Newspaper Page Text
SATISFACTION WITH U,L MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TIIBUNE IS GUARANTEED ??ttt?i0tfc fr?tame H i. R First to Last the Truth; News ?Editorials ?Advertisements 9*?w or riln fod?> : ? l??rtnt nd r?M?r tn-mnrr?* fi'l wln4? Fill Krparl vu I .1 lAXMl No. 27.7S:i <??V?ri*>t. I Ml. J??w V*rk Trlhaa? la? I SINDAV. DKCKMHK? 10, 1922?108 PAGES?PART I (InctuHin, Spom) ??? FIVE (IMS In Mai SenateReport Favors. Ship BiM??05 _L, to Open Subsidy W Monday; Minority proposed by Foes mAe;^^Me.surc' \on? Stop U*' ? WdV.S.rf*?' Fleet p^ n*?J?T p. -nater . . -nun of the - ' Jut*. ** * Com-n M*p\ reposed f***^^TTj^-*Mil to ?he Senate to- I ???,0 ke wotM c?H ?h* mea.ure ^g.rfrT far ?ensideration. t? ?r*f"w,r ov" the M" wlU a?k tfcH.**eordiiK to all Ir.dicationa. n? ,jiHTr** including most of the ,?f the f?rm bloc and profjr?? W*iand nearly ?11 t'a? Democrat?, d t?fir plan? made to protract the Satt t? treat length. They make no ?????teen? of their plana to filibuster ?TSiliniit if necessary. Pol!? of the ? .^-.,4. recently bv the friend? of Sigjajur* indicate that if it could be 'it** <'> ? v?t? ** would hate a ?mall BH^mmitt."? "n Commerce thi? nartlaf. hy a vote of 11 to 5, ordered ., npjrteH. All the Republican?, plu? ??alter Ransdell, of Louisiana. D?mo? lit, rote H for a favorable report. Minor Change* Made jfttar change? were ordered by MijaRtee, but for practical purpoie? WVill i* an ?entativcly agreed to la?t j^tur Th? Madden i mendment fer tUU\ i| mi la out of the nr?- Willi? compromUe Mitmdaient i? in. It requires appro ?fittioni from Congre?? only If com MT.tttiot> contracted for I? increased. Smtor J"' e? did not have time to rire a detallad report on the bill, nil explain !t ut length in hit ?rets ?hen he bring? the moHSUrc ?. Seiwtor Fletchor, for the Demo cri'.i, nlad a minority report against ?W Mil. The minority opposed the H?f?AT pc?cy flatly. ?? ?art the charge- that the opposi? te? ?at ' l'v'e proposition to her declared the shipping could he by turning all the ?tit* ?nt to ' ?' Panama Steamship Cnrr+t ?? moony and th? sh:p* u? r*t ? ? . M m ?? il requirod." la? Operation at Profit ttfrrriag to the alternativo of aub lidy, Sana- ^aid : "R??in?.' is the alternative, If rnalets* yo., ca? ?top tMa los? lm ?alitriyh'. ' imlng all the ah r t? tl?s?|th!v successful government **ti ?fid ont-opcrated line, 1 ?id tht scent the United SWtt L. n>t;ib!i*hed in the ?rtt?-Atlai business, the Panama ?alaihi't) < ..mpany, or both that com ?bi sod ih<- only other government *??H ?n ? opc-nted line, the United ?lciUncv o. fof and oper tBtffi (?irret!;, properly and effl e^ajthjr, a? conditions require. Not ?ah; ?onl.l the loss be ?topped, but the ?Up ?ould be operated nt a profit. ???Ike ? ps now operated by these !*i?tr' companies.'' ; Jpttot "(I the rest of the Mttcrat? of the committee oppose ta?Idea of putting the Sh'pping Board ?4 of Iumt .- ?. The minority report ?? thi? point ? of this measur? Hoard out of ? it is not In the ? to rii'pens>' with a gov nt ?jener of t ht ^ character. "Whether ?ill th<- *hips are private whether orr.e arc so ??ned and ?nrr.r are i -n'd by the gov ?rrmeBt-in ai shall need al with th? question of rate? at which Amerl imerce shall be carried. If ?| neniare is pa,.*eH and r.-sults in of the Shipping Board, 'A und expect. '??*??? commerce will he at the '? ? th w *'M* rnnn'nK ?nd operat I our?, they fly our termi?. .. * ????menta will d ermine the rate? fcf freight, a. well eaaft?;? "I trt?r Tbere will be no ?Mtral w,th rfffrtow t0 fh ro(Ucs ?SwSl?."UM,*>i ?* ?]* b? ?S? ??nu7* 9Lthf nr>on Of th? ?r?r StaaUr Kleieher ^ays: ?kwi .* fT?Pot^ to ,nact a law HS?" *n'<-h ha? been repeated ,-rJJ"*> heretofore and a? often ^^^^^PMCreas. JT iBvolves lsunchin? the -^*"*'?? m ?it? twihn) ^yproroiis Dancer? "J* *e*fhw,< .She have, an ?"?priera of Hall* .Wrt "V Are llelpl,-.* ?ft, fifth Deputy had the propri?? t? hall? before her in i?!?, s reel police >t was learned yealer ? ?nav.* ? "orn the law to them a? ;?-Wt \ ??"> ?ne had received nu I "t? of indecorous dane I hall, in the city, that ??JaTel? ,n *"A th?t of her Pf>?ce '*?* of th lrC'd ^'f r of the J?tico of ? wanted to have T|? j ** 'i kind of dancing. ? ?Wt tli,.. ali proprietor? told her ? *ere practically powerle?? Im? ? w*r*?r* '?> their own daiic? SC taJ? Xh** 'nip?rilled their popu *a7??,ijlr.c?Corner? would go where | ^? ????. d Mri' Uft- "Such danc I ?*. ff' ?0 ??tter what happen?. \ ???????? aas been reached and oor ? '"??ad fit?1 hausted. If th? proprie Sarei tt*?r ^?nagers can't ?top ?uch , |l have to do co- ' "ring will be ?n-1 throoghrmt tb? city. It lampa .m Mr.wH ??M k i ."- '?">?? "a??*??*? "? ?*? '?! Brraat *?i?._Advi. Leinster on Way to Fix One-Man Crew Race !.ONDON, Dec. ?.?The Duke of Leinster sailed to-day on the steamship Baltic for New York to complete arrangement? for his proposed race across the Atlantic next year against William Wa*h bum Nutting, each man to sail a twelve-ton ketch, single handed. The duke said that no wager had been laid upon the outcome of the rsce, which was being under? taken merely as a sporting event, and to show that such a voyage was feasible for experienced seamen. Mr. Nutting, who issued the rhe Menge for the race, is < ommo dore of the Cruising Club of America. i ?,- ? News Summary FOREIGN Bonsr Law, at London Conference of Premien, indicates he it willing to consider cancellation of French debt if reparation settlements srt satisfactory to Great Britain. Turks turn obdurate at Lausanns i on subjects of capitulations and Ot? toman debt. Tehtteherin issues vir? tual appeal to Turkish people on Straits issue through newspaper in? terview. WASHINGTON Ship subsidy bill reported to Senate by vote of 11 to 5. Opponents ! to wsfe bitter filibuster. Radical bloc in Congress is theme I of satirical skit at annual dinner of the Gridiron Club. LOCAL Young wife of wealthy Long Isl? and farmer strangely disappears on trip to city. Harris* proposes east-west boule? vard, 360 faet wide from river to river, as solution of traffic problerr Nude American art endangered by prohibition, aays Cass Gilbert. Miners' chief charges fuel regula? tions play into hands of operators and keep union men idle. Berengaria arrives twenty hours late after battle with fierce storms. Half million "debtor" of Kardos &. Burke denies he owes s cent. "Dinty" Moore's plaee raided again as H-oadcay crowds look on. Thomas Lipton off for home, still with an eye on the cup. DOMESTIC Mayor Hylan sees trend to progi sivism which will obviate any third party. Praises Hearst, denounces | Klan and present construction of old ! parties in speech before Cook County | Real Estate Board. New York Republican delegation in i House of Congress starts movement I for complete overhauling of party's I state machine. Georges Clemenceau, in Philadet | phia speech, soys President Harding, I in his message to Congress, made i overture for new world conference to aid Europe. Mrs. Lee M. Russell, wife of | Mississippi Governor, testifies In hi? behalf; says they took Miss Birkhr. I, his accuser, Into their home as humanitarian act. Senator Albert J. Beveridge, in Chicago address, calls upon "plain Asserlcaa men and women" to unite in saving nation from rsdicslism. William Allen White, Emporta editor, after dismissal of charges against him of violating Kansas Industrial Court Law, defies state to prosecute others. SPORTS Jock Soutar successfully defends world's pro racquet title against Wil? liams. English challenger, et Phila? delphia. Yankees plan Important trades at major league meetings next week. Seven teams in final fight for money prizes in six-day bike rscs st Msdison Square Garden. Rutherford wins high sehool New Jersey State football title with vic? tory over Nutlcy eleven, 14 to 0. Corcoran rides two more winners at New Orleans. Hutching Is Yale Secretary Selected to Succeed Anton P. Stokes by Corporation NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Dec. 9.~ Robert Mayr.ard Hutchins was eho en secre? tary of Yalo Univers'ty. succeeding the Rev. Mr. Anson Phelps Stokes, st a ?astilg of the Yale Corporation to? day. The new secretary assumes his du? ties on January 1. Mr. Stokos's resig? nation was effective on July 1 last. Hylan Puts Third Party On Side Track Hearst, 'Greatest Man in U. S.,' Johnson, Pinchot and Wafna maker to Save the OW Ones, He Say? Layn Our War Entry To "Wall St. Greed" Heap? Abuse on British, Hughes, Mellon and Ku Klux in Chicago Speech CHICAGO, Dec. 9. -If the "interna? tional bankers and the food profiteer*" ?control both the Republican and I>*mo '?retic parties when the nomination* for the 1*24 Presidential candidates are made, undoubtedly, in the opinion of Mayor Hylan of New York, there will he a third party Presidential nominee in the field to contest the place with them. Mr.yor Hylan does not believe, however, that such control, v.hirh he insist? is virtually absolute to-day, w-.ll last up tn the time of the nominating conventions. What the head of the New York City government anticipates Is a distinct shift ir the tendencies of Democratic and Republican parties. srttfc -orresponding change In the chara? i of tn/ir Presidential nomi? nee, whi? . he believes, will satisfy the people and at the same time obviate the third party possibility. Ma-or Hvlan named Rodman Wena maker. Co ?Tord Pinchot or Hiram John? son as probabilities for the Republi? can nomination. As the likeliest Demo 1 cratic standard bearer he named Wil? liam Randolph Hearst. "What the People Want "What the people want" he said "is a man whose sympathies sre with the i people and not with cold, a candidate i on either ticket with a proved progres ! she record. If the international bank? ers and the food profiteers control both parties there undoubtedly will be a j third party hut it strikes me they won't ' be able ?o." In his speech before the Cook County I Real Kstate Board to-night Mnyar I Hylan bitterly scored the present con ion of both the Republican and Democratic parties, den? uneed the j Ku-Klux Klan in unnieiiMircd tern? I and in between took occasion to turn ! aside and pay a strong tribute tr Hearst sad the services of the Hearst ! paper* in obtaining for himself the Mayoralty si New York. Hays t.reesl Sent Us Into the W?r He also assailed both the Republican and Democratic part'es, the "powera Of ?<reed and coroption" in Wall l>lamed our entry into the era British misrepflrSSMtationa and Wall i Street greed and scored the tariff law. The SMtes) was under the sponsor j ship of Mayoi William Hale Thompson, I with whom he conferred at French I.iek Springs. Ind., recently over the I poltieal outlook for Mi. While Eastern reports have indl I cated their conference would be con ? tinued durir.g his visit here, both executives were non-committal on the ; subject. Mayor Hylan, who arrived here to , day, will leave for New York Monday noon. A small group of "excessively wealthy individuals" control both the maior political parties, he told the realtors, and through the exercise of "powerful, sinister and too often un? lawful influence have become the vir , tual dictators of the destinies of more than 110,000,000 M They have dictated nominations for ? the Presidency, ho said, written the i platforms and party p'edge?, und be? cause of their camp; Tgn fund contri ' butions arrogated to th"m?elves the ! right to dictate governmental pel Public officials who dare t,. oppose j this power, Mayor Hylan said, are driven to "an earthly as well as politi? cal grave," or compelled to compromise II with their conscience and become sub? servient tools, (alia Hearst "Greatest Man' "I might say to you." he continued, , "in all candor, that either alternative might have been my lot, and that I might not now be Mayor of the City of New York if one of the greatest, most ! useful of citisens and through hi? pub? lications the most powerful individual in the United States. William Randolph ? Hearst, had not enr.Med me. through i the columns of his newspapers, to pre? sent my side of the city administra I lion's case to the people," The interests of Wall Street banker?, I the Mayor continued, "aro common I with those of their ilk on the other M the Atlantic," and this, be s? I serted. was "evidenced by our -.try into Ih? war." Grrat Britain and the Allies, he charged, misled Americans by their censorship and edited and doctored newspaper dispatches to make thrra conform to their cause. America went into the war, he said, to protect the foreign investments of the Wall Street bankers and because the great munitions manufacturers wanted the additional profits that would accrue to them. Some hankers are now urging, h? de? clared, that Amenea remit the ten bil lior loans to the Alii"? because they would have a better chance of collect? ing their own foreign investments. He attacked Secretarv of State Hughes as a "tool of the Standard Oil" and a "former Rockefeller Sunday school teacher." ??-_^_???- ? The Tribune To-day The Tribune Magazine has been combined uilh the ttok pages in a new tabloid section, which appear $ for the fir$t time to-day. This will be it? permanent form. fart V?Review of ?*W ?res. far? /?The mew? of the doy. Pour pages of ?miels. Pert II?Editorial?. Lmte netw? feeturr?. firm? of automobilms. The Radio mage?p. 7. American Legion page?p. S. Part III?Rent estate new, Financial and business. Home builder?' mage?p. 3. The Travel Cuide? m. 14. tert IV?The news of society. The Tribune Institute?pp. 6-7. The Pathlon paga?p. ?. In the theater. An The m ?fasse PART ri?Magasins end Booh?. William Allen White?p. S. Doctor Dotittte?p. 14. ! ran VII?The graphic section. Part VIII?The camlc section. Mr. and Mrs,?by Briggs. Betty?by Voight. l_ Berlin Move? to Halt Monarchist Advance? *S*1?l WW1?. to TU Tr1h*n? rn"??t. jijj. N.w T#tt Tr1fcM- lM BERLIN. Dec. 9.-The Proa ?Ian Minister of Stab?, Herr S?**rinK, Socialist, announce.) |f> day that he is arranging to use *>*ery possible means st hi? com? mand to frustrais the projected ?dvtnce into Prussia of the Hit? ler Bavarian monarchist organi? zation, which camouflages itself under the name of National-So? cialists. After revealing the extent of the pUna Hitler has made for ex? tending, his activities northward, Herr Severing said to-day: "These gentlemen may depend opon it that any attempts on their part to bring their organization into Prussia will be met in u man? ner which they will remember as long, as they live.'' Harrias Visions Auto Highways Spanning City Suggests 360. Foot Croaa town Boulevard To Be Built ?n Form of Invest? ment by the Municipality Through Ways to Suburbs Seem 45,000.000 in Metr?p? oli? in 200 Years; Man? hattan Devoted to Trade Nev York with a population of 45, 000,000, with a warehouse and loft ion? ! stretching from the Battery to Forty i second Street, a financial district that i begins at Times Square and reaches to j Fifty-ninth Street, a fashionable shop, ping center between fifty-ninth and 1 126th streets, and all Westehester, I Queens and Long Island as its residen? tial iistriti this is the picture of the city 200 yesrs from now drswn jres I terday by .Special Deputy Police Com I missioner John A. Harn??. Commissioner Harms, who is the ! traffic expert of the Police Department, indicates in a statement the provisions which he ballenas will be necessary to accommodate this great increase In population. His plan calls for scores of great trsfTic arteries built on an im? mense scale and at different levels, special express highways for swift moving traffic and dozens of bridges connecting New Jersey and ?esjtaeaat ern New York State west of '.S* Hud? son with the new metropolis, as well as other new bridges rpanning the Cas. iand Harlem rivers and providing traf fie arteries to Queens, Westchester ano j Long Island. Ocean passenger liners will berth in Long Island terminals, and the Huii-on River piers will be u>ed for enr -nereial ocean traffic only Comim loner Harrias Insists that it is necessary for the city to begin at once to ii'nn for the increase in popu? lation which Be estimates will come j during the Baal century and particu ' larly to prepare for the increase of I the next twenty-five year?. Te meet the immediate problems the Commis? sioner suggests a boulevard 380 feet . wide from the Hudson River to the Baal River. This will necessitate the wrecking of 200 feet of buildings from river to river, at a cost of approxi? mately $:o,ooo,ooo. How Plan May Be raid For "This expenditure can b* made in '"tro of an investment by the city and return on the invet>tment can be I provided for by the increased assessed valuation on the north and south sides 1 of the express boulevard and all of the properties adjacent thereto," says ?atement. "For half a mile north ard south i there would be a substantial increase i in the realty values throughout the length of the express boulevard. "The boulevard would be arranged as follows: r??t SlrlensliUi. I* f?*t *l<1* ... *? ? ?nd l-af?lr. put to euro. IS* irb. 10? ard mad? up aa follows: m inn .1* BaMboun I express traffic. "The express traffic would pass un i der all of the north and ?outS hound street?, with ramps to a Sixth Avenue ! express highway and an artistic Park Avenue viaduct. "The turning of vahleular traffic or eroiialng of pedestrians would be per I mltted at street intersection? only. I Theater tones would be at the east I and west ends of the boulevard, with I automobile terminals and parking hotels. Beneath the boulevard provi? sion would be made for the parking of I aara, ? "At some later period, should it be deemed necessary, the express area of 100 feet could b? covered with an ar tistic concrete roadway 100 feet wide. "This express highway would eon nect with the elevated express high? way on either side of the present Sixth Avenue elevated road, each forty feet wide, as originally suggested by ma In 191?. "Thus a belt would be provided starting on the upper West Side and upper Cast Side, proceeding down town direct or crossing either way by broad boulevards into Brooklyn and Queens, the first to be located between Forty-second Street and Fifty-ninth !, second between Twenty-thrd Street and Forty-second Street, third between Fourteenth Street and Twen tr-third-street and fourth between Chambers Street and Fourteenth Street "Aa the center of serions congestion lies in the sob? between Forty-second Street and Fifty-ninth Street end aa this condition has become acute and as this section require? imm?diat? relief, it Is* ?attested that the ether erosa boule? vards be not considered at this time. as it ia just likely that within tha next twenty-five years the entire lower sec? tion of the ctty may be adequately pro? vided for, as I am firmly of the be? lief that Manhattan Island below Four? teenth Street will be given over to ?tor age and warehouses provision and will erantually be forced to utilise the large office buildingi dowatowD for this pur? pose. Clean House In State, Ask Republicans Gathering to Discus* the Overhauling of Entire Party Organization Is Urged by Mott and Fi*h Warning lamed to "Stalwart" Leaden Direct Primary's Return and Home Rule in AH Transit Matters Sought Fran Th? Tribun* ? Wnthingtan Hurtan WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.- Complot? | overhauling of the New York Repuhlie?n machine ?s the object of ? movement launched to-day in th* Now York delegation of th? Hou?a of Rep. reientatlves. The immtdiat? demand i* for a general conclave of all tho party leaders, from th? S?n?tor? and Representatives in th? Ktat? L?gial* | ture down to th? county chairmen. I which would lay the plan? for bous? cleaning and consider possible res? toration of atate widt direct primaries, reorganisation of th? state government and "genuine horn? rule measure?" on transit and other issues. The movement, which is ur.d?r th? guidance of Representative I.uther chairman of the New York del?, gation In the House, ?nd Rep-, sent? t ve Hamilton Fish jr., Munilv chal? lenged the party leaders with the d?c? laration: "The HJiflMi element In :he party would not follow 01 remain in It if the old reactionary leader? and policies wer? to domins'e " "Round Robin" Clrrolat-d A round robin letter, fttlRg forth the complaints in ?pec c ' >rn ?nd j calling; upon the organisation to fall hito line with the "progrnrvca." is | b'-ing circulated at the capital, and ! Repr?sentative Mott said to nicht it I will be signed by a majority of th* : Republican member? from \'?w York I S*ute. It will be sent next ??I |0 K Morris, chairman of thi Re I rblican Bitte ?omiiuttee. \ furmf-l ? ment issued to-dav said: "Representatives Luther Mott and Hamilton Fish Jr., in an interview, ! stated that a letter was being drafted g| - orri", chairman of the Republican State Committee, which a number of Republican Congressmen I hav? indicated their desir? to sign, re quoting the calling of a conferenre of Republican member? of Congre??, ? Stato Legislature, county chairmen and stato eommittaemen to consider the advisability of urging the Republi? can members of the Sute Legislature to ?uppor tha restoration of state? wide direct piimanes, reorganisation tata go\ -rnment and genuine home measntes with refereac? to the transit situation etc. "It is propose.I to rend the letter to th? ?tat? chairman vnthln the next week, when it will be given to the iep .tativea of the New York Mott ?nd Mr. Fish both asserted that the- believed the advocacy of cer ! tain progresaive measures was r.ecc? I sary for the sake of harmony and the i future success of the Republican party ; !n New York. Th? younger element In ; the par'y would not follow or rem?ln \ in it if the old re?etionary leaders ?nd ; policies were to dominate. Seek to Regain Popalar Faith "Some of the party leaders were un I der the suspicion of being controlled by the corporation? and this influence ' must he wiped out before th? party can regain the faith of the voterv The Republie?n party in New York ap? pears to ontact with the people and ever; ort must he made ' to show its good lmth by supporting ' progressive legislation at Albany ana ' Washington. "Mr. Mott and Mr. Fish both de : rlared that they were not aeeklng po i litieal preferment and that they were ' not for or against any one, but simply ' urging the Republican party in New York State not to permit Itself to be , placed in tho position of obstructing I progressive and sound popular reforms, ? whether advocated by Governor Smith, r<r emanating from another ?>ourcc." - - ? Will Try to Print Photo On Side of Mountain fp^cltl MtpatrK to Tki maun? ATLANTA, <;?.. Dec. ?. f.ut/om ! I'orglum, world renowned sculptor, hi I preparing to attempt to print a picture . n the side of Stone Mountain, near here, in exactly the ?ame manner a? a | photographer prints on sensitized pa i P*r Parrel? of chemicals for sensitizing [ the mountain and developing the "nef ?nd the mo?t powerful project ! mg lam? ever built have been con? tracted for by Mr. horgium. Using the night as his "dark room." j he plan? to flr?t treat the Mde of the 'mountain ?nth chemical?. Then from a spot 700 feet away the picture h? ?hopes to print will b" projected on the ?mountain from the huge lamp. Three or four hour?' exposure will be given. After the proper exposure the d* 'reloping will begin. First, down th? ?M- of the mountain will come barrel? of HeTeloper. then the fixing bath ?nd Anally tons of clear water. If ?uereisful h? will u?e the picture in his work of earving tha Confeder ate monument on the side of the moun? tain. Dry Law Spells Knoi'k-Out Of Art, Cass Gilbert Suspects Cast Gilbert, designer of the Wool worth Building, suggested yesterday ?t the annual luncheon of the School I of Art League at the Hot?) MeAlpin ? that prohibition might be the death of ?such rudimentary art as was to be i found in this country. "My eminent friend Joseph Penned," he aaid, "notes in his recent book on art that the death of Oriental art oc ! corred when Mahomet ordered pro? hibition upon his people. Now, I i wonder if tnere will be a dry art in the dry eountrr of America. We who are here will not know how the experiment will result, but the children now in tbe 8cbool of Art will live la sei the It was to be Inferred fron his re? marks that he thought the death of American art might be less of S death o? Oriental art. ring* the knowledge et art la the various nations of the world, suet as Italy, Frsnee and Belgium," sail Mr. Gilbert, "I venture to say withou fear of successful contradiction that as a whole, no people are more igno rant of the arts than the Americans. "There are no uglier buildings or the face of the earth than some ol these in the central part of the United States. They are at the same time sordid, cheap, dirty and extravagant There are nice buildings in New Eng lard, hut they are sometimes stupid and too ?-anitarv. "There do exist some beautiful ex? amples of are' a Virginia and Maryland. The explanation ' lack of beauty is that our instinct for beauty ha-, been lost in the hast? for wealth and po- ta for th? beautiful are lost in the intente con? centration of peoples aed yet the art of design U as necessary te a com? munity as the art of making s Hviag." British Offer to Cancel French Debt to Assure Germany a Moratorium Parley Equal To Versailles, HeldU.S.Plan Harding Hint of a Ntm Treaty Belirxd Feeler for (?real Washington Conferenre on Europe I ?y?? TS? rn????'? Wn? hi ?ginn Bitnmm WASHlNtiTON, Dec. 9.-Thera was mor? informal discussion ?bout th? corridor? and cloak room? of th? Cap? itol to-day of Pre?ld?nt Hardlng'a ref? erence in hi? message to other pact? In the natura of the four-power pact. This phaie of the menage beyond anv question is arousing more com? ment and speculation than any othar in the document. Both because of the fact that it seem? to be ?o viewed by M. Clemen? ceau, and for other reason?, tha refer? ence by the President to th? applica? tion of tha four-power pact to other < controversies is accepted a? meaning ; nothing lei? th?n that the President ? ha? in mind another great Interna? tional conference, to be hejd In Wash? ington before many morrths, to deal at least soma of tho trouble? that I betet Kurope. Scope Woold Re Tiroad It i? the hrlief of those in a poii 1 tion to know that if such a conference ? i? ever called by th? President it will | be of ?n importance that reaches far ? beyond the Genoa conference ?nd ? other conference? which have been I held in Kurope sine? the Versailles I Treaty wa? effected. It undoubtedly ? would be largely economic, but would involve diiarmament and unavoidably would re?ch into largo phases of in? ternational politics. What nations would br brought Into the proposed pact which the President ?terns to have in mind I? one of tho jubjeet? for ?peculation. Howtvcr, Senate goaiip indicate? that if it i* 1 h?)d and is to be broad enough ta do ' any good, It will have to include the leading powers of Kurope, not even ex? cepting German.,. In the absence of recognition of Russia by this govern? ment, it Is assumed generally by those who aie ?peculating on the subject that Russia naturally would be left out. 1' is pointed out that if the Kuro pean disarmament and economic ques? tion? are to be settled and they are conceded to b? Inter-related then both | France and Germany must meet each \ other face to face at the proposed con? ference table. To Sound Sentiment While the Ulk about the Senate in? dicates the Prealdent'i plan is to an extent embryonic "nd not fully ma? tured, those in a position to know arc need the President's words w?r? i meaiurad with extreme care and that ! in part at least thiy were put fo'th j to sound United States and world ?en timent on th? subject of another con l re. (Ireat developments on this lin? ar? looked for here by soma authoritle? before many months. Much of the comment on the pro? posed Mfl pact touching kuroptun 1 matter? is being made privately. How i ever, there is not the ?lightest doubt that if It is attempted by the Execu? tive the plan will draw the hottest kind of Are from many of the old enemies of the League of Nations in the Sen? ate. ? ? ? Explosion on Oil Burner Kills One, Injures Five Gat Collected in Cylinder of Engine Said to Hav* Caused \rrnlrnl tut Munson Une Joel Jensen, chief engineer of th? ! steamship Fritzoe, died last night in | Holy Family Hospital, Brooklyn, from injurie.? rereved in the afternoon in ?an explosion which occurred in the en? gine room of the Fritxoe in dry dork - ar! of the Theodore A. Crane'? pany at the foot of Columbia Brooklyn. I othera were injured, one of : whom, Joseph Johnson, machinist, may I lo?e his sight even if he recovers from his burn?. The other? are Robert Tirkson. second assistant ?n fineer, and Raymond Tuesta, John M. arr and iViliem Harriion, machinist?, I All of them ara in Holy Family Ho? pital. It is bePeved that ga> had collected ! (n a cylinder of the engine and ex ' I. Rrpreientative? of th? dry company d-ciined to give any at? i i-lanation of the uccid' The ship, which is under charter to the Munson Line, has been in dry deck s'nee Tuesday morning. It i? an oil barner, using Pie,el engines. ? ? ? Women Urge Conclave For iVeir World Peace THE HAGUE, Dec. 9 (By The Associated Press).?The Wom? en's International League for Peace and Freedom to-day adopted resolutions demanding a new peace based upon new in? ternational agreements, and charging its members to work for the convening of a world con? frress for this purpose, eithtr through the League of Nations, s single nation or any group of na? tion!.. The resolutions were moved by the British and French dele? gations and adopted unanimously. The women issued a warning against occupation of the Ruhr, and decided to organise demon? strations in co-operation with other pacifist bodies. The con? gress also indorsed the principle of disarmament. Wife Vanishes While Husband Serves on Jury Checks Drawn by Long Inl? and Woman Returned to Hank Lead to Belief Gang kidnaped Her for Money Left Home to Visit Sister Mrs. Dorothy Latham Iji-1 Seen by Neighbor on Way to Pennsylvania Station Mrs. Dorothy LaCiara, of Orieat Point, L I ? dropped out of sight Mon? day In this city, it waa learned yes? terday, ns completely and as inexplic? ably as did Doiothy Arnold. Her hus : band, t. Kllswortli Latham, a pros? perous farmer, has spent the week searching for her, being exeused from jury duty for that purpose, and has enlisted the assistance of the police. Checks apparently drawn by the young woman sinee her disappearance , have been returned to a bank in River head, L. I., where she had an account, but her relatives and friends are with? out a clew as to her whereabouts. Had Considerable Money She Is said to have had a consider i able sum of money with her when she i vanished, and the return of checks i hearing her signature is regarded as substantiation of her husband's theory that she has been captured hv a gang who are now extorting money from her Mrs. Latham is twsnty-eight years old. Shu has been married for eight year? to Mr. Latham, who Is flfty-ftve, and their married life is said to have been ideally happy. Mrs. Latham came to New York Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Snedeker, of 2129 Glebe Avenue, the Bronx. Mrs. Frank Dougla.s, a neigh? bor, shared her seat on the train and walked with her from the Pe? i vania Station to the Thirty-third .Street station of the Hudson tuues. Recalling suddenly that she had checked her bag and had forgotten to claim it, Mrs. Latham left her frisad there and hastened hack in the direc? tion of the station. That Is the last Mrs. Dougla-? or any of her friends havo seen of her. (lad in Broen and Ble? Mrs. Latham lias lurht hair and blue eyes, is five feet three Inches tall and weighs 13b pounds. She wears nose glasses. When she came to New York she wore a browa cloth coat, blue skirt, white shirtwaist and low tan shoes. Before her marriage she was a Miss Guttman. Her home was in the Bronx and sha waa a nurse, fhe was a friend of Mr. Latham's daughter and nursed his wife in her last illness. Ferrie? Warn Patron-? of Professional (?amblers tackawanna Posts Notirea Fol? lowing Complaints of Heavy Losses Mecaos? of numerous complaints from commuters who use the Lscka wanna Railroad ferryboats between Hoboken and Manhattan, concerning the appearance and activities of three, card monta and shell game werkers, the company yesterday had posted in the eabins of all boats warnings against gambling fakers. The notice reads: "Passengers are cautioned to be? ware of gamblers who come aboard the ferryboats of this company to play their games. Some persons have taken a chanc with them and have, of course, sustained considerable losses. Several of these gamblers have bean caught, but when confronted with the loser have refunded the money lest and the complainants havo refused to make a charge for arrest. This com? pany deaires to protect its natrons ?? ask your co-operation toward ping oat th's vicious evi. by ring our employe? if you iho'.H witness any such occurrences on th? k<ata.* The gamblers have bean operating on the boats for many we?ks and, ac? cording to Information raeetved by the railroad officials, hav? in soro? cas?? cleaned up aa much as 1300 aud $400 on a one-way trip. Ori?asssr. wait? SalpSmr Uptime* In high Allsftirn'M Ktautr >( natur* ii?ir taonis. fcorMhsek atMkla?. Plasa. BonArLalU Tell? Premier? Nation V. ill Reconsider KefuHal if Seulement Proves Satiafaetory Poincare Expected To Moderate Stand lone of Optimism Mark* (ionferenee; Franee to Kepi y Formally To-dat LONDON, Dec. 9 (By The A ??a ciated Press).- Premier Bonar Lav caused a sensation at the second session of the Allied premier? thi afternoon, when, in the course of hi? reply to M. Poineare'a mors torlum plan, he gave clear Indica tlon that the British governmen' would be quite willing to reronnld?* the question of cancellation of th? Trench debt, provided such s e'ej was made possible by a repsrationi settlement satisfactory ?l <,re? Britain. Mr. Bonar Law previously had Ir timated that America's insistence on the payment of the ?rit?sh dab' ii'udo it very difficult for Eng to 'liscuss remission of tha Fren?r wa- debt TV British Prime Minister's dec larations at the afternoon me. greatly encouraged Premier Poti care, who was extremely pessimistic early in the day over the outcome <?' the conversations. Words Increase Hope of Accord While tho Premier? ar? far fr<-' accord as yet, It was ?aid by the F" delegation this evening that Mr. I! Law'? pronouncements on the debts is made an agreamaat moch mnre likel Promiar Bonar Law began by ?ay ing the Batfour note no longer extattv fur the British government and that he was free to consider th? wool? que tion. "I am prepared to reconsider question of cancellation of debt*," k? went on, "if such cancellation would insure a settlement satisfactory to th? British government." M. Poincare, although reserving kit formal reply to the new suggestion H til to-morrow, expressed deep pleasure at tha British attitude. Th? British Prime Minister hH?fl outlined the kind of ?ettlement hi d? sired -a moratorium sufficient for I many to re-establish her finances and credit and stabilise th? mark, no mil [tary action of any character by the French and a reduet'on of the indem nlty to between 30,000,000,000 and 4s), 000,000,000 gold mark*. This statement Is especiad to ha\? the effect of making M. Polncar? mor? conciliatory and less Inclined to about military measure?, sine? h* hin ??If believe? that military me??ur?* mould not prov? very effective * other new element which m?y help conference to an agreement devel to-night when u became known tha Karl Bergmann, German repart' chief, had arrived in London wil1 Chancellor Cuno'a n?w ?chema for ? ?ettlement. The Belgian plan, presented by Pre mler Theunis this afternoon, call? a two-year moratorium for Ger and a loan to be participated in h' nations at the rate of 6,000,0<" gold marka ?? year for ?even year?, making a total o? 35,000,000,0<)0, Thi should represent th? total reparation? indemnity. The loan will be guaran teed by the wealth of th? German r< public. According to thi? plan tha German debt would be reduced to between thti tv and forty brllon gold marks France must abandon all idea of milt tary or economic press : The Germans would be req i feet rigid financial reforms, balancing tha budget and stabil: th? mark. Part of this loan ?sails handed over to Germany for that pur po?e. Th? Belgians propos? po?tpon?men' of th? Brussels conference until th end of January or th? middl? of Fob ruary. Their plan probably will b? di?cu??ed Monday. It is understood that th? king I - tha four premier? and ' finance ministers lo-morro? H? i? greatly interested in p??n ?conomie problem and desire? an A! lied agreement a? soon as poaaibl?. M. Toineare is understood to have raid that Prance would consent to a | moratorium of two year? for German If certain economic guaranties accoa panied it Tranco Would (ontrol Rhlnelaad The,- guaranties, briefly, wer? ?Y? economic control of th? Khineland partial occupation of th? Ruhr d?' with about one diviaion of troops to collect the custom? of the eoal output It is understood, M. Poincare pointed out, that these guarantiee war? in no way to be regarded aa military set against Germany, but ?imply a? tea rary economic measure? to insure ca? ry ing out th? necessary financial forma during th? lifa of tho morato? rium. A statement of tha position to so ! taken by Italy waa eagerly aw? , Premiar Mussolini, arriving here ! night, ao far has given no in tiro? of his views on th? reparations osss tlon. The possibility that Jspsn and United State? may be admitted to <h Krene? of tha British. French, 9? and Italian premiar? her? i end is discussed to-day bj i ?tic corre ^undent of "Tb* Telegraph." Tho writer says that Japan ha. ? . rter.y formally requested ?am: ; and that, although America has mad? the ?am? request, "th. not prestada consideration of th? r i