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jTF.H.Tabor Ores Dance for ^?sS Potter j^gsUntr Danger of Mr. rir,l Entertain- Bet rHf?d. at Luncheon p Seabury Recehrea o j Raker Tender* Sihle,-.. Van Herb. 11 ? ?-?at??A-A? |?*?i"??r?i? ??<? ????, Ir Mr .?? M" S?-AS i*. ? ?? -^ r-aV-rS ? Miut,B*.tTKeB?tt,rj?. * ^pM,ia Edith aargwtt st9B''*;? rjMsr*. I ;?.?.?*> ?a?-y?;F Pratt, Fred ""', w.7?'ra Cr?< .:'?. Lawrence elmtU ????*????? Mu? Etheldred S,.k?ry. A ?ianei wan ?ton ?rds ?o? Um ' ken t0 the 7,Ker daw- A '^ thosc who rf' /..??d ??? leabury were the <ll4f? |i tney, daughter of ,-, ? > ) arbara Ho't, .?gaktiy. drs. Austin H WisjM Lio) ? ; ???. Un. Raymond T. llaker gave ? dinne k'.sitrry? last night for VirsJtrb''' Later I . t?*?ter part] nchide Mr?. Murray Witherbee Podge gave I rjisMr I eforc the Tabor tac? for Emilv irtyw Dei.- The gueat? included r?. gad M? langhorne Gibson, )gr?ce 1 Josephine Mg?, I '". ?nd Kexr?. Wil ? ? ?? ? v. I'nniel Free ?.ix, C. A. L'r ."? m and Bartlaj Robin Mn,A.r li.dford Give? Dane? ?r?. A:' ford gave a tea .??.? fMUrc. afternoon at the Am 'taiwbtl?U<. " honor of Miss Louise ?alii??, f. MedfordV ? '4- Dm Bedford. The tea d?nce, ?*k? ?Mattr dr'l I y more tha MR ??? h i* dinner of rt??tmn thr Ambassador grill. Tit matt gu< st.? included Mr. and in. lafford, M ?? Lott ?nd Mi itiltti, N alia Livingston, ?fi? E?ltaj Ma kajf and Mr. Harman B. ; ???ttrW . ? T?* first oi the Saturday evening ?VMTaanet* given at the Plat? Rose In? vu h ? d last night. Tho?e oc tTxrltftabl''' with gu<?t? included Mr. ?fir?. H< rbert Basant, Mr. and Mrs. ?MaiiiM I?, Mr. and Mrs. William 1 llwk. Misa Jeannette Chappell, ??? Leon, Hurd, Miaa Estelle Man i ore. Mr. George ?*????, Mr. J and Colonel M Ir? George Bulleigh. Cabs?! and Mr?. Barrett Andrews r?*?ldin* ? ?t Pi err?'? last night for ??. Miller Craves, Mrs. Jero ? ?In? P barlas d.i.. ?Wri?a? gier B. Duke. ?ri Irrii . t r?.k?w ga?a a luncheon | ?M y??'. ? rtarbara Bro ?jviirl H ii? piiiott. So? let? Notes Vr. ?ad Mr? H igh Cotton, who have Wb tt la? have returned to ???ten. Mr. . . Baail Mnjor, who ?av? ?l?e> h.. I rrain<\ ??iled ??it'nUy ?a for KnglantJ. Mr?. Chilton ! ;<?? Orleans, ? theni V nches ?, MF.?- ,..- Mr, ri in Mrs. ?.t*?'? honor -. N?nt?*?a Mm? h" NSLtrai ^?n lj* Klennor n*ca???a?*?ln * Friday. 'I, **, to tht r.f the rill give .nety "??SE'?'iiS ?SstT.t^n^1*"^? *???? *'?> nr Pre.ident and W?';. ge, ?-H ^rtr?.. ' to-morrow "*m?> .lock. The ??Ta?? *??aW !.. 40 Ea?t i lunch-j . ? dnea-1 and .vis. >ng thos? * .' i.'.tes *? ?"d Mi ?L ??i si-, > Thompson ?tggt nel '-^n yer iSaV^^ s!"?"-<?? Matin.-. 4r*H^pilal at Mrtropolltan ?rtSTiV ', '"'?? performance of ?4? J..1;* ?r'heme.- wlth Mile. Bori ?IgArv' l':] bp K'vcn at the Met l? .# *v Thlir?day under the ao 5?1MUI and Ho-i.e of Rest for sWaTi?1, Inwood-on-Hudson. have taken boxes ?t. jasl.^tT Mn?' M- T*y'?'- Fyna. Mrs. Irn '?'%. Woodbury G. Lang ivin?. Mr. Mait'and F. '-> I ' ' tidenvan Drajrton. -?? o ' >wn jr.. Mrs. An ?rles A. ttk yn ?'?'?er?!. ?Craik?" i yr- Wi,ii?n, If? a "J?' ''r' J'ini Aiar, r??a..;?'nwK !r? Howar.; %??l r*. Mr?. *> D.R ." !?fh??. Mia? Kather *'i?;J,VMr!' Charles J. Hardy ^??rry Tower Shr.ver. Mr?. H.rry ?J*? lobb.ns. Mr?. Clarence M. ?.(; f!i "?tfc*r4"? M?-rris and Miaa Mi?? Emmeline Marion C,rcn> Mu i? fhp daughter nf Mr. and Wr?. EasfBIM ft, l.rrjr.' and made hit debut on Friday night at a ball ?iren at the Hotel Hethlehrm, in Bethlehem. Pa. $107,677 Spent for antique Art a Spirited Sessioi Mmp Than 1,000 Atte Salr of Renaissance Ti r-try and English Fnri store at Ameritan Galleri A notable ?ule, which realized f 606, was held yesterday at the Ami i can Art, consisting of fine ; English furniture ?nd several exc | tlonal nets of rare Renaissance tap tries, the property of Charles of L don. More than 1,000 persons w presrnt. Th? two sessions comprisl the sale brought a total of f 100,677. Two of the finest tapestries w< purchased by Thomas Nelson, who gi cent? Knghi. leting "A Royal Re Hunt" and $4.000 for the compani tapestry representing "A Royal Havi ing Party." This pair la supposed have been woven for Margaret of At One of the important decorative ai of five Renaissance tapestries woven Brussels in tee seventeenth centui d? picting episodes in the lives of Jas and Medea, went to James Stanley f 14.400. This subject was "Jason Seeki: Golden Flei'ce." Eight William and Mary curved wj I nut chair? were notable among the < ferings of furniture, going to H. Dawson for $3.800. A set of six necdl work chairs in point St. Cjrr, wi ' scenes illustrating the story of "T , Three Graces," dating from the Quei i Anne period, were sold to Henry Syi ? men? for $3,000. , Other important salea included | Brussels seventeenth century Upestr "Jason Paying Homage to Jove," whli was sold to B. Seidllta for $2,700; t. royal needlework armchairs of Regem period, to J. Aaron, $2,400; Entrlir th centui rh "Cf-'i, 1 am ZtlfUf jr., $2,400; Br?ste sevente?nth century tapestry, "Jaso Secures the Golden Fleece," to the Ma uuise Somme, $2,300; "King ?Etes an Ji.son" i another of the same net), i J. E. Chichester, $2.300. and four lard nere velvet armchairs of the Stuai pi riod, to Charles Torrey. $2,300. ? Going On To-day DAT Am?lieaa Museum of Natural Hlaton ilaalea ftee oolltan Museum of Art; admlstlo Aquarium: adml*?lon fret . n Muai'urn: adriiiwton free adm?tate .irk Museum; e<lmls?loi free. tdmlaaies ? ? K. w York t'-ilve??|t? I nlvrrslty Height?; Miiinl??lon u- - An.'rlran Irntl?> .-idwhy and : I '.iMterr>r.(.r?r pal a tinga Bi Afldriss by Wie? on "Th< ?rl": rarnegls Han ?.tandardls?! ' Ik 'irai Parkway, ' I u'elcrk, ? Ada ,?lr. ! 1? <i fo r". J ?tartr on house I'tet? ; New Tr.rk Hotan! ? i lark, I o'clock Lu turc ay Dr. Will I>ur?nt on "Mon ' n. by Kdgsr TB* Spirit of St. Forty - Ml.HT ?..rMire bv f>?u?rt i'har?? on "Th? Ohal boi I, . Ka?: ?lork ?Walter H l'Mklii en 'The toper t'niuri. by Jtsn Lontnet on "Political tie? an<t InMleetual Leaders In unity Forum, P*rU A?? l ? et i La Ou?rdla on "Awak I'rogrveaiv? Hplrlt", ln?tl rue. 17 Wut mth Street. Illi' Lecture by Moo?lgncr J. T. Blasts. ?The Life and Work of Dante"; Catholic riuh of City of New Terk, 110 I x'ark South. I o'clcrk. a by Nornan Thomas on "Baeea for ,-?w Intirnatlonallsrn"; T-?bor Tempi?. Fourt' Street and Second Avenu?, 1:11 o im tan of rm< \tu?\ if?tirm All Tr?nd of the 1 Should H? the K'rnate of A."-. ? * Of tlM II a Diplomat s .' '.?By ??sao Towaley. Manhattan and Brwas by William A. ' hy. aa?i?t?d by Mr? Virgil Holm??, ?oprsno. Washington lrttT.g H. S., Ir? ving Flae? and Rixt.-nth rHr??t, I p. m. "The Book of th? Hour," by Prof???or tartar Troop: Hottl M?J?> rsrk West, at ?eve?ty-??c?ad 8tr?et, ? 1:1? p. m. SetsarOtl'l Delillt?ntc* to Vtte.M* Speech Keeilal Annual I!ntrr1nininrnt, With iiO Y?BBBJ*| Womrn In (.hnrpr. In Bel Held nl list Pla/u Many of the season's debutantes will attend the annual recital nt th. next Tu> sday evening in the In I I of better speech. Fifty will at ?gran* and d eomraittees und among th< \rm*trong. othy Achrln. Constance Hank?. ' 1 cent Bar:: Bliss. I Edith ? ! ^Solm, Su?tn Cnppell, I Coy!" hue, Hetty Hammill, Llanor Hubbard, Marjorle H l.usk, Katharina Msnice, Bisas lyn MeCosn, ?? Merchant, Mary l'illo'. Maud Oak Lydia Plun kett, Hilen Lows Rice, Josephine Reeve, Huriot Newel] Reynolds. othy Rorf, Liapenar ! Schreiber, Margare! Btone, 0 Sterner. I'-' ble, 1 Ruth Ward, Elisabeth Won tin, Wright, !.'?.?"? WIlcWs. Th? pat i Mrs. Iinnii 1 tjuggenheim, Mr Kahn, Mrs. '.?ward McVickar, Mr. W. Forbes Morana* Mr?. William Blair Perkir . Jar-fV, ||, BirV William Bclknap, Mrs. Pn vath, Mr. Height Braman, president of the Allleu Patriotic Societies; Mrs. Samuel ? *r-it. Mr?. Robert Montgom? ery. Mrs. Altert Btlegltts, Mr. Alex? ander I ter II. 1; Mr?. Frederick E. Fobs. Mr. John Voorh limn II VI Henry B. Plant, Mrs. Frederick (Jeorge Flsrh Fulton ?nd Miss Julia Arthi Prizes A wanted at Cat Show Lavendar I ? blue class, was awarded! il r the best cat In the show of the Kmpir yesterday at the Park Avenue tndsr Sunny lad Is the few priM cats which imported s nee the war, bai from Engli nd less than a year ago. He is owned by Misa Etala (?. Hydoa. The best cat of th" SBSOsll idar Mota, ulso own? Hydon. Tsi best novice was also I, endar Moth, the ! Lotus, and the best muter, Blue Boy. Ori>nt;il Rups on IH?.m!:i> An exhib t.on of Orient?t rugs will be held to-morrow and Tuesday at the: Mara Art Auction Rooms, I I ninth owed by a sale of the I various sp- tmber 13 I inclusive. 'I he collection is fras eral I of an im . and comprises the following Sarouk, Kermanshah, Bokhara, Ai?k and Serspis. There also ,srieir of Chiass? iu?{?. ? ? DnnphttT Horn Hi MtsvJ. M. ( o\ DAYTON, Ohio, lice. OnrorneV James M. Coa, d Democratic candidate for Preaidt is the father of a nine-pour.d babv girl, born Friday night <? Bad." The evild was christened Herbara Blair Cos as Mise MargaretU Blair, of Chi? cago. _ . ? ? Niai lt:iluiitlv ? Bl II ? : law, . Hills Inn I Father Tl J. Numiney. Mr. and Mrs. isrted for a wedding trip Is outh. He Is a city employee._ &?l/tmey Absolutely Fireproof AMKRICAN PIAN Miami'i fineit soi m??t modern hotel. AaWssBl modations for 250 guest?. Open Nov. 20 to May 1. t FOURTH BILTMORE FmiDAY MORMNt. Ml-MALE Blltmore Btssaj llajlrootn. Dee. ??. a? la, "? PONSELLE iS??LJL RUBINSTEIN KJJ!SL1::1 B0CHC0 Mtt. ? T.wnHall.Sun.Ev..U*c.l0,8:l5 Violin Rieital by CARL SCHAIOVITZ Mat. Jeeatb Mann. attaiassajr ?*tano. Doj?s Contest For Ribbons at Hudson Show Wr?. ?si'r.ililm.-l) of Mr. John I). Rorkefol? Irr. Wiatt for Shrphrrtl ( lu-?, in Liftl With *V0 Reeord Eatry of fWm '??kiiit-i' und I'll?;?? Vl?-o Sht?*e> One of laWaasjaA Hrr twit in .{??mit Year? r.niual dorr ?ho I d.on I f.t?r l?r at the 4th Regiment Armory. J*r Almoit 500 dogs I, and the ???ja'.ity and typ? were iifh throughout. The bench show ommitte? was headed by Mr?. K?rl ?jurman. The show was well attended nd the judging good. In ?hepherd ogs the Giralda Kennel?. own brought out a ii'? Schal? vrin }toh?n ?ii, who won for the best dog In >>mprt- dog?. a ha? th e ki i'hiladelph.a. by taking both winner? owing br- ? rmin er?, bull terrier?, Alri wire and i r-rrier? and Iri?h terrien.. The dogs were ah?WD ?. A. Schwarti. A record entry of Chow Chow? w?s it out fcrr ? Wag?ta(T, awards were highly applauded (ircenaere General K rp'* Flama of ? Ado.- . wii.? agaii. . Abenacheim 1 won with Hertha II. Cocker spaniel? were judged I mer J Ben I Mr. - and iignon and I in ?one lime was brought out in the ih:rh ?en itr.rr Halley wen fer the best ! wa? por of Toddingt' ? . ?her, won. . round? A 1 owned by Mrs. Charlr r.ri?e. ?rm?n Pinscher? wer seen in thi? country for year?. Man* recently imported specimen? were I -tphalian Kennel, won ??late bitch they ?core.l i M h Dj M ??? ? Mr. .lame? Buehanm r, P? , judged Fngligh bolldoff?. A real ore w?s brought ou liekey, owned by Char Thu fem?l<- hold? ?l?o a I than? pionship. For the I.e.'. dog in the nata claaaei th* Pi.iiadelph. t ) ?ter Alaunts Double, wa? ; the ?how .s ?Tarflaiga Senaibl? Fred. To mai the i ? nsily rould h?ve br ?n rever 'hound? I ? ".' Tolstoi, owned by Captain and Mr?. R. K. Layte. Thi? pup, only eight inontlis old, show? the mark? of ling a champion at an early Mr. H peal took ?rial dogs -.vith Vigow. In b h, owned by Mr I the rosette. ? whir ' -how? t"T iria.iy year?. Mrn. John F. ' ? with She Ifaat and on. r. W. Lewi?, ei Leng i . B?nasela Griffon? and ih toy spa-.iels. In Grid 8 II it Gamin and the blue* Fit?. Papoo?'. Th? : els also showed real I li*h toy spaniel?, Mr?. N. Ower with Lorraine Alnin us the : s were judrred k Morr.- I, of New I lery Belle won the title el ? In (I W?dman's I Conde won the ro?ette. A close com rat Lroll & Rosenblaonti' Man oWar. who took reserve. I'omeranun. alssj brought out ? banner entry, and w?r? judged by Mr nwright. of Br ..,klvn. In dog?. Mrs. M. Kotrlin, of Yonkers, :her win with her Pall Mall Vom. In buche?, Ash Bf Mr. Je? Anderson, of N?w with *ood l't'ggy .m'' ?rored in dogs 1 also were . \ ?? be.-, of th.- breed Mr M. Halley won v ith his 1 wysid? Teas!?. Kathleen Houston Judged French bulldogs. The cup for the best ass awarded to Mrs. Mabel J. Riddell's .nd? Fidelle. In bitches Fleur il Armourette, an eleven months old puppy, won the best. Pari* Artitist Fxhibit-. OiU and Drawings Here Collection at W imunakrr (?ul I'-ry I rt r 11 : ? 1 ? m Striking Im? prensi?n of Mllr. Sorti I.001? Icart, known as a "painter of the golden palette making an exhibition of o?ls and drawings at the Wanarr.-.ker Belm?i?o?i ?>. The paintings, fifty in : ..-.dude two full ? '?its. on? of them a ?triklr.g irr.pressi ' Mile. Sorel. l.-srt as a i painter af feminirie grace?. These ! vith a ll ?y which I? re: ? snd chara The method used by Icart is of the utmost freedom. Whether a portrait, a fantasy of figure? with formsl Isnd- : background or a deftlv drawn charcoal sketch in the smartes?. French manner, his work is sparkling and rhythmical. His most personal trait is int color enmbi - ge-yellow la which la canvases ; are pail I'aris's fort faablon artists. Icart has strengthened and adspled his hand to a nga of gres' entire beaut;.. Ha created a sensation, na the portrait, shown here. rreaca actress, Mile. rt, which ' . five Red (?off Roll (all .Minds Keaeh S:i5()..>42 < ontribatlons Prom Hanking ami I n?i I it ?>r ri ul Scrtion?, Shov? 2."> IVr ( .-til Iii?-1? ? ? ? rding ?I thtt been ? ? la to'sl for la Indaatrj has : policemen have contributed . S3.000, with cor - large ?urn? ??her municinal depart ? an F.tpress ipany ha* S ? '-ran?' embershlps arrived ittsn's fMT deal tlic chairmanship n jr. Kill-ton lind Son Coilrclioii Of Etchings' to (.?? ;tt Auction died aft nga si toa s\ which is closing out thit depart I IS Art Gal next Thursday, Friday and ; Satur The prints will be on exhibition the ? j with ?!? rn French i furniture, draperies and other ai '"red I.>? r>r?<-r at Herman fiolman. Th- lr. I brome?, luve ?eats and chair ( VIMi'V a | M\Ki IN IM m NKr.KV SA I The Martin ? i for thirty-three years, died to-??. v as eighty to the he was for I several years Archbishop of Santiago, ' ( uba_ MiXiF. III Nhr. nu b ?fjffce Poley, thirty-five : year? old, day at h?-r horn?, imonia, as horn in St. Aurustine, Fla. Bsi m her home to-d?y at Upton Departs, But Will Come Back After Cujj Sir I homaa Start? for Homi inc Hi- Will Surrly Re> ttirn in 192 i to Try On?*r Morr for Yarht Trophy Goal of Life, He Aven Sir Eric CeddaM Aiiiiouncci Tliat Edward B. Cfiimfii !? \rn Dimlop l'rr-!il?-ni Still rh<*r.?hing hia life'? Mlbitiea of winning the America'? cup, Mr Them?? Lipton sailed yesterday for home on the White Star liner Homeric, after leing det?ln?d ? month longer than he expected. He ha? fully re? covered from ? ?evere cold. Sir Thomas wa? hidden farewell ?t th? pier by Police Commissioner and Mr?. Knright, John J. Hickey ?nd I th?T friends. Before hi? departure Sir Thorns? r*iter?ted hi? d??ir? of winning bar'; th? America'? cup, which he declared w?i the aim of hi? life and he besad ? hing would thwart his erTort*, in that direct!??. He said he had no plan? for building a new con? tender at present, hut he would prob ahly have one ready fer a challenge in When BUM bo?rded the Homeric he faced ? barrage of news nap, r cameras. He diacovered that he wa? wearing a green f-.. and ina-murh a? he haa nevar been photographed with any other th?n ? yachting cap he covered hi? n has hand? until the now famous blue ? "cap wa? unearthed fl M of his trunk? in his After the photograph order.! approached Sir Thorn?? and r for an autograph. Above ail signature he wrote, "There'? no fun like work," and then added to thoee grouped about him: "That i* the motto 1 have followed all through my life and I find il u pleasure trying to get your cup ?itk rl." Oeddea, who announced Frl sight that he had accepted the po i of chairman of th? board of di? rectors of the Dunlirp Tire and Rubber ? ration of America, before sailing tba Homeric, ?liter! Kdward It. (r.-rmain. of ButTalo. in to I. lent of the company, h?vi , r ?B?ral salee manager from shipbuilding Corpora a?d Sir (?eorge Beharrell, who wa? associated with I ric in the latter'? work with the h army during the war, and it now one of the directors of the new company, al?o ?ailed on th? Homeric. They expect to rtturn to this country about the middle of January. ? if a month in thi? country Sir Kric dividid hu tim? be , tw?en Buffalo and Washington, th? ? of hi? brother, Sir Auckland Geddee, British Amb?ss?dor to the Cm ted St ?tes. other trhns-Allantic liner? tailed retterday with Urge con.lgn ta of Christmas mail and passen goir.g home for the Christm?? laya or r.ther? who will spend the I time with relativ?] ?nd friend? abroad i were th? Whit? r Liverpool, the America, of the N. 0, I. lin*. fei N? th? Red Star liner La?laad tot ; Antwerp, th? P re, of ? or.don; the ?arednh American liner Drottning | holamlfor Oetheabatf : the Holland I ?JTr-.i Haar RotUrdaai for R tan?, the Norwegian American !.n?r ingerfjord for Christiana, the inish Mail liner Monserrat for ? ana and the Anchor liner Colum ?Ling her last trip as a . to Glasgow. She will ?then be cor.' ? i i into a cabin vessel. ?aariean val mission to Bra zil. consisting of tuurtaen offlcers and nineteen chief petty offlcers, headed by Rear Admiral Carl T. Voge1g??ang, ? former commandant of the Brooklyn Yard ?nd nid to S*er*t?rj ?s when he went Jo the Brazilian ?-:-! Inhibition of Marine Paintings John P. Benson At KENNEDY A GO. 693 Fifth Amuio Betw pen .Tith and 35th Sts. .a-k^n r^ag^; Lwt^ggala^SfaasssgaS BB-n?ajtMBss?BaBBa?^is^ -g7~ ^HSWr ??-gfssstT '^assM?yt-Tt-?. B8T?A-an! -aaan -? -.--^^ ?- tanr**^ llsT I 1~^ ^"'"'-a?T??T?Tss?A^Tsrs^^ aUaSsssT*?' V TsBaTZ^ j^?l As.^^1 IM THE TROPICAL ZONE OF FLORIDA WHERE COAL IS NOT NEEDED Outdoor lift at Miami is one glorious round of uholesome, pleasurable /utility AKTIII It PHYIIHS IAMIII H KAMI t'onrerl? ssrsOa ''?11? '" Kojal I'alm Park, Iteeawiher to April CLIMATE?Mlsml ?u? I* II? tftr?m? ?nvtsarn locstlon, peais?*?? th? rend t?u?bt? cllmst? Is te? w?'l?. T't Quit Strt?~. Kiiirg Ihroufi r'orld? Strait? .? r?r rewtit ???otlt? Mlaril. A??r?o? ttrnparttur? 75 A* KVlliiM,?Ycu asar sa**? Sally, la seesfcrt, I. th? beautiful biu?-or??n Atlantis FISHINC ?Trt A-ski !i ? r,i glery areund Miami, SB SMS li t??c?et?r ol th? best Bshlra ?roue?. In th? won?. Y \f HI l\f;?Miami It th? y?*ht?rr.?n'i tandis?, th? sacneraaa bslsg slang ths Bsr 8e?r? ??J SI?*???? B?y <n front el th? Ro??l Pslm P?rs (?OL?- ?Sis Links, witslss rs?luio?nt?m;i??. h?v? wer.dsrful tnsfesl ?urrsunelnfS sei setv not b? ?ufDUMd. N IS? Tsei mgelclp?! cturti In th? ?ink ?( 0*411.??.: ?r?tate c?urts In many ?f th? holsl Air ??y???? Is Pslm Otate, AVIATION?Miami has be?? f>. cert.r ol A.i.tlan ?Iv? 1911. Havana or Bimlnl In UD-t?dsU F fv-no Bo?l| POLO?Many cf th? Ittserg*? t??t ?l?r?ri e?nl?st at Miami Bassh Pel? Flwlaf. \L 1 OM OH 11 l.\(?_*?? rTtu' ?' *'? "*?-"?'?<?. oH-?uff?e?d road? ?dlacaat I? Miami through On" a? ?nd Troelcal Fruit Ones?. Suftr Plsetstlo?? In EtWglsO?* S*-d I? Ptsttd? SUy?. 75 HOTELS with aet?mm?d?tl?ns t? rttsst ?very d?t???4. 5000 FURNiSHCD COTTAGES I? rtrl; p- <r?|? ?tw/?lli-ges. roomlea h?u???. ?t?. 150 APARTMENT HOUSf-b with I ??aliens, an? u'f? t? satisfy ?II. MIAMI MOTOR BOAT RtGAITA U?nb Ird I? IMS ?Kfwatve i fat hainttii Ban* la t ant.. fall tafatai I1AJU CsaMIU Of confia SIA.1I FU ?% CenUanlat Fxaoaltlon, alio sailed y?a?| Urday en the Munson hn?r P?n Amar?! ie?. A committee <f employee? fr?m th? navy yard were at the pier to . the i ?rtv ? hearty far???II. The ?ion will collaborate with th? Brazil-, tan effleer? far th? purpose of j. il their n?vy on a basis rommen? . ?ith th? iii? and importan*? of country. ? ? - sK\-<?o\rnior Prince of [Men Mexico Um ou I,. I. Wan Oner Mcnibrr of New \ ork, I/Tgialaturr and I.oiik Krai. drnt of gVlinsfiitir* I/" B?ron Bradford l'rinc?, formerly Governor of New Mexico ?nd a mem? ber of ?ne of the olde?*. famtlli 3 ?????, di?d y??t?rday at riuaklng oipital. II? was eighty-two year? old. Mr. Prince was b?rn at Flushing and wa? a lineal d?tendant on hi? mother'.? ??de of Governor William ' >rd. of Plymouth. He wa? ? member of th? New York Legialater? from 1*71 ' of \.? Mexico from leTI 1182 and wa? elected territorial I in 1M9. He ?erv?d ?? Governor until 1H93. In 1 dent of th? N?w Mexico C?r.?tltutton?l ? Convei ? Mr. Prince ?tudied law and politisai ' ?eieaee ?t Celvmbia Unlv?raiti ?nd ??? graduated in UM with f.r?t honor? In polieital ?e:*nr?. II* r. degree of doctor of laws (rom hvnyon ?nd l'ilor?rlo college.. He <-rg?nlr*d tho Flushing Library A??oci?fton tn ?nd w?? chairman o; mitUe in charge of the erection of the ira' and sailor?' monumei,; ? ? Park. Mr <irviv?d by hi? ?i?ter. Henry, who h?? p????d her t;in?ty?third ye?r. Fun?r?i rangement? have not a? yet been mad.-. ? (apt. John Jacob?. (Ivil War \ ?Mr-ran, To Br Hurird To-day Funeral .?rvic?? f..r (?plain John Jacob?. I ?vil War veteran, ?ho died Fr?.ay, will be held this - .Veit l^Oth Street. m?ny and earn? to thi? ti?y to live in lie in survived by Nil -slfe anr| thr?? children. He wa? ? membrr i ? 0. A. R . ?n I for many year? wa? a member of Masante Naval Lodg?, 8?, and MC V?rnon Lodge. 71. ?OP R. 0 UATKKlltr KNOZVILLI, Tenn., Dec. R <; WaUrheaea, of th* Methodist Episcopal Church, South, who was in? jured by sn automobile here Thursday night, died this afternoon at 2 o'clock without regaining consciousness. Birth, I neacrmrnt. Marriage, Death and In Memorlam Nntiree may be telephoned tn The Tribuna any lime up fe midnifht 1er in ttriion in the next iay'% paper. Telephone Beekman 3000. DBATHJ urn?.in huth.nd of Mo.* n*rcn in?? of A?r.?rles. l?t* ?n ? - M? eh?Blc? ?r.'l M?u.? Konersi from hi? l?ie Wtst (?th ?l r*.nl?mr. high m? ber ii. Ttrt?rn ? ?HIM kl KIH.? I >m?g T in fh* 7?th 1 of hi? ?g? Bm ?.?tlv*a ? ?t hi? ?i? r??l d?nc?, I . '. Pl?:n ? rnd?y ?( 4 r li It>t?r. '?mtl> i ?loin mm i :...h?:;.. on I 19 21 ?Sjn?ri > . i Minian ir ;. lilt, John /., hmljii'l nf Mar> < arr-> I in?? Tarpyi and of John ?"rancl? (?rro . r'un.r.l from hi? ??I* r??lrl?nr>?. Il.tb ?I, Monli)-. lr*c?rnber 11. at I lo rt?r|ul?m m?>? ?' r'hurrh of ft Them?? ih? Apostle, . i atla ?t ?nd ?f I?t?rm?ni -. 8(?mfurd. Con?. Auto ?II? r ori.g? i III - I? \ ?mher lujaban I n hi? I?'? residen?"?, 6: ?>?nt<! N?p??a r*r,< Toak?rs N > . ?? d?y. Ir?remb?r 11, al 10 ? In . th?t Ajguat rr? s jVrankllri Ir K of I' , and H rir r? ?p?otfull> ; inn r?qul?m maw ? i ?l\?ry < ?rrnrl.ry Automo I %Q\ I r-sr I, l??. ' n?h T .\?g?l. I t J?ni*s J r' ?grov* ?nd d??r m oh*r r.f JUry, Jam?? Jr., Thorn??, Franc!? and Agn.a Kur.?r?l rr->iii her lat? resldene?. 4.? K?.i s?'h ?' . on ?today, at ? II . |l?m mass r'hurrlr of ???ry DA\ i ??. i rM?y, I h<m? J4 JrfT?r?on ?\ , tti I air? '"h?r!*s It Abb..' ?rid Mr?. .. 1 ,rT.r>? PI?C4 <"hap?l. ?? I/?IT?rt? . n??r r)r?nd av . llrookl>n, Sunday. I>? -r It, ?t l?M V >n IM???? ? ???. HI iillKV ;iu.-h. sudd.n'y ?t Hot?l W?1 h*ti.,n<l. M?nh?"*n Daeatate?? ? I un?r?l ?ervlc?? will b? h.ld at th* of th* Holy Trinity, nin'on ?lot Montagu? ?I?. Brooklyn. Nunday. l>?. It r.rrtisnl ?t eon \*nl*ne? of f?mlly. K.maln? lying In ?tat? at !.afay?Uo Chap?l. 49*y?:u ?v . llrooklyn. ill) . I'-ramber ". J?m?s J, tn his f Annl? Ph?w in?? Merlralhi ?nd th? lal* John I'd*? (, . . i ? at ?:*? ii.pha?!'. In'?rm*nt ? alvary PIMM ' ,?r.n I. MaUia.n l-rak* at bar ? , W.srr.l i ?v.. Klliabeth ? at* ...e.m?*r ;. - ?rds. M r II, il It t rrr I I. I t - i \ IIIJ. All'? in?? J.m'Hii. o.iov.d wl(? ..f M? ' Am?l*rd?m ?v. R??iul?m rn??s Mond?y. | .i Holy Trlr \V??t ?i?ry ?i???. .I? Hurka. wlf? of Bd?? ? ??tr M.-lr?.l llurk? . ! > ,<?? ?I I IRV/"M, ? . ? i ?nd th- ..i? Jr>m r .. Monday. I? >? a m., lh?n-:? I fhu- .rjour. Intarm^nt y?ry rKK.ll> B?4a?nly, ?a D?e?mb?? I. ??T*'1 I? y??r?. Rosa, widow of Jacob M drwit'd toother of Emll. H" *n and ?ylvta Qrotf' >?' h*r :?t* residir??. 137 W??t J44tn .i'".?y. |i?"?sib?r 19. ?I : I n??rfl?*Al?--Wllll?m. suddenly II, ill'. ' '??n* Krlet*nr?r, ?nd s ?v.. Sunday D???mb?r 1?. at 1 11 p m. Car? I -r-.bT i -h.m.? ahead of M,rr,'i'**r1 ?/u?.r?l fr..r,, h-. lal. r..l1?ne?. II Wo?l ?I . bar 11. at 1 p. rn Interrr?ent Cv?rgr.?na i-?m*t?ry ?iRBV-afary A Toung. wlfa ?I A <r?nth?r, ?a l>?e*rab*r S, tilt horn? of h?r ?l?t?r Mr? M J I>osl?wnrth. Bunwnlt. N J F"un?r?l asrv || b? h.lrl at f?lv?ry Summit. M. J . on M?nday. I)?e?ml?*r II. ? t 11 o'r-lo'k. *n arrival of Urki?inn? H. It train l??rlng l(obok?u ?t I? 41 ?. m. Ill Hnr.l I "n B?tvra?y, D*c?mb?r I. Illl. at llr'i r . ?"?? ?if? ?r lu? .i ?>? Ice? ' and Muff?:? paper? pi???? ropy Hi H-i aMPHI'I.I If, Broadway, ??th ?t . HAT/. :.<??? H? in , M Halarday. 0*c?m b#' I. 1111. ??lovad ?11? ?f M?rk? ?ad daughter of th? lal? l.oui? ?ad Kcth.r Hium, ?ttrur of A?rsMi. Betty ?n4 ??'? I' ii?'.- run*r?l a?r?lo?e ?t V?r lat?1 r??id?nca. 114 Waal tilth ?t. ?It Taaa a*/. PasMataar 11, at 1? a. raw DEATHS 'N|h rear > MtlliTN it ? M I I I I I ? II.. Ml I I I | Mu a- hat ,.?? r. . I 10 p itl ttry, J?fnn a av ??l?tate. \| i l I I n - ? an I? ?i \\ Murray. . nia fa M?i ; ? ? nur l? ui . M II ?l)N . . n M .f I 1!>I. n-i . I ? I I I M I ? ? ' ' r..r?. I'IKI 4*nce. 1(1 ? I ?h utsts of rti|ui<-in ?ill I th? r?pOM Of bar I l|l II.I F > th? * a??t u. ? '. ? VI Ml I her Hih | Itl ?l. \\ M III.till Itl I .. ?lib? fun' I ? H4 III -I ? B ' ?t , Mundv . IIXUBfl IS a .| l,?MI\ f??tui - ITA MB? Mil ?' i. rwmit a b*!l.< Wll lllllll ' bgrn ??< ? ? ? a' : p sa. ' i ii m s ri i rweaSai . l> m \ IMHIH-IK I Ml dauf hi.r ? In A' tu I iM.rit ? Pren ?i?) In \ni.l ? V, ! liM.OK I H 1 .?? U M I M I ? ' ? Jar? I it ? w?. w nsiti hi w ? i i ? I ? <>ai b ? ?All ?Ml HIilM. II hi. . intrdin?. to th? 71th Kuntral ?.Ml??? fru I 4l?oii ?v a IN MEMORIAM II IHK I' ? ??n.raMf.,,. ,. ? - rutrl ?nd ?l?vu-'..n ?.art a wa>? l.glily ?tar? rlatfl. Il? ?il a man u' ?Impurity. r??p?e*?d and b?lov??1 by ail who knew him. Bu?h ? lit? will ?lw?ya ?4 a beautiful m?m*ry ta u? ?nd la ?u frltnd? - ? ... i i a a I I MiKI'TAKER* THE HOME FUNERAL ?OsTkdawted iswaaeeisivsly Call Columba? 8100 Wlson Doarh Occuis nUNKECAMPBEa 'IhoVuneral Phurxk:~ itfm-trtt?^.! Iroaowaa at Seen B. CEMirrrwiiB -ma wooDLAWN cstBsrranT 1114 St. Jsrom? or L??l??5un ?uLwea. Been ?t Visa? as B??????a?eu?e?