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^ty" Moore ^LosesRuin |0Dry Raiders ?aa^eiT^^ ifL^T ?Sa?, Cafe Last Week, ?Tre The> Can Prove ^ChargeThia Time ^ General Uptown -|Y Matinee CrtsW* ttenvision? After'U.S. *^andP0lH?^r l^l-Watir ??k .?en dTtec ^tar?!lUerBo?.r,'. ?taff had *? ^?T?.rth ?f ii?uor ln hif r^*** frasea Brsadesy crowd M^4**- -1? ws? s?*?- K*,,!' * "** ri the thsatriea? ??triet ? ?er. t*?1* ,n S' j-M. garlaf *'*7?t .!.*>'-? l..t| ???k that ??JV? w/sre the pass- ; farseas! ***V?^mi, bet detectives | aga sf tas ^^?fj?*'? Invasion of whs t"**!?ir~?t ??8 *'??? Forty I 'tSosff t!\!j? they n?d evidence sot? ??"TtTtter believed would ai? t*^^JiTt or the soundnes? cf ????f/f?fr.ry Idea!" said Mr. Moore ' taVVaBBeat for the suspicions of [1?Ma*iTi** P?lico forc?' LNcver a T.^Tii^ who did not have my ?.?2ft*?1 support and sympathy. of ?mJbad ?o get my biff private 2LV?fli?Bors back for the holidays. }? goes v" '???'>* "?7>np" UP) C?ie on Agent?' Results -a? raid b .ran nt 1:80 o'clock, just _?? ?roadway was arsembl.n?: for Z^Lgirier- performance*. It proved ?rtiaf drawing card and furnished "JltT- for all who happened j3i patrol wagon? backed up to the ^Uitkment. Two thousand spec SiBilbowed and milled in the street "Tjil detectives executed a concerteJ jjiafT movement toward the base ?aisf ' D.tty's" dining place. They Zmb4 carrying interesting lookinK ?ans7iug> ?nd miscellaneoua con S2?; These they loaded into the StBg wagons, which clanged away rbi. tk? crowd looked on. Tn? Moore raid fcnci others on caba reu asd restaurants of lers promi ~1m wert s result, It was ??id, of ? LTies-f Yellowley, faswtaiior'r Kr.right, at which it wa? wraad'that ther? v*ss to be close co ?asfatlea and much harmony between ?Jt?o enforcement forcer. The ."??missUmcr agreed to furnish th? ?tatter and hi? men with a list of ' ?alftltlan law violation arrests made ??M,?af?rtm?nt. Jkjltly Bsid? Are Eipected tack w**k from now on. it was said, i ??atrj lilt of such arrests will be ______-_^?????????? famished. When the poli?? fail to I convict alleged offender? in the magi?- ! trates' court?, the Federal officers will proceed against the ?am? persona in ; the Fedtral court?, it was hint..I "We are going to get after th? caba r?t and the alp-pocket fia?k toter In real e?rnc?t? and with the help of the we will get results," ?aid Mr. Vellowle). "I ara not bluffing. Every we i'ipect to drop" in on mid? night gatherings where liquor is flow? ing; freely." ?er ('anfiele!, head o? the pro? hibition unit legal department, aald there were l.'-'OO injunction suit? pend? ing against restaurant? and cabarets, and that the raid? yesterday on ?mall restaurants in the Korties* ultimately would add to this number. Th? large? placis where violations ?re charged, ne said, already are being sued under the injunction, or "common nuisance," provision of the Volstead act. Kx-I'ogiliat Beaten at star While servir* summonses in ti loon of Anthony Magrino, ?H West Thirty-first Street, proh'hition agenta Peter Rrager and William McCu) assaulted and beuten, it is charged. Reagcr is a former pugilist and has taken care of himself in many a ?crlm mage since he became a prohibition agent, but yesterday, it is said, he had no chance to defend himself. Me was standing at the bar when some one struck him from behind over the head with a bottle. He fell to the floor. MrCay tried to help kin and was kicked in the stomach. Three men were arre ?ted in the place charger* with assault. The owner was charged with violating the Volstead lav*. franklin Simon a Co. Fifth Avente Tomorrow ! for ^Madame and ^ttademoiselk Sheer Ingrain Parfait First Quality Silk STOCKINGS ?Ji t4.2S ?ift for I 2.95 first Quality Wack (?ilk from Top to 'Toe Feminine Hosiery Shop ?street Floor franklin Simon & Co, Fifth Aven ve Tomorrow ??ve df?r a "Distinctive ?ift Silk Umbrellas With Imported Carved Wood Handles 7.50 ALL SILK In black and smart colors Feminine Umbrella Shop Street Floor Jtankl?n Simon & Co. <J? Store of Individual Shofs FIFTH AVENUE, 37th and 38th STS. fn The zJXCetis (?hops (Connecting I With The (?fifth ^Avenue ??hops Give Him The Gift He Would Select For Himself Since a Man Buys For Himself Only What He Can Uses it is Best to Follow His Cxample and ?ive Him a Useful ?ift <And These *Are The Things Our "Regular Jiten "Patrons Select ?for Themselves G?t?oor-London -- M AllWool Robes . 25.00 Sported Silk Quilted ? ^ Dressing Gowns . . ??.w imported Silk Quilted - M Smoking Jackets. . 15. Double Face Cloth Q ^ Smoking Jackets . . o.w C?moor?London t , cn Golf Jackets . . ? 16.50 Carmoor-London t ~ ?n Golf Jackets . . . i3.50 Carnioor-London - c-n Golf Jackets . . ? 7.50 Imponed French Scajrfs 4.00 ?niportedMogadorScarfs 3.50 Carmoor-LondonHand ^ % Loomed Repp Scarfs 2. Crocheted Carmoor- London Silk Mufflers 18.50 Carmoor-London Silk 1/ncA Mufflers.12.50 Silk Pajamas .... 12.00 Pure Thread Silk Socks l.65 Cape GlovesaWool Lined 4.50 Mocha Gloves . . . 3. Linen Handkerchiefs 6for 3.00 Velvet Bath Mules . . 2.50 Opera Slippers ... 3. Calfskin Slippers ' . . - 5. Steamer Rugs 13.50 to 25.00 IM Never a Divorce for Physical Training Alumni?, Says Rodgers r ?? MM) Savage [School Graduate* Wilne** Mock Wedding and Wooden Shower by Pair Who Kxhibit kPer feet' KugenicChild; Advi?e Health for Happine?* Eugenics came in for th? ??si marked testimonial at its career yea terriay, when 400 alumni- mostly n?ar Sf th? Ravage School for Physical ?ion, 308 West Fifty ninth " gathered to state the ease for the mak? ing of the physically fit. "Physical training for both husband and wife is the rock on which success? ful marriages ara built." said Martin Rodgers, president of th? almuni as? sociation and a supervisor in th? New York public schools. "We know of no graduate of this school vho has been divor?-. Mr and Mrs. Francis Brer.nan, of Manhattan Beach, graduates in the class of Sited In a physical culture mock wedding a? ex? amples of tr-e way in which tugenic marriages turn out. They have l.een married for five yeara, and after the oeremonv were ;-iven a wooden shower. The ceremony took p!ace in the school >??um. and th?/ w?r? ?tt? r.Jsd by . girl student?, in ?thletic cot . vrno mad? a Une overhead with i w?nd? throitii which Usa brida! party SSeee?. John Wendelkln, ?chool regi? ?rsr. s.te.j ? clergymen | Brennen is a physical ?raining teaeher i at Commercial High Sel ici in Hroo? Me i? also coach of th? baseball | and basketball teams th?r?. ftfl I of th? liege basketball - Ijiat summer he was a calisthenics in i ?tractor at Brighton Peach Two of th? younger alumni. Frank I-? -, Brook? and JosepMn? Conn?Uy. ??St? morad by th? spirit of th? ?eeaslon to malt? public ?nnonne?m*nt of th?lr engagement. A hundred f?llow grad? u?t?? formed a procession behind th? prospective cogvnlc mate? ?nd marched ? round th? gymnasium. TS? Brennens ftrought along their daughter. Barbara, three and a hall old. proclaimed by expert? a p?r hild physically, a? further SS> eraplifle?tlon of the ?lit?S o' g?nies. Krsncis jr., said als? to be par? 's?* left at home, a? h? i* only months old. At I???t a dosen oih. r children ?fr? pr- arty, eroct and rauic. 'There 1? no doubt about it.'1 Mr Brennen t?stiri>>l "When tw<- p*i.plr know hrw to keen them*e!?c? physi rail) ITS bound to have a happier :n?rH?d life They ?r. i ful ?r.H natur?'.' ate " Hr potty to s union aas ? ? <? '< ?' ? int ihr phv.iral pr. ? ?i dsnger of qusrrel?. ,-r.ts at the JUvsje School ?re ?turht ho? tS Mr?. Brepnau ?greed s??h him. I-? Wed Rival by Contract, Wife Charges; Divorced 1. Howiini Morton, Arti?t. and Mafrnatr'n Widow Had *Ai<rrr ment,' I mirt la Told ???vint Iti?pvlrl, t? The Tnssiit? CHU Ai.h. U.c. 9. Kvideice of a "contract marriage" between W. I ard Morton, New York artist, and . Kanchcn B. Cook, widow of .?. oil magnate, supported '.>y ?cores of ? arder.t letters, won a divorce for Mr? ; Mary Morton to-day. The alleged ? ontrs<-t between Howard and Fan chon reads as follows: "The party of the first part agree? that the party of the ?econd part shall do as she nJemeva. The petty of th? s?c : art agrees that the party al part snail do as he please? i pro a ?ho approves i. Dutch lunches ?nd beau? permissible: coffee esseii tlal; waffles indispensable." I'nder the name "Penelope-' Mrs. ?vho lives in New York ?nd h?s a summer home at IftOl Bolton Street. Baitimor?, r?f?r? te an apartmant In ?go, furni?h?d by Morton, in which th? coupl? bad "?ought relief from the maddening throng orer oys Urs and coffee prepared by Peneiop?." In one of her letters -P?n?lop?" re te the "goba of goo" in Morton's ?pistles to h?r. Sh? laments the odor of moth balls on the rl?th?i of all ?M people ?h? meets in Haltliaore and all th? faces "wear th? 'damn-it al! ter has come again' look" ?en th? Baltimore hsr? that '?hiver my timber?' look.'* her mi??ive closes: pe you can com? to m? her? and let me entertain you in my own home. We ran arrangs thinga aa clandestinely a? you wish. I love you 10 piece?. Ruis roan's Sanity Doubted MIS'SKAPOLI.S. Minn, 0?c. S.? Claud? Rossman, former first baseman ?f the Detroit American League, to-day is held in s hospital h?r? for nientsl observation. A policeman ?ho took him in custody early to-day reported finding him in a ?emi-dalirous (?edi? tion and acting q??rly. 1 Killed, Many Iiijurrd In Powder Mill Bin?! President'? Son Is Vktim Disaster in I'ldrp? ndi ni riant Nrar Dupont SCRANTON. Pi Tour nef. sans are known to he dead and ?avara. were injure?) to-day In an explosion which destroyed th? glaslng sail) ?f the Black Diamond Powder Company. near Dupont, P?, ?boat eight asile? south of Hcranton. The ?????oslon was felt ?t Carbon?-?!*, Pa. tw?aty-n>? miles ?way. Th? four d?ad were Raymond Staue?, of Ringland. Pa . Frank Oarren, of Wilkes Barre, Pa.; William Wrlgkt. of Suieon, Pa., and Ralph Brumm, of Pittston, Pa. Rrumm ?as a son af C. B. Brumm, ?f ?na g?r of the Black Diamond company, an | Independent concern manufacturing Maas powder chief!? used in th? an thr?eit? mining rfgfon._ H N SIMON ?X0C# A Store of Individual Shops Fifth avenue, 37th and 38th Streets? New York New Ways Of Giving The Useful Gift Only "By Using ?ood Judgment Can One Truly Express ?ood Will The Gift That Most Truly Expresses the Christmas Spirit Is the Gift That Is Carefully Selected, For While One May Select Carelessly For Oneself, One Can Do No Less Than Demand For a Friend . The Finest in QualityThatOne's Resources Will Buy. % \ Strap JVrist Gloves Mocha in all cor? rect shades. - 4.50 ? Imported Long Glace French Kidskin Gloves 16-buttonin white, black or colors. 4.9S Parfait Sil{ Stockings Silkfromtoptotoe. black and all smart shades. 1.95 Parfait Openwork Clox Stockings Silkfromtoptotoe, blackand all smart shades. 2.85 Short Fur fachet s In black, beige or coffee caracul; nutria or raccoon. 195.00 Pump Buckles Imported cut steel or bronze. 6.00 Cfor -Madame and ?Mademoiselle ?v Imported Linen Handkerchiefs White orsmart colors, also novelties .50 Paisley Chiffon Glove Kerchiefs. .75 Silk Deauville Scarf Kerchiefs Paisley and all smart colorings. 3.95 JFool Leather Boudoir Slippers Lined and topped with wool fur. 3.50 Satin Boudoir Slipper s All boudoir shades. 4.50 Crepe Satin Nightgowns Copy of Gabrielle model. 7.95 Imported Quilted Robes Hand-quilted satin robes, silk lined . . . 12.75 Cr?pe de Chine Negligees WithflowingGeorgettt* draperies, lace sleeves and top. 15.75 Cloky Changeable Satin Negligees Wool albatross lined. 19.75 Glove Silk Fests Six different models. 1.95 Glove Silk Knicket i Six models. 2.95 GlovcSilk Nightgowns Tailored or empire models. 5.95 Glove Silk Vests With two-tone Paris point edging. 2.75 Glove Silk Pant te s Two-tone Paris point model. 3.95 Cr?pe Satin Vests Copy of Gabrielle model. 3.95 Crepe Satin Step-In Drawers Copy of Gabrielle model. 3.95 i Cr?pe Satin Step-In Combinations Copy of Gabrielle model. 5.00 J f ranfelin Simon & Co. Tblsfhons 6900 Frrz Roy ?>" ,? ?0O2'FIFTH AVENUES FIRST FASHION SHOP-.921