Newspaper Page Text
Marine Reports au- ? bjs. ?CTTiM ? wat?. le?. PM AU I'M I???}*???.ut? ? t ?t ? ?* ? tu ??s 1 II 11? f si loi Wtw4? ?t a?? ?wWU? r??k ?Vu 0?tt--M?4?rate free? ?VlflUS. *? fi-aan ?erthw*?t an? ttortfc: ?var -Wh local raina Wa?* Osait?Pi ??S ?erlh*r:r ?rots? M? local rain? Car-abaao Bee ?n? windward T ?tode-at? la fr??k north??** aast ?t and ?ko? h ?f Steady ?feo?, Prwth B.rthweei ?hatUeg to iwnk a?1 ?ert????t o??r%??t, pr?ta??? fallowed ?r ciow or rai? aaaoy Hawk t? H?.tlerea?Pro?*, p?? SfSsy ?4ro?g. Mrth?MaTt ?ad. ???t. UVck. ?it h rala M?tiara* to Florid? tUr?tta? M?d?r?'? la fra*k. Sawsiiy ?oatb ?ad ???thw??t. ?v?r ?s?t. wtta teoai rai?? A1?rtaorr. IS ? m ? Northa??t ?tann vearnlng, 4t?pla>*d ?? tk? Atl?itte caaet from v~-tr,lk. \?, l? Atlaatl- Clt>\ N J. lacreasug i.orttaaat tad ?aat ?Inde to- , man r.. f ?Tssag ?? S???fil? ?issi l?g rat. fnre? Svnda? rivwolns ????de? i try ?kle* rain Metvibanc? over w?*t?rtl t> Carolina. m? ?in g oartheaatward. A t ri \ *d Ye?t?*rday Barwageru? fBr) ?oolha npto? ?1.4 fk?re-iurg ,>?e t. to th? Cuaerd "t 9 f?e ?*llk tl? Srat. Il? e*ennd ??MB 111 tkt'd ? la*? paae. malla and r <<.??. Pier 14 V P ?Vhodaca, K?tt?e1?m No? It to Coa? lla? Skipping Co. wltk ?ndao. Mar 1. ? a? Brtatal No? it: to - HUI * ???? r'*r **? N " ??- , no? I. Hare????? ? :?- ?,--. s II. All a.)ta it. . wit* rnsj?*, ties a*. B'klr? t'c-r? C?a(t? (Sri. Manila Sept lt. "-i'??:-!'!? n *?n i r-r.?-g II --? i? tteoion rw ?. to. W M Twadell A Co. w?h ? M t ... Nor !? Santiago .? lo 't>* NT* i''ili Mai: S S (o. with o? i.tba't? rn?*tQ?a. Partland Of?. Oe? tT. T? f*?? 1. ?eattl? }, Victoria 4. Port Ange.*? ?. Sa? rraneiac? 11. Vem Angela? il >-a) II lo Orao? Un?, wltk md??. ? ??. N R ?feile?. TampleT !??? tt. Vara Cml I?. P?egr??o D?c t. Ha? ana I tl N ? * Cub? Met) S ? to with ti pase, mai:* aal BTedM: PIT 11. 1? V S-a?g?rtia* (>,->rta r>t tt, Lieben N?v - wllk Huron ?t. t) Klyn (H?adari "??a, Ceatanlinoplr Ort 17. S?l?inl-a I?. raeea Ho? I. Al*iar<?.-|? 11. Mall? It: to t S ? Co ?"h mda?; M?too ?t. !x> 11. P?et S?ld Ner ? ?latera 11. Boston to Punek. Bdt* ? Co with md??. rtar 3. . B America. Hr?mtn Nov il. BoutharDi>eon jrg H |? 0 * Un?? with IS .TI eeccnd rabin 71: third rlaaa mall? and mJa? Pl?r ?. H< bo*.??. ? rSSWwSS 'Ilr> wanrkester N<? 14. i? Whit? Stsr Lin? a".k md??. Pi?r tl. B T BaSferv. Lebae ttee 1, to Bokart L ? - '. rrvjd? oil, off Tomplt1???l!l?, ?**!l (Mr), ?''lenca Ay-e? Oct 1? M?M?*1d?o 17 Pah:? Nor 11, Hosten Da?. i.irrtK.rt A Holt Lin? wltk mdae ?teal Or?. Cru* Orar.d? Nov 1?. Crlato II: la Or* H 9 C-np wltk ?r?; Co? . .SI? Hook. M J -rga?. Crtetokal No? ?S. rarvanta BBSS I'll II ,-?? mall? ?kd mda?. Pier ? R J?tkeu \Nor>. Roitrl? No? t. Santo? 1?. Hlo de Janeiro il, to Karr Lin? with lier ?. B'klyn -'?naa'old (N*ri Prendra No? 1?: t* Vluaaoa Lin?? with raehcganr, off Lib . e? Pratt Lobo? Par 1; to B L Itaeua. with oll. Pl?r t. Conalabla Hook. Preeanan, Norfolk I? T: lo Pocohoataa ? Ca, witk r. al, l?ld ?r_ r l'a: amer.. Tarom? Nov I, r.e"inh?m 4, ire, 11: f"?n Tran -.. 10. Tol?n I>?c 1; to t Mr-' ?. lih mJa? P1?r r?? ti? No? ?. Tsror ? ?rott 11. rUn Prau :?oo 1?. ???. ?lo? t'- lo Luckenbach i? S Co. ^d?e U'h ?t. n ?:>? 1 tria tPr). Havr? l??c 1, to Pr"icb Lie?, T.ith II* fini. 141 aevond ?m 412 third i r ?* ptvsa. mall? anO*. I'.-- IT. N !< Stephen II J<ne?. Ne? Ori??n-> Doc 1; t? Hoolder. W?lr A Uoyd. ?ut mdka, Piar1 l. h kl>n ? Knudaan <N.r). Port Alfred; to Master, with m?"- or*d?r? at SanJjr Hook ?n l |-.'-e<?.1 ?otitb O T Waring. H Jt L !I?|??, with oli. Hier t. Baronne. N i kehr Willis A H'?.den. Tamra Nov 21. In t*W; to U??i?r. with o<d?a, off B?d H?ok Plata, : .??e K Cwir. rPott ?". Jo?, Na? t?. te (rowel! ? Tkurlew, with ma?*, want ?a West Hank, rrulti ihairnrl Sailed Yesterday 'lotterte (Hr> : "'jr.'.*-npron Bjsi T*t?ST L'.-jrg. A??t"r (Nor), RotunUm Battrsr i'ni (Du). Kottrritani \la PI>ir.outh and ii?. i Norm.. H?r. Juan; u^lie Kann'ii llrtarawlck; AgwHa'* Mi.bil? Port v. bsn,. Adelaide ?. 'lit). Jl*m M?iiiliioi'?l (Ner), Itene?. Vin-l-g i -.on. KiOtlago, Ste.'l 'r. ? vrio, Tainpfro. Kl . (Br), T i.vkii, I'ort Victoria (Hr). bv lanako, Ant WMfP. Ml*el H?afai?r, Hiniin, Comua, N*w Orlean?. Arapahoe, 'erksonvlije and ?aloe; Columbia illr) 01a?fow? St?ivarig?rlJ ? <Nor). Vorfolk; Montaerrat (?p). a - la Giiirn S?r. ?y.. San Juan, David M ? Arg???. Parta, f? I '?.atore? Ha ?tobal; l'r?-1 (Hr) rpo?l. I ?n Arri'rlr?, Tilo da J?ne!ro, v.rbanla (Hr). Ixitulon; Drcttnl'. . V Q '??. ie?aa Cuy, acht 1' l ?-on J?!'< :?. Ha '?m?ka. klall i ? ? ? .-.. Man Knudsan, -, Agwlmar?. ?-, llettrcn, UaHeaten, ?-hr lluftero Nor?. Yokohama Nrrfotlt. Bal ?. Hakarlan Coast. I.'anctg, Inca. M-ni- Cristi: ? on Krl?getnwn. St Thom*?. Cleared wntar Jaanlnga. He?i?; Tampico: B L n?go?. .) .?ut?. Ulla?. pallet? CI Valla. Maltaea. 0?lv??tO*>: Beul? Oassaw. Bar*; l*sw Or)?*??. ?vutsv I Ban Juan and ????a?; A D?ll . ^ law?, And?r?*n. M??ta Chrlall and Pua rial?. W h Tllford. Marken Tfemfcars. B Vana a?ri l>>r?n?n. Foe?; Sa? Ju?n and Ton N T a ' Ktrnwood. Meinews ?. Itnf ue? AtUatla Fruit Co Moms M?rr?o,?ln; Cadts a ?ass A?ptn?U Per? e n Daruue. Ost?f?*>. Tarn ??n S B Co Marina. JoHaat??*, Oatvsaton. Malic Lin? Northland. Call; Boe*en. R??ttrn ? ?) Tlrsdtat?? <Nor) Brlkewn. Rio d? ? ?nd HSSIN, K?rr !<<?' Knut Jarl (N?r). Malneetr.: Trendhr ?ad Bar??n via StaHI?s?r?; 0 Stray. Maria Maarsk <r>an.. Hanns. Mudtsk nor?. I?br?br?nd??n, Me?lltr StratbCllan (BrJ, Htevtnr Btrkrah? ?nd Msorh#sl?r N M ?*? Kaa'.rn < oast, (?rt?TlnS. OSBtl? ? Rica ?u?r<-.**Uanna S H I ?r>i Na'tl? C mr), frr???. Perth Ai fco, B aaxton. tit? if Mt Lout?. Johnson. Savanna 0<r?n ? ? '"" >'or??n Philadelphia. C> m/>tK>.itan Hhlpfi?-? Co lotit; ? ?tas Hin P?dro and I ??d Am?; ?an Lln?a City ?f Aiton. )!aa?*n: Oalvasto X jrV?? Br*>?. Wiiiaotr.. M?Or?h?t,i Ph?ade'phla W Hams S S C?. TVarlnr Nadar; Heuitos n maaaa. Orltsna Psvts: Boston. I'nltad Amu raa Lina?. Pasaengrr Ship? Due T??? Ta -Bar fina fBri. Havana D?< T; to fnlti rnilt C? with pee*, mails and n ' < i dock ?boat I p m at Pier I B B (Maldan Lan?) ?a "San Juan D?o I. t? Hila?. I a Utt with II pa*?, mall? and mdc*, la at parted t? dt>ok afternoon at Pier 1 Hkrrw !-an a pa. JacheootHle Da? t. Ch?rlt?t/ I; t? ilrd? Um wth paat ?ad mdat ?sp?rttd to dork foroaoan at Pltr ? N R (Jaaa ?*). S.'l t >? of Allanta. Savannah Dae 7 Ocean fl fl <*o. with r*aa and md??, I? ai p*et?d to dock lor?noon at Pltr 11. N <J?n? rt) Du* Ta-me ?ram r?-man la (TSrl. Liverpool D?- J; i Canard Lin? with vaaa. mall? ar.rt m'l>' tn ?,?:? mita? ??at of Ambrote I P! Prirlay: ta du? In Wuaranima I AM. ?a ?till dock ?bout I AM at Pltr 14. N ! 'Wa.t 1,-h at) Celtio (Br). littrrn-! far I. Qut?m town I. to whit* Star Uno with II fra :?I aorond ?tad 117 thl'd c)??a Mas. BSall and n>1?a; la dua at Ambroaa I a m an will dork about noon at Pltr ??. M I tWeit lid Ht) Britannia (FT). Mareelll.j Not II, t Febr? I Ina with pas?, mall? and mda* I. ?xt.actad to dock forenoon at "1st ?1 B'Hlyn Wa?ttrn World. Montevideo N?v H, ? Miinaon I.Ines with ras?, ii.atls snd rndte Is expected to dork at Plat 1. Hot Moiint ri?.) Hsmhur? Nov ??: t T'rl'e<l American L'fc? with p??#. ir.all and n.dat, wa? 1.1^0 rr.llrs ?a?? rt An. broa? at onci Krldsy. I? esptctel to doci lata to-day ?r early Tueadsy at Piar I? N B Prince P Satmateiul (Hpl. H?r Nov ?S; to Sp?n!?h l>tna with pa*' and miiae. Is expected to dock at > ?nt.? Pllpi. Vauban iHr). Ri>?aoe Ayrts Nov t?; t( Lamport ? Holt Line with 19 Brat ? I eecon.l .?id 20 thin' class raa?. malls an< n.d?', It aipatted to dock fora-.oori at Plat lo. Hf.lx.ktn ?; to V * Armj Transport S*rnee with rase, malla and mda?. la exported to dock ?t Pier I '< Vlyn a- Juan r>?e I, t? V T A J'n-ti Hlco Lint r. i?h I? first ?nd t? strand cJa.i t aa?. malls art nvle? ; Is aspacted to ? k fortnoon at P'?r II, TVklyn Fort *.t G?orrc ?fit?. Barmud? D?e I It? Fuma??. WlUs* with pas*, mail? st.d md?t. Is ?xp?r'?il to dork fortnoon ai ! H?r S5 N B (Wait 41th st ) Parar-oa. Kira?t<rfl I?tc I. to Clyde Ll-ia wish P??a. malls and indta. Is ?tp?3t?d tu dock fortnoon ?? j t?r is. N R Doe Tacada? Maj>?tlr (lu i ???taamptoti snd Ch?r I t0 Whit? Star with pu? nixll? ?nd mdst; !? ? ?poetad to dix^k lata to-day or forenoon W>dntad?y at Pltr II. K B (Weat lTth kt>. Orbit? (??), Hamburg vl? Soutiia :, lo Royul M?"i i*tc?m Par? with 111 rahln ?nd Mt third class pans. j m?li? ?nd mil?; U dur. in Qaarai ' . p m Mc idly and wli' do<k about lam ! Tue#d?) at Pltr 41, N R (Morton it). Pn ?xient Rooaavtlt. Bremen l>?c ?; tc Un?? with psss. m?i a and n ' ? txptct.J to 'lock forrhoon ?t War 4. Uo ! boktn i 1*1 laissai Polk. London D?c t. i town l, to U I Lint* ?1th pa I j mdae, I? ??.^acttd to dook late to-d?y oi at Pier 4. Hobcl? Munarco. Nassau Ceo I, to II | Linee with paae. mall? ?ad m^at, 1? is ?l to dork forenoon at Pltr ?. E f. . .Cotntie? Blip). H boner. H*v?n? Dec ?; to N T A tub? Mall Lia? with ysa?, ? al .*. I? , txp'^-ttd to dock foitnoon at Pier 14. ! B B <Va.]I at). Da? VTtjsi?day | Ptttabarah. Bramen. Dae 1 . Whit? Star Dxm Tharsday ' Seydlltz. Brtn.?n Hec I lUmhurc-A' t'arrillo. Colon Nor 3? I'nlttd Fruit Co i Ro?? . a tf 11 P.owrln? Hro? parta, btrmuda, Dec il. Furnea?. With: Frr\ght Ship?? Due Dm T?-war \??sal. Port A?'? , Use. nut. [.?rhorn Nov 4 Th ea Star L.lne Util? Maerak. - 1: brau>lt??n, llolltr A Co l Montana. Los Anael?a, Nov I Luck?nbarh 8 S Llnr? 1 D?cr? C?atl?. Al?itr?. Nwt 1?... Barber Llr.. I Rio Orard?, Buenoe Ay re?. Not it. SO Si ray S 8 '"prr i Suclb^r/. Colon. Nov IT-United Am Lints 1 Tonjes. Stockholm, Nov II. S O Stray S S Core I Lempo. Savonna. Nov is.R I, H?tu, Oreas ? IS, w????:?, !>u\v r-uru City, Liverpool. l?ac 11, ? , ? N?v|e?t|n Jenua. Malst?. Nov II'.Three ?r? t^tpanto. Ntwcaallt. Nov 14. Blla-mac ?'Wiiaon Lln> Amrrlon, Lea An?>lea. Nov )S .t n a m? DOBBS A smart Dobbs Tailored Frock with silk girdle of soft contrasting tones and a Dobbs Felt Hat with unusual drape, for outdoors or afternoon tea A holiday gift from Dobbs is ture of an appreciative reception 620 and 244 Fifth Avenue 1 West Fiftieth Street PALM ?MACH NEW YORK SOtrTHAJvfl?TON Star ?..?lern ! -ir II III? ?Editor DunV ??"?a, l.on.l ? I' Malt?. Nov 11 ... El| ?hol?w?n.,. Bams?. s?n J??n, i 2V-.U a. LUI Ontffoiiu- ^tcimi-sliip? *..' NOTB??I? l?a win b? focad ? 1 I ?fa . ?nth rtlliM. Ball Tw-atorrww Port. SAIL ' 'ei I'M l . r K '.It Brlatol CP>. lirlt'oi It M I S B Sail Tar ?wax Baratts? ri?, ?outhi IT??l.l?rl \?n :vmouth. 11 AM. I-uck?nb? h i ne'ohal. I PM. lit'. ? > Brat?. Btlnif. 1 i'liy of Allants, ??vannait, i i E?l?ntl?r Ha/-? l.V 1 KM. M. Tolua. B?h?a. 1? IB 11. B'klv* | Ball ttMuestua-T M?vr?. Il s -I '. H - M ldah .. Rail. 12 M - ', A* Mm?d?? Mat, -h? ?! r Wliihlin. ?an Franrlson. -? Kllonla'. I It III . I A M ? A a ?|.|>h?n R Jadea. 1 . Bail Thurwlaj Carman? Liaertt" Hay?? ,2 ?.' ? Patria. Naple?. 2 Santa ? Meslci. Vera Cru? J i M Latas, ... llpeetr.n* rounty, Punk rk Sateltnd, Oaantsna "a . ni?sf Ctltlr - Badkary, T - M?j?r Munar?". Nas <??? ev c ti ?raa?, r Baracoa. K | Han Pranclarc. Loe Anaelte. Pl?r M.S Scptlsb'irt *b?nrr;?i folian Havaa l'.e????< n Cadi?, Oaa??, raaai ?h.11 -?turd?) Majest.'. Southatnp i.n 10 A ' lljk, Rotlrr! tth si n??t?. Jaffa, : im ?> kiyn Co3?t?ntl ?l Hkiyn ! i Watblntion. Malta 12 M Ho.?Un 1. ?C-'nhn? 11 A '?: '??ta. 12 M ' I'M 14. Ii I Italia, lila-.cow. '. : M Baa Juan. Il M I H'kly? . City Irdrii.l Htm ml Somli I ? rh Amu i Emily i - . .Ihnnah II. i ? port f with St - t llmind Kar: > ? with I bars l with l W??tn. I ?r??>ns iHr). Hi. rohft, N J.?hn. John. N B Radio Corporntion of Am (To?Ition si other A C Hrdrord 110 HBF. Ami ? i 'y la) I I E Capr Hcnrv . . ?ijmb' lie F ? Pec t. cc ? ;??ttrn 1 ' P? Charlea I Bv W ir? \<iiK ? ri> nit i i ' ? in ???hi - (WSA). ' ?1 or . , ? ? and weather i ? ? 11 if? of Attiirki ? - " gleal ?dive will be : . Tubllc Hoc ? ?1'er ? ... ? ... s : 1 S ? ? t 41-11 Of I I |i?e I fllittipcilllillll WireleM Tele pni,)!: (.?>.. inc. i s I'OC ? ? I ? - -e ? I left Tu.k . Island s to AM !>e Dae S , K?r?h. , M?quan i .'or ?. ' ...- | ? ? .?and Dec I ' ' 1? ?M M AM ? I-e? t. ViHCT.caii Porti <Br Tele?' ? (Mr) . .* ?i ' ?i. I.? WhMlT, doan ila; i' i i. 1 lilla r?rt? ' ; ? ?I ' . L*k ? >.- ' ? o. Los ? > .? - .-.a and v fork. Dataware H.?akwater .'.'?? York I ? ' i pi.i? .' ; '?hi'? ' I Boat on I sirs gow?-i <)i" N?a Caatle, Bng'and \rtlga?. S'e-? . U??r '?aaandrl? I ! ?lain The First Sale in Our History A Christmas Opportunity For You Tomorrow morning we are placing our entire sample line of fine and distinctive furniture on sale at astonishingly low prices. This SALE is more than a sale?it is a real OPPORTUNITY to pure-hrse your fine Christmas furniture at absolute bargain prices. In all New York there sre no finer bar gains than you will find here. Included in this sale are Antiques, many of them from famous European collections. Lamps of ex? quisite design and workmanship. Bronzes at prices matched nowhere in the city. Tables end Chairs of un equalled design. Uedroom suite* of exclusive design. Living Room Fur? niture. You will find in this offering an un? excelled variety of reproductions and im? portations, at prices that fit any pocket book. Announcing Two New Lines: WOOD BATIK and PALMCRAFT Simultaneously with the above sale, we wish to announce two won? derful new lines of furniture: the famous Wood Bat'k and the Palmcraft, two of the finest lines cf American furniture craft. Both of these lines are now on display in our warerooms. Don't Delay Your Buying By all means come and make your selection at once. Delivery can be made immediately, but, if you wish, we will hold till Christmas Eve. Each piece in this sale is individual, but obvi? ously some are better than others. Don't wait. Come in tomorrow. An Exquisite Comer Cabinet included in This Sale. Early English Arm Chair. CORXELL EMERY COM PAW 16 East 4uth Street 5th Floor New ri ml? (ftwtd), B?1Hm?r? Buttenwood. II AM). Or? Dew 1 ?sue? It.rnue. lt?o for l?ind"n T'p '?^ f?r< 1?nd?n tt? Mandaaan Mi.u (J??l. ' (?nul (Br> . h?lm, S. Ht I e?ph ? ? ??ver < MM vu i ? ? " -1 W??t . ? . ,. ... rhiiad.lphia DM ? Ar <Br> Two J?ll?d. ? n fllrj. N?w T'.rk for . X.ntl?. .1 K (Bv), Bilde? N H, f..r New T .rh Foreign Port? By ( able Arrivals ? util Iy?ul?l?na (Bwt), Raw [SJBJ? TIS? Up). Port rflns Merit Cristina S T?r'ir m, sjt II fie? 'Mori. n (?wed). .iHEMEN I ?: (0?r), JUKI ?r? VI If (It, Wll * I iialana (Noij. Of, rsmrfsw . *ii??n ? ? ill I . ' -'r??t IB ? ran A'hujiij? Saw Tor?.. Ilmpres? of A?e Pm?. ?on? ? III llaltlmore; I Wnnabato tUt). Phi!? ? ' '?FILLES, lia t Tlhefon (Br). ? lian Winn?r ?? !,? ? II MM? ?r. Pall? I?ImperUl ? l - Hal). i. . ? HHIELUS. P?' .lona (Brl. ?I NET, 8 W, P?r ?- Tahiti (Bm. Bw8 OS H?T. D?. t .Wetter? ?il*n. I ?rh Departures HIT ? M .riba '^inl I nil? I? i AI.iiECIRA?. D?o I M?r ." i) Phllsd.ld ? w Or ? ;? ti?o ?-Makura (Br), Van Pomh?y Sf?w rork M?ru (Jap). Hvanholm i N IRALTAB, P?r :--K?mb?n??n (Po) iff m Colombo) Ntw York TOKOMAMJ l'?e 7?T?7?nv? Mare i* TTOW, Da? I?etrag-var/? <Br>. ? ?all? Prlfu-e tflr,. New ? ll?r,???r, New T?fk. )..?T ?1 ;^N /?*) S-PrJrSald r Mata?la), Besinn and New for? DOB, !>?? I ??misal? (Br>, Bal?? ? ntwi I -Albatros (Kov), ?T?W Nwatnby (Br). Pro?1 d?no?. SWA MSB A '?????la? La?? X -, liA.' -I Prim?? ,. ,u*-?*l Mil a? ?-?>-_, . Ml? '*****> g*. BOBPBAi x He? ????_,_,,_ ?*w r, "?s t?r. rostr rH? a .? - Maat?, *4?w ?>1*aoa^ ? *?* <Otk?-r rriarlrs?. r^pwrU ?a a^. . Max?n ModelGp'wm? Jf?J6?St *Ha?ihnd BJdf SALE OF CHOICE FUR-TRIMMED SUITS The result of s ipetial, unttaually fortunate purchase! Offered to us at pnrr*. ?o rrmarbMy 1 ,w pj thit one time- -we permitted ourvlrei to depart from mir "no two alilce" policy-?in your interest. Our me; ?rings we divert to you! , Made of splendid Mate!*??-, Krr*i<?\t Veldrne, Duvrtyne and Brocaded Serges. Tnmrned with nch Kit Fox, Beaver, Fitch, Squirrel or Caracul. 7-5 2*f>tec? ?lit* . . . $49 41 3-piece aulta . . . *59 ?? Cefwt" wenJd ttit tlueehere af H \ I i^rfsf? SALE OP 89 HIGH-TYQE COATS & WRAPS ? Of tlie best fabrica ind furs?fo: dar wA evening, F;rty-nine are new arrivalv--ad vanee *tJ?. $49 to $1S9 "CefU/t" uenJd ceit tlitwktrt ?etu *iij ft Ljta 15% OFF ON CALL " EVENING GOWNS 20'? magni ficen? Mod*I?. Heal for tne approaching holiday?. Fix? ?Ireadv reduced price? you may deduct 1*! per cent, more at DOM of purchase. //.. Importation ofLi?pucjViied Jim, h'-1wm 's*, iamionabl? Ju W 01 1< KpittraUtivei h list forwarded to uM M-Icctio'i o- ti li Caracul that double assurance ?of luperb quality ? they Kit G?nther Quality pelts, ?* I.pij)7i^-()yt'<l! G?nther r? ???-??ll Diode] to iI^t^i^idu-svl order Coati and Wrap* of ??befe selected skins, luit the limited importation will require itrict deference to j>rio (?unther al 'or ?mnicdiaie wear three winsome Wrapt develo'H-d in choice Leipzig-dyed Caracul fur. 1 ???' onabie price of G?nther I i decided persuasion l'or an early choice. CAPK-COAT 51 iiirrtfi /o/iy, of Leiptt?-dyed Curarul. develop? i nit h deep, full sleeves and collar and cuffs of rich Kolinsky. I RAIGHT LIM COAT ' 51 tnchtt long, of Letpti?-dy?i ul tiith caffs and * .rder of Kolinsky. J)RAPF! 51 inches lona, of Ltipxif-Jyed Caracul, uith double cuffs and a collar of Kolinsky. s G?nther Fifth A venue at 36lh Street Furriers For More Than a Century