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Miss Se wall?, of Bath, Me., Bride Of Senator Edge Many Dittlnaiiished Guest? From Washington Attend Church Ceremony and the Reception at Home Co to Europe Thin VI eck Couple Will Make Home i in Ventnor, N. J., llpom Their Return From Trip tpsetai DUsatth to Ts? T i??*? 1ATII. M?.. Dar. t??Miss Camilla L. A, IsrBBea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ??rc!d M. Sewall, ?rat married hare ts-day to United Sutes Senator Walter a Edge, of New Jersey. Th? ceremony B>ss performed In Grace Episcopal j Csarch ia the presence of Vice-Presi tteot and Mrs. ?Calvin Coolldf*. and ! rnanr oth? nirto? 1 h the Kev. Charle? ? b'Mo w?? gh r het father. Mr ' inslow William?, matron of , of Maine, v??? Sen star lOdte'? best man. Ta? bride wore her mother's wrddinr jrown of ahite brocade and old point ??ce wedd;nr veil w? a family heirloom and was a treat aunt, the rrajfut. wh?n ?hi- v.? to Queen Ellmbeth at court. It was drap.-d and ?range blossoms. Thr- brnl? arm bo quet of jasmim. lutesc valley and white erehlds. Cal?ais? Aasonf Bridesmaid? The bridesmaids ?ere Mist Dorothy ?all, of Bath; and Miss Louise bewail, of Englewood. N. J., cousin? of thr bridr; Miss Kv?linc Kenner, of NSw Orleans; Mis? Klizabeth Hanne, of Washington; MtSS flora Parker, at Newark, and Miss Adeline Oxnsrd, of Washington. The ushers included Messrs. Howard H. Fdje, of Ilr.rtford. Conn., h' of the bridegroom; Loyal! P. Sewa? and Arthur Sew?ll 2d, of Bath, broth era of the bride; A. Dayton 01m ' of Trenton; Herbert Mellvaine, o' Philadelphia, and Emerson Richards, o Atlantic City. Guests besides the Vice-Pr?sident and Mrs. Coolidgc were Senator and Mrs. J i rellnghujrsen, ef New i st. of Ken-! ' daughter of the bate I tnnr Paster of Maine, Mr 'and Mrs. Walter Teafle. Mr. ?nd Mrs. i B. 11 H-ckus, Mr, ?nd Mrs. Jirar- Ham Mr. ?nd Mas Charles Wlj-gin, Mr. land Mrs. Henry Drnrhorn, Mr?, rhaae , Melles, Mr (. H IVrsh. Mr? Susan ' Mellen, Mr Mount. Mr. and W. S. Duell and Colonel and Mr?. r Foran. all of New York; Mr. Mm. Howard Edge, of Hartford, Kd?? nnd the! ? Mcllvaina,! af Lo? Ari({?le?; Mr?. vVinslow William?, of HaUitnore; Katherine I Catherin? ?i. y, Mi*? Charlotte Moselv, Mrs. W. H Win!'-.. MISS llnrriit Wardan, i Mrs Homer Richardson. Mr Stwall ; Cutler, Mr. mid Mrs. Stuart Webb and I the Misses Marcia and Barbara Webb, ! all of Boston, and Mrs. John Phillips, bJmbb, Mass. A reception and wedding breakfast at me- of the bride's parents fol? lowed the r> ? ?ewall home | it a Colonial ^ructurc, more thmi 100 years old. The out-of-town quests and intimate friends of the family attended ' the reception Mr. and Mr'. Sewall received the t guests. Mrs. Sewal) wore at the re ?i taupe chiffon heavily emhroid-1 ered in steel heads, and her hat wat of taupe of the BSSM shade. An oil paintlnr. entitled "CathonT,' hv Aston Knight, was the gi't af I're? Idrnt ?nd Mr?, llarling Wed lin?? ?ifts came frein ?II parts of the wori > wer? of historie value. Senator ?nd his bride plan to sail from New York on the M?j?sllc a w?ek from to day for Southampton ?nd will ?ass the holiday season da Ktirope They will make their home in Ventnor, N J., upon their return Mis* Mary Birtinr II llriilr Wrds Dr. Triomn? M . I>.i\i?, of Vt'tca :ind Nrw York Mary Bartine, of Tl J., wa? n-.arried yestrr | th? chantry of (?no: Church I Thomas Wallis Davit, of Utica and thlt city. The ceremony was per? formed by the Rev. Walt*r f Her chert, rector of Christ Church. Willi inantic, Cews Oalf memlnrs of the two f??-illies ;ind a iow Intimate friends were present. The bride was gives u* cousin. Mr I was atteno ? ? ? ?i ; and fr? i Conseil Medical School in Itl? il?- ?;:.?. farewell bachelor ilinmr si the I). K E. Club Ust Bat? m?. Aft- r n short wedding trip Dr. sad Mrs. Da? vis will livp in thi? i pjll ?s? Mi?, Mary M.N.iltv lo Weil I Mary Flos? MfNultr, d?u?hter of Mr. end Mrs. Bernard J. McNultv. will be murrled M it Tuesday to Mr. ;,< Imonleo. son of Mr. ? ml Mr?, l^ranro Crist Delmonlco, of Morristown, N. J. Miaa Mary Compton will be maid of honor and Mr. Charles Delmonlco will be b?*t m?n. Only nirmi '*o families will ' the cereti" Rarest pillai 3nn it ? torn Ottjrs SS01' X, . i -dlrea??. ft ? ? ... I H I ' ?I i ' ?n.nrnatle tlrk?<? I""? pi.tth ? a .?r At ss Sinai - ?>>< r?. r^Mp.i reatar ?fill'M ATitiKir, ?l?n fla.,???? a???. ht f" i j nrr.MBAcn, Mar T.i n. .i'.vitt ?rM ?stc?tished 1807 COWPERTHWAIT & SON UPTOWN 3rd Avenue ?w I2lst Street 2212 to 2224 Third Ave. "overlastinfyurniture Jlsk lour Qrandfather DOWNTOWN Park Row ?L Chatham Sq 193 to 205 Park Row ?A IFTS of attractive substantial furn - V ture spread Christmas Cheer -over many years. Gifts of attractive substan? tial furniture for your own family are an enduring expression of your love, and add greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of your own home. Gifts of attractive substantial furniture have come from Cowperthwait A Sons for over 115 \ears. Make your selection of gifts from one of the most complete and varied assortments in America, at the Oldest Furniture House in America. r / j* ?-i Cowr>v?rthv/ait & Sons' Libera! Credit Terms 25t Weekly on $15 Worth 75c Weekly m $50 Worth $1.50 Weekly en $100 Worth $2.50 Weekly on $200 Worth $12.50 Weekly on $1 000 Worth Other Amonnti in Proportion. Pay by the Month if You ' No Interett AHJ2J. No Eitra Chargci of Any Kin.I. Both Stores Open Every Evening Until Christi PS1W? ??BHBBBBBBbI?w E BBBBaB -t.^.ti..?.. s?? I i?..? ?~ | Christmas Dining Sel ?0 Pieces Payable $3.50 Weekly. Graceful, refined Unes, In ciirrl'lrmtion Walnut, made ?'III riollds linen dr?wer: ?paclou? Server: Chin? Ctoeet with del panela; l?te?t oblong extension Table: S Chaire hi. i Armcbeii with gen ulne leather siats. 1 *295 KM tir?* i ?^ ? ! fclT?Trnl fl I ss^r ?-w-???? -"-^ ' < ? & -.- . . x*\. ...; ?.. Attractiv'i tovr-^iecc Sai Payable ?3.00 Weekly. $225 !? isMon In furniture is shown in Ui ?"'? T It" ? if arrangement; Dreet?ir I? ?It irai nliror ?nd two wing?; full ?I;- Jtrr!. .., sA i '.ES j;. tail A ai r. ? _ J7 A, 17 IsBbBHMBbs^ U.-xS A ihree Comfortable imohatr Pieces ^007 , Peyabl. $3.50 Weakly. V--?/ ? in a home largely dependa on the romfn si ?? < r I; Thee? luvur?ou?. .leep Winging rhalr? mm ' g?od pattern and plain velour. Mar: inj finish fiumes coauekU' a aubatantl:.' / ^oy^s* Sleeping Dolt?.98c and up to $555.00 Polished Wood Carri?g?s. If? 75 Raed CarrUgee.$6.95 ?nd up te 15^75 Automobile? .$7.75 ?nd up to 125.00 Slate Blackboard?.$175 and up to Electric Trains.$4.95 ?nd up to Skudder Cars, ball bearing. Moviegraphs .$4.25 and up to Fold?, Tabla? .$1.75. ?ad up to Velocipede?, ball bearing . 12 75 ?4// Kinds of Ingeniou? Playthings 15.50 19.00 3.75 f\"*. ? SsBjH ?S I Pointier uoiuen Uak tu fi?C?? Payabl? $3.50 Weekly. $298 Oak to last a lifetime, fashioned ? n ?how the rich grain, a dranrar; roomy (server, Chit Itlced jrl??? pane!?; 4? Tablea S Chaira acJ Armtuli with gema HALL ^ ,ChA?P 2.% * <*? JZLTG& Axminster Rugs, 27 x Si, $5.50 grade. $ 4 25 Velv?t Rugs, 6x9, $13.00 grade. 3?.00 Axrnin?Ur Rug?, 3C x 63, $10.25 grade. 7,75 V?lv?t Rugs, 7.6 x 9. $S2.fi0 grade. 4? TO Tepestry Rugs, 9 x 12. $43.50 gr?d?. 34.75 Wilton Ru/;., 9? 12, $125 grad? . 110 00 PrinUd Velvet Carpet, a yd., $2.75 grade. . 2.25 Rug Border, 36 in., a yd.. $1.10 grada. .{?:> Inlaid Linoleum, a yj., $2 25 grade. 1.85 Oriental Rus Make Wonderful Christmas G Cowperthwait & Son Uptown 3rd Ave. and 121st Street 2212 to 2224 Third Ave. ?d? 7u;o Stores Downtown? Park Row and Chatham Sq. 193 to 205 Park Ro? James McCreery & Co. iAinshine Skiks azure blue, sometimes flecked with clouds of white. The ocean, softly murmuring, gently moving in from this azure sky, is itself azure. Tender!v it caresses thesandsof pure white. Warm, Minny sands. Palm trees, refreshingly green, whisper and sway in the breeitei?balm , soothing breezes. Music? Golfongreen sunny links. Bath? ing in the warm,glistening, sunny waters. Thii the fascinating setting tor a bewildering array of gay clothes. Delicate frocks that flutter in the dance. Sport togs that add zest to the game. And evcningapparel that vies with the flowers in beaut\. All reflect the carefree, happv liK of fliis Southland. You tin: cordially invited to WVf an exhibit of Fashions for the South, which opens tomorrow niorni,i<? yfi our fourth fiow. ,.y-'ir--.*wUpl>'4?>^t. In addition to apparel and ac? cessories, you will find displayed fascinating fabrics which inspire exquisite creations for Southern wear. Soft, luxurious silks in high shades, contrasting with the former sombre tones. Quaintly embroidered cotton fabrics and new woollens in new weaves. James Me Creerv ?f Co, Today's issue of the Tribune contains ? full page o? interettinf Christmas Suggestions. Jam* McCrttry * Ce.