Newspaper Page Text
Postponement In Cotton Rate War Effected Telegram From Southern Operator?, Just Recci-.*?!. Requests a He-Stalemrnt of Position Taken Here Break Mav Be Averted North Atlantic line* Will Meet To-morrow in Onl?T to Review Whole Mattrr Postponement of an osea break be tsraan the Gulf and North Atlantic cot tea carrying steamship companies has baas affected, it is believed, by the re? cel?t yesterday of a tclegr.m from the Gulf operators requesting the New York tempanies It restate their poei t.oa ia the ins' Tke Gulf operators' request is taken | here to mean that the steering of re- ' latien? which threatened early last I week may b? entirely ?verted. The Southern cotton carri?re, however, it is said, have not altered their original de? mand for a reduction of the differen? tial in the rate between Golf ports and rpool and Gulf ports and Liverpool ^ .a New York. According to the request for a re* case, the I'nited Kiagdom-rontintntal conferences will to-morrow to review the whole i sitaatlen. The derision reached will i be, made the basis of future negotia? tions with the Gulf operators. Among' the issues which are understood to be complicating the matter ia the differ? ence in insurance rat?i between New Orleans and New York, as compared with the rates between the Gulf and Liverpool: the fact that the coastwise shipping companies that bring the cot? ton to New York for trans-shipment to pool absorb the wharf charges of two casts a hundred pound, wh direct shppers from the Gulf U land ai rot; the effect the red . of the differential would have on the business of the coastwise companies, the question of ?cency charges ?nd th? settlement of the rates to be charged by all parties for the two grades of cotton ba!< ?, standard and compressed. ? - Ship Board Allocates Boat to Admiral Line Du? to the derr.snd for cargo - from State? th? Admiral Or s now prevides a ?erv rara*? steam? ers ii ... and ' mers m th? Admiral ? The vessel will be uf ?hlna ran. built in Seattle ?ten for tl in the trans Pasiflc if Admiral Oriental 1 he is now at the Todd : jr a com i let? be delivered The SeMltloa of this cark lay service vn? points . assenger s ?rs. 1 -.y also ir eonsl.riati' service to "?-sab?-: ri sailing ?welve days for th<- Orient from Seat Shipping >'?t?-s The liany, with a bid i "??ft for I tioning of the liner I ^?osevelt yesterday by i the Shipping Board. irdinj- to a report from London, Nippon Ynesa Kasha has reduced its om ?5 to 110, depend-, I the ports between which the ? is made. Maritime MisceUaiiy BOSTON. Maas, Dec t?C'rew of A?d? nia ?es??? tote mrtUs to-?ay t* trim ?sut? ?< srakB. a? vetwat might Ml ?? Se? lareA rallowu? fallar? ?t smtoa m?e te cesnaleta work, ataty inn?sb?remaa am? alayes yeeferfls? In )???l!r.? ?rain In An diaa'? ho!?; th? msrslni only ? appeared ??( ?ana* taken .' ?inI latter \?m?l al?o 4e *\.. aasaaaaaal BU saasafesl hr ?omaho-? maw? ?r.r?a ?n<1 ?4??tr>?htp lines for ll.l; |SE awlnl to b* eat? 1*4 e?s?ar? par (?r saetea ??ring ?o-celtaa nss+r bou?. M .'.trka:. ui?. Dee s?WStte ph rkarnlnlon Uaw raparts work ?a ?a? 11.1?? l, . . - ? mi ? i? i? ?hlrh pris? th? H mad a, mal? yu?(-? ?n i bat wean Llv ?all OB maiden voyaea fn ? u,l May II, and rastboun ' Monliesl May II Narine Disasters ?<-hr Zahedeo ? Cliff ?rrouad waat ?Id. ?f Ship rhar.nai. two mil?? b?l?w W?et Bark I.frht OALTKrU- t?raararo. from Hnoston da- at Tajrler. Ilrttlati Honduras. sdly; carao of al ? Waat ?egnvla Hawan.n for b bales of ? Maro Ifaractllea, aground off S?Wlllbllo, Nor ? <cro?nd * m meat Baker Rang*, floated at ? ?o a m. DETROIT. Dao t?Park? Poater. ?traM ?d In Lake tria near Snuthea.1 SSaual; floated. She will continu? to Mllwauke? Dangers to Navigation (By 0 S Hydrograph:- Offlca) North Atlaatlr Ocea??Off th? Oiial The following obstruction w?a r?r I ?a- I 1st 12 1? Ion Tl II object rrsernblln? a aalaa, Vest?. North r?rtn> Oeean The follov n? ware rcport ? I?, lat SIS N Ion SO II W, )?rge tree about 40 ft lor.? 4 f? In diameter. tartly ?ub- ? Elian Nov H. lat I 10 N Ion 1121 TV. lar?? tree trunk. r from 1 to I taat oat of water, \ r??-rl?. Sold Cmaesmsa, I >?. tona, ?old bv DavM 11. Penn to Oulf A South*? ? S ?team paddle. SM ion. A Port L/?e Parry Company hmond A Brrg?n Point Perry Lo) ? I by Oaorra ! ? . ? ?"Id by John Turk- ? Red ha W. Sullt ?a?s mar 4.HO t?ns. ?old by John \v. Franklin to Sagadabo? 8 8 Notice to Mariners (By 0 ? Hydrographie Office) About Dac?mb?r IT. th. color of nieti rore Breakwater Lighthouse, Hempatead Harbor. N T. 1st 40 SI 4S N Ion 73 I? 40 W. will be rhan?ed. and after that date the III b? a whit?. ao.uar" ?hit? lank i<-k so,unre foundation. i. No - ??undine "4" In lat I The wreck of the Ogemaw. wblrh I ? Is? and b*a< hed In ? ale Rtwer '"- I, He? In 7 f.ef of ??it ? not a menace to paaslng laaue? of || O Chert. *>'??? J.IT1 (?;th ed) an I Change of Masters William D Ooodmsn ?ureeed? Edwin V Woodward command etr Mary, Bull Une . 1. A W??t - Howard P Plts ?tr .?feel ?e?farer --<?? Andrew Ilaa I ( Is Ascel r F*?rl?. Clyda "ds John y Dsl Line Jobn ? Irving P Ksntz - -?ds A E Ganskon iccaeda Thorna? P ;?nr?e Rap; ' I I. Mundy '" ' ?a J 1. ? triarles Wlllut hi DiXle succeads Wllllsm H irnand gas yacht ?rhr Hattle ? gu?. ?en succeeds C J Clausen .nd t>arge Briton. ??raid succeeds Symon i St.aart communU str Anahuac. c? Itcrtlre ?ucceeds Peter X?tsf?r . r T and T Mahrgnny TabU. lap r>, vith one drawer. '23 HATHAWAY GIFT FURNITURE I7OR Hathaway customers, * the gift problem is no longer a question of finding something suitable. They have only to decide which of many attractive possi? bilities is most desirable. Small pieces, at very moderate prices, abound on our floors. And for the more important, sub? stantial gift, there are scores of delightful Davenports, handsome Secretaries and Desks, and pieces of similar character. Suggestions Tapestry Arm Chair, arms sod leg? of solid mahogany, hand carrcd. *67.30 Solid Mahogany Tip Table, 22 inches in diameter, with shaped edge. 14.38 Martha Washington Sewing Table in solid mahogany. 26.5s Telephone Table and Chair in Walnut. 28.38 Mahogany Low Boy, 34 lnchea wide, with claw and ball feet . 59.88 Drop Leaf Test Wagon arith re? movable glaaa tray and shejf; mahogany or walnut. 29.58 Custom made upholstered Arm Chair, with down aeat cuahion 58,OS Mahoganv Drop Lid Desk, 28 inches wide 45.0* Walnut End Table with book trough. 1AM Waste Fa per Basket ta walnut or antique gold with painted decoration. 18.88 Antique Gold Mirror, 28 by 48 lnchea, with shield decoration 45.80 Walnut Davenport Table? 48 inches long, with drop leaf enda 49.88 Mahogany S??cretsr), .16 inches Tri??, with fret work on door? and an attractive and convenient interior arrangement 100.00 W. A. HATHAWAY COMPANY 63 West 45th Street, NEW YORK Makoranj Windier Arm Ckatr '18* Masera ay Spinet Desk 44 in/hei xnde, nth mpared ?Oaten ?SJSj '67* Weather Report n rtem... T ? aata. . ?tip??. Mo?? rUaa 11 ?? pre Moon Mta. 11 It ?.m. IsaraJ rar??????.?Snow ar r?ln to-day and to-nlfhi. probably followed by elaar Ins ?nit ??h ?Irons north???' wind?, becoming north ???l by to-morrow Th? followtn? advleorr ?lorm warning ' ? loral Weather North?**' ?tarm roast from h. V? . to v Increasing ???rtheaat by ?aat wind* t? night, bocom In? ??run? and probably reaching ?ala ?un.l?y morn In?, attended by thick. rainy weather. l'l*t urbane* <?s?ar water? Soath Carolina movln? northeaatwn _____ I4K?J OftVteJ ?eoni. Th? followlng ?ots-d from Iks? Woathet Huroau ?how? ternpatwtnre? durln? lb? lavat twtrt 'n comparison with tha <orrf?pond? ing date of lait )>?r: ism mi.i i?? last, la m... II 21 I p. m... It I? ?am..?: II ? p. ?... SI St ? a. ?... M ttl I p. m. . 11 II It noon... tl till? ?. ?... it I? )tigh??t. 41 d?#T??. ?t 1 ?. m.: Ir?w??t. IS. at It p. m , as-ara**?, tl: aver??? aarn? dale la?i year. tO; average ?ama del? for thlrty-thr?? year?. IS. HmsnMltr m... Ill p. m . ITM p m- tt iWomrteT JUajdlnt? I ?. ra . to 0? lpm ?? 1)1 p m.. J? II r?J Wast he* ('aiKllllxni ?.? Th* disturb? ance that ?m over Ontario last night ha? i rapidly northeastward. ?(Ml Its ???? t.r ?Il not A ilnrm of markad tntanalty ?a? K the rentrai and north l'ai Tliii, and another of marked Inter* ??trema wewtet-. ? iind rnov'.ng northeastward, whll? proaaure waa high over tha <'*nadlan I ?Ina atata? and ovar . - ... aaat of tha Thta . strlbatlOB ha? been al In the :??? l want ?/?{??* hour? I? th? Ouif ?tat? ower Ohio Valley, tha ! the Atlantic ?tat?? south of Maryland, ?B* -: to-.lav In th* W??t ?nd ?irnairt ffaaerall- ea?t of ?e. a?oapt in N?? Kr.g land ami Florida, and abftormall) ?:*ewh?re et?' At Kdmontoi. Albert*. .tur? w*? t? degree? ?alow ? o'clock tonight. The dlaturbanr? over tha aoTjth?rn Ar ? gion win move northeastward. :, ?lmo?t generally I ant eait Oulf ?t?te?. f?n illay and the lower l?k? 1 ? ?ntmulng in rm warning? ar? d!?r!?veii on the Atlantic roast from tho Virginia Cap?? !" For-ra?! ' by lH.trlrl*. -Eastern N?w Tork?Snow ..r r?ln In extreme ?oulh ?nd bj north and rentrnl por'lon Puiiday ?nd Sunday night, probably followed by clearing and ?older Monday. oudr. weh ?new or r?ln, Hun<i>?y and Sunday night, probably tOllO??d t'y titaring ?nd rolder Monday. Raatern Pennsylvania. New Jer??y ?nd Delaware? Haln or anow Sunday ?nd Bun k-ht. probably followed by clearing li r Monday. \Ve?tern New York?Cloudy, probably " >nday generally fair. ?on. Forrea?! for Werk WASHINGTON. OSS ?? W??th?r ODtlook for week terinnlng Monday: Pouth AtlanUc ?std (lulf ?late?? T?-m p?r*tui? near normal, conalderable cloud! nal rain? i ?nd mid lie Atlantic ?t?t*?-? Tem mal: monly clouai ?i of rain and poaalbly ?now? Orst otilo Valley ?nd Tenne????Temperature normal: cnnalderabla cloudiness ?now* at beginning of week ?rid again near rlo??. R?ftOa Of th? 'ire?t I.*k?a?Temper? . iow normal: ion?lderable < loudl n??a. oec??lonal ?now? Mountain and plateau region*-- Temperatur? below normal, con i Mo??, ?now? In the moun? tain?. h?m Rocky Mountain and plateau near or altghtly K'nernlly fajr ?I t?mp?r?ture, considerable cloudlm??. occasional rain? ' Senate Report Favors Ship Bill, 11 to 5 (Caatl???? fraw ?as? ???? government upon a aaa of troubla and enormous expense, in th? lor.i o? a direct cash contribution from the Treasury to specific private enterprise. "The proposal is based apon the averment that the adoption of such a policy is neceasary to the establish? ment and maintenance of a merchant' marine adeouat? for the needs of the United Sutes. "The meeeure is attempted to be supported by the assumption that it is sound because th? opponenta of such a policy do not propos? anything better or differen?. "Such an assumption Is unwarrant ?d. It assumes that if an unwise or positively vicious measure is proposed it should be accepted unless some sub? stitute fur it is suggested. The ? to such a mensure is and must be re sisUnc? and defeat. "Any attempt to modify, amend or substitute mesn.? compromise, more or less recognition of the principle in? volved, and therefore would be inade? quate and unsatisfactory. "The argument in s-.ipport < measure is based upon two proposals. First The government now ha. a Seel of 1. too steel vessels, cargo san and II passenger carriers, and their maintenance and operation is rusting1 the rov*rnment some IS,i . month over and above their earnings. ' I?It is essential to the catan- ' ? nt and maintenance of an Amer-, lean merchant marine that the*, sels should pass to private ownership > speedily and the government agvr bureau known as the United States Shipping Board should go out of exist? ence. ? "The first and complete ?ns? these reasons for the measure ia that it will not accomplish rithcr of these things. (alia Act of 1920 Sufficient "The second answer is that the mer chant marine act of 1920 provides am? ple provision for the orderly and ???rnmp!: hniTt of these p?sala in so far as the* should be a compllshed in th? public Interest. "The third answer Is that if t? Shipping Board is incompetent or ii efficient ?nd eannot execute the law, < administer th? affairs intrusted t> I the reme<!> Hoes not He in making s ?nnual draft on the Treasury of fro fnS.OOO.OiiO to fTo.Otni.OOfl. but rath' by a change? of officials or governmer agency, or change in the plans an practices which are producing allege disastrous results "The proposed mensure means slrr ply the aa'abliahment of a g-aneral ?ut sidy syste-n which will be fast- ; the eountrv for on i: aie "That it Is put forward simply show that the hill is base.! on i situation which happens to be u , of intense depression. "It is g (juestioa of cargoes, an psyments ,,ut of the Treasury w solve that question. Natural si nomie causes for decline in volume o International trade cannot be ov. by financial Federal aid out of th Treasury to ships. "The whole tendency of the admin istration la against encouraging inter national trade. We cannot have car goes in the absence of foreign trsde s will not be eliminated becauM only a small portion will pass into private hands, as pro ta of the bill admit, even if il ease a law, for years o ami a costly overhead will continu?. "The taxes of the people will bet in cressed by the amount of aid given. rfeetly plain that the ships which chiefly benefit by the proposed subsidy are not the cargo ships at all, but passenger ships, and those of other Senator Jones, in a statement In reply to Senator Fletcher's mlfl ?aid: "The expression of the onp^> ? -ling shipping bill, M report filed In v tS my mind, a mass of contradictions. "in one breath it is stated that the put forward simply hecsu ?jorary situation which happens I of intense depression,' ? ? ? ai ? itg ten I .r.ition that 'this is a sal to enact ? law adopting a per. mantnt policy of tne government, which has been repeatedly proposed h< rind as often i The statements are r tent ?!?! | the past, but the\ have failed, ?ritt result when our greatest n<ed tur ? Y/M?* i ^ A not her Remarkable *Jl SPECIAL from the iVeic E lu h Shop I LAID BACK WO L SWAGGER SPORT COATS Beautifully Tailored $^ A .50 Regularly ?*_/ TT $59.50 " m (i I a tit ssw* f&g? Nesr rih ?t, THE STORY OF REVILLON FURS O : :. Back from the Walrus Hunt A FLEET of kyaks is returning from a success? ful walrus hunt. The carcass has been cut up and is stored in the various boats. In addition to ? about a ton of fresh fat meat, the walrus will yield a fine skin to be made into dog harness and other articles for which a hsavy leather is re? quired? and ivory for the sledge runners and do? mestic implements. Handling these cranky boats in the heavy surf requires a high degree of skill. *'? lit?L\ft ?t a Re\Ulvn PaH Furs for Gifts The fine Fox and Marten skins taken by these Eskimo hunters and collected at Revillon posts in the North make valuable and acceptable Christmas gifts. Specimen skins, also desirable qualities in the moderate priced grades, are offered for selection. Men's fur coats and motor robes in various furs. ? fp. muonireres Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street rims ?s did not hava them, ?nd In ???'Int ? few.million? In government ? id we brought upon thl? and ?u?ce?d in-, generation? ? tax burdsa of bil? lions of dollar?. Assails War Tin?? r?sltl?? "If lonr ?go w? had followed th? l*?d of our commercial rival? w? would have had a merchant marin? si an auiiliary to our navy, as an assur? ant? of pear? ?nd a? a mean? of d? v loping our foreign trad? to an ?s iintlreampt of, and wo would have t'cen ?pareil the excessive coat of at ? ng to get ? fleet togathcr in .i w? brok? ?II ahl?< ng r?rord? fn sn every stand ? ?nd yet ?t a ro?t of som? thre? trillions not million? of r'oilars ?uc ce?d?d in getting six ?hips completed in time t<> tarty our hoys over??*? t? tS? battlefields of Franc? before th? a.-ml?' "The minority report states that it is argued m behalf of the bill that 'th? Unit? klgdsinj Hoard should go out of business,' and that if th? treasure 'Is passed ?nd result? in th? elimination of the Shipping Board, as its friend? intend ?nd expect, Am*ri 'tnmerc? will be at the mercy of th? lines running ?nd operating th? ?hip?, ?ven though they fly our flag.' .A? a matter of fact w.- A? not argue that the pa??ag? of the bill will put of buaine?? th? Shipping Hoard. ST? need the .??kippln? Hoard ?s a per manant agency to coi.trol and regnlat? Hipping, to investigate and atudy it? problem? and recommend to Con preis from time to t:m? wh?t is needed . nUin our meichant marine. W? want to BSSJ ir merchant mar? ch?t th? Knglish Board of Trade is to the Knglish merchant marin?. It ?<), however, that it will rssult in putting out of b isiness. ?? ?oon ?? . consistent with the best Intereat? ef the country, the Emergency Plaet Car I poratlon ? temporary organ i created to handl? the work of building ships daring the war and to eaarau thees since. Maya Bill Will ?ell ?hipa "The minority report say? that 'only a small portion of the tonnage will pass inte private hands' as the result of passage of the bill, and yet e?nUnd? that the bill will result 'in the un seemly spectacle of representatives of privat? enterprise crowding to the cap? ital from every quarto heaieging the Shipping B<>?rf. ?sited with the vast powers provided in the bill, for a participation in govern mental favors.' "These statements are to apparently islatent as to naeeaakau ?. i TMfaetUt... j^*.?. roi,ntrV.,,e...r;;tA: '?-' and suece flag, we i 'sired ? that the WWI^ lefly ?re passen?*, .a V*P'?' .Sag -go ?hip? a?t under "ft. ? . ' *? so; a-3 ^^^al I I SSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBM I I ""I Mm s^ ? !?g ir.errh?? 2* " fsrrrers ?ft,,'** ? growers of U? ?"* WANTF.D: Income Properties IN MANMATTAN BOROUCH We desire from owners, who want to sell, full details regarding well located Apartment and Business Buildings. [oton H. Slawson Company fT. MAWSONMWUE/miYCtai Hand Wrought Luggage Christmas Gifts A Crouch ?& Fitzgerald Gift is the embodiment of Quality and Refinement. Hand Bag* fashioned of Tapestry, with Colored in? laid or Fancy Metal Frames. Others of fancy brocade, self covered frame. $15.00 Handsome steel studded bag. ma-ie of the much desired Paisley or of Chiffon Velvet, in black and brown. Special $15.00 Attractive bag of fancy str ipe velvet with dainty enamel catch fitted with inner com partment. Blaca and. color?, $8.75 Ladies' Fitted Ca?e? Ladies' detachable tray, fitted case. Gold Plated locka. Illustrated, ia $33.50 Exrxptionally ftnr caae. 22 inch, Black Cobra Grain Cowhide?17 Sterling Silver toilet articles. $350.00 Tortoise Shell '.tyle, 14kt. gold shield mountings; 24 uich aire. $170.00 Other casts with designed finings at $59.50, $7t\ $90.5?. SIN. $130, $155 and $185. Al?o Men'? Fitted Cases Buffalo leather caae of es ceptioaal beauty?10 Ster? ling Silver toilet article?. $350.0? 24 -inch size Men's Cobra Grain Suit Caae. Detach? able tray containing 13 toilet articles, brasa locka. $80.00 l?^?J Vanity Caae with Seven Attmgi and triple Mirror, in dull or vachette leathers, moire lin<-d. $16.75 Other etylea from $7.50 to IM.00 Russet leather Men's Club Bag; ?turdy leather corner?, woven check lining, with pockets on each side. 18-inch size, $25.50 lvfaeh aire. $2<7.50 20-inch size. $28.50 Special Sale Price for Ali Sizes, $23.00 Hip Bill Fold of real Seal with four card pockets and bill pocket ; four 14kt. gold corners. Special Price $10.50 Hip Bill Fold of Pin Seal with two can-d pockets, two 14kt gold corner?, $4.00 Writing Caae of crease, grain leather, made with four pockets, paper cutter and pencil. $5 M Other ?tvlea made os* Pas Seal or Beaver Calf leather. $10.00- $12.00 ^^^^^^y The Famous Crouch & Fitzgerald Btwwood Frame Suit Cote Natural Ruaaet for Men and ? handsome ahade of dark tan for Women. Hand at itched. Gelebrated ?or fss bgntneaa and strong con? struction. Prom 18-inch to 28-mch; extra deep vteftsrsg aise. 10 SMss sis? illustrated. $24.50 Envelope Puree of calf leather? with compartments, memo tabl?t, mirror sad purse. ||| M Pouch shape bag mast?' chiffon velvet, also of a* moire, with sterling ?aas and marcas;* frame: attractively tsssi Black and colors. $15.? Envelope hand bag of fis? aeal leathers havnts} mas? practical pockets Bated ?*? purse and mirror. I...'.~s Toikt Cobra Csraas white, ?ask*?! black t^tojCjrbMs ^"%?^?e\*^ From $9.75 tO $<*?? Box Bad Krt ?-** -C? Cowhide, piaid ek** ^ double handka, aoW *J locks and ?tefcea. W?? inch ais?e. -.age $39.50 to $4M* Alao in Iraforred S?*** Pajakin. W?M-**? $f>8.00 and $72.? Game sets in individual cases. Sewing Baskets, Picture Frames, Jewel Boxes, Travelling Clocks, Writing Portfolios, Bottle Set?, Men's Walking Sticks. Crouch & Rtz$wald 177 BROADWAY 586 FIFTH AVENUE Abov* 47./, 5?r?v. At Corildndt Strttt