Newspaper Page Text
^TISFACTION WITH ALL MERCHANDIS? ipVKRTISED IN THE fBlBVNE IS GUARASTEED ^Ss\*SS*^ ?*-*?_.. .?_ r _. ftritwiu THE WKATHER Rala or ?sow sad warmer te<?Sfr ta? taarra-w rain and wanner; la? rreaalag ?oath wind? Fall Report on Page Thirteen First to Last the Truth: News Editorials - Advertisements i.wmi No. ~: ?l?llt. IMS. Ne?? V..rW >1 \l>\\, DECEMBER 31, 19S3-8U PAGES-PART I (Including Sports) mee FIVE MATS In Hanhallan. Ilrewklr? nn?l ? jlum Floods iCitv as New Year Comes ?w Forets Man to Halt |re|_ a* Liquor Ships ?3p B> Y ??Mead Navy fith Holiday Cargoes fui ij?ri??.ooo Patron- of (lairs \>)ain Ooth?^ Wen Will Irrest An** Celebrant With Fls**> -* Warning i%epar?tJkw ter flooding ?ith b?-?t-t?ff l??|Uor for th? Year'? ?tk'oration an?! mly the I* ,v<>1* ?"der Mv L?.?t ni| a*Agrn] anth.1 rmino? that i A? liquor th. . h?ar?l was enter-j pt tr. v *"?'???? di?- : tritots-d ahoold not b<' ooninnd 0 leaUuiiuni- without an effort fcHarT.vrr the drinkers and th. ir i08t*t*e> of ?supply, Issued duces gfgggi >tth|i4jM)H?! for ?11 hotel and -titan-ant directing ?r?a? to turn in th? nooaoa of ail per*>n.? ?makir**: table "roaerootaaaa bar last night or to-night ?p? number of -uch re*servati<*?!). ?i said to be 100. WMsky ronnora, at taool tifteen of which have hi? i hovering outside t_a three-tnil' lirn;t for day*, found an i?* pportunity ta alip through the Narrow.*? laut light v <igh .-?orne unex gksgge? order, the prohibition cut? ter Hansen, flic only auch vessel a this port, woo laid up for re? pairs. Offli en of the fooot that even had it been in .eawor tky condition they were so short taarfed because of a raid by apata of the riistoma department, ?ha found twenty .aaes of liquor iWarJ, *'!? ?> ?.?ould have had ?colty in putting to lai|fc of the threatened deluge of a|iq**or, K. i". Yellow 1? y, pro? 's r]I*r*octor, said hin ?Rente *aa\A inspect all resort* during Ae holidays and a**n?st every otM foilt?. of violating the liquor law. ?Tat La Montagne brothers and their alleged accomplie. ?? in the dirtrl on of almost .^,00'.?,0 00 worth ong club mem? ? and elien?a of i-imilar social tending are to bo arraigned Toaaday bef< ! states Commissioner Hitchcock. dry Forces to List AU Vir Year Reservation0 >u1iiminii? Order Restaurant Matiaiiere to t?ivv li?mes of I'ntrun? m Minr in KumWar ' r?! author , ?d a ?ur aavemeat ye?t< rday In Unir cam Valpi tot i dry - Ere when i l New Yori hotel an?! leiuuraat maiiagm m fjrnish name? -?oil? making table rc-ervation? 'or lait night and to-ni|*ht. 'is ?if Bubprejio ? the day by Feder;.] Judge ?-earned Bsmi t.: I at of und th?*-, .luring the afternoon and *?1 '-' Ball*- all of the city'? ?let.;. ? r?-?iuire ?? reservation "Meral ? ??jay *?aii?rj 2. Ir. at Ira?' **ks on tho ?ubpwr.a was. I?. . B blip of the t$}ln the 1 .?ace of aa I '?a? All wore .?ut ta ?H?, iltel men were at a loa* to under M* mI"i*"I>0T* ""i? ,*v*r"* ?a'"i ?? a pravai ain onlv a ?raall of tho?e tak ??< at the ?Bfe. g., ??the ii.. lual. who maj iC.etieve? ee ?aae ??tr?? Family of Four KiBed By Gm Bc-ater Fumes "?W?r Alone Ulve an Friend ?beak?. In. hut Die? Bc?Ml Ho .?ilal Vid Arrii? Gm esc-nplne frota a kitchen heater 7* four more live* yesterday. Frank ^uia, hi? wife. Mary, and their two *Ui?b, Joseph and Muriel, war? j***?1 dead in the bedroom of their tit at 60 Milford '- New York. *?Vr?. Carras*? lying ?>,.,? ?,eP ?aa back to lilldren - on the they were overcome, one I'asquale ? tooth the hou?c ! ?t Hwepital. . ? *_? blttSASmO, ?ry League Campaign Hills Taken to Court A?LBANY, Dec. SO.?An order dire t ting ?he Anti-Saloon League of View York to appear before and show cause ? appoint a treas? urer, I flic and ?lenlgiiat.? as re by lav?, and then ? m >ney .?pent by its organ during the last primary r?it?rai elections coinpaign, wac iaau?**d to-day by Supreme I re.- Staley. The order of Justice Stale? wb?i i?n?ad uuon the petition of .sev? eral residents of Troy, headed by ?OawMl Ransom H. Gill- ' oAcLal of the AssociaUcn Opposed I 'no National Prohibition Amiil-lrr.eiit. News Summary FORKION Frei eh a??ail Hughe? plan foi ternatlutnil tonimitaion to deter what Oenaany can pay, and r??j??t ance to ?o-ca.led "'Anglo American pressure" * point of dctiance. Brrtnir. apprcv? pro posai. Germany'? r.ew r?par?t put? total aa ?iO.OOO.OOO.?dO gold mark? and a?ks ?n;en ?tional lo?r? of 30,000,000,000 fold Bi<< America i? well star' road to aiding Wash ington observer*. Majori'v of Ad mini commission plan. Benedict Crowell. Aaalstact Sec? retary ?f v *r under the Wllaon A-! ministration, and six othet? indicted on charge? of conaplracy to defraud the United .State? in war camp con? struction. . file-: brief? d? : ing it.?prohibition of carrying II by foreign and American ?hip? within the territorial water? of the United SUtes. President Harding commutes ?en ten??? of tight 1. W. \V. on condition they leave th ate?. 8en?te, ?without roll call, pasae? the appropriation bill. ?ary of War Week? approv?-? erection of 19.000.000 bridge aero*? aouth end of Newark Bay President Harding asks ? 00,000 a? beginning on battl? ahip rnodenii-aation program. oftV.ial? bubt.ona . guest record? for New Year's aa my?teriouti order puts dry ? flagship out .' commission and open? ? Narrows to waiting fleet of **l. runners. Girl in br.y'a a-1,..*),?* ?hi. TufctiU- | facturer, wounda herself < Yreo Stute forces partly vie ous in tight for po??"??ion of 'r consulate. Juliua H. Barnes rc?ign? from ? Hays'? motion picture remmittca protest at reinstatement Of "Fi Arbuckle. Tare? thousand left out in cold in nub for new auto lirer. i La Savoie skipper get? Bjifta fr>-m passenger? grateful for ?a?o passage j throupli storms. Ijiwyer charges Craig attack i* | ! aimed t? d ^Sf DOMKSTIC Char!-? f. .vlurphy take? persona! clrarge of dUtribution of Democratic ( pluma at Albany. Supreme Cour | or I ders Anti-Saloon 1-r.irue to show ' cause why it should not account for all money spent In lur-t New York primary and ?lection. miner Miller maV-?-? V" ,ial pl?n for ?t?te if ? ?r. ftTS l'ittsburi- rsHj ?larea feat? SUnford University r.t Palo Alto, Calif. Whitb.rck brother? are victor? In arifl jur-i. r indoor national ? tennis champion National Amat.-u.- Athletic Fed? eration and A. A. V. I . battle for control of an. iiCS. Inight of the wins Bog alusu Handicap, the feature ? ?ew Orleans track. ? Ouhtrtl Major Sut** Chief Of Wem Point for ?UM Follows Charges Mailr Again-l Him \Mi? n at Dix fur lii?iih<>r<liiiati?>" Malcolm Wheeler-Nich-Ma-on. ? I h? majar of c?v?lry, who.? ??tt? r t" I President Harding last February charg? ing "la-usManisrii" rule in the 1 j State? Army wr.? followed by I.' ? priaonment at Camp Dix for insu' nation. ?erred u ?ui Un? .i.-ien, super dent of th. Point, yesterday in n M-00,000 j ?uit. The ?ction w?k filed with Judge ! Learned IUi.d. in Federal District i -Court, alleging that Brigadier (.< Sladen, under whom Wnwelcr-Nicnol I aon ?erred with the American V. \ tionary Force in Germany, had nade l charge.-' reflecting on trie plaintiff'? "honor, intt-grity and efficiency" in an attempt to oust him fr?->m the service. Wire? 1er-Nicholson Involuntarily ac? cepted his honorable discharge from the army last Tuesday. ? ?Sra'H'laii?. Name? Sevrvlary TJ.? 7Yf->>a .'on Burreu WASHINGTON. Dec. M Sertator 1 opeland, of New York, I to-day announced the appointment of | C. VY. Jurney, of Texas, a? hi? private ?ccretary. Mr. Jurney ha? been for twenty year? the secretary and cloae p ???oc?ate of Senator Charle? A berton. of Ta-uu, who retir?e from th? 8?JUU Uajttk ?, Crowell and 6 Indicted in War Frauds ?Secretary?aker'*A. notant and Other- WeiiM-d of DefraudingG<*y. ruinent of Million? of Dollar*? Charge ?Some Men Profiled by Deals William A.Starrett,of New ^ ork, Among Mm Far? ing Trial for Compfcracy WAi -wedlet ? It, former Assistant Secretary of War, and six other war-time official? of the War Iiepartment were charged to-day In an Indlrtment returned by a ?pecial Federal Grand Jury here with ? . and with d?.laying find defiatir.^ law. Bavaa defendant.* -?err said by ry to ha* laJow? B the ?ward of contract? ! the government during the ?ear and after the armistice, Involving ?\? ? otalin? hundreds of in,Ilion? of dollar?, i.nd in which ?on. numb?1! '... ,1 a patBBla*"** ir.t "??.??ted a? Conspirator? Tlroi-e rani.'l h? r..n?pi: . ? .?in A. Starrett. of \ew York. ?? .. '???.*. al ?? hare the nrraa of Starrett ?"leek and the ThompKon t Companj. Inc.. general tractor?. l?e wa? chairman at War D ?rn "rnerir? Dafaaaa, | . .?aid ! to be g?ner?! manager .Mrt'ith.'.w ? on? t ruction Compai.... rer of the emrrgtncy | V, . I.indoff, of Cleveland, ?aid to i l ..liaifi-r r. If-Little Company i ?try. He also wan a ? | i I hbon?. of Baltimore icBgo, mid to hi ? nted a ulni Irunu war v Jame? A an,I BpritBI ? Y. Lay | . contractai national ? yen? Departmerii ilurir.if *.he war. The .*'!.. tenant wa? the kind to bo returned a? ? re , -tioii? of war fraud? ea?es | ini*iat?"l by A" ; ?ugh-1 erty. d to foil?.-?-. Plan to (.el Control defeniT?i,i . indicime'rt a*-i-rted, "cor - (onir??l, for tneir own gar. . fit and for the gain, profit and benefit O? th'-ir paat mid futnrr- c employers :?rd their f; :nen?e ', of, he war. ?n ??luding the determination of the ->o|. . I??- fallowed, 'he f ?i ?raudulently ft?. ? I to til? , Stn'e? * * *." i de? : ?aeh knowing well all thai .?d, did unlawful' con , rl agree together and with ? unknown, to defraud the I State? by unlawfully and corrap' ? ?.?ontravening und de .tion of it? law? and lotions." ition of. Federal aUtnU? r? ?a' eaa of . ?ment . ..?v-d all eoi ? ?.tine away with In with the admini-tratii.n ..f anbata boildlOf ?unstruction, which in ire? o? hundred? of - of dollars and Included, ainong othor th pit?U, ? - plants and fotti?ea I over ROO ?eparate The emergency construction* ilatmanta chan- ?-d a? the vehicle for carrying out The government charged that the alleged co* '.?ed their (CaallievMl M ???? Ire?) Literary 'Lifer' Freed If Hell Go to Work PH?NIX, Ariz.. Dec Louis Victor Eytinge, who haa gained promi/ience through his literary accomplishment? while rm for murder in the Arizonn State Penitentiary, was piante?! a parole to-day by nor Thomat K. Campbell. ? ri?r,n wrote ?rai ?t.?rie? and article? which were published under hi? name. 1'uiinR th- war he contributed to the advertiaing campaign for the ' ' eat dries*. Accordirjr to V.r ?"hinphell, Byttaf*.Itty received an offer of a position with a New York publishing firm at a salary of $d,000 a he pot?la waa made OOBtlligaul upon acceptance of this nffer. The parole will heeomt effecti\? | immediately. Girl Clad as Bov Shoots Man and Self in Street O?*. Fallo Off ami Bobbed H'iir b Heredad .1?? Shr Drop? With a I.uliVt Woum?! N?*ar Her Hrart No itlrmpt to Km-h-m? Tin Sort**.. Max." W?ilniit i v laiiii-: Minhunl I)?? - h ir- Hud llr bowi Her ' ?:?!? i navy hlue a gray cap. | * last ' i i? in the h. s ft at ? ? As i. p rapid wer?* ..... volver grar.ed the . left am? ?!>? Tarn? Ke.ulier aO Sell .id make a n.o atrasad and ?he left il Then the 'Vie sidewalk at gray ?.np i 8 head ait'i a ' ., black hair was ipraad aa th ?Idewalk. Patrotoua Frank Gertnar. of thai itatlen, wh aiag up ai Kurx shouted tor help. Hr found i- ligure huddled on tl.? w?lk. H? wa? mult-ring, "V .leered a taxi _nd the woman were taka The r nelrl ll?.l le red tat ju?t bI"? and ha.l pa??ed almost throu?*h ? was under th.. i- I th- anaathetic ?? the ?tiri tri.rt^rl th? bullet ?he cried again and again for "Mav" "I'm Miry. Ma*," ?h? ?aid. 'M??. . and let n? tell you ''>'?" . L I Xatz au? iiuestionen -pitai by I?< glnu ar ?1 Doy!??. H? ? and ally that he had .noun her or held any communi e-uh her. I nahle t.. Und V\ . ?pan The h?llet.-, vlieh uretra takai indicate that weapon used tras a M ea matic pi?tol. This th.- police have .1,1. h met men'- ' **'" "/'/' ki-eh of the ,nd th?. ?pot whu. | ?>.-.?. fall??! ' rl'a identity i? ?o far unknown. She is dark. *" I wutacla, and i? Sea feet four U ?-?I-* , , ? e, The girl -vas que?tloned briefly af er place?! under arreet charged with ?"rloniou. -??ault. The doctor? attending her refused to per? mit n 1-nrtl.v examination beeau?? of hr-, . be refu??.! t<> trive her ? I * ?he ?aid only that ?he had a ?Tatar Ihring ?t CllfUp, N. J. - fl? the? with a .liar and four-in-hand .. e-irl wore a? a dis aa well aa her overcoat and cap, aotra oil The palies ara inveitigatmr th? po? ?Ibllity 'ha* Katr may have heer taken f.?r sonie oth??r '?nant of the loft building. Th? Tribune To-day The tribune's annual financial and business rerietc fur the year 1922a together trilh a forecast for ?923t trill be found in Part f//, pages 4 to 12. fart V?Reeiew of the arts. The week in the theater. Part I?The mews ?/ thet day. Four page? of tptrrti. Part ll?Ediinrial?. I Ate newt features, ftewt of automobiles?p The Travel Cuide?p. 7. The Radio page?p. It. Part III?Real r?late news. Home builder?' peg*-?p. 2. Financial and buiineit?pp. 4 to 12. Part IV?The new* of society. The Fashion page?p. 5. The Instituto?pp. 6-7. Mmtie newt. Art Part VI?Magasine mud Bank*. William Allen Whlte~p. 9. Doctor Irollttlr?p. 15. F. F. V. am hooks?p. 19. Part VII?The graphie section. Part VIII?The comic section. Mr. and Mr t.?by Brigg?. Betty?by Voighi. Boss Murphy Passing Out Smith Plums j TumniRnyi iliicf in Thron? Room il Ml? ;in> I )r??i|?ng Patronage for till Tim?-. Watt Ms Full < ions-rut Hipll (.Olirt YiM'.Hirv Not Yrt DvvUlvd Gilchrint Will Head Tax Board, (?nriip Highway and Walsh Public Work? r*?esi e SraiT Cormaaneaat AI.PAN'V. Dee. 30. Ch?rl?? F. Mur? phy, bo?? of Tammany Hall, arrived here to-nlglit and. on behalf of the In roml-., .? administration. <li?. I the p.itrot,??/? at th? d'.?po?al of -faith and other ?t?te officiu am Novemba Murphy'? coming bare was attempted. Friend? of r-.-li I h? 1l?d .pon the Tammany chief to rolre numerous patronage problema with which he 1? confronted and to ?l.-ctde which of the rival candidate? for the various Blaosfl at his dispoul should get the pltin?. The Tammany chief ar? rived a little ?fter h o'clock ?hi? after ?IV hi! ?V? . suite which had been reserved for him at th? Ter: Fyek. which Mr. Murphy ?d in 15*10 on the era of '-it's in.'.DKurutinn. again In riveil her?-, and the tbli when ? ?-as about Dine? ah ..pnicant? | ? Wh.- arrived ear!** had to wait j ? room whila- ?I.?. Tan intervlew ha-1 ? i at, and a I ? w??, aii?eil i ? re-ir-nat.-- -muel I ? ?rat! end .1 ..? the r.Ti?m?r.v int.- li ?? pla? in ?!' and G - a? the Democrat ? i ?muianv leader'i add t.> Mr. Smith's prestige a | ucn that a fran. ? ? ? pur-iy -.M only add to hi? popularity. ?penrer -if patronaic* wa? j irlanda of I r z ?ilmwiistration a? r, r. ?? job fr?im ?-nrr 1 leaders. In practical! Watt I to Mr. Smith ?r.d hi? * on th.- Dcneerati? u have tl arer, hat III h.!? a,' Murphy, ircumstanc- '? M?ra i of Murphy's po?iti->n a? uatronrige dis 1 po??r . : be .-?lle?l the claim? j ? v?rious candidat?,?, an?l that ml deciding on ?aim th.. incoming Dem.) [ cratic administration acted l Smaller Light? Arrive Other party leader ?? ?.f arrived about the ?am? tim<? a? the j I ?after. Amon? ?ere John H. M ' . ; ? nn.dly, th. ? .ti-.a- It. M ; I ? nil lead. H. K inaadaga; williai HufTa'o, and ?' ' Murph i ointment? whir , but which wa? a personal ?election on the part < ? (U?n?.?? ?? MC Urn) Miinmotor. in Di-alr? --. Aided hy < oa>t Guard - (liitU'r kit-kaput? Huil?o* Hint Freighter la Safe After Flout ? ?<??-. *??* Fail? A r?vdio received at th- Naval Com? munication? Office her? laat nigiit from I a*t guard the Mun?on Lip?* freigther 1 rldsy sixty n.ile? off lh? 1* iv? Fathom Bank Light on the Delaware coast, wa? on an eren . nd proceeding slowly against heavy aam* in a northwesterly 1 ? ?tination was v Earlier report? received yesterday afternoon were that the Kickapoo had feil.-d to fc-et a line aboard the I anal attempts to board th? ter In amall boat? were equally rc?u?? of th? rale and high ?cat. *-?all boats launched from tie Kickapoo capaired before th?. men could get into ti? lt wa? a??uraed hy the naval authori ??t night that the gickapn? wa* -Undine* by. When th? motor wa? first reported in d; ornmander. Captain I 'an.ond, ?Uted that ?h? wa? lilting sharply and was ?hlppirg water A later radio ..Im fie? l?red that the men wer? i of the pumps and that In th* of a few hours he expected to hare h?r righted ?>. that ?he could proatt-cd to Bo*ton with her cargo of She ha? twenty-one men in th? crew. efit-tlcr. TTM?? halaUar Ortrlama, ?h AtUgbcalee tOeaoir ?f aalara. .. "?nal?. (??arntaMa. ?Wakaaa H??*, ?v. T-A?r*. French Assail Hughes Plan as British Approve; Senate Leaders Are For It Borah Swiafp Furm Blor Behind Harding to Aid Europe as Bot Way of Open in?/ Up Market* Congre?. May Lift Dritt Ponding Bars Idaho Senator'*? Manimrr Dra w ?? In Democrat! to Hi'lp Administration By Carter Field WASHINGTON, I)?-?-. 3" i on the ro... ;ie to work out at ! me?g this country abandoned ?h?. Versailles treaty was rej1 The w?y ha? heen smoothed to an ai? rar ?t url.eli.vablr extent, observe*? her? declare, by Senator William K. . who praaaMy more than any other ??ne, bbvb Woodrow Wil -rrii himself, hel< _te America iir-patrhe? to-night reveal that France doer? not approve the proposal of th.- Hai nlatration. Th?. !.U be delay, it I? r ?. but no reaction in :ust made I. ?'ration will obscure or d ?r'.ance of the fact that the nata ha? march. ? that ? . \ tl.e in?d.' plain to-day by Informal state? ment? ei?. Horah'? \ld Amaitn?; l?-t arrKirlng ft. hole situa ' m tin.1 .table, h at lift ? Ailmr af thi? goi of It? domtitic Mi. Rorah when Washington I , graal f \ee nward th?- ri.llroad tariff !y nt the A tiou. farm pnnlu. t , u .-? ??igrii or don.egti se. ?ned I arn. ? ?he Hnr?h reso; swung the farm bloc, almo?t en Biaaaa. to a realisation that after all It was ?tuffs in thi? country, ting frr.m Inability of r'j, which wa? saaaiag .. m in tha ? * North**.-?i. They have not adi any in'.? ntion to ?Land,m thalf attack*: .? railroads nor their de?i fr? ight rates, but they know imeat i ta'rii- par! ?.'.inch Would per m i t Qcrniaay i of ai Keep her citiz. n? team itairlag thi-, iprtaa it would ba of more henetit to the f?rn*t r? than ?ny poaalblo slash in the railroad : - explain? the rush of is Tapper, of Kansas, an.! H hart, ?>f tara, for tha Horah hand aMfOa. It explains why thru ?enouj. .??.?? pasted th?* H.?rnh am?ndnient if the Administration had not forestalled tina! action by r part of its plan and stating that :>Ction proposed would embar? ras? it. Just a few weeks ?go virtually i f.-iari in the country wa? sp?cul?t i th?* effect of thi? radical-farm mihination on fi in. Bringing honu* to the ho nccessr 1 on if thi ;r 'heir grain ha? i the whole di?cus?ion into a dif? ferent rhan: ?1. The question of "???tiling th.1 Allied similar lm| b.-auie of the sham battle brought about try th?* Horah ai. n right niter the ? .1 im dent a woi i a?k .to remove the crippling r it -?d by one in the Administration, from ICesOaee? ea acal ?a??) Pari? Insists Treaty Right? Are Paramount | Sp?cial filt* i? T?e Ttikaia? ? .. r?ai?.t, in?, N?w Ter* Trl*mn<? ? PARIS. . tile Ifnt French reaction to the Hughes N?.\v IIav . on? of ) Unent and the Cabi? net minht'T? cfBcially withhold ? P?,'* generally regard?*-/! as t. ment's spokesman, tonight i; j... t..|g , r.-ury Hughe?'? ?tig i gestion for ao .iternational p? rt commis?ion of investigation, a-MJI : lc|iAiBtiori ?iebt- ?r :lt of treaties and accords signt-il lietween government*. It i.? i.ot customary for a nation ta abandon rights bo acquired and I submit them to arbitration r?<n resenting private interests. Th? Tu !y would not consent to any ?thdiiatinn of mis kind if called ? guard the rights of her ?'"ititry." 0 sharply resents ? remark that reparations prob!?-,!, is not , properly a political I- a ? -, ? , ,1 Rei<'.. Plan Sets Reparations at tOBillionMarks _ <.< miuii?. Will \??l? IVrmicr-? I ?if Inti-riialioiml I oan of .'?0 Million*. IVomi-ing \n> \?lc<|iiHlf 4 ?mirant i?*? l\ti\o\ on Way to Pari?. Pro pi'?.i IV? ill I rgv H(-ino\ul of Kliin?? Troop-: ^Lefl* KiK'lioil iloiD* lli-a-ailll-. By J?>seph Shaplen l'y ? BU M*'a new ' repi ' ?nls to th?- Alii? on to to-night by Carl rWgms* j llnar-.i , ?vho will act ?? ?leoial i ?r. These nr? the propo?. ..I of rep? m-nt oo gold ? niarkf-, ti.i?* .?ui.i to include payment? ? already mude. j Urnational loan of -.'O.ntXi.uilO.OOO gold Itaa) :?ddr- ...? ?if ible in a 1927 ?king a total desired ' loan ' gold mark?, to th?. payment of i'ion?. many to give the international : consortium flonting thi? io:?n any guar? anties dein As .-resliadowed in dis : patches to The Tribune, (, will ? also ask for gradual removal of the army of occupation and clearin? g BuhxvjDrt, Duiahurg and Duoaseldorf. Sl?f 'ble now to float ? ntire International loan which any asks, the ?.'urjo goveri ' aBKge'ts that a portion of '?? ?an Im nr?. It is reconnu. , that the loan carry 6 per e?-nt interest, 1 with amortization at l > undertakes to taise part of ' this loan in' rnally. r iated, woul. stabil? ization of the mark. Dr. Melchior, he?d of th? barg banking Interest? here, ia rstood to be the chief author of rilan. Whetln-i- tafl proposal? will b? pies ?entcd by Bergman at Pari? in the foim of a diplomatic note or orally i? not known to-night. The plan hat? the support of G ?ry. Th? fJoclalisti. however, bit . criticize tl.ti ('hancullor'? failure < ?nit them in the formation of it. a, that the ; ?weeping gviarantie? offered may entail moi-, railway?, mifie? and | other national proper the proponed foreign consortium. ? o the granting <?< ?uch guar . ? must b? approved bf the K.-icha 1 tag, a union of the ?Socialist? ai onalists there may I even If ?i prove? acceptabl? to the AI Barnes Quits Hays Film Board?, Protesting Action on Arbuekle Will H. Hay?, head of the Motion Picture Producer? and Di?tributor?, Inc., admitted yesterday on hi? return from 1>? Angle?, that hi? decision to " Arhurkle had cost of Julius H. Barnes, her uf Conn of the In. a? a men.i the txecir Ittea of advisory bodie? recently recruited fot tha im? provement of moving picture?. Mr. Barnes said in his letter of ?tion that he thought the ques of reinstatement of Arbuekle in . rning which the itttaa should have been Ited, but the only question? which had been out up to the member? of that '..?alt with the expression of ? a? to certain Aim?. 1!. -????, gned, he wrote, "to and th? in .malou? position my name on that advisory' committee create? walla I -m pretid. I ''amber of Com? mer?a of the United States." Hi* let? ter, in part, follow?: *tofto Ihaoa MOJao aojo. Ja m-pa?? r personal urging, I BCOBI ?*o?ition on your newly ,r _.y aervicc aa head of tbe motion picture try.Will you recall thai a -. certain largar aspects of advlee I th!? Industry and Its relation with ths i pUiillc on .?nica you ?interrly de?ired ' consultation? "Your action in regard to the rein? statement of Hoscoc Arburkl? involves ous aspee1.? In which such a committee might be expo ? ha consulted, yet the matter was not presented to the ad iiittee -ton You?- action in rein? stating, willch ha? offended the ? ?en?m of a large section of ? lean people, must, in ?or... 00(1*00-, sf ihij comn. pu?licly wa? an. .g tha highest poia.Lla mora' ?rds la motion ?ictuia pradac lW 4. Pari*? Ri'-i'iit- American I'ro|io~al m Kffort l<? Prrwnt Her S-i/in-: <?iiaraittif> in thr Ituhi To Enter Prwpicr?1 Clonferenee l) HoldH U. S. Ha? Willi in d BreachW ith London and Bron<?ht C?MaWl Griet? - , By Wilbur ForreaH? ?covr? <?cii'. kii 'ht Trimmme p u ras?- a h ich oxijraaM?i the foaling with which olid to-day re? tary of Sute Hughea'a New Hav.r. Conn., s|H*?ch. declaring again cupat im?iii UritlOIJ indicating that th* UnUod 8i wan wilting to join in an expert - ? ion. authot s from ai ? th? H ni. Tli' Olid up. rovos it in ??*. alai Thi? vi.w, ho? ? night, and < ? 1 .irawini/ furtln-r an?! ther upar? N., ??Mi. ...I I ?rn,ment Officially there ?;. forth.. ment ?>n tba American pnn. but throui."'1 is taken as a full Indorsement ol n position that no I In ? noun? ? "Anglo-American prescure," still : defiance. A i s many, without gi? i.-rurn B4 Oil Whir included capacity to pay, v. h ? ? granted i of Versa., i into pi the H.puration . holding Germany in default qn pay nu nt.-. Determinad en Sciiurea That 'he .re and > w,hit?- Intimai polit,cal ?.on?id?ration ? take the 'irmest stand uny I liar has taken since r.?U ai reak of war. Por at the January'* meeting rn??' . power. Then? can be If I. ira. n Premier Poineare ?I? ' wich tr II m Hriti?r? Arnbaa r and xehanged ?i - lach at - Allies for Mees Aaghi.Ameri. - iiicuaiing the Hughe? aught. Jacqaei Bain i it b powerful Anglo A plot to overthrow the avowwa policy on th? e?re of the ? . that the <ary, aa "b > ?he?'? speech ?? 'absurdity, hyjrocrlay and i> ? ?ny than t * both Hughe? ?n. : ?w may be good, he declare? Krane? it i* result? that count ? want? to up in th? reparation? : sffair? of Europe at the precise ment wh? a we ?ay there I? bo i poiley than that of ?elzar? antlve, it I difficult not to fn-i ?tUtaaa saata Inrntaala to G*xsianSj