Newspaper Page Text
I31HEfe SUN. Kiiniboil O.GT0. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, ISflG. ' Tlurfcy-TMrd Yoar- 8 The Latest News 1 W 33" 'I'clournpli lo the V. Sun. . I , CONGREsTYKSTliRDAYj , ?ho Constitutional Amendment! Paasod by the Honso, SENATE AMENDMENTS AGREED TO. Vote 12Q to 32. More Aboui t!it Fenians. , Movements at "Buffalo and Malone. I THE BOYS GRADUALLY GETTING HOME i A Spesch from General Meade. ; City and Misesllsneom fairs ' Another Reported Case of Cholera. YJM OF JWUrUN ' 7fT 35TH ST. i 4 QUESl rABiw COURT. 7 Can a lady Wear Pants? & ., V:r. tc. M WAitllVOlill, Judc 13. r. r Prudent tartar noli I it'rd lo the Hene'e, i.ll. 111 l'a, rli-u, I-., t. r lutti liter at 1'iltrtoj, .11 iei. 11 1 .lh t l)i ui w.iu, tt-raoveii and i nCI-.i lunltb, a iti'mbcr of lb. Iloui- ef ft- 1 ..'. u irom Krmucki.te be Ootcrnor of . I. el - o' 'Ionian. ! 1 'l u'ni liu Ufa itttftli 1 It the Pret. lint at Cn.iil of I'c-u s.ti Pta-rlro. and 1- -d (.'-..iii.- n lo Coniul of France at -1." "0. 1 ii,.. '"n-'-v.,nIC!illa ir hire enfeiv- I ill u o'.uii. n.iuo.nititectt lor loldltri who ware it- m:e1'u t elite wtr I . j- t'.c ircon.inini'.-'i n rf 'en Tor Pcuierov. nude mal iinl'i-iw ioit.c I'rcldent for r :tr'nn wi if. i H f ,,rt f . ,,, c,rc. ifi an i, iter u. in cu'ltm tl t r, war. lit letter Iff ifuvti wc,ei red txecu Ive ilernancv. Thli S I'm tl it ncl ,,.1 rl.j.liur t.f;, , f lbtl ronj. ler biv.iir l-fu par boon by the p client. 'Hi I'm 11. M.c.iir dlr-cied a warrant of Jai 1 0 I if . irj to l.trfrnicr ''.nut-eli-, of New Ollaiua.1.1 l.i. t'ep.rt leVrn by him In tht lata 1. . M . Council )irr "nujlei the poil S n of ' 1 oriino oie 111 (ho I lilted htitie Sivy. li tr.ea li'l'onnoi, 'to lor rotiniel fur iilfiraon Ssili u-r .erwtth ct.ll'iei uor Pttt, at tic While llo,. tint .-: nooti red hid a protract ed Inlerv ew .i;b P cil'en Jolmion, tbf etj ct of lUlrrUU U.n- nU ro.t.euic to rileailni DatU n. Itla parole. II lie i-iiiile riniriff Coiumltte hat flnlaheJ the Sr.e Ha". Ainone olhtr ciinriei conlafo baa beao ad Jed. ami Iron b Unei rtrlclen on. A Nvlonul O neien- I. n be ei'.tbiiihe at FuJ rUlur h 10- tlo I'lleniioat of l'.MWO Liiluuaol 3i:t '!. Ire - tl c- e and at Cluncellorat ille. All 111.' Itei'ubikaaiof tie IIcum cooiolldite4 aai otid lor bo p o neJ cnna'ituiioual amendment, to ftlho. nt'li U'. f.m.tb. Tbe iffMi rotai were vait b liei n. it. In coniP im lire of the p-e valence to t treat client It tbe txp 1 fi-var at ll.e lall of tbll Dlcttk t. tbe lecreia'T of th Interior baa placo . at IbeiSap.itl t .ta atit'U'llui pbralrlan, rue of tbe wooden l.ullJ Vo, tonai-i I- u.fil tor lirip.tal pupofi'i on Jud.cla n iu-r, lor iba rauiotal to tbe Jail ard, wbare eiatlemi II. beireitei. IUKen intlnj been made In recent ilebitea In C"ii.iii 10 ibe.iain n oui, wbom It la pnowJ to Jjn-ote 10 ancitfcr localltr, ai murdefara. etc, on laf rounii ibat II wouM be (Jancrou u place tbem UiroilmltT to tbe wb'te ae.tloiuiinia, 11 najr be ro;r o ttte that tbe Ktr. II. W HeeJ. one of the Cou'inlmi nsra 'u ireit .,b th Indian' on tbe t'p l ll.lTOH nr.. hi letter ilatej May tiSlh, from be Acrnc of -ha ioni. in Dicotab 'Tbe uolnr Mlfat iuon i. n.a- tu 10 In elllntnce. reinllllir, Mlifcnce .u;. no alit,, tbe.e are .mom the otbar liidl 111 nt'e nutiti . like a lulu In a dark place Tie (citinoui-. 1 ail to bennt ai tbe rll,on her win lu.kei ibtm oociiledle b.ner. rouaoftheiu itieioualii.kie.cuxl wou.ou aud clukran Ironi ibe'ru'. faieoiprioni-'. nj rct It li poauiel Ibaf ilnb ll lb., con iton c.uio of Die win. i"l' si' u liu ian." Ibe loTerrnl ifulleuan aouclu 'ci oa 'oiig it . "i dtei noi .ac m to ui that II fo tna v I h'. t.un rtbeL and Cu.i.iiin Indian ftUli ate to .it pardoned, aud tbe rlfbti to land ail p.ppfrii rioifd to llieni. there oujbt to be joruc litile Tf'aiatlon of the tltor of p'luljbtbenu aud aoue lntlt how of u.eic nd kln lueai t iheu tui' aa 'be . cm tobaiu i.o bripi r 01 1 1 ip-xc pi iu U clnterlu h, p. lit.ent. it mi. be li ; 1 tba ibo tin MTuuncKl with iht.x at llaienoou mil la-con iui.ed. 111 a I wboaie pioerl di'poiad abUI t aiaod ana bnoe. " ' aThr I riTilmm'a llurrxu In ontli frirollnn I nod 1 lorliia Ilepnrt al .eueraU nletiil. i , man ami nllcrtoa f " " (leneialafteedmin and Tullerton have forwaiiel B.etr lecobd rtpjit to Ibi Sicielarr of Wat, reiane j k Ibf orr.iou. ol ibo 1'iecdiceu'. llareiu In tbe anllltarr Uenaituifn'.ot liontli Carolina and I londa. Tbauiuitli dated "Aununa, i,a June 4 h." Tba ieilowiiif aie ibe principal polutaot tbu ropotti lb pre aie allacbel to tbe H, ('. Iluirau the follow, taif clvlllrn rlLpore. Muo a an ave'atrr .1 aar earb l 1 111 mlh ot i 1 4 SS : one trntij anout at H atuintli.i 11 o T& i one pleik at a inonihtr pir of tin; one iloiikiCr at a uoatblr toy of ifSS . one I tunic lor 11 a luontblrpK 01 ilri. ; one Huperlu- f lenueut 01 lucit'tu at a montblf pay ot ni1(Vji odm rimer ata 111.11 ilur pay 01 wlno: 011a .ouliict nr evn at a luntttn r pay 0 l.ii. '' latioieni at an aveiaae pu !ivr lu'ititii nl 111 o. Tne nnuiLer of I ftfui.iiiei . .ii ..1 n! cblld en, in tbo ILpirtioent aCh (. . t ulii-ui m.loiu bav Uon lianoa lioin tbe j 111 JitielhUn o l u iu ul Apll, 10'. la 0SCw; I aiiii'.ie. oi le.ifce. fuiuubei latioua c;uriui tbe i..ii t iJ . I.-. ?n.t.e li tv waiir M.I t, tbu tn... 'i ( .u.'iiutiMei: 01 be lljie&n, I it euir i ii- u I. dmlt.. I.n Ut cm eown ' tli.. ratio. 1 . l!e-'n:i.n very materia!!)', and lb'e ill ' t . '' Lca.lty tor lb., i.c 01 i.iloui I Iu l 1 1 i u it i t.icir l be. tot Jlt.tiio. "lelujtu." r u' ' .ii iiiieaiorj. if tin' poi cy of itcue'at , J.vll i.r-iiu oj In 1 oluiiibu, i.. llilf. .en. ktr. ant vi.ii'atj. CVtu., li .alerted il bo.UL ex.ia ' H ro r..i IJ be ult-i 1 1011 01 plantation., 10 , nxiicli 1 t" 1 im'ci 'l.a uuttca 01 hu tillce. 'lien. ' . u 1 . 1 ' t 11 l.e ... .ul 1 atltiu two plan a i wiu 1 ' tit. inn cmtmt. loued br buuiell u lii.u.u hi a ticii n imr ot Ml a yen. On 1 tbica oi'io. ; . .n'n bo ata'ci tbat be bai put . rtll.L.c. . 4.. lUillubo.1 tbetn uith l.i.ow I wb cu w f 1 ' c p 1 . 1 1 1 u ill I) ell ciopa On of I lLaic p.imti .01. . l.t- afte.waidi aald, nave tie'u leuiidi'i iu .1. ; i.ip ) . ot ibe 3&tU Obio Infin 1 tt. wbo Ua leciiacii'ik iu liu A deleca Uu of lunJiui'U aule.o.ueiiuy ca Ux on 11a aad itat W tint lu aidil.ou to Ibe lo plautatioa. wnkii bin. C1 1 wiuiui.iiatlua ou Lioieruiuout al.'coall be LM U11 p.anitui on nU ovu acuouai lb aa4 tl UalVi iitMtl 114. ai, M. UBftb," The Bcarofi In Ibla reparttnamt are reported, to 1 a tarr much m ilei-tad aad II. u-atel, throuth lha B'l'e ct 01 Oent ral Kly. I be (.enarali '.In We a.-nin.t a contract Utwtea a plinier and fried min, wbith ii on rllf in (Iraenl Elfi fKfe, aud be.erltb foreirl acepr, marked "A." If tbla con. lint la to I lejercel a. evidence of tbe aondllion oribelrec'r en nn ler tbe ebaria of ileaeial Kly. tbeyaij certainly very little letter cfj tban tbey Tbe iiilfm eitabllihad br Ibnc nttactliat bin but a lyaiain ef peonna." Several eibir offlclala ait ibaried wltli wetkinc plantatloni. and aeclfctlne their dullei. Tbe nam berol fieedmen en tba South Carolina laiandi la about Sivmi, ininy of tham ta very deailiata clr cuutitancfi. ' Laat aeaaun ratl.niand ciotblmt wait furnlibad to moat ol tbe ho wara wotklnt lanJi 00 tbelr acconnt. lib tin nadcritandlrur taai they ihoald iflarward par for tbe luppiiea I out ot tbe c rope, llain'joc of the out ay tbna InlurteJ baa bun lerald. i lound on Inquiry Ibat aotne lev ot the freedmen ril.eJ rood cjtpa, aud could aully bate ralm.aried tbe bovernnieut for tbe luppllei pioviaod for tbem, but tuoat 01 tbem wcie iwludled ou' of all tbat Ibev had made by a c an of while abirpera, who prattLdel It be tbilr frunda,ielup Ililli itorei provided with eelnirala.cb.ip 'ewaliy, and woithl.M artlclea of drill, whh which tbey p.undeiel tbtia poor eraatuiei ot Ibalrbanleain infa. 1 ba aame claa. of pllaoni wba tbua defrauded tbe Ireidratn laat year, bava tnade tiiamlve prtpar. alioui to iciuie ibla aeajou'a crap by tbe tame icaua. U e lound a number ol tLen lute on Lou to and a4rre a lilandi " bei I c iei aie tela ted in Ibe rapjit, ot Ittcdraeu ,1 1 iwladled In tbe tuaniier rdatej atm, and It la tnouikt tbe tieeil. niau wbo a.e cultivating tbelr own laud would de vt:y welt aud would make money. If thy weie pro. rceil lioiu tbe bad utluvuce of the white abarpara tbat tuiiouud tbetn. Aiauti are irported at bavlnj uiula ariauialuauta wlin tba livvoum lorbuyLne lhair cr tt.n ii lie. per pjaua In tba i.eJ. la be pail lu wblaaty, co.UKnioNA, rKonRXBUaOm. Tli lrty-i lath IVealoa. BEMATK. aaniMiro.i, Jnn Uklr. Ujrrlll, from the Outtnl'teo on the Datrtctef Colambla, repo'lad a bill lo Incori'oiato tbe SoUltra' and iallori' Cnlou of Waihlcrlon, II. C, Mr. DoolU'le called sp the raaolntloa cfTeied by blm yri'erday. le'tacitlnc tbe l'reildaut to rona muulcate to tbe tianete any lnfortuatloo la nil poe aeu'on relailve to Ibe departure of Auiirten troepa lor kir. tiooilttie ailJ be had laiaou to t. Ilee tbal tbe above would biluf infoiniailon ef a very aatlitactory cbarae'er. lie lalt confident tbat Mel c vii abcut to le evacuated by tbe breach tlo pi. 'Ibe rceolallou waa adwoiad, Tbe benate, on motlou of Mr. Wllion, conenmd lo tbe llouae amendment to the bill lu relation te bountlai and colored aoldlera. 'Ibe Leflilallf a appropriation bill, which waa pend Int yeitaniav, waa tnumid, Several amendmenu 01 tbe finance Comiuliiae waie eree4 to, and tba bill wlipinaod, iir c'bciman moved that the Beaite take up the five re cent pendlnc b H lor thr puipne. of allowlnc Mr in Wtuale to .ubmlt tome rtuiaiki upon It. Ibe bill wte takeu u. and llr. Van Winkle ad drial tbe Benaw lu favor of It, nrf inc 'he noctiit ly lor mine ajcb inoiaure aa a necanary fluauclal re bat for Ibo ciuutry. TurtUer cou.lderattoa of tbe bill i-x'i'iricl at tbe coudunon ot Ui Van Winklc'a ipercli. Wr Oiliiieiotferel an amaninient provldlnr tbat no Mb c. aball be appointed and no money iba'l be pa.d under tba prcvialoci ul Ibla reio.utlou anill Die liupiiU. tloieiuuient ot Kriace hu a veu tollable a.auiaLce to th.a Oovaiument that tbe Kiencb tioopi iball li witbdraa u iioiu the IlirllolUl Julia dkt.ouol a4ialco, Jr'unbe rcouildaratloa of tbo above waa poitpoaed until lo.tuonuw. air, Trumbul., fiom tbe Comulttaa oa tbe Jadl clary leiilo'i, wlib aniencuicnu. ibe bill tout tba number ol Ju'lei of tba bupieiue Ocutt ef tba Cnlt elrtaai, aud to chaniti critalu Jud'clal dlatrlcia. 1 bt. k'lut fjectlou, wb.cb makai tbe Jua tlcj and elilil anocia aa. la lalt Intact. Tbo geceud Hectb n, w blch tiiei tbe clrcuita, u airlckea out and ijLai.iu.ed. IU tfenata tbeu weal Into Kifcullv KeHlon, aad abattiy allur adjourned. UOtnE OF HEI,U,ESF..STAT1VF.J, Mr !levni Intivdacad a lubililate for the hill lu roiucod by hua ou tbe Va.hof ktay, to enable the tjia'e. In rebellion to retain tbelr prlvllecaa in tbe Inlon, wblih waa ordered to be printed. Tba lob a'ltuteotl red by Mr stevena for bla Keconatraitloa LUlcontalni tbo foUovtnx nv taction la reference toTeuneiacu SiCTin.i V. -Whtreae, Ibt State of Ttnncaaet hu rttuiiird to bar allaflance lo tit United stalea, aud by a .erular convention of her cltlieua bia framed a rotii tnui'ou, wbiab. oa being lubuiltud to tbe poo. tit.liii le. a duly ratified, and wa'cu. tbeurh not fuil republican, nor lulled to the aiuied condition ot tier iniiltut oui , yet ai it eonialna many tlaiutuui ot Jul fuverutuent, tbtrilore He It tnacted. that tbt Blata of Ttontaiet maybe adruttt'd to leptaiantatioa la Ooufreia, and bar pient benatora ml Kipreaeuiall ei. If found to be uuiy ippointcd, elected an iiua Iflad, may be ad tulltC'1 10 their itiia ou uoa tbt raiiuired ittu t piuvied. that unleei tbe .eld ntate of Teaneiiet ba.l, te.'oie tbe In day ot January naiu either by lea. a-a. Ion or cooailluitouat pioviiion. tntrauchia aiiciaiivaol bee clllzaua aba ex tod tbt right of nil. ait tmp.itti.tly to tvvry claai, ud auall give 10 tiery ptraou wltbm ber Juriedictioa aa eual aland lug lu nor couria ot law aad acuity, Lotb aa aultora aad wl'Mtiiei, aud iball la'lly tbt arstnilnita.. 10 tbt Couittiut.on. Ar tela 14 prop jid by tali Con gic., tbtn tbe piovliloua 01 tbla acu far aa tbey lelale lutber'tate ol itoLo.a cxeluiivrly. mail cent, aud bvcomi null and aoid i aud tbe laid fllait ba 1 uo lonior bt tipraiaulei In Congraaa. Ibo 1 hlra tfvcl.on la aittitd ao ai to read f sc. 3. And be it rurther enacted, That wbtntvtr tbo I'lrald.ui ol ibt tnned blaiea anall team 11 pro per, bt aba.l .arut bla proclamation, directing a Ca vanilon to bt c ltd to lorm Ullaua't Cobalitutloua lor ibelr nil i-cllia statu ha iball dlie;t an t.icllou to bo bald on a cerialu datecbooat deltgalra to a Cuovohiiou. which anall meet at tbt Unit fixed by biuu at the Cipi.olof tba Ulalt. aud luru a atala Cooitltutiou, wbicb aball bt lubinliitMl to a iota ol Ibt ptoylt. aud 1! latibtd by a uj.jonl, ol tbt ioa-al vo.tia auall bt dtcleitd to be tbe Conjt.lutioa of int Hiatc. Ibo ilith lection declaring tbat Iboit who btvt for fcl vo tLvtr ciiiremb p ii.jiI not ba rntltit J 10 tier c.iu ibt c luciivt tiaiiciiiia uutu tlvt ytari afitr tbt ball bavt tbetr in antioa 10 bt rtinrvated vltn tbe ilgn, "f cHUauibtp, u amtuctd ao aa to itduce tbo it.m to trat yia,a. TU COatmCTlUHAL Tbo benaie amandmeuta to tbe Joint reielullon prop'-ilcx an amendment te tbt Conatltulion of tbo luiioi alalei wort taktufrom tbt dptaktr! labia for action by tbe Ilouae. Ur. Hleveni ilaltJ tbat tbt Uouit portion of the Commiiivt ou rttgonitrucnun bat exmlntd tba benait ameudincnta, and were nnanlmouii 01 oiiu Ion ibat tbey mould It concuntd lu. Ibtamtna nituts weio aoaltgbt ibat uultae tactltmtu ou tht oilier ilueoti led 10 diuie it, lueuiure ou hit aldo wait willing to take Ibe lolo at once. If, however, dlaiuulou were oeiiied, be aujgualtd thai eptechei ibouhl bo tluilttd 10 blieeu uibu.ri, aa bt prou-iatl to all tbt "prvvloo. quratlon at hali-paat ilutt o'clock. Mr. Harding, ef Kentucky, prtpoaed that tht drmoirailc aide ibouu bavt out bour allowed I In in tor debate, tobt divided ammi tboin aa tbey cboaa. it, Sieveni agictd to tbat. air llwe.i rai .olioaod on bla own aide 0' tht queitloii br ileaara. rluca and Harding ICy 1, aud on tl e Itepublicaa aide by alaiiii, Utnde.iou aud kpattllng Hu uouit tbn locndtd tbe pitvloaa rjutillon, an.1 Mr. blevena cloud tbt debttt. lit eoagralulatii tbo ilouae and tbt couutrr tbat a acbiuit waa aoon to be itibmitttd to tbo ptoplt lor tbe aduiaaiou ot an oullaaeJ comtuualty to tbe privlitgta and idvau laataol civuixtd .ud litt govtri.ii.tiit i a acbeut coulalning. Iia ..Id. aa much poaltlvt good aa tnt oui anon o. mauy teller tbingi. In my youlu, he conilnuod, In my manhood, aud la my eld a,e 1 have loudiy uirenird thai whua any lortunaie chance hoiiid have bioktu up tor a lime Ibt louudanouaof our loat.tuiiona, and lalaiied ua 110111 oLIigttloba tht t.uuica. ibat wait vvtclnipoaod lu ibt of fiatd.4i!, the iutt.iau., uee aud Jiui kiua o lb, a lupubllo. irua lo ibtir pro... tout ana tbttr cobiclanct, wonld hare mu ItmodcUed all our lutlltutloiia aa to bait Iiao.1 them from tieiy vt.tUt 01 buiian op.nilou 01 tht inicjuality of rujhia, of tht totoj' blxeu oearadatwu 04 Me poor, auu abe taiwloc caaw 01 lut iitbi in Uwrt, Lual no d 1 tint Ua etalt It 1 lalmt. U Uii kaVilaUai ItftilltTal Vtui aroat from merit and conduct, Tbla bright dttain hia vaniihedliktlhttaielt.a fabric of a vlilcn I find Ihit wt iball be obliged to bt content with pat. hint p tbe worn pertiona of the tacltnt edlflct. and leaving It, In tnenr of ita parla, 10 he awrpt tbrmiabby the ttmeeata, tbi lro.11 aud thealormi ef drip.tiim. lt you Ingalre why, toldlng tbeie viewa, and poaaeatlng aome will of .nyown, I accrpi j imparled a prtpoeillon f I aniwar, hec.uie I live amoog m.u, aad nai among angeli among men aa 1 latelhaaot. aa attiimlnid, 11 in eien, tnt ai rur al I r, who. net agrttlag wtih tt do not cbooM to vlald tbtlr cpiuitaa to mint. Mutual cobceulon. Ibfttftia, Hour intv rreort for mutual boiililtr. t might wall bava beta Juiiified lu making le atwidahdn.o.tairtnnoui trloria lor a leuar plan, 5S'4 ht!1. . li cc-operallo.1 of tbt Mtenllvt. With hit cordial aiiia'aoct int rabtl statei migat have teen midt model reptib l.-a, and tbu nitlou an empire of univaraal neeooui, Uul bt prtftrrtd ititontion to rtejnitiuctlou. Ha cbote that the alave ataiee abould ramalo aa atirly aa poaalblt ta tbair ancitat coudlllon, with luch email modification ai ha and hu txlmt ruiuiiier bouul icrg'it. without any linpaitibtai Inter ei. am.t iroui Coagitee. lie aailclpittd the legiiimttt acuon at Ibt national Itililation, aud br lauk u.ur. patioa erected gevarnmauia In Ihi conqueied pio vljeee, Impiaed upju them Inititutloni In tee uioel atbltiaty and unconiiuutional minntr, aad tow maintaiua tbem aa legitimate goTtrnmenia, and Iteo enlly dtniabda Ibat Ibty aball be lepieituled la CtngitMon tiual ttimi with loyal icguiai iaie. 10 leprvaa th.a tyranur, and at ibe aatneimitouo aome Jueilce te coo,oeied rebe a, teuuirti ..uuon. Ibe gi aie taager I. mat ine letedeu may aoou over wbtlm tbt loyal mtn la Cou.n,. lha butt ur,e 1 upon aa by aome loyai but imptinoui men 1 tbt'r aiixlaty to tubiact Ibt rtpreeeatativca ot retain Ibtlf lodUplay tbair dtlltrilylu tut uit 01 tat Li oad luintli 01 cnailty, and eeieclaily the danger arialng lieu tbe nnaciupuloua aaeof piiron. age aaa Irum ibt oily or Haul ei lent piopbeu lamoui for aim ay ebligitteui aad lor pioitiltd political prcmUti, adn.oniU ui to make nt lut ber otley luftruua ,0 tbt third eecuou, Mr. Bitvtue .dibit bt 000U not look upan tut Ceoa'.. am too aitniaianlu.iOT mtm. lu hiajudgmrullt auoau te ei the geveniincui ot tbe aouuuy, both aiaie and t-.tionai, aud rnignt give tbe neat Uongreeieud l'.fi. Idtuiioibeiecouairueitdrcicla. Wilutbin bail a 01 iipteuitu,n ana tnt txc.uii.u 01 lorti mtu of color Horn tba baLol box, ha eaw no hi pi of aa.tiyuulieaia Ibt pitKripilua ol pioper enabling acll whlcn abould do jua.lce 0 ibt ittiJuiin, and ujoln tuliaaciiiiimtni at a oondlliou piectutut. V blot bt law mum good in ibt p.opoillloa, bt did not pitltad 1 bt tatuhtd with it. Uut etui ba waa aaxioua ior Ua ipatdy autpilon, for be depiecaiod delay Let ua, bt aaid lu tooc.u.lou, uolnerdaUy Ltl ua teat waal wt can an now aud bopt lor b.llcr lulngilu tutuit l.gulailau, lu tnab.iuaacta or pio vla.oui. Tht Unaae then procetdad te vote by yen anl aayata concurring la the ameadmtatt of the Dm. att, ttvtial announctuinu having been made of main be re ablaut or pi.rtd, aid aa to ho tbty would have voted, Mr. EUildee, In rldlcalt, announced that If lir. llreoke, of Ne York, aad Mr. Voothlea, of Indiana, had not been turned cut of tbtlr aeali Ibty wonld bite voted ''.So ' to which Mr. tllevena added, Ibal 11 Jefl.rioo Dull hare, be would probably bavt voted tbt tama way, (laughltr and applaait J aud Mr, Wanlworth added, Ma would Jake rbampnn," Tht Hieik.r directed Ua own stint to bt called, and he voted "Aye " Tht volt waa t UlcUr party vote, and remind ytaa, lio, nay a. Si. Tbt iMtker tuttancM thai ovtr twolhlrdi of both Houiti having agieid to tbe Joint r f eolation propoilng imendmeuli la tbt Canitllnllon of Ibt I'nlltd SUtii. tbt Joint rtiolatlon wai paiitd. Tbe Home thta procttdid It thi buiintu oa tht Cptakti'a table. Tbt f peakar pre.entad a reeuin from tht 1'iail deau taking tht mention of Conflate lo a of a Joint reaoluilouaf tbt bentit and Houet of Keprt etnlallvti et tbe kltla el Utortla, rtiiutatlug tbt uiptaitonof ibt colliclloaol ibt Internal Htvtnut tea. out Horn thai tlaie under tbe act of Augnit Mb' leol. 11 waa rt'errtd w tbt Commlltet of Win aad Meaaa. Alio a menage fiou tba 1'ieildent lu lonnlnc Coagieu thitaaopytf thttclof IbiUtor gla Lttlalituitof Ibt loth of Much lail, bad beta tfflclnlr comrnuiicaied lo kim, by which that male accepted tne donation of laoda made to It under tbt Ariniltural Collage bi b Which waa laid oa tbe labia, Tbt llouii. at four o'clock, adjourned, TUB FENIANS, nisvtmeati la IlnOial. Dcrraio, Jr.oi 13.-1' O'Day, Heal Cenlrt of Iluffilo,bii rttorntJ bcirfrouiNt York, and ap plied to Oen. Barry for tbe return of tht guna aud monltlona 01 var aeixed btrt. Mr. O'Day claimed the arrni aa hla private proparty, and laid bt ha! made advance! on tham aa an auctioneer and com mlialon merchant, lien. Harry replied tbat he wm enlr tbe cmtodlan of the arm., and had itlxtd tbeu by order 01 bla auptrlor ofllctr. Tht lizard of trade yeelirday lubacr brd ttiOO to furalili luppllaa or trauiportallon to deatltuti Feulana. Only about one hundred and ality Feniana bavt tcctpltd tranjportailoa under lieu, Uariy'a order at to thit neou, Ucrraui, Jot 1J.-A rnard hu been dtlalled by Uta. Uirry to occapr tbe ttltgriph efflctintbla cllr, to aid. If ntceaatry. tht tnforctmeat ol tht orJer prohibiting tbt traniinlnloa of Ktnlan dla pilchn. It li aald tbat Urlg lien, llurni hu taken command ot tbt Fenian foicca bait. Two compa nice of Indlaua fiavt aome bert 10 til tbt Ftulaiu, Uta. Altxaudtr McCool, 0' Ublo, while viililng the Canada aido at Mat ere F.lll. ytattrdar.wu antilod br lomt Ciuadlau volnnlten guarding ibt fuiptn aion lllldgt, wbocoailJared blui a lu.picloua pmon, but on proving bia lueuilty, ai releaeed with man apolcfita b tbe commanding oibctr. Mereiaeata al .Malone, N. V. MaLont, N. f Junt 13 -Utntral Mtadt wai aerenaded b tbe Malout lland laat tvtnlng, lit made hla tppcaranct and tbauktd tht compear prtatnl lor tbo compllutnia le.lowad upon blm lit alvlatd Ibt Ftulani 10 abandon tbtlr enter ptlzt. which wai now bopelti., and return 10 their bouaa, aiding that onlaea ther did to be ibould nse lutbcieut force to compel oltd.tuct to bla ordtr airtady liuud, Illi itmarka wart received with cbecri by cur cl'itcru, nhllo Ibt Fonlani trtiuinily lutoirupted with chitra lor Muriby, ..hcr, uc. lojar aiuida of oldleia aie patrolling iLe W.u, picklur up all tbt fig vnda ol tne Ftnlau aimr eikoriluz tbem to 'le dept, to aoc tbem aa.ely 011 board tbt cart and ell to 1 tl.tir bomea, eceicel, a rtul.u can no bt tetu about our etreu.a beme att itpontd luiklng about tbt country, appropriating aacrhce, clotbln; and olber illicit! mar n ay waul, but tbt war la praetl. cally over in tbu localltr. Uaunal Mtidt aud atatf lalt ou a .p cial Iralu oral. Albaui. Ibe eikmlna lion 01 tba otbceri under alien bait hu cloted, and ine partlt. ait bald to ball. MTmcnta Id MonlrcaJ, UotTit!, Jlx 111. lioveriuncut bai cencl arming. The nlgbt tialua on the Grand Trunx Kailruid are araln running, and tbe mall Hue of beala letwato tht f.ait aid Writ art alio going. Uf order of tht Govtrumtnl bo ont li aU lowtd 10 ite 01 t-ouiiuunlci't w.tu tbi Ftnlanilu prlaon beie. No lit.b leglmibti hate come out, tbouah lome drain 01 luej lot tbo.t alitiuy lu Cm. aoabkve. Ail ibt vo.unlttil art stall at tbu front. .sou. of ine (Jori bJ a-ir lijbi aim Ua 1 amine. Ail upwrla ol tlabilug luibthat wtrt .aiio, Mau tioal la very tfulai. NUW YOKK STATI". SE.VATK. AinawT.Juat lS.-lbt Sena'- met at o'clock. Mr fbatti, conni. lor June Smub, aikol permit, ion lo p. 010 tb.t tbt uaittit tl tbt Uovtruor IriniuillllLg tbt cbargca agamtt oralth ai takta trou tbt Meaalt lo Ibo Kxecutlvt Uhenilar without latvt, tnd mtltrlallr aliaitd by tht Uovtruor with out tbt kuoaltdgt of the aenalt. A tr aigumtnt oa 'be pi op allien, Ibe Seaatt whut iuio atciti teaeloo, and toociudei to allow erl liouve to le taken on ibt pu,ut raued, C01. Ilaitlug., Filra't Hecre tary to Ibo I 00. uor, Jauiei liiwll uer, Ultra of the eenaw, tno. Ueo. W. lltuie.a, lapjnei lor tht Jn'Tiaiau JucntAi, wt.t aworn, tbtlr t.tiitnouy eitai.lJlilug tht tact that tut tatfaagt wai liSM tttat Uat leleta auailai tnulrttr at ItaatMaVl. and material alirrttlooi tsadt lo It In tht Kitcnllvt Chamber 01 Ftnton i. filled lo the I'ind.aut ataltd tnaifbinirii were midt by him at the lugccitloaof l. e I.leul unit .oieiuor, but tbat be wee not lo. If mod. at tke t.'ue, tbe n,aaaae bad beta prtviouily eommntlcnttd 10 the neni'e. Tht counttl for th accnttd moved lo Jliinita tbt caa. on the ground that li e mul la.ion of tbt meiiu.ultr In recanlion by tbe 9natt, and vltuorii Ibt corneal of Ibat body, renttreu tbe documeoi null and toid, Alter aa ar gument oa ib.i uiitl.o, '.be Senile adjoaraed, nioxico. Krperte via llavnia. Sltuuihlp Eaglt, Ltwttsct, from Havana tlh tnat., 1 1' M arrived at thli port yealtidty a'lat- Loon, fCorrrionilfnct 4 tht .V. 1. i'un.) lttTana, Jtn 9 -The tngllih mall neamtr Silent arrived bare on tbt Ith tnit., with daltt from VaraCrut totht litof Jnne, and from the cllr of Mttlco to the tSth of May. Uailmlllan arrived from Cutrnarici on the llh of Mar. Thirteen par. aonabad been thrown la'o prleoa, at Acerdoda, oa the chaigt ol btlni Implicated In Ibt ditlh ef llaroa tflluart, Ibe Dilgtau Cominlitloner at Klo Frit. Gin. Iltgulci had igaln appeartd In lorct In Sachet cm, near Tuncato, An attack from Honda, Garmca, Gonralea and ollvarea wae aipected on Taraml-aro. Home of Corona'e p ople, having beta to lurcanful la tba captura of the e'earue-r Johu K ritaveoa. hid etuied and eiiulpotrd a gon.1 alzed venal lopreroa mtichaut lu tbe Uull of Cortea. Cotumual. callou with warillin had been cot OH by gueirllUi. Tbe lmparlil uilalittit wtit holding daily itii'oni at Ihfi I'alact. Ilia loan of 1 iruiaallto wai captured by Garcia Mort'et oil tbe 4lh ull Tba ganiion con aitedol lioioen and 41 I rini hrnen of tbt l o'ttin Iegloni of tbt latter oolv tbreo eacapad alive. A Ficucu prlett and two Flench itiidtnu were alio killed. Hie account 01 t' e atfali' tbeu gcee on to ay tbat lien, 'lanoil, with boil men, eluded ibt L.berali and put tbtui to flight, killing liu. though It la tonlt.eed a wbolt compeer deeerteii to tfte tuatuy. I'bt French account aayilbit tht lack of tbt town wai Itirlblt, Lltut. Col. Koalmkl waa killed. Tbt IJbiiela. uudar Varrta, occupied tbt town of Tula, lu 'I amanllpaa, on tba Ith. The gar rlaou ran awer. Letteri iay that ibe publlcatloa of tbe latlen telweeuibe Lulled tfta'ei aad France baa cauitd conaluti able comtnotlou, encourulog tbe Llbtiala and dipitaaing ibe Imperial!. Tbe wlib drawal 01 tbe bleach la atatad, will not take place aa aoou ai luptvifJ. ana when It doti, Maximilian li prvpaird, it li a.ld, tor Ibt aveat, bar ing made arrauwemcata lor other ttoope -probably counting on Auitria. .tlatlrre la Havana. Ilarawa, Jot .-Tber te lltllt or lalarail irantpirlng bare. Addrcaaei from Governor Gene ral Inundl to the people of Cuba, and tt tbt Iroopa, ait publlthtd lu Ibt GaciTa of yceitrday 1 alio two cltculari addientd lo Ibt Goeernort of tbt dlffertnl Juiladlctlona-ont la In rtlatlon te the alave Irade, pompoualy itallug that It li golugtob vtry tevire llh tbt tuvt dealeri, and warning tba Govtrnori lo be titra vlgllam. The olber clrcalar foibidaall publle reading of booki and newioaptra aloud, repa clally In tbe cigar tmnuf.cleiiee throughout tnt laland. Tbt aOut of Ctmol of Ihe I'lo 1 la aboliab ed, lut the cruioiihlp retain to the tlovoniineut, and Leriuudl bit ipiolnlpl Honor Mlgarta to look af tr Ibt picit, lit wai tbt tdltor lu bpalu of a paper called La liu ua Ciua, which waa lubae tiui'dllr thauted lo 1.4' Karoaua, The Dpautaida ai It a tba moat tettifiiJi" uewiraptroi all ibt p.ptrt lu ripaiu. Wt have lain almoit dalle and Ibe bell It mleim. 1 be health of ibe lilend ii gau. orally good Ibe frigate Navae do 'loioto end an other aie alout leaving for Ventcutla, to dttaaud iillificilou for the atTiir ol tbe bpiuuh Ugitlon, in which Ibe aichlvei ware buint. flewi Itiiai. Jf TtUjrtfk le tZTgt rtvi fataj lUauCtnirt Sliphina addraiied tht Faalani In Ulchtnond, Va lut night. JciHja Liar, late Chief Juiltctof tht Supreme Court oi Ohio, died al Bandualtrr ou Tuaadaj, Ma Hour. N. Cotnlau, I'dtiuailir al Concord, N. li., died jcattrda, after en llluiatof eavirjj week! Tnt Fttiraburf, Vt Eincn ntwtpaper olSct wit dietroveJ bjr tire Jailvrdaj iburtiluaf, Loat 110,000. Inturtd. Mn Jaa. C (Utiiauia, V tl Coniul at Tanca, I' K , died vary aU'Weuly at lb it place ua May V91b, lu an apoplectic til. Tat ittnntr (lolj.n. ullij fiom Bin Franclico for Fanama, ou tlit kib, ctrrjlni 1,063, TOO In trtiturr, of nbicli i l.t lT.UUO it for Now York, A Arc al Colimbia, Ohio, jeiterJij mornlnr, deilroyt l kltitri. Hlllct 4 Niiot'a planing inlllt and a MllboJlit church. Tbt Ion It about (3e,0vO. No Iniurauit. Lot Aarwj account. 117 that tht protpecttln tie oil iliilrlU ui Ban Fernando art flatltrlna'. Urji tankt bava btcn built to tht oil flow In,; (tutu tht nurxtrout 11 rlnje. Tax Fenian tnala at Bt. I, oui a, Mo., clot d on TuatJav, by holding about half tht pattlet orreal tllo bond 1, from one to tin t tbouianl dollar!, Tbt ramalndtr wtrt 'Lubargod Ngncaaca City dlapatcbit claim tbat tit Stall o-genlx.tlou bat been earned for Ibt Union Bltlt lick tt, tnd thai a Union tuajoilly In both brancbtt of tht Lcg.tlature bat Lieu tlicud. A rru brokt uut May 129ili at Mayagtiey, V. P.., deitroylnj a great part of llio town. An Ameri can men-of-war 'jlrg In port tent ISO meu athort to atalat Is ait.rjguiablng Ibt fliuiei, Lou not aa trta.ned Faou Oilavra II It rtpcrttd Ihit In tbt ConftJtr atlon tcbeme, Canada Cut ft to bavt two houaat, Loin tlKttvt, with reapoui'blt fovarnmenl, and CanaJu Weal cue bouaa, without rtiponalllt guv. eruutut. Leclalatlon la actively golnf on. General Inteiligenoe. if Jf-aC ft M.Ttw Fark .ra ) Naw IUvia haa 1,000 cbildrtn for whom thart it no room in tho public acbooli. A Ntw Inly rtctnllr bid Ibt cyital of Lcr .kli uaiiaitil bjr a aliuht of UgLtulng wilL. out Injury loLirat f. Tin blgifit big trie ytt uMicovtrtd In Callforn a It it ItilS Inchei In dlimeter, ur over ISO Ital In dr., Only Ibt atumplalafi. NiraLLT tht hnli of tht llaltluiort bar bavt ttmlt.ed their ttrvlcct aa counaol to Mr. ilavii, in caae thtv thouM be raqu'rti upon bit tiial. Nut UonJar It It-o anuivuriary uf tht llatilt of Hanker Hill. Tbe Doitonlebe tr iak ug real prepiralluna tu it ebru.t II In a beoirnn inaurer. Tui Fruit Oruwera' Bnclety uf W.aicrn Kaw Yolk. ill bold lit tuinuiar u-teting tl Itocbiaier, Iou tb- If'lli ilav 111 Junt "Ml -tar," t.ld a t'tul email to a young lady whom Lit hui d lu marry. ",u )ou Inland lomakt a Iou of ine?" "Ni," repllei Ibt young- lady, "nalort bat aavad mi tbt iron le." It It ttatej Ibat tbe v.luj of tbt armt and am mublllou alored al prauui tu ibe Cualoin liouat al Uurliugtou, It lufflileut l, pay tbt Itautpurtatluu 01 ail returning l'.ulaua, v A avjitiua, whotv uppir Jaw, right arm and ngol lag h..d bten thot away In balilt, wai iKtiily fui taT a railroad train la Quia. Kt anauaatu , It ttaMthallhtKrjgUihmtaln Canada pilrt. ollcally avoid placing grata tpectacltt on I beet non-a, leit Ii ba coniurutd Into bolallng "iht grttat ayive tht red." A lllbOa, In giving hit opinion of tht rellgtoiaj denornlnai one, ta:d. UU the Eplecviptllant that belt." Whan aaked why, hi aald 1 "loallolbat cburchtt yea mutt tit mum, and take the Jaw. but In tht Epitope! church you Caa Jaw hack;.- Tm taittl "tantaUon- tnOilo U tht tppttrancal of an elegant while eabbagt-rote, wltn goldtt) ctntrf, blooming on a twig of an apple tree la) Eail Liverpool, Columbiana county, wbtrt 11 ha grown naturally. TliDtnchtri of Lincoln'! Ian, London, hart adnillttd Mr. Denamln, late Secretary to ibe Traaiury In Hit IConeJcrete Slarft. Ibty lap they accepted him In tichaugt far Mr. EJwIat Jamtt, who wai admitted W tbt New York lar. Tat Eail Indian pipert aula Ihtl Iwtlvt tlgttg havt beta ibol In tht Nigport dlttrlci within teat dayi. Four of Ibtar llgin wtrt man eaten. Nag lure It ost of Ibt niott adtauceJ dlelrlcu uf luc ctnlrai provlnctt of India. A Phlladtlphla clergyman. In tht count of t itrtnou, rtctbtly, remarked " You need not elate your li.udt tu lervantly la prtyer that you cani gtl Ihem opta when Iht contribution box comet tiound, Col, Biaccaaiip Witgtt lnformt tht Roy! Utugrephl-ei tUttlyol London lbtl Ibt iwpula Uou ul I'akiu, China, It nol mora than ont uiiUio two hundred ihouund, Intltai of three or four tuilllona, uaually reported. A Laioaowl, which meaaurel four feel nltat inchu Iroiu Hp 10 Us aad had clawa an Inch ani a nuarter In length, and a head aa luge aa a fu4 KT.iwu ral. wa, ihol by a boy In Italnbow, WaaV hi loa Co l'a., a day or two ago. rimiona are btlng circulated iu Nubvlllt tit tlgnalurt, IDienJed in ba tint to Ibt Freeldaua, aakmg blm nut lodaltvtrup w lit llrltlab autbori. net lu Castft, Colontl John O'Ni I, tnd olhat Fatilant whit havt tarred honorably In Ibt FeaV oral army. Taa Delhi (keel India) Oaxtm of tht 10th ad April tlatet that a boy about Ivitlrt or ibtrltia ycart of at bit iutt bain rtacutd from lha den o a wolf In uat of tht stlghborine Juugltt lit goat ou all fwurt vtry twiflly, and la loudtr uf rate meat tban anjlbing tlat. Ou. PllbjDT, al Oeurgttown, la dally bate I by numtruut appatli for blm Ii thow charily In be half of Ihit or that ptrtoa or bblect. Evtry otli brlngt hlru tollcl latioua, torn of them being nf lbtl moat rldiculout nalurt. Mo ellau.lon la paid It) any of thtaa. Tax namtg, agei, blrtl-plact and rtllglout teaa alt ot tbt Iwnltui captured al Fort Eilt, Canada, art i,ubtlelatd in tht Canadian papeje. Tbt lotal number la At 14 are Frolatuaia, and 44 C.tho-ll-a t 1 t a native of Otrmanr, T of Canada, 55 at Irtlaml, ami Ibt remainder uf Ibt United Blalei I It are undtr ill yiait of agi. At Ufa, England, recently, at workmen war txcavatiug for a drain, Ibty ceini upon what proved lo be tht dec of a vatttl made 01 Englltt) oak, and uf largir conttructlon than trt built thtrt now. Tblt appwart to cuflrm tht Iradilloai that lie town wat al ont period newly turrouneV. ad by tit. Tbi London Ertcrivox tiyt that tbtrt It golaj to bt a avarcily uf Ivory. Tbt datuand for BrieJ. Aald alone now Villa j (1,000 tltphaiiU a year, an4 tbt ract It dying, or rather la Ittng killed out. With a proapective deeilh ofi.oal,and a Ibraateatal famine of billiard belli, and Fenian luveelona, what la the country coau.iig vol Tui ihlpwrlgbla and raulktra of Boilon now oa itrlke agalmt an Incraun of Ibelr boun of labua from 8 10 0, and rtducUui of pay rruin ISIu H have laauad a clroular itqutitlug methanKi front otter altltt nol lo ultt tbtlr placwa, ur ahut eaaiH capital tgalnal labor, Ttilrtyalx caulkart wci dlaobargtl (rum Iht CUnltiton Navy Yard ua Monday. Tui Chicago Hirncuruw ttyi that whilil t Fenian rtglmtol wtt walling la Ibat city foe Irtuiporietlou, Lltul, Oen. Great drove lo iht a pot In an ojitn carriagt, and halted a ftw momtuta, lit waa f.on recegnlaed b-.r Iht crowd, and ona txclltd I laimtu ahouled ul to him, "General, yuu ougbl lo bt a Irltod lo 1 rletimeu." Tht Utu tvi tniiltd, and laoonlcally 1 tpUtd. "Ytt, I IhinU I ougbl to be 1 I beilevt I am. ", A imacxai caat of ilatlh ft om hinging occurred near Mahanoy Clly, l'a , red intly. An Infant, 1 taw uiouihi idd, waa aletplng wilh lit permit la btd, Awaktnlng tomt llml lu Iht night, Ihg mother mined birchllJ. 11, u Jng hereelf auttarck for tbt babe, aba diaAovtrtd b. hanging oulaldt ol the bed, auajieuded by tbe ueck by the atrlng of In ulgbt cap caught oa una of lb a iegi uf Ibt bed rail, h (t wna axlluct. Gatlota'fl Muitwnix publlihei Ibt following Tbe Aobe Far.dia, alxiy-lbrae Jean of age, prlra. dial chaplain at lliiaira, waa 1 talking In lha Uut Va , damme, the uiher morula g, whin hi wm accoaitd by a gintltman wbo aantd blm Ibe hour, lit replied, "llalf.pul tltvtn.4bt hour of mi Uaalhl navir mlml, I am rte ly aualaln mil Aud before tbla liller riquau. could be compl.ed with Le grew pelt, tollaiaj, aud lall dead lo iltg pavtmtut, Tnt doctor declared 1 ht eeuee uf dtaut 10 bt tbt rupture uf an auturltiu. L'roa tht occatlon of tht rtlebn iMon of Frinrott Ilaltua'e birthday, May Mlb, (u ten Vurturla la. vied Int uulldrtu ol Iht Uunea,.t a uf the Koyav boutthold to a ita parly In Ibo On digtry uf tor Cat It, Then wire about three hundred children preeeui, Theijaieu Joiu.nI the part) at live o'clock, and rama-n.d tl ntarly tight in lh4 avtuiug, while Iht Frlnutaaaaahareii in ibt am me an I, aud daucud with ibe deligk.lcd Juvtuilaa, for wboat amuatmtutt a baud of .uiuelclana baai beau engaged. Til a Btcittary of Iht Ilipllit Mlukmary Bocletf in aiptai for tttlp for tutfartrt Iroua uinlua Iu tht ludian prui'iuct of OiLeee. Mora than una hundred chtlJred In Iht acboola at Cut lack are entirely dependeul upon the mlitalouariaa, Iu addltluu la lueiu aLcro la a native Cbr.iUaa community of about luui buudrtd p iraoua ra duceu ui Ine utmoal extreiallyi while luetnealhaa arouud are ptr.ahlDg by inouaaatlt frutnlamlnt) aud j taiharua. Tbla aula uf thing! haa laalei abcui tight montba, and It It f tared that undae Ibt uioii tavorable circumanal leu ther antut Lar ttvaral mora uuoulhi of acaxcily, A at; amatol Irtaaon trlala have bean oommtnetel lu Ibt L. 3, Uto-icl Court mi Montgomery, Ala, Geo, W Ualc, who advirllteu for out lullltuu uoU lara lor iht urpott of at turlug Iht daalh ul F.aiideul L.ucolu, Mr. Johruaou and Mr, Beward, wai admitted lu bail lu iht au.ti of tlS,OvV. ih taata 01 Jouti, Utglntr, Moatti and Clint, wba wire rtiptcllt'ily Judge, Uuilr ict Atloroej, Cltrkt and Marauall lu the U. B. D.alrUt Court, tnd wba aovepitj lot Hunt ufuoea lu Itae Couftderatt alalea Ll, Uriel Cours wtrt all aduiUlaal lo bail Joaael In jl5,noo, aud Moeea. who Ii lorlifliad with a 1'raaluauual p.ruou, lu tloO. Vbt olbtri had nt beeu arrti.e. Tokaa al Ilia W ard. A few yttri age, ttyi Ibt bVihtntctady Boat whtn It wai tht euttoiu for largt gbrli and large boy a lo llUud dletnct acboola, ant laddtat Wokt placa In a neighboring town, which la worth re cording. One of Ibt fen-eel and pluiTipetl fitU of tht acbotV, bapieued lo violate on of Ine leather' rJlea. I'm intltai, a prompt, tntrgt Uo fallow, ul lwaoty-ti ta, tuiamoued her into tbt u Iddlt of tba lloor. A Air lularrogatlug tht girl lu a lew mo toeuia, tuuudired out 1 "Will you git t m youat Land t" "Yaa, air and lay heart, too," prompai ly reiponded Ibe girl, at Iht uut tun aueicb,u forth bt r hand to Ihe muter, and tytmn; blm will a cunnl ng look. A dtalh-llkt allenc j-etgrnod lot a uuuiaul In Hit tcbool a Iter waa lata u. gUalaai lu lb anaattr'i tyt Iht ruler waa laid upon tat . IC4.UumA mm VtwuT frXj