Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK SUN". I IT ftltlNIQS FOIt ALU' I' 34TH YEAR! f . OMHMT I1AIIY mo a PA Pit II IS M!AV YORK ClTi Eaclpt J&aroal f Comnrc tsJ wtihtat CIIKAPIMT DAtnY NKAVSP.VPKIt IN TIIK WOULD. THE NEW YORK BUN i"-. HMT fieflllf 'tW eblain ih Mi ef lb dar ftwn 17 part II tf tfatwetttt, whibr tr Atlantic CHa ty-T.t.t- J titph or tr M.vi1,ani i-aa'i THE WHOLE. U ft I ormprt frrat 4 ONE UALP TUE t'JUC Ct otttr if 3itrpir. J II THE flt'N u rd,trrrr 6r tr oi&rtr ft fnrir M jvUiIod ferwD, id4 thai feaccoM, Oil ilol b , 'tipoalof lUallr rent ant a tl elate) i mtdlum I f idratllalot rtrlf t tt touoi. I THE rniCK if iU Btpf, it tbt vnM.rr.ttM 1 ffl or fiutilab tf sti TtDiltit, liTWO CENT3 'fj V IIKCOIV tod ! dillTirad brr'nlcr ti tU X I llmiif, &tor er f-hfB tt tar b 3lr It, (or TWrt.VE CKNTS PER WEtK, oc iut by mill at 1 nil lH)LtAM t t-rtr, I THE TKICE FOB ADVERT IP TNI ttrr, BMri I j fjit U bKtltoa. FROM TTVENTYTO 1'UTY CENTS I Fin t.lWK, forth luMTtlon,ipIfiUrrwnninti ! I tntr bj mftJ for ftd artt.aroaiiU of unuinitUoith. Tin tditarUl di pi run to I f THE (UN U under i A hUM of Jours F. Il.utu M Lm tomaua ' f ltoo ihoaU t ft41rtui. I . All UttwiffUlini todrrt(ifm(nfi,ribterlpttoni ; mar trssrhef tb lu-li. ibbuUl b I 4ditidlotb Proof It tor, . j MOflM fl. UK A til, f of NaM.g tud Pulton ttrtatt. Nw YoikCUr. Scocial Advortisomonts AHUMUHG-IIOW OFTEN VK HEAR thU ftpfoitloo D-ora prtoo roidtoc tdvorino ana of Tttent Mad id ora. and la otao caaea oat of Uo lbf tutf t tlibL It U efr 1 rtri ilur 1 l fnuoncod tar raMiclno. lb AN MM , Wr.N r, uih jmbiit. I hfc) do mokr t tdwrilio 1 It, m I llt n IW a1a with ft f drnjtitiu tad iior' kc thraafti ft itniil tlD ei tho rouDirr, Ttmr Ukloi II w,tb riH to nrta( btil 1 lo d riom to Irt tnrono httt It. tnl If It did not do til I , rt4 on mjr pampblot, do ono ntol rf tit II, In In lUrti two or tbioo titlro voio tikoa ea trial f Mfooai prfofol. I w, bf tnour ibxilbl rtur, ; fj thi would lo lb Uil lbr wnM of mo. Iul t know mr nitdlelfi Dobuu.Luj. t otoul Koftthi 1 bojia to rocoiTo ordtn tnr tnoro Unl. won. Mm oiling It mjr toIuoIU I,lnlmt, 1o btd rofuard to ilta roctlpr whon I lfi It n tholr itoro. Now mr iiira or mhlloai ff tottl rrlr a J oil lor rub. 1 wortftnt It nor1fr wi bt oibr vruo1Ula fr tbo tmt of Crtop, lurtbno, 1Ma torr, Cotlc VomhlDf, Hptimi. out Mt-ie)tD, UUrrU itmtdf, It la ttf Ir Innorol to Uk iBtnttllr -o Mth ftrrotnranylog carh hmtlo aod t itrnallf for throoir Hbtumailin, llatdacbr, klumpa, Frotted I tot, Prular. Hp, ft na. Old Core, fltliiBo, eora Tbroata, Af i bold tr J1 tbo DruUu. L'ott Ifl Cort.oudi it. dtk A ix ri:pjoN3, srcii asT;ngini:!;r3 Arimer. fac lorr baa da. Aft who art ipua4 to aveUooland iDiitrv. abouM boro l bonl Ibal od g dorful roDiedr I)arl'a Uaitctl l'alo Kitracton it ' 1 will teal wtth tal (actlllr tbo alUbtral acratcbor I oooicb, od tb muat (tarfal turn or cmnd It Uka I wf ell tbo f oof tad ala to ft fow inomaDlBt at-d I. II appllod to tfiro doa But loaf tbo allf hit war, Tbi hub U crttnlDftUy ea.rla, bo,wba auch a rail kaown, rrulD romodr I wltbln bla itaaiv will tp4t forth bla baud aod Uk H. And Botoulrlo :aao tiertint from Puroa, Hida Uiiilah Bprataa 'Ctiu, Ar, la Dal'o'a Uagirat I'alb Extift-wr an viiOJOftlrtl apclQ, bat crnfieaia fro.u a.nul ftraflloa wIm bao aJ II for tnoro tbauVftraara toTlitob ooforfalilBf raaidr for oil trip IJoqi tad Bktn DliOft't, 0 d Swrot Cr. Hmiooa. CbUblolba, lUa ftnd UhoutoetUm. W cballoni uron wbo ba natd It lo tar that It UlDotdftil ad oroti mot tl fto li eUltnad tor It. udIUo otbor mM clfta, tbo Uat of lloio and eontl uodwobaa addod to Ha rtpatft'ltu. Ifjoubaf i i 'bTr void It. do not lot ft dar paa without a tti. I If too barf tain tt. n wcrda of our ftt btid to Udaco rou to ilwaf a kap gnoj tupplf. f3old br all Druif lata ant tan tlwaraba oMa!nd hr tbo dcit'n or a nil a lot at tr- lopol, i) t1ar Ml, N. Y. IbconU Let i bf mall 85cooU. S91 " j mtcic saia'k -TAuinAssra cei.c- Ubriid lllack bait cn vow l prorurrd at 4d HjoiU tfowmd at, U.lauituiib, at W caul par J tut, ovi ( I TTflPEPSlA THE (iHP.AT StXESS $ A-'a-bich ht allaoJii Dr. 8UI1 ll'd faUbiaitd . j . liYHl'kTBIA ANNIIIILAIOIU f Ulbocairaof UY&VZVtM INDU1WTION. I.O , I -or AriKiirr, tjuiriVKMWA, fijA'i uienc y i e, la without ft pirallel. 1 bwiwda who Iibt 1 aoffiirod tliOUttureaof lblaIUEAlV'l'Mi"EASK ro dov cn)ortn( food broltb from tho ilmotr u vt i .tbUruatrarUDt rmlf, and rvoir on aittutai -gbouU trr a boUlo, aa thr wilt fludiifon aaloii k trial frt illcf. It la ?r rraftabl to tbo iat, ad at BoUouuua or dltlrl"tta druta aio U'i to Ita .nroparatloD. ITU ONE HOLLAU pu bottle. I ra- i brMand for a al at 40 Stulb Hicood inet, Wtl ,7 fiaaaabureii. i i T1EMBUDER TIIK UTTI.K ONE3- I Ji-V TUB UEirinrrr. amp iMiriuN cini.DntN OF ol'U COUNTRY' HEfENDr.K?. ' J (IRANI) CnAliTrAtlLE I'AtB AMI I'RMKNTATIO.f KTHTIVAtj It All) UK TIIK UOMR AND KCIKK)!. t'OKllil'. L'AINTUSASXr. AMI Kill CATION OFTIIKIIKBriTITL (JIIIU)UKN OF )UK "DLHIKlia ; AM) bAILUllS, n ArrKAi. TOTHKAunnioAs vr.jn.r.. t MOV YOKK, Ocl. I.l. 18M Wc.thf Offtefrt kod Mlbkim ff lh"llcm. tbt I t 'flfhir for th XuriMon ftnd Mfttalatftf. of tLt 1 LMalllai. ChllJranol cur ttoUUn ftiKlfftiloi), tftia Mtlr olirtt tii tnifullir tud t--rrftln In mr j VAlK AM) llltAM) rRRMKNTAIII Ytt ' 'VAU of All wh)d(HiU with into til. "Jlotut and School" tntlilfxl to rrralv. and aara tor ail utaJf araa wbo arak lla aha trr and rrotavtU'ii. 1 Skra.dar.aral l'l,Yttr.S8 tlKAtT. ITnlJaol. ' Mil. CHAM I' DAl.Y. A. tin, I'.aaldfnl. I Urt. H)oHiau, J, C. I'UKUU.M, lit Vlca T.a aclAaal lira'ROfiniT VOHriTFlt. 5d I'raaldaiit, Mn JOHN 8 MlilHIllLrl, Tiaiaurcr. Uia. DAII) IIOYT frnarr. I Mn. wu n. HM.I.Ynt.Orrf m-.dlD( Srcrtuir . ' Mra llr.l( KYll l.W. Uanaaar. Mil. .1.1 VAN HAI.HKM, Hiumn, Un. JNU, II. VMltll-Uaaa(j. i( I Tha Fair will rarj on ll.a 10th or Iamhar, and oaallaootwowoaka.attha 1'1'III.IU IIAI.U comar ' 1 n( llroadwar and Twa Dtr tlilrd .I'll, M Yoik. I Ta ba toarlii lad hr tha ' ' UKAND PltWKMTATlON rMTIVAL . 1 To l lia.d al ' COOl'KR INiTHl If', Na oik, dalurdar Ka. - ulB4. l)acamlr fj, J L'aJirthl Muatealdlr.rltonof Tilr-ODOnr.TllOM A Fa4,ot wblcti orcailoi a Coiuoitttaa a 111 to abaaaa ur tba aiidlinr. lo aatrd in I'liKrevrn 1 aoob. lawful maaa.r aa tlior roar dlarmloa. ror I lha fraillaal thlia will to ImiftJ AjX.OOO TII.KIJ'1 Al U.NK IXH.l.A 11 KiCll, AND mo,'mi riir..K.srH, hkimi mm. io . EACH flt'KKr llOI.DKIl. ' Linr or rnCNTd to nit AWARntn. 1 1'liociii in l ulial Maieidnautacii . tl".ouo 1 Siilandid Country Raildrnro In V"cil clifilf r Count)', nfar Naa York Cllr lt.OOO t aoraar Home and Iot. Arcnua K, Jamal ca. N. Y 1 llcua aul Il adjoinltic aboa . . H.Ca) Ulouia and lit In llrocklrn, N, Y ,(' iamftf., llolaea, and llaluaia (cam . w VMt) . 1 tiaa.i Tl'lim(dltlowa'i l,tJ S ol.Naw Yolk,lAA) , . a ti , i.ii' iht ol Dianiooda (U'Uf, har lllnsi and l'in) .... .... 1.U0 1 1'ald up l'ottr of l.if i In'ii'anr a lir t,w 1 "KilU'a riunt llrt Waler Artartua" lor lleailim Dwrllin'i 1,1' a 1 oil l'aintliii of tlatiaral lf. H (irabl k'.o HOaoli' nual.oIJ jiar WaicLai, it iU) . ' I. ItUdKw'UuatloldLctarWi.UUai. tU3 l.tI3 I K want lill'ianilutn "Umplia" fa fin, IM tO Milaar p atfdT.a Hl'a, at 1 lb ' 10) clfb aled .iablib"bui2 iiic.iinai, now CTi rjhlUuoa al Ibair tVaiaroomr, 1 llroilwar-. .. .. 7,- 0 I IMLoplli (J tola. each), btlraaromp'fl. l Ilfiulraiad llitoir ol tbo War, I r l". . II Ann rl. hlajilianil II IM Hold 1'aua, (aaoUi, Antt !' Iluuoai, II at M. ,. l.Wl IB n. i'-li. idNirk.ii lllraa. ' T00O Call Italia and I'mal rulI!''",,' 'H ltM , fb. bilanca lo lb. foi1"" ,r": llaa, ala.i Uuaical lnalluxnla, aflot n-l oraf Kmnlluia, Writlo, CaiC l-v,,J " Wotk lloiai, Muile lljita, Kid lln 1. 1 lo toaraph All.umi. Ilraail rim ml ft.'.",;f Itlnia, Oonl'a ttb Chaini, l.a.lW;'.k" SVatah Cbalaa, Opara Oliaari. Illaik . ! a1"'1' Ilcloi. t rumra. Iltbllamab'a K '''' ".'!" Ik Mali, l.idlaa' .Sawait Kli ! Ilia, Anjirlcw Cirdi (-' I'ar'ca Ainuia. inanl, Kncrarima and Cad 1'nntvRiabba of lllitloiu.i'ird I'auonaia, 1-aJ.lj' a jl liini'i lUJIoi Wblp. li trial. Bob', Lvllaa' Uluk l.ra, llama fur Cj't'kia and (jWi.i, 4a, Ac. amoantlu, to It.aio UllUi In tbaaiacala l,0W rraianla. aaluid ay, TiWtWO IICaHV TO OIITAIN TICKKTp. ,, Tb. tlck'ata will ba aopmlad lo ail lloukiallara, Tniulata Mualo liaalara, llul.l KteMla. ie..liai aar laoXt. obtalnad at il aiah. or fu quantltlai at tb. ClaVn ratra. fubMilplloa Uita aia una i.adr for Boldl.ra and otbara (mala and famala) wbo aru-Datbl-Jt. wlili our ol'jtol, to ablain orw.ra Cur tbl llakAla. Llrculara (itIdi lull dlioctloaa and larma to ilianla will ba uaUad ou ticket ft alaup for l)fJ.ra mar ba aaal dlrial lo ra Indealaa tb. .xan.r, flora 11013. In a ia:lila .1 latt.r at our tUk,'wltb atimpfor raturn poitic. amoaota , J ahoold ba aaal la Dralta or ly k.ipiiai at tl.. fol CLU1T RATKS : I I Tick.ta to ana addraaa t i M 10 Tlrkata ta ona addiaai to) Jo Tlckaia loona addraai 1 to Tkkatal.oaa addraia. . ... lop aOTickataloeoaad'raia 68 W 00 Tlckata t. .a. addiaia 41f t)(M llekautaon. addraia . at 00 AAdraaa a I ordaia and coiotnuu.catlona lo iTUUMAS dl CUUana,la Ulllcturi, I I H U, DAVIS, Gtaaral Aunt fr tba Iloma aad I ei Uraadwai', Naw York. I BrECIAUNOllCM. . . , i Wauka plauni. (n'ajkuoalodiln,, on babalf of I Ua lima and Ubool, lb. Iiloial donation of till) 9 avada br tba Emplr. In, Uacblu. Cvmpaor at K Yla.dHll.-oadaaj, Naw Ynk. H Milan tr. laaltad to mtlc. lb I Cbatltatla rait . aa, Faallral, tad to land auh tldia tbtlr arupiUir f ud baa.Tolaooa iuiaila. K t, TUDWAB tUO Uantila, D.t.clora. U TK.rORT3 HY TKI.tUliAI'H Aft .LU J.N XV iBUM-jCaaiw 4 lllLlraBllllalaillllr T TT K t&LWkWSkWsi S TI N Thirty-Four th Yoar. KlrY'()H!C, SATLTI?D A V," W, IZ12l2Si2-9.0I I EUROPE. SIX CABLE DISPATCHES. THE FATE OF THE POPE. Kr. Qladstono Iutsrferln;. Tha Ru.M-l'ruiila Alllanee. AN UNFOUNDED RUMOR. Arrlinl Out of Ntpnttirri ami l'lmint'tnl nntl Cuiu merclnl .etrw. FROM EUROPE BY STEAMER. Interesting Mall Selections. Ar Ac., AC. m noi'i: v caiii.k. Tbn l'ai'f anil Sir. (ili!atonf. IXDuN, Nor, 9, Noon Th lortilon Iii.ntl.n.tliUmurnlnj, aja Mr (lliiiltJtic' mla.aton to Homo it to rotoncilo the l'oo to til, fate, Tho Hruao.rrnMlna Alllanrr. Iimhjn, Nov. V. Tho rumor of tlio f.itltire 1 of the Itumo l'nil:in AllUnco iaitufoituiliMl AlllilVAUS our. I.ivrninoi , Tlmrnliiv, Nov. I. M Tim atfutnatiiii Arago, from New ork. Arrlr el ut l aluumtli totUjr, uuil irocoeJt'.l to Havre. (trr.aTOtvv, N,r 9, Nonn Hie nlilp .Voll.t, from New York. Iiaa arrlreil hero en roiile to l.tteriiool, KINANt'IAI. A.M COMMKItl'IAf.. InTtx), llmrailajr. Not. H. I'. !. C'nnaiila eloaod nt fiirmouor. llm tl.ilii itio tulioii, for American aeetirnifa urn na fol low, s. KlveTwontle, Illinois Central 77 1 Krle M. IiNuiy, nutraJity, Nor. ft, 1'. M. lite pelriiletim mat art U lie.n j , allot nf rrllneil ut la, M. per .illuii. Tlio uuikct fur tur pentlne la Hnii. i.uitiou Nor. P nvenlns. Tlie mr let for cotton la uncliiitiseJ. JliiMlmj l'i. tiimla are qunlcil ut 1 ( wih e. 'llm ilny , trana.n lioiia liavo footed up Ul.iHW luilea. I jir.l la mlv.iui Inc. L'oru ia iptoteil at 3.. for .Mixiil Vetern. JOMion, Not 'I Hveiii Conaola for money iti ae at Krie Mrirea. !l I'ulleil I Mulea I ttc Twtntlea, HX llllnoia Cutttrul Starea, J7. i lion ixitoi'i: iiy hti:3ii:u. Hie l.n'lu atnltreek liurrbro. Tho lM.t.ri.Mus. ic llLti.B eoiil.iina mi ir eotuit. from "hilily reapottalilo aouri'ca," uf an eitr.iorilin.ttjr ueKotution for the pnr iuiae of lirhitr,iii; the (Ireek Clinri-h Into the Httoin of tlio L.itlii Ihiiri h Aeeorillni? to our i o'ltetiiporitry, neKolintiona have heen citrrieil on for aoina month., through the of foiTlcn piiMtT, whiih In not lralcnati il, hut ufiirli It uaaumea to hu 1'rnnee. hctwten the Conrt of Home ami the I'utti.irch of the llreika. A ha-li hntlnK been formeil rvnil ncrepteil tliian ueKiiti.ttlou, buto heen contitiuril nml puraiieil tin to tho prearnt Itme. illreetly lietueen the l'.itiney ntol the l'litriarrhAln, eneotiraseil ftno aecouilt'il hy the r;ool oth eea ut the Mine loieln i'owi-r, A furtive ilitllculty uhiih ut first tircaenteil Itaclt ha. heen remotril. Tho i'.itri.irch hehl ahao lulely. mill tho l'om cm tho other hatnl ro aiali il, the ni.irruKO of prieita. The Court of .Mi'hlnl on Ihe pnucllial point, re liii lliijr. 'howeter, ns It has dono for tho .liiHoiiea, the ionerof imarr injc to almple prieale, the biahoia helug ilud.l from tun prmlei;o. .Such ia tho position of the iUeslloit ut ireaettt The i'itrliirch dla poaod to nilmlt this rnmpromUe is nt this moment pultun: forth all hia rllorta to hrin about Us acceptance by the religions ilijiil l.mi'Sel the "It ia not dilliiult," n marks the Imii.i i.muni f "to perceive tho hearing of such nu eent it It should bv I, ulieil, as tho in I'uwir upiHtita llrinly to hope H will bo Tho t'litta IhillH of the Levant. tvcotiiiU)t aa lli.-ir ihiel the l'otilili of Ihe Woat, vtould bo thus K'lr.iai'd Irum rvory tie ou tho aidu ol St l'lHclahuri;. liuaal.1 would, 111 cou'iUellce, lino all Miwer over tbetn. and the Weal noithl thus Hud Itself seeim-il .ij;atiit Inline il.ini;uta I, ..til Itusatau umhillou tonal'Us OoualJUttutiplo." Iluecarj. The Ml.MOUMIK HirioMtTiirr eontilns the followlita aiiouut of tho cl. itKMiiy of Ihe ljnperor of Atlatri.i bclnj esteti led lo M. 1'til.i.y, who was ruled from hit enuulrj many years ago "M. 1'uUkv, the eitiltieut Msgjiir ) it riot, whom the Kuiprror ut Aua tri.t has Jn-t pardoned, has rctuiucd to lVath, niter im uhaouro of einhtieii ti ura Ho was Intel,) irti iti d at n private audh line liy the KiiiHror. who soliMtttily rontirnti'd, and in the Mmlrat term,, tho jiuneaty which had been ur.iuted him. Tho Irivuda of it. l'ulakv wtito us word that the exile has freatlyehaiiKednud grown older lookiut;, iieiieil. l)iirinhis lektileneo ill lAilidon he mallit.litied a c.m stiiil mien ii'trso with lh" mod piouiiiicnt mi iiiImt of the Kiiclisli iiiLim nicy i nt Tut III he lived on terms ol Iniiumi' w till Count Cmour, mid uciium'd in his ri utiona with that stateainaii n tleuuiuh Uiimw ledge of Italy in Ihe iirinent d.n l l'tilaky ia , M in tlio i.iine ot llunjarv In HIT ho pilhlialKd Ilttlio AtMahutjf nollln ti'inark.iblo uiticlc, on Iho l otiitilitt'on ol ins counltv. (In tho t cation of n lluni nan mini-iry in ISIS, ho was appointed I'lidir Nieretury of .State, pi ifoimiui; tlm dullci of his ollice utiih r the dito tioti of Prince llstc, then tho Mtiipeini'a Min ister ol ion l;n"Allalr. At th it pi Nod M i'ul-ky ItviU loualiiiitly at ienua. As n wiiti t, u aT.itei-innn, nml n liploui.iliil he 1 cnt'ita a IiikIi reputation III, and i lichli'lesthe old iriend Imm voulh upward of M. do Mavl.itli, now Aultc Cli.incullor. Ilia 1 piiiisrainlne, us he biniai II etuti , loltsila in tli nuialn iiualioti of tho lioveruiucut I with that of Dcak " The Intrulnroi tne i.niusn .accuio i.un. Tlio Kt ItiHT.iN 'I'm lis says : 'llm public will learn witli aonielliing akin to haiiie and reinorsn ol Din ib alh ol Mr. Milder, tho Inventor of 11. u bice, li lunl ili lillo who h li now belli'' pi l' i d In Ihe hands of every Knjilish soldier i death uc celcraled, prrhnps caused by tlio iuhiiuian and illiberal liealuiunt whtuli bu has m iv id al the hands of Ihe War olllco 'lliose no rrliuliiliiT Mr Charles ln ki us' tale ul l.itllo I loir. 1" will recollect mi invontiir in u wlin was ticiilod hy Iho Citcuiiitoi.uuou. ollice in tlio same spirit as tlio lalo Mr. Milder was tualed by tho Waroilico of tlio pleaelltday that is, hii heiilt was hlokeli tiy repeated ili.ippuintmeuts, and hope tin d ried ill ove hint mad. The nuclei of tho WuMilltca liletally killed pour hinder. Contrast our treatment id this skill ful person with the manner tu whitlilLo late, us well nsllie present Kinu of 1'iuni.i liehaved to t be hit enter nf fAWr ncodb kiiii lie was in the service ot the Stale more thin folly cnr lilH rally paid, splendnlly, retulliu in every comfort, and, in stead of dying trom urn f ami want, at he would had ho been an Englishman, la still alive, and rijoiclnc, nt the uz of neatly eighty, nt tho battle of hodowa. tbo result of his Invention a battle winch lias uiado Prussia ono of tint lint Power, In iiurope. ihe contrast is deeply buiulliatliu. (ierrral (inrlbnlcll's Trlbata to America, 'iho fulluwtng mrto wat receutly rrevttel by Mr. John Jay, un American goutlemun now ui liuropo ' llio sympathy which conies to mo from free men, cltlions ol it liicut nation like yourselves, (jive, mo cour aeu lor in y tasit m tlio canto of libel ty aud proxies. 1 repaid today tho American p. note, a, tbi solo ui liter ot nuestlou, of ti'.nuaulty utntd tho uniycrsal lUrftl.tout of tlio uul H id tho iulellei't. I'lenso otpreis t esn tin nliiueuU to your oouutrymou, a nl he lots mo, yuiy " Ulo. 0. Uai llAtUa," a WASHINGTON, WAamnotow, N'or. 9. Major Italton N'ewlon hat heen appointed Chief Clerk of the Department of Agricul ture, and is now Acting Commissioner ill the abaencrj of Hon. lsnao Newton, who has been ill for tho past six weeks. Tho resident to-day made the following appointments : Joseph I). Wells, nf ) (. Acent for the Klat llead and other confederated tribes of , Indiana In Motitnna Tcrnlni v. Joel II. llss. sett, of Minnesota, Ap-nt for the Chlppe was of Ilia Mississippi IMIegennnl. and likn innehaKiH'S b tuila, und the Indians of Hed Utko nml l'cmhtti i. UJI Fellow', Hull wa, well filled this evening with V'enlatis, to etpress their aj m pathies In rraponto to the rail of the Nation al Kieenllvi Commlttro of Irish Cltlrens. to evjiress tho sentiments of tho Irlah nt the Capital In regard to tne lli.ils nf the Kenlnns in Canada, llesoltitions were ndopled dc nouncins thnnetinn of the Canadian anther illea, calling on the C S lliKrrtiment to In terfcro In liohalf of the prisoners, etc Sev eral ablo sneakers mlilresM.I Hie meet In; Consnleriible eiilliitai,ii,iu was display d b,! the nitdiencr. and the denunciations 'nf lliit islilirnunr. 'Ibe ci;illlon of tit wroujs of Irelund elicited energetic applause. luformatioti isrcceltesl that tho Canadian authorities will comply with tlio request ol tho t'nlte.1 States (loverntnent In I prompt ly furnished with re, olds of the in.ils of the Culled Males llllicns uriested ui l'ctil.iu invaders. Hie Men. an legation leceiei'd In day dispatrlres from Clilhiiuhnn. up to the I Mh tilt, (lenrral Arolida win already 1 on his way to Durnngn It wns ihoitght that tho Imperial gnrriaon would et.ieualo the city before tho approach of (leneral Arand t 'Iho ollU lal paM-r of the loth ulf . publishes tho ollirlal report Corr.itie, of the impoitant victory obtained by bla troops over the Kretu h at Tales I'titrto, near Marat Ian on the irth S.'pt. last. A deerro from President Juarer, dated on the IMh of Oc toher, is also publlslied It declares that tho Ijoiiiftiana Tehiiinlepee Cempmr, lo otieri steiim eoiutiitmiiatiiin by tho Isthmus ol reliuantetiee. having failed lo fill I II I Ihe obligations imposed upon them bvthedc crocs id Sept. 7, lti..7.Iarch '-"S, lvi, nml Oil. '..', Iwai, hato lost all their rights to that tiudertiiking. A grattt for the same Is made to tho Transit Companv nrganlred lately In tlio cily nf New York ThU company sent, aome months ago, ft ape eial agent to the clly of Meileuii llovern; merit to negotiate fur t Ills grant. The grant is liberal, while it lolly protects the right and interests of Mesien. I'realdcnt Juuu.2 had pardoned their livea to two persons who joined tho French while they wete al ( In liualiu.t, and who had becu seuteui.-d to death hy the courts. Maryland. The Itatllmorn Totlee. llu.lllinlil:, Nor. '.I. All argument on Ihe Aiiocus oh'iui euso of tbo I'uliio Commis sioner, and SbcrifT'lhompson, was continued to day befors Jttdgo liat tut. At n late hour adjournment was had until Saturday, when tbo arguments nf the counsel will 1ms te sullied. Ills .opposed that will not render a ileciaion upon thu points tut olved before Saturday. Missouri. Additional lllrrltou Itctiima. Hr IiH l, Nov. S. The iill'uial vole givea Ocueral 1'iUc 170 innjotlly over Hogan, for Cougreas, but whuithl several hundred votes east after the regular closing nf the polls bo secured, his m.iloiity will he lucreacd, and Hen lllair defeated in tho lgialuture. 'iho lib, illi, Till and Mb 1'lslriils, glvo largo Kadloal majorllio.. lloturns Irom tho :bl (Noel's) District nro still, too llleagro to delermllio tho li'SiilL In the '.ith itiatriit, SwiUcle, Conservit the. Is probably elected 'I'liirty-sik couu tits give oter 11,000 Iiadical mujoiilr. 'ibe eoiinttos to bo beaut trom gate Lincoln about jl,0iH) majotity. O.orgia. Action of the l.ealidaliirc Itrjectlen nf the t onntllullonnl Anieniliilrnt. Mil i.i'.iK.LVHXK, (la, Nov.'.. -The logi laturo rijeclcd Uio Auieiid mcnt. 'llm rejecting resolttllon reads : "iViorof, That tho l'gislatnreof Henrgla declinesto latil'y the ameudment aihllugtlie I Ith Article to tho Cuualilutiuuuf tho L'uitid Stiitca." A motion vas mado in tho Si'nato to post pone its ciuitiilcrution to some future day, hut was amended to inero adopting of the ubotc resolution, nml tills pasacd, jeus 'M, nays noitn, tho lull Scnato toling. In tho lljiiso, tho vobn stood, yeas 1HI, nays'.'. Mr. Llllngtnn, ol' (iilinour, und Mr. Hiimtilirevs, of I'linuier, Coiuiiiitl.o on n porting this lesoliiiiou, iicionipaity tho lo port with a Irnglby argument. A Court Martial. 11 tl null, N. C, Nov, 1) A general Court Martial has been convened ut this clly by order of (Icnerul Sickba for the ol M.iJ. Aloiandcr floslln, A. . M., of lliillalo, Now Yutk, nnd nlber pilsiuiits. 'llm font is (uiposed us follows: ( N f.oil, el lUmdo 1-1 ilnl 1 Col A. (I Itiady, ot Culiuci tirut. I.t Col M K llo'jiiu, Surgeon, U. S A , of New 1 ui It . Ill cm t Major L. Cia lord, of 1'. uiisjltmiia . Cii.t. A W. MiulUt, of New oik.,iiinl Hug (leu. It. AMrj, of New Ymk. Judgu AdMn ule. Hie Court has oigsuied und will proceed with tbo dial uf Capt. C. Ilrown, ;i,ib I S. (' T.,ot lloaion, ilioj Cumiiiiai.ury, mull r charges alleging tinlous liuinluknl sales ot' (joiernmeut tiropeity. 'Ibe oaseol Alojot (loslm is not ready for trial, und will not bo tal.i li up lor u wi i V. iho .Military Cuiniuissiuii r the uf tbo lluiciu ciiscs is still In scssiuii, but has no tuae, befute it on trial. I'rnui I'uilrrns .lluuror. I'ljlititl s Miimidi, Nov V. llm ate.miet ftautco from Wilmtiigtoii lur Now nik, put into Not folk this ufli.iuiion alio it uf iiial Sho had cnioiiiileieil a heavy blow outsidu. I'roni llu'lnlo, lltll'Alo, Nov. U. Si iho tho first uf Sep tciuber but lite tases of i holer i hate hi on reported In this illy. Ouly twu of tliun hnvo proted fatal. Malk Whiting, l'ostuiasler of Huston, In this county, has beau, und Johu A. lluiy appointed. Murine llleuali r. IiMinM, Not. U. Thu ship Ynillig Kagle, Cipt.uu Walker, fioiu Cullao, is ugtuuud ut Dunk. i U. Drllalilfol Mate of Socletr. Kt l'aul, Jliiitt., must be u pli usaut place to Itvo in. Judging Iron, rrpoits tui h as the followiug, f rum tho Kt. l'aul l'nuss of tho lith lust. : "On Saturday night, a rough und tumble light took placo lu a salooti lu tho Second unl, whhh would hato betn irtd table to Natchct or Vicksburg in their Iialmiett days of rulliauiaiu. jliele was nling uud gouging to u dcllghtlul dogn u, one of tha geutlo ftllows hating had u cir cular chunk bitten completely out of bis chili, while the other was also somewhat mutilated. No arrest,. Another lUtlo ttt ...nfll.M anniA kind oicurrod ontl.olatee ou Sunday, when a man uutuul Jumc, Ho! lorau had his ear btlteu ott by Thoiua, Mit chell tha sumo iweet yaUtUwho U now in Jail for stabbing Coriully. Koveral had boya wore arrested o'a Sunday for dl, orderly oondiict, on of wli'jU1, namad (larretlhtuck, being a notorioo.,ly vicious fellow, wut sent to Jnil for thirty days. Tha other, wero rcpriiuuinl',4 bj Judto Lnuibctt ud di 1 oliarsoV., CAINTA.D.A.. j Hoar Ihe Amrrlrnn flections nrr Keeelied The l enlnn Trlnls -lllooilthlrilr I eel- ' lua: Anion the lllne IVnsrs. 1cciii( L'arrnitnnJrnte f tht ) KlujT.ii. C W.Nov "th. Mil. .Mr Sin- I'p hero among the llluo-nosfs, whero I h.tvo Just arrited, the telegraph dashes to night tho news of tho New York oh Hon. I wish I had more do tall,. No doubt j-oitr man lloiltntn Is de feated. The Clin, Hans don't seem to like that In conversation, hold with sotno per sons hero half an hour a ;o. tho opinion was etpressed that tho Conservatives would have, maintained netttrillly, wlulo tho I.'epubll cans aio, to use a lang expression, " spoil ing fur n tight." Sotno of tha people over here seem to look open our political patties ns composed nf two elotnonts Unghiml haters, and Hngland fearers. At home we don't perceive stteh a itltiinn. and 1 ven ture to a iv that tho i II Informed people In i Crttuida understand that we have an almost i united positive animosity towards thigttud I foi the course t.iki n iliiriti the rebellion lliev tell mo here that the Canadian author ' Itiesdld all In thetr iwer to prevent rulda. 1 an I the mother ro tntry la not responsible for the equipping and silling of tho Alt hunt, Slieiisnd'Mh. aud other pirates. His toty tells a dllferent story. Oar tiurines will not behove that. Hut I suppose you will feel Interested lit hearing about the Kn nlan trials, nnd wh it folks here siralmitt ' the wietclies who rrosaml l.iko Ltio and made war upon a few itcleiieohs farmers ' and villagers " lhns tho Canadians speak of tho I'eni.tiis. llictv lllue tioso hit ni word ot leproach, and a "serted him tight" exiresion for every pi'tanncr ' tried unsl "to bo hung."! I oanitot enter into any details ol the trial. Ion get better liilormalion than I gain through tho local papers heie To mn theao journals do not read like news papers, The I'oronlo papers uro more rn terprising, whtl i thnt puuled hero, except, peril ips, tlio Kingston N litis, am detoid nf inlereat to persons oreits tnnted to our sya tern of Journalism, 1' ttblic iipiuion favors tho hanging of every o oitvli ted Keiiiati, und an utmost bloodthirsty expression la seen upon eviry roitiitetintico when "the dials" aro talked nlioiit. Ihls morning, I iisseilod tliat 'the Ouvernnr (loner it would not allow the souleiien of He. Court tube earned out, ninl Iho tiioeti would eomuiute the sentence." Yoit should hate seen the smiles of contempt rust upon me for using such languagi m. I lie.u.l the leplies fioui hilf a doen colonial Joint Hulls, w ho said, "Ills Lxcelleney aru't ufeared to do his dill).' "Her Majesty won't Interfere. If tho (iovcrniiicnt dotit lung the infernal Irishmen, we'll Lata thousands mmo oter tho bonier. Our lues won't be safe 1 our (loveiiiment won't ptess their piidon alter your tlecliotis nro ovi r." So ran tlio current opi iilous, tiultl I Miiturcd the argument th it tho Cituvdiatis may ox pi el, in tho event of Iheir threatened "bang lug tnali b," a iitoto action of tha Fo nl in element in the Slates, uud tilli II a m j vou siderahlo amount of lighting talent drawn fiutn aukco aMnpathlrcra, Jtt.t now Ainov leans wore not luil'mod to buttle ou Culiaillnat soil for Itish rights, but tha time might coinn when they would be, and tho hanging of liiah Aiuiuicaii cilucus was very likely to prrriiilat,i such a conlln I Silbseipieutly I convelsod with M gonllemail, whogato lao bi mi ileiatatut that ntery large niiiuhcr of person, hero w ould bo glad to havo tlio sentences couun'iU'd, through four of tlio result ubovo Tiino w ill s'jjw wliethir inasou ot letungo will i ule. I would gl wlly end you other news, but it is it it ll. Kiting about heiu wiibau inieh of tout colli spiHldeut I' iVV TKI.hUHIM'll ) The I'eulnn Trlala I'roeeeillnsrs on 1'rldrit Aiienrnaee of Hie I'riMars -Hue ..I Ibe t uiilbsa nf .1. t lloolti lu Ibe llurh tin lots aLOK) Harvard .Huiioj lo llilli II lua Hut, l ie., Ills-. TottoMii, November '.' - 'I ha Coutt met nl 10 o'clock t'lla mornillg. T!.r same eouiisel acted for Ibe ('town und tb defence u on the previous trials. l'cter Ct.rran, ultas Dove, and llonrv La Telle wrre first placid in tho dock. Tho former is tvl.ill, stout man, with a light com ptexion, 1 luo eye, uiouslssho and beard, and bus the nppearanro of n laboring man Ho portiad to bo botwei-ti forty nnd lllty earaofage. Henry lividlo is about the sauio aga, lias daik eyis and hair, and n moat ii-iiissurlng coitiiUrinnco. He was drcaM d lu n shabby suit of black uud wora u wbiio nock tie Mr. Mc Knurls moved the Indict incuts 9Ti the sntttc gr niuls as In i'N'oil's ease, und tlio tiirthur ground that Iho ul feme took tilnio ptut tots to tbo pasting ot Acta '."J illiil : Vic , ehap. I. 'Il.a indiotnii tils lsaving been loul, the prls'rttera. tiv iliititlcu uf Cuuuacl, (ilcadod ".N-t guilty. ' 1 Its Lorilahip ns'acd when tho Counsel would ho ri adv for tholr Mr. McKeiiiin raplud, that 1m rciptltcd sjurfi'liuie, uslio bad been nimble to pun kite loiiiiitod w it si so s, 5 md uakLd that the time allowed be iiulolinite. Hon J Cat ") thought It would he bet tor to naiiie aotuo day tor lias witnessnsio lie hero 'il.osiowii bad Is en put tu i iui iitbiablo extonae, uud wis prepared tu piocecl lu all Hie ruaes In vbtcli tiuu lalls lillto been liullul. Mr. Mi Kenzie said bo should nrop)so, be fore tho cud of the day, that tho letimlndi r of ll.oiuvsbi ileforted to the next assles. Ills Lordship said howouhl bo K.ilislh d with an) airuugetiiciit that could bu suited ut The prisoners wrro then teuiovca John (lall.ighei . John (, Ditnel (juitiii and John Mwatt, wciu then in Ibe dm 1c I (irate, since his incari oration, h.ts receir ed fl.nVi us his irtiou ot the rc.uuo. utliteii for.lobu Wilkes Iluolli, he being ons of the troopers who tinned in Ihe euntiiio Mr. McKcuio injilo tho same motion in those rases u, in tlio others, uud tbo pit sotii rs then M'vi-t ally pleaded " not guilt) ." lliliiaid Ilium was next urruigncd. llo was it tall, powetftil locking itiaii, lu twu ii 10 and tears of age llo idcaikd not guilty ; and Mr Mdinuio inauo tbo suuia uiolinu us licfoie. I'ttrlrk Dniiohne, who was next placid to the duck was ipiilo resiectublo in uppi ur ante, and statnl that hu was utixioui to have Ins trial proi ei-ded with as soou us pos.llde. He pleaded not guilty , and by riimn nl ol counsel, tits tiiiti was tiuu mr the 1 llh Inst Mr. McKeurio ulao muted to quash tiie indictment in this rase. Fredciick Fry. u Swiss, next appeared at the bur, u small man, with muat rtpulsiio features. Ha stated that he had serti d lu the llrltiah and Dinted Stutoa unities. Mr. McKenio said bo would be ready to try tho case by tho middle ot next week, aud made u motion to (plush the indictment. lu tho case of William lluker, the satin, plea was put in by counsel ; and the delun a uut pltaded uU guilt ' und stated that 1, was not ready fur trlul, ' At this stage a lengthy iliacussin-, (nnk place between the counsel us lo 11 py,i pouement ul Hughes' case. y Tiik.Qukim ri. McHrstii. In,, lid, ease, which wus tried yesterday, ae ,j itBUtod in u tfcidlctof"Not(lullty," af.tet t10 r,.t,der lug of which now lnn'C,uont was pro lerred against Iho rrl.,ouor. Mr. McKen ile, for tho ii.lsoner,p.lidcd aufcrodaciill. Hon. J. II. Uaine'.on desirMl it Jury lo bo I ernpaunelled at obco to try the issue, Mr. McHtjuila taiijied dtiUr VJiUl to uivtrvw. Mr Cameron sai l Im would Join issue upon Ike pTi-.i 1 ut oHcclcd to n postponeniont The plc.t was ,i dilatory one, and tin ro was no lensiin why tho matter could tint he at once driideil. I'nlcss an allidat it was put in he could not consent. Mr. M, Konie e'l'cd (hat lie required time lo consider the ipieatton. .md alter scmo ilisouaaion it was agrord the issue raised lu tho case should bo li ied on Monday, James llnrk. J.tmes Spanldlng, and Wil Ham Orr. were th, n placed In the dock, and hating lcan nrratgnid, pleaded not guilty, and anted they were not reudy for trl il Mr Mi Kcnrtn "mule tho usual 'motion to plash the tin! a tiueiila. Till: (Ji t 1 1 s DtMlf. DitMovp In thiao.ise some time was o,-oupleil In etitpnn elllti a Jury, twenty jurors leing letijted by the prisoner's counsel. Mr. Mi Nab, in epening the ense for the Crown, obsoried th it the Inilietmeiit in this ease charged the prlionrrns an American cilir n, ai d was trained the stme as the others that bad l en pri ferred. The prl sonei was arrested on Saturday, the V.l of June, at a pi it ailed Frenchman's Creek. with n alt l.arrrl, d irrolver in Ids posses ston And fioiu tho snst.i, Inns aeotitit he h id git. n uf himself the t'rnwn had deem ed It their dittv to Indict him. As there wete a nuinlN.r of wilmsscs, bu would pro I to call the ot idelice. John Mi t all'e. sworn . I was present nt the huht nt lliitgewav, ami siw Cnsign Kiehron shot tliere. llio primmer iittde the folios ing statement, v. hi, h 1 tool, down at the time He said ho was an Ami rtcatt eitliti. and a-tiitlte of Ireland, that he was a lioihan Cilliolle, and worked us n peddler, that be usually leanlrd Hi I'lilla dolpbla, and hlltlioro lor I'lttsbtirgh ; that he was tu llulTibi sU or aeteri weeks before Ihe raid, lint bo e line over into Canada on the lltl ol dune, that he relumed to lluf t..lo (he .am., night and eiossod ocr agaiu ou S iturd it . wh. n he was arrested. Ui tih ii Moaier sscyti On Sittudav morn ing, by iliiectinii i, t .ipt King. I nrtesicd llm piisoiiir ulioiit lour initos Iroiu Furl Fite, on the banks of the Niagara lliter, 1 hint if ho hid nut arms, hoieptled, No . I llo it a. itched him, when lie told me he bail i rotoltcr. and put his hand In 1,1. kot Mini dli nr il out . I look it liolit bint ; H was a six hairollcd retolti r, loaded, hut not mpis'il (Ciosa examined hy Mr. M, Kruno) Vthou I uticstcil bliu.'ho sud he was tio I' I Soniersbury, sworn I belong to the Wollatid lkilteiy.'niiil wus piractit with aecorul others when the prisoner wus ur ical.d As wo who going down the titer some ono ctiod out, "A VViiUti!" dipt tin King then oulrtvd ns to arrest him. llo s.ii.l ho was no I'onlan, but lofii.eil to state whete ho cimo flom. 'I hero wero sotno aiitnlges t ikon from him by into lligglns. Nelson lliggtns sworn ('orrohoraled Iho ovnloti f tlio pto, cdllig wltltras K!ou roppor, nwont, toil obectod to by Mr. MclvoiKie, on Ihe gioaud Hint tho wit tieas'a itaiiie was not ou the h.n k of tin. in ilielniotil. I'lto Fotilsns Mtnted in l'uit I'rieou tbo I Ith of June Mr I, Kettie hern obje.'ted that so far thou, was no etub in o the niisoner was a, and the witness eioibl not be ask ed whst (oilier p.,tons did, until it was proced that tho pit. oner wus connected with Ft mutuant Ills l.orihhlp ni emtio.! the objection. Ftiiuiiuiiiioii i oitiiiiuoil They naked pro t noons lor ono thousand itieu, but thorn won not us m in) as that, they landed ut the biwor f. rty nml thence marched to tho tillage, eotiie of lliom strayed en tho brow nf the bill, and (be others weiu lu Ktont stnet sounding tor protlsious, ('loss examined by Mr Fleming It Is n I'lislouiniy tiling in the bUloa to cany rc tolveis Joseph N'ewbcggius, sworn Whon the l-'itiiiiis lelt nor larm they went down the rlvei loidiibout four utiles, and Hum went ilowit the town line, between Hottiu uud llloiighby , tho ptiioncl was uluslcd ou l'.dwiu Hcricby's larm, ubout tutu- miles tioin Foil Fiio 'I bis close I tbo ease for the Crown 'llie tollowmg wttuesses wole cullid for the itofolico Joseph Coono sworn I reside in ltufTuh. and alii Suporlntciident uf the 1 lull sit Iron and Hail Coiupaii) , the primmer wus in uui eiiipluy, for about o iiioiiiIi beforo tlio ruhl, us u piubller , ho was a llainsjcut Itaml , on the V.t of . lime 1 heard that ho was in Can ad.t ; when with us ho bom it good iharae lor. I nan an Faigllahluuli, and huteriMiicd III the Sluto aiti, o In.ltl , in times uf exiilo mcnt it itciutouiaty to carry levolvcis; ut tins tiino of tho laid it good many people went liter t a Cull. uia out ol cuitoAitt Ciuss-oxuuuuod I employ between two and lhtM l.illnlled bauils, llm l.ietorv is quite i-loao . wIm-io the Fenians etuhiilkuil Aliitgnrot hvTooiiv, nwem.-l loanio ut lllai kltoeV., I know the piisottcr ; ho board ed at my hou.o, ho .las there on l-'i lil.i) , the 1st of Juno ; I remember tbo day b,t tho boys m.ikl i, stub a Iiims looking ut tiie coiiqiaiiv going be) ant into Canada , my son called tiie pitaouer up hi tho moinltig, I generull go to bud cstiy, but tho bo)s doit t. Cross examined by Mr. Mi Nah The Fenians tsvro be.tunt tho liver when I got up, I saw iiulbtng ol tho pitaoiior ulli r I'll day nun mug ; lie wus u good i harm lor, uud us good it boy as was etwl in that hoilso. K ite ele'lague, sworn 1 keep it saloon at Uia. k l'aick. und know tbo prisoner; en liiursday iitglil 1 saw tho prisoner taking bit bet r ui my shop ; 1 also saw him on F-;i clay uig'ituuil Satunl.ij moiniug , I rrmoiu bot tho Feuiuiis passing otcr into Canada lu Juno last. Mr. McKonrlo Ihrt put In the allhlavlt of Johu Ivukins und others uf Now York, e.i to Iho pnsouei's chuil-.lcr. ThU closed tlio cuso lus tho defenco. Mr. McKeurio rdJrcssed thn Jury In n long uud eloquent speech in behalf of tbo pllr-uieis. It A HuirlMiu lopliod in lhalf ot Iho crown ill . tcuqieruto uud eliipieut spevch. 'llio (Irand Jcty entered the Court, bring in in true bill i rie.itnat I'atrii k Coota-y an I J -Tin Coottcy III, Isinlship thou .hargod I'm) .lur) 'I he Jury rellnd nt lill p ist tuiir and tatttuiiod a teidut il "Nut Cull) " e uaidctous . ( 'linraeters A rre. led. 'Inui'Mii, l. . Not. 'I. --'Iho pultce nil thoiities xio lustructoil to cans a llio ai lost and ib tijitiou of all suspicious iharactoia tound uc lite city. I'lulcr tho habeas i urpus . net pasted last sossiiui, magistrate nro em poworo.1 to ciiuao the ai i eat of uny pel son siispei led of i-oitntoiiatii lug .r cucouiuguig. doKig is ngain-it tbo Oovi rii'taonl or people, and to i ointnit thoitl lo priiim, Iheto lo r in. lit without Inal ur bill until thn Ht Is ,f Juiainext. Yealoiday a riots began Fail linn wete ootutiiitteil, ti. ' James and Jehu IMdluv, (,'ljths Cash nml Aloxauihr.V bid ssti. 'Iho Dudb)s pruVas to ball Hiiim Utoolilyn 'iiid ate muuld .rs by trade. Cadi kiiys thai ho mines li n Liitieiisbir'.,. Dng Mind: Nu hoi sou limn Sciill.ilul. Ijlsix I ioutuil to bo proti'il that Duilh v nlj a.iiiiul o-iuie Iho plot, si nun In mg Luiegau. A .Miisut'lrcnt Dvpof. Tlui niammolh nn'road ilepot t tl,o Michl gan .-.out In t it noil lortht-lii I'.dan.i Coin pui.v uud llm ( 'tloiigu uud wk Island Ciai'ip-inv, at I lais su. will bo ateui lot iho about lie iniilillo d Notum'itJr, The ontit t Ituglli und iti.i-ly lour loit; the width olio I alnllod llll' nixtt leet. TJjo float sot I ion, ahull will ooiitaln tlio ssii in. il olio i s of both Coiiisiiiu,, is HILvlwo IV 1 1 bv ono 1 uuilrcd, kuL tim e stone iTliigh. 'I lie Mn hie .sji SoiillSn'i und Nortlurn In dian) Con .any wtll'sucupy the eai.tbulf of tho bulbil. tg. Tho cawiie osl will nxiouiit tu two bun' .led tlKuiaidd dulluis. Iliu Michi gan Ko.sitiirii Cfcviaii) is ul-rft'e reetlng un riiimiiijvt I'm k tisighl di pot, Cft) ouo foet wnln.aiid six Biiudrod uud Ibrio bet lon" , tbo liitul scctiou boiug twu stories hi iwigbt, aud, containing tlm lucul Height olikc-a. Moosler huudaj School Tli" largest Sunday School in Iho world la nt Stockport, near Mauchestei, Lugl.iud. In ouo building tbero are uow mit four thousand under tba same louf, ilutdud iiinong elghlysix rooms. Tlieio aio over three huuilrcd teuohcri, and all except bto of these have been scholars. What is ro liiarkubln is that over two thousand of tho scholars aio past sixteen vcuri uf age, and morn uf them uro boys than girls, and muro ot the teacher, uro male than females, llo sides lustructiuu In tho rkriplunis, tliuy teach writing und elementary book-keeping, with nu book used except tho lliblo. A f;reat H)rtiou ot tho schulais are opciuliyes n tiie f triorv aud have ui idUct oieuuanf oducaUvaV ' awaHaMasaEasaanMnDasaKnBaD .uaaaaw a oi it m:v obi.rans i.irTTFit. The Tnlr tlnll.Ilna -Coif on ami MnirBr-rasI Kecelpta of llnnr-l.txtv nn.l l.nvs-vers I'lnntrraj llnrd l'ia -Tiie (Irnnae Crop (Irnnae tlroaes - IIIhIi M nacs lor l.nbor. rra-Tliealrlcal Newa-Lllr Allulrs-l.te., I le. Ntitv Omrtis, Sunday, Nor. I, WA, Y'estenlay was ono of those delicious days when wa seek any oxensa to keep out of doors. So I took an early breakfast and went out to the Fair (Irnund to sea what progress was being tnadn in the now building for Ihe Agilcjultiiriil Fair. I wa, surprised at tho extent of tho arrangements for accommo dating exhibitors. Tlio applications for room wero s.i numerous that it was found necessary to niter the original plan for tho building, and design ono much mora ele gant and capaeloui. 'I here Is no doubt llm Fair will Ik) ono of rare Interest, and the ii.imo of tho visitors will bo legion. Al ready the hotels and iMtrdiug house, ,iro getting ready for the rush, and it will prova a harvest to them, is well as to mmy other branches of business In the cilr. Our leyen I, assuming tho must animtted it ha, known sineo tho tunes be for o tho war. Thorn is nothing like the qu intlly of cotton and sugar eomlng in th it there was in old times, but It Is remarked by Iho resident that thorn Is moro western prodiico than formerly. Tho steamer Until came down yesterday with !,tXM barrels of ilour, and I Vt) arrived by another boat. This Is hut thn beginning uf tho vast loads of western prodo 'o tint will soon oomo steadily down tha Mississippi for re-shipment fiom New Orleans to all parts nf thn world. Itrga quantities of tobacco aro coming In and going out. A vessel has Just sailed for Spain with GT'J hogsheads of to haeco on board, and smaller cargoes of Hi it luxury aro constantly bolng taken oil by sea. The receipts of cotton nt this port in tho nlt.n week ondlng Nor. Vd, amounted to S l,.Vi hales, For tho wcok ending Nov '.'d, there wero etpoited over 1,0 JJ bales to New York, over '.',00a) tu Liverpool, uud oyer 1,000 to Ho, ton. A session of tho Supreme Court will ha held hern to marrow, but theio uia not so many cases coming up ns worn ex peeled, the fear uf costs Inducing many to avoid litigation whera matters can possibly he settled amicably, 'llio oxioctiitions ut lmsi nessin this direction have been so great that I am informed thorn nro Just twice us many lawyers In tho city now rts there used to he; mid I know that almost every little village In tha Stato has had accessions to its legiiltaleiit. Tbero Is unquestionably much law business to bo settled, sooner or later, in thn .Stato, but much of It will bo post tinned. A large inafnrity of lamUinna planters aro In straits, hatlngmaii) lulls falling due, nnd few hills receivable Tills stato of things results, naturally, in mortgages and a ties, which ng.ilii bring up tho question of titles, nml throwsnverylhing lulu tho lawyers' hands for settlement. Many young Southerners, ones eealtby. who graduated In law, as so many of them used togradluitu lu medicine rutiinr for tbo mime uflt than with tbo Intention of priio tlalug h.tte opened otllcos uow, and are ready for their sharo of custom. Theio are Alio nisny Not them lawyers In tho State, to all appearances intendiug to stay hole 'Hie crop of oranges proves I irgo, nnd the fruit Is of excellent qttallly. Tlio largest orangn groves uio situated ou thn hanks of llio river below New Orleans, ittul few moro tieaiitlful sights fall to tho traveller's lot than bo enjoys In it ti'p from Now Orleans to tho mouth of tho Father of Waters about it hundred miles. All along both shores are tho most charming lesldoui i s, tinny of them small, but of beautiful design ami llnuhi und stretching aivtind nnd behind thnm urn thn dark green oratigo trie , thickly studded with tho golden gouts nl Autumn. In this halltiy, languid mr, caring on thn sluggish riser and its truitlidcn Insiika, tbo tiatnller may fancy loin. ell ia sumo oiieliatiled laud, where, us in 'lettliv snu'a land of tho lotus eaters, It is "alwity s nfternuou." To those who bate not dwell among oratigo it tnaj bo inloiestiuil tukliuw that ill. nrillio.rv nr.Lui,i, full bearing, yields flout two to throo hundred oruitgoe, and that ono man cutt cmol) uttcuii to two hundred trues. Tim i'lirish ol I'lor ijuoiiiiues, ImjIow Now Oilaaus, Is the iiin, fruitful In thn Slate, nnd many of the planters ittako ornngo ruining tlour sole , ttipalion. This I'aiish en lavured by tut tin o, wa, equally lavured din, tig the war, and sulleied very llltlo from tho presouco vl soldiers nf either army. I eeo adveilisniiieiits for largo niimbors. of laboters on plantation, up llio riter Now is tho tiino lor thosQ uttaccllatotiied to the clluiatn to romo down born, l'lnut. ra aio freely tillering $10 u month to good labciurs, und nnd them scarce ut that, Tho Mississippi liglsliituio, befom Pis ad lotinimeut, had under Ita eiiiisideru'Jcii it proposition to charier tho Mississippi I'.utl gl.illon Company- the object of llio Com being lo send agents In lluiopo to pro euro laborers, who, by their llrst year' wink, wuubl Ins ablo to pay fur the oxpenso of their tiansportallou hither. Something of tho kind Is neoded to secure Inboreri tor tho Southern vineyards, eoutiacts with thu treedinen having proved generally uiireuiu iierntlvo for threu sueeessitn acitauns. Wo uro to bo visited this weeic by tho flhlnul Suslnl Opera Troupe, whose lulu en gugriaent in Mobllo litis, 1 itudi island, prm ml u fiiiliito in u pecuniary is, It is thought tho Opens will bo" M-ry popului hero. 'Iho Nutlunal Tbontre, on ll.itouuo street. Is ptiigiesstug steadily, uud will be a voty baislsomo hiiiiillng, live aiunca Ui-u. nnd .'00 loot in loiegth. Thn loading more-butts have, been holding mtetlngs Willi it tiow tu est tblishlug v. hat is badly needed hero, a Merchants' i.t iango. (leneral llaitsulf, Assistant Adjutant (ion eral of this Department, li-s Just loliirnnl from it trip In tho North, unl icsiimo, bia duties among ut. We am lsxttrtatlng in tho llnest iaiagln uhlo Inili.itvSuiniiior, and liuta had cubing liku float ),t. Tho lowat temper. I'aito ro corded tttx to this dato kj DI degriM.a. Tho aterugo ihally tomporat no nutr la izaax Oo to 70 ilogtnuis. A wil'Anowii nnd 'tlglily estcjaied clH ten of Now Oilcans, A'llli.itn Arcjolrong, u promliaint liuildur, d'od hero l.iat nick. W I'HOtl TliH I'AU WTWT. Mlisina nnd Ainustininls In dan llepre.lw r.lHous Cliiisa or Ihe Ural Skins jruuiilniloii far Jlumitl Vrotecilou, .' v ( Cun t-yondenee ol iht Suit.) DkNVI.S, Cm,., Uc'. A I write tn Ui you knew that wo still live out here, rwcu If it ir beyond tlai pule of riviliiatluc, aa bclicvsJ by soma of yuu in tho Hast. Tbero ure liany tupiCA of interest hern upta which oiu niigbl wr-zo ut length, but I luit r Ol, for a fianro oecaaion, und tisroly glair, t at a few U tho pilucipal ltoi nf nws. "Iho Kiccuttta olnco of ihla Ti tritnry was triiisferrcd trslorday (is. in Ibis cily to liol deu Clly. Il took three yoke of uxcii uud two wagobt to e.irrv the outllt. Thu lei.idi In llm Territory aro in a mlsor ablo condition. A Mr. Detitt, who tailed Irum hire to Ureckinrldge, with cloven wugon,, only one of which ho was ablo to g-.t through tho pass, was ton days ill mak ing tha (up, which ho should havo accoui pushed in three, a lie ,a)s it requite, almo.t sunerhiiiiian power tu get through at all. lliliiaid, are making their way and ob taining favor in those region,. There ara flvu billiard hall in Denver, cuntaininj altogether twenty-live of the best iiiodoin tables, und cutting not les, than forty thou sand dollars to bring hor from tbo State, uud plaoo In position. Mining tnturcitt uro Improving greatly la thu Ten itory. In UlueV Hawk City them uro Qve quarti mills containing lllty stump, und tw u desulphuiiaera, which ockt nut less than 1100,000 to briug fruiu tho States and place lu iiotdtiou. The ouly drawl baok to tho r),fil growth and prosperity i f VthU ,at)(ii;A, tttiel t3 l, luoolf HlmbMlitt into the Dnlon as a State, Is ths too frcqnent depredations of the Indiana. On tha morning nf tha 'V3J, band of SO nf theso red skinned savage, cams within l i miles nf Fort Sodgewlck, and took 9i mules belonging tu a Mr. Carlials. short ly after tha aamn party attacked another , elder named Wail, and took from him all his stock ne trly 100 head of fit oxen and dangerously wounded hi, horiler with is mtiaket ball in the chest. liiey niterwnni crosneii too i laito litter toward Ash Hollow, pursued by a detail liom the Soeonil V. S. Cavalry, stationed at (be Foil. Another squad of Ctralrr starr- d m a line to head the savages olT. and coming on thn trail, they pursued It for ten miles, and Inward dark they cams upon the red skins, who wrrn taken liy surprise, and after it short hut flerca tight, the tavnga, wero terribly worsted, Their whole) camp, most uf their arms, JO pontes, saddles, bri dles and Accoutrements, and tha big war drum and three while sculps were captur ed. Twoof tho, were wounded. A thn Indians bad ititidcd themselteslnto two hand,, but liltln mora than half the stock carried olT by Ihcnt wa, retaken. On tha '.'olh thn rominainler of tha post received a message from Valley Station slating that thero wero several hundred Cheyenno lu. dians there en their way Month, and asking lor troops. A aquail ef cavalry Wis, Imme diately sent. Tbo garrison of Kort Sedge wok consist, nf one company of infantry and two companies of rutufry -far from being enough to etmiro protection to tho setib rs and miners. I o meet future exigencies the citizens of Denter and other towns and cities out hero aro nrganiiing therwaelvea Into military bands to pursue ami punish the red skinned savages On all tha stage routes, east, west, north, or south, men have been murdered by them, and tha aav ages me growing moro hostile every day It Is proposed I., tlm pooplo bole and in the Territories adjoining, to raise aud maintain, until tho Indian troubles are oter, three or four regiment, of well mounted and e-iiun-ped cavalry, who, I hato no doubt tmihl conquer it pi am in less than six months. Suiiiot lung must he done .it onco or els we shall lo at thu mercy ol Ibe red akin, before mid winter. Cii.uiiustiinces oblige ma to mika this, my tl-st letter from this farotl region, a ahull oils, but I will uudeator til amends In the futiitn, Mt.iku. Oonoral Intolligonoo. (Pjf fall I, t .v", fort Sun.) Tins year I, Ike eight hundredth annlter s.iry of tha Nortitain conquest of l.iigland 1'ivi: hundred white people have Just end grated liom North Carolina In a body to tin) North-Wrsiern States. Thk towns of 1 1st. I ii k. Uoynlstnn and N'ew llramtree. In M issachutctls, gite unanimous votes for llov. llulloc'k, Uepuh lie mi candiatn. (Ii.v N. II., who killed a negro m in some months anu while tho litter was in the act of killing bis sue, has been tried aud acquitted. I'm. Toronto (luny soys that " prepsr.i tious are living m nlo tr tho Immediate bousing in of nil the llilll J. giuihouls on tho Western takes. " A i ssrisii made in the Cl-ntlestowu, M iss . Naty Yard, ou Fndav wm k, was the I. it j est ev. r muitelii New l:ugliel It will take eight .U)s for the iron to cool, VinoiM Cirr, Nevada, lis lively place Among tba occurrences there nu it recent Sundiiy, worn two funerals, tnvo woddlngs, twu bulls ami it prlro light. Till'. Mobile I'imi s rompl.ilra lint tho no gros havo been making ulglU huleotis hy what they cull religious aortitis, kept up lu many iusuuers tillday break. Six linnilrcd (liousand cattle perish arery year to aupply a Newliurypotf, Mass, fac lory with tlm matoia'al front wh'oh they pro dine four million combs. F A lltrrttfr, nt OurdliiT, Ms., artist. Is going tn send flO.Oia) worth of paiattugs to the Fans Lxpoaltlon, which nro tim ptoduct ot bis ten )oars labor In California,, A ( oNst iici t dlvlnn recontly preached on a Sun, I iv morning fiom tbo text I "Ye me Iho ihihlien of tho dovll I " oiul in tho ulteruuoti, "Childioit uboy your parouts." I ur, sag.toluiis Josh Hillings rrnutrk, that, "whon a man makes up his mind to Income it rascal, to, should exulilluo hliuscli'closaty, and s, o wh. tb. r ho tt not bolter constructed for a tool. 1 Tiii.ui: is trouble In tho Ch!cag tunnel Hitheitotho workmen h.tvo boon excavat Ing in hard blued ly ; now they see, or fancy, aiding in, lie itiuut ot quicksand, anil oxer ciao a laudable million. Thk codllah mo at Newport. IV I, and (bo llaberiuen ure doing un Imtuenan bust ness Two men will trequently bring in liom tivn to eight buudrud puutds fiuiu their day's llahlug. On Saturday, tho Ik I mat., two tiuntera In tbo woods, within tho limit of Sorners, Ct.. dlsrotered newly disturbed earth. Upon removing it, they exhumed un iufiuit, so ru telilly btiriud ulivo that it wa, resuscitated. Nur loug sluce, an Amsterdaui merchant, after wasting a fortune oil furrltiira and fiiluiings, caused tho lioor of t-no of his iipartmcuta lo bo laid lu Sp.iuish dollars sot uu tdgo. Tim Mublle TniiHiNR regre's Hist W bead of tultto which were to bate been ahipticil fiom Texas lor Mobile, an Iho now wrecked steamer Morgan, "must pins away hi i'uxas for waul ot luusunurV A wou tN named MrOeutry committed suicide on Saturday night, ut Sniitbtleld, It. I , by cutting her throat with ft piece of glass. A llllbi hoy who was oJ.i. pun with her was uut itwukciicd by tho shut sing act. Tin; women fulks seem to Ui laboring un der it lil.llinx lo usurp the privilege, ol moll as public urutors. Cat hernia S.dierlx, un ora torn ut Jewess, is holding fi ith is a pulpit oxpoiindoi. ui Lancaster Cunty. 1'u. Jlns. Fph. uf Monroe county, Kcnturkr, gave Im I b, a lew d tys sine s. tit thro,, child ii ii. uli tuts, weighing 'iovou uikI a half pounds each. Allme diiug uud healthy. Nuini s Itcorge D l'rontcsi, ltobort K. Iio, aud Jct'.ursou Davis. At -at iqueitrlenno Vtirnanlcnt in San Fran, seo nu tbo Cth elt., 1'.' ladle, coiniifl ting, Mum Marion F.viiaa, daughter uf Albert S. Fv;ii , Lq.. uf tin CititiiiiMt, rod t a mtlo m ..'.'S, v iiuiiug the lltut pruo, a ga'J. watch and ch.tia aortu (.'-V. Bwo now Itadi'al newan.ip'.ra h.tva re r jjly been oatabooh.-il III Tun season. Ol u tbo Kaatcrn soi Joti of tho Statu is calk A In. i'si iimiiiiiin uud thu '.tlier, puhliia id in Middle i'tucoo, i atjlcd tho .'ti ll ui n tv. 1 iif.UK Is a r.iitvement on Tint to see'ire a I ibiuisaiid ucr.a uf laud fes tho purptae of sidling it ic'stMiy of ino sundred luuilirs liiim Dcliiwivjrt in tho Sorjbwost. If. is nu dor thu uiisp.ccs of Iho -Chriatlar. Uealtli Itelurtu Culviiialiou Co'uiisaioa." Cut. '.'. M. KiMirtt, of llostjn an old filcnd urd sclioolinato of Itistorl, gato hi r u iouiiliuautary dinner it few clots ago, at which uncial diioiiiguiahciv Lurope.ui uud udoveiiior Jtudiow aul wlfo vera prcstr:t. I' million of misdltected and mi call. d for loiters oama to tho dead letter otl'je, W.thington. durlnij the )qat ending M. '1 his is ubout .O.'J'W loat than tho Iitci oiling year, lucuuscuoaci) u. the div landing ot tbo army. Tur. corner stone nf a now tuatonlo tem plo will belaid in llulliuinio, on Nov. vW, uud tbo (Irand loidgo ut Matiaud hairs ox tended uu invitation to all ltio LolgcA of tbo Culled States to send delegates! uutUat ol. aaiuu to reuo n fraternal rululuu. On Saturday last, ovsr 100 Invtes, contain ing coillus, wire sent lo tb Virginia Con trul depot, Kicluuoud, to bd forwarded to Manassas b.Ullo lleid for the Iu'.utiueut ot tbo United State soldltM svhi fall ut tha battles t that viut. A i!Tciiiiu.a (V ) papot ay, thttt rruny of tint old manufacturei a of tohscoo are making encrgotio preparation, to resume their liuslucs, tho oonnug yoar ou coaily as largs seals M obtaiuod proyioa to tho VfMS TilET hro hid heavy ,rtow ,torm, In Colorado, overwLolnung and delaying many train, ou tholr way with pan-n;or, ana , I " On. train hail la leave jta wagon, aud had a bard tun lu gatUbg thW'WU with I llo ' J.W (Ir, fltata Centra. V H .of K-oataV M't . Hi Lie, Wis, has Issued stall to tha Irish- 'e-1 I ' mn of Wisconsin to hold themselves ia, i I readlne,, for any action that may ba ilaemM fl necessity to avert th aacrifle of tb ooa- -, deinned Fenians in ths hand of ths Cans. v B 1 ilian authorities. Ha warn them to- ha nrs I Eared for any emergency In c4 Ilia tnits-l S v (ate Ootemuinnt fails to proours th rs- B " Icaio of tha condemned, ( K S Tub Mayor of Tallahassee,, Florida, ro eantlr smsteil soma United State t anljlers K . or aisoruoriy conuuex. tiennrat rosier, m L. 1 commanding thero, addressed a rrmon- M strnnce to ths Mayor, with tha nntlflc.itioa. H 1 that military law wa-s still In existence, no. m that ha would not permit thn arrest nf hi Wr Bj men. Tha Mayor replied that tha 1'iesh m dent's pmclamatlrm rrreyenled tlm inllltarr Bll from interfering with tha process of civil Bal Itw. (leneral Foster appealed to Vfiulilngs BIB ton, and tho I'residenl ba raartalrMil tb MmU JlayoT. Doable .Tftmler In L'sfdvrtttcf, MfeMsm. Hfl 1h following ars tha detail of a terriblaV .BB tragedy which took place In Cohltrat , Michigan, cm Saturday, which resulfediiai the almost Instantaneous death nf (leorj U. Ilrown, law student, and Mrs. Klwnetw ty.wb, by tha hand of nbencrcr Ieacb,tll hatband ef tho lady I Almnt four year ago, fsch eeptratsel from his wife. Incompatibility of tcrnmrt wa, tha causa of their separation. Ths wife then opened a small millinery (hop. BBBJ nd to tha ditto nt her death supported her- BBBJ self hr It, profits. Leach was an Idle), worthies fellow, and followed tha trade of BBBJ carpentering and Joining for n llvlsa;. BJBB Tlmigli ths man had rennunicd (lia stcletr BJkS of his wlfo, and had withdrawn from her hb BBBJ protection, ho scanned hor action, with na, BBJ tasital eye. Uf lain be has r iiitlniullts BBBJ watched her. Mr. Oeorgo O. Ilrown sail BBBJ Mr, Hniromb wero th first person lal Coblwiiler who aroused hi, Jealousy. Four week sine ha met IMeumtal and, after a fete word, of expos tula- Hon, drew a rarolrrr on him, socj BBBJ threatened toehoot him. Ilolcomb succeedas BBBJ In wresting tha dajdly weapon from his BBBJ grnap. Sines the data of this erect Lessa, BBBJ repeatedly menisred the two ohjocts of Un BBBJ Jealousy. On S'alunlay night the two rasa ahors named wrrra at Mrs. Iach' hof BBBJ When about tp go. horns (she lived with hs BBBJ father. Mr, Dougherty, about a half mils dial. ml), alio requested one of them to as- company her. Ilrorrn arcrptod the lnvlta-1 than, mid the two started oil'. Mrs. Lejach. It appears, stood in fear other husband, aaal BBBJ it was ou this account more thin any other EBB that ah bad reque.led protection. Whsxo BBJ tho two had reached tlm Otlintnt Hotel. BBB they wero overtaken by Leach, with a revoW BBB trr in hia hand. He steppe.1 up within foaaa " foet nf Ilrown, aimed a'ps-tol at bin, aaaf tired, beforfl a word wa, uttered. Ho tha as llredat .Mrs. liacli, aud Knrce two mlnntsay bad elapsed from thn opening of this I .ill .-,. e I. ;.nl.l BVaffaffal liy nit ihe ground, atniggiing In the lastt i-uoniea of death. A crowd of ezolted pe pto immediately gathered around, and thaa inimlcrer was tecured. Mrs. Leach' fafhas BBB nrrraled Iach. Onexamluliilng the wounds of tin victims, it was found that botaj BBB unite pruts fatal. Mrs. Iach was shot Lbs; tha Iweast, one Inch below tho left nip- pie, the ball penetrating ths heart, AaoS BBJ causing almost Instant death. Ilrown !' celled the fatal missile In hi left aids, tt entered. Wlow tha tenth rib, penetrating taW body, urel camo out between tho aereaisM and eighth rib, lid wa, conreyed to biar home, bat died within twenty minute aft BBB boing ah 'Ihe nllalrtunk place lietwesa BBB nine nml ten o'clock, Mr,. Ieach was as wiiman of thirty four years, handsome, sdr. i nous and well educated. Hha was nevss known to have committed any act whlsl flH 0 mid have ealleil down so summary a vav goance on her head, She leave twasthllat Bl ren, n boy of fourteen and rt girl of elgkl kBB .ears (leorgo O, Ilrown wa a young txurat of but twen'y aummera, very popular an4 intelligent. Ills family I, one of tba oldest) BBB In the Slate, nad hi, death will be deeply BBB and wide!) Umrntoil, Ho bsd Just gradtav led at Ann Hscls.r I jtw School, but had xtstj vet h"cn nln IU-,1 to thn bar. Ills attsaa. BBB lion a to Mrs. Iua.h wero but thoso of a ga lfl lletuan to a Insly, nnd It la not likely thai a, boy of twenty could fascinate a marries! BBB woman of thirty four. Tha exeltemont l Coldwater Is wiry great, and foara ars sb BBB tertalned that liaeh will he lynched. MM Jen Das la ts bs .11 ado Csmfsrtatils i WgW A eorrrapondesit, a few days ago, ylalvast Bl Carroll Hall, a spacious building wltkta Fortress Monro, erected originally to as loinmoslatn ths- officers ou duty, but latsvl iniido noteworthy as tho prison lion T Jetlcrsnn Davis. A number of men wars, engaged In rcn.aWng Ibe iron bar from wsj BBB wiuduws, and rruiking other alteration ts BB ooutributo to ths comfort of Mr. Davis. BBB Hint lutrrrstlrg person ami his family ssk B tond to lako up their quarters within Its BBB Hall. A suito of rooms will be set apart fas flH tbo D.tvises, aud they will need a larra BH receptlou purler to uci-ommodatn tho vialta. BBB ora who go to ayinpathUo with, and star at fla3B Jetlelsuu Davll. BBBJ rrom rattxuia. BABJ The steamship Henry Chauaccy arrived as. this port jcstnrduy from Asplnwall, Msss, 1st, bringing too'ViCS in tpocie. The sleaaa. BBB ship i'oiu ba barrived at Panama on SSttt BH ult. from SoitUi American ports, with $3.(0) lu apccle. l ommorce In South Peru Ixsst aiilTcred much from the full In aaHpattay BBB The llitlinit al.ii. I! Tr.ttolengo bad arrirV BBB at Cullao with IS5 Asiatic s on board, havlu BB boon I'.D days on the voyage. A number BBB political pr toners had arrived at Callao. BBB To alt As- l and Correspondents sf (to Associated Press. Oil ICR oa this AsaociATEii PRrsA, 1 ( New Yoiik, Nor, 7, IMS. J t Mr. D. IL Craig, th fanner Agent of tha LL Associate 1 lfeas, having stated In a CaxoY that he h!al not been discharged from sock) I BBI ugoncy, aad that ho was responsible Oavly to the Iixocutivo Comuilttoa, it beeoasavs proper for us to state that he waa employ! BBI by uud .-wsponsiblo to the Association, aa BBI not tlio r.xecullv (,'omuiittae, and that as wa, di eharged by the vol of tho Aeoiar iSlgmd) Smi i.l. Sisciain, T'sw York Tamoxna- tLM itANtuN Maiiiiio:, Uk Woklii, Lt 1'z.Heutivo Comrolttta. Wkm I LOUMiJTEWS H kkw route tnn vicisin Tun Fvivfini.irjii SforrvcriT Lo-aT "ufnru v. II .li Lvirm-i'. A mooting of ths t'roleatant LplsrooJ olergymeu.whoaympay. , Ihue with th " (.vantllcal rnQvemeBtf LM being made by 6, portion of their chunh. jH was held last et suing ut the " CLarch of tba) kt Holy Trinity, " l.ict. 8. II. Tynri Jr.), eoi ncr of l.'d strett and Madlsou r.venue. Th kt church wa, wuikdlhd. The e-urcie oor jH nioncedat ; S o'clock by the singing of hymn, which -Hi followed hy prayer. JM Dr. Dyer tha came forward and aUlsst that there, vcji an association. In lbs elty BAVj railed tlu " Clerical A, locution," whoaa so ject waa,'.Q fo-omoto aud culutaln evaogell. eal tr.Ui. They had met on th.) prs tout C'cuot to txchanga view. He e-anolmled by lutroiiticlng tho Iter. Mr. (J uviey, of Chicago. BBJ Tliia revcreud gentleman In bia remarks, BBJ Ulcued tbo great work that ovangelloal BJ Cbristiitns havo to do, to an imiiuso' proiria. BBJ teeming with verdiira und fertility. No ens. BBI knew Low much wa, to be done la thn. West, llliuols, is. some respect,, w tha. BU greatest State in iho Ualon, but there wa tl" gioul want of Kplscopal Churches there. 111 On reoaou why tliere wete so fow xva ths. Ell tact that ,orua epucopal clorgjmon Infuloa- WJf ted such vtOT a, tlio actual, prwenpe s'i mWK) Jotut Christ uvtue oreaa ana -wtno, on, uk mwt' occasion of th communion. Op clergy U imait U,d, no one could, to a. trtu Mi minister of tba church W-'M h 91 could Hlt miracles, or trace hi petijci- IV to tha apostle,. Theaa and other Ulio I I were lb. cauw of a want of I'tewat Sj t 1 Knlacopaliau le gion. Against tit, vijwa, . they wiri detsrniTne.1 la wage wr,wdc f - " i .V. ik.iFiiiura-r. ill FpUoonal Cburtli me IhVlr liculiar view.oit the people to. muoh esjilcUlly In rsUtlon to their fon it. Their eoure tn th futut hould as, J J'tt.ryaDr. Kowton, of PhlladolphU folio- j ICottUuaea on fqurtU ,- ii W f 1 en iaai Milkens a ,a-i " '" 'M't