Newspaper Page Text
..THE jjSB SUN. I umbcr 10-580. N"KW YORK. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1800. Thirto-Tku-d Yodx. The Latest ETews My Tclcerrmih to the .V V. Nuu. FROSSfwIaMCTON, Revival cf Southern Chivalry.' Wr..Honsseau,of KyIdministcr3 a Caning to Mr. Grinnoll, of Iowa. COXGKESS YESTERDAY. Tiie Senate Naval Bill. FARRAGUT nADBADMIRAL. Reconstruction in (he House. u "SECESH" JPEECH BYMR. HARRIS. Rebellion Fully Endorsed. the statIsTndjhTamendment. Fropositiou by Gov. Curtin. Simultaneous Action Advised. THE RETURNING .FENIANS. Bloody Riollng bytho Way. City and Misetlla&eaus Reus.. ! REGATTA QFJHE K. Y. YACHT CLUB. The Results Interesting Account. LATEST ClFoLER A REPORTS, .nothsr Caso ioThilB City. &c, tSzc... &c. WisiiisiiiuH, Jt-in 14. Tha reideri of the Conaro.a.ori.l pruceuuliir 11 tf-o'.lt-l tha on Monday an eiclllug tul dpc;iledtr tin leuulywllipiay recurred llwfunltpprpioMr.t;t( K reiu.u'Kf.andllepre.cnlitlvotjrlnutill.ct It-wit, which wm couflnt'1 In the Homo (o more wotJi; kul lojiiy, lu-tmedlat'ly after the adlourni oent, wh'lp Mr. Irlnnctl wtton hli way from Hut C- pilot, tu therm .hie of tlio buiMitt-f. to take the itroot t t, 1 rli CTcrtnt"a by Mr. l'ouncau, wbcpu itlag fe.-iuaal ou Mr Crlnncir. .bouldr r, .all .011.0 thine elou snoiccielnpiloiiy for ollenalve rrmarki i, anJ th ieu:oa. ..liu'rd Mr. Urlnmll with a .naii ral laucnuo which wa. broken in t'jl. uio of It. Ir. Crh-nc.l iuuii Lut rule, If any. re.iilauce. Tho enly vuIUo mark ot Injury riatilnod by Mr. Irin ct I. iti irrtirh of r.ght chto, cauicd by the lieu 'cjO-Uj ui i mcn. I AT ardol Ihiia t.")j-tof th!ir Arm v ht te 'n o.Jtri I by the So'-rctiry of War lo proce ed to it rouit. lo-morro-t, for the parpote of miking a abv ical examination of tboCideta who hare, born ei gn.'ed tor.ilmm'OD to the Ulllurr Academy, a. tiei aa toexamloo tho-o who hare recently yradu ird. at to iheli ph. a cil qualiacmLui for ui-i lea, According to the now potlal Iiit Juit npprovod y Ihe I'rril.lrnt, prepaid ana free letter, are to be lor warded it the rciueet of ll.e pirty eddrtato-d trcm aae twit office to another, without additional po.t.1 liirc, inJ is a-ned dead loitered to the e-rltrri therooffiio of ccatre. There I. a roaU'.t at th. Suldlcn anil galtrrt'Or hau 1'alr over a beautiful told heidut cans winch hi to he p-e.eutod to tho Senator rereivlui; t'jc ltr it numl.rol rote. It lit. mainly betwet n Sena tor. Ilarri. and Doollttle. The price of a -vote 1. JO emu, and not a little caavaiilnf 1. retorted to In rder to keep the favorite ol either party uoad. Tho lablfeof tha dlfl"e r.nt Btetea ero covered with con tribution! Iruu Irlenaa near and dl.'.ant, who ure ainie.tly devoted to tba auccc.i ol thl. no Lie and ha Inane came, Seer:tary Seward, accomr-intft by tho ex-Gotcr-j nor General of Cuba, D-alre, left hero ye.lerday nomine, cn the revenue cutter U'yaudo, bound lor Tome. Mouroe. Mr. Seward u the ru .t of (lea ill Dolce during h a .lay at Culia a if. ii.oath. i.o, end recelva-d marked attpnticn a tbo ha tide of tho laoternorticueral. Mr. Seward la uo it-tlprocatiui; tha hoeplltl'tly. I The Secre ary of War bat l.cjed a elrcnlar In llructlni all dliUunlnB oCicer. of thu Ordnanr - Ucpartuont to dep.ilt tU public fonda. for h.;b Itey are accountable, with Aarl.tant Treirarcri of I the lnlt.4 State, only, and .pedal (;oterntr ent dcpotitorlc. 1 und. n celred tor the rale of in i U I oert) t?icep;l i the oMInary le if aub.i.l euco .tore wen. aiihoal unnecer.ary delay, to to d t': llrolutbDUe.te.tof a.ld depoaltorlea, to the e . Ill at 1.0 1'iea.urti ol the I nlted ntate., on accot ml of ttf approprlatloua I., which ther If lone, unieti , they leielTe.peelalordei. I'roiu tho Ordnauo Oiflie r. so trtn.lerol fundi from one depoiitory to auo hi t Kill tw made without tho apodal authority tfthoi jecre. Iiry oi Wai. l'ubiio funl. will roinatn - m the depoiitory until Qeedod lor d,.tur.emout to th pub lic credltcra, and tho dliburi.niente liout tH j Ideu tlcat fund. receUed from iku dapotllory. inn CO.NSTITUTIONAIi AJfE.MI.lf HINT, rrnbalilo MmuUancona Aclloa by i .11 tho ruaatitU'UiA, Jrsa U.-Aflertbe 8.n late bad edcp'ad Iht con.tllutlonat amendment ju it concur, red In by the llou.eof llepre.cntaliTea, Cor, Curtin adireii.J circular letter to the (lore .nora of all the loyal Stale., .nsteitint the propriety aif union in aclljn Incilllnr tojether thflr urea for tha r.uScttlon of that amendment. It la now under, '.ood that inch uniform action will be ' jal, and that Lafoie tha adjournment of Cjojreu a xi.t!callou of the amendment wilt I e tnade. Xj rilcKico. t I Flie Correipaodroce rltb Aua ana Troapa .Nut lo b MDl. l WaiumoTos, Jcki U. Minute Motley, n the Ithvl May, addreiied a letter to U AuitriutOOT inment. In which he reuiaikad th ,t, iQ h oftilon ef thu I ulud dtatci, the time aeei . to have arrive 1 a hen tha poiIUoa of their Govern nvnt In ralttlcn to aleno ihoutd iranklr and dlitln -Uyhe made known to the Imperial ICoyal tiovemmi ,au and to all etbera wbcui It miy dlrictly conetrn , lis t. acotnllniily fullructid to .tale that tha U (tJ Hlat'. lincera'y Itaue that Auitila may find It jut and expedient to eome upon the around of non murtentiou In Meal to, w hlch 1. maintained br th . unitvd Statea, and to Lka th.y have Invited Ft txut. They could not tut ward a. a rnaturo! taru Kl coooarn the diapaUh i tav irecM (ruiu AuiuU it Muisa. roiclbli mi I trtr.e I inftjfffrpntv tr rrrrin twon i h iitftuiiitirtl iciuiut.on od in Wntoinl''!! "t a iori, a,;,, pru- ikini?l. ou U14 utitifit omeial aulhu'lir. to t toul irt?J tiialftfa'ion ol m aulr.uj y ilroiltlou low ml tho tmiJ KHui. Count MtuadottT, Mir S Ih, iajf In ocn i.tirrt.ou of lili repir, tlio uodrlnM tl Iboui h e . 1 ovlnxal the vat of xltw stx r U Mr. V ut'ii tiotr, it, nrttl.c !, ia titiun to anntu ace to him that lilt nufiice of ld arrf trentln J ciiderttioii, tli Dfcasr? tneaiurff nat l n tikea la ofiir to tusp'-tid tb dfpruir of toe be ir enita-M Uuntfra 10 r Mfic . la Un llrnicvn i-let lop thai tt.u tat m-i at hi.irton will re In ti t pitxftjda.u f L9 Iiuprrlal tiuveiomn a Mithern)tUr toiri)tiro In It notiirtvl a.tltu 'o towtrdu Meitco. aa u a tw prool of the aln"ri Ueilreot tin luatctlai toti d 11. cut 10 kflp oif all lltwM ta uiifavorMo ou tlio ttMat.oua of b-nlt conattUa, tln uiiieraiuoj a? alii hliuli. ote. coNaitnHMio.xAi. rcocctoi.a-n. T1ilrtTMBth eaaloa. IRS ATE. Wamitc ti Jrs 14. Mr Mofrtm prentet the id n.or il ofthf New York Cbambor of Cos. lTf-re in fa erof lh bankrupt law. naferreltd lL Juialetarr (J onimlttcf. Wr. i.'iib, a callcJ up the Htl to -If Ada ttit aanbr and iv tTale tbt aii;o'ititmat ol ofHcftri la tho iiarf anl ttT3lalD 4 Iti pror a ona In ft brW ftrf h. j Tl c M'1 it -Tidf! that the 1 U of !. ditjt ihi'l ronaiat ol on Mmlral, oitn Tit tul m 'nil, ten ivar a'imlta a. tr nitvatlni r mntrtclo-e. fif. captt(pf, titi.cir coin u mlf ra, ont luif d and tMrht MwHid'a ant Miiuniau tara, ikiv KuiiaitJ an 1 im iuaattra, oue hu.idraX and alj.r enatrnv, an t tu oibor riUM tLe uumtCr itcw aIlorj4 br la. Ibt far of tbo aJ. tslraJ ihaU b Jlcwi tor annum. Mr KcaatTTu 'en ob1ctM to c-iln tbi ofllre ef A'trairi1. He bil Terr bih rcipMt for Admiral Farnttitt- lie baj fir General Oran. IM ihoull he orpf J, brvavert loinikjni tbeofie nf (lereral dtan, at bo wai to inakiaa ibn of A t( ml rat tor TaTRSut. l.otbpu.hi thfio wai aom' .lc wher tbla brio wot ablp ilioulJ m Ttivao twootUcera Lit brtn rwaruMl altri-tv by th tilctioat olttc- a lutba arm ari'l na rr. and he itfi opp a?l to uiaklni c? tvfli ur ttitn. Ilr would to for th aiiar of t iw.Ojii, inn cutiit Hit new o.llea of Admiral. Mr. iiriutii 1&.1J bit wiu d ) wtdinir toatrilve oaf tho ol Admlr! and Increaaa tha (4 of Vic AdiuoKl ti III w Mr. I)iolttii0 atlJ It vouM I hi out a tnttfr of Jus tice fur tbo .loreraii)nt tu mow 11a at'pricltU o ct thtt aorv.raa nl iru (Irani, lit lt I bit th.'ik it in toiu.Ucni with a He puMlcn torui ot oorerumi tit that wo hjulJ tiro a t ioral ot tlio nnt ol tle Atm , auJ an Aduutal mi ti.i Uevl ol tbo Tho i.ticatatm on ajri f liiii to the amendment of the Oniraltttf. to iniTt tbo orJi 'one AJutlral" la tht Kirat f'erltftn, wit ntrrod ta: ' kav Urirn. Ant'.oiy- Cbtudl'r. Crfln. I)f little 1'ote-, t.rltma t.titTir.t. Ilur. KlricooJ, ; Ijice fIr.d .Voirtu. Ntr ou, li.i..yy, itt ar. 'Jruin.futl, W ade, Will im. I Wlon.-lS ai-Miirf, Cod Cuwui, 1 far 11, t-eiondrti, 11i'lf1ei Mraou, Hoh-iu( Morilli. 1'ounjfj,, U i- , tl1, aud Hhiiliburr M. The WMwaa then puiM. with an amcnJtnejf, m atl Kddlilonal a t!oi. that Hioud iiUruit r,niu M ahtll I ippnlntel l.f thu IVeiUent aud ecu tlr not t'T the Heuate ai Nara ofihen. It nu-r coca o the Iloui". 'llir oinil.Hration ef the Joint rrtoldt'on in nzh r tho I'nltM IS tit e t paitlclpito in tb I'aHa I'r hlbtlon waa Ukeu up aa tbt uutiulb4 builteia tjf yeatrrdawr The cjarafion wu npoa lhi amndmont of Vr, Orlnji, prov'dlnit tba. uooliloraabail to apihtliitul nor- no 1. ntrpad uaitar tMt li Jntpil'l tiorrrninea I'l-tll baio rUen propi iu UXM.UCV4 la luU (ivlKrOUIl lit III tt0 IllllIK dalo vf lib drawal of the rn iiCti trwv Irom the urrltor. ut tt.e Ka'-nblicof Miico. I Mr. tlnrr.a aiibe ha I lollat. o ltifrmttio- tint 1 ihr hrtu-h trrotn wuu U vitbdrtwii from ilrajou Veiute tJoi Jk i ULXt. Mr, llowaid (ltd not think tlm Trench trwp would K on txt m u ' i' wiiii ivar 11 iroiu Mexico. r. Itowi- iid not tbitk lie pin'Iia ' nr Ii.tion wia iTit vruiHtr it ti'niuieaf o. iUa imuli j the pruo&re 0l t eucu trtcpa, a lutult thtrc am If tio t u-t d suit v.otnuui.ul aiid i pi wtie wiuui.oJ, tby , ',.1 ftdit-n iht wrou.1 nt a "iTPiemn Mi lwle WRB ul 1(1(5 ul''uUu that tin pa. i,ti try would 1 oi 1,0 keiioUttod ly ii'iit eaiitatluu a: the 1.x hiUtioii lt iitiioa up ii a Aid, the jrloiauu ttraniiuurot tbu NaMmulc djruaity. aul tho itvairii att' vu aint tim.onouU toinabitk with iiicu a.caJa u .ci nlili tLo jlor, ul niouun ti al luai 'u ou Ibatwaa the wif witu ail ibai. auiu Juw ieira ill ' It woa ti e wi with our Hitativea i xea iellt lu I'Urupian turta. It lovk tbuu ican-H ' "oa,tl to I iiiUiuvtU wilt tl.o arUiucrr t-a yhich tbiy wete auiiojuded. t)jt ! piiitut watlje fl iha IWu - .1 a waa a ruiii'tte -lot'. Aud mha wa thta tuaii. .Niin.oca. tvr hoiu tbo wl 'M MiHbHloi-i ai v u.- tu upr lit waa a man M lltJ uuu.uu4 tn flt-iitoat L'riuitiiiffiliia at ''0 Pcuplc and a auter KviuuliC ot imi Iiwii tbi . ul ul ll,e t'nitad btatta to tct In it.umatttr. and a tho K'Ople ul Mrxtcuircrv MuXiSlSXtb tUU wbUr. It wa. it. duty 10 drive U.e 1'ieuch ou ttiMrllto. ill lii.ia .Vko a th reiolotlon. lie tu cwvi'oi to iptuuiui i:.oncy lor luch u puipoac. Ho wa.tvpj.ed, i..o,to t. auiradmeutot Mr. IIi.iii..., not biCauie be uld n ' eiidor.a the principle In tl, hut bVeau.. Le Ull.v, d lltwiirave am.tertoit tai.h to .Jh a le.oluiion. , . , , , Mr. Uoolltt.e uid 1.0; tL J". t tlvlnj alientlon to thiai uxlublln '"'1 w" uiaame ouii.imo to kmc.. ltaiuukinoh vuunto w iu1uilr. Ihia crandlalrul tue natlou w " irom an idoa tnovol iroui Ain.rlca. It waa au '"ilr' tii'luii;. ild he had o Herod the amendm.nt miiiely t' amipre-iruii 01 p ulou ou tna mi. je. tof tho i'r.ucliw.cupatlouc.1 Meiico, aul hi n m, iinad wiili iho uuiuiai ty uu .inch tuo iuiu 01 iho 1-rencii tiupue bU uoe u deuoice- ilia olj (Ct havliit tcsu .ouldwuu dm tho am. nduicat , , , Mr lUrrl. olleird en auiendivrnt approprlallug lio III n.lli lor 1U0 ui buildiuiii iu 1'ai a 101 ilia fiXCviniuo4liou i,t tuo l uKed Slalua, IMiaimc tha couil leratwu uf tin abut, amend. iuui..ib Svuau, at 4 g'cioca, .Jjuitui-J. 1101 riK UV HEl'KKSKNl'ATIVKH. Mr. Li.wreiicc, of lVun.ylvaula, lu'ro'luod a bill foi theareitiouof a National Uurrau uf Jututauca, and to provide lor fuullnt Ihe Indehtedueai of tU InliedStitu, wld :li waa real tlcn aud referred to the loiiituJtWii on Waya au 1 Meaui. Mr. Wlmloy preiouied tho cteJentlala of I.ewl. Ilalne., cl.liuluc to be elicied to Conerei. Iroui thu WUi Coiwreulonal Dlatrlct uf North Carollua.itbich waa relerred to the Comniitttoon Utcomiructlou. Mr Fldrtdr made thu ol lection, that the Commit. tre bad inad 11a hull iiport. and cguK' iueuliy Wha'?peVi?r!iTerrul.d the objection, etat'nc; lliat tin Comuiltteo ha.1 uot tceu dutharaed, thu vari ola mailer, had been if femd to It, h.cfi 11 had not itpirled, and that at all ivimi iho llou.o bal a il.lit to lefor a malHr to It. Mr. Hooper, from tho Committee ou lltukinc and Curteney, leporttd a bill to amend the National Currency act, which wai road '..Ice and recommit Ud, with leave to report at any time . The Homo then proceeded to tha rrconilderatlon of the bill tor reitoilnftho State, lately In luiurrtc. Hon to their lull political rlrliti. Mr. Wlndora addieaicl the Iloure In mppsitof tho bill. Mr. Wlndom .aid, lu the rourie 01 nil re. tnatka, tbat the real i.ine between Contien and the rahela waa, "Shall traitor, rule the nation ilpy fought four yeir. todoitrov V Itwaj not aiueation whether the South .hall be repripented, lor all acreed that .he muit he, and ah dealrcd that aha ahall be, at thaaatlieal moment poa..b,a, coLnUient with p-tbllc .afety lljt the queatton waa, ".li.ll her admitted herealonre, with out the tmp..ltiou of any condition, whatever? Mr. YVIndom proctednd to argue lu eupport of the bill. He coucluded by aayloi that the power of thl. nation aet In tho handiof the loyal people: thuv Luio purcha.el It at a iearlul cuati they will krep it until viuilluailce la .tcur.d to every dllreu, and null! thi- republic, tree, uuiied aad prorperotu, .hall hive .rhlevej It. (lonou. ml.non .monml tuo ui tln of the earth, Mr. llanl. iddretiedtht llon.tlnoppo.IHon, lie declared hlm.elt an old lino Democrat, believran In thedo-trlne of .ice.ilon, believing that the eeveral State, pi the Union have the rUjhito aeparata from jnchfcoUaifor lu.lf, Ua.tlar4Uf.htuftMi abnrei and nitttpailon. La.l len pctl'rl and t. eaieucd ti 'oa'cit an t ut'y t!i u .. winta .-d ra'lnera In IM. tor nievn,.,!!! iha ha fonihern 11a r. were Jniti - 1 in yr n - mi , an I hi. mrth.r l elie tha' hv 'h r e.llnal,'". ef iccc. ou tie did ronut, and thrrrh.- Ie.n.e to) th' t n'an tueltn Matt., Lull h-, would havi )o.i,l thaui If the aovere.en ft.'rof Man iand had .. ii a. Ihe Home ..ud there uie eon - Ire, he .tniitluunl, mat he wai ajvpi.e itotlthe .rcvnrrui lion plli-f. In hi. v ew. thi- Mtutht-rn ? tr. htvl: c Kiiue.l a ep ara i r iveintnrnt, I ad or fht to te, r 'tenia Ivr. on th,. rltiiF or In l fo.i.ti' vttft.r had the ttlit to tho ctmiurr w lb a J'ifil.ieni ot , e rie.iurni. He, vhi-n herojld not atid It. .111110 tea In tr.fa.':u s "irnni . . n.,du u l'!f: it tntil he tould le rape ti-d ,0 ra t I a voir attli rcti cle-on for nliew I ' ti. .n. ol Tcunetxe la xattt. of tnuii 1 changed ivinipeitlv. Ml e in n! lo ad unt-d in .1 1 I 111. n I y .ft , f I" m- ft.... tiin h.r ui pl caiioii to Itmi a t-irnihir ot I. Duthocvucretiioiial onl lor thit ptitp... romd aver lo-.ltf hi. 1. iu lout iho ir.i oath uit yricel the ataluie Imli. IL .eulddi allhrcoull to 1 eciovn It, and rcic a. t" uohl. clUiou. ul tlm bontli Ireru the ilavety and fl-ri,ltlon 1 Impale 1. even lliimah that led to a r nit n'tanfooftV di.elittloa of tl I'uioii. In, le rili" trit tain only imitlifra .aeu wtMttulnepiejfriud t ti. . r oite enr. v-mild be ad mitted, ue it at aonit lenattt ton apeich, mad,) iouio tlma anu:a by M . n.itieliy. of ii'uneaoia. lie lerrlDj to the a.aaii n "oiot Mr. l.iaroln, ha atht Mary tatir-att war -,i.m i 0 ' of h c. trlt livaeonil martial: he Imnimliatn fir u'ion aaa otdp'rit 1 ahe en'cafcl lor Imr dura ti e ihte her to. eve core the thoca. and the l-eter tompav hv loul to tnret hei ind. 'Sot aa neurr ' tlmajdoiod lellh 1 1,0 fru 1 Iho War llrpj. lOifall "da wrh the a -li'iaa u-o e ilm itn.l Ue ar. 1 the aa trlafl lio.vcn ih.Jl no. n uhaoior 11.1. lepoii'ant aimer.' Aafintoi inticy ih- earu. 1 hb he.1 an hrty. athl ,r l it lv a mora roe.-rlflm ha 1 1, I'll Pieatou Kim' Junior ihil i the nt.a nolude.1. Wliato 11 l'irilen Klucr llrhn aoeaera, WUtiol Bhe waa thu. .xetu ed .pevdiu, an 1 not wlih.tanditif fWil.r.tion lu. been an.. In I ejalfif her hea.t hioL 11 tlttieh er, fo' her run a ta, t'to) ic .-ala.a ..III in he ki-optnn ol tho .r I r 1 ii, i in IVwiiln. iMa'n d' 1 th udy o, , ran. lo Joath of .1 iliuatiiea, bul a wuimo t'i.11 I'ooiiui 11, aie 1. iii'ir. l.'t in ioic ihi. at a Hoiiiheru pifln:e. .Trim lltown waa nr iciltd lor a iili.i.' aiiwlred lo th.l or Ikonth Ho wta in Iho uio.t luinier t le 1 Ivlnj tiMaeu awry infl.ltr for delelice, ud .jn, 1.1 tiat oa'n It'iBf iinte-1 to ttrrejt :h. mrviiei ti any ai vteele. lie t.... rira lr aul Ju. ly rnvi -Ui to Im bun.. Uol''e.i in. iiuTiet on anciear' utii-n ai ipln 1. me tuilnju .n tor t 1 wti,a..nn.t of hi. aurluly ard hi tie pi 1 pa. all 11 01 h'a -onl lor 0 er tnty. Alter 1.1 niua. 11.1 . uiilui wero puraj lu a utvont loffltl aud nan el over to hi. Irh-d.. !.e turnlni ajtin 10 th. iJf.liono! ti e ll' ot . oca tu u, he .uld that that uiatnne waa ti Villi t ,0 Ct-.ii.'. ui on. and i t-tauie a iullu pr.ui ipie of ihj tuil it Li-nii-ciaiii. ta.-it, hv.nit in.oritd lu iu u. Ii.nuironi TOs tuthi' I tat. ilurt,.. In ipeiklni, tnok a ilaivl near the in. in iu tmn' ol tin 'M.k.i',iliali Thi uu lely to Ion hi. nil-. 1 1, wi.. m neat th-11hl. iM. l.o wait awl hit n.itd. InaiMib," th ou.boul tho Iium uiotuiai. tratoirfa tnio th ami ptan'il-14'i lib. violin, .u 'it tiir tcuiiii ud iiiiouf 11 uji 1. e del, 1 oi) 01 the l.oo iit'erli, uotwiitultud lnir the tuc.inoiuvtti a'ooi at Hi, .nd tuai a guaial dit'ilt'ilt.ou of pmn I jaf tiu. aad Lucouio a ur iie.lly.l Ai me oonclLtlon of Mr llarrli' rpeerh, ictt il otho. I louiuoi. ai.e uiiv.i thu mlile t 01 ruiMi.nic tluu. Lj. 1 .0 .lewa autai c at c ml , in. I .nt uaw luiua. niii,it ihi uiicu.iio.1 tu (oiua ou a .totiti, vliii 11 hil L.o 1 vviulbk bit lor aoim lili,'), burit oer tte oapttot .a.caiii): .no i.t u muiM thit II tx cah'. i.i loo halialih u, ir. I.cymeuu oju.uiji the tl. or lu ioik ou thu bill 10. Ulw.lU. . Oj no'ten of Mr. (-, diuj too Senate ameu linenl to tho ic;ia ailve, uxci-u.lre aud Ju lictal appiuptia. tlonUll winn taavu front the bpeakai'. lab a and Iticrrf 1 tu ihi' 0-.luiului.uu ApMioorialloiifi. tlr. Co-ik otlur 11 u tf.jh.ui u. e jic.i ii4ot ted, en li on the k p-iii i War f.i ui . 10 i u. b. lofujiniuaii4.iiot ia ion. :'d 10 prlaonl,.. ot wr. Mr. Uarlln. pn kut.i.. thi. pt l,l' , ib i - . tur el. ol eon, "t nw I'm. aiu II . t yn, ,n lavot of u .0 .uciwu bi uui ou ooi .to., hi,,i ,. i.en red to t. 0 ou. ll,)i,ain, in., Tue liou.e at bo.f I ail ;u. o'cioo. aljwneJ, Till. I'l.MANS. llome-iTSril llnitntl tin bin liy Ibn tVny. l'litmiKrtiiiiK. N V,,Hn 1 1 -Iniuinutloii ic ceiv.dhorv il.lci thai 111 to ci.r baJ. uf I tclaoa au : 1 ! U 1. 1 lit ui. i..e milk tialu 00 the lludfui Itiver llailroul. lut ntitht, they htvln-; pre v.ouilr hroVo i pf .i the milk etna 011 th. trala, aod otlurwl.f fopiloctod tltvicielie. in a .hamoful man tier. Be.wef.i I'atakil. fltattou and t o.iuauto.u Intiitliik ta. ruiuilifd. and ouooMlnt iiiiiuIm . htviH- exaipe,ated hit lomia.c. il. aai Unotvu I111111 thu tar wluuow ahlle tho .it. tu mullau. lne t.aln did not aiop u sh k h.ui up. ,t iiiol' i!u 1011c.1t tati .id . 111 'H.1. l.iM-f't luiii..iltta lul ami p.iiiflioi nihil". 1 1 "1 1 t lie 11 pirty hm. put Uf the tralu and .njjlf-l in u'rri-li t 111 , mini , l.ia t- l .ll. ttlm'tlig tu.. I. .oimt.uii h iV.iik I e-fu to. it'i'il " lli.t .-tlwii ol Ulti. 101 uu . mi: nan. ... uu. a. .011 1 J to euiai ihu ..tpok mU 11 .1.0 III. hi 1 1 l''i.'l up hvl Ion, i'Iviuc t ue prv.iiior. ol 1L0 uiiauiaul au ipjjni.uinir toclot-u their hou.o. hcu the p.i.u Lhiouth thl. tiiuoii, neariy all th. riutui weiu aalvep, a'jd quiei acimd tu piuvail. Kclitrl. from llullnlo. Uvitxui, Jii It. the rtmnna have 'rtved." and aie now aieklni Iranfturtatioii upou lionenl lla-ry'a term., viz.: Nofo taleiipann. ayalu to luvatio Ciutda. A. many u v.oa' naiiif. Iuvitu. ready It-en enrolled l, their olVur. to 11 tutu n tiv. I'ri.ldeut ilthoii.' ia.t p 01 .im.i.ou ha c.iu.hted the .trk ot di.h.ueln the n iu here, tlnub hefoio It waa puHhlni I ti" tiso-uiu lluiii. wo. 111 uuuy ali.i Inu 'ral Han, Ijhuv eiuijoLt aid tu loud tho luou a av. Ilcporta rrtiin ttjtlrcitbnrsli, Oniirntirruu, Jime II. -Iho 1'tuUu warouthi border hue clcied. At luldii'thi, e.Ineidat . nil but a lew airrcler. had ttu..'el Malono and othi-r pnuta for the r homo, and oMcrs wcifl htintlnr up the aiattcred men f4r tho p itioae of a.nulu. ti t'a awiy. 'Iho ciaminatlo'i ol iho l-'onlan tITicfi. .r le.iul laat weik wi. coui-lu t-1 tulotutln. I'n Ih.i SUtet Ointiil.iiotie'. IJiarit. II T.oia.i. In.i men. in-, and tho prlaouei. wmo lie! ', llni .1 m in. 1,, 11,0 turn ot four tuuuatnd dollar, catu, aud It u nle 4 iu no aum 01 two ijiou.ani u- :iei 1 . 1 , 1 ,r . , pfariace lor trial at tha urmof the l'n d ftaiet In.i ict Court, lu lo touv.nod at lautuukiruaou ti 0 Uih lntaur. l-ou 001 auiMtion witu th 1 cuiiju-I, Judre Flandera. 01 M'. otf i. r er oft u no 1 a;-, proach o tie leiiu ti tne tijrt,tho nlhc re 1 1 1.-f-ludeu to icuiu n iu u.ludy. iii.y ar.iv.d i.e.. o'i the nildnhht trilt, rni n h 11 a' -1i ,uia , il, lor Cuu.lidelfcUi. Tlio lolliwlnu ia 11 itmi'i'elp If.t of ti.cpriiu 01., ulili .auk. nuiit .il d loalouurt'i t.en. M. I.'. tiulpht, No. Voik, 1 1, .1. I,. uou.i.u, .Vloaiiyi Cd. ,1, f. u'lle II., Hi. .met i I, i-.i , In. euco (Juiuu, Alnai.i alijoi Jolu 1 . 1 oiinel.y, .Son ar, S J ; Cap, Jiiiiii tjlaii. t 1 u. k i t ip . 1' , i.iady, Alh.ny; ( atl. John I,. T'llbu, Total. in; t'-ip.. V. II. l.lnd.ay, .Sew rk ; ut ,,u. 0'Ut..u. Now Voih , In S . 1.. binuo, .Ni.-turk. Hi. ottnen wero cht 1 rtiit, and pt-teo ilmir time in 4at,' jnirliiih natioiiai aouta, aud t'her rxh.Llilouaof llrporl. Iroui latimla. TntiutTij, C. V Ji.k W.'toluute.ri on the froutlci, ahoie builno.. urcoutly leiinlre. them Lome, no uo. ptiuilttcd to Itavt. (1, hoi. will te main nsdur arm., It I. i.ot docl.VI whetl.or the l'anian prtioner. will 1.1 tried lytlvllor mlllUry coutt. home of the nilul.trfttor lenity, 01U1. thiult tha. an ex'rnp e .t,oill I o matlo. xr.w vdiik .statu fii;.ATi:. Alu-iky, Jlmk 11. ihe lenatu In t'cit-i action .cent the morulnj: In conill.rlnj ,u '.In -., .u mil. Ud tlt.-day, A rtcoa. waa taaea wtthoul comiut to a ueeiiioa. I'lruro'I'ni'uinonlu Sot Kicdrriuit. Ai-naitr. Jf.ti 14 In a dipmh forwardM on Faiurday nlihtlt wai lived thit the Rlnderpot or l'lcuro-I'ncuinoula hal nude il. apputrauca In .Suit York, and that It had teen .0 ofi'dilly announced by the l'teildint and Seciolary of the Sew York St te Agricultural SvC ety. 'Ihe mem tra. er rtteou.. Ttotdcen named annourcel 'he app-ar. anf n of pletuo-pneumoma, hot not the ilnuVrji'tl -iii.eueiof cattle entirely dlUnonl In ititir uttuie. The rlpletpeil hta not iptaied In thl. oouu'iy 10 far a. the kno.ledie of the othcen ixirnd, and It li u&tlilfBUr atneud , aUtU thai isa.rn, Kohj Itoma. If rlijrip f U,l .T.u l'ert f and A rottnckt r vohtt on bail briikf-i cut tn Span ah llau.luraa, but tha Il.-I.lah colony waa qiutl and iroaperotif . A ri:i rf tier Iiy it the I'nioii Stoclc TarJa at U hio. III, itaalroy! a hank houaoanJoihar rropeny, valued at ll,ntf ftilly tniuro.1. Tnesteimcr Ma;nollH naa bur list uu the leven at Ct. I, 11K Mo . vealerday, Hhe naa valued al almii fti't.Oni) for half thl. turn. Tub ('ainiuta-dobor from ITaaltluglon t i eiamlne the faoihilf. fur an Iron did baan at r.inUnd, Mo, arrive 1 it-era Tcalertlsr. Tut N w ILiui-ahlrt IttHbHaa Catictu ye.te f tlay immlmiol tbe ll'tn.Jam-M Y. l'alemon for UnltM itn Herstor. A TurtitLi -,-ala and Hneil TitilMl An. Vlatn?, Naw Itaeland, on tho lav of April, which avink nine vtiMlaln the but' or Natv .rnJan.l a.lrlcM alale tbat fottr ut tbo tnunleteee of tbe miaul oviirtwi al Volhaer liato beet eo"do.n"C I to deatl 1. Tu returua of Ue elo;liii In Waabbiglon Ter rlt. rjr elmiv Democralio utalna. entlro llttuo crtUellcket In nlie cony tn la electeJ, eud It la Lt'evisl 1.1 l.nlu four 1 'there. VKToaiv (Van Uouver'a Ialaml) tliepe.trh'1 ir that It 1 Keulan no a from tlarslt cn.i 1 muoh excllenirtit tbero- Two men uf nar aud two Run boili bal recelnil-ordota tuer-alta otr the lutl-or. Tositponuil eaiu a of baae ball at New Haven, between ll,e YU (Mlojn nine and Charter Oik ulne, uf llmfur.' , mut lu a&' Iher vlfl try for th" Charter Oik The eeore tol S'ltO 10. Tue Charier Oik all il holiia tha bit. I'ira f V.'. liontar, orjanlat of 81. l'aul'a church, tvin ,iie, Kr waa thrown from a lloek may raip.n on .V-'eduaM-Jay, bie.k lo bla neck anddyio Is itanilv. Hi. I.iiilly tu the fame vr. hiole with h ,in rro uot Injure I. LOUAL news rt7 rOBC ANIt THS VIClltlTT? liblA-lVA UK TUB Kf.W VoitK YACIirut'tUU. lh anual aallliiat toatcli hotaecu tnumlterof jtrlila t-f ton flint to tbia i-lttli. canin otT yoiletday, under th.dtf-cMoii of Mef.ri. ithlpiwii, llourk and Vratri' , Uiwat a luiiiillire. 'Iho yaehla r .Oder, lutiir lal tlxi Ow.'a Head, In the ltwer Hay, nir tha lntj IiImkI .l.oif. aliamt a mile f'.'TO Tort I, a far etie. 1 he il. 111 tint, acta 1, litvlnx boon pin vl 'id m tho inaiu'-c.. ul ihe chi'. r.'il luvlui 1 c uki;i, 'eft the ahai', 10 if Chilatuph.r atiret inou alior teuo'c.u k, and, tn her arrival at the Ha? lw it elf Owl'. Head, tn. parttioii. weiu tnadn for tbe .lirt A liinv aiiiio.plip-i.. wllli vi rv lltllii air atliirinr.' lut.i.eii I tho Citni Itti f to cliauMt the linjr tf alnrl In-.-, ou I aonerdlnsly iho yach . mu e ml.ina.'ltd tu pt 'heir ut atiami unlll haifpaal tlfi-f., at w tilili U'Le a llabl H. K. l-ffriv- "I. atl Httf.and the n Inou iti CiIiimk, Ira tone. llf-, !i tonr, and "lil).llJ loit-," t ttd rwf h ill the to iMsaofth aiUn O.t 't" fnlo f' for 1 rate . anil, Ihi' lui'iiiit't I tar. the almp llni la, f .' loll', ami III" 1)1 foi, . i ltlia,ti-t ..II, und p(,P.P,fpd pn thflr Pnnftt Iba Aliiilt'. Ut' lotif, and In.., beliit aim diaan. AlthiKUtii t: p w iml und a e atiior waa nn' ru rotir-f ln 10 thp ai-otaiuun, not piII-p'om a llvplv aipnu wai pretfiioj. A acuiu or ilui-p of O'Oef y liu apf.-i.ip nie 1 tin-, in ih 1 tiwo, heaiJ't ill Bi.aiiioia iiiomaa l w.r. Win. 'Mt'im.r, l. it Kiliiiiv. -im A. It. l'::-lipr. willi 'nifif.iel n.o'a lora. It" Adiuliat 1 ana-!!--. t.un nuninlar I'f nn-ck, ll.iuj do U1.1111, ot l'- lOiltliii ia ta'. on, 11 i .;ol, rl the 1 lenr'l tj. ai u n f oilif inv. fl irufat. 11 litp me P. at, -ttti I.,-., mmiii'titi luu.h tuti rint in the "pi i' ilnet, rum ly . I, In. 1 in hnwimi rrali a iiio. ita teitte th' .Sartnwi, und rhapil tl.elr iiai.t .o '. p h iu. at ilm tuu.u at. .tpiuvLuie ihey arrivflinth lollpwlnit u:der: SchoonerCn'rppe .... Ht). " !!f 1 10 xi " Mr.-u I id ;ii Sloop Ihmiti 1 sj Sii " I'U--li. 1 Z'i) bd Now ciinuiemed tho luawaj-d ilrrti h of lcnnll", or in. te -w.tli a Irt.n bn'ore !n tl if Htht aini, tthicii aui pia.wd iiy tho yach a lu me '.olicelu. older : Bihi-ojerMaal- 3d. J-Jui. (161. Ilap h IS -h " ''' u 1' BIomi Honlia ... 3 vl j; Afier waltlur rtm-. time turtluf wim to Mike hi 1 lr," at thu lulu ihlti, tlx litlh 1p i-t-'I'd to the aoiilIi.p.i .-p !. In tho mtlUtori r, 1 !ou hul initio 1 down ovor iin watPr, an 1 tl.t n nlii.ot. dial atiy iina 1 thi Spit waa rercoeil, it whii'li inlrit en nltiin-t. calm p avcltt-i '. Nt-lilya!' hunr u I elurii tint yathta rpliean I, the Mi'irlo it-iti im ..uu, ihu uk ti in. nm, ruuiiai n Ilm tiu ir et n t'.lork, lo m'niitua au.Hii .-ci.i, a. fuiluael It 1 tin 1 ni'i nth, 14, 4), tie ll-inlia at r, '"J, 11 i.ul tht 11.1.0 a. .'1 ., , -,. u,q Jlreaui tlurf n ani abfal. A thit tl'.i". llu h eolP Ireahened .lltjliilr, ,1 1.1 a Ikji.l lan o ram d .poll nil thuithf, at 0.1.1 thu vut ut. lo 1 a p'n.ld. lieu I0.111U the N: lo4t ai Dw.'a 1 old, which wai teaohed .u tht iti iua im! oiuar : Scht-orer Maajh' Cli. 6iMn. Ifai. H ntp II. nl 1 il in ,j 1-t'io nor ilixe .t) M n ttt.uoi.. 1 Caljii-u t 01 j blotplhoiin T ii it 'Ibeohiprinc. whlfli crt'ttPd the trlr Harp 01 hor all.vai e tuny 1. ', od I ut tu lo tne w,nnin ho 11 nf ht r lia ; 1 ud ahe u. nuimuuna llto., ihu Ur tun atpi.rod to olauu iho prUo tor ... a .iivo ul tr I. 1 1-1 l.ou II. ri.i..t lii'Uilttll appitiuuttly .. inunct Jt t end ut il .-r i-u, ane ai t..o ..11.0 t tue houoia. ..vicurt, wh.fii are notion!, th. .pi ot iutr II. to ul.. Ij -cop IJ', tl.i fat .aohll luiuj il. lone 1 hy t' rulu,tit th raJt a. 1.11 in.naiea ul ad diti iul tiu.a. 'Ihinli.i iil-o run waa -otueahat 1:100 than, fo-'ty milt. In ' . than ten lioiiu, lor two p :. e. .a.u. Id at a'fcitj p .tu. 1 buat-u ixot 0 n.i.loluvti , piaJ'i .l.ror . I.- and a i.hiiiouo m te... 1 1. ui will Lu rinitahlo liiwrlptioria l-oloiott'iu-; aarue . tu U..I u.uera ul thu illinium v. tatla. t'lioixitA 'iiir. .v.K in 3in Hriusri Aviiuii!! 1'aiai. Caoic im tniruav Hiui.t.-!)r. Hani, bai 'uruUhod arcpott of tlio out of cho ora In lith iln.i'1. 'l!.u tipori la thn.nlytnl.eii fium Ihe hi. lory ol llu caie aa pupated It, thiial toudlw pli.iicliu. Dr. b C. l '.i'er, who wsa par tlally .uliUd by Dr. William A. I'cleri, tud ilr llirila htm.df, whet reaidouio la utin by. All Ihrp. concur, from tho .yiitptoiu. n neunolns It a cue of Ailallo elm. -ri. Tho a nuo .1 n; tnua tho at'ionipany I lliooa dhirhm., a dla ivo w, uii au po oui. tan uiatiuaunh Iii.i . .1 uta, 1 , t hill p't ci U'Jill latal. lue tii'iiin, m na'i Koll. Intel .ill t... i tioura, durlnc winoii 1 lino aiiapink rttdjali . bo yh.Pimit livid and t ta.J, pull, 1J aaJ w e.l , and ihi am jiitii'.cd at 4 uo .-ft 0 1 0 liitaia 1110 !-lit .pent 11 it ateatei mat 01 thu on .ith ht'r a.i pf in a tri tpiicuimit Im p., S'ljil Wil itt itteel, win' h i. contlotwod too h. h ,tvt put of that liK-.lity. M a I el in ih lamil (if I I. i, wh. phetd, CO We.t 3& n iiiett, a li uie nhic'i ta pa pir'Odrai'. oetly clpic. 1. . tin uuti,-e ntlau bar nood. lierclotbiuii an 11m if liately dialn'oo e I U Ltlun p.aued Iu iiuiIi.ii aator, uiiciy nnpie nt i,i all'i I'- iriu.'anMe 0' 1'otae.i. &11I luu.ouoool 1 luoi and i' 'phata of liou wo.e luaudaliout the r " in. Anolh.r fa'al cue oocurr.d at fit Cherry atrrtit en Tu'llay uhiht. The pauent wa. au old uiu of Ihrcoicore aud ten nau.od Patitck rihtoh n. lid had beau only five wteki In thla country, ttu 1 01 Tueaday ha ate a hearty dinner cf rorne J btv ' and laie iteiua, aa la alieaei, with which be draii 1 ..v. I wil limn ul ai, Ue couUuugil lu bla uiatl ualUt andapl'lte, and a. the In.-wcor leek mm. ' tlo" me vloui to r.'.lrln. lor that nlaht. lit ilrpt wfllnnlll abcat Ihtee o'clock In the morntne. wheu he waa iflred with eevera vntntilni aad pnrr(na. lo.,owed bycrampa. A phyilclan from a netthl-ar- tne drop .tnie attended bitii, and ftanltary Inafertor lltufrann .1.0 .aw tiltiu tail ootwl hatan line all thflr I e dttd it 0 u'rlock on So-luia Ilr h.v ln heml'i only e'.h'fn hour.. There II little noutl that the di.tie.alog vomitloi andcrampa act tne upon hi. aged fiame cau.el hlin to aucctimb anonei than a yonnter perttn. niteellnna forclean line lie place and illainfectlnc hla oloihlnn wait pr-'inpilr l.ttii..! be tr. Ktneraon, and it.ttrday moriH it .x plyalflan. (ofllror. of the Hoard of lloa th) wpio "t..entt ut ttatetaa the (h rh l lp'-otlrd n. bline terv unhealthy) within G bhtrk. and ro Irom tolimiao and at. that each iipatiii.e ui wai lh"f uihlv diuiiii-cled aud cleiuipd. ihe hou.p. hi t'tietn- .treat, 1. a four .tor brick b illillur. i-ontalainc tA apparentlr wall ventilated 1 1 viii, aud occup'fd hyftu latnilies uuml tn all 3J ppi-tona. IhftP I. a bo line aal.-n In the haiemcut, whifh 1. kepi thoioifhlycioati, Sluca the a.thelef derpaard, hla daugmeti. al w;u).i ina- taure It came haip, atnl who had nm ertn him lur jr. it, aid all they ovuid tuiuako him irnilornH.. The ii le l,a,i 1 1 en 111 with dla il.n'j two diye l.ilnro hl fleiih. and thai hp draaa tuueh, tn l n.n loud lo wliiui be had tiol Iceu aotuaiomrd. Nt alanplne; e. tup cut nvnired up t with.ii t.o u. Illtee liitiiaii. hla iltneaae. lip waa onrifd yea. of da aJletueuu, aud iho leiualua looked i4utie u-iluial tlUABt-tIti. Thu workmen at geautu'a Point are procre aalrut rap'dly wllli the l-ulldlnya, an! they will toon ba ready f r cerupntbn. Tht t'p lltori have beea wlillfwa.h-d and elaanet, and the accumnlaled rub Llili li ltpnily r.iiioi away. It la eapected that rt .) thin, will I f n aily by the piiJ of the weak fee the rppfptlon uf pa apiifei. Tha Injnneilon bow. ever, whlih wa. yeileioay teived umu Meaata, bhulu an I ndPt. ui. ana Dr. Swinbuiue, mar la tano'p with It. oc up.n. y for -oine time. The fo.lowlni. la tho l.tnatQnarantlna report! Hotu'iraLSiiir, JusxK. The following thtee now caaei hate bean recelvl aim liaf rppnit Juno l.iili-1'dwiii Swena.n, aiod II, Sweden. Jac.b lluhln. " 19, " lli'itiianntiauer, " lu, Auattla. No dailha Into ocenrred alnce, llemtlulng lut reiMil, 4i. .Sowc.iat, a. Ci'iniM Homit .ii'OiiTMiatri. Tbt work ot diiinlatlug and appolnllog got. regularly ou, under tollrctor r'uirtht. Two clerkj are kept bu.y. alurUiC tu.loaa. hour., lu II Hog appllcallona from pirtlee who are antiotia lo arvp the Oovernment lu luera. Iltn Doiltlun. It I. .lid thai tlK Demoprat. are la Btf-itor Utor than titer, and only Uepublleane rnilo' ed hr Weed or Hit tuond have tho ghoet of a chance, Mr.Thnna. MoKlraili (of tha l aiucrtr). It It ii-piirtcd. Iua U011 ai iMinsod a Deputy Colluclor. In plica of Mr. Kiuhlee.who 1. now a Deputy at large. Tin: Sun- I'Ai'hr.nna, At a recant meeting of lhemt men. molten to rviPind tha rttololtoa pour I on Ibe 1Mb March, ttnctloulng the atrlke for the il(hl hour eyalein, which oecurrtl oa thai April, waa tleiuated, and arc.olullou adopted dtclar. Iny Ihtt tint r.u'ker. would .till alanlllrin. From ,1m M'raii iiHMiot a la'ifr wa. raeelvol alalia that material aid wculd Immediately be forwarded. I'uo Aianniga Hxiuarua. It la Hie general o?!ulou, among the large ahlp. builalng Hi nil, that the alrlko may tw oou.ldered al au cud a litgt- proportion of the lcadara ot Iht move tent havliit iclutnct to work. Ma.ara, 0. 4 K. I'hUIi ti. of H'nnkli-ii, .tale that they on uow nblalu all ihn parpf 11 ei. nmlfaulkara they rwitilrp, but, aa . th lr lii.iiii.a lit. be.11 mu. li llijurtd by the atrlke. 4J10 nuiulmi iiteded I y Ihoiu i. ouly about lid iuau. 1 '.'lnii the atrlko Piiunip-tcfil lha 1'olllor-a 1 -ware ent. ttd 011a neir voa.f I for tha llanford Sloans ii.aUo-ol It a lohi'-tlil' dluicuiluoa t Lwnglh. 114 fp.-i - 1 nm. 4" irpt ! drpth ol hold, I'W Iret. lluu I r. iu.tij4iutiice of the inotemfiit. Iho Company barta 1 ju'iuio 'ho.r a .hlngue.i to lit hor lay over unlit in 1 1 tea-. IT.'ia.w M ttkp.i. A. lure ntiinbf r of per. at' V. Koherta' lloid'iaarlera ye.tefday. In rTitrblt.n gymrathr. The Tenlan Chief re. relvoil all a'Hh a p.fa.anl null-, and .poke codO- dpntl) nf thf fjtittc. I1! tfll you,," .all bt, "aiau that aula thing will go on, and will lw 1 aula I llui'uah, in aiip uf all the obitaotea whlfli ui-v ho placed In tur wy" (Irrat activity icppiro.1 m ptpviil ariunl Inn headiaartera, hut tii. re " no nj petrinr'-ol arn.or aiiyiiuulliou. nor ,i .in !- ndi .ppaar Pi bo 011 .a o IVnatnver bual 11 waa goiiiit 011 wbeitnuaa'Ui'l In Cul, tlii ptlvata ti Vte. a p.ftautn.11 a Inch baa now Ui-xune uecta.arr li". iht yoiertincnl. Aboiil filly pmer u tio il.'lu wlngol tuo unur nf tho lii.h ltipuhllb he'd a mteuug Iti Ihe aliein.en, at the Itoheru' l,. wluuirii-ia 'llic eeaalon w.. .trlctly prlvaia. A lal4eiiuliitroil0lurnedan:dlel,fri.!oth floral, 1 wi u i.a.rid.y luin..hel with Iraaaportatlnn lo rttpeitlvabouita. Iheyiepitt that there aro m, '. mi .111 iiuw ou lha border. Ihu ttlalof I'real di nt iiolu will ht ri.uiue l lod.v, whtn the an. wll I o df cldrd. 1 1 1, .aid thai Wlahirt will proba bly J o pl.tod 011 the aland Ti.r. I jtTKin AiNJir.Nr Kivtn la Yorkvllleon Tutiadar ud Vi tdiiaiJay evenlngalaal al tht Chtpat ,cf hho Holy Inulty lu Kighty-tourlb urett-Hev. Wlillaui I'yttiopd poalur-waa a gralifylufaucceaa, .tin Ci 11. 'h tirli't 'rjwdel throuahoutbutbevenluge. I hi- lodertatu-iililft'itrd waaeh.erlug to both paatur tu 1, ui ;;i,o, . Uj diin;. at It did, a pruuilae ul Jarge aait oarli T irfctithm. to tho Hocloty. bnTtvinu HuoAiiWAr Under tbt dJrtc lloi of Uie Common Council, a ataim groorlnc ruicl'lnit 11 at work t-very night, grooving the pave a. nt on llrutdway I ttwttn Chambtra and Wm.a tile.!., ai au aiimrliutnt. 11 U.u re.ult la allarao. u r . oil er p-iltloiia of tho .treat will bo .Initially daa'twllli. rItaton la vary alow, bowtvar. A niissiso iaar.f.. Nut a litllt anxiety 1. fell, b, li-r New VeV owuera. for lha .afety of tha In lie fl'pp.r thip ModucIi he Seaa, now about 4 ai.ovoidiiefroin I.ltiriK"! fha .ailed from that purl 1,11 Iho or ul .'larch, with ID) emigrant pT.acineia, aui au uiiwru'a' ,c"i'"- H"1!' V.ri,., . i. ut ibeatt.1 ilnua forNowYok arrived .leie ill ah uUlur4niar.. t waa .uppoaed that am lu.'t Le. iua dinan.el ar.d Put lulo layal. I .land ui Im I .ta. lor up .Ira . but advice. Iroui that p n 1 ihe 14th uf May ui.ko uj iuo.H"" f bar. 'Jm. IIuoahway Cl.r.UKaaro fliMag great ariau.oii.i'uialor thouiaae meeting ou .Monday eva nil c, l.oj. 1.. liodfley duuiher I. tu pimUo. and a nuLihri uf pioiu.ii.ui iscrihauia will ht preaeul ll 1. tin! that tuo uf ihi wealthie.l merchant, ou ISntulwir, who hid In htrto hceu con.ldortdho.tll tu ib 1 ua vpuieui, wiu at lir.l ieut.itd to pi.iHl. bai lui hi' inu-loatiy dtjcliucd. He, however, r. intp 1 tho t'.iiiiiiilifep which waited epeu him very taruialiii, aid a-Muied tiitui that he vodld bt uo ob. alu lo ill tlltn way, that he would attend tbelr uiiiitinif, rrt'l woiihl uljan al two tfclnct on Satur uu. 1 .1 uun ra wouhl do fho aaiui. llxuiueat ipeikara I.UM'p i'. lied to ho ptti'Oiit, li.. a .lut' lluu. a, ti.., I'ev 11. W. Ileecher. lion llithard O'tloi L.m i-iui u.hvLt, aud Hum tuo p-orauiuie turunhed. tii-w hur iritj tho aum iirtn-nt lha. "liout am to ipieive.i lor lanie-," ihona taa be uu oouht Lut ihu meeting n III ho aucraaa. Ki'wtur ioit VV Ait. It U it'portml that lilt, trie Ai oiuoy Hill bu ready lor picaentallon to 14a lirauu Jury the caoa of uea ly out Lu.n'iod aad llfly lluui'r duaier. who nut tiulilod tho i.acl.e lew. lUU AN.SLAI. KAIK ON UOlt) ..uuiluonc on Alouliy n.xi. matant, when iht lllli bire.uou-d ratiiuuDius of tlio city will higln lit work 01 h itili'ig up all the canine tpacla. that may Im a lo.ed M 101 w Hit .tile!, uuinurx.ul. Up to Anion In, fiip.uti apieco win he paid lorllioiu. aud tllir mil inn. hi con ., or irhapi lu.aUar .uu.a tutfio abi h-vo v.luaiit uug. thould bu Pa h.v. luam tnuxxiei wheu about, 1 aiiuitATluN Tho Dumber of cmlrauta a th to; hciu f-ir tha week tallng June 14, waa , aud 1 r tht ytar up to dale, HI iti, agalutt 6,i7 to .auio da'o Itut year, ilraiiuu CoiipoiiATiON. It It aal-l that tb. po-ctityou tht ilio ot lUrnuin'a Muigum. aud ta tendlnK all tho way to I're.cott Houie, ha. to an pur. thaiel for tho .lie of a new Mu-oum, which I. lo ha I (CtmUuuctl ou I'tiiu'iA H'ltuv.,"