Newspaper Page Text
(?v. Russell's fife on Stand In His Defense ?tf t Are o Happy Couple." St* **f* al Male's TrU1 - Charge of Sedm tion Bronchi by YounpWoman ^ Her at Their Home ^arch for Fx?Execu?,ve w Vitnem 1? Preaacd ?jus P?f '? Trial oi ?^^.iit" intituled by Mis. ** rBirk?**- B?,in,t Gor'rl,or * \^V.%???,?topcrm,t,,,r ?L-? 6 Bilbo. a-?:red by ?W ??ss?sr? v" .UiBt'tJ ?? ? ^"Vaiehy attorneya twe,*\ i?th.t the? ?" r? /if"" ,*, Mr. Bllb0*?J H?1?" ?**-? ?? dsy. .?'^Vl ' ' MV" ssiU ?n\t7il-r?twr?l ? ? ?o ?"' Va?k e< ??*< |,.. ?f the Mr?. -**}?ik? ??*?? Gtt^Si?. Igissw'iir, an cutstanding ex "/a?.??spy to"! e" Mr5- Ru? ^L?Zt their hor . *?5a7tM Oover- r ever '?pressed ? Jf,, a? ?sp?rstedl Mrs. ?*?? ??led. ItgciBtrtht ? ??? '? Wf '? ?? f"7 aWsrat-c' Unsssll htvJ Qilarli i Ing * divorce In af?irt?n?rt> I Hsrried Life Congenial gn.Ru ell said ?he and Mr. Rus tall ?' ? Stl me ga_ ?. 'Mrs. i ... ? con ". | 'luring his cam E? ici ' *ct'd g m?n?ccr. opor.rd and rs fjrted hi? mail, s ?" when he ????'> ' open bis mail." jjrf ? e snd the I Birk laid employment during Mr. Kus auspii^t- f"r Governor, and to thV >n Oxford to make the snrk more ct uverient. At t)it tins, ?he said, the young s*Ms?n ?..- in trouble and had made ?grltu* ? against the head of l it?!' instil .it ion. ?We've he fed Iota of boys snd girls ?4 ,. |p h"r." Mr?. Russell ??I ' - forpet all about A snd he > ?Agi ths' employment Miss lirahisd went to Memphis, Mrs. Rus i?!l ??id IBj-SJJJ-to her narrative to the time Mjs Birkresd made her alleKations mit:.- luring a stormy it?? 'ol in July, 1920, at as present? an, ?ttsst Vu ?t the charges immediately. DU Not (.ive f.irl Money In. ?u- ' told of a subsequent ' ??? ?uc ^; ted her a llega (??? A I c n.npnitjn manager 1n Gere ?miter: that Ht ??? time * r?uent to the Governor's ?krUOB I ,90 to Miss Birk ?a? snd another time ?greed to r ftyi f $600 to her. I ?aid the negotiations ?as Mis- in which, he said Mijar W in Perry, a close friend ?f Mr. R (II, participated, wt eWy of Mr. Schauber's volition and tan of Major Perry, and that neither t? ??gotiation? nor the payment of Basty was authorized by the Gov Only $400.000 Raised For United Hospital Fund Tampai'M I?. Be Extentiad In ? 11.000,000 Hsm Been (ih. tainnl. Says Morgan The tu i hoped tssl |1 r?ed for Fund came to an tyisst ? ? ly $400,000 raised. iseutiv? thsirman -, < harge of the campaign, announce ^ until th? f ixpertintr the pub? lie to give $i..i i th rough the t'nited nospiul Fund, ?r.d we Bre determined ' |? i" *"' possible not. ?id Mr. Morpan. ?t be allowed i rvirg free. "* ???T. ?erely i, retributions "I *"n r^.ir:C wlv. Nospitals i? *?s?e*h?i it ft?.?.. f,,-,, "; ?i??r??at fn -,om. ? ? ^?tnbutl?. for rsi?ed ? a hurrv ? I*1 b* Csatribi in ? hurry dinners e cam ? definite dste. /oipitai?, l0wever there mi eo .nucos need, day snd night. Ji sfter ?,ck ?nd month after ??*?? Tiif demand fo, ?ervie? will In ??gTiV r r . DpM the money 3?.? Pi-en tim.- Contributiens w* 1B the coming week or the gga,?"'" ' a? useful as ??a?,. ' Is??? in the two . ? ,iu?t ended. issM,. ?' "' continus our e>l ? ??no? indefinitely. ' ^baipTwilder I^ft ***** Worth 8294,333 Hjaidibatk Hurnoriat'a Fortune ,JJ" ,f' son anil Daughter ^nrn Thr-y Rearh Thirty JJWhall P. Wilder, the 'ittle hunch "J*k ?umoriit, who for msny yesrs "* ? large part of the world laugh ?7?i?:X.him' ?^cumulated a fortune Haratr^3 thr?Ufh his public ap ?risu" ** a w,f- Mr- Wilder died ? -TV St. Paul, Minn. Alexander ?eeoor?- ' ' ''c??tor. fi|<?d hi? ^^ mg In the Surrogates' Court ?si?.T T .!nd kskid that hi? ?ccounts | ?IWer prlnci?>*, ???t loft by Mr. ?? tri ?MMJhe ?P?rtment hous? st ?*ts.n.v. i1 l40,h "own ??SUS ?^ i." I,roP<frt>- ? ?1? w ^?? snd the cost of up-keep ?Btal ? ,WM ?l'?'?"0. The gTo? ?ffiti0' :'--' is f'?ured at $54.013. Ht *,. ,r ^kfpP will amount to $20. ^^C?a> ,ht' inCon>? from thf SSI Ar, rr ",rty has increased Li?, the co?t of upkeep a?ed only ?4 *** da^ht' h'''<, ,ri trU,t 'or a SOn ?f th'rtv Wseipai' Pr^uft!7!wUI J*?V?,d' *?* - made for the fin Kiohii25 * a0ntb U * ,,,Ur oi ONLY 12 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! The Government would be gratified if you would shop any, wrap carefully, address plainly ?n? ma.! promptly?HERBERT WORK, PoUmasterXxneral. SHOPEARUf WEST FORTY-SECOND STREET A Most Exceptional eduction Sale of Women's Evening Wraps With the social season at its height, one will find this event doubly opportune! For offered here are luxurious wraps in countless colorings, furs, and fabrics. The softest, finest chiffon velvets, rich metal brocades, shim? mering tinsel cloths, and brilliant silver cloths?all are here. Sumptuously trimmed with fur, in black, platinum, and nbite fax, with fitch, wolf, and ermine, or hand shirringt, $49.50 to $425 Formerly priced from $75 to $595 In black and all the bright and pastel shades favored for evening. ?{Stem Brothsra] tyteworthy Values Monday in a Sale of Women's Wool and Silk Dresses $19.75 You will find here a smart gown for prac? tically every daytime need! Tailored frocks of Poire t ?Will, distinctive and slender in line; wool jersey frocks that unite the charm of a soft fabric with originality of design; and gowns of Canton crepe for afternoon. Each has about it an envied touch of originality?some feature pin tucks, others are beautifully braided; and there ?re models with draped skirts, models With circular skirts, mcdel* with straight parieled effects?every style note is included. In Hack, hro?n and nary. ezAll, hut not in every style. *-*?**-**-% Stem Bn>thera>-??~v0m ? Taken from our regular stock and Reduced for Immediate Clearance Women's Winter Suits Iti Two ?hd Three-piece Effects Exceptionally smart in every detail, these suits offer one a wide choice of this season's favored styles?bloused-back and straight-line models, bath may be had_all tailored with the finesse which set* a suit apart any? where! The finest fabrics and furs combine to give them still further smart beauty. Suits in the best materials with notch and buttcnup collars. Silk lined and interlined. Formerly $)8 and #5. Reduced to $28 and $48 Fur-trimmed Suits, two and three-piece effects Reduced to $48 <f??*7P?? **t0 >"5) Sizes 34 to 5o| in the assortment. Also a number of other ?ne suits at drastically reduced prices. THIRD FLOOR. Writing Desk in Heppelwhite de? sign; crotch mahogany, fitted with four large drawers; 36 inches wide. $135 Secretaries in mahogany; latticed doors and four drawers, . $130 Heppelwhite Library Table in crotch mahogany; two cupboards, one fitted with drawers; also drawer in centre of table. Top 30x66 inches $185 Sw pare 10 of (hi. paper for our adv.rtiient.nt of Sillu and Dreu Fafcriea g Stern Brothers qA Timely Event for Christmas Shoppers: A Sale of Women's Hosiery oAt prices 'which represent a considerable saving en regular value All-Silk Ingrain Hose?Medium **%(*, a>% ,% with high spliced heels and toes; black only. Per pair, y?W?iWj (Three Pairs for $6.25> ALL SILK INGRAIN HOSE ALL SILK HOSE-With ot*n ?Heavy weight, with hi?h spliced iiork clox. Black, grey, otter, beige, heels and toes. BIcc':. brawn, silver, and nude. $2.75 Fai $2.95 ?* SILK HOSE with mercerized ter tops and soles; full fashioned. BUck and colors. SILK and WOOL HOSE Warm, ycc light in we"ight. Black, Oxford, navy blue, and brown. $1.50 pair $1.95 pair ALL SILK HOSE-In black and colors ..... $1,75 Women's Handbags ^nmim^h to meet eyery gift requirement Imported Handbnj;s of .i!L ami Marcasite Mounted Fancy leather, too varied to be described. Dags; many imported silk 6i leather styles. $10 to $125 $9.75 BAGS of fancy silk, duvetyne, velvet, and leather. The frames on the?.* bagi ar<r prxi?e!y the ?ame as tho^ on bags formerly (fr ?? sold this season up to $12 50.?.4JJ Leather Gijts of Enduring Usefulness : Bill Books for Men ? Of real Fancy Cigarette Cases for Men cowhide and pigskin. Styles also of and Women in a great pin seal, gold mounted. variety of styles. $2.95 to $35 $1.50 to $25 Leather Novelties for Men and Boys?Pocket toilet cases, manicure sets, collar bags, brief rufll. and any amount of other accessories. $2.95 to $25 ???a^>-- brother? J?-*-r""* Fine Quality Silk Umbrellas for Women Here is the richest variety of Christmas gifts ! Women's Umbrellas of wide and extra w'de satin tape cdj;c s Ik, with handsomely carved amber bak?lite bracelet rings and posts. AI?o a very fine assortment of importai novelry handles wirh stubby c!ub tops an I lip $4.95 Women's Umbrellas of very fine silk, with novelty short stub handles amber bak?lite caps. Women's Umbrellas of extra ouality wide and extra wide ottoman up: edge silk, with amber bak?lite posts surmounted with 14-karat gold caps. Others with carved amber straight and ring handles, $6.75 quality extra wide satin tape edge surmounted with (t Q ^7 C Men's close rolled Silk Umbrellas-Handles are hand- <Kq m ** somely mounted with sterling silver._ , , , . ip7sf J fHor&AMar WEST FORTYTHIRD STREET Monday We Will Offer a Karge Assortment of Real Madeira Linens at ONE THIRD off the Regular Prices Exquisitely hand-scalloped and hand-embroidered assort? ments which rr any Christmas gifts. Luncheon Sets, 13 pieces to the set, . $4,75, 5.75 Afternoon Tea Napkins, . . dozen 5.75, 6.75 Buffet or Dresser Covers. . . each 3.45, 3.75 Round Luncheon Clothe v m? &q ??* a*oi nd, handsome designs. Regularly $i}.yo CpO* 1 O Tray Covers, . . . . . . each 35c, 50c Boudoir Cushion Covers, . . . each 1,00, 1.25 Guest Towels,.each 1,25, 1.95 Tea and Luncheon Cloths, . . each 5.90, 6.75 Real Madeira Putt Linen Pillow Cases Regulation size,.?. pair 6.25 MAIN FLOOR. TABLES. oA ?ift That Seldom Fails to Please Sterling Silverware And from such a wide, high-grade Christmas collection as we are now showing, your gift problem may be instantly solved. Candlesticks, 8-inch, plain, .,;... pair $6.75 Candlesticks, 10 " " .pair 11.75 Candlesticks, 12 " " .pair 14.75 Mayonnaise Bowl and Ladle, in lined case, . ? , 7*45 Sugar and Cream Set, in lined case, 2 pieces . . 14*95 Sherbet Glasses, set of six in lined case. 24*95 After Dinner Coffee Cups flc Saucers; six in lined case, 25*75 Silver Plated Tableware-P^ted on Nickel Silver Roll and Bread Trays,.$3.85 Cheese and Cracker Dishes.4*65 Gravy Boat and Tray.6.95 Vegetable Dijhcs, lock handles, . , . 8.45 Meat Platter, well and tree; 10-in. . . 18.75 To Close Out?200 Smart Separate Skirts for Women A wide selection of this season's most favored fabrics, including Velour Checks, Camel's Hair Cloth in plain or striped effects; Striped Eponge, Prunella. Various co'cr combinations, in checked, striped and plaid effects. .tv/?ce</to$7.50 ?#*#?* Waistband 26 to 40. L*^K THIRD FLOOR GIFT FURNITURE Which fulfills a multitude of Christmas needs Bookcases, Heppelwhite design; crotch mahogany; latticed doors; stands 53 inches high and 73 inches wide. $185 Reading or Solitaire Tables in American walnut or mahogany. Top 36 X13 inches . . $16.50