Hop?. Mr. snd Mrs. J. - <.r?h?m and Mrs. Frances Gordon Smith. 1h? liner America, of th? Da I tod Lin??, which Is ?xpected t dock ?bout 10 o'clock this morning,, th?? ?ame tima th? Berengarl? Is sch*l u)ed to b? at her pier, has among her passengers Robert G. Skinner, t'nitcd states Consul General at Ixindon and kinner; I>r. Armand Melka, noted Hunvarinn ph)?irian and author; Mr? R. M. de la Lorr? Bueno. Ch?rle? . Mr. an-1 Mrs Rob.. Captai! snd Mrs H M Han and Lrsh? Runciman, ?on ot Walter Runclman; Glen R. Sn.der, counsel for ItaUl .Shipping Board, and ! l"ar Christie, wno ha? b?en in Smjrna and th? NatVf East lei th? Young Women'? Christian A??o> i ? ?r? The French liner Pari?, from Havre. al?o will b? in port to-day, but i? not ?xpected to dock until lat? in th? at temoon. On h?r passenger list i? -. Consul General of the ; cipallty of Monaco in thi? city, h?? been ?t'.-oad with hi? wit two daughter? to meet th? new I aco; Robert F. HffT ?nd lawyer, of Boston coached the victorious Barrara in thr Beato* tueta, ISIS, an | Hernok; th? Rev. Edmond S? Trappi.t Mcjna.t. ? our Lady of Gethscmanr in K icktoniu?, a Parisian ?la Psul Grrli, silk ??..porter n tail !rs. C?rli, and B?nj?min ' ;.n representative of the ne?. Valentino Most Ad for Famoni Pinjen or Retire Rodolph Valentino ir.nst conti : thr Karr. ? least until 192?. or he w rt si ?!' This is i the Appellate Division, handed yesterday without opinion, in ?n in line brought H Famous Puyers-IjtsVy Corp rr train the Bin ?tar from p ? ny Arm othar thrrn th? plaintiff ths expiration of hi? contract. V who ?pprar-l in "The Shew ; and Sand'' under th? manage- . ment of Famous Player*, ha r?ivmg 11,250 ? week salary. A few month? ?go h? l?ft the studio in I fornia and cam? t inf he woii'-' ????"? ?I Choice Investments Apartment Properties Butine?. Properties Plot, .n Strategic Location? Old Building? for Remodeling Dee* : stnt on Requtst Ipton H Slim-son Company I ITI UAT IS >N AVB ??e-TuM ? ?,r,J0 SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE BAYES S'^iWt^eRA" na?t? " Mr* I PTMTDAI r " Th.? 1?. HI CENTURY ?ssssssstfi?*. ?*< ??~' 4 MARX EROS. ? rvn ky ugsammmm CENTssssssss*sss*l OUR NELL r.yit Rv KKvi a." 0i mil "**-.??. ?un. w et *???? *??? ? ?? ANO ALL ITA? VALDIVILL? BILL. DlJUU ^^^^??; '"" Broadhurst ; LISTENING IN T? _,?_ "Aflec eeeltng H anrV h??? ELOSSCH T!ME Cis.sryRoo. r n :.n,:.ri ?. rn.rtn ami s IN SPRINGTIME ?Srni Tin Trau i ? T mi im *?i ii ? ? ?? |u t?. h?d ??'li our ?jlil? lurrM-.l .m. St A ??!?????? 49TH ST. _ WHISPERING WIRES m ?DU* m "? NjaTMI tUtTt .BELMCNT ??.?'?? n7*Ti.u Mlatt THIN ICE C. NATIONAL FASHIONS FOR MEN lid .'' o p Mtcuir Th . ?!?(. W at ir Ln.1 M M?u l :o MOLNARS "LILIOM" to?5?UB?l ?i Ulli Nan?h l un}. t:J?. Ambassador Intern i THE LADY IN ERMINE _ u ......oil i i i -*-? "?John IQtkCT r%'? " B *"? ?>?'.??? i" ^....____ CASINO '';,,?',".?*' TBAATir//?'' SHUBERT SALLY, ' IRENE" and"'h AR Y g BOOTlEvvER) G?mwici. V?uacs fount With Main? IH>whn?T ?nd Ur?*4 Ca>>t. | .. mw mr nm- m ??w*??rr ? 1 /oho Ga/ofen Succesiei-1 ?*"<**^* '*?*** *?*""? LITTLE MADGE KENNEDY in I'ajih ( ruf?. Kiel SPITE CORNER' ?? Nn*f4** . Wi'nt l*Je??frtlK.kle (re.h - ?M*, r?-?*. ? ?itu. Tu .:?) i W M \ 111 - \ THE WORLD UP SHE WE LIVE IN GOES . ii.? Imm? t'i?*> ?, lb. JOLSON'S 59 ST. REPUB'K ^?^o-ja?.* Ultimi Miisieal Hi? in V. \. ^^^^^^ ?? ? :? ter??, i? ?S . A V??d r a? tat?* A Nil booth 7TH HEAVEN 7lirn?r. f Al-llV ?T BON ?it ;_ M i? '" I".*? A ?II? at t;??X_ COMEDY S.V.DEC. 12 CUTHRIE McCUNTtC ?'?'????'? -w play et Manir? by . Tr???1?.ll j?se R?BEN SKAT? NOW 6 i ii mu i : ru in -i ut? ii ?i ?.s ?i rmiK BDIMPCCC Tn?? *' *? ?t run* s?.rt rnlnWCd? ?. ? ?l Mau Tn-J.r ? Tlicr? Abies Irish Rose m tus ssLvrys rr,nm BEN AMI s? AKTHI I? HOraiNI I r.*ents JOHANNES KREISLER ??I Kap.l'mrla!<-ra K CfENINC APOLLO THEATRE, M0?DAY. DEC. II, Se.t. Now MOROSCI_ r^trj.? j***"*"*"*"*"*""*^'H tSm ?Mb ft- gtrnlDf ? *? Il si. TOOAV * V?, : .1 : K ?SH ETHEL BARRYMORE '? " Rosa Bernd ?' . rut ? Cffi&U?E. TIMES SQ. .jy? ft, RITZ ST -ftf?Aft? fjTiTooilTiSTHELAW ???"-INCC TODAY M?CKT o?f _ rnvteaaSf l*?lloe? ? r?i?*ful l'-mn Hi I?IV 1 THI R-liA*. 'Always iselllu?. most ia*a*iu*s melodrama of llirni all." - ?lob? Nfjrtssll-Wstfs?'?ri? HAM H l'Ait** rnucnv <. ? r. > ?- ? UUMLUY -i i *? R A I N DllirJ k? JOHN II Ulli I \M> *lbs "The Old Soak" ntntn PLYMOUTH ?%.Jrrifc? \ ?. VIIM ? ROMANTIC ACE ^Mw Women Pursued Him? Bat He Loved Only Ont "DOUGLAS'FAIRBANKS ROBIN HOOD" LYRIC ; : ?* ? :<? With Or??laal Mails?) ?rarf s* e?*t rr?M*t?rf LAST I DAVt SELWYN tSjtgtm W. 4M. Twla? t>nUp. |:U I .... .i i MAURICE SWARTZ IN A HEW PLAT BY SCHOLIM ALtlONia. "THE GREAT FORTUNE" YIDDISH ?Rr eTs) TMlATSt. ITWICI DAILY B >?AY ?I ?? ST ?II IHM LU ASTOR _ "THE TOWN THAT FORGOT GOO" 800 .-";'.??'60? 1600?'..?;?.*$I TownhaU.Sun.Eva.Dcc.10.8:15 Violin Recital by CARL SCHAIOVITZ Mat. Je**sh Mao*. Biolamar Tiama. \ H)\\\ III II.IIT Al ? ? Gerhardt Met. Cat... Mar?* S ?. a**/ I.**?? \l 'il l\\ HXI.I. in li\. AT I. HUTCHESON aCnSTMAJIN rBOQaSA*. U?t la????? Cb*ri(*?v ataja ??>- run* H* gara several r?a?on? for thi?. thi p*| on? being that h? waa asi ? ng adequate compensation as s ?tar. ?<?d ?h?t 1," ngned th? M of hi? Imperfect knowledge of the English language and lack of I.usine?? training Valentino ?aid k? did not knew about the ?nor mous ?alarles other star? were reeelv ing and that he agreed to work to* rh?ap. For th? motUn picture company It was argued that basid? the fact that VaUntino i? a co'leg? grkduste, h? had the advice of able coun.ol when h? made th? contract Mention we? alio made in the ea?e that the ?alary i? in<-re*?a?H ?ach year under the contract ami that in 1924, he ?? celv* Sa.000 ? w??k Mr. V? ? suggested that SS.OtrO ? week would ?boot compens?t? him for hu w >rk Juit'ce Wasservogel in th? ftuprem? .nct.ot? enjoining Valentino from engaging m any film production except under th? manag* of the Famoua Play?r?-La?ky < ' rpor?tlor, and upon appeal \>y th? actor th? Appellate Division ?fflrmed th? arder of Justice W??s?rvoge!. "Daily Prinrrtonlan ' Klrrts ffp?. S I: 7 ??- Trit ?Rivf kto: N. J , II? Ilsily ?paper ?ersity. announ" night the election to the editorul bo?r<! i? follows: New ? k Jr. 121 ?outh Mountain Avenu?, Mo-1 H. Tnrjrarrort af New York r.nd l'*r ?. and Klch-rd <. Grifflth, of Indianapolis, Ind. ' ? r?H.<an The Children's Aid Society 1 - GIVL AM yCt CAN. I EDWIN G.MERRILL /-??*?-1 ISS tjomi ttad UromX .1 Cft?lDIOC 1 ** *?*" ?? LrririnC >?.? /OF. AHINS' KRIM M M COMfcDT, The Texas Nightingale wlih JOBTNA IIUWI^M) cran. K?iui.Ti.rr GLOBt THE BUNCH?JUDY ?il*? fre? ??< *.1*I? ? ioOomj 0?*ia? ??I n??l?T Crin Naya? .?S t Br**. fer*?. "IT'S A GREAT SHOW."..Ptst. AU Till It lini'KIX* preaer'? JOHN BARRYMORE "HUMLET" %? HARRIS ^VWi Ht ?jt^sssta A (.rippios Kram*. luUllAtlIiU) yi.j'u r ? L wii riiEA . t A (.reenwirn Village ? A "FANTASTIC FRICASSEE' i"il- 'i .H : ?'? M M I- l:i?TH \M1 KNICKERBOCKER '?? IM YANKEE PRINCESS mjmVatmsV? i-Aii-T mi SU \r. eSmt FULTON . iTTUiSw' Of?ArV?f ?iosi?kis -aaiJlJOS?irS W ***T t.-J?\ e ? _ 1 W ?# ?# ? *)* ?Vj -I?'? wtO l/S?? 7 IS { Of O. M. r UHAN ? o t ? ? c. r ? I V TU4?. H'T Qf TmF. TOW M wim-iM, i v ' ?v EH THE GINbHAM G?Ri. EARLCARRCU uALT S m s **? 17 ? ohOW MAKIS LlU.I PLLkL? LEAP. VAJKRBI? TheTORCH-BEARERS Q?*rf? K HENRTlYliLLtKb VINA CLAMA mk: i ? m. i< \v th? 'Tripoeterse?Jj t * ? mes? ?77>e Au fui Truth ? METROPOLITAN V r? m * t?*. st??t Ta????- tes ?i?. B?**. Su? (?f. l.r.?e i r???> ii s*??*ti. i ; . N??1 Ha. . M H.a.? I* ??1 * I? <? I X D Ar faat frl.. : ?S Trwl.. ? | I Irr rUi?{? Marlonaa H. - ? ? Car*??. aavtt.'U. lUrl?. I-a-,-a? NEW YORK SYMPHONY ( imn r Mai!. I a da > at 1 SO Hyio, .-..pi* leoliao Hal1. T*m?rr*w pu.' \M. ?t 3 i nil l> \ ' Tw??t? M Sos oexm ?;?>?RG?: BCQttB, Her ml Thratrr I or I??..) m.rruM (Nun l Mat ?I ?.JO. GRACE CRISTIE i \ ? I. KO I I \ i - O A M M I : \ i I ,t Mil I" ; I? I'll UM. M?? p*?*M*4ej *!?-? 4 tl.allu Pia?* .inns McCORMACK Sings "Au Revoir" to N*w York HIPPOOROMe! TO-MORROW (SUN.) AFTERNOON st 3. SPECIAL REQUEST PROGRAM . 11 to |2 it. NOW at hit? rrtnr?** The*.. SiSS f, U . To-marram Stet. ?AMARA MII'RAVll le (?Mum* rVevlkaJ. Inrloain* Mlrrvr Mataw fr*nt T?a?I. Aamlmtni b, JOIIM PIS. IJ??. tmmtaamt. nWAr*la| Vmooojtirrhmmtim. Kmoka PU*?? aaom. Wat It*?.***! ? Jamao. PHILHARMONIC AdjcIlM I . TOMORROW AFT. AT 3:00 ?rUiua- Jaii??*. TUaamaae. Wil?*Va?H?B., I SootHtw A *?'?*>-)?* TV,,,, m |_ 9 OF THE MOVIES" SV? vrrWUlKNHLSlFR*K0S?O|(a| MUS.C BOX SAM II CAKRJS mttmm pun; i THE DOORMAT ! ? ??2. TONY cARGS MAR.ONETTB in 'DON QUIXOTE." ** e. <*.' ???a ?AT DICtMBia t AT II A. g f? UBBWY?f?M "?1 ? to a Jt *. C?>??W? CQWOIAia le m-ratsewame se? omu urne . I lUirUNOUEKEUyl COHAN THEATRE v \ ? r ? ta? mmm ELTINGE i j WWl l'i nftll ?tf-fim .*. BELASCO 432d Perforreancs Tm? IHMIi II' ? Igm llRll '? Kl'1 <LAW LYCEUM *??? i ? i?? 'A' -><??* FRANCESSTARK W mm lAiHIPPODROWS ??5?, iopattirt ? uweem h.ppedrdiDt. Ttvin'?/ NifM.? . . Il-at' EL MAN ? 1/ V I I M ? til IU. .. >>*?**?? *?.?.' in. ? KHWHTW? WAS IN FI*!?? p^rtmtmnt fn*e*et~~ COLUMBIA ?W^XSS FRANCES aLDi4 i. ,:oo ta4oci<eejs*J?*]imnr T?TE l< r ., .? m ! CAPITOL MEN "A Blind Bsr|S?> ? x m. g?, ?i.i .?*** ^iS" StranD ' . a ? rar i m .. al 11*1 T?wa lln?l. I*??, am . '* ?*?" ''? ?UK t ?? i m . i. r. LIEBUNG McMAN?S M?i Dai __ -? ASHLEY PETT? mac* rot* . A??lo OSWALD Pia*? a?w4?ai. ??id?U ?TU'f'